The Towerlight (February 18, 2020)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

February 18, 2020

Towson University looks for ways to solve on-campus parking in hopes to find a quick solution by fall, pg. 6

Photo by Brendan Felch, Photo Illustration by Victoria Nicholson/ The Towerlight


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February 18, 2020

CAB WEEK WEEK CAB February 17th-20th

Interested in being on the Campus Activities Board? Want to plan and market fun events for the student body? Join us during our annual CAB Week to gain more info about us and what we do!

Work Hard, Play Harder

February 17th

UU 314-315


This event will bring light to our slogan "work hard, play harder”. This is an event dedicated to goal setting/ organization and having fun. There will be wings, iced coffee, and more!

What's The scoop?

February 18th

UU 314-315


Join CAB for an ice cream social with an investigative twist! See if you have what it takes to be a crime scene investigator.

Backyard bbq February 19th

WV Ballroom A


Come learn about CAB as an organization, our roles, and types of events we plan with a summertime spin.

We Brunch together

February 20h

WV Ballroom C


Come out to brunch ! Enjoy great food, bottomless mock-mosas & am afternoon of togetherness with CAB



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February 18, 2020



Editor-in-Chief Bailey Hendricks

How do you feel about parking on campus?

Senior Editor Tim Klapac

News Editor Keri Luise


Asst. News Editor Sophia Bates


I pay a lot for the right to search for a parking space. I often have to lap the garage for 10-15 minutes before I find a spot.

Arts & Life Editor Meghan Hudson Asst. Arts & Life Editor Grace Coughlan

@anna_vanbana The fact that I paid almost $400 for the possibility of a parking space is something I struggle with. Along with that the idea that just parking at the stadium will solve all problems makes that $400 not really worth it, at least I’m getting a work out in!

Sports Editor Jordan Kendall Asst. Sports Editor Muhammad Waheed

Staff Writers Ashley de Sampaio Ferraz

Your responses could appear in our next print edition. The Towerlight may to include your social media profile picture with your response. Word on the Web compiles online submissions in response to questions posted by The Towerlight via social media. Follow The Towerlight on Instagram and Facebook to respond.

Isaac Donsky John Hack Grace Hebron Brooks Warren Kayla Wellage Marcus Whitman

Photo Editor Brendan Felch

Do you prefer to take the shuttle or drive to campus?

Asst. Photo Editor Amanda Bosse


Staff Photographers Owen DiDonna


Nikki Hewins Ryan Moriarty Karl Reimer Lacey Wall

Production Staff


General Manager Mike Raymond

Art Director Victoria Nicholson


Circulation Staff Jack Baker Anthony Capparuccini Scott Halerz

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Classifieds appear online and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2019 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!


18 - 22 18





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Interested in learning about the process for determining proposed fee increases? Join Towson University and SGA leaders at a forum that will provide an opportunity to share information on institutional needs to support student services.

Want to learn how to kayak? Now is the time! Participants must bring their own bathing suit and towel. No registration is required!

MFOL will be holding their first meeting of the semester. Join them to learn about Maryland’s legislative priorities and our plans for 2020!

Come see the Towson Tigers host the No. 11 Cornell Big Red. The Tigers have lost all three previous meetings with Cornell, including an 18-11 loss last season.

TU Serves will partner with Moveable Feast, an organization providing nutritious foods and other services in order to preserve the quality of life for people with HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening conditions.

WVC Ballrooms, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Burdick Hall Pool, 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.

Liberal Arts Bldg. 4302, 7:30 p.m.

Johnny Unitas Stadium, 4 p.m.

Administration Building, 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.

THIS WEEKEND @ TU Lawrence Brownlee, tenor

Saturday, Feb. 22 at Harold J. Kaplan Concert Hall at 4 p.m. Lawrence Brownlee, one of the preeminent operatic tenors of our generation, presents this public masterclass with vocal students from the Department of Music. This masterclass is supported by the Ruth and Arno Drucker Fund for Vocal Performance via the TU Foundation and is offered in memory of Arno Drucker (1934-2019).



February 18, 2020

The state needs to save Baltimore now SAM JONES Columnist @SamJones1776

On the opening week of the 2020 Maryland General Assembly, former Senate president, Mike Miller addressed the floor to highlight a key issue facing Maryland: gun violence in Baltimore. “My point is this, we’re sitting here while Rome is burning,” Miller stated. “We really need to address it.” Senator Miller was at one time the longest sitting State Senate President in the country. After being diagnosed with cancer during the 2019 General Session, Miller decided to step down from his leadership role. Democratic leadership has been big talk when it comes to addressing the violence crisis in Baltimore this year; however, all they have done is support legislation that will make the state of Maryland less safe. The most insane legislation brought forward would make the state of Maryland a sanctuary state. Democrat lawmakers wish to change the law so local law enforcement would be prohibited from questioning a detainee’s immigration status. Any offender should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Anything else does not make the state of Maryland safer, and certainly does not pour water on our burning city.

Additionally, some Maryland legislators are going after law abiding citizen’s gun rights. Instead of combating the illegal gun ownership in Baltimore, legislation has been proposed to require background checks for all rifle and shotgun sales. While the majority of the violence in Baltimore are with legally-owned handguns, Democrats would rather focus on limiting law abiding citizen’s rights to own long rifles and shotguns. Background checks are never a bad thing in my opinion, however this legislation also fails to pour water on the desperately burning Baltimore City. Finally, a bill similar to the AOC approved “Green New Deal'' has made its way into the Maryland legislature. Similarly to AOC’s version, this bill is absolutely absurd. Senate Bill 926, the “Climate Solutions Act of 2020” would require the State of Maryland to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. Additionally, this bill calls for the planting of 1 million additional trees over the previous year’s baseline. While climate change is a large issue, this legislation being pushed by many democratic lawmakers fails to produce any more safety to Baltimore City or the State of Maryland. While law and order should be the top focus for the Maryland Gen-

eral Assembly, democratic lawmakers have made it clear that their priorities lie elsewhere. Republican lawmakers, however, have taken the challenge and are proposing legislation that would begin to sprinkle water on burning Rome. Senator Michael Hough from Frederick County is sponsoring several bills that would specifically target crime in Baltimore. Senate Bill 35 would remove an exemption for the use of a firearm during the act of dealing drugs, meaning that if a person is dealing drugs and draws a firearm on someone, they will receive a minimum sentence and felony charges for the firearm. One would think that this is common sense legislation, however it is not current law. Another Senator Hough sponsored bill would require the state to grant a concealed carry permit to an individual that complies with and passes all required background checks and safety courses. This could help so many law-abiding citizens living in Baltimore City protect themselves and their loved ones. After all, law abiding citizens are not the ones committing these violent acts. Criminals with illegal firearms commit the vast majority of these brutal acts, and democratic lawmakers should shift their focus to these individuals.

