December 2013

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DEC 05, 2013



In wake of Union shooting, Kean students contemplate safety


By Xirena Wormley




Following an incident involving a suspected carjacking and shooting near campus, Kean students are contemplating how safe the university is. A 27-year-old woman was reportedly shot in the arm during an attempted car robbery near Yvonne place by the school on Nov. 10 between 9-10 p.m., according to The New York Times. Wounded, the victim drove onto campus and got the attention of campus police. Subsequently, Union emergency officials were contacted and the woman was treated at a local hospital. The suspect ran toward Union and away from campus. There was no evidence of danger presented to the members of the Kean community, according to campus police. Still, many students said the incident was too close to campus. Josephine Brown, senior public communications major and parttime student at Kean for 10 years, was surprised to hear that something so violent happened near the university. Since she started attending Kean, she has never been concerned about her safety. It’s probably an isolated incident but it’s still something to think about, Brown said. “It’s an eye opener because I really have to be more observant and be careful on my way to school,” she said. continued on page 2

Does faculty support Kean’s academic affairs? By Christine Moukazis

The Kean Federation of Teachers concluded an electronic vote Dec. 4 on whether or not the faculty has confidence in the university’s Office of Academic Affairs after its vice president, Dr. Jeffrey Toney, did not reappoint an unprecedented nine out of 10 full-time professors who joined the college in 2009 and were up for tenure. Tenure-track faculty who do not get reappointed for tenure are, essentially, fired from the university. They are allowed to serve out the remainder of their one-year contract, but their employment ceases on June 30, 2014. The decision on tenure is made in the fifth year. If a faculty member is reappointed for a sixth year, then he or she has been granted tenure. The no-confidence vote was administered by the American Arbitration Association via ballots sent to professor’s homes. The question asked: “Do you have confidence in the judgment and leadership of the Office of Academic Affairs?” The results of the vote were yet not available at Tower press time. The union membership also began collecting signatures in support of their colleagues who were denied tenure, and will present the petition at the next Board Of Trustees meeting, which is being held in Ocean County on Saturday, Dec. 7. The union is also running a special bus to get faculty and staff to join them at the meeting down the shore. The nine faculty members denied reappointment and tenure followed university policy and were rigorously evaluated every year of the last five years at the department and college levels, including reviews by their

The ratio of full-time equivalent students to full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty at local colleges.

deans, and most had unanimous support, said Dr. James Castiglione, president of the KFT, which represents the college’s 300-plus full-time faculty and professional staff. “Given that Toney is overriding, in most cases, unanimous positive votes at both the departmental and college level, his recommendations lack academic legitimacy and harm the viability, quality and academic integrity of the university’s programs, and hence, undermines the education we provide for our students,” said Castiglione. Castiglione also explained that each year, tenure-track faculty members must prove excellence in teaching, research and scholarship service, often represented as publishing, so that by the time faculty are up for tenure they have fully proven themselves and, barring some extenuating circumstances, would normally be reappointed with tenure in that last year of the process.

By Brigit Bauma


FALL SPORTS RECAP 12 + MORE New Highschool for Campus


Desire at its Finest


The Kean Starbucks Addiction



Kean Student & Blogger


Health: Peanut Butter


Bring Back the Pub - Op-ed


Kean Sports

continued on page 8

Kean gets visitors from Mars, sort of


Arts & Entertainment

Tenure-track faculty members undergo a multilateral evaluation process: a vote at the departmental level, a vote at the college level, recommendation by the vice president of Academic Affairs, recommendation by the university president and final action by the Board of Trustees. University President Dr. Dawood Farahi overturned two of Toney’s recommendations after an appeal. However, he upheld the negative recommendations on the remaining faculty members up for tenure. “A lifetime job in the state university is not an entitlement, it has to be earned,” Farahi said in a statement he released. Farahi is a tenured faculty member at Kean who not too long ago was under fire for allegedly embellishing his own academic credentials, especially in the area of publishing. Professors typically are

10 - 12

If you were on Kean campus a few weeks ago, you might have seen some strange things going on around campus. Large white trucks littered parking lots. Normally clear hallways, rooms and lounge areas were covered by electronic equipment and directors chairs. Natural settings were transformed into something from another time and space. Even the people walking around campus just didn’t seem to quite fit in. Some were carrying heavy equipment; others were walking around with headsets. You might have even seen someone who looked like they just came out of a time machine, wearing brightly colored shirts with patterns from thirty plus years ago. Do not be alarmed. No one entered the twilight zone. These people were not from the FBI, outer space or early historical eras. Instead, they were workers filming a commercial. A production company was hired by the Mars candy company to film a commercial on Kean University’s campus on November 19 and 20. They were filming commercials for Snickers and Twix Bites, according to Production Designer Jason Edmonds and Monica Hoyt. “We work for the production company, which is hired by the advertising agency, which is hired by the client,” said Edmonds. A few different commercials were being filmed all over campus, said DK Bowser, one of the actors. The places mentioned by Edmonds were Townsend Hall, Downs Hall, Hutchinson Hall, and the STEM building. Each setting was to be set in a different time period.

One of the white trucks used for the production team.

Photo: Brigit Bauma

“Do not be alarmed. No one entered the twilight zone. These people were not from the FBI, outer space or early historical eras.” The commercials start off in present day with a spokesperson talking about the new Bites, explained Edmonds. Then, it will flash back to a scene that explains why the bite-sized candy pieces never happened before. Usually with something bad or silly, like being knocked out, involved as a part of the explanation. “[In the commercials] are different things that kind of happened to make people say, ‘Oh! That’s why it never happened.’ And we’re doing three different time periods, 50s, 70s, and 80s,” said Edmonds. As to why the Kean University campus was chosen, one of the actors hired for the shoot, Robbie Suvlett, said that usually a location manager or scout will go to a few different locations to check out the sites. They look to see what would

work at the site to best accomplish their task. From there, they make a decision on the location for the shoot. Apparently Kean fit the bill. “We needed to find a single place with quite a few different looks,” said Edmonds. “We’ve actually shot here before. We were with Xerox.” The Kean campus has been used a few different times for commercials in the past. A Xerox and Ducati commercial was shot in the STEM building, the one Edmonds worked on. An M&M commercial, also a brand of Mars, was shot in the STEM building too. Students all across campus, along with some faculty members, didn’t know that the video shoot was taking place until the day of. Some, like Akeem Miller, a sophomore political science major, didn’t even know that they were

here. Those who did find out either happened to run into the bewildering video shoot set up or through word of mouth. Edward Bogus, junior economics major, was told by his teacher while Joseph Flemming, a One Stop Service Center worker, overheard students talking about it. But it is not surprising that students hadn’t heard about the commercial beforehand. No students were involved in the shoot. Everyone involved in the shoot were from outside of the college, either with the production company or hired by the production company. Bogus and Miller, however, were not perturbed by the idea that Kean students were not involved. They thought that the commercial was a good thing. It was a way to publicize the school, even without Kean students. “I don’t really have a feeling about it, as long as they show something from Kean University,” said Miller. Flemming didn’t mind either. However, he did feel that students should have been offered the opportunity to be involved, especially the drama students. “I think [the commercial] is good,” said Flemming. “But it would have been cool to ask the drama students to audition, even for back up roles... the fact that they weren’t involved, could make them feel disenfranchised because they might feel they can’t get to be an extra on their own campus.” The commercials are set to hold television spots all across the nation. And it will come out sooner than you’d think. “It will probably be out in the next thirty days,” Edmonds said.


December 5, 2013

December 5, 2013

Raymond J. Lesniak High School coming to campus By Alexandria Addesso

Starting in September 2014, Kean University will be housing the Raymond J. Lesniak Recovery High School for teens recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. “The President [Dawood Farahi] was gracious enough to give us a commitment,” said Pamela Capaci, the director of Prevention Links in Roselle, the main backing organization, and the person who initiated the process of starting up the high school, “for year one.” The Raymond J. Lesniak Recovery High School will be located in one of the free standing buildings across the street from the D’Angola Gymnasium near the Child Study Institute for the first year of enrollment, free of cost. Although there is no certainty if the school will remain on Kean property after the first year, Capaci expressed a desire for growth of the already established relationship between the high school and the university and the possibility of offering internship opportunities for Kean students. The high school is projected to house 18-25 students for the first year from grades 9-12. Although the school will focus on getting attendants from Union County, Roselle and Elizabeth in particular, any student living in New Jersey who has already been through treatment for drug or alcohol addiction and expresses a desire to “stay clean” is eligible to attend. The school day will include educational instruction according to the state’s standards as well as addic-

Left to right: William Jones, Pamela Capaci, Raymond Lesniak.

Photo: Raymond Lesniak

“Kean offers our students to be in a surrounding that encourages academic excellence.” tion support groups. There will be no on-site treatment. Being that the high school will be located on a university campus, the hope is to inspire its students to want to pursue education. “Kean offers our students [an opportunity] to be in a surrounding that encourages academic excellence,” said Capaci. Raymond Lesniak, New Jersey Senator of the 20th District, was chosen as the namesake for the high school after getting involved in the process of establishing a re-

covery school in New Jersey about a year and a half ago. His active role in enabling second chances for ex-convicts re-entering society by abolishing the death penalty in New Jersey and establishing drug programs instead of jail time for drug users has also made him an appropriate candidate. “He’s [Lesniak] been a great champion for us,” said Capaci. Lesniak, who is from Elizabeth and has been in the state legislature since 1983, has had a long relationship with Kean and President

Farahi, and is one of the most powerful Democrats in New Jersey. On Nov. 12, the plans for the recovery high school were revealed at an event in Elizabeth. “Public education is a constitutional right,” said Lesniak at the unveiling event according to The Star-Ledger, “and children with substance abuse problems are being denied that opportunity.” After an application for charter school status was denied, the recovery school became a publicprivate partnership, according to The Star-Ledger, and will use contracted teachers from the Union County Education Association. Funding for the school has been mainly in the hands of Prevention Links through fundraising and applying for both federal and state grants. The Housing Authority of the City of Elizabeth has also assisted with funds, and out of district funds from each student’s hometown public school district may also be available. The recovery high school model has been used throughout the United States since the 1990s. According to research done by Prevention Links, the graduation rate for students attending recovery high schools is 90 percent whereas students who return back to their original public high schools is 20 percent. “The recovery high school is necessary so that when kids get out of treatment they don’t go back to the same people,” said Capaci, “so they can stay clean and not go back to how they were before treatment.”

can and New Orleans roots to the Jazz Age, to the Swing Era, to the Bebop Era, through the ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s, to the contemporary scene. The book took five years to

“I do this not only to honor the artists, but to display my connection to their music.”

Photos: ????

