The Towerlight (August 20, 2019)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

August 20, 2019

TOWSON SURVIVAL GUIDE Answers to your questions and “what-ifs” about TU, pg.10


Illustration by Victoria Nicholson/ The Towerlight

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August 20, 2019



August 20, 2019


Welcome to Towson, from The Towerlight! r!

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August 20, 2019

It’s time to change the debates TYRONE BARROZO Columnist There’s been recent news of an online petition to let comedian, UFC commentator, and elk meat enthusiast Joe Rogan moderate the 2020 presidential debate that has received more than 200,000 signatures. With more than 20 Democratic candidates still in the running and on the campaign trail, televised bickering and 30-second platform pitches are louder and more annoying than they’ve ever been—and that’s not including every time the media airs the president’s “coverage” of each debate the following morning. The petition has received a fair amount of media coverage after one of Rogan’s latest podcast interviews with

prominent democratic candidate Bernie Sanders. Following the release of the episode, the interview quickly became one of Twitter’s most talked about subjects, mostly garnering praise for the casual yet candid style of discussion on relevant political issues such as universal health care, marijuana, and gun laws. On

format—are on their last legs. Something needs to be done to update the methodology to something as pedantic as persuading an entire country to pick someone to represent their society for the next four to eight years. In full disclosure, even if the petition continues to receive 1 million signatures, there’s no way

YouTube alone, the interview has more than 8 million views. Despite the moderate success, it is important to note that each of the televised debates this year still averages about 19 million views [when combined with streaming views]. That may sound decent, but it should be noted that the season one finale of The Bachelorette, back in 2003, received more than 20 million. Needless to say, these debates—their schedule and their

in hell that MSNBC, CNN, or ABC would allow Rogan to become a moderator. Then again, a fair amount of people said that Donald Trump would never be president and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson wants to run for the 2020 election so take these words with a grain of salt. So, here’s a question: Why not let Rogan moderate? - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Is your phone listening? MIRANDA MOWREY Columnist @mirandamowrey

Picture the following scenario: On the dreaded daily trek to your 8 a.m. lecture, your friend mentions her newest purchase and notions towards her feet, claiming that this brand of boots will be worn by everyone in a matter of weeks. Swallowing your inner thoughts about her poor fashion choice, you politely compliment the boots and steer the conversation elsewhere. Later that day, as you scroll through your Instagram feed, mindlessly liking the pictures illuminating from your phone screen, something catches your eye. It is an advertisement for your friend’s new shoes. An unwanted thought keeps circulating in your mind: is

my phone listening to me? If you have had a similar experience, this lack of privacy has left you feeling bothered and taken advantage of by online companies. Although I was scared of what I would discover, I decided to dive deeper into the world of targeted advertisements to uncover the truth about what the Internet really knows about us. According to Global News, there are no actual regulations in place that prevent your phone from tuning into your conversations. It turns out, once you enable an app to use any function that requires audio, your device’s microphone could be on and listening to your daily conversations with your friend about her unfortunate new boots. - To read the rest of this article online, visit


August 20, 2019

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August 20, 2019



August 20, 2019

Moriarty to retire after fall semester MARCUS WHITMAN Staff Writer

After 15 years of service to Towson University, Vice President of Student Affairs Deb Moriarty will retire at the end of the 2019 fall semester. In May, the University sent a campus wide email announcing Moriarty’s plan to retire. The email also said that she would stay through the fall semester in order to help facilitate a smooth transition. “I feel this is the right time [to retire],” Moriarty said. “I have been in this for 15 years and feel this because 15 years is a lot and I have accomplished a lot.” Departments like the Center for Student Diversity and Disability Support Services will now report to the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity. Senior Edmund Savage is concerned about the reallocation of services like these. “There is a lot of uncertainty with how these departments are going function in terms of how they will support students,” Savage said. “As well as how much they be able support and run events by student organi-

zations, as well as workshops that are important for living on campus.” Despite concerns, Moriarty plans to make sure that no program will be left unsupported. “We have a number of vacancies in Student Affairs, I want to see those filled the right people,” Moriarty said. “I want to see the Student Government supported. The third thing is I want to see the policies that we govern are fair and up to date.” Moriarty added that it will be hard for her to leave a community that she has been with for over a decade, and will miss the students and the excitement of being part of a learning commu-

Student Affairs. “This is an important position in the President’s leadership team for the value it brings to the student body,” Welsh said. “Dr. Moriarty has served in this position for over a decade and it is rare that a position like this in an institute like ours comes open. There will be a number of talented individuals applying for the position.” Welsh added that the University will be looking for A leader who will create partnerships with the entire campus community that will increase student success, wellness and career readiness. Moriarty wants her successor

nity, but is confident that it has all the right leadership to help it succeed. “I hope we continue to create students are learning,” Moriarty said. “I hope that a continuation of these programs when combined with their academic degree will help students be successful.” According to Sean Welsh, the Associate Vice President of Communications and Media Relations, the university will be conducting a nationwide search to find a new Vice President of

to know that the job, though rewarding, can be a bit like drinking from a fire hose. “There is a lot to do, a lot of people to get to know and work with, and a lot to learn about,” Moriarty said. As for her future, Moriarty is not sure what her plans will be. She is however, looking forward to the increase in free time, and watching the University continue to grow. “I am excited to see what my next adventure will be,” Moriarty said.

