The Towerlight (May 3, 2016)

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Towson’s campus and community news source


May 3, 2016

FIRST 150 A look at Towson’s 150th Anniversary celebration, pg. 7 Photo courtesy of Towson University Special Collections and Archives/Photo illustration by Jordan Stephenson/The Towerlight





May 3, 2016


Social Media

May 3, 2016

TOWSON TRENDING Week of 4/26 - 5/2

Towson created the hashtag #NotAtTU for students to again express their feelings towards hate crimes occuring on campus. This week also welcomed many incoming Tigers to the #Towson20 class.

#NotAtTU Helped my friend with her mural in freedom square last night đ&#x;’• #NotAtTU #TheTowsonIKnow


#NotAtTU #NoHateHere Appreciation tweet for @TowsonU and their #NotAtTU campaign. Thank you!




yay yay yay! Officially #Towson20 couldn’t be any happier!!!


College decision dayđ&#x;˜Ž: Towson University is where me and bestie will further our education @let_me_be_bri #towson20


Committed to Towson University today. #TU20 #Towson20





May 3, 2016

Editor-in-Chief Cody Boteler Senior Editor Sam Shelton Associate News Editor Sarah Rowan Assist. News Editor Nilo Exar Arts & Life Editor Annie Sragner Sports Editor Jordan Cope

New games with Five feminist flicks to the same names watch this summer

Assist. Sports Editor Tyler Beard Staff Writers Tim Anderson Kati Day Lauren Cosca Kristin Helf Ryan Permison Hailey Miller Tyler Young Christine LaFrancesca Alaina Tepper Alex Ziolkowski Bhavisha Dave Billy Owens Theresa Schempp Nick Mason Jessica Ricks Photo Editor Chris Simms Assist. Photo Editor Alex Best Staff Photographers Cody Boteler Mark Dragon Sam Shelton Stephanie Ranque Video Producer Sarah Chmieloweic Assist. Video Producer Stacey Coles Staff Videographers Tyisha Henderson Proofreaders Sarah Rowan Kayla Baines Alaina Tepper General Manager Mike Raymond Art Director Kara Bucaro

As happens every semester, The Towerlight just held our elections for editor-in-chief and senior editor. And, well, I got appointed to editor-in-chief. I don’t think it’s hit me yet. I’m sitting in the office, behind the editor desk, watching as The Towerlight gets put together. Nothing feels too different. I think it’s because I was lucky to spend a year as senior editor under Carley Milligan, editor-in-chief for the last year, who allowed me to do a lot of work and help out with the operations of the paper. I’m also lucky to have a killer staff. Sam Shelton is going to make a great senior editor (she’s already expressed how happy she is that she gets to read and edit every story). Jordan Cope is going to kill it as sports editor, and the news section is in good hands under Sarah Rowan. The Towerlight might have a new name at the top of the masthead, but our mission remains the same. We’re

going to bring you the news and tell your stories. Carley was great at reestablishing our presence on campus, and making us an important part of the community. We’re going to continue that this year, and we’re going to use that engagement to do a better job of telling the news. It isn’t our job to sit up in our office in the University Union and antagonize, bully or set an agenda. It is our job, though, to hold institutions accountable—especially public institutions like Towson University and its employees. We want to tell good stories so that we can keep our community as informed as possible. The more informed a population is, the better decisions they’re able to make. But it’s a collaborative effort. As much as I love this staff, we’re limited in size. You can always come in and apply to join. If that’s too big a commitment for you, you can write a letter to the editor that we’ll publish. You can comment on our website or tweet at us. To read the rest of this column, visit

Finals are coming, and the weather is getting warmer. It’s almost time for another summer. If you’re like me, summer is nothing but exciting. At least, at first. There’s the beach, the pool and your social life makes a comeback. All kinds of great stuff tends to happen. But then, sooner than you’d like to admit, you start to turn back to your old friend, Netflix. If this is how you foresee at least part of your summer going, then let me help you out. Here are five fiercely feminist flicks you can find on Netflix this summer. 1. I’ll start with one I’m sure a lot of us are waiting for: Season 4 of “Orange is the New Black.” The season will be added to Netflix on Friday, June 17. If you don’t know, this show takes place in a women’s prison. It follows Piper Chapman, a woman whose past catches up to her in a big way. Along with her, the show gives you the perspective of women from all different races,

classes, sexualities and identities. The cast is almost entirely made up of women: Tough, realistic, imperfectly perfect women. Definitely check it out. 2. Another TV show I like to recommend to just about everyone is “Parks and Recreations.” This show follows Leslie Knope, played by Amy Poehler, as she endeavors to accomplish every goal she sets for herself. This show exemplifies how important it is for women to have confidence and ambition. It also emphasizes the importance of female friendships, and the idea that in order to be “a man,” you don’t have to put women down. There’s also a miniature pony named Lil’ Sebastian. What more could you want? 3. On a much more serious note, there’s a documentary on Netflix, entitled “Dark Girls,” that is incredibly eye-opening and important. It highlights some of the struggles that women of color face, both in their communities and the world, simply because of the color of their skin. To read the rest of this column, visit

Production Assistant Daniel Andrews Webmaster Hafiz Aina Circulation Staff Jasmine Edwards Nilo Exar Shawn Halerz

It’s up to us to keep the bright lights on 8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 business: (410) 704-5153 editorial: (410) 704-5141

The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Cllassifieds appear onlline and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2016 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

With graduation and the end of college creeping up on the calendar, I’ve repeatedly noticed that decisions keep getting heavier and heavier as the big date approaches. Start a new life or move back home to a familiar setting? Choose a steady career right away, go back to school, or something else entirely? And these decisions seem to have rolled in all together and all at once. Just a couple of months ago my biggest concerns were homework and how I wanted to spend my snow days off from school, but now I’m faced with

bigger questions that require me to quickly shape my vision of myself. It always felt like I was making real decisions, but these feel like REAL real decisions now. Sometimes all of this big decisionmaking can become an uncomfortable mindset to lug around. There is a lot of pressure riding on these decisions when there are eyes on the sidelines watching you go through the motions of finding something to commit to. It’s especially difficult because we haven’t had many experiences as students where we were given the freedom and responsibility to choose for ourselves. How does one accurately judge a good decision from a bad decision? Is there some kind of specific criteria that

post-graduation plans must meet in order to be considered acceptable? We often exchange uncertain adventure for reliable routines because we are afraid to make a bad or unpopular decision. It’s much easier to assume a position that offers predictable results than to pioneer into unchartered waters. Whatever decisions are made and whichever roads are taken, it’s important that the decisions are ones that you can sit with. If the circumstances come with activities that feed you on a deeper level, you’ll feel less forced to endure them. Also, listen to how uncomfortable your decisions make your body. Undertakings that promote growth are usually a little uncomfortable,

but if this feeling persists, then your body is telling you this isn’t a healthy situation. These decisions become even more severe when we try to apply them to long-term visions and goals. These choices must account for all of the bases that come with these broad new circumstances. Instead of focusing on what will look good on paper, take note of what brings you joy and build the plan around that. Although this phase of my life is coming to a close, I go out into the world with trust in the future that I hope lingers where I’ve been. The future is bright, and it’s up to us to keep the lights on.


