Visor Issue #7

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V VI VISOR archbishop h

- Issue 7 - January 24, 2013

pg. 3 Disrespect grips down on American teens and children alike

pg. 5 Hoban students march for life preservation

pg. 9 The Visor recounts the journey back to Hoban for Miss Buzzeli and Mr. Clem

The Nation’s New

Cup of Tea The British Invasion re-emerges for a new generation

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The B r it is h Invasion

story on page 6

Cover by Danielle LaRose

Cover by Danielle LaRose


letter to the editor Meaning of Olympics Lost in Preparation


n Friday, Feb. 7, the official Winter Olympics XXII will commence in Sochi, Russia. Unlike most other Olympics, especially the Winter series, the games have already been surrounded by controversy. This is the first Olympics held in post-Soviet Russia and the world has been watching carefully to see how the nation handles every detail of the massive and highly technical event. It has become clear that Russia is handling these Olympics with an iron fist and has created a great deal of opposition months before the Opening Ceremonies even begin. Given that the Olympics were created to recognize the greatest athletes on earth and create a more unified world community, they are meant to celebrate the diversity of humanity while rewarding athletic achievement. As of now, the Sochi 2014 Olympics aim to divide and segregate the international community while infringing on the personal rights of athletes, reporters and observers. First and foremost, these Olympics will cost more than any other Olympic games in history. Typically Winter Olympic games cost around 10 to 15 billion dollars, while Summer Olympics range from about 12 to 20 billion according to the International Olympic Committee. The price tag for the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics is just over 50 billion dollars, outspending the extravagant Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics by about 10 billion. Many sources, including CNN, have estimated that over half of the costs could be “corrupt,” or in other words, extra money may be pocketed by contractors and investors of the event. The construction of the Olympic venues and the modernization of infrastructure in the city of Sochi have drawn opposition from a multitude of environmental protection groups, including UNESCO and GreenPeace. Many organizations have alarmed great concern that the Russian government and construction companies are permanently damaging the local environment where the games will take place. Most venues line the border the Caucuses Biosphere Reserve, which is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the Sochi National Park. On October 29 it was reported that Russia broke its ‘Zero Waste’ Olympic Pledge, as it emerged that Russia’s state-owned rail monopoly is dumping loads of construction waste into an illegal landfill, raising concerns of possible contamination in the water that directly supplies Sochi. Even more pressing are the issues of equality and freedom plaguing the games. In midOctober, the Russian government announced a series of security measures that will be in ef-

fect for the games. All means of communication will be monitored during the games, including texts, emails, and voice calls. The Russian government agency FSB will monitor all means of communication by using a KGB-era security system. These measures have been called “invasive” and “unacceptable” by various opposition groups, and many have called on the International Olympic Committee, the governing body of the Olympics, to demand that certain privacies be respected. In addition, photographers and reporters without security clearance will not be permitted to take photos or conduct interviews, and will be “penalized” if caught doing so. However, the most controversial issue of the upcoming Olympics regards the treatment of individuals that are potential targets for discrimination. In recent months, Russia has cracked down on LGBT groups and enforced their Anti-Gay laws more harshly. This has caused concern to the international community and other organizations that Olympians could face discrimination at the upcoming games, which has resulted in a small but symbolically significant boycott movement of the Olympics. Others have called on the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to demand that the Russian government ensure the security of all athletes during and after the games regardless of sexual orientation or any other forms of possible discrimination. Last week, IOC president Jacques Rogge toured the under-construction Sochi Olympic Village with Russian president Vladimir Putin and discussed the multitude of issues surrounding the games in a press conference. “We are doing everything, both the organizers and our athletes and fans, so that participants and guests feel comfortable in Sochi, regardless of nationality, race or sexual orientation,” Putin said when Olympic officials questioned about the increased severity of the LGBT oppression within his country. The Russian President also promised that the extensive security measures being taken in Sochi will prevent potential terrorist attacks and ensure the safety of the games. Regardless of personal standpoints towards the issues that have brought the event under fire, the overlying issue regards the true intention of the Olympics. The Russian government has sought to use the games as a political platform to enforce domestic issues. As a result, this year’s games may be a sad testimony of how misplaced the true purpose the Olympics has become. 



ARCHBISHOP HOBAN HIGH SCHOOL Mailing Address: One Holy Cross Blvd. Akron, OH 44305 Online: E-mail: Twitter: @TheHobanVisor AWARDS •CSPA Gold Medalist •NSPA First Class Award •OSMA First Place

The Visor subscribes to SIGNED letters for publication are welcome. Mailbox is in the main office. Unsigned editorials represent the consensus of the editorial board. Signed opinion represents the views of the writer only.

