The Towerlight (Sept. 6, 2016)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

September 6, 2016

After the USM cut bonuses for Chancellor Bob Caret, a look at TU employee compensation, FIle photo by Matt Hazelett, photo Illustration by Jordan Stephenson/ The Towerlight


September 6, 2016



September 6, 2016

Week of 9/6 - 9/9


Editor-in-Chief Cody Boteler Senior Editor Sam Shelton


Associate News Editor Sarah Rowan Arts & Life Editor Sports Editor Jordan Cope

Staff Writers Lauren Cosca Kristin Helf Ryan Permison Hailey Miller Alaina Tepper Christine LaFrancesca Bhavisha Dave Billy Owens Theresa Schempp



Nick Mason Jessica Ricks

Senior Staff Writer Nilo Exar Photo Editor Chris Simms

Staff Photographers Cody Boteler Mark Dragon Sam Shelton

Newman Center 10 a.m.-noon

Feeling hungy? Stop by the Newman Center, fill out a short survey and you can walk away with up to 10 items of food to help get by.

Desmond Boyle Chris Wells

Assist. Photo Editor Alex Best

Towson University FoodShare



Stephanie Ranque

Building our Community Luncheon

Career Center Open House 7800 York Road 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Potomac Lounge 11:30 a.m-1 p.m.

First Friday of Service Edenwald Retirement Center 12:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.

Proofreaders Tyisha Henderson Kayla Baines Sarah Rowan Alaina Tepper General Manager Mike Raymond




Stop by and check out a newly-designed resource library, meet the staff and enjoy snacks and giveaways.

At this free event--with lunch!--you can stop by and hear from two speakers share about how they’re building community in the Baltimore region.

Video Producer Stacey Coles


President’s Pre-Game Picnic



Transportation will be provided for this opportunity to get out in the community and volunteer. Pre-register online at

SECU Plaza 4:30 p.m. President Schatzel is inviting faculty, staff and their families for a picnic to celebrate the football home opener agains St. Francis.

Art Director Jordan Stephenson

Webmaster Lola Akinleye


Circulation Staff Shawn Halerz Nilo Exar

TRENDING Parking at Towson

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Cllassifieds appear onlline and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2016 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

my dudes it take me 12 minutes to get to towson, 20-40 minutes to find parking and i usually have to walk 20 minutes. @AustinTFolkman

We know parking is frustrating, especially on Tuesdays & Thursdays. There are hundreds of available spaces on the athletics side of campus. @TowsonU

I swear I’ve spent more time looking for a parking spot at Towson than actually learning.


Well ya see, Towson doesn’t have parking garages....Towson has hunting grounds. @madisonrshort




September 6, 2016

PHOTO OF THE WEEK We’re still not talking about climate change

Also, Hermine should have totally been named Hermione

talking about it. We’re not talking about it. The effects of global warming should be the lead story on every news cast and featured in every single edition Here’s the thing about Hurricane/ of every major newspaper. Tropical Storm Hermine: I’m mad that we don’t talk about It has a ridiculous name. I wish it it. It’s the single most life-changing were Hermione. I like Harry Potter thing that we’re all going to deal a lot, sorry. with, but we’re too busy either Here’s the other thing about pretending it’s too far off to worry Hermine. about or worse, ignoring the facts I wish we were using it to talk and pretending it doesn’t exist. more seriously about global cliBy ignoring climate change, by mate change and the consequences not talking about that are going to come it, we’re essentially from it. throwing our futures Yeah, I’ve seen a away. We’re betting few headlines about We’re doing that the world won’t how Hermine is causirreparable harm to change on us—but it ing coastal flooding, this planet. The already is. Glaciers and how we’re already are retreating and dealing with coastlonger we refuse sea levels are already al flooding and how to talk about it, the rising. coastal flooding is more harm that We’re doing irrepgoing to get worse. arable harm to this That’s great. Don’t we’ll do. planet. The longer get me wrong. But we refuse to talk global climate change about it, the more harm that we’ll is going to bring so, so much more do. The more likely it is that we and than coastal flooding—which, by our children wil suffer. itself, is going to be devastating to It’s hard, sometimes, to not feel cities along the coast: cities like New overwhelmed by the doom and York, Boston, New Orleans, Miami gloom. I met a former environand San Francisco. Millions of peomental reporter at my internship ple displaced in the U.S. alone. who said she had to change focus But there’s going to be so much because reporting on the end of the more than that. Weather patterns world got too depressing. are going to change, storms are I can sympathize with her. I sell going to become more intense and myself an eternal optimist, but it’s everyone, on a global level, will need really, really hard to stay optimistic to make drastic lifestyle changes. when a lot of people are refusing to Global climate change is the take any sort of action. most important thing that we’ve But, at this point, we have to. ever had to face and we’re not CODY BOTELER Editor-in-Chief @codyboteler

Hey, Towson! Interested in submitting an original image for photo of the week? Or maybe you’d like to start your own weekly column? Pitch us an idea or send your photo to

Towerlight staff photographer Stephanie Ranque poses along a path near Towson High School in a portrait by Photo Edtor Chris Simms.


September 6, 2016

Give Greek Life a chance You might just fall in love with it

Hey, Towson! Charlotte Smith here. I’ll be taking over the Speak Greek column for the Towerlight. Yay! Let’s be real, though. If you had told me a year or two ago that I would not only be in a sorority, but also writing a column on Greek Life, I would have laughed in your face. I was a theatre kid and a self-proclaimed cold-hearted indie girl. I wanted to fill my dorm room with band posters, not sorority letters. THIS WAS NOT WHAT I HAD PLANNED. However, several things occurred that made me question my original stance on Greek Life. First, my best friend joined a sorority at her school and fell in love with it. My best friend and I love pretty much all the same things and share the same values, so I guess this was

the first time that I stopped and thought, “Hmm, maybe being in Greek Life could be kind of cool?” Soon after, I learned that a ton of girls from my high school were in a sorority at Towson. Many of these girls had done theatre with me, and they were all people that I greatly admired. I started to seriously consider going Greek. Fast forward a few months, and I was doing spring recruitment. At first, I was overwhelmed and seriously wondered what was wrong with me and how I had even gotten there. Still, I stuck with it and met all of the sororities. It was then that I truly began to understand what being in a sorority is all about. I had a chance to meet all of Towson’s great sororities, and I was very impressed with what I saw. I had meaningful conversations with all the girls I talked to: about philanthropies, future goals, music. You name it.

