The Towerlight (March 13, 2018)

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Towson’s campus and community news source

March 13, 2018

Developments strive to draw TU and surrounding communities closer together, pg. 7

Photo by Marcus Dieterle, Photo Illustration by Victoria Nicholson /The Towerlight


March 13, 2018



March 13, 2018

Editor-in-Chief Marcus Dieterle Senior Editor Jordan Cope News Editor Bailey Hendricks Asst. News Editor Mary-Ellen Davis Assoc. Arts & Life Editor Kerry Ingram Asst. Arts & Life Editor McKenna Graham Sports Editor Karuga Koinange Asst. Sports Editor Billy Owens

Senior Staff Writer Sarah Rowan


Leah Volpe Keri Luise Rohan Mattu Muhammad Waheed Deb Greengold Sophia Bates

Assoc. Photo Editor Brendan Felch

Staff Photographers Jordan Cope


Lacey Wall Joe Noyes David Kirchner Tiffany Deboer Isaiah Freeman Lexi Thompson

Sarah Rowan General Manager Mike Raymond Art Director Victoria Nicholson



1:15p.m.,AdministrationBuilding,Room 224.

Marcus Dieterle Brittany Whitham

Proofreaders Alex Best


Emmy-nominated actress Laverne Cox will be the featuredspeakeratthethisyear’sDivisionofStudent Affairs Spring Diversity Event. This event is free and open to the public.

Do you have a great idea for a business, product or nonprofit organization? Put that idea on paper and get feedback in a low-pressure environment from judges.

4 p.m., University Union, Paws.

David Fisher Simon Enagonio

Amanda Jean Thomas


7 p.m., SECU Arena.

Jill Gattens Jessica Ricks

Meg Hudson



Staff Writers Desmond Boyle

Senior Staff Photographer Alex Best



TU serves will be volunteering with Believe in Tomorrow House, an organization that provides overnightaccommodationstofamiliesofchildren receivingtreatmentattheJohnsHopkinsChildren’s Center.


Smith Hall, Room 521.



Come out and cheer on the Tigers before you leave for spring break.


1 p.m., John B. Schuerholz Park.

Webmaster Circulation Staff Shawn Halerz Dom Capparuccini Elssa Kenfack

8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 (410) 704-5153 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  Wednesday noon for space; Friday noon for art. Classifieds appear online and in print and are self-service at We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorials express the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2018 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

Towson University professor Alex Storrs discusses what we know, and what we still don’t know about physical reality and black holes.



@Makuna_Hatata_ Laverne Cox is coming toTowson but I have physics lab whyyyyy


omg laverne cox is coming to speak at towson who wants to go with me





Laverne cox is speaking at Towson and I’m actually going to be in town for it today just got so much better

@imagine_an_egg Laverne cox is going to be at Towson in a week and I can’t find my damn ID card.




March 13, 2018

Calling on TU Tax reform hits U.S. hard athletic programs

Lawmakers need to rewrite bill, fix significant errors CONNOR McNAIRN Columnist

Late last year, Republicans rammed through tax legislation that prioritized rate cuts for corporations and America’s wealthiest. In my December column detailing the narrowly and irresponsibly passed reconciliation, I lent a significant amount of criticism toward the processes utilized by the GOP to pass the bill and identified the bill’s overall fiscal irresponsibility. Now, as the bill and its contents become more prevalent and widely circulated, American business has taken issue with much of the plan’s ambiguous language and blatant structural error. Many of America’s most hardworking citizens, ranging from farmers to restaurant workers, have identified portions of the bill that, if not altered through the Treasury Department and congressional interventions, will cause them and their industries severe harm. Among the various glitches found within the tax bill, one of the most blatant errors lends 20 percent deductions to farmers who sell to cooperatives, or organizations that are owned and operated by and for the benefit of farmers. While this deduction may appear attractive at the surface level, the bill fails to

offer similar benefits to independent agriculture organizations that are now beset by significant cooperative gains. Moreover, the tax bill also fails to properly accommodate restaurants and retail stores for renovation expenses. The original text of the bill claims that renovation investments must be deducted over 39 years rather than the originally intended 15 years, thereby reducing the original available benefits of renovation tax deductions. O t h e r glitches in the bill allow for hedge funds, equity firms, S corporations and others to potentially avoid enhanced rules on carried interest, provide unclear deadlines for businesses that claim losses for tax reductions, and enable real estate investors to claim deductions for pass-through-income if they directly own real estate stocks. Much of the financial jargon and corporate minutiae involved in this legislation goes well above the head of the vast majority of American voters. But to the blue-collar farmer, hard-working restaurant worker and freelance real-estate investor, these poorly written and recklessly constructed tax provisions symbolize government ineptitude that is beholden to big corporations and

cares very little for the financial growth and success of the average citizen. Financial experts and politicians are currently scrutinizing the bill to determine whether its many flaws are the result of intentional design or hurried typos; this predicament best illustrates the problems associated with hurried legislative procedures aimed only at scoring political victories. Late last year, in a desperate attempt to garner enough support for a tax overhaul, the Republicans withheld the text of the tax plan from Democratic lawmakers and instead shared its details with lobbying groups. Further, the GOP avoided the general 60-vote cloture rule, and instead capitalized on a breakneck “budget reconciliation” process. The clear lack of forethought dedicated to this legislation is perhaps best illustrated by the pen markings in its margins, which gained universal criticism from financial and political critics. The errors that have now become so publicly criticized are the result of hurried party politics and congressional dishonesty. In order to edit these errors, current lawmakers will have to rewrite significant portions of the bill – a task that, given the original difficulty of passing the bill, will once again prove difficult. The tax bill serves as a perfect illustration that hurried and reckless partisan efforts, especially when aiming to rewrite American tax law, serve only to harm hard-working Americans.

Please follow after fellow in-state rival

University of Maryland, Baltimore County JORDAN COPE Senior Editor @jordancope26

After University of Maryland, Baltimore County defeated Vermont Saturday to advance to the NCAA Tournament, I felt a huge sense of pride. But I found myself wondering why I felt so prideful; I don’t even go to that school. It finally hit me. I felt so happy for UMBC because there is nothing to cheer about here at Towson in regard to sports. I can hear the president’s and athletic’s office now: “In 2011 we won the CAA Championship in football, in 2013 we went to the FCS Championship game in football and just last year we won the CAA Championship in track and field.” Well, that’s great. But the truth of the matter is -- with the exception of track and field -- all those athletic successes came between five and seven years ago. That said, a good majority of the student-body never followed Towson athletics at that stage in their life. I’d even venture as far to say that some incoming students may not have known the University had a swimming team, a women’s tennis team and some of the other under-the-radar sports. I know I wasn’t really cognizant of those teams.

Oh, and the University doesn’t have a men’s soccer team, only the most popular sport in the world. But that’s just a little side note. Rob Ambrose, Head Coach of Towson’s football team, is always calling for the student-body to be more present at games. But the truth of the matter is, the games are very painful to sit through. I am not calling out just the football team, but every sport at the University. Pat Skerry is just an incredibly basketball coach. He knows the game of basketball very well, but his teams always seems to underachieve. So does the volleyball team. Despite a talented group of athletes and a great coach in Don Metil, the team can never seem to win a CAA Title. Then there is women’s basketball who can never seem to get over the hump despite some of its strong recruits. And women’s soccer just fired now former Head Coach Greg Paynter for a long stretch of mediocracy. UMBC, I tip my hat to you. You always seem to have solid programs considering your institution is a flagship. Not just your men’s basketball team that is going to play into March, but your soccer and lacrosse teams are always winning too. Towson, I beg you to please turn around your programs. Give your students a reason to want to go to the games. Win. Play with passion and fire. Give us a reason to be proud to wear black and gold at sporting events.

The errors that have now become so publicly criticized are the result of hurried party politics and congressional dishonesty. In order to edit these errors, current lawmakers will have to rewrite significant portions of the bill - a task that, given the original difficulty of passing the bill, will prove difficult. CONNOR McNAIRN Columnist

File Photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Towson women’s soccer competes in a match against Delaware.