Staff: Editors-in-chief Benjamin Easton Danielle LaRose Managing Editor Timothy Brennan Features Editor Hannah Caprez News Editors Jonathan Sapp Sports Editors Trey Lesiak Copy Editor Emily Dunn Photo Editor Julia May Website Editor Kyle Knapp Staff Reporters Joseph Brennan, Sarah Carmon, Christian Cook, Danny DiCola, Ashley Kouri, Michael Londa, Julia May, Matt Mascolo, Matt McGee Adviser NatalieTannehill

opinion three Bullying Becomes Modern Day Emotional Epidemic


isrespect or the mistreatment of others will always be a problem in our society, but why does each generation bear less and less respect? Lately, I have witnessed students talk to teachers and adults with more disrespect than usual. I cannot imagine the same teachers speaking to their own teachers in such a manner. The teachers and adults nowadays are baffled at the things they hear. I wonder and wonder why this has come to be. Much of this disrespect has to do with the people that influence our culture. Children grow up from the influences of celebrities ranging from musical artists to professional athletes. In many aspects, these people are not the best examples of good qualities. Idolized rappers and athletes living a life filled with alcohol and drugs are the sort of people children begin idolizing. These figures usually have no respect for the outside world which copies off them. The media either makes their actions seem wrong but “cool” or a fun way to make millions of dollars. The disrespect I see most days only reminds me of what society portrays. The easiest place for any teen to display their radical ideas is through social medias. Through sites like Twitter, one views all sorts of ideas and rudeness. Social medias allow disrespect to the ultimate measure with no con-

sequences or restrictions. At first, the sight of disrespect on Twitter is astonishing, but then it becomes ordinary. Finally it is repeated and used not only on Twitter but in everyday language. Our generation is one of the first have social media, and one of the many to misuse it. Pop culture and social medias are only examples of where the lack of respect can come from. Disrespect did not start there, I only think it has progressed because of it. And with today’s culture, it will continue to progress. In a more personal example, adults also tend to take disagreements from teens the wrong way. Usually it is taken as an act of disrespect and defiance. Students just like adults can have opinions that oppose the adults or even the norm. Adults forget that students should and do have their own opinions, even if it is wrong, because again this is a learning experience. It seems like teachers and adults forget that this is the same learning experience they once had years ago. But this act of disagreeing goes both ways, Students must also revere the ideas of adults. The way one presents his or her position must have regards to all parties. Adults tend to respect their audience. Through age, they have learned to adhere to respect in all situations if possible. Their respect and wisdom deserves respect especially from students and teens.


by michael londa Other than a single moment of pleasure or transparent confidence, disrespect has no positive dividends. Nothing but harm, no matter how minimal, comes from disrespect. Disrespect is for those who talk the talk but do not walk it. It is for those that are arrogant and self centered. I do not understand what drives one to follow the path of disrespect. I think most of us know it is wrong, but still are unable to change or breakaway. Although I am not always the most respectful person, I always try to give my utmost respect to adults. I may only see the consequences or immaturity better than others. I deserve the same amount of criticism as any average high school student. I only think that the loss of respect through the ages and everyday is a problem that I cannot ignore, because we all see it everyday at school. But we usually do nothing about it. 

Athletic Director Unjustifiably Rejects CYO Opportunity


lthough the Catholic Youth Organization as a whole is not responsible, one of its athletic directors in Cleveland has tainted the organization through his refusal to behave according to its standards. Because my participation in varsity sports at Hoban is minimal, every winter I opt to play basketball sponsored by CYO. However, this year my situation changed when an athletic director denied my request to play with no explanation. All my paperwork and dues were completed and submitted to the organization’s headquarters for the Diocese of Cleveland prior to the deadline. My parish–St. Matthew in Ellet–did not sponsor a senior team, so my athletic director “released” me from my obligation to play there. The next closest parish, Queen of Heaven, did the same. Since St. Hilary and St. Francis de Sales both informed me that their rosters were full, the next parish was Sacred Heart, whose team accepted me. After three weeks of practice, Sacred Heart emailed me to say that CYO would

not allow me to play this year. I was stunned. Naturally, I called the athletic director that rejected my request. However, he refused to take or return my call. I left messages for him on his machine and with a secretary, as did my mom, but to no avail, not even to tell me on which team I could play or how to have my $100 returned to me. Nonetheless, I never heard back, thereby forcing me to sit out the final season of my high school career. I do not blame the Catholic Youth Organization, but the actions and character of one of its athletic directors completely contradict that which the organization attempts to promote. Posted on the organization’s website is the following: “It is the right of everyone associated with CYO to expect volunteers and CYO Staff to model the values and ideals of our Catholic faith.” While it may be everyone’s right to expect this of staff, this one athletic director clearly does not model himself accordingly. By refusing to return phone calls and denying a teenager the opportunity to play the

by tim brennan

Tim on a Limb very sport his organization sponsors, he instead mocks the “ideals” of the Catholic faith. CYO sports offer students of all ages the opportunity to have an athletic experience less serious than those of varsity and club teams. I have participated in basketball, football, and track through the organization since I was a pre-adolescent, enjoying myself the entire time. To everyone, I recommend it wholeheartedly. It is a shame that I was unable to continue participating in my final year of living in Akron. 



