The Towerlight (Nov. 1, 2016)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

November 1, 2016



Illustration by Jordan Stephenson /The Towerlight



November 1 , 2016


The School of Graduate and Professional Studies did a phenomenal job of getting me to a point in my career that I could have never dreamed was possible. Adrian Russo President, Equip Solutions Group HR Entrepreneur & Recruiting Software Developer MS in Business & Technology Management, 2015

Stevenson University’s School of Graduate and Professional Studies offers quality master’s programs designed to fit the busy lifestyle of working adults. Established in 1947, Stevenson has a long history of providing students an affordable, private education. Learn more about Adrian’s story at



November 1, 2016

Week of 11/1 - 11/5


Editor-in-Chief Cody Boteler Senior Editor Sam Shelton


News Editor Sarah Rowan Assoc. Arts Editors Taylor Deville Kristin Helf Sports Editor Jordan Cope

Staff Writers Lauren Cosca Nick Mason Sydney Douglass Desmond Boyle Alaina Tepper Bailey Hendricks Theresa Schempp Mary-Ellen Davis Jessica Ricks



Sarah Van Wie Amanda Carrol Nicole Shakhnazarova Rohan Mattu

The Artof Remembering Information Cook Library 513 10:30-11:30 a.m. Having trouble remembering things you learn in class? Attend this workshop and learn skills for better memorization skills.

Enjoy a free lunch while engaging in a dicussion about newsworthy topics.

Senior Staff Writer Nilo Exar Photo Editor Chris Simms Assist. Photo Editor Alex Best Staff Photographers Cody Boteler



Mark Dragon Sam Shelton Stephanie Ranque

Alex Best Tyisha Henderson Stephanie Ranque Sarah Rowan



Alaina Tepper General Manager Mike Raymond


Drag Show, sponsored by In the Life University Union Chesapeaks 7:30 p.m. Brak open your wallets and come on down to this Fall’s drag show, featuring professional and ammature drag queens.

Rocky Horror Picture Show Paws 8:00-11:00 p.m. Watch and show your support for the Actors Anonymous as they take on “Rocky Horror Picture Show.”

Video Producer Stacey Coles

Proofreaders Kayla Baines

New York Times Talk University Union 314 12:00-1:15 p.m.


Family Art Day



Center for the Arts Atrium 12:00-4:00 p.m.

All are welcome to join in on drop in art projects, interactive galleries, and much more!

Art Director Jordan Stephenson


Webmaster Lola Akinleye


Circulation Staff Shawn Halerz Nilo Exar Abubakary Kaba Alicia DePasquale

Towson Starbucks

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Cllassifieds appear onlline and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2016 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

Opening day of the renovated Starbucks on campus!! I just had to go #Towson #towsonstarbucks @Dancetojazzz

THEY REOPENED THE TOWSON STARBUCKS!!!! This is incredible @jeff_gova

Yoo This Starbucks Is Beautiful & I Don’t Even Like Starbucks #towson


Towson’s new Starbucks is so cute :)




November 1 , 2016

You’re doing just fine I’ve spent the majority of my young adult life worrying about how I’m doing. Am I saving enough money? Did I study enough? How many meals do people eat in a day, again? Has it really been three weeks since I cleaned my bathroom? We’re all juggling a bunch of different things right now. From classes, to work, to eating healthy, to maintaining relationships, to keeping your living space clean, to managing finances, to going out and doing the “young college kid” thing, to calling Mom enough, to…man, just typing all of that was exhausting. Being a responsible, functioning and mature adult can be so tiring. It gets particularly hard when you see other people seemingly doing “better.” They just got a good job. They’re so fit. They wake up at 8 a.m. and live productive lives, yet here you are, sleeping in until noon and eating last night’s pizza. And OK, by “you,” I meant me. I know how easy it is to compare

yourself to someone else and to think you aren’t doing enough. I know what that feels like, because oh man do I feel it. Sometimes all I really need is someone to tell me that I am doing okay. So listen: you are doing just fine. You will not have being adult down pat overnight. Do you know how long it took me to make a good grilled cheese? Literally years. Maybe I’m prone to burning bread, but I think I just needed practice. There is nobody out there who has it completely right, or even mostly right, just yet. You aren’t the only person who chose sleeping in over going to the gym or ordering Chipotle over buying groceries. Sometimes you’ll be really good at it. There are days where I get up early. I go to the gym. I eat three full, healthy meals, and I get to class on time. I do well at work, my boyfriend and I don’t fight, and I go to bed at a reasonable hour. Some days, you’re going to nail it. Some days you won’t, and most days you’ll be somewhere in between. - Read the rest of this column online at

Living with my sisters Although living in an eight-person apartment with a horde of sorority girls may sound overwhelming, it’s actually really great -- even for an introvert like me. In fact, some of my favorite college memories are from right here in our shared apartment. Living with my sisters has been a great experience, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Here’s why: 1. There’s always someone in the living room to greet you when you come back from classes. 2. Movie nights all the time! We watch everything from strange documentaries to “High School Musical,” and it’s the best. 3. Someone is always cooking and sharing dinner with you. One of my roommates/sisters regularly shares her delicious homemade Italian recipes with me, and I feel #blessed.

4. SHARING CLOTHES. My real sister at home is five years younger than me, so we never shared clothes much growing up. I feel like I missed out, because WOW is it convenient to just borrow someone else’s shirt when you don’t know what to wear. 5. You always have a shoulder to cry on. If you’re upset or stressed or having a college-induced mental breakdown, your sisters are always there for you, and they know exactly how you feel. It’s amazing to always have support. 6. Jam sessions. My sisters and I have a shared love for Borns and The 1975, and we are blasting their songs and (somewhat obnoxiously) singing along 90 percent if the time. 7. THE DÉCOR. Everything is sorority themed wherever you turn. So. Many. Canvases. 8. During midterms and finals, you have sisters right outside your door to help you study. - Read the rest of this column online at

