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JULY 1, 2013 !

July’s Guest Speaker ! Connor Fuller 1

! by:Connor Fuller



We kicked off our June meet-­‐ ing in our new meeJng place “The United Way” building -­‐ it is a fabulous place to meet. It is centrally located with lots of room and easy parking. July Speaker -­‐ Connor Fuller, CPP is new to the speaking circuit and has lots of great ideas. Fuller is ready to show Kim Christensen you how to live the dream of being the coolest Senior Photographer in town. His presentaJon should be inspiraJonal and up-­‐ liTing and informaJve. “So, taking that new idea, making it unique to you, and adding a fun, fast-­‐ paced senior session all translates into being the photographer in town that seniors want.”~ Con-­‐ nor Fuller Remember the meeJng is free to members. Plus order your meal early. The PPGH is geXng ready to parJcipate in Foto-­‐ Fest 2014 event. We are needing a few more commiYee members. So here is a chance to vol-­‐ unteer and parJcipate in a really fun event. The FotoFest 2014 Biennial, the 15th Interna-­‐ Jonal Biennial of Photography and Photo-­‐related Art, is March 15 -­‐ April 27, 2014. Early esJmates for overall aYendance at all venues over the six weeks of the Biennial is esJmated at over 265,000 visitors. We are presently looking for a space for the PPGH gallery. If you have any ideas please email or call me. Remember the PPGH mini program Fine Art On A Shoestring Budget: CreaJng Heirloom Newborn and Children's Portraits Without Breaking the Bank with our own Karen BuYs. Cheers, Kim

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JULY 1, 2013

Members Birthdays

Tom Hathcock

July 4th

Mitch Daniels, CR.

July 17th

Marius Lardizabal

July 20th

Melanie Hall,CPP July 31st

Expectations: “We all have them. The PPGH exceeds those expectations. PPGH gives every assignment 110% effort in maintaining the highest quality expertise available through our members.”


The Professional Photographers Guild of Houston 2013 Officers and Directors JULY 1, 2013


Chairman of the Board

Greta Jacobs Mee, CPP

Curley Marshall, CPP



Vice President Viewfinder Editor Kim Christensen

Executive Director


Tom Hathcock Email

Secretary Robert Brayton, CPP Membership Director


Karen Butts Email Teri Whittaker, CPP Treasurer Director at Large


Michael Martinez Email

Director at Large

Director at Large

Aileen Harding, CPP



SPEAKER EVALUATION FORM AVAILABLE ONLINE If you didn't get a chance to complete an evaluaJon form for the January or February meeJngs you at-­‐ tended you can now fill it out online. Logon to the PPGH website with your password and go to the members only secJon. Your feedback allows us to create beYer programming for you! 3Thank PAGEyou ! in advance.


JULY 1, 2013

Features 6-7

July Program Speaker Connor Fu!er


Lighting Patterns by Curley Marsha!, CPP

12-16 Image Contest Results by Ke!y Wi!is


Texas School - 2013 by Vicki Longoria

18-23 Mini-Work Shops by Aileen Harding,CPP


Membership/Fellowship by Karen Butts

26-31 Members’ Image Gallery by PPGH Members

34-35 New Members by Karen Butts



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by Kim Christensen

Wazzzup Sho"y Photo by: Ke!y Wi!is


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JULY 1, 2013


JULY 1, 2013

Connor Fuller

July Meeting

"Have you dreamed of being the cool-­‐ est Senior Photographer in town? Well, Connor is ready to share with you how to live that dream. He will share how he took an idea and transformed it into being one of the major factors of drawing seniors to his studio. The idea was simply photo-­‐ graphing seniors in the “rain”. Today people travel as far as 150 miles to have their portraits in the rain. High school students tell us they can’t wait to be seniors as they have been plan-­‐ ning their photo shoot with us. So, taking that new idea, making it unique to you, and adding a fun, fast-­‐paced senior session all translates into being the photographer in town that seniors want. We will take you through our process of a senior shoot, making it special, doing a soT proof session immediately aTer the shoot, and even talk about the fastest work flow we’ve found. We will help you trade-­‐in that nice comfortable shoot to exactly what the senior’s want. Be exciJng and they will come! Connor Fuller began photographing at age 19 by taking the overflow from his mother’s photogra-­‐ phy business. He aYended Texas School of Pho-­‐ tography and other PPA and TPPA events that year and began his path to learning his craT. On his 21st birthday, he took the exam to be a CerJfied Professional Photographer and passed his first try. With his fresh ideas and enthusiasm, he has taken their studio to the next level. Connor is acJvely pursuing his CraTsman and Masters of Photogra-­‐ phy, with his first merited print coming from his very first shoot when he was 19. His military styled images have drawn naJonal aYenJon which led to him becoming the official photographer for the statewide chapter of the naJonal organizaJon “Honor and Remember”. " 6 PAGE !