March 13, 2018



Gun control is for all in the U.S. People of color deserve safe spaces to have their voices heard KYNDALL CUNNINGHAM Columnist

Following the shell-shocked weeks since the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have taken politicians to task for their inactivity on gun reform and ties to the NRA. Survivors of the shooting, along with their families and members of the Parkland community, have prolonged a conversation about gun control in the United States longer than previous groups impacted by similar violence. The response to the #NeverAgain movement has been mostly positive, garnering vocal and financial support from politicians, celebrities and the liberal and centrist sectors of social media. Like many people I follow on Twitter, I’ve noticed a discrepancy over the past few weeks in responses to white youth who protest injustice and black and brown youth who do the same. For the past five years, “Black Lives Matter” has been the rallying cry of black teens and young adults across the country tired of losing lives to police brutality. Prior to that specific movement, black people have been mobilizing around the issue of gun violence in their own communities where shootings occur on an almost daily basis. The problem with gun violence affecting communities of color is that it is rarely framed as “senseless.” The lives that are lost aren’t additionally noted as “innocent.” National discourse teaches us that gun violence is a horrendous tragedy when it happens to seemingly good people in suburban areas, but perfectly acceptable as a quotidian part of minorities’ lives. Therefore, people across party lines selectively

rally behind the seemingly good victims, leaving communities most vulnerable to gun violence behind. I’ve seen this trend practiced by liberals, especially those who claim to be inclusive in their progressive beliefs. The demographics of protests and demonstrations have changed a lot since the Obama administration, starting with the Women’s March in 2017, which brought out more white liberals than you w o u l d have seen at a Black Lives Matter rally in the years past. While political demonstrations are risky, even worrisome environments for people of color, they’ve become an alternative to brunch for newly concerned citizens. But amid this new wave of resistance, Trump-era demonstrators owe black youth a great debt. I can’t tell you how proud I am of the teens at Stoneman Douglas. Since the mass shooting that claimed 17 lives, students including Cameron Kasky, Jaclyn Corin and Alex Wind have courageously led the way in confronting pro-gun legislation and politicians they view as complicit in enabling the NRA. Most notably, students participated in a CNN Town Hall where they interrogated Senator Marco Rubio for his idleness on gun control, voiced their concerns to President Donald Trump at a White House listening session and organized an upcoming demonstration called March For Our Lives in Washington, D.C., on March 24. Watching these events unfold, I’m filled with hope. But I long for people of color to have the same access to these spaces to make their voices heard. The youth in Ferguson, Baltimore, Chicago and St. Louis deserve safety too, and support when they fight for it.

Some missing links Lack of evidence between games and shootings


With each passing day, I’m more tempted to change this Republican red elephant logo to a Libertarian gold porcupine because the GOP is getting too small-minded for me to fit in. While we turned our clocks forward Saturday, the GOP turned its back 20 years by making the 1990s argument that video games cause school shootings. This tired platitude is hardly worth discussing so I’ll make a few brief jabs to knock this lightweight argument over. I would assume many, if not most Americans, below the age of 35 play video games. I would also assume many, if not most Americans, aren’t school shooters or psychopaths. I know for a

fact that video games are played all across the world, especially in Europe and Asia. I know for a fact that school shootings hardly, if ever, occur in those continents. Everyone can see kids and young adults play as post-apocalyptic road warriors and dragon-fighting vikings, yet know they’ll never become those in real life. So why are people, like our president and several other Republicans, tooting this rusted old horn? Could they possibly be this ignorant, or are they just going straight to the bottom of the barrel to search for reasons for school shootings, digging

past gun legislation and mental illness? I can’t find a single article that confirms the GOP’s theories on the ties between video games and gun violence, although I can find copious amounts to the contrary. Doesn’t that sound familiar, like a needle stabbing at the back of your mind; a vaccination needle perhaps? The red elephant is not dying gracefully. In its old age it is becoming forgetful, clumsy and just isn’t thinking straight. But make no mistake, it is dying. I can’t possibly advocate for a vote for the Democrats as they have numerous problems I’ve espoused in the past. But just remember, there are newer parties sprouting up that aren’t as tired and old as the two we have now.


Photo Illustration Courtesy of Shania Manigo Shania Manigo submitted a sketch of Spiderman sitting infront of Stephens Hall reading a comic book. If you would like to submit your own artwork, email



March 13, 2018




March 13, 2018


Developments test TU-Towson relationship MARCUS DIETERLE Editor-in-Chief @marcusdieterle

You only need to travel up York Road to witness some of the development projects coming soon to Towson. Baltimore County Councilman David Marks has seen Towson’s growth over the past eight years since he was elected to the county council in 2010. Marks said he is most looking forward to seeing the completion of Circle East, a 240,000 square foot, mixed-use development. “Circle East is a transformational project that involves the renovation of the Hutzlers building and construction of new retail and residential units on Joppa Road,” he said. “It will greatly improve a key gateway into downtown Towson.” Construction on Circle East began in September 2017 to convert the then-Barnes and Noble store and other retail locations below the Towson Circle into new residential and retail properties. Executive Director of the Towson Chamber of Commerce Nancy Hafford said she is particularly excited for the additional housing that the AvalonBay apartments will bring to the area as part of the Circle East project. “The more people living here the better,” Hafford said. Towson will also feature another mixed-used development called Towson Row. Construction on Towson Row began in 2015, but was halted after a large boulder was discovered on site. In December 2017, the Baltimore County Council voted to provide nearly $43 million in financial assistance to the project’s developers. Towson Row will include office spaces, luxury high-rise residential units, student housing, a hotel, and retail, grocery and restaurant locations. Hafford praises the Towson Row development and the impact it will have on Towson’s economy. “It will bring thousands of well-paying jobs to our community -- during construction and once it’s built,” she said. As the Towson area continues to grow, Towson University President Kim Schatzel looks ahead to the University’s own expansion.

Schatzel said Towson University is “looking to make an investment in the core [of Towson.]” She said she would like to create a space off campus to house the TU Incubator and a business engagement center. According to Schatzel, TU has a 200,000 square foot shortage of space on campus. Schatzel said the University is currently scouting locations to move certain non-academic partners off campus to make room for Towson’s academic growth. Schatzel said that while Towson University has already earned a name for itself, she wants TU’s presence to become even more widely known and for Towson to be more visibly regarded as a college town. “One day … when you’re driving to Towson from the other side, you’re going to know Towson University is here,” she said. “That black and gold is all over the place. That it has that sense that we’re here.” Schatzel pointed to TU’s role in employing many area residents as one of the ways that Towson University is making its mark. “It’s not just the students,” she said. “A lot of the people that live in Towson work for or somehow connected with the University. We want to be good neighbors. The community around us is really important to us.” In a college town like Towson, the University and the surrounding residential and commercial areas are often able to form a mutually beneficial, cultural and economic exchange. The University provides faculty and staff who may choose to raise their families in the area, and a consistent flow of students who rent apartments, seek employment, and contribute to the local economy. In return, the neighborhood fosters its own atmosphere and off-campus life to give some students a place to live and spend their free time for the next four or more years – or perhaps even for life. Marks acknowledged the close ties between TU and the Towson area. “Towson University and Goucher College are key elements as we look to improve the Towson area,” he said. “Not only are these institutions major employers and centers for education and culture, but higher education is in many ways more resilient when there are periods of economic downturn.”

Hafford echoed this sentiment, saying Towson University has contributed to the area’s continued growth. “The University is such an important economic engine for our community and a big reason for our positive growth,” she said. “We feel it is very important to bring the University into our community.” Of course, this “town and gown” relationship isn’t without its difficulties. Wendy Jacobs, Green Towson Alliance co-founder, highlighted the responsibility that both Towson University and Towson area community members have to protect the environment. “As Towson University grows, Green Towson Alliance calls upon it to be a model of green design, development, and construction practices to inspire and elevate all commercial development in Towson and the region,” Jacobs said. Jacobs urges TU to take care of the land on campus by maintaining its streams and expanding its shade tree planting, “not only to replace the shade trees that have been removed to make way for new buildings, but also to achieve a high canopy coverage overall.” As part of the construction of the new science complex, Towson University removed approximately 89 trees from the Glen Arboretum.

