Issue 6 2015-2016

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archbishop hoban high school one holy cross boulevard november 23, 2015 // issue 6


I AM THANKFUL FOR... With Thanksgiving approaching, now is an ideal time to reflect on what you are thankful for. The Visor explores Thanksgiving in an exclusive holiday issue.

Student reflects on the the many issues behind the real origins of Thanksgiving. page four

The Visor takes the food stamp challenge to highlight those in need. pages six and seven

Hoban’s new fitness center reaches completion after months of construction. page twelve

two Islam and extremism do not equate


ith the increase of terrorism and the looming threat of the Islamic State, the public often correlates extremism and Islam. This hastily drawn conclusion, however, causes the development of religious persecution. Religion, at its core, evokes compassion and love from its followers, so to label terrorism as Islamicaffiliated is by nature a contradiction. Because the Islamic State claims to be acting in the name of God, many conclude that this is what Islam teaches. This, however, could not be farther from the truth. The Qur’an states “there shall be no compulsion in religion” (Qur’an 2:256), meaning no follower of the Islamic faith should persecute those who are are not Muslim, and no follower should actively coerce others into converting to Islam. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS, has risen to power and has committed unspeakable atrocities within a relatively short amount of time. This, along with similar violence from groups including Boko Haram and Al Qaeda, has prompted antiMuslim sentiment from the Western World. The ongoing Syrian migration crisis has left thousands of Middle Easterners stranded, as their homelands are destroyed by the Islamic State. The majority of Western countries are reluctant to grant the refugees asylum, though, fearing that their countries will be infiltrated by who they consider to be “radical Islamists.” Notably, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban has taken great measures in past months to stem the flow of migrants into Europe, building a wall and mobilizing his military. The reasoning behind the unwillingness

to welcome these refugees emanates from the idea that any one of those people could be a terrorist, intending to do harm. Yes, any one of them could be a terrorist, but with that logic, anyone in the world could be a terrorist. Comprehensive background checks are necessary, and this proves difficult with the massive influx of immigrants, but that is no reason to deny them safety. The intentions of Orban and other leaders to protect the West are most likely sincere, but just because the intent is genuine, this does not excuse its xenophobic nature. By assuming that any one of the Middle Eastern refugees could be a terrorist and ignoring the rest of the non-Mid-East world, the public contributes to the disenfranchisement of Muslims. As they escape their war-torn countries, the refugees are treated as second class citizens, leading to more poverty and violence. From there, they become more susceptible to recruitment from militant groups including ISIS, groups that use the medium of social media to promise a better life. Instead of contributing to the problem, the Western world should be promoting acceptance rather than fear. Islam, like any other world religion, preaches love, so why do so many people treat Muslims with hate? The leaders of Islam and the Quran have never called for murder, and any so-called “Muslim” who preaches death is not following the religion of Islam. More oppression is not the answer to combating terrorism; we must know that hate for our fellow man will never stop the violence — it will only contribute to it.

Man bun trend taken too seriously


ver the past year, males across the country have strived to achieve the magnificent man bun. Females swoon over the look, and Instagram accounts have been made specifically for the purpose of glorifying the best man buns on the Internet (@dailymanbun). But there comes a point, as with any trend, where people grow desperate. The man-bun fad has reached its all-time low with the release of the clip-on man bun, a $9.99 product from Groupon. While many will purchase this item as a playful gift or joke for a friend, we all know that there will be a handful of men so desperate for the look that they will legitimately buy and wear a clip-on man bun. There is nothing wrong with a man just trying to look good, but there is something to be said about society when people will go to such extreme lengths to fit in with the trends. Clip-on man buns serve as only a trivial example of the many products on the market that help individuals manipulate their looks to essentially be someone they are not. Oftentimes these appearance-altering products are manufactured specifically for females. Many

are harmless such as skin tanners and colored contacts while others, such as waist trainers, put health at risk. The pressures of society tarnish the beauty of individuality and oftentimes even stand in the way of people’s rational thought process. No woman would jeopardize their health through manipulating her body with a waist trainer if the outcome of the product (a temporary, artificial hourglass shape) was not something society tells her she needs. When individuals can be themselves without judgement and criticism, the need to “fix” natural features in order to match them with the current trends will no longer exist. Thankfully, the clip-on man bun poses no threat to anyone's health, just a threat to their reputation and dignity. Just like any trend, if a male cannot achieve the man bun look it is okay. The sooner everyone realizes that the societal standard does not define who they should be, pointless items such as the clipon man bun will not even be considered as a serious product. Hopefully one day the time will come when bending over backwards to fit in is seen for what it really is- ridiculous.