Although every sorority was amazing, I fell in love the minute I met the girls from my future sorority. Everyone was so kind and hilarious and passionate about the chapter. I immediately knew that this was where I belonged. …And that’s the story of how I accidentally became a sorority girl. Don’t get me wrong, though. I’m still the musical-loving, highly-opinionated girl that I was before I joined a sorority. You don’t have to change who you are to be in Greek Life. In fact, my sisters love me for being who I am, weird quirks and all. So, if you’ve ever considered joining Greek Life, even if you just looked at it once and thought, “Hmm, that looks sorta kinda okay/ not awful,” I so strongly encourage you to check it out. You just might fall in love with an organization and meet some of the best people you’ve ever known. I know I did.

Not a big fan of the burkini ban We’ve all heard stories about women being “too exposed” or showing “too much skin,” but have you ever heard of a woman being lawfully punished for being too covered up? Well, that’s exactly what’s happening in France with the “Burkini Ban.” A burkini is a swimsuit, usually worn by Muslim women, that covers the whole body except for the face, hands and face. They are currently being banned by multiple French mayors, who are suspected of implementing this ban out of Islamophobic fear. In an interview with CNN, one of the mayors, Marc Etienne Lansade, stated, ”If you don't want to live the way we do, don't come. You have to

behave in the way that people behave in the country that accepted you, and that is it.” What a charming guy… Obviously that statement is xenophobic and prejudiced. Moving into or visiting a new country should never require you to entirely give up your own culture, especially when the cultural issue is this harmless. Women who are showing up in burkinis to beaches under these mayors’ jurisdictions are being arrested or forced to remove their burkinis down to a level that responding police officers are satisfied with. Any situation wherein a woman is forced to undress to any degree is traumatic and horrific. The fact that this is happening because of an actual law is putrid beyond words. On the (relatively) bright side, France’s highest administrative court

has ruled that mayors do not have the power to create these bans and that the ban itself "seriously, and clearly illegally, breached the fundamental freedoms to come and go, the freedom of beliefs and individual freedom,” according to Reuters. The downside is that the mayors are continuing to implement the ban, despite the ruling that says they cannot. This means that there will be more court cases to follow, and we may not see this resolved for a while. What’s beyond ridiculous to me about all of this is that the modern two-piece bathing suit didn’t come around until 1913, and the bikini didn’t exist until 1946. Before then, it was scandalous and against the law to show too much skin on the beach. Now it’s against the law to show too little? Give a woman a break, already.


Youtube policies promote censorship Monetization rule quiets conservative commentators

YouTube recently decided to start notifying content creators when their videos would no longer be eligible for monetization. The actual rules are what made me choose this topic, because they ultimately end in censorship. In summary, the new rules prohibit the content creators collecting revenue for videos containing anything the slightest bit sexual, violent, profane, drug-related and -- the one we should all focus on -- controversial or sensitive. Politics, war, natural disasters and tragedies all fall under those two words. YouTube’s advertising system is a convoluted mess that never favors the content creators. Nearly any video on a large enough channel with around twelve thousand viewers minimum will play advertisements. The channel showing these ads will collect money for these unless the video is not monetized. If the video is not monetized, more often than not advertisements will still play, and the money goes to YouTube’s coffers instead. YouTube has complete dominion over what it deems “ad-revenue friendly,” and anything that isn’t will have its money directly funneled to YouTube rather than the content creator. This essentially means if it’s not a video about a cat playing piano or anything else completely harmless, it will not make money for the creators under these new guidelines. It should be noted, however, that I highly doubt YouTube will follow these rules to the letter. It is no surprise that the company panders to the television ports of Jimmy Kimmel and Ellen DeGeneres clips, which are uploaded by official cable broadcasters and are heavily promoted by YouTube’s home page. These will absolutely make money no matter what, despite mention of politics, tragedies and the like. “Game of Thrones,” one of the

most popular shows on television, checks all of those marks of profanity, sex and violence, yet marketing firms flock to advertise during airtime. I cannot understand why YouTube has decided to make anything the slightest bit PG or above into a penniless marketing enterprise for its small-time creators. The first targets of this new rule were absolutely the right-wing political commentators who upload commentaries on issues and political theater daily. By demonetizing their videos, this will either drain these commentators of funds to produce their videos, or worse, drain them of money to support their livelihoods and thus make them find another job elsewhere. This is essentially, clever way of censorship that many won’t think of as a big deal, when in reality it is a dire situation. In an age where the mainstream media is made up of mostly left-leaning views, it is imperative that anyone can voice their opinion, especially if it differs from what most people are fed. YouTube has no excuse to have this new policy in place. If the rule was created to appease concerned parents on what their children view, YouTube already has a function to ensure only an adult registered on the site can view anything about sex, drugs, violence, politics and the like. If it’s cynics who say that these independent commentators need to get “real jobs,” this would detract not only differing opinions uncontrolled by a company’s agenda, but detract money that some of these individuals donate to charities. We cannot allow this to go unnoticed. I’m well aware most every smalltime news commentator has made videos in protest, since this has already affected their careers, but they cannot fight this battle alone. For the sake of freedom of the press, as well as freedom of speech, we should all take a stand against this disguised attempt to silence the little man and hold this platform to its’ original standards: to let anyone speak about anything, to anyone, at any time.


September 6, 2016



September 6, 2016


TU faculty aren’t guaranteed raises. But the USM chancellor is. Bob Caret, chancellor of the University System of Maryland and a former TU president, will no longer be eligible for bonuses after a policy change was announced in late August. This comes after Caret was awarded a $75,000 bonus on top of his base salary of $600,000. His bonus was awarded in a closeddoor meeting of the Board of Regents. While Caret is no longer eligible for bonuses as chancellor, it’s possible that, when his contract is restructured to reflect changes in policy, his base salary could raise, according to a Baltimore Sun report. In addition to removing bonuses from the chancellor’s contract, the

USM reiterated that campus presidents are ineligible from receiving bonuses. Towson President Kim Schatzel received a 1.3 percent salary raise, making her salary $373,613 for fiscal year 2017. Performance reviews, which are used to determine raises, are exempt from disclosure under Maryland public information laws. Mike Lurie, a spokesman for the USM, told The Towerlight in previous reports that performance reviews are based “on outlined goals that consider the unique qualities and needs of each USM institution.” While Caret is now ineligible for performance bonuses, his 5-year contract with the USM includes a built-in 5 percent cost of living raise each year. This built-in raise stands in contrast to the way that faculty at USM institutions, including Towson,

File photo/ The Towerlight Towson adjunt professor acknowledge “National Adjunt Walk-Out Day,” Feb. 25, 2015 to protest lack of equal pay, job security and higher salaries. receive raises. If faculty are to get a cost of living raise or a merit raise each year, money first has to be allocated for it from the state of Maryland’s budget, according to Gary Levy, associate provost for

