The Tribune - January 2020

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Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE


J a nua r y 20 20 ISSU E Trent Hills Emergency Services Base - P3 Bacon Covered Onion Rings Recipe- P10 Aron Winter Film Series- P15 Draft County Budget- P16 TRENT HILLS



Photograph of Corven Hodgson by: Dalila Seckar @daicrinne /

Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE


Significant Progress on Construction of Trent Hills Emergency Services Base—on Track to be Operational by Mid-2020 By Kate Campbell

Making Memories by Preston Por teaux The Good Life is built on a foundation of memories and friendships. We can buy memories and invest in friendships, but both require something more to flourish. They need time and they need to be actively fostered in order to grow. We experienced this over the weekend when we spent time with others. It has almost become essential for us to spend time with friends and neighbours this winter. We have eight hours less sunlight at this time of year than we do in June. Nothing seems to warm the soul as much as sitting around a table, or gathering around a fire and sharing stories with friends. We got together with some other couples this past weekend and spent a full afternoon and evening eating fondue (so much food!) and playing games while the kids ran around and made their own memories. Scandinavians call this hygge. It’s a term that describes the cozy feeling of being with others in the long dark and cold nights of winter. In fact, happiness goes up in the winter time in many northern countries where they actively seek to create memories with others. Researchers Dunn and Norton are not surprised. They found that when people invest their time and money in an experience with others, they feel better. They say, ‘Study after study shows that people are in a better mood when they reflect on their experiential purchases which they describe as “money well spent”.’ They found that 57 percent of people were happier when they had an experience, versus only 34 percent who bought an object. In other words, experiences matter to our happiness more than stuff. The simple act of eating fondue with neighbours, sharing coffee with a friend, going for a walk with your kids, or visiting on the sofa with a relative might enrich your life a little more this time of year. Each experience creates a memory and making beautiful memories is truly foundational to the Good Life. When we choose to enjoy the people around us, we might even make memories unawares. Often, we look back on our lives and it is only then that we pinpoint those times when we found happiness and hope. Our neighbourhoods are full of opportunities to make memories and to have fun and create new friendships. Every community has the potential to become a place where goodness is created, shared, and received. If we live into our neighbourhood with hopeful anticipation that this will be a place where we make memories together, we may find that we are a lot closer than we know to the Good Life we are looking for. As we look forward to 2020, may you come to see that there is more to your community than you know. May you experience life with others and discover that you are part of a wonderful unfolding story. You matter to your neighbourhood, and if you choose to receive it, your neighbourhood could also matter deeply to you, too. Happy New Year!

Construction of a new Emergency Services Base in downtown Campbellford remains on track to be completed by mid-2020. This facility — a joint initiative between the Municipality of Trent Hills and Northumberland County— will include space for both Northumberland Paramedics as well as the Trent Hills Fire Department, and will also include the Trent Hills Council Chambers and Emer-gency Operations Centre. Strategically located in the downtown core, paramedic and fire service officials anticipate improved public safety through easier access to the community’s urban centre. Efficiencies in facility operations are also expected, as a result of a shared cost model between the municipality and the county. “We are looking forward to the new Trent Hills Emergency Services Base being fully operational by next summer,” states Trent Hills Mayor and County Councillor Bob Crate. “This is a modern facility for our council chambers and first

responders while at the same time designed specifically to fit with the look and feel of our historic downtown.” Mayor Crate further elaborates: “While some concern was expressed about impacts to parking in the downtown core, we were able to limit the loss of parking spaces through careful building design. With a reduction of only three parking spaces overall, and staff continuing to explore opportunities to add additional spaces in this area, there will continue to be plenty of parking for all those who wish to visit Campbellford’s wonderful downtown. Ultimately, this investment establishes a critical presence for emergency response resources in our urban area, ensuring our residents will continue to receive quick and effective aid during an emergency as our community grows. We look forward to welcoming the community to the grand opening in 2020.” In April 2019, representatives from the Municipality of Trent Hills and Northumberland

County broke ground at the site of the new facility. Since then, there has been significant progress in construction, with the full structure taking shape. Exterior and structural work including brickwork, blockwork, insulation, wall board installation and plumbing are nearly complete. In the new year, the focus of construction will shift to interior work and final touches. “This facility allows our upper and lower-tier municipalities to combine resources for efficient delivery of essential services,” states Acting County Warden Bob Sanderson. “As an additional benefit, this shared space will also encourage collaborative relationship-building between our first responders who work closely together in the field — which, in turn, will ensure a more seamless emergency response service for residents. County council is very pleased with the progress on this facility; it will be a vital community resource.”

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THE TRIBUNE |Januar y 2020 ISSUE


Thank you From the Food Bank

By Susan Fedorka

By Chris O’Dea As you read this, Christmas, with all its trimmings, has been packed away for another year. 2020 has been welcomed in. From my perspective now, given the nature of submission deadlines, well, just picture me with all the commotion of the season still to be experienced. On my desk sits a stack of thank you cards ready to be mailed; next to them, others wait to be written. Most of you will have received them by the time you read this—unless you are one of the countless donors whose identity we don’t know. Heartfelt thank yous are owed if you were involved with Cram the Cruiser at ValuMart, or left bags full of goods or some money in the donation box there. Maybe you donated at the Royal Bank. What a wonderful display RBC staff set up to benefit the food bank. Perhaps you left your donation at Bridgewater Cafe, Banjo’s or Subway. You may be the mysterious gentleman who handed me an envelope with an anonymous donation. You could be amongst the knitters who met weekly at the civic centre and then donated your handiwork for the Christmas hampers. You may have pulled tags off the Angel Tree at the Captain’s Table and provided gifts or are a member of the team that wrapped Angel Tree gifts to be distributed. No matter how you donated, whether it was in giving time volunteering, whether financially, or through food or other items, please know that you make a difference. You make this community, indeed by extension this world, a much better place for all of us. On Dec 21 the food bank team of volunteers meet at the civic centre to prepare 36 Christmas hampers and on Sunday Dec 22 the hampers and gifts are distributed to those that signed up for them. If I have a picture to include before submission

Community Kindness

RBC Staff Cindy, Theresa and Jason. Thank you to staff and customers of RBC for your generous suppor t.

Foodbank Volunteers pose in front of tables lined with the ‘hampers’ they have packed ready for pickup downstairs at the Civic Centre. time, you will see it here, otherwise you might take a peek at our website Hastingsfoodbank. org or look for us on Facebook: Hastings/Roseneath Ministerial Food Bank. You will also find pictures there soon of the butter delivery. Our thanks go out to Brad Linton and Bob McComb who braved the snow squalls to deliver 80 pounds of butter on behalf of the Northern Dairy Producer’s Committee. It was a wonderful surprise. A few months ago, we applied for and received the 2019 Capacity Building Grant from Feed Ontario in partnership with the

Gay Lea Foundation. With it we purchased a new fridge from Bennett’s in Campbellford. This will increase our capacity to offer fresh food and will replace an older small chest freezer, which will be looking for a new home. Also available to rehome is a fridge with no freezer. It will be replaced with a donated fridge/freezer. Please contact us if you are interested in either. As this New Year begins I hope it continues to be filled with the promise of a bright tomorrow for everyone. Happy New Year!

For many, the holiday season is a time of giving and sharing. While others give all year long. Whether it’s the men and women who make meals or bake for fundraisers, volunteer on committees or belong to one of the many service clubs in our community, they give. But often it is more or less the same people, or as we say here, the “STPs” or “same ten people”. There are more than ten, but you know who stands up always. I am writing to share a story about the kindness of our community and the people that deserve your support. In September I approached the Lions Club to ask if they would allow a skating rink in their park. I had heard that an outdoor rink was something the community wanted. Thanks to the Lions, Emily and Mike for their support. Mike and I checked out the park and discussed several different layouts for the rink. I reached out to someone who directed me to various businesses within our community and for that, I thank them. I will never forget how speechless I was (a rare thing for me), when I walked into Precision Wood Products on a warm September day and told them about my plans and asked if they would make a donation.

Without blinking an eye they said yes. In November, after a heavy rainfall, we made our way to the lumber yard, trudged through the mud and collected the donated wood. Dan said we could have more, but how can you ask for more? We would make do with what we had, at least for this year. Then to Aaron at Canadian Tire and YES again. How generous! And finally, Sharon at TD Canada Trust - banking can be that easy. A couple of friends volunteered and I got another one to do a Tim’s run and on a mild Sunday afternoon, the rink went up. My husband did most of the work while I shoveled snow, hauled wood and handed out tools. Last month I wrote and asked you to shop locally and support our retailers, restaurants and other businesses and this is why. They support our community projects. I hope in this season of giving and goodwill, that the community will support the Lions club and that the community will come out, when they can, to keep this rink alive and continue the kindness and generosity that has gone into its creation. Wishing everyone a healthy… get out skating and happy 2020.