Bob Yuochko with some of his art. By Eddie McCargo

On any given day you can find Bob Yurochko bringing his musical thoughts to life through the sounds of his trumpet, or creating paintings of jazz legends such as Ella Fitzgerald and Miles Davis. For more than 40 years this musician, artist, educator and author has been recognized as one of New Jersey’s premier ambassadors of jazz and the arts. His artwork provides an educational and visual representation of the history of jazz. Many of his paintings depict a different jazz great with the notes to one of their songs as a backdrop. The creativity and the quality of these paintings have led to him receiving great respect and admiration from some of New Jersey’s premier art galleries. His work has been on display at the Automatic Data Processing Corporation In Roseland, Children’s Specialized Hospital, Gallery West, Westfield Salon, the African American Caribbean Art Expo, and


the JVC Newport Jazz Festival in Rhode Island. “When I give someone one of my paintings it’s like I’m giving them a part of my soul, a part of me,” said Yurochko. “I do this not only to honor the artists, but to display my connection to their music.” He uses multiple tools and techniques to create legendary images. From palette knives to flat style and sepia skin tones on a black and white background, he creates breathtaking images of jazz icons like Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holliday. In addition to being a wellknown artist, he spent time as an educator, a conductor, and a jazz and classical music instructor. He taught instrumental music in the Cranford Public Schools from 1961 to 1990, and was a threequarter instructor on the Kean University Music Department from 1985 to 2000. As an instructor he was often inspired by the hard work and dedication many of his students put in

hard and had to overcome raising a child alone, but remained determined to get a degree. Their stories are not told enough, but they inspired me.” From the small town of South Fort, Pa., Yurochko developed his love for music at the age of 7 while attending church dances with his parents. He received his first trumpet and began to play in the church band until he was 14. He then moved on to play in a local band. He later attended Penn State University, where he studied music and continued to develop his skills as a musician while playing in a band and playing at local events and weddings. He later spent time at New York University’s (NYU) graduate school, where he developed a strong relationship with Phil Rechtenwald, a principal trumpet player at the New York City Opera known for his jazz solo in Leonard Bernstein’s West Side Story. The two would play music together for years, and Rechtenwald even performed at a Kean University graduation while Yurochko conducted. In 1993, with the help of his peers and family, Yurochko wrote and had his book A SHORT HISTORY OF JAZZ published by Nelson-Hall, Inc. It tells the history of jazz, from early West Afri-


write and the intense research he did for the book led Yurochko to travel the world. For years it has been used as a college textbook and is considered a top source for information on jazz legends and instruments. Many students have used the textbook as a reference when writing papers on jazz and musical legends such as Miles Davis, Duke Ellington and Louie Armstrong. Not only has the book helped students earn A’s on research papers, it has inspired and created an interest in jazz for those who, without the introduction to Yurochko’s manuscript, would have never developed a love for the music. Like his painting “Milestones”, a tribute to his favorite jazz musician Miles Davis, Yurochko’s work continues to bring new life to one of the world’s most well-known and appreciated forms of music. Even with all of his musical experience, Yurochko is most proud of the 40 years he spent as an educator. “My greatest joy in life would be the satisfaction of dealing with young people,” he explained. “It’s something I always took great pride in, and I always wanted to do a good job.”

Edited by Marisa Gallagher

October 26, 2013 Rogers Hall, 4:51 p.m. Operation report of alcohol/CDS. Liberty Hall, 7:45 p.m. Operation report of an electrical fire. October 27, 2013 Sozio Hall, 8:23 p.m. Operation report of trespassing. October 28, 2013 Kean Lot, 9:29 a.m. Motor vehicle accident report of one vehicle hitting another while attempting to park.

Hennings Hall, 5:09 p.m. Operation report of suspicious person. Freshman Hall, 11:17 p.m. Fire alarm activated from shower steam. October 29, 2013 Harwood Arena Lot, 9:34 a.m. Motor vehicle accident report of a hit and run. East Campus Drive, 2:02 p.m. Report of an unregistered vehicle being towed. Freshman Hall, 8:16 p.m. Fire alarm activated from an unknown cause. University Center, 8:23 p.m. Operation report of a suspicious person. Vaughn Eames Lot, 8:47 p.m. Motor vehicle accident report of one vehicle hitting another while backing out of a parking space.

D’Angola Gym, 3:15 p.m. Unknown person broke lock and took victim’s money, iPod and container of protein mix from locker. Science Lot, 4:17 p.m. Motor vehicle accident report of one vehicle hitting another while accelerating. October 31, 2013 Sozio Hall, 2:27 a.m. Fire alarm activated from burnt fried chicken in microwave. Kean University, 10:30 a.m. Citizen’s report of a stolen cell phone. Campus School North, 4:50 p.m. Operation report of a burning odor. Freshman Hall, 5:29 p.m. Fire alarm activated from iron steam. Sozio Hall, 11:35 p.m. One person physically assaulted another. November 1, 2013 Downs Hall, 12:30 a.m. One person physically assaulted another. Sozio Hall, 2:07 a.m. Operation report of an off campus assault. Freshman Hall, 2:39 a.m. Report of an assault. Starbuck’s, 4:45 a.m. Unknown person took victim’s watch. November 2, 2013 Campus School West, 1:54 a.m. Report of a vehicle being towed for parking in fire lane. UC Hall, 10:25 p.m. Report of underage persons consuming alcohol. November 3, 2013 Freshman Hall, 10:10 p.m. Operation report of alcohol violation and suspicious persons. November 5, 2013 University Center, Midnight Unknown person took victim’s wallet. Freshman Hall, 9:25 p.m. Fire alarm activate for unknown causes. Library, 1:04 a.m. Operation report of suspicious acts. Kean Lot, 12:14 p.m. Towed vehicle report of an unregistered vehicle. Hutchinson Hall, 11:00 a.m. Unknown person took victim’s iPad from bag. Rogers Hall, 5:21 p.m. Unknown person verbally threatened victim. Rogers Hall, 11:05 p.m. Unknown person arrested for simple assault. November 7, 2013 Kean Lot, 12:05 p.m. Motor vehicle accident report of a hit and run. November 8, 2013 Hennings Hall Lot, 12:29 p.m. Unknown person keyed victim’s vehicle. November 10, 2013 Bartlett Hall, 12:56 a.m. Fire alarm activated from burnt macaroni.

Technology Building, 4:44 p.m. Operation report of a suspicious incident.

The news of the shooting was upsetting for Martin Ramirez, who said his younger brother attends Kean. They wouldn’t have known about it if it wasn’t for social media, newspapers or word of mouth, he said. Though they have signed up for campus notifications, Ramirez said he didn’t receive text messages, phone calls or emails about the

episode. “Ironic I get a text about a man carrying an umbrella but not one about a man with an actual gun,” he said, referring to last month’s incident where a man carrying an umbrella was mistakenly reported as carrying a gun. Ramirez didn’t receive any alerts, however, other students including Keyaira Boone, senior English writ-

Bartlett Hall, 8:09 p.m. Fire alarm activated from unattended cooking.

ing major, did. Boone said she learned about the shooting through a notification and Twitter. Campus police provided the information quickly, Boone said. Violence near the university is a problem that should be addressed both on the university level and within the surrounding community. “The Elizabeth/Union area has always had crime. It’s getting worse

now and that’s not a campus issue, that’s a community issue,” she said. Emails sent to campus police and university relations for comment were not returned. “There is no report that the suspect was ever on the campus nor has this incident directly affected campus operations,” campus police said via Twitter and Facebook.

College students hook up all the time, but lines are blurred when dealing with the aftermath. No one is safe from some type of disillusionment. When all signs point toward commitment and sex happens before there is any certainty, you are left confused. Perhaps it’s morals or the uncertainty of life right now. Did he or she want more than sex? Did I not give off the right signals? Did I scare them off or was I in love with the idea that there was something more? Or was it just sex with minimal attachment? Often hooking up does work out but sometimes it doesn’t. It all depends with whom you hook up. Hooking up is like Chinese food be-

and talked over the summer. She randomly texted him about parties and he invited her to one at Rutgers. He picked her up on his motorcycle; it was their first meeting. They both had a fun night, although he was immediately possessive. He acted like they already were going out, letting his jealousy show. That night, he returned to her dorm to hook up, even though that wasn’t her intention. Seth was forward and she wasn’t going to give in, and they randomly began a conversation about life, relationships, future and family. It was a surprise to him because he thought he was going to get her to bed quick. Only after their conversation did they hook up; he bought her breakfast at a Co-

Wilkins Theatre Entrance, 1:48 p.m. Motor vehicle accident of one vehicle hitting another while accelerating.

November 12, 2013 Sozio Hall, 9:36 a.m. Operation report of an elevator being stuck.

(Continued from page 1)

Hookups: Desire at its finest By Sonia Aquije

October 30, 2013 Science Building, 2:46 p.m. Fire alarm activated from broken steam pipe.

Former professor continues to make jazz his life to pursuing their education. “I always admired the AfricanAmerican single mothers that took my classes,” he said. “I felt for them because they worked so


November 13, 2013 Library, 8:21 p.m. Report of theft.

Photo: BigStockPhoto

“Hooking up is like Chinese food because it’s amazing at first, but after a few more times you get sick of it.” cause it’s amazing at first, but after a few more times you get sick of it. It’s what you crave at the moment, but it doesn’t completely satisfy you like a homemade meal. It’s like a child who is never satisfied with a new toy and keeps replacing it weekly. It’s like the medication doctors can’t prescribe, all fun. We meet people at parties, school, or work and through social media. Websites are catapulting us to take risks with people we’ve only talked to a few times. There needs to be a reason why people choose to hook up. Perhaps, you feel a connection or is it all pleasure? Is dating not enough or a farfetched illusion? Students like S.U. met John four years ago through a mutual friend, when she was a junior in high school. He was the kind of guy she wanted to date; he was her version of Jim Morrison. John was what she wanted minus the baggage. They were each other’s rebounds, but to her it was the first time she had ever felt alive. He was everything a woman wants: a gentleman with a sensitive side. However, that’s how the cruelest of men hide. They had been on and off. They’d try reconnecting every time, first as friends but they’d end up hooking up. They’d share birthdays together and talk every day; typical couple habits. John was someone who had given her both sadness and happiness. When they hooked up after sometime of talking, it wasn’t what she had hoped for. It was weeks after the hookup that she realized she had to let go of him for good. He had spent the night and talked about how they both felt something had been missing. S.U. had felt that morning that she wasn’t as enthralled with the idea of being with him. Something had changed, but she still wanted him. It was awkward afterwards and she asked him, “Did I do something wrong?” He blamed the inconsistent communication on himself: he’s busy, unhappy and needs to focus on school and distance himself from the world. They haven’t spoken since. S.U. describes this as a long, eventful hookup; it was never a relationship. S.U. doesn’t regret the hookup, but she wishes for a real relationship and remains confused about whether she wasted her time on something that wasn’t ever real or serious. C.A.’s hookup was a typical college one with no attachment. She had met Seth through Facebook