August 7: Money was taken from a staff office in Towson Center. August 2: An employee reported theft of a jacket in the Public Safety Building. July 30: Suspicious OneCard activity resulted in a fraud investigation in the Administration Building. July 23: TUPD investigated an alleged threat but determined no crime took place in the Administration Building. July 22: Equipment was reported stolen from the Science Building construction site. The suspect was identified and a criminal summons served. July 18: A non-affiliate was escorted off campus for trespassing in Freedom Square. July 16: TUPD is investigating an altercation between two employees in the Public Safety Building. July 15: TUPD received a report of a theft from Paws restaurant in the University Union. July 12: TUPD is investigating an attempted theft from a vending machine in the Center for the Arts. July 12: Equipment was stolen from the construction site from the Science Building construction site. July 11: Equipment was stolen from the construction site from the Science Building construction site. July 3: A shoplifting complaint was determined to be a transaction error in the University Union. July 1: An outdoor grill was discovered removed from a hallway in the Field House. June 28: An incident of child abuse reported to was determined to be a non-criminal act in the university Union. The report was unfounded. June 26: TUPD found several juveniles trespassing in Johnny Unitas Stadium. June 25: An altercation resulted in a resident student arrested in the University Union. June 21: A staff member received an unwanted phone call in Linthicum Hall. June 21: TUPD is investigating a sex offense that occurred in a dorm room in Millenium Hall.

File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Vice President of Student Affairs Deb Moriarty will retire following the 2019 fall semester. During her remaining time, she has plans to fill vacancies in Student Affairs and support student groups.

The Towerlight’s “Police Blotter” is a representative sample of crimes occurring on and off campus. The blotter is not intended to be all-inclusive.




August 20, 2019

CBE and Honors College go separate ways MARCUS WHITMAN Staff Writer

Beginning this fall, the Honors College will no longer share space in Stephens Hall with the College of Business and Economics. The Honors College is moving to the first floor of the 7800 Building on York Road where the Bill Batemans used to be. The Honors College had been roommates with CBE for many years, but as both grew larger and needed more space it was decided that the two colleges would go their separate ways. According to Laura Braddick, Assistant to the Dean for Strategic Communications, the move and changes were planned was about a year in advance. “The decision to move the Honors College was announced in November 2018,” Braddick said. “The College of Business and Economics began working with TU’s facilities management to plan the renovation of ST 302 in fall 2018. The Honors College moved out of the suite in late May 2019, and

construction began in June.” The new office construction and moves will be finished by the start of the fall 2019 semester, Braddick said. According to Terry Cooney, the Rector of the Honors College, it was expected that the college would have to eventually make a move. “We knew in the longer run the Honors College would probably be asked to move, because the College of Business needed some additional space, and we were the logical space to go,” Cooney said. “And, I think all felt that as long as we moved to a place that was at least equal in facilities and opportunities... it would be fine and of course it would be desirable if we made improvements.” Cooney also feels that being on the first floor of 7800 York Road Building will allow for better accessibility and makes the college more noticeable than before. Rihannon Napoli, the Director of Co-Curricular Programs and Constituent Relationships for the Honors College, said that there are definitely advantages to moving into the new space.

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Photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight The College of Business and Economics and the Honors College will be parting ways after the Honors College moves into the 7800 Building. The new space will help to increase the College’s accessibility. “The upgraded classrooms are going to be wonderful for are students,” Napoli said. “We’re excited to have a nice big space that doesn’t have the challenges we had in Stephens.” Braddick added that the move will allocate more space for professors who had to share office space or

were located in Stephens Annex. The move will also open up more spaces in Stephens Hall for departments like Business Analytics and Technology Management, the Business Excellence Program, the Department of Finance, and Student Academic and Career Services, Braddick said.


“The new office suite will be able to accommodate every Professional Development Partner with a private office for advising students,” Braddick said. “The addition of two new rooms dedicated to on-campus interviews will increase the opportunities for hosting employers on campus to connect with students.”


August 20, 2019

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10 August 20, 2019

Survival Guide

Towson Survival Guide

Advice for incoming students from The Towerlight

Compiled by Grace Coughlan, Mary-Ellen Davis, Ashley de Sampaio Ferraz, Bailey Hendricks, Meg Hudson, Jordan Kendall, Tim Klapac, Zac Soper and Suzanne Stuller

How do I pick classes? Registering for classes can be a stress-inducing time for all students. However, there is an easy, stressfree way to pick your classes and get the schedule you want every semester. The first step is staying up to date with your advisor. By meeting with your academic advisor, you can receive the advice necessary to stay on track with your goals of graduating on time. Once you meet your advisor, take advantage of the Academic Plan option on Towson Online Services

(PeopleSoft). This section allows you to lay out your entire academic career at TU, making you fully prepared to pick the classes you want when your registration window opens. Finally, know the exact time your window opens. Have your classes in your enrollment cart beforehand, ensuring that your desired classes do not fill up before you have a chance to register yourself. Follow these steps, and you will take every class you want while at Towson. -MH

How do I buy and rent textbooks? As someone who has spent too much money on college textbooks, the first step I want to tell you is to wait until your class starts. Many teachers post textbook requirements because they feel required to by their superiors, and then on syllabus day, they tell you that you don’t need the book to succeed in class. Once you learn that you do need the book, there are two primary options. You can utilize the Towson UStore to rent or purchase your books, or you can

go to to do the same. I strongly recommend renting over buying, it is more affordable than purchasing and selling back your books and you rarely have a reason to keep your book after the class ends. You can print a list of every book you need by going to the Student Center on Towson Online Services (PeopleSoft) and clicking “Purchase Textbooks” on the right-hand side of the screen. -TK

How do I cope with homesickness? How do I make friends in the Moving on to campus is a big symptoms they typically have environmental change, and may under control returning or worsdorms? lead to homesickness. ening. And even students who “Homesickness [...] can lead to experiences such as crying for seemingly no reason, feeling lonely, socially isolating, low motivation, [and/or] thinking about home” said Alessandra Pieraccini, a staff psychologist at Towson’s Counseling Center. Pieraccini recommends personalizing your living space, practicing self care, and getting involved at your own pace. “Students with preexisting mental health conditions may notice

have never experienced mental health difficulties before may notice increased anxiety or sadness as a result of this change.” Towson’s Counseling Center has therapists that offer free, confidential short-term individual and group counseling to students for a wide range of concerns. The Counseling Center is open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and appointments can be made by calling (410704-2512) or by walking in. -MH

