Women in Business 2023

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NATHALI EMALKA CEO&I nt e r i orDe s i gne r

THE SUCCESS TALKS t he s uc c e s s t al ks

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Editor’s Note : Welcome to the latest issue of The Success Talks! We are excited to share various inspiring stories, valuable advice, and insightful interviews with women who are setting the mark in the world of business. In this issue, we highlight the growing number of women who are breaking the barriers and achieving success as an entrepreneur. From startups to established businesses, these wonderful women are carving their paths and revolutionizing their industries. We will explore the power of networking and mentorship in this edition. We also feature stories of women who gained support and guidance through strong networks, whether it is through local business communities, online forums, or professional organizations. We closely observe the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs. Despite the progress made in recent years, women still encounter various odds such as gender bias and limited access to funding. We discuss strategies for overcoming these difficulties and share the stories of women who have defied the odds and achieved incredible success. We hope this issue of the Magazine ignites your determination, sparks your creativity, and motivates you to push forward in your business. Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey. Happy reading! 2

Women In Business


EDITOR Shivanshi



Aarohi, Adarsh, Amit, Jwala



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Women In Business



Patricia López Trabajo

page no. 12-15


page no. 16-19

Simoneta Vargova

page no. 22-25


Women In Business

Cover Story

Nathalie Malka

Women In Business


Nathalie Malka CEO and founder Nathalie M Designs


Women In Business

Nathalie Malka: An interior designer Who Turns spaces into Masterpieces


athalie Malka is an interior designer and an entrepreneur who has committed her profession to turning spaces into stunning masterpieces. As the CEO and founder of Nathalie M Designs, she works intently with clients, architects, and builders to create stunning home interiors from start to finish. From a young age, Nathalie has always sought out innovative opportunities wherein she can thrive. This lifelong love for the arts led her to pursue interior design as a career. She obtained her undergrad education and schooling in Israel, where she finished her degree in Communications.She felt the need to utilize her creative side and therefore enrolled in an Interior Design program in Los Angeles. After gaining the technical interior design information she desired, Nathalie was excited to establish her first interior design business in 2004. This quickly became a hit design and architecture firm where Nathalie gained hands-on experience.

A few years later, she decided to place a pause on her career and focus on raising her 3 children which to this day she considers her best achievement and job yet! In 2019, Nathalie felt equipped to further advance her interior design profession by launching Nathalie M Designs. This allowed her the independence and versatility to take on projects aligned with her creativity, imagination, and ingenuity. She is proud of the professional team she has and the relationships established with reputable companies to help with every detail needed for a project.

Launching her own company reignited Nathalie’s ardour for interior design. She remains committed to helping bring the Client’s vision of their dream home to reality through considerate and dynamic design.

Women In Business


Nathalie’s approach to interior design

Whilst beginning a new interior design project, Nathalie takes the time to understand the Client’s needs and visions. Questions like what relaxation looks like to them, how they entertain and what sort of ambience they are looking to have in the home are of utmost importance. With the client’s needs in mind, Nathalie and her group begin conceptualizing an initial design concept. This concept is offered to the customer through the use of 3D software visualizations

From there, the team works on refining the design, deciding on materials like, flooring, cabinetry styles and colors and lighting just to name a few. Nathalie values building lengthy-term relationships with customers and takes pride in designing spaces tailored uniquely for them. Many of her projects come from word-ofmouth referrals, thanks to happy clients sharing their experiences.

Achievements Nathalie M Designs has been identified numerous times for first-rate design work. Most recently, Nathalie received the 2022 Residential Award from Ceramics of Italy Tile. Moreover, Nathalie has constructed reputable relationships with elite tradesmen searching for her design knowledge. Foremost tastemakers within the LA location also asked for consultations with Nathalie due to her discerning eye for style and design. Those achievements testify to the talent and artistry Nathalie brings to her interior design work.

