Visor Issue #6

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View Hoban’s memorable events in the recent weeks through pictures.

Discover the steps taken to elect a new Pope and the selfless reasons behind Benedict XVI’s retirement.


Senior swimmer finishes high school career with two state bound relays.

archbishop hoban high school n Issue 6 n February 22, 2013


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Cover by anna baumhoer and hannah caprez


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Tweets project negative school image


ecently, the tweets of Hoban students have become extremely aggressive. Twice now the Visor Editorial Board has noticed unbelievable hostility and sharpness in student tweets. The pure vulgarity of many tweets has become a minor epidemic within Hoban. Twitter fights among students typically follow a pattern. In many cases, one or two Hoban students take a position on a topic, usually related to Hoban or its students, and tweet insulting and insensitive comments until a virtual fight breaks out. The content of the tweets degrades the other person. On the sidelines many students tweet other negative things while favoriting and retweeting the main tweets involved. The students on the sidelines fuel the fight. But when students make no effort to prevent the fight, the negative tweets run rampant. Common victims are spor ts teams, individuals with dif fering opinions, and recently, girls from dif ferent grades. In many cases, it takes only one tweet to ignite a night’s worth of fighting between fellow Hoban classmates. During a fight,

students only contribute to the argument rather than attempt to diffuse it. The brave and “chivalrous” knights that commonly stand for justice in the hallways fall silent on Twitter and even join in on the fight. The lack of suppor tive tweets make it easy for others to be pessimistic on Twitter as well. Yet if one person were to tweet positive things about Hoban or its students amid a fight, people would begin to respect the positive tweets. The positive tweets could diffuse the fight and also lighten the mood of fellow tweeters. The largest problem is that negative tweets are not only insulting but are also commonly ignorant. Tweets that aim at other students do not reflect the true character of the person sending the message or the person receiving it. Hoban is a family and a community, but the actions taken on Twitter by students do not resemble this. Hoban students should take into consideration the potential consequences of their actions on Twitter. The content of students tweets should reflect the Holy Cross values. n

Papacy faces conspiracy theories


n Mon. Feb. 11, Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation from the Papacy. His decision to step down from office makes him the first Pope to resign since Pope Gregory XII in 1415, an act which ended the Western Schism. The Pope stated that the reason for his resignation is “advance age” and the fact that he is too weak to continue his duties. He added that it was a spiritual decision. In the midst of this historic occasion, a slew of controversy and conspiracy has arisen as to the tr ue cause of his resignation. From ancient prophecies to cries of scandal and abuse, the Pope’s decision has been met with mixed reactions on all fronts. One of the leading prophecies surrounding the resignation harkens back to the twelfth centur y when St. Malachy began a prophecy about the succession of 112 popes beginning with Pope Celestine II. Malachy described the Pope that will take Benedict’s place, the 112th in the prophecy’s succession, as “Peter the Roman” and stated that at the end of his pontificate the city of seven hills, commonly known as Rome, will burn and that the dreadful

judge will judge his people. This prophecy, along with several others, may simply be a way for people to express their doubts and fears of the coming decades in regards to the Papacy and the Church, institutions which play vital roles in today’s world. Regardless of prophecies or other allegations, Benedict’s resignation comes during a key season in the Church, the season of Lent, and while papal changes can take anywhere from two days to several years, the Vatican has stated that Benedict XVI’s successor will be chosen by the beginning of Holy Week. Due to the fact that the entire College of Cardinals was appointed under John Paul II or Benedict XVI, it is expected that the next Church leader will have the same conser vative interpretation of the Council that the last two Popes upheld. Emerging as a strong favorite to lead the Church is Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson. Another candidate favored to be the next Pope would be Canadian Cardinal Marc Oullet. Prophecies and predictions set aside, whomever is chosen to be the next Pope must have the capacity to lead the Church on the right path in the future. n


visor ARCHBISHOP HOBAN HIGH SCHOOL Mailing Address: One Holy Cross Blvd. Akron, OH 44305 Online: E-mail: AWARDS •CSPA Gold Medalist •NSPA First Class Award •Quill & Scroll Int'l First Place •OSMA First Place

The Visor subscribes to the ASNE/MCT Campus news service and to Signed letters for publication are welcome. Mailbox is in the main office. Unsigned editorials represent the consensus of the editorial board. Signed opinion represents the views of the writer only.