JULY 1, 2013

Connor Fuller

Connor Fuller 7 PAGE !


JULY 1, 2013

Do YOU Know Your Lighting Patterns


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JULY 1, 2013


JULY 1, 2013

#e Professional Photographers Guild of H&'on Present 2013 Mini-Work(op Programs

Mark These Dates On Your Calendar July....21st "Fine Art on a Shoe String: CreaJng Heirloom Newborn and Children's Portraits With out Breaking the Bank" with Karen BuYs Aug....25th "Off Camera Flash, My Way" Melanie Hall,CPP Sept...26th "The Business and Art of Pet Photography" Kim Hartz, CPP Oct.....24th “Packaging Your Personality” with Cindy Crofford, CPP Nov....14th “Children…From Consult to Finished Prints” by Buz Marvins, M.Photog,CR. April ..20th, 2014 Mitch Daniels, CR. Title to be announced soon Mini-­‐Program CommiYee Members: Chairman-­‐Aileen Harding, CPP, Lori Bailey, Vicki Longoria, Vanessa MaYhews, Sharon Chandler,CPP,Tom Hathcock Be sure to register for the opportunity to get inside the heads of some of our most famous and talented members!! From hands on Basic Studio LighJng, to Edgy OCF, to Award Winning Dog Images, to Fine Art Chil-­‐ dren's Portraiture, to CreaJng a Client Experience, to Children's Portraiture from Start to Finish and topping it off with an Evening with the Masters...this is going to be an incredible year. These workshops are designed to be an inJmate experience where all your quesJons are answered and you walk away with exciJng new tools in your toolbox so be sure to register early because there will be limited seaJng.

Learn more about each workshop on the following eight pages. Logon to http://www.ppgh.org enter your password and register for these specialize workshops. 10 PAGE !


JULY 1, 2013

egister TODAY

June’s Image Contest Winners Pages 12-16 PPGH AcJve Member Divison: First Place Tom Hathcock, image not avaliable Second Place, Karen BuYs image Engaging Glance Third Place, Tom Hathcock image TESS Master’s Division: First Place Armando Chacon, M.,CR image The Violinist Second Place Tie Iraj Ghavidel, M,.CPP image Incognito Second Place Tie Armando Chacon,M.,CR image Life’s Journey 11 PAGE !


June’s Image Contest Winners Active Members Division Second Place

JULY 1, 2013

12 PAGE !

Engaging Glance

Karen Bu)s


June’s Image Contest Winners Active Members Division Third Place

JULY 1, 2013

13 PAGE !


Tom Ha*cock


June’s Image Contest Winners Masters Division First Place

JULY 1, 2013

#e Violin+t

14 PAGE ! Armando Chacon,M.,Cr.


June’s Image Contest Winners Masters Division Second Place Tie

JULY 1, 2013


15 PAGE ! Iraj Ghavidel,M., CPP


June’s Image Contest Winners Masters Division Second Place Tie

JULY 1, 2013

Life’s J&rney

16 PAGE ! Armando Chacon,M.,Cr.


PPGH Texas School Scholarship Winner

JULY 1, 2013

By Vicki Longoria

Texas School 2013…. WOW, what an experience. First, I want to thank PPGH for the Scholarship that al-­‐ lowed me to aYend Texas School. This was one of the best weeks of my life. The people were awesome, the class was awesome, and the parJes were awesome! I had the pleasure of taking Bry Cox’s class, Celebrity Style Imaging. At first I was a liYle worried that the class more of the same thing I have seen over and over again in some other small workshops I have aYended in the past. NOT SO! While Bry covered a massive amount of informaJon, he presented in such a way that it was like he was talking directly to me, and addressed it seemed like every issue and concern I had about my own photography business and where I was wanJng to take it. Being a very technical person, I have always struggled with the creaJve side of photography.