Graphic by Cody Boteler via Infogram

academic resources & planning. “The monies for the increases are funded by the state, then passed on to the USM, and in turn then given to the individual schools,” Levy said in an email. Once the budget has been through the legislative process and approved, Levy said, the USM chancellor details how money for cost of living raises or merit bonuses “can be dispersed within the USM system schools.” Full-time TU faculty and staff received a cost of living increase of 2 percent in 2015, a 3 percent cost of living raise in 2014 and a 2 percent cost of living raise in 2013. Alex Storrs is a full-time faculty member and chairs the University Senate faculty salary review committee. His belief about higher education, especially at an institution like Towson, which emphasizes teaching, does not mesh with the economic reality of the USM, he said. “My philosophy is that the highest-paid person on this campus should be someone teaching a fulltime course load,” Storrs said. The average salary for a tenured professor in the 2015-2016 year was $95,800. That number lowers to an average of $79,5000 for associate professors, $71,900 for assistant professors and $60,700 for instructors, according to data from the University’s Office of Institutional Research. Meanwhile, the median salary for administrators on the president’s council in 2014 was over $180,000. Adjuncts, which make up 46.4 percent of TU faculty (compared to 35.9 percent tenure or tenured track) are

paid only $1,000 or $1,100 per credit hour that they teach. So, an adjunct professor teaching four courses in a semester would be paid $12,000 for that semester. They receive either $1,000 or $1,100 per credit hour, depending on if they’re classified as Adjunct I or Adjunct II. Akim Reinhardt, a history professor who has spoken with The Towerlight about faculty and administrative pay before, said he thinks that, in general, universities are starting to develop a “corporate model.” And when that happens, he said, “you start to see pay scales that mirror the private sector.” “Students are often unfamiliar with these issues,” Reinhardt said. “It’s harder because for them it’s transient. They see it just long enough to get frustrated and then they’re gone.” Caret and USM officials declined to comment through an emailed statement, saying “The USM at this time believes the most appropriate practice regarding any further comment is to respect the process of the hearing with legislators and limit comments to that forum.” According to the Baltimore Sun, Caret defended his salary with the fact that he has to make decisions each day that could take other people “a year to figure out” without the experience he has. “Do I feel after 21 years as a campus or system head that I deserve that? Yes,” Caret said to a Sun reporter. “Do I think I deliver wherever I’ve been? Yes. So I don’t apologize



September 6, 2016

Newell to reopen in spring 2017 TU takes steps to make campus green Renovation projects on Newell Dining Hall and the Glen Bridge that began this summer will continue throughout the entirety of the fall 2016 semester. Renovations on Newell Dining Hall, designed by Read & Co. Architects and overseen by Towson Construction Services, began construction in late May 2016 after several years of planning. Newell was constructed in 1914 and has not seen a significant or major renovation in more than 50 years. Although it’s receiving a massive overhaul, most of the architectural aspects, including the cathedral style hall will remain intact. According to Director of Construction Services Scott Guckert, when the building reopens students will find the renovated food service location fully updated. This new space will include a floor plan that will open the area up for students, an upgraded menu including pizza cooked in a viewable pizza oven and upgraded facil-

ities, elevators and restrooms. “The upstairs dining hall will have a full-service bakery, a retail deli serving premium-quality meats with late-night hours, and expanded action stations serving additional made-to-order food options,” Guckert said. “In addition, students will also find a more energy efficient

building as a result of the new roof and windows. The new elevator will provide much needed alternative method of travel between levels.” Towson has made accommodations for all students who may be affected by this change. --To read the rest of this article online, visit

Cody Boteler/ The Towerlight Construction at Newell is slated to be completed by spring semester.

Towson University will take steps to create a more sustainable campus environment this fall. These measures will including composting, programs about biking and carpooling and events hosted by different organizations on campus. In support of these practices, students participated in a “greener move-in.” During move-in, students could pick up LED light bulbs and pamphlets outlining some techniques they could use to conserve resources on campus. Certain buildings on campus will begin to compost organic matter. Due to the amount of training it requires to make sure composting is done correctly, these measures are currently taking place in buildings with food services, such as dining halls. According to Campus Planning and Sustainability Manager Patricia Watson, buildings with apartment style living will be targeted with the hopes of reducing waste in buildings like Marshall, Carroll, Millennium and Towson Run. Watson said that she and the Office of Sustainability “want to grow the program, but it needs to be done properly and with a lot of education first.” In order to participate, students will have sign up and partake in training in order to learn the skill sets needed to properly compost organic material. The expansion of this project is currently pending with Housing and

Residence Life. Students will also be able to help raise awareness on World Car Free Day on Sept. 22, a day dedicated to getting vehicles off of the roads and people on bikes in order to help cut back on carbon emissions. Daniela Beall, graduate student for environmental initiatives, said that students can sign up for a Bike Share program through Campus Recreation, with registration beginning Sept. 5. It is a low cost, semester rent program, and the first 28 students who register will be eligible to receive a bike for the fall semester. In light of the fall football season and the upcoming Homecoming weekend, Watson also discussed waste collection at tailgates. “We do realize that waste collection at tailgates takes a lot of resources and personnel, so how do we make it successful with the resources we do have. It’s just about creating the opportunity,” Watson said. In order to make recycling easier at tailgates, there will be recycling bins out for students to dispose of bottles and cans. People participating will receive bags that will help them separate trash from recycling. Clear and black bags will be for trash, while blue will be for recyclables. Students will also be able to partake in carpooling and alternative transportation throughout the year. The carpool program allows people who are commuting to and from campus at the same time to associate one parking permit with multiple vehicles. --To read the rest of this article online, visit

Cody Boteler/ The Towerlight Towson has taken steps to create a greener campus environment, including a new BikeShare program implemented on Sept. 5.


September 6, 2016

BFSA hosts annual welcome reception “Diversity is necessary,” says vice pres. Kuntz BAILEY HENDRICKS Contributing Writer

Students and staff were encouraged to network and make connections at the Black Faculty and Staff Association’s second annual welcome reception Sept. 1 in the Potomac Lounge. Following an hour of networking, guests were invited to enjoy performances from students and to listen to speakers from both inside and outside of the association. BFSA President Barry Evans gave the State of the BFSA, while senior music education major Jaron Darden performed “Hero” by Mariah Carey, Dance Performance Major Zhada Myrick performed an interpretive dance to the song “Rise Up” by Andra Day and junior English major and Black Student Union President Sey Elemo, also a Towerlight contributor, performed an original spoken word poem entitled “Ultralife Prayer.” “We’re going to try to get in touch this year with who we really are,” Evans said. “We can’t fix today’s problems with yesterday’s answers.” Student advisor James Armstrong from the Department of Mass Communications and Communication Studies led a “Spirit of Remembrance Ceremony” in which he used the pouring of water as a metaphor to honor the guests’ ancestors and those who helped them get to where they are today. “If you look around, you’ll see that it’s not just black faculty and staff,” BFSA committee member LaVern