Introducing This Year’s

CHILEAN Exchange Students

In its 6th year, Hoban's Chilean Exchange Program is still going strong. The two students, Ignatio Gallego and Gaston Lannefranque, come from St. George's College in the country's capital, Santiago, Chile. They will be staying in America until March 3. On their first day at Hoban, The Visor spoke to the Chileans and their hosts, sophomore Jacob Romero and junior Brandon Spear about their first thoughts and experiences.

by emily dunn

Are you planning on doing anything special?

What are your first impressions of America?

Jacob: Over the weekend we’re planning on going Ignatio: I love the school, it’s very nice. I think everything is great, especially the students. They’ve helped me a lot, especially Jacob’s friends. camping, it’ll be fun!

What’s it like having someone new in your house?

Have you been to America before this exchange? If so, where?

Jacob: It’s very different, I’m used to it just being Josh [his twin] and I, occasionally one of our older siblings.

Ignatio: I've been on vacation in Florida before. I went to Miami and Orlando.

What have you done so far in your short time here?

What are your first impressions of America so far?

Ignatio: I unpacked and we got burgers.

Gaston: The people in this state are very kind. I like it very much. It’s very cold here, but I think it’s a beautiful place to be.

Jacob: Yeah, we went shopping and went to see my brothe ing. brother first thing.

Are you planning on doing anything special? Brandon: We have all sorts of stuff planned this weekend with my family. We want to go to the Detroit Car Show, maybe go skiing in New York for a day or two. I’m going to introduce him to a lot of my friends here and from my old school.

Have you been to America before this exchange? If so, where?

Gaston: I've been to Florida and California. They are very beautiful, and MUCH warmer.

Ignatio Gallego & JAcob Romero ‘16

Photos by Emily Dunn

Gaston Lannefranque & Brandon Spear ‘15



Marching to a different


by sarah carmon


his past week 88 Hoban students, 16 students from St. Edwards High School and 10 adults traveled to Washington D.C. for the March for Life. The annual event is held to obser ve the anniversar y of the 1973 court decision to legalize abortion and is held for the display of opposition towards abortion and the support of all life. Stopping first at the Basilica of the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception, the group experienced seeing the largest Roman Catholic Church in both the United States and North America. The National Shrine is also one of the top 10 largest churches in the world. “The Shrine is one of the most beautiful places,” the Director of Spiritual Formation Mar y Bulgrin said. “It is truly breathtaking.” After visiting the National Shrine, they settled in at Bishop McNamara

High school just outside of Washington D.C.. The students immersed themselves among the students at McNamara by doing activities throughout the evening, such as prayer and reflection. The parent club at McNamara provided the students with a meal. The group filled the gymnasium for their night stay in McNamara. On the morning of the March, the group attended a Youth Rally and Mass for Life in the Verizon Center in downtown D.C.. Over 17,000 young people attended the rally and the annual Mass for Life. Over 100 priests from all over the nation and over two dozen bishops attended the mass. After wards, the young people joined over 400,000 people for the March on the National Mall to Congress. “For most kids the highlight of the trip is the mass. We do so many great things and most of the kids that go once want to go again,” Mrs. Mar y Bulgrin said. In past years, the group has faced

Photo courtesy of

Students traveled to Washington D.C. in hopes of sharing their strong opposition towards abortion. Few people understand the true severity of abortion. Students from Hoban High School and St. Edwards High School along with teachers and other adults joined hundreds of thousands of people in marching to spread the message of their opposition towards this controversial issue. Two days of frigid temperatures and snow is quickly melted by many warm hearts, smiles and positive messages shared through the March for Life.

many weather challenges. For instance during the March in 2013, the group marched through freezing rain and frigid temperatures. The March is something that is a true passion to many, no matter the weather. This year the group did the same. The group marched through cold temperatures but with truly warm hearts. “The pro-life March was one of the best experiences in my life. To be surrounded by a community of people that believed in something as strong as I did was as amazing as one could dream,” former pro-life march participant and Hoban junior Ann Fahey said. Overall, the March provided students with an opportunity to express their opinion of a controversial issue in today’s society. The trip offered much time for students to grow in their faith while simultaneously having fun and expressing their views to the world in a positive manner. 



by danielle larose

MOVIES ith countless wins at the 71st Golden Globes and a near equally splendiferous group of nominees for this year’s Oscars, British actors, directors and producers are reeling from a whirlwind of international success. Though many of the nominees had previously filmed American movies, many of them for years prior, this year illuminated just how greatly British influence has grown in the motion picture industry. Such actresses as Judi Dench, Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson each snagged nominations for roles as well-played as those they did so iconically in films passed. Christian Bale, an actor whom many believe to be American, was born in Wales before he came known as this nation’s Batman. He also graced the Golden Globe stage, along with Londoner Steve McQueen, director of “12 Years a Slave”, the winner of “Best motion picture, drama”. With the Oscar nominees recently announced on Jan. 16, both McQueen’s “12 Years a Slave” and director Stephen Frears’ “Philomena” have received nominations for Best Picture, simultaneously nodding to the quality of U.K.- based film productions. The award show itself, set to air on March 2 will be a nod to both the growth of the industry overall, along with the increasing relevance of Britainites in its success. This ascension of British motion pictures into global and critical acclaim is building upon success of films past and re-establishing them as a creative force in the oft overlooked realms of writing, producing and directing. It’s not enough that for the past 13 years the world has been enamored with the-boy-who-lived, but now a whole new set of British entertainers has encapsulated the industry.


