The Towerlight (Jan. 27, 2015)

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Towson’s campus and community news source Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2015

19th annual

Towson’s Best A completely biased trophy case assembled by Towerlight readers. PGS. 10-16

Illustration by Kara Bucaro / The Towerlight



January 27, 2015

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January 27, 2015

Trending Now, the Jobs section, and Puzzles will all return in next Tuesday’s issue .



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January 27, 2015

Editor-in-Chief Jonathan Munshaw Senior Editor Cody Boteler News Editor Sam Shelton Arts & Life Editor Carley Milligan Assit. Arts & Life Editors Annie Sragner Robert Wood Sports Editor Matt Hamilton Staff Writers Daryllee Hale Payam Agha-Ghassem James Greene Tyler Beard Paige Sudol Jordan Cope Tyler Young Nilo Exar Kristen Zdon Christine LaFrancesca Caitlin Wolfarth Kati Day Devorah Roberts Photo Editor Sarah Hugel Assist. Photo Editors Abby Murphy Patrick Burke Elizabeth Bonica Symone Garvett Staff Photographers Daryllee Hale Glen Banks Video Producer Sarah Chmielowiec Staff Videographers Gabby Slocum Devorah Roberts Patrick Burke Joseph Hawkins Proofreaders Desmond Boyle Laura Antonucci Kira McCall

From The Editor’s Desk: TU un-bucket list Now that I’m beginning my final semester at Towson, I’m starting to do some introspective thinking. Jonathan Munshaw I’d describe Editor-in-Chief myself as an @jon_munshaw introverted extrovert. I really don’t like putting myself into new social situations, because I get far too awkward for my own good, and I’d much rather hear about other people’s lives than talk about my own to my friends. I like to talk with my friends to try to help solve their problems or work them through whatever might be going on in their lives, but will do anything to distract my mind from actually thinking about myself. Still, when I was having a “real life” conversation this weekend with former Towerlight senior editor Megan Flannery, she and I were joking how I will basically never come full circle in my Towson career, which forced me to do some thinking about my priorities for my final semester. Then, I came to the conclusion that

I will basically do about 25 percent of what the average Towson student does in four years. Since my very first day on campus, I’ve been in The Towerlight office (but more on that in my eventual senior editorial). Long story short, about half of my collegiate career has been spent doing Towerlight stuff. Add that onto the sports writing positions that I hold elsewhere, and I honestly have about 18 hours per week that I literally can do whatever I want. Most weeks, I spend that time cooking (which is basically the only thing that relaxes me), playing video games, (more recently) jogging as part of an effort to change my diet and overall lifestyle, watching sports or watching Netflix. Hardly any of that time is spent doing anything that I would describe as “so college.” With just about four months left at Towson, here’s a definitive ranking of things that I have never done (and will likely never do) that 95 percent of other Towson students have probably done. 1. Go to the B-Lounge. I have no idea what the B-Lounge is or where it is, but past Towerlight editors have informed

me it has quite a history. When I go out, it’s Turtle, CVP or nothing. 2. Take the shuttle during peak hours. I have literally only used the shuttles on campus once in seven semesters, and it was in the fall when my car was being worked on for a few days, and the shuttle I took picked me up at 7 a.m. I’ve never had the pleasure of dealing with overcrowding on a shuttle bus, or relying on the shuttle to get me to class on time (and likely failing). 3. Go to Favorites/Craig’s. Like B-Lounge, I have no idea what this place even is or where it’s located. But judging by what Towson and Loyola students were saying on Twitter when it was announced Craig’s would be closed immediately due to liquor license violations, it seems like I missed out on drunk people falling down stairs and consuming Natty Boh in a small, slimy space. Too bad. 4. Go to a tailgate before a Towson football game. The ship has already sailed on this one. It ain’t happening. Prior to last semester, The Towerlight printed on Mondays and Thursdays, which meant I really only had one day to my weekend: Saturday. There was no way I was ever going to sacrifice some serious Netflix or grocery shopping

time to go hang out with every sorority and fraternity member on Towson’s campus in a parking lot for 90 minutes before the football game started. 5. Eat at Pizan’s after midnight. Every year, Pizan’s wins our Towson’s Best category for “Best Late Night Eats.” But when you never go uptown, it’s tough to be near Pizan’s and be hungry that late at night. If it’s after midnight and I’ve already had too much to drink, you better believe I’m going to IHOP, because it’s within walking distance of my apartment and Cinnastack pancakes are one of the single greatest foods to ever be served in a dining establishment. 6. Take Jimmy’s Cab. Use a designated driver, people. 7. Dance at Dicky’s. A friend of mine always went to Dicky’s to dance, and would always be stoked on the fact that guys could stand on/near a wall in that bar and wait for girls to just come up to you and start dancing on you. That sounds gross and degrading all at the same time, but somehow, the bar won our “Best Dance Spot” award for the second year in a row. It’s safe to say I’ll contain my dancing to my friends’ apartment, and exclusively for when “Uptown Funk” is played.

Kayla Baines Kaitlyn McKay Chris Petrides Social Media Staff Adam Butt General Manager Mike Raymond Art Director Kara Bucaro Assoc. Art Director Sydney Adamson Production Staff Brooke Basta Alison Requa Webmaster Hafiz Aina Circulation Staff Christopher George Glen Banks Ian McIntyre Travis Duppstadt Jasmine Edwards 8000 York Road University Union Room 309 Towson, MD 21252 business: (410) 704-5153 editorial: (410) 704-5141 The Towerlight print edition is published by students of Towson University on Tuesdays. The Towerlight is owned by nonprofit Baltimore Student Media Inc., The Towerlight’s advertising deadlines are firm:  classified advertising & display — Monday, noon for Thursday; Thursday, noon for Monday. Line classified ads will only be accepted online at www. Call (410) 704-5153 for more information. We encourage letters to the editor and online feedback. Commentaries, letters to the editor, editorial cartoons and other editorial content expresses the opinions of their authors and not necessarily the views of the newspaper. The Towerlight does not discriminate based on age, color, condition of handicap, marital status, national origin, race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. ©2014 by The Towerlight, 8000 York Rd, Towson, MD 21252. All rights reserved.

Please Recycle!