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This was the first class I have ever taken that addressed the struggle between the technical side and creaJve side of your brain. By breaking down the different as-­‐ pects of imaging making to their respecJve sides of the brain, I learned you can bring peace to this internal struggle. One of the keys to being a great photographer is find-­‐ ing this balance within yourself. In this class you learn that first you must be confident in the tech-­‐ nical part of the session (lighJng, exposure, etc.) before you can tackle the creaJve part of the ses-­‐ sion. If you are constantly wondering in the back of your head if your lighJng and exposure are correct, how can you even concentrate on the posing or other creaJve aspects of the session? You can’t! Your leT and right brains are constantly at odds with each other and chances are the session won’t go as well as you would like. It’s a balancing act in which we all have to learn how to let the technical and creaJve work together in harmony. Once this internal struggle was addressed, we moved on to session workflow. It is called session work-­‐ flow, because it was as much about geXng things right in the camera during the session as it was post-­‐ processing and geXng ready for the sale. So the complete session workflow from start to finish: • GeXng it right in the camera. This includes geXng exposure and white balance correct, as well as proper lighJng and posing in order minimize the amount of work you need to

do aTer the shooJng part of the ses-­‐ sion is done. • Next is post-­‐processing. Using Lightroom and Photoshop to en-­‐ hance your images, not to correct mistakes. • Pricing. We need to be confident in our pricing, but we also need to make sure we are charging enough to cover our Jme and other business expenses. Too oTen we neglect to include the cost of our Jme when coming up the prices. • Sales. By listening to our custom-­‐ ers we can learn what our customers really want and provide top quality products and services to fit their needs.

Congratulations To PPGH’s Newest Certified Professional Photographer

Sharon Chandler,CPP


JULY 1, 2013

t s 1 2 y l

Ju Would you like to learn how to create a Merit image, beYer yet, do it economically? In these economic Jmes, it is im-­‐ portant to be penny wise in your business to generate more profit. Karen's home based stu-­‐ dio has never been "in the red." To accomplish this goal and to set herself apart from other photographers, she thinks out-­‐ side the box in all facets of her business, from markeJng to props to packaging. Her goal is to create arJsJc images that will become treasured, family heirlooms. AYend her Mini Workshop to find out her se-­‐ crets to success on a shoestring budget. In Karen's workshop you will learn about: •

CreaJng inexpensive backgrounds and props

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The 12 elements of a Merit image

Seeing the light

Secrets to polishing your image

The importance of presentaJon

How to become in-­‐ spired

MarkeJng on a budget

Unique items that you can offer your clients

CreaJve packaging ideas

Once you start on this journey of creaJng Merit images, you will go through some growing pains, but don't let that dis-­‐ courage you. The more you


learn, the more you will see wrong with your images, but that is a good thing. In the long run, it will cause you to become a beYer photographer and will raise the level of your "Green Merits," also!


JULY 1, 2013

Book. In 2012, all four of her images merited in SWPPA's Image CompeJJon. She was one of only seven photographers from Texas who went "Four for Four" last year. Karen now specializes in photographing ba-­‐ bies and children and is currently working on her CPP and her Masters. After

Karen began entering image compeJJon several years ago and was PPGH Children's Pho-­‐ tographer of the year in 2010, 2011 and 2012. In 2011, her first year to compete at the Interna-­‐ Jonal level, two of her im-­‐ ages received merits. In 2012, she re-­‐ ceived three PPA merits, two of those images were selected for the Showcase 19 PAGE !

under Darton Drake. His class was so inspiring that, when she returned home, she quit her day job to become a full Jme pho-­‐ tographer. She considers him to be one of the most creaJve, photographic arJsts of all Jme. Be sure and aYend the June guild meeJng as Darton will be

ConJnuing your edu-­‐ caJon is crucial to raising the bar of you photographic skills in order to compete with the Moms with an expensive camera. In 2004, Karen aYended the Texas School of Photography for the first Jme and studied our guest speaker! AYending Texas School has become a tra-­‐ diJon and she has aYended every year, taking a variety of classes from natural light with Carl Caylor, Corel Painter with Helen Yancy and Jim Cunning-­‐ ham to newborns with Julie Klaasmeyer. You and your clients will be glad you did.