Those trees will be replaced with 98 trees once the science complex is completed, according to TU’s website. Jacobs said she hopes TU helps to create a greener Towson area. “Expansion, restoration and preservation of TU’s green infrastructure is essential and must not be an afterthought,” she said. “It will go a long way toward buffering the surrounding communities from the negative effects of more traffic and heat island construction.” The Towson area is looking to gain a handful of new green spaces this year. The owners of Radebaugh Florist and Greenhouses sold a portion of their land to the county in 2016 to make way for a pocket park. Construction on Radebaugh Park is set to begin later this year. Construction is also underway on Patriot Plaza in a space that was previously a concrete area between the Baltimore County circuit court and historic courthouse buildings. The plaza, which features memorials to police and firefighters, will add more green space to the city center. In addition to being environmentally conscious while on campus, there are other ways in which Towson students can be mindful about their place in their community. Jana Varwig, associate vice presi-

dent for student development programs and services, said students should be respectful toward their neighbors. “Students can be better neighbors by being considerate when they walk through the neighborhoods at all hours, but particularly at night when others are sleeping,” Varwig said. “If students are coming back from the center of Towson late at night, I encourage them to take the TU Last Call Shuttle for their own safety as well.” Varwig encouraged students develop relationships with their neighbors by coming out to the Towson farmers market and Feet on the Street concerts in the summer and fall. The Towson farmers market will be every Thursday from 10:45 a.m. to - 3 p.m. from June 7 through Oct. 25 on Allegheny Avenue, and Nov. 1 through 15 on Washington Avenue. Feet on the Street concerts will be every Friday from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. from May 18 through Sept. 28 on Allegheny Avenue. Varwig also suggested students should look for ways to help their neighbors in need. “Students can also join their neighborhood community association and get to know their neighbors,” Varwig said. “Helping neighbors during snow and ice will go a long way towards developing good relationships with any neighbors.”

Marcus Dieterle/ The Towerlight

Construction on Patriot Plaza, between the circuit court and historic courthouse buildings, is ongoing. The plaza will add green space to uptown Towson and maintain memorials for police officers and firefighters.



March 13, 2018

Students push for gun reform One month after Parkland, Fla. shooting

March 8: A resident student was cited for possession of marijuana in Clara Barton House. March 7: A resident student reported the theft of a jacket from a classroom in the Center for the Arts. March 7: TUPD is investigating the unauthorized access to an email account in Richmond Hall. March 7: A staff member recieved a harassing telephone call in General Services. Courtesy of CNN

March 7: TUPD is investigating fraudulent scam conducted by telephone in Smith Hall. March 6: A commuter student reported a theft from a classroom in Burdick Hall. March 5: A communter student reported a harassment by an unknown male in the Union Garage. March 3: A non-affiliate and resident students were invovled in an altercation in Glen Complex Tower C. A summons was issued and served. March 3: TUPD is investigating an assault in Burdick Hall. March 2: A non-affiliate was cited for possession of false ID in the Glen Complex. March 1: A resident student obtained a peace order against a non-affiliate after receiving threats at the Public Safety Building. Feb. 28: TUPD is investigating a fraudulent transaction in Richmond Hall. Feb. 28: Found property resulted in a resident student being cited for alcohol and false ID in Scarborough Hall. Feb. 27: TUPD and Baltimore County Police are investigating a reported sexual assault in Glex Complex Tower A. Feb. 27: A resident student was cited for possession of marijuana in Glen Complex Tower A. Feb. 27: TUPD is investigating a trespassing complaint in the Media Center. Feb. 27: TUPD learned that a bias symbol was found in and removed from a bathroom stall Scarborough Hall. Feb. 25: A resident student was referred to OSCCE for possession of a false ID at William Paca House. Feb. 23: TUPD is investigating a complaint of a disorderly subject in the Administration Building. The Towerlight’s “Police Blotter” is a representative sample of crimes occurring on and off campus. The blotter is not intended to be all inclusive. For a list of all crime reports, visit

Parkland Highschool shooting survivors announced they will be having a “March for our lives” protest (From left to right: David Hogg, Cameron Kasky, Alex Wind, Jaclyn Corin, Emma Gonzalez). MARCUS DIETERLE Editor-in-Chief @marcusdieterle

Unlike shootings in the past, the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, has not only revived the conversation around gun reform but has sparked the larger #NeverAgain movement to enact legislative and cultural change. Student survivors sprang into action almost immediately following the events of Feb. 14. Four days after the shooting, #NeverAgain movement founder Cameron Kasky announced on CNN that he and other students would be marching in Washington, D.C. and other cities on March 24, to demonstrate in favor of gun reform. The march, which has been titled “March for Our Lives,” has marked a growing call for legislators to vote for gun control measures and to stop accepting money from the National Rifle Association. As students across the country prepare for the March for Our Lives, as well as a student walkout on March 14, exactly one month after the MSD shooting, Towson University and other institutions are demonstrating their support for students’ rights to express themselves. Towson University tweeted from their official account on Feb. 27, that TU applicants will not be penalized for peacefully protesting.

“We share the [University System of Maryland’s] strong support for free speech & civic engagement,” the tweet reads. “Any current or future applicant to TU can be assured that their application will not be affected in any way by their participation in peaceful protests or the exercise of their free speech rights.” Some TU students are preparing to attend the March for Our Lives in D.C. over spring break. Freshman Lucaya Lamphier is a pre-early childhood education major and is attending the march to create a safer system for her future students. “In terms of gun control, I think it’s ridiculous that the NRA is okay with risking lives in defense of an amendment written when guns fired a single shot before having to be reloaded,” Lamphier said. “I want to go to march to protect others and keep schools safe. I’m studying to be a teacher, not a sharp shooter.” Sophomore Carlie Brock is an early childhood education major and family studies minor. Brock wants to stop any other shootings from happening. “I’m attending the March for Our Lives on March 24 because the words of the famous Bob Dylan song still ring true over 50 years later: ‘How many deaths will it take ‘til he knows that too many people have died?’” Brock said. Brock said it’s up to young people to fight for stricter regulations on guns. “I want our generation to be the ones that places stricter back-

ground checks on American citizens, bans assault weapons, and stops supporting politicians who are taking money from the NRA,” she said. Freshman Katie Knotts, who is majoring in electronic media and film, said “owning a gun should be like owning a driver’s license.” Knotts advocated for requiring gun owners to pass a written test, a practical exam, a psychological examination, several weeks of classes on gun safety and storage, and recurring mandatory reevaluations. “I have absolutely no problem with guns, but it is far too easy to get one in this country and too often they end up in the hands of the wrong people,” she said. “And most recently, it’s been my generation that is feeling the pain.” Knotts said she will be attending the March for Our Lives, and that she would also attend the student walkout if she had classes to walk out of that day. Knotts noted that she and loved ones have lived during several school shootings, and she said she wants to put an end to any more from occurring in the future. “In the end, it’s as simple as this: I had just moved away from Fort Hood when its 2009 shooting happened,” she said. “My little sister was eight when Sandy Hook happened. I just turned 19 and there are still kids like me paying the ultimate price in the name of people’s ‘rights granted by the Second Amendment.’ I am done being silent, and that is why I will march.”