lombian restaurant the following morning. They don’t talk anymore; it was mutual. C.A. doesn’t regret the hookup but she doesn’t plan on doing it again. “No, I wouldn’t hookup again; I like belonging to a person,” said C.A. “I would want to be in a committed relationship rather than hook up again.” R.S. hooked up with Nic after meeting him on They talked for a couple of days before they both met up for sex. They had talked about past experiences and what they liked in bed. The hookup wasn’t awkward afterwards. Over a three month period, they had sex five more times and would talk and hang out. However, Nic became possessive and R.S. didn’t want a relationship. R.S. became annoyed; this was supposed to be a no-strings-attached hookup. Nic would text annoyingly like he was R.S.’s boyfriend. R.S ended it and stopped hooking up altogether. “He was 36 and divorced,” said R.S. “I’m attractive, so it’s understandable why he’d get attached.” R.S. also said he doesn’t regret the hookup. “I wouldn’t mind hooking up again, but I don’t want a relationship,” said R.S. “I’d rather have a casual encounter than a false idea of security that’s a relationship.” Hooking up might not be for all, but you won’t know if it works for you until you try. Some prefer not to be emotionally vulnerable despite the commitment-free label on hooking up, while others just want casual hookup buddies that know what the boundaries are. Some people don’t want a relationship and resort to hooking up because they don’t want to invest their time and energy into a relationship. Such was found to be the case in a The New York Times article. “Sex on Campus: She Can Play That Game, Too” by Kate Taylor focuses on hookup culture at the University of Pennsylvania and how women don’t want commitment because it’s extra work. Several women interviewed by Elizabeth Armstrong, a sociologist at the University of Michigan, would say things along the lines of “A relationship is like taking a four-credit class,” or “I could get in a relationship, or I could finish my film.” Nothing is ever that simple. It’s an instinctive drive to have what you want quickly; a temporary sexual fulfillment of lust.


Kean honors veterans with Veterans Day ceremony By Keanu Austin

A crowd of students, faculty, and day care children gathered outside in front of Kean’s University Center for a Veterans Day Ceremony on Nov. 11. Richard Stewart, a Kean student and president of the Military and Veterans Club, welcomed the crowd and thanked them for attending before he addressed several hardships veterans are currently enduring in the country. “This is a difficult time to be a veteran in the United States,” said Stewart, a third-generation U.S. marine veteran. Among the difficulties Stewart listed were budget cuts to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, understaffed hospitals, soldiers coming home wounded and soldiers not getting the treatment that they need. “It’s not an easy time. But we will remain united, and we will stand strong.” Stewart also encouraged veterans who were non-members of the Military and Veterans Club, or MVC, to attend a club meeting. “[It’s] a place for veterans who served in the military to come together to once again be around those members who speak the same language they do,” Stewart said. Dr. Thomas Walsh, a Kean faculty member and retired navy veteran who served for 11 years,

Former President of the MVC Keri Wanner leading the Veterans Day Ceremony.

Photo: Keanu Austin

“Veterans Day is a day to celebrate and enjoy freedom. But that freedom comes at a cost.” reminded the crowd that Veterans Day is a day to celebrate and enjoy freedom. But that freedom comes at a cost, said Walsh. “[That] freedom is paid for by veterans,” Walsh said, “sometimes by long tours away from their loved ones, sometimes by wounds both physical and emotional and sometimes by their very lives.” Earlier, Walsh brought up Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and noted that while some veterans may return home without any physical injuries, they are nonetheless wounded.

Walsh also spoke of his father, who he said fought bravely in World War II as an intelligence officer. The ceremony came to an end after Jennifer Fernandez, vice president of the MVC, presented an award to Keri Wanner, a Kean Alumni who lead the day’s event as its Master of Ceremony. Gabrielle Ardolino, a Kean student, sang “Amazing Grace” at the ceremony’s start, “The StarSpangled Banner” during the ceremony’s midpoint and “God Bless America” at the ceremony’s end.

“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” -Ronald Reagan


December 5, 2013

December 5, 2013

The art of minimal sleep in college By Sonia Aquije

Sleep is sacred to college students. They often run on six hours or less of sleep; it’s sleep deprivation at its best. Scheduling, work and class take a heavy toll on college students, often leaving them at the mercy of their professors. The American College Health Association produced data that shows 40 percent of students feel rested only two days a week and 70 percent of college students get less than eight hours of sleep a night. Sleep deprivation can lead to stress, lower immune system, weight gain, mental health issues, and a lower GPA. Josh Werber, a sleep and snoring specialist, believes sleep is essen-

Sleep deprived student.

Photo: Sonia Aquije

life wasn’t as demanding or I wasn’t working so hard on securing a career for my future after I graduate, I

“70 percent of college students get less than eight hours of sleep a night.” tial to get through the day, according to an article on by Marc Lallanilla. “Sleep is a very important restorative process,” said Werber in the article. “And when we’re not fully engaged in it, and not getting the amount we need, we’re not having the same restorative effect on our brains. And that affects out cognitive ability the next day.” Jose Torres, a senior political science major, gets about six to eight hours of sleep. He sacrifices sleep for career security. “I sacrifice sleep in order to study,” said Torres. “If my social

would get as much sleep as I need.” Sleep deprivation has also affected his mood negatively. “I’m usually cranky and irritable,” said Torres. “A large cup of coffee and the drive to school and music helps my mood [more] than you would think.” Joshua Martin, a junior finance major, gets an average of six hours of sleep. For him, sacrificing sleep is essential in order to get work done. “Two to four days a week is sacrificed in order to get school work done or even to study,” said Martin. A lack of sleep has also affected

his performance in class. “It makes class time feel longer than it usually is and it messes with my concentration when I do work,” said Martin. “I try my best to stay focused; I wash my face to wake up or drink something with sugar in it to feel more alert.” Brianna Bonds, a junior communication studies major, sleeps an average of six hours. “I feel cranky, annoyed and lazy when I don’t get enough sleep” said Bonds. Participating in class takes effort for him. “I don’t really feel like talking in class or taking notes when I’m tired,” said Bonds. A lack of sleep has also affected Bonds’ work performance. “I work at the library computer lab and when I’m tired I barely get work done,” said Bonds. “I don’t feel like helping anyone because I don’t feel like being there.” Tanisha Simmons, a junior biology education major, gets an average of six hours of sleep. “I only feel well rested once a week; that’s Saturday,” said Simmons. “I wake up at 8:30 a.m. on average.” Her grades have been affected for the worse. “Drastically, my grades have decreased,” said Simmons. “I feel like I can’t do anything; I’m so confused when I get little sleep.” She can’t get throughout the day without at least minimal sleep. “I fall asleep wherever I sit and that’s really bad,” said Simmons. Although, college students are always on the run they should remember sleep is very important to remain sane.

Kean students need their Starbucks By Dominique Vinas

Caffeine is one of the most addictive drugs in America, and students at Kean need some Starbucks rehab. They love their coffee fix, and what happens when they don’t get it is mind blowing. “If vanilla bean frappes are a drug, sign me up for rehab now,” said Rasheedah Russell, junior. Headaches, withdrawals, inability to focus in class and empty pockets by the end of the week are what some students experience. Putting a Starbucks on the Kean campus was a good investment for the university, but is it healthy for the students? After all, it is a drug. If you’re a student at Kean, there’s no way you can miss the long lines that wrap around Starbucks between classes. You see more students at Starbucks than you do in the library. Regardless of their busy schedules, students will always find time for their coffee, even if it means being a few minutes late to Astronomy, like Russell. “I’m a very impatient person, but when it comes to my Starbucks I feel like it’s worth the wait,” said Russell. “I truly feel like they stick nicotine in their coffee and fraps the way it has me hooked. I was never a coffee drinker until I came to college.” If you drink enough caffeine a day and your body becomes used to it, you will experience withdrawals the minute you don’t feed the addiction. That’s what some students, like Brianna Sanders fear. “I just recently started drinking coffee when I came to Kean,” said Sanders. “Mostly because all my friends were doing it, and it’s also a five minute walk from my dorm. And the one day I decided to skip the Starbucks trip and be early to class, I couldn’t focus the entire time because of my pounding headache.” Some students don’t care about the money aspect and feel that Starbucks is pricey, but for a good reason.

Steven Hunt: An internet critic among internet critics

Texting and driving campaigns fall flat in Union

By Bryan C. Kuriawa

In a modestly lit basement, a camera is situated and film posters adorn the wood-paneled wall. A blue screen, which had once occupied the wall, sits off to the right; its days of usage are far behind. His camera, while relatively new, has been giving him a lot of concern in recent weeks. This is the life of a young man who wishes to express his personal views on cinema, Steven Hunt. Since 2011, Hunt has uploaded video after video to YouTube, critiquing modern films and televiArt:

By Kyle Lawrence

Despite less people driving, the road has become a more dangerous place. Distracted driving campaigns set out to teach people the dangers of using cell phones and other devices while driving and are mainly aimed at older teenagers and young adults, but have they left an impact? Cell phones are a major part of many people’s lives. A survey administered by HackCollege to college students through Facebook reveals that 60 percent of the participants have felt addicted to their phones at some point. This isn’t much of a problem, until you’re behind the wheel. At Kean University you’ll find signs along the pathways and small fliers in the napkin holders in the cafeteria branded with the “One Text or Call Could Wreck it All” slogan, making them easily visible for all campus students. Sergeant Brett Wyatt Sr., who has been with the Kean Community Policing Unit for over 20 years, is closely involved with the Kean University branch of the distracted driving campaign. “I put up the signs up [that say One Text or Call Could Wreck It

“I’m aware of it. The word is out there but I don’t feel as though they’re really enforcing the rule. I don’t think they can stop it,” said Wayne Clark, a junior at Kean. “I only notice the fliers on the napkin holders,” said Darian Maduruh, senior. With students feeling a lack of effort from the campaign, I had a question for Wyatt. Are the campaign and other similar campaigns working? “It was working, when it first came out,” Wyatt said. “What I’ve noticed over time is that now more parents are doing it than students, especially on the highways.” It isn’t only Kean University and the Union area that is affected by this trend. A poll done by New Jersey 101.5 shows that 49 percent of adults in New Jersey admit to texting while driving, compared to the 43 percent of teenagers. While there has been a decrease in distracted driving accidents, Gary Poedubickey, head of the state Division of Highway Traffic Safety, has stated his dissatisfaction. “It’s nice to see a decrease, however we’re still seeing way

“It was working, when it first came out. What I’ve noticed over time is that now more parents are doing it than students, especially on the highways.”

Students on line at Starbucks in between classes.

