The Towerlight (May 8, 2018)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

May 8, 2018




TU community members run for office, pg.7

Photo Illustration by Victoria Nicholson/The Towerlight


May 8, 2018



May 8, 2018

Editor-in-Chief Karuga Koinange Senior Editor Bailey Hendricks News Editor Mary-Ellen Davis Arts & Life Editor Kerry Ingram Asst. Arts & Life Editor McKenna Graham Sports Editor Asst. Sports Editor Billy Owens

Senior Staff Writers Jordan Cope Marcus Dieterle Sarah Rowan



6 p.m., Center for the Arts, Studio Theatre, CA 3060

Jill Gattens Jessica Ricks Leah Volpe Keri Luise Rohan Mattu Muhammad Waheed Deb Greengold Sophia Bates Meg Hudson Albert Ivory Anthony Petro Mia Williams Photo Editor Brendan Felch


David Fisher Simon Enagonio Marcus Dieterle Brittany Whitham Lacey Wall Joe Noyes David Kirchner Tiffany Deboer Amanda Jean Thomas Katerina Duerr Isabelle Bartolomeo Proofreaders Alex Best Sarah Rowan



TU faculty member Leah Inger, soprano, presents an evening of mischief exploring a transformation from demure to impure in cabaret form. You may even recognize yourself in this humorous, reflective and sometimes edgy musical tale of self-discovery. Improvisation students perform completely improvised music under the

IMPROVISATION guidance of faculty member John Dierker. Each performance is created with ENSEMBLES CONCERT little or no predetermined parameters. Come for an evening of truly original music.

8 p.m., Center for the Arts, Recital Hall, CA 3066


9 a.m., University Union Lobby

Staff Photographers Jordan Cope

Isaiah Freeman Lexi Thompson



Staff Writers Desmond Boyle

Senior Staff Photographer Alex Best



The Student Government Association will be holding a second election for students running for Senate and Justice positions. Vote for your favorite candidates online at Involved@ TUor at our polling location in the University Union Lobby from 9am-5pm! TU ceramics students and faculty present handmade ceramics, jewelry, glass and more at the 45th Annual Spring Pottery Sale happening Friday and Saturday. Proceeds benefit the TU Foundation and contributing artists.


3 p.m., Center for the Arts Ceremics Studio, CA 3012


Relax before finals by joining us at this free event. Previous activities have included massages, yoga, crafts, free food, and therapy dogs.


8 p.m., Univeristy Union, Paws Cafe General Manager Mike Raymond Art Director Victoria Nicholson Webmaster Circulation Staff Shawn Halerz Dom Capparuccini Elssa Kenfack

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Classifieds appear online and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2018 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!


TRENDING. @Annalabanana_

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me. And I am happy that I have so many people supporting me throughout the next 4 years. I’m coming for you Towson. #TU22 #NationalDecisionDay





I’m happy to announce that for #NationalDecisionDay I have committed to Towson University, at the age of 16 I will be pursuing my career in nursing. #TU Class of 2022!!!!

@dayasteilor @temppp_tations Proud to be a towson tiger #nationaldecisionday #Towson22

happy #NationalDecisionDay i jus want to let everyone know that im so proud of everyone and that i hope you enjoy your next 4 years!!! as for me you can catch me at




May 8, 2018

Teamwork makes the dream work

Newly-appointed editor-inchief “reintroduces” himself KARUGA KOINANGE Editor-in-Chief

What’s up, Towson? Some of you may know me as Karuga Koinange, a junior studying journalism and electronic media & film who is also the sports editor for The Towerlight. Well in the words of the illustrious Jay-Z, “allow me to reintroduce myself.” As of last Wednesday, I am officially the editor-in-chief of The Towerlight, and let me tell you; I couldn’t be more excited. I’ll be honest, though. Before accepting this position, I had run through this scenario in my head a number of times and was heavily doubting myself. Can you be a good leader? What happens if you make a mistake? Will you be able to handle this responsibility along with classes, a social life and being able to take care of yourself? It sounds odd to say, but I’m happy to know that all those fears and doubts are still swirling around in my head. The reason I say that is because it’d be abnormal to not have concerns about stepping into a position of leadership. I’d be more worried if I were calm about the situation, but the more I think about the position I’ve been

put into the more excited I become to embrace this challenge because I know that I’m surrounded by a great team. I don’t know if I’ve ever met someone more fiery and passionate about journalism than our newly appointed senior editor, Bailey Hendricks. I’ve already told her a few times, but I’m genuinely amped to see what heights we can take this newspaper to. I could go on for days about how much potential I see in our newly appointed news editor Mary-Ellen Davis, or how quick-witted and confident our arts & life editor Kerry Ingram is, or how imaginative our art director Victoria Nicholson is, or even how determined our photo editor Brendan Felch is, but I don’t want to ramble. At the end of the day, our ultimate goal is to report the truth and provide the Towson community with a reliable news source. With such an exceedingly talented staff around me, I don’t see why we can’t accomplish those goals and much more. With that being said, if you’d like to share your story or present us with an idea that you deem newsworthy, you are more than welcome to stop by our office in the University Union, Room 309. And if you’d like to reach me one-on-one, you can contact me at:

At the end of the day, our ultimate goal is to report the truth and provide the Towson community with a reliable news source. With such an exceedingly talented staff around me, I don’t see why we can’t accomplish those goals and more.


Number of female candidates running for office increasing

“Year of the Woman” should be every year CONNOR McNAIRN Columnist

American politics has, since the country’s founding, been dominated by white male actors. This reality is the product of the designed political suppression of women and minorities during the country’s founding, and its consequences are many. In 1992, which was commonly referred to as the “Year of the Woman,” 24 women won House seats and Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Carol Moseley Braun and Patty Murray were elected to the U.S. Senate. Gains in female representation in 1992 may have established a high water mark for women in elected office, b u t i m m e diately following this progressive moment in American history, systemic sexism worked to undermine their voices and limit their scope of leadership. Nearly 30 years later, women only represent one quarter of all elected officials in Washington. In 2016, the election of the remarkably boorish Donald Trump, whose campaign was driven by rampant sexism, offered no aid to the already abysmal status of female representation; or did it? While the Year of the Woman illustrated an exciting and energetic increase in female participation in our nation’s most powerful political offices, a wave of women candidates – the likes of which the U.S. has never seen – is set to flood the polls in the 2018 midterms. As of May 4, 2018, at least 50 women will run in Senate races, 444 will compete for House seats, and 72 will pursue 36 open governorships in

fall 2018. Without reference to past campaign efforts, these numbers do not seem astronomical in scope. But when analyzing the political participation of women in years past, over 575 female candidates will smash previous records. In 2016, for example, only 40 women ran for Senate seats, 272 for House seats, and six for governorships. While these numbers are naturally affected by the fluctuating number of open seats per election cycle, 2018 marks the largest proportional female push for elected office in the nation’s history. Trends in female candidacies are also strongly correlated with party affiliation. Among the over 50 Senate candidates, 32 are Democrats and 21 are Republicans. Moreover, in the House, of 444 current competitors, there are 330 Democrats and only 114 Republicans. Last, among 72 current gubernatorial candidates, 47 are Democrats and 25 are Republicans. When analyzing both former and current trends in female political participation, it is clear that women are far greater represented within the Democratic Party. While it is impossible to perfectly identify the drive behind this massive influx in women candidacies, it is likely that Donald Trump’s election, paired with the powerful #MeToo movement and greater overall trends in women empowerment across varying fields of employment are inspiring record-breaking female leadership. Certainly, these factors are not the only causes for why women candidates are playing a more predominant role in the

American political landscape, but their relevance immediately following 2016 may lend some clarity to the recent phenomenon. To all who were cognizant in 2016 and currently remain so, the repugnance of Trump’s braggadocious Access Hollywood tape – within which he both admits to sexually assaulting women and defends the behavior on the grounds of wealth – remains fresh in the mind. Moreover, the American conscience, which has finally started taking serious the realities of sexual assault, harassment, and intimidation in the form of #MeToo, has also played an impactful role in engaging women who both run for office and turn out at the polls. It should not, however, take rampant sexual violence and the election of a sexist dullard to finally draw attention to female leadership in American politics. Midterm elections in 2018 are set to bludgeon the current majorities held by Republicans in both chambers of Congress. While a blue wave would be most welcome, it is the responsibility of American voters to also elect women pursuing the many vacancies in the 2018 election season. The sheer number of women candidates approaching 2018 midterms is both inspiring and unprecedented; and while female leadership in American politics is roughly 242 years overdue, it is incumbent upon voters to make 2018 and all elections following the “Years of the Woman.”