You can’t silence athletes regarding social justice JASPER SCELSI Columnist

Sports and social justice are tied in ways few people notice. Sports are a great place to give attention to a movement due to how popular they are. It gets people talking. I would be hard-pressed to find an American who didn’t know about Colin Kaepernick and the “take a knee” protest. But athletes who make political statements in sports are frowned upon, and sometimes they are even banned from participating in sports again. The International Olympic Committee is banning activism this year, but that will not make the games apolitical. Activism in sports has been around longer than you may think. In 1968, two Olympians raised a fist for black power during the awards ceremony. And they were subsequently expelled from the Olympic village and suspended from the US team. They were heavily criticized in the meeting, but they made one of the most iconic Olympic moments in modern history. Later, both men were inducted into the US Olympic and Paralympic Hall of Fame. Even whole countries have used the Olympics as a place for activism. A major way of doing this is boycotting, which was done during the Olympic games in the time of the Cold War. Recently, during the Pan American Games, fencer Race Imboden took a

knee during the “The Star-Spangled Banner.” He cited racism, gun control, mistreatment of immigrants and President Trump as his primary grievances. Hammer thrower Gwen Berry raised a fist Saturday near the end of the anthem for similar reasons. Kaepernick decided to sit and later take a knee during the National Anthem in 2016. This was never to protest the military, but instead racial injustice – police brutality, mass incarceration, and systemic racism. Brazilian soccer players are starting a movement against homophobia. In a Brazilian illegal lottery, the number 24 is related to the deer, which is related to gay men. This makes players with the #24 soccer jersey subject to teasing and abuse, so it is avoided. But now, there is a hashtag campaign around #PedeA24 (“ask for 24”), posted with pictures of the number on jerseys. This was largely started in the wake of Kobe Bryant’s death, as he wore the #24 jersey. Social justice and sports go handin-hand, and have for a long time. The Olympics may attempt to make these games apolitical by banning political messaging or gestures of a political nature like kneeling or hand gestures are not permitted during the Olympic Games at all Olympic venues. However, athletes can still express their opinions during press conferences, interviews, and team meetings as well as on digital or traditional media, or other platforms. Activists cannot and will not be silenced.

Tales of the Tigers: Wandering through campus

Comic by Augustina Ugbaja/ The Towerlight


February 18, 2020

How to avoid falling into the dreaded “yes” trap MIRANDA MOWREY Columnist @mirandamowrey

We all have a myriad of tasks and obligations on our plate. Google Calendar and to-do lists can only do so much. Sometimes, the word “yes” is as overused as the crusty tube of mascara you’ve been scraping by with for the past two years. W h e n you say yes to things too oft e n , y o u r m e n t a l h e a l t h starts to take a serious hit and this is what I call falling into the “yes” trap. When I find myself victim to the “yes” trap, it’s never pretty. Based on past experience, the only way I seem to crawl out of this hole is to throw all my responsibilities to the wolves. Instead of actually completing the tasks weighing on my shoulders, I choose to spend the entire day doing something much more productive: crying and feeling bad for myself. Between the crying spells, you can usually find me laying on the floor blasting music and occasionally pausing it to call my mom for the fifth time that day. After this slight breakdown, I end up pulling myself back together because I can’t bear to lose another day of productivity. Maybe you deal with being overworked, overbooked, and overwhelmed with life in a similar way as I do. Although I am usually fine the next day, dealing with stress this way doesn’t fix the problem and is usually the reason why the “yes” trap has become a common occurrence in my life. So, how do we avoid this? Well, the answer is both easy and really hard: stop saying yes all of the time! This seems simple, but if you’re anything like me, you love

to try new things and you hate disappointing others. This is usually the thought process that leads me to the “yes” trap: “There is a body combat class Tuesday at 5? Sure, after having class all day on Tuesdays, I’m usually hangry and ready to lounge on my couch with a bag of Lays chips by 3 o’clock, but sure, sign me up; I’ll definitely be in the perfect head space to pump some iron!” As humans, we tend to b e l i e v e that more always equals better - more m o n e y, m o r e friends, m o r e clothes, more things to fill our day. This is true to an extent. While it is nice to have things to do, there is a point where juggling so many different things can actually decrease your happiness and instead cause more stress and anxiety. Start cutting out things from your routine if you are starting to feel overwhelmed. Maybe you don’t enjoy the Debate Club as much as you thought, and the meetings every Monday have affected the time you have to do homework. Cut. It. Out! Remember that in life, it is impossible to avoid disappointing others. People will ask for your time and/or help often, and sometimes you will have to say no for the sake of your own happiness. You cannot live up to the expectations of others all of the time. You are allowed to say no without feeling like a disappointment. Along with learning to say no and set boundaries, try to do one thing everyday that makes your soul feel at peace. For you, does an extra long hot shower dilute the stress of a booked day? Or does finishing an extra long day by adding items to your Forever 21 online shopping cart without the intention of buying anything sound more soothing? Whatever peace means for you, peace will be hard to find when you say yes too much.


