The Towerlight (September 25, 2018)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

September 25, 2018

The Truth About

TAILGATING Tailgating is alive at TU, pg. 13

CRISPS Photo Illustration by Victoria Nicholson/The Towerlight



September 25, 2018

You can’t find easier living than Towson Place Apartments

Apply Today! Now leasing all units – utilities and furnishings included. 410 823 0733

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FRI., SEPT. 28 • 11 A.M. — 2 P.M. SECU ARENA Register at: 0618.0396

5/20/18 5:13 PM


September 25, 2018

Editor-in-Chief Karuga Koinange Senior Editor Bailey Hendricks News Editor Mary-Ellen Davis Arts & Life Editor Kerry Ingram Asst. Arts & Life Editor Alex Helms Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editors Muhammad Waheed Jordan Kendall Staff Writers Jessica Ricks Rohan Mattu Keri Luise Deb Greengold Sophia Bates Meg Hudson Albert Ivory Anthony Petro Suzanne Stuller

Photo Editor Brendan Felch

Staff Photographers Simon Enagonio

David Fisher Brittany Whitham Lacey Wall Lexi Thompson David Kirchner Katerina Duerr Isaiah Freeman Isabelle Bartolomeo Owen DiDonna




Circulation Staff Scott Halerz Dom Capparuccini Elssa Kenfack


26 27

In this workshop, you will learn about pregnancy prevention through interactive games and engaging discussions. By the end of this workshop you will be able to identify the different contraceptive methods, understand how to use and access them, and develop skills to make decisions about your contraceptive options. All are welcome!



Harold Caplan Conert Hall, CA 3042


Frederick M. Lawrence, civil rights scholar and CEO of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honor society, will discuss the complexities of free speech on college campuses. Sponsored by Albert S. Cook Library, American Association of University Professors, Center for Student Diversity, Office of the President and Office of the Provost.






The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Classifieds appear online and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2018 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

The Knollwood Association and Towson University are jointly hosting a non-partisan candidate debate for communities in the Legislative District of 42 & 42A.

Minnegan Room, Johnny Unitas Stadium Formed in the summer of 2013 at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity’s SHRIVER HALL Chamber Music Residency, the Rolston String Quartet was named among CONCERT the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s 2016 “30 Hot Canadian ClasSERIES | sical Musicians Under 30.” ROLSTON

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Fraternity & Sorority Life is bringing Dave Conner The Director of Student Involvement at The College of New Jersey to discuss the impact of hazing and how to change the culture around hazing!

West Village Ballrooms

General Manager Mike Raymond



Health Center Basement


Art Director Victoria Nicholson


@WLogan_M Towson got a bee problem i got stung at least 15 times on my way back from class

@denellanutella_ Now towson got killer bees. Im ready to graduate




BEE SWARMS @echonova

The end is coming: SAFETY ALERT Aggressive bee swarms have been reported in at least two locations on the Towson University campus. @billyowens174 Thoughts and prayers are with my Towson friends as they try to avoid the TWO (2) aggressive bee swarms on campus this week




September 25, 2018

Voters need to defend victims

In light of Ford allegations, voters must respond in November CONNOR McNAIRN Columnist

Few positions in American government are comparable in weight and circumstance to a United States Supreme Court seat. Members on the Court are given lifetime appointments and are not subjected to reelection campaigns like most other prominent policy -makers. In essence, the court of public opinion does not s t ro n g ly influe n c e the outcome of Supreme Court justice nominations; the only hope for decency, then, when a Supreme Court nominee is credibly accused of sexual assault and attempted rape, is that members of the Senate – the body tasked with confirming a justice – will vote down the nominee. But given that the current Senate is led by Republican operatives who suffer from moral and ethical bankruptcy, such an outcome is unlikely in light of recent allegations surrounding Judge Kavanaugh. Last week, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, a professor in clinical psychology at Palo Alto University in California, detailed that over 30 years ago, Trump’s current Supreme Court nominee attempted to rape her at a high school party in Montgomery County, Maryland. After first writing an anonymous letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein, who then sent the letter to the FBI, Dr. Ford was publicly outed as

the author without her consent. Dr. Ford first mentioned the assault to her therapist in 2012, and has since passed a lie detector test administered by a former FBI agent, during which she described the events of the night in question. Since coming for ward, Dr. Ford has faced a barrage of criticism from the right, most predominantly from Republican leadership in the S e n a t e . Fo l l o w i n g Ford’s accusations, Senator Lindsey G ra h a m a r g u e d t hat t he Democrats have been executing a “drive by shooting” of Kavanaugh. What is more, Senator Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee (the body charged with overseeing the preliminary testimonies of Supreme Court nominees), immediately released a letter signed by 65 women who purport that Kavanaugh is a decent and honorable man, as though his not being accused by 65 individuals somehow erases the fact that he was still credibly accused by Dr. Ford. It is also worth noting that Dr. Ford has received numerous death threats and has had to physically relocate in order to protect herself and her family. After all 10 Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to delay Kavanaugh’s hearing following Dr. Ford’s coming forward, only one Republican – Senator Jeff Flake – concurred with the plan for delay. On Friday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell spoke

at a Value Voters Summit, during which he claimed that Republicans would “plow right through” with Kavanaugh’s nomination, in spite of Ford’s story. It is evident that Republicans in government have failed to take seriously the allegations of Dr. Ford. It is now incumbent on the citizens of the United States to consider a crucial question: will there be no electoral consequences in November for Republicans who have so blatantly disregarded a victim of sexual violence? Dr. Ford achieves no personal gain by coming forward, which is evidenced by her attempted anonymity. She has since faced a plethora of threats, as Republicans in the Senate have tied themselves to a sinking Kavanaugh nomination. Regardless t he outcome of Kavanaugh’s hearing, the Republican Party has repeatedly proved itself incapable of placing humanity and decency over its own political agenda. The President, after all, has been credibly accused of sexual assault over a dozen times, and even admitted to it on a tape that was released to the world just before the 2016 election. If, in a democracy, our elected officials are both unwilling to and incapable of defending victims of sexual violence, voters must.