May 8, 2018



North Korea is the USA’s biggest threat

Kim Jong-un’s nuclear ambitions remain primary concern for Trump administration RYAN KIRBY Columnist

North Korea is arguably the greatest security threat the United States faces today. N o r t h Korea’s nuclear a m b i t i o n s h a v e plagued t h e t h r e e previous administrations and remains a prime concern for the Trump Administration. The United States finds itself in an incredibly difficult situation because our primary rival in the region, China, is the principle ally of North Korea. Any military option would drag China into the conflict and place the millions of South Korean citizens and approximately 28,000 American soldiers in harm’s way. Diplomatic pressure has been less than successful because we don’t have anything that North Korea wants and any pressure put on North Korea requires that China abide by the sanctions. In a surprising turn of events, relations between North and South Korea have appeared to warm. The two countries competed in the Winter Olympics under one flag and have even begun bilateral talks. For the first time in over a decade, the North and South Korean leaders met face to face and crossed the demilitarized zone (DMZ) into one another’s countries. North Korea announced that it will be closing a nuclear testing site this month and South Korea agreed to

take down the loudspeakers that broadcast South Korean propaganda across the DMZ. Without a doubt, it is phenomenal to see progress being made towards peace on the K o r e a n Peninsula. O n e of t he biggest q u e s t i o n s t h ro u g h out t he r e c e n t events is: what role did Donald Tr ump play? I would argue that Donald Trump did make a noticeable difference in U.S.-South Korean-North Korean relations, but the key focus should be on how and why it made a difference. Donald Trump sent many tweets making direct and non-direct threats to “Little Rocket Man.” The threat of direct conf lict with North Korea was real, even genuine concern over the use of nuclear weapons. President Trump put the U.S. and North Korea on a collision course for war. North Korea made threatening statements, but that was as far as it went. They continue to advance their nuclear weapons program, but they have opened the option for peace. Donald Trump’s crazy and unpredictable threats created an opponent that may have been crazier

than even Kim Jong-un and the North Koreans recognized this. I credit Donald Trump with creating that unpredictable and crazy enemy for North Korea. Some reports try to give credit to Donald Trump for his work in North Korea and eighteen GOP Representatives sent a letter requesting he receive the Nobel Peace Prize. I laugh at this notion. I hardly call a series of angry Twitter rants and vaguely worded threats during a photo op a “strategy.” I think the word strategy is key here. There was no National Security Council decision or policy analysis made. Chief of Staff John Kelly or NSC Advisor did not read each of his tweets to ensure they matched precisely with U.S. foreign policy goals in the region. Absolutely not. They were angry Twitter rants and vague threats made by a narcissistic man driven by ego who felt threatened after watching a segment on Fox & Friends. Some may argue that President Trump is a fourth dimensional chess player looking hundreds of moves ahead and was able to overcome the odds to help achieve peace in the region. I would love to have an intelligent President wielding foreign policy decisions with incredible foresight and vision. Unfortunately, that person does not occupy the Oval Office right now and there is no evidence to suggest President Trump was, is, or ever will be the dignified and respect

Women’s issues, racial politics summer reads KYNDALL CUNNINGHAM Columnist

There are two weeks left in the semester, and all I can think about are my plans for the summer. They’re not all big plans, like travelling or going to a concert or interning somewhere. For me, the summer is a great time to improve your daily routine with simple habits that will benefit you in the future. For example, many people take up summer reading, which is super important considering how many people don’t read nowadays. As a journalism major, I have read every day. Whether it be books, magazine profiles or news articles, I try to increase my knowledge, especially about topics I’m most passionate about, like women’s issues and racial politics. Here are my summer reading suggestions for anyone that’s interested in learning more about the topics that I discuss in my column. Divided We Stand: The Battle Over Women’s Rights and Family Values that Polarized American Politics by Marjorie Spruill Wheeler. This book is a lot to digest, which is why I had to take breaks from it to read other books and then returned

to it. But if you’re interested in what drew the line between Republicans and Democrats concerning women’s rights, this book offers a pretty thorough history, starting with the first National Women’s Conference in Houston. Negroland by Margo Jefferson This memoir by New York Times writer Margo Jefferson reflects on her life as a member of Chicago’s AfricanAmerican elite as a child in the 1950s to adulthood. She explores respectability politics, her family and generational values passed down from freed slaves. It’s a deep dive into a world that are hardly represented in the media. It’s intriguing and heartbreaking all at once. Surpassing Certainty by Janet Mock Janet Mock is one of my favorite write. I feel sometimes her work is overshadowed by her identity as a trans woman, which means that oftentimes she is simply seen as an activist. But this is one of the most immersive memoirs I’ve read. It’s a follow-up to her first memoir “Redefining Realness.” But this second time around, she dives deeper into her 20s – finding love, working as a stripper, going to college and becoming a journalist. I hope you enjoy these favorites of mine. Happy Summer Reading!


Courtesy of Editor-in-Chief Karuga Koinange’s grandparents recently finished a marathon in London, England.


May 8, 2018



May 8, 2018


TU student and faculty members run for office MARY-ELLEN DAVIS News Editor @Mel_Davis_1998

BAILEY HENDRICKS Senior Editor @imsimplybailey

KERI LUISE Staff Writer @keri_luise

Several Towson University students and faculty members are running for Baltimore County Council, the House of Representatives, and the United States Senate. They look to lean on how their roles at Towson have impacted their decisions to pursue political careers. Tenured foreign languages professor Democrat Colleen Ebacher thought it was crazy when people told her she should run for Baltimore County Council District 3, but she said her work as an educator should help in her political pursuits. “I work with students to express themselves, to think deeply, and to solve problems and be prepared for the future,” Ebacher said. “That’s my job. And that’s really what a politician needs to do as well…. That seems like a natural fit for the work I would do on the council.” District 3 is currently held by Republican Wade Kach, who has held various political offices in Maryland for the past 43 years. Ebacher said she had reservations about running initially, but made her choice to run after a conversation with one of her twin daughters. “She said, ‘well, I expect from you what you expect from me. And you’ve always told me I have to be engaged, so if you expect me to be engaged … then I expect the same from you.’ So I said ‘okay, I’ll do it.’” Ebacher stressed the idea of being an engaged citizen and reflects that thinking in her classroom. Her students recently