Trump went too far to protect his friend TIM KLAPAC Senior Editor @pacofkla Americans have grown accustomed to the president’s constant tweeting, some may have even stopped caring about what he says. Supporters of the president may think his tweets are harmless, but his recent behavior has shown that his tweets actually have an impact. Recently, President Donald Trump may have gone too far and interfered in the trial of his friend, Roger Stone. In November, Stone was found guilty of seven charges, including obstruction of justice and lying to Congress. Prosecutors recommended Stone be sentenced to nine years in prison, and that is where things get hairy. Attorney General Anthony Barr has come under fire after all of the prosecutors excused themselves from the case after higher-ups at the Justice Department planned to override the sentence recommendation in search of a lighter sentence. This comes after President Trump tweeted his displeasure with the nine-year sentence and accused prosecuters of carrying out a “miscarriage of justice.” While we aren’t sure if Barr, or anybody at the Justice Department was acting on Trump’s orders to reduce the sentence, the fact that this is happening after the president’s comments is frightening. After the Justice Department decided to intervene, Trump tweeted his thanks to Barr specifically. “Congratulations to Attorney General Bill Barr for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not have even been brought,” Trump said. If the president has the ability to intervene in cases involving their closest friends, it sets a precedent that could change the very structure of our government. The Justice Department is supposed to be able to operate without influence from anywhere else, ensuring a fair and unbiased process. Trump is showing that he does not care about this and wants to use his influence to help his friends and family, which is not how a president should operate. This decision has caused friction between Trump and Barr as the attorney general expressed his displeasure with the president’s constant tweeting. In an interview with ABC News, Barr said that Trump’s

tweets make it impossible to do his job. Barr also said he won’t let the president influence his decisions. “I’m not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody….whether it’s Congress, newspaper editorial boards, or the president,” he said. “I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me.” This conflict could result in a few things, including Barr stepping down from his position. Barr is al-

ready the fifth person to fill the role of Attorney General of the United States since Trump took office. If he were to resign, the next person to be appointed would need to understand that whatever the president says, or tweets, goes. Regardless of your opinions of the president, or whether you believe Barr overstepped or not, the fact that the president is able to enact changes based on what he tweets is a major red flag.

The Towerlight





February 18, 2020

Towson searches for Parking solution TU hires industry consultant to address parking and transportation issues TIM KLAPAC Senior Editor @pacofkla

Towson University has hired design and planning firm KimleyHorn to assess the difficulties students, faculty and staff have endured when trying to find a place to park everyday. “The University has had extensive changes over the years, to include significant enrollment growth as well as the construction of many new buildings across campus,” said Pam Mooney, Director of Parking and Transportation Services. “In an effort to help ensure we are providing the best services to the campus community, we have engaged an industry consultant, KimleyHorn, to review the Parking and Transportation programs.” As part of Kimley-Horn’s review of Towson’s transportation programs, the firm “will be gathering input from the campus community, become familiar with the campus culture and review current policies, procedures and approaches,” Mooney said. Representatives from KimleyHorn visited TU’s campus and held two forums Feb. 4 and Feb. 5 on campus to talk to students about what transportation concerns they have in an effort to combat them. Michael Connor, a consultant from Kimley-Horn said that campus drivers should see improvements by the Fall 2020 semester. “We have to look at the assets that we have today and by April of this year, provide concrete and definable solutions that can be implemented during the academic break over the summer,” he said. In addition to the forums, a survey was also sent out to students, faculty and staff on Feb. 3. The survey asked participants to rate their experiences with parking on campus, as well as what times they try to park and their feelings toward Parking and Transportation Services. Students can find the survey by going to by Feb. 21. Connor said a quick solution is more logical for everyone as opposed

to any fix that requires construction. “I want to avoid those long-term solutions like building more parking or getting people to ride MTA,” he said. “That’s ideal but might not happen overnight.” Survey participants were also asked about possible solutions to the parking issue, such as whether or not they prefer to park in any available lot or to have an assigned parking space. According to Connor, the survey had already received over 2,000 responses in the first 48 hours. “Clearly, people think parking is something worth talking about,” he said. “I very much appreciate those who have filled out the survey.” Student attendance at the forum was low. The only student representation for the first 30 minutes was Khouri Lassiter, the Director of Diversity and Inclusion for Towson’s Student Government Association. Junior Myles Hamilton attributes this to the short amount of time between the email notifying students of the second forum and the forum itself. “A lot of people aren’t going to show up,” he said. “I can see a week, maybe two weeks, and then sending out emails saying that we’re having this forum instead of one email. It sounds like they wanted to keep it on the low.” Senior Devin GitharaPipkin was unaware the forum took place and feels that the University is not fully considering the students’ frustrations. “They don’t care,” he said. “Which is cool, it’s a big university, they’re not supposed to. I get it, it’s a university and they care about the money.” TU has an enrollment of over 22,000 students and plans to increase that enrollment next year. However, Lassiter says that most garages fill up quickly in the mornings. “If you drive to [Towsontown Garage] at around 9:00 [a.m.], you’re going to be driving around that thing forever,” she said. “It’s bumper to bumper, people are driving fast trying to get to a spot before somebody else gets it. It’s unbelievable.” The University offers alterna-

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Kimley-Horn consultant Michael Connor talked to TU students about parking and transportation concerns at recent forums. He believes a quick solution is most logical rather than building more parking. tives to parking on campus, such as the TUTigerRide shuttle service, and freshman Nick Boboshko has found the service to be reliable. “The app kind of gives you a pretty good indication,” he said. “Most of the time I wouldn’t say it’s too long of a wait. I think everything is fairly smooth. It gets me where I need to go.” While these alternatives do exist, Connor explained that one bad experience with the shuttle or with parking further away, can permanently affect how a student feels. “Maybe I did try Lot 24 and maybe the shuttle didn’t show up,” he said. “All you need is one of those experiences and you may never ride the shuttle again.” One of the suggestions Connor mentioned during the forum was the possibility of changing the pricing of parking to reflect the convenience of the location. Spaces in garages would become more expensive while spaces in open lots, such as Lots 13 and 14, would be more affordable. “My philosophy as a consultant when you have a finite resource and infinite demand, is to try and

manage it equitably,” Connor said. “The analogy I used is comparing sitting behind home plate and in the bleachers. Everybody is going to the ballgame but your level of expectation is based on your ability to afford.” A commuter parking pass for the entire 2019-2020 academic year cost $370, a price that Hamilton believes is already too high when a parking spot isn’t a guarantee. “It’s terrible and they fill up so fast,” he said. “And then they charge these ridiculous prices to park and then it’s a parking spot that’s not even guaranteed. I pay for both semesters and I usually have to park at the stadium because by the time I get here, all the garages are full. I do understand that we have a lot of people so there’s not always gonna be parking, but if there’s not gonna be parking all the time, why would you charge [$370] for a parking pass that students may or may not use.” Another idea Connor proposed was training and hiring students to be shuttle drivers in order to get more shuttle buses on the road. “If the shuttle can’t go faster