Chapman said. “We also engage everyone because we want everyone to be a part of it. “Everyone is a part of this community, and a part of any concerns that we may have on campus.” BFSA Committee Member Jerry Bentley Rountree welcomed the audience with a few words celebrating the year to come. “BFSA is poised for another banner year,” Rountree said. “We commit this year to taking risks, exploring, and interacting.” BFSA Vice President Trevor Kuntz expressed his support for an inclusive campus that supports all community members coming together as one. “Diversity is necessary and strengthens Towson as a whole,” Kuntz said. “Even though it’s a faculty, staff association, we also interact with the students and engage them in a number of our events,” Chapman said. “The whole idea is to promote teamwork, foster an environment of mentorship, collaboration across the campus, through a number of events and programs, and to talk about issues that wouldn’t necessarily be discussed – very sensitive issues. On the other end, just to network, engage and enjoy each other and get to know each other. I think it’s two-fold.” During the reception Towson University President Kim Schatzel said “When I heard it was the year of change, I said ‘Damn straight it is.’ We will make that change, and we’ll make it continue.”

t Alex Best/ The Towerlight ,Black Faculty and Staff Association President Barry Evans speaks at the annual BFSA welcome reception Sept. 1 in Potomac Lounge.




September 6, 2016

MSA celebrates Library renovations continue the fall semester Members of the Muslim Student Association expressed excitement for upcoming projects and described favorite past events during the group’s welcome back potluck Sept. 2.It included individuals from multiple countries and diverse backgrounds. Student Lauren DiFatta has been regularly attending MSA events for a year, and she is not Muslim.

“My best friend is Muslim so I came to the Eid banquet last year and everyone made me feel welcome,” said Di Fatta. She added, “I want to learn about different religions and with everything going on in the world. Education is important.” Senior mass communication major Faras Aamir has been an MSA member for one year. --To read the rest of this article online, visit

Nick Mason/ The Towerlight MSA members gather at their annual welcome back potluck Sept. 2.

Cook Library will continue to undergo renovations until the spring, with the goal of making the building more accessible for all students, faculty and staff. The renovations have three distinct phases: a streamlined service desk, a reimagined Starbucks and a 24/7 study space. All three projects will be completed in stages, culminating midway through the spring semester. The first project is the centralization of library services where patrons can reserve, borrow, return or request items through interlibrary loan all in one place. This project is currently near completion. The second project is a newly renovated Starbucks, slated to open in October during midterm season. The renovations will include a full service menu of drinks and food as well as a seating area. This stage of renovations will also introduce Cook Library’s first gender neutral restrooms. Construction on the third project, the 24/7 study space, is slated to

Amanda Carroll/ The Towerlight Cook Library renovations are slated to finish by early spring 2017. begin in January and conclude midway through the spring semester. The space will feature computers, wi-fi, and varied seating styles that will allow for both independent and group study. The space will be accessible by a OneCard swipe. According to Dean of University Libraries Deborah Nolan, the inspiration for these projects came from listening to students’ wants and

needs through surveys, interviews and observation. These projects uphold Cook Library’s mission to be a valued resource for all of Towson’s students, faculty, and staff, Nolan said. In light of the “dust, noise and disruption,” Nolan commends the “patience and tolerance” library staff have demonstrated. --To read the rest of this article online, visit

Pardon our appearance as we make improvements to our dining program. Newell Dining will be closed until mid-January.

• Au Bon Pain in Hawkins Hall • Enactus Café in Stephens Hall • LA Café in Liberal Arts

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September 6, 2016 February 17, 2015

Choir Opportunities Vocal & Handbell

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HElp WITH AUTISTIC CHIlD Instructor needed to work on life skills and social interaction with 16-year-old girl with autism in Hampstead. Shifts available M-F 4-6 pm. OT or exercise science major a plus. Transportation and references required. $14/hour. Send email to pART-TIME NANNY Professional couple looking for caring, responsible part-time nanny to care for 8-month twins. Tuesday/Thursdays starting in September from 8:00-4:00PM. Timonium residence with potential move to Sparks. Pay competitive and negotiable. Please call Stacy 410-206-0892. IN SEARCH OF RESpONSIBlE individual to provide childcare for 2nd and 4th grader daily from 3:00-5:00. Responsibilities would include picking up kids from school, starting homework, and walking dog. If interested contact 410-913-8833. AFTERSCHOOl NANNY – ISO nanny for 1st and 4th grade boys, Monday – Friday 3:15-6pm in Cockeysville. Responsibilities include picking up from school, walking dog, and driving to activities as needed. mbdaug@ SEEKING BABYSITTER to put child on bus, occasional dropoff of preschooler in Towson. 7:45-8:45 a.m., occasional 7 a.m. start time. Must have own transportation. $15/hour. Contact Gina: or 443-326-4423

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NANNY NEEDED Wednesdays 9-5 p.m. or can be 9-3:30 p.m.. 5mo old/ pick up toddler from school at 3:00. $10-11 / hr. Good driving record and childcare experience prerequisite. Student does not need a car. 443-226-9982. MATURE AND FUN sitter for 2 boys, 10 and 12, twice a week from 3:15 to 6:30 pm. Responsibilities include school pick up, homework, driving to afternoon activities. If interested please contact or call 410-375-4042. BABYSITTER/DRIVER needed for 2 afternoons per week (Tues/one other day). School pickup at 4:30, help with homework, get dinner started. Owings Mills. 2 boys ages 13 and 11. $15/hour. References and perfect driving record required. Email adrienne.peres@

Adult Choir starting Wednesday, September 7, 7:30 PM (music reading not required) Advanced Bell Choir starting Wednesday, September 14, 6:30 PM (music reading required)

Our choirs are all volunteer You are welcome! Make $20 in 1 hr


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September 6, 2016



September 6, 2016


Every year, Towson keeps students on-campus during Labor Day weekend by entertaining them with fun activities. This LaborStay Weekend from Sept. 2-5, students could enjoy anything from DIY sugary drinks to a body-painting dance party. LaborStay Weekend In Review was compiled by Sydney Engelhardt, Kristin Helf, Sarah Hill, Anthony Holsapple, Taylor Michocki, Jessica Ricks, Lainey Tepper and Sarah Van Wie. Photo by Matthew Awoyera.