March 13, 2018


Conference fosters CEO talks about his success activism, advocacy LaunchPad’s speaker series continues ALBERT IVORY Contributing Writer

Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Assistant Director of Leadership Brandy Hall spoke at the Black Student Leadership Conference during one of the breakout sessions. GRAYSON TUMMINGS Contributing Writer

Towson University’s Center for Student Diversity and Black Student Union held their annual Black Student Leadership Conference all day Friday in the University Union’s Chesapeake rooms. Black students from various institutions -- including Morgan State University, Mount Saint Mary’s University and others -attended the conference. The conference provided an opportunity for attendees to network with other black students and form connections to aid them throughout their college careers and beyond. Black Student Union President Joshua White believes this conference is invaluable for black students. “The Black Student Leadership Conference is about developing and cultivating black student leadership and black excellence,” White said. “We’re also earning from black professionals that come to speak. It’s great that Towson holds this event because it creates a holistic level of success that we can see ourselves in.” Freshman athletic training major Kenya Downey was mainly drawn to attending the event because she was “curious.” “I like leadership conferences so that I can network,” Downey said. “As a black student I feel as though I can benefit a lot from this. I hope to attain connections to businesses as well as people to reach out to post college.” Similarly, freshman childhood special education major Zoe Bridges was eager to discuss the positive impact that conferences such as this have on her. “I enjoy conferences, and by

attending this, I can better myself as a member of the black community,” Bridges said. “Being at a [predominantly white institution], this conference allows me to be amongst people that I can relate to. I hope that by attending this conference I can network and make meaningful connections.” Students who attended the conference had the opportunity to hear keynote speaker Luke Cooper, the CEO of FiXT. FiXT provides technological support for devices like broken phones and laptops. -- To read the rest of this article online, visit

Entrepreneur Luke Cooper said companies should use minimum viable products (MVPs) to test out their product’s capabilities and gather consumer feedback to make their business better during an “Entrepreneurship Unplugged” talk on March 6. Cooper is the founder and CEO of FiXT, a repair-and-replace company for laptops, phones and other electronic devices. Cooper highlighted the importance of creating a product that fulfills a need for consumers. “You create something that wasn’t there before and it will live on probably long after you’re gone,” he said. Cooper used Uber as an example as product that utilized an MVP effectively. He said Uber’s success over other transportation service apps is based on Uber’s testing of their product at the MVP stage. Cooper founded FiXT in 2013 and said the easiest thing about the business has been building, repairing and replacing devices. He said the hardest thing was to

think about “potential customers, how and why they buy things, and whether or not they want your solution or whether it solves their problem.” Cooper acknowledged that FiXT’s competitors, such as iCracked and convenient repair shops in malls, solve the same problems that FiXT is solving. However, Cooper said FiXT’s investors “believe that the fastest way to solve a problem and get there and succeed is to outlearn [competitors],” and that FiXT has done that through their MVP. Cooper said his interest in science and technology began when he was a kid. He said one of the first products he built was a solar-powered microwave when he was 12 years old. He won his science fair and business plan competition, and went on to use the microwave to cook and sell hotdogs. “This was the first opportunity for me where I saw that I could create something with my mind that mattered and could make money…. It also led me into becoming a lawyer and work at a big law firm where I got to meet some businesspeople,” Cooper said.

Cooper encouraged other entrepreneurs to explore their business ideas. “Anybody can build important products that can take into creativity and enhance an experience for humanity,” he said. Junior Kayla Calhoun found Cooper’s story to be inspirational. “I think it’s interesting because the advice and the story from the speaker is truly inspiring, especially the fact that he went from a lawyer to a business owner,” Calhoun said. The Student Launch Pad invited Cooper to speak as part of their “Entrepreneurship Unplugged” series. Sophomore and Student Launch Pad associate Matthew Lowinger said the purpose for the series is to inspire others by learning from entrepreneurial leaders who have had success bringing their ideas into fruition. “We want to recreate the entrepreneurial ecosystem,” Lowinger said. “People can learn from leaders and innovators to develop ideas and put them into action. The speakers are professionals in their field and can provide mentorship on how to engage their company into marketing.”

10 March 13, 2018


March 13, 2018


12 March 13, 2018

Arts & Life

Not your typical playlist JORDAN COPE Senior Editor

What I’m about to say is probably the most cliche thing in the entire world, but it’s true. Ready? I like a little bit of everything when it comes to listening to music. There, I said it. But honestly, who wants to listen to one or two genres all the time? Stretch your music muscles and listen to some of these great songs from all over the spectrum, bruh. “Work REMIX” by A$AP Ferg (feat. A$AP Rocky, French Montana, ScHoolboy Q, Trinidad James) As I’m writing this column, I’m listening to this song. I don’t care what anyone says about A$AP Ferg. He has great flow and catchy lyrics that are hard to forget. The real star of this song for me, at least, is ScHoolboy Q. His verse at the end of the song is just dirty, plain and simple. It’s not often this song comes on at the bars uptown, but when it does, don’t forget to yell “babyyyyyyyyyy” and “ballinnnnnnnnn” with everyone. I gotta close the window while I write the rest of this column, because Towson don’t know how to be quiet. “Life Changes” by Thomas Rhett That’s right, I just did that. I went from rapper A$AP Ferg to country singer Thomas Rhett. This song really hits home to me as I conclude my last semester of college. Whether you’re graduating or not, this is a song that

I’m sure you will be able to relate to. Thomas Rhett takes his listeners through some of the major changes in his life, and reminds us that we can only embrace the things that come our way that are out of our control on this journey. I definitely recommend this song, and the entire “Life Changes” album. “Fergalicious” by Fergie Oh I know, this is a total throwback, but classics live on forever! When this song bumps through the speakers at the Greene Turtle, I always have to take a Snapchat and send it to our Senior Staff Photographer Alex Best. He got me into this song last year when the rumor circulated around our newsroom that he knew every word to this tune. At first I had to tease him a little bit about it, but then I realized how great this song is. The beat is great, just like Fergie, and it’s super fun to dance to. Listen up y’all, cause this song is so delicious! “Carry on Wayward Son” by Kansas Is he really still doing this, you may ask? Yes, I sure am. From rap, to country, to pop -- it’s now time for a little classic rock. That kind of ryhmed, and I didn’t even mean for it to. Anyway, this song has some kick-ass instrumentals in the beginning that really lead into the song well. These lyrics also have meaning, which is something that modern day music in general doesn’t seem to have. If you feel like listening to what your parents listened to and still want to have a shred of respect

Courtesy of

A$AP Ferg’s “Work REMIX” is just one of the songs Senior Editor Jordan Cope recommends adding to your playlist to change it up.

and diginity for yourself, this is a great one to turn on! “Gold On the Ceiling” by The Black Keys From classic rock to modern rock, we have “Gold On the Ceiling” by the Black Keys. I’m not much of a modern rock fan. I’d even go as far to say that I avoid 98 Rock unless I’m listening to the Ravens game when I’m out running errands. I hear nothing but good things about the morning show, but the screamo-esque rock music that the station plays is just not my style. With that said, The Black Keys aren’t going to scream your head off. They bring a great balance of instrumentals and actual lyrical music that you need to power through your workout or just to get hype. “Sandstorm” by Darude It’s time for a little EDM! If you have ever been to a Washington Capitals game, or any hockey game for that matter, you have likely heard this song when the home team goes on a power play. Since this song is EDM, it’s kind of hard to explain what makes it good. It just is. Take my word for it. What I can talk about is the music video for this song. It’s really interesting. It has a “Run Lola Run” vibe to it, with two people chasing down a girl who has a briefcase. “Run Lola Run” was just a terrible piece of cinema, but the premise works well for a short music video like this. This song definitely wins the EDM category for me. “Gasolina” by Daddy Yankee The diversified playlist continues with a little reggaeton music. Now, I took two years of Spanish in high school, but I didn’t learn enough to understand what is being said in this song. It’s honestly a disgrace. If you learn anything in Spanish class, it should be the translation of this tune. Whether you need a good workout song, or just want to listen to something a little different, Daddy Yankee is filthy. As our former Photo Editor Chris Simms and I would say, this song is “tight.” I’m going to drop the mic right here. Your heads are probably spinning from the vast range of music I just threw at you. I hope you take a moment to listen to some of these songs, or at least create a few new Pandora stations with the genres that are mentioned in this column. Have a great week everyone, and a very happy Spring Break!