through busy streets, the solution could be to have more shuttle buses out there,” Connor said. The University of Maryland in College Park offers students the opportunity to become shuttle drivers. “The experience at other institutions, it’s certainly not a full-time job,” Connor said. “This would be eight hours, 10 hours maybe. It’s part-time student labor.” Connor said the key to solving any parking problems is improving the shuttle system for students that can’t find a convenient parking space. “We have to work to make sure the shuttle meets the needs,” he said. “Having extra shuttles during peak shifts that may sit during the quiet parts of the day. This is a very walkable campus, but shuttles need to be provided and that’s the key.” In terms of possible solutions, Githara-Pipkin would like to see assigned parking so students have a better idea of what parking will be like when they arrive. He suggested assigned parking spots for time slots for different classes. “This is a problem that needs to be fixed,” he said.


February 18, 2020

Take water, give clean water TIM KLAPAC Senior Editor @pacofkla

Towson University students have a new way to keep their campus green. TU has begun working with Cupanion, a company that strives to provide clean water to people in need, and the company’s “Fill it Forward” campaign app. Around campus, signs have been placed on water fountains with spouts to refill reusable water bottles, providing students with the information about the app and how to get involved. According to Luis Sierra, Assistant Director for Civic Engagement, TU started working with Cupanion in August of 2019 to bring this campaign to this campus. “From the beginning, Cupanion’s ‘Fill it Forward’ initiative seemed like a creative and intentional way to incentivize the use of reusable water bottles and engage the entire campus community around better stewardship of our environment, at the individual, campus, and global scale,” he said. “Through the program, we are able to encourage reduction of single-use plastics.” According to the company’s website, the “Fill it Forward” campaign was created “to make giving water as easy as drinking water.” “I think it’s really important

because, in the world we’re in today, we’re so aware of how much of a problem it is to waste plastic,” said junior Megan Smith. “I think it’s important to take small steps to use a little plastic as you can.” Students can purchase Cupanion-specific bottles on their website or affix a Cupanion sticker to their current reusable bottle. Stickers can be obtained from the Office of Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility, the Office of Sustainability or various events around campus. Students then scan the sticker in the app every time they refill their water bottle. With every scan of the sticker, Cupanion makes a donation equal to a cup of clean water to their partners WaterAid and The Carbon Farmer. The app tracks how much plastic the user has reduced and how much clean water they are providing others. “The ‘Fill it Forward’ app also makes it easy for users to see their own environmental impact, and it provides us meaningful metrics at a campus-wide scale,” Sierra said. “For example, since the beginning of the program in August 2019, over 130 pounds of waste has been diverted from our landfills, and over 26 pounds of ocean pollution has been prevented, thanks to those refilling their water bottles and using the ‘Fill it Forward’ app to track their refills.”

Tim Klapac / The Towerlight

Various water fountains around TU’s campus have acquired new Cupanion signs letting students know of the new opportunity.

By continuously using the app, students can receive rewards as each refill is equal to 10 points. According to Sierra, students can redeem 120 points for a TU Spirit Prize Pack. “The pack includes items such as TU apparel (jackets, sweaters, shirts), as well as items to make it easier to continue to live sustainably, such as reusable straws, lunch containers, and water bottles,” he said. This campaign is another step toward the University’s goal of sustainability. TU has previously launched a green building policy, single-stream recycling and an alternative transportation program, among other initiatives. “It sounds like a cool incentive,” said junior Austin Ngo. “I think that’s a really good program. I feel like a lot of people don’t refill [their water bottles] that much so it’s a really good way to get people to do it.” Sierra sees other positives to the ‘Fill it Forward’ campaign as well. “It allows us to highlight the access our campus community has to drinking water through the several hydration stations on campus, while at the same time enabling us to contribute towards funding water access projects around the world,” he said. Although it has only been at TU for less than a year, Sierra said Fill it Forward’s impact has already been seen. “According to the data provided to us by Cupanion, over 4,400 cups of clean water have been given through funded water projects so far, through refills tracked at Towson University,” Sierra said. The Office of Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility will be giving away stickers at the Fix-it Fair on March 10 and the Environmental Conference on April 17. Sierra said students are always welcome to come by the office to grab a sticker at their convenience. Their office is located on the second floor of the Administration Building. Smith, who didn’t know the program existed, said she would like to see the University do more to promote the program and get more students involved. “I think it would be cool if they had something set up in the Union, that’s the central spot on campus,” she said. “Advertising on social media and we get the TU announcements everyday and I haven’t seen anything on there about it.”

Feb. 16: A resident student was assaulted by a known person at Millennium Hall. Feb. 15: A resident student was cited for CDS possession at Millennium Hall. Feb. 15: An unknown person damaged a wall with spray paint near Glen Garage. Feb. 14: TUPD is investigating a destruction of property at Residence Tower. Feb. 14: TUPD and Baltimore County Police are investigating possible child abuse at the Child Care Center. Feb. 14: TUPD is investigating a theft from a dorm room at William Paca House. Feb. 12: A non-affiliate was arrested for trespassing on campus in the University Union. Feb. 12: A non-affiliate sent an unwanted email to a staff member at 7800 York Rd. Feb. 8: An unknown person damaged property in the bathroom at SECU Arena. Feb. 6: Baltimore County Police are investigating a fatal pedestrian-involved crash that happened off Liberty Road Feb. 5. Feb. 6: Baltimore County Police Violent Crimes Detectives are investigating an incident in Middle River that left an victim injured from a gunshot wound.

The Towerlight’s “Police Blotter” is a representative sample of crimes occurring on and off campus. The blotter is not intended to be all inclusive.

For a list of local crime reports, visit or iWatch?from=7&to=9.


10 February 18, 2020

Arts & Life

Iranian artist brings historic poetry to life

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Iranian artist, Afarin Rahmanifar, will be occupying the Asian Arts Gallery with her exhibit, “The Women of Shahnameh, The Women of Afarin Rahmanifar” now through May 16. The Shahnameh is an epic poem of Persian/Iranian descent, and is one of the longest epic poems in the world. Rahmanifar encompasses the women of Shahnameh and her own life in her work.