College Republicans and Democrats lead MATTHEW PIPKIN Columnist @MattPipkinJr

Following last week’s headline article with the Towerlight “Towson gears up for elections,” I wanted to supplement the article by shining a light on two groups on campus that have gone above and beyond the call for political grassroots organizations. The College Republicans and College Democrats of Towson have both respectively done an excellent job building up a reputation of having some of the hardest working political volunteers in the state. Both groups have also remained very active on campus, as they have worked jointly to plan with the Knollwood Association and Towson’s Office of Civic Engagement for this F r i d a y ’ s “Candidate Debate: The Future of 42” from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Minnegan Room. As the College Republican President, I have the honor in overseeing our 40-plus active members as they go across the state, taking leadership roles in various campaigns. Just to name a few, we currently boast having members being campaign directors for the Tony Campbell for U.S. Senate Campaign, a regional director for the Hogan for Governor Campaign, the youngest elected official in Maryland history serving as a Republican central committee member and campaign managers for both the Baltimore County Council and Maryland delegate races. This list does not include the countless hours spent by our members, helping in campaign races up and down the ballot. Now this is not just a Republican phenom on campus. Although we fiercely debate annually, the Towson Colleges

Democrats and ourselves have an excellent working relationship, and I have heard a bit about their political efforts as well. Reported to me by my friend, President Josh Lash, the College Democrats remain staunch volunteers for Democratic campaigns across the state. They have had field organizers for the Ben Jealous race, a campaign manager for the Howard County Council and leadership roles within the Baltimore County Democratic Party. Last spring, the College Democrats even hosted a Baltimore County Executive Race debate here at Towson University. Now don’t get me wrong; the Office of Civil Engagement here on campus has been doing tremendous work in getting our students engaged and encouraging political conversations here on campus. I believe because of the excellent leadership by Chris Jensen and Luis Sierra, Towson will see an unusual spike in the percentage of students voting during this midterm season compared to other universities. But I would implore any and all students seeking to make a difference in politics in Maryland; come to one of our political organizations. Through us, we will ensure that we can get you connected politically and help get you on the path towards making a difference in your community. If making a difference locally interests you, please come out to our collaboration event with the District 42/42A debate this Friday at the Minnegan Room from 6 to 8 p.m. Both clubs will be there as we host two debates that involve both the state delegate and state senator races that incorporate Towson University in the districts.


September 25, 2018

Department of Electronic Media and Film presents

This September, light it up in teal PCOS Awareness Month sheds light on chronic condition SAMUEL SMITH Columnist

Every evening, after dinner, I take a few different medications. Among them is metformin - three pills that are bitter, with no coating. Metformin is a medication that is known for treating type 2 diabetes and prediabetes, but I’m not diabetic. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS for short. Polycystic ovarian syndrome affects my insulin levels, but it also affects so much more. It affects my mental health, my weight, and my ability to be active. And I’m not the only one with this disorder. Polycystic ovarian syndrome affects anywhere from one in ten to two in ten people. For a chronic condition, that is a lot of people. Did I mention there’s absolutely no cure? So what does PCOS entail in terms of mental health? People with polycystic ovarian syndrome are at a much higher risk for anxiety and depression. Between the chronic pain, the irregular or absent cycle, the male-pattern hair, and the longterm side effects, it’s no wonder people with PCOS are at a greater risk for mental health issues. I personally suffer from anxiety disorder, and a large part of it is due to the PCOS. I’m in pain all the time because of the illness, and the hormones can cause my anxiety to shoot through the roof. For years, I wasn’t sure what was causing unexplained panic attacks. Then, I found out I have PCOS, and realized the hormonal issues and chronic pain were causing my anxiety to skyrocket. So what are the options for those of us with polycystic ovarian syndrome? First of all, make sure you’re staying in touch with your endocrinologist or obstetrician/gynecologist, as your hormone levels can and will effect your mental and physical health. Also, see a therapist. Living with chronic pain is hard. Living with

mental health issues is just as difficult. Having a therapist who you can bounce your pain off of is so, so important with any chronic condition, and not just PCOS. You can also register with Disability Support Services, who will guide you on what accommodations may be appropriate. Take care of yourself too. Self care is a b s o l u t e ly vital in combating mental health issues. Run a relaxing bath. Drink some water or tea. Take a nap. Read a good book that isn’t

for class. Take care of yourself. Your body, spirit, and mind will thank you. If you don’t have PCOS, talk about it with those you meet. Fight for awareness and acceptance for those with PCOS. You most likely know someone with PCOS, and we appreciate those who advocate. If you know someone who’s open about their struggle with the disorder, thank them. It’s difficult to be open about living with any chronic condition, and PCOS is no different.