centerspread Thousands of screaming girls crowded below the arrival of the Boeing 707, awaiting its landing on American soil and its release of four figures that would irreversibly change the course of American music, not to mention its cultural history. Setting in forth a motion that spanned generations, this so-named “British Invasion” reshaped the sound and scene of the sixties and beyond. Now, this revolution is renewed in the onslaught of British talent commandeering American media. Here is a glimpse into who and what is eclipsing the nation’s current entertainment industries:


n terms of notoriety and popular demand, One Direction’s rapid ascension to fame acts as a mere microcosm of the British culture’s seamless transition on to American music charts. Household names, Zayn, Niall, Harry, Louis and Liam have brought forth a wave of tween-based idolatry, the likes of which have not been seen since the arrival of the original “invaders”: the Beatles. Still, despite their being a mainstream media sensation, One Direction is only one representation of the many U.K.-based musicians to have found their way on local stations. Among the hoards of performers pioneering the current culture clash are none other than Coldplay, Adele and Mumford & Sons. These examples of course, along with that of Ed Sheeran, Ellie Goulding and Jessie J, are amidst those known to be of British origin, as well as being indisputably relevant in Today’s Top 100. Unlike the aforementioned, artists such as Alex Clare and bands including The Kooks, Florence + the Machine, Two Door Cinema Club and up-and-comers Little Mix are all British-born, but go unnoticed for being so. Each with a sound as distinct as their accents, these musicians instead gain infamy for their gripping lyrics or dance tempos, contributing to the overall movement in equal measure. With the mentioning of these entertainers alone, as only a feeble amount have been acknowledged, it is clear that an impenetrable impact has been made on American music.


Television T

hough the music industry has spearheaded the reinvention of the British Invasion, public television has served as a subtle, yet prominent outlet for its growing influence, as well. With recreations of shows such as “The Office”, “X-Factor”, “Skins” and “House of Cards”, the contents of American TV Guide act as a mere reflection of ideas already brought forth across the pond. Done with American casts and crews, many of the British-based adaptations have each found critical acclaim or reached record ratings. Previously, American networks solely relied on these reinventions, denouncing British programming in favor of local TV productions. Now, original series such as “Downton Abbey”, “Sherlock” and “Doctor Who” have leaked into American homes in equal abundance, staining the entertainment industry with gripping plot lines and newly classic characters. With cult followings and fandoms abound, these programs have established themselves among the elite, nabbing both prestigious awards and dedicated fans that only the likes of Comic Con have yet to experience. With an increasingly high demand for British broadcasting, companies have taken to collaborations with various U.K. based networks in an effort to satisfy these masses. Currently confined to BBC America or PBS, British programming is easing onto American internet streaming services and cable networks, many of whom squabbled over the rights to obtain or co-produce it. Whether they won the battle or not, it is certain that services fortunate enough to stream these shows will not only gain an entirely new crop of viewers, but allow the British influence to engulf American entertainment that much further.


centerspread ost notably, J.K. Rowling launched British fiction into indefinite fame with her depiction of a boy wizard’s struggle with his identity and he-who-shall-not-be-named. An enterprise in itself, the Harry Potter series allowed Rowling international acclaim and let other British novelists rise to fame in the same manner. Most recently, E.L. James, author of the renowned romance novel “Fifty Shades of Grey”, and David Mitchell, the writer behind “Cloud Atlas”, have further expanded the multi-faceted aspect of British prominence in American media. Ian Rankin, Ian McEwan and Zadie Smith contributed to this as well, using their distinct styles to bring British literature into the 21st century as Shakespeare, Dickens and Pullman did for generations past.


ven with its reputation as a subjective matter borne of relativism and one’s own interpretations, art and its many realms have also felt the wave of this English enlightenment. Many British artists have defied objective opinion and found themselves in favor with America’s foremost museums and onto the pages of its publications. Photographers Cecil Beaton and Norman Parkinson both set a precedent of quality and craft for those currently behind the lens, including fashion photographer Nick Knight and portrait savant John Rankin Waddell. British street artist Banksy, whose work graces the walls of American buildings as often as Knight and Waddell’s work does the pages of “Vogue” and “GQ”, transcends the British invasion influence alone and has created an art evolution in and of itself. A mirror to the larger movement in place, Banksy’s effect imitates that which British culture has had on the emerging art scene.





n addition to art, British designers have created an aesthetic that reverberates from the runways to the hallways of local high schools. The likes of Alexander McQueen, Christopher Kane and Stella McCartney have each graced New York Fashion Week in equal measure, allowing their designs to permanently reshape the face of American attire. From the recognizable red and tan hues of a Burberry scarf to the iconic inch-thick sole of a Doc Marten boot, the innovations of British fashion have developed a following all their own in the American market. Multinational retailer Topshop made its way over the Atlantic less than five years ago; it opened its first foreign flagship store in the heart of New York City and since has collaborated with Nordstrom department stores to create a collection available to purchase in 35 states. Online enterprise ASOS also gained recognition as a one-stop-shop for over 40000 styles reminiscent of those on the streets of London, now to be seen on American “It” girls and schoolgirls alike. Most recently, rapper Jay-Z released a song named after British male designer Tom Ford, removing any doubt one might have had on the depth of impact he and other designers have made in all spectrums of American culture and style.