MEGHAN HUDSON Arts & Life Editor

One seminal work in Persian literature is the “Shahnameh,” which is roughly translated to mean “Book of Kings.” “It was written thousands of years ago and by Ferdosi,” said Afarin Rahmanifar, Towson University’s latest guest artist to occupy the Asian Arts Gallery with her exhibit, The Women of Shahnameh, The Women of Afarin Rahmanifar. “He was the great poet and he worked 33 years on this book, and it was one of the largest poetry books that’s been published, and in different languages,” Rahmanifar said. Her exhibit opened with a “Meet the Artist” event on Feb. 13. Here, Rahmanifar met with interested students and staff to share her story, and her artwork. “I spent half of my life in Iran,” said Rahmanifar. “So it’s basically, I am the product of before revolution and after revolution. The Islamic revolution happened in 1979 and so I was born, kind of long ago before the revolution in 1979 started. After, I moved to the U.S.”

After moving to the U.S., Rahmanifar shared that her work became very personal, as in her experience, the revolution was not good for the women in her life, and Iranian women as a whole. She also found inspiration through the women of “Shahnameh.” “These women, they were really the type of women that stood out in terms of wisdom, in terms of empowerment and in terms of leading roles that they were a really, kind of, gravitating area in the book,” said Rahmanifar. “They had authority in that poetry book, I mean I’m talking about thousands of years ago. It was amazing. Rahmanifar said she felt both inspiration and motivation to create images which would not only portray these women, but also revive them. “So with all these years, I’ve been working on the same thing and exploring different areas, and this woman of Shahnameh basically one of the inspiration that I had by reading, you know, kind of encountering some great number of women in Shahnameh and I was really inspired by that,” said Rahmanifar. “So that’s my more recent project today.” She also noted that men domi-

nated the areas of Persian painting and ministry until the 20th century. Rahmanifar was fascinated to capture that historical view of Persian women, and bring it into a completely new interpretation. According to Rahmanifar, she utilizes a large scale in relation to empowerment. “If you look at these images, they’re looking at us and we’re looking at them,” she said. “There is a visual, epic, kind of poetic, epic story that they’re really trying to convey, and I wanted to really focus on that kind of aspect of it. Senior Delaney Wiggins shared that she felt touched by Rahmanifar’s transition from miniature painting to large-scale painting. “[I liked] the one with the white lines,” added Wiggins. “I immediately thought of that confining, jaillike aspect to it. It’s almost like she can’t really break away. She can’t really break away, and also, the dramatic aspect of the hands grabbing, that is something that I feel like, as you know, no matter where you’re from, women can all kind of relate to.” The dialogue between the audience and the figures was very important to Rahmanifar, as she didn’t want them to just be imagery.

“They’re really communicating and making a dialogue with the viewer, and basically reviving those kind of old and kind of historical aspects of Persian woman, and kind of transformed that into a completely different kind of view that with this scale,” she shared. “With the colors, with the kind of gestural, kind of movement of the body and all, that was my intention so

not just portraying the imagery but also focusing on the aspect of their empowerment and the authority of these women.” Senior, Bridget Devoy, says she also felt touched by the story within the artwork. - Grace Coughlan contributed to this article. - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Rahmanifar uses mixed media, large scales and bright colors to create a visual representation of empowered and authoritative women.

Arts & Life

February 18, 2020


THE WEEKLY DISH Towson cafe falls short of good coffee Student finds her footing at TU JOHN MABILANGAN Contributing Writer

Alexander Ehasz/ The Towerlight

The Bun Shop, located in uptown, offers a variety of internationally inspired buns. This local chain originated in Mount Vernon, Baltimore.


On the ground floor of a dull brick office building across from a construction site, the ornate gold filigree spilling across the window of The Bun Shop is striking. Equally striking is the inventive interior composed of such disparate elements as modern turquoise glass panels, industrial black and gold lighting fixtures, and art deco marble tables. The effect is quite unique and improbably successful. The Bun Shop in Towson is a newer location for The Bun Shop in Mount Vernon. Like the original, they feature a range of teas, coffee drinks, and internationally-inspired buns on the menu. Upon arrival, I browsed the selection of sweet and savory pastries (the eponymous buns) in the display case, and placed my order. The first bun, a savory chicken pasty, was flavored with a robust and balanced range of herbs and spices. The vegetables were tender and quite pleasant, but the quantity of chicken was severely lacking. As well, the filling was somewhat cold in the middle. The rotiboy, a sweet Malaysian bun filled with a thick cream, was simple and enjoyable, featuring a crisp outer giving way to

fluffy pastry inside, and a rich buttery flavor throughout. The vanilla in the cream and the espresso in the crust mentioned on the menu were not particularly noticeable, although I would not call this bun bland by any means. The drip coffee and espresso were both rather disappointing. The espresso was astringent and bitter in an almost chemical-like way. The drip coffee was acidic to the point of being almost undrinkable, tasting like it was brewed with diluted lemon juice. Even with half and half added, it was still extremely sour. The Hong Kong coffee, a coffee with milk, tea, and sugar, was a much better drink. The tea had an earthy smokiness to it that complemented the bright coffee and rich cream well. Here, the acidity of the coffee worked substantially better, although it was still excessive. Given the location, long hours, large seating area, and generous number of outlets, this is a perfect spot to study. The music was interesting but mellow and certainly not obtrusive. The service was decent. I really wanted to like this place more than I do. The atmosphere and unique pastries make for an intriguing and special cafe. Unfortunately, the quality of the coffee and lack of attention to details like proper bun reheating does not allow this place to live up to its potential.

