The Stylist Handbook Winter 2010 Vol 1.2

Page 122


MC: Can you tell us more about what you specialize in?

DH: It is kind of difficult for me to put my specialties in to words. The best way I can describe it, is to liken my work to a painting. Each project is unique and requires a palette designed to bring out the very best in it’s subject. Additionally, each model, celebrity, or person carries their own style, or vibe if you will, that needs to get expressed while they are being photographed. It is my job to bring out the very best imagery for each project whether it is a fashion editorial or a portrait of a friend. But to be specific Beauty, Celebrity, and Editorial. MC: How would you describe your photography style? DH: My photographic style incorporates the use of carefully sculpted lighting combined with a pleasing composition. Currently, I am using a lot of flares and mixture of warm and cool colors in my finished images. MC: Your not only a photographer but an expert re-toucher and graphic designer, can you tell us more about your past projects and who you have worked with?

DH: In the world of photo re-touching, I have been fortunate enough to work on some amazing celebrity and advertising projects. Unfortunately, there are usually a lot of confidentiality agreements that prevent me from disclosing what and who they are. I can say that the photo-retouching business is a fast paced, and result oriented environment, and it is very exciting to get the chance to work with some of the top brand names in the world.

As for graphic design, I figured out I was good at it when it came time to create the logo for my business and I had no money. It is something that came naturally, and since then, I have had the opportunity to work with several corporations to design logos, packaging, and promotional print materials. My most recent ventures have been for a production company that creates socially responsible media, and a company that creates custom tequilas and liquor brands out of Mexico. MC: How would you describe your design style? DH: I like things super clean and simple. Usually, I try to create a look that captures the client’s ideas, way of business, and message while maintaining an image that is beautiful, clean, and easy to “read.” MC: What projects are you currently working on, what more can we expert to see from you? DH: Well, my most recent project was a MAJOR update to my website, which includes a lot of the new work done over the last year. In the near future, I plan to work on some more high-end beauty photo shoots that will showcase very “expressive” hairstyles. Past that, I have a couple ideas for some conceptual editorial stories, and that’s all I can say about that. The Stylist Handbook | 122

Winter 2010

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