Asphodel-Norwood Cultural & Heritage Committee Newsletter By Laurie McQuaig & Brenda Bullock The Asphodel-Norwood Cultural & Heritage Committee would like to say thank you to the many people who contributed to make our 2nd Trees and Twilight Festival another huge success. It was truly a community event! Thank you to the Friday night gala sponsors, tree sponsors, door prize donors, auction donors; Mark Stanley, Jayde Music, NDHS and Jenny Lyons Catering. Thank you to the Saturday children’s tea party sponsors, Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Asphodel-Norwood Library, and the talented artisans who participated in the Christmas market. Thank you to the Norwood and

District Horticultural Society for their beautiful outdoor decorating of the Norwood Town Hall, the Norwood Community Choir, AsphodelNorwood Office staff and to the many volunteers assisting to make this event all come together. This is our major, biennial fundraiser that contributes to the preservation and promotion of the history of AsphodelNorwood Township. Our committee will be meeting in January to plan our agenda for 2020. Our focus will be the Heritage Centre, the Digital Barn Project and the 200th Anniversary of Asphodel Township.

Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE

New Year’s Evolutions By Erin O’Sullivan


DIY Beeswax Lip Balm Recipe B y N i k k i Fo t h e r i n g h a m

I am that person who likes to make New Years resolutions. I am also the person who makes too many resolutions, can’t seem to follow through with them, and then berates herself around March for not following through on resolutions that seemed so important on January 1. Can it really be that three months have passed and I am still not a better person? So, when my friend Judy suggested New Years “Intentions”, rather than “Resolutions”, I thought that this was something I could actually live with. In no particular order, here are my 2020 New Years Intentions… 1. Don’t fall off my horse 2. Take that wild dog of mine to training class (again) 3. Serve a great champagne at my daughter’s wedding 4. Never say no to fun 5. Figure out my new computer 6. Don’t fall off my horse 7. Be less sarcastic and more positive (not sure this one will last until January 2) 8. Explore the Vintages section of the LCBO more thoroughly 9. Don’t believe anyone who says it’s decaf 10. Don’t fall off my horse 11. Figure out what the smell is coming from in my basement 12. Ditto the one from my fridge 13. Do the stuff that scares me 14. Learn the words to the new O Canada 15. Teach Norm, my cat, to use the litter box (after 12 years it is seriously past time) 16. Don’t fall off my horse 17. Master a new cocktail 18. Make a new friend 19. Buy sticky riding pants (so I don’t fall off my horse) 20. Make a campfire without a cheater log 21. Go to TIFF or something TIFFish at the ARON theater in Campbellford 22. Take a limousine to the airport and back 23. Be an amazing grandmother (I will asked to be called Lolli, and my husband to be called Pops, so the grandchildren can say they are going to ‘Lollipops’) 24. Convince my son that Number 23 is a good idea 25. Get a shorter horse May the New Year bring you all peace and joy (and good luck with those resolutions).

the Tribune ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 2017 Editor:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nikki Fotheringham Creative Director: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dana Harrison Advertising Sales: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Allison Townsend Contributors: Preston Porteaux

San Murata

Susan Fedorka

Erin O’ Sullivan

Margaret Santon

Sean Clair

Kathy Reid

Lori Schuett

Marcia Perryman

Chris O’Dea

Doreen Sharpe

Kendra Fleming

Patrick Muldoon

Lisa Giraldi

Rob Irving

Jack Begg

Alicia Vandine

Emmanuelle Keogh

Laurie McQuaig

Brenda Bullock

Ida Brown

Art Chamerlain

Rachel Whitton

Joel MacCharles

Kate Campbell

PO Box 227 Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0 Ad sales contact Allison 1 (705) 653-0082

January and February are dry months as the cold sets in and you may find yourself with chapped lips no matter how much water you drink. This soothing natural lip balm recipe can save you from chapped lips this winter. With so many local honey producers, getting good quality beeswax is easy! What you need: 5 tsp. jojoba oil (use coconut oil instead) 3 tbsp. grated beeswax 6 drops essential oil (mint, lemon, lavender and peppermint are all great options) 1 tsp. honey Method In a double boiler* melt the beeswax and the oil together over low heat. Now chuck in the honey and essential oil and give it a good stir. Pour into tins or plastic containers and allow to cool for 20 minutes. Tip *Don’t have a double boiler? Just pop a glass jar or a bowl in a pot of simmering water on the stove. Be careful not to burn yourself when handling and avoid boiling the water or the glass may crack.

THE TRIBUNE |Januar y 2020 ISSUE


Setting Realistic New Year’s Resolutions Resolve to Read – By Doreen Sharpe

Have you set your resolutions yet? I want to lose 10 pounds. I want to eat more veggies. I want to take up yoga. I want to join the gym. Did you know that 80% of people have given up their resolutions by February? By the end of the year, only 8% will succeed in achieving their New Year’s resolution. “Setting goals is the first step in making the invisible into the visible,” according to life coach Tony Robbins. Goal setting is important when making resolutions, and the best goals are SMART. So what is a SMART goal? S = Specific. Outline in as much detail as possible what your goal is. Ask yourself the following questions: What do I want to achieve? When do I want to achieve it? How will I achieve it? Who will help me achieve it? M = Measurable. How will you measure your success in your goal? This needs to be relevant to you and your goal. How many steps do you want to do per day? How much weight do you want to lose? How fast do you want to run 5 km? A = Achievable. Is your goal achievable? Consider how you will achieve it. Do you need to consider time or financial constraints? Do you have an old injury that is bothering you and

might limit your success? R = Realistic. Have you been realistic in what you can achieve and how you will achieve it? Do you love chocolate way too much to give it up completely? Are you really going to have the time to exercise every day? Make sure you’re not setting yourself up for failure! T = Time based. Set a time frame in which you would like to complete your goal. Remember that it needs to be achievable and realistic. How can physiotherapists help? As specialists in movement and exercise, we can support you in achieving your New Year’s resolutions. Here’s how. • Assisting you in setting SMART goals • Providing you with a detailed physical assessment prior to you starting an exercise program • Planning an exercise program tailored specifically for you • Suggesting injury prevention and recovery strategies • Showing you correct form, technique, and safety • Communicating with your support team • Recommending appropriate footwear, braces, and supports The goal of physiotherapists is

to ensure that you get the most out of your sessions and give you the tools to continue your recovery at home. If things go awry, we can help you tackle any injuries or aches and pains so that you’re able to get back on track as soon as possible. No matter how slowly you go, you’re still making more progress than if you were doing nothing Here are a few recommended resolutions that will act as investments in your short- and long-term health. 1. Sit less. Sitting is the new smoking! Limit sitting to four hours a day. Set an alarm to remind you to get up and move. You might invest in a standing work station. 2. Find an activity that you actually like—it doesn’t have to be the gym. Walking, Zumba dancing, yoga, or boot camp are all great. An activity tracker like Fitbit helps. 3. Drink more water. Are you getting the recommended 8 cups a day? 4. Get your pain or stiffness treated. Most chronic problems start out as something small. Invest in your body now, and treat pain before it gets in the way of your day-to-day activity levels.

a New Year Promise You Can Keep By Patrick Muldoon, Branch Super visor, Warkwor th Librar y