Yuqi Wan, a former Towson University English Language Center student, is now a full-time international student from Anhui, China studying for a Bachelor’s in Business Administration, Accounting at TU. As an international student who strives to maintain a high GPA of 4.0, she also actively involves herself on campus through various student organizations. As of 2020, she is the president of the International Students Association. As the president, she strives to promote cultural diversity and awareness while bridging the social gap between international and domestic students. Born in Anhui, China, Wan was an only child who grew up under China’s immensely competitive education system and collectivist culture. Her upbringing in China pushed her to excel academically in mathematics while becoming quite reserved and restrained under the social and cultural expectations of her homeland. As soon as she hit adulthood, Wan says, her parents were catalysts in her pending move. “At this stage of my life, my parents were really supportive,” Wan said. “They wanted me to discover other cultures and grow to become the best person I could be.” Wan was sent to America to study abroad in August of 2017. Wan’s first steps abroad began in Towson University’s English Language Center to develop and grow her English skills. Having spoken Chinese for most of her life, learning English was the first hurdle in her journey. She spent one whole year in Towson’s English Language Center before becoming a full-time Towson student. Wan recalls her first experiences as a Towson student. “I was really, really nervous and I didn’t know anyone,” she said. “English wasn’t my first language so when I had to do collaboration activities in class, I struggled to talk to my classmates and work in group discus-

sions because I was a foreigner there.” Wan’s first two years in Towson

open my mind, to speak out my opinions, to be confident and brave.”

faced her with hardship. From communication struggles to adapting to America’s culture. “I joined the International Students Association and I was able to work with a variety of students from different cultures and backgrounds,” she said. “I even had the opportunity to go to James Madison University to learn some leadership skills.” Becoming an active student in both her academics and in her major, Wan was able to not only adapt in Towson’s competitive environment but also thrive in it. “I don’t know how she’s able to keep up with her grades while doing all these clubs,” said Anna Quach, a former event coordinator at the organization, who has worked together with Yuqi frequently. “It seems tough, but I’m impressed she’s able to do all those things at once.” Listing out her struggles and experiences as a student, Wan compared herself to the person she was before coming to the U.S. and the person she is now. “Before coming to the U.S. I was really nervous,” Wan said. “I was afraid to express my judgments and opinions. But coming to America, the environment really changed me to

The Chinese native credits this change to a culmination of her Chinese upbringing, overcoming cultural barriers, and to her supportive family in China and caring friends in Towson University. “We met in freshman year during international orientation,” shared a close friend of Yuqi, Riya Patel. “We were so quiet back then, but the longer we stayed here, I noticed she started being more assertive and speaking up for herself more. Though we’ve gone through a lot studying abroad here in the U.S., we’ve also grown a lot from it.” Though she has had her successes, like all international students, she still has some challenges to overcome, such as paying for the cost of tuition. Wan also spoke on her struggles in seeking a job. “I wish people, and even Towson, could understand that being an international student is not easy,” Wan said. “Getting through school and extracurricular activities are already hard as is, and finding work isn’t any easier either since there are not many companies that would sponsor our stay here. I wish it was easier because I want to be able to get a job. I want to be here.”

John Mabilangan/ The Towerlight

Yuqi Wan, an international student from Anhui, China, is now the president of the International Students Association at Towson.

12 February 18, 2020


towson drops all tigers fall to st joseph’s t three games to odu Shelby Stack scores three first-half goals in loss Towson shut out in the final two

games of season-opening series Towson used three pitchers in the game, with sophomore right hander Nick Ramanjulu getting the start. He pitched 4.1 innings and recorded five strikeouts. Redshirt sophomore southpaw KAYLA WELLAGE Teddy Blumenauer pitched three inStaff Writer nings allowing one hit, and redshirt junior right hander Matt Watters got the final out in the fifth. The Tigers traveled to Norfolk, “Nick, Matt Watters, and Teddy Virginia for a three-game seaBlumenauer all threw really well on son-opening series against the Old Saturday,” Miller said. “They’ve really Dominion Monarchs. The Monarchs worked extremely hard since the fall.” defeated Towson in all three games, Both teams remained scoreless until shutting them out in the final two. the bottom of the fifth. Old Dominion “There were some really positive hit a two-RBI double in left field. Later things, but we just let some plays get in the inning, a throwing error added away from us and the games kind of another run to the Monarchs score. slipped away,” assistant head coach “If we can be a little cleaner, throw Miles Miller said. more strikes, and put On Sunday, Old the ball in play more, Dominion scored in If we can be a little we’ll have a better the first inning and result,” Miller said. cleaner, throw more never looked back, The Tigers defeating the Tistrikes, and put the opened their 2020 gers 11-0. While the season on Friday ball in play more, with a base hit by Monarchs recorded ten hits, Towson we’ll have a better freshman catcher only had four and Burke Camper. Old result. struck out 14 times. Dominion respondMILES MILLER “It’s frustrating,” ed with six runs in Asst. Head Coach Miller said. “We have the fourth inning. to do a better job. We can’t strike out as The Monarchs took advantage of a much as we have.” fielding error and a stolen base. One of the few positives for the TiDespite a slow start to the season, gers was the play of junior infielder Terrents is trying to remain positive Brandon Austin, he led Towson with and encouraging. 10 putouts, including a double play in “The way I stay motivated is honthe second. estly staying positive,” Terrents said. An error by senior infielder Noah “If someone makes an error, we just Cabrera in the seventh allowed two pick them up and get ready for the runs to score, a wild pitch advanced next play.” the runner to third on the next atA double by Cabrera in the sixth, bat. Old Dominion took advantage, and a triple by Austin scored three scoring another run to increase their of the five Towson runs. lead to 7-0. Junior right handed pitcher Josh The Tigers pitchers struggled with Seils took the loss on the mound, he allowing walks, nine Monarchs batwent 3.1 innings and allowed four ters were walked. hits and five runs. Both Camper and “We have to throw more strikes,” sophomore outfielder Javon Fields Miller said. “There were way too went 3-4 for Towson. many walks.” “We just gotta keep practicing and In the second inning of Saturday’s come out and do well next week5-0 loss, freshman infielder Ryan end,” Terrents said. Terrents recorded his first career hit The Tigers travel to High Point to right field. University in High Point, North CarTerrents attempted to steal home olina for another three-game series plate but was caught stealing. beginning Friday, Feb. 21 at 4 p.m. JORDAN KENDALL Sports Editor @jordankendall54

File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Freshman midfielder Blair Pearre scored three goals against St. Joseph’s, following her two goal collegiate debut vs. Penn State. The Tigers fell to the Hawks 13-12, falling to 0-2 for the second straight season.