Feb. 1, 1964 The Beatles’ “I Want To Hold Your Hand” spent 7 weeks in the #1 spot on Billboard Hot 100


Nov. 23, 1963

The classic Doctor Who premieres and goes on to air for 26 seasons until 1989.



May 1970

The Who’s “Live At Leeds” was released and became widely regarded as one of the finest ever live rock albums. It reached number four in the US.

Jan. 1, 1996

The Spice Girls release their debut album “Spice.”

J.K. Rowling's debut novel, “Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone”, was published.


Jan. 2011

Adele’s sophomore album 21. debuted at #1 in at least 7 countries and has since gone diamond in the United States.


Jan. 9, 2011 Dowton Abbey premieres.

March 20, 2012 One Direction makes history for becoming the first U.K. artists to debut at #1 on the Billboard 200.


Layout by Danielle LaRose


June 26, 1997




1975 Thirty percent of the record sales in the United States were attributed to British bands.

May 8, 1965 Half of Billboard Hot 100’s 26 chart toppers belonged to British musicians.



ties that by ashley kouri


taken upon Siplivy to re-incarnate the club with the help of senior Felicia Bisconti. The result proved to be a success. Although most members started off as inexperienced knitters, Felicia’s mother taught the aspiring knitters various lessons to improve their skills. Meanwhile, those who have encountered problems in the patterns bring their products in to get help from others in the club. “People come to us with their problems such as a hole in a scarf or a flaw in a pattern then we help them fix it,” Bisconti said. “We supply the needles and yarn as well, but as ever yone continued with their knitting, they began to bring in their own supplies.” Once ever yone knew the basics, the club was on a fast track to suc-

cess and to the aid of many. “Knitting club is for pretty much anybody,” senior Jeff Crock said. “It is a good place to just hang out while you knit.” Held ever y Tuesday, the club’s meetings are made up of snacking and building strong camaraderie while each of the members each knit their own patterns. “We bring a lot of food and sit in a circle and talk while we knit,” junior Maria Frisone said. When the meeting ends, the knitters can take their work with them to continue during their spare time. The return of the Hoban’s knitting club provides more than just another extracurricular activity to add to one’s agenda. It brings about the opportunity to make new friends, relax and support the Akron community. 

Knitting 101


Directors Declassified by ben easton and matt mascolo

Martin Scorsese The COen Brothers With a career spanning over 40 years, director Martin Scorsese has been nothing if not prolific. Beginning with 1973’s “Mean Streets” to this year’s “Wolf of Wall Street”, Marty has covered every genre of film with his personal style and panache. With such classics such as “Goodfellas” and “Raging Bull”, Scorsese’s films involve themes of machismo, shame and guilt, crime and a heavy dose of violence. Widely heralded as one of the most iconic directors of all time, and approaching 72 years of age, Scorsese shows no signs of slowing down.

Joel and Ethan Coen, collectively known as the Coen Brothers, funded their first film “Blood Simple” through donations, going door to door to potential investors. This “do-it-yourself” attitude and idiosyncratic direction have made the directing duo critical darlings. In true auteur fashion, the Coen Brothers in addition to directing, also write, produce and edit each one of their films. With this year’s “Inside Llewyn Davis”, the brothers continue their tradition of mixing of fbeat humor, complex plots and genuine drama into cohesive and massively enjoyable films.

Graphics by Hannah Caprez

fter a year of hiatus, the “Neat Knitters” knitting club is back and more popular than ever as the interest of many students was captured by the classic arts of knitting and crocheting. The club that participates in this enjoyable and relaxing activity also contributes to society by making dozens of scar ves for the needy. These handcrafted items are sent with the NHS and Project Hope to give to the less fortunate members of the community for warmth and comfort this winter. In order to prepare the products, Knitting Club meets with the advisor y of English teacher, Laura Siplivy, without whom the club would not exist. After hearing various comments from students and faculty members, it was



BUZZELI & CLEM: Together Again

by joe brennan


n the August of 2001, Spanish teacher Katie Buzzelli and attendance officer Daniel Clem met for the first time. As locker buddies their freshmen year, the now long-standing friends were then making their first impressions. “She was really loud, but not in an obnoxious way,” Clem said. Buzzelli’s perception of her newfound friend differed drastically. “Clem was a quiet, shy guy, and seemed like a tough nut to crack.” Despite the contrasts in their personalities, Buzzelli and Clem shared many memories as students at Hoban. “We’ll never forget our senior lock-in before we beat St. V,” they agreed. By graduation in 2005, the two students had gotten much closer and were both nominated for the senior superlative of class clown. Unfortunately, they went their separate ways for college, Buzzelli attending the University of Akron and Clem pursuing a degree in education at Ohio University. The two scarcely met during their time in college, and it seemed as though they had moved on to bigger and better things. Clem’s interest in education was sparked during his time at Hoban.