Speculation on election results

Illustration by Daniel Andrews/ The Towerlight MATT TEITELBAUM Columnist

2016 Presidential Election Prediction President Popular Vote: Clinton – 50.1%, Trump – 44.7%, Johnson, 3.1%, Stein 1.2%, Smattering 0.9% Electoral College: Clinton – 323, Trump – 215 Senate: Flip to Democrats Democrats – 51 (Gain 5) Republicans – 49 (Lose 5) House of Representatives: Republicans Maintain Control Republicans – 234 (Lose 13) Democrats – 201 (Gain 13) My methodology is simple. I look at the polls nationally and in each swing state and apply other factors like state demographics, past polling errors and unique candidate qualities to predict how far off the polls will be. My predictions are generally made under the assumption that Clinton will slightly out-perform the polls, by approximately two percentage points. She has a better get out the vote effort than Donald Trump, and the polls were about three points off in favor of Republican Mitt Romney in 2012, showing a one point race in what turned out to be a four-point victory for Democratic President Barack Obama. I also predict that third party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein will somewhat under-perform compared to their poll numbers, as is typical in presidential elections. My prediction is a decisive 5.4 percent Clinton victory nationwide, with the Democrats taking all swing states except Ohio, Iowa,

Arizona and Georgia, which I predict will go to Trump. The closest states should be Ohio and Arizona, which may flip back to Clinton in my final prediction next week. Other things to watch: Competitive Gubernatorial Elections in North Carolina, Indiana, New Hampshire, Missouri, West Virginia, Montana and Vermont. State Legislative Chambers in all states except Maryland, Virginia, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and New Jersey are holding elections. DYLAN BRENNAN Columnist

We are absolutely going to see a surprise this election season. While Maryland will absolutely go for Clinton, no matter who you vote for, you will see a surge in votes for Trump across the nation. The main reason isn’t really people supporting Trump, but rather fighting Clinton. Hillary Clinton has become the embodiment of everything wrong with politicians to many people, from her constant scandals to her lessthan-spotless foundation. But while Trump is arguably not as good a candidate on premise, it’s that people simply do not trust Clinton. Her current FBI investigations are extremely telling. Some are worrying that this is the 21st century Watergate, and that we’ll be stuck with President Tim Kaine if she is impeached or forced to resign. Others still will not drop grudges about her responses to Benghazi, which bars her from presidential office in their eyes. No amount of her humble grand-

ma act will make people forget these. But the most invisible and subtle reason, at least in my mind, is that Clinton seems to be getting away with too much. You can say whatever you want about the legal process on her FBI investigations or the Benghazi Committee, but Clinton’s ‘deplorable’ supporters certainly don’t get as much, if any, screen time compared to Trump’s. Just the other day, at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, a homeless African-American woman was supporting Trump over his recently-destroyed star, and she was assaulted and thrown to the ground by Clinton supporters, who taped her and mocked her while she cried on the concrete [Editor’s note: videos of this incident have been removed from YouTube, but some websites have reported it with photos.] I have not seen this reported on any major news sites, let alone television, and had to rely on small-time YouTube commentators to bring this to my attention. I’m not saying that Donald J. Trump is some harbinger of peace and justice that the heavens have sent down to save our country. But many people are simply voting on face. While it may sound like an oxymoron, many people trust the unscrupulous businessman more than the seasoned politician for president. It’s not that he has fewer scandals, it’s that he doesn’t avoid them. Trump is a brutally honest man who doesn’t care if he’s the bad guy. It’s not that he’s a saint. It’s that he’s honest. People this election want someone they know and understand for president, and honesty, even if it isn’t good, goes a long way. - Read the rest of this column online at


November 1, 2016


Towson U’s journey to carbon neutral In an ever growing concern to address climate change, Towson has been working to reduce carbon emissions. This year solar panels have been introduced to the campus on the roof tops of the Union Garage, Douglass House, Barton House, General Services and the Union. Over the course of 20 years, the panels are estimated to reduce 23,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide. Although how much will this put a dent in Towson’s carbon emissions? On a weekday during the fall semester, Towson uses approximately 200,000 kwh of electricity. According to the EPA Greenhouse gas Equivalencies Calculator this amount of electricity emits 141 metric tons of carbon dioxide . The amount of carbon emissions will vary day by day based on heating and cooling requirement and building use. If this average stays the same then during the entirety of the Fall semester Towson will release 16,074 metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. At the current capacity of the solar panels on campus, it would take 14 years to offset that amount of carbon. With a goal to be carbon neutral by 2050, not only is it necessary to look at the electrical consumption of the buildings on campus, but also at the carbon emissions of the dining and shuttle services. Towson reports that 32% of greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation use of campus vehicles. All of the shuttles currently use gasoline to power them and run early in the morning till late at night. During this time, the shuttles are constantly emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. A step to a greener shuttle service would to be convert the shuttles to run on electricity instead of gas. It is

n . t t e r a s d r s n I r d -

p e e d t e , p t s s d ,



William Strang-Moya/ The Towerlight

Josie shows her Orioles spirit Monday morning during a Halloween dog parade outside the Counseling Center at Ward & West. For more on another canine in n costume, check out the standalone image on Page 13.

not a perfect solution, but one that can be easily met with today’s technology. Dining services puts pounds of carbon dioxide when they ship in food that is not local. Members of The Real Food Challenge on campus have found that only 2% of food served at the dining hall is local. Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania grow a variety of crops throughout the year and Towson is not taking at this opportunity to reduce food shipping emissions. The current plan to reduce energy 20% by 2020 is being conducted with special attention to adding energy efficient features to current buildings and having future building fitted to be more energy efficient while incorporating renewable energy. Protecting the natural ecosystem on campus is a part of the plan since plants are able to offset carbon emissions. The Glen Arboretum and the Towson Run watershed are areas of main concern for conservation while areas around campus will be dedicated to new forested land. While Towson is changing to become more eco-conscious, the students, faculty, and staff also need to become aware of how their actions affect the environment. By starting to make small changes in everyday life such as walking to class instead of taking the shuttle or moving your car to another parking lot, or making sure you properly dispose of your waste in the landfill, recycle, and composting bins, you are decreasing Towson’s carbon emissions. It will take more than institutional changes to make Towson carbon neutral, it requires the entire Towson community to participate in a greener lifestyle.



