Prod Cohort 2.0 Impact Report

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TWO YEARS OF PROD June 26th, 2023

Just two years ago, Prod was a list of 50 different ideas on how to redefine student entrepreneurship splattered on a google doc. All shared the same vision to break the endless cycle of funneling brilliant students who want to change the world into low-impact, traditional careers.

We built Prod to make startups a viable career option. We’re delighted to share that Prod has flipped the switch of over seventy students to founders.


37 $150M 19

Full-Time Teams

Funding Raised

(most bootstrapping)

YC Acceptances

(#1 YC S23 Referrer)

We’ve been thrilled about what Prod founders have accomplished: from launching hydrogen powered rockets to reducing compute costs a hundredfold to building entire financial exchanges, Prod founders are changing the world.

Prod founders become co-founders, lifelong friends, and roommates. We even had two of our Cohort 1.0 teams merge recently. We are proud that the engine that powers all of our teams’ success continues to be the Prod community itself.

As we reflected on our founders’ journeys over the past nine months, we’re inspired by how far they’ve come. The craziest part: almost everyone joined Prod with no idea, no product, and sometimes, no team. Now, they’re going full-time on their companies.

Prod founders have built companies exciting and impactful enough to turn down jobs from:

While we’re thrilled that our founders are off to the races, there’s a long road ahead. We’re increasingly excited about the post-cohort, lifelong experience in Prod. In a few years, we’ll have hundreds of fulltime Prod founders in SF, NYC, and Boston. We wouldn’t be shocked if a Cohort 3.0 founder and a Cohort 7.0 founder team up to build the next generational company.


Arul Kapoor

Robert Wachen

Benjamin Spector




Richard Dahan

Anne Brandes

Caine Ardayfio


Cohort 2.0 Team

Cohort 2.0 Team

Boyd Christiansen

Tinah Hong

Cohort 2.0 Team

Cohort 2.0 Team




Foundation Capital



Without Prod I wouldn’t be working full time in my startup. There is no other startup program like Prod in the whole world and I am extremely grateful to be part of this.

Prod is easily the most driven group of people I have ever been around. There's people with expertise in anything you could imagine. The admin leave no stone unturned in helping you out. Everything is truly no strings attached. The people you meet through Prod are friendships for a lifetime. It's truly an elite cohort that I was privileged to be a part of.

You'll meet the most talented people at Harvard and MIT and be pushed to achieve what you thought was impossible. There's nothing like Prod anywhere else.


Chris Zhu

Gavin Uberti

Etched is designing specialized chips for language model inference by supporting one type of model — their chips outperform GPUs by 100x. BEFORE PROD


No product

Production-ready product

No funding

$5M+ seed round led by Primary

No hires

Hired several industry veterans


Premila Rowles

Marco Fleming

Neptune develops, manufactures, and commercializes high-volume, high clinical utility medical devices initially commercialized for Gastroenterology. BEFORE PROD


No team

Met co-founder

No idea

Built 8 prototypes; Secured 3 trials

No users

$1M+ seed round led by Link


Ethan Thornton

Mach Industries is pioneering a suite of defense systems to support unparalleled capability using new inventions in the hydrogen space. BEFORE PROD


Different idea

$5M+ seed round led by Sequoia

No product

Hired several industry veterans

No users/revenue

Extensive interest from military


Luke Igel

Richter Brzeski

Wesley Block

Kino lets video editors sift through thousands of hours of footage in seconds. They have interest from in-house editing departments, film and television studios, and Oscar and Emmy winners. BEFORE PROD


No product

Live product

Key hires needed

Found key hire

No partnerships

Secured major partnerships


Sam Suchin

Will Schrepferman

BuyXR is creating a shopping experience without limitations by using virtual reality. With BuyXR, users can travel between stores, earn rewards, and access exclusive items. BEFORE PROD


No team

Met co-founder

No product

Live product

No commercial interest

Secured major partnerships


Alex Pedersen

Matt Kiflu

Egress is using AI to fix production bugs by monitoring incident logs and automatically generating and suggesting fixes. BEFORE PROD


No idea

Navigated multiple pivots

No product

Launched several products

No funding

Secured funding


David Cao

Dima Romanov

Sheheryar Parvaz

Layer N is a hyperperformant rollup network designed to scale financial applications on Ethereum. The team prev. built a Solana decentralized exchange with $500M+ in trading volume. BEFORE PROD