Women run the sci-fi film world

Courtesy of

“Annihilation” changes the sci-fi genre by casting a female-led cast. HALONA WALSH Contributing Writer

Four years after Alex Garland’s directorial debut of the critically-acclaimed “Ex-Machina”, he has finally followed it up by giving us “Annihilation”; a psychedelic thriller taking on perplexing concepts and entrancing effects, that has unfortunately been disguised by trailers as a silly horror flick. Based on Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach Trilogy, the film opened up like any good sci-fi movie should: with an asteroid plummeting to Earth into a lighthouse. In a future not so far away, cellular biologist and ex-U.S. army soldier “Lena,” (Natalie Portman) is in mourning of the presumed death of her husband “Kane” (Oscar Isaac), until he mysteriously appears to reunite with his wife. The reunion is cut short when Kane suddenly becomes deathly ill, resulting in him and Lena being taken to Area X. There Lena meets psychologist Dr. Ventress (Jennifer Jason Leigh) who explains that she and the compound have identified and have been researching what they call “The Shimmer” (which looks like a massive oil-spill) since it’s been expanding out from the lighthouse. It’s up to Lena, Dr. Ventress, paramedic Anya Thorensen (Gina Rodriguez), physicist Josie Radek (Tessa Thompson) and surveyor Cass Sheppard (Tuva Novotny), to explore the meaning behind The Shimmer. It took awhile for the film to get started, but once it did, it was well worth the wait. The intense visuals soon became the biggest success of the film. The landscape of The Shimmer was filled with creatures that range from beautiful abnormalities, to Frankenstein-esque mutations. Yet even when there wasn’t a bombardment of top-notch monsters, there was a level of tension that hovered over “Annihilation” through its ambiguous circumstances and questionable views. With such an extreme climate, it was a disappointment to watch the

all-star cast be so restrictive in their performance. Our heroes faced off with an alligator with teeth similar to that of a shark’s, yet Portman and Leigh acted oddly expressionless to this discovery. The characters’ presence didn’t add anything to the film; they were there to drive the plot forward until we got to the core of The Shimmer — and the point. By the halfway mark, any curtain of ambiguity the film had started to be pulled up, and it was kind of a shame. While it wasn’t a shock how Lena’s backstory and the plot became so conveniently intertwined, the presentation of it was incredibly blatant. Especially when the character’s dialogue stopped being dialogue; it quickly devolved into exposition that is only so the viewer could catch on to what Garland was ultimately trying to say. Such examples can be chalked up to the one line: “Isn’t self-destruction coded into our cells?” No matter how deep Garland thought that sounded, it came off like an amateur move just to ask the audience “Do you get it yet?” Despite the film’s minor shortcomings, a huge impact of “Annihilation” lies in its casting the film is led by a female cast, which is a rare finding in sci-fi/action cinema. Female leads in the genre are few and far between, and the leading roles that do exist for women are singular. Movies like “Wonder Woman” and the “Tomb Raider” series feature strong women as main characters, but the remainder of the casts tend to be male-dominated. Having a group of women working together in an action film is a revolutionary move that needs to be followed more in modern Hollywood cinematography. “Annihilation” definitely could be polished up, but those flaws never truly compromised the overarching themes introduced. Along with the visuals, this film adds a new conversation piece to the table that sci-fi has been missing for quite a while. No matter what, every viewer will get something out of this film.

Arts & Life

March 13, 2018


TU play tackles consent Play to get paid Theatre speaks up during #MeToo era KERRY INGRAM Assoc. Arts & Life Editor

In light of the Time’s Up and Me Too movements, more and more attention is being put on the topic of consent. Although more adults are speaking up about this issue, sexual assault remains a major issue among younger individuals, and the effects of such trauma can last a lifetime. According to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service, one in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while in college. Donna Fox, a theatre professor at Towson, captured this issue in her directorial portrayal of Paula Vogel’s “How I Learned to Drive,” giving her audience a creative crashcourse in consent and sexual violence Saturday night. The show, which Vogel describes as a combination of “sadness and comedy,” takes on the story of a woman and her experiences with sexual assault through her teenage years. As one enters the Studio Theatre in the Center for the Arts prior to the show’s start, they can see a set plucked from a different time period. The center of the stage was occupied by two rows of old-style interior car seats, with a driver’s wheel and pedals placed in front. On the left and right sides were minimalistic set-ups, each showing age in the set pieces that they were comprised of, and ‘60s tunes played in the background as audience members took their seats. The play addresses so many issues enveloped in the analogy of learning how to navigate one’s way through life. The music, which Fox described as “another character in the show,” leads the audience in the direction of the characters’ emotions, and the lighting cues act as an additional guide in the storytelling. The five-member cast acts through anecdotes shared by the lead, Li’l Bit (Aryama ColonPappaterra), as she tells her story of how she learned to forgive the trauma that her Uncle Peck (Alex Wynd) has created in her. The reverse-chronological show was written by Vogel with the intent of pointing out the culture of victimization that exists in the modern world, and how abuse is often inflicted by those we know and trust. Using humor mixed with strong lines to

address heavy topics, from alcoholism to victim-blaming and assault, “How I Learned to Drive” highlights the issues many people are uncomfortable to talk about. This notion of “speaking up” is indirectly pointed out as well – with the characters’ lives taking place in a decade prior to hashtags and social media, the only “platform” for Li’l Bit to share her experiences is through the play’s narration. “The play is set in the ‘60s and [Li’l Bit] did not have resources,” Fox said. “She didn’t have places to turn. Now people know they can speak up, that they should be listened to, and that they don’t have to hide what they have gone through. They don’t have to feel ashamed. It’s never the victim’s fault.” According to Fox, the cast and crew spoke with TU’s Counseling Center to approach the show’s content in a sensitive manner, and made sure to discuss their own comfort levels throughout the staging of the show. Although there is only one moment in which physical assault is shown in the production, it is that moment that encapsulates the entire purpose of the play. As I watched the story unfold, I felt a deep connection with Li’l Bit’s story, but it wasn’t until the clear assault occurred that I realized just how serious of an impact one person’s decisions can have on someone else’s life. Fox warned of this depiction of sexual assault. “[The assault is] the briefest of moments,” she said. “It makes the audience uncomfortable, which it should.” The show’s timeliness is chilling. According to Fox, the theatre department selected the play about a year and a half ago, before the Time’s Up and Me Too movements

had begun. Yet the show applies so perfectly into today’s narrative. After viewing the show, I felt even more inclined as a young adult to use my voice, not only for myself, but for those who are afraid to use their own. It’s important to acknowledge the uncomfortable, especially when something like sexual assault happens so prevalently in the college community. As a woman, I easily sympathized with Li’l Bit and her sexual journey, however the show prompted viewers to also look at men’s viewpoints in terms of assault as well. Despite all that Li’l Bit shares of her journey towards womanhood, her story ends with one of forgiveness and moving forward. Fox stressed the importance of allowing those who have experienced sexual assault to stand up and be heard. “The play is very hopeful,” Fox said. “It’s meant to show that no matter what happens, your past does not define you. Never blame yourself for what happens to you, and don’t be afraid to use your voice. You deserve to be listened to.” Although I’ve held a license marking my adulthood in my hand for three years, “How I Learned to Drive” was the show that taught me how to steer through life’s roads in order make it to my desired destination. The show premiered March 7, and will continue to run through March 15. *If you or someone you know has experienced assault, abuse, and/ or needs someone to talk to, contact TurnAround’s 24-hour helpline (443-279-0379) and/or the TU Counseling Center (410-704-2512) to speak to an advocate or learn more about reporting and healing options. You are not alone.

Courtesy of Jay Herzog

TU student Aryama Colon-Pappaterra (right) plays Li’l Bit, a woman who faces sexual assault head-on in “How I Learned to Drive.”