Journalistic responsibility and Charlie Hebdo Over winter break, I somehow found myself planning an impromptu vacation across the pond. I put Matt Hamilton the week-long Sports Editor trip to Paris @MattHamiltonTU and London together in less than a week, because I won’t get an opportunity to travel without constraints for some time. First up was Paris. I was busy picking out the best spots to see in the City of Love when news of a mass shooting came across the screen on Jan. 7. As the details began to seep through, we figured out that this was a targeted shooting. Just to give you a brief review: Two gunman entered the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a French magazine that often grabs attention with its elaborate illustrations, and killed 12 people. This all reportedly came as retaliation for a front cover that featured an illustration of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. It wasn’t the first time that the paper ruffled Islamic feathers,

though, as this was the culmination of a few years of anger. With this in mind, I headed to Paris just five days after the attacks there. For me, the journalist, I was interested in the citizens’ response to the tragedy. Would they back away from the freedom of expression? Or would this freedom become even more intertwined with patriotism than before? What I saw was a shaken city, but one that bonded around one thing: the power of the press and the freedom of speech. On Jan. 14, the first issue of Charlie Hebdo since the shooting came out, and citizens of Paris formed lines at newsstands that spanned whole streets at times, all of them trying to get a piece of French history and to stand up for the magazine’s right to publish what it chooses. I woke up too late to get a paper (I’m not a big fan of the time change), but I witnessed the millions coming out to get the magazine and it was a powerful sight for sure. With a showing like that, many would believe that this tragedy would bring about a stronger support of the freedom of speech worldwide. This is certainly true in France,

but in the past few days, opposition has started to rise up. Many are questioning how much freedom the press should have, using the shooting as an example of the repercussions of abuse of that freedom. This situation brings up an ethical dilemma that has existed as long as journalism has. How much is too much freedom? When do we label something abuse of freedom instead of the exercise of it? Before I go any further with this, I will say that nothing warrants the attacks that occurred in Paris. I saw firsthand the pain that citizens of Paris had to deal with, and there is no rationalization for how the gunmen were right. However, the question that journalists have to ask is this: Was Charlie Hebdo wrong in printing the cover, as well? It surely sounds evil to question the magazine’s cover in a time like this, but we have to look as this objective. There’s no black and white answer to this question. Many believe that Charlie Hebdo was in the right because they had the right to publish the cover. Others think that the magazine went too far and the offensiveness out-

weighed the value. I’m not giving my opinion on this issue, because I haven’t totally made it up. I think the magazine could have been more responsible in what it produced, but I also think it can’t be scared to publish what it wants, which if you have seen the first issue since the attacks, you’d understand that they are not afraid. I think the lesson that journalists, whether at a school newspaper or a national one, can take from this is that we need to be more critical of what we produce. That does not mean we should be shy about producing controversial content, but we have to ask whether it has value and does not cross the boundaries of insensitivity. I loved seeing the French people stand up for the freedom of speech and the press and I wish more people in the United States would do the same. However, this power is a tool and needs to be used with care. As with any type of power, the freedom of speech can be abused. I’ve seen it all the time. But we need to be responsible with that power. Je suis Charlie, mais nous devons être intelligent.


January 27, 2015

Word on the Street

What class are you most excited about this semester?






“I like to think that my classes are just as excited for me as I am for them” -- Ben Price


“Scuba diving!”

-- Andrew Cheng


“Package Design no doubt” -- Austin Braswell





Letter from Loeschke Dear Towson Community: As the new semester begins, I wish you all a fabulous semester, and look forward to watching your semester unfold and spring forward. I am doing well and feeling strong. Thank you for all of the warm wishes and support for both me and for Dick. Your thoughts continue to infuse me with positive energy. (Notice how I now use medical terms. :) ) Not being there at the start of the semester and the beginning of my retirement is one of the most difficult challenges of my life. President Chandler’s dedication to the mission we set for Towson with his significant knowledge and leadership skill is an inspiration. We are fortunate to have him guiding us. The President’s leadership team is one of the most extraordinary to be found anywhere. I miss my work with you at Towson and I miss you all. I send you forward into the year with love and gratitude.



January 27, 2015



January 27, 2015


Loeschke resigns as president Timothy Chandler to serve in the interim while search committee is established CODY BOTELER Senior Editor @codyboteler JONATHAN MUNSHAW Editor-in-Chief @jon_munshaw SAM SHELTON News Editor @samtweetsnow

Former University President Maravene Loeschke stepped down from her position in December due to health and personal reasons. The announcement came in the form of a letter sent to the campus community by University System of Maryland Chancellor William Kirwan. In a separate message, Loeschke directly addressed Towson students and other members of the university community. “It is the deepest sadness of my life that I find I must resign as President of Towson University because of my health,” the message read. Loeschke’s resignation came after she took a leave of absence in August. Originally, the University said that Loeschke would return in the spring. In April, Loeschke made an announcement that she was battling cancer. Timothy Chandler, who has been serving as acting president of Towson University, has been appointed as interim president. Kirwan said in his message that, in consultation with incoming USM Chancellor and former Towson President Bob Caret, he would appoint a search committee “to launch the process of identifying TU’s next leader.”

Chandler later sent out a statement of his own, saying, “It is with heavy hearts that we learned today of the resignation of President Maravene Loeschke. Perhaps her greatest gifts to Towson were her warmth and her generosity. They contributed immeasurably to the intimate feel of this 26,000-person community and were reflected in her dedication and love for her alma mater.” University System of Maryland Student Council President and Towson senior Zac McGee expressed great admiration for Loeschke. “Dr. Loeschke understood Towson and understood that students should come first. Above all else, when hard decisions needed to be made, Dr. Loeschke listened to students,” McGee said. “Big shoes to fill doesn’t even begin to explain this situation.” The President’s Deputy Chief of Staff Marina Cooper said Loeschke’s decision was made earlier that week when she spoke to Kirwan, and up until that point, the expectation was that she’d return in January. “The president remained positive throughout the process,” Cooper said. “All of her messages have always ended with a ‘Look forward to seeing you soon.’ That is what she believed, it’s what all of us believed and hoped to be true.” In a previous interview with The Towerlight, Cooper and Chandler both said they expected Loeschke to return, but no concrete date had been set yet. Instead, it’d be up to

File photo by Matthew Hazlett/ The Towerlight After taking a leave of absence for a semester, Maravene Loeschke resigned as Towson University President in December. Timothy Chandler will serve as interim president for the Spring semester. Loeschke to speak to Kirwan about returning. Cooper said that Loeschke had planned to wait until after Towson’s commencement ceremonies to make her official announcement, but when news was leaked they moved up the timetable. “It comes as a surprise to all of us, but I know it was a heart-wrenching decision for her,” Cooper said.

Loeschke was named president in 2012 after Caret resigned. This will be the fourth time in five years that someone new has taken over the president’s duties. Then-Provost Marcia Welsh became interim president after Caret resigned in 2011, then Chandler took over for Loeschke during her leave and will likely serve in the role for the remainder of the school year.

In her brief time in the office, Loeschke dealt with high-profile issues, such as the Youth for Western Civilization and White Student Union and the cutting of the men’s soccer team. She also oversaw the hiring of current Director of Athletics Tim Leonard, and was a part of selling the controversial President’s House in Baltimore.

Attempted Toys “R” Us Tuition raised due to budget cuts robbery ends in arrest CODY BOTELER Senior Editor @codyboteler

A man attempted to rob the Toys “R” Us in Towson last week and was arrested by responding officers without incident. The man, who has been identified as Elbert Darrell Crump, entered the store, flashed a handgun and demanded money from a cash register, according to police. Several customers and employees in the store called police. Police said that many customers and employees

fled from the store. Crump left the store, but returned inside when he saw the multiple police units outside responding to the calls. After arriving, police secured the area. About an hour after the first calls to police, tactical officers entered the toy store and found Crump hiding in a box. Crump was arrested without incident and is charged with armed robbery and assault, along with other charges. He is currently being held in the county detention center.