archbishop hoban high school mailing address: one holy cross blvd. akron, ohio 44316 online: email:


CSPA Gold Medalist NSPA First Class Award Quill & Scroll Int’l First Place OSMA First Place The Visor subsribes to the ASNE/ MCT Campus news service and to the Signed letters for publication are welcome. Mailbox is in the main ofifice. Unsigned editorials represent the consensus of the editorial board. Signed opinion represents the views of the writer only.


editors-in-chief marilyn icsman joseph santucci managing editor julie ciotola opinion editor gabriella wittbrod news editor angelina sapp features editor brian rozumny sports editor kara marshall design editors lucas lauterjung elizabeth stitzel webmasters joseph brennan alexander lynch staff reporters mara bahmer, madeline grosklos, shamael muhammad, andrew ross, julia susany, bridget wiedt, victoria woodburn, kameryn zingale adviser katharina cerny

three opinion Fitness center should not have been a priority


his past week, Hoban announced the completion of the “This is Hoban” capital campaign - a six million dollar fundraiser that built the Maynard Center for Spiritual Formation with a new chapel, constructed the Health and Fitness Center and increased the endowment for student scholarships. The impressive campaign’s intent was to benefit all Hoban students through one of its three facets. However, I’m not convinced with the final component to the campaign– is the Health and Fitness Center a true need at this time? Last week, I sat down with Hoban President Dr. Todd Sweda and Director of Advancement Mike DelMedico to ask them a few questions to further my understanding of donations and campaigns. In short, the campaign is first determined by the Board of Directors, followed by the collection of donations. Sweda and DelMedico described the “This is Hoban” Campaign as one that impacts every student through at least one of its three facets. Additionally, a capital campaign’s goal is to identify problems and propose amends that are needed, cost efficient and realistic. Thus, the “This is Hoban” campaign designated the Maynard Center for Spiritual Formation, an increase

of the Endowment Fund and the Health and Fitness Center as effective and realistic needs. Respectfully, I disagree– I do not believe that the creation of the Health and Fitness Center is fueled by any legitimate need. Besides, if administrators were so keen on every student staying healthy, why not just make gym class mandatory for all students every year? The Board of Directors determined that the Health and Fitness Center was needed because the weight lifting and locker room facilities required the most attention. Additionally, the Center was built to place an emphasis on physical activity, overall health and our student training program. While their reasoning is valid, I cannot believe that out of all those concerns they decided to build such a lavish annex that diminishes already limited space on Hoban’s small lot. Sure, being physically fit is beneficial to everyone within these walls. But we mustn’t forget that Archbishop Hoban is a school, not a training facility. Why not spend less money to give the old weight room and locker rooms a facelift, while budgeting the money and space saved by building another music room, since one choir is practicing in Barry Gym, and there is limited instrument storage space in the current music room. Why not



by lucas lauterjung use our precious property to build a new wing of classrooms? I deem this suggestion a practical one considering many teachers push carts through the school because they do not have a permanent classroom. I want to be clear here by saying that I am not ungrateful towards any contribution made to this school. Donors and administrators at this institution work countless hours each year to provide enrichment for each student. I write this article out of concern and love for my school, and I wish to see improvements made at every level. I do not question the purpose of the Health and Fitness Center, rather, the timeliness of the project. I simply do not understand why the Board of Directors chose to take on this project now, while other improvements should take priority.

Thanksgiving promotes unnecessary excess


utumn is my favorite season of the year for two reasons. First, I love sweaters, and second, my birthday is in November. Thus the fall must be glorious. However, the season always ends on a negative note because of Thanksgiving, the American-made holiday of excess. Barely one month after the Halloween’s indulgences, Thanksgiving prevails as the introduction to the season of immoderation. I have many problems with Thanksgiving and its overindulgent background. We are told that this day is dedicated to being thankful for our family, friends, education, prosperity, etc. Why are we not thankful every day? Must we dedicate one day per year to be thankful? We should be grateful every day for friends and family and food. No holiday in any other culture, except Canada, specifically serves as a day for people to give thanks. We should already be thankful. Food served on Thanksgiving never satisfies the way that everyone states it should. Built up as the most deliciously decadent food-dedicated day of the year, one would expect that the Thanksgiving feast would at least be satiating. This however, is not the case. The often dry and tasteless turkey never truly satisfies my senses. Gravy itself, the fatty sweat of a cooking

turkey, takes on a brown color with a gelatinous texture to correspond. Cranberry sauce, an overly sweet thanksgiving staple, comes from a can and never truly loses its cylindrical shape. And, as much as I love all potatoes, I cannot fathom the catalyst of sweet potatoes and marshmallows as part of this meal. Do I eat this dish for dessert or dinner? Redeemed only by real mashed potatoes, Thanksgiving food ends up sent away with relatives after the meal completes. Otherwise it will go to waste, because no one at my house eats the microwaved turkey that was not even enjoyed the first time. We continue to celebrate this holiday as a strange tradition anyway. Americans complain of the culture of indulgence yet we have one day dedicated to excess food immediately followed by another day promoting excess spending. Black Friday encourages the immoderation that has been advertised. People wake before dawn to spend 10 percent less on twice as many unnecessary products. Deployed as an attack on bank accounts and wallets, this day has become an international success for businesses, thanks to the Americans. Both Thanksgiving and Black Friday, however, do not stem from grateful roots. I was taught in grade school a happy story