FREE FILM SERIES Van Bokkelen Hall Auditorium Mondays at 7:30pm OCTOBER FILMS 10/1 “San Junipero,” Black Mirror 10/8 “Be Right Back,” Black Mirror 10/15 Lars and the Real Girl (2007)




September 25, 2018

Ira Shapiro visits Towson Students learn Talks new book at ‘Campus Conversation’

CSS, HTML KERI LUISE Staff Writer @keri_luise

Sophia Bates/ The Towerlight

Author and International Trade Lawyer Ira Shapiro answered student questions during the Campus Conversation event Sept. 20 hosted by the department of Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility. SOPHIA BATES Staff Writer @sbrookebates

Author and International Trade Lawyer Ira Shapiro spoke during a “Campus Conversation” Sept. 20, which was hosted by the department for Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility. Shapiro started the conversation by addressing why he has passion for speaking to student audiences. “We share something in common, I came of age during crisis times,” Shapiro said. “We were in schools during the period identifiable to the Vietnam War. You’re growing up and coming of age in crisis times as well. It’s a different sort of crisis- a crisis presented by the Trump presidency.” Shapiro noted that his book, which is about the Senate, is because he “has something of a fixation about the Senate.” Shapiro interned at the Senate right after college, which he said gave him an idea of how to contribute to public service. “The Senate is the balance wheel in our system,” Shapiro said. “At its best, it’s the place where problems get worked out, and it’s the place where the two parties get together, to try to overcome their differences and find common ground. The Senate played a crucial role. In the words of the great play ‘Hamilton,’ ‘it was the room where it happened.’”

Shapiro noted that the system of government has been facing a “long break down,” which he said Donald Trump was a product of. “The Trump presidency could either cause a destruction of our democracy, or the resurgence of it,” Shapiro said. The gradual decline of the politics of the Senate has been happening since the 90s, according to Shapiro. He continued to talk about leaders, specifically noting Senator Mitch McConnell. “I have written and believed that McConnell is a unique figure in our politics,” Shapiro said. “Unfortunately, he has never done things for the country, he has only done things for his party.” Shapiro continued to discuss the issues regarding checks and balances of the Trump presidency, where the country needs the Senate the most. “The thing that’s most worrisome about the decline of the Senate is that at a time we need the Senate to be at its strongest, it’s actually been at its weakest,” Shapiro said. After Shapiro finished his discussion, Political Science Professor and Faculty Director of the Honors College Doctor Alison Rios Millett McCartney along with Civic Engagement Fellow junior Sophie Bertrand sat alongside Shapiro for a panel discussion led by questions they curated and audience questions. McCartney led an informal audi-

ence poll, asking “how many of you think that you might be somewhat locked out of participation in the American system because of money?” This led to a question and response from Shapiro regarding the context of money and being involved. “I think that while politicians respond to contributors, they also respond to citizens who are involved. They do not neglect citizens,” Shapiro said. Audience questions were addressed following McCartney and Bertrand’s questions. Questions ranged from asking about Trump’s social media accounts to addressing Shapiro’s stance on term limits. Copies of Shapiro’s book were given out to students whose questions were picked to be answered on the panel. Bertrand regarded the importance of Shapiro’s message on a student body and what she learned from his book. “I think it’s really nice when people heavily involved in politics come down, get involved, talk to students, and get them engaged,” Bertrand said. “Reading that book opened my eyes to a lot of issues.” According to McCartney, everyone can learn a lesson from hearing from experience. “We can all benefit from the voice of experience,” McCartney said. “If we want to know how to fix our problems, we have to know what has worked well before.”

The Software Engineering Club held a workshop Sept. 17 to help Towson University students understand basic coding and learn how to build their own personal website. Students were asked to bring their laptops to the workshop and install the necessary software beforehand, like text editor, FileZilla and Github. This way, students could follow along with the step by step instructions from Software Engineering Club Vice President Paige Zaleppa and Software Engineering Club President Mazlow Cohen. The workshop participants learned basic information about HTML, CSS and general coding. Then, they went on to learn basic terminology about Github and the beginning steps of producing of a website. “It was mostly just a refresh on HTML for me,” said sophomore computer science major Devon Emanuel. “I’ve worked with it before, and I’ll need to use HTML eventually in my future.” Another workshop attendee and Computer Science major, Tawa Alaka said she learned the important basics “about CSS and some about creating a stylesheet and HTML.” “Eventually, I’ll be able to develop my personal website and put things about myself, projects I’m currently working on and things like that on it for my future,” Alaka said. Cohen said that understanding how to build a website is important, no matter the field a student is looking to enter

into. With it being such a technological time period, people are starting to look at websites or portfolio projects instead of business cards. “I think having a good understanding of web development is a great skill whether you’re starting a new business, or you just want to have a website,” Cohen said. “It just gives you so much more power that you don’t have to rely on someone else to build your website.” Having a personally created website can also help students put their work out in the world in an impressive and unique way. “I think it just helps you promote your personal brand,” Zaleppa said. “It’s one thing to go hand a resumé to someone, but like ‘hey check out my website’ is different.” Creating a personal website can also help show a creative side and emphasize how one might stand out from others. “It’s also just fun to build it, you can play with it and make it your own,” Zaleppa said. “Because for a resumé you’re kind of stuck in a format, but this you can add color and do your own thing.” The Software Engineering club has revamped their vision to make the information they teach more accessible for any and all skill levels. “We have a lot of freshmen and sophomores getting involved as well as juniors and seniors returning,” Cohen said. “We’re really trying to build a collaborative community of students working on projects, workshops, so they can apply what they learned in the classroom and come away with projects for their portfolio.” - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Courtesey of Mazlow Cohen

Towson’s Software Engineering Club hosted a workshop Sept. 17 to teach students the basics of HTML, CSS, and general coding.