Assigned a career paper during his sophomore year of high school, Clem chose to inter view his aunt and was fascinated by her job as a teacher. Four years later, in his sophomore year at Ohio University, Clem was permitted to sit in on a fourth grade classroom. “I really enjoyed my time with those kids,” Clem said. “That was when I finalized my decision to earn a degree in education.”

“I always knew I would end up back at Hoban.” -SPANISH TEACHER KATIE BUZZELLI

In his free time at OU, Clem spent hours on the lacrosse field, starting at midfield for the university team. As a fifth-year senior, he began his coaching career with a club team at the school. After he graduated, however, Clem was offered a coaching job at his alma mater. “My inter view was the first time I returned to Hoban since 2005,” Clem said Buzzelli pursued a Spanish degree in college, inspired by her high school

CLASS OF 2006 teacher, Señora Fr ye. In her junior year at the University of Akron, Buzzelli studied abroad in Spain, teaching English to kindergartners part time. “They were like precious little lambs,” Buzzelli said. She enjoyed her time in Spain so much that she stayed there for an extra semester, visiting several other countries during that time. When she returned to the United States, Buzzelli finished her education and began teaching Spanish at Elyria high school. After a few years, however, she grew homesick and finally returned to the castle. “I always knew that I would end up back at Hoban,” Buzzelli said. Last April, Clem was excited to hear rumors that Buzzelli would be coming back to teach at Hoban. His excitement then peaked in the fall, when Buzzelli made her return. “Most of my coworkers had been teachers when I was a student at Hoban, so I was glad to have a real peer relationship among the faculty members,” Clem said. “I’m happy to be back at the castle, kicking it with my friend and fellow class clown Katie Buzzelli.” 

Woody Allen

David O. RUssel

Spike Jonze

Widely renowned for his dark comedy and memorable one line witticisms, writer, actor and director Woody Allen released his latest film, “Blue Jasmine”, this past August. As one of America’s most productive directors, making nearly a film per year since the mid 1960s, the Brooklyn born comedian has often received high praise from critics for his New York styled romantic comedies including “Annie Hall” (1977), “Manhattan” (1979) and “Broadway Danny Rose” (1984). Although a college dropout and self-proclaimed pessimist, Allen’s irrefutable humor continues to resonate deeply among his small, but loyal fanbase.

Directing this year’s “American Hustle”, David O. Russell has always embraced controversy. Between drug addled boxers and bipolar couples, the writerdirector constantly shifts between family dysfunction and dark comedy to create a truly unique viewing experience. His films are punctuated by sharp dialogue and woozy camera work that is representative of his unstable characters. With his last three films (The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle) Russell’s brand of familial comedy-drama has struck a chord with audiences and critics alike and has garnered three Oscar nominations in the past three years and grossed over $500 million dollars at the box office.

Like the BMX biking and sport-filled environment which he embraced as an adolescent, Spike Jonze’s (Adam Spiegel) career in the film industry also reveals a slew of unexpected twists and turns. Making his debut as a director through television commercials and music videos featuring 1970’s punk rock bands like the Beastie Boys and Weezer, not to mention his work as co-creator of MTV’s Jackass, Jonze soon decided to take on his own projects as a filmaker. Beginning with the comical-fantasy movie “Being John Malkovich” in 1999, Jonze’s experimentation of new themes and content progressed throughout his career with releases such as “Adaptation” (2002), “Where The Wild Things Are” (2009), and most recently his romantic comedy, “Her” (2013). Receiving high praise for his films from pundits and general moviegoers alike, the direction of Jonze’s future work, while not so easy to predict, can be guaranteed to impress.



rent-a-jun ior (rent - uh - joon yer)

noun 1. an assembly where groups of juniors perform in front of peers and faculty to be bought and “owned” by the buyer the next day raise money for the following year’s Senior Prom by trey lesiak

GROUP #1 Maddi Rotunda, Tess Powers, Amanda Deighen, Alex Jackson, Jenni Guerriero

GROUP #3 Anna Reese, Mary Kozik, Olivia Buzzi and Alli Semans

GROUP #5 Greg Brown, Lucas Martter, Nick Sampsel, Ryan Geary and Adam Pacanovsky

GROUP #7 Michael Rosen, Dominic Hinton, Benjamin Rohrer, Jack Raines, John Dalessandro and Ian Hamlin

Brennen Bell, Austin Keith, Kevin Outwater, AJ Fisher, Tristian Rothenbuecher and Jonathan Freeman

3. an enjoyable time for all involved GROUP #2 Davonta Milbury, Jasmine Walker, and Kelsey Shaw

GROUP #4 Hanna Roop, Abby Blinka, Brighid Woods, Maria Clark, Kaylee Loso and a secret special guest perforer

GROUP #6 Danny Bott, Henry Stitzel, Jackson Miles, Graham Onders and a secret special guest

GROUP #8 Owen Mellon, Remy DeYoung, Ted Steiber, Joseph Belair and Niko Horattas


got us feeling some type a way

Jeff Crock, Grant Huber, Benjamin Naragon, Jake Brown, Andrew Markowski and Alec Derrig

RENT-A-JUNIOR 101 First Tip: Buy a ticket or sit in the library for an hour long study hall. Second tip: If you are planning on bidding for a group, get familiar with the people in the group. Third tip: Join together with others to make bidding easier. Fourth tip: Remember to bring enough money to outbid others. Fifth tip: Think of all sorts of tasks for your rentees. Start contemplating your breakfast order...

