The Towerlight (April 7, 2015)

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Photo illustration by Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight


April 7, 2015


Social Media


April 7, 2015




T OWSON # TRENDING Week of 03/31

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On March 31, the announcement came that all Towson students were waiting for: Tigerfest artist. The Campus Activities Board released the artists that night, saying that the female EDM duo Krewella and rapper G-Eazy would be performing in SECU Arena for this year’s festival. Here’s how Twitter reacted.

#Tigerfest The History of Tigerfest: 2012: Kid Cudi 2013: Wiz Khalifa 2014: Steve Aoki & Juicy J 2015: Krewella and G-Eazy???? Who?? @TowsonCAB


“I’m not happy about the choice for Tigerfest. But I feel bad that everyone is slandering @TowsonCAB.”



All I want for my birthday is sunshine and a daydrink for Tigerfest

Let’s be real no one actually makes it to the concert on Tigerfest


Guess it’s Rec Room’s time to shine on Tigerfest






April 7, 2015

Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Munshaw Senior Editor Cody Boteler News Editor Sam Shelton Arts & Life Editor Carley Milligan Assoc. Arts & Life Editor Annie Sragner Assit. Arts & Life Editor Robert Wood Sports Editor Matt Hamilton Staff Writers Daryllee Hale Payam Agha-Ghassem James Greene Tyler Beard Paige Sudol Jordan Cope Tyler Young Nilo Exar Kristen Zdon Christine LaFrancesca Caitlin Wolfarth Kati Day Kristin Helf Photo Editor Sarah Hugel Assoc. Photo Editor Patrick Burke Assist. Photo Editor Abby Murphy Staff Photographers Glen Banks Adrilenzo Cassoma Video Producer Sarah Chmielowiec Staff Videographers Gabby Slocum Devorah Roberts Patrick Burke Joseph Hawkins Proofreaders Desmond Boyle Laura Antonucci Kira McCall Kayla Baines Kaitlyn McKay Chris Petrides General Manager Mike Raymond Art Director Kara Bucaro Assoc. Art Director Sydney Adamson Webmaster Hafiz Aina Circulation Staff Christopher George Glen Banks Ian McIntyre Travis Duppstadt Jasmine Edwards

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 business: (410) 704-5153 editorial: (410) 704-5141 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  classified advertising & display — Monday, noon for Thursday; Thursday, noon for Monday. Line classified ads will only be accepted online at www. Call (410) 704-5153 for more information. We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorial content expresses the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2014 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

Why I don’t want to live alone post-grad There is no way that I’d be OK with moving back home. I’m from St. Mary’s County, Maryland, and Jonathan Munshaw there is absoEditor-in-Chief lutely nothing @jon_munshaw there. I mean nothing. The closest IHOP is 30 minutes away. The only real retail places to work are 20 minutes away. My idea of a Saturday night out when I’m home is hitting up Wawa for subs and the pre-made slices of Reese’s pie that they sell. But I also don’t want to live alone. Such is the post-graduate dilemma. If I was to be employed somewhere in the area, I’d love to still live in Towson, but with all of my friends graduating, and my undergraduate friends already locking down their living situations, I’m running out of options. Fast. If I don’t lock down a job soon, I could end up living alone in a studio apartment, which to me is terrifying. And, since I love making lists in my Ed Desks, here’s a definitive ranking of all the reasons why living alone in a

studio apartment sounds awful. 5. My only friend will be my (soon-to-be-acquired) pet If I were to move in alone, there’s a 100 percent chance I’m purchasing a pet. Something needs to keep me company. Getting a cat would be fine, I love cats. But I’ve recently sold myself on getting a dog (something small, I’m thinking Pomeranian or corgi) because having something else to take care of that’s not a roommate is something I’d still need in my life. The downside, of course, is that the animal becomes your life. Need to be at work? What is the dog supposed to do while I’m gone? What if the dog gets lonely? And what if I need to sleep in on the weekends? Plus, owning a pet only leads to some awkward conversations with strangers. No one wants to hang out with a guy who says, “Hang on, I have to go let my 15-pound dog out.” Or “I didn’t get much sleep last night, my cat was walking all over me.” 4. I would eat so. Much. Food. Again, this isn’t all that bad, but as a bigger dude already I can’t afford this. Now, if I’m making macaroni and cheese, I can just tell my roommate

to dig in and we share the burden of eating the cheesy goodness. Without a roommate, what am I going to do with the leftovers? Likely, I’ll just end up making a trip to the fridge at midnight to heat up the leftovers again. And, when I order pizza and have to meet the $10 delivery minimum, you can be dang sure I’m eating the pizza all in one sitting by myself. Leftover Dominos is less than desirable. 3. I have no one to make jokes with while watching television By far the best part of my current relationship with my roommate is that we can watch literally anything on television and make jokes about it. We watched the finale of the first season of “Spartacus” the other day on Netflix (literally one of the bloodiest scenes in television history) and we laughed the whole time while people were stabbed, beheaded and killed. What am I supposed to do when I’m watching Steve Harvey-era “Family Feud?” I can’t make jokes about stupid answers people give to myself. If nothing else I’ll start recording my conversations with myself and turn it into a blog that is just jokes along with the timestamps of various episodes of

television shows and sporting events. 2. Crippling loneliness This one is obvious. Every day, I would just come home to an empty apartment (but hopefully a cat or a dog. Or both. I’m not setting boundaries for myself). Instead of having casual conversation with another human being, I’ll be coming home from work (or chilling and collecting unemployment) with nothing but my own thoughts and Netflix. Thankfully, “Daredevil” is coming out on Netflix soon, but once I burn through all of those episodes, whom will I talk to? I guess I’ll always have the Bluths. I have a particular connection to Tobias. 1. I’ll always have the impulse in the back of my head to get on Craigslist When I get tired of my cat walking on top of me in my sleep and talking to a carton of ice cream, there’s going to be days when I feel tempted to get on Craigslist and post an ad for a roommate. And where will that get me? Killed? Kidnapped? Mugged? Deceived? Nothing ever good comes of finding a roommate on Craigslist, but it’s always going to be so tempting.


April 7, 2015

eating food together, we may automatically assume “date” and assess their romance. Simple generalizations like this can have negative effects for the people being generalized about. Friends have complained about how when in public with an opposite-sex sibling, people sometimes assume they’re on a date. A mild example, for sure, but you can think of more extreme cases where our judgments impact others. Flesh is the matter that confines the complexity of life and we often judge the way it is delivered to us. Our thoughts have power and our perceptions of the external world construct our internal beliefs. Try to be aware of this human condition in your own life. It is up to us to take responsibility for how we affect others in the world, even if it is unintentional. Pay attention to your immediate judgments and consider their impact on others.

inform “Who?”

-- Andrew Cheng

tiger “Are those made up words?” -- Joe Zerafa


“After listening to their music, they’re pretty good. But, compared to the artists that we have had previous years, it was quite a disappointment as everyone expected a bigger artist.”