September 25, 2018


Wasps swarm students Yellow jacket nest found by Hawkins Hall


Bailey Hendricks/ The Towerlight

After several students were stung by yellow jackets last week, the Towson University Police Department marked the stairs next to Hawkins Hall with caution tape to help keep people away MARY-ELLEN DAVIS News Editor @Mel_Davis_1998

Maria Puglese, a freshman, was walking up the stairs next to AU Bon Pain on her way to her 9:30 a.m. class when she found herself surrounded by a cloud of bees. Puglese ran up the stairs, trying to swat the bees off, but they had followed her. She was stung 10 times. “I didn’t do anything to provoke them,” Puglese said. “I was just walking up the stairs and the entire nest happened to be in a pipe that was embedded in the stairs.” Puglese was not the only student attacked by the bees. According to Health Center Director Matthias Goldstein, 14 students in total were seen for stings at the Health Center with some sustaining up to 16 bee stings. As a result of the number of students affected, Towson University sent out a campus safety alert to inform students of the danger. Sent out at 1:46 p.m. on Sept. 18, the alert warned students of swarms reported near Au Bon Pain and Hawkins Hall area, as well as the Glen ropes course. The area was then marked by Towson Police with caution tape with the goal of keeping students away and preventing further attacks. Senior Lee Goodrich was also stung several times by the bees as she walked down the steps by Hawkins Hall. Goodrich said she was minding her own business when the bees started to attack her, leaving “monstrous welts all over my legs.”

“I ran as fast as I could, hitting could be found anywhere. Students my legs trying to get the bees off,” should also watch for hornets nests. said Goodrich. “We do occasionally find hornets The bees, which were later iden- nests and we take care of those as tified as yellow jackets, are naturally well,” Anderson said. “But this is the more aggressive during the late sum- first time we’ve had a yellow jacket mer and early attack since I’ve fall than any been here.” other time Community of the year members, if according to stung, are encourLandscape aged by the uniServices versity to go to Manager the Health Center D o n n a for treatment, Anderson. which varies According depending on the bigbluereaction of the, individual stung. the aggres“I went directsiveness is ly to the Health caused by Center because the fact that I’ve never been yellow jackstung before,” ets are terPuglese said. ritorial, and “When I got become agiMARIA PUGLESE there, we found Student out I was stung tated when it starts to cool eight times, but down and they try to find food and when I got back to my dorm and shelter for the pending weather. recounted I realized I was stung Facilities management took care 10 times.” of the nests as quickly as possible, Some treatments include an ice spraying the nests with bee spray, pack and hydrocortisone cream for Anderson said. cases of localized swelling, or oral “Because the nest is in the ground steroids and antihistamines for more and you can’t really get to it we just moderate reactions. have to use bee spray like a home“We are fortunate that we did not owner would use,” said Anderson. have any severe reactions,” Goldstein Anderson expects that the bee said. “We were sort of saved by the spray will be enough to take care of rain. During these bee attacks it the located hives, but warned that began to pour and I guess bees go they may still come up, as nests home when it pours.”

I didn’t do anything to provoke them. I was just walking up the stairs and the entire nest happened to be in a pipe that was embedded in the stairs.

A 52-year-old babysitter stabbed three babies and two adults in a New York Maternity Center. The center, according to authorities, appeared to be part of a birth-tourism facility for foreign mothers looking to deliver their children in the United States. Yu Fen Wang, the alleged assailant, was found in the basement with what looked like a self-inflicted slash on her wrist. All of the victims are reported to be in stable conditions at hospitals in the area, though one baby’s condition is considered to be critical but stable due to more serious wounds. The babies had been stabbed in the abdomen, and one of the adults had a stab wound to the leg. Wang is currently being held in a nearby hospital undergoing treatment for her wounds as well as psychiatric evaluation.

REALITY-TV STAR SURGEON CHARGED WITH RAPE NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Reality-TV surgeon Grant Robicheaux and his girlfriend Cerissa Riley are facing charges for allegedly drugging and forcing themselves on two women. Both Robicheaux and Riley are denying charges, which originally date back to 2016 when it was reported that they invited a woman back to their apartment after she had become intoxicated. The alleged victim was then drugged, raped and orally assaulted. Other women have since come forward to accuse the couple of sexual assault. Robicheaux faces nine felony charges including rape by use of drugs, oral copulation by anaesthesia, assault with intent to commit sexual offense, four counts of possession of a controlled substance for sale and two counts of possession of an assault weapon that police found in his home after obtaining a search warrant in January 2018. Riley faces similar charges, with the exception of possession of assault weapons.

KAVANAUGH ACCUSER READY TO TESTIFY IN OPEN HEARING WASHINGTON, D.C. Christine Blasey Ford will testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday after accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her at a high school party in the 1980s. It was not clear at first whether Dr. Ford would testify before the committee whose Republican members are all male, or an outside lawyer or aide who would most likely have been female. It is still unclear who will testify first, Kavanaugh or Ford. Kavanaugh has denied Ford’s claims.

-- Stories compiled by Mary-Ellen Davis. Stories from The Daily Beast.

10 September 25, 2018

Arts & Life

Student-written and produced play ready for blast off TU theatre students launch their own show about relationships A group of Towson students are taking it upon themselves to create a student-produced, written, and directed play. And they are even getting the science department in on the action. The play, entitled “The Voyager,” is a coming-of-age story about family and relationships. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were two American space probes which launched in 1977, and are represented in the play as a metaphorical child. Sophomore Kerinne Walls plays the role of the Voyager, while her character's parents are the scientists who created her. “To me, it’s a play about our relationships with our parents and how that changes over time,” director Alexander Wynd said. “But it just so happens that in this play the child is a spacecraft and the parents are NASA scientists.” Senior theatre major Jacob Zeranko, who wrote “The Voyager,” said the play is about a child whose view of life develops throughout the play. “It’s mostly about a kid growing up and having this imaginative view of everything,” Zeranko said. “About how Voyager can see things for a little more than what they are. And as adults, as we grow up, I think we kind of lose that, but I want to show you don’t have to… I want people to be reminded that thinking about things like a kid isn’t a bad thing.” Zeranko said he has always been interested in science and was inspired to write the play after seeing the documentary “The Farthest,” which is about the twin Voyager space probes. Zeranko said another thing that inspired the family-relationship aspect of the play is him being a first-generation college student, and compared that to the Voyager being the first thing to leave and go into space. “When we sent it off, we knew that was the first thing that was not just going to be flown into a planet, it was going to go into interstellar space and it would just be out there,” Zeranko said. “It would be the first thing that would leave. And that’s kind of what stuck with me. What’s that journey