completed 15 hours of commu-

ized that “they were misinformed,

nity service helping ESOL middle-schoolers in the classroom and recently hosted “Be a Towson Tiger Day,” in which 40 of those middle-schoolers visited Towson University for a day. Ebacher has been engaged in the immigrant community as well. She said that community reached out to her to travel to Reading, Pennsylvania, in order to encourage Hispanics in low-income areas to vote. After Ebacher helped Spanishspeaking citizens register to vote for several months, she decided to help the “get out the vote” effort. She looked to inform citizens who may have several jobs or may not speak English on how to vote in the election. Ebacher then canvassed for Hillary Clinton in 2016 after the primary election in Reading. After Clinton lost the election, Ebacher became involved with the local “Indivisible” organizations. “Indivisible is a really grassroots organization,” she said. “So, after the 2016 election, a number of people who had worked on the Hillary Clinton campaign said, ‘let’s write a manual to help people organize at the grassroots level.” Ebacher went on to lobby against the 287(g) bill, a bill that aligns local law enforcement with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). She argued that the bill negatively affects local communities. “Local law enforcement will hold undocumented immigrants who have an infraction such as driving drunk, or having a taillight out, or jaywalking,” she said. “They come into the local jail system, it might be a fine, it might be three days in jail and then ICE asks the local law enforcement to hold them until ICE can get there and put them into deportation proceedings. And so, that is, for many reasons, completely illegal and harmful to the local community.” After helping lobby against this bill to local council in small group meetings, Ebacher said she real-

uninformed, really did not know the potential impact of this bill.” Ebacher said she is comfortable stepping into the role of being a politician. “I would say that my activity as a professor prepares me to be a politician who works with people and for people.” Another person at Towson running for office is 32-year-old Michael Carney. Carney, a junior at Towson University studying history, said he sees himself as “a man of many interests” and is running for the House of Representatives to represent Maryland Congressional District 2. “I hope to show people that there isn’t a set idea of what a politician has to look like, where they have to come from,” Carney said. “I hope to inspire more people to run for office, even if they traditionally thought or have been told that they’re not politicians, they’re not political material.” Carney, a Libertarian, originally considered running for Senate, but opted to pursue a position where he could work closer with locals. “I’m going to work to make sure the people in the community have more opportunity to live a life that’s better for them – less reliant on entities, even the government itself that doesn’t always have their best interest in heart,” Carney said. He was previously in the military, where he learned many leadership skills and took charge in standing up for the people around him. “There’d be a few times where we had classes and none of the leadership would be there, so I’d take the initiative,” Carney said. “And of course, I’d get in trouble for it, because I’m not, at the rank I was in, not supposed to be doing that, but at the same time they’d say, ‘alright, you have to be in trouble, but you still did the right thing.’” Carney has been involved in his community, from customer service work to his involvement in the military and living

in different states. He said he looks to use those experiences to properly represent the concerns of the community. Currently, Carney interns at the veteran nonprofit organization Mission Continues, specifically a fellowship with the General Assembly’s Veteran Caucus. “It has given me a lot of experience in dealing with politicians and the political process,” Carney said. “They’ve also been very helpful in sharing advice on how to run and campaign, not to mention a behind-the-scenes look at how they deal with people.” He also works with State Senator Will Smith and Delegate Pat Young, who was the former director of veterans services at Towson University. Carney said he feels like he has a wealth of knowledge just from being at Towson and going through the process of running for office. “I’ve been making connections,” he said. “I’ve learned so much here – my major, the other classes outside my major [economics, policy, geography, politics], the programs – I’ve been a member of Toastmasters, the political debates on campus. They’ve been invaluable.” If he is not elected for District 2 House of Representatives, Carney hopes to go into analysis work, but as he runs he said he hopes to make a positive impact. “We’ve already seen that the two major parties don’t have our best interest in heart,” he said. “They’ve torn up Baltimore City. They’ve torn up the state. They’ve torn up the entire country. For two elections now, the big issue was change, and there’s no way to argue that I’m not a change. You can’t say that I’m the same thing. I’m not.” Political science professor Tony Campbell is also running for office this election season, looking to land a spot in the U.S. Senate as a Republican candidate. Campbell’s campaign focuses on equal citizenship which for him means equality of opportunity rather than equality of outcome.

“I think one of the things we have not done well in the last 30 years or so is the growth of identity politics,” Campbell said. “It’s kind of a win-lose equation where if your group happens to be more active and more motivated and better funded, then your group wins and better people lose. So one of the things I think we’ve lost is the idea of an American community.” Campbell decided he wanted to run for office about 20 years ago, and it isn’t his first time running for a government position. Four years ago, he ran for Baltimore County Executive, but lost the primary by 18 votes. “This isn’t my first rodeo,” Campbell said. He also found his initial inspiration from his mother, who he said did a lot of advocacy work when he was a kid. “Both my parents were preachers, so she was definitely kind of right of center as far as stuff is concerned,” Campbell said. “She was advocating and lobbying and stuff like that probably when I was in fifth or sixth grade, so anytime she basically yells at me for doing this again I can say ‘well, I got it from you.’” Campbell also stressed the importance of voting. He hopes that in the upcoming election, students will exercise their right to vote because, he admitted, sometimes “adults make decisions that are poor.” He argued that the DNC stacked the deck in favor of Hillary Clinton, but that dissuaded a lot of young people from voting because they primarily supported Bernie Sanders. “When the dust settles I expect to be the Republican nominee, and there’s ten other people in my primary so you never know, but I am working hard to be the nominee,” he said. “There’s some things we’re not going to agree on but I come at things with an understanding of individual liberty but balanced with the fact that your choices doesn’t mean I have to pay for them.”



May 8, 2018

Provost Chandler steps down TU investigates alleged hate crime ing on the first victim’s face. The report said both suspects Senior Staff Writer were “highly intoxicated” and “unco@marcusdieterle operative.” Towson University President Kim Towson University officials are Schatzel addressed the reports in a investigating a possible hate crime statement on TU’s website on May 1. after two members of Jewish frater“Hateful conduct is inexcusable nity Alpha Epsilon Pi were allegedly and will not be tolerated at Towson assaulted and harassed near camUniversity,” Schatzel said. pus in the early morning of April According to Schatzel, Baltimore 29, according to a Baltimore County County police notified the Towson police report. University Police Department of the The two victims told police they alleged assault and hate-bias inciwere walking back from downtown dent. Due Towson to one of to reports the victims’ homes of the use on Aigburth Road at Hateful conduct is of anti-Se2:12 a.m. when two inexcusable and mitic words males shouted “F--and actions, the Jews” and called will not be them an anti-SemitT U P D tolerated at ic slur. informed Towson University. the Office The report said the two suspects of Student then followed the KIM SCHATZEL Conduct and Towson University President the Office of two victims onto the front yard of Inclusion and the property and Institutional punched the first victim in the face. Equity of the situation to initiate an After the first victim called 911 investigation of the incident. and screamed for help, his roommate “Any student found responexited the residence and attemptsible for such conduct is subject ed to separate the altercation. The to sanctions including suspension second victim also attempted to sepand expulsion from the university,” arate the suspects from the first vicSchatzel said. tim and was punched, but could not Schatzel reiterated TU’s comidentify who punched him, accordmitment to a diverse and inclusive ing to the report. campus that supports all communiPolice arrived on scene and saw ty members’ opportunity to thrive, the first victim lying on the ground. regardless of identity. - To read the rest of this article An officer told the parties to sepaonline, visit rate, at which point they saw bruisMARCUS DIETERLE