With the coming of the new year, we often look to habits that we wish we could break, but resolving to start a new healthy habit is actually easier and potentially more positive! This year, I would like you to consider trying to read for 30 minutes a day. Just a half hour of “me time” with a great book can make some huge differences in your outlook on life, your health, and even your social life. One of the remarkable aspects of reading is that do so increases our capacity for understanding of others – something that our world certainly could use a bit more of these days. In one of my favourite novels, “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch suggests, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” This wisdom, applied to the act of reading, underscores the importance of seeing a story from the perspective of a character. Be they from another time, another culture, a different political or economic reality, a book’s characters provide us eyes other than our own to see the world. They broaden our experience, and allow us to gain understanding of and empathy for others. In a social climate that seems to be polarizing on any number of issues, a broader world view available through reading could just be the first step in what we need to understand each other. Reading for just a half hour a day can also provide some definite and very real health benefits. As we become accustomed to the connectivity of the digital age, taking a break from technology can be a vital part of our daily routine. Books don’t disturb you with notifications, pop up advertisements or status updates and the very nature of books are beneficial

to brain functions. Since we read a book linearly, instead of jumping from tab to tab or through imbedded video, reading allows us time to process ideas, think at our own pace and make connections. This activity increases our capacity for longer attention spans and helps our minds remain sharp. Staying mentally stimulated can slow and reduce the risks of age related brain disorders. Your brain is a “use it or lose it” machine. As we age, we risk the chance of a phenomenon known as “synaptic pruning” where unused neural transmitters become less able to function. You may be unknowingly contributing to your brain’s decline by not challenging it. Reading is a workout for your brain for which you don’t need a gym membership – just a library card! My favourite aspect of reading is social. While many people think of reading as a solitary pursuit, reading opens the doors to many social opportunities. You don’t have to be a member of a book club to discuss what you are reading, and readers aren’t limited to just great stories. Great non-fiction books, such biographies and books that explore history, travel, art, music and crafts give you knowledge that helps you connect with others. Reading is contagious. Meeting people at the library, sharing your opinions, making recommendations to your friends and teaching your children to read through example are all ways that books can foster connections with others. So resolve to read. Find your comfiest chair, disconnect, and cosy up with a new book. You’ll thank yourself for the moments you share with a book and the moments you’ll share with others having read one. Drop by your Warkworth Library soon, we would be thrilled to help you develop the habit of reading!

Probus Club of Trent Hills 10 am – noon Local writer, teacher Judy Fong Bates will discuss her book, The Year of Finding Memory, a memoir chronicling the difficult life of Chinese immigrants to rural Ontario in the 1950’s. Eventually making the trip back to her ancestral home, she discovered remarkable and unanticipated truths about her parent’s past lives. Trent Hills Probus Club (for active retirees) meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month in St. John’s United Church auditorium in Campbellford.

Guests are welcome.

Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE

Curling Standings By Rachel Whitton

Monday Evening Open Competitive A Division 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Aaron Nicholas Ken McCulloch Gary Rowe Mike West Dave MacDougall Tom Brooke Glenn Brubacher Barry Brown

111 102 84 81 75 75 63 48

B Division 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Vaughn Rowe Rachel Whitton Jerry Reid Judy Hodgins Carrie Stapley Marie Forgrave Ray Carroll Rob Dunkley

72 68 57 56 56 54 40 28

Tuesday Evening Men’s Competitive A Division 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Kevin Huestis Barry Brown Shawn Young Dave MacDougall Calvin Newman Wayne Buck Paul Rollins Fred Veldhuyzen

107 89 84 76 71 68 66 66

Pete Dooher Ed Stapley Jeremy Gale Doug Runions Lyn Kelsey Al Barr Larry McDonald Gary Hodgins

76 74 69 56 52 48 44 36

Wednesday Evening Social League 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Fred Thomson Paul Rollins Jim Kelleher Dave Martz Pete Dooher Lyn Kelsey Nan MacDougall Ed Stapley Doris Wellman Art Chamberlain Ron Hart Trish Scott Pam Vandesteeg Gary Hodgins Jeanette Cournoyer Deb McCarthy Beth Wismer Sandy Chapman Ray Carroll Andrew McFadyen Marsha Chrysler Wayne Morrison

Thursday Cash League 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ken McCulloch Barry Brown Dave Atkinson Rooke Meiklejohn Jim Brownson Ian Laver Katherine Nicholas Calvin Newman

Stop the Press! Are you an artist? The Trib needs YOU! This community is full of creative people & we want to feature your work on our cover. Thanks to our founding partner Gary Mulcahey the Tribune’s covers have been a gallery of the life and people of Trent Hills. We want to continue this legacy by opening up our cover spot for submissions from local artists both amateur and professional. Because the cover image is so large and prominent (and there’s only 12) we have to be picky. Not all images will be able to be covers. Please review the guidelines below. Email: for more information on how to submit. Artist compensation and credit: All cover images will be credited with the artist’s full name on their image. You will have your choice of a 4 column Horizontal or 3 column Vertical Ad in the same month’s issue or a bio and interview with our Editor-in-Chief Nikki Fotheringham published in the same issue. GUIDELINES: Only files that are minimum 11.5” x 12.5” and 300dpi CMYK (file size OVER 5 MB) will be considered. DO NOT DIGITALLY ENLARGE YOUR ARTWORK. Please note: the Tribune team will do their best to reproduce the artwork in the best possible quality, but we are not responsible for perfect colour fidelity (newsprint can be tricky). We also reserve the right to add typography over top of parts of the image for editorial use. All artwork remains the sole property of the artist. OUR FIRST 2020 COVER ARTIST IS:

Dalila Seckar

B Division 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


@daicrinne /

THE TRIBUNE |Januar y 2020 ISSUE


In Council Chambers B y S u s a n Fe d o r k a The following information has been copied from Minutes of Council (dates provided) Information in brackets, in italics, has been added for clarity. To access these documents in greater detail, go to, click on “Agendas and Minutes”, use the calendar provided on the upper right-hand side to select the date, click on “council meeting”. December 3 10. Reports of Municipal Officers Item 10(c) Report PLN-2019-65 re: Reduced Speed Limited on Doxsee Avenue South in the Vicinity of the Trent Hills Emergency Services Base. Be it resolved that Staff Report PLN-2019-65, Jim Peters Director of Planning & Development re: Reduced Speed Limit on Doxsee Avenue South in the Vicinity of the Trent Hills Emergency Services Base be received for information. That a Community Safety Zone be established and the current speed limit zone of 50 km/hr be reduced to a 40 km/hr speed limit zone, on: • Saskatoon Avenue from Trent Drive to River Street; and • River Street from Saskatoon Avenue to Front Street South December 17 9. Reports of Municipal Officers Item 9(d) Report REC 2019-10 re: Demolition of the Hastings Memorial Arena and Site Works. Report REC 2019-10 re: Demolition of the Hastings Memorial Arena and Site Works. - Pdf Be it resolved that Staff Report REC 2019-10, Peter Burnett, Community Recreation Officer re: Demolition of the Hastings Memorial Arena and Site Works be received for information Item 9(f) Report FIN-2019-029 re: 2019 Annual Repayment Limit (ARL) Report FIN-2019-029 re: 2019 Annual Repayment Limit (ARL). - Pdf Financial Impact: For the year 2019, the Ministry calculated ARL amount prior to adjustments is $2,560,733 or 43.49% of legislated debt capacity. After adjustments, the calculated ARL amount is $1,814,903 or 59.90%. The repayment limit that has been calculated by the Ministry is based on data contained in the 2017 Financial Information Return. 13. BY-LAWS 13 (f) The Corporation of the Municipality of Trent Hills By-law No. 2019-115 A By-law to Amend By-law 2007-36, being a by-law to regulate vehicular parking within the limits of the Municipality of Trent Hills on Streets, Parking Lots and Parks Whereas Section 11(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that a municipality may pass by-laws within the spheres of jurisdiction, which includes highways, including parking and traffic on highways; And Whereas the Council of the Municipality of Trent Hills did on the 16th day of April 2007, enact By-law 2007-36, being a by-law to regulate vehicular parking within the limits of the Municipality of Trent Hills on Streets, Parking Lots and Parks; And Whereas pursuant to Motion No. THC-191203-18, Council approved the creation of a parking prohibited zone on First Street; And Whereas the intent of the parking prohibited zone on First Street is to provide an area where first responders can gain access to a building; Now Therefore the Council of the Municipality of Trent Hills hereby enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule “F” (Fire Routes) to By-law 2007-36 is a mended by adding: No. Column One Column Two Column Three Prohibited Time 10 223 First Street 10 metres east of the entrance sidewalk to a point 10 metres west of the entrance sidewalk Anytime 2. The designation assigned above shall become effective upon the erection of the appropriate signage.

San's Crit By San Murata

How to Live Well Alone “Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.” Henry Rollins For a happy life, learn to be alone without being lonely. Learn that being alone is not a vacancy in life, rather it is an opportunity. The world is full of interesting and enjoyable things to do and people who can enrich your life. Imagining things to do by yourself or with others is a great part of time alone. Whether we are physically alone or in a room full of people, we can experience loneliness. If you perceive the word “lonely” as sad, then it invites negative thoughts and leads to depression. But if you capture being alone as beautiful, then you can use your time and energy wisely to get many things done. Being alone in one’s own thoughts is potentially invigorating; it is a reflective time where we can achieve a better understanding of what to do next in our lives. If you know in your heart that you are doing the right thing, being in charge of your life and making the most of what you do best, then you are connected in your own body. Artists spend time alone, creating, practicing, observing and reflecting. These are solitary occupations because they are inside the mind of the individual. And yet, when it comes to understanding or experiencing the result if these activities, we need an expressive outlet, an audience, colleagues, students, families, friends and many others to appreciate what we do. Though paradoxical, it is being alone that fosters the collective understanding, when people we respect acknowledge our work.

Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE


Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) by Margaret Santon All I could think of was, “I’ll be glad when it’s over.” The trouble was it was still a year in the future. I’d been offered the opportunity to have deep brain stimulation (DBS), a two-part surgery which would eliminate some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease for up to ten years, maybe longer. The symptoms were, at best, annoying and, at worst, debilitating, exhausting and putting me in a position of needing a caregiver most of the time. I had a great one but I wanted him for a husband for a while longer. So, I was agreeable to the drastic surgery. But it was hard to be facing a year of waiting. The months of the year were filled with day-long trips to Toronto, sometimes in heavy snow, to complete the workup which included an interview with a neuropsychiatrist, another with a neurologist, a daylong set of tests with a neuropsychologist, drug testing with a nurse practitioner and another neurologist all done to establish whether I was suitable for surgery; a “good candidate”. The last part of the workup included an interview with Dr. Kalia, the surgeon. And by mid-May they had pretty much determined that I was a “superior” candidate. I’d always told Rick I was superior.

The surgery would include a six-hour operation where Dr. Kalia would implant two wires in my head through a pair of burr holes at the front of the skull. The wires, at the end of the six hours, are left sticking out a bit. Then, a few days later the ends are run through under the skin and attached to a battery stimulator placed on the right side of the chest. A second procedure, that takes about an hour, accomplishes this. Still no date, however. It was coming on fall. Finally, in late August, I got the call, “Margaret, I have some dates for you.” I gulped and ran to find a pen. The dates were less than a month away: September 24th and October 1st. The surgery began with the installation of the “halo”, a heavy metal frame that looked like a medieval torture device. This would be attached with screws to my head and later would hold my head in place keeping it dead still on the operating table. I would be awake during the six hours in order to follow instructions and answer questions. I was extremely awake and aware during the installation of the halo. It hurt a lot. Two people grabbed two hunks of my hair and pulled very hard. Then they injected what

Norwood and District Horticultural Society Announces 2020 Speakers’ Program By Kathy Reid The Norwood and District Horticultural Society is pleased to announce the 2020 meeting schedule and line-up of guest speakers. The Society meets the second Tuesday of each month (except July, August and December). The meetings are held at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 300, Norwood (corner of King and Alma Streets). The doors open at 6:30 p.m. for a social and the meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. featuring a guest speaker.

January 14: Magic Mulch February 11: Starting Seeds 101 March 10: What are Lawns Good For? April 14: Prepping Your Garden for Spring May 12: Edible Landscaping June 9: Attracting Birds to Your Garden September 8: Landscape Design – The Essentials October 13: Scree Gardens and Alpine Troughs November 10: Annual Meeting Guests are welcome to attend a meeting and annual membership is just $20.00. For more information please visit our Facebook page at

seemed like a huge amount of local anesthetic and one corner didn’t freeze. They did that one a second time. The halo felt heavy especially after they added pieces, one at a time, to fit the CAT scan and the MRI machines. With the frame on and the CAT scan and MRI taken, I was wheeled into the OR. The drug they had given me allowed me to be awake and able to answer questions and obey commands. However, after the surgery was done, I remembered nothing. I’m told this was a good thing. I woke up all those hours later and found myself in a hospital room surrounded by my kids, grandkids, sister and husband. Tuesday, October first finally rolled around and I was wheeled into the OR again. It would be a month or more and a couple of trips to Toronto for electronic adjustments before I reaped the full benefit of the procedure. However, I could feel a major difference already. The next day, I got to go home to Hastings. It was so good to be home with the year of waiting behind me. The coyotes were yipping up on the hill that night. You don’t hear them at Dundas and Bathurst.

February 2020 Editorial Information

Our February edition is all about love. Unconventional, Unconditional, Unbelievable, Unforgettable love. Do you have a favourite hunting knife? A funny story about that tatoo you can’t remember getting, or a boat that served you well? We would love to hear about your favourite dog, cat, fish, person - whatever has brought you joy in your life. Don’t write? NO worries! That’s why we have an editor - we will work together to make your story come to life. Our deadline for the February edition is

January 22nd

Submit your stories to or write us and we will come and interview you and write the story for you.


Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings! By Nikki Fotheringham (photo: Gar y Mulcahey)

You had me at bacon....

This is the best side dish in the history of side dishes. You can make these at home, on the barbecue or on the campfire and you’ll be so glad you did! Just a word of advice, make three times as many as you think you are going to need... they really are that good! Ingredients • 4 sweet onions • 1 pack bacon • ¼ cup Sriracha hot sauce • ¼ cup mayo • wooden skewers soaked in water (or metal skewers) Method Cut the sweet onions into large rings. You can save the centre pieces for use in another recipe. Coat the rings with Sriracha hot sauce and then wrap each ring in bacon (I use two layers.) Poke a skewer through each ring. Be sure to secure the ends of the bacon with the skewer so it doesn’t come loose during cooking. If you are cooking it at home, heat the oven to 400 F and place on a greased baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes on each side or until brown (will bepend on how thick your onion rings are). Use a medium heat when cooking on the barbecue. Let the grill heat before placing your skewers on. Barbecue on both sides until deliciously brown—about 10-15 minutes. Mix the remaining Sriracha hot sauce and the mayo in a bowl for a delicious dipping sauce. Serves 4 Tips Use barbecue sauce if you don’t like hot sauce. If you are making bacon wrapped onion rings at home, cut the onion into rings and let it soak in a glass of ice water in the fridge for an hour so it’s nice and crisp. This recipe is from my new cookbook, Food on Fire. You can order it on or shop local and find it at Metaphorhome on Main Street in Warkworth.

THE TRIBUNE |Januar y 2020 ISSUE

Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE


DIY Carpet Stain Removal Solutions

Winter Love By Lisa Giraldi There will always be a part of me that is a suicidal teenager. No matter how many years pass by, how many coping strategies I develop, how many good memories grow in the time between then and now, there is always a piece of my soul that will never forget the darkness, the pain, the overwhelming desire to die. The summer was good - full and busy and bright. I grew flowers and flower-bombed the town with them, house-sat at a friend’s farm and hosted bonfires and brunches, all while working a full-time job that allowed me the freedom to do so. Midsummer, I moved in with a friend and her son and slowly began to feel like I was settling into my community, my town, my life, a little more fully But after the fall, November arrived grey and busy, and bled into an even more stressful December, filling me with anxious thoughts - an entirely different kind of exhaustion. December brought tidings of Christmas, of good memories, of years past with family and friends. It also brought an aching reminder of people I had loved dearly, who I’d never see again. A visit to my father’s grave is often a good chance to cry and when I leave I feel a little more at peace, like I’ve cleaned a wound and applied a new bandage. But this time was different. I drove home from the cemetery and crawled into bed. Every night for the rest of that week, I cried. Every morning, I woke up with a sluggish aching heart. At the end of the week, I pieced together words about how I was feeling and posted it on Instagram. The outpouring of love, support and encouragement from friends melted me. On Saturday, to separate my dark thoughts from their bitter end, I started baking. By the end of the weekend, my kitchen table was full of sweet treats and a headache from eating too many of them. To curb my sugar intake, I packaged them up in tins, attached a label with #winterlove on it, and the next day before work I dropped them off on a few of my neighbours’ snowy porches. It stunned me how much it lightened my mood, seeing a small package lost in the looming doorframe of the early morning darkness. The thanks I received later from the recipients made me glow thoroughly. A week or two passed before I did it again - I almost felt guilty, like I was giving more than I should, but it felt so good, and it distracted me from my gloomy thoughts. By January I had developed a routine: on Sunday I’d bake cookies and package them up in tins (each one with a #winterlove tag), and on Monday I’d deliver them. The first two