Staff: Editor-in-chief Kaitlyn Stepanek Managing Editor Daniel Lloyd Features Editor Anna Baumhoer News Editors Allison Griffith and James Axson Sports Editors Jack Srail and Benjamin Easton Copy Editor Emily Dunn Photo Editor Hannah Caprez Website Editor Kyle Knapp Staff Reporters Timothy Brennan, Sarah Carmon, Danielle LaRose, Theodore Lesiak, Rachel Mealy, Jonathan Sapp. Adviser Natalie Meyer



Service and immersion prove life-changing for students


bout a month ago, I landed in the stunning country of Honduras with thir teen other members of the Hoban community and 49 nurses, doctors, pharmacists and dentists. We spent seven days in Honduras. When we arrived we were greeted by an amazing woman, Mae Cruz Valenzuela, and seven native speakers who helped us throughout our week. Soon after we left the airport we found ourselves in the wondrous city of Nuevo Paraiso. When I left the city of Akron, I had no understanding of what I was going to experience. The week long journey opened my eyes and many of the people’s who traveled alongside myself. Many things happened throughout the week that had an impact on me and the way I think about the life we live here in America. We often get caught up in many things that mean little to nothing in reality. Spending time away from technology and the crazy occurrences of the daily life in America was so delightful. Spending our nights in an orphanage, Sociedad Amigos de los Niños, was a life changing experience in itself. Waking up next to many gorgeous children who adore

you is one of the most amazing feelings in the world. The people possess an astounding passion for life. Nothing means more to them than obser ving a smile given to them. A simple hello to anyone you see is acknowledged and responded to. I can honestly say that the people there helped me far more than I could have ever helped them. The landscape around the places where we were can not be explained with words. Ever ywhere you look there are mountains that touch the clouds. Many of the houses are built out of what the people could find. The roads are all dilapidated. Most of them are made of dirt. During the day we helped to translate from Spanish to English for the nurses, doctors, and dentists that went with us. Each day the brigade would go to a small town in the mountains of the beautiful country. After spending little time setting up the nurses stations, doctors tables and dentists chairs, my fellow classmates and myself would sit down among the 49 doctors, nurses, and dentists to translate and aid the people of Honduras. The people started their visit with the nurses. The nurses and translators worked to figure




out the primary problems of the patient. After going through the nurses they would travel to the doctor who would help to diagnose what serious and actual problems the person had. If the people needed dental assistance they would venture over to the dentist’s room and be seen by a dentist. When they were all done with our services they would go to the pharmacy and pick up the medications they were prescribed by the doctors. After the week concluded, we managed to help over 3,400 people. Hundreds of teeth had been pulled, countless of smiles shared, many hearts touched and infinite lives changed for the better. n

Exchange student reacts to the American life-style


ll the time I’ve been here people have been asking me about what Chile is like, what we have and what we don’t have. Although both cultures are similar and I always say we have basically the same things, living here has also shown me how different we are. My first impression about North America wasn’t a big deal; I had already been here, so I was prepared for the cultural shock. The real shock was living among Americans. Let me explain: First of all, the “greeting thing”. Here, people shake their hands when they meet each other, friendly but formal. Because I was so used to kissing women on the cheek upon greeting them, when I was only offered a hand, I felt surprised. Then, the second thing that shocked me was the proportions. I know it may be difficult to understand, but here, things, in general terms, are simply much larger. Streets, gatorades, water packages, peanut butter jars, milk bottles, etc... They are all way bigger than I am used to. For example, when I went to buy a tube of toothpaste, instead of only being able to buy one, I was

forced to buy three of them. Although I didn’t need three of them, I had to buy them all. Also dancing here is just different. I think there is a stereotype here that “latinos” dance well. Truthfully, we dance differently, we don’t dance in groups, we dance with just one person for a while, and then we change to another one. So if you want to dance you need a partner. About Hoban and classes, the level of difficulty is the same. But we do have some things that are not exactly the same. Here, people move from one room to another after each class. In Chile, we have a classroom that is our main classroom, with people that we see all day, and they are always the same. Instead of students changing rooms, teachers are the ones who move from one room to another. With that system you get to know your classmates a lot. Although we separate on occasion, nearly 60% of the time we are together. Also we don’t have as much homework and our schools go from K to 12. Finally, the “environment issue.” Not only in my school, but in every school and house, we are much more conscious about preserving the environment. It’s not only


Chilean’ by Carlos Olivos

about recycling, but preserving the water (even though in Chile it is very cheap) and reusing the things. For example, Ziploc bags, you just use them once and throw them away; we wash them and use them again a few times. Living here has been a BIG difference, a shock. But it has been a great experience and I really like USA. I thought you weren’t going to be that receptive and nice, but I’ve been treated so much better than I expected. I’m really happy here. A kiss on the cheek for some and a handshake for the others Carlos Ever ything here has peanut butter. Everything. n



THE NEWS IN BRIEF Feb. 22, 2013 by tim brennan and katie stepanek


Hoban’s 23rd Kairos will take place March 8 through the 10 at Cedar Hills Conference Center.