HAPPY by angelina sapp

about Pilgrims and Indians. This lie covers the truth of the Pilgrims that massacred Native Americans that aided the newcomers during their first months on American soil. Likewise, Black Friday’s name comes from the day after thanksgiving in colonial America when slave traders would mark down the prices on African American slaves. These are not quite the stories of feathers and bonnets that I was taught in grade school. Americans overindulge in food and material goods during the Thanksgiving season. People say that Thanksgiving is meant to be a day dedicated to appreciation of life and love. In reality, Thanksgiving was created to justify a holiday where excessiveness in all forms is praised and encouraged. I am thankful for my life, and do not need a day of overconsumption to prove that I am grateful.




truth about

Thanksgiving by shamael muhammad

design by joseph santucci


hanksgiving is certainly not as commercialized as Christmas or St. Patrick's Day, but it is undeniably one of the most beloved holidays in the scarcity that is American culture. Turkey Day animates families with the brightest of spirits as distant relatives band together to enjoy the delicious food and annual storytelling that only comes with the fourth Thursday of November. But no Thanksgiving dinner I have attended has given voice to the holiday's origin. Why is this? Because it ‘s a horrific, depressing monstrosity, and no one wants that with their gravy. The kindergarten story of the pilgrims and native peoples meeting for a friendly meal is nothing short of a complete lie. There is absolutely no fact to support this fairy tale, and there is no accurate account from any reliable documentation or tribal story that so much as hints this event occurred. This idea instead purposefully twists a historic event into a Disney movie, erasing all the bloodshed and tragedy that surrounds this point in history. This miseducates generations of American children yearly, and with no real purpose aside from placing an unnecessary filter on fact. What evidence that actually exists points to a completely different truth that modern Americans are quiet about—the fact that what we are “giving thanks” for every year is the rape, spread of

disease and slaughter of an innocent people. American children hear of food, ideas and amiable conversation exchanged between smiling faces, but the only exchange going on at this point in time was that of violence and disease. The real tale unfolds with a set of English explorers sailing home with a freshly imprisoned batch of Patuxet Indians to sell into slavery for capitalistic profit. The sailors forgot to take their smallpox with them, and the infection was a force that obliterated millions of Native American people, whose immune systems were no match for the foreign epidemic. Around this time, a native man called Squanto had experienced life as an English slave. As one of the few who survived, he used his experiences to bring home the knowledge of the English language and customs. He taught his people how to fish and grow corn and worked tirelessly to make peace with those that had wiped out his people, in hopes of new beginnings. A treaty had been negotiated and to celebrate, a great feast had been held in Squanto’s honor. This feast was a short lived celebration as extremist Christians, known then as Puritans, caught news that uncivilized beasts (formally known as Native Americans) were associating with the white man. Matters were taken into Puritan hands, thousands of native

people were killed and those remaining were either raped or sold into a lifetime of slavery. The few groups of natives who escaped death or imprisonment were exiled in the wilderness, which Puritan religion associated with the domain of the “Black Man,” or Satan. Thanksgiving symbolizes nothing but unjustifiable evil, yet is venerated as a national holiday and is held dear in the hearts of many Americans. The ignorant celebration of this holiday mocks what Natives went through, and the spread of fairy tales to shield the genocidal reality is disgraceful to what exists of American culture. Inevitably, it would be a first world tragedy to do away with this holiday altogether, but this is not a necessary measure to begin with. What must occur is the revelation of the truth in all its explicit detail, instead of the outright lie that places a safety blanket over relevant history. No other tragedies covered in the American education system, not the Holocaust nor the slave trade, are as openly lied about. Something as relevant to home history as Thanksgiving should not be given any exception. More Americans should be aware of what this holiday truly represents as modern people of this country. As of now, Turkey Day is nothing short of a nightmare forced into a daydream.