-- Seema Raja

“I better hide my dalmation puppies during Tigerfest.” -- Ariel Breidenbaugh


ered from the senses to recognize that person’s specific face-meat arrangement before deciding how to respond. If it isn’t a familiar face, you respond in “stranger mode” and move on without much interaction. Or, you might recognize it as your mother, best friend, acquaintance, worst enemy or colleague — and react accordingly. Our brains judge everything constantly. We usually don’t take note of this phenomenon because it has become commonplace and mundane. This unawareness can negatively affect us. Consider how often you make hasty generalizations about others compared to how often you are aware of others judging you. When something juicy or controversial stands out of the ordinary, we dart our attention to it and we start assessing and judging. For example, if one were to see a man and a woman

thoughts on the Tigerfest artists (Krewella and G-Eazy) for this year?


E v e r y d ay life requires making splitsecond decisions and judgments in response to just about everything we encounter. It’s sometimes a matter of survival. Being alive includes staying alive among other living organisms in the environment. The five senses combine to help us understand what is going on around us and to determine if it is good or bad. Humans are basically moving meat sacks that can sense and respond to stimuli. Each body is unique and differs in height, weight, hair color etc. The skull is similarly shaped in each person, but the way muscle, skin and flesh arrange on it provides a unique face-meat combination that allows us to be recognizable as individuals. Imagine walking down the sidewalk and encountering another person. The brain uses information gathAssoc. Arts&Life Editor @anniesragner

4” x 6” square What Fifthare Page your


Annie Sragner

Word on the Street


Putting a face on judging others



“What happened to releasing live tigers in the audience?”

press -- Zachary Lucas

current towson


April 7, 2015



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April 7, 2015


The makings of a social movement How human activity causes change

Illustration by Sydney Adamson/ The Towerlight Energy from the sun, trapped in Earth’s atmosphere because of the greenhouse effect, is what allows for life on the planet. Human activity that adds carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere increases the speed of the effect and contributes to the changing climate. Read below for a more detailed explanation. CODY BOTELER Senior Editor @codyboteler

Science is hard. It’s confusing and a lot of people who start as science majors change to a discipline that might be less demanding. I started as an environmental science major and switched to a minor, in part because the major would have been much more demanding of my time. So, I get it. Science is hard. But the science of human-caused (anthropogenic) climate change doesn’t have to be. This week, with the help of a wonderfully illustrated graphic, I’ll explain the basics of how human activity can influence the climate. That way, we’ll have the ground rules of climate change set before we start digging in to other topics. Before getting into the step-by-step of it, I want to stress that this is a simplified version. This is a column, not an environmental science textbook. If you’re interested, it’s not difficult to find more detailed information about the workings of climate science. Step A) Human activity, like the burning of fossil fuels to produce electricity or drive cars, releases carbon dioxide into the atmo-

sphere. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas – it contributes to the trapping of heat and energy in the atmosphere. Keep this in mind as we’re discussing the later steps. Step 1) High energy, short-wave radiation is emitted from the sun. This energy, once it travels through space and reaches our planet, is what powers life on Earth. Step 2) Some of that energy is reflected back into space. Some is reflected by the atmosphere and some is reflected by the surface. 3) The energy that isn’t reflected back into space is absorbed, either in the atmosphere or by the surface. 4) Earth re-emits the energy that it has absorbed as lower energy, long-wave radiation. 5) Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide or methane, trap some of that energy in the atmosphere. If there were no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, Earth would be too cold for life to exist. If there is less gas in the atmosphere, less energy will be trapped. Conversely, if there is more gas in the atmosphere, more energy will be trapped. Over Earth’s geologic history, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have varied. The problem

now, however, is that we’re adding so much carbon dioxide to the atmosphere so quickly. Temperature, as you may remember from science class, is a measure of energy. As more energy is trapped in the atmosphere, the more the temperature on the surface will rise. Data from NASA indicate that carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are higher than they have been in 650,000 years. Global temperature has increased 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880. NASA indicates that we lose 258 billion metric tons of land ice each year – leading to a sea level rise of 3.19 mm (.125 inches) per year. When people say the climate is changing, that’s what they mean. It doesn’t mean that winter will suddenly disappear or that summer will extend and every day will be beach weather. It means gradual changes and shifts toward a warmer climate. We’re accelerating that change by pouring greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. If we don’t act to slow down our output and work toward adapting toward our already-changing climate, the results will be catastrophic. But more on that next week.

Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight Self-labeled anarchist Chris Dixon speaks about social movements during Wednesday’s International Studies Symposium. NILO EXAR Staff Writer @niloexar

A self-labeled anarchist, writer and educator, Chris Dixon spoke at TU’s annual International Studies Symposium on Wednesday about how organizers and protesters can better create a successful movement. Dixon, author of “Another Politics: Talking Across Today’s Transformative Movements,” defined the “anti-authoritarian current,” which he said applies to “the politics opposing the interlocking systems that produce inequality and violence” and “grassroots movements among people who aren’t activists.” To begin, he provided examples of movements during which ordinary people united and became activists. He referenced the women of color feminist movement in the 1960s and 1970s, which he referred to as intersectional movement – a movement for the rights in regards to race, gender, class and sexual orientation. Towson students also spoke to the value of grassroots movements among ordinary people. “I’d definitely cling to the antiauthoritarian sentiment of the lecture, specifically the idea that it is a conglomerate of movements. There’s not really one set thing that is going on, it’s a bunch of different people who

are politically involved who probably wouldn’t even consider themselves politically involved… that really stuck with me,” sophomore English major John Gillespie said. “Posting your opinion on Facebook is not ‘organizing,’ it is actually a way of political expression,” Dixon said, noting that social media can be a useful social organization tool, but it often isn’t used that way. “There is still something crucial and vital about people having real conversations in real places,” Dixon said. He also said that because technology accelerates events, movements that might have been strong can be quickly forgotten. To best create a strong movement, Dixon said, it matters how people treat one another. “One thing that we learn well is how to treat people with rivalry, contempt [and] objectification,” Dixon said. “There are still a lot of people treating each other badly…even in activist groups.” He said that having an experimental approach in terms of tactics in movement-building leads to more successful activism. He said that often times, movements could do the same tactics and then repeat them over and over, without analyzing how well they are working. To read the rest of this article, visit



April 7, 2015

Entrepreneur Fair March 29: At Residence Tower, a resident student was referred to OSCCE for alcohol possession. March 29: At the Union Garage, a non-affiliate was cited for alcohol possession. March 29: In Millenium Hall, a resident student was involved in an altercation with her boyfriend. March 30: In Burdick Hall, a commuter student’s iPod was taken. March 31: In Residence Tower, a resident student’s textbook was taken after she left it unattended. March 31: In the West Village Garage, a commuter student’s rear brakelight was broken by unknown means. The Towerlight’s “Police Blotter� is a representative sample of crimes occurring on and off campus. The blotter is not intended to be all inclusive. For a list of all crime reports, visit

Adrilenzo Cassoma/ The Towerlight

A student attends Thursday, April 2’s Entrepreneur Fair in Freedom Square. The event ran from noon to 4 p.m. and included prize-winning opportunities and challenges like a paper airplane-building competition and trivia.