Class scheduling for the 20132014 school year will begin for the class of 2014 on March 5 and continue throughout the week for the sophomore and freshman classes.





Photos courtesy of Kyle Knapp, Hoban and Mario Micale

Top Left: The Pantastics perform in the Brothers’ Chapel at the University of Notre Dame during their tour of the Midwest. Above: The boy’s basketball team celebrates T.K. Grifith’s 300th win as the Hoban boys Varsity basketball coach at a home game against Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin. Left: With the help of Hoban’s video guru Mario Micale, Hoban joined in the Harlem shake craze with our very own video. It was filmed during the half-time of a home basketball game and can be found on YouTube.

Graphics by katie stepanek and hannah caprez

On March 4, Archbishop Hoban High School plans, again, to host its annual seventh grade visitation. Roughly 750 students representing about 21 schools will be present for the event. At the beginning of the day, the adolescents will be divided into numerous groups. Then, Hoban’s student ambassadors will guide them through a shortened schedule. A brief homeroom period followed by four half-hour classes comprises the day. To conclude the event, an assembly will be held in the gymnasium. Prior to departure, the seventh graders will also receive a gift bag. The goal is for many of the attendees to join the Hoban community in just over a year.



Pantastics travel to showcase talent by emily dunn


or the first time in Hoban’s history, the Varsity Steel Drum Band went on a tour of the midwest. They stopped at Holy Trinity High School in Chicago, Cathedral High School in Indianapolis and the University of Notre Dame in South Bend. This tour has been a work in progress for several years. “I’ve tried to pull this off for the past two or three years, but we could never coordinate all the schedules among the various places we wanted to go. This year, it actually can happen. Now, this is the sixth year that I’ve done Steel Drum here, and although each year it has gotten better and better, this group from this year represents probably the highest performance skills that we’ve seen in the band,” band director Brother Phil Smith said. This is the largest band that Hoban has had, having nearly 30 members spanning across all the classes. “We actually have two freshmen, and we’re beginning to gather kids from grade schools or middle schools with experience or who have Steel Drum training. We have several four-year members and three-year members who are just fine musicians,” Smith said. So after years of scheduling, skill-building and waiting, the tour was born.“I thought that since I’m getting older and older and older, we better do this while I still can. The inspiration behind this was that I wanted to do it because I said I would do it, and secondly that the band was so good that they deserve to be heard by people outside of the state of Ohio.”

The band has a ver y expansive setlist. “We have a very broad repertoire; with 48 hours notice, this band could be prepared to play somewhere in the vicinity of 80 to 100 numbers. We’re focusing on about 25 numbers that span several musical genres,” Smith said. The band can play anything from numbers from movies and ballets, jazz, calypso and even classic rock songs. “We are trying to show that the Steel Drum is not a limited instrument,” Smith said. “It can, under the right arrangements and players, do all kinds of amazing things. We can do that ver y well.” The Steel Drum band and Hoban’s music program have come very far in the past five years. “Five or six years ago when I came here, although they had a music program, it had certainly seen some hard times “During the first year, I realized that really it had nothing to do with lack of musical talent, which was all over the building, but what it had to do with, perhaps, was a lack of an organized approach to work with it. I believe that after the first year, I was fully aware of the potential of students to make music and the fact that I had established some guidelines as to how it should be done,” Smith said. “I’m not too sure I ever could have conceived that we would play with the likes of Harry Belafonte, but I knew that we would get better, and better, and better, and because of that we would build a reputation. When people exterior to the building hear of the Hoban Steel Drum Band, they know it’s a band of quality.”n