news five SeaWorld plans to discontinue orca shows by victoria woodburn


ver since the release of the documentary Blackfish in 2013, SeaWorld has been under severe criticism for its treatment of its world famous orcas. The documentary depicted the cruel treatment of the stars of SeaWorld’s shows and the effect that the environment has on the animals. The inspiration for Blackfish came from an orca at SeaWorld named Tilikum who dragged his veteran trainer, Dawn Brancheau, into the water and killed her. This was the third death for which Tilikum had been responsible. This documentary caused attendance at SeaWorld to drop as people demanded more ethical treatment of the animals, particularly the orcas. SeaWorld is pursuing many paths to increase attendance after announcing that SeaWorld Entertainment Inc.’s third-quarter earnings missed Wall Street expectations. The most significant change being made is SeaWorld of San Diego announcing that it will no longer have its famous orca shows starting in 2017. Instead, SeaWorld intends to showcase an orca experience


1. 2.


that focuses on the animal’s natural setting and behaviors. Yet this change will only be made at the San Diego park, the original SeaWorld. San Diego SeaWorld hopes that the other parks in Orlando and San Antonio will follow in its example. Despite the step toward an increased moral treatment of its orcas, SeaWorld is still under incessant criticism. “An end to SeaWorld’s tawdry circus-style shows is inevitable and necessary, but its captivity that denies these far-ranging orcas everything that is natural and important to them,” said Jared Goodman of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. “This move is like no longer whipping lions in a circus act but keeping them locked inside cages for life.” Similarly, California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, who plans to introduce federal legislation to end captive orca breeding, insists that SeaWorld needs to go even further with its animal treatment. “The fact still remains that as long as SeaWorld holds orcas in captivity, the physical and psychological problems associated

with their captivity will persist,” he said. Along with the announcement to end its orca shows, the SeaWorld of San Diego has also announced that it plans to build a $100 million expansion of the killer whale tanks to boost attendance. However, the California Coastal Commission only agreed to the project if SeaWorld agrees not to breed, transfer or sell any of its captive orcas at the park. SeaWorld plans to fight the decision in court. “It’s going to be focused more on the natural setting, natural environment and also the natural behaviors of the whale. It’ll have a strong conservation message,” said CEO John Manby. No matter what action SeaWorld takes, they will receive extreme denunciation when it comes to their methods of handling their animals. Ultimately, SeaWorld’s changes towards a healthier environment for their animals hope to not only satisfy the demands of animals’ rights protectors, but also attract the sizable crowds they once captivated.


When you start to get that full feeling, your stomach is deceiving you, you can still eat more. Do not let any irrelevant chatter at the table distract you from your primary goal, which is to consume as much as possible. Focus on an inanimate object (a salt and pepper shaker or the ornate table decoration that your grandmother made) and continue to eat because Thanksgiving only comes once a year.


After the feeling of nausea subsides, grab a slice of pumpkin pie, cover it completely with whipped cream, eat it, then find a nice spot to take a nap and dream about next year’s Thanksgiving.

is 5. Itimportant

Other Turkey 4% 10%

to pace yourself and Mashed wear comfy Potatoes clothes 16% that can be unfastened if Stuffing necessary.

Gravy 50%


What’s on his plate?



food stamp


THE DIFFICULTY OF EATING THREE MEALS A DAY WITH ONLY by marilyn icsman and joseph santucci

design by joseph santucci


hough most here at Hoban see poverty as a distant epidemic, conjuring images of refugees and the homeless, hunger strikes communities throughout all of the United States. More than 45 million people rely on federal benefits to purchase food and basic necessities. To draw attention to those in the national, local and Hoban community who struggle to provide nutritious meals for themselves and their families, The Visor took the food stamp challenge. For this challenge, Joey and I purchased food for a week using only $63.50, the national average benefit for qualifying two-person households. The food stamp program, officially named SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), provides federal money to low-income households. Qualification for the assistance depends on income, household size and presence of infant, elderly or disabled persons in the home. The program requirements and benefits vary state to state, due to differences in inflation and cost of living. SNAP estimates that families receiving benefits will spend approximately 30 percent of monthly net income on food. Net income is determined by subtracting all necessary expenses (housing, childcare, etc.) from total income. Federal rules dictate that money can be available for earners of up to 130 percent of the federal poverty level. So with an income just 30 percent above federal poverty, one can expect to receive a much lower amount of assistance than average benefits. Those who have absolutely no net income are given the maximum benefit, the dollar amount of which is determined by the United States Department of Agriculture’s thrifty food plan. The thrifty food plan names the lowest expected amount of money that needs to be spent on food for several age


groups. These numbers are determined based on data from the consumer price index (CPI) and national expenditures. Though the basis for allotting benefits is fair and consistent, some argue against its minimal standards. Arguments have been raised that question whether a low-income family has the time and means to carefully budget and allocate food in an efficient--let alone healthy— way. When buying the food for our challenge, we tried to be both healthy and cost-conscious. We bought the food from Walmart and Sam’s Club. However, as many have