May 3, 2016


College Democrat calls for unity in general election MATT TEITELBAUM President, College Democrats

support his Democratic opponent should he have lost. The final key to a Trump (or Cruz for that matter) victory that I put in my next blog is to “Keep Bernie voters home” by preying on the perceived weaknesses of Clinton’s candidacy. Each and every one of you that chooses not to democratically support the progressive values of our party because your candidate didn’t win the nomination will be complicit in a Republican victory this fall should it happen. Find it in your heart to let integrity and reason overcome spite and frustration. This can be difficult, but it is always the right choice. Every vote not cast for Secretary

Clinton, who despite not being my #1 choice for the nation’s highest office, is an incredibly intelligent, thoughtful and strong leader in her own right could lead to a Trump or Cruz presidency. Clearly, this November, there will be no one with an (R) next to

their name that has the experience, intellect, compassion and most importantly, the values to be our head of state. I’m asking you as someone who knows your pain. This November, Vote for Hillary Clinton, a good Democrat to be our next President.

I have been a supporter of Senator Sanders these past several months. I gave him my vote and publicly endorsed him on Facebook. However, I have accepted the mathematical reality of where his campaign currently stands.




To my fellow Democrats, Soon I will be publishing a new blog via the Huffington Post entitled “How Donald Trump Can Win the 2016 Presidential Election”. Before this comes out, I want to make a plea to each and every one of you, particularly supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders. Please support the Democratic nominee in 2016 with the same vigor and determination that we have given to President Obama these past 8 years. I have been a supporter of Senator Sanders these past several months. I gave him my vote and

publicly endorsed him on Facebook. However, I have accepted the mathematical reality of where his campaign currently stands. Hillary Clinton will not make a perfect nominee for president, nor would Senator Sanders have made one. I had my preference, and it now appears that my party has chosen differently, with over 3 million more Democrats voting for Clinton than Sanders. The reality of politics is that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. I have the great privilege of knowing that Maryland Democrats overwhelmingly chose my preferred candidate for US Senate this year, Congressman Chris Van Hollen. However, I was fully prepared to








MAY 7, 2016 NOON - 4 P.M. Camp Running Bear 17433 Big Falls Road, Monkton Bring your appetite— there’s a cookout too!

Join TU Fisher College of Science and Mathematics alumni, students, faculty and community for stargazing, nature walks, a petting zoo, fly-fishing lessons, and more at TU’s amazing natural habitat! Free event, sponsored by the Towson University Alumni Association


May 3, 2016


May 3, 2016



TU celebrates 150 years

To date, the Towson University 150th Anniversary Scholarship Fund has raised $2.3 million, surpassing its original $1.5 million goal, according to 150th Anniversary Celebration Executive Director Louise Miller. The University has a running tally of costs and profits associated with the 150th but won’t release final numbers for either until June 30, when the fiscal year ends. “Any money remaining will go to the 150th Anniversary Scholarship Fund,” Miller said in an email. As part of this year’s celebrations honoring Towson’s 150 years, the University planned multiple art, visiting speaker and signature events, as well as a marketing campaign that included TV spots with alumni and a street advertising deal with Baltimore City. TU spent $8,950 to hang 100 banners on light poles in popular areas of the city for four weeks, between May and June, during the kick-off of the celebration. “However, no one purchased the poles after our initial four weeks so the city is allowing the banners to remain

up at no additional cost,” Miller said. Opened in January 1866 as the State Normal School, an institution meant to provide standardized training for teachers, TU’s roots lay in Baltimore, where the earliest administration rented space until the state allocated funds to build a new facility 10 years later. According to literature from Cook Library’s Archives and Special Collections, classes began at the unfinished Carrollton Building, named for its location at Carrollton and Lafayette avenues, Feb. 29, 1876, and remained there until a move to what is now Towson’s core campus in the early 20th century. The three oldest buildings on campus, Newell Hall, Stephens Hall and the Power Plant, were built in 1914 and 1915. The University has spent thousands of dollars on the sesquicentennial celebrations. Each college, for example, was allotted $10,000 to pay for a visiting speaker to be a part of the 150th Anniversary Visiting Speaker Series. Some costs were reduced, Miller said, because things were handled inhouse. Speakers stayed at the Marriott, the marketing team has handled promotion of the anniversary, and several events, which were already planned and budgeted for, were re-branded to fit into the 150th celebrations. All TV spots, which were produced in-house, cost less than $10,000 total to produce,

Courtesy of Towson University Special Collections and Archives McFadden Alexander Newell, the first principal of the State Normal School, sits in the principal’s office in 1887.

according to Miller, and the cost of media buys is roughly $535,000. Between 1915 and 1935, when the school was renamed the State Teachers College at Towson, graduating students earned certificates associated with teaching instead of baccalaureate degrees. After integrating in 1954 and building the first for-men residence halls, Ward and West, in 1951, the University became Towson State College, a liberal arts college, in 1963. Visiting anniversary speakers have included education commentator Pedro Noguera, multimedia artist Paul Miller and economics and finance journalist Dame Frances Cairncross. Actress, comedienne and ‘03 Towson alumna Amy Schumer also performed on campus last month as part of the ongoing celebrations. Miller said she couldn’t disclose how much Schumer charged to come to campus, because of agreements with the booking agency. However, she said that ticket sales, sponsorships and “after party” ticket funds raised did exceed the cost. “The 150th Anniversary committee wanted a ‘Signature Event’ that would appeal to all generations and cover the cost of the event, with any money left at the end of the 150th Anniversary Celebration going to the 150th Anniversary Scholarship Fund,” Miller said. University Archives associate and Towson alumna Felicity Knox coauthored “Towson University: The First 150 Years,” the commemorative anniversary book sold in the UStore and through the anniversary website, with retired professor emeritus Dean Esslinger and former University Archivist Nadia Nasr. Divided by the University’s five name changes, the book looks at TU through surrounding historical contexts. Knox explained that in 1976, the school’s name changed yet again, this time to Towson State University, before transitioning to its current name, Towson University. “I love telling the stories of the school,” Knox said. “I am so fortunate that I get to do this and do presentations about the history of the school. And that I’ve gotten to know so much

Courtesy of Towson University Special Collections and Archives (Above) A TU instructor aids students in an oncampus science lab in the 1990s. A 1969 Homecoming float celebrates the first manned-mission to land on the moon (Below). of it. I had no idea when I was walking around here as a student how much I would learn and know.” Knox and Ashley Todd-Diaz, the University’s new archivist, said that they encourage individuals and student groups to contribute primary sources - be they posters, event flyers, documents or rosters - to the archives in order to preserve campus’ current day-to-day life. “We’re both really interested in getting students to just be aware of the

archives and be comfortable coming in and contributing and helping us make it an even better resource for the future,” Todd-Diaz said. “Connecting people with the history and letting students see the personal side of our history, that’s important.” For a more complete history of Towson University, interested parties can visit the Cook Library Archives and Special Collections department on the building’s fifth floor or browse through online library resources.