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JULY 1, 2013


The Business & Art of Pet Photography"

Looking to expand into pet portraits? Come learn how to tackle the business end of that venture as well as how to develop your own personal style when photographing pets. Kim will discuss everything you need to know: lighJng setups, Jps/tricks for photographing pets, creaJng a sustainable brand and markeJng campaign, pricing for profit, and sales techniques to help you sell your work.

Kim Hartz,CPP

Professional Photographer, and producing award Kim Ha"z has always winning images. viewed life differently, thanks to The images Hartz takes for her a camera given to her as a child. clients capture the unique essence of each subject, Over the years she has honed producing a true work of art that her art, specializing in pet and is both Jmeless and precious. infant photography, gaining The connecJon between pet recogniJon within the parent and pet is photography industry, earning especially poignant, and the disJncJon of CerJfied one of her favorite subjects. Most recently, Hartz’s photographs were accepted into the General and Loan CollecJon of Professional Photographers of America’s (PPA) 2012 InternaJonal Photographic CompeJJon. Her three photos Jtled “I Need My Space”, “What Do you Mean Dog?” and “Rocco”

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JULY 1, 2013

were among the pictures chosen to be on display alongside other photographic works from PPA’s photographic compeJJon and traveling and special invitaJonal displays.



JULY 1, 2013

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” Coco Chanel

“Packaging is not something that exists only in boxes, tissue paper and bags. It is in how we package our words, ourselves, our studios and basically how we package our lives. Cindy Crofford

Let’s unwrap a few ideas on how pack-­‐ Cindy Crofford aging affects our photography and the look that our businesses have in our com-­‐ munities. Bring your packaging and any materials that you use to make y o u r b u s i n e s s “ y o u ” a n d l e t ’ s share ideas. I have a few.

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JULY 1, 2013


Edward “Buz” Marvins

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Buz will speak on lighJng and posing, clothing, con-­‐ sultaJon, and how he works alone on the job.


JULY 1, 2013

PPGH MEMBERSHIP GROWING Your PPGH Profile One of the benefits of being an AcJve Member of PPGH is that your informa-­‐ Jon is listed on our PPGH website under "Find a Photographer." Did you know that potenJal clients actually go to the PPGH website to seek out a pho-­‐ tographer? I know it works, because some of my clients found me that way. It is to your benefit to keep your profile current for this reason. •

Do you have both a physical and a mailing address listed?

Is your correct website listed?

Have you checked off the services that you offer to your clients?

Have you uploaded some images so potenJal clients can get a glimpse of your work?

If you are member of PPA, is that number entered?

Have you earned any degrees lately that are not listed on the website?

Have you check the Ethics Agreement at the very boYom of the page?

By: Karen Butts, Membership Director

Please take a few minutes to review your informaJon and make sure that it is current. Now, go out there and find some new clients! Business Cards We now has PPGH business cards! Each month there will be cards available at the check-­‐in, name badge table. Please take a few cards to pass out to other photographers that you meet along the way who may be interested in joining our organizaJon. I will be taking some to Houston Camera exchange for dis-­‐ tribuJon. Spread the word to everyone about out wonderful, professional organizaJon! Fellowship Points Gosh, 2013 is half over! Before you know it, it will be Jme to turn in your points for your Fellowship Degree. I hope you are keeping a list of your guild acJviJes, so when No-­‐ vember 20th comes around, you will be ready to submit your points! Now would be a good Jme to review the Fellowship InformaJon under Members Only on the PPGH homepage. Membership CommiOee I'm always looking for "a few good men" to be on my commiYee! Basically, your duJes would be helping make new members feel welcome, taking a turn assisJng with the check-­‐in process and occasionally making a few phone calls. Please contact me if you are interested 24 PAGE !