Hiccup in musical plans fails to deter theater program


by tim brennan and danielle larose

n April 18 through April 21, Hoban will per form their annual spring musical. This year, after minor setbacks over the production of “Fiddler on the Roof,” the troupe has now settled on the Broadway musical “Into the Woods.” With music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, “Into the Woods” brings to life classic stor ybook characters in hilarious and unexpected twists that are sure to capture and amuse the audience. The stor y of several characters working to make their dreams come true as they pursue their "happily ever after,” the plot features Cinderella, Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood, Jack from "Jack and the Beanstalk" and a witch. “This musical, a story of several fair y tales combined, is going to

be unforgettable!” junior Katie Easton, who will be playing Little Red Riding Hood on a mission to her grandmother’s house, said. The stor y also introduces a baker and his wife, played by senior Paul Gutbrod and junior Gabby Mammone, who collide with these classic characters as they tr y to achieve their dream of having a child. “I’m really excited to work with my sister, cousin and friends,” Gutbrod said. Both Gutbrod and Mammone are equally enthusiastic about the show and its ensemble of per for mers.”The cast this year is great. The music is extremely hard to learn but, when we pull it off, it is going to sound amazing!” Mammone said. As they overcome a witch’s curse, the characters lear n that their actions

could have disastr ous consequences that af fect ever yone in their world. U n t i l r e c e n t l y, s e t t o p o r t r a y “Fiddler on the Roof,” the Troubadours have had to overcome their own set of obstacles in or der to reach “Woods.” “In changing the musical from ‘Fiddler’ to ‘Into the Woods,’ my main concern was fairness to the kids that I had auditioned. I wanted to lighten the idea of switching the show by creating more roles for people,” director and drama teacher Kyle Kelvington said. With such familiar faces and an enter taining, comedic plot, “Into the Woods” will be an easy replacement for “Fiddler” and surely make its way onto the Troubadors’ growing list of successes. n

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The Family Comedy, without the Family

November 16-18, 1990 was the opening weekend of “Home Alone,” an instant and hilarious blockbuster hit that had, not just one sequel in 1992, but a third in 1997.

Collect Them All!

In 1993, the nine original Beanie Babies were released, which included Legs the Frog, Squealer the Pig, Spot the Dog, Splash the Whale, Flash the Dolphin, Chocolate the Mouse, Patty the Platypus, Brownie the Bear and Pinchers the Lobster.

A Baby’s Gotta Do, What a Baby’s Gotta Do

The iconic cartoon of the 90s, “Rugrats,” actually began in 1991 and stopped in 1994, but due to popularity began again in 1997 and conitinued for seven more years.

Hakuna Matata I’m Not Scared!

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In July of 1992, R.L. Stine published the first book in his Goosebumps series, Welcome to Dead House. Until the last book was published in 2006, this spooky children’s series would sell over 300 million copies.

On June 15, 1994, the “Lion was first released to theate defining moment for childhoods. Admit it, you know cried when Mufasa died.

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In West Philadelphia, born and raised...

The first episode of “The Fresh Prince of Bel Aire” aired on September 10, 1990 and kept audiences laughing until May 20, 1996.

Graphics and Content by Anna Baumhoer

AAAAAAY Macarena!

In 1994, Los del Rio released his album A mi me gusta. This might not sound familiar, but a certain song on that album would top the world’s music charts for the following two years as the dance craze known as The Macarena.


Who Lives in a Pineapple Under the Sea? Let’s face it, our generation was spoiled. From Saturday morning cartoons that were actually worth waking up for, to deciding the future through MASH on every school field trip, the 90s were a great time to be a kid. Here are some of the highlights of the decade that we all hold a special place for in our hearts.

On May 1, 1999, one of the last great cartoons of the 90s was released. The instant success “Spongebob Squarepants” acted as a transition from the cartoons of the nineties to today’s pop culture and still continues to this day.

Create Something Unique

In 1998, Nintendo released the Gameboy Color after the tremendous success of the original Gameboy in 1989 and their new gaming console the smash hit Nintendo 64 in 1996.

Move It, Football Head!

Another iconic show of the 90s, “Hey Arnold!,” was launched on October 7, 1997, and Helga kept her crush on Arnold a secret for seven following years until the last episode on June 8, 2004.

Battle of the Boy Bands

King” ers, a many w you

90s kids know that before Team Edward and Team Jacob, there was Team *NSYNC and Team Backstreet Boys. The Backstreet Boys released their first album in 1996 and *NSYNC followed close behind with their debut album on May 26, 1997.

Let’s watch a Disney Channel movie...

90s kids remember a time when Disney Channel original movies such as “Smart House,” “Model Behaviour” and “Double Teamed” were actually really good, especially around Halloween. 1998 marked the end of this era with “Halloweentown,” the launch of one of the last great Disney movie series.