Where do I eat on campus? To get a good meal in the dining hall, you need to luck out. Depending on the day and time you go, the menu will change. You can look at the menu on the, but it isn’t always 100% accurate. Towson currently has two dining halls, in West Village Commons and Newell Hall, that have options for any diet or allergy needs. The best places for food are the retail locations around campus, and

a few suggestions are World of Pasta in Patuxent Bistro and Paws Café in the Union. Fusions Grille is the most popular spot, however, beware of the possibility of long lines around 7p.m. to 8 p.m. If you want Chick-Fil-A, be prepared for a long line, especially for fries. I recommend trying as many of the retail locations as possible and deciding what you like, there should be something on campus you will enjoy. -JK

When I lived in the dorms, our R.A. hung a poster up inside of our common area that allowed floor members to write their Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter handles, so that everyone could add one another on social media. I recommend doing this! Everyone on the floor quickly started adding one another, responding to one another’s stories, and chatting. One night in our Tower D, floor 11 suite, my suite-mates and I decided to have a game night. One of the girls posted the event to her Snapchat story, and quickly the room began flooding with other floor members who wanted to join in. Game night became a tradition, and my floor-mates and I became very close! Suddenly living in that dorm went from feeling like separate apartments, to feeling like one big penthouse of friends. Take the initiative to organize floor events and reach out when you see groups start hanging out! -MH

How do I show school spirit? If you want to get the most out of college, going to Tiger games is a big part of that. Every regular season home game or competition for the Tigers in any sport is free to TU students with their OneCard. Towson competes in the Colonial Athletic Association in most sports and have been competitive in many of them. Last year, the football team made the FCS playoffs for the first time in five seasons, wom-

en’s basketball made the NCAA Tournament for the first time ever, and men’s lacrosse was ranked No. 1 nationally last season. Most sports compete on campus and have shuttle stops nearby, making it easier than ever to come and support Towson and experience what it’s like to be a Towson Tiger. All you do is give an usher your OneCard to swipe and you get free admission. -JK

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Another great way to make friends in college is to start a study group. Exchanging phone numbers with your classmates is always a great way to avoid falling behind in case you have to miss a class one day.

Survival Guide

e e

August 20, 2019

How do I avoid the Freshman 15? Kerry Ballek, a registered dietitian and advisor to the Towson University Nutrition Club, offered some advice on making healthy decisions in Towson’s dining halls. “Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits, ¼ grains – whole grains if available, and ¼ lean protein sources [such as] baked chicken, turkey, beans, eggs,” said Ballek. She highlighted the fact that first time students may find themselves snacking or forgetting to eat as they rush between classes.

Waiting long intervals of time for the next meal can actually lower one’s metabolism, thus leading to weight gain. “The whole idea around a healthy lifestyle is balance and consistency,” said Jaime Kaplan, staff psychologist and coordinator of eating disorder services. “The best thing to do for a healthy lifestyle is to change your diet, not go on a diet. Changing your diet might mean incorporating more fruits and vegetables throughout the day or ensuring that you are eating at least three balanced meals.” -MH


How do I get a job or internship? Towson University offers a ton of job and internship opportunities on campus each semester. One of the best ways to check out what opportunities the university is offering every semester is by visiting the PartTime Job and Internship Fair, which will be hosted on Aug. 29 in the West Village Commons

Ballroom from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information visit the Career Center page on Towson’s website. Another way to reach out to employers is through Handshake. Handshake is a service available to all Towson University students which allows you to build an online

resumé, and submit applications to multiple employers, all in one place! Think of it as the ‘Common App’ of the job world. If you’re on campus, you can also stop by any office you’d be interested in working or interning for, and just ask what opportunities they have available! -MH

How do I decide on a major? After changing my major four times throughout college, I realized that I wasn’t crazy at all, but exactly where I needed to be. If you’re a freshman in college and don’t have a major, fear not! That is completely normal. My biggest advice is to accept where you are in your life and follow the

opportunities that interest you. If you’re confused, think about what you enjoyed doing as a kid. Write a list naming your strengths, weaknesses and what brings you the most joy. Don’t be afraid to join groups that interest you. Put yourself out there, it’s never too early to

network with others. Towson’s Career Center offers both in-person career counseling, as well as online resources to help you identify your strengths and goals. Understanding your own capabilities can help you achieve the certainty and confidence you need to decide on a major. -SS

What do I do if I get sick at college?

File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Making healthy options at dining halls, taking walks around campus, and occasionally using the gym are good ways to stay fit.

How do I get along with my roommate? Getting along with your roommate is important. You both are likely new to the University and are really wanting to make a great first impression. An important thing to do to m a k e sure you both get a l o n g is to set boundaries and rules. When moving in, make sure you take the Roommate Agreement your RA gives you seriously. If there are any disputes or problems that occur later in the semester, it will be good to consult your agreement to make sure you both are following the

rules. Although following the rules are important, so is getting to know each other. Going to dinner together every so often is a great way to get to know y o u r r o o m m a t e a n d check in with t h e m on how college is going. However, don’t rely on your roommate to be your only friend. Because you will be living together, you will want time with other friends too. Have a nice balance of rules and friendship with your roommate and others and have fun. -BH

Moving onto any college campus for the first time is an adventure full of new experiences, new friends, and new germs. Did you wake up feeling sick? No worries, we’ve got a health center right on campus! The Towson University Health Center is located in Ward & West Hall, right off of

University Avenue, next door to the Residence Tower. It is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and is staffed with health professionals who are ready and willing to help you. Walk-ins are allowed depending on availability, but most students who have visited the Health Center would recom-

mend you make an appointment to avoid long wait times. This can be done either through the Tiger Health Portal, found on the University’s website, or by calling 410-704-2466 during business hours. With the Health Center ’s help, you’ll be back to class in no time. -AF

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Towson’s health center is a great resource for students to use if they get sick on campus. The health center also offers STI testing, group and individual counseling sessions, massage therapy, and more.