November 1 , 2016

Hey, Towerlight readers. Welcome to our 2016 Election Issue. Is it a stretch to say that someone who reads new information might change the way they vote? …Maybe. But go ahead and call us idealists. As former Towerlight editor-inchief turned CNN morning show host Brian Stelter said (and I’m

paraphrasing), journalists aren’t pro-liberal or anti-conservative. We’re pro-democracy. The Constitution protects our right to do and create journalism, so we’re going to use that right to protect and promote democracy. I might get a little sappy about election season. But, y’know. A free press that can

investigate and hold accountable institutions and people is critically important—and something that doesn’t exist in undemocratic societies. Holding an election is a celebration of our democracy and, through that, a celebration of the journalism profession. Anyway. I’ll get off my pro-news-

paper, pro-democracy, pro-free press high horse. I hope you’ll keep reading below and maybe learn something new about some of the candidates. We’re going to focus, this time around, on Maryland and especially on Baltimore County—because, if you’re a Towson student and have proof of address, you can go to an

early voting location and register to vote—and then go cast your ballot in Baltimore County. (If you do that, though, you can’t like go register and try to vote in your home county or state. That’s voter fraud, and that’s not cool.) Cody Boteler Editor-in-Chief

Who's who in the race for the White House Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump

Former Secretary of State and New York Senator Hillary Clinton is running with Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine on the Democratic ticket. Sec. Clinton’s campaign has been damaged by her use of a private email server while serving in the State Department and the specter of damaging documents coming out through WikiLeaks showing some unsavory political practice.

New York Businessman Donald Trump is running with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on the Republican ticket. At this point, you don’t need us to tell you that, like Sec. Clinton, Trump and his campaign have both garnered some significant controversy, from accusations of sexual assault to calling for a ban on all Muslims entering the United States.

A lot of these controversies have been talked to death, and with resources that The Towerlight simply doesn’t have. What we can do, however, is highlight some of the issues. According to Sec. Clinton’s website, she wants to:

Like the controversies surrounding Sec. Clinton, these things have been discussed to death, so we’ll just turn to the issues. One of the main planks of Trump’s platform is that he wants to “Make America Great Again.” It’s on his campaign hats and dots his campaign website. According to his “positions” page online, Trump wants to:

• Ensure students can go to a public college or university (in their state) without taking on student debt and getting community colleges to offer free tuition. • Install half a billion solar panels by the end of her first term and “defend, implement and extend” pollution and efficiency standards for automobiles and appliances. • Make a “public option” possible under the Affordable Care Act. • Expand background checks on gun sales, including sales online and at gun shows. • Increase prevention efforts to stop sexual assaults on college campuses.

• Appoint Supreme Court justices who will “uphold” the Second Amendment • Ensure that college or trade school is “easier to access, pay for, and finish.” • “Protect clean air and clean water” while, at the same time, “unleash[ing]” fossil fuels, opening on and offshore drilling on federal lands and encouraging the use of natural gas. • Establish “a Commission on Radical Islam” to explain the issue to the public, “identify the warning signs of radicalization” and find networks that support radicalization. • Repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with Health Savings Accounts.

Gary Johnson

Jill Stein

Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson is running with former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld on the Libertarian ticket.

Dr. Jill Stein is running with Ajamu Baraka, a “human rights defender” and human rights activist on the Green Party ticket.

Johnson has faced his own share of blunders, from asking what Aleppo, a city at the center of the Syrian refugee crisis, was to sticking his tongue out and talking, nearly incomprehensibly, with a national TV reporter.

Dr. Stein has been called out for being, at times, “anti-science” and anti-vaccine. She was recently called out in The Daily Beast for investing in companies and conglomerates that oppose her professed beliefs in preserving and protecting the environment.

Some of Johnson’s priorities include ending U.S. programs of “nation building,” vetoing any bill that would result in an unbalanced federal budget and creating “a more efficient” way for immigrants to get work visas and “otherwise assimilate with our diverse society.”

Some priorities outlined by her campaign include transitioning to 100 percent clean energy by 2030, investing in public transportation, creating universal childcare and abolishing all existing student debt.


November 1, 2016

The Senate

Three candidates are running to replace firebrand Sen. Barbara Mikulski, who’s retiring from the senate after decades of service.

Chris Van Hollen Van Hollen, a Democrat, has been serving in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2003. According to his website, Van Hollen wants to: • • •

Raise the minimum wage. Implement universal background checks on gun purchases. Like Clinton, establish a “Public Option” for healthcare.

Kathy Szeliga Szeliga, a Republican serving as minority whip in the Maryland House of Delegates, often cites her endorsement from Gov. Larry Hogan on the campaign trail. Szeliga said in a radio debate that she’d be voting for Trump, even as some members of her party disavow the candidate. According to her website, Szeliga wants to: • • •

Invest in renewable, nuclear and fossil fuel energy to achieve energy independence. Work on a committee in the Senate to bring attention to trades and technical schools. Reform, but not repeal and replace, the Affordable Care Act.

Margaret Flowers Dr. Flowers, a pediatrician, stopped practicing medicine in 2007 to start advocating full-time for universal healthcare. She’s been an outspoken critic of debate rules that keep third-party candidates off the stage, and recently stormed the stage of a televised debate before being escorted out. According to her campaign website, Flowers wants to: • • •

Expand Medicare into a Medicare-for-All system, creating universal healthcare. Provide free public higher education. Guarantee a basic income for all citizens.

House of Representatives John Sarbanes

Mark Plaster

Incumbent Democrat Rep. John Sarbanes has served in the House of Representatives since 2007. According to his campaign website, Sarbanes wants to:

Dr. Mark Plaster, a physician-turned-lawyer-turned-magazine publisher-turned Navy veteran, is running as a Hoganendorsed Republican challenger to incumbent Sarbanes. According to his campaign website, Dr. Plaster wants to:

• Create a legacy of protecting the environment and the Chesapeake Bay. • Increase background checks for gun purchases. • Invest in public health and strengthen the Affordable Care Act.

• Reform the Affordable Care Act. • Increase border security and make legal immigration more efficient. • Trim the “excesses” of the Environmental Protection Agency while protecting the Chesapeake Bay and preserving the environment.

A guide to early voting: Election Day may not be for another week, but you can skip the long lines and vote early until Nov. 3. Starting on Oct. 27, polls have been open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Towson’s administration building. Who can vote early? If you are registered to vote in Baltimore County, you can vote early. If you haven’t registered yet, you can register and vote on the same day. Just bring any document that proves where you live to an early voting center (such as a driver’s license or utility bill), and you can register there. How do you vote during early voting? Voting early is the same as voting

on election day - just check in at the early voting center and fill in your ballot to cast your vote. If your address has changed since the primaries, you can update it at the voting center if you bring proof of your new address. If your name has changed, you must vote under your former name, but you can still fill out a form to update it after the election. You cannot change your party affiliation at the early voting center - you need to wait until after the election to change it. Why early vote? Not only will you miss the lines, but you can register on the same day you vote. It’s too late to register to vote on Election Day.




