The Waltham Cat

Page 14

“Oh god, I hope so! It’s common sense, surely. Having

sorely lacking, especially in London. Let’s

a roof over your head is a basic human right and surely

move forward.”

it should be seen as such. But the way a sudden rise in

Eat My Camera by Dizraeli is available for download on iTunes. ●

house prices is trumpeted as a success for an economy: why is a rise in the cost of living the sign of a healthy economy? Surely it’s the sign of a sick one.” Dizraeli agrees the crisis makes it harder for artists and musicians. “It’s dangerous for art not to be supported in any way by the public purse because that means it becomes commoditised and people then create what sells, with an audience in mind rather than a vision in mind.” But in spite of all this, Dizraeli says that London still manages to produce excellent music and art. He’s especially excited about the success of grime as a genre. “It’s one of the last true remaining folk music forums in our culture and it’s very DIY. It tends to be people from poorer backgrounds that make it, and a lot of musicians are doing it in the framework that they create themselves, outside the traditional music industry.” “It feels like we’re in crucial times at the moment,” he says. “I hope people can find in themselves to be human, and pay attention to each other. It’s something we’re


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