How do I get involved on campus? Towson offers a lot of ways for new students to get involved with campus life. With it’s over 300 clubs and organizations, you are sure to find something that lives up to your dreams. Students can partake in activities that range from academic and professional to Greek life. Towson’s website organizes its

clubs by topic so you don’t have to scroll through an endless list looking for something to do. Once you find something you’re interested in, more information can be found through Involved@TU. TU also gives students the opportunity to talk to club members at involvement fairs throughout the academic year. If you don’t find anything that

suits your needs, you can start your own club. The best way to start is by finding five friends and a professor willing to advise your new organization. After that, you have to create your groups constitution and email it to Chris Rindosh, TU’s Coordinator for Student Organizations. From there, he will help you get all set up and ready to go. -MD

14 August 20, 2019

Survival Guide

How do I stay safe on campus? In the Towerlight’s April 9, 2018 issue, students were reported to feel safer on-campus than off. There are a few ways you can stay safe no matter where y o u are. There i s safety in n u m b e r s . T ra v e l i n g with friends and staying in well lit areas can increase your safety and make you less of a target for crime. If you’re going somewhere alone, stay aware of your surroundings. This may seem to be easier

said than done, but it can be as simple as using one headphone instead of two. When on-campus you can find blue lights anywhere you go. They’re v i s i ble at night a n d c a n b e used t o get in contact w i t h TUPD if you feel unsafe. Towson also offers the Safer Mobility phone app, which connects to TUPD when you’re on campus. Off-campus users will be connected to the nearest 911 dispatch center. -MD

How do I use my OneCard? Moving onto campus can be tricky, but your OneCard can make life much simpler if you know how to use it. It is the key to life on campus, literally. Your OneCard unlocks your dorm building doors for you, gets you into the gym and dining halls, and can also act as a laundry card. You can add money to it through the OneCard portal to use at the Ustore and vending machines around campus. You can also add dining points for meals

and use the money on it to print papers at the WEPA stations around campus. You’ll also need it to do late night studying at Cook Library since it lets you into the building after hours. Your OneCard can also come in handy if you like discounts. If you keep your eyes peeled, some area stores and eateries will offer student discounts to those with valid student identification. Sites like can help you keep track of deals in the area. -MD

What should I wear to class?

File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Wearing what you’re most comfortable in, but also dressing for success, is a good way for you to feel great about yourself this semester. Trying to figure out what to wear for class can feel intimidating. Do you dress up? Is it bad if you dress down? Honestly, the best way to dress, is a combination of both. While the summertime brings hot and humid days, Towson’s buildings don’t hold back on the A/C. Dress appropriately for the weather outside, but bring a sweater or flannel to throw on. Being cold can be a distraction in class. Furthermore, a groutfit

may look sloppy if you run into someone important, but wearing a super fancy outfit can be very uncomfortable to sit in for long periods of time. My trick? Pick one article of clothing that looks nice, and pair it with another article of clothing that is comfortable. For example, a flannel, a t-shirt, and a nice pair of pants. Leggings are also a great option, as they are comfortable and can be dressed up or down. -MH

How do I get good grades? One key to getting good grades is scheduling study time. Prioritizing study time to review your work from each class, to keep the content fresh in your mind, helps tremendously in being an active student in class. Sitting closer to the front of the class, raising your hand, and actively engaging with the professor’s lecture will help your grades too. When a teacher notices you trying, they may help you with your grade later. Also, being an active participant will help you absorb information better too. Using an academic planner to keep track of all of your assignments, meetings, tests, and important dates is an important piece to being a successful student, too. I strongly recommend buying an academic planner and writing down your work from each class every day to help you keep up with all of your assignments. -BH

How do I use the University shuttles? The Towson University shuttles are a great way to move around campus and the surrounding Baltimore area. These FREE shuttles can be helpful to freshmen looking to enjoy what the city of Towson has to offer, off-campus students trying to get on campus without the cost of a car, and all students maneuvering

around a campus that can be difficult to park at. Taking the Gold route can move you around campus quickly as it runs every 30 minutes, seven days a week. The Black Express Route operates on-campus every 10 minutes between 7:20 a.m. and 3:14 p.m. Off-campus shuttle routes, which require you to swipe

your OneCard, can take you to downtown Towson (Tiger in Town), and the nearby areas of Timonium/Cockeysville, Loch Raven, Goucher, Kenilworth, and Rodgers Forge. You can learn more about the Towson shuttles, including schedules and maps, by visiting com -TK

How do I sign up for a group fitness activity? If you’re looking to stay in shape but feel like using the machines alone at the gym isn’t for you, you’re in luck. Campus Recreation offers group fitness activities regularly for people who would rather eat their least favorite food than try to find space by the weight rack. From Barre to Zumba, and almost everything in between, there is a fitness class for everyone. All you need is a valid Towson OneCard, giving you access to the free classes. It’s also possible to preregister for classes of your

choice, but walk-ins are welcome as well. However, walk-ins should know that they will only be admitted if there is space remaining in the class. Schedules are posted online and around the gym. Be sure to keep your eye on them as some class details may change periodically. Also, grab a friend to take with you. Going to the gym can be intimidating, but having someone with you always makes it better. -MD

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

The University shuttles are a great option to getting around campus for students living on campus who don’t have a car. The shuttles are free for students and go right into uptown for all of your needs.