November 1 , 2016

Town hall addresses free speech, mental health The student government’s latest ‘Be Heard” town hall meeting, hosted Oct. 26 in the Chesapeake Ballrooms, focused on free speech in higher education and the treatment of mental health in students of color and marginalized groups on campus. These topics were chosen under advisement from students who shared concerns at last month’s meeting. Those students wanted to know ways Towson supports students around different mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression, due to violence happening specifically to black people across the country. The first panel started with Chief Legal Officer Traevena Byrd, from Towson’s Office of General Counsel, who said that Towson can’t enact certain disciplinary responses regarding offensive language because it is a public school. However, Byrd explained that there are certain things people can say that will result in them not having protection from the first amendment

including true threats, fighting words, obscenity, libel and defamation. Chief of Police Bernie Gerst explained that someone can hold a protest or demonstration on the sidewalk, but if someone is intentionally blocking people from going down the sidewalk, it is illegal because it disturbs the peace. “That’s our goal – to protect everybody’s rights,” Gerst said. “We’re here for you, no matter what the issue is. We address many, many issues here. We’re here to do problem solving and to help everybody here feel safe when they come here to work, and study and live.” In the second panel discussion, faculty members from the Disability Services Office, the Counseling Center, the Center for Student Diversity and the Division of Student Affairs discussed how each of their departments offer help to marginalized groups on campus. Director of Student Success Programs Raft Woodus explained the people in the SAGE program in the CSD “want students to know that they are heard and that they feel welcome.”

Sam Shelton/ The Towerlight Panel members discuss free speech in higher education at the Be Heard Town Hall Meeting on Oct. 26. We want any student to come into our space and say ‘This is what is happening, this is what I feel good about, this is what I’m concerned about,’” Woodus said. “We’ll take that information and give it to the powers that try

to address it,” he continued. The SAGE program has 68 mentors. The mentors are sophomores, juniors and seniors that help guide their peers in their academic and personal development. The Center for Student Diversity

also works with minority groups including the LGBTQ+ community, and also helps women with the social repercussions they may face because of their sex. -To read the rest of this article online, visit

Tenure committees on track Cell phone repair takes Tiger Cage MARCUS DIETERLE Staff Writer @marcusdieterle

The seventh diversity initiative from Occupy Towson is to promote the diversification of committees that determine tenure for faculty. “All tenured faculty of the department, and only tenured faculty, shall serve as members of the department’s tenure committee,” said Associate Provost Maggie Reitz. “This committee is responsible for tenure recommendations and third-year review. The tenure committee may or may not be the same as the Promotion, Reappointment, and Merit (PRM) Committee(s).” The University, each college and each department have their own PRM committee, Reitz said. Towson’s online Diversity Initiatives Progress Report considers this demand to be on-track. Tenure alone does not impact faculty salary, but salary is affected by faculty’s rank. For example, faculty who are promoted to associate professor receive a salary increase of $6,000. Associate professors who are promoted to full professor receive a $7,500 salary increase, according to Reitz.

Tenure also determines the retention of faculty members. The current tenure policy requires faculty who have not been granted tenure after being reviewed during a mandatory tenure-review year to be granted only one additional year appointment. Therefore, those faculty members are not retained, Reitz said. As part of the initiative, college deans are required to report their efforts and results to the university, according to the Diversity Initiatives Progress Report. Included in those efforts is obtaining student feedback through course evaluations. Assistant Provost Bethany Pace developed a university-wide campaign last spring to encourage student completion of course evaluations, according to Reitz. Reitz said the campaign involved an array of strategies including the posters distribution, tabling in dining areas, distribution of educational materials to faculty and students, development of an app for easier and more convenient course evaluation completion, and meetings with three student groups to encourage completion of the evaluations. The response rate for course eval-

uations last spring was only 39% of Towson students, identical to the previous two spring semesters despite the new campaign efforts. Reitz said the university will continue its efforts to increase student participation in course evaluations. While there is no direct link between course evaluations and the diversity of faculty promotion and tenure committees, Reitz said the evaluations do help faculty perfect their teaching methods and course delivery. Teaching is one of the four areas in which committees evaluate candidates for tenure; the other three are advising, service, and research/scholarship/creative activities, she said. Reitz said the chair of the PRM committee reviews the student evaluation data with each tenure-track faculty member as part of the annual review and evaluation process. This data is also part of the required portfolio that is reviewed by each committee that recommends of whether to award tenure. Other than course evaluations, there is currently no mechanism for student feedback on the tenure process, according to Reitz. -To read the rest of this article online, visit

Kyler Barkley won the second annual Tiger Cage business pitch competition, modeled after TV’s “Shark Tank” in front of a packed audience on Thursday, Oct. 27, in the Potomac Lounge. StraighterLine CEO Burck Smith, Loople Mobile CEO Philip DiMuro and Jan Baum, director of TU’s entrepreneurship minor judged the competition. Barkley’s Sell Phone’s Repair fixes broken iPhone screens and any other problems, such as home button or headphone jack issues. “I know there’s a multitude of Towson students that crack their phones but they either don’t have the money to pay the mall prices or the time to walk up to the mall,” Barkley said. “We have a service that is much cheaper, and we can come to you.” His company is already in business and has technicians that will meet with the broken phone owner almost immediately at their location, similar

to Uber. A person would only need to go to the website, select their phone and a technician would come right away, as long as they are in a designated area. He plans on not only expanding to other areas and repairing Android phones in the future. “I want to create workshops on campus where I can find student technicians who are interested in fixing iPhones,” Barkley said. Students Nicholas Anthony and Colby Roloff followed Barkley as finalists in the competition. As a prize, both of them will receive support from the Student Launch Pad. In second place, Anthony’s presentation involved an app that uses an advanced geolocation system to tell the user what parking spaces were free and how much they cost. The app would work in parking garages as well as on street areas, while Roloff, who took third place, presented a safety app which would allow users to connect and locate each other without invading one’s privacy. -To read the rest of this article online, visit