weeks I trudged through snow across town to deliver them; by the time I got home I was physically exhausted, sweat dripping down my back, but my spirit was much lighter. One week, a storm delayed my #winterlove delivery, and as I drove through the darkness of mostly unknown country roads I remember thinking, Lisa, you have lost your mind. But both recipients later sent thank you notes so sweet I teared up a little. I had started this #winterlove thing intent only on curbing my anxious, broken spirit and in return I was receiving so much more. Every week I added a few different people to my delivery route, baked a few different kinds of cookies, but the experience was the same: mild panic at getting caught dropping off cookies, unspeakable joy at leaving tins on snowy porches. Somewhere along the way #winterlove began to shift, and things started showing up on my doorstep - a homemade mug, a pair of socks with tiny cookies and muffins on them, homemade pesto, a jar of curried cauliflower soup, homemade candles, a loaf of bread, lemon curd, real vanilla beans, even a tin of cookies. Every single one melted my heart. But what really touched me was how people began to share their own stories and experiences of mental health with me. There is no greater honour than to be trusted with the details of one’s life, especially when the details are messy, raw and broken. I felt overwhelmed by the love and care of my community. It humbled me that something so simple had sparked such incredible kindness that was expanding well beyond my own life. It reminded me that there was good in me, in my neighbours, in the world. In April I delivered the final #winterlove of the season. There was something bittersweet in it: I was shifting into a new season of light, of planting and growing and busyness, while letting go of a season of deep rumination, darkness and love that had greatly shifted

my frame of mind. With each tin I delivered I was reminded of different moments - of people paying it forward, returning it to me or sharing a little of their own story. What had begun as an attempt to alleviate my own darkness had been transformed into a story more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed. It reminded me that there is beauty in being broken, in being vulnerable, in being kind. That people are willing to share their stories when you trust them with yours. That life is tough all over, but there is a quiet strength in knowing you are not alone.

There are ways of getting out even the toughest spills using things you probably have in your house. No matter how bad the stain is (yes, even red wine and nail polish), there are natural, DIY solutions to dirty carpets. Don’t spend a fortune on chemicals for surfaces that your children and pets come into close contact with. Here are some cheap, easy and effective solutions. Beer Everything in life is better with beer and stains are no exception. If you spill tea or coffee on your rug, just rub a little beer into it with a wet rag and the stain will disappear. Vinegar This is the super hero of stain removal. Here are some vinegar solutions to common spills: * Combine 2 tablespoons of salt and ½ cup vinegar and rub onto light stains. Leave to dry and then vacuum. * For more serious stains, make a paste of equal parts corn starch and vinegar and rub into stain. Leave for 24 hours and vacuum. * Equal parts laundry detergent and vinegar will remove paint from a rug. Use a sponge to apply this solution and then rinse with cold water. Only works with wet paint.

Corn Starch Mix equal parts corn starch and milk and apply the paste to stains, ink spills and grease spills. Leave to dry and vacuum up. Salt This is a great stain remover on carpet and fabric. For red wine spills and grease stains, sprinkle salt over the affected area and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water and repeat. Leave to dry and vacuum up. Baking Soda Great for spills that smell, like urine and vomit. Use paper towels to clean and soak up as much moisture as you can. Sprinkle baking soda over the are and leave to dry. Vacuum up the residue. Meat Tenderizer Best solution for blood stains. Mix equal parts meat tenderizer and water B:8.75 in and rub over blood stain. Leave for 30 minT:8.5 utes then useina sponge and cold water to clean up. S:8.25 in Hydrogen Peroxide For rwally tough stains, mix 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide and 4 drops of dishsoap. Use a small nail brush or old toothbrush to scrub the affected area. Sponge off with clean water. Use gloves when applying this solution as hydrogen peroxide can cause irritation of the skin. This is especially effective for nail polish stains on your carpet.

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THE TRIBUNE |Januar y 2020 ISSUE


January 2020 Calendar of Events 7 Sexual Health Clinic

10 am to Noon The clinic provides clients with confidential access to cervical screening, low-cost birth control, pregnancy testing and sexual health teaching. Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections are also provided. For more information, locations or to make an appointment, call the Health Unit at 1-866-8884577, ext. 1205.

26 15 Crochet Club

5 pm - 7 pm Warkworth Library

16 Trent Severn Trail Town Information Session

Community Sunday Supper

4 pm Norwood United Church, 4264 Highway 7, Norwood

27 Curling

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Warkworth Arena


6:30 pm– 8 pm Hastings Civic Centre


Probus Club of Trent Hills

Darts Night

No-Family Doctor Immunization Clinic

10 am – noon Local writer, teacher Judy Fong Bates will discuss her book, The Year of Finding Memory, a memoir chronicling the difficult life of Chinese immigrants to rural Ontario in the 1950’s. Eventually making the trip back to her ancestral home, she discovered remarkable and unanticipated truths about her parent’s past lives. Trent Hills Probus Club (for active retirees) meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month in St. John’s United Church auditorium in Campbellford. Guests are welcome.

Crochet Club

5 pm - 7 pm Warkworth Library

7 pm Everyone welcome Warkworth Legion


Free immunization clinics for families without a doctor. To book an appointment, call the Health Unit at 1-866-888-4577, ext. 1507.

Euchre Tournament

Warkworth Community Diners (Lunch)

Free Skate - Norwood

Public Skating (free)


Free Skate - Norwood

12 pm - 4 pm Warkworth Legion

2 pm Norwood Arena, 88 Alma St


11:30 am - 1:00 pm Free Methodist Church, Warkworth Ontario

12 - 3 pm Warkworth Arena, Warkworth ON

4 pm Norwood Arena, 88 Alma St


7 pm – 9 pm Warkworth Arena


Darts Night

Police Services Board Meeting

The Power of Positive Parenting Seminar

7 pm Everyone welcome Warkworth Legion

9 am Council Chambers - 2357 County Road 45 Norwood ON



Funhouse open stage/open mic/jam

Sexual Health Clinic

7 pm Keene Centre for the Arts 12 1st Street, Keene

11 Stockdale Central

A 5-piece band playing country classics and new country 7 pm Ticket $10 Keene Centre for the Arts 12 1st Street, Keene

10 am to Noon The clinic provides clients with confidential access to cervical screening, low-cost birth control, pregnancy testing and sexual health teaching. Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections are also provided. For more information, locations or to make an appointment, call the Health Unit at 1-866-8884577, ext. 1205.

22 Crochet Club

6:30p tm – 8 pm 179 Saskatoon Ave Campbellford

Crochet Club

5 pm - 7 pm Warkworth Library

30 Darts Night

7 pm Warkworth Legion

31 League of Curious Kids - PA day camp and March break camp


5 pm - 7 pm Warkworth Library

9 am - 4:30 pm St Paul’s United Church, Gathering Place, Warkworth

Public Skating (free)


Write the Ending Book Club

12 - 3 pm Warkworth Arena, Warkworth ON

Free Skate - Norwood

11 am Norwood Arena, 88 Alma St

13 Curling Bonspiel (The Downspiel) 7 pm - 9 pm Warkworth Arena, Warkworth ON

Asphodel-Norwood Public Library Board Meeting 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Asphodel-Norwood Public Library

14 Free Skate - Norwood

4 pm Norwood Arena, 88 Alma St

Darts Night

2 pm - 3 pm Warkworth Public Library

7 pm Everyone welcome Warkworth Legion

Feb 2


Public Skating (free)

In Dreams by Ian Roy: Tribute to Roy Orbison 7 pm Keene Centre for the Arts 12 1st Street, Keene

Polar Plunge

12 pm Campbellford Lions Park County Road 50, Campbellford

Morgan Rider live in Campbellford 9 pm That Little Pub 26 Bridge Street, Campbellford

12 - 3 pm Warkworth Arena, Warkworth ON

3 Public Skating (free)

12 - 3 pm Warkworth Arena, Warkworth ON


7 pm - 9 pm Warkworth Arena

Community Lunch

11 am - 1 pm St Paul’s United Church, Gathering Place, Warkworth

Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE

Two Local Paramedics Awarded National Distinction by Governor General By Kate Campbell

Northumberland Paramedics Chief Bill Detlor with Paramedic Michael Stumpf.

Northumberland Paramedics Chief Bill Detlor with Paramedic Rebecca Thomas-Lorenzon.