Layout by Sarah Carmon


2. humorous skits performed to



Cleveland Lacks Incentive For Prospective Coaches


f the National Football League recently came out with its own dictionar y and one were to look up the word “mess”, that person most likely would find the definition “The Cleveland Browns Organization” along with the logo. It is a cold hard fact that the Cleveland Browns are the epitome of a mess as of late, in which the latest occurrences within the past month have successfully summarized the organization’s woes since its return in 1999. To put it shor t, the Browns’ per formance on the field as well as in the clubhouse has been aggravating, degrading and disappointing to both the fans and themselves. However, before one can understand the gravity of the situation at hand, we must first go back to the of fseason of the previous year. With the new ownership of Jimmy Haslam in full swing, the Browns organization felt it necessar y to make some key changes, such as the name of the stadium, fan accessibility and a new head coach. After the firing of two-year head coach Pat Shurmur, the Browns hired Rob Chudzinski on Jan. 11, 2013. In all reality, Chudzinski was not the Browns’ first choice in any sense, but

was awarded the job because the organization failed to pick anyone else up. “Coach Chud” then became the 7th head coach the team has had since 1999, proving that his cheap requirement and local upbringing were the Browns’ main incentives for his employment. In case anyone was counting, the Browns averaged a head coach ever y two seasons since their return. Chudzinski only lasted one. The blame for the Browns’ poor per formance on field, reflected in their dismal 4-12 record, came at his coaching expense, but not at the expense of his wallet. After being fired in the first year of his five year deal, Haslam is now legally obligated to pay Chudzinski 10.5 million dollars due to a buyout clause in his contract. Even though the record was still a losing one, the Browns were 4-5 at one point and were legitimate contenders for a playof f spot. Nov. 3 was the last time the Browns won in the 2013 season, and by the end it seemed as if they were playing more for a draft spot than they were for a win. On Dec. 29 the Browns lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers 20-7, ending their season. Chudzinski was fired later that night, thus beginning a new form of




by trey lesiak punishment fans had to suf fer through: the search for a new head coach. Since the christening of the new year, the Browns’ front of fice has inter viewed multiple candidates for the position, ranging from of fensive coordinators, defensive coordinators, special teams coordinators, college head coaches, you name it. Still, with all this transpiring, the team has shown no hint of who might possibly be the front-r unner for the position. In a letter recently written by Haslam to the fans he stated, “We have purposefully been ver y methodical in our approach.” Despite the plead for patience, it is no secret that Browns’ fans have grown restless with the indecision and look apprehensively into the future as the 2014 NFL Draft draws near. 

Club Allows Opportunity For Growth Of Snow Sport Athletics by julia may


ith bountiful snowfall over Christmas break and the recent passing of the “polar vortex”, Ohioans can of ficially say that the winter season is in full swing. At Hoban, skiing is so popular that it has its own club. Ski Club, moderated by World Cultures and Economics teacher Jason Dzik, has become one of Hoban’s most popular clubs with roughly 50 members. Prior to the season, the club came together to agree on which day of the week suits the majority of students, exemplifying tr ue club collaboration. After, all that they needed to begin was some snow. Weather permitting, the club heads out to Boston Mills and Brandywine Ski Resor t in Brecksville five times during the winter. With the aid of char tered bus transpor tation,

students can bring their own equipment to school and are taken to the resor t and back to Hoban. If a student does not have his or her own equipment, Boston Mills and Brandywine provides rental oppor tunities for both skiers and snowboarders within any range of ability, from those who have never taken a step on the hill to the next Shaun White. Ski Club veteran and senior Jef frey Crock has been a par t of the club for two years and knows just how it feels to be a beginner on the foreboding slopes. He took the first step of lear ning to snowboard at Ski Club two years ago and is thankful to have joined it. “I got into it [Ski Club] when my friends encouraged me to tr y snowboarding out (namely Jonathan Sapp, Ben Naragon and Andrew Markowski) and I just decided it was wor th a shot,” Crock said. Due to the club’s

weekly meeting on Wednesdays, members enjoy a “break from school” midweek. “My favorite things about Ski Club is getting to hang with people on the snow after school (which destresses me big time) and is a good way to spend an after noon”, Jef f said. The prevalent factor of the club is to improve one’s skiing or snowboarding skill. Members of Ski Club receive the oppor tunity to take lessons at the resor t with one-on-one instr uction from trained ski and snowboard instr uctors. Jef f Crock shared his impending goal saying that “by the end of the season, I want to per fect my double backflip”. While a backflip is daunting for most, Ski Club presents a welcoming atmosphere sur rounded with students who are passionate about snowy weather and car ving the slopes at Boston Mills and Brandywine.