“It was almost impossible to plan out healthy and filling meals with the food that we were able to buy” pointed out recently, healthy food often sells for a higher price than less nutritious options. For example, eight ounces of turkey, about four servings, cost $3.94. Six packages of ramen noodles cost a mere $1.48. For families on SNAP, a choice may have to be made between buying healthy food or enough food. “I was really surprised about how hard it was to try to buy food to sustain meals for an entire week,” said challenge participant Joey Santucci. “It was almost impossible to plan out healthy and filling

meals with the food we were able to buy.” For those who do not encounter SNAP regularly, it can be easy to forget about the struggles of those who rely on the program. But people who work at grocery or convenience stores are often aware of the extension of SNAP across communities and the number of people who rely on it for food. “I was surprised at the amount of people who used EBT, another federal benefits program, and how many of the people who used it were families with small children,” said senior Vanessa Cea, who worked at Marc’s. “I don’t think many of us realize how many people depend on them. In my opinion, all grocery establishments should accept federal food benefits since so many families rely on them for all of their food.” Too often, we neglect to think of an entire group of people struggling with hunger. Living in a house and having a job does not always guarantee having the means for survival. The Hoban community displays clear concern for the less fortunate; Option for the poor serves as one of the Holy Cross core values. Hoban strives to make a difference for those struggling, with our annual canned food drive and weekly Project Hope excursions just a few examples of the school’s service. Yet in the midst of these gestures, it is also important to remember and support people struggling more quietly, even within our Hoban family. Taking part in this challenge was eye-opening. The difficulty of gathering enough food for an entire week on such a small allowance made the trials of families who rely on it apparent. This Thanksgiving season, it may be worthwhile to consider the lives of everyone around you while giving thanks for what you have.




seven Average amount of money allotted per day for qualifying persons on SNAP.

Poverty line for a family of four.

These food items, which we bought for the challenge, almost exceeded the allotted amount of money for a two person household.

Average SNAP benefit given to Ohio residents for the month.

15.3 Million

The number of American children living in a household without consistent access to food necessary for a healthy life.


$ 6 3 .5 0 BREAKFAST

One dozen eggs $2.57 Great value peach yogurt (4) $1.77 HoneyNut cereal $2.98 Fresh pineapple spears $6.98 Avocados (6) $4.97 Bananas (9) $1.48


Wheat bread $0.84 Chicken ramen noodles (6) $1.48 Kraft macaroni and cheese $0.98 Lance’s whole grain crackers $2.50 Great value Oreo cookies $1.78 Great value trail mix $4.98 Steam fresh veggies $2.00 Oscar Meyer deli turkey $3.94 Great value mozzarella cheese $2.47 Great value peanut butter $2.18 Smuckers grape jelly $1.98


Pork and beans can $0.44 x2 Green beans can $0.68 x2 Carrot can $0.68 x2 Cream of chicken soup $2.24 Chicken noodle soup $1.50 x2 Totinos frozen pizza $1.36 Great value wheat spaghetti $1.22 x2 Great value chunky spaghetti sauce $1.50 Snack pack pudding (4) $1.00



Terror in Paris by marilyn icsman and andy ross


series of abrupt shootings and bombings left the city of Paris in terror last Friday. With a body count of 129 people and hundreds of others wounded, France has declared a state of emergency that will extend through February 2016. “The attacks are an act of war,” said French President Francois Hollande. They have been accredited to the Islamic State, the terror group known as ISIS, ISIL or, more recently, Daesh. The group has gained notoriety in the past several years as a result of horrific acts of violence committed under their twisted interpretation of Sharia Law. The terrorism in Paris occurred through seven coordinated attacks by three teams of terrorists. Popular areas of the city were targeted, including a completely full concert arena and a stadium where a soccer match was taking place. Later, the attacks moved to central Paris, where the assailants slaughtered citizens at several restaurants and bars. Days before the attack, Beirut suffered a loss of 43 people in suicide bombings. Last month, a Russian plane carrying 224 passengers was shot down in Egypt. In April, a Yemen mosque was blown to pieces along with 130 innocent civilians. These attacks, along with dozens of others-all claimed by ISIS-- have resulted in the deaths of more than an estimated 1,000 civilians outside of Syria and Iraq. Within those countries, videos of merciless executions are posted every day, most recently including the slaughter of 200 children. Just two nights ago, another bomb attack on a soccer match in Germany was thwarted. However, the Daesh promise to continue attacking the western world. Though U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry claims that a ceasefire is in the works, the war in Syria continues to rage on. France has openly increased funding in its operation there. Pictures leaked after the attacks depicting missiles with