" ##$%&#'%(#$) *


April 7, 2015

April 6 $2.23


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E. Joppa Road


E. Joppa Road

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INVITE YOU AND A GUEST TO A SPECIAL ADVANCE SCREENING OF For your chance to win two complimentary passes log on to and enter the code: TRUESTORYTOWERLIGHT WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. ONCE ALL ALLOCATED PASSES ARE REDEEMED, THE CODE WILL NO LONGER BE VALID. SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED. THIS FILM HAS BEEN RATED R. Please note: Passes received through this promotion do not guarantee you a seat at the theater. Seating is on a first come, first served basis, except for members of the reviewing press. Theater is overbooked to ensure a full house. No admittance once screening has begun. All federal, state and local regulations apply. A recipient of tickets assumes any and all risks related to use of ticket, and accepts any restrictions required by ticket provider. Fox Searchlight Pictures, Campus Circle and their affiliates accept no responsibility or liability in connection with any loss or accident incurred in connection with use of a prize. Tickets cannot be exchanged, transferred or redeemed for cash, in whole or in part. We are not responsible if, for any reason, recipient is unable to use his/her ticket in whole or in part. All federal and local taxes are the responsibility of the winner. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary. Participating sponsors, their employees and family members and their agencies are not eligible. NO PHONE CALLS!


Calling all interns! Got an internship experience you’re itching to share? We want to hear from you. Email and you could be featured in our Jobs section!




April 7, 2015

Student finds new ways to care


CLASSIFIEDS help wanted RESTAURANT HELP Now hiring servers, hostesses, and cooks for spring and summer employment. Apply in person at Red Brick Station on The Avenue in White Marsh HOTPOTS - A Paint Your Own Pottery Studio in Timonium seeks P-T/ F-T staff members. Applicants must be available through the summer and into the fall. 410-561-3035 LIKE BICYCLES? The Bicycle Connection in Cockeysville is seeking qualified individuals to fill full and part-time openings in our Sales Department. Contact: MARKETING/COMMUNITY RELATIONS We are expanding and looking for outgoing people with strong communication and project management skills and a desire to help and educate people on health and wellness. You must have professional and positive attitude, willingness to talk to new people, strong work ethic and an interest in helping people live more active and healthier lives. Skills desired: - Out-going personality - Results oriented - Team player - Strong interpersonal and problem solving skills - Social media experience a plus Your duties will include: - Creating, coordinating and implementing community outreach programs -Forming and maintaining alliances with other local like-minded businesses -Spearheading innovative promotional campaigns -Educating people on spinal health and natural wellness -Social media management -Management growth potential Full-time and part-time opportunities available. No experience necessary. Please send resume for consideration to PART TIME RECEPTIONIST Part time receptionist at Meadowbrook Aquatic and Fitness Center in Mt Washington. Part time hours, mostly weekends and evenings... We are looking for an outgoing person with great people skills. Email for details

KRISTEN MALONEY Contributing Writer

PUBLIC RELATIONS Dynamic individual needed expanding chiropractic office for health expos, outside events, calling past patients and leads. FLexible hours. Email letter of interest/resume to Dr. Worley

RU ORGANIZED? Errands/help mom of older girls and cat. $13, + gas $, average up. Your parents’ home located Baltimore/Howard County so you are nearby yearround. Located 695X22. Leave message 410-336-9515.

RECEPTION Seeking applicants with excellent communication skills to handle front office including phones, scheduling, appointment confirmations, checking out clients, collecting payments and administrative reporting. Must have basic Microsoft Word and Excel knowledge along with computer skills. If you enjoy helping people and changing lives and have the above skills this opportunity will interest you. The position is about 35 hours/week and includes Saturday mornings with Fridays and Sundays off. Only those with verifiable work experience should apply by submitting your resume to recruitinggreatemployees@

SUMMER SITTER HUNT VALLEY Kids ages 15, 13 and 9. June 15 ñ early August. Average 30 hours per week. Mostly 10/11 AM - 4/5 PM, may change a bit. Lots of driving - to pool, activities, camps. Must be safe driver and have transportation to/from our house. 310-383-4865

SALES CAREER Are You Looking for a Career Start Now before Graduation. Busy Allstate Insurance agency in Hunt Valley is looking for a full time and maybe start part time, friendly, energetic, organized and motivated inside sales person; will train and license for the right candidate. Salary, commission, bonus, health and 401k. Email resume to 472-0005 VIDEO EDITOR NEEDED. We need someone to edit HD videos of business classes. Knowledge of Final Cut Pro software essential. Knowledge of accounting helpful, but not required. Estimated time about 80 hours. $15 per hour, flexible schedule, office located one block north of campus. Please reply with description of qualifications to aschiff@ Thanks!

hw - childcare LOOKING FOR A NANNY FOR SUMMER For our 7 year old twins for approximately 10 weeks starting June 8th. We live in Bowleys Quarters (east of White Marsh). Need someone M-F from 9:15 to 5:15. Activities include going to the pool, park, library, crafts - just keeping them busy. Note - we have 1 dog and 2 cats. Must have reliable transportation and a clean driving record. Pay would be $14/hour. Text or call 443-257-9599.

housing 3 BEDROOM APT close to TU campus. living room, family room, back yard, pet friendly, off-street parking, washer/ dryer/ dishwasher. $ 1,100.00 per mo. + utilities. 404 Lyman Ave. 410 532-2395 4 OR 5 BDRM HOUSE FOR RENT Close to York Road & TU campus. Living room, dining room, off-street parking, fenced back yard, pet friendly... $ 1,700.00 per mo. + utilities...902 Dartmouth Road...410 532 2395

Every college student goes through the stress and struggle of finding a quality internship they actually enjoy. Few, however, can truly say that they have found one that goes above and beyond their expectations. Towson University senior Anthony Curreri, 22, is one of those fortunate few. A health care management major, Curreri began his internship with Roland Park Place and the Continuing Care Retirement Community, a leading not-for-profit retirement care community in Baltimore, Maryland, in January. Curreri, who came across this internship through a parent of a mutual friend who works at a CCRC, works mainly in the company’s marketing and public relations department. Curreri is currently in charge of the marketing and sales plans for the next fiscal year. “It is very diverse,” Curreri said of his responsibilities. “One day I will be working in the public relations’ department, and the next

day I will be a sales associate. I never know what to expect.” Curreri, who said that he has learned a lot from being involved in the CCRC, also said that TU helped prepare him for it. While it may have been helpful for him to have more marketing experience in his major, this internship gave him the opportunity to learn real-world marketing techniques first hand. While the internship may be unpaid and is not on the preapproved list for his major, Curreri is passionate about what he is doing, he is always entertained and it is great work experience. “I get to affect the lives of the CCRC residents directly and indirectly and make them smile,” Curreri said of his favorite part of the job. “I learn something new every day.” Curreri said that students looking for rewarding internships should treat the experience as if it is a real job, be curious, have good time management, network and try to find a knowledgeable mentor. “This is an ideal internship,” Curreri informs. “I would love to stay with CCRC even after I graduate from Towson University.”

Summer Employment Excellent Opportunity for School Teachers and College Students! Over $2,500 in 2-3 weeks! Locations available in Baltimore Co. & Anne Arundel Co. Must be 18 years old and willing to work long hours every day from June 17th - July 7th For more information and online application go to


April 7, 2015

Enroll in summer courses at La Roche College in Pittsburgh, Pa.