Senior Soccer Player Receives Recognition Despite Difficulties by hannah caprez


My journey future


”I was in a panic when I went to see Dr. Congeni the next day. He said that I had most likely torn my ACL. I began to tear up because I didn’t want to let my team down, let alone miss out on a chance at a state championship after all the time and hard work we had put in for months before,” Diestel said. After about a week of resting and thinking, Diestel opted to finish out the season and play on a torn ACL. She chose to support her teammates on the field and help their chase for a championship. With the close of the season, Diestel looked to her future. Receiving awards such as team MVP, member of the local area Allstar team, and second team NCL, she decided to continue playing soccer in college. In the spring, she will sign with Ashland University to play soccer with teammates Mykaela Zingale and Jamie Dean (‘13). Now that Diestel has finished her senior season of soccer, she will have to say goodbye to her two other passions. She has missed most of her basketball season, and will miss softball in the spring in order to rehabilitate her knee and strengthen it for her first season at Ashland. Diestel’s efforts on and off the field show how hard she has worked hard to advance in her sports career and looks with excitement to what her future holds. 

Photo courtesy of VIcky ZIngale

that year with one thing in mind: a state champin the summer of 2012, current Hoban goalie onship. Diestel was playing exceptional in games Maddie Diestel was faced with a tough deciand had 13 shutouts. On Oct. 2nd the girl took sion: to join the Hoban girls soccer team or on their largest rival, Walsh Jesuit. The girls focus her time and talents on the basketball court. After much thought and deliberation, Diestel decided the goes to morning of tryouts that she was “ going to go out for the team. Join- show that you’ll never ing the team as a junior would not know unless you try. My is now be easy, but she knew that if she whole worked at it that she could make forever changed by a decision I made two years a huge impact on the team. As a child Diestel played ago to join the team, and CYO soccer for years, but she the experience with my never gave much thought to ac- team will always be one tually joining a club team or even of my most playing in high school. For the high school memories.” Diestel family, a love for sports runs deep. Jim Diestel, her dad, and current Hoban baseball coach, played both soccer and baseball in college. When Diestel decided to play, her family and friends were excited to see what she could do. In her first season, Diestel started as goalie for the junior varsity team, and by the came out and scored a goal right off the bat. The end of the season, was even getting varsity mingame continued until, when about eight minutes utes. After the season ended, she threw herself were left in the first half, Diestel was tackled by a into basketball where she had a standout season, Walsh forward. She stayed down for a long time with thoughts of playing college basketball in the as the athletic aids and doctors rushed to her future. Finally, in addition to the two sports Diesside. In the back of her mind, she knew that she tel already excelled in, she went straight to the was seriously injured. However, despite her pain, softball field where she had yet another impresDiestel was back in the goal for the second half. sive season. She finished the game and had two key stops to Over the following summer, she spent nearprevent a Warrior win, thereby ending the game ly every day lifting and training for the upcoming in a tie. year. Diestel, along with six other seniors set off

Super Bowl XLVIII Promises Riveting Rivalry For Fans by kitchy cook


ast week, four teams battled for two spots in the Super Bowl. The Seattle Seahawks defeated the San Francisco 49ers 23-17 in a heated rivalry for the National Football Conference championship. In the American Football C, there was a battle of the quarterbacks in which Peyton Manning dominated the game with 400 yards passing and two touchdowns, leading the Broncos to a 26-16 victory. Now the stage is set for a Broncos versus Seahawks Super Bowl. It is Peyton Manning’s conservative style of offense facing off with Seattle’s energetic defense, known as the “Legion of Boom,” led by the “number one

corner in the league” Richard Sherman. Manning is coming off of his best season yet with 55 touchdowns and 5,477 yards of offense despite this being his 16th season in the league. He is also attempting to become the first quarterback to win a Super Bowl with two franchises. With a receiving core led by ProBowler Demaryius Thomas and three other receivers with over 60 catches and over 10 touchdowns, Manning will have plenty of support in the game. The Broncos lead the league with an average of 348 yards per game and are ranked number one in passing offense, not to mention its two person running game with Knowshon Moreno and Montee Ball. Despite the Broncos’ highly rated offense, they are facing the best defense in

the league. As the head coach of the Seattle Seahawks, Pete Carroll has greatly developed his defense since he took the position; in 2010 the unit ranked 27th overall, then improved to 9th in 201, again further to fourth in 2012 and finally first in 2013 according to With the number one scoring and total defense, it will be a battle between Manning and the Legion of Boom. Although the focus of the game will be on Manning and the “Legion of Boom,” this should not overshadow the excitement that the Seahawks offense can show. With Marshawn Lynch who has rushed for over 100 yards in four of six playoff games, he will prove a threat as well. Super Bowl XLVIII will take place on February 2 at 7:30 p.m. 

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