ALEX HELMS Contributing Writer

WARNING: This recap contains spoilers from season 2, episode 2 of “Atlanta.” During the opening of this week’s “Atlanta,” Alfred (Brian Tyree Henry) learns the “robbin’ season” lesson the hard way. In a meeting with his drug dealer, Black (Marcus Samuel), all seems fine at first. Before getting into business, they exchange small talk that feels routine. Black apparently knows Al’s usual order, and he should, as we learn later that Al’s been buying from the guy for 10 years. Even though Al’s been a loyal customer, it seems his wallet is more valuable than his loyalty as Black pulls a gun on him. However, the robbery that ensues is almost as casual as the conversation that precedes it. Awkwardly apologizing all the way through the theft, Black also steals Al’s keys to make sure he can’t be followed when he drives away. This leads to one of the episode’s best visuals: Al walking home defeated as Black pulls up beside him, matching Al’s sluggish pace in his vehicle, to gracelessly apologize, still pointing a gun at his face. “I’m-a pay you back, man,” Black promises in an attempt to console Al, whose expression remains unchanged, frozen in annoyed disbelief. It’s a wonderful sequence, and like last week, it uses a robbery to set the tone of the episode. Unlike the season’s premiere, however, there are no bullets or bloodshed. Instead of drugs being stolen, we have a drug dealer who does the stealing. It’s the total opposite of what we saw before, feeling less like the cold open of a “Law & Order” episode and more like the “‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ for rappers” description Donald Glover has given for the show. It works because “Atlanta” so adeptly understands how to balance tones from week to week and scene to scene without ever feeling jarring. While the show returns to its more comedic side, “Sportin’ Waves” also reinforces one of the show’s most prominent themes, “play the part.” If you want to succeed in a world run by the predominantly-white corporate executives and wealthy elite, you have to please the most powerful demographic. For Al, whose successful rap career as “Paper Boi” is nearly inescapable in his increasing pub-

lic life, there’s always conflict between what it takes to “make it” and what it means to stay true to himself. This conflict comes into play when Al and Earn (Glover) meet with an Atlanta-based music streaming service that wants to court Paper Boi to their brand. The building’s interior is the perfect stock photo representation of “millennial office space” decked with ping pong tables, doodled walls and a surplus of surrounding glass. Despite its intended wide appeal, Al’s more uncomfortable in this space than under a shady bridge when he met with his drug dealer. While they’re there, Al and Earn are introduced to the head of music outreach Peter Savage (Jason Burkey). At Savage’s office, Al jumps through hoops to commercialize himself, to perform as a brand for their brand. During a recording session for some streaming ads, Al is told to act cool, “like you’re at a party, and everything’s crazy.” The direction tests his patience, and his unenthused line delivery doesn’t get much better, if not intentionally worse. And after being asked to do a concert for the workers in their lifeless desk area, he hands off his microphone to an employee mindlessly eating a banana, a literal refusal to continue performing. Time and time again, Al shows that he’s not interested in the rap game when the cost is his freedom of expression. Within that same office, Al meets his perfect opposite, Clark County (RJ Walker), a reflection of everything Paper Boi could be. Sporting a hat, overalls, a mustache and a goatee, Clark is the mirror image of Chance the Rapper. Taking every opportunity at Savage’s office that he can get, Clark jumps at the chance to network with Savage and take publicity photos, and it’s his eagerness and willingness to play the part that earns him a major television commercial spot for Yoohoo. Clark’s hilariously accurate jingle is a clear send-up of recent corporate partnerships with rap artists, such as Sprite with both Lil Yatchy and Vince Staples and even Kit Kat with Chance the Rapper. While both Al and Clark met on the same playing field at Savage’s office, there’s a reason why in the final minutes of the episode, Clark’s the one on TV and Al’s the one on the couch because, at the end of the day, you’ve got to play to get paid.

14 March 13, 2018

Arts & Life

Mani trends to ‘Til the finale do us part nail this spring The Bachelor’s shocking final episode

KAI JOHNSON Contributing Writer

The weather may not feel like spring yet, but your next manicure can put you in the spring mood! The pops of color with these new spring trends are sure to get you ready for the sunny weather. With the variety of styles this upcoming season, there is sure to be something for everyone to love. Essie’s New Polishes: Essie nail polish recently debuted their spring 2018 nail polish colors, with the new collection giving a range of polish hues that elicit springtime vibes. Each of the colors are bright and bold, with the magic of the sunny season in them. The names of the shades follow a sailing and ocean theme, and each shade will work beautifully with any floral and flowy spring outfit (however, they are sure to stand out and add a pop of color to any outfit, even now in the cold winter weather!) Abstract Nails: Abstract nail art seems like it’s going to be a big hit

this upcoming season. From random streaks of polish on nude nails, to blots and dots of random colors, this season is one for art expression. Use this trend to try free handing your manicure and if you mess up, keep it and just call it abstract! Stripes: Perhaps going deeper into the abstract trend, lines of all types are taking the stage. Single or double, thick or thin, linear patterns are sure to make a statement. Put them on a nude nail or on top of a bold color base to amp up your mani game. Tip: using tape to outline where you want to paint can help keep the lines straight and neat as you go along (just make sure your base color of polish is completely dry before applying the tape!) Metallic Polishes: Miss watching the winter Olympics? Don’t worry! Metallic shades ranging from gold to silver to bronze are in for spring. mix it up with various metallic polishes this season. -To read the rest of this article online, visit

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BAILEY HENDRICKS News Editor @imsimplybailey

If you haven’t watched “The Bachelor” season 22 finale, first of all, what are you waiting for? But second of all, just know that there are major spoilers in this column if you haven’t seen it or heard about what happened yet on Twitter. You’ve been warned. If you’ve been watching The Bachelor this season, you know I have a lot of tea to spill. Boasted by Brit + Co as “the most emotional, shocking Bachelor finale ever,” the three-hour finale, which aired March 5, was a lot to take in. And don’t even get me started on the "After the Final Rose" final episode. Let me start out by saying I have always been the type of girl who thought I was too much of a feminist to watch “The Bachelor.” I never liked the idea of 29 women fighting for the attention of one guy. With that said, one of my guilty pleasures is most definitely watching trashy reality TV, and this show makes for great TV. Although this is the first time I’ve watched a full season of “The Bachelor” (or any of its franchises), I became invested in watching the journey unfold. After a two-month journey of watching race car driver Arie Luyendyk Jr. date 29 different women in his search for love, I would literally lie awake in bed wondering who the hell Arie ended up with. I gotta admit, I ended up Googling spoilers to ease my curiosities, so the finale wasn’t a particular shock to me. But boy oh boy, did the finale stir up Bachelor Nation. And for good reason. Host Chris Harrison described the finale as “raw,” “emotional” and “unedited.” And it was. But in case you’re not caught up, let’s backtrack. The finale started with us seeing Lauren Burnham meeting Arie’s family and it seemed to go really well. The family really seemed to have a liking to Lauren. So much so, that when the family saw Becca Kufrin the next day, they kept bringing up Lauren. I felt bad

for Becca in this situation. Although it seemed like the family prefered Lauren, they did also liked Becca and knew Arie liked both women. In fact, he said “I love you” to both women. Which was his first mistake, mind you. Even though Arie’s heart seemed to be leaning more towards Lauren, he kept saying Becca was less of a risk. Even with the hemming and hawing, while still in Peru, it seemed as though Arie had finally made a decision even though he kept saying he was in love with both women. Finally, he picked out an engagement ring with Neil Lane himself, and the moment we’ve all been waiting for the past two months was finally here. It was time for Arie to make a choice and propose. Arie told both women that he loved them, and both women thought they are getting proposed to on this day. And that’s only part of the reason Arie is not a very popular man in America right now. Lauren was the first woman to show up to the romantic desert setup in Peru. Arie absolutely blindsided Lauren and told her she’s not the one. But even in saying goodbye to Lauren, he told her he loves her? Listen, if my future fiancé told another woman he loved her minutes before asking me to marry him, I’d be pissed. But anyway, Becca showed up and Arie promised that he chose her “today and every day.” Becca said “yes” to the proposal (and the HUGE diamond ring). And things seemed happily ever after. Becca was the first date of the show and now she was going to be Arie’s last. Or so we thought. This is where things started getting even messier. This is where Twitter started blowing up and getting pissed. And honestly, I was right there with them. Arie lied when he told Becca he chose her every day. I guess he meant only every day for six weeks. We see about 30 minutes of the unedited, emotional, awkward, devastating breakup. It was Arie’s choice to have