JORDAN KENDALL Sports Editor @jordankendall54

Just like their season opener against Penn State, the Tigers’ game versus St. Joseph’s was a tale of two halves. The Hawks (1-2, 0-0 A-10) defeated Towson (0-2, 0-0 CAA)13-12 on a game-winning goal with 46 seconds left capitalizing their 8-3 run in the second half. “Tough loss for us,” head coach Sonia LaMonica said. “Think ultimately we need to do a better job of not getting in our own way. Biggest example is unforced errors, clearing game, decision making offensively at key moments of the game. Those are areas we need to simply do a better job.” Junior midfielder Rayna Deltuva, sophomore attack Julia Porter, and junior attack Kaitlin Thornton each scored two goals while freshman midfielder Blair Pearre scored three converting each of her shot attempts at goal. “Blair’s a competitor, she brings a mental edge to her game,” LaMonica said. “She’s unintimated which is a real strength. Been a real spark for us getting us off to a great start, playing pivotal role whether offensively on draws she makes things happen.” Freshman goalie Carly Merlo started for the Tigers and played 45

minutes saving seven shots. Freshman goalie Sara Tyssowski played the final 15 minutes and took the loss despite saving three shots. Towson fell behind early 3-1 as junior attack Stephanie Kelly scored two goals in the first ten minutes for St. Joseph’s. Following Kelly’s third goal with 16:39 remaining in the first half, the Tigers scored six unanswered including both of Porter’s two goals in the game. Pearre’s goal with three seconds left before halftime gave Towson a 9-5 lead at the half. “Playing with confidence, making smarter decisions,” LaMonica said. “Playing with much more composure, going into this opponent we knew they’re scrappy, they’re fast, and most importantly they never quit so obviously they fought back.” In the second half, the Hawks found a rhythm offensively, scoring two goals in less than three minutes of game time. Thornton scored her second goal to give the Tigers an 11-7 lead, but St. Joseph’s went on a 5-0 run in response that lasted 18 minutes. “We started to play on our heels, second guess our decisions,” LaMonica said. “That proves to be what brought us down. I thought it was more mentally is where we struggled, we need to be more resilient, stand strong and rise to the occasion when teams come back.” The Hawks, leading 12-11, did

not allow Towson to score until Pearre found the net with 3:29 left. Freshman attack Gabby Garrett missed the Tigers next shot that was saved, and after a successful clear attempt by St. Joseph’s the Hawks would score the game winning-goal with under a minute left. “We could’ve done plenty of things better,” LaMonica said. “We had seen similar looks from St. Joe’s all game and getting the shift and sliding efficiently we didn’t get there in time.” Garrett missed another shot with 21 seconds left, and a turnover eight seconds later by Porter sealed the St. Joseph’s victory. Towson attempted 10 free position shots in the first half, but only three after halftime. The Tigers shots on goal also decreased from 14 before halftime to eight in the second half. Towson will travel to Baltimore to face Loyola on Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 4 p.m. “Gotta have a short memory which is the beauty of a quick turnaround,” LaMonica said. “Our team can choose to learn and move on quickly or dwell in the past and allow tough losses to define you. I don’t believe it’s something we’ll do, I know they will be ready to learn and get better and Loyola will be a great opportunity to come out and be as motivated as ever.”


February 18, 2020


towson ends losing streak Victories over UNCW and Charleston end skid

Lauren Coleman Indoor Track and Field

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Redshirt junior guard Kionna Jeter scored her 1,000th career point against the College of Charleston. She achieved this in less than two seasons of division one college basketball as the Tigers won 83-72.

BROOKS WARREN Staff Writer @Broookksss

Towson is back on track following a dismal road trip where they lost three straight CAA contests, including a 42-point loss to James Madison University. The dismal stretch was the impetus to a pair of victories over UNCW and the College of Charleston. “We have a whole new mentality now,” redshirt senior guard Qierra Murray said. “After that JMU loss everything is nothing personal, just strictly business. Like we’re just coming out and playing our best basketball.” The Tigers (12-11, 7-5 CAA) feelings of embarrassment and frustration motivated Towson to 78-45 and 83-72 over the Seahawks and the Cougars. Against Charleston, senior guard Nukiya Mayo led the Tigers with a game-high 22 points and 11 rebounds. Redshirt junior guard Kionna Jeter and Murray had 19 points each, with Murray passing out eight assists and five rebounds while Jeter doled out three assists and secured six rebounds. Senior forward Ryan Holder scored seven points and grabbed five rebounds while also playing hard-nosed defense. “It was a good game,” head coach Dianne Richardson said. “We came

out with a win. College of Charleston never stopped fighting and challenged us in the fourth quarter and we stood up and didn’t let the game slip away from us.” Jeter scored 11 of her points in the first quarter, as Towson led 2314. The Tigers held a 46-35 lead at halftime but pulled ahead in the third quarter, Towson led 71-52 after outscoring the Cougars 25-17 in the quarter. Late in the fourth quarter, Charleston cut the Tigers lead to single digits with two free throws, but that would be the closest they would get. In the first game of the weekend against UNCW, redshirt junior guard Kionna Jeter posted 20 points and 12 rebounds for a double-double. Murray followed up with 16 points, Mayo had 10 points and five rebounds, and sophomore guard Shavonne Smith contributed 10 points to round out the four double-digit scorers. Towson took control of the contest with a 20-2 run in the second quarter, they took a 38-20 lead it wouldn’t look back on. Freshman guard Maggie Sharp gave the Tigers their largest lead, 34 points when she nailed a second-chance jumper late in the fourth quarter. “I said before the game that whoever was next, whoever it was, it just happened to be Wilmington they was going to get all the smoke,” Murray said. “Because we took the JMU loss, we took that a little personal so

from here on out, I think this is how we need to play to get back on that road to a championship.” Scoring 1,000 points is an accomplishment that means more to Jeter than it may to other athletes. “It’s not something most people do,” Richardson said. “To score 1,000 points in two years, in just two years. Coupled with the fact that of all the stuff she’s gone through with being shot and things like that. Just her tenacity to fight back and overcome and do things that other people aren’t even doing even though she’ had a lot of adversity in her life.” That she has reached the point is nearly unfathomable to some. She originally signed with Coastal Carolina University in 2016 but left before the season started and transferred to play for junior college Gulf Coast State University. It was revealed in a story by WMAR-2 News last summer that Jeter was shot twice in the back on Feb. 3, 2018, breaking her right-shoulder blade and forcing her to miss the rest of her freshman season at GCSU. “It was kind of a rough time then,” Jeter told WMAR-2 News. “I didn’t know what God had planned for me. I didn’t know if colleges were going to look at me. I was miserable and depressed. I didn’t know if I would ever play again.” - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Redshirt senior Lauren Coleman set both a personal and school record in the shot put with a distance of 16.75m. This places her in the top 15 in the NCAA, and gives her a strong chance to compete in the NCAA Indoor Championships.