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April 7, 2015





April 7, 2015


From Towson to Broadway Crabcakes, galore ROBERT WOOD Assistant Arts and Life Editor

When Towson alum Andy Karl was in high school, he got caught smoking in the boy’s bathroom. His suspension from school would turn out to change the direction of his life. After he was suspended, Karl’s mother wanted him to do something good outside of school. “She knew I could sing and be creative, so she ‘highly encouraged’ me to audition for the local dinner-theatre young performers show,” Karl said. Today, Karl is a Tony-nominated actor who stars in the Broadway revival of Cy Coleman, Betty Comden and Adolph Green’s musical “On the Twentieth Century.” “On the Twentieth Century” is a story about the relationship between Lily, a temperamental actress, and Oscar, a bankrupt theatre producer. On a train, Oscar tries to persuade the star into playing the lead in his new drama. Karl plays Lily’s boyfriend Bruce Granit. The character is also an actor, but none of his work has brought him praise. “When you take away certain parts of human moral obligation from any character you begin to be free in spite of what ‘normal’ reactions would be,” Karl said. Once Karl finished high school, he decided to attend Towson because of its close proximity and well-known music program, and began to think about performing professionally. “What made me want to try theatre as a career was actually a director, Todd Pearthree, who helmed the summer musical of ‘Grease’ at [Towson] where I was cast as Danny Zuko,” Karl said. “He pulled me aside during a rehearsal

one evening and asked if I was thinking of doing theatre as a profession because, he thought I could make it.” After moving to New York in 1994, Karl officially made his Broadway debut in the musical “Saturday Night Fever” in 2000. He said one moment of the night that stood out to him was his first “Broadway laugh.” “I said some joke to the lead and I remember getting a laugh from the audience and then exiting off stage with a beaming grin. The rest of the night was a blur,” Karl said. During the summer of 2013, Karl was then chosen to star as Rocky Balboa in the Broadway musical version of Sylvester Stallone’s movie, “Rocky.” Karl said that he wanted to change his physique to become more like the character of Balboa. He found a trainer and started training by lifting weights, boxing and taking part in Crossfit exercises. “Every day I felt like I was going to die,” he said. Karl also recognized the added pressure of playing such a well-known character. “I knew I had to take on a preconceived notion of an entertainment icon and meet the standards vocally, physically and emotionally, then make it my own and go beyond my expectations,” Karl said. “It was my chance to take everything I learned from [Towson] and beyond and make something great.” Karl was nominated for the Tony award for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical on April 29, 2014. “My reaction was smiles but not overly excited … The phone started ringing with local press wanting quotes and friends telling me congratula-

The weather in Baltimore is finally getting warmer, which means there is only one thing on my mind: Crabs. Baltimore is known for its huge blue crabs native to the Chesapeake Bay and for the sacred spice concoction, Old Bay. The two are as good of a pair as Jay Z and Beyoncé. Crabmeat is used for all different recipes including crab dip, crab pretzels or my absolute favorite, crab cakes. For all who don’t know, a crab cake is the combination of lump crabmeat, some spices and usually some type of sauce to help keep the cake from falling apart. The end product is a buttery and flavorful patty stuffed to the brink with delicious lump crabmeat. For all you out-of-staters and those Baltimoreans who may not be crab cake connoisseurs, I have compiled my list of the top places to chow down on one of these Baltimore favorites. 1.) G&M Restaurant and Lounge (804 N. Hammonds Ferry Rd.) – We’re starting off the list with one of my all-time favorites. The restaurant has a formal restaurant side and then the lounge area, comprised of just an ordering counter and a few picnic style tables. The eight-ounce crab cakes here are served either as a platter with choice of side ($18) or as a sandwich served with fries ($15). Whichever you prefer, the cakes are huge and broiled to perfection with all lump meat. 2.) Jimmy’s Famous Seafood (6526 Holabird Ave.) – Jimmy’s

Taylor Seidel Columnist @GoodEatsMD

Courtesy of Timothy Sage

TU theater alum Andy Karl was nominated for a Tony award.

tions,” Karl said. Almost a year later, Karl has returned to his comedic roots with “On the Twentieth Century.” He said that he hopes to change people’s perception of him. “First of all, there’s a bit of pressure off when you’re not the title character. But mostly I was thrilled to get to highlight some diversity inside of a year,” Karl said. That diversity has helped Karl over the years. “From being in the chorus to playing leads you begin to see how all the parts of successful theatre comes together,” he said. In the end, Karl says that he has been able to sit back and watch some of the most well-known Broadway actors, directors and choreographers work and elevate everyone around them. As a result, he wanted to remind potential actors of one thing: “Don’t be afraid to get a little nuts and try new things, as long as it’s cool with the others on stage.”

Seafood has been a Baltimore favorite since its opening in 1974. With huge portions, fresh seafood and great prices, this is a no brainer for seafood goers. The single platter highlights a family-recipe eight-ounce crab cake and side for a steal. Food Network’s Guy Fieri even had to make his way to Jimmy’s for their famous all lump crab cakes. 3.) Koco’s Pub (4301 Harford Rd.) – The tiny bar doesn’t scream crab cakes from its bright yellow exterior, but this quaint neighborhood favorite cooks up 11-ounce jumbo sized cakes ($24.99). Broiled to perfection and served with fries and coleslaw, this is a true sight to see. 4.) Pappas Restaurant & Sports Bar (1725 Taylor Ave.) – This has been a family favorite for years. - To read the rest of this article, visit

Courtesy of Taylor Seidel

GoodEats columinst enjoys a Maryland crabcake.

The Gridiron game of Australia In my nearly eight months here I have watched and enjoyed a number of popular American sports: Basketball, baseball and of course, the all-American, family favorite, football. I have been impressed by the devotion of your sports fans and astounded at the size of the multi-billion dollar industries that these sports create. While we do have baseball, small representations of the NFL like Gridiron (‘grid-iron’) and a decent sized basketball league in Australia, there is

Stef Foster Columnist

a different sport at home that reigns supreme. Footy. So that’s like soccer, right? No, it’s not! It is Aussie football. I’m not talking about soccer football, where players fall to the ground after being tripped by an opponent, clutching their leg like they’re about to die. I’m talking about Australian Rules Football (AFL), where if your opponent trips you, you get the heck up as quick as you can, possibly give him a friendly punch, then sprint after the ball and fight anyone and everyone who gets in your way. AFL, also known as ‘Aussie Rules’

or ‘footy’ has the highest spectator attendance of any sport in Australia. The annual AFL Grand Final (equivalent to your Super Bowl) is currently the highest attended club championship event in the world. As you may have gleaned, it is a rough, full contact sport with few limitations on how you go about scoring points. There are 18 players from each team on the field at a time. Players take cer-

tain positions such as forwards, midfielders or wingmen, but are allowed to move around any part of the field. Possession of the ball is up for contention at all times and players may use any part of their body to move the ball or obstruct opponents. Suffice to say, sometimes the game is a bit of a brawl. Unlike you American petals, AFL players do not wear helmets, shoulder pads, thigh pads, kneepads, chest pads or

any sort of padding at all. The footy field is oval in shape, as is the ball. There is no standard field size but it is typically between 147 and 202 yards long, and between 120 and 169 yards wide. Despite the many differences between our two national football codes, you will be pleased to hear that Aussie footy umpires, just like your referees, are often urged by ardent fans to take a trip to the optician in order to acquire a pair of prescription lenses that may assist them in correctly calling the game. Cheers mates.