JONATHAN MUNSHAW Editor-in-Chief @jonmunshaw

The University increased tuition by $60 per semester over winter break, in order to adjust for spending cuts that were a part of former Governor Martin O’Malley’s budget. The state is expected to have a deficit of at least $300 million for fiscal year 2015, and it could reach a $600 million deficit by FY 2016. As a whole, the University System of Maryland’s budget was cut by $40.3 million, and Towson’s share of that reduction is $3.5 million, according to an email sent out to all students by Acting President

Timothy Chandler on Jan. 16. “Sharing this financial burden with our students is a decision we take very seriously. After discussing the news with a group of student leaders, they fully understood that the increase was preferred over cutting student services, and that the timing and severity of this cut made it necessary. We will not allow these cuts to diminish the quality of our institution or the results of our collective hard work. We are confident that our community’s cooperative spirit and steadfast support, which has carried our institution for close to 150 years, will continue to carry us forward,” Chandler said in the email. In addition to the tuition increase,

the University is also keeping a spending freeze in effect that was announced in November. According to an email sent out to faculty members on Nov. 13, that was sent by Chief Financial Officer for the University Joe Oster, the University complied with a USM directive by implementing salary freezes for all positions “with limited exceptions as appropriate for University needs,” hiring freezes for all positions with exceptions for “critical” positions, a reduction in equipment purchases and any facility renewal projects and travel restrictions. - To read the rest online, visit



January 27, 2015

Former TU President Caret named USM chancellor JONATHAN MUNSHAW Editor-in-Chief @jonmunshaw

Former Towson University president, provost and faculty member Bob Caret was named the next University System of Maryland Chancellor in December.

Currently president of the five-campus University of Massachusetts, Dr. Caret served as president of Towson University, one of USM’s 12 institutions, from 2003 to 2011. JAMES SHEA Chairman, USM Board of Regents

At the time, Caret said that he was still in negotiations, saying in a statement, “President Caret confirms that he is in discussions with the University System of Maryland about its chancellorship, discussions that continue, and has not resigned as president of the University of Massachusetts,” according to the Baltimore Business Journal, but the USM confirmed the hiring through

an email sent out to students. In the email, James Shea, chairman for the USM Board of Regents said, “I am pleased to inform you that the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents has appointed Robert Caret as the fourth chancellor of the University System of Maryland, effective July 1, 2015. Currently president of the fivecampus University of Massachusetts, Dr. Caret served as president of Towson University, one of USM’s 12 institutions, from 2003 to 2011.” It’s expected that he’ll resign from his current position as the president of the University of Massachusetts, from which he just signed a three-year contract with. Caret was selected to take over the UMass presidency, which is the same as the chancellor position in Maryland, in 2011. Representatives from the University System of Maryland and UMass could not be reached to confirm the report. Caret will take over for William Kirwan, who is retiring. Earlier in December, Kirwan announced that he would be staying in his position through February while the 10-member search committee made its final selections.

File photo by Matthew Hazlett/ The Towerlight Bob Caret will replace William Kirwan as chancellor of the University System of Maryland effective July 1, 2015. Caret served as Towson University’s president from 2003 to 2011.


January 27, 2015



Towson’s Best

January 27, 2015

Towson’s Best 2015: Campus The start of a new school year always marks the start of awards season. The Screen Actor’s Guild Awards were just held Sunday, and the Oscar’s will be held on Feb. 22. This is also the time that we announce the winners of the annual Towson’s Best contest, voted on your, The Towerlight readers. This year, we broke the voting down into three categories: Campus, Dining and Nightlife and Sports. All of the results come from tallying the final votes of the readers after having the polls open for over a month. For a full list of winners that may not appear in print, visit

Best Professor: No Clear Winner Turns out that Towson students are so excited about their classes, it’s simply impossible to pick a best professor. (Seriously, every respondent put down a different professor.) Whether it’s through the Honor’s College, your own major or a class you randomly decided to take to fill a core requirement, there’s plenty of ways to find your favorite professor. Plus, at least no one has to have their feelings hurt now.

Best Place to Study: Cook Library Cook Library’s second floor offers all the study amenities that students make find harder to come by elsewhere on campus. The area is spacious, stocked with study materials and resources and is typically pretty quiet. And, since new collaborative work spaces were added last semester, the floor can also accommodate students working on group projects and presentations that might not be able to meet anywhere else.

Best Class: No Clear Winner Not only are Towson students too excited about their classes to choose just one best professor, they’re too excited to choose one definitive best class. Every student has to carve out their own path to graduation through their major (or majors, and minors, and tracks and concentrations…) and completion of core classes. At Towson, every student is guaranteed to enjoy their time sampling different classes to create their unique course load – as evidenced by the wide array of classes that people voted for.

Best “I Only Need Three Credits to Graduate” Class: Any 101 Class You’ve worked hard to get where you are. You’ve slaved through core classes, a couple of internships, unbearable textbook costs and too many research papers to count. Graduation is right around the corner and you’ve crossed off almost every item on your list of requirements. But what’s left? Three credits. And with only three credits left, what better to fill them than an easy 101 course? There are plenty of departments on campus and plenty of intro-level courses for you to explore a field you’ve always been a little bit interested in – or for you to take a final course as a pass/fail and just breeze right on through.

Best Construction Project Completed in the Past Year: New Turf on Burdick Field It’s easy to see why the newly turfed Burdick Field was voted best new construction. The fresh turf replaces the old, natural field, which was prone to becoming muddy and unusable. Burdick Field also has the advantage of finally being open. For months, students were faced with the reminder that the expansive field outside of the University Union was closed. But now, the gates are unlocked and the field is open to intramural sports and other student activities.

Best Upcoming Construction Project: New Residence Halls in West Village Outlined in the University’s Master Plan, phases three and

File photo by Symone Garvett/ The Towerlight

Director of Campus Recreation Services Grady Sheffield, Chief Financial Officer Joe Oster, Student Government Association President Kevin Kutner, Interim President Timothy Chandler and Vice President for Student Affairs Deb Moriarty cut the ribbon during the grand re-opening of Burdick Field. four of the West Village housing project will add approximately 700 beds to campus within 325,500 gross square feet, and offer multiple apartment options. The project, which broke ground last semester, is expected to achieve U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, or LEED, Silver certification and be completed in time to open in summer 2016.

Best Place to Find a Parking Spot When Running Late to Class: Towson Center I think everyone can agree that Towson has parking issues. As a result, sometimes students have to park all the way over at Towson Center. However, it’s actually the best place to park for one reason: The shuttle you catch or the walk you take to your class gives students an excuse if they are late to class. In the end, the distance is a blessing and a curse that, for now, Towson students will

File photo by Patrick Burke/ The Towerlight

The third floor of the College of Liberal Arts holds this year’s winners for the best bathrooms on campus, upsetting the genderneutral bathrooms from last year. have to deal with it — unless a new parking lot is paved or a new garage suddenly becomes a reality.