Different product

Added team member

No major partnerships

Live product

No funding

$4M+ seed round


Raul Alcantara

Gyalpo Dongo

Xplain’s AI-powered Spanish WhatsApp tutor makes personalized tutoring over 5x cheaper. They are academic celebrities in Peru. BEFORE PROD


Different idea

Navigated multiple pivots

No product

Launched several products

No funding

Secured funding


Devishi Jha

Jianna Liu

Leafpress is a carbon accounting platform and disclosure software for SMEs. In just a few clicks, companies can assess their carbon footprint and launch reduction planning. BEFORE PROD


No team

Met co-founder

No idea

Live product

No revenue

$50K+ in contracts


Deepak Singh

Optigen is a generative disease modeling platform for rapid drug discovery, starting with treating glaucoma. They’ve assembled the largest dataset of retinal ganglion cell death ever. BEFORE PROD


No advisors

Secured top research advisors

No product

Secured dataset

No data

Discovered initial results


Georgi Ivanov

TAPP offers a new enterprise password-less “user login” method that eliminates phishing, which is responsible for 90% of all cybersecurity breaches. BEFORE PROD


No advisors

Secured advisors

No product

Live product

No revenue

$50k+ in contracts


Thomas de Hertog

Heleen de Hertog

Everge is a subscription-based parenting platform designed to help foster parent-child relationships by connecting parents with exports on sleep, food, and development. BEFORE PROD


Different idea

Successful pivot

Different business model

Live product

Different product

Five-figure enterprise contracts


Maggie Zhang

Pearl Li

Savannah Liu

Refond, at the nexus of clothing marketplaces and social media, allows friends to see each others daily outfits, give ratings, and showcase items in their closet they plan to sell. BEFORE PROD


No product

Live product

No users

$20K+ in revenue

No revenue

Accepted to YC S23


Raunak Daga

Khoi Nguyen

Delilah is a personal, AI-powered academic assistant with writing, chatting, and detection features loved by thousands of students. BEFORE PROD


Different idea

Successful pivot

No product

Live product

No users

10K + users


Derek Vastola

Mukesh Loganathan

Pythia Diagnostics is building a wearable device that can predict epileptic seizures 3 hours in advance from scent alone. Their device replaces the three-year wait for a $30K service dog. BEFORE PROD


No clinical trials

Started human clinical trials at MGH

No product

Built multiple prototypes

No advisors

Secured top research advisors


Anna Sun

Amy Sun

Nowadays is your last executive assistant. Nowadays allows users to seamlessly order catering, book an appointment, or schedule delivery — no clicks necessary. BEFORE PROD



New co-founder (sisters!)

No idea

Live product

No partnerships

Secured major partnerships


Callum Taylor

Samuel Aubin

FOS is building a unified data layer for agriculture. Farms and AgTech companies use FOS to integrate data across their systems and increase agricultural efficiency multifold. BEFORE PROD


Different product

Successful pivot

No users

Live product

No revenue

Secured major contracts


Adarsh Hiremath

Brendan Foody

Surya Midha

Mercor streamlines the global engineer recruiting process with AI. They assess millions of candidates in seconds with an AI interviewer, customized project-based assessment, and more. BEFORE PROD


Different idea

Six figures in annual revenue

No product

25 000+

No users/revenue

Found several industry-vet advisors



COHORT 2.0 TEAMS + 7 teams in stealth

I can confidently stand behind the statement that Prod has been the single most impactful experience I’ve had since coming to the US. I met the most incredible people at Harvard and MIT, period. Peers my age had already been developing products for companies I had only seen through the screen – Apple, SpaceX, Oracle. But they didn’t make me feel like I was less. On the contrary – I have never felt more appreciated than at Prod. Seeing people around me build MVPs in days, close huge contracts, or raise millions of dollars lit such a fire in me that I genuinely don’t see myself doing anything but startups. To anyone thinking of applying to Prod, I wholeheartedly say that there isn’t a better group of people to be a part of if you are serious about entrepreneurship.