May 3, 2016

Forward ticket defines 2016-2017 priorities The Forward ticket, headed by sitting vice president turned Presidentelect Taylor James, was elected to lead next year’s Student Government Association Thursday, April 28, after running as part of the SGA’s second uncontested election in three years. James, who served as SGA vice president for the past academic year, was elected with 904 votes. She came up with the Forward’s slogan, “continuing progress and rejecting complacency.” “I think we did a lot of really great things last year,” James said. “We didn’t get everything done that we wanted to, and that’s OK. We just want to continue focusing on continuing to move forward.” The rest of the Forward ticket includes Vice President-elect James Mileo, Treasurer-elect Mary Crowe, Attorney General-elect Patrick Mascio and Breanna McLarty, who will be appointed chief of staff. The group’s priorities include mental health advocacy, developing the Executive Cabinet, creating stronger ties with Baltimore City, holding student representatives accountable and working with the administration to reform hate/bias reporting processes. “We’re not going to sit back, especially with this hate/bias thing,”

Mileo said. “We’re not going to be retrograding.” Approximately 3,247 students voted in last year’s highly contested election between The Roar and Ohana executive board tickets. Last spring, James was elected to the SGA vice presidency with a majority of 1,867 votes, more than any other candidate. This year, while she still received the most votes, that number was cut to 904. During the last uncontested SGA executive board race, decided in spring 2014, 39 students ran for the 18 available senate seats. In 2015, 33 students campaigned for the seats, with 12 aligning themselves with The Roar. This year, the senatorial race was completely uncontested, with only 13 students in the running. Eight students ran for five open justice positions. James said that she suspects this may have resulted from a recent culture change and shift toward a more professional focus within the SGA. “One of the things that we wanted to do last year was change the culture of SGA, and I think we really did that this year. This is serious. You’re doing a job and you’re serving people,” she said. “I think people are more hesitant and taking it more seriously when thinking about doing the job.” In order to fill the five remaining vacant senate seats, the SGA Election Commission is holding a second election. Petitions sre avail-

Chris Simms/ The Towerlight From left to right: Treasurer-elect Mary Crowe, Vice President-elect James Mileo, President-elect Taylor James, Attorney General-elect Patrick Mascio and appointed chief of staff Breanna McLarty. able in the SGA and, after an abbreviated week-long voting cycle, elections will take place May 5. The seven remaining seats in the 25-person senate are reserved for freshman and transfer senators. Per the SGA constitution, four will be appointed from the incoming freshman class, while three will be transfer students. The seven must be interviewed and appointed by the Senate Selection Committee.

Approved by 931 student votes during the election, the revised SGA constitution includes new autonomy for the solicitor general position, updated specific behaviors, the new process for selecting the SGA director of diversity outreach, along with other processes for addressing vacancies, resignations, membership rights and new bodies within the student government. Mileo, a member of the SGA

Senate Rules Committee that drafted the revised constitution, said that a lot of the new language in the document clarifies the responsibilities and behaviors expected of each role within the organization. “Basically, we just added stuff that was already expected of a lot of the positions, but now we’re going to be able to hold them accountable.” -- Cody Boteler contributed to this article.

UNITE revamps for fall semester #NotAtTU launches President of the Towson chapter of Urban Needs in Teacher Education, or UNITE, Ashley Bason said that she hopes to make the organization more prominent on campus and in the community in the coming months. “As of right now, we’re looking to get more members,” Bason said. “Then we’re also looking to be more involved in the community.” A national non-profit organization, UNITE was founded and led by urban teachers. According to its website, the organization aims to prepare future urban teachers to overcome challenges of high-needs schools and to stay committed to teaching. Bason hopes that UNITE will “help to open up the conversation and help more teachers go into [urban schools].” She said that she would like for the

organization to be more involved in the community through volunteer opportunities at various urban schools next semester. As part of these efforts to grow the organization, UNITE held an open panel discussion April 21 in Hawkins Hall to discuss urban education myths in the Baltimore City Public School System. The panel included community coordinators, Baltimore City school principals and workers from the Family League of Baltimore non-profit, which focuses on improving opportunities for city children and families. “We feel that if we hold events such as panel discussions… more people will start to hear about UNITE and they’ll want to become members…and then [we’ll] really build that way,” Bason said. According to Bason, UNITE’s mission is especially important to Towson because of campus’ proximity to Baltimore City.

“So many people come here, and they go and teach in suburban areas, not realizing that they can take their talents into urban education,” Bason said. “So, really having an organization that exposes people to another world of education, I think, is important.” Bason cited the city “school-to-prison pipeline” as a difference between urban and suburban school resources and demographics. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, the school-to-prison pipeline refers to policies and practices that funnel at-risk children out of the public school system and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. For many students, this begins with inadequate resources at public schools. It also includes zero-tolerance policies that criminalize minor infractions of school rules, high rates of suspension and lack of due process for suspensions and expulsions. -To read the rest of this article online, visit

A new campaign, #NotAtTU, became visible on campus Monday, with a formal launch scheduled for Tuesday, between noon and 3 p.m. in Freedom Square. “It’s centered around creating an anti-racist and hate-free campus climate,” Student Government Association President Kurt Anderson said. Students can now go to towson. edu/notattu as a “one-stop shop” for hate/bias reporting. The page includes information about what a hate/bias incident is, what to expect after reporting an incident and a link to report incidents, among other information. Recently, a series of incidents at the CLA Café renewed a conversation about reporting hate/bias incidents at TU. Students gathered in Freedom Square and communicated their frus-

trations with the system during a “Unity Rally” April 22. Anderson said that the campaign isn’t a direct response to the incidents at the café or the student sit-ins last semester. “It’s been a long time coming,” Anderson said. “We rushed it because of what’s been happening.” Originally, he said, the campaign was supposed to launch after the minimester, but it took longer than expected to develop. Anderson said a “bigger campaign” will continue in the fall and feature video promotions. In an email, Ron Butler, the director of Residence Life, announced HRL’s commitment to the campaign Friday. “The ‘#Not at TU’ campaign will include posters on every floor and across TU with the message that hate has no place on our campus and how to report incidents of hate/bias,” the email said. “The University will investigate all reported hate crimes and hate/ bias incidents.”