intend to make the play so personal, but he said that “Voyager has a lot of aspects about how I always felt growing up. The characters Frankie and Linda, which are the two primary parental figures are less based off of my own parents, but they are the parents I hope I can be.” Zeranko also explained some parallels between his own family and the characters in the play. “The character Bill is almost written after my grandfather almost to a T, which was kind of my father-figure growing up. And the character Christy is based a lot around my mom. She worked really hard so I didn’t have to worry. Her life pretty much when I was a kid was making sure that I could grow and be open-minded and do what I wanted to do.” This is the first time Zeranko wrote a play that is being produced as well as the first time Wynd is directing a production that is going to be in a theatre. They are both excited to see the cast on stage opening night. “All of the people in the production that are going to be on the stage I think are people who haven’t always gotten a chance to show how talented they are,” Wynd said. “And I’m really excited that I got my hands on a project where they fit into each role so perfectly that they can show what they’ve got on stage.” Zeranko is collaborating with the physics department for a choreography aspect of the play. Physics professor Svetlana Gladycheva, who has a background in dance, is helping teach the cast how to move like they are actually affected by gravitational forces, like they would if they were actually in space. “The very opening scene we have is all movement, no dialogue,” Zeranko said. “But it’s all about how we’re watching Voyager navigate through the planets and getting that idea of this is where we are… and taking that into the show, how does each character’s gravitational pull affect this child? And she’s going to help us choreograph that and get that language to you so we can show people even more how the science works.” Zeranko said Physics Professor Alex Storrs also helped with the play by looking over the script’s accuracy of the science aspects of the play since Storrs is a planetary physicist. “He knows a lot about the Voyager

of being the first thing to leave?” Zeranko said he didn't originally

stuff,” Zeranko said. “He was alive during it, he followed it.”

BAILEY HENDRICKS Senior Editor @imsimplybailey

The Voyager is a Student Studio Project, meaning Zeranko had to propose his play to the theatre department to be able to produce his own play. Students who produce Student Studio Projects don’t get class credit for their work and decide to produce these plays out of the passion they have for the art form. “It is stressful, but the reward of doing it is doing it,” Wynd said. “This is what I want to do and to be able to get the experience of doing it and working on a show that I really believe in, that one of my best friends wrote and that I’d probably still really want to do even if he didn’t write.” Wynd talked about the challenges and triumphs that have arose working with his best friend. “It’s this creative confluence of passion, that’s been really great and energizing, but of course, any time you have two different people who are creating a piece of art, there are some things where we have to reconcile different ideas,” Wynd said. “And I think that’s made the show stronger because we take two different ideas and make a third better idea out of it.” Wynd also discussed that as a student-produced play, there are some

challenges that come with being the boss of his peers. “I think it’s been challenging to work with a bunch of people who are really my peers, who I’ve worked with on a level and then suddenly be their boss and to have to get them to work for me” Wynd said. “That’s been a challenge for me, but I think it’s working out so far. Everyone’s been very respectful of my new power and I’m trying not to go mad with it yet.” While there are scientific elements to the play, Zeranko said no background knowledge about The Voyager is needed to enjoy the play. “You don’t need to know anything about space,” Zeranko said. “Because at the core of it, it’s a story about family and it’s a story about growing up. Space just happens to be the catalyst we are telling it through.” Wynd thinks the play will be enjoyable for those who are excited about the play’s science aspect, but will be relatable for everyone too. “If you’re excited about the ‘scienc-y’ part, please come see the play, like that’s there,” Wynd said. “But if you’re like me, who’s like a total lamen and like I don’t understand the science at all, I think

the play is really much more about people. So, I don’t think it’s something that anyone is going to have any trouble relating to.” Junior environmental studies major Anita Rezvani says that even though seeing plays isn’t usually her thing, she would consider it because the play has some science aspects to it. “Personally, I’ve never seen a student-ran play,” Rezvani said. “I’m not into plays… but I am a science major so it does sound interesting… so I would consider it.” Wynd says he’s been involved in theatre since middle school and likes the unexpected nature of it. “What I like about it, is it’s always something new every night,” he said. “Like we could be doing a show on Wednesday and it could be an entirely different feeling on Thursday. It’s always something fresh.” “The Voyager” will be running from Oct. 3 through Oct. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in Towson’s Ruth Marder Studio Theatre in the Center for the Arts building, room 3044. Tickets are $5 for everyone, and proceeds will benefit the Towson Foundation, which Zeranko said helps the art department be able to fund more programs.

Courtesy of Jacob Zeranko

The cast and crew of “The Voyager,” share their excitement for the show’s upcoming October debut.

Arts & Life

September 25, 2018


‘Til death do us part Celebrating cultural differences ASHLEY de SAMPAIO FERRAZ Contributing Writer

Courtesy of

“Forever” is available for full streaming on Amazon Prime.