April 7, 2015

No class, a night of laughs ANNIE SRAGNER Associate Arts & Life Editor @a_swaggner

In the midst of exams and stacks of schoolwork, Towson brought students an evening of relief through laughter. Campus Activities Board (CAB) brought six-time National Comedy Performer of the Year winner Eric O’Shea to Paws in the University Union for a night of stand-up comedy March 31. “[My style] is observation with a voice of, ‘Can anybody help me out here, or does anyone have an answer for this?’ because we’re all working together,” O’Shea said. “I don’t really like to tell stories or have people listen to my life, it’s everybody’s life. It’s a nice way we all get to bond as a group.” The audience cracked up at O’Shea’s jokes about road rage, technology, spoiled children, bad breath and even fart jokes told through his signature yelling, frustrated demeanor. “Sometimes I’ll do silly stuff for exaggeration. It’s usually border-

line between frustrated and silly and it’s a little random. You can be weird and bounce back, like is he going to be upset or is he going to be kind of silly? [I do] a lot of expressions of observations,” he said. He said his show is “about growing up. I have two nieces I adore and I do a lot of voices in situations. I really try to bring the life to whatever that is.” The Milwaukee native has traveled to over 1,200 colleges during his 22-year comedy career. He has been featured on NBC, VH1 and Sirius XM. O’Shea’s wildly popular “Songs for Commercials” bit has over four million hits on YouTube and he also performed it live at the Creative Emmy Awards in 2009. CAB initially saw O’Shea at one of the National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) conferences and immediately knew they wanted to bring him to Towson. “We saw him perform there and I don’t think I’ve laughed harder ever. I was crying with laughter and I thought, ‘Wow, we need to get

On-campus talent

him,’ and we did,” Programming Chair of CAB Jared Weiner said. Freshman computer science major Austin Farr left the show happy he had attended. “I thought it might be a fun thing to do. I had never heard of [O’Shea] but he was really good and had some good bits. The jokes about what we did as little kids were great and relatable,” Farr said.

Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

Comedian Eric O’Shea performs as part of CAB’s “Laugh Your Class Off” event on March 31 in Paws.

Patrick Burke/ The Towerlight

A student performs in the Housing and Residence Life Talent Show on April 2nd in the West Village Ballrooms. For more information, and to read the complete article online, visit

9 out of 10 TU students believe you are at risk of harming yourself if you drink 5 or more drinks when partying. Core Survey, 2014

Visit the Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug (ATOD) Prevention Center website for more information.

Be Safe. Have Fun SOBER!


April 7, 2015

Students bike for charity SYLVIA A. BOLLS Contributing Writer @b_sylviaa

This summer, senior Gabriel Brandao will spend 70 days cycling over 4,000 miles from the Baltimore Inner Harbor to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge with a team of 30 other college-aged men and women. The program sponsoring the trip, 4K for Cancer, has been attracting both men and women between the ages of 18 to 25 from all over the United States. Formed by the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults, the program provides multiple resources to and continually fundraises for both cancer patients and survivors. “I’ve known I’ve always wanted to do this since my freshman year because I heard a man I’ve never met before talk about how he rode a bike across America and I immediately knew I wanted to do the same,” Brandao said. “Unfortunately, it wasn’t until this summer that I finally got a chance to be able to devote myself to this amazing experience.” After completing the online application in September, Brandao was interviewed a few weeks later over the phone and immediately earned his spot on Team San Francisco.

Team San Francisco will start their journey on May 31 at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, and then ride southwest through Virginia across the Appalachian Mountains into Tennessee. The cyclists will travel through St. Louis to Nebraska and across the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and the Painted Hills of Oregon. The riders will pass through California Wine Country before crossing the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. “I want to be able to look at a picture of North America from space and say that I used my own two legs to get from one ocean to the other,” Brandao said. “It’ll be challenging, but I’m preparing myself everyday.” Months prior to the trip, each participant is given weekly training exercises to complete individually as well as safety exercises. As they travel throughout the summer, the cyclists will start their day when the sun rises and bike 70 to 100 miles per day in order to arrive on time to each different city. After biking each day, the cyclists will locate their sleeping arrangements for the night, relax and prepare for the next day. These locations vary from staying with host families, sleeping in

churches or on gym floors in sleeping bags. Each week, the cyclists will have one day off to volunteer at various service events from working in soup kitchens, visiting cancer patients and presenting “chemo care” packages to cancer centers throughout their tour. Brandao is excited to have been selected among various applicants and looks forward to joining two other Towson University students, Ellie Churchville and Dylan Auld, on Team San Francisco. Additionally, Towson student William Weise will be on Team Seattle. “We’ve all been messaging on GroupMe and writing on our private Facebook group, so it’s all really exciting that we get to share this experience,” Brandao said. Each cyclist must fundraise a minimum of $4,500 through interacting on social media, creating fundraisers, speaking to family and friends, asking companies to sponsor them or by word of mouth. “I’m never going to have another chance in my life to do this,” Brandao said. “4K is about a journey as much as it is an adventure ... By making my life a part of the cancer community, I’ll be able to help others with their struggles and their fights against cancer.”

Tidal makes waves Just imagine, Columnist it’s summer and @cmmoynihan you’re hanging out with all your friends at the park and everyone is in the mood to listen to Beyoncé. As you scroll through your Spotify playlist, you shriek out in horror as you realize that all your songs are gone. No more Beyoncé, Rihanna or Nicki Minaj, and your Spotify playlist is practically empty. Unfortunately, this nightmare could eventually be our reality with the recent release of Tidal, the new online music streaming service. Tidal is owned by all the top tier celebs like Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Kanye West, Usher, Chris Martin and more with the goal to change the music industry forever. You may be thinking how yet another music streaming service could have such a large impact, and you would be correct in feeling apprehensive. The biggest difference is that Tidal doesn’t offer a free ver-

Caitlin Moynihan

sion, cue college students everywhere to begin to cry. Tidal has different packages and the cheapest standard version is $9.99 a month. My bank account is already mad at me and I haven’t even signed up yet. In a recent press conference, Jay-Z explained that the reason behind this is to be able to better compensate artists and to challenge the way Spotify pays its contributors. This has obviously sparked controversy on why we, the broke and sad students of the world, would be paying the owners of Tidal, who are millionaires, so the artists, who also happen to be the owners, will get even more money. Confusing, isn’t it? Tidal’s original tagline is #TidalForAll, but by forcing the subscribers to pay it’s alienating hundreds of potential fans. Jay-Z also states that Tidal is all “about the future of the

music business” and that he hopes it will encourage artists to “break the format” in which music is created and distributed. Tidal has millions of dollars, and millions of fans for that matter, supporting and encouraging its growth. This is why I am spending as much time on Spotify as I can before it’s gone for good. I don’t believe that it will become a standoff between the two, but with artists demanding more rights to their music and creativity, and with huge stars like Taylor Swift taking the plunge into ownership, I think the scary future may arrive sooner than we would like. So friends, listen to your Spotify and download those songs fast, because soon we will all be reverting back to middle school and listening to all of our songs on YouTube. Unless you want to add at least $120 to your yearly bills. Blood Fantasy Violence Mild Suggestive Themes