Staying Inspired and Informed

In such a dynamic and, trend-driven business, Nathalie makes persistent mastering a priority so she will stay relevant with the ever changing market needs and amplify her skills. She frequently attends industry shows to look at the most innovative product debuts and network with her peers. Nathalie also benefits from training presented via professional corporations like ASID and NKBA. Gaining knowledge of emerging styles, materials, and technologies allows her to remain inspired while designing for her clients. Beyond business occasions, Nathalie unearths concepts anywhere – via tour adventures, style, artwork, and sincerely looking at the arena around her with a curious, inventive eye. She believes cultivating this lifelong feeling of curiosity is fundamental for any creative mind seeking to expand.


Women In Business

Future Goals & Growth

Nathalie stays open to new interior design opportunities that allow her creativity to flourish. She hopes to take up meaningful, enriching initiatives that fulfil her artistic capabilities. “I am proud to be recognized for my work and want to serve as a thought leader in my industry amongst my colleagues such as Developers, Realtors, Architects, and vendors as someone who will bring their project to a higher level.”. Nathalie also aims to share her experience mentoring aspiring interior designers, mainly women looking to succeed in the field. She believes in paying ahead the steerage she received when beginning her own design journey.

Keys to Nathalie’s success Ultimate flexibility, listening intently to customers, and standing up for one’s innovative vision are all essential to effectively managing an interior design business. She also emphasizes the importance of staying actively involved within the network through volunteer work and donations to non-profits. Nathalie and her own family make this a priority. But, the key to achieving her dreams has been keeping a positive outlook, having the willpower to overcome barriers, and being willing to work diligently. She faces every mission as an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Women In Business


Advice for Aspiring women entrepreneurs For women hoping to begin their own interior design firms, Nathalie focuses on offering notable customer support and staying on top of industry trends. This involves monitoring cutting-edge actual property and demographic trends and changing needs to advocate to customers on designing spaces to maximize their potential.

Persevering with schooling is also critical to remain knowledgeable about the ultra-modern technologies and patterns that align with customer desires and lifestyles. The interior design discipline evolves swiftly, and gaining knowledge is important.

Lastly, Nathalie stresses the importance of confidence in a single person’s innovative, imaginative, and business driven abilities. Aspiring entrepreneurs will face challenges; however, believing in oneself ’ s competencies and having the courage to take risks is critical to overcoming them. By embracing this mindset, Nathalie has made her dream of proudly owning a thriving interior design company, a reality.

Work-life Balance The changes that came along with the 2020 pandemic were the biggest obstacle yet. Not being able to go inside their client’s homes and interacting with them face to face made the design process challenging. “As far as work/life balance, my children are and always will be my top priority. Of course, it was quite challenging balancing a business while taking care of my little ones. Now that they are older, I am much more equipped to balance the title of Mom, Business Owner, and what I hope is a strong female role model for my children.” She added. Nathalie faces every task that comes her way whether personal or professional, with an open mind and sees it as an opportunity for growth.


Women In Business

Women In Business


Women In Business


With MYHIXEL, let’s focus on men’s sexual wellness

Patricia López Trabajo



ntrepreneurial success stories can defy expectations and dispel myths. Let’s get to know a remarkable businessperson who entered the unexplored field of sexual wellness technology. Patricia López Trabajo is the CEO and founder of MYHIXEL, a business that focuses on the sexual wellness of men. We will learn more about her remarkable journey, the creation of MYHIXEL, and her distinctive viewpoint on the sexual wellness sector in this article. She spent years studying tourism while also working there for about ten years. She eventually rose to the position of European Marketing Head at a leading manufacturer of men’s sex toys after switching careers in the sex technology sector. Her interest in sexual health first arose from that. Patricia noticed that the majority of brands focused on sexual wellness on women. She was particularly interested in statistics that stated that “1 in 3 men face premature ejaculation issues,” given that many of the causes are thought to be psychological. That served as the impetus for the development of MYHIXEL, which primarily focuses on the sexual health of men using cutting-edge technology and scientifically proven solutions.