ALEX HELMS Assistant Arts & Life Editor

If we weren’t meant to be alone, why does being together eventually feel so lonely? That’s a sentiment that runs throughout the first season of Amazon’s latest original comedy series, “Forever,” created by Alan Yang, co-creator of Netflix’s “Master of None,” and Matt Hubbard. While “Master of None” explored the difficulties of finding love as a millennial, “Forever” chooses instead to follow a relatively successful twelveyear marriage and their attempts to maintain the love they’ve found in each other. But after being together for over a decade, June (Maya Rudolph) finds herself wanting more from her life with Oscar (Fred Armisen) as the routine of their very long-term relationship feels more constraining than comfortable. “Forever” is a show that’s a bit of a Trojan horse. Its first episode and a half, which are both very effective in their own right, function primarily to let the audience understand the rhythm and flow of the show’s core relationship. The series premiere features a great “Up”-like sequence that pans over the timeline of June and Oscar’s relationship,

which manages to communicate the intricacies of their relationship all without the use of dialogue. However, it is not until the very end of the second episode that the high concept premise of the show is actually revealed. It’s a definite game-changer that’s worth experiencing for yourself, but for the non-spoiler averse who haven’t bought into the show just yet, I’ll let you in on the secret. Spoilers ahead. After killing both of them off within the first two episodes, “Forever” takes June and Oscar to the afterlife. Avoiding traditional concepts of otherworldly heavens or hells, the show has our couple wake up in a neighborhood on Earth. Although abandoned by the living, their new suburban home is surrounded by other ghostly neighbors. And June once again settles down into a permanently predictable life after her death, and the true test of her marriage’s sustainability is on display as she discovers what it might truly mean to be with someone forever. “Forever” balances fantasy comedy with emotional reality and speaks to the fears and insecurities we have in the human relationships we value the most. And it’s still really funny. The full season is available for streaming on Amazon Prime.

In a country as culturally diverse as the United States, having a month dedicated to the heritage of a specific ethnic group is not out of the ordinary. National Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 and exists to recognize the cultures, histories and contributions of those with Hispanic backgrounds in America. The term “Hispanic” can be used to refer to anyone who comes from a Spanish-speaking origin or ancestry, regardless of race. According to, as of 2016, Hispanics make up 18 percent of the U.S. population. Of all Hispanics in America, only about 34 percent are immigrants, with the rest being born in the U.S. to parents of Hispanic descent. Today, with the U.S. under the Trump administration, fear among the Hispanic population is widespread. Some citizens blame Hispanics for issues dealing with our country’s economic shortcomings. Although these views have led to more stereotypes about their culture, negative assumptions are nothing new to the Hispanic com-

munity. TU Dreamers member Ben Guevara, whose parents migrated from El Salvador, shared that these stereotypes had an impact on his family, even when he was a child. “It was a very big period of time where our family had to just live in fear because of the conceptions people had about immigrants, even back then,” Guevara said. “Especially what you hear nowadays. It’s all the old, tired, and even racist at times misconceptions like ‘all immigrants come here illegally,’ or ‘they just take everyone’s jobs.’ Those are the main ones that have caused my family and a lot of others in my community a very hard time.” Jake Bizzarri, a non-Hispanic transfer student at Towson, gave his perspective on the matter. He believes that because Hispanic culture plays such a big role in the United States, it’s fitting to give them the appreciation they deserve. “This month represents the idea that they’re here and they belong with us, because they’re still our people,” Bizzarri said. Latin American Student Organization (LASO) president Diana Garcia also provided some insight on this topic. “It is important because people

have one perspective of Hispanic culture,” Garcia said. “Being able to dedicate a month shows that there’s more than what meets the eye.” Florencia Castelblanco, a Towson junior and LASO member spoke on how such an experience is hard to put into one solid description. “It varies because Latinx culture is very diverse,” Castelblanco said. “Being white passing makes my experience different from other, darker skinned Latinos.” Mario Galicia, a member of TU Dreamers, had a lot to say on this matter as well. “There was a time when I was actually embarrassed to be Latino because we were always portrayed as vulgar people who are dumb and don’t have money,”Galacia said. “You get treated differently when you have an accent. My mom is white, light-skinned; it isn’t until she starts speaking that people look at her and label her, in a bad way.” “Now as I grow up, I see things differently, Galacia added. “I respect people who immigrated here to get the best for their children, who came here for the American Dream, which unfortunately doesn’t really exist. This month is important because they deserve it, we deserve it.”

The “Purple One” does it again

Prince’s latest album shows intimacy TIMOTHY COFFMAN Columnist

Prince was one of the greatest all-around musicians to come from the 80s and pop culture. With his untimely death two years ago, the music community was left with a certain void that will most likely not be filled. However, what listeners can do is to listen to all that The Purple One created in his lifetime. With this posthumous album, we can see Prince as a vulnerable artist rather than the larger-than-life persona he made for himself. This album is exactly what it sounds like: a half hours’ worth of Prince at a piano singing various pieces at his Paisley Park estate. The albums main highlights show Prince tearing through some of his hits before they were even hits, such as “Purple Rain,” “Strange

Relationship” and famous B side “17 Days.” It is almost surreal hearing these songs in this arrangement with so little adornment. By taking out all the production bells and whistles, Prince is seen as the true melodic craftsman that he always was. While most of these classic tracks are in a compact setting, he does have a miniscule cover of Joni Mitchell’s “A Case of You.” This really helps to show how dynamic Prince’s range is in both falsetto and baritone gravitas. However, the best of the bunch come from some of the new material that is released towards the end of the record. There is an amazing cover of the gospel favorite “Mary Don’t You Weep,” which is sung with Prince’s signature flair while also showing reverence for the subject matter. There are also funny moments on this record such as on “Wednesday”

and the closing track “Why the Butterflies,” where Prince is heard telling those operating the mics to turn his volume down so his voice doesn’t clip the mic sound. This album is an interesting effort to hear, but the circumstances of its release was different than typical releases. Since this is a posthumous release, it is better to look at this album for what it is rather than what it could have been. This is, in essence, simply a rehearsal tape that Prince’s estate just happened to release to his many fans. With its simple delivery, this gives the audience a fleeting glimpse into the reclusive life of one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. Make no mistake, this is not what anyone would be expecting of a Prince release. However, this album provides a more intimate feeling for Prince, which helps the artist appear much more human.

