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gHost Road

The Northumberland Land Trust (NLT) 15th Annual Birding Marathon’s participants identified 150 species this year, a 12% increase over last year’s Marathon. Experienced bird watchers for each of NLT’s 13 Nature Reserves, which cover 1,267 acres of habitat in Northumberland County, and had a single, 24-hour period of their choice to identify the birds. In early June, the total number of species across all reserves was tallied. Last year, 132 species were identified. In 2016 there were 106 (but NLT only had 6 properties at that time). Every year there are surprise sightings as well as birds returning to the same nesting area. The rarest bird this year was the identification of the Nelson’s Sparrow in the Lone Pine Marsh Nature Reserve. Nelson’s Sparrows are rarely seen in this area. Among the other species that have appeared are: Hooded Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Red-throated Loon, and a Great Horned Owl. The Birding Marathon is one of the NLT’s annual fundraisers. Donors guess how many species of birds will be found. Whoever is closest wins a litre of maple syrup from the NLT’s Wilkinson Nature Reserve. The winner of the 15th Birding

Marathon contest is Richard Girardin. He guessed 140 species of birds on NLT’s reserves, which was the closest guess to the record-breaking total of 150 bird species.


“I’m discouraged by all the wildlife habitat that is being destroyed,” said Mr. Girardin. “I’m glad that Northumberland Land Trust protects natural areas and I wish there were more.”

All donations go towards stewardship. This includes building and installing bird houses, invasive plant removal, trail maintenance, signage, wildflower planting or one of many other restoration projects.

Local author T.H. Cini released his most recent book last month; his first readers being members of The Campbellford Seymore Heritage Society. The author launched his 6th book, gHost Road, on June 19th with a presentation to Jim Peeling, Dale Pettey, and other Campbellford’s Heritage Society members.

Mr. Cini’s new novella is set in the town of Hasting, which is situated in the year 1982. If you like paranormal stories, you may want to add this to your list of books to read.

Tom has also written other local stories. His 4th book called, In Amongst the Cornfields and Other Stories, contains the main title, which is situated in Tweed, Ontario. The second story, In Consequence of the Written Word, takes place at Petherick’s Corners, featuring Church-Key Brewing Company, where this book is also for up on his reader’s reviews on Goodreads. Chapters-Indigo

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