February's 50 Fabulous Fe'Males

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Brigitte Brown Jackson is a certified DISC consultant and Extreme Execution Coach who focuses on teaching the value of understanding behavior trends to empower women across the country. She helps women maximize their giftedness and reach their full potential. Her humble beginnings began as an urban elementary school teacher. She later became a school principal and influenced lives at several schools across Michigan. However, prior to starting her career she was a college drop-out and welfare mom of two that pulled herself up out of desperation and despair to thriving and striving and pouring into others. Additionally, she is the founder and executive director of Ubuntu Press; The publishing company passionately disseminates knowledge to parents and educators regarding Afrocentric literacy and education. She has authored several children’s books and is working with youth to inspire them to become published authors. She believes young people should begin walking in their calling and purpose while they are young.

Speaking is a natural for Brigitte. She does not have a shy bone in her body; she has been in front of audiences since she was a teenager. As a licensed minister of the gospel, for the past 27 years, Brigitte has ministered around the country. She is a natural-born speaker that loves to transform lives. Brigitte is a proud Flintstone and resides in Flint, Michigan with her husband Willie. The two of them co-founded Kingdom Influence, a non-profit focused on family empowerment in Flint. Her life’s mission has been to help cultivate and develop skill sets and transferable skills of the marginalized populations.

Either run the day or the day runs you. - Jim Rohn

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