Northumberland Paramedics Rebecca Thomas-Lorenzon and Michael Stumpf were recognized today during a meeting of County Council as recent recipients of the Governor General’s Exemplary Service award, for their years of service as emergency medical professionals. Rebecca Thomas-Lorenzon was awarded the Governor General’s Exemplary Service Medal in recognition of twenty years of exceptional service, and Michael Stumpf was awarded a ‘bar’ commemorating 30 years of service, to accompany his previously-awarded Exemplary Service Medal. “On behalf of County Council, we commend these individuals for their years of outstanding service,” states Acting County Warden Bob Sanderson. “First responders often face unique challenges in their role, requiring immense training, skill and care. It is with great respect that we recognize these individuals, who have gone above and beyond to preserve the safety of our commu-

nity through years of dedicated service and volunteerism.” The Exemplary Service Medal recognizes paramedics who have provided meritorious pre-hospital emergency medical services for twenty years or more. Recipients of this award have served at least ten years of street level or air duty involving potential risk, and have performed their duties in good conduct, industry and efficiency. “Our paramedic team is passionate about providing top quality service to the community,” states Northumberland Paramedics Chief and previous medal recipient Bill Detlor. “This year’s recipients have dedicated years to helping others through volunteer initiatives, in addition to their service as a first responder. On behalf of the Northumberland Paramedics team, we congratulate them on their achievements and thank them for their generous contributions to the community.”


THE TRIBUNE |Januar y 2020 ISSUE


Warkworth Legion Donates to Local Charities Thanks to Warkworth Legion members, special events and the Poppy Fund, generous donations were made to Campbellford Memorial Hospital, The Bridge Hospice and the 7 Hills Pantry. Pictured here are Karen Deziel (Legion president), John Russell (executive director of the Bridge Hospice), David Papple (Legion director), Carolyn Lee (7 Hills Pantry chairwoman), Bonnie Gordon (Legion), Cait Dean (donor relations Bridge Hospice), and Kerri-Anne Kidd (executive director for the Bridge Hospice).

Warkworth Legion LEGION EXECUTIVE MEETING Tuesday JAN 7th at 7:30 pm LEGION GENERAL MEETING Tuesday JAN 7th at 8:00 pm EVERYONE WELCOME TO ALL EVENTS! ********************************** NEW YEAR’S DAY PRESIDENT’S LEVEE January 1st, 2019 @ 12:00 Noon ********************************** DART NIGHTS AT THE LEGION! Thursdays: JAN 2nd, 9th. 16th, 23rd, and 30th Evenings at 7:00 pm ********************************* OPEN MIC! MONTHLY- 3rd FRIDAY Jan 17th from 7 PM C’mon out to play, sing or listen! ********************************** BRANCH EUCHRE Sat JAN 18th 2020 NOON Registration- Play @ 1:00 pm ********************************** DOUG LOCKHART MEMORIAL EUCHRE Sat JAN 18th 2020 NOON Registration- Play @ 1:00 pm ********************************** WARKWORTH LEGION CLUB ROOM Open Thursdays, Fridays, & Saturdays From 2pm till closing time! ********************************** WARKWORTH LEGION CLUB ROOM: OPEN EVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY From 2:00 PM til closing. WARKWORTH Legion Branch 380 12 Norham Rd. WARKWORTH ON. 705-924-2007

Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE


Rotary Club Tickets Create Winners and Help the Community By Ar t Chamberlain Members of the Rotary Club of Campbellford are now selling 500 tickets for their annual Trip of the Month draw. The $150 tickets give each buyer seven chances to win a prize each month – $2,000, $500, $300, $200 and three $100 prizes. In total, $39,600 is paid out to lucky local ticket purchasers and about $35,000 is raised to spend on community projects such as maintaining the Rotary Trail, helping Trent Hills

Winter Film Series at the Aron Theatre Co-op: Movies That Matter By Marcia Perr yman The Aron Theatre Co-operative is proudly presenting a winter series of thought-provoking films. The Aron Film Club has selected diverse stories which will intrigue and entertain you. The film series will run every other Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. and Thursday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. starting January 8 and 9, 2020. The theatre is offering great savings with the Flex Pass system, similar to the fall Tiff series. You can save 20 percent from the $10 ticket price at the door with the $32 Flex Pass. The Flex Pass can be used in any combination, for example, one person for four films, two for two, or four for one. They are available now at the theatre and at Kerr’s Corner Bookstore in Campbellford. Each screening will also include discussion after the movie. This will be an opportunity to share your experience with other film lovers. The series begins on Wednesday, January 8 and (and Thursday, January 9) with A Day in the Life of Noah Piugattuk, directed by Zacharias Kunuk. Noah Piugattuk’s nomadic Inuit band live and hunt by dog team, and life changes when he is approached by a Canadian government agent who encourages him to assimilate. On January 22 and 23, And the Birds Rained Down offers a haunting meditation on aging and self-determination. It is a winner of several prizes and we are grateful to have this film. February 5 and 6 provides the documentary Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love, showing the lifetime of love between Leonard Cohen and his muse, Marianne Ihlen. The film offers a unique portrait of the 1960’s bohemia and the music that was part of this experience. On February 19 and 20 has the final screening for the series: Song of Names. It is the story of two young boys during the Second World War whose friendship centered on their mutual love of music. This is a powerful movie with haunting moments, created by acclaimed filmmaker Francois Girard. The Winter Film Series is a great way to beat the winter blues by getting together with others in our local theatre to enjoy wonderful films. The Winter Series at the Aron is made possible by the generous support of its sponsors, including: Campbellford Chrysler, Centre and Main Chocolate, and Kinch Eddie Litigation. Watch for the tiff series announcement at: and on Facebook at:

Fire Department, supporting school nutrition programs, the Bridge Hospice and the Campbellford Memorial Hospital. “The Trip of the Month draw is our biggest fundraiser and we always sell out,” said club President Tom Dafoe. “A couple of years ago we added more prizes and increased the number of tickets sold so that we could offer more chances to win and raise even more money for local groups.”

The winning numbers are selected at the last club meeting of each month and winners are posted on the club’s Facebook page. You can get tickets from any Rotarian, or pick them up at Beamish’s Flooring and Window Fashions, or Sharpe’s Food Market at the service counter. The $150 price can be paid at once or in installments.

THE TRIBUNE |Januar y 2020 ISSUE


Draft 2020 County Budget Presented for Council Consideration By Kate Campbell Council today received the recommended County budget for 2020, presented by Finance Director and Treasurer Glenn Dees. Consistent with the target set by Council in June of this year at the outset of the budget process, this $140.6 million budget calls for a three per cent increase in the County levy after property assessment growth. The overall estimated impact of this levy increase to a median single family detached home in the County is approximately $29.20, though this is subject to change based on tax policy and information from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporate (MPAC), both of which will be finalized in the spring. “This draft budget establishes a concrete course of action for delivering the programs and services expected by our residents, in a way that prioritizes efficiency in County operations and value for the local taxpayer,” states Warden Sanderson. “As we prepare to vote on this budget next month, Council will carefully consider 2020 proposals and long-term financial plans, ensuring alignment with the priorities defined in our four-year Strategic Plan.” Some of the highlights from this proposed budget, as aligned with Council’s four-year Strategic Plan, include: Economic Prosperity and Innovation • Foster innovation through continued implementation of the Digital Strategy, including addressing local broadband challenges, modernizing the County’s internal IT infrastructure, and pursuing community-based digital literacy opportunities. • Engage in innovative projects with community partners, and strategically position the County’s many cultural and natural assets, to stimulate economic development and tourism growth. Sustainable Growth • Break ground for construction of the new Golden Plough Lodge and Northumberland County Archives & Museum facility. • Complete construction of the Trent Hills Emergency Ser-

vices Base, in collaboration with the Municipality of Trent Hills. • Continue to invest in resurfacing and renewal of existing roads and bridges, including surface treatment of over 120 km of municipal and County roadways, and rehabilitation and reconstruction of over 10km of County roadway.

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• Finalize for Council review a County-wide Development Charges Background Study. Thriving and Inclusive Communities • Continue with County-wide implementation of the Affordable Housing Strategy, including completion of a detailed design for the Elgin Park Redevelopment Project. • Develop a Social Housing Master Plan to maximize management of existing stock, including identifying prospects for renewal and intensification, as well as exploring expansion opportunities. • Develop Community Wellbeing and Safety plans in collaboration with community partners, as mandated by the province, to address local priorities related to crime and complex social issues. Leadership in Change • Continue to focus on innovative and shared services models that improve service and delivery, reduce administration and result in savings for tax payers. • Ensure continuous improvement of corporate processes by enhancing Cybersecurity practices, completing phase 2 of the Human Resources Information System implementation, and putting in place a Lean Governance Model and Action Plan for the organization. Following further review, County Council will vote on this budget at the January 29th, 2020 meeting of Council. To view draft budget materials, including overall highlights as well as individual departmental breakdowns, visit: Budget2020.