November 1, 2016

Starbucks reopens in Cook

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Renovations add full menu, more seats Following renovations that began over the summer, a newly renovated Starbucks officially opened in Cook Library on Oct. 26. The renovations include a full service menu of drinks and food, as well as an expanded seating area. The project has also brought gender neutral restrooms to Cook for the first time. “I was here for a summer class and I had no idea that they were closed,” senior Lacey Velleggia said. “It’s convenient to be able to get whatever kind of fun coffee drinks. Their food is pretty good, for what it is.” Starbucks will offer extended hours through the rest of the semester while renovations on Newell Dining Hall continue until January, opening Mondays through Thursdays from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., and Fridays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Students can pay with either

points or cash all day, and can pay with meals beginning at 4 p.m. daily. In a Towerlight survey sent to students on October 10, almost 72 percent of respondents said that construction at Newell, the Den and Starbucks has affected dining on campus, with many students specifically citing longer lines and less options at other locations. “I love the Den and Starbucks,” one respondent said. “I would have spent more money on campus this year if it was open.” The library Starbuck’s was originally supposed to open on Oct. 25, however, the company’s district manager was not satisfied with the level of training for their associates, and felt that they needed another day of training to meet their brand expectations, according to Associate Vice President of Auxiliary Services Dan Slattery. By mid-afternoon on its opening day, sales had exceeded $2000, and the facility was running between 15 to 35 customers consistently

throughout the day, Slattery said in an email. “It’s nice to have somewhere to get food and a cup of coffee in the middle of campus, and not have to go to Au Bon Pain,” said senior Danny Crerand. Student reactions to the reopening have been generally positive, especially on social media. The renovation is part of a phased construction project at Cook, slated to conclude midway through the spring 2017 semester. The first portion of the project relocated the Circulation and Interlibrary Loan services to the right side of the 3rd floor, where students can now reserve, borrow, return or request items in one centralized area. The next phase of the project will introduce a OneCard accessible 24/7 study space at Cook, which will include new computers, wi-fi and areas for both independent and group study. Construction on this phase will begin in January.

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November 1 , 2016



November 1, 2016

Howl-o-ween Parade

Campus Rec brings the thrills SARAH VAN WIE Staff Writer

William Strang-Moya/ The Towerlight

Dogs and their owners gathered in front of Ward & West on Monday morning for a Halloween parade, where pumpkin schnauzers, superhero collies and witchy rottweilers ate treats and made new friends.

QSU gets spooky for Holla Queer TAYLOR DEVILLE Assistant Arts & Life Editor @artvandelady

LGBTQ+ students and allies dressed in their best Halloween gear Saturday night for the Queer Student Union’s “Holla Queer” Halloween party, which aimed to create an accepting, fun space for students. “Not everybody can make our meetings so we have at least one event that everyone can just come out and have a good time at,” QSU president Bernard Walker said. “We want everyone here to feel safe with other people in the community because they might not get that where they come from.” The party really took off when the DJ played nostalgic hits like “ChaCha Slide,” “Cupid Shuffle” and “Wobble,” and attendees flocked to the dance floor. This is the third year in a row that QSU has hosted “Holla Queer,” and event coordinators’ Maddie Jones and Reiko Gallo’s first party of the semester. “Even though we have a really good LGBTQ community here on campus, it can still be hard to find your people,” Jones said. “It’s important to have safe spaces and places where people can go and meet other queer people who have shared similar experiences.” Attendees had the chance to get


Students tackled the “Chills and Thrills” of the Glen Woods Wednesday Night during a spooky, Halloween-themed obstacle course hosted by Campus Rec. “We are hosting this event to get more people aware of the challenge course,” senior and challenge course manager Jenny Moore said. “We have elements on the course for on-and off-campus groups to come out to develop leadership or team building skills. We want groups to be more aware so they will come out and use it.” With Halloween decorations all around and hardly any light, challenge course facilitators walked groups or teams around to the eight elements of the on-campus course in the Glen Woods. The elements were meant to challenge each group mentally and physically. After each element was completed by a group, the course facilitator asked questions about what did or did not work and whether it

was successful. One element consisted of each member of the team standing on a platform at the same time. One by one, the teammates swung from one platform to the other. If one teammate were to fall or not make it onto the other platform, the whole team had to start over, until the whole team made it onto the other side. “I’ve been climbing on stuff since I was a kid,” freshman Cameron Baker said. “I like it, but it was all horizontal, not vertical. I’ve climbed trees as high up [horizontally] as these elements.” Another element consisted of walking down a tightrope about a foot off the ground, trying to make it all the way across by grabbing on to the few hanging pieces of rope from above while two teammates served as spotters. “I found it challenging to work with strangers,” senior Megan Taylor said. “But I am a friendly person, so I just let my personality come out and they all liked me, so we became friends and a team. I had a lot of fun.”

Matthew Awoyera/ The Towerlight

A giraffe and a dinosaur mingle at QSU’s Holla Queer party Friday night. their picture taken with friends by a photographer and participate in costume and mummy wrapping contests. Costume contest winners included “Miss Basic,” who donned a North Face jacket, Maryland flag-patterned scarf, Ugg boots and a Starbucks cup for the “scariest costume” category. The best male and female costumes were Gene and Tina from Bob’s Burgers, and best couple’s costume winners were Katie Dotson and Vincent Eastlake dressed in handmade gowns as Belle and the Beast. “Even when I went to college before, I never went to anything like this. This is really nice.” said

Dotson, who was the guest of Towson junior Bryan Laporte. “I love the community and that’s why I try to invite people outside of the Towson world to come see the incredible world that we’ve comprised within here,” Laporte said. During the mummy wrapping contest, one team showed off their creativity by creating a wedding dress (complete with a bouquet) out of nothing but toilet paper. The QSU meets on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. and is open to all students, regardless of gender and sexual orientation. Students who missed “Holla Queer,” will have to wait until the spring for another QSU bash.

Courtesy of Campus Recreation

A student utilizes the challenge course in the Glen Woods oncampus.



November 1 , 2016

Carving out a good time T “Atlanta” sees past stereotypes MILAD YAZDI Columnist

There is no doubt that TV tends to present itself with bogus shows that lack concrete representation of our diverse society. Despite us being at the peak of the television age, only a rare number of broadcast and cable outlets truly appeal to our particular tastes. We seek captivating content, because we know that as a country, a country where racial tension and LBGT discrimination are common, we are compelling, intriguing, and dare I say, beautiful. With time, this age of broadcast and cable outlets start to expand and break free of comfort to introduce new ideas, new communities and new adventures. FX strives to bring this idea to light with its new series “Atlanta.” Donald Glover achieves a breakthrough in his career by writing, directing and starring in this series. It is important to note that “Atlanta” is not a “black” show, even though the majority of the actors and actresses are African American. Rather, like any other show, it reminds us that we all experience life differently. It is just another beautiful American show, representing Americans as having things we share in common and things that set us apart. The characters in “Atlanta” are,

with complete certainty, the most authentic in any series. They know their situations, but they don’t try to overcome them. Instead, they stay focused on their lives as couples, stoners and rappers. It is refreshing to know this, to know that the story is not a grim representation of gangs, drugs and violence. Even with this there is still an obvious issue with money or lack thereof for Earn Marks (Glover), as he tries to step into a new world. His cousin Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) is a growing rapper with his knock-off stoner partner Darius (Lakeith Stanfield), and Earn wants to join the team. I feel that Earn has a curious eagerness in him but lacks the street-smarts to strive in this new world he has entered. But this is what makes “Atlanta” so remarkable. All three characters will immerse you in their world, and the next thing you know, you’re cheering for them. Every character will appeal to you, even Darius who, with time, will grow on you. “Atlanta” will keep you on the edge the whole way by the cinematography and directing -- and it is by no means a predictable show. It delivers an effortless authenticity that is new and refreshing and will leave you in awe with every single cut. FX has picked up “Atlanta” for season two. Watch the first episode for free now on Amazon Prime.