Sophia Bates/ The Towerlight

Provost Timothy Chandler is stepping down from his position of five years, but will remain at TU as a professor for the Department of Kinesiology in the College of Health Professions. Timothy J.L. Chandler has served as Towson University’s Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs since January 2013. Chandler also served as Interim President of Towson University from December 2014 to January 2016. Effective July 1, 2018, he will step down from his role as Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and in January 2019 he will join the College of Health Professions as a professor within the Department of Kinesiology. The following conversation has been edited for brevity and clarity. How long have you been at Towson University? I have been here five and a half years. I came in January 2013. My first day was January 14, 2013. When you’re my age, it seems like a snap. What are some of the biggest changes you’ve seen in your time here? We have obviously just continued to grow. The big dig, the science building, the big hole in the ground here is a big change. We’ve been working very hard for more than 10 years to get that building up and running, and we finally have a hole in the ground. That will be a huge change. Burdick is a huge change, and the thought that the Union will look very different in two years’ time. The physical changes have been coming and we’re beginning to see what that means now. That’s indicative of the growth that’s been going on. I think we continue to attract high quality students, high quality faculty. There has been some great continuity of effort. It hasn’t all been change. I think some of the good things have been continuity, that we’ve continued to do

well. A continual growth of things such as undergraduate research opportunities. Those are things that I think have been tremendous. Our graduation rates from the time I’ve been here have moved. A six-year graduation rate when I first came here was 66 percent, and I was charged with getting that to 70 percent. It is now at 72 percent. I see that as a real shift in terms of being able to have students graduate more quickly and have more of them graduate. The other great piece for me was that one of the things former Towson President Loeschke asked me to work on was to reduce the achievement gap, the gap between majority students and minority students on the campus. They both now graduate at 72 percent. There is no gap. To me, those are real positive shifts that have been taking place over the last five and a half years. What would you say were some of your biggest personal accomplishments at Towson? I think the things I have just talked about, really. The graduation rates, bringing in some of the analytics that we use to monitor students’ success initiatives, more advising, more central advisors. The advisors in colleges to help the students move through more effectively and more quickly. Those are things that I think have helped greatly. Just to continue to attract high quality faculty. We have some really terrific faculty on this campus. Good scholars, great teachers and very engaged individuals with students. That to me is a hallmark in something to which I am very proud of. What made you decide to join

Towson University? It was a place that was moving forwards. The president at the time was a very engaging individual, and I certainly enjoyed working with and for her. She sold me in some ways on coming. The reputation of the place was obviously very good. When I came and interviewed, it’s a nice campus. It’s a place where people seem happy. People really like it here. It’s a very warm and welcoming community, and I’ve been very welcomed as an outsider. That’s a great feeling. I think students feel the same way when they come and do their campus tours. They say, “I can see myself being here.” I certainly felt that the search committee was very warm and welcoming. Why are you stepping down? Do you have plans after? It’s time. We all reach our sell-by date and we all have a set shelf-life. I think the institution is ready to move in some new directions, and that will take new blood, and legs with a little more energy left in them. It’s time to pass the baton, to use a sporting metaphor from my realm of scholarly interest. There’s a wonderful quote. There’s a late 19th, early 20th century English author, E.F. Benson, whose father was Queen Victoria’s favorite archbishop of Canterbury. E.F. Benson wrote a number of books. One of which is titled “As We Are,” and there’s this wonderful quote that I think summarizes my feelings about where I am and why it’s time. - Compiled by Sophia Bates - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Marcus Dieterle/ The Towerlight

Members of Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi were allegedly assaulted and harassed near campus the morning of April 29.


May 8, 2018

TrueTU ticket wins the vote New executive board prepares for next year


R E M SUM 2018 N O I S SE S

Hey, Tigers! Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Alex Best, Naimah Kargbo, Russhell J. Ford and Rachel Veslany (left to right) won the SGA elections as part of the TrueTU ticket to be the next executive board for the 2018-2019 school year. MARY-ELLEN DAVIS News Editor @Mel_Davis_1998

MARCUS DIETERLE Senior Staff Writer @marcusdieterle

The student body of Towson University elected Russhell J. Ford to be the next Student Government Association president with 937 votes. Ford and the rest of her TrueTU ticket ran unopposed. Rachel Veslany won vice president with 925 votes. Alex Best won attorney general with 944 votes. Naimah Kargbo won treasurer with 943 votes. Chief of staff is not an elected position, but instead is appointed by the SGA president. Danvic Celebrado-Royer ran for chief of staff with the TrueTU ticket and is expected to be appointed to the position by Ford. Ford said she can’t wait to work with the next SGA administration to make Towson University better for everyone. “I am … excited to work with these three leaders plus our chief of staff appointment, as well as build the administration,” Ford said. “And I’m more than motivated to work with them and everyone in SGA and to make the school better on a grand scale.” Veslany said she feels “extremely fortunate” for the opportunity to become vice president and help TU community members achieve what they want to improve about Towson. “I’m super excited to not only work with the exec board but the rest of the SGA administration because I know there are so many people that have great initiatives that they want to work

on and I can’t wait to better our campus she said. “Thank you for working with and better the Towson community,” us for this campaign, and I guess on our she said. journey as well.” Kargbo said she hopes to help stuAll seven senatorial candidates won their seats. The senators-elect, in order dent groups accomplish their goals of number of votes obtained, are: from a financial standpoint as the next - Marlene Tubera (712 votes) administration’s SGA treasurer. -Elnatan Amare (677 votes) “I’m excited to really give and put -Kathryn Foreman (645 votes) the money that the students put into -Lewis Laury Jr. (632 votes) us back to them, make positive impacts -Maman D. Ndiong (617 votes) on Towson’s campus through student -Constance Achaleke (615 votes) groups, student leaders…. I’m really -Keith Swint (583 votes) excited to work with these special peoThere were 18 open senate seats. No ple up here because I know we’re all candidates ran for justice positions. really hard workers and we’re dedicatThe election comed to Towson,” Kargbo said. mission will hold B e s t a second election to Thank you to expressed his fill the 11 remaining everyone that excitement to senate seats and five be part of next justice seats, accordvoted for us, year’s adminising to Coordinator for that believed in Student Organizations tration. our vision, that Chris Rindosh. “I’m ready Best encouraged to start workbelieved in us. more students to ing and start NAIMAH KARGBO SGA Treasurer-Elect apply for the open building our senate, justice, direcadministration, and I’m really tor and assistant looking forward to working with these director positions. great leaders,” Best said. “We’re still looking for people, so if Despite running uncontested, students are looking to get involved this Kargbo said she was thankful for the is a great opportunity to do so,” he said. students who voted for her and the rest This second election will operate on of the TrueTU ticket. an abbreviated timeline. Petitions will “Thank you to everyone that voted begin May 4 and will be due by May 8 for us, that believed in our vision, that at 5 p.m. After the petition deadline, believed in us,” Kargbo said. “I know candidates will be able to campaign we did go unopposed, but still everyone May 9 and 10. Voting for the second really believed in us and believes that election will open on May 10 at 9 we will put in the work because they’ve a.m. and close at 5 p.m. the same day, seen us do it.” according to Rindosh. Ford echoed Kargbo’s gratitude, Any amendments to the SGA thanking students for joining TrueTU Constitution require at least 1,000 votes on their journey so far and continuing from the student body. This year’s amendments to the constitution were to do so as they move forward. “Thank you for asking how we feel,” passed with 1,009 votes.

