October 2014

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Tattler 10/30/14 p2


#BaronPride Catches Fire By Maya Sterling There is no way anyone walked down the hallway during spirit week and didn’t notice the amazing work of the infamous group known as the SGA Publicity Committee. Who are these stealthy students? How can posters not be up after 2nd period but all be up by the start of 3rd period? How do they get football players to dance in embarrassing ways? The SGA Publicity Committee was created this year to do just what its title states: publicize B-CC events and organize school wide projects.

The committee, which is composed of 58 members, started their work on August 29th with their first project- making Homecoming the best it could be. Jeff Fan, (‘16), the administrator of the Publicity Committee, spoke to The Tattler about the work his group has done. “The Publicity Committee is a ‘think tank’ branch and that's where the initial concept of #BaronPride spurred. The idea constantly grew as administration, SGA and the teams became involved; in a sense we didn't

From the left: Katie Weber, Assistant Director; Alyssa Alfonso, Art Director; Jeff Fan, Chair & Director; Audrey Hersman, Art Director; Maria Pavlova, Production Designer; Orlando Pinder, Cinematographer

‘decide’ on BaronPride - B-CC developed it,” Fan said. He estimates that almost 500 people were involved in making BaronPride a reality. 224 hours of work were logged just for the BaronPride initiative. The work was not easy. The group working on BaronPride started as only eight members. Luckily, “as the project solidified, photographers and videographers joined in,” Fan recalled. The team has not yet created any solid plans for the rest of the year; however, it is certain they will strike again!

Battle of the Barons Brings Fierce Competition By Rivka Batlan Battle of the Barons is a new competition to rally school spirit within the B-CC community. Designed by the leadership class, it is an effort to unite the community by supporting school events. This is how it works: the student body is split into four teams. Each team earns points for attending designated events and activities (such as sporting events and games, the fall play, the cho-

rus concert, and charity fundraisers). Representatives from the leadership class will be stationed at each event with boxes to collect tickets for each team. The team with the most tickets and highest attendance at each event will receive 40 points, the second place team will receive 20, and the third place team will receive 10. Some events will be worth double points. The competition began on Monday, October 13th,

at the girls’ and boys’ soccer games against Richard Montgomery. At the event, the green team won and got 80 points (40 for each game), black and red tied for 2nd and got 40 points each (20 for each game), and white came in last (thus receiving no points). The SGA and leadership class “have a couple additional contests coming soon to add to the competition” but will send out more infor-

mation when it is finalized, according to SGA representative Audrey Hersman. Of course, there is a grand prize for the winnersfood! There will be a catered lunch on December 15 during 4th period for the members of the winning team. Something to look forward to! As an effort to raise Baron pride, the competition has the potential to strengthen B-CC as a unit, a shared goal of both the SGA and leader-

Nobel Laureates Puts on a Show By Daisy Leahy Cont. from page 1 Because of this, he said that he and his colleagues had “created and contained the coldest stuff in the universe.” Later in the evening, he demonstrated how this worked and the steps he used in his experiment. In a completely different but still incredibly relevant field, Dr. Schelling worked in the field of economics and international affairs. He worked under President Truman, and into the Kennedy Administration in the 1950’s and 1960’s. “I won the prize for enhancing the understanding of conflict and cooperation through the development of the Game Theory analysis,” Schelling explained. The Game Theory is a strategy used by economists and politicians created to help solve problems and win “games”. This theory was applied in the White House for problems like the Marshall Plan and arms control. The two Nobel Laureates inspired many students around the county and other members of the Bethesda community. While telling their stories, and sharing their excitement for when they got The Call, the audience could see the passion and dedication that the prize

winners had. It was an enlightening experience for all, and their speeches encouraged many people to pursue their interests and take chances in different fields of study. At right: Dr. Thomas Schelling, center, talks with Mr. Gandal, moderator,left, and Dr. Phillips, right. Photo by Jackson Barnett

ship class for the rest of the year. Hopefully, the Battle of the Barons will become a new tradition for the student body. “I think the efforts to create new traditions are great,” said junior Rediet Siyoum of the competition. “Battle of the Barons is an opportunity to leave a memorable mark on our school.”


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Dr. William Phillips, Nobel laureate in physics, performs experiment using liquid nitrogen and balloons, Photo by Antonio Ramirez

Staff Writers: Sam Alston, Annaya Andrews, Lindsay Bergman, Andrew Booker, Ryan Cornell, Liza Dupler, Maia Emden, Zach Gan, Tom Gilson, Kira Hahn-Ventrell, Daisy Leahy, Grace Rosen, Ben Stanislawski, Rachel Steger, Jada Thalley, Jenna Troccoli, Hugh Webster, David Zafirovic

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