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Monday, 15th April, 2013

TORRY TRIUMPH IN EPIC BASEMENT BATTLE CATARROJA CF ..............1 FC TORREVIEJA .............3 Back in late November, Torry hammered rock bottom Catarroja for 6, in their first ever match at Nelson Mandela Stadium. That day Catarroja were simply awful, but in this return fixture inside Estadio Mundial 82, they made the visitors work hard for these much needed, nay vital, 3 points. Although Jorge & Villanueva were suspended, Torry welcomed back Rafa to stiffen up the defence. Joserra's men came out with all guns blazing. Luis Carlos, then Koeman, forced Catarroja's keeper to make important saves, before the latter blazed inches over the bar following a determined solo run. They had a real let off midway through the half, however, when a fierce drive hit the underside of the bar, as the hosts grew in confidence. But on the half hour mark, Torry were awarded a free kick in a dangerous position. Even though the wall blocked the shot, it fell nicely for

Luis Carlos, who coolly put his side one up. Things got better when Dani scored directly from a free kick out on the right wing, as Torry doubled their advantage. But back came the hosts, who thought they had scored when Tur dropped the ball into the net, but thankfully the ref adjudged that he had been fouled. Twice in dying 1st half mins, Gasch found himself in great goal scoring positions, but both times he shot straight at a relieved Catarroja keeper. On 53 mins, the deficit was cut when Catarroja scored, then straight from the restart, Gasch did at last find the net, restoring the visitor’s 2 goal cushion. Only a last ditch save from the home keeper denied Koeman a goal he so richly deserved, as both sides were giving their all. A Catarroja thunderbolt just shaved the bar, then Luis Carlos also hit the woodwork. Torry finished strongly, with Gasch seeing his drive blocked, Manu shooting into the side netting, and Koeman having a strong appeal for a penalty denied. Next up for Torry are playoff contenders La Nucia, who visit Nelson Mandela Stadium on Sun 21 Apr, ko 5pm.


This was the first game under our new captain for the season Dave Williams and what wonderful weather he got for us Hot, Sunny and very little wind and playing at La Serena that is what you need. We had a good turn out once again with two division playing so the first thing we had to do was get the new captain to drive in which he did and without going into the water for which we had a prize for the player that got the nearest to it and that was won by Ian Towns. It was a day for our member's that visit it us from the UK to win as Ian was over visiting and both the division's where also won by Ian from Chester and Ron from Norwich well done to you both. Division one winner Ian Sadler had the best score of the day with 37pts followed in 2nd by Paul Matthews on 34pts. with Paul Newman third with 32pts. In division two a very close finish with Ron Wade winning on 35pts just pipping is next door neighour by one point with Frank Broadhurst finishing on 34pts story behind this is Frank came to the 18th one point behind and failed to score so

Well done Ron, Ryan Air charged him for extra baggage the next day when he flew back to the UK. In third place was Barry Butterworth on 30pts. Congratulations go to Ian SADLER who won the "Captains Drivein Trophy" with the best score of the day on 37pts. But best prize of the day the one no body wants THE MONKEY when to Bernie Waspe who came in with the lowest score of the day. This will be going out once a month so look out the Monkeys about. The next Society's game is on Wednesday, 24th March 2013 at El Valle The format will be 2 Ball Texas Scramble. 1st Tee time - 10.40am. Payday is on Saturday, 20th March 2013 at La SERENA (in the Bar area) between 11.00 and 12.00 hours.

LAS RAMBLAS GOLF SOCIETY We started the week off on Monday with a Change Partners which was won with a score of 88 pts. by the team of Dave Pulling, Rod Doel, Mick Brentnall & 'Albert'. It was time on Wednesday for another round in our 4 from 7 Medal Championship. As always in a Medal, scoring was difficult and only one player, Benedicte Kruse, equalled par. I had a profitable day, having the only two in the 2s Club to scoop a nice kitty. The full results were: Cat 1. 1. Benedicte Kruse 72, 2. Lindsay Forbes 75 (c/b), 3. Barry Holtham 75. Cat 2. 1. Donna Campbell 75, 2. Roy Hitchings


By Doug Wright.

78, 3. Brenda Lei 82. 2s Club. Doug Wright. On Friday we played a 6x6x6 which was won with a score of 81 by the team of Joe Rothery, Joyce McClusky , Anne Marie Weisheit & 'Albert'. Our Vega Baja League team played their April match at El Plantio against Club 25. It was a successful day with our team winning 2 & a 1/2 to 1 & a 1/2 to go joint top in the league with 51 pts. Our winning pairs were Tom Hardie & Pete Yarwood and John Wheeler & Geoff Biggerstaff. With 2 games to go we have now put ourselves in with a chance of winning the league.

MIL PALMERAS AT THE TORREVIEJA CUP Last weekend saw CF Mil Palmeras enter the prestigious Torrevieja cup Semana Santa which took place at the Ciudad Deporte in Torrevieja from Thursday 28th until Sunday 31st March. After a meal served up at the Abbey Tavern the clubs main sponsor it was off to the inscription and age check at the habaneras shopping centre where all players received a tournament tee shirt and the it moved on to Torrevieja town hall where 4 members of every team were invited onto the stage to sing a team song and wave a flag of their country if origin

where Mil Palmeras were given the St george cross as we obviously have English players in our ranks. Friday and Saturday saw the football start and both Mil Palmeras teams were drawn in tough groups against opposition from Madrid and Elche. After four rounds of games neither team managed to progress from their group but it was great experience for all the players and at the fiesta on Saturday evening Mil Palmeras did win the animation song and managed to not go home empty handed.

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