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10 May 8, 2018


Charmery to open in Towson Hampden-based ice cream shop expands


Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

The Charmery will open its doors to Towson residents along York Road this summer. The store is expanding to the Towson area from Hampden after the owners’ search for a second location. SOPHIA BATES Staff Writer @sbrookebates

The Charmery, an ice cream shop which originated in Hampden, is opening a location this summer on York Road in Towson. Master creamer David Alima co-owns the store with his wife, Laura, and they are awaiting the opening of their Towson location. “After our first summer, people have approached us about opening a second location, and I would always go and look,” Alima said. “But nothing struck. Once we partnered in the Union Collective space, we decided to really look. One of the spaces was this space [in Towson,] and we just completely fell in love with it.” Alima said the York Road location is a perfect fit for the Towson community and will help to fulfill the vision of the store. “There is going to be more seating, and there will be a really great outdoor vibe to it,” Alima said. “This will be a very special place.” Freshman Eileen Rich said she would be in favor of an ice cream shop in the area. “A local ice cream shop sounds like something my friends and I would love to support,” Rich said. Senior Ellie Hambrecht agreed, saying the new Charmery location will satiate Towson’s sweet tooth and serve as a much-needed addition to the area. “I was recently thinking that I had not had ice cream in the longest time, and I think that is because we do not

have many places locally that serve it,” Hambrecht said. “Everyone loves ice cream and the opportunity to pick their own flavors and toppings. I think that this will be a great and popular asset to our Towson community.” Freshman Grace Welsh, who hasn’t tried the Charmery’s Hampden location, expressed their openness to a new addition in Towson. “I’ve never been to the original Chamery, but Towson needs ice cream so I am glad that they’ll open a location close by,” Welsh said. According to Alima, the shop has also been given the opportunity to be a part of the “Union Collective” which

is a complex launched by Union Craft Brewing that hosts various tenants to sell local goods near Hampden. The Charmery will move its production facility to the Collective. By opening the new production facility, Alima said that encouraged them to look for an opportunity for another storefront. According to Alima, his family couldn’t be more excited to open in Towson. “Ice cream is the great unifier,” he said. “That’s why my wife and I love it so much, we really feel like we get to make people happy. That’s really an honor to us, that we can make people happy and bring community together.”

Poland’s Auschwitz-Birkenau museum has been targeted with anti-Semitic attacks by Polish nationalists, according to museum officials. The attacks come after a Holocaust speech law that Poland passed last year which made it a criminal offense to accuse Poland of having been involved in crimes committed by Nazi Germany. Polish nationalists have accused the museum of minimizing Polish victims of the Holocaust. One museum guide’s home was reportedly vandalized with the Star of David being equated to a Nazi swastika. Another guide was harassed by a politician who was convicted of anti-Semitism. Museum officials said they are being targeted on various websites and social media accounts with profane and threatening language.

HAWAIIANS EVACUATE AMID ERUPTIONS FROM KILAUEA VOLCANO ISLAND OF HAWAI’I, HAWAII The Kilauea volcano in Hawaii began erupting on the Big Island on May 3 with 152 level-3 seismic events. Since then, geologists said seismic activity is down to 31 magnitude-2 quakes. In that time, 1,800 residents have been evacuated and 26 homes have been destroyed in a nearby subdivision. Two additional fissures developed in the area, totalling 10 lava-filled cracks. Authorities are urging people to stay away from the area

LEOPARD EATS 3-YEAR-OLD AT NATIONAL PARK IN UGANDA QUEEN ELIZABETH NATIONAL PARK, UGANDA A leopard at Queen Elizabeth National Park ate the 3-year-old son of a park ranger over the weekend. According to a spokesperson for the park’s wildlife authority, the boy was in the care of a nanny when he left the park’s unfenced staff quarters. The nanny was not aware of the boy’s disappearance until she heard the boy’s scream as the leopard took him. The child’s skull was discovered the following day, and Ugandan authorities are searching for the leopard. The spokesperson said the leopard will be removed from the wild so it will not be tempted to eat human flesh again.

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

The shop is moving its production facility to the Collective, creating the need for a new storefront, according to owner David Alima.

-- Stories compiled by Marcus Dieterle. Stories from The Daily Beast.


May 8, 2018




12 May 8, 2018


May 8, 2018


14 May 8, 2018

Arts & Life

Kerry Ingram/ The Towerlight

The Towerlight’s Arts & Life Editor Kerry Ingram tries her hand at baking with this ice cream cone cupcake recipe. The sweets are sure to make achieving Instagram aesthetic goals that much easier.

Sweeten up your Insta feed

DIY a treat that will get you a ton of likes KERRY INGRAM Arts & Life Editor @Glaminista08

It’s finally here. Ice cream weather. For whatever reason, as soon as the sun starts shining a little brighter and our sweet teeth crave a little stronger, not only does the amount of junk consumption go up slightly, but so does the amount of dessert pictures on social media. One shot you’re guaranteed to see on your feed at some point between now and August is the picture-perfect ice cream shot, with the dessert beginning to melt in the most artistic looking way. As pleasing as such a picture is, what’s not pleasing is the fact that ice cream usually does melt

fast (but global warming and an increase in temperatures isn’t a thing, right…). With blazing temperatures, these cold desserts disappear before our cameras even get the chance to focus. Luckily, there is a way to make a treat that is just as delicious as the traditional summer snack, and that can withstand the heat all while still being super Instagram-able: ice cream cone cupcakes! Not only are these sweets super delicious, they also are college and budget-friendly. Every item is available at local grocery stores for affordable prices, and can easily be made in any living area that has an oven. I tried out this recipe for myself prior to writing this article, and I was surprised at how easy it was to execute,

especially coming from a girl who has zero culinary experience outside of making eggs (my omelettes are spectacular, by the way). Don’t believe me? Try out this recipe yourself to create a fun summer treat that is sure to get a ton of likes. Things you’ll need: · An oven · A mixing bowl · A spoon/whisk · A tablespoon · A cupcake pan (for a cooler take on this DIY recipe, you can snag an ice cream cone pan) · Flat-bottom ice cream cones (if using a regular cupcake pan) · 3 eggs · 1 whole stick of butter (can be replaced with vegetable oil butter if you are vegan or dairy-free)

Kerry Ingram/ The Towerlight

The recipe’s simple list of ingredients allows for anyone to try it out. For vegan or gluten-free eaters, Ingram advises using milk and egg replacements in order to make the recipe work for your diet.

· 1/2 cup of milk (your choice of dairy, coconut, almond, rice, or oat milk...I know, so many options to choose from) · Your favorite cake mix (I used a vanilla cake mix, but any flavor will work) · Icing and sprinkles for decoration Time to get baking: 1. First, preheat your oven to 350 degrees (or the temperature recommended by your chosen cake mix) 2. Place your ice cream cones in the holes of your cupcake pan 3. In your bowl, mix together the eggs, milk, butter, and cake mix with your whisk until the mixture is smooth 4. Use your tablespoon to scoop the cake mix into your cones (CAUTION: do not fill the cones all the way to the top or else they will overflow—leave about one inch of space between the mix and the rim of the cone) 5. Place the tray of cones in the oven and leave for 20-25 minutes (or until the cakes have cooked completely). And now to make the cakes look pretty: I recommend testing the cup-

cakes with a knife to ensure they are completely baked. Choose one cone and carefully poke a knife from the top of the cake to the bottom of the cone. If the knife has wet cake batter on it, continue to bake your cones at five-minute intervals until they are fully cooked. Cut your tester cake cone in half as your final check—once it is completely cooked and cooled off, it is time to get to decorating! I used a spoon to decorate my cupcakes. I scooped a tablespoon of icing on the top of each cupcake and then twirled the cone in one hand while using the back of the spoon to smooth out and create a swirl with the icing. Top your cakes off with some fun sprinkles and you’re done! But first, let’s take an Instagram photo: Now obviously these cupcakes are meant to be eaten (I would seriously judge if anyone went through all this effort of making these treats, just to take a picture and not even indulge in them), however feel get creative with the kinds of pictures you take with them. Feel free to share your not-so-ice-creamy masterpieces with The Towerlight on social, at @TheTowerlight!

Kerry Ingram/ The Towerlight

Different variations of the ice cream cone cupcake recipe can be found on Pinterest, from traditional to more colorful options.