Join a PPGH Committee Today March’s Ima, Contest Call one of the Chairmen and Volunteer

NominaQng CommiOee Tom Hathcock, Chair Kim Hartz Laura Popiel Rhonda Floyd Cindy Crofford -­‐ alternate Ethics CommiOee Belinda Higgins Sunny Arrant Cindy Crofford Kim Smith Audit CommiOee Vickie Longoria, Chair Cesar Vargas Sheila Richards Web CommiOee Kevin Falcon, Chair Marvin Labohm Image CompeQQon Kim Hartz, Chair Vendor Liaison Open

25 PAGE !

JULY 1, 2013

Fir' Place - Aileen Har-ng, CPP Telephone CommiOee Michael MarJnez, Chair Aileen Harding, CPP Jennifer Heylmun Tabitha Spence Amanda Beard Sharon Chandler David Barron Tom Hathcock Librarian Curley Marshall, Chair Mentor Program Francie Baltazar Stonestreet , Chair PPGH Photographer Orpha Labohm Viewfinder CommiOee Kim Christensen, Editor Rhonda Floyd Kevin Falcon Tom Hathcock Karen BuYs Greta Jacobs Mee, CPP Kelly Willis Vanessa MaYhews

We need you on a commi-ee - It is your PPGH! Get more involved with the guild and consider joining a committee today. Volunteer, get to know your fellow guild members, and help improve the events offered to you, a member of PPGH. Sign up today get involved with your guild!

Procedures and Controls Teri WhiYaker, Chair Kelly Willis Melissa Dobbs ByLaws CommiOee Alvin Gee, Chair Kelly Willis Tom Hathcock Mini-­‐Program Aileen Harding, Chair Lori Bailey Tom Hathcock Sharon Chandler Vicki Longoria Vanessa MaYhews Membership CommiOee Karen BuYs, Chair Kevin Falcon Tom Hathcock Kathleen Kinser Vanessa MaYhews Darla Guyton


26 PAGE !

Members’ Image Gallery

Can’t T&ch #+

JULY 1, 2013

Karen Bu)s


Members’ Image Gallery

JULY 1, 2013

Silenced by . Fog

27 PAGE !

Chimney Wi* No Home

Sandy Buller

March’s Ima, Contest !

Second Place Tie - Aileen Har-ng, CPP

28 PAGE ! Who’s #at?

JULY 1, 2013


29 PAGE !

Members’ Image Gallery

Chimney #e SunWi* Also No R+es Home

JULY 1, 2013

Sandy Buller Sandy Buller


Members’ Image Gallery

JULY 1, 2013

A, of Innocence 30 PAGE ! Sharon Chandler, CPP


31 PAGE !

Members’ Image Gallery

JULY 1, 2013

King of Siam Sharon Chandler,CPP


JULY 1, 2013


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Photos from June’s Meeting

JULY 1, 2013


JULY 1, 2013

MEET OUR NEW MEMBERS Nicki Simpson For most of my life, I've had some type of camera in my hands. I guess I really got serious about photogra-­‐ phy when I was 15. I asked for a "big" camera for my birthday. So, my parents took me to Wolf Camera, where I picked out a Canon Rebel 2000. Through trial-­‐ and-­‐error, I began making a few good photos here and there. ATer geXng my Canon Rebel, I decided to join the yearbook in high school, which inspired me to pursue a career in photography. I went to school at SFA then Lamar University to study journalism, where I worked at the school newspaper and shot football on Friday nights for another local paper. A summer internship before my senior year led to my first-­‐and-­‐only-­‐full-­‐ Jme-­‐newspaper-­‐job. I worked as the sole photogra-­‐ pher for The Baytown Sun for 3-­‐and-­‐a-­‐half years. Somewhere along my photographic journey, I began shooJng portraits on the side of my various jobs and fell in love with that type of photography. ATer leaving my newspaper job, geXng married and moving to East Texas, I began puXng all my photography efforts into my portrait business. My husband and I have recently relocated to the Houston-­‐area where I work part-­‐Jme as a preschool pho-­‐ tographer for a couple in La Porte and part-­‐Jme for myself under the name Nicki Evans Photography. Outside of photography, my main hobby is wake boarding. Other than that, anything that involves a boat or beach keeps my happy.