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April 7, 2015

Jujubee ‘drags’ fun into Towson’s spotlight CHRISTINE LAFRANCESCA Staff Writer

As it inched toward 7 p.m. the audience of the 10th anniversary “In the Life Drag Show” last Thursday was eager and restlessly anticipating international drag superstar, JuJubee’s arrival. As a contestant and runner-up on the second season of RuPaul’s Drag Race, Jujubee has solidified herself as a drag influence. “I came to support my friend Steph Hunt and see Jujubee. I heard she’s supposed to be amazing in person,” senior Chelsie Hinds said. “This is my first drag show, I can’t wait to tip the performers.” Besides Jujubee, the “In the Life Drag Show,” also featured other locally or nationally known queens such as Anastasia Belladonna and Cherry Poppins. Towson students and queens William Cox and Smooth and Delicious also took part in the show. Senior and President of the Queer Student Union, Stephanie Hunt, who performs as William Cox, wanted

students to take on a new perspective after attending this year’s drag show. “I had to listen to a lot of One Direction to pull off this boy band vibe but, I think it paid off,” Hunt said. “I hope everyone had a great time but, I also hope that they leave thinking. Part of the reason I did this was to show that gender and sexual identity are not always as black and white as some may think.” Seniors Ashlee Reese-Basgier and fiance Bernard Walker performed as the duo “Smooth and Delicious” and were ecstatic to be performing in their second drag show. “We had so much fun being a part of this last year that we wanted to do it again,” Basgier said. “We wanted to show support for our friends and everyone else who’s here right now. For everyone who just wants to be happy and be themselves,” Walker said. The “In the Life Drag Show” strived to create a non-judgmental space where students could openly be themselves and where their allies

could support their loved ones. “We wanted to be a part of a community that shows people they shouldn’t be afraid to be themselves,” Walker said.

I think drag queens can help men, women and everyone in between to feel empowered and confident.

JUJUBEE Drag queen and television personality

Not only is Jujubee an internationally known drag queen, but she also hopes that each drag show she participates in sends a positive and encouraging message to all of her many fans. “I think drag queens can help men, women and everyone in between to feel empowered and confident,” Jujubee said. “This experience, sup-

porting people, makes me feel so good. It makes me feel whole.” For anyone aspiring to participate in drag shows, Jujubee stresses the importance of practice and patience. “I think if you want to do it, just go for it,” Jujubee said. “You don’t ever want your nerves to get a hold of you. My experience on RuPaul’s Drag Race has really helped me to get over those fears and truly be who I want to be.” Senior and In the Life event coordinator, Terel Lowry, is determined and making the bi-annual drag show an exciting time for all involved. “The drag show is one of our highlights every year,” Lowry said. “This is always our biggest turn out and we’re always here such amazing things about how well they always go.” Although In the Life holds auditions for Towson students who wish to participate in the drag show, Lowry also scouts local bars for drag talent. “We usually look around at Hippo in the city and a few clubs in D.C. We

wanted to try and get more Towson students involved though,” Lowry said. “I am so lucky to be a part of something this exciting, especially four years in a row. I want students to understand that it is perfectly fine to be who you want to be and to not be afraid to have some fun in the process.”

Glen Banks/ The Towerlight

A drag queen performs at the “In the Life Drag Show” on April 2 in the University Union.





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April 7, 2015


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April 7, 2015


Chasing Dreams FIve former Towson players work out NFL teams at Pro Day on Wednesday MATT HAMILTON Sports Editor @MattHamiltonTU

About a year ago, all the talk surrounded running back Terrance West, who brought unprecedented attention to the Towson football program. His Pro Day received unexpected attention from scouts and media members. Towson fans know how West’s story turned out, but the story began for a group of former Towson standouts, trying to pick up where the he left off. Five NFL hopefuls, led by defensive end Ryan Delaire and cornerback Tye Smith, took their shot at impressing scouts Wednesday at Johnny Unitas Stadium. “We’re excited about the fact that we grew and we get bigger and we get better,” Head Coach Rob Ambrose said. “I think we’re recruiting the right type of kids and they are making the most of their opportunities for the most part. And it speaks well to the institution and … how we’re not afraid of being good.” Another year and another name from Towson popping up in NFL Draft discussion. Ambrose and his program have caught the attention of many around the league. “I think Rob has done a phenomenal job,” Baltimore Ravens Head

Coach John Harbaugh, who attended Pro Day, said. “To me, it’s a beautiful setting down here. They have a great looking team right now. Seeing the young guys, they look really good and they’re excited about the year coming up. Towson is on the rise.” A total of 25 NFL scouts from 22 teams came out to watch Delaire and Smith take turns at running the 40-yard dash, the main event, as well as a handful of other running and position-specific drills. Both players were trying to improve on poor 40-yard dash times at the NFL Combine in February in Indianapolis. For Delaire, it was a groin injury that hurt his 40-yard dash time of 4.97. The 6-foot, 4-inch defensive end had the size to compete in the NFL, but he needed to show off his speed at Pro Day. Although there were no official times, scouts clocked him between 4.65-4.70, a big improvement. “[I wanted to show scouts] that my speed is more than 4.97,” Delaire said. “When we started the 40-yard dash, I felt loose. I felt really quick and fast, so as far as taking that to the other drills, I felt good.” It’s been a whirlwind six years for Delaire, who played basketball in high school until he decided to play solely football in his junior year of


contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating.

● The numbers within the heavily

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with the number in the top-left corner. KenKen® is a registered trademark of Nextoy, LLC. ©2014 KenKen Puzzle LLC. All rights reserved. Dist. by Universal Uclick for UFS.

● Each row and each column must

Matt Hamilton/ The Towerlight

Defensive end Drew Cheripko runs a drill alongside Ryand Delaire at Towson’s Pro Day on Wednesday. He and four other former Towson players worked out for 25 NFL scouts at Johnny Unitas Stadium. high school. Within a year, he was at UMass, playing for a program transitioning to Football Bowl Subdivision status. Delaire spent two seasons with the Minutemen, but decided to transfer to Towson. He said the personal accolades became more important than the team standing. “When I was at UMass, I was on a team where everyone played for themselves because I wasn’t a part of a winning team,” he said. “So everyone just played for their … stats and coming to Towson, none of that mattered.” During his two seasons at Towson, Delaire tallied 132 tackles, 22.5 sacks, four interceptions and five forced fumbles. His strength and power began to catch the attention of NFL scouts and led to his invite to the NFL Combine. After the disappointing 40-yard dash time, it was back to work for Delaire. He was determined to improve, something Head Coach Rob Ambrose said has been a constant for Delaire over the past four years. “Ninety percent of those guys walk in the door like ‘I’m the man’ and he’s walking in the door like ‘Just make me better, whatever it is to make me better,” Ambrose said. “Any coach loves that.” Delaire said Pro Day came with a lot less pressure than the combine, where more eyes were on him. He

ran drills with West and his teammates supporting. He also got the chance to speak with Harbaugh after his workout.