Arts & Life


May 8, 2018


Throwback to middle school

Albums celebrate decade-long success TIMOTHY COFFMAN Columnist

In the past 10 years, music has changed drastically through the emergence of Spotify, the tragic losses of key figures, and the rise of rhythm games inspiring a whole new generation of kids to pick up instruments of their own. Seeing how things have changed, here are some albums that will be a nostalgic trip back to the days when the most important cultural milestone was “High School Musical 3: Senior Year.” Here are the albums that have just celebrated a decade’s worth of existence and have shaped the current state of music. 1. “19” (Adele)- It’s been a long time since Adele has been on the musical radar, but on this album, she proved that she still had quite a few tricks up her sleeve. This album is more straight-ahead soul music that is pretty much “Adele 101” at this point, but the single “Chasing Pavements” ranks among some her best compositions. She also proves herself to be a masterful interpreter with the reinvention of Bob Dylan’s “Make You Feel My Love.” Little did we know this was the first

offering from an artist destined to be massive. 2.“Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends” (Coldplay)- After 2005’s fantastic but somewhat underwhelming “X&Y”, Coldplay put its best foot forward and gave the world this record, complete with the karaoke staple title track. The rest of the album reflects a grandiose tapestry of sound in lush soundscapes, like “Cemeteries of London,” the beautiful instrumental “Life in Technicolor,” and the penultimate track “Violet Hill,” the most forceful song this band has ever recorded. This record shows this classic pop band at the peak of their powers, reaching for legendary status. 3.“808s and Heartbreak” (Kanye West)- This album is best known for hits such as “Heartless,” but this record from Kanye was one of his most experimental. While proving himself on previous records like “The College Dropout” and “Late Registration,” West chose to go in a more electronic direction on this record, which worked to great effect when paired with the intimate lyrics. While other hip hop acts like Lil Wayne were dropping their better albums this year, “808s” stands out because it afforded current hip hop stars

like The Weeknd and Drake to become more heartfelt instead of being braggadocious all the time. 4.“Death Magnetic” (Metallica)After the panned 2003 work “St. Anger,” Metallica rose from their grave with producer Rick Rubin to create their most cohesive album since their self- titled album from 1991. Songs like “All Nightmare Long” and “My Apocalypse” display all of the thrash goodness that metalheads had come to expect from this band in their prime. While the mix can be muddy at times, this band feels completely invigorated, and the return of Kirk Hammett playing guitar solos is one of the album’s many highlights. 5.“Pretty. Odd.” (Panic at the Disco)- While initially panned by the critics, this album certainly lives up to its time. This album is an emo-classic rock experiment that turned out surprisingly well. Songs like “Nine in the Afternoon” and “Northern Downpour” seem to be lifted from a best-of-60s compilation album that was never made. Other songs like “Folkin Around” and “That Green Gentleman” show that these guys had not forgotten how to write amazing pop songs. While the band grew up









There is only one thing we can do...

m e th



Courtesy of

Despite the artist’s current controversial stances, Kanye West’s “808s and Heartbreak” remains a groundbreaking album from 2008. His rap career was updated with electronic sound for this album.



16 May 8, 2018

Arts & Life

Alumni’s brassy & bold band

SLP’s music makes for balanced playlist DEB GREENGOLD Staff Writer

2007 was the year Stacked Like Pancakes, a band known for its strong sound and brassy undertones, was born. The Baltimore native band is family to Kellen McKay, who balances between being the songwriter and lead vocalist of the group (in addition to playing rhythm guitar, keyboard, and percussion for the band), bass-trombonist Zach Foote, Alec Leventis on trumpet, lead guitarist Michael Busch, trombonist Andy Dawson, Kevin Goren on drums and bass guitarist Will Lopez (who also sings backing vocals). With most members having come from Towson University, the band’s overall enthusiasm about the institution was just as positively unique as the band’s name, a name chosen complete at random. “There was very little effort put into it,” McKay shared about the origin of the band’s title. “There is no meaning behind it. We wanted something that could be easily changed, like when a

crowd wants an encore they would say ‘SLP. SLP.’” The band, which was inspired by artists like Streetlight Manifesto and Reel Big Fish, debuted its first album in 2011, titled “We’re Not Insane.” At that point, McKay knew he wanted the band to develop its own personal and unique sound, and within a year, Stacked Like Pancakes began performing at niche music festivals, like Towson’s Tigerfest. After being able to support famous artists like Kid Cudi, McKay strived to get the band its own signature sound that would allow it to stand out from all the rest in the music industry. McKay expressed the band’s style of music as “Brass Rock” or “Foo Fighters with horns,” since the brass instruments in their songs are easily identifiable. When it comes to the band’s musical process, McKay doesn’t share the songs with the rest of the band until it is “90 percent complete.” “[There is] no one method, it would just start from one nugget of an idea,” McKay admitted about his songwriting process. “The songs are better for it.” According to Lopez, fans of SLP

are nicknamed “Pancake Nation.” Lopez shared that some fans were so enthusiastic to the point of helping the band find points of rest when working. “The most awesome thing a fan had done is hook us up with places to stay,” Lopez said. Lopez said that the band has many volunteers who are “absolutely incredible” and added that he “loves it.” Both Lopez and McKay would agree that even if they were no longer in Stacked Like Pancakes, that the band-life is something they wouldn’t want to escape. Both expressed their strong ties to music, and how it’s creating sounds and songs that truly makes them their happiest. “I don’t know what the hell else I would do,” McKay said. “Down the road, I would want to be a producer for another artist.” When the band is not on the road, performing in places like Chicago or San Diego, they can be found at a local brewery. “We love local beers,” said McKay. “There are a lot of great breweries all around.” “[We always like to] check out the area we are in,” Lopez said. “I love

Courtesy of Stacked Like Pancakes

The band hypes up audience members at a show in Baltimore’s Ottobar. “Join the Pancake Nation and come to [our] shows,” McKay said, sharing his appreciation for the band’s fans and supporters.

Courtesy of Stacked Like Pancakes

Stacked Like Pancakes member and former Towson University student Michael Busch serves as the lead guitarist for the band. to travel. I love seeing the sculptures all around.” The members burst with appreciation for their supporters, sharing how the amount of love they have received is beyond anything they could have dreamed of. They cited Towson as a great source of that support, stating that they were moer than open to returning back to the campus to put on another performance.

“Thank you so much for saying hi; for showing up to concerts buying merch; donating to our kickstarter,” Lopez said when asked what message he would like to leave for his supporters. “It means so much. We have such incredible fans.” The band’s third studio album, “Strange Creatures,” is available for pre-order now, and is set to be released later this year.

Courtesy of Stacked Like Pancakes

Busch, McKay, Foote, Leventis, Dawson, and Goren all come together for a group hug, sharing the love for their music family.


May 8, 2018

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18 May 8, 2018

Arts & Life

Beauty for the sunny season

Top products to survive the summertime KERRY INGRAM Arts & Life Editor @Glaminista08

Now that Maryland has finally made up its mind in regard to the weather it chooses to display, it’s finally starting to feel like spring. The late-arrived warm weather means goodbye to bulky layers of clothing, and hello to cut-offs and trendy sandals. This season always brings along a sense of ease with fashion, but that shouldn’t just stop with your wardrobe; your beauty routine needs an overhaul, too. Here are the 10 beauty items you need this summer to look sweltering hot (minus the melting). 1. Primer. This makeup musthave is great regardless of whether or not you’re brave enough to meet the hot temps with foundation or a clear face. As someone who advocates for skin care over layers of makeup, I still use a primer to act as a “softening filter” for the skin. Usually made with silicone bases, primers help your makeup to last longer throughout the day, while also smoothing the skin’s surface. Using a priming spray, such as the Smashbox Primer Water easily ensures that your makeup will last all day. 2. Concealer. From brightening dark circles to covering blemishes, concealer can help fake a flawless complexion. When placing under the eyes, keep it no more than one

to two shades lighter than your complexion; when concealing on the face, the product’s color should be the same as your complexion (this seems like common-sense, but you’d be surprised how many people use the same concealer for both purposes, which doesn’t always work). A matte concealer will help keep any added oil at bay, while a more hydrating formula, like Nars’ Radiant Creamy Concealer, helps create a naturally glowy appearance. 3. Bronzer. Bronzers help to add warmth and structure back to the skin, and one with a cool undertone will prevent you from appearing orange (something that has NEVER BEEN OKAY – we are not auditioning to be cast in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” or “Jersey Shore,” folks. That time has passed). Too Faced Cosmetics’ Chocolate Solieil bronzers have cool undertones, just enough to create a more realistic bronze. When applying bronzer, apply it lightly just below the cheekbones (ALWAYS BLEND UP) and on the outer portions of the face for a sun kissed look. 4. Highlighter. Who doesn’t want to look like a glazed donut during the summer? Applying highlighter to the areas where the sun naturally hits will add a freshness back into your face, and it’s one of the few products where the user has complete control as to how the look turns out. Use this lightly on for a natural radiance, or apply heavily for a glazed finish.