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Twist it! Pull it!

In 1996, the original Bop-It was released for the first time. Whether you actually owned one or not, it seemed that everyone was trying to master this deceptively simple audio game.

It Has a Mind of Its Own

In the holiday season of 1998, Tiger Electronics released what would soon become the “must have” toy for several years to come: Furbies. Besides being creepy, these toys were the first successful attempt to produce and sell a domestic robot, and the technology was very advanced for the time.

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In thelivespotl i g ht music by rachel mealy

Here is a look at several upcoming musical events in the Cleveland/Akron area. Grab some friends and check out these talented bands and artists as they take the stage in the coming months.

Owl City

When: Feb 24th Where: House of Blues in Cleveland Genre: Electronica pop group from Owatonna, MN. Top songs: Good Time, Fireflies, Vanilla Twilight Similar to: The Ready Set, The Postal Service, Hellogoodbye


When: Feb 28th Where: Quicken Loans Arena Genre: Alternative/symphonic rock group from Devon, England Top songs: Madness, Knights of Cydonia, Supermassive Black Hole, Assassin Similar to: The Killers, 30 Seconds to Mars

Jukebox the Ghost

When: March 10th Where: The Grog Shop in Cleveland Genre: Indie rock/pop group from Washington, DC. Top songs: Good Day, Hold It In, Empire, Summer Sun Similar to: Blind Pilot, Walk the Moon, Ben Folds Five

Josiah Leming

Passion Pit (with Matt & Kim)

When: May 13th Where: Cleveland Masonic Auditorium Genre: American indie rock group from Cambridge, Mass. Top songs: Sleepyhead, Moth’s Wings, Little Secrets Similar to: MGMT, Matt & Kim, Phoenix, The Temper Trap

Graphics by Hannah Caprez

When: April 18th Where: Musica in Akron Genre: Alternative/indie pop solo artist from Morristown, TN. Top songs: Too Young, Over and Over, Another Life, All I Got Similar to: Ron Pope, Jesse Ruben, Eric Hutchinson



Benedict xvi A

fter nearly eight years as the head of the Catholic Church and at the age of 85, His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI has announced his plans to resign from the Papacy on Feb. 28. While initially, the news seemed to suggest disgrace upon the Catholic Church, it is clear that the Pope, as he acknowledged his frailty and failing health, had the Church’s best intentions in mind. “As you know, I have decided to renounce the ministry that the Lord gave to me on April 19, 2005,” he said, to applause. “I did this in full liberty for the good of the church.” The Rev. Reinaldo Braga Jr., a Brazilian priest studying theology in Rome recognized the event as a bittersweet one. “The atmosphere was funereal but nobody had died,” he said. “But then I realized it was a wise act for the entire church. He taught the church and the world that the papacy is not about power but about service.” Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone shares the sentiments of many among the Catholic community. “Thank you for having given us the luminous example of the simple and humble worker in the vineyard of the Lord,” n (Sources: pope-benedict-resignation-first-appearance_n_2675752.html



The College of Cardinals Elect a New pope in conclave Conclave is “the process of sequestering the voting members of the college in Vatican City so they have no contact with the outside world.” The word “conclave” comes from the Latin phrase cum clavis, meaning “with key.”

Arrangements are made to ensure that the cardinals are not approached as they are transported between St. Martha’s House, where they live during conclave, and the Sistine Chapel.

The maximum number of electors from the College of Cardinals is 120. Any cardinal who turns 80 before the day the Papacy is vacated, either by death or resignation, cannot take part in the election. Currently, 135 cardinals of 194 are eligible to vote. Two ballots each are held in the morning and afternoon, for a total of four per day. After each vote, the ballots are burned. Smoke from the burning of the ballots appears over the Vatican Palace. If no pope has been chosen, a chemical is applied to the ballots in order to create black smoke when burned. White smoke signals that a pope has been elected.

