The Valley Vanguard Vol 54 No 8

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A&E: Valley Nights hosts game night

Sports: Football defeats Wayne State

Monday, Oct. 25, 2021

Vol. 54 No. 8

Saginaw Valley State University’s student newspaper

(Top left) Junior Olivia Getzinger (left) and junior Nikki Devenney relax after helping organize Thankful Thursday. (Top right) Senior Sean Dougherty (left), fifth-year Tera Peters (middle), and fifth-year Hannah Lockwood (right) find beads for their bracelets. (Bottom left) Sophomore Raegan Forgie (left), sophomore Olivia Krejci (middle), and sophomore Alexis Ragnone (right) dress up in costumes. (Bottom right) Freshman Hailey Kross (left) and freshman Claire Betsch (right) create bracelets. Vanguard Photographer | Sarah Brege

Forever Red and Valley Nights team up for friendship Madeline Bruessow Vanguard A&E, Opinion Editor


n Thursday, Oct. 21, Forever Red hosted its Thankful Thursday event for the month of October. The event took place in the TSAR. Thankful Thursday is hosted by Forever Red all throughout the year. This month, Forever Red partnered with Valley Nights for the October Friendship Thankful

Thursday. “Thankful Thursday is a yearround event in which each month we dedicate our time to being thankful for a specific topic,” Macy Docken, pre-nursing junior and vice president of Enhance for Forever Red said. “During that month, we (host) an event to help individuals on campus highlight what they are thankful for (while having) a good time.” A variety of activities were pre-

sented at the October Thankful Thursday event for students to enjoy, including snacks, a photo booth, friendship bracelets, and the movie “Luca.” “Preparing for this event, we had multiple meetings with Valley Nights, in which we discussed how to execute the event,” Docken said. “There was a lot of planning that went into this event as there are very many aspects that students could participate in,

such as the photo booth, making friendship bracelets, watching the movie, eating snacks, etc.” With the monthly Thankful Thursdays, Forever Red hopes to encourage the SVSU community to slow down and take a moment to reflect on things they are thankful for. “Thankful Thursdays (are) all about highlighting all the things in life to be thankful for,” Docken said. “Sometimes, as our life gets

very busy, we tend to not realize all the amazing things that we have. Therefore, this event aims to let the SVSU community appreciate the little things.” The entire SVSU community is invited to participate in Thankful Thursdays. “Anyone in the SVSU community was allowed to attend the event,” Docken said. “All (are) welcome as we are just trying to show what we are thankful for.”

Potential Cardinals flock campus Pastries and politics Sadie Shepherd Vanguard Reporter

On Saturday, Oct. 23, SVSU hosted its Fall Open House. The event was the first of its kind being held on campus since before the COVID pandemic. Tours took place across campus, with guests exploring various housing options as well as academic and recreational buildings while getting to meet with faculty and staff. Associate Director of Admissions Anderson Bearden said the event is imperative for incoming students to get a true feel for their potential alma mater. “This is the one day of the year that students – especially students who are not fully decided on a major – can speak with faculties and see facilities for multiple different majors when they come for a tour,” Bearden said. “If they come during the week, the faculty are in those labs teaching our current students and so … this is their chance to really explore all the majors as well as Student Life offices and everything from the Honors program to marching band and ev-

erything in between.” Being the first open house held in two years came with its own challenges, as the need to spread out the event was necessary to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Bearden said this challenge paired with staffing issues, became difficult while trying to create the same experience for guests as in years’ past. “When almost every office on campus is short staffed and everybody being stretched thin to then try and do that, it really requires … more effort to try to plan it so that it can go off in two different places and not have a diminished product for the guests that are coming,” Bearden said. “We want to make sure that they don’t notice any difference. They walk in and they get everything they were looking for and they don’t realize that it used to be a little bit tighter, more compact and easier to get through.” Finance sophomore Madelyn Rumsey is the tour coordinator for events like this as well as general tours throughout the week. She reinforced the struggles that have come up for her and the

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Shelby Mott Vanguard Editor-in-Chief

The SVSU College Democrats and College Republicans hosted “politics and pastries” Monday, Oct. 18. Abigail Sefcik, political science sophomore and the president of the College Republicans, said that the purpose of this event was to give students a chance to express their views on a pre-selected topic, outside of the classroom. “A lot of times, students are raised to believe that there is a stigma be-

hind being a member of one political party or another, but when the views of each political party are described, it gives students a chance to evaluate their beliefs and determine what best describes themselves, which was the purpose of the event,” Sefcik said. “We want to give students a chance to be involved civically, and at the end of the day, I believe the forum accomplished that goal.” McClain Mercer, public administration junior and president of the


Music ed senior Pierce Tyndall, gives info on the music program at the Fall Open House. Vanguard Photographer | Audrey Bergey

many student tour guides working the event. “This year has been more difficult than years before, mainly COVID has always added extra steps you have to jump through,” she said. “For our tour rooms, normally at an open house we can show rooms where people are living but right


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Junior McClain Mercer (left) and sophomore Abigail Sefcik (right) debate over the bill of rights. Vanguard Photo Editor | Brooke Elward

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