1 minute read

Time For You

By Leisa Peacock

Are you experiencing overwhelm right now? Defined as: to bury or drown, inundate, have a strong emotional effect on, defeat completely or to overpower. Symptoms you may be having are trouble sleeping, brain fog, irritability, no longer enjoying or wanting to do the things you used to do. Aging parents, kids, graduations, proms, summer activities, sports leagues, getting the garden ready, planning vacations, keeping up with email, social accounts, etc. etc. –modern life can be very overwhelming for parents, caregivers and people in general!! If you are feeling this way, I invite you to think about what your body and your mind needs right now. A little bit of you time goes a long way and it’s not selfish to do self care. Its caring for the self first, so that you are better equipped to care for others. Just like the airplane safety instructions state, you must put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others. So go ahead and do something that fills up your empty tank, whether it’s taking some rest, or doing a hobby or activity that you have enjoyed in the past but no longer feel you have the time for. Make the time, it will be worth it in the end. Life is all about being in balance with both giving and receiving! And if you think you’d like support with managing the stress of it all, a BodyMind session or program might be just the thing for you. A typical program looks like a weekly (or bi-weekly) integrative wellness session which consists of coaching plus bodywork (massage, reflexology, reiki, etc) with phone/text support in between. It can be customized to suit each client’s needs and schedule. When coaching is combined with bodywork there is a profound relaxation response within your body and clarity of the mind. Experience the power of this work for yourself by scheduling a complimentary mini coaching session. Call or text to set up your time at 705-977-2917 formerly our lucky stars


Leisa Peacock is an RMT & Holistic Therapist and a BodyMInd Coach practicing in downtown Warkworth.

Serving organic, fair-trade coffee – roasted on-site, home-made treats, sandwiches, soups, and vegan & gluten-free options.

Plus, all the joking, sarcasm and good-natured fun you can handle from the irreverent duo at the helm.

16 Main St. Warkworth, ON. K0K 3K0

705-924-1212 • kokaycafe.ca

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