Photo: Dominique Vinas

“If vanilla bean frappes are a drug, sign me up for rehab now.” “The prices are a bit high but I feel like it’s worth the goodness. You get what you pay for,” said Russell. Some students, on the other hand, know their limits. Nadirah Boyd, senior, admits that she does enjoy Starbucks once in a while as a treat, such as a green tea or vanilla bean frappe. “Once I’ve reached my limit, that’s it. I set aside a budget for myself every week and try to be reasonable so that it doesn’t become an addiction,” Boyd said. You would imagine it gets stressful for the Starbucks employees as well, especially when there’s a rush. “It gets the busiest around college hour”, said an on-campus Starbucks employee, who wants to keep their identity anonymous. “It’s the middle of the day, and the students need the burst of energy to get them through the rest of

their class day.” One of the workers expressed how angry the students get when they mess up their order or misspell their name on their cup. “It’s as if there coffee just isn’t the same if their name isn’t spelled right, God forbid you forget a letter,” said the employee. Not only do the students want their coffee, they want it to be the perfect experience. “If I ask for a double shot of espresso in my latte and it tastes like only one was put in, I get mad. Why? Because I know it won’t give me enough energy to stay focused,” said Tan Pasha, junior. It’s evident that the coffee habit itself is ironic, meaning that it’s both a good and bad thing. It’s good because it helps students stay more alert. It’s bad because without it they’re not themselves.

All],” said Wyatt. “Pretty much at every exit and every entrance and exit to the campus you’ll see one of these signs. We’re actually the first city in the county to do this. Twenty-one cities in the county, and we’re the first.” The biggest issue with these types of accidents is that they often cause a chain of accidents. There was an accident on Morris Avenue when one man was behind three other cars. The man looked down at his phone, and there was a four-car accident. A clerk at the University Center’s information station, who wished to remain anonymous, said that representatives for the campaign were allegedly here early in the semester asking students to pledge to not use cell phones while driving. This was allegedly done the year before as well. Despite Kean’s efforts towards the campaign, some students claim the effort is lackluster.


too many teens being involved in crashes,” said Poedubickey. Surveys done by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety show that the number of people who believe that texting or emailing while driving is a very serious threat declined from 87 percent in 2009 to 81 percent in 2012. The number of people who admit to texting while driving increased from 21 percent to 26 percent during the same period. These texting and driving campaigns, at least in New Jersey, are producing lackluster results. Despite the efforts on campuses, TV, and radio, people are not seeing the threat of distracted driving. Even if you are part of the minority who adheres to the warnings of these campaigns, the next time you are driving, be wary of the person in back, to the side, and in front of you. Their actions may end up affecting you.

“You must do the things you think you cannot do.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

ence was 1997’s “Hercules,” he instead found himself embracing 1993’s “Jurassic Park” as a kid. He watched the film on a non-stop basis, sometimes simply re-watching the ending in the wee hours of the morning. Yet for many years, his interest in film and the subject of critiquing them did not blossom. After watching various films with a close friend in 2010, Hunt became interested in the subject of critiquing them. Looking into the realm of YouTube for projecting his opinions, he jumped into reviewing films in 2011. From the very beginning, Hunt went forward, de-

one of the earliest video reviews of “The Avengers” prior to its release. Despite the thousands of views for this video, he had not taken it as a sign of anything grand. “Overall, it’s a fun experience to have so many people watching you, that’s a spotlight that I never expected to have,” Hunt said. “It’s not something that affected me much; it was fun I would say, but nothing that really got to me.” Since his video critiquing “The Avengers,” Hunt has experienced similar attention for his early review of this summer’s “World War Z,” where he met Brad Pitt, and

“Overall, it’s a fun experience to have so many people watching you, that’s a spotlight that I never expected to have.” sion shows on a weekly basis. With a loyal fan base, he continues to present his opinions and sees his reviews as a progression of his interest in cinema. Born in Rahway, New Jersey on Aug.` 3, 1994, Hunt had a quiet childhood, moving to Cranford at the age of four. Growing up, he saw movies in a rather straightforward manner, although some did give his first look into cinema. “I had no passion for movies when I was a kid,” Hunt said. “That was the appeal of movies, nothing more than just visuals and timekilling things.” While his first theater experi-

spite some initial misgivings about his early reviews. Hunt began to develop his reviews, based solely on his own ideas and his own direction. Not wanting to emulate other critics and utilizing only his camera, a blue-screen and his personal views, he continued to develop his craft. At the same time, he elected to have his videos completely unscripted. “Scripting anything makes it sound like it’s fabricated, not necessarily fabricated,” Hunt said. “It creates an atmosphere that just doesn’t feel real.” Eventually in April of 2012, Hunt received much attention for having

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” - Theodore Roosevelt

a series of videos reviewing the third season of HBO’s popular series, “Game of Thrones.” Yet despite the popularity of these reviews, he has stated that he doesn’t expect anything from these and follows a relatively straightforward format. “I start out with the intro, I can move into the summary of the plot, what I thought going in, what I thought of the acting, direction, bad points,” Hunt said. “I have a basic formula for my reviews and I like that now.” Despite this, his reviews do not always follow this strategic format, as evidenced by his review

of Rob Zombie’s “The Lords of Salem,” where he openly spoke for nearly 12 minutes without any edits or transitions made to the final product. His openly angry and negative review proved a comical and incredibly direct critique. “I did not want to give that movie my time of editing, I did not want to do that,” Hunt said. “I just ranted for 12 minutes and it was just a terrible movie and I didn’t feel like giving my time to the editing process of doing that. It felt like a waste of time doing that, giving Rob Zombie more of my time to talk about his movie and make it a nice, edited and beautiful review.” Currently attending the Cranford branch of Union County College, Hunt does not foresee a career from his many videos, but enjoys what he has done. He continues to release film and trailer


reviews on his YouTube channel and with the group, WeLiveFilm, a group of YouTube reviewers and critics, on various occasions. Despite his earlier uncertainties, Hunt has managed to continue developing his reviewing format and simply enjoys doing what he does, regardless of popularity or fame. At a recent screening of “Thor: The Dark World,” Hunt was approached by a patron who recognized him from his videos, and who complimented his reviews. After two years of continuous videos, it was an interesting turn of events to be given a sense of recognition he had rarely seen online. “I don’t think my reviews were ever good back then [2011],” said Hunt. “It’s not like I have some sort of complex where I think I have great, amazing reviews that are better than anyone else’s, it’s just I like talking about movies.”

Physical education department offers Global Fitness and Wellness By Marisa Gallagher

Garwood Juice House

YouTube critic Steven Hunt joking around on the set of his video reviews.

The Physical Education, Recreation and Health Department introduced the Global Fitness and Wellness program to Kean this fall. The new bachelor program, for students in the College of Education, came from the evaluation

wellness. “The new name Global Fitness and Wellness reflects the fact that our program prepares our students for many careers in fitness and wellness,” said Andzel, who is also the program coordinator. According to the American College of Sports Medicine’s Health & Fitness Journal, the number one

military fitness and wellness. Students enrolled in the program are required to have a GPA of 2.75 upon graduation. Some major requirement courses include: Zumba Fitness, Group and Personal Exercise Programs, Nutrition and Internship in Global Fitness & Wellness. A student can complete the program in four years

“The new name Global Fitness and Wellness reflects the fact that our program prepares our students for many careers in fitness and wellness.”

The Juice House menu. By Sara Paczkowski

Arielle Cassidy, a 23-year-old entrepreneur, with a degree in physiology and sport nutrition/nutrition has plans to open The Juice House, a juice bar/restaurant the first week of December on North Ave in Garwood. Cassidy has always been active and enjoys working out. During the course of her employment at Trump International as an exercise specialist and a Tier 3 trainer at Equinox, she became certificated in NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine), nutrition, and as a sports performance specialist. Because of her love for exercise and nutrition, Cassidy began preparing for a body building competition. During the time of the program she particularly focused on clean eating. “You can really see the results you want when you really work hand and hand with your diet and exercise,” said Cassidy. “What most people don’t realize, is the main way to reach optimum fitness goals, is to know when and what to eat at specific times.” When her options started becoming limited, Cassidy began experimenting and inventing new ways to recreate healthy eating. Soon enough, she discovered vast variations of healthy eats. Needless to say, salad was no longer the only healthy option. There were

Photo: Sara Paczkowski

endless possibilities. However, this became difficult when eating meals outside of the kitchen. “It was frustrating going into restaurants and asking them to take out ingredients that I didn’t know about,” Cassidy said. “That is why I want to give the community clean and healthy options without having them think twice about it. That is why I want to give the options for, gluten, dairy, soy, peanut and wheat allergies.” The Juice House will offer freshly juiced and cold pressed organic juice, strategically made to assist specific bodily actions, such as anti-aging, sickness and bloat. “Just for an example, some juices will also be mixed with Superfoods, such as Bee Pollen, which has 96 nutritious values and supplies essential proteins to the body while boosting metabolism,” Cassidy said. There will also be a wide variety of Superfoods Smoothies, with the option of adding any type of protein powder and superfood from all over the world to assist energy and digestion. “My favorite part opening The Juice House is being able to help and cater to each individual’s specific health needs,” Cassidy said. The Juice House will also have various freshly homemade and portion controlled options available daily and is located at 510 North Avenue in Garwood.

of the previous program, Adult Fitness. The idea for an evaluation came from Dr. Walter Andzel of the physical education department and suggestions made by students in the current Adult Fitness program. “Today’s fitness and wellness is not just for adults. It is for everyone,” said Andzel. Andzel also said the decision that Global Fitness best suits the title of the program was made to prepare students for the present and future trends in fitness and

worldwide fitness trend in 2012 was educated, certified and experienced fitness professionals. Other worldwide fitness trends listed in the top 20 included, children and obesity, personal training, wellness coaching, ZUMBA and other dance workouts. A bachelor’s degree in Global Fitness and Wellness can help prepare students for many careers in the field, such as cardiac rehabilitation, personal training, weight-management programming, Pilates, yoga instructing, law enforcement and

with a 200-hour summer internship in a fitness and wellness center. According to the web registration on KeanWISE, a number of classes that fulfill the program evaluation are being offered in the upcoming spring semester. Major courses being offered include Physiology of Exercise, Wellness, Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries, Group and Personal Exercise Programs and Exercise Testing and Interpretation.

December 5, 2013


By Iman Jazelle Bond

Jennifer Lawrence vs. Fashion Police their runway versions and guessing the celebrity by their backside. “The entire concept of the show is gross,” said graduate student, Heather Connors. “But they’re just doing their job and that’s entertainment.” Comedian, Joan Rivers, who hosts the show along with Kelly Osbourne, Guiliana Rancic and George Kotsiopoulos, responded to Lawrence via Twitter. “It’s funny how [she] loved [the show] during Award Season when we were complementing her every single week,” said Rivers. “But now that she has a movie to promote, suddenly we’re picking on all those poor, helpless, actors.” Rivers later went on to say that it was “arrogance” that caused the actress to trip up the stairs when accepting her award for Best Actress at the 2013 Academy Awards.


December 5, 2013

“The entire concept of the show is gross.” Joan Rivers and Jennifer Lawrence.