PROD F have ld u o c I g in h t l u pactf im t s o m e h t n e e ll-time bably b u f o r y p m s a g h in d n o ig r s P g m Joinin nt fro s. e h t w n I o . y m e 5 n r in u h jo it p w u t e done for my star committing to a startup full-tim d amorphous to he consulting offer startup went from some farfetc e upon graduating k a For me, building , feasible choice that I could ma edback for each fe stic dream to a reali in the cohort provided so much s, and were there pp e a n o s r y r e e h v t E o . h e c g a e e ll o in c sers u a t e b ere are h e r T e . d w r , a s t h c u ly r d o la r u p e partic other’s r e w s est g b in e h h t t n is e h d o w r P lp e is m line o t t I o b e r as friends to h e e h t h , w e r e a b h t s o ld n u I co ould countless stories gone through, and I simply w Prod. er or program I’ve ev a founder and person if not f th o b s a y a d o t m a

I genuinely lear Prod than I did entrepreneursh

Prod is undoubtedly the on my startup. Beyond a or dinner, the biggest and community of grinders wh

FAMILY I wouldn’t have started a company without Prod! The mentorship of Admin and everyone in the Prod universe was like a North Star. From flying us all to Brazil for a month, to going out of their way to make weekly events people actually wanted to come to, to giving resources that cut through the BS of VC/startup world, I couldn’t be more grateful to Prod.

ith rned more in a week w d in 2 years of Harvard bs. clu d n a , ts n e v e , s e s s la c ip h

e only reason I've decided to go full-time any perk, merch, connection, VC introduction, d genuinely priceless benefit is being in a ho push you to be your best.

It’s like having a w on your side h hole team of people el company and ping you build the best ge deals. And the t the best terms and Prod team are experts.

PROD F and Prod ] .. [. l o o h c s d a r g n o was set I . fe li y m f o y r o t c ugh how o aje r n t e e e h iz t s a d h e g p n m a e h 't c n s a a Prod h I really c ther. . e g g in to d t il h u g b u d o e r y b jo s a n e w I y it ch showed me how mu was planned and how well the commun planned to change our ort lly impressively the coh duction, workshop, and more felt carefu ear immediate o dn Every interaction, intr I've asked questions at 2am and receive like this is invaluable. rs. ion mindset into founde oup of people who believe in your vis ctually living with as I go a gr m a I' g e in m v o a s h , ; d s o e r s P n o h g p s u re ge thro would e I ll g o c in h in t s e d n m o ie s fr t is s p e u b t n star w o y m n o I met some of my e im t ll fu Working . p tu r ta s y m n o e im full-t r ago. a e y a d e r e id s n o c e absolutely not hav

Holy shit, Prod w wouldn't just ca as truly instrumental to our s ll it "improving" our success, tha tartup's succes Prod has comple t doesn't do it ju tely changed the st amount of time w a y I t h in k a b out an simply unfair, an d effort that Prod has put into startups. The co d been in literally it is hard to overstate how valu aching us is everything (well , apart from the able their help ha technical work :P ).

ed to d e e n I s e c r u o s e r d n dence a fi n o c e th e m ely e it v n a g fi e d d s Pro a h d o r P . d a post-gr e im -t ll fu s p tu r ta s e u purs rney. u jo p -u t r a t s y m in l been pivota


ss (I tice).


In a cohort that shipped at dollars in contracts, and lightning speed, closed tens of thousands of ra expectations, both for o ised millions, Prod gave us the gift of high urselves and each other. Without Prod, we would not have been a ble to get into YC.

Prod has, without exag geration in any form at all, changed m y li Prod was just one of tho fe. I thought se accelerators. [...] Our firs generic startup t in Prod absolutely blew my teraction with mind, and at that moment, I knew that we we something by joining Pro re truly onto d. *massively* when it cam Prod helped us e to preparing for and executing our seed round fundraise. Prod team was able to g ive incredible amount of wa us an rm support that, honestly, I intros and fee couldn't have received l like I els if I paid. [...] The Prod te ewhere even am would often stay up at unreasonable ho [...], they were always at urs to help us the to debrief and give us ad ready on Slack vic team has committed a e. [...] The Prod n unreasonable amount of time and eff ort our startup journey, an to help us on d for that we are eternally grateful. I me an I don't think we could be it when I say it, where we are now without the guidan ce a from Prod. [...] I hate ho nd mentorship ww sounds a bit cheesy, but hat I wrote it g expresses how I feel. I a enuinely m immensely grateful for having bee n a part of Cohort 2.0.

Thank you for one of the greatest experiences

of my life.

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