LaborStay Day Party Students kicked off Labor Day weekend by celebrating at the LaborStay Day Party, organized by CAB to get students excited to stay on campus take part in the LaborStay Weekend. Students strolling near the Beach Sept. 2 between 2 and 5 p.m. would have noticed the LaborStay Weekend fun. At the party, students enjoyed free ice cream sandwiches complete with vanilla ice cream, chocolate chip cookies and a variety of toppings. Students also took part in free face painting, portrait drawing by two talented caricature artists, hula hooping and lawn games. “Offering stuff like face painting, ice cream and other fun stuff [will help students] feel like they are building a community,” graduate assistant for Campus Programming Stephanie Kiefer said. Freshman Briana Richert said that the LaborStay activities “distracts from the new of school” and gives students something to do instead of going home. Welcome to West Village Housing and Residence Life offered free food, games and prizes at its West Village welcome event outside the Commons Friday evening. One popular game at the event was bubble soccer, where residents played soccer while in a blown-up rubber ball from their head to their hips. Residents were knocked

over and backflipped uncontrollably in their bubbles as they tried to steal the ball from the other team. Freshman Rebecca Lampron was one of the only girls on her bubble soccer team. A game of limbo started with about ten contestants, but ended with only junior Taylor Jones in the last round. Jones said that she won because of her short stature, along with her limbo experience. “I used to do it on roller skates all the time, so it just came naturally,” Jones said. “I didn’t know I was going to win money, but I guess that was definitely the best part. It was so exciting and I feel fantastic after winning.” PaintU Sophomore Theo Rinaldi said that Friday’s PaintU giant paint party outside the College of Liberal Arts was a great way to set of the LaborStay weekend. Branded as “the ultimate campus party,” PaintU was planned to be the biggest attraction of LaborStay Weekend, according to Coordinator of Campus Programming Jackie Fulop. After a quick security check, students were ushered onto the CLA field where a DJ kept the party going. The night really got started about an hour in when event staff pulled out the nontoxic and washable paint and filled-up sprayers. On the DJ’s cue, they doused the crowd. With numerous sprayers and sometimes a whole bucket of paint being dumped

into the crowd, everyone had a chance to get covered. “The music was a blast, and I enjoyed being splattered with paint and dancing with my friends,” Rinaldi said. Tiger Photo Booth The Tiger Photo Booth gave students a chance to pose with the tiger statue in Tiger Plaza, on Saturday. “Everyone usually wants to take a picture with the tiger so it’s something fun for everyone to do,” senior and Student Activities photography manager Adrilenzo Cassoma said. Sophomore international studies major Jennifer Umana attended to get a picture with her suitemates. “We wanted to get a picture of all of our suitemates because we have pretty much no decorations right now,” Umana said. “We all get along so we thought it would a fun thing to do. It’s nice doing things together.” According to Cassoma, Student Activities does some kind of photo booth every year as a way to get students involved and provide something for everyone to do. “It gives people a chance to do stuff,” sophomore psychology major Colleen Rooney said. “It makes this feel like home since a lot of people are here for Labor Day. Block Show Due to forecasted weather conditions on Saturday night, the annual Block Show was

moved from Speaker’s Circle to a West Village Commons ballroom. By 7 p.m., the ballroom was packed with student spectators, alumni and various sororities and fraternities ready to showcase their stepping skills. During the show, multicultural sororities and frats stepped and strolled, practicing a traditional African dance where one communicates through hand claps, foot stomps and spoken word. “We killed it, we went out there, we were practicing hard,” sophomore biology major and Sigma Lambda Gamma member Nathalie Murchison said. “I’m glad that definitely showed tonight.” For Coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Life Chris McQueen, the show was not only about showcasing the stepping skills of multicultural organizations on campus, but also exhibiting the hard work that goes into being Greek. “Greek Life is more than just stereotypes you might see out in the news,” McQueen said. “We do a lot for the community. We do a lot for students.” Tigers Football v. South Florida Watch Party While Towson battled the South Florida Bulls in its first game of the 2016-2017 season, Tiger fans went to PAWS for free drumsticks and drinks at the TU Watch Party. Aside from seeing the game on the big screen, one main goal of the event was to

encourage new and returning students to socialize. “Most students go home for the weekends,” Campus Programming Assistant Stephanie Coakley said. “So we plan all these events for the students on campus.” Every time a touchdown was scored, students would clap together and share high-fives. The game ended 56-20 in favor of the Bulls. Although the Tigers were beaten, they did have some significant moments, including an interception in the first quarter, as well as a fumble recovery in the second quarter.

Sugar Factory Students were in for a sweet treat on Saturday at PAWS Pavilion. Students gathered in the afternoon to enjoy do-it-yourself fruity drinks at the Sugar Factory. The line wrapped all way from the pavilion to Union Garage as students waited in anticipation for refreshing drinks to kick off the closing summer season. The drinks that were available to students included “light blue lagoon,” which featured a combination of fruity flavors creating a vibrant turquoise beverage topped off with a candy of the student’s choice, with the most popular being gummy worms. The drinks were served in small, fish-bowl shaped glasses that added an even more creative twist to the already bright event.



September 6, 2016

Alumna returns on “bathtub tour” TAYLOR DEVILLE Staff Writer @artvandelady

How does a person recover after a trauma? This is the question that hangs in the (humid) air as I sit with about eleven other people in a stranger’s bathroom. Towson alumna Siobhan O’Loughlin opens her beautiful world to us in this room, soaking in the bathtub, surrounded by bubbles. And by doing so, she invites us to look more deeply into our own lives and each other’s—the result is that, for an hour, you become bonded to a group of strangers in a way that eludes us in most everyday interactions. Let me explain: “Broken Bone Bathtub” is O’Loughlin’s solo performance inspired by the aftermath of her (one of many) bike accidents in Brooklyn, during which she broke her arm. Without a bathtub and unable to shower with her cast, O’Loughlin set out on what a friend deemed a

“bathtub tour” of New York, borrowing her friends’ bathrooms. It was during one of these excursions that O’Loughlin had a thought: “What if I did do a bathtub tour?” The resulting show is O’Loughlin’s first dive into immersive theatre, which by definition breaks the fourth wall to engage the audience in a way that spectators become part of the story. In this case, we are O’Loughlin’s friends, offering her our bathtub for the evening. O’Loughlin punctuates thoughtful monologues with questions directed to us: Is there anything that makes you jealous? When was the last time you held someone’s hand? Have you ever made an uncomfortable phone call to your mother? The answers are sometimes funny, sometimes raw and painful in their honesty. “When people say big things and they cry, for me it’s just about listening,” O’Loughlin said. “Not to think of the right thing to say,

Courtesy of Glenn Ricci Towson alumna Siobhan O’Loughlin dons a colorful cast during her solo performance of an original one-woman show.