Best Bathrooms: Third Floor of the College of Liberal Arts The votes are in and the bathrooms on the third floor of the

College of Liberal Arts building are Towson student’s preferred place to head when nature calls. Less crowded than the second floor bathrooms below it, the third floor bathrooms provide a clean and peaceful place to take care of business. Whether it’s number one, number two or you just need to take a break in the middle of a lecture these bathrooms are the place to go.


Towson’s Best

January 27, 2015

Beyond it’s positive functional elements, the building is full of study spaces

Best Place to Print: WEPA Turns out that you students think that the best place to print on campus is, well, everywhere. With WEPA cloud-based printing kiosks located throughout places like Cook Library and the Liberal Arts Building, printing while on the move has never been convenient. You can upload a file from your room, dash across campus, print whatever you need and still make it to class with minutes to spare.

Best Classroom Building: College of Liberal Arts It is not difficult to see why the College of Liberal Arts building was selected as Towson’s best classroom building. Home to ten departments and five floors of classrooms, the CLA caters to a large percentage of Towson’s students.

Beyond it’s positive functional elements, the building is full of study spaces and comfy chairs that are fantastic places to read a book, cram for a test and even take a power nap. The CLA also contains the writing center, several WEPA printing stations, a silent study room and a cafe where students can be found grabbing coffee...

and comfy chairs that are fantastic places to read a book, cram for a test and even take a power nap. The CLA also contains the writing center, several WEPA printing stations, a silent study room and a café where students can be found grabbing coffee or a bite to eat between classes.

Best Residence Hall: The Glen Towers This year Towson students chose the Towers as the best residence hall on campus. Despite being older than the West Village dorms, the Towers provide its inhabitants with the quintessential college experience. After all, what is college if you don’t have to share a bathroom with at least three other people? With the Glen Dining Hall and Marketplace just outside their door, students don’t have to walk far to grab a bite to eat and the nearby Glen Woods provides a nice place for an afternoon walk.

File photo by Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

Towson’s Best 2015: Dining/Nightlife Best Pizza: Pasta Mista Pasta Mista, located on Dulaney Valley Road across from the mall, was voted as having the best pizza in the area, but should also be praised for its wide variety of flavor combinations. Sure, there are the standard toppings to choose from, but Pasta Mista also has a number of in-house unique pizzas that truly makes the dining experience there one-of-akind. Such creations include Ziti & Sausage, Chicken Caesar and pizza stuffed with spaghetti. But this just isn’t a pizza place, either. Pasta Mista has a number of salads, pasta and calzones to choose from as well.

Best Wings: Bateman’s Not only does Bateman’s have the best tasting wings in Towson, it also has one of the best food deals. On Monday’s the restaurant has an allyou-can-eat wing night for a cheap price, and literally allows you to order as many wings in as many different flavors as you’d like. The buffalo sauce is probably the most common choice, but other sauces and dry rubs include Old Bay, bourbon, jerk, sweet Tai chili and even the super-hot atomic wings (if you dare).

Best Ice Cream: (Tie) Uncle Wiggly’s and Cold Stone Both Uncle Wiggly’s and Cold Stone offer wide varieties of ice

cream and a similar experience as both allow for personal customization of the ice cream. While Cold Stone mixes toppings and flavors into their ice cream, Uncle Wiggly’s, which serves Hersheyband ice cream, allows hungry customers to top their treats with a number of candies and syrups. Cold Stone is located near the food court in the mall, while Uncle Wiggly’s is just down York Road near Chipotle.

Best Subs: Au Bon Pain Now, I have to be honest. I’ve never gotten a sub from ABP. But I’ve gotten plenty of breakfast sandwiches and soups, and I cannot recommended the restaurant, located in Hawkins Hall where Brick Street Café used to be, enough. The service I’ve received at ABP, even though it’s always crowded, has always been prompt and polite. And the food you can get there is great, too.

Best On-Campus Dining: Patuxent Whether you want made to order pasta, salad, sandwiches or something hot off the grill, P-Tux has you covered. While it only operates lunchtime hours during the week, P-Tux boasts some of the most customizable options on campus. And students are evidently loving it. Better get there as soon as it opens, though, or you’ll get stuck

File photo by Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

Towson Hot Bagels won the “Best Hangover Cure” entry this year for its wide variety of bagels and breakfast sandwiches that attract hundreds of students every Saturday and Sunday morning. waiting in line with the rest of us.

Best Grocery Store: Giant Towson provides its residents a multitude of shopping options, but it was Giant that was voted Towson’s best grocery store. Located on Loch Raven Blvd. just around the corner from The Fairways at Towson apartments, Giant boasts fresh produce and low prices. Also, as one of the few local

24-hour grocery stores, these convenient hours work with even the most hectic of college student schedules. The store also contains a PNC Bank so students can take care of their banking needs and buy ramen all at the same time.

Best Hangover Cure: Towson Hot Bagels The sunlight has woken you up to a splitting headache and a dry mouth that can only mean one

thing: you’re hungover. You look to see your phone blowing up with texts from your friends begging to go to Towson Hot Bagel for a greasy pick-me-up. THB is always packed on weekend mornings with fellow hungover students dressed in comfy clothes reminiscing on the fun that happened the previous night. THB has become a requirement after a night of partying. Don’t believe us? BroBible named THB the #4 Best College Hangover Breakfast Spot in the country.



January 27, 2015

TOWSON UNIVERSITY BLOOD DRIVE Wednesday, January 28th 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Potomac Lounge –University Union All presenting donors will receive a Red Cross T-Shirt* and the chance to win four (4) tickets to Magooby’s Joke House. (We have 3 sets of four tickets to raffle off!)

To schedule your life saving appointment please call 1-800-REDCROSS or go to and enter sponsor word TOWSONTIGERS

Photo ID or Red Cross Donor Card required. Eligibility questions? Call 866-236-3276 *T-Shirts available while supplies last.

January 27, 2015



Towson’s Best

January 27, 2015

Best Chain Restaurant: Chipotle There hasn’t been a more popular chain restaurant among college students across the nation than Chipotle. It has a lot to offer, from the chicken to the steak to the guacamole, there’s simply something for everyone. Luckily for us Towson students, there are two locations within 10 minutes of campus. Yes, there are long waits, but the quality of food and the relatively affordable price make it worth it. If you’re in a time crunch, you can always order for pick-up, as well.

Best Late Night Eats: Pizan’s After last call has past and the lights have come on in the bars uptown, there is only one place that perfectly hits the spot: Pizan’s. If you don’t feel like eating hotdogs and chips from that cowboy’s truck outside of Urban Outfitters, walk down a few hundred more feet to the nextliveliest food spot. Pizan’s provides perfect pizza, mozzarella sticks, subs and many more munchies to satisfy the masses until 3 a.m. They even deliver beer and liquor to your offcampus pad, what could be better?