Survival Guide

August 20, 2019

How do I stay fit on campus? To w s o n ’s f i t n e s s c e n t e r , inside of Burdick Hall, is a great place to workout in the morning or de-stress after a long day. While the gym has plenty of machines for everyone’s individual workout routine, it also offers a ton group fitness classes that you can do individually or with some friends. These classes are free, and are open at many different times everyday. I have taken

a couple yoga classes and cycling classes, which always leave me feeling like I’m getting a great workout. While you can walk into any class, I recommend booking your spot beforehand, that way you are guaranteed a spot in the class. It’s super easy to sign up for a class, just go to TU Campus Rec Portal and select Group Fitness. From there you are able to select the class of your choice! -GC

The Division for Student Affairs offers the

Student LIFE Line

File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Towson’s Burdick Hall offers smoothies and healthy snacks for students to buy. Burdick has a pool, courts, and group fitness classes.

How and where do I study? An important aspect of studying is your environ ment. I’m a big nature person, so I usuall y h ea d to the Glen Arboretum to do my h o m e w o r k . W h e n I’m there, I don’t let mys el f check social media, or view anything that isn’t directly related to my work. Finding spaces on campus where you can achieve different things, may help you stay focused and productive. Staying in your dorm with distractions can likely make

it harder for you to study. Go to the library, go outside and find a quiet bench or secluded, shady tree, go to the Liberal Arts building and find a lounge chair in front of a w i n d o w. I find that studying in these places helps me complete assignments at a quicker pace, whereas phone usage can drag assignments out for hours. Develop your own plan, stick to it, and you’ve got a good shot at keeping your grades up. -ZS

This telephone line assists students with any question they may have about the University. LIFE Line is staffed and ready to assist callers Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. After these hours, a voice mail message can be left and will be responded to on the next business day. You can also contact us with your questions via e-mail at

(5433) 410-704-LIFE (54 33) E-mail:


16 August 20, 2019

Survival Guide

How do I join The Towerlight?


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Joining Towson University’s independent, student-run publication is easier than ever! The Towerlight offers an opportunity for students to work in a friendly environment while learning the skills of writing, editing and meeting deadlines while experiencing



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everything Towson University has to offer by covering the latest in News, Arts, Sports, and the Opinion stories around our campus. You can even take photos, be a cartoonist, proof read pages, and so much more. There are multiple ways to

join The Towerlight family. You can visit The Towerlight’s office inside room 309 of the University Union, where we always have paper applications on hand. You can also reach out to the editing staff by emailing -TK


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Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Students are welcome to stop by The Towerlight office, located in the University Union, room 309. There you can fill out an application, proofread pages, talk to editors, and learn more about the newspaper.

What food should I keep in my dorm? Stocking up on snacks for your dorm room is super important. You will want to take snacks with you to eat in between classes, and you don’t want to go hungry if the dining hall closes before y o u m a ke i t o u t o f y o u r night class. To start, I recommend bags of popcorn for a warm, salty

snack. Bags of trail mix and almonds are great healthy snacks to keep in your backpack for when the day slips away from you and you need a quick pick-me-up. Ramen and any other microwave noodles are perfect for the days you just don’t feel like going to the dining hall for lunch or dinner. Granola bars

are perfect for a quick on-thego breakfast before class. Fruit snacks, Rice Krispies Treats, and individually packaged cookies are more snack ideas for late night cravings during a long study sesh. Put these snacks in a container with a lid under your bed and they won’t go out of date for a while! -BH

What should I eat off campus? Want to go out to lunch with some new friends? Are your parents visiting and asking you where they should take you for dinner? Have no fear. Here’s some off-campus dining locations I recommend you try. Nacho Mamas is a great option for a fun environment with friends or to catch up with mom over chips and guac. This is a nice,

local option to take out-oftowners who want you to show them the area, too. It’s located right in uptown and right next to the new “Welcome to Towson” mural! Other local, cheap eats include BJ’s Brew Pub (I suggest getting the pizookie!), Nando’s, On The Border, and TGI Fridays all located right near the mall.

Atwtater ’s is just minutes away from campus, near Trader Joe’s and is an adorable little cafe perfect for catching up with friends, grabbing coffee in the drive through, or having a nice muffin for breakfast or warm sandwich for lunch. Go explore the wonderful city of Towson and find your new favorite place to eat. -BH

Puzzles Puzzles

17 17

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Crossword Sudoku

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See page 18 for answers to this week’s



18 August 20, 2019




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Puzzles on page 17


August 20, 2019







20 August 20, 2019

Arts & Life

Get on trend, be eco-friendly Finding time to read MEGHAN HUDSON Arts & Life Editor

Let’s talk about a very relevant trend to kick this semester off… environmentally friendly products, and just being environmentally friendly. If you haven’t noticed already, selling environmentally friendly products has become a trend across industries. We’ve seen this trend through Starbucks’ recent phasing out of straws, sustainable school supply lines, and organic makeup lines. Interestingly enough, being environmentally friendly, and owning environmentally friendly products has become an aesthetic. I kind of dig it, because whether or not you believe in climate change, I think we can all agree that for the sake of our animals, and for the sake of ourselves, keeping a clean planet is important. As a student, trying to understand more about the complexities of the state of our planet and how to be more environmentally friendly can be overwhelming. The level to which any given person incorporates the weight of this conversation into their lives varies drastically. Miley Cyrus, for example, revealed to Elle Magazine in July of this year that she has decided not to have any children, as she does not believe the earth can handle it, and a child should not be left to deal with our tired earth. Reading things like this may feel overwhelming to someone who is trying to adjust their lifestyle for the sake of the planet. Do we have to give up having children to truly be environmentally friendly? The answer is no. In fact, any little thing you can do for the planet is significant. If eliminating straws seems silly to you, maybe focus on reducing your energy consumption in your living space instead. It’s important to find things that you can realistically achieve, and to support causes that actually matter to you (there are many to choose from).