not to worry what the solution is or what [they want] to hear, but just to listen and be present. Which I think is what we all need: People who ask questions and listen to those answers.” If it was anyone else, I highly doubt the show would have the same effect—

but O’Loughlin's empathy, warmth and humor make it impossible not to want to connect with her and open yourself to the experience. “I have three principles: charm, disarm, and listen,” O’Loughlin explained. “So I have this kind of opening monologue that’s very la-lala, things in my life, my childhood, and that’s for [the audience] to realize [I’m] kind of normal and this is a normal play. That’s the charm. Then the disarming is when I ask people to wash my back and do these [physical] things and they’re like, ‘Oh that’s wacky, but it’s kind of awkward and funny too.’” After premiering in Tokyo, “Broken Bone Bathtub” has toured in four different countries (on four continents). The show debuted in Baltimore last year as part of The Fringe, and returns this year in collaboration with Submersive Productions, a Baltimore-based collaborative arts company that specializes in immersive and experiential works, according to their website. Glenn Ricci, co-artistic director of Submersive Productions (and bathroom host), heard about O’Loughlin on a podcast. “We thought we were a good fit,” he said. “The immersive theatre audience, the fact that we have a ginormous bathroom on our third floor, and we’re called Submersive Productions—it just seemed like kismet.” Also part of the Submersive Productions team was artist and Towson associate professor Amanda Burnham, who created an art installation for the piece. The most mesmerizing parts of her installation were the arms that covered the wall,

reaching upward as we ascended the three flights of stairs to the bathroom. “My interpretation of it is that it’s a complicated hug,” said O’Loughlin. “The arms are winding around as you’re going up but some of the hands are […] colors that don’t read as something comforting, so I think it’s addressing the different levels of emotions that come through with a hug.” Although this is O’Loughlin’s first performance in immersive theatre, it’s not her first solo show— “The Rope in Your Hands,” written during her senior year at Towson, is what O’Loughlin calls a “docu-drama.” She performed monologues as 13 different people she interviewed in New Orleans during a Towsonsponsored volunteer program. The show “breaks down racial injustice” and explores survival in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. O’Loughlin performed the show with Ferguson activists in St. Louis last summer. Her second show, “Natural Novices,” also a docu-drama, is a “breakdown on gender issues [and] body issues,” centering specifically on female body hair. O’Loughlin has been nominated for three New York Innovative Theatre awards for “Broken Bone Bathtub,” including best script, best solo performance and best performance art production. After “Broken Bone Bathtub” ends its Baltimore run this weekend, O’Loughlin will be off to the Philippines to work on another project before heading to New York and then Chicago in 2017 for another bathtub tour.


September 6, 2016








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September 6, 2016

Esperanto Society starts speaking TAYLOR DEVILLE Staff Writer @artvandelady

Learning a new language at this age can be pretty intimidating—according to the critical period hypothesis, which analyzes the relationship between age and language acquisition, the brain becomes less receptive to new information as it ages, making it more challenging to learn new languages as an adult. But Esperanto, an artificial language that’s a mix of the Romantic languages and has 2 million speakers worldwide, could help students to become fluent in other languages. Towson’s Esperanto Society was created to do just that. Sophomore International Studies major Etienne Eunson created Towson’s chapter with junior Spanish major Tucker Barnes in February. This is the first semester they’re active, and their first meeting will take place later this week. The society will function like other

campus language clubs—members will meet every week to learn the basics of Esperanto. Eunson, who fluently speaks four languages (including French, Italian and Mandarin Chinese) and has studied more than a dozen languages, learned Esperanto within three to six months. “It might take a bit longer for people who speak one language just because they’re not used to the learning process,” Eunson said. “But I think they would be able to learn it much quicker than if they were to learn Spanish or French. If they learn Esperanto to a fluent level, that in turn will help them learn other languages much more quickly.” Eunson also hopes to show short films that incorporate Esperanto and help members gain “a higher sense of internationalism.” Eunson said he wants to work to “unify people regardless of their backgrounds.” If you’re interested in attending the group’s meeting this week, contact Eunson at eeunso1@students.

A stylish introduction KERRY INGRAM Columnist

Hello Towson Tigers! My name is Kerry Ingram, and I am so excited to be kicking off the 2016/2017 school year with a brand new column for the Towerlight: Trendy Tiger. Towson University is full of trendy students with various styles, and what better way than to celebrate that? Let me start off by introducing myself. I am currently a sophomore, mass communications student here at Towson. I am a Hispanic/ African American, 19-year-old female (although I am often mistaken to be twelve because I am vertically challenged and have stood at a whopwwping 5’2” since the seventh grade). I have an obsession with baby goats, love to find humor in 99 percent of

things and I don’t eat cheese unless it’s on pizza. I love pizza. Pizza is my life. Although there are a lot of students on campus, you may be able to easily spot me thanks to the obnoxious (yet ridiculously awesome) sparkling, rose-gold backpack I wear every single day. After receiving many questions and compliments about it last semester, that backpack is what sparked (pun fully intended) the idea that I could possibly start a trendy column for this campus. I have always had a passion for the beauty and fashion industry, and love sharing my finds and discoveries. Fun facts: I am a licensed cosmetologist at the age of 19 (insert sassy girl emoji here), currently work as a Sephora Beauty consultant/makeup artist, and am a beauty/fashion YouTuber. I still have a lot of learning to do,


however I hope you can put at least a little trust in me when it comes to the information shared in this column. Trendy Tiger is going to be (you guessed it) Towson’s new fashion and beauty column. Each week, I will be providing you with the latest trends, tips, and tricks to help you slay your way through the school year. I am so excited to write to you all each week, and I am very thankful for the Towerlight for accepting me with open arms and making this possible. If you’re a beauty and fashion lover like me, don’t be shy! Feel free to contact me through my email with the subject “TRENDY TIGER” if you have any beauty tips and questions, or if you would like for me to cover your campus style. I can’t wait to see what this school year has to offer!