I think Rob has done a phenomenal job. To me, it’s a beautiful setting down here. They have a great looking team right now. Towson is on the rise. JOHN HARBAUGH Ravens Head Coach

“He looked athletic and fast and he looked ready to go,” Harbaugh said. “He’s a pass rusher. We always need a pass rusher. He’s a hard working guy. He’d be a great fit for us.” Smith, who also spoke with Harbaugh after Pro Day, has gone in a few different directions than Delaire. He’s a four-year player at Towson, starting in the secondary since late in his freshman year. His size, 6 feet, garnered attention as his career came to an end. After recording 84 tackles last season, Smith was invited to the East-West Shrine Game in Tampa, Florida, on Jan. 17, where he competed against

many of this year’s top prospects. From there, he waited just a few days longer than Delaire to hear he’d been invited to the Combine. However, Smith’s 40-yard dash time, 4.6 seconds, was disappointing to him and regarded as slow for a cornerback. However, Smith seemed to improve on the time at Pro Day, with many scouts clocking him under 4.6, according to the Baltimore Sun. “I feel like I did way better than I did at the combine,” Smith said. “Mostly in my 40 because I know I’m better than that 4.6 at the combine. … I was just being myself. I felt like at the combine, specifically the 40, I was uptight. I wasn’t just loose as I am and smiling as I usually do.” Smith then ran various defensive back drills, which tested his ability to turn quickly and catch passes. He said he’ll continued drills like these until the draft. “He moves long,” Harbaugh said of Smith. “He’s got good hands, lengthy guy. He runs well, good change of direction, good hips. All things you look for in a corner.” Both players have caught the attention of Harbaugh and, according to Ambrose, many teams around the league are high on them. They’ll continue training for the NFL Draft on April 30, where Towson could hear its name uttered at the podium for the second consecutive year.


April 7, 2015

Towerlight Pro Day

Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

Sports Editor Matt Hamilton scouts out the competition at Thursday’s Towerlight Pro Day. To see the video, which includes two more competitiors, visit

’re looking for a e W

If you have a passion for sports and love to write, drop by room 309 in the Union or apply online at:




April 7, 2015


Cahill’s two home runs lead Towson over Elon PAYAM AGHA-GHASSEM Staff Writer @Payamfr

Towson defeated new Colonial Athletic Association foe Elon on Sunday, 7-1, taking two out of three games in the weekend series in Elon, North Carolina. Towson lost the second game on Saturday, 5-3. “We started hitting the ball pretty well starting last week,” Head Coach Lisa Costello said. “Balls are starting to fall, we’re starting to get into some and balls are starting to carry a little bit. We’re getting production all the way through our lineup.” Coming off a strong start on Saturday, senior pitcher Missy McCormick pitched another gem for the Tigers (15-16, 2-7 CAA) throwing a complete game and allowing one run while striking out five. She improved to 8-5 on the season with a 2.84 ERA. “I was in my zone in the circle,” McCormick said. “My pitching coach, Chelsea Plimpton, and I had a great plan to set up batters. They

were chasing my rise ball, which gave me the ability to strike out 15 for the weekend.” In the first inning, she got some help from her first baseman, sophomore Holiday Cahill, who hit a grand slam to give the Tigers a 4-0 lead. The Tigers increased their lead to 5-0 in the second inning after freshman infielder Brook Miko drove in a run with a double to left field. The Phoenix (23-12, 5-4 CAA) scored on a single in the fifth inning. The Tigers added two more runs in the seventh with solo home runs from freshman catcher Shelby Stracher and Cahill, her second of the game. Cahill leads the team in both average and home runs this season, with a .365 average and seven home runs. “Cahill works hard,” Costello said. “She’s a good hitter and has a good idea of what she needs to attack and what pitches she needs to hit. She did nice a job of setting the tone today and getting us the early lead.”

Stracher is also on a hot hitting streak of late. With just 26 at-bats this season, she’s hitting .346 and five of her nine at-bats have been home runs. McCormick ended the game by retiring the side in order. McCormick also took the mound in the first game of the series against the Phoenix on Saturday. She allowed one run over seven innings and had 10 strikeouts. McCormick’s effort on the mound combined with timely hitting lifted the Tigers to a 6-1 win, their first conference win of the season. Stracher put the Tigers ahead in the second inning with a solo home run to right field to take a 1-0 lead. McCormick followed up in the fourth inning with a two-run home run to increase the Tigers’ lead to 3-0. The home run was McCormick’s fourth of the season. She finished the game 2-for-4. The Phoenix’s only run came in the fifth inning off an RBI single by infielder Hannah Olson.

The Tigers tacked on insurance runs in the sixth and seventh inning. McCormick retired the side in order in the seventh to end the game. “She pitched. She didn’t overthrow this weekend,” Costello said. “She didn’t try to do too much. She hit her spots. She’s throwing the ball well so that’s good to see.” In the second game on Saturday, costly defensive errors helped the Phoenix win 5-3. The Tigers jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the first inning after an RBI double by Stracher and an RBI single by Cahill. In the fifth inning, the Phoenix scored five runs, all unearned, to take a 5-2 lead. “We’ve got a very good defensive team,” Costello said. “We just haven’t worked a lot together. We haven’t practiced outdoors a whole lot. The more opportunities we have, the better off we’re going to be.” Freshman Megan Dejter lasted 2.1 innings before being pulled. She

gave up four hits, two walks and allowed four unearned runs. Stracher pulled the Tigers to within two runs in the seventh inning with a leadoff solo home run. The Tigers brought the tying run to the plate, but sophomore infielder Tateum Valentin flied out to shortstop to end the game. The Tigers went into this series after winning both games of a doubleheader against the Norfolk State Spartans at home. They were the first home games at the newlyrenovated Tiger Softball Stadium. The Tigers defeated the Spartans by scores of 6-4 and 8-0. The Tigers head back home for a nine-game home stand, three of which are conference games. They’ll play doubleheaders against the Delaware State Hornets and Georgetown Hoyas on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively, before taking on conference opponent College of Charleston this weekend. First pitch against the Hornets on Tuesday is set for 2:30 p.m.




April 7, 2015



Raymond scores 100th goal MATT HAMILTON Sports Editor @MattHamiltonTU

Senior attacker Andi Raymond started aggressively and fueled a 12-2 win over the Elon Phoenix on Friday night, but it was her first of three goals that stood out. Raymond took a free position shot from the left side and fired it past the Elon goalie to hit goal No. 100 for her career. She became the 10th Towson women’s lacrosse player to hit 100 goals in a career. “It’s pretty cool, but I couldn’t have done it without the teammates that I’ve had in the past and right now,” Raymond said. “Things opened up [Friday] and I found some lanes and feeds from my teammates that allowed me to get those goals. We just talked about doing it for each other and we did that tonight.” The win came after two consecutive losses to No. 14 Penn and No. 18 Loyola. Head Coach Sonia LaMonica said Raymond helped the team get back on track. “We’ve just been trying to find ourselves and I think we’ve had breakthroughs in the season and this was that next breakthrough for us to sort of get into our rhythm and play to our strengths,” Head Coach Sonia LaMonica said. “Andi certainly has had a great presence for us and she stepped up huge at the beginning of the game.” Raymond put Towson on the board first just over 90 seconds into the game. She beat Elon goalie Rachel Ramirez to put the home team up 1-0 early. The goal also meant she passed Kim Wilson for ninth on the all-time scoring list. “[Raymond’s milestone is] a testament to the great players that we’re able to bring here to Towson and the group they’ve got around them,” LaMonica said. “Andi has just had a tremendous career here and I hope to see her go out on her highest point yet.” Raymond continued on the offensive, scoring less than three minutes after her first goal. A few minutes after that, Towson took a 3-0 lead when senior attacker Sarah Maloof found freshman midfielder Kaitlyn Montalbano off a free position attempt and Montalbano finished. The Tigers continued to pressure the Phoenix throughout the first half. Raymond made it a hat trick

with 19:05 left in the half and then found sophomore attacker Gabby Cha, who scored to make it 5-0 just under four minutes later. Elon got on the board with 9:58 remaining in the first half, when attacker Nicole Sinacori beat Towson goalie Kelsea Donnelly on a free position attempt to cut the lead to 6-1.