the cameras there for the breakup, which has been a controversial part of the show. Many think the conversation should have been kept private. My heart broke for Becca being blindsided like that, and Arie being so cold towards her. Season 22 contestant Bekah Martinez was right. Arie seems like a manipulative guy. When Becca told Arie to leave, he should have left. Instead, he stayed as if he was waiting for Becca to tell Arie what he did was okay. It’s not. I also have to give huge props to Becca for the way she handled everything. I know for a fact I would not have handled that with as much class and dignity as she did. Either way, the breakup made for a great transition into announcing that after all the heartbreak she went through, Becca would continue her search for love in May as The Bachelorette. I still can’t believe Lauren would get back together with Arie after having such a messy breakup and for him not choosing her first to begin with. If Arie wasn’t ready to jump right into a proposal with Becca, why would it be such a great idea to jump in a proposal with Lauren? I mean really, what’s the rush? Even the studio audience didn’t know what to think when Arie proposed on live television. We were supposed to feel happy for Lauren and Arie getting engaged, but it seemed so rushed and forced and it really just made everyone feel uncomfortable and sorry for Lauren and for the situation. I mean honestly, what does she see in him? All that being said, the best part of the season was during the final episode (“After the Final Rose”), in the preview of a few of the new contestants for The Bachelorette, when one guy (the cute British guy, Lincoln) said “Arie is a wanker.” Pretty much sums up the season. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Bravo. Can’t wait to tune in in May to see if Becca finally gets her happily ever after. She deserves it.

If you haven’t watched “The Bachelor” season 22 finale, first of all, what are you waiting for? But second of all, just know there are major spoilers in this column if you haven’t seen it or heard about what happened. BAILEY HENDRICKS News Editor

Puzzles Puzzles

15 15

March13, 13,2018 2018 March

Crossword Sudoku

? ?

See page 16 for answers to this week’s



16 March 13, 2018



setting a higher bar TU defeats the Tribe in its first road win of the year


Next IN prINt issue ON

MARCH 27, 2018 File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Sophomore Melissa Temkov poses in the Towson’s pink meet this season. Temkov led the Tigers on the beam in their road matchup against William & Mary Saturday with a second-place score of 9.750.


Solutions for

Puzzles on page 15

Towson earned a dual meet victory at William & Mary’s Kaplan Arena in Williamsburg, Virginia, Saturday by winning three of four events. Despite the Tigers’ 194.200-192.350 win over the Tribe, Head Coach Vicki May and the Tigers think they can perform at a higher level. “We did not compete our best today,” May said. “We’re all disappointed in the performance because everyone knows that they can do better.” The Tigers started the meet on the bars, where freshman Tess Zientek led the team with a 9.775 to finish third. Towson had three other gymnasts finish in the top five, as junior Brittney

Ranti scored a 9.750 to finish fourth, while junior Cortni Baker and senior Katie McGrady finished with a 9.725 to tie for fifth. Baker led the Tigers with a 9.850 to finish first on the vault. Seniors Gabriella Yarussi and Tyra McKellar, and junior Erin Tucker finished with a 9.775 to tie for second. Yarussi helped Towson with a 9.850 to finish first on the floor, while Baker and junior Mary Elle Arduino ensured the Tigers swept the top three with scores of 9.800 and 9.775, respectively. Sophomore Melissa Temkov led the Tigers on the beam with a second-place score of 9.750. McKellar, Arduino and McGrady all tied for fourth with a score of 9.725. Despite having four gymnasts place in the top five on the beam, May saw room for improvement.

“We had some big mistakes, we had a fall on bars, on vault and the fall we counted on [the] beam,” May said. “We obviously never want to count a fall, but for meets we’d like to not have any falls at all.” Arduino was the only Tiger to place in the all-around, scoring a 38.675 to finish second. May said she would like to see her gymnasts emphasize little things more in practice. “I think it comes down to practicing more,” May said. “Focusing on those little details in practice, and not rushing when we are actually in the meets.” Towson will finish up its regular season hosting its senior day quad meet this weekend. The team faces William & Mary, West Virginia, Cornell and EAGL rival N.C. State at SECU Arena. The meet is scheduled to begin Sunday at 2 p.m.

We did not compete our best today. We’re all disappointed in the performance because everyone knows that they can do better.

VICKI MAY Head Coach



March 13, 2018


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18 March 13, 2018


tigers fall to ohio in home series JILL GATTENS Staff Writer

Towson was swept in a three-game home series at the hands of non-conference opponent Ohio at John B. Schuerholz Park this weekend. On Sunday, the Tigers (2-11) jumped out to an early lead over the Bobcats (9-6). Redshirt junior outfielder Mark Grunberg singled to score sophomore outfielder Andrew Cassard, senior infielder Billy Lennox followed with a sacrifice fly to score junior infielder Richie Palacios and Grunberg scored on a wild pitch to give the team a 3-0 lead. In the second inning, Palacios doubled to score redshirt freshman infielder Dirk Masters, and Lennox drove in a run with a base hit through the right side. Junior infielder Richard Miller followed with a two-run single to give the Tigers a 7-0 lead. The Bobcats plated five runs in the top of the sixth inning to cut the Tigers lead to 7-5, but the Tigers added

a run in the bottom of the sixth when Palacios scored on a passed ball. The Bobcats tied the game in the eighth inning and scored the game-winning run in the top of ninth on a sacrifice fly to defeat the Tigers 9-8. Junior pitcher Joe Enea (0-1) took the loss after allowing seven runs on five hits through 2.2 innings, while senior pitcher Michael Adams took the no-decision after allowing just one run on five hits over 5.1 innings. “I think we’re starting to see a little bit about the makeup of the team,” Head Coach Matt Tyner said. “From the perspective of this weekend, it showed a lot of fight in us. I don’t think we rolled over on any game.” On Saturday, Towson got on the board first when Miller scored on an error to give the team a 1-0 lead after two innings. The Bobcats plated three runs in the top of the fourth to take a 3-1 lead, but the Tigers answered back in the bottom of the fourth as senior infielder Charlie Watters singled to score Miller. Sophomore infielder Noah

Cabrera singled to score Watters to tie it up later in the inning. The Bobcats pushed across four runs in the top of the fifth inning to take a 7-1 lead, and added two more runs in the top of the seventh inning. Towson plated two runs in the bottom of the seventh as Grunberg delivered a sacrifice fly to score Cassard. Palacios later scored on a wild pitch. The Tigers entered the bottom of the ninth inning trailing 10-6. Grunberg hit a ground ball to score Cassard, and Miller delivered a two-run home run to bring the Tigers within one. However, the Tigers could not complete the comeback and fell 10-9. Senior pitcher David Marriggi (1-1) took the loss after giving up seven runs through four-plus innings of work. “We have to look at where we’re making strides,” Tyner said. “Are we throwing more strikes, which I thought we did this weekend. Did we eliminate some of the walks? Even though we got nine walks on Saturday, that’s an improvement.” - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Amanda Jean Thomas/ The Towerlight

Senior Michael Adams recorded six strikeouts against Ohio Sunday.

tu extends winning streak to 10 BILLY OWENS Assistant Sports Editor

Towson extended its winning streak to 10 after picking up four wins in the Tiger Clash at the Tiger Softball Stadium this weekend. The team defeated both Fairfield and Mount St. Mary’s twice over the course of Saturday and Sunday’s action. Sunday, the Tigers defeated the Stags 9-1 in the early afternoon before topping the Mountaineers 6-1 later in the day. Against Fairfield, Towson got off to a good start by scoring two runs in each of the first two innings to take a 4-1 lead. In the bottom of the third, senior catcher Shelby Stracher singled to center field, scoring senior infielder Brook

Miko. Shortly after, junior infielder Kaylen Minnatee hit an RBI double to center field, scoring Stracher and junior Nicole Stockinger. Leading 7-1 through three innings, the Tigers added a run in each of the next two innings. Miko hit a double to right center to score sophomore infielder Madison Wilson in the fourth inning, while senior outfielder Kendyl Scott doubled to score sophomore infielder Jaclyn Mounie. The game ended after the fifth inning due to a mercy rule, as Towson led by eight runs through five innings. Sophomore Julia Smith-Harrington (5-2) pitched her second complete game of the season, finishing with one run on two hits and six strikeouts. Against the Mount, Towson got an early lead in the first inning when Miko grounded out with the bases loaded, scoring Scott. In the second, Scott sin-

gled to left field and scored freshman Riley Thies after an error in left field. The Tigers added to their lead in the third inning when Stockinger hit a three-run home run to left center,

also scoring Miko and senior infielder Daria Edwards. The Mountaineers attempted a comeback in the fourth with an unearned run, but the home team

responded with an unearned run by Mounie batted in by Scott to remain comfortably ahead. - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Owen DiDonna/ The Towerlight

Senior infielder Daria Edwards prepares to swing at bat against Fairfield at the Tiger Clash this weekend.