September 6, 2016


Tigers drop season opener Photos Courtesy of Jacob Hoag USF Oracle

Redshirt sophomore quarterback Morgan Mahalak steps back in the pocket to throw a pass against Southern Florida Saturday at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. Mahalak completed 16 of 36 passes for 165 yards. Mahalak and the Tigers will take on the Saint Francis Red Flash in their home opener at Johnny Unitas Stadium Saturday night. Morgan Mahalak, who played in his first game for Towson after transferSports Editor ring from Oregon in the offseason, @jordancope26 helped put the team in field goal range with an 18-yard pass to senior wide receiver Andre Dessenberg. Senior running back Darius Following the Tigers’ scoring Victor rushed for his 3,025th career drive, the Bulls took advantage of a yard after recording 70 yards on short field thanks to a 52-yard kick the ground and two touchdowns return from senior wide receiver Saturday, but three turnovers hauntRodney Adams and put together ed Towson in its first loss of the a two-play, 35-yard drive to take a season to FBS opponent Southern 14-3 lead. Florida at Raymond James Stadium. In the second quarter, Towson “I said before the game that, continued to push back and pulled if we didn’t give up a big play on within four points of Southern defense, I guarantee we would win,” Florida. Head Coach Rob Ambrose said. “If Mahalak comwe didn’t turn the pleted a 56-yard ball over, I guaranbomb to senior wide tee we would win. They fought, they receiver Christian We turned it over at Summers to take the played hard and least three times, all for basically scores. they didn’t quit. I am Tigers to the Bulls one yard line, where We gave up too proud of them. Victor rushed for many big plays on his first touchdown defense and against ROB AMBORSE of the game on the a team of their calHead Coach ensuing play. iber you cannot do Later in the quarthat and recover.” ter, the Bulls capitalized with two The Tigers (0-1, 0-0 CAA) fell touchdowns on a pair of Tigers behind early 7-0 when the Bulls turnovers to take a 28-10 lead into (1-0, 0-0 AAC) constructed a fivehalftime. play, 75-yard drive on their first “I thought the effort was good,” possession of the game. Ambrose said. “But you cannot spot However, Towson cut into them 21 points. You can’t turn the Southern Florida’s lead on its secball over three times against a 1-A ond drive on a 29-yard field goal team and expect to be in a position from freshman kicker Aidan O’Neill. Redshirt sophomore quarterback to win a ball game.” JORDAN COPE

In the second half, Southern Florida extended its lead to 35-10 after an 11-play, 79-yard drive capped off with a four-yard touchdown run from Adams. After the Bulls fifth touchdown of the game, Victor carried the ball five times and rushed for 31 yards and his second touchdown of the game on the Tigers ensuing drive to make the score 35-17. However, Southern Florida scored on its next two possessions and took

a 49-17 lead into the fourth quarter. In the fourth quarter, the Tigers and Bulls both scored once more. O’Neill came through with his second field goal of the game for the Tigers, while freshman quarterback Brett Kean found freshman tight end Mitchell Wilcox in the end zone making the final score 56-20 in favor of the Bulls. “I love the effort,” Ambrose said. “I really do. I said this is probably the second best the state of Florida

has to offer, maybe the third with Florida. This is a really good football team and I stand by my word that they are going to be in the Top 25 when this is over. They are incredibly physical, well coached and fast… They fought, they played hard and they didn’t quit. I am proud of them.” Next week, Towson will welcome St. Francis (PA) to Johnny Unitas Stadium for its home opener. Kickoff is scheduled for 6 p.m.

Courtesy of Jacob Hoag USF Oracle

Senior running back Darius Victor gets the carry against Southern Florida. Victor finished the game with 70 rushing yeards and two touchdowns in Towson’s 56-20 loss at Raymond James Stadium.



September 6, 2016

catching up with megan lindstrom Q: When did you discover your passion for running? A: I started running in 7th grade, but it wasn't until my junior year of high school that it truly became my passion. That year is when I started to see real potential in myself and was willing to put in everything I had toward this sport. Q: In high school at Monmouth Regional, you earned school records running cross country and track. How did running in high school help prepare you for the collegiate level? A: Being a three season athlete in high school definitely helped to prepare me for the collegiate level. I knew what it was like for this to essentially be my life, and I knew what to expect come my freshman year at Towson. Q: What made you ultimately

commit to Towson? A: My older sister also attends Towson, so from early on visiting her I knew I liked the campus and what they had to offer. What led me to committing here was watching the team and how they interacted with each other. On my official visit, I watched one of their track workouts, and to see each of them coming down the home stretch and cheering for one another to stay strong was so amazing and something I wasn't used to with my high school team. In that moment I knew that Towson was a perfect school for me. Q: How happy are you with your decision to commit to Towson? A: I'm so fortunate to have committed to Towson. I have met the most amazing people in just one year here, and I can't wait to see what the remainder of my time here

at Towson has to offer. Q: What was your first season at Towson like? A: My first year was a lot of fun, but definitely an adjustment. I learned a lot about myself and can't wait for this upcoming year to continue to grow and learn. Q: What were some of your favorite memories from your first season at Towson? A: All my favorite memories rotate mainly around time spent with my team. Whether it was joking around on the way to meets, or dancing in the locker room we were always laughing and having a great time together. Q: This was Mike Jackson's first season at Towson. How have you enjoyed having him as the head coach?

A: Well since I came in as a freshman (or first time participant as he called it) we were both in similar situations. Everything was new for him, and I believe he did an amazing job keeping a competitive atmosphere, while also bringing the team together in a positive way. He brought so much enthusiasm to every practice and meet, which definitely encouraged me to work harder each day. Q: You had a very successful freshman campaign. What was it that led to your success this season? A: I believe what led to my success was the competitive atmosphere at practice every day, also the constant support from each of my teammates. Q: How do you plan to continue your success into your freshman year? A: I plan to continue my success by pushing myself each and every day to be the best that I can be on that given day. Also by believing in myself, and knowing that I can conquer anything I set my mind to. Q: What are some of the challenges that come with being a student athlete? A: Time management is certainly the biggest challenge with being a student athlete. After a while, though, you begin to get yourself into a routine, and learn what works best for you. Q: Do you have any superstitions before meets? A: I feel like everyone has their

little things that they have to do before competing. For me, I have to wear a bow, which might sound silly, but it's a routine I got into in high school, and I feel like I need to keep my personal tradition alive. Also before really big meets in HS my coach would write "Do or do not, there is no try" on my hands, which is really inspiring and motivating for me so I carried that on into my collegiate career. Finally when I'm on the line of a race I must do three high jumps to stretch out my legs one last time, something I randomly started doing which has become a habit at this point.

Q: Who is your best friend on the team? A: My favorite thing about this team is every single one of them is my best friend. I can't imagine my day without seeing them, and there is such an empty feeling when one of us isn't there. It's crazy to think I didn't know most of them two years ago, and now they are such an important part of my life and I love them all!

Q: Who talks the most but says the least on the team? A: Colleen Cook! She tells the best stories, and I constantly look forward to hearing about her crazy dreams and adventures around campus during our runs. She is the reason I laugh in the middle of a hard workout!

-To read the rest of this story, visit: Compiled by Jordan Cope

Courtesy of Megan Lindstrom

Sophomore runner Megan Lindstrom participates in a meet for TU.