Things opened up [Friday] and I found some lanes and feeds from my teammates that allowed me to get those goals. We just talked about doing it for each other and we did that tonight. ANDI RAYMOND Senior attacker

Senior midfielder Paige Duncan ended hope of any Phoenix rally with a goal from close range off a pass from Montalbano. Towson outshot Elon 15-10 in the first half and held a 6-5 ground-ball advantage, but led, 7-1, going into the break. “We definitely were just a little

more into our zone. I really felt like we were watching the Towson Tigers tonight,” LaMonica said. “We kind of lost that team for a little bit and I think we’ve really sort of found that. … It was definitely great chemistry on the field.” Cha got the Tigers started in the second half, moving into the circle and beating Ramirez to make it 8-1 less than two minutes into the period. The game was scoreless through the next 13 minutes, until Duncan cut into the middle of the circle and scored to move the lead to 9-1. Montalbano added to the lead 19 seconds later with a goal from right in front of goal, after an outlet pass from sophomore midfielder Samantha Brookhart. Freshman midfielder Emily Gillingham made it 11-1 with less than seven minutes remaining, Senior attacker Taylor Moore scored before another Elon to move the score to 12-2 at the final whistle. Raymond said this win was a step forward for her team. “We really needed this one tonight, so it’s good to have that win,” Raymond said. “I think we’re finally coming along and finally playing Tiger lacrosse.” Towson will be back in action Tuesday, when it travels to face crosstown rival UMBC. The game is set to start at noon.

Patrick Burke/ The Towerlight

Senior attacker Andi Raymond scored her 100th goal at Towson en route to a three-goal game, fueling a 12-2 win over Elon on Friday.

Holiday Cahill Softball

Cahill finished 7-for-19 last week, helping Towson win four out of five games against Norfolk State and Elon. Her two home runs highlighed a 7-1 win over Elon on Sunday.



April 7,2015


Peter Bowles: Five positions, four years MATT HAMILTON Sports Editor @MattHamiltonTU

Towson shortstop Peter Bowles stands at the fringe of the infield dirt, slowly creeping closer to home plate as junior pitcher Austin Clark begins his wind up. With the bases loaded and no outs, Bowles crouches into his ready position and Clark fires toward the plate. The batter makes contact and the ball trickles toward Bowles at short. He runs toward the ball, scoops it and flips it to sophomore second baseman Colin Dyer in an attempt to turn to the double play. Bowles’ instincts were correct, choosing within seconds to catch the baserunner at second base, the only sure out. It’s a textbook play for a seasoned shortstop, but Bowles is in his first full season at the position. Shortstop is just one of five positions that Bowles has played for the Tigers in his four years with the team. He’s also been a second baseman, first baseman, left fielder and right fielder at some point in his career. “Without really giving it a tremendous amount of thought, he’s probably played more positions than anyone I’ve ever had here,” Head Coach Mike Gottlieb said. “Moving to shortstop can be extremely difficult. We saw him doing practice games and thought he might be able to do it. It’s worked out OK.” Bowles said the constant changing of positions is something that makes his job more difficult, but he’s not afraid of the challenge. “It’s kind of stressful at times, because it’s hard to get that many reps at each position throughout the week of practice,” he said. “If they decide that you’re going to play first [base] that week, it’s like ‘Well, got to get up before the game and get a lot of reps in. Get

McKenna referred Bowles to Gottlieb in 2010. “Every time I saw him he swung the bat well,” Gottlieb said. “He was a solid outfielder at the time and Brian had told me he might be able to play infield and even catch.” In the fall of 2011, Bowles joined Towson for fall baseball and Gottlieb wanted to try him in the infield. “We were hoping he could play third base,” Gottlieb said. “The experiment didn’t go well, so we put him in the outfield. Not everyone can do it. The funny thing is, we’ve had him behind the plate, first base, second base, shortstop and both corner outfield positions, but for whatever reason, third base didn’t go well.” Bowles did get the chance to play second base and shortstop for a series early in his freshman year. But he made three errors in the first three games and found himself an outfielder for the better part of the next two years. “I think I was just nervous,” Bowles said. “I just didn’t get it done.” From that point, he settled into the outfield, playing 13 games in left field and five games in right. He batted .295 for the season, which made it hard for Gottlieb to keep him out of the lineup. Bowles spent his sophomore season in 2013 doing the same, starting 45 games in the outfield. That year, Towson shocked the Colonial Athletic Association by winning the conference tournament as a No. 4 seed. That meant Bowles got the chance to play for the first Towson team to make the NCAA tournament since 1991. “When we won, I was running in for the dogpile at the mound and all the memories went through my head of coming in and feeling lost and all the guys brining me in. It was emotional,” Bowles, who started all three NCAA tournament games, said. Bowles entered the 2014 season used to playing in the outfield, but that comfort didn’t last long. Eight games into the season, Gottlieb moved Brendan Butler to third to relieve a struggling Brady Policelli and Bowles took Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

the feel back.’ If I was playing I was excited. I don’t mind.” Bowles began switching positons as young as five years old, after he graduated from his tee-ball days. Bowles’ parents put Peter on his brother’s baseball team so that they didn’t have to drive to different games each weekend. The only problem was that his brother was three years older than Peter, and that age difference showed on the field. “Guys were bigger than me, so I just had to find somewhere to play,” Bowles said. “It didn’t matter where I was going to play. ... From there, me and my dad would go out to a local field and just work on every position because I had a shot to play somewhere every day, so why not be good at all of them?” As he got older, Bowles continued be a utility man for his team, traveling across the state for Upper Montgomery Athletic Club. However, he moved to outfield in high school at Good Counsel and Quince Orchard, where former Towson player Brian McKenna coached.


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Illustration by Kara Bucaro/ The Towerlight

Butler’s first base spot and played 35 games there. “He was an adequate first base. I had no problem with that,” Gottlieb sad. “Really his best position is left field. At times he’s spectacular out there, but in willing to help the team, he’s had to move from time to time.”

When the first practice came along, he had taking reps in outfield and I saw all the guys going out to get the ground balls and I said ‘Oh, I’m hopping in there.’ ... I grabbed an infield mitt and went in line. PETER BOWLES Senior shortstop

After spending 2014 as a first baseman, Gottlieb asked Bowles over the summer about playing shortstop in 2015. Bowles said he wasn’t interested, but after that, couldn’t stop thinking about shortstop

Fall baseball came along, and sure enough, Bowles found his way into the shortstop position. It was another challenge. “I knew right away that I wanted to be shortstop,” Bowles said. “When the first practice came along, he had taking reps in outfield and I saw all the guys going out to get the ground balls and I said ‘Oh, I’m hopping in there.’ And it just went from there. I grabbed an infield mitt and went in line.” Policelli, another candidate for the starting shortstop role this season, became the starting catcher. That left Bowles as the next man up. He has played all 28 games at shortstop this season, but Gottlieb can’t rule out one more change. “To be honest, if I put him [at catcher], he would do a credible job because we’ve done that before in practice,” Gottlieb said. “If I were in dire straits, he would go behind the plate.” And of all the positions he’s played at Towson ─ 40 games at first, three games at second, 27 games at short and 64 games in the outfield ─ Bowles’ favorite position is catcher, the one he’s never had the chance to play.

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