March 13, 2018



File photo by Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Junior midfielder Jon Mazza attacks the defense in a game against Mount St. Mary’s earlier this year. Mazza scored two goals against Ohio State Saturday including the game winning goal in overtime.


Towson men’s lacrosse captured a thrilling 7-6 victory in the final seconds of overtime against Ohio State Saturday afternoon at Ohio Stadium. “It was good to see quite a bit of [mental fortitude] show today,” Head Coach Shawn Nadelen said. “It’s something we’ve been lacking in the early part of the season, and we’ve been communicating and working on it as a team. The guys looked engaged.” Junior midfielder Jon Mazza got things started early for the Tigers (3-3), scoring the first goal of the game six minutes into play to give his team a 1-0 lead over the Buckeyes (5-2). That score got the offense going, as fellow junior midfielder Grant Maloof scored on a man-up opportunity off a pass from redshirt senior attacker Jean-Luc Chetner just five minutes later. Junior midfielder Zach Goodrich capped off the hot start for Towson, ripping in a goal off a feed from junior attacker Timmy Mohanan two minutes later. The Buckeyes managed to squeeze in a goal in the waning minutes of the first quarter, but the Tigers held a 3-1 lead going into the second. Ohio State cranked up its intensi-

ty in the next period, keeping the pressure on Towson’s defense with a flurry of consecutive shot attempts. The home team cut the deficit to one with five minutes left before the half, and knotted up the score 3-3 on a man-up opportunity after freshman long stick midfielder Koby Smith was called for slashing. The Buckeyes captured their first lead of the game just 33 seconds before halftime as sophomore attacker Tre Leclaire put in an unassisted goal to give his team a 4-3 advantage going into the break. Ohio State remained aggressive coming out of halftime as the team attempted five shots within the first six minutes of the third quarter. The home team dominated possession in the second and third quarters, taking 25 shots in those periods, while Towson only mustered two shot attempts in that time frame. Turnovers primarily caused this discrepancy as the Tigers committed eight turnovers in those two quarters while the Buckeyes only committed two. Despite keeping their foot on the gas, the Buckeyes struggled to get the ball past redshirt freshman goalkeeper Shane Brennan. “They had the ball a lot and we didn’t do a good job facing off, but Shane was able to bail us out,” Nadelen said. “He had a lot of really good saves. Overall the defense played really well, but Shane had his best day so far in his

young career. That was a big reason for our success.” Ohio State finally converted on a shot when junior attacker Gale Thorpe put in an unassisted goal for the only score of the quarter, giving his team a 5-3 lead going into the fourth. Towson got in rhythm offensively to kick off the final period as Chetner and Smith each put in one unassisted goal to tie the game 5-5. Both teams exchanged failed shot attempts for most of the period, but the Buckeyes regained the lead with three minutes to go as junior attacker Jack Jasinski ripped the back of the cage on an unassisted score. The home team had an opportunity to seal the win with another goal, but Brennan came through with a crucial save with just over two minutes left to go. As Towson pushed the ball down on offense, sophomore defender John Henrick was penalized for an illegal body check, giving the visitors a manup opportunity. Maloof capitalized on the advantage, as he put in a goal off a timely feed from Chetner to send the game into overtime.The Buckeyes got first possession in overtime, but turned the ball over with 1:36 left to play. The Tigers converted on their only possession of the period in dramatic fashion as Mazza put in a goal with seven seconds left to secure the win. - To read the rest of this article online, visit

Junior attacker Carly Tellekamp recorded her 100th career point in Towson’s 15-3 win against Coastal Carolina Saturday afternoon at Johnny Unitas Stadium. Tellekamp finished second in the game on scoring with three goals and added one ground ball as well.




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20 March 13, 2018


Leading by example: TU's captains chase out Chanticleers Brendan Felch/ The Towerlight

Senior midfielder Kaitlyn Montalbano follows through after a shot on goal during Towson’s 15-3 win at Johnny Unitas Stadium Saturday afternoon. Montalbano finished the game with six points from four goals and two assists, one point shy of her career-high. The Tigers outshot the Chanticleers 27-14 over the duration of Saturday’s contest.


Towson women’s lacrosse picked up a convincing 15-3 victory over Coastal Carolina Saturday afternoon at Johnny Unitas Stadium. The team bounced back from a heartbreaking triple overtime loss against Loyola Wednesday afternoon to capture this win. “We took care of business today,” Head Coach Sonia LaMonica said. “There were obviously some things we want to continue to work on and develop, but overall we had some great play, great finishing and great defensive effort.” Senior midfielder Kaitlyn Montalbano got the Tigers (4-1) off to a good start, scoring two of their first three goals within the first five min-

utes of the game. The Tigers remained aggressive, putting in two quick goals in the next two minutes to take a 5-0 lead over the Chanticleers (1-4). “We always talk about coming out of the gates strong,” Montalbano said. “From end to end, we did a pretty good job in the beginning.” Junior attacker Carly Tellekamp scored off a good feed from fellow junior attacker Natalie Sulmonte. On the home team’s next possession senior midfielder Emily Gillingham converted on a free position opportunity with a pump fake and strike into the bottom right corner of the cage. The Chanticleers simply couldn’t keep up with the furious pace of the Tigers, as Sulmonte scored off a pass from Montalbano to give the black and gold a 6-0 lead midway through the first half. Tellekamp scored her 100th career point in unorthodox fashion just

three minutes later. She was being hounded by two Coastal Carolina defenders as she tried to turn the corner around the cage, dropped the ball, split the defenders to recover the ball and ripped in a shot that deflected off the post and slowly trickled in. “It means a lot,” Tellekamp said. “It’s a really rewarding and humbling feeling. Obviously I wouldn’t be here without my teammates helping me out on defense and giving me the ball to create offense so it’s a team effort.” The road team finally got on the scoreboard with 13 minutes left to go in the half when junior midfielder Haley Alexander bounced in a shot off a quick feed from sophomore attacker Lyla Robinson. Coastal Carolina had a tough time penetrating the cage for most of the half due to the stout defense of sophomore goalkeeper Kiley Keating. She finished the game with four saves.

“She really made some great stops,” LaMonica said. “Kiley is very consistent. She’s very stable [and] stays in the zone. Great goalies come up with some great plays here and there. She did that for us here today. I think she’s confident in the group she’s got in front of her, [but] she wants to step in when she needs to back them up and she did that today.” The Tigers closed out the first half on a high note with two more goals to take a 9-1 advantage heading into the break. Towson continued its onslaught in the second half as redshirt senior attacker Gabby Cha scored her second goal of the day to kick off the period. Alexander responded with a goal for the visitors, but Towson answered back with scores from Montalbano and Sulmonte. Each time the Chanticleers got

any momentum, the Tigers shut down their rhythm with deflating scoring runs. Senior midfielder Sophie Crowther converted on a free position shot for the road team, but Montalbano and sophomore midfielder Annie Sachs responded with free position goals of their own to seal the win for the home team. Towson looks to build on its momentum from this win when the team travels to Sweeney Field Wednesday afternoon to face Saint Joseph’s. Game time is set for 4 p.m. “We’ve got to go one day at a time,” LaMonica said. “We’re not looking ahead. We’re not looking to Wednesday just yet. We’ll take some time to evaluate our game from today. It’ll be exciting to get out on the road with the group and begin our trek from home. I think it’s fun and keeps everyone on their toes.”

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