Best Location for a First Date: Cheesecake Factory With Valentine’s Day coming up, everyone’s thoughts are on dating, and it was The Cheesecake Factory that was chosen as the best location to take that special someone on a first date.

If you don’t feel like eating hotdogs and chips from that cowboy’s truck outside of Urban Outfitters...

Fair prices and a massive variety of food (just look at the size of their menu!) make this popular chain restaurant an excellent choice. The place is always buzzing and full of people and the cool décor creates a nice ambiance for diners. Plus, who doesn’t love a huge slice of cheesecake at the end of the night?

Best Bar and Best Drink Special: Charles Village Pub

File photo by Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

Charles Village Pub was honored this year for having some of the best drink specials in Towson and for being the best overall bar. As you walk in, Charles Village Pub has a friendly atmosphere. Even though the weekends can become a bit crowded, CVP, located on 19 W. Pennsylvania Ave is a great place to go for a drink.

Charles Village Pub was voted best bar by Towson students, and for good reason. The wait staff was welcoming and the food was delicious. CVP was also voted Best Drink Special because

after nine, CVP has $2.00 rail drinks. If you’re looking for a drink to try, CVP has perfectly made Amaretto Sours and Orange Crushes. Finding a quality go-to bar can be difficult but, Charles Village is worth trying.

Towson’s Best Best Concert Venue: Ram’s Head Live! With The Recher gone, Towson is left without much for concert venues. Instead, students have to look to Baltimore to bring in their favorite bands. Ram’s Head Live! was chosen as this year’s most popular spot.

With The Recher gone, Towson is left without much for concert venues. Instead, students have to look to Baltimore to bring in their favorite bands.

It generally brings in a wide variety of artists, from rap artists to DJs, to metal bands and even hometown heroes All Time Low (who have moved ,away from Ram’s Head this spring oto play at Pier Six Pavilion). Ram’s Head is the perfect size for any concertgoer. It’s small enough to allow audiences to feel inti- File photo by Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

January 27, 2015


mate with their favorite artists, but also big enough to welcome in bigger names.

Best Under-21 Fun: Cinemark Theater In the past few years downtown Towson has been expanding to create more nightlife opportunities for Towson students, and with the construction of the new Cinemark movie theater those under-21 now have a great place to go on the weekends. Located off of East Joppa, the theater is nestled in among several restaurants – some of which are still under construction. It’s also very close to the Towson Town Center Mall so a day of shopping followed by a trip to the movies makes for a great way to spend a Saturday.

Best Movie Theater: Cinemark Not only is Cinemark the best place for those under-21, it was also chosen as the best movie theater by Towson students. As the only theater that is actually located in Towson, Cinemark didn’t have much competition, however it was chosen over the nearby Senator Theatre or the AMC in White Marsh. With brand new features, XD viewing options, an arcade and a bar and restaurant on the top floor it’s hard to imagine why anyone would go anywhere else to see a movie.

File photo by Sarah Hugel/ The Towerlight

Artists both small and large, such as All Time Low, regularly play Ram’s Head Live! in Baltimore.

Year in Preview

January 27, 2015


Towson’s Best 2015: Sports Best Men’s Team: Basketball Towson hit the national scene in 2014, with Jerrelle Benimon leading the way. The Tigers went 27-11, a school record for wins in a season at the Division I level. They clinched a berth in the Colonial Athletic Association tournament, where they lost in the semifinals to William & Mary. Despite the loss, Towson got an invite to the 2014 Postseason Tournament, where it won its first two Division I postseason games.

Best Women’s Team: Volleyball Towson’s finished 27-5 this season under Head Coach Don Metil. The team only went 10-24 last year in Metil’s first season at Towson, but turned it around by starting off the 2014 season 9-0. Towson continued to roll the rest of the year and finished second in the Colonial Athletic Association, and Metil was named CAA Coach of the Year. Senior libero Paige Sekerak set the all-time record for most digs at Towson and senior opposite Victoria Williams finished first in the CAA in hitting percentage.

Best Local Team: Baltimore Ravens The Ravens have held this title for a while now, but the Orioles certainly made a run at it in 2014. However, the Ravens’ postseason run cemented why they’re one of the NFL’s best franchises. With Joe Flacco getting hot at the right time, the Ravens almost took down the New England Patriots. After going 10-6 and slipping in with a Wild Card spot, the Ravens beat the Pittsburgh Steelers and were an errant pass away from an AFC Championship berth. That’s pretty good.

Best Male Athlete (Somehow) and Best Sports Alum: Terrance West Terrance West completes the sweep for best male athlete (somehow) and best sports alum. Hypothetically speaking, West could be taking online classes to complete his degree since he left Towson early, so he could be a student still. We’ll just trust the voters on this one.

West had a streaky rookie year with the Cleveland Browns, finishing with 673 yards and four touchdowns. He also had the privilege of playing with Johnny Manziel, and eventually watching the Browns fall out of contention for the AFC North title.

Hypothetically speaking, West could be taking online classes to complete his degree since he left Towson early...

However, West had a tough time competing in practice, and was benched for two games by Browns Head Coach Mike Pettine. West will head into the offseason to compete against Isaiah Crowell for the starting job in Cleveland.

Best Female Athlete: Haley Pa’Akula

File photo by Mariana Rosado/ The Towerlight

The volleyball team went 27-5 this season under Head Coach Don Metil, who was named Colonial Athletic Association Coach of the Year.

Junior outside hitter Haley Pa’akaula was an essential part of Towson’s volleyball team. She finished second on the team in average services aces, second in digs, third in kills and fourth in blocks. The Hawaiian native finished fifth in the CAA in average service aces per match and eighth in kills per match. Those stats enabled her to finish with third team All-CAA accolades. She will return next year in a leader role in his her final season at Towson.

Best Coach: (Tie) Pat Skerry and Rob Ambrose With two record breaking seasons ending in 2014, it seems fitting that Skerry and Ambrose share the honor. Skerry led Towson basketball to its best season at the D-I level, while Ambrose took his team to an appearance in Football Championship Subdivision Championship game last January. Together, they have put together 25 wins in the last calendar year. Ambrose produced two players that were invited to the NFL Scouting Combine and Skerry sent one graduate to the NBA D-League.

Best On-Campus Sports Venue: SECU Arena The newest facility at Towson,

Photo courtesy of Sarah Hugel

A year after missing the playoffs, the Baltimore Ravens rebounded and made the divisional round of the AFC playoffs, eventually losing to the New England Patriots. SECU Arena hosts both basketball teams and the volleyball and gymnastics teams. It opened its doors for the first official basketball game in November of 2013 and has hosted multiple concerts along with sporting events. It holds 5,200 people and features a Tiger paw design on the court.

SECU Arena has the feel of a big school and has seen strong seasons from all of the teams that call it home.