Here’s a basic guide to being more environmentally friendly, or environmentally conscious, as a college student. I challenge you to pick one, and support it for one week! Walk! If you can avoid driving to school, either by biking or walking, you’re helping to reduce emissions in your atmosphere. Plus, getting the exercise benefits your own health as well! If you don’t already have a recycling bin, I suggest getting one. Most of the trash you accumulate is probably recyclable, especially in a dorm where there is very little cooking. Towson University has a single stream recycling program. Inside of every trash room, and all around campus, are recycle bins. Check out the TU website page for waste minimization to learn more about what single stream recycling means. All university dining halls also contain compost bins. All of your napkins and food scraps can go here to help reduce the amount of trash that gets sent to landfills. Support companies that support the planet. There are many companies, such as Unruled., who focus heavily on giving back to the planet, and on the impact their company leaves. Unruled. is a company run by college students who produce notebooks while focusing on environmental sustainability. They have worked with their manufacturer to cut energy consumption by 50%, and have partnered with many environmental organizations, such as One Tree Planted, to continuously give back to the planet.

Support your local farmers. Local farming has become largely out run by mass production and consumption of food. However, eating locally produced vegetables and meats is actually much more beneficial to you and your community. Many mass producers are forced to use harsh pesticides to keep their crops alive. However, local farmers are able to keep much more contained fields, and avoid such chemicals. Many libraries and main streets also host farmers markets in accordance with local farmers or craft-makers. Towson has a farmer’s market that takes place on Allegheny Avenue every Thursday from 10:45-3:00 from June through November. Kenilworth also holds a farmer’s market at The Shops at Kenilworth parking lot every Thursday from 3:30 to 6:30 from April through November. Invest in reusable cups, bowls, silverware, etc. Chances are, many of the paper products you buy will work their way into the trash bin, where they will then be sent to a landfill for years beyond your own. Reusable products cut down on your trash output tremendously. Try and reduce your energy consumption. Even just spending more time outside of your home helps avoid energy usage inside. Also, turn down the A/C some. It’s easy to get accustomed to having a freezing cold household, but it’s also easy to get accustomed to a slightly warmer one. Or, even just turn down the A/C on days when you’ll be gone for class.

Courtesy of

Unruled. was founded by college students in 2016. They focus on environmental sustainability, and giving back to the planet.

Courtesy of

Have you ever heard someone wish they had “more time to read” during the semester? The truth is, you do, you just have to use it. ZAC SOPER Columnist

Summer what? Have you ever heard a student say they wished they “had more time to read” during the semester? The truth is, you do have the time. You just have to use it. The easiest way to make this happen is to start now and integrate reading into your schedule as you start the semester so that it becomes habit. Here are a few tricks that have worked for me: -Get to class early. I usually arrive to class 5-10 minutes before the start time. Instead of scrolling through my phone waiting for class to start, I crack open my book and get a few extra pages in. It doesn’t sound like a whole lot but the extra 10 pages before every class really adds up by the end of the week. This same tip applies to gaps between classes. If you’ve got 15 minutes or so, it is more efficient to read a few more chapters of your book than to mess around on your phone. -Read at the gym. Audiobooks are great for working out. You’re mindlessly staring at a wall for long periods of time anyway, so you might as well have something to occupy your time. Another plus is the distraction, especially during cardio. It’s harder to focus on how much your legs hurt or how out of breath you are if you’re focused on a story. -Read before bed. Rather than scrolling through social media for another hour or so before actu-

ally going to bed, pick up a book instead. Doing this every night will get you into the habit of reading daily, as well as get you out of the habit of spending all hours of the night on your phone. -Start a reading list. Having a list written out of books you want to read can get you more excited to get to the next one, and therefore motivated to finish your current read. You can start this list on apps like Goodreads, or you can simply type it into the notes on your phone. -Set reading goals. If you’re just getting back into reading for pleasure set a goal of maybe a book a month, or more, or less, depending on how much you want to read, or how much you realistically can. You can also set a semester goal of some number of books by the end of term. Setting these goals will help you hold yourself accountable to keeping up on your reading. -Grab a friend. If you and a friend or two can find a book you all want to read, pick it up at the same time and set a timeline for when you want to have it finished. Buddy reading will hold you accountable to finishing whichever book you chose, and you’ll have a conversation starter later. With all these tips in mind, there comes one more question: what should you read? Some of my favorites from this summer have been Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson and Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk. If you’re ever looking for something to read, check out The Towerlight every week for this is column as I leave reviews.

Arts & Life

August 20, 2019

This summer’s hit

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ABE NERY Columnist

Like any genre that makes its way from the underground to the mainstream, trap rap is seeing a metamorphosis as rappers release more traditional and structured albums through major labels instead of independent mixtapes and singles. Not all rappers are able to make this transition, but Maxo Kream is not like most rappers. This Houston-based artist who has been in the scene since 2012, and only recently started gaining mainstream popularity in the last few years, delivers a standout performance on his latest release, “Brandon Banks.” Kream has always been a rapper who doesn’t shy away from putting his personal life on wax, and on this album, it is taken to a new level. What separates this album from his previous discography, is how vivid and real his depiction of his family is. Portrayals of his father running scams to put food on the table for his family, and consequently being in prison for most of Kream’s life, to his cousin being kicked out of the house by his mom because he was drug dealing, illustrate the real, and not always clean, account of his family life. The trials and tribulations that turned a young Emekwanem Biosah, Jr. into the Maxo Kream we know today are put on display

for all to see. The level of honesty it takes to release an album this personal is commendable, especially when compared to Kream’s peers in the rap world. With a runtime of just under 48 minutes, this album feels much longer than it really is, due to the way Kream draws listeners in through his canny usage of skits at the beginning or end of songs. However, lyrics alone do not make a good album and it would be remiss to not discuss the musical direction and choices made. The production on this album is pristine and to be expected from legendary producer Mike Dean, and heavyweights such as Zaytoven lending their talents along the way. The songs sound as if they are made for Kream’s unique flow, and as a result, there really are no bad tracks, some only being worse than others by comparison. This album also has an impressive feature list which includes artists such as Travis Scott, A$AP Ferg, and most especially, fellow Houston native Megan Thee Stallion known for Hot Girl Summer, who flexed her skills on “She Live.” Summer 2019 is drawing to a close, so for a season that did not see many major and more importantly, good releases, Kream offers an exceptional respite from the sluggishness of projects released this season. Without a doubt, this is my personal favorite album of the summer, and one that no one should skip out on. Stay cool Tigers and as always, godspeed.