Actress Jennifer Lawrence entered a recent feud with one of E! Network’s hit shows, “Fashion Police,” saying that they are teaching the younger generations to put value in the wrong things. During an interview for Yahoo, Lawrence, 23, was questioned about her recent haircut. Following a rant on body image, she then began to say how shows like Fashion Police, “…are just showing these generations of young people to judge people based on things…and that it’s OK to point at people and call them ugly and call them fat and they call it ‘fun’ and ‘welcome to the real world.” “It is mean spirited, it is demeaning, it is making fun of people because of the way they look or how they dress,” said Director of the Writing Center, Kathryn Inskeep. The show originally aired as a special on E! during award season, recapping the outfits celebrities wore the night before. Since 2010, it has been a weekly series, and now covers and judges looks from red carpet events, as well as celebrities’ everyday outfits. The show also has signature segments such as, “Starlet or Streetwalker,” “Slut Cut,” and “Guess Me From Behind.” In these segments, they compare the outfits of starlets to the outfits of streetwalkers, talk about how short the outfits are compared to


Rivers, also known as “The Queen of Mean,” is known for being unfiltered and relentless when it comes to discussing fashion and beauty even if it’s about herself. Senior English major, Jennifer Alverez-Otero, says that there is a difference between making fun of someone because they really do look crazy and just sitting and picking fun a several people. In the past, another member of the show, Osbourne, was criticized for calling singer, Christina Aguilera “fat” on multiple occasions. “Fashion Police” is the most watched show after the major award shows during the Awards Season. Some of Kean University’s students and staff members believe that it is alright for a person to talk about the looks of others, but it is unacceptable to do it publically. Doing it publicly is what leads the show’s viewers to believe that is okay for them to do the same. “I could see someone getting upset because someone else presumes to tell, to say what’s good and what’s not,” said Luiz Diaz, a graduate student. Connors believes Rivers should thank Lawrence for the promo because most people don’t watch that network outside of the network’s number one show, “Keeping Up With The Kardashians.” “When you tell someone that they’re this is not good or they’re that is not good, you’re basically saying ‘my opinion is better than yours,” said Otero. “It’s also offensive in that they think that their view, they’re um, perspective is the right one.”


Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” comes to Wilkin’s Theater stage

By Jasmine Leach




Poster from the Kean production of “Macbeth.”

William Shakespeare’s plays tend to deal with tragic romances such as “Romeo and Juliet” and “Othello” and they even have some aspects of fantasy, such as “A Midnight Summer’s Dream.” “Romeo and Juliet,” “Othello” and “A Midnight Summer’s Dream” are some of the most popular plays that are performed in theaters throughout the world, and now Kean decided to adapt one of Shakespeare’s most moving stories, “Macbeth.” On Nov 15, Kean premiered “Macbeth,” a play that incorporates action, drama, violence, and romance at Wilkin’s Theatre. Angelica Prendez is a student at Kean University who read Shakespeare in her last year of high school. One of the stories that she read was “Macbeth”


By Brigit Bauma

and she provided her analysis of it. “Well I feel like he was a coward. He had no back bone,” said Prendez. “He let his wife pretty much destroy him. His greed and ambition got the best of him and destroyed him.” Ernest Wiggins is the director of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” play at Kean. While being a young college student, he began to read Shakespeare’s work along with others, which influenced him to direct a classical play. “I discovered the sonnets when I was a freshman in college. Then I began to read as many plays as I could, such as the “Merchant of Venice,” which I love,” said Wiggins. “Two Gentleman of Verona” and “Hamlet, although it’s not a Shakespeare play, Tom Stoppard’s “Rosen-

crantz and Guildenstem are Dead” was also an early favorite.” Not only did he decide to direct “Macbeth” due to his respect for Shakespeare’s work, the students

Shakespeare because he tells it like it was and still is. Finally, the beauty of how Shakespeare uses language. He forces all of us to learn how to listen all over again. That’s hard work and that requires thinking and to think you’re forced to go to another level of being alive.” There are many students involved in this performance of “Macbeth.” Unlike “The Beautiful Dark,” which included a combination of students and professionals, this one is strictly students that are into the arts. “I’d say more than a 100, It’s a big one,” said Wiggins. This play also has many of the original elements from Shakespeare’s “Macbeth.” These elements include action and drama. “It’s an exciting play there are sword fights, conflicts, love, passion, and betrayal,” said Wiggins. Wiggins explained the reactions that he hopes each audience member will have from watching the show. Although each person has to develop their own thoughts about the play, he

“It’s an exciting play there are sword fights, conflicts, love, passion, and betrayal.” had a huge impact as well. He wanted to give students the opportunity to push themselves to go beyond their own limits. “The students, they need a challenge with all that talent bound up inside of them,” said Wiggins. “Also, William

wants each audience member to walk away being more open minded to this old fashioned writer. “Hopefully, they will walk away with a deeper understanding and admiration for this writer called Shakespeare,” said Wiggins.

Kean students keep fashionable in winter

By Shelsie Ducheine

The Best Man gang is back on the screen this holiday

Fans of the 1999 movie, “The Best Man,” raced to theaters this weekend, and this time the gang had even more shocking secrets than the first go around. It has been almost 14 years since the original movie debuted, but on November 15, “The Best Man Holiday” finally hit theaters and hit with a bang. When writer-director Malcolm D. Lee first gave us “The Best Man,” it centered around a group of old college friends joining together years later, for the marriage of NFL player Lance Sullivan (Morris Chestnut) and Mia Morgan (Monica Calhoun). At the same time, best man to Lance, Harper Stewart (Taye Diggs), was getting ready to debut his new book “Unfinished Business,” which contained risky secrets from their past. Even though he tried to cover up the stories by changing the names of the characters, it doesn’t take long before secrets are exposed and trouble erupts. This time around, however, the secrets are even deeper as they dwindle down years later during a Christmas Holiday weekend hosted by Lance and Mia. Harper and his 9 month pregnant wife Robin (Sanaa Lathan) are hesitant to go at first but agree to go once Harper finds himself in a rut with writers block and sees an opportunity to get out of it. It seems as if everyone’s life is luxurious, but the realization that things are not, becomes apparent and quickly. Jordan Armstrong (Nia Long) becomes a successful producer and ventures out of her race to find love, but it’s not his color that Jordan struggles with. It’s the matter of love in itself. Julian Murch (Harold Perrineau) finds himself struggling with the acceptance

The closer it comes to December, the more that thermometer will go lower and lower. The sun will set earlier, the wind will blow, and rain will turn to snow. Baby, it’s cold outside. That means that soon, students will be piling on layer on top of layer of clothing just to keep warm. To keep from turning into an icicle, fashion might be forfeited for many people this winter season. “Some women may think that winter is all about covering up with tons and tons of layers, and they end up in a maze where their lovely pear shaped body is completely lost,” said Maritha Saldarriaga, a sophomore biology major. However, fashion should not have to be sacrificed just to stay warm. There are ways to stay fashionable while still keeping away that winter chill. “I would describe [winter fashion] as being warm and cute at all times,” said Stacy Desgranges. There are many different ways to stay warm this coming winter season. Luckily many fall trends are sticking around for winter, which also means saving money. Plaids are being seen all across the winter season runway as well as leather. So be sure to keep out that long sleeve, button-up plaid shirt and leather jacket. The military look from autumn is also keeping a strong foothold. Combat boots are still in style, the more beat up, the better. And students can be seen across campus wearing the typical military green and brown colors. “I’ve seen many girls and guys wearing a ‘combat green’ twill coats, which I think it looks very fashionable with any outfit,” said Saldarriaga.

“I would describe [winter fashion] as being warm and cute at all times.”

“The “Best Man Holiday” is definitely a go see, if you’re looking for a film that’ll make you laugh, cry, and yell back at the screen a few times.” of his wife Candice (Regina Hall) and her past as a stripper. Shelby (Melissa De Sousa), ex-girlfriend of Julian, becomes a racy reality star and Quentin (Terrance Howard). Well Quentin is still Quentin. The biggest secret of all, however, comes from Mia. It is a secret so big that it brings everyone togeth-

er despite their differences. The “Best Man Holiday” is definitely a go see, if you’re looking for a film that’ll make you laugh, cry, and yell back at the screen a few times. Usually, sequels fall flat on their faces leaving viewers less than impressed, but this film disputes the usual expectation.

This film is great for the holidays, a date, or even a girls night out with the ladies. Black films are often criticized harshly, but this one helps to keep hope alive. Final Rating: 9/10.

Other fall trends that are here to stay are patterns that easily transition into winter. Floral and geometric patterns are still in vogue as long as they aren’t too summery. “I think this is the season when sweaters and pullovers rule. And if they come with some type of print or pattern, they are really nice and fast options to match and wear,” said Saldarriaga. But as much as the fall fashion trends are still in, new winter fashions are starting to emerge. A little bit of fur was fashionable during the early autumn. Just in time for winter, heavier furs are really coming into style now, and that means faux furs too! “Fur jackets seem to be in style and for men long, black, sweater jackets,” said Candace Jones, a freshman media communications major. “Anything that has faux fur is fashionable this winter from what I’ve been seeing recently,” agrees Desgranges. The ladies also suggested keeping an eye for dark colors this season. The usual dark colors like navy, black, gray, maroon, and brown are always a staple of winter. These colors are great for warm clothing like cardigans, sweaters, jackets, skirts and pants. “Flared or mini twill and wool skirts with stockings or tights are my favorite,” said Saldarriaga. “If they’re typical winter season colors (navy blues, black, browns, white, red, and grays), I would definitely match them with contrasting, yet soft colors such as pale pink or aqua.” Pretty much anything solid colored is really in right now, especially if worn from head to toe. Black, purple, and metallic head-to-toe pieces are sweeping the runway. Bright, solid colors that pop are chic as well, but in statement pieces rather than in full garb. However, the daring fashionista might want to try it out. Speaking of statement pieces, accessories that are in style are the knit berets and beanies that both add style and keep your ears nice and toasty. Knit gloves that match your hat or scarf are stylish too, especially if it has touchscreen finger tips. And of course, scarves are always a winter accessory must. “The best accessories are scarves,” said Saldarriaga. “The [infinity scarves] are really warm and if they have the right color can make an outfit go from cute


Winter fashion.

to amazing.” Another must accessory is boots. Ugg boots are always seen around campus. Desgranges suggests pairing them with legwarmers for extra warmth. Riding boots that go up to the knee and higher are also in for this winter season. They have the added bonus of that extra layer to keep legs protected from the cold. If they’re really sturdy they can be used for when it snows. Warm socks help, too. “I wear a lot of boots, a nice jacket, nice hat and sometimes rain boots for when it snows,” said Desgranges. To keep up with current styles for this winter there are a few great places to go. Saldarriaga has subscriptions to Cosmopolitan and Vogue. She also has a mobile app called “StyleTag.” Desgranges gets her fashion from fashionclimaxx on Instagram. “Always search online for new styles of the year,” said Jones. “And when you look in stores make sure you ask to see the new arrivals.” Following trends and checking out what others are wearing is a great way to get ideas for what to wear this winter. That way keeping warm and fashionable won’t be a problem during the cold months. As a tip for the upcoming season, when deciding on what to wear, “remember that an outfit must look like an “A” or “V.” So if it is tight at the top, keep it loose at the bottom, and vice versa,” Saldarriaga said.


