Volume 80, Issue 13

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T h e W E E K LY T R IA N G L E COVERING the CAMPUS and COMMUNIT Y Wi n g a t e Un i v e r s i t y, Wi n g a t e , N C

F e b. October 3 , 2 0 1 115, • Vo l u m•eVolume 8 0 , Is s79 u e • Issue 13 5 2009 Pg. 8 Athlete Spotlight: Meet swimmer Rory Julyan

Pg. 10 See what one of our Alumni, Ginny McCool Hargette, is up to

Jefferson residents adjust to new trash policy

Abigail Shuman Staff writer

Last semester, it was not uncommon to wake up on Saturday morning, walk outside and see trash littered across the Jefferson quad, as well as being piled up on the ends of hallways and stairwells. It was a very dirty sight and did not represent Wingate University well for visitors. The Office of Residence Life decided o implement a new policy concerning the trash. Another change to the rules and regulaions that has impacted our campus is the new alcohol policy that was put into place at he beginning of the fall 2010 semester. This could have had an impact on the volume of rash thrown into the quad. The new trash policy is specifically designed for the Jefferson Apartments. The Office of Residence Life distributed the new rules to all Jefferson

residents as they returned to their apartments from the winter break. This was considered their formal warning. The policy states: if trash is found anywhere outside an apartment or stacked up on the stairwells

$10 each. Although the fine seems small, if collected from all residents, Residence Life will be receiving $320 per floor or $40 per apartment. Brittany Pales, junior and current resident of

Photo by Mike Shaw

Trash was frequently found in the Jefferson Quad last semester. This semester, residents will be fined and held responsible for their trash.

of the building after 11 p.m. the residents of either that apartment or floor receive a fine of

Jefferson building three, had this to say about the policy, “I think it is unfair that students

are forced to pay a fine for other people’s garbage.” She is not the only student that feels that the policy is a little strong. Senior, Taylor Honeycutt, said “everyone should be responsible young adults and take out their trash for the betterment of the campus.” It seems that students do not think they should be penalized for the misbehavior of others. The policy has made Jefferson a cleaner place to reside and walk through. The students seem to be taking the new policy seriously because there has not been any trash lingering in the hallways or stairwells. When asked if she had seen any improvement since the new trash policy has been put in place, Pales said, “the Jefferson quad has been cleaner since the new policy was in place. It is forcing people to be more conscious and aware of what they are doing with their trash.”

NEWS BRIEF Read about UCAN’s MLK Day of Service Pg. 2

Student Speak: Who will win Super Bowl 45? Pg. 3 Staff picks for Super Bowl 45 Pg. 4 Upcoming events Pg. 5 All about Basketball Pg. 7

Baseball season opener recap Pg. 9 Hot new smart phone Apps for college students Pg. 10

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