Best Place to Watch Sports on TV: Bateman’s There is not a spot in Bill Bateman’s

Bar & Grille in which you cannot see a TV playing some sporting event. Many Towson students go there to watch their favorite teams play, as the hot spot offers a variety of NFL and MLB games to choose from. Bateman’s also offers a fantastic Happy Hour specials throughout the week that are affordable to any college student.


January 27, 2015



January 27, 2015




January 27, 2015

Nick’s 2015 Oscar Predictions

Award ready supporting actors Edward Norton’s performance in “Birdman” was the one I enjoyed the most. His performance as a cocky egotistical thespian was one of the film’s As we are well into the 2014-15highlights; it was hilarious. He really award season, and as the spring semesknows his craft. Honestly everyone in ter has commenced, it is now that “Birdman” was absolutely stunning time to begin our countdown to the and I am so proud of Norton’s nomifateful night, Oscar night, Feb. 22. This nation. column will consist of my consensus I am very excited for most of the of both the supporting actors and nominated actresses who gave such actresses nominated for an Academy heart-warming and raw supporting perAward this year. formances. Ethan Hawke is great in “Boyhood” First and least, I did not care for because he truly grasps the characKiera Knightly in “The Imitation ter in such a loving and top-notch Game.” It’s not that she wasn’t good, way, an average American divorced I am simply indifferent because there husband/father who yearns to keep wasn’t anything affecting from her perbeing a model figure for his children. formance. Yes, I absolutely understand Hawke’s role should be a model for all how her character, Joan Clarke, was fathers worldwide. Hawke is fabulous a major player in the Nazi enigmain “Boyhood,” his nomination is well cracking attempt, turning into a sucdeserved. cess, as well as an emotional supI love Mark Ruffalo dearly, porter to fellow nominee Benedict especially in the recent HBO Cumberbatch’s Alan Turing. film, “The Normal Heart.” However, I feel Knightly But when I saw “Foxcatcher” failed to put any depth into at the Criterion Cinema her character. She was simply in New Haven, Connecticut, stiff and dull. Her nominaI didn’t really see him tion is a joke. receiving a nomination. I could not believe it when But after I thought I saw that Laura Dern had about it, I was able received a nomination for to understand what her performance in “Wild.” the Academy saw After watching the film in Ruffalo’s perforI was hoping to hear that mance, which was she was nominated for the a kind-hearted award shows earlier in the support staff season (SAGs, Globes, for his brothCritic’s Choice, er, Channing Spirit) but I was Tatum’s Mark Schultz. I Courtesy of Sony Pictures Classics sad to come up with nothing. applaud Ruffulo’s Mark Ruffulo was nominated as Dern’s perfora c h i e v e m e n t . best supporting actor for his role mance as Reese Between all three, in “Foxcatcher.” NICK SALACKI Contributing Writer

Witherspoon’s Cheryl Strayed’s struggling mother, is something not so original compared to other nominees this year, but definitely still worth the spot this year through Dern’s strong and independent role she perfects. Laura Dern’s nomination is a wonderful surprise. With her gloriously flawless performance as the nerving straight-fromrehab daughter of fellow nominee Michael Keaton’s Riggan Thomson in “Birdman,” Emma Stone has truly proved what she can achieve. After developing and molding her craft for so many years in her young yet blooming career, resulting in her first ever Academy Award nomination, I am so proud of where she has come in her career. Her nomination is a triumph. I have come to realize that I can never go an award season without contemplating which Meryl Streep film the Academy will use for this year’s nomination. Words do not describe Meryl Streep: it’s not even funny. I am a huge fan of Patricia Arquette. I want her as a second mom. I was so excited when I heard about her spot in “Boyhood,” I couldn’t wait to see what she did with her role and she delivers a performance like nothing before and kicks it out of the park. As a divorced wife/mother, to fellow nominee Ethan Hawke’s role, with the obstacles of being able to trust in her multiple succeeding partners, raising her two kids, and watching them grow up and go on to pursue bigger and better things, she absolutely captures the persistence, love and dedication today’s American mothers and wives wish they could have. Arquette is golden in “Boyhood” and I say she is the leader in this group of spectacular women.

Caitlin calls for #YearofKanye Welcome back, Tigers, and happy 2015! My name is Caitlin and I will be giving you the scoop on the biggest news to hit pop culture. I am a sophomore mass communication major and if I’m not flipping through my favorite magazines, I’m most likely watching Netflix while eating peanut butter out of the jar. I intern at Girls’ Life Magazine where I work mostly in the entertainment channel and because of that, I’m pretty sure I follow more celebs on social media than I do real people I actually know. College life is a busy one and it can be hard to stay up-to-date on your favorite artist or celeb, and thankfully for you, that’s where I come in. From big starstudded catfights (Katy Perry and Taylor Swift, anyone?) to discussing questionable interview answers (yes, I’m talking to you, Meghan Trainor) I’ll be giving you the 4-1-1 on what’s hot in Hollywood. This week was full of small surprises like who won at the Screen Actors Guild Awards or how Jennifer Lawrence joked about “The Hunger Games” series being a “large f-ing failure” in a speech, but I think that Paul McCartney’s continued role in Kanye West’s, and now Rihanna’s, career is worth talking about. This partnership has the ability to completely change the music game and launch Kanye in a completely new direc-

Caitlin Moynihan

Columnist @cmmoynihan

tion. When their first song together, “Only One” was released there was a universal head scratching. I don’t think anyone, particularly our parents, ever thought we’d see Kanye and McCartney side-by-side. (We also never thought that we’d see a time when someone would actually name their child after a compass like North West, so I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised about anything anymore). “Only One” was met by amazing reviews and similarly had us all reaching for the tissues due to the lyrics referencing Kanye’s late mother. I’ll be the first one to admit that I melt a little bit every time I see a picture of Kanye with baby Nori, so hearing him sing about his love for his mother definitely has me feeling some sort of way. Kanye and McCartney have done a complete 360 with their new single “FourFiveSeconds” that brings in Rihanna on vocals. This beat-heavy track has people saying this will be the anthem of 2015. Now having two songs together, there is a lot of speculation on whether or not McCartney co-produced the entirety of Kanye’s upcoming album. At first, I was wary about this collaboration, but now I am all aboard and ready to hear what else they have lined up for us. Kim Kardashian and North gave us more pictures of a smiling Kanye than ever before, and now McCartney is finishing the job by giving us a whole new side of him. Who knows, maybe 2015 will be the #YearofKanye.