The motivation behind MYHIXEL

In 2017, she noticed that the intimate wellness market was predominately serving female consumers, leaving a glaring gap in terms of male-specific brands. It became clear that the stigmas associated with men’s sexual health needed to be addressed. MYHIXEL was created as a result of this. MYHIXEL is dedicated to enhancing men’s sexual wellness through the use of cutting-edge science and technology. They want to support men and their partners in having satisfying and joyful sex lives.

Women In Business


How is MYHIXEL Different

The first products for ejaculatory control and premature ejaculation have been created by MYHIXEL, combining online therapy within an app and a practice-aiding stimulation device. To do this, they worked on clinical studies with the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) and the Instituto Sexológico Murciano (ISM). Their main objective is to create all-natural, effect-free products that will enhance male sexual health. This dedication to fusing the most recent scientific and technological advancements is precisely what

sets MYHIXEL apart from competing companies and goods. MYHIXEL resembles a curated collection of the most recent innovations in science and technology. In order to improve the user experience and provide much more individualized content, they have incorporated artificial intelligence into their most recent ejaculatory control solution, MYHIXEL Control. They consistently push the boundaries of innovation and believe that, when compared to other fields, the fusion of technology and medicine has not been fully tapped into within the realm of male sexual health.

Major obstacles and discoveries

Being a woman in the sexual wellness industry has been both rewarding and difficult. The CEO of MYHIXEL has to fight against these societal norms about women in our field all the time. Gaining credibility and trust in the products can occasionally seem like a never-ending battle, with the added pressure of proving one’s value due to gender. Additionally, there is the difficult task of making sure that the products speak to a variety of needs. Not to mention the regulatory environment, which is already complicated, but she has occasionally run into biases there as well. But every obstacle only makes her more resolute and emphasizes how important what they are accomplishing at MYHIXEL is.

It has been a long journey for MYHIXEL to establish itself as a woman in a male-dominated industry. To embrace technology is Patricia’s top piece of advice for other female entrepreneurs. She had the opportunity to speak at gatherings like “Girls in Tech” and “Women of Wearables“. These platforms are crucial for demonstrating the enormous contribution that women make in technology. By relating our stories, we encourage and enthuse other women. This is crucial for encouraging this foray into entrepreneurship and for financing that doesn’t discriminate against women.

Overcoming the difficulties

Every difficulty has provided a chance to learn. She particularly emphasizes the value of persistence as an entrepreneur because it stands out to her. Unexpected setbacks have undoubtedly caused her to pause and reconsider her strategy at times, and doing so is imperative. She has always been driven forward by her faith in this project, despite numerous challenges.


Women In Business

The development of the sexual wellness sector

The opportunities are endless thanks to technological developments and increased scientific understanding. Patricia sincerely believes that the next ten years will witness a rise in creative approaches that not only address functionality but also enhance the emotional and psychological facets of sexual wellness. MYHIXEL, meanwhile, is positioning itself directly at the forefront of this change. In order to make every man feel understood and cared about, they work to redefine and reshape perceptions. Two key tactics stand out in our effort to scale MYHIXEL. They first made the risky decision to enter foreign markets. They adopted crowdfunding financing, too. Building a group of committed believers and financial backers was just as important as raising money.

Advice for aspiring business owners

Patricia thinks that determination is essential. However, success involves more than just moving forward. It’s crucial to pay attention to the clients’ needs and understand them. The ability to solve problems is equally crucial when dealing with difficulties. She also believes that another element of success is having the patience and flexibility to work through issues. Additionally, it greatly helps to have a strong support system. Another piece of advice is to always be curious. Continue to learn, keep asking questions, and keep an open mind to new concepts. First and foremost, even when it seems like no one else does, have faith in yourself and your goals. Do not be afraid to rely on others and ask for help; seek out mentors and assemble a strong support network. And each encounter is a chance to grow. Accept failures and setbacks as worthwhile learning experiences, and let them influence your development and resiliency. Keep in mind that achieving success is a journey with ups and downs rather than a straight line. Never waver from your resolve or lose sight of your objectives.