Courtesy of

Kream released his latest album, “Brandon Banks”, in July of this year. He is currently on tour promoting his latest hits.



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August 20, 2019

Target placed on the Tigers TIM KLAPAC Senior Editor @pacofkla

Following a historic 2018 season, the Tigers look to build on their success heading into 2019. Last season, Towson was picked to finish second in the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) this season, a sign that expectations are higher than they’ve been in recent memory after being picked to finish 10th in last year’s preseason poll. “It wasn’t about rankings a year ago and it’s not going to be about rankings this year,” said head coach Rob Ambrose. “We set some goals last year, wanted to get back on the national stage. We did all that, but we set the finish line too short.” Ambrose noted how his team struggled playing in inclement weather last season and made that a focus in their spring workouts, which were held early in the spring, creating a colder climate for their practices. “We worked hard on understanding that playoff games are played in bad weather,” Ambrose said. “It’s not like a bowl game where it’s warm, it’s a transcontinental mess to get to Frisco, so we did spring ball just like that.” Despite the disappointing finish, the Tigers have many reasons to be optimistic about this season, especially on the offensive side of the ball. Returning under center is redshirt senior quarterback Tom Flacco. Flacco burst onto the scene at Towson as a graduate transfer last season, throwing 3,251 yards and 28 touchdowns, along with 742 yards and four touchdowns rushing. “He’s a leader and he’s a tireless worker,” Ambrose said. “He’s made the offense better, the team better, and he’s made me better.” Flacco was honored as the 2018 CAA Offensive Player of the Year for this effort and has carried that into the 2019 Preseason CAA Offensive Player of the Year. “I’m honored, cause I won Player of the Year last year,” Flacco said. “I can’t be any more grateful for my teammates.” Also returning on offense for the Tigers is redshirt senior running

back Shane Simpson. One of five Tigers to be on the preseason all-conference team, Simpson collected more than 2,000 all-purpose yards as not only the starting running back for Towson, but also the primary kick returner, resulting in a First Team All-American selection by the Associated Press. With other offensive weapons, such as redshirt senior wide receiver Shane Leatherbury and junior wide receiver Jabari Allen, Towson’s offensive is poised to repeat as the most productive in the CAA. “It’s really odd and special when you take a whole bunch of talented individuals and take away their egos,” Ambrose said. “Winning and being a part of something this special is more important to them than individual statistics. They go about working and being the best they can be and to help everybody else and, low and behold, their statistics are awesome. With group success, comes individual accolades.” On the defensive side, the Tigers struggled at times last season, giving up 389.5 yards per game to opponents, the worst in the CAA. “The unit itself probably underachieved a little bit last year and, while there were some good strides in some ways, there were critical spots we needed help in and we worked on that in the offseason,” Ambrose said.” However, Towson’s defense returns seven starters, including redshirt senior linebacker Robert Heyward, the team leader in tackles last season. “We’re gonna be multiples in defense and [Heyward] is gonna tell us where to go,” Ambrose said. On special teams, the Tigers boast senior kicker Aidan O’Neill, the school’s all-time leader in field goals. O’Neill, who also set the school record for most field goals made in a single season last year, led the CAA in scoring with 108 points last season. “It’s an honor to get the recognition,” O’Neill said. The awards are an accumulation of taking care of every rep and every opportunity we have.” The Tigers begin the season on Saturday, August 31 against the Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina at 3 p.m.

Jackson leads new-look Ravens offense as Baltimore defends division championship

Courtesy of

Lamar Jackson begins his first full season as the starting quarterback for the Ravens after leading them to the AFC North division title last season. The 2019 regular season begins on Sept. 8 against the Dolphins. JORDAN KENDALL Asst. Sports Editor @jordankendall54 With the 2019 NFL season a few weeks away, football fans have a glimpse of optimism. After turning reaching the playoffs for the first time since 2014, the Baltimore Ravens aim to take advantage of a shifting AFC North division.. Before they kick off year two of the Lamar Jackson era, let's look at what could be coming in Baltimore. Run Lamar Run Second-year quarterback Lamar Jackson is the focal point of the offense, and with the trade of quarterback Joe Flacco to the Denver Broncos, makes this his team. In seven starts, Jackson threw for 1,201 yards and six touchdowns. However, Jackson isn't known as a pass-first quarterback, he makes his impact on the ground. Last season, he had 695 rushing yards and five touchdowns and looks to have even more in 2019. Baltimore looks to revolutionize the NFL, and will potentially allow Jackson even more rushes. “We have a whole new idea," said Ravens head coach John Harbaugh in an interview with ESPN’s Jamison Hensley. "It’s not that there is anything new in there, concept-wise, that has never been done in football

before. But the way we put it together, to me, is unique and different." Pieces Of The Puzzle Baltimore added some weapons for Jackson in the off-season, including wide receivers Marquise Brown and Miles Boykin, who provide speed and playmaking to one of the worst receivers cores the past few seasons. Along with running backs Gus Edwards and former New Orleans running back Mark Ingram, the Ravens have talented pieces to work around Jackson. Tight ends Hayden Hurst and Mark Andrews should be contributors in the red zone, Andrews was one of Jackson's favorite targets last season. If the pieces gel together, there's no telling what this offense is capable of. “We’re so dynamic, and we’re able to do so many things, and we have so many pieces,” said Andrews to Hensley."You’re going to have to pick your poison with us. Whatever you pick to stop us, we can hurt you with other things." It's Still About The Defense Baltimore is known for its defense and has had some of the greatest defenders of all time in linebacker Ray Lewis and safety Ed Reed, both of whom are Hall of Famers. While this generation of Ravens isn't close to their level, they have some pieces that should lead to success. Defensive tackles Michael Pierce and