Veganism pursued for health benefits instead of morals by danielle larose


ver y year on Jan. 1, millions of Americans make selfimprovement resolutions to complete in the following year. Though many include br eaking small habits or personal relationships, this year’s resolutions mainly revolve around a change in one’s dietar y needs. One month later, these resolutions have risen into pop-culture, transforming from personal goals into widespread trends. Perhaps the most common, and quickly growing, of these trends is that of Veganism. Just barely into the new year, 2013 is already being called the “Year of the Vegan” according to the Hanford Sentinel. A diet that involves cutting out any product derived from animals, including dair y and eggs, veganism was formerly just a moral movement. Now, with celebrity endorsers such as Natalie Por tman, Ginnifer Goodwin and Lea Michele to name a few, it has become as well known as “calling Jenny” or simply cutting out carbs. “It is nice to see more people beginning to care about their health; however, I find

it somewhat uninformed, if not ignorant,” junior Emma Fobean said. Unlike Fobean, morally vegan since August of 2011, many of veganism’s recent par ticipants are simply doing so for its health benefits. Research has shown that vegans tend to weigh less due to the fewer calories they consume. This decrease in body fat, along with the calorie deficit it stems from, is not without certain health risks. Relying mainly on fr uits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grains and legumes, vegans seem to intake less protein, iron and calcium than necessar y. “You take steps to prevent health problems by eating a healthy diet. This takes many forms, and it's not the same for everyone--there are different body types and different goals,” histor y teacher Greg Milo said. With a careful approach then, veganism can be as nutritionally b e n e f i c i a l a s i t i s e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y. Lately though, with the current favor of its more personal, weight related side ef fects, the morality of the vegan diet has been obscured. Prior to its surge in popularity, veganism was once a response

to both animal cruelty and abuse to the environment. Those in protest rejected all animal products, including leather, wool, silk along with certain other household items. “I was disturbed by the animal and human costs associated with eating animals,” said senior Har rison Uhall, who purchases neither leather nor things containing animal by-products. Now, these measures seem extreme, compared to the less extensive methods that fulfill dietar y needs instead of an ethical obligation. Still, whether for principle or for well being, the reasons for becoming vegan continue to grow. Proven to help prevent heart disease, cancer, strokes, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure and even the flu, the vegan diet has enough positive attributes to convince even the most carnivorous to go meat and dair y free. With these and its other “side-effects,” it is increasingly apparent how in such a health-conscious, appearance-based age, veganism has and will continue to find itself a highly publicized and household practice. n


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the Hoban Visor



The official student produced newspaper of Hoban High School. Akron, OH

@Visor Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists


espite the overwhelming amount of negativity and bullying that is unfortunately found on Twitter and other social media sites, the amount of positive posts that are also present should not be overlooked. The Visor encourages the Hoban community to use their social media accounts as an opportunity to post positive things rather than harmful posts. Here are some positive and uplifting tweets coming from a few Hoban tweeters.

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13 Following 703 Followers

by allie griffith

Tweets to the Visor

8,861 Tweets



@HobanAthletics “Girls Basketball completes the three 31m level sweep of Walsh to close out the regular season. Thanks to all that came to support tonight!” @ItsaMeMario3595 “ Thank you for an incredible 3 days with some of the best people in my life. #March4Life ” -Mario Micale ‘13

@hannah_capes “what would we do without Mario? #Blessed #ClassAct #BigTalent” -Hannah Caprez‘14 @elisedelag “Keep your head held high; no one can make you feel inadequate unless you let them.” -Elise Delagrange ‘13 1h


@IanHamlin_4Real “S/O to T.K., the best teacher and the best coach! Happy 300th!” -Ian Hamlin ‘15 @NotSoSlimJim55 “Mrs. Kostko came to our bowling tournament!!!!!” -Jimmy Ciatola ‘13 @HobanGirlsHoops “Sadly, we live in a world of disappointment, confusion, and violence. Thankfully, nothing can separate us from God's love.”

@m_dannemiller22 “We can't complain but sometimes we still do, life's been good to us so far” -Marianne Dannemiller ‘14



@austin_griff “Congrats to all juniors on a successful Renta-Junior assembly!! #gojuniors!” -Austin Griffith ‘14 @meg_ben “A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are.” -Megan Bennett ‘13

@NotSoSlimJim55 “I've met a lot of really cool people this year. It's been pretty awesome” -Jimmy Ciatola ‘13 @PRAISEGOD_31 “Once again thanking GOD and the HOBAN community for making this an amazing year. Honestly we COULDNT have done this without you guys #Knights” -DeAllen Jackson ‘13



@MeerYouAHO_DOH “The talk I had with Mrs. Dannemiller made me more thankful for the opportunity to go to Hoban and all the people and families I met..” -Ameer Hodoh ‘12

@nat_bender “but ya gotta keep your head up” -Natalie Bender ‘13 @TheDarkKnightt_ “#thankgod I woke up this morning #blessed” -Saadiq Muhammad ‘13