Alaina Tepper/ The Towerlight

Freshman Francesca Sena carves out a puppy pumpkin with friends in the Paws Pavilion on Sunday night. ALAINA TEPPER Staff Writer

Despite gloomy weather Sunday night, the Carvin’ Out a Good Time event delivered on its promise of a fun night. Held at the Paws Pavilion, students were safe from the rain as they carved pumpkin and chatted with friends both new and old. “I wanted to have a fun event where all kids could come out and carve pumpkins and win awesome prizes,” Campus Activities Board Programming Chair Romario

Coyoy said. Pumpkin carving is a popular Halloween tradition, so students were able to get into the spooky seasonal spirit. “Pumpkin carving is my favorite fall time thing so when I heard about it I was immediately pumped,” freshman biology major Callie Cromer said. The event also offered those few students who haven’t carved a pumpkin before a chance to try out the creative tradition. “I’ve only carved a pumpkin one time in my life, so I guess this is

the second time,” freshman biology major Mary Lou Puglese said. “I’m not really pumpkin-savvy yet.” It can be hard for some students to get into the Halloween spirit due to the limitations of a dorm and a bank account, but Carvin’ Out a Good Time offered pumpkins and seasonally appropriate treats without any of the usual worries. “It’s the first real fall thing I’ve done so I’m really happy about it,” freshman pre-occupational therapy major Stephanie Papetti said. -To read the rest of this article online, visit

Show doesn’t “rise” to occasion TAYLOR DEVILLE Associate Arts & Life Editor @artvandelady

Courtesy of @AtlantaFX

Donald Glover’s “Atlanta” was recently renewed for its second season.

Towson alumni Taylor Young and Chuck Stone returned to campus Thursday for a screening and discussion of their web series “Rise,” as part of the EMF Alumni Screening Series. The four-episode serialized crime drama/dark comedy, produced by Young and Stone’s company, Riot Scene Productions, stars friends of Young and Stone as well as actor Tray Chaney, who you might recognize as Malik “Poot” Carr from “The Wire.” “The concept of the script was like ‘The Wire’ meets ‘Breaking Bad’ with characters from ‘Always Sunny,’” writer and director Young said. “Rise” tells the story of two Baltimore weed dealers who take it

upon themselves to investigate the sudden death of their friend, who appears to have died of a heroin overdose. The two quickly (and rather easily) discover their friend’s murderer and his motive, and they descend into the rabbit hole of Baltimore drugs and gangsters. Despite the movie taking place in Baltimore, the film lacked the diversity seen in the shows it was modeled after. Jokes about a white gangster loving “racially-motivated murders” felt uncomfortable and, well, racist, especially given the writer’s ignorance of the social climate and racial composition of the city. The sole female character in the series was only necessary to “seduce” one of the gangsters at the behest of the two main characters, but despite her one-dimensional role, she proved

to be the most interesting character -- a snarky, selfish con-artist. Young and Stone describe the series as “grassroots” and a “passion project,” given their nonexistent funding and distribution. During the talkback session after the screening, they gave student filmmakers advice about working with little money, saying that lack of funding and distribution should not stop the filmmakers from telling their story, “even if it looks mediocre,” according to Young. “I thought it was really good,” junior and EMF major Bobby Miller said. “You could tell they didn’t have a lot of resources, but they did really well with what they had.” Young and Stone are currently writing season two, and filming will begin in November. “Rise” is available to view now on YouTube.


Tattoos inspire a new style KRISTIN HELF Associate Arts & Life Editor @kristinelise_

Sculpture artist and MFA candidate Jonathan Thomspon, who goes by “JAT,” has been a student at Towson for ten years now. Six of those years were spent as an undergrad, and for the last four years, he’s been a part-time MFA student refining his craft in sculpture. JAT studied geology and graphic design before finally deciding on sculpture for his bachelor’s degree. “I went with sculpture, where creativity was more valued,” he said. “And there was more of a family-like atmosphere.” His undergraduate thesis involved furniture-like steampunk-inspired objects of the neo-Victorian era. Now, as an MFA candidate, he’s exhibiting his tribal tattoo-inspired furniture and accessories in the Center for the Arts’ Holtzman MFA Gallery. The exhibit, “Tatture: Tattoo Inspired Furnishings,” will be open from Oct. 23 to Dec. 10 and will display JAT’s hand-crafted or 3D-printed chairs, dining tables, end tables, vases, working lamps and digitally made wall art, among other objects.

Some of his pieces will be for sale, although in the past he hasn’t much luck selling the refurbished furniture. “Unfortunately, while I’m good at making the stuff, I’m a terrible salesman,” he said. “I’ve wound up giving a lot of furniture away, though, things to Habitat for Humanity, because I feel like if I’m not able to sell it, I’d like to at least give it to an organization which will build homes for people.” The inspiration for the aesthetic of JAT’s exhibit comes primarily from biomechanical tattoo artist Guy Aitchison and H.R. Giger, the artist behind the visuals for the movie “Alien.” “I find my inspiration mainly from the biomechanical tattoos because it’s combining sort of a very three-dimensional sort of style with a more two-dimensional jagged feature,” JAT said. “I’m interested in the curves and the jagged nature of it.” Through “Tatture,” JAT hopes to innovate a new style in furniture design and interior design in general. “We’ve got the Rococo. We’ve got art nouveau. We’ve got mid-century modern. We have all these different movements and I felt like the most recent stuff I’ve been seeing, all

that’s being made nowadays, is just stuff that is rehashed over and over again,” he said. “I feel like we’ve lost an appreciation for ornament. And so this is my attempt to try to bring back that appreciation, but to give a new spin on ornamentation.” While the aesthetic is of primary importance, JAT also wants his art to be functional and to serve a purpose. After he created the pieces for his undergraduate thesis, he realized that his art should do something in addition to being displayed. “I had a realization that I had all this stuff sitting in boxes in my basement and it was just taking up space, and I couldn’t get rid of it. I thought, this is ridiculous. If I’m going to have sculptural stuff, beautiful things that I make, instead of just keeping them boxed up I’d rather them be functional, so I have a reason to keep them around me.” It’s taken JAT four years and countless hours of work to create all of the pieces on display in “Tatture.” Creating furniture is his way of using sculpture practically, and he hopes the innovation spreads. “I just want [people] to see the connection within all the work,” he said. “To consider maybe trying to decorate their own homes with this sort of stylistic tendency in mind.”