the words “From Paris, With Love” poetically inscribed on them. One direct consequence of the attacks is that the sympathy for the Syrian refugees has diminished, while fears have risen. The governors of 26 states, including Ohio, have openly refused to allow future refugees from the war to come in. Several politicians, including President Obama, say that it is shameful and against American values to close our doors to refugees. Nov. 19, the House of Representatives passed a bill impeding Obama’s plan to resettle 10,000 refugees. This bill had the support of Republicans as well as almost 50 Democrats, despite Obama’s staunch opposition to the motion. Many believe that the Paris terror attacks were a driving force in hasty passing of this bill through the House. Astonishingly, many countries across the Atlantic, including the recovering nations of France and Lebanon, have stated that they will continue opening their doors to future refugees from the Syrian crisis. This Thursday, French authorities have come forward to say that most of the remaining terrorists involved in the attacks have been apprehended or killed in a raid in Saint-Denis, France. The mastermind of the attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was identified by his fingerprints after his body was riddled with bullets. Despite the progress made, several key questions remain unanswered for France and the rest of the world. The identities of a few attackers are still unknown, but France has plans to conduct raids in which they hope to gain information. Also unknown is how Abaaoud coordinated his teams and attacks. Finally, the whole world is left unsure of whether Daesh plans to attack other areas outside of its countries of operation. The situation in Paris has sparked a barrage of media attention and support from countries worldwide. Many illustrations have emerged and circulated in an attempt to show solidarity with the suffering of France’s citizens. As France recovers, they will need to count on ally countries for help and encouragement.

“I think it is disappointing that such horror had to happen before world leaders came together. It is important for everyone to stand with France during this time.”

design by gabriella wittbrod

Elaina Workely ’16

Where the attacks took place Stade de France

2 km

PARIS Le Petit Cambodge Restaurant and Le Carillon Bar

Bataclan Concert Hall

Eiffel Tower La Belle Equipe Bar





Junior Pete Nagy’s entrepreneurial spirit reflects in his nearly four-year-long project: a buisness in buying and selling purses for profit. by julie ciotola


any high school students find themselves maintaining a busy schedule between school and work. Junior Peter Nagy is among this crowd, but he has gone beyond the typical student job and expanded his work into his own business. Nagy began working in eighth grade, when he started selling items on eBay that he acquired from friends and family. “I had always aspired to sell high end designer merchandise, even when I first started out, just because of the demand and resale value that they held,” Nagy said. After selling his grandmother’s Ron Lee clown figurine for $140, Nagy found himself desiring to expand his business further, and began searching for a dependable source of designer merchandise. “Finally, around Christmas time of my freshman year, I had saved up enough to purchase a Louis Vuitton Neverfull GM in Monogram canvas for $868 in brand new condition on eBay,” Nagy said. After making reputable profit from the Louis Vuitton bag, Nagy took another designer

bag to iBoutique, a local consignment shop, where he met the owner, Terri, and entered into a partnership. The relationship between the two quickly blossomed, introducing Pete to new opportunities and experiences. Today, the duo continues investing time and energy into the business, actively selling clothing, shoes, and accessories on eBay. Each day, Peter browses eBay in pursuit of designer bags listed for less than their market value. “Typically, the listings that look good are auctions, so if they stay below the target price that Terri and I have determined that bag to be worth, we will go ahead and buy it,” he said. He also prices, lists and ships the items, and composes thorough descriptions of each product for customers to read. Currently, Terri and Peter have a Hermes Birkin handbag listed for $18,000, but in the past they have sold designer bags for less than $10. “My focus is, of course, the high end sector, however I do list items that are less expensive that are either consignments at iBoutique, or items that people have brought into the store for Terri

and I to pay cash for up front,” Nagy said. In addition to the luxuries of earning steady income, Peter has learned valuable life lessons through his work. “Believe it or not, it really does not have a whole lot to do with the money itself. It’s always, to some degree, a gamble when it comes to buying a handbag for thousands of dollars, so when everything works out and I am able to sell the bag for a profit, it really is more of a feeling of victory and success that excites me rather than the money itself,” Nagy said. In the future, Peter looks to continue using his acquired skills as a salesperson. Like most high school juniors, he is still uncertain of his exact career path, though he hopes to continue working in sales. “One thing that I do know for certain is

that my work right now will lead me to what I do end up doing for the rest of my life. Even though it probably won’t be handbags forever, I enjoy the buying and selling experience too much to ever give it up,” he said.

Fun Facts about Pete Pete started out in eighth grade with a friend from school, selling items from his home or items given to him as gifts.