May 3, 2016


CSD hosts facilitated conversation on sexual assault Towson students discussed the sexualization of women and the perpetuation of stereotypes Wednesday during “Breaching the Silence,” a facilitated conversation about rape and sexual assault in the black community, held in Potomac Lounge. “Tonight will be built off of safe spaces, but I want to push for a brave space,” second-year graduate student Aji Bakare said. “Recognize that this is a conversation. We want you guys to engage each other and to challenge each other’s opinions.” Hosted by the Center of Student Diversity, the event was co-sponsored by Brotherhood, Sisterhood, the Black Student Union, Sigma Lambda Gamma, In the Life and the Caribbean Student Association. According to Black Student Union Vice President Maia Williams, two members of an on-campus fraternity stopped into the BSU office hours before the event began to ask if it was too late to co-sponsor. Williams said that she directed

the students to Bakare, who coordinated the event, and they abandoned the idea. The same men appeared at the event with a group, but left after a conversation where some members said attending wouldn’t gain them points in the Chapter Assessment Program. Williams described their behavior as “frustrating” and “disrespectful,” but said that she does not believe that their behavior was a reflection of CAP, which assesses each chapter’s involvement and performance in academics, chapter management, member development and community involvement. “I don’t think it’s the CAP system,” Williams said. “I think that as human beings you should want to be a part of these conversations… It should be something that you want to engage in. I think the system is fine, you just have to be willing to do things on your own outside of the system.” The fraternity in question and the Inter-Fraternity Council did not respond to requests for comment. The goal of the event was to start a conversation about topics that

the black community sees as taboo, according to Williams. Brotherhood and Sisterhood focused on the hypersexualization of black women and children and the tendency to defend black men when they sexually assault others. Audience members expressed ideas that often, black women and

children are “pigeon-holed into stereotypes.” They also said that the reason people defend black men who sexually assault others is that men in the black community are taught from a young age to be sexual. According to audience members, sexual assault is taken lightly in the black community because the popu-

lation is worried about other issues. “Typically in the black community, if it’s not race related, we won’t care about it as much because that’s one common struggle that we all tend to have,” Brotherhood president Brian Clay said. -To read the rest of this article online, visit

Sarah Rowan/ The Towerlight Students discuss rape, sexual assault and other sensative topics n the black community at “Breaching the Silence” April 27 in Potomac Lounge.

10 10

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TU to host career workshop The Towson University Career Center will host “Networking: Showcasing your Personal Brand” on Wednesday, May 4, from 6- 7 p.m. in LA 3105. This will be the third and final part of the Liberal Arts Career Series programs that have been featured during the spring. “We’re going to talk about tips for networking and what’s your personal brand name and how you can share it through networking,” Internship Coordinator and Career Advisor Rachel Bachman said. The first phase of the series showed students how to highlight their liberal arts experience on a resume. The second part discussed internships and the process of taking what one learns from their liberal arts classes and applying it to a career. While the classes are geared to liberal arts students, they are open to anyone. “This is the first time we’ve done this particular series,” Bachman said. Bachman will lead Wednesday’s

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in print and on File photo by Alex Best/ The Towerlight Towson Career Center hosts the 2016 Spring Mega Job and Internship To place your Fair March 23 at SECU Arena. workshop in the Liberal Arts Building. “I think most jobs these days are never really advertised, but they come from networking,” she said. The purpose of this session is to lower the intimidations of networking and introduce tips on how to do so effectively. “It’s an essential part of finding jobs and internships,” she added. Bachman’s goal is to help students

go to

maximize their identity to get jobs. She will also explain the benefits of TheTowerlight. networking. “I hope it will be useful informa& click on tion,” she said. “We would love to have more than 12 people attend.” “Classifieds For more information on the Career Center and upcoming events that they are hosting, visit the Career Center at TU on Facebook or For more informa careercenter.

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Advertisers! Just 1 more print edition of The Towerlight this spring!

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May 3, 2016




May 3, 2016



The Towson City Center building is home to the Institute for Well-Being, which encompasses several outreach initiatives of the College of Health Professions


1890 1900












The second decade of the new millennium saw Towson expand its campus with two new buildings, off-site. Located in the heart of downtown Towson at One Olympic Place, the Institute for Well-Being (IWB) is accessible to the entire Towson community. The Institute for Well-Being at Towson University offers a range of programs committed to health and wellness promotion in the community. Towson leases space inside the Towson City Center to be used as classroom space for those in the College of Health Professions. The Institute offers professional services and student internships where students can work under the supervision of the health care staff who mentor and train them. Serving as an active professional learning lab for Towson University students, the IWB intertwines innovative services and educational programs into one organization. The Institute for Well-Being houses the Hussman Center for Adults with Autism, an Occupational Therapy Center, a Speech & Language Center, and the Wellness Center.

The Institute for Well-Being provides internship opportunities and connects the university with the community

Towson University in Northeastern Maryland provides additional educational opportunities for students outside of Towson.

Towson University in Northeastern Maryland opened in the fall of 2014 and serves as a satellite campus for Harford Community college graduates to matriculate into select Towson University programs while remaining in Harford County. This campus offers state-of-the-art classrooms, labs, offices and educational resources. The new facility’s convenient location makes Towson’s programs easier to access, allowing the university to provide new opportunities for study and work-force development in the region. Towson University in Northeastern Maryland offers transfer students the flexibility to pursue a four-year degree after they complete an associate’s degree at a community college.

To be continued…

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May 3, 2016

Fuel yourself for finals NOELLE HARADA Contributing Writer

Are you eager to ace your final exams? Of course you are! An easy way to do that is to feed your brain healthy foods. Did you know that eating the right foods can help improve your attention span, mood, memory and ability to concentrate during this crucial time of the semester? Your brain is always working, and it uses a lot of energy. It needs a constant supply of fuel. Your brain works best when you eat higher quality carbohydrates. Carbs provide your brain with the glucose it needs for fuel. Focus on getting in whole grains like popcorn, brown rice, quinoa and whole wheat pasta. Good carbs for your brain also include fruits, black beans, lentils and vegetables. Antioxidants may help boost memory function and help protect your brain from free radicals that can destroy brain cells. Good sources of antioxidants include blackberries, blueberries, cherries, pomegranates, eggplant, beets, red bell peppers, nuts and seeds. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, kale and collard greens may also help improve memory. Remember to eat the colors of the rainbow. Darkcolored fruits and vegetables are the best sources of antioxidants. Omega-3 fatty acids are also essential for good brain health. DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid, is an omega-3 fat that helps improve your overall brain function and memory. Wild salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout and herring are good sources of DHA. If you’re not a fish-eater then you can get omega3 fatty acids from fish oil, seaweed, flax, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, soybeans, tofu and microalgae. Other healthy fats, like avocados, contribute to healthy blood flow. Nuts and seeds like cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds and non-hydrogenated nut butters contain healthy fats and vitamin E, which helps prevent cognitive decline as you age. It’s always a good idea to limit saturated fat intake from things like burgers and pizza, as well as added sugars from cookies and other snacks. Studies have found a link between impaired brain function and eating a lot of refined sugars. Start your day off right and NEVER skip breakfast, because it really is the most important meal of the day. People