December 5, 2013

December 5, 2013

Terry McFly, Kean student and blogger By Andaiye Hall

You may read his blog or follow him on Twitter. You may also have seen him around campus or in your classes. He is hard to miss at 6 foot 4 inches, and always dressed fashionably. He describes himself as “fresh and trendy.” A ‘high life’ is what lies behind Kean senior Terry McFly. He is a freelancer, lifestyle blogger and a brand ambassador. He created his website,, in 2008 during his early college life. This year he was nominated for Best Entertainment Blog at the Black Weblog Awards. “I created a site that was similar to me, a little bit of everything that’s cool,” McFly said. The blogger said that his website started as a blog about random happenings around Kean University. He then landed a job at MTV Networks writing video game reviews, and he began blogging about

the NYC area. McFly’s popularity rose in 2009 when he began attending various invitation-only events and live blogged about them. His website has attracted almost 225,000 hits according to the site’s visitor tracker. “I just recently filmed a commercial two days before school start-

live in because of the high crime rates. McFly knew he wanted to have a better life for himself after witnessing a brutal gang fight when he was residing in Irvington. He made the ultimate decision not to be a product of his environment, as so many other young men have become. “It made me realize that that

in communication and media. McFly came to Kean after obtaining his associate degree from Union County College. “I came to Kean University because most of my family went to Kean,” he said. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball, video games and his guitar. McFly is surprisingly an anti-social person,

“I want to be a role model for the younger generation. I want to be somebody I would look up [to] if I were still a kid.” ed,” McFly said. “It was the world’s first-ever reverse test drive.” The commercial, which was for the 2014 Corvette Stingray, can be viewed on Chevrolet’s YouTube. McFly was born in New Jersey and grew up in Newark, Hillside and Irvington, which are predominantly more difficult areas to

wasn’t the life I wanted to live,” McFly said. “I want to be a role model for the younger generation. I want to be somebody I would look up [to] if I were still a kid.” McFly said he sleeps in New Jersey, but his life is lived in New York City. He expects to graduate in May with his bachelor’s degree

Peanut butter: An American favorite

despite coming across as being very social. “I think Terry is a cool guy who has a lot in store for himself in life,” Bryant Madera, a sophomore, who is double majoring in criminal justice and psychology. But, McFly says he has not escaped being the victim of misconceptions.

Kean commuters saving money due to lower gas prices By Joseph Martucci

Photo: BigStockPhoto

By Dr. Josh Palgi In November, we celebrated one of our favorite foods: peanut butter. Southern peanut growers, representing southeastern peanut farmers, started the celebration of peanut butter Lovers Day on November 4. 1990. It grew to a month long celebration in 1995 when peanut butter celebrated its 100th birthday. • •

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It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter. By law, any product labeled “peanut butter” in the United States must be at least 90 percent peanuts. Peanuts account for twothirds of all snack nuts consumed in the USA. Peanuts contributed more than $4 billion to the USA economy each year. Americans spend almost $800 million a year on peanut butter. One of the many great advantages of peanut butter is long shelf life. If held at average ambient temperature without great change in heat or humidity, peanuts and peanut butter can be safely stored for several months. The average American consumes more than six pounds of peanuts and peanut butter products each year. The average child will eat 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before he/she graduated high school. Americans consume on average over 1.5 billion pounds of peanut butter and peanut products each year. Peanut butter was the secret behind “Mr. Ed,” TV’s talk-

ing horse. Spreading peanut butter inside the horse’s mouth created natural talking movement every time the animal moved his sticky jaws. Baseball Hall of Game’s, Jim “Catfish” Hunter and Gaylord Perry are peanut farmers from North Carolina (Hunter from Hertford and Perry from Williamston). Former president Bill Clinton confessed that one of his favorite sandwiches is peanut butter and banana; also reported to have been the favorite of Elvis “the king” Presley. There are six cities in the U.S. named Peanut: Peanut, California, Lower Peanut, Pennsylvania, Upper Peanut, Pennsylvania, Peanut, Tennessee; and Peanut West Virginia.

Amazing Facts about Peanut Butter You Never Knew •

• •

If you put all the peanut butter Americans eat annually into the Grand Canyon, it would FILL IT UP. Men prefer chunky peanut butter; women and children prefer smooth. Peanut butter is a versatile food bursting with nutrition. On average 1 lbs. of peanut has about 90 calories, 9 grams fat (about 80% of which are mono and poly- unsaturated). 4 grams protein and 1 gram fiber. Peanuts are good sources of vitamin E, niacin, folate and manganese. New research shows that peanut butter is rich in antioxidants.

However, peanut allergies remain

a problem. An allergy is an immune system response to an offensive harmless food or food component, usually a protein. According to experts about 4% of American adults and children have a food allergy, with slightly higher percentage of children under 5 years old. Nearly 90% of food allergies are caused by milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, pistachios, etc.), fish, shellfish, wheat and soy. The federal Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA) requires that all packaged food products sold in the U.S. that contain peanuts as an ingredient must list the word “Peanut” on the label. Read all product labels carefully before purchasing and consuming any item. Ingredients in packaged food products may change without warning, so check ingredient statements carefully every time you shop However, since peanut butter is a widely used product, and due to the prevalence of peanut allergies, many schools are offering peanutfree menu options or implementing entirely nut-free policies. For instance, sunflower seed butter can provide an alternative in schools where peanut butter and peanuts have been banned. However, a small number of people with peanut allergies may also be allergic to sunflower seed butter. According to one study a person with a known peanut allergy suffered an acute reaction to a “nut-free” butter containing sunflower seeds. From a nutrition perspective, sunflower butter contains almost four times as much vitamin E as peanut butter and about twice as much iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. Peanut butter contains higher levels of protein and slightly less sugar and fat.

“People assume I am ‘hood’ and uneducated, and they tend to stereotype,” McFly said. “And they talk down to me based on my appearance.” Next January, McFly will have his own radio show hosted at Kean University called the Terry McFly Show on Monday’s from 11a.m.1 p.m. He describes it as an audio version of his blog; it will cover celebrities, events, news and more. “I am mostly on Twitter engaging with my readers,” he said. “I hope you enjoy this site because a lot of hard work and effort goes into keeping you updated with FRESH content.” The senior encourages people to search for him on any social network. His twitter (@Terry_McFly) has more than 4,000 followers and on Facebook his website has over 550 likes. “Don’t be afraid to dream big and stay true to you,” said McFly. “Regardless of what others say to discourage you.”

Kean University students and faculty members have been experiencing less pain while at the pump due to the recent decrease in New Jersey gas prices. For more than 1000 consecutive days, motorists have been paying over $3 for a gallon of gasoline, sometimes reaching closer to $4, which is why this recent decline in gas price has been highly welcomed by those at the pump. As of October 23, 2013, the average gas price in the state of New Jersey was $3.158 for a gallon of regular gasoline. That’s about 42 cents cheaper than the average of $3.583 from last year, according to gasbuddy. com. New Jersey ranks No. 10 on the charts of lowest gas prices in the nation, and it has the lowest fuel costs on the entire east coast. “Motorists continue to see relief at the gas pumps, a trend which should continue through the remainder of the year,” says Tracy

Noble, spokesperson for AAA MidAtlantic. “Barring a hurricane or other unexpected disruption to gasoline production and distribution, AAA expects that retail prices will continue lower in the coming months, as sufficient supplies, flat demand and cheaper winter-blend gasoline mean motorists are likely to pay less to fill their tanks.” With Kean primarily being a commuter school, this means a lot to its faculty and students. “I like driving,” said Jim Ferrar, a senior from Bergen County who commutes over 60 miles to and from school four days a week. “Now that gas prices are lower, I find myself being able to be on the road more, as opposed to having to conserve gas for priorities like school and work.” Ferrar claims that if gas prices continue to drop he will be able to go home during his five-hour break on Mondays and Thursdays instead

of aimlessly sitting around on campus during that time. On another note, Randy Newman, also a senior from Bergen County, claims that he still drives just as much, no matter what the cost of gas is. “I commute a lot,” said Newman. “I drive more than 60 miles a day, 7 days a week, and with these lower gas prices, I have found that my pockets and my mind have been more at ease do to less frequent stops at the pump… I don’t have to budget as much during the week, and I have more money to do the things that I want to do.” While the good prices at the pumps should continue over the next few months, many people feel they will eventually go up again. “They most likely will spike again and commuters will be looking for alternative solutions,” said Ferrar. When asked about using public transportation as an alternative, Ferrar said it could be just as pricey, depending on how much someone commutes. He feels that commuters have no choice but to spend the money and he said that there wouldn’t be such a huge concern if there were more reliable and cheaper options for those traveling from far away. “In many cases, a round trip bus ticket could run you almost as much as a full tank of gas for some cars, so what’s the point if you have a car?” he asked. Dr. Valerie Vaccaro, a marketing professor at Kean University has recently done some research on the topic. She said she has found that people buy hybrids and electric vehicles not just because they are environmental friendly, but because they save money on gas and save time (not having to stop to get gas). Dr. Vaccaro is hoping prices of green automobiles will eventually decrease so that more people will be able to afford them. “Most American consumers are not aware of how lucky we are compared to people in other parts of the world who often pay over $5 per gallon of gasoline,” said Vaccaro. “What concerns me is that American consumers don’t have more viable alternative choices yet - such as more hybrid and electric car models at less expensive prices. We also don’t have access to convenient electric charging stations like they are building in Japan. Freedom of choice is such an important value here in America, yet so far, we are still limited in having low-cost, environmentally-friendly transportation solutions.”



THE TOWER Department of Communication Kean University Center for Academic Success 1000 Morris Avenue Union, NJ 07083 Telephone: (908) 737-0460; Fax: (908) 737-0465 Email:;

The Tower is an independent, laboratory newspaper of Kean University’s journalism option in the communication major program. It is published monthly through the regular academic year and supported by advertising and the Department of Communication. The Tower is not responsible for claims made by its advertisers. The Tower is a public forum and is free from censorship and advance approval of content by the university administration. The Tower staff is responsible for its content.