Women In Business


Exploring the Hawaiian Way with Coco Moon Hawai’i




enerating an idea and building something of your own is challenging but when that beautiful idea takes a perfect shape everything feels worthwhile. In today’s story, we want you to meet Amber Thibaut, the founder of Coco Moon Hawai’i. Her journey as an entrepreneur began shortly after she became a mother. Observing an opportunity in the market for beautifully designed, premium quality baby products that authentically represented her island lifestyle motivated her desire to build a career that offered both independence and flexibility, availing the freedom to be there for her children while pursuing her entrepreneurial journey. These two factors majorly inspired her to create a business that combined her love for her home of Hawai’i, creativity, and desire to provide high-quality, locally-inspired products for families all over the world.

Generating the idea

Amber shared that she got the idea for Coco Moon Hawai’i when her son was about six weeks old. At the time, she would often use her favourite, bright pink pareu, or sarong (a sarong is a long piece of fabric that is often wrapped around the waist and is common accessory found throughout Polynesia) instead of a baby blanket. Late one night while nursing her son, she found herself wondering why she repeatedly reached for the pareu instead of one of the many baby blankets around the house. She realized that it was because of all the baby blankets, none represented her family’s island way of life. She longed for a baby blanket that was connected to the Hawai’i she loved, where a sense of community, beautiful arts and traditions, and devotion to ‘ohana (family) are woven into all the things they do. In essence, Coco Moon was born that night.


Women In Business

The vision behind Coco Initial challenges and overMoon Hawai’i coming them

The vision behind Coco Moon Hawai’i is When Amber embarked on this journey, she to create a brand that celebrates the spirit initially thought of it as a hobby and someof Hawai’i through baby products that are thing to occupy her busy, creative mind thoughtfully designed, of hand-me-down during nap times. But shortly after launching quality, and buttery soft so as to be gentle the first round of muslin swaddle blankets, on baby’s sensitive skin. Aimed to capture she realized that it was something with a lot the essence of the islands while prioritiz- of potential. At that point, her primary chaling authenticity and quality in everything lenges were believing in herself and finding they do. the time to dedicate to the business. She also had two little ones at home and wanted to cherish that time with them. Balancing the demands of parenthood with the ambition to build something meaningful was definitely a challenge, as it continues to be today. Outwardly, other challenges included getting known by more and more people, while being on a tight, bootstrapped budget.

Identifying and establishing a market niche

Amber explains “We identified market niche by recognizing the demand for high-quality, Hawai’i-inspired baby products that resonated with both locals and visitors. Our focus on authentic, hand-drawn, culturally significant designs has helped us stand out and build a loyal customer base.” They are a lifestyle brand that offers a range of baby and family products inspired by the beauty of Hawai’i. Their signature offerings include muslin swaddle blankets, bamboo pajamas, and bamboo children’s clothing, all featuring vibrant, one-of-a-kind designs.

Significant Milestones

A significant milestone for Coco Moon Hawai’i was when their products gained recognition beyond Hawai’i and they began working with a distributor in Japan. Another personal achievement was being named the Consumer-Packaged Goods Entrepreneur of the Year by the Hawai’i Venture Capital Association.

Managing the work-life balance

Balancing personal life and the demands of growing a business is an ongoing juggling act of time and priorities. It is a dynamic dance where family life occasionally takes the spotlight and the business takes centre stage. Amber approaches this challenge week by week, meticulously prioritizing tasks and focusing on what matters the most. On some days, it is impossible to check off everything on her to-do list, but she still considers it a

Women In Business


win as long as her kids are happy and she has tackled the most important tasks. Sometimes, the top priority is leaving work early to attend her son’s basketball game, and that is a reminder of why she started Coco Moon – to have the freedom to be there for her family. Building a strong team and fostering a culture of discipline and accountability have allowed her the flexibility to manage working hours effectively, aligning with the initial motivation for starting this journey.