September 6, 2016


mXC takes the gold

o e d

Tigers finish in first place at Oregon Ridge JORDAN COPE Sports Editor

d @jordancope26 . S , Towson took first place in the h Towson Invitational by defeating g Morgan State and Howard 15-50 in a y dual meet at Oregon Ridge Park Friday. m “I thought the team did great e as a whole,” sophomore runner s Megan Lindstrom said. “There were y some personal bests which is great a especially with the difficulty of this course.” Sophomore runner Allison n Marella placed first in the 5k run with a time of 18:13.3. Her time s was the third fastest in program s history on an Oregon Ridge Park y 5k course. e e k o n e


Following Marella, and placing second in the 5k run, was junior runner Hannah Walter with a personal-best of 18:32. Sophomore runner Erica Israel placed third, and senior runner Megan Knoblock placed fourth with times of 18:40.7 and 18:48.7, respectively. Junior runner Colleen Cook rounded out the top five for the Tigers with a time of 19:04.4. The Tigers next meet will be Saturday, Sept. 10, against CAA rival Delaware at the Delaware Invitational. The meet is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. “This was a great first meet to brush off some of the cobwebs,” Lindstrom said. “We are all very excited for Delaware to see how we

matchup against some of the teams in our conference and to preview the course for Colonial Athletic Association Championships.”

Cross Country Sophomore runner Allison Marella won the individual meet title at the Towson Invite this weekend at Oregon Ridge Park. In her cross country debut, Marella placed first in the 5K run with a time of 18:13.3.

looking for first win JORDAN COPE Sports Editor

e @jordancope26 k y Towson field hockey dropped two - matches on the road this weekend, e falling to Lock Haven Sunday and St. a Francis Friday. Sunday, the Tigers (0-4) fell to the Bald Eagles (2-0) 8-0 at Charlotte , Smith Field in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Lock Haven got on the board first on a goal from junior midfielder Michelle Enck and never looked back. Following Enck’s goal, the Bald Eagles scored once more before the end of the first half to take a 2-0 lead heading into the locker room. In the second half, Lock Haven continued to apply offensive pressure and scored six unanswered goals to secure an 8-0 victory. “We can’t focus on offense until other skill sets are corrected,” Head Coach Carly Campana said. Senior midfielder Lydia George and senior defender Colleen McCabe, as well as freshman midfielder MacKenzie Farley, freshman defender Emily Robb, freshman forward Taryn Piano and freshman defender Megan Miller all

found the back of the goal for the Bald Eagles in the second half. Lock Haven goalkeepers Paige Stuppy and Brianna Deangelis pitched a shutout, holding Towson scoreless the entire game. Friday, the Tigers fell to the Red Flash (4-1) 1-0 at DeGol Field in Loretto, Pennsylvania. TU’s only goal of the game came off the stick of junior midfielder Shannon Pereira at 49:33.

Allison Marella

St. Francis goalkeeper Elizabeth Dyer made one save and tossed a shutout while Towson goalkeeper Emilee Woodall made 14 saves and only allowed one goal. “She is our rock defensively,” Campana said. “We rely on her heavily.” Towson will have two chances to secure its first win this weekend as the team takes on La Salle University Friday and Ohio University Sunday at Johnny Unitas Stadium.

File photo by Patrick Burke/ The Towerlight

Towson takes on CAA rival Northeastern at Unitas Stadium last fall.



September 6, 2016

first win in the books File photos by Patrick Burke/ The Towerlight

Senior defender Marissa Green dribbles the ball up the field in a game against the University of Pennsylvania at the Tiger Soccer Complex in the fall of 2015 season (above). The Tigers and the Quakers tied 0-0 in double overtime at the Tiger Soccer Soccer Complex in the fall of 2015. The Tigers registered 10 shots on goal in the game (below). frame in the opening half. Despite an early flurry from the Owls in the second half, Towson struck first as senior forward Natalia Pinkney found herself one on one with the goalkeeper on a Towson went 1-1 during its road feed from Marshall. trip to Philadelphia this weekend, Pinkney slotted the ball in the edging Temple 1-0 Sunday but corner of the net for losing 3-1 to Saint her second goal of the Joseph’s Friday. season. “It feels great to Temple only manget the first win It felt great to get aged two more shots of the year for the the first win of the throughout the rest of seniors,” senior midfielder Emily year for the seniors. the game as Towson held on for its first Marshall said. win of the season. Sunday, the EMILY MARSHALL Friday, the Tigers Tigers (1-4-1) Midfielder fell to the Hawks (4-1) defeated the Owls 3-1 at Sweeney Field. (2-3) in a defensive Towson went on the attack early battle at Temple Sports Complex. against St. Joseph’s taking only The Tigers managed to put two eight minutes to score the game’s shots on goal in the first half comfirst goal. pared to the Owls’ one. Green slid a pass through to Senior defender Marissa Green Pinkney who put the ball into the and sophomore forward Sarah Quick registered Towson’s shots on corner of the net to give the Tigers DESMOND BOYLE Staff Writer

a 1-0 lead. Less than 30 minutes later, the Hawks equalized as Gabrielle Vagnozzi assisted Saint Joseph’s leading scorer Dakota Mills for her fourth goal of the season to tie the game. The score was 1-1 going into halftime as the Hawks outshot the Tigers 6-2 while putting three shots on target. St. Joseph’s continued to apply pressure in the second half as the Vagnozzi to Mills connection struck again in the 60th minute to give the team a 2-1 lead. Less than 10 minutes later, freshman midfielder Nikki Logan had a chance to equalize for Towson but saw her effort denied by Perrott. Mills then set up the final goal of the game by finding Bridget Galen with the game clinching assist to make it 3-1. Towson will take on Bowling Green University this Friday at 4 p.m. in the Navy Invitational.



September 6, 2016

Crossword Sudoku



Turn to page 11 for answers to today’s




● Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating.

● The numbers within the heavily

outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners.

● Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in the top-left corner.

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September 6, 2016


VARIETY OF PROGRAMS TO SUIT EVERYONE’S NEEDS. Kosher Korner • Severn Lounge UU 2nd floor, inside of Patuxent • Kosher meals prepared by our qualified Mashgiach • Certified Star K of Baltimore


• Glen Marketplace’s Flavors station (entrée station) • 100% Halal for lunch and dinner seven days a week

T-Veggie program

• Turn any meat into a vegetarian option with our soy-based chicken or beef alternative. Available at most retail locations

• Glen Marketplace (dedicated vegan station) • Lunch & dinner entrees, sides, and snacks are 100% vegan • Self-serve vegan refrigerator at West Village Commons

Health & Wellness

• Campus Registered Dietician, Kerry Ballek • Offers free nutrition counseling and dining hall tours • Full list of healthy options around campus available on the website

Allergy & Celiac Disease

• Safe environment & appropriate meals for all students, regardless of food restrictions • Individualized plans for each student’s specific needs • Contact Chris Shoul at for more information



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