Bring back the pub! ByBryan C. Kuriawa and Christy Petillo

“Community spirit,” a concept that is generally considered relevant to everyday university affairs on a yearly basis. For those who go to college, they want to find something on campus which allows them to have a sense of relaxation and fun. It is that very element which allows them to escape from the daily routine of their classes and unwind. Within the vast confines of Kean University, that sense can be sighted as unavailable, at the very least. Once classes have concluded for the week, most students and faculty find themselves leaving the campus. Yes, there is the restaurant/bar on the first floor of the STEM building, but how many students truly visit, let along know of its existence? The Starbucks in our library provides some semblance of relief; however it

in fact a pub on campus, attached to the University Center, where students and faculty could retreat to after a long, stressful day for a beer. Kean fails to have a true sense of ‘community’ because there isn’t anything fun for students to do on the weekends. Students are in search of a place to hang out with friends, listen to music and escape from the hectic world that is college. If Kean became a wet campus and brought back the pub, not only would students have an affordable, laid-back atmosphere where they can socialize and have a drink, but there are other benefits. Students who are of legal drinking age and dorm, or live near campus would not have to worry about driving. One issue with Kean is location. There are no bars located relatively close to school, or that can be considered a convenient walking distance. Therefore, many students are placed in the position of driving in order

“Kean fails to have a true sense of ‘community’ because there isn’t anything fun for students to do on the weekends.” caters more to the morning rush. Where is a place on campus where students can feel, not only at home, but in a setting where they may be able to relax? The only answer to such a dilemma lies in the reestablishment of on-campus bar for this university. In this, students have a place where they will be able to express themselves free of their daily world of classes and obligations. A place where the real sense of being a college community can truly feel possible. Let’s face it; although Kean would like to be labeled as a dry campus, when you are dealing with college students, this just isn’t realistic. College students will always find a way to obtain liquor, and have their fun. Kean should reestablish campus community by succumbing to the fact that no matter how strict the regulations, alcohol will always be in the picture. Back in the 80’s, Kean was a wet campus. There was

to have some fun. If the pub was brought back, students could walk and access the bar easily and quickly from their dorms. Furthermore, reinstating the campus pub would bring additional money to the university. Think of how much money Starbucks makes in a week. Most likely, the profit from a campus pub would be equal to Starbucks. Not to mention, the pub would be a great way to create school spirit. After football games, lacrosse games, or large social events on campus, students and faculty could gather at the pub and commemorate their successes. So, let’s cheers to the idea that Kean University can once again become a wet campus, and bring back the sense of community that our university so desperately needs.

NFL Football continues to show its dominance in pro sports



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AFFAIRS (Continued from page 1) required to publish in their field to get tenure. The revelations led to an investigation by the Board of Trustees under a cloud of widespread media coverage and after the president apologized for what he characterized as errors, he received support from of the Board of Trustees. The board members are appointed by the governor with input from local state legislators. Still, the university continues to be a center of controversy. Just last month, Kean made headlines when its new associate vice president for Academic Affairs, Dr. Katerina Andriotis, left amid claims of plagiarism. Andriotis was accused by the KFT of submitting a plagiarized enrollment report in which she allegedly filled in the name of Kean University in place of another college. The college did not comment on

her departure. Andriotis was best known on campus for instituting a controversial “pending registration” system that caused low-enrolled classes to be cancelled suddenly. It was widely criticized by faculty and professors as inconvenient and counterproductive. This is hardly the first time the KFT has called for a no confidence vote. The KFT has twice conducted similar votes on the leadership of Farahi. Three years ago, 83 percent voted no confidence in the president. Following the publishing scandal, 94 percent of the faculty voted no confidence in the president in May 2012. Toney redirected a request for comment on his negative recommendations to Kean’s Media Relations office. Emails to Kean’s Media Relations office requesting a statement on the tenure issue were unsuccessful.

MetLife Stadium, the home of Super Bowl XLVIII. By Dan Canova

Baseball is America’s past time, but now it just passes time. Numbers don’t lie, and the numbers continue to point in favor of the National Football League. Now, let’s get to the facts. We are a little over the midway point of the 2013-2014 NFL season, and according to Forbes, since Sept. 5, NFL football games are 18 of the most-watched television progams in the country, and 19 of the top 20 (the only other program in the top 20 was the season premiere of “The Big Bang

Photo: Dan Clavijo

television is enough, and it’s free, so why even bother go to the games? However, the main reason why attendance is dropping each year, might be because NFL games are becoming impossible to attend. Tickets are through the roof, and eating and drinking isn’t realistic, which is why people tailgate before and sometimes after games. All in all, this isn’t a major problem because the NFL makes approximately 18 billon dollars a year. Yes, that’s “b” as in BILLION. Back to the numbers game (Everything is according to Forbes):

“Everything provided on television is enough, and it’s free, so why even bother go to the games?” Theory” on CBS). The Nielsen Company, which is an American global information and measurement company, says the average NFL game telecast has drawn 16.8 million viewers this season. These numbers are literally impossible to reach if you’re any other television program, but the NFL as a business is very powerful, and it has reached numbers the NBA, MLB, and NHL can only dream of. However, there is just one negative. Since people are comfortable in the luxury of their own homes, the attendance in NFL stadiums have gone down severely, dropping in five consecutive seasons. Maybe it’s because watching a football game on television is much more convenient. You have announcers feeding you play-by-play information, and analysts breaking down games, pregame, at halftime, and postgame. Everything provided on

An NFL game telecast has been television’s mostwatched program in each of the season’s first nine weeks (and counting) NFL games on CBS, FOX, ESPN, and NBC have averaged 12.9 million viewers making the 2013 season the most viewed among these four major networks through nine weeks (and counting) NBC’s Sunday Night Football is averaging 21.6 million viewers, and is the number one mostwatched primetime show this season on television. ESPN’s Monday Night Football is averaging 13.4 million viewers. The Monday Night Football opener this season between the Eagles and Redskins was the most-watched Week 1 game ever on ESPN with 16.54 million viewers. The numbers clearly do not lie and the NFL continues to show it’s dominance in professional sports on national television all across the country.

December 5, 2013



December 5, 2013

Women’s soccer captures second consecutive championship By Raymond Gurbisz

The Kean University women’s soccer team once again reached success, winning its second consecutive ECAC Division III Metro Women’s Soccer Championship after topping No. 1 seeded Richard Stockton College 3-2 on Nov. 17. The Cougars capped off their season with an impressive 12-6-3 record, after powering their way through the ECAC Metro Tournament over the weekend and defeating Mt. St. Mary College in the semi-finals before reaching Richard Stockton College. “They accomplished something. They can feel good about bringing a championship to Kean University,” said head coach Brian Doherty. “They fought through adversity. Every championship comes with some type of adversity, and along the way they reached many of their team goals set out at the start of the season.” Throughout the tournament, standout-senior Shannon Pedersen was an essential part of the Cougars’ success. Pedersen captured the New Jersey Athletic Conference Offensive Player of the Week award and also was named the Tournament’s Most Outstanding Player. In the championship game, all three goals for the Cougars involved Pedersen. She assisted on the first and third goals of

Kean Women’s Soccer team after capturing second championship.

“Every championship comes with some type of adversity, and along the way they reached many of their team goals set out at the start of the season.” the game, also scoring the second goal which put Kean up 2-1. “Shannon had an enormous impact on us all year long and had her biggest impact during the biggest game of the year,” Doherty said. “She was a leader on the team for us all year and lead by example, the type of player and person that is highly motivated and sets high standards for herself on and off the

Kaitlyn Hansen Wraps up Volleyball career with ECAC gold

field and meets those standards.” Other key offensive players during the season included junior Sam Marchetti and sophomore Angie Lopez. Marchetti tallied a teamhigh 23 points for the Cougars, punching in nine goals and five assists. Lopez also had 22 points of her own, scoring a team-high 10 goals and adding two assists. Aside from just the success

tournament as its had the past two seasons, building off the same strategies that made the team so tightly knit. “I expect my team to get better,” Doherty said. “Improve every day, be a strongly bonded team, and put the team first and set some goals that will help us do those things.”

Football wraps up disappointing campaign By Carl Stoffers

The Kean University football team wrapped up a disappointing 2013 campaign on November 16 with a loss at Montclair State, registering its first losing record since 2005, the year before head coach Dan Garrett took the helm. The season began in rocky fashion in September, as Kean dropped its first two contests, including blowout losses to Albright College and the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, before securing its first victory over Endicott College. There was a bright spot in the 1-2 start, though. Freshman Damian Corredor returned a kickoff 100 yards for a touchdown vs. Mary Hardin-Baylor, earning him NJAC and ECAC Southeast Special Teams Player of the Week honors, along with being named to the BSN National Division III Team of the Week. Corredor ended the month with 246 total return yards, good for a stellar 35.14 average. October began with the Cougars dropping a tough contest at SUNY Cortland 17-7. The game was a costly loss, as quarterback Christian Bailoni injured his shoulder in the third quarter. Bailoni, a senior, would not play another down in 2013 due to a severely separated shoulder. Kean followed the loss to the Red Dragons with a heartbreaking 7-0 loss at home to The College of New Jersey on October 11. After a defensive struggle for most of

the game, sophomore quarterback Robert Meade III was able to engineer a 15-play, 93-yard drive in the final minutes, only to have it stall on the College of New Jersey oneyard line with under two minutes to play, dropping the Cougars to 1-4 on the season. After the game, Garrett’s frustration was evident. “We’ve got great kids,” the coach said after the loss, “great kids who want to work, who want to win. Right now, we’re just not putting enough points on the board to do that.” The following week brought more heartbreak, as Kean hosted William Paterson University for homecoming. More than 2,300 fans watched as the Cougars squandered a fourth quarter lead, falling to the Pioneers 21-20. Following the loss, freshman wide receiver Tahj Hammary was named the NJAC Offensive Rookie of the Week for his 3-catch, 155yard performance. Kean ended the month with a 17-7 loss to The College at Brockport, dropping its record to 0-4 in October and 1-6 overall. The loss to the Golden Eagles assured the first losing season of Garrett’s tenure in Union. “It’s outstanding, phenomenal that this program isn’t used to losing,” Garrett said after the loss. “Eight years later, the fact that the standard is so high.” Coming out of a nightmare month, the Cougars had seemingly little to play for. But they showed

Head coach Dan Garrett suffered his first losing season at Kean in 2013.

Photo: Carl Stoffers

ceiver Prince Stewart, as well as senior running back Sean McKee adding a score on the ground while rushing for 129 yards. The defense was led by senior linebacker Bob Klecha, who recorded a sack and nine tackles and junior linebacker Corey Miller, who added a sack and eight tackles. Senior kicker Bill Cullen was named NJAC Special Teams Player of the Week for his performance, which included field goals of 43 and 33 yards, as well as connecting on all four extra point attempts. The win over Morrisville State also marked a milestone for coach Garrett, who recorded his 50th win at Kean. It was the final win of the season for the Cougars, as a tough losses to Rowan and Montclair State closed out the campaign. Looking ahead to 2014, the Cougars will have several key players returning, including Meade III, Hammary, Corredor, defensive backs James Leavy and Darren Dixon and running back Kevin O’Connor. With more than three

“It’s outstanding, phenomenal that this program isn’t used to losing, eight years later, that the standard is so high.” the resilience and heart that Garrett has instilled in the program over the last eight years, exploding for 47 points in a November 2

route of Morrisville State College. The victory featured three touchdown passes by Meade III, including two to senior wide re-

quarters of the current roster coming back next season, coach Garrett will have an experienced squad of veterans to work with.