who eat breakfast are more likely to be focused, energetic and are able to concentrate better. And yes, we know what you’re going to say, “I don’t have enough time to eat in the morning.” Try prepping the night before and stocking your kitchen with easy-toprepare foods such as whole grain cereal, small whole wheat bagels, nut butters, whole-grain toaster waffles, eggs, yogurt and fresh fruit. For a good brain breakfast, try some oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts. We all hate spending those dreadful hours in the library studying while the sun is gleaming outside, but you have the control to use that time efficiently and effectively by fueling your brain the right way. Some good snacks include granola with walnuts, whole grain cereal with low fat milk, fruit and yogurt parfaits, fresh veggie strips, or a brain food trail mix made with walnuts, dark chocolate pieces, dried blueberries, dried cranberries and some sesame or pumpkin seeds. Make sure to keep refueling during the day, because your brain is going to use up that energy. Your brain also relies on water to function properly. Brain cells lose efficiency when you are dehydrated. Keep refilling your water bottle throughout the day, and don’t forget to exercise. Regular aerobic exercise appears to boost the size of the hippocampi, the areas of the brain that handle memory and learning. Exercise can stimulate chemicals in the brain that support the growth and survival of brain cells. Exercise also improves mood, sleep and reduces stress and anxiety. You are what you eat, so be mindful of your daily intake. Eating highquality food with lots of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and antioxidants nourishes the brain and prevents it from oxidative stress. Think of yourself as a car. Cars function at their best, and pass emission tests, when they’re well-maintained and powered by the right fuel. The same goes for your brain and body: treating it right will lead to more success on those exams.

For more information, contact campus dietician Kerry Ballek at kballek@towson. edu.


Heaven-sent runway show TAYLOR DEVILLE Contributing Writer

Towson’s TREND Models lit up the runway in Victoria’s Secret lingerie, PINK loungewear and unique pieces by Towson University designers April 30 for a show titled, “The Angels Are Coming.” Formerly known as Je Suis La Mode (French for “I am fashion”), or JCM, you may have seen the models on the runway last year during their Barbie fashion show. “The Angels Are Coming” marked the group’s third show since transitioning to Trend Models in spring 2015. The show featured pieces from designers Kinetic Styles, HoodLvm, DajonJ, Original Crackage and Benjoedy. “We just wanted to put on this graceful but entertaining show,” TREND Models Secretary Bria Scott said. “We want to reach out to different groups of people.” Creative directors Kia Rogers and Phrane Ashcraft combined scenes with a variety of dance routines, including a tribute to Prince lipsynced by Paige De Souza, and a cover of Beyoncé’s “Sweet Dreams” by freshman Taylor Crider. “We help the females and males on our campus bring out confidence and try new things and break out of their comfort zone,” Scott said. “We aspire to make them bring out different, unique parts of their personality.”

Chris Simms/ The Towerlight TREND Models debut “The Angels Are Coming” runway show April 30. The scene “Perfect Formation” featured models in glittery bodysuits strutting to the beat of Beyoncé’s “Formation” as Towson’s Rhythm Step Team danced in the audience. Combined with the Angels’ daring outfits and routines from Soul Dance Team and Towson’s All-Star Cheer Club, the vibrant lighting and fun props added to the show’s energy. Models in bathing suits blew bubbles at the crowd and playfully showed off super soakers while kids in the audience bounced around the blacklight-reactive balloons. Throughout the show, emcees senior David Abraham and junior Tamara Benbow from the campus-based YouTube channel, “The Lunch Table,” celebrated the models’ hard work of

combining entertainment and fashion. At the end of the show, TREND Models President Arymis Nelson and Vice President Tatiana Johnson awarded trophies to the models. Awards included “Most Improved” and “Outstanding Performances.” As they’ve done in past shows, Trend Models awarded crowns to Miss and Mr. TREND 2016—freshmen Danielle Poullard and Tyner Jackson, and sophomore Zackery Parrish. “I love TREND. We’re a great team,” Poullard said. “My favorite dance was the last one, ‘Nasty Girl’, because I got to be in the front.” The “Angels” show took months of planning and rehearsing, and the group has nothing else planned for this semester.

Uninhibited art exhibition ANNIE SRAGNER Arts & Life Editor @anniesragner

The Towson University Department of Art and Design will soon unveil the senior art show, “Unbounded,” to celebrate the hard work and creativity of Towson’s graduating artists. “The name of the show really addresses the whole concept of graduating and all of the possibilities after you graduate,” senior illustration major Nicholas Kim said. “A lot of the shows follow that theme, but in terms of works there are a lot of different ideas going on.” Running from May 6-20, the final projects created from semester-long work will include ceramics, graphic design, photography, printmaking, illustration, jewelry, sculpture and 3D printing.

“For my BFA, I’m building my own fantasy world,” Kim said. “I did a lot of research before the semester started so that I could hit the ground running.” Because space on campus is limited, the exhibition will feature the work of 62 graduating senior artists in the Towson Arts Collective, located at 40 W. Chesapeake Ave., in Towson. Kim and his team of eleven other student leaders were a primary part of the planning behind the exhibition. The team included two members from each discipline, representing digital art and design, photography, 3D, illustration, painting/drawing/printmaking and graphic design. Together the student leaders organized meetings to exchange ideas about how to make the event a collaborative effort. “We got together and asked all of

the other seniors to vote on some names we came up with,” Kim said. “‘Unbounded’ was the one that was most popular.” The exhibition student leaders hope that this event will provide an opportunity to highlight the longterm efforts of many of Towson’s student artists. “It really showcases the emerging talents and capabilities of artists that Towson University has to offer,” Kim said. “I think it really shows the diversity and different themes that people are dealing with and that they really want the world to see. It’s a great communicative effort on the part of the artists at Towson.” The senior art show is available for free viewing May 6 -20, Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 5 p.m., and the opening reception will be held May 13 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.



May 3, 2016

The queen returns with new album Spoken words of love KRISTIN HELF Staff Writer @kristinelise_

You don’t need me to tell you that “Lemonade,” Beyoncé’s newest visual album, premiered on HBO two Saturdays ago. In fact, you don’t need me to tell you anything about “Lemonade,” because the Internet is thoroughly littered with thinkpieces on the subject—a necessary and expected reaction when Beyoncé blesses us with a new album, especially one that gives us a glimpse into Bey’s personal life (Jay-Z, do better) and touches on intersectional feminism and the Black Lives Matter movement. I am so here for Beyoncé wielding a baseball bat, smashing car windows and a New Orleans Police Department surveillance camera in the song “Hold Up.” I’m here for the film featuring the mothers of Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin holding framed pictures of their sons as “Freedom,” featuring Kendrick Lamar, begins to play. But as much as I love “Lemonade”

and the message it conveys, I’m not going to tell you why it’s so awesome— this album wasn’t made for me, and my opinion doesn’t matter so much. White writers and black writers love Beyoncé all the same, I’m sure, but I encourage you to read the pieces and criticisms by people of color who are writing things. This album was made for them, as it directly pertains to their lives and their experiences in a country whose racial climate, at this point in time, is feigning indifference at best. Instead, I recommend you read Zandria F. Robinson and Michael Arceneaux’s pieces for Rolling Stone and Doreen St. Felix’s “A Love Profane.” While there’s an inexhaustible source of black writers who can tell you how great “Lemonade” is, I can tell you to stop being offended by the term “Becky.” It’s not a racial slur, guys. At the most, it’s an insult for the overly sensitive. When Beyoncé alludes to being cheated on in “Sorry,” she refers to her husband’s mistress as “Becky with the good hair.” We don’t know if Becky is