Pete takes authenticity very seriously, and spends multiple days evaluating the bag to make sure it is not counterfeit. iBoutique refuses to sell any counterfeit products. Pete has made 280 transactions with absolutely no negative reviews. Pete has sold designer products for as little as $10 and is currently holding a bag worth $18,000.

design by gabriella wittbrod

Pete bought a designer bag from the wife of a Cavs player.



the history of

the thansgiving day parade by kameryn zingale


or the last ninety years, America has celebrated the much anticipated holiday of Thanksgiving with the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The Visor explores the long history of this festive event and asks the Hoban family what the parade means to them.


Watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade with my family is something I look forward to each year. The anticipation of the Santa sled at the end keeps me excited and prepares me for Christmas. Paige Shearrow ’16

For the past two years, when I watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, I specifically watch for Isabella Troutman’s jump rope team. That’s the highlight. Micah Kraus, Arts Department

design by brian rozumny

I always watch the parade with my family. I like the diversity of shows in the parade. What a great Thanksgiving tradition. Michael Heller ’19

The First Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade took place in New York City to celebrate the beginning of the busy holiday shopping season. Despite its occurrence on Thanksgiving morning, the parade was intended to be a Christmas parade that would encourage consumers to start their Christmas shopping. “Macy’s Christmas Parade” was nursery- rhyme themed and featured many animals from the Central Park Zoo.

1 927 Felix the Cat became the first giant balloon featured in the parade. Although he

became tangled in telephone wires and caught fire, he started a monumental trend that still continues today.

1 932 The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was broadcast over the radio for the first time.

1 934 Disney introduced the giant balloon Mickey Mouse into the parade. By this time, more than one million people were attended the parade in new York City.

1 939 The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was shown live on TV courtesy of NBC who still officially broadcasts the parade today. Approximately 50 million people watch this New York parade each year.

1 942- 1944 There was no Thanksgiving Day Parade due to World War II. During that time,

the rubber and helium originally meant to blow up the famous Macy’s balloons were donated to the American military.

1 968 The Snoopy giant balloon entered the parade for the first time. This Peanuts character created by Charles Schultz holds the record for having the most floats in the Thanksgiving Day Parade with six different balloons since his original appearance.

1 971 On the day of Thanksgiving, there were heavy rains in New York City that pre-

vented the use of the giant balloons. This was the first Thanksgiving Day Parade without balloons since 1926.


This year, expect over a dozen giant balloons, almost 30 parade floats, 1,500 dancers, more than 750 clowns, and several marching bands from around the country. There will be 8,000 participants total. Anyone is welcome to help inflate the balloons the evening before the parade. Also, the parade is expected to exceed 3.5 million attendees in New York City this year.

sports eleven Missouri football team protests racial strife by julia susany


hen obstacles threaten to separate Americans from their beloved sports teams, chaos can unfold. The University of Missouri has been charged with the unfortunate task of choosing between the university’s own president and an unhappy student body willing to boycott football games. About 30 of the university’s football players declared their stance on University President Tim Wolfe’s handling of racially charged encounters. The declaration was made through a tweet on the Missouri’s Legion of Black Collegians twitter account. "The athletes of color on the University of Missouri football team truly believe ‘Injustice Anywhere is a threat to Justice Everywhere.’ We will no longer participate in any football related activities until President Tim Wolfe resigns or is removed due to his negligence toward marginalized students' experience,” the tweet read. The strike was prompted by another student’s actions. Jonathan Butler made the decision to go on a hunger strike in protest of what was described to be racist, sexist and homophobic events that the administration has done little to

stop in his letter to the Board of Curators. Some of the incidents that incited the protests were the repeated use of racial slurs on campus and a swastika drawn out of feces on a dorm room. The death of Michael Brown in Ferguson,

“I think it’s good that they’re protesting against racism in schools and not letting authorities step all over them.” -Mike Tony ’16 Missouri, also struck close to home with many students and inspired a surge in discussions about racial issues at the University of Missouri and colleges across the nation. A drawn out strike could have proven to be detrimental to many of the players as they depend on athletic scholarships to remain at the university. Some called for the players scholarships to be revoked to

punish players taking part in the boycott. However, football coach Gary Pinkel has been direct in his support of the athletes along with Athletic Director Mack B. Rhoades IV. "The Mizzou Family stands as one. We are united. We are behind our players," tweeted Pinkel along with a photo of dozens of black and white students with their arms linked together. Forfeiting a football game would cost the university over $1 million, an amount serious enough to cause the administration to snap to attention. Between the potential financial losses and public scrutiny, enough pressure was provided for Wolfe to resign. “I take full responsibility for this frustration and for the inaction that has occurred,” stated Wolfe at a press conference. Colleges throughout the nation have showed support for the Missouri protestors by staging their own protests. People have sounded off on social media as well, enouraging others to fight racism. “I think it’s good that they’re protesting against racism in schools and not letting authorities step all over them,” said senior Mike Tony.