Strategies to scaling

Scaling their business involved strategic partnerships with retailers and local artists, expanding the product line beyond baby blankets to include bamboo babies’ and children’s clothing. All while working to build a strong community around our brand. They also focused on maintaining the quality and authenticity of the products as the company grew so that the customers trusted them to deliver the best products for their growing families.

Future plans

Future plans include further expanding product offerings, increasing presence in international markets, and continuing to give back to the community. To date, they have donated over $50,000 to non-profits doing powerful work in their community, including the NICU and new Children’s Cancer Center at the Kapi’olani Medical Center, as well as organizations supporting Maui fire relief. Aiming to become a leading global brand for Hawai’i-inspired family products and commitment to giving back.

Marketing the business

They utilize a multi-faceted approach to marketing, including social media, influencer partnerships, collaborations with local artists, and partnerships with well-known retailers. Prioritizing the storytelling method to connect with the audience on a deeper level and truly share the spirit of Hawai’i.

Keys to success

In Amber’s opinion, the keys to success are having a clear vision, discipline of execution, adaptability to change, continuous learning, and building strong relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners.

Advice for aspiring entrepreneurs

Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is: “Take that first step and get started. Self-doubt often becomes the biggest obstacle, holding us back from pursuing our ideas. Understand that failures are inevitable on the entrepreneurial path, but they are also opportunities for growth and refinement. Embrace the journey of continuous improvement, finding joy in the process. This resilience is what allows you to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and ultimately reap the rewards of your efforts.”


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Women In Business


Parallel Connections – Transforming Leadership and Teams to Thrive

Simoneta Vargova


founder executive performance coach

n today’s world, the rise of women empowerment and inspiration. cess story of Simoneta Vargotions, a boutique leadership a passion for people develstanding of the challenges leaders, she has embarked Join us as we explore her sion behind Parallel Conservices she offers to her

A Journey Fu-

in business has become a symbol of We bring you the remarkable sucva, founder of Parallel Connecdevelopment company. With opment and a deep underfaced by businesses and their on a transformative journey. entrepreneurial path, the vinections, and the unique clients.

Her initial exposure to doors for her to collabotop 100 companies and across Europe, the the Gulf Region. It that she first enformative powexperienced the of working individuals on basis. Being for each perteracted with; the ability to signs of breakments in their


eled by Purpose

employee training opened rate with one of Fortune’s engage with leaders Middle East, Africa, and was during this period countered the transer of coaching and deep fulfillment closely with a one-on-one fully present son she inshe developed discern subtle through mothinking.

Women In Business

Witnessing barriers crumble and witnessing people gain the courage to take significant steps forward became a source of inspiration for her. From Chance to Calling Simoneta shares her humble beginnings and how a fortuitous opportunity led her into the world of people development. Working with a General Manager who recognized her potential, she discovered the value of communication, mentorship, and connection in forming dynamic workforce teams.

Embracing Coaching and Personal Growth

The introduction to employee training marked a turning point for Simoneta. As her career progressed, she had the privilege of working with leaders from prestigious companies and regions. This experience allowed her to witness the power of coaching firsthand, igniting her passion for engaging in deep, transformative conversations. She recounts the joy of helping individuals break through barriers and take courageous steps towards personal and professional growth.

Tailored Solutions for Lasting Impact

She possesses a deep understanding of the challenges faced by businesses, as she has personally experienced them herself. Recognizing the significance of thorough preparation, she emphasizes the criticality of gathering information and identifying the underlying causes of challenges. Her valuable insights were acquired during her tenure as the Head of Learning & Development, where she was entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that her

initiatives achieved maximum impact. Committed to providing premium quality learning initiatives, she continuously learns from industry experts to enhance her ability to support her clients effectively.