You are invited to the

Rita Ora, Rachel Roy or Rachel Ray, just that her name probably isn’t really Becky and that some white women are offended at being called such a name. If you’re still confused, it’s pretty difficult to explain the criteria for being a Becky, but writer Damon Young comes close with a few examples: “Hillary Clinton? Not a Becky. Natalie Portman? Not really a Becky. Taylor Swift? The Beckiest. Iggy Azalea? Darth Becky.” Men and women of color have been called names much worse than “Becky” for centuries: from similar Becky-esque nicknames like Shanaynay, intended to demean someone and erase the significance of their existence, to actual racial slurs. If Iggy Azalea convinced you that “Becky” is a racial slur invented by Beyoncé to belittle us white women, instead of just, like, maybe comparing us to Aunt Becky from “Full House”— please remember that Azalea refers to herself as a “runaway slave-master” in her song “D.R.U.G.S.” Also, Beyoncé definitely didn’t coin the term “Becky”—Sir Mix-a-Lot did. Anyway, next time someone calls you Becky, just laugh it off. Or mention how beautiful Lori Loughlin, aka Aunt Becky, still is at 51 years old.


The students of Voices Slam Team and Kappa Alpha Psi cohosted an evening of erotic poetry and intimate expression at the “Language of Love” performance event Thursday night in the West Village Ballrooms. “The goal of this event is to get people to open up about sexual desires in an open place, to get people to talk about something that happens every day,” co-host Terran Foster said. “The first time I hosted I was thrown into it and they liked me hosting it. My personality matches it. It is a positive healthy event and we are going to have it again.” This was the third annual performance from the organizing teams that centered upon safe and consensual sex. Originally a writing workshop where attendees would learn how to write their own poetry, the event has since morphed into a poetry reading. “I came here for support mostly, and I love poetry,” student Miyah Overton said. “I am always down

for a good poetry slam.” The night started off with the host asking people in the audience to volunteer to “paperclip,” which is a freestyle poem exercise wherein participants are given a topic and asked to freestyle. Three members from the audience chose to paperclip and were given the words “zaddy,” “raw” and “moist” from the crowd. They were only given a few seconds to come up with poems. “My poem was me wanting to show a woman exactly how I felt,” Morgan State University performer James Morgan said. “It was my first time performing poetry. I want to do it again. It was nerve-wracking. My advice to others is to just focus on the words and not the audience. Safe sex is great sex. Consent is sexy.” Dimmed lights created an intimate and open atmosphere as students read poetry and smooth R&B played in the background. “It was good,” student Caleb Taylor said. “A lot of energy, it was a humorous and goofy event to go to. They had good food, and the last performance was the best.”


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May 3, 2016

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May 3, 2016

Initiative for a cleaner world NICOLE SHAKHNAZAROVA Contributing Writer

Towson’s fresh-faced Student Environment Organization, a group devoted to maintaining an orchard and increasing the bee population on campus, was revived this semester and is working to make a positive change in the community. Co-presidents Michael Bacon and Aliyah Russell, both of whom are seniors and environmental science majors, united their passion for the environment to form this eco-friendly organization. “A big goal for us is to maintain the orchard that is on campus. We are working with the Baltimore Orchard to label the plants that are there and how to manage the orchard,” Bacon said. “Our second, and perhaps most important, goal is to try to get bees on campus for pollinators, and we are currently in the process of doing that.” “Originally, the Environmental Science Club was formed on campus and then it dissolved, so [assistant professor] Christopher Salice sent an email out to all of the environmental science major students and asked if anyone was interested,” Bacon said. A group of about ten active members, the organization accepts any interested students. “What’s great about our organization is that we encourage everyone to join and be an active member,” Russell said. “No prior knowledge or environmental science majors are

necessary. We just care that you care about the environment.” The organization continues their work to preserve the environment by planning clean-up efforts and awareness events. “Our big highlight was that we did a park clean up in February, and our ten core members showed up for it,” Russell said. “In addition to that, we also had an event on April 28, which was a performance of ‘Groundswell Rising’ and got a ton of literature on anti-fracking in Maryland.” Although the spring semester is coming to a close, the SEO has many plans for the upcoming school year. “Next week for our last meeting of the semester we plan on doing a trash pick-up in University Village to work on community service hours, which is definitely a thing that we try to focus on as it helps with funding for next semester,” Bacon said. The organization meets Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Psychology Building, Room 205, although these times will most likely change next semester. “Another big event we have coming up is we are planning a trip to Philadelphia on July 24,” Bacon said. “This trip is primarily planned for students to march for anti-fracking action to prevent climate catastrophe and present these demands directly to our current and future national leaders. “We will be joined by thousands other fellow marchers on the eve of the Democratic National Convention,” Russell added.

Courtesy of Michael Bacon Student Environment Organization members come together to clean up trash as part of the club’s incentive to improve the environment.

Food and fun draw local crowds JESSICA RICKS Staff Writer

Four hundred vendors and artists lined Washington, Pennsylvania and Baltimore avenues in Uptown Towson this weekend, April 30 and May 1, for the 49th annual Towsontown Spring Festival. Organized by the Towson Chamber of Commerce, the festival included games, carnival rides and performances from 15 bands like Amish Outlaws, Reagan Years, and 1974. “We really do coordination of sponsorships and vendors,” Towson Chamber of Commerce executive assistant Liz Bailey said. “The festival features a lot of different vendors, food and crafts. It really takes an army to put this together.” Since its inception in 1967 as an art exhibit where local artists and bands could come to perform, the Towsontown Spring Festival has grown into an event that attracts thousands of people annually. “It’s a great way to bring in people that may not usually come to the area,” Bailey said. “It’s a way to show off the town to them and possibly bring them back for other things.” At the 36 Letters stand along Washington Avenue, artist Nathaniel Badder sold art pieces that featured various words spelled out from pictures of letters out of

Courtesy of Liz Bailey various objects and signs. “I heard great things about this festival,” Badder said. “It’s a fun event for families. And it’s that time of the year where the artists start waking up to introduce their stuff to the world.” While the first day of the festival was crowded and alive under the hot spring sun, Sunday’s rainy weather may have discouraged people from attending. “Unlike other years, the weather is not in our favor,” first-time vendor Amie McCaslin said. “It’s hard to think about spring when it’s freezing outside, but it’s fun and it’s great to be here and get to talk to people.” Despite the weather, the show

must go on. People didn’t let the weather stop the festival’s fun and by the middle of the day, the clouds and threat of more rain didn’t seem to faze anyone. “I came here because it looked like something fun to do,” junior Madison Ferraro said. “There are not usually events in the area to go to and everything uptown you have to be 21 to do, so it’s something to do around here.” Next year will mark the festival’s 50th iteration, so the Chamber of Commerce is preparing for even more fun to bring to the ever-growing Spring Festival. “We’re excited for next year,” Bailey said. “It’s going to be bigger and better than ever.”