Either way, you’re guaranteed to look amazing! 5. Water-Resistant Mascara. These types of mascaras are great because they won’t smudge or smear throughout the day, but they aren’t as hard to take off as their waterproof rivals. Benefit Cosmetics’ They’re Real Mascara and Roller Lash Mascara are two of my favorite for this purpose. Both provide long-lasting length and volume to the lashes, minus the clumping or hassle. 6. Deodorant. Guys, don’t get roasted this summer. The weather is warmer, the sun will be beaming and bright; the last thing anyone wants is to smell you from miles away. Although gel-based deodorants offer a more cooling application with a transfer-free finish, solid deodorants work just as well. Either way, this shouldn’t be optional in the summer…or any other time throughout the year. 7. Dry Shampoo. With a rise in temperatures comes a rise in humidity, sweat, and hair struggles. Although dry shampoo should never be your only option to refreshing your hair, washing your hair every day is just as bad, for both your strands and your scalp. Dry shampoos can help maintain your hair between washes, and more brands are creating mousse versions of the product to allow for textured and darker-hued hair to join in the fun. 8. SPF. Another product that should never be an option no mat-

Courtesy of

Using a setting spray, like Smashbox’s Photo Finish Primer Water, gives your makeup extra lasting power through warm-weather situations. Use setting spray makeup free for added hydration.

Courtesy of

Becca Cosmetics made its brand known with its high-end highlighters, the “Champagne Pop” shade being its most popular. ter the time of year, sun protection will save your skin in the long run. Known as one of the top anti-agers, SPF will protect your skin from the sun’s radiation, which if exposed to for long periods can lead to permanent damage, hyperpigmentation, and possibly even melanoma. No matter how much melanin you naturally possess, everyone needs it. Don’t go outside much and spend most of your time indoors? You still need SPF – a lot of internal lighting and blue light from technology emits the same damaging rays as the sun (in smaller intervals, however with increased exposure, you’re still at risk). 9. Your Perfect Mask. Masks are like little parties for your skin – they take some preparation, your skin is guaranteed to have a good time once they’re on, and when it’s all over you have positive things to reflect on. It’s nearly a well-kn own fact: skin likes masks. Whether that be in the form of a peel-off versus rinse-off, or a hydrating versus mattifying mask all depends on individual skin needs, however once you find your perfect mask, stick with it. It’ll come in handy when your skin is in need of a pick-me-up from the warm and hot weather. 10. Setting Spray. Setting sprays help to finish off everything on the face, and can act as a cooling refresher during the summer season. Evian’s facial mist is one of the most popular versions of this product, used by all people to cool and hydrate the skin when nothing else can. Use a setting spray to treat your face and seal in any makeup so that you can go out into the world

and enjoy the summer sun, carefree. 11. Luminizing Lotion. No, I’m not talking about the lotions you can get on BOGO at Icing that just make you look like a disco ball. As college students, we’re classier than that (cue laughter). Lately, there have been an emergence of body illuminator lotions that leave the skin looking bright, beautiful and sunkissed. From Rihanna’s Fenty Body Lava to Huda Beauty’s rumored upcoming launch, a highlighter for your body is going to be extremely trendy this summer. 12. Brow Powder. This seems tedious, but the use of a simple eyebrow product can make the world of a difference for one’s appearance. Sometimes, just filling in the sparse areas of the eyebrows is enough to frame the face, with nothing else being required. Stick to powder product formulas that are more lightweight and easy for the hot weather - for added fun, try out a powder like Kat Von D’s new products that contain just the right amount of glitter, to leave your eyebrows with a highlighted finish. 13. Tinted lip balm. This onegoes out to all my fellow lazy people out there. As an avid makeup lover, I collect way too many lip colors before consciously choosing to wear lip balm instead, 90 percent of the time. Having a tinted lip balm makes it look like you made an effort without having to break away from your easy routine. Bonus points for not having to worry about your lip colors transferring all over the place, and if you stick to a formula like Fresh’s Sugar balms, the added SPF will protect your sunny smile.

19 19

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20 May 8, 2018


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tu takes third place MUHAMMAD WAHEED Staff Writer

Towson placed third with 136 points at the 2018 Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) Championships Saturday at William and Mary’s Zable Stadium in Williamsburg, Virginia this weekend. Junior Lauren Coleman won gold in the shot put for a second consecutive year with a 51-0 mark. She was named Most Outstanding Field Performer of the Meet.

“She’s been great all year and it culminated into this championship,” Head Coach Mike Jackson said. “She also stepped up in the discus, which is probably her favorite event, and has really done a great job. She’s a champion, so she deserves the accolades that she’s getting.” Senior Megan Kelly also secured a gold medal as she posted a time of 59.30 seconds in the 400-meter hurdles, earning a gold medal in the event for the second year in a row. “It’s something to be said about

having done it before,” Jackson said. “When you’ve done it before you know that you have an opportunity to do it again, and she did show that she is one of the best in the conference in her events. She works hard. She works for it and there’s no surprise that she was going to do it.” Junior Victoria Jones-Alleyne took gold in the 100-meter hurdles with a time of 13.84 seconds. She is the first Tiger to win this event since Ashley Adams in 2010. - To read the rest of this article online, visit



May 8, 2018


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22 May 8, 2018


charleston charges past towson Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Junior infielder Richard Miller takes a swing during Towson’s weekend series against the College of Charleston at John B. Schuerholz Park Sunday afternoon. Miller ran in the Tigers’ fifth run of the day in the bottom of the eighth inning off a single by junior catcher Trey Martinez. The run was his 21st of the season, after having two in Saturday’s game.


Towson dropped two out of three games in a home series to Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) opponent College of Charleston at John B. Schuerholz field this weekend. In the series’ finale, strong pitching and early offense pushed Towson (13-35, 6-12 CAA) past College of Charleston (32-16, 14-7 CAA) 5-3. The Tigers got on the board in the third inning when redshirt junior outfielder Mark Grunberg singled to score junior infielder Richie Palacios. The Tigers extended their lead in the fifth when senior outfielder Colin Gimblet doubled to score sophomore outfielder Andrew Cassard and Palacios. Grunberg followed with an