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Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE


Centre and Main Chocolates Win International Recognition By Nikki Fotheringham This year, the international chocolate awards received over three thousand submissions from chocolatiers across the globe. With so much talent to compete with, it is a true sign of her incredible genius that Warkworth resident Angela Roest won in two categories. Entrants must win in their country to go forward to the international awards which were held in Antigua this year, the first year it has been held in a cocoa-producing country. Local chocolatier extraordinaire, Angela Roest wowed the judges with her unique bars and bon bons in the Canadian leg of the contest this year. Angela’s unconventional approach sees her sourcing local ingredients from farmers, bakers and producers and turning them into fantastic chocolate bars. That includes bread for her tea and toast bar, saffron, beets, honey, coffee and lavender to name a few. She then freeze-dries her ingredients so they maintain their flavour and colour. This unique process allows her to experiment with unconven-

tional flavour combinations. Her winners in the Canadian contest this year included gold winners – Saffron Bar, Gin & Tonic Bar, and Turkish Coffee Bar; silver winner – Tea & Toast Bar; bronze winners – Sesame Za’atar Bar and Toffee & Potato Chip Bar. “I was surprised and delighted by the announcement,” Angela said. “I was excited for the international contest, but of course had no idea that we would go on to win.” And win she certainly did with two silvers for her Saffron and Gin and Tonic bars. “The saffron is produced right here in Warkworth by True Saffron,” Angela explains. “We just love collaborating with our local farmers and there are so many incredible ingredients to choose from.” It is a true testament to Angela’s talents that this small Warkworth business has achieved such incredible international recognition. This is the kind of quality we get when we support local businesses. You can try Angela’s incredible creations for yourself at her store on the corner of Cen-

tre and Main Streets in Warkworth or you can shop online at Centre and Main have a neat

saying on their website: “If our chocolate makes you feel a little weak in the knees, we know we’ve done our job.” As a regular consumer and avid fan, I

can assure you that you’d better be sitting down when you try Angela’s unique creations.

THE TRIBUNE |Januar y 2020 ISSUE


The Keene Centre for the Arts By Ida Brown In June 2018, my husband and I purchased the little Masonic hall at 12 First street in Keene. I looked inside and saw immediately that it had a stage. This was built for the children’s library area but I had fallen in love with what I saw as a little theatre. I had always wanted a building so much so that my second child at 4 years old said he would someday buy me a building and fill it with groceries! Our theatre group had started as The Brown Children’s Theatre in 1996 putting on productions in my living room and on stages in churches and on the third floor of The Gown and Gavel, a pub in Hamilton. Once I discovered that I could rent the stage at The Staircase Cafe Theatre in Hamilton, I was ecstatic! My friend, Rita Mobarek who was performing as the Grinch forgot her green makeup so the cafe blended mustard and parsley for her face instead. The effect was priceless as were all the moments of bringing parents and their children together into a huge theatrical production. And that is how the idea of my own theatre began. I owe my love of theatre to my Mother, Myrn Jackson Brown who took me to shows since I was a little girl. I would make up plays with children in our

neighbourhood and invite the parents to watch to make money to buy candy. Since he met me, my husband, Matt Pukarowski has supported my passion for theatre. He worked long hours once we purchased the building, helping me renovate to meet all the code requirements. Matt, Mom and I built the 39 legs under our stage extension in one night to meet requirements and this extension can now hold 100 people each weighing 100 pounds! When we first purchased the building I decided to produce a Christmas play in Keene to introduce our theatre to the neighbourhood. We couldn’t open to the public so I rented out space for auditions and practises in late September 2018 at the Keene United Church and produced “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” We continued to renovate and on Jan 17th 2019 I had auditions for Alice in Wonderland. My daughter, Bethany Brown, created music for two of Lewis Carrols poems in the production. Growing up acting in the plays, Bethany soon took a more adult role at the Cambridge Centre for the Arts, working the lighting and sound and directing the music along with creating our new website plus she will

be performing as Honey in our May production of “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf”. We have always (for the last 23 years) started in mid to late September for a June production but our auditions for Alice in Wonderland didn’t even start until mid January 2019. Working with my new adaptation we still had to create the dances as we moved closer and closer to the performance date but the cast and crew and our orchestra band were incredible! We had three casts (and a fourth at Norwood High) as everyone worked together to bring new life to Lewis Carroll’s book. Our opening cabaret was performed on February 22 2019. We were only partially open because we still had more work to do to pass the requirements. Once we were partially open in mid February, I was able to bring the practises over for Alice to our own venue which helped a lot. We weren’t allowed to have any public shows yet but we had a private St Patrick’s day event featuring musician Mike McCurdy. We passed all the requirements at the end of April and had our first public storytelling event, Sisters and Settlers, on April 26th 2019. However, due to matters beyond our control we still were

not given our liquor license. So I decided to rent out The Lions Den so the musicians could still perform until our license came in. This lasted from April 5 to May 10. Our first event where we were fully officially open with a liquor license in our own venue was for the band Chic ‘n Pot Pi on May 25 2019. We had three performances of Alice in Wonderland on June 14/15th at our own venue and a fourth at Norwood High. Matt and I were given the county of Peterborough award for Leadership in Art and Culture. Here’s what’s happening in the new year: Thursday Jan 9 1 to 4 pm Sharon’s Cafe 2020 a daytime open stage offered every Thursday with Sharon Marie Doughty! Friday Jan 10, 7pm FunHouse Open Stage As musician, Mike MacCurdy explains, “The whole idea here is to bring area musicians/performers together to meet and play. There will be 2 fully-equipped music stages, one in the main theatre and one upstairs in the green room, which will be more spontaneous. All musicians and performers are welcome to

step up on stage and sing, play, or just jam. Rock n roll band Five Mile Turn will be hosting the main stage and can provide backline accompaniment. Music makes the world go ‘round, so give it a whirl and keep it spinning!” Or just come out and listen to the music! Sat January 11 Stockdale Central—a 5-piece band playing country classics and new country. Sat January 25 ‘In Dreams’ by Ian Roy A tribute to Roy Orbison! Come on over and support our little theatre!! (Please note: Space (upstairs and downstairs) can also be rented for your parties and events, workshops and group meetings. Reasonable rates that include a licensed bar, stage, concession, lighting and sound booth. The main floor is wheelchair accessible.

Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE

News From The Norwood Lions’ Den By Rob Ir ving and Jack Begg The Norwood Lions Club spent the last month of 2019 bringing Christmas cheer to many in our community. Our annual club Christmas party was held at the Norwood Town Hall on the 5th of Dec. Members, spouses and guests enjoyed a traditional Christmas feast served by Trillium Catering and were entertained by the talented Kevin Hornsby. In the spirit of giving, each member bought a gift to be donated to the Community Toy Drive. The Norwood Lions Club continued a long-standing tradition of presenting a Christmas flower to those in our community who have suffered the loss of a family member in the previous year. Lion Tom Dean and his committee organised the list of recipients and the procurement of the flowers. Many thanks were received when the Lions Club members delivered the flowers to the homes of those missing a loved one this Christmas season. Thanks to RCL Branch 300 who shared in the financial cost of this gesture. Once again, the Norwood Lions Club ensured that no child was forgotten at Christmas this year. Lion Vern Stockdale and his committee are to be congratulated for their effort in gathering and distributing the toys to those in need. Thank you to the businesses in our community who placed collection boxes for gifts to be dropped off. Thanks to the tremendous generosity of the citizens of the Asphodel Norwood Community, the Norwood Lions Club were able to help over 100 Children in 47 families have a happier Christmas morning. Once again, our Christmas draw was very successful. Thanks to Lion Don Snider and his committee for organizing the draw. Thank you to all who purchased tickets to support our Club endeavours. Congratulations to the following certificate winners. Norwood Foodland $400 Elaine Godin, JJ Stewart Motors $100 Greg Elford, Norwood Home Hardware $100 Ken Pierce, Ralph’s Butcher Shop $50 Valentino, Centennial Pharmacy $50 Jim Moore, Jack’s Restaurant Norwood $50 Kathy Hamilton, Norwood Ultramar $50, Norwood Esso $50 Lisa. During the past month the club has made donations to the Norwood District Public School Christmas Dinner and will be sponsoring a session of free skating at the Norwood Asphodel Community Centre. A donation was directed to the Curl for Kids Bonspiel which raises funds for Camp Ooch. The

club once again will be supporting the Lions district effective speaking competition with a donation. The Norwood Lions Club is excited to announce that World Class fiddlers Richard Wood and Gordon Belcher have been rebooked to play a concert at the Norwood Town Hall on Sept 13, 2020. Mark your calendar for this not to be missed event.


