The Gazette 2021

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My first year as Head of The Study has been filled with the unexpected. From our stints of lockdown learning to year group bubbles and starting and finishing the year with an abundance of virtual assemblies, it has been a year like no other!

Despite the disruption and challenges thrown our way I am incredibly proud of everything the school community has achieved. I would like to thank staff and parents for their tremendous collaboration and support that ensured school life thrived. The girls have had a fantastic year, learnt lots and importantly had lots of fun.

Whilst I am sure we are all in agreement that we would rather not see the return of remote learning, it would be remiss not to celebrate some of the positives that came from our experiences. The girls learnt important skills of independence and resilience and as a school we have grasped the opportunity to stride forward with the use of technology. We have invested heavily in iPad’s and staff are working on embedding the use of these into lessons, as technology transforms opportunities for learning.

For me personally, it is the heartfelt feedback that I received from parents that will stay with me from this first year. In

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“We are so lucky to have you guiding our daughter through this storm”. This sums up for me the special nurturing ethos at