RBI single. The Cougars finally got on the board in the sixth inning with a groundout. The Tigers got an insurance run in the eighth inning when junior infielder Richard Miller singled on a bloop single from Trey Martinez, increasing the lead to 5-1. The Cougars threatened in the ninth inning after plating two runs and getting the tying runs in scoring position, but redshirt freshman pitcher Kody Reeser was able to secure the win for the Tigers with a flyout and groundout. Senior pitcher Alex Cuas (1-4) got his first win of the season as he allowed one run on four hits, striking out seven over seven innings. “It was a good accomplishment for us,” Head Coach Matt Tyner said. “Especially to win it the way we won it. Anytime you come back from two

down and you win the final one, it’s a great uplift.” In Saturday’s game, Towson could not keep up with the Charleston offense in the later innings, falling 13-5. The Cougars got on the board in the second inning after scoring four runs. In the bottom of the second inning, the Tigers got on the board with a home run off the bat of Miller, but the Cougars responded with a solo home run in the third inning. Senior infielder Billy Lennox singled to score Palacios in the bottom of the third. In the fourth inning, Miller scored on a chopper from Martinez. Senior infielder Logan Burke followed with a two-run home run to tie the game. The Cougars answered with three runs of their own to retake the

lead. The Cougars added a pair of runs in the sixth and three more in the eighth to secure the game and series win. Senior pitcher Michael Adams (3-6) suffered the loss after allowing eight runs on eight hits, striking out four in over four innings. “This game is a game of momentum and momentum swings,” Tyner said. “[On Saturday], everyone was focused and playing at an unbelievable level. Those guys would ring the bell and we’d answer the call. It was a heck of a baseball game and then with two snaps of the finger, they scored three runs and it deflated us.” Friday, the Tigers dropped the series’ opener, 8-3. The Cougars jumped out to an early lead after pushing across six runs in the first inning. The Tigers got on the board in

the second inning when Gimblet scored on a groundout by sophomore infielder Noah Cabrera. In the bottom of the fourth inning, Cabrera delivered a sacrifice fly to score Gimblet. Later in the inning, Burke doubled to score Grunberg. However, Towson was unable to overcome the Cougars’ fast start. Senior pitcher David Marriggi took the loss after allowing seven runs on six hits in four-plus innings. Wednesday, Towson hosted George Mason, falling 16-9. The Patriots (21-24) jumped out to an early 9-0 lead after the first two innings. The Tigers got on the board in third inning when Cabrera scored on a passed ball. Martinez scored on a groundout from Cassard. - To read the rest of this article online, visit


May 8, 2018


looking for revenge TU and Hofstra look to meet again in CAA play

Brook Miko Women’s Softball

Senior infielder Brook Miko climbed the school record books following Towson’s weekend series against Hofstra. Miko now ranks second all-time with 35 career home runs and seventh-all time with 206 career hits. File photo by Lacey Wall/ The Towerlight

Senior infielder Daria Edwards prepares to field a ball against George Mason at the Tiger Softball Stadium on April 4. The Tigers finished the regular season with 23 wins at home and 13 CAA victories.


You win some, you lose some. Towson fell to Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) rival Hofstra in its regular season finale at the Tiger Softball Stadium this weekend. Saturday was senior day for the Tigers, as they honored senior pitcher Olivia Baltazar, senior pitcher Megan Dejter, senior infielder Daria Edwards, senior infielder Brook Miko, senior outfielder Kendyl Scott, and senior catcher Shelby Stracher following the game. Together, Towson’s seniors won 67 home games. On Saturday, Towson (40-15, 13-7) fell to Hofstra (37-12, 17-4) in the series’ deciding game 4-2. The game got off to a slow start as both teams struggled to get on the board. Dejter opened the game hot as she struck out Hofstra’s first seven batters. After five scoreless innings, Hofstra took a 3-0 lead after a home run to left field that earned three runs. At the bottom of the sixth, Miko

hit a two-run home run to score Wilson. This gave the Tigers their first and only points of the day. However, Hofstra followed up with a sacrifice fly in the seventh to seal the win. Friday, the two teams split the series’ opening doubleheader. In game one, Towson took a close victory of 4-3 before being falling to Hofstra 12-0 in game two. In the first game of the doubleheader, Hofstra took an early 2-0 lead at the top of the first inning after two RBIs. After two scoreless innings, the Tigers tied the score in the fourth with a home run from Miko that also scored Edwards. That RBI made Miko the alltime CAA career leader in RBIs with 183. Stracher followed with an RBI double that also scored junior utility Nicole Stockinger to give Towson a 4-2 lead. Later in the the game, Hofstra tried to rally with an RBI single to center field to cut into Towson’s lead, but could not mount a comeback. Dejter pitched her 20th complete game of the season and tied

Towson’s single-season record with her 22nd victory. This game also marked Towson’s 40th win of 2018, a vast improvement as the team only won 23 games last season. In game two of the doubleheader, Hofstra took at 2-0 lead over Towson at the top of the second inning and never looked back. In the bottom of the fourth inning, the Tigers loaded the bases with one out, but could not capitalize. The Pride extended their lead in the top of sixth inning after seven consecutive hits, giving them a commanding 12-0 advantage. Despite hits by Miko, Stockinger and Stratcher, the Tigers were unable to plate any runs. Towson and Hofstra will meet up for a rematch Wednesday afternoon in the opening round of the double-elimination CAA Softball Championship, hosted at James Madison’s Veterans Memorial Park in Harrisonburg, Virginia. First pitch between the No. 2-seeded Pride and the No. 3-seeded Tigers is set for 1:30 p.m. These two teams last faced off in postseason play in 2014, with the Tigers capturing a 5-4 victory.

24 May 8, 2018


TU fails to fourpeat at CAA Championship

File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Junior attacker Brendan Sunday charges past a swarm of Mount St. Mary’s defenders during a game at Johnny Unitas Stadium on Feb.17. The second-seeeded Tigers had won the CAA Championship the past three years before falling to top-seeded UMass in Saturday afternoon’s title game at Richard F. Garber Field in Amherst, Massachusetts.


The Cinderella story had to end eventually. Just when the Tigers (7-8) looked like they had found a winning formula after compiling back-to-back wins to close out the regular season and a victory in the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) semifinals over conference foe Delaware, the team faltered in their rematch of last year’s title game. Towson men’s lacrosse fell 12-8 against No. 1-seeded University of Massachusetts in the CAA Championships Saturday afternoon

at Garber Field, ending the team’s hopes of securing a fourth consecutive CAA title. Towson started off strong, jumping out to an early 2-0 lead, but the Minutemen (12-4) responded with a 4-0 run to take the lead going into the second quarter. UMass scored early in the second to take a commanding 5-2 lead, but the Tigers refused to go down lightly as junior midfielders Grant Maloof and Timmy Monahan each punched in goals to cut the deficit to one going into the break. Towson knotted up the score in the beginning of the third as junior attacker Brendan Sunday found the back of the cage off a feed from redshirt senior

attacker Jean-Luc Chetner. Chetner did a good job of spreading the ball around, finishing with a teamhigh three assists on the day. Despite a valiant surge by the Tigers, the Minutemen rattled off another scoring run to take an 8-5 advantage midway through the quarter. Both teams went back and forth to finish the period, but Towson managed to cut the deficit to two going into the final quarter of play. UMass came out firing in the fourth with a quick goal from freshman attacker Chris Connolly. He had an impressive day for the Minutemen, racking up three goals and three assists on the day. The Tigers answered back with a

goal of their own early in the period, but that would be their last score of the game. UMass put in two goals midway through the quarter to take a sizeable four-point lead and held on for the win. Though Towson struggled defensively, the team went down fighting as they attempted 49 shots on the day, including 16 in the fourth quarter alone. Unfortunately for the Tigers, their aggressive approach did not pay off in the end. The Tigers kicked off tournament play with a thrilling 9-8 overtime victory in the CAA semifinals over Delaware Thursday night at Garber Field. Towson did a good job of playing team-oriented offense as five different

Tigers scored in the first three quarters en route to a 7-3 lead entering the final quarter. The Blue Hens (6-8) rallied late in the period with a 4-0 run to send the game into overtime and received first possession in the extra period of play, but freshman long stick midfielder Koby Smith came up with a timely caused turnover to give Towson possession. The Tigers quickly stormed down the field and redshirt sophomore midfielder Matt Sovero notched the winning goal off an assist from Chetner. Though a few important pieces of the team will be leaving, the Tigers look to regroup quickly in order to make another run at the conference title next season.

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