Trends for 2020 By Lori Schuett The world around us is changing. According to the website ‘TrendWatching’ here are some things to watch for this year. 1. Eco-consumption 2. Connection 3. Wellbeing 4. Support Here are my thoughts on how these will translate to our homes and lifestyles in 2020: 1. Eco-consumption. Great attention and thought will go into reusing items that we would once throw away. It will be a year of being creative, with designers trying to think of new ways to reuse products. Incorporating modern design elements, old furniture will be given a new life by painting or adding natural elements. It could mean grandma’s furniture might be of interest again. How about that old lamp with a new shade or that vintage rug repurposed as art? Other similar expressions are modern rustic which is bringing the past into the ‘now’ and the industrial style which celebrates the raw elements of metal, wood, brick and concrete. 2. Connection. With the digital revolution continuing, many consumers are considering the advantages of the ‘smart

home’. Apps will be offered to make life more convenient allowing you to control features of your home remotely. Blinds are just one example with some even working on solar power. You will also see brand avatar’s being integrated into our online experiences. 3. Wellbeing. Let’s face it, this is an important element and balancing work and life is really hard. With occupational burnout on the rise it is something that is now taken quite seriously. To enhance wellbeing designers will aim at creating an environment that supports our connection with nature. Some will bring the soothing elements of nature into our homes and I expect we’ll see this in wall paper with botanicals and geometric prints. Wall colours will reflect warmth and although we’ll still see grey tones, these will be mixed with warm colours: neutrals and strong shades like navy blue and strong greens. Light wood colours will be prominent, not just for the floor but for the walls and ceilings too. With ceramic tiles, I expect we’ll see influences from afar with strong designs and Italian patterns, some that look like rust-

ed tin. Face line art drawings will be found in art pieces as well as area rugs and wall coverings providing fun accents for the interior of the home. 4. Support. This year there will be a greater desire to create meaningful connections: whether it’s in online forums with others who share common experiences, or meeting with friends face to face, giving and getting support has been recognized as vital. Think of the good old-fashioned areas in your home where you can socialize with others. The kitchen is recognized as the hub and it’s an excellent place for gathering and connecting with family and friends. Open concept living is still in the mix, giving us the space for much needed relaxation and social interaction. Designers will be striving to create a tranquil environment where we will want to spend safe time together instead of time apart. As you contemplate design projects this year, please contact me when I can be of assistance.

THE TRIBUNE |Januar y 2020 ISSUE


Conscious Living By Emmanuelle Keogh Today is the shortest day of the year; the shortest and darkest day of the year. So tomorrow, the light starts winning a little bit, every day. A comforting thought! As I write this, there are only three days left until Christmas. This Christmas is different for me as I have for the first time been able to stick with my resolve not to get sucked in by the pressure to buy, to consume excessively. Sucked in by the pressure to have a certain kind of Christmas and getting stressed as a result. This year, I feel I finally achieved what I had been wanting to do for a number of years: making conscious choices about what I am buying. I feel quite pleased with this and have a sense that I am being true to myself. And with it comes a genuine appreciation for and enjoyment of the season. As a conscious choice this year I decided to give primarily donations as a gift to my family, friends and co-workers. Donations to a social organization, Covenant House, that helps troubled youth. It is an organization that is dear to my heart as it gives lost young people a chance to get their lives back on track; providing for their basic needs (shelter, food,

clothes) as well as providing psychological and educational support. It warms my heart that Covenant House dedicates itself to being there for these young people; a beacon in the darkness. As a conscious choice this year, I focused on buying locally. Our area offers a lovely selection of gifts and art pieces, so it was a pleasure to visit our towns and support our local businesses. And it fostered a real sense of community and being there for one another. And as a conscious choice this year I decided to focus on inviting people who might feel alone on Christmas. This decision gave Christmas a deeper meaning for me as a time of generosity, of reaching out, a time when we affirm that we are all family after all. There will not be a big crowd at our table, it will be a gathering of diverse people. But the spirit of Christmas will be there and I feel excited about it. And as this year comes to an end and a new year starts, I will carry on this attitude and resolve to live my life consciously by making conscious decisions that reflect who I am and the values that are important to me. One year at a time. I feel excited already.

The World’s Most Iconic Walking Holidays One of the greenest, simplest ways to see the world is by lacing up a pair of boots and hitting the trails. Walking holidays have become something of a phenomenon in the last decade and with new routes being discovered each year, it’s no longer only about famous pilgrimages and pathways. The Inca Trail – Follow in the Footsteps One of the globe’s best-known hikes, the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru actually consists of three different routes of varying length and altitude, with most taking the ‘classic’ trail that takes roughly four days of walking to complete. Much of the pathway itself consists of the original Inca construction and those lucky enough to take the journey will enjoy some of the most breathtaking vistas in all of South America. The landscape is mostly made up of soaring forested peaks and sweeping valleys set amid the East Cordillera’s iconic clouds. Camino de Santiago – A Legendary Pilgrimage A centuries-old pilgrimage

leading to the great cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, this gruelling route through northwestern Spain is composed of dozens of variations. Famous for its apparent spiritual affect on those who undertake the journey, the camino (as it is commonly referred to) is perhaps Europe’s most famous trail. Most who undertake the trail begin 500 miles from the final destination at the French border town of Saint-Jean-Piedde-port, a charming settlement that provides travellers with a tranquil place in which to prepare for what can be an arduous hike. From here pilgrims pass in Spain over the

Pyrenees mountain before crossing the region of Leon to their destination. Spain is a truly vibrant land that’s home to some of the planet’s greatest restaurants and cultural institutions as well as first-class sporting events such as the El Clasico, the Spanish Grand Prix and the EPT Barcelona. Ladakh – India’s Northern Wilderness Home to India’s High Himalaya region, Ladakh is a wilderness of other-worldly landscapes and enchanting, ancient Buddhist culture. Hikers flock here from across the world to take part in a variety of treks including the Markha Valley trail. Famous for stark, rocky topography and an almost eerie character, its no wonder that many who undertake trails in Ladakh do so with personal development in mind. Due to the region’s extreme climate, the trails are inaccessible outside of the months June to October, when the area is either far too hot or blanketed in many feet of snow. The Appalachian Trail – A True Test of Endurance North America’s most iconic hiking trip, the Appalachian Trail probably wouldn’t go down as many people’s idea of a perfect vacation. Yet for a few, this five-month hike provides the challenge of a lifetime and offers a unique opportunity to get closer to nature than ever before. Like a craggy spine through America’s east coast, the Appalachian trail stretches over 2,000 miles from lush Maine in the north to the sultry climes of Georgia in the south. Encompassing forests and wilderness, the trail attracts hikers of all skill levels throughout the warmer months of the year and with camping seeing a resurgence with younger generations, there’s never been a better time to attempt the trail. Commonly referred to as the A.T., the trail is truly one of the nation’s most iconic walking holidays and those who complete the entire thing (thru-hikers), become members of an elite club of dedicated explorers.

Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE


THE TRIBUNE |Januar y 2020 ISSUE


Crossword Time!

Across 1 Person soliciting business without introduction (4-6) 7 Done by oneself alone (7) 8 Motor cycle — sulked (5) 10 The first murder victim? (4) 11 Best clothes (4,4) 13 Inform on — official statement (6) 15 Give one’s consent (6) 17 Intentionally hidden (8) 18 Tramp (4) 21 Someone who lives on the labour of others (5) 22 Meat — in ovens (anag) (7) 23 Et cetera (3,3,4) Down 1 Packing case (5) 2 Board game (4) 3 Treat in an indulgent way (6) 4 One who has become powerless (4,4) 5 Atone for (7) 6 Become beached (3,7) 9 Coming down (10) 12 Turn ripe (anag) — salacious (8) 14 Crushing remark (3-4) 16 Paris art gallery (6) 19 Pianist and composer (often associated with Brahms), d. 1886 (5) 20 On a single occasion (4) SOLUTIONS ON PAGE 14

SUDOKU How to play: Each row (horizontally), column (vertically) and each box has to contain all the numbers 1-9. Each number can only appear once in a row, column or box.

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The difficulty lies in that each vertical ninesquare column, or horizontal nine-square line across, within the larger square, must also contain the numbers 1-9, without repetition or omission. Every puzzle has just one correct solution.

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Janua r y 2020 ISSUE | THE TRIBUNE


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