All “signs” point to a good time KEBRON TESFAYE Contributing Writer

Students from the American Sign Language Club invited people of all sign language abilities to come together and assess their non-verbal communication skills in Patuxent Bistro as part of a festival that’s been in the planning stages since the fall, on Saturday, April 30. “We’re bringing awareness about the deaf community to Towson,” ASL Club President Brittany Martin said. The event provided an opportunity for hearing students to learn more about deaf culture as well as American Sign Language. “The deaf community knows about Towson University because we have a deaf studies major here,” event coordinator Khera Colbert said. “There’s not a huge deaf community or deaf presence on Towson’s campus, so we wanted to bring that to Towson and get students of different majors

aware so they can come and learn sign language.” The event featured an altered version of the classic game Jenga. Although the game is usually played with light wooden bricks, the wood used for these bricks was rough and large. These specific bricks were chosen to create loud vibrations on the ground when the wood fell. “For people who have not seen sign language, to come in and see hands flying everywhere signing can create those somewhat uncomfortable situations where you’re not sure how to communicate,” Martin said. “But then you figure out and learn along the way.” To increase funding for the ASL club, members sold shirts and candy as well as raffle tickets. A table display illustrated the historical background of deaf studies and sign language. Many students, parents and friends who attended the festival

said that they enjoyed and learned from the events. “I’m learning a lot,” junior Akeem Roberts said. “It could do well for our major because we’re both health care management majors, so there’s a good chance that we’ll run into a few deaf people in our career.” “I think it’s important to learn because people don’t count this as a language,” Roberts’ friend Lydia Johnson added. “I didn’t expect that there would be music. I’d expected that there would be more visual stuff, but there’s music and things that deaf people cannot hear.” The ASL club felt that the event was a success and is looking forward to doing more fun, community-building events in the future. “As a club, we realized that we didn’t have a fun event to look forward to every year, so this was our way of doing that and giving back to the deaf community,” Martin said.


May 3, 2016


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Turn to page 20 for answers to today’s



May 3, 2016

Check out our blogs page

tigers take series CHRIS WELLS Staff Writer @cgwells00

Towson earned a 7-4 win in the second game of a doubleheader with Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) rival Charleston at Schuerholz Park. A four-run inning in the second put the Tigers (17-28, 7-8 CAA) up despite a late rally by the Cougars (23-19-1, 7-8 CAA). Freshman Cuinn Mullins started the attack with a two-run home run. He went 1-for-3 at the plate with one run scored and three RBIs. In the third inning, junior Colin Dyer hit a triple, the second of the day and a CAA-leading sixth of the year. Dryer finished the game 1-for-3 with two runs scored. “It’s huge, it’s one of our biggest struggles getting production from our five through nine guys,” Head Coach Mike Gottlieb said. “Our one through four are about as good as anyone in the conference, but when we get hitting through the lineup we’re pretty good.” Senior Austin Clark (1-3) picked up his first victory of the season allowing only one hit in 1.1 innings.

Sophomore David Marriggi (2) pitched three shutout innings to earn his second save of the weekend. “Going into the weekend we weren’t sure who our closer would be,” Gottlieb said. “He [Marriggi] came out of the bullpen for the first time as a closer, he did well.” In the first game of the doubleheader Saturday Towson fell to Charleston 9-4. The Tigers trailed 6-0 at the end of the sixth inning, and the deficit proved to be too much to overcome. Junior Kevin Ross (2-6) allowed six runs, only two of which were earned, on 10 hits in six innings of work. Towson only managed six hits in the game, with six different players registering one hit apiece. On Friday, it took the Tigers a threerun eighth inning to come from behind and win 4-3 to open the weekend series. Junior Brady Policelli was the hero hitting a game-winning two-run triple. It was his only hit of the game as he went 1-for-4 with two RBIs. Mullins went 2-for-3 at the plate with one run scored. Junior Chris Henze was the only other Tiger to record two

hits including one run scored. On the mound, Marriggi struck out two of the Cougars three hitters in the ninth to earn his first save of the season. Freshman Skyler Morris built off his strong showing last week allowing only one run on six hits in 5.2 innings of work. However, junior Matt Golczewski (3-1) received the victory. He gave up just two runs, only one of which was earned, on four hits in 2.1 innings. Saturday, Gottlieb was honored by numerous alumni for his 700 career wins. “One of my former players, we were at odds,” Gottlieb said. “He wasn’t great at academics. He told me that he just got his degree and how much he appreciated me as a coach. You wouldn’t have known that the four years he was here. It was nice.” Towson continues play Wednesday in Aberdeen, Maryland, against University of Maryland, College Park, with first pitch scheduled for 7 p.m. Following its game against the Terrapins, the Tigers hit the road to play at CAA rival William & Mary for a three-game series starting Friday, May 6, at 6 p.m.


contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating.

● The numbers within the heavily

Solutions to Puzzles appearing on page 19. 18.

outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners.

● Freebies: Fill in single-box cages

with the number in the top-left corner. KenKen® is a registered trademark of Nextoy, LLC. ©2014 KenKen Puzzle LLC. All rights reserved. Dist. by Universal Uclick for UFS.

● Each row and each column must

File photo by Chris Simms/ The Towerlight

Freshman second baseman Richie Palacios at the plate against CAA rival Hofstra at Shuerholz Park.


May 3, 2016

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May 3, 2016

capital opportunity Students dunk JORDAN COPE Sports Editor @jordancope26

After defeating a scrappy Philadelphia Flyers team in the first round of the playoffs, it is now or never for the Washington Capitals to make a run at the Stanley Cup. In previous seasons, the Caps looked poised to make a run at the cup, but fans had their hearts broken. However, this year could be a different story -- one that ends with the Capitals finally capturing the trophy that has been eluding them for so long. The Caps have a tremendous amount of depth throughout their lineup with the offseason acquisitions of wingers T.J. Oshie and Justin Williams.