Fans await Thanksgiving day football lineup by mara bahmer


CROWD Students sound off on the football team playing rival St. Vincent-St. Mary twice in one season.

This point in the playoffs is always nervewracking, but the fact that we are playing a rival makes it that much more interesting and it’s really exciting for any sports fan.

Avery Bable ’16


on Thanksgiving every season, making them a fan favorite. The Eagles have been active this offseason, bringing in quarterback Tim Tebow and signing on running back DeMarco Murray. With these new additions to the team, this will be a game football fans won’t want to miss. After much of the Thanksgiving festivities have concluded, the Carolina Panthers will take the field against the Dallas Cowboys. The game will air at 4:30 p.m., a convenient hiatus in the course of the arduous day. Like the Lions, the Cowboys are known for playing on Thanksgiving every year. In contrast, this will be the first time in NFL history that the Panthers play on Thanksgiving Day. The Cowboys draw

national audiences and prime-time slots every season, making them the favorite to win. However, defense will be key for both teams in order to come out victorious. In 2014 Dallas finished 15th in the league in total defense and Carolina finished in 21st. Finally, at 8:30 p.m. comes the historic NFL rivalry: the Chicago Bears versus the Green Bay Packers. However, in past years this rivalry has turned out to be very one sided. The Packers have won nine of the past 10 games against the Bears, beating them by a combined 93-31 in the two games last season. Most football fans are not giving the Bears a second thought, with a Bleacher Report poll displaying that 87.2 percent of fans predict the Packers will come out on top.

It’s pretty cool that we get to play them twice. The game is a really big deal for the student body and probably the highlight of the football season.

Gina Imani ’17


t’s Thanksgiving Day. The table is laden with the usual dishes: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy. Numerous relatives crowd the room, chattering noisily and reaching for second helpings. And of course, the television set is blaring at full volume, displaying the annual Thanksgiving Day football games. Tensions are always high during the famed rivalry games, and this year’s three matchups prove no different. The first game starts right in time for the Turkey Day feast and is the classic Thanksgiving game: the Detroit Lions versus the Philadelphia Eagles. The game begins at 12:30 p.m., at the pinnacle of the day’s celebrations. The Detroit Lions, per tradition, play



Health and Fitness Center finally unveiled T

design by lucas lauterjung

his past Wednesday, Nov. 11 marked the opening of Hoban’s new athletic center and also celebrated the conclusion of the “This is Hoban” campaign. The $6.6 million campaign included the construction of the chapel and Moreau Ministry Hall as well as the athletic center. The campaign was accomplished over two short years, solely through donations by the Hoban community and friends of the Hoban community. The opening ceremony was well attended by many members of the Hoban community, including board members, donors and other friends of Hoban.The building was blessed by Rev. Michael Ausperk with the help of senior student representatives. The rest of those gathered also participated in the blessing of the building. The attendees were given a tour of the center and heard members of the leadership team for the construction of the athletic complex speak. “The groundbreaking ceremony was a big hit because it showed a lot about what we’re doing here at Hoban,” said weightlifting coach Mike Taggert. The 20,000 square foot athletic center includes a large room for weightlifting and conditioning, a wrestling and multipurpose room and a wellness center for students as well as staff. The large team training room features twenty weight racks, a forty yard turf and eight

by elizabeth stitzel

glute and hamstring machines. The room also includes an upper mezzanine for activities like yoga and stretching, among other new conditioning equipment for Hoban’s various sports teams. “The facility was made and designed to house more athletes than we have in the weight room now… now we’re able to hold around 60 to 80 athletes in the weight room as long as their supervised,” Taggert said. The student and faculty wellness area is filled with an array of brand new cardio machines and upper and lower body machines, including treadmills, ellipticals and a self-spotting lifting bar. There are also new separate locker rooms for sports teams, boys, girls and faculty. The new athletic facility even includes a fully stocked training room that looks almost like a doctor’s office. Dr. Congeni will be available to students on certain days of the week. His presence will allow athletes to receive treatment right here at Hoban, rather than traveling to his main off campus office. Students and faculty alike will be able to work out and get help for their injuries right at Hoban. “I’m happy the new fitness center offers space for every student to exercise. I’m especially happy about the new hurdles because it gives us hurdlers a chance to practices when it’s convenient, not just when we have the track,” said senior Jacqueline Krim.

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