Courtesy of JAT

MFA candidate JAT’s exhibit “Tatture: Tattoo-inspired furnishings” features a new style of furniture.


November 1, 2016



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November 1, 2016

weekend split Towson ultimately won the set 25-22 and claimed the match 3-1. The Tigers faced Delaware on Sept. 24 and won 3-1. However, Wednesday Delaware shutout Towson split a pair of Colonial Towson 3-0 at SECU Arena. Athletic Association (CAA) match"Delaware is playing much betes this week, defeating Elon 3-1 but ter as of late and I don't think falling to Delaware 3-0. we believed that," Metil said. "It was good to get a road win at "Mentally, we need to prepare for Elon,” Head Coach Don Metil said. a tougher match the second time “It’s always more difficult to secure we face our conference opponents a 'W' on the road. With a .500 week and I believe we had a different we are still going to need at least mentality." one more CAA win to secure a spot Both teams were tied at six in in the postseason." the first set, before Towson used On Friday, the Tigers battled in an 11-7 run to take a 17-13 lead. tight sets to claim a 3-1 victory over The teams tied eight times and had the Phoenix on the road in Elon, three lead changes before the Blue North Carolina. Hens claimed the set 28-26. Towson started the first set with The Tigers came out strong in a 6-3 lead thanks to a kill by sophthe second set by scoring eight of omore outside hitter Carola Biver. the first 11 points. Not long after the Kuilan tacked on kill from Biver, the two kills in that Phoenix managed to claim a 12-11 lead It was good to get a run. Towson was leading 15-9 before which prompted the road win at Elon. It’s Delaware used a Tigers to use a 7-2 always more difficult 7-2 run to make run in order to take a 18-14 advantage. to secure a ‘W’ on the score 17-16. The teams continElon responded the road. ued to exchange by scoring nine of DON METIL points until a kill the next 13 points Head Coach by Delaware midto take a 23-22 lead, dle blocker Alexa but an attack error Swann secured a 25-21 win for the tied the game. team. Sophomore right side hitter Kuilan started the third set with Jocelyn Kuilan delivered a kill and three straight service aces to give a service ace to give Towson a 25-23 Towson a 7-6 lead. The teams were win in the first set. tied at 10 until Delaware went on to In the second set, the Tigers score five of the next six points to used an 8-2 run to jump out to a take a 15-11 lead. Towson rallied to 16-9 lead. Senior middle blocker fall within two points, but Delaware Candace Steadman knocked down eventually won 25-21. a block and freshman outside hitTowson Volleyball will host its ter Annie Ertz followed with a kill Autism Awareness Match against to later extend the Tigers lead to Hofstra Nov. 4 and honor its seniors 23-16. on senior day against Northeastern Junior outside hitter Payton Nov. 6 at SECU Arena. Windell wrapped up the set with a The Tigers previously lost to both kill, allowing the Tigers to move on these teams but will look for a difwith a 2-0 lead over the Phoenix. ferent result this time around. In the third set, Elon came out "If we play our complete game, one strong, using a 13-5 run to take that includes great serve receive, a an 18-13 lead. Towson managed to potent offense, aggressive defense score four straight points to come and a mental intellect to decrease within three, but Elon outside hitunforced errors, we will be fine" Metil ter Kam Terry forced a fourth set said. "I don't think the first time after delivering a kill to win the against either of these teams, we did set 25-21. all of those things to great execution. Towson broke a 9-9 tie in the We will have to give attention to their fourth set using a 6-2 run to take a primary attackers and we will need 15-11 lead over Elon. Following an our top athletes to perform at their Elon timeout, Towson extended its lead by scoring four straight points. highest potential." KATRINA LE Staff Writer



November 1 , 2016

double trouble Field hockey drops final matches of the season IAN SMITH Staff Writer

Towson dropped its final two matches of the season this weekend, falling to Northeastern 7-1 Sunday and to Drexel 3-1 on Friday. The Huskies (8-10, 2-4 CAA) took advantage of six penalty corners to defeat the Tigers (2-17, 0-6 CAA). “We are an incredibly young team,” Head Coach Carly Campana said. “To put in perspective how young we truly are, this weekend we started seven underclassman. Only 11 play on the field, so you can see how significant that is.” At the end of the first half, Northeastern held a 5-0 lead over Towson thanks to four penalty corner goals. Towson struck back in the second half when freshman forward Jenna Johnson scored an unassisted goal to put the team on the board. The Tigers tried to follow up the goal by attempting three shots. Freshmen midfielder Korena Shaw had a scoring opportunity, but it went wide. Northeastern eventually added two more goals to extend its lead to 7-1 over Towson. In a last ditch effort, junior midfielder Sabrina Davis tried to get the Tigers on the board, but was denied by the Huskies defense.

“This season presented our group with many learning opportunities,” Campana said. “We hope to take those lessons and use them to better ourselves as players on the field and as teammates.” Senior goalkeeper Megan Boyle made 15 saves, making this the third match with double-digit saves. Friday, the Tigers fell to the Dragons (8-9, 3-2 CAA) on senior night at Johnny Unitas Stadium 3-1. Neither team found the back of the cage in the first half, but Drexel scored three straight goals in the second half to take a 3-0 lead over Towson. Towson got on the scoreboard in the 66th minute of contest when freshman defender Paige Zaleppa scored her first goal of the season. However, the goal was too little too late, as the Tigers ran out of time and fell to the Dragons in their final home game of the season. With the pair of losses this weekend, Towson’s 2016 season has come to a conclusion. The team earned two victories on the year against La Salle and LIU Brooklyn and will look to continue to build next year. “I'm proud of their perseverance and ability to fight through adversity,” Campana said. “Lindsay and I look forward to the spring season where we will be able to spend more time breaking down concepts and skills.”


for Puzzles on page 16

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outlined boxes, called cages, m combine using the given operat (in any order) to produce the tar numbers in the top-left corners.