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JULY 1, 2013

MEET OUR NEW MEMBERS Aleksandra Gallagher (Aleks) As a graphic designer, photography and image manipulaJon was very much present in my professional life. It was when I was on a student trip to Prague some years ago had I realized that I needed a 'real' camera. Scenery was just too beauJful and I wanted to capture everything! When I came back home, I bought my very first DSLR. Since then I was mostly taking photos while I was traveling and exploring new countries and cultures. Photo-­‐ graphs were the best memento I could take back with me! Last year I decided to take my pho-­‐ tography to another level and took a part Jme job at a local hospital as a newborn baby photographer. This is such a rewarding posiJon -­‐ I very much enjoy helping people to preserve those wonderful memories from hos-­‐ pital. I am also interested in different light scenarios and in the process of building my in-­‐house studio. I have aYended Texas School this year for the first Jme where I found lots of valuable informaJon and also heard about PPGH of which I am very happy to be a member of now! My plan is to be-­‐ come a CerJfied Professional Photographer in the near future, and would love to know more about markeJng and growing your business.

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Seeing the Light: In the Digital Age (Basic Lighting Part Two)

JULY 1, 2013

Presented by: Curley Marshall, CPP By: Aileen Harding,CPP Photos by: Shelia Richards

There was a full house in the hip Warehouse District at 801 William Street on June 23rd as Curley Marshall taught Part Two of the Basic LighJng Mini-­‐ Workshops. Curley began the program with a comprehensive slideshow covering basic ! lighJng paYerns, the color wheel, filters and the differences between CPP and non-­‐ CPP defined lighJng raJos. He used a baseball diamond descripJon as he demonstrated where to opJmally place main, fill, background and kicker lights. ATer the slideshow he demonstrated various lighJng paYerns, adding and removing lights so that parJcipants could see how to create different looks and moods with lighJng. ParJcipants were encouraged to set the lights as well, working “hands on” so that they could recreate the scenarios in their own studio seXngs. It was a jam-­‐packed four hours of fellowship and learning. Thanks Curley, for providing such an awesome program!



! 36 PAGE !



The power of certification is universal. Many industries have certified experts who are often looked upon as better or more reliable...and photography is no different. It pays to be an expert. It pays to be certified.

Mark A. Campbell, M.Photog.Cr.,CPP, API



Register your candidacy at www.certifiedphotographer.com.


Pass the comprehensive Certification Exam.


Pass the Image Submission Review.

WHAT IS A CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER? As the leading certifying agency for imaging professionals, the Professional Photographic Certification Commission is recognized throughout the industry. This commission outlines and enforces the stringent requirements that Certified Professional Photographers must complete and maintain, proving technical competency in professional photography. WHY BE CERTIFIED? Being a successful professional photographer takes more than a camera. A Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) designation will help you: © i~ ~{ z w z { w y { ~w ~w { ~{ {z}{ and the talent to back up your business. © b{ y { {w x { w z ~w {z}{ w z w { cutting edge…before they meet you. © [w { }{B { y { B w z ® { { | x { D ARE YOU READY TO JOIN THE RANKS OF THE CERTIFIED EXPERTS? For more information, go to www.certifiedphotographer.com or call 888.772.2780

Professional Photographic Certification Commisision Our mission: To acknowledge and validate a consistent standard by which professional photographers can achieve and maintain a recognizable mark of excellence.