14 February 18, 2020


Tigers split their TOWSON FALLS IN HOME OPENER weekend matches Mount St. Mary’s defeats TU for first time in 45 years Win over Coppin State makes up

for TU’s shutout loss to Princeton ISSAC DONSKY Staff Writer Towson’s tennis squad shook the monkey off their back last weekend, defeating Coppin State 7-0 Sunday night to score their second win of the season following two losses earlier in the weekend. The Tigers (2-7, 0-0 CAA) defeated the Eagles (0-5, 0-0 MEAC), winning in straight sets in every match. Sophomore Amelia Lawson and freshman Elessa Jacobs were undefeated in their singles victories. “It’s always good to win, and we needed a win,” said head coach Jamie Peterson. “It’s been a highly difficult schedule so far and we still have plenty of matches to play.” The win came after a seventh consecutive loss earlier in the day against Villanova (4-1). Sophomore Phoebe Collins won her singles match to prevent a shutout and freshman Sarah Pospischill forced a third set. In doubles, Villanova swept Towson winning both matches. Following the loss to Villanova, the Tigers had to rush down from

New Jersey back home to face Coppin State. This was the first time all season that the team had to play twice in one day, let alone in two different cities. “It’s a challenge the team should be able to handle,” Peterson said. “It is a bit draining after a long weekend. But we have no matches next week so we have some time to improve on things team wise.” Towson’s weekend started with a shutout loss to Princeton 7-0 in New Jersey. Despite sophomore Themis Haliou and junior Alexa Martinez keeping their doubles match competitive, the ninth ranked Princeton Tigers were too much for the Towson Tigers. “We played a top-10 program for the first time,” Peterson said. “They were coming off a shutout win over No. 6 Pepperdine and played like it. We gave a really good effort, but Princeton was on their game.” Next up for the Tigers is a double header against the College of Charleston and South Carolina State on Saturday, Feb. 29 at Charleston, South Carolina, beginning at 10 a.m.

SolutionS for

PuzzleS on page 15

File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Senior attack Brody McLean scored two goals against Mount St. Mary’s. He converted two of his three shot attempts against the Mountaineers, but it wasn’t enough as Towson fell 13-12 to the Mountaineers. JORDAN KENDALL Sports Editor @jordankendall54

JOHN HACK Staff Writer @johnhack10

Lacrosse is a game of scoring runs, and two from Mount St. Mary’s proved to be the difference as the Mountaineers (1-1, 0-0 NEC) defeated Towson 11-10. “Mount St. Mary’s outplayed us today,” said head coach Shawn Nadelen. “They made a few more runs than we did, and were obviously able to earn a one-goal win.” This was the first time the Mount defeated the Tigers (0-2, 0-0 CAA) in Nadelen’s nine years as Towson’s head coach, as well as the first time the Mountaineers defeated the Tigers since 1975. After senior midfielder Jon Mazza scored the first two goals of the game, the Mount switched up their offensive approach. They spread their attack and middies further away from the crease, experimenting with 1-on1 situations against Towson’s long stick defense to try generating shots on net. This strategy paid off, as the Mountaineers scored the next five goals. “They attacked our short sticks and we gotta work on helping them through our defensive sliding,” junior defenseman Koby Smith said. “They attacked our weaknesses

and that’s just something we gotta outscored Towson 5-1 capped by work on.” senior midfielder Matt Haggerty’s Although the Mount scored 24 fourth goal of the game. They held seconds into the 2nd quarter and the Tigers scoreless for the final 12 extended their lead to 6-3, the Timinutes of the quarter. gers would mount a comeback. “It’s stuff that we should’ve Senior attack Brody McLean worked on, or that we did work on would score again less than two that we didn’t get to bring into this minutes after, running around the week,” Smith said. “It’s just our own perimeter of the goal from right to mistakes that we’re making. It’s left, before cutting to the crease, simple stuff that we can work on.” and releasing a bunch shot to the Towson held the Mountaineers far post. scoreless in the fourth quarter, but Towson lost seven of the eight it was too little too late for the Tifaceoffs in the first quarter, but gers. Redshirt junior attack Luke improved in the second winning Fromert slipped his way under and three of five. Sepast his defender nior midfielder before cutting to Jack McNallen and the goal mouth and They made a few finishing low under junior midfielder Joey Chestnutt more runs than we junior goalie Dylan went a combined Furnback’s legs. did, and were obvi0-7, but freshman Less than a minmidfielder Shane ously able to earn a ute later, redshirt Santora came in senior midfieldone-goal win. and won 10-17 ater Grant Maloof tempts. SHAWN NADELEN scored and Towson “You just gotta Head Coach was within one with keep working and 6:50 left to play. the try to find a solution,” Nadalen said. Tigers missed their final seven shot “And I thought, unfortunately, early attempts and the Mountaineers on we struggled with Jack and Joey, victorious. and Shane came in and gave us a “We’re very up and down and spark, and that was good to see.” that’s just gonna be tough to have Mazza recorded his first hat that,” Nadalen said. “So our focus trick in almost exactly two years, is being more consistent in our tying the game with 10:30 left. His playmaking, being more consistent last hat trick also came against the in our process, and being able to Mountaineers on Feb. 18, 2018. step on the field ready to play a full Sophomore attack James Avangame that way.” zato’s goal to end the first half Towson will look to pick up their capped a 4-0 run by the Tigers that first victory of the season as they gave them a 7-6 lead at halftime. host Cornell on Friday, Feb. 21 at 4 In the third quarter, the Mount p.m. at Johnny Unitas Stadium.


February 18, 2020




See page 14 for answers to this week’s




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