● Freebies: Fill in single-box cage

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November 1, 2016


nightmare in newark Tigers fall to Blue Hens on the road Kendall Krumenacker

Swimming & Diving

Courtesy of Delaware Athletics

Redshirt sophomore quarterback Ellis Knudson is brought to the turf in Towson’s loss to rival Delaware.

JORDAN COPE Sports Editor @jordancope26

The nightmare season continued for Towson Saturday, after the team dropped its sixth straight game, this time at the hands of Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) arch rival Delaware 20-6. “Congratulations to Delaware,” Head Coach Rob Ambrose said. “We didn’t do what it took to win.” In the first quarter, both offenses struggled to move the football. Neither the Tigers (1-7, 0-5 CAA) nor the Blue Hens (3-5, 1-4 CAA) offense put points on the board as both teams went into the second quarter tied 0-0. Midway through the second quarter, the Tigers struck first and took a 3-0 lead on a 27-yard field goal from freshman kicker Aidan O’Neill. The field goal was set up by a 47-yard pass from redshirt sophomore quarterback Ellis Knudson to senior wide receiver Christian Summers and an unnecessary roughness penalty on the Blue Hens defense. After Towson’s scoring drive, Delaware responded and took a 7-3 lead on a 21-yard double pass from junior wide receiver Diante Cherry to graduate running back

Jalen Randolph. Following the Blue Hens touchdown, things only got worse for the Tigers. On the ensuing Tigers drive, Knudson fumbled the football and was benched for the remainder of the game. “We said if [Knudson] is going to do it again we are going to pull him,” Ambrose said. “He turned the ball over twice and that was the limited it was going to be, so come hell or high water, if that happened we were going to pull him so we did.” Redshirt senior quarterback Heath Dahlgren took over for Knudson and threw an interception on his first drive of the game. Dahlgren finished the game completing just six of 18 passes for 51 yards and threw three interceptions. “Both those kids played really hard,” Ambrose said. “Both those kids love their team. Both of those kids made mistakes. But I can see why we are where we are.” The Blue Hens took advantage of Dahlgren’s first interception of the game and put three points on the board to take a 10-3 lead into halftime. In the second half, Towson drove to the Delaware two yard line but could not get into the end zone and had to settle for a field goal. The second field goal of the afternoon proved to be Towson’s last

score of the game. The team has now gone nine quarters without having scored an offensive touchdown. The Blue Hens added a field goal and a touchdown in the second half to secure the 20-6 victory over the Tigers. Towson will look to snap a sixgame losing skid and earn its first CAA win of the season Saturday at Johnny Unitas Stadium against Elon. Kickoff is set for 2 p.m. “We have three games left,”redshirt junior outside linebacker Bryton Barr said. “There is more football to play. We’ve got to be thankful for that. We have three more football games, and we are going to play our hearts out these next three games.”

Junior swimmer Kendall Krumenacker won three events in Towson’s victory over CAA rival William & Mary. Krumenacker won the 200-yard freestlye, the 200-yard backstroke and the 200yard individual medley.



November 1 , 2016


Banner photo by Joe Noyes. Bottom photo by Chris Simms/ The Towerlight

A Tigers women’s swimmer swims down the lane at Burdick Pool in the annual alumni meet. This meet gives the current team a chance to swim against former alumns (above). A Towson men’s swimmer swims down the lane at Burdick Pool against Colonial Athletic Association rival William & Mary. Towson men fell to William & Mary 150-130 (below).


Towson split decisions this weekend at Burdick Pool against Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) rival William & Mary as the men’s team took a loss while the women’s team captured a victory. The Tigers men’s team (1-3, 0-0 CAA) won seven events against the Tribe men’s team. “Dominic Breschi, Jack Saunderson, and Will Dougherty had great all around meets,” Head Coach Jake Shrum said. Towson began the meet with a second-place finish in the 200yard medley relay as senior Nicki Breschi, freshman Ryan O'Leary, sophomore Jack Saunderson and junior Nick Essing combined for a time of 1:33.05. Dougherty finished first in the 1000-yard freestyle with a time of 9:23.92, while senior Brandon Ress followed with a victory in the 200-yard freestyle with a time of 1:42.52. Breschi also had a first-place finish in the 100-yard backstroke with a time of 51.12. In the 200-yard butterfly,

Saunderson finished with a time of 1:47.89 for a first-place finish while senior Noah Pritchard placed second with a time of 1:52.90. Saunderson also placed first in the 100-yard butterfly, timing 49.09. On the diving boards, sophomore Jake Casey won the one and three-meter events, scoring 172.12 and 183.82. The Tigers women’s team (3-1, 1-0 CAA) defeated the Tribe women’s team. On the women’s side junior Kendall Krumenacker and sophomore Ashley Illenye highlighted the Tigers victory by winning three events each. “Kendall Krumenacker, Ashley Illenye, and Corie Morton were all fantastic,” Shrum said. Towson swept the 1000-yard freestyle with Illenye winning the event in 10:12.85. Junior Corie Morton placed second with a time of 10:19.59, and sophomore Danielle Clark took third with a time of 10:29.92. The Tigers also had two topthree finishers for the 100-yard backstroke. Junior Jacy Icard timed 56.12 to win the event, while senior Olivia Evans finished third with a

time of 59.44. Illenye continued her good performance, timing 2:06.31 in the 200-yard butterfly to win the event. She capped off her day by winning her third event with a time of 5:00.75 in the 500-yard freestyle. Krumenacker earned a victory in the 200-yard freestyle with a time of 1:53.50. She earned her third victory of the day with a win in the

200-yard individual medley with a time of 2:06.80. On the diving boards, sophomore Emily Wilson won the one-meter event with 240.67 points, and fellow sophomore Kelsey Jehl won on the three-meter boards with 291.60 points. This victory extends the Tigers home win streak to 21 straight dual meets and gives Towson its 12th

win over conference rival William & Mary. Despite not being able to sweep the dual meet, Shrum is happy with his team’s progression this season. “Both teams are doing a great job of using what we are working on in practices into their races at meets.” Towson competes on the road in the George Mason POD Meet on Nov. 4 and 5.

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