12 12September 25, 2018

September 25, 2018

Puzzles Puzzles

Crossword Sudoku

? ?

See page 15 for answers to this week’s



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September 25, 2018


Debunking tailgating myths KARUGA KOINANGE Editor-In-Chief

Something can’t return if it never left, but when it comes to tailgating at Towson University, the misconception of its revival has spread throughout the community. Yet, there is one crucial detail to point out: tailgating never actually went away. “We’ve struggled and had to fight hard to overcome that perception...we want people to come to the games and tailgate and have a good time,” said Athletic D i re c to r Ti m Leonard. “That’s what a football game is. They’re one in the same. You can’t have a football game without tailgating.” The idea that tailgating was banned or suspended stemmed from an incident that took place several years ago. In September of 2014, a student injury at a tailgate along with several crowded and rowdy tailgates, led to rumors that members of the university administration were considering eliminating tailgating. After deliberation with student leaders, rather than eradicating tailgating, the President’s Council decided to implement stricter guidelines for the rest of the year. Students were required to take a safety seminar before obtaining a parking pass, no pickup trucks were allowed, no open containers were allowed and students who were of-age were limited to just one six-pack of beer or 24 ounces of wine. Also, TUPD would do sweeps of the parking lots in order to monitor fans before and after the game. The only remaining policies from that time are the restriction to one six-pack of beer or 24 ounces of wine and the security sweeps conducted by TUPD. Though tailgating never actually went away and some of those new

guidelines only lasted for a few months, the damage had already been done. The misconception that tailgating was banned had made its way into the ether of Towson and spread like a wildfire over the following years. In the years since, Towson has revamped tailgating by working with Parking and Transportation Services to create a system for fans who attend games. Leonard said that stadium parking policies have become more

Leonard asserted that Towson has a great setup for tailgating because various parking lots near gameday stadiums are surrounded by grass, leaving room for fans to set up lawn chairs and play games. Fans can also compete at tailgates to see who has the best setup. This friendly competition has especially become common in Lot 21, which is located near the Towson Center and is a popular attraction for alumni.

Pat Skerry in 2012. Head Coach Rob Ambrose In last season’s game, coachemphasized that fans have es on both teams donned puzzle a strong impact on the game, piece pins (the official logo of whether it’s during the game or autism awareness) and the Tigers showing up pregame in flocks to sported blue jerseys (the official tailgate. color of autism awareness). “There is nothing that brings Towson also held a diversity energy to the players more than workshop focused on autism to the fans,” Ambrose said. “They educate students about the topic. bring noise and energy which Huff said that Towson strives makes you want to play harder. to make each sporting event more It’s electric.” than just a game. With the accomodations made “It’s not just about Division with Tiger Zone to entice more I competition,” students to attend games, Leonard Huff said. “It’s looks for people to understand also linked to that tailgating is not reserved for the community one specific group of people. and it’s linked He urged that everyone is welto causes that come. we’re passionate “We want everyone to know about.” that there is a place for them,” ROB AMBROSE Towson’s first Leonard said. “Everybody is Head Football Coach home football wanting a different experience. game is against At the end of the day what they The Citadel on Saturday at 4 “It’s been fun to see that tradiwant is a fun, positive experience p.m. at Johnny Unitas Stadium. tion grow over the last few years, where they can come together The theme for that game is “Gold particularly in Lot 21,” Leonard as Towson. They want to come Rush” and the first 1,000 stusaid. “The alums are really getting together and have some pride. It’s dents to enter the stadium will into it trying to outdo each other the one thing they have in comreceive a free gold t-shirt. with the setup. It’s a totally differmon: Towson.” ent atmosphere.” Though alumni engagement is significant, Towson has implemented a new attraction this season that is tailored toward students: Tiger Zone. According to Student Engagement Coordinator Alexa Herman, Tiger Zone will be located in Lot 13 near Johnny Unitas Stadium, and is essentially a tailgating village for students each home game. It will have a DJ tent, free food, games, a photo station and giveaways of items such as foam fingers and koozies. Towson also aims to increase student engagement and attendance with different themes for home games for various Towson athletics programs. Deputy Director of Athletic Operations Will Huff said that the athletics department is open to suggestions from students about event ideas and themes. The most notable annual theme for Towson is the men’s basFile photo by Joe Noyes/ The Towerlight ketball autism awareness game, Students enjoy tailgating before a Towson home football game. which was started by Head Coach

There is nothing that brings energy to the players more than fans. They bring noise and energy which makes you want to play harder. It’s electric. structured as well. Instead of choosing freely where to park, fans must take one spot after the other in order to make sure the parking lot is being used efficiently. Leonard affirmed that security measures have also been altered in recent years. He said that along with TUPD maintaining a police presence in parking lots on game days, there are staff who execute bag checks before people are allowed to enter the stadium. Vice President of Student Affairs Deb Moriarty said tailgating can become challenging to monitor when the activity is blurred as an excuse to just drink alcohol. She wants students to have a memorable experience without drinking excessively. “Our hope is that students will come up and take advantage of pregame activities, but will actually be there to support our football team,” Moriarty said. Towson University President Kim Schatzel stressed that having a good tailgating experience is essential to enjoying the game. “The gameday experience starts when you pull into the parking lot,” Schatzel said.