@ayyeoh24 “Honestly when people say senior year is one of the best years you’ll ever have, they weren’t lying.” -Anthony Osmun ‘13



Re-igniting Walsh rivalry may prove to increase success


ivalries are typically what makes a sport worth watching. At Hoban, we have a strong tradition of rivalries. From Mum Day to the shaleighleigh, the Hoban and St. Vincent-St. Mary’s rivalry is that special, unique contest that every year makes watching a game all the more gripping. But of f on the sidelines stands another worthy competitor, Walsh. For years now the friendly but fierce competition between the two schools has been quiet but present, even as many sporting events are well fought and nearly even in talent. A re-ignition of the toned down rivalry may be the key to beating Walsh and discouraging St. Vincent-St. Mary. For many years Mum Day was actually held on the day of the Hoban-Walsh football game, but when Hoban began playing St. Vincent-St. Mar y again, the tradition switched. Yet in previous years, Hoban had still held pep rallies for the big games against Walsh. The assemblies fail to muster

the same energy as a St. V assembly but still display our students’ enthusiasm for a Walsh game. However, in my opinion, there lies a distinct dif ference between excitement for a Walsh game versus a St. Vincent-St. Mary game. I am not saying that Hoban and Walsh games are boring and our students do not care, but it seems that there is a slight lack of attention to those games. For spor ts teams, the competition is continually fierce and heated. Senior basketball point guard Sean Merle explained that when playing Walsh, “ We go into the game with the same mentality because in our eyes they are athletically paralleled to St. V.” In most Hoban versus Walsh games the case is the same, but typically less attention is drawn to the athletic talent of both sides. In addition to the athletic capabilities of both teams, the fans that are devout to the rivalry seem to see a growing sense of intensity between Walsh and Hoban. Senior

wi n ter sports TEAM STATISTICS


city by jonathan sapp superfan Chase Hudak comically commented, “We foam at the mouth with hatred for Walsh.” While Hobans’ fans do not truly foam from the mouth, nor do they hate Walsh, it seems that the rivalry is slowly being re-invigorated. I believe that in the coming years, as St. V will prove a challenge in one or two sports, Walsh will continue to rise to the occasion and the rivalry between Hoban and Walsh will reignite. As a result, students will again crowd the stands to see the Knights beat the Warriors. n

by allie griffith

Girls Basketball 4th Highest Point Total in School History: Meghan Donahue, 31 points 5th Highest Point Total in School History: Emma Horning, 28 points, Sandra Dickos, 28 points Most Made Field Goals in a Single Game: Meghan Donahue, 13/13 Highest Team Point Total in a Game: 105 points vs. Kenmore NCL Champs 2012-2013

Boys Basketball Impressive stats so far: Deallen Jackson- had 11 games with 15 points or more, 41 assists and 36 steals Christian Waite- 43 made threes on the season Team- 70% from free throw line Saadiq Muhammad and Jaelen Hollinger- had 10 games with 10 rebounds or more Saadiq- 32 blocks on the season Won 8 out of the last 9 games Seeded 2nd (STV got 3rd) in District Coach Griffith reached 300 wins with a victory over NDCL

Gymnastics Team earned 11th place out of 27 at Sectionals Nicole Race- placed 10th on bars at Sectionals, advances to District meet

wrestling Finished 6th at Sectionals Michael Belknap, Terrel Grant, Jolewis Washington finished 2nd at Sectionals Nick Schondel finished 3rd at Sectionals All 4 boys will compete at Districts

Boys Swimming Relays that qualified for Districts: 200 Relay and Medley- Jake Horeshwinder, Russell Bolender, Jessie Blankenship, Karl Iscman Karl Icsman- qualified for Districts in both the 50 freestyle and 100 butterfly Jake H- broke school record in 200 freestyle, and broke his own 500 freestyle school record by 12 seconds. Qualified for states in 500 freestyle.