“You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream the farther you get” -Michael Phelps

By Ryan Gaydos There are not many accomplishments that Kean University Women’s Volleyball senior Kaitlyn Hansen has not completed. You can check off winning an Eastern College Athletic Conference championship offer of her list as well. The Cougars defeated The Sages Colleges and Elmira College on the same day to win the program’s first ECAC championship. Kean defeated both teams 3-0 Nov. 16 after losing in the New Jersey Athletic Conference second round to Rowan. The Cougars were the No. 1 seed in the tournament. This, along with a shopping list of milestones, has completed an unforgettable career for Hansen. Coming into the 2013 season, she already held the record in solo blocks, total blocks and blocks assists. She was creeping up on the service aces mark set by Loretta Zahn and on senior night, in front of her friends and family, Hansen broke the mark. “I had mixed emotions about the game,” Hansen said. “I was sad because it’s one of my last games but I was happy playing with my team. It still hasn’t hit me that this season is almost over. I hate having to part with something that is such a big part of my life.” Kean finished with a 24-14 record in a year that was mostly up and down. The Cougars started

Photo: ???????

achieved in the tournament, a lot of preparation went into the team’s overall success this season, starting with a pre-season 10 day trip to Canada which included a lot of running, conditioning and team bonding. Doherty explained that the building of relationships throughout the whole year was an essential part of the the team’s success as well, believing that a championship is a “culmination of the years’ work”, not just the days leading up to the event. With the team now winning back-to-back ECAC Championships, the Cougars will have high expectations going into next season. The team will look to endure the same success in the ECAC


Kean Women’s Soccer team after capturing second championship.

off the season winning its first 10 of 11 matches but started to fall against tougher opponents in the middle of the season. As for head coach Don Perkins, he showed that not only that he could get it done with the men’s team, but he can do it with the women’s team as well. Earlier in the year, Perkins led the Men’s Volleyball team to its second straight NCAA Division III tournament berth after winning it all in 2012. An ECAC title with the women’s is another notch in his coaching belt in an already illustrious coaching tenure with both programs. Next season, Kean will return five starters from its ECAC-win-

Photo: ???????

ning team and look to contend for an NJAC title For Hansen, her career may end on the court but it continues in the classroom. She is planning on getting her bachelors degree in Occupational Therapy and attending graduate school next fall. “I’m going to miss seeing my team and playing a sport that I love everyday,” Hansen said. “Whenever I’m having a bad day, I know that at 3:30 I can walk into the gym and forget about everything else. This team means so much to me and when I look back at my experience at Kean, the best memories that I have are with them.”

December 5, 2013



Fall sports recap: How all Kean teams faired

Photos: Mak Ojutiku

Left: Field Hockey team celebrating a goal; right: Kean Football team against Morrisville> By Mak Ojutiku

again a few weeks later, this time in the ECAC Metro Championship. The game was a hard one but the Cougars eventually prevailed, beating Stockton 3-2 and retaining their ECAC Metro title. With that win, the team finished their season with a 12-6-3 overall record. Head

The season for Kean’s fall sports has finally come to a close. Overall, it was a pretty interesting season. Some teams had surprisingly strong runs this year while others were unexpectedly disappointing.

“Very few teams get to end their season with a win and we were one of them” Some teams brought home some hardware this season while others struggled to get a few wins. Here’s a recap of everything went down this season.

coach Brian Doherty was pleased with the result. “I was happy with the way the season went” he said. “Very few teams get to end their season with a win and we were one of them”

Women’s Soccer

Field Hockey

Going into the season the women’s soccer team was coming off one of the best performances in their program’s history. Last year, the team went 13-5-4 and won the ECAC Metro Championship, which was the first title win in the program’s 30 year history. Because of that, there might have been some added pressure to duplicate their historic performance. If there was, the team definitely didn’t let it get to them. The team started their year with alternating wins and losses. They found their stride though in the middle of the season. The Cougars went on a five game winning streak that saw them outscore their opponents 16-2. One of the reasons for the offensive burst was Sophomore Angie Lopez. Lopez tallied 6 goals during the streak and 10 in the season, making her the team leader in scoring. Lopez’s efforts lead to her being named an NJAC player of the week and gave her a place on the NJAC AllConference team. With a 5-3-1 record against teams in their conference, the team secured a berth in the NJAC tournament. The team fell short though, losing in the opening round to Stockton College by a 0-4 margin.The team saw Stockton

One of the more unexpected stories of this year was the women’s field hockey team. Despite having a losing record last year, this year’s field hockey team put together a very impressive season. The team started off with eight straight wins. 2012’s team had eight wins in their entire season. The Cougars went on to a 15-5 overall record (2-4 in NJAC) and made an appearance in the semi finals of the ECAC tournament. Coach Leslie Lafronz spoke highly of her team. “As a coach, I could not be more proud of a group of individuals” said Lafronz. “They played with heart, exemplified sportsmanship, trained with desire and competed with passion.” The team’s defense showed some excellent play throughout the season. At one point Sophomore goalkeeper Katie DiCarlo lead the nation in save percentage and goals-against average. DiCarlo had a record eight shut outs this year and was named the NJAC Goalkeeper of the year. On the offensive side of the field, the two biggest producers were Seniors Stephanie Soares and Korri Thompson. Both athletes lead the team in individual points with 32 . Soares lead the team in goals with

13 while Thompson lead the team and the conference in assists with 10. Both were named to All-NJAC first team. Women’s Volleyball Coming off their best season in fifteen years, the women’s volleyball had to know they needed to do a lot to top their 2012 season. Despite, the loftiness of that goal, the team in some ways actually accomplished it. They started off in a very strong fashion, winning 14 of their first 17 games. The X-factor for the team was Senior Kaitlyn Hansen. During the team’s win over New Jersey City University, Hansen broke the school’s record for service aces with 249. Hansen lead the conference in hitting percentage with.352. Hansen’s efforts were rewarded with many awards. Multiple time NJAC Player of the Week, All- NJAC first team, All-Region by the American Volleyball Coaches Association and ECAC MVP were just some of the titles Hansen picked up this year. Women’s volleyball ended their season on a very strong note. In their final game they won the ECAC Metro-Championship, which was their first title since 2001. They closed the season with a 21-14 overall record and a 5-3 record in their conference. Football For the Kean football team, this fall season was a long and difficult time. The team started off with a tough loss to Albright College and they never seemed to fully bounce back from it. One of the few bright spots of their season was their 47-21 home win over Morrisville State College. The victory gave Head Coach Dan Garrett his 50th career win with the Cougars. It was also the only home win of the season. The team did come very close to recording a victory in their homecoming game against William Paterson University. The Cougars controlled the field for most of the game but unfortunately a

blocked field goal in the last 5 minutes caused the game to end 21-20 in favor of William Paterson. The team ended their season with a 2-8 record, their first losing record under Coach Garrett. Men’s Soccer The men’s soccer team started off their season on a high note. The team had an 8-2 record going into the second half of the season. These games featured high offensive outputs from Senior Dominick DeLello and Freshman Akwasi Adu. DeLello scored five goals in the first five games of the season. Unfortunately, DeLello sat out for much of the second half of season due to an injury. In his absence Adu became the leader in points with 16 and goals with 7. Senior Gordon Lyng lead the team’s defense and his play lead to him being named to the All-NJAC second team. The second half of the season was decidedly rough. The team went 1-7-1 in October and five of the losses were to fellow NJAC teams.. Head Coach Tony Ochrimenko plans on working on certain aspects of the team like creating scoring opportunities and finishing goals. Despite their setbacks this year, Ochrimenko is looking at the 2014 season in an optimistic light. “I am sure that our luck will get better” he says. “ The wins will come”. Women’s Tennis It was a back and forth year for the women’s tennis team. They lost six of their first nine games underneath new head coach Jodi Valenti. The team had some success in the middle of the season, in the form of a 3-game winning streak. Senior Debra Dress saw some individual success and was named an NJAC All Star. Dress is the first Cougar to receive this title since 2005. The team finished their season with a 6-8 record.

Men’s basketball home opener spoiled by conference rivals By Gerald Lima

Photo: Gerald Lima

The Men’s Basketball team started off the season with two road wins over Swarthmore College and Stevens Institute of Technology. After trailing by 21 against Stevens, the Cougars would eventually win the game on a go-ahead three point shot by Mike Burton, which pushed the Cougars to a hot 2-0 start. The Cougars looked to extend its record to 3-0 over Richard Stockton College in its first home game of the season. However, the Cougars were defeated by the Ospreys, losing 69-64. “It was a tough loss but I know we will bounce back from this,” Cougars guard, Mike Burton said. “We learn from our mistakes and we will fix them so we can improve as a team.” Tom Soulias and Burton opened

the Cougars and the Ospreys exchanged shots from behind the arc. Ospreys’ Josh Blamon hit three of four shots early in the game that was going back and forth, until the

Men’s basketball team huddles together for its home opener against Richard Stockton.

the game for the Cougars knocking down back-to-back three point shots. The Cougars offense played well and its defense was efficient, creating 17 turnovers for the game. Throughout the first half, both

a three-point shot, making him the 31st player in school history to cross the 1000-point mark. With one minute remaining in the game, Ali Mix made a clutch

“...we look forward to 2014 with great desire and commitment for a Championship Season.” Ospreys took a 37-25 lead, because of a 13-0 run. The Cougars ended the first half by cutting the deficit back to single digits, making the score 39-31 heading into the second half. Early on in the third quarter, the Cougars created back-to-back turnovers, which cut the deficit to only seven points. With just under 13 minutes to go in the second half, Burton made

shot, with a foul shot to follow, leaving the Cougars with a fighting chance only trailing 66-64. After a free throw missed by the Ospreys, the Cougars had a chance to tie the game with a three point shot, but it failed to go down. The Cougars played the “intentional foul” game with 25 seconds remaining, but there wasn’t enough time to make any kind of a comeback. The Ospreys made its

free throws to hold its lead and a victory over the Cougars. “We played good as a team and had our chance but we could have had done better,” Burton said. The Cougars, Soulias led the scoring chart with 17 points, but it couldn’t top the Ospreys’ Kevin Johnson and Rameel Johnson, who combined for 32 points. “We stayed together as a team and we are just going to take it day by day,” Assistant Coach Mike Shaughnessy said. “We fought hard all game but couldn’t get the win. We will look at film and be ready for the next game.” The Cougars will play another NJAC game, when they host Ramapo College November 26 at 8 p.m. “We as a team will improve and I believe we will be contenders at the end of the season. It’s still early in the season,” Shaughnessy added.

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