14 September 25, 2018


tigers bounce back in second game TU split a pair of games against George Mason Saturday at the Tiger Softball Stadium MUHAMMAD WAHEED Assistant Sports Editor

The Tigers split a pair of contests against George Mason on Saturday afternoon in Towson. Towson (1-1) fell in the first game, but bounced back to capture the second matchup. The f irst game featured a good performance by Towson. “We pitched really well,” said Head Coach Lisa Costello. “I think we did a nice job. We hit t he ball pretty hard and had some really good at bats. We hit a lot of balls at people...we had some opportunities and weren’t able to cash in on ‘em so hopefully that’s

something that we’re able to work on this week.” I n t h e s e c o n d m a tc h u p , Towson capitalized on opportunities. “Actually we took advantage of some of t heir mistakes,” Costello said. “So again we hit the ball hard and our pitchers did a really nice job.” Pitching was also a key factor on Saturday as the Tigers had several solid performances from their pitchers. “Mel [sophomore Melissa Abrahamian] started game one and I think she did a really nice job,” Costello said. “The whole pitching staff did. All six of ‘em threw. All six of ‘em did really well so I think if I had to focus on any one group of kids

it was our bullpen kids.” Next, the Tigers will head to College Park to take on the University of Mar yland on Saturday. Game time is set for 1 p.m. “We’re not so much worried about who we’re playing each week,” Costello said. “Each weekend is an opportunity for us to compete against somebody else and for us to learn how to make adjustments and improve on what we did last week going into next week so rather than focus on Mar yland or Georgetown or whoever it is it’s the next team up. In the fall we really focus on us in making sure we stick to what we need to do to be ready for the Spring.”

File photo by Owen DiDonna / The Towerlight

Junior pitcher Megan Dejter winds up for a pitch in a 2017 contest.

towson takes second in road tournament Despite rain, Tigers capture second place at the Patriot Intercollegiate Tournament JOHN DAVIS Contributing Writer

The Tigers finished second in the Patriot Intercollegiate tournament this past weekend hosted by George Mason University. They finished the tournament with a score of 576, just four strokes behind George Mason’s first place score of 572. The 54-hole competition was shortened to 36 holes due to rain. The last time the Tigers competed in this tournament was in 2016, when they finished in fourth place. In the first round, junior Spencer Alexander set the pace shooting two under par. Senior William Bachelor, who was selected as the CAA co-Golfer of The Week, shot one over par to help Towson finish one stroke behind George Mason with a score of 287. On the second day, sophomores Kobdech Rodrat and Jackson

Courtney took charge for the Tigers. Rodrat shot two under par and Courtney shot one under as Towson finished the second round with a score of 289. The tournament ended a busy week for Towson after they competed in the Hartford Hawks Invitational earlier in the week, which was also shortened to 36 holes due to rain. Towson finished in 10th place overall and Bachelor finished 12th individually after shooting three under par for a total score of 141. The Tigers have now competed in three tournaments this season, and their most recent performance sets the standard for how they hope to compete for the remainder of their season. The team will get a few weeks off before they travel to North Carolina to compete in the Phoenix Invitational tournament on Monday, Oct. 15 and Tuesday, Oct. 16.

Courtesy of Towson Men’s Golf Twitter

The men’s golf team took second place after rain shortened the 54-hole competition to 36 holes.


September 25, 2018

USTORE ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Kobdech Rodrat Men’s Golf

Sophomore Kobdech Rodrat played an integral part in Towson’s second-place finish in the Patriot Intercollegiate tournament this weekend. Despite rain shortening the competition from 54 holes to 36, Rodrat managed to finish second individually at 2-under.




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Puzzles on page 12

16 September 25, 2018


baltimore declares sept.22 ray lewis day

Courtesy of Mark Dennis and Jay Baker

Ravens Hall of Famer Ray Lewis, who was drafted in 1996 and was MVP of Super Bowl XXXV, and Baltimore City Mayor Catherine Pugh ride to City Hall during a parade Saturday. Lewis was given the key to Baltimore City and Pugh declared Sept. 22 as “Ray Lewis Day.” Lewis spread the message of love and unity in his nine-minute speech.

TIMOTHY KLAPAC Contributing Writer

For nearly two decades, one man was t he face of an entire city t hat has seen its share of hard times. On Saturday, t hat man was given his day as former R avens linebacker and recent Hall of Fame inducte e R ay L e w i s w a s h o n o re d w i t h a parad e in do w n to w n Baltimore. Joining Lewis was M ay o r C a t h e r i n e P u g h , w h o

gifted t he hall of famer wit h a key to t he city and off icially declared Sept. 22 to be R ay Lewis Day. The parade culminated wit h a speech Lewis gave to t he R avens fait hful, many adorned in his famous purple No. 52 jersey. Lewis was t he anchor of t he R avens defense since he was drafted in 1996, was MVP of Super Bowl XXXV and ended his career by bringing a 2nd Lombardi trophy to Baltimore i n 2 01 2 . K n o w n fo r h i s

hard-hitting style, Lewis won Defensive Player of t he Year twice and built a power ful reputation t hat would strike fear into opposing receivers when he was on t he f ield. Since his retirement, Lewis has made a name for himself in t he broadcasting f ield, working on NFL coverage for bot h ESPN and Fox Spor ts 1. The speech Lewis gave was focused on his desire to unite t he city of Baltimore around t he common pride he believes

Baltimore natives should possess. He f inished his speech by d o i n g h i s fa m o u s d a n c e which always gets cheers from t he crowd. There are some who criticize t he idea of having a parade because of t he amount of money it cost to t hrow it. Given t he continued concerns wit h crime levels in t he city, t he need for t hat money to be put elsewhere is understandable. Along wit h t he traff ic cause by t he necessar y road closures, t he decision to have

t h i s p a ra d e m ay h av e b e e n shor t-sighted. Regardless of whether t h e p a ra d e w a s a l o g i s t i c a l feat or not, Lewis’ contributions to t he city, as well as t he mo ments w hen his perfo r m a n c e h e l p e d to b r i n g members of the community toget her, deserves recognition. Lewis belongs on t he Mount Rushmore of Baltimore spor ts icons, joining Cal Ripken Jr., J o h n ny Un i t a s a n d M i c h a e l Phelps.

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