Girls Swimming


Relays that qualified for States and broke Hoban records: 200 Relay- 6th Place at Districts, Abby Blinka, Alex Jackson, Annie Zielasko, Megan Kudlac (1:42.50) 400 Relay- 8th Place at Districts, Abby Blinka, Alex Jackson, Annie Zielasko, Megan Kudlac (3:45.22) 100 Breaststroke: Abby Blinka breaks school record with 1:12.65

High Games: Oliver Esmile: 244 Michael Lantz: 254 Jimmy Ciotola: 245 Devin Angles: 279 Stephanie Surblis: 217 Kayla Horning: 220 Julie Henthorne: 191 First boys team to make it to Districts in 5 years



Basketball teams expect success in coming contests


by ben easton

fter their long and hard-fought season, the varsity girls’ basketball team looks back on yet another successful year. Boasting a 17-5 season record, the girls recount their various victories against Lake Catholic, Kenmore and Walsh Jesuit. Challenging some of the top teams in the state, such as Dublin Coffman and Hathaway Brown, the girls can be nothing but proud of their overall performance. "Our team chemistr y this year has been a major factor to our success in big games" junior Maddie Diestel said. But, while it is nice to celebrate past victories, the lady knights have now changed their focus to the future. Securing the first place seed in the Lake District, the girls are determined to excel into the playoffs. “We need to work on our inside-outside game as well as our quick transitions. If we do that, I am confident we can pick

ourselves up and beat some of the challenging teams that are coming our way,” senior for ward Sandra Dickos explained. After an initial win last night against Fairless, the girls prepare for their next game next week on Feb. 28. Attaining a second victory, aside from further advancement in the tournament, would work well to boost the morale of the team and strengthen their stride in the playoffs. The boys’ basketball team, battling through another fiercely contested season, looks to capitalize on the pivotal upcoming games in efforts to ease their transition into the playoffs. With a steady season record of 165, highlighted by the major victory over St. Vincent- St. Mary’s, the team’s outlook into the playoffs looks nothing but promising. “ We f e e l g r e a t a b o u t t h e t e a m , ” C o a c h T. K . G r i f f i t h r e m a r k s , “ A l l of the seniors are star ting to play well.”

By claiming the second seed in the Canton District, the boys are anxious to prove their worth in the imminent playoff tournament. On Saturday, Mar. 2 at 8 p.m. the boys face their first game at the Canton fieldhouse. Playing the winner of Alliance and Coventry, if the boys secure a first round victory, they will go on to challenge Norton. Although the boys have suffered from several hiccup games this past season, including the upset against Glenoak, their average loss deficit this past year only amounts to one point. “We have had some close losses, but if we keep working hard and trust each other, I think we’ll be fine in the playoffs,” junior star ter Christian Waite said. Looking to redeem themselves from their last face off with Walsh, the boys travel tonight in efforts to seize both a final season and rivalr y victor y. Tip of f is at 7:30. n

Senior athlete to end award-winning career at states by katie stepanek


hroughout the past four winter sports seasons, her name has been consistently on the announcements and yet, while she has earned the right, she never boasts of her own accomplishments. Holding five Hoban records and receiving the coveted MVP of the NCL her junior year, Megan Kudlac has made a splash in the world of high school swimming. As a senior, Kudlac was expected to act and perform as a leader in and out of the pool and she did not disappoint. She broke three individual records in the 100, 200 and 500 freestyle races and contributed to two relay records in the 200 free, with teammates Abby Blinka, Sydney Schubert and Annie Zielasko, and 400 free, with teammates Alex Jackson, Blinka and Zielasko in her junior year, made first team NCL for the fourth year in a row for a total of seven first team awards and was named Hoban’s MVP her freshman, sophomore and junior years. (This year’s MVP will be announced at the upcoming sports banquet.) To finish the 2013 season, Kudlac has qualified for states along with teammates Abby Blinka, Alex Jackson and Annie Zielasko in two events: the 200 freestyle and 400 freestyle relays. This level of achievement is not simply handed to a swimmer. The team trains intensely all season with top swimmers attending two practices a day.

Kudlac dives for the state-bound 200 freestyle relay at Districts this season. “We swim over five miles in those three total hours each day,” Kudlac said. Back on land, Kudlac has found herself consistently in the top five spots of her class of 2013 rankings. As a three season athlete, Kudlac is no stranger to nearly sleepless nights, so when questioned about her time management plans during the season, she was ver y blunt. “It was really hard and I str uggled to stay awake. I just did all my work until it was done and didn’t pay attention to what time it was,” she said. Suppor t from the team keeps each swimmer going through the long

winter months in which the identifying characteristics of a swimmer have become drooping eyes and dragging feet. “We are pretty much a family by the end of the season. I mean, we spend more time together than with our real families,” Kudlac said of her teammates who know her by the endearing nickname, Kuddles. “It is kind of a bittersweet ending. It’s my last year with these girls but I could not be happier or more proud of our relay pulling together and getting to states my senior year,” Kudlac said. “We have been preparing for this since last season and the hard work has finally paid off!”n

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