Brandon Williams are one of the best duos up front, and cornerbacks Jimmy Smith and Marlon Humphrey have been solid together. Safety Earl Thomas comes over from the Seattle Seahawks, giving them even more talent to work with. Last season, Baltimore surrendered the second-fewest points per game with 17.9, only trailing the Chicago Bears. Losing linebacker C.J. Mosley and safety Eric Weddle hurts, however, Thomas should fill Weddle’s void and linebackers Matthew Judon and Patrick Onwuasor showed enough potential to give Baltimore confidence going forward. This defense should be among the NFL’s best and has the potential to be great for years to come. Special Teams Is Also Special Special teams never gets the respect it deserves, but the Ravens have arguably the best unit in football. Kicker Justin Tucker went 35-39 on field goals last season and continued to prove why many consider him the best kicker in the NFL. Punter Sam Koch finished fourth in average yards per punt with 47.4, remaining among the best at his position for many years. Long snapper Morgan Cox has been the starter since 2010 and has made this trio of specialists one of the best for the past decade. - To read the rest of this article online, visit the


August 20, 2019

New contenders emerging in the NBA JALON DIXON Columnist Opening night of the 2019-2020 NBA regular season is only two months away and the league has never been so wide open. With big name signings and trades taking place during this offseason, the NBA will be seeing some household names in some not so familiar uniforms. Forward Kawhi Leonard and guard Paul George on the Los Angeles Clippers, guard Russell Westbrook on the Houston Rockets, and center Anthony Davis on the Los Angeles Lakers. And those are just the bigger names. In a summer where nearly 40 percent of the league’s players were anticipated to hit free agency, the NBA saw a shift like no oth-

er. What once was a league dominated by “Big Threes” and super teams now has an evenly distributed set of dynamic duos across the league that makes nearly every team a title contender. One could say that balance is back in the NBA. The best part about the upcoming season is that there are so many storylines that an NBA fan can cling to. For the past four to five years all we have done is wondered what it was going to take to beat the Golden State Warriors. Outside of the 2016-2017 season, where the blew a 3 - 1 lead in the NBA Finals, practically every NBA fan thought they were an unbeatable super team, and even that year we thought it was a done deal. Now that the Warriors have lost forward Kevin Durant to the Brooklyn Nets and guard Klay Thompson will miss most of the season due

to injury, we finally have a season where the Warriors are not the odds-on favorite. Led by forward Lebron James and Davis, the Lakers have a chance of winning their first championship since 2010. The Clippers could capture their first championship in the franchise’s history. Alongside other teams like the Portland Trail Blazers, Denver Nuggets, Milwaukee Bucks, Philadelphia 76ers, plenty of NBA teams have a chance to climb atop the league and take the crown. In the 73-year history of the NBA, this season has the chance to be more exciting than it has ever been. This a season filled with player movement, dynamic duos, a strong rookie class, and exciting young cores. With so much parody in the league, this season could be the start of a new era of the NBA.

Capitals look to rebound after playoff exit ANDY PALM Columnist It’s that time of year again. Players are beginning to appear at practice facilities, power rankings are being released, and fans expectations are beginning to heighten. Although the weather may say otherwise, fall is right around the corner; and with that comes the new NHL season. This season is shaping up to be very exciting, the race for Lord Stanley is as wide open as it has ever been. As with every new season, question marks surround a lot of different franchises. One team specifically facing a pivotal upcoming campaign is the Washington Capitals. With big time contracts coming to an end on multiple cornerstone players, there is an argument that their window to reclaim the Stanley Cup is coming to a close. Both center Nicklas Backstrom and goalie Braden Holtby are set to become free agents after this season,

while left winger Alex Ovechkin only has two years remaining before he too becomes a free agent. With the rise of the Caps goaltending prospect Ilya Samsanov, it’s likely this could be Holtby’s last season in D.C. Although many expect new contracts for both Ovechkin and Backstrom, Ovechkin made some veiled remarks about retirement over the summer. In an interview with TASS, a Russian news network, the future hall of famer talked about what he thinks will happen after his contract expires. “I have two more years to play, under my contract,” the 33-year-old Washington Capitals captain said, “Let us wait and see whether I will continue my career as everything depends on the health.” Ovechkin also stated how important it is to him to be able to play with his children when they get older, and doesn’t want to leave the NHL physically broken. The Capitals may have to face life after Ovechkin much sooner than thought before.

The Capitals saw many longtime familiar faces depart this offseason. Right winger Andre Burakovsky was shipped to Colorado, right winger Brett Connolly signed a deal with the Florida Panthers, and defenseman Matt Niskanen was sent up I-95 to Philadelphia in exchange for defenseman Radko Gudas. The team also saw longtime Alternate Captain defenseman Brooks Orpik call it a career after 15 seasons. Despite all of this uncertainty, the Caps are slated to once again be a top competitor in the Eastern Conference. General Manager Brian Maclellan has done a solid job in creating a roster that has a good mix of youth and veterans. Expectations are high for many players on the team including returning Czech forward Jakub Vrana. Vrana, 23, signed a two-year extension over the summer and was one of the team’s top goal scorers last season, netting 24 goals in 82 games. - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Shane Simpson Football

Redshirt senior running back Shane Simpson received numerous preseason honors heading into the 2019 season. Simpson was named to the watch list for the Walter Payton Award and was named a preseason first team FCS All-American


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