‘Parts’ sliced, diced and cooked over the open flame Wo o d b e r r y Spike Columnist Kitchen’s @GoodEatsMD and Amy Gjerde have struck gold again with their whole animal butchery shop Parts & Labor. Keeping with their locally sustained philosophy, Parts & Labor sources whole animals to break down in their in-house butchery. The restaurant’s menu changes daily depending on what meats are available. The restaurant itself was very cozy and intimate. Huge communal tables fill the majority of the restaurant, allowing guests to sit together and enjoy one another’s company. One side of the restaurant has booths and the other

Taylor Seidel

side includes a beautiful bar and my favorite part, the open kitchen. At Parts & Labor the majority of the cooking is done on an open flame. The grilling of the meats, the sautéing of vegetables and preparation of side dishes are also done on the open flame. The cooking method made the food and experience that much better. The menu itself was broken down into “snacks” or appetizers, salads, dry-aged butcher’s cuts, varieties, sausages and sides. The menu was extensive to say the least. With a binge meat-

eating mentality we got started with the house made charcuterie (hand smoked and cured meats). Featured that night were several different cuts of beef, pork and wild boar. The hardest part came when choosing what cut of meat to get for my main course. With all the different types of meats, it was hard narrowing down my decision. Among my top choices were the 6oz Skirt Steak ($19) cooked to medium, Cast Iron Chicken ($18) with boneless breast and chicken thigh and Sour Beef Short Ribs ($26). The short ribs are what I

ultimately went with and was extremely impressed. The entrée was served with Spätzle (a German pasta side dish) and root vegetables. Our party, staying with the communal theme, decided to split most dishes. We also ordered the house spicy sausage ($9) served with strong grainy mustard, grilled pork belly served with house coleslaw. By far my favorite selection was the sausage which was perfectly cooked and extremely flavorful. The food, drinks and ambiance made for a fun and enjoyable night out. I was thoroughly impressed. For those of you who are looking for a great piece of meat look no further. I highly recom-

mend making a reservation; Parts & Labor is not even a year old. Until next time, I wish you GoodEats!

Courtesy of Taylor Seidel



January 27, 2015

The Towerlight

CLASSIFIEDS events & notices LAWSUIT FILED AGAINST FORMER Towson University Professor: On October 14, 2014 Rabbi Barry Freundel was arrested on charges relating to voyeurism. If you are a woman who converted to Judaism under Freundel at any time or participated in an immersion at National Capital Mikvah from 2005 to the present, your rights may have been violated. Silverman|Thompson|Slutkin|W hite|LLC has filed a class action on behalf of women who used the National Capital Mikvah at Rabbi Freundel’s suggestion and/or under his supervision. If you believe you may be a victim of Rabbi Freundel, please contact us at 410-385-2225 for a free, no obligation consultation. For more information please visit:


help wanted FRONT DESK/DOCTORS ASSISTANT Busy office needs reliable individual. Good salary. No experience needed. Email drbailes@ or fax 410-252-7774 resume. HELP A GRANDMA Elderly grandma needs an extra pair of hands for getting out for lunch and to do a few errands 4 hours in the middle of the day. Timonium 10-15 minute drive from campus. Own transportation required. Please contact or 410 812-7863 YOUR SUMMER STARTS HERE Accepting Applications for Summer 2015. Timber Ridge Camp in the Mountains of West VA is looking for energetic fun loving counselors. Numerous positions available: Archery, Arts, Athletics, Biking Dance, Drama, Music, Rock Climbing, Land and Water Sports and more. Room/ Board+Salary. Apply online at www. 410-833-4080




Passes and prizes are available while supplies last. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. One admit-two pass per person. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis and not guaranteed. Employees of all promotional partners and Towson University are not eligible.

AFTERSCHOOL BABYSITTER sought in West Towson with excellent references for two kids aged 8 and 10. Help with homewark, help start dinner. Having own car for occasional local driving desirable, but not essential. Thursdays 350-550pm, with some flexibility on end time possible depending on your class schedule. Cynthia 410 258 6432

AFTER SCHOOL CARE Afternoon sitter needed to pick up children from school 2 to 3 days /week. Must have own car, safe driving record, excellent references and stay until about 6pm. First child gets out of school at 2:20pm. Competitive pay Please email at dchirgott@paychex. com or call 443-202-7490 PRESCHOOL TEACHER The Goddard School in Bare Hills (10 mins from Towson) is hiring full time and part time preschool float teachers. Hours are 7 am - 10 am, 9 am - 6 pm, or 3 pm - 6 pm. Candidates must be lead teacher qualified (child development course, ECE curriculum course). Email resume, availability and experience to Call 410-486-2305 or fax 410-486-2009. Good luck with your job search! BABYSITTER WANTED FOR TEENS Every other week. 2:30-5pm. Must have car and pick kids up from local school. $13/hour. Contact PART-TIME BABYSITTER NEEDED Weekday afternoons/ evenings. 1-3 times per week. Two boys (3 and 8). Very large friendly dog. Mount Washington (15-20 mins from campus). or call 443-797-5549

housing 4 OR 5 BDRM HOUSE FOR RENT Close to York Road & TU campus. Living room, dining room, off-street parking, fenced back yard, pet friendly... $ 1,750.00 per mo. + utilities...902 Dartmouth Road...410 532 2395

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January 27, 2015



7500  TU  Students  will  be  randomly  selected  to  take  the                                            National  College  Health  Assessment  Survey Â




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Make  sure  to  participate  and  remember  responses  are  strictly  confidential Â

Your  responses  will  help  guide  important  decisions  regarding  healthcare  needs,  Â

Contact  either  Donna  Cox  or  Allison  Frey  Â



January 27, 2015


MATT HAMILTON Sports Editor @MattHamiltonTU

Kay Banjo was in the car when he got the call. “I tried to stay composed and but couldn’t,” Banjo said. The call came from Vancouver Whitecaps Manager Carl Robinson, who informed Banjo that he’d been chosen by the team with the 38th overall pick in the 2015 MLS Superdraft. Robinson told reporters after he drafted Banjo that the former Towson soccer player had the “fundamentals of potential.” “I mean every young player has had a dream about playing professional, but for it to actually happen for me was unbelievable,” Banjo said. Banjo now has the chance to join the group of 50 former Towson players that have played professionally in the United States. If he chooses to sign with a team abroad, he would become the 11th former Tiger to do so. During the 2014 season, Banjo was one of six former members of the 2012 Towson men’s soccer still playing collegiate soccer. Former Head Coach Frank Olszewski said he’s kept in touch with Banjo and the rest of the 2012 team. “To see any of those guys succeed is

really gratifying,” Olszewski said. “They may have gotten a great start at Towson but unfortunately weren’t able to finish it here, but they’re able to take it to the next level and get other opportunities.” The Superdraft marked the beginning of a new journey for the Banjo, but it also meant the end of a long college campaign. He played three seasons for Towson before the program was cut, and then decided to transfer to UMBC, wait a year to become eligible, and finish his career in 2014. During his three years at Towson, Banjo scored 15 goals and dished out 11 assists in 43 games. He received AllCAA honors all three seasons, including First Team in 2012, making him the eighth player in Tigers history to earn the honor. However, after the team was cut in early 2013, Banjo had a decision to make. He had to choose whether to stay at Towson, attempt to transfer or pursue a professional tryout. Banjo had put emphasis on graduating, so he decided to get his degree in sports management from Towson before figuring out his future plans. After he graduated, Banjo had his mind set on going to a professional tryout, but still listened to offers from a few schools. One school, UMBC, particularly

intrigued him. “UMBC stood out to me because of the players and coaches that showed so much interest,” Banjo said. “I got invited to come ‘hear them out’ and I went in with my pops and Coach [Pete] Caringi convinced me to stay come play one last year and he can promise me that I’ll be in the MLS draft and get drafted in return, I’ll help the team get further in the NCAA tournament.” He had to sit out a year to be eligible to play for UMBC in the 2014 season. However, when the time came for him to hit the field, Banjo said his attention was solely on his new team. “I enjoyed my time at Towson,” Banjo said. “I still keep contact with the team from Towson, but once I started playing at UMBC, they were my new team therefore I had to shift focus.” The focus paid off, as he led the team to an America East Championship and a Final Four appearance in the NCAA Tournament. Banjo contributed to UMBC’s four-game run that culminated in his game-winning penalty at Creighton that sent the Retrievers to the national semifinals. “He fit like a glove, as far as fitting into the system and playing with the guys,” UMBC Head Coach Pete Caringi