37 PAGE !

jw bD ` { B cDf~ }DBYff



JULY 1, 2013

2013 General Mee6ngs and Workshops

2014 Workshops

July 21st PPGH Mini-­‐Workshop

Dates to be announced

“Fine Art on a Shoe String: with Karen BuYs

January, An Evening with the Judges

July, NominaJon CommiYee Meets

February, Senior program

August 20, PPGH General MeeJng

March, Karen BuYs, Newborns/Children

August 25th PPGH Mini-­‐Workshop

April 20th, 2014-­‐ Mitch Daniels, Cr

“Off Camera Flash” with Melanie Hall

May, Environmental Portraiture

Sept. 17, PPGH Annual Business MeeJng

June, -­‐ Belinda Higgins, M.Photo,CPP, Family Portraits

Sept. 26th PPGH Mini-­‐Workshop

July, -­‐ Carol Andrews,M.Photo.,CR-­‐Mall Crawl

“The Business and Art of Pet Photography”

August -­‐ Open

with Kim Hartz

September -­‐ Greta Jacobs Mee,

October 15th, CPP exam, PPGH General MeeJng-­‐

Knowing the boYom line

Barbara Breitsameter

October 24th, PPGH Mini-­‐Workshop “Packaging Your Personality”

October-­‐ MarkeJng November-­‐ Lightroom/Photoshop

with Cindy Crofford, CPP Nov. 14th PPGH Mini-­‐Workshop “Children-­‐From Consult to Finished Prints” with Buz Marvins, M.Photo,.CR. Nov. 19th, PPGH General MeeJng Fellowship Points due at this meeJng date December, TBA PPGH Gala

Monthly meeJng 3rd Tuesday of each month Mini-­‐Workshops 4th Thursday of each month (subject to change) The Viewfinder NewsleYer deadline date 23th of each month.


38 PAGE !

IMAGING USA Don’t Miss It! January 12-14, 2014 Phoenix, AZ


JULY 1, 2013

Vendor Ad Rates Viewfinder is published 12 times a year. Members-12-Issues per year 3 Month 6 months ¼ page ad $150. $125 ½ page ad $185 $155 Full page ad $250 $225

1 year $100 $125 $150

*Member ad prices include a one-year PPGH membership. *Members may change your ad once per month *A 6’ table can be provided to show your products at PPGH general meetings. Non-Members-12 Issues 3 months ¼ page ad $175 ½ page ad $210 Full page ad $280

per year 6 months* $140 $175 $255

1 Year* $115 $140 $170

* Includes 3 ad changes(if desired).

39 PAGE !

Sponsor a speaker for PPGH monthly meeting * Receive 3 months of complementary advertising Donate items for the end of the year gala *Receive 1 month of complementary Advertising


JULY 1, 2013

Get your photos ready! The PPGH will be participating in the 2014 Fotofest. FOTOFEST 2014 BIENNIAL The Fifteenth International Biennial of Photography and Photo-related Art March 15 - April 27, 2014, Houston, Texas U.S.A. Over 100 museums, art galleries, non-profit art centers and corporate spaces will participate in the FotoFest 2014 Biennial. In addition, there will be accompanying lectures, forums, special tours and a four-color Biennial catalogue. A little info from the FotoFest website: In 1986, FotoFest created the first international Biennial of Photography and Photo-related Art in the United States. After visits to the Rencontres Photographiques d’Arles, the oldest European photography festival, and the Mois de la Photo in Paris, FotoFest co-founders Frederick Baldwin, Wendy Watriss, and German gallery owner Petra Benteler founded FotoFest with a mission emphasizing discovery, internationalism, social commitment, and global/local perspectives. The Biennial has been formed to foster creative energy, new opportunities for artists, new audiences for photo-related art and broader visibility for Houston’s cultural resources. Thirty exhibitions of photographic art were curated and commissioned for the first Biennial in Houston, Texas. FotoFest has presented fourteen consecutive Biennials, every two years since that time. The PPGH will be participate and is in the planning stages. We are currently looking for a space to have our exhibit. An office building with a lot of traffic would be ideal. A committee is in the planning stages and if you would like to join the committee please email Kim Christensen at kchristensen1@me.com or call 713-408-0965. PPGH will not have a theme for their exhibit. So get ready for six weeks of the Biennial to have an estimated 265,000 visitors at all venues. 40 PAGE !


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JULY 1, 2013

NOTICE THE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS GUILD OF HOUSTON HAS A NEW HOME The UNITED WAY BUILDING 50 Waugh Dr., Houston, Tx 77007 Garage Parking WITH Security Guard Hotel Type Meeting Rooms Cross Streets: Between Feagan St., and Raymond St Neighborhoods: Washington Ave., Memorial We will be meeting here until further notice

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