Pioneering Leadership


The behaviors of individuals within a company have a significant impact on the quality of service provided. Moreover, the quality of leadership directly affects the overall service quality. The interdependence of various aspects within a company is crucial to its success. This interconnectedness becomes particularly vital in times of heightened pressure and uncertainty when leaders are expected to achieve more with limited resources. To address these challenges, Parallel Connections focuses on developing individual leadership skills, enhancing team leadership capabilities, fostering effective public speaking, and optimizing customer service.

Insights from Professional Experience

With a wealth of professional experience, Simoneta gained invaluable knowledge about individuals and teams. She recognized the challenges faced by technically brilliant professionals with interpersonal skills and how it affected their leadership and team dynamics. Her specialization in coaching business professionals and teams provided her with a distinct approach to personal and executive development. Unveiling the Vision of Parallel Connections. Simoneta unveils the vision behind Parallel Connections—a company dedicated to

Women In Business


developing people-centric leadership and high-performing teams. She emphasizes the interdependence of various aspects within a company and how focusing on people and their development ultimately drives organizational success. With a focus on individual and team leadership skills, public speaking, and customer service, Parallel Connections aims to equip businesses with the tools they need to thrive.

Delivering Unique Services

Simoneta shares the diverse range of services offered by Parallel Connections. With a strong emphasis on understanding each client’s specific needs, she tailors her solutions to address their challenges effectively, implementing a data-based approach and laser-focused results-based process. Drawing from her experience as the Head of Learning & Development, she highlights the importance of gathering information and discovering the root cause before implementing impactful initiatives. Executive coaching plays a vital role in her offerings, creating an environment where individuals can thrive and perform at their best.

Establishing Credibility and Overcoming Challenges

Starting a business poses its own set of challenges, and Simoneta reflects on her journey. She shares the significant hurdle of establishing visibility and credibility in the market. Learning about business development and marketing became essential to overcome this obstacle, emphasizing the importance of choosing reliable resources that align with one’s goals and aspirations.

Navigating Success and Inspiring Others Gender Neutrality in Entrepreneurship

Despite being a woman entrepreneur, Simoneta believes that the challenges she faced were not gender-specific. She emphasizes the common hurdles all entrepreneurs encounter when striving to create sustainable businesses.

Strategies for Sustainable Growth

Simoneta reveals the strategies and approaches she used to successfully grow Parallel Connections. Precisely defining the ideal client and researching their specific challenges were crucial steps. She shares the effectiveness of platforms like LinkedIn for networking, referrals, and speaking engagements, which have contributed to her business’s growth.

Future Aspirations and Keys to Success

One should embrace courage and pursue their aspirations, prioritizing self-care and assuming control over their own life. While work significantly impacts our lives, it should not be the sole focus. Allocating time for family, friends, and hobbies is crucial for rejuvenation and gathering the necessary energy to propel one’s business towards success. It


Women In Business

is important to acknowledge that the journey may not always be smooth, and self-judgment should be avoided when progress takes time. This is a natural part of the process. Creating a plan and committing to daily actions that contribute to the realization of goals is key.

Expanding Global Reach

Looking ahead, Simoneta envisions reaching clients beyond the Middle East and Europe. Her goal is to make Parallel Connections a global presence, empowering leaders, and teams across continents.

Advice for Aspiring Women Entrepreneurs

Simoneta shares her insights on the keys to success—resilience, risk-taking, and maintaining a positive mindset throughout the journey. She encourages aspiring women entrepreneurs to be courageous, prioritize their dreams, and strike a balance between work, family, and personal well-being. With patience and daily steps toward their goals, she believes every woman can make a lasting impact in the business world.


Simoneta’s entrepreneurial journey with Parallel Connections is a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and dedication. Her commitment to developing people-centric leadership and fostering high-performing teams has made a significant impact on the businesses she serves. Aspiring women entrepreneurs can find inspiration and valuable insights from her story, empowering them to pursue their dreams fearlessly and leave a legacy in the business realm.

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