File photo by Matthew Hazlett/ The Towerlight

Former Towson soccer player Kay Banjo was selected by the Vancouver Whitecaps with the 38th pick of 2015 MLS Superdraft. said. “... It was like he was here for all of the four years.” The national attention from the 2014 season may have helped Banjo’s name rise on the radar on MLS teams, but Olszewski said he saw the former Towson forward’s potential before that. “There’s no question [he had the potential],” Olszweski said. “Kay is someone who has a love and passion for the game and when you add that in with his many skills and his great tactical

understanding of the game, you’ve got all the makings of a kid who can play at a high level.” Banjo will begin competing for a spot on the Whitecaps roster soon. If he does not make the team, he could play in the United Soccer League, a developmental league for the MLS, or look abroad. As for Banjo, his goals are simple: “Just be the best I could be both on and off [the field]. Work hard on the pitch and stay out of trouble off the pitch.”


VS Student Tickets free with OneCard


January 27, 2015

John Davis Men’s Basketball




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Davis scored 26 points and added 11 rebounds in Towson’s 69-65 loss to UNC-Wilmington on Saturday. He leads the team with 12.4 points and 8.4 rebounds per game. He ranks 25th in the nation with eight double-doubles this season.




January 27, 2015


Delaire gets NFL Scouting Combine invite one year after former teammate T. West MATT HAMILTON Sports Editor @MattHamiltonTU

At this time last year, the buzz surrounded a former Towson football player that was invited to the NFL Scouting Combine and had the potential to be drafted. Terrance West gave the school attention that it had not encountered in years. Now, a new name is emerging for NFL Draft scouts across the country: Ryan Delaire. The former Towson defensive end recently received an invitation to workout at the 2015 NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis from Feb. 17-23. Delaire said he’s grateful for the chance to compete at the Combine, but he knows there’s more work to do. “I was very excited [to be invited], I’m not going to lie,” he said. “But at the same time, I took it as a moment to try to be humble and taking advantage of the opportunity that was given to me. There’s nothing to brag or boast on social media, I’m not that kind of person anyways.” Delaire, who transferred from UMass after two years there, played two more seasons for Towson. In his two years, Delaire racked up 132 tackles, 22.5 sacks, four interceptions and five forced fumbles. After helping the Tigers to the

Football Championship Subdivision Championship game in 2014, Delaire made the All-CAA First Team and College Sports Madness’s AllAmerican Third Team. He followed up in the fall with an All-American Second Team honor. After experiencing a 6-17 record in his time with UMass, Delaire said Towson football had a different mentality that helped him improve as a player. “I learned a whole lot from Towson,” Delaire said. “I learned a lot about responsibility and accountability and … just going hard to win the game. Before I came to Towson, I was on a team that everybody played for themselves. Coming to Towson, none of that ever mattered.” After Towson’s season ended Nov. 22, Delaire began training twice a day in preparation for working out for NFL teams this year. He said he’s stronger than he was when the season ended and he expects to perform better at the Combine than he has in previous tests. Soon, Delaire will be entering a process that current Cleveland Browns running back Terrance West went through just last year. West competed at the 2014 Combine and was eventually drafted by the Browns in the third round of the NFL Draft.

File photo by Sarah Hugel/The Towerlight

Ryan Delaire, who got an invite to February’s NFL Scouting Combine at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana, had 132 tackles, 22.5 sacks, four interceptions and five forced fumbles at Towson. “Seeing what he has done, as far as him making it to the Combine, him getting drafted and him doing well in the NFL,” Delaire said. “Just seeing him do it motivates me.” Delaire isn’t the only former Towson player garnering NFL attention this spring. Cornerback Tye Smith recently participated in the East-West Shrine Game on Jan. 17, which features primarily Football Bowl Subdivision players with potential draft chances. With a handful of former players

taking chances at the NFL, Head Coach Rob Ambrose said the success of these players is indicative of the rising stature of his program. “It’s a small world that we live in these days, so having six or seven guys in [NFL training camps] last year,” Ambrose said. “… It just shows the quality of kids that we’re evaluating and bringing in. And kids know kids and they know how many guys we had in camps last year. They know that you can come here and have a shot at the NFL just like everyone

else.” In a few weeks, Delaire will join some 300 draft prospects at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. Ambrose said Delaire’s mentality and raw talent made him the player is today; a potential NFL draft pick. “He is very focused, with a tremendous goal-oriented work ethic and unlike a lot of guys in his situation, he didn’t think he had all the answers,” Ambrose said. “He wanted the answers. … It doesn’t surprise me at all that he’s going to the combine.”

Since you’ve been gone series: Swimming & Diving TYLER YOUNG Staff Writer @_TyYoung

Winter break saw the Towson team conclude its dual meet schedule with wins against McDaniel, Delaware and Johns Hopkins. For the women (10-0, 3-0 Colonial Athletic Association), it marks the completion of an undefeated season in dual meets, something that hasn’t happened for the Tigers since 197273, the program’s first year, when they finished 5-0. “With our women’s team, we have talked about [an undefeated season] consistently the last five or six years,”

Head Coach Pat Mead said. “Having the ability to do that is a great credit to not only the women on the team, but also those swimmers we have had in the past.” The men (8-1, 3-0) ended with just

a single blemish on their record, a loss to Old Dominion back in October. But, they are undefeated at home and on a six-meet winning streak. “Coming off of such an improved season last year, it was really impor-

tant for the men to show stability with a strong regular season,” Mead said. Towson still has two invitational meets remaining on its schedule, offering a final tune up before the postseason.

With our women’s team, we have talked about [an undefeated season] consistently the last five or six years. Having the ability to do that is a great credit to not only the women on the team, but also those swimmers we have had in the past. DOMINIQUE JOHNSON Junior guard

“The next two events are not for our entire team,” Mead said. “We picked our conference team about a week ago and this will give individual swimmers an opportunity to tweak some things before CAA’s.” The Tigers will now travel to Lewisburg, Pennsylvania to compete in the Bison Invitational against Bucknell, Army, Lafayette, Lehigh and Navy on Jan. 31.

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