In the regular season, Oshie and Williams combined for 48 goals, 55 assists and 103 points. The two also fit nicely into their respective lines and bring playoff experience and veteran leadership. Washington also added a scrappy Daniel Winnik at the trade deadline. In addition to a deep roster, the Capitals have a great special teams’ unit on both sides of the puck. In the regular season, Washington’s power play unit ranked fifth and converted 28 percent of the time when it was a man to the good. The Capitals also have a penalty kill unit that ranked first in the regular season and killed off 96.8 percent of penalties. The final piece to Washington’s postseason puzzle of success is the

play of goaltender Braden Holtby. Holtby had a phenomenal year, allowing on average just 2.20 goals per-game and posting a stellar .922 save percentage. Holtby also tied future hall of famer Martin Brodeur’s regular season win record of 48. Since moving on from their first round victory over the Flyers, the Penguins now stand in the Capitals way of winning the Stanley Cup, again. In 2009, The Penguins defeated the Capitals in the Eastern Conference semi-finals and eventually went on to win the cup. So the question remains. Will it be another postseason filled with déjà vu and heartbreak for Washington, or will the team be making the short trip to Pennsylvania Avenue to meet the president? If the Capitals regular season success all falls into place in the postseason, there is no reason why the team shouldn’t be celebrating its first championship in franchise history.

TU coaches

Alex Best/ The Towerlight

Head Football Coach Rob Ambrose participates in the dunk tank event at the Towsontown Fields hosted by Sports Management.

CAA SEMIFINALS! First 200 student tickets are free with OneCard! THURSDAY, MAY 5 · 4 P.M. VS. CAA Men’s Lacrosse Championship Saturday, May 7 at 1pm #1 Towson/#4 Drexel vs. #2 Fairfield/#3 Hofstra

Student Tickets available at Union or Unitas Stadium Ticket Office! First 200 student tickets will be free as Towson advances throughout the tournament.


May 3, 2016


tigers top delaware SARAH VAN WIE Staff Writer @SarahVdubs

Towson earned a series win against Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) rival Delaware this weekend. “This was one of the more competitive series,” sophomore catcher Shelby Stracher said. “But it was good preparation going into the end of the season.” Sunday, the Tigers (32-15, 8-8 CAA) defeated the Blue Hens (29-18, 9-8) 9-3 to secure the series win. Delaware claimed an early 1-0 lead in the second inning when Anna Steinmetz hit a solo homerun to centerfield. However, Towson quickly tied the game 1-1 in the bottom of the second inning when Kendyl Scott hit an RBI to bring Daria Edwards in to score. In the third inning, Holiday Cahill hit a three-run homer to center to give the Tigers a 4-1 lead.



After a scoreless fourth inning, Cahill smacked her second home run of the game to center field to extend Towson’s lead to 5-1. Later in the inning, freshman Nicole Stockinger extended the Tigers lead to 6-1 with a home run of her own. In the sixth inning, Cahill hit her third home run of the game. It was a three-run home run that gave Towson a 9-3 lead. Saturday the Tigers defeated the Blue Hens 2-1 in game one of a doubleheader, but fell 4-3 in game two. “Hopefully we can solidify a spot in the [CAA] tournament after the next series,” Brook Miko said. In game one of the doubleheader, Scott hit a home run in the first inning to give Towson an early 1-0 lead. In the third inning, Delaware got on the scoreboard thanks to a Mariah Kondarvy ground ball to second base that brought Hannah George in to tie the game 1-1 on a fielder’s choice. However, Bailey Boyd scored from


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second base off of Caroline Reid’s hit to take the 2-1 lead and earn a series opening victory. In the second game of the doubleheader, the Blue Hens got on the scoreboard first thanks to Kondarvy’s solo home run to take a 1-0 lead. Steinmetz followed Kondarvy’s lead and launched a home run of her own to left field to give Delaware a 2-0 lead. Another home run from the Blue Hens hit by Shelby Jones brought the score to 3-0, all in the same inning. Neither team score until the seventh inning, when Edwards hit a home run over center field to put Towson on the scoreboard 3-1. Reid followed Edwards’ home run and brought in Boyd to score and tie the game 3-3. However, in extra innings Alyshia Dellatore smacked a homer over right field to earn Delaware a 4-3 win. Towson finishes the regular season with a home series against CAA foe UNC Wilmington next weekend.

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Holiday Cahill


Junior first baseman Holiday Cahill went 3-for3, hit three home runs and drove in seven RBI in Towson’s 9-3 victory over CAA rival Delaware Sunday at the TU Softball Complex.



May 3, 2016

Winning on the road

File photo by Joe Noyes/ The Towerlight

Redshirt junior midfielder and captain Brian Bolewicki looks to make a pass in Towson’s 10-7 victory over No. 17 Georgetown in late February at Johnny Unitas Stadium. a minute later. The two goals gave the team a 6-4 lead in the middle Assistant Sports Editor of the third quarter. @tylerbeard2 Hofstra’s offense followed though and went on a 3-0 run, which put the team up 7-6 near the No. 12 Towson defeated the end of the third quarter. Hofstra Pride 8-7 Saturday and Both teams battled in the fourth clinched the home-field advanquarter and McCarty tied the game tage for the Colonial Athletic at 7-7 with his second goal. The Association (CAA) Tournament. Tigers took the momentum from “The game was two tough teams there and junior midfielder Mike going at it and these two teams Lynch broke the tie in a gamepushed each other,” Head Coach winning goal with Shawn Nadelen four minutes left said. “I was happy in the game. our guys were able The game was two Seider led the to come out on top.” team with three The win gave the tough teams going at goals and finished Tigers (12-2, 4-1 it and these two the regular season CAA) the regular teams pushed each with a team-high season CAA title 28 goals. Junior and makes them other. I was happy attackman Ryan the No. 1 seed for our guys were able to Drenner also the tournament. come out. scored a goal and Towson battled led the Tigers with with Hofstra (9-5, SHAWN NADELEN 43 points in the 3-2 CAA) the whole Head Coach regular season. game, as neither Redshirt senior goalie Tyler team held more than a two-goal lead. White finished the game with nine Hofstra opened up matchup with saves and finished the regular seaa goal early in the first quarter son third in the nation with a 7.18 and junior attackman Joe Seider goals-against average. responded with man-up score to “I don’t feel too much pressure tie it at 1-1. out there because I know my teamThe Tigers found a rhythm in mates have my back and I try to third quarter after Seider scored have theirs,” White said about his his third goal of the game and performance. “We trust each other senior midfield er Ben McCarty found the back of the net less than and are just a very tight-knit group.” TYLER BEARD

Towson draws the No. 4 seeded Drexel Dragons in the first round of the CAA tournament. Towson defeated Drexel 11-7 earlier in the season at Johnny Unitas Stadium. “We’re excited and we did things this season that awarded us this opportunity,” Nadelen said.

“We’re completely focused on our next opponent. We need to play a better game than this in order to win and once we do that, we’ll worry about the next one.” The Tigers matchup against the Dragons on Thursday at 4 p.m. The winner will face either Fairfield or

Hofstra in the CAA Championship on Saturday at 1 p.m. Drexel finished the season with a 6-8 record but enter the game against Towson on a two-game winning streak after defeating CAA opponents Delaware and University of Massachusetts.

File photo by Joe Noyes/ The Towerlight

Senior midfielder Ben McCarty cuts up the field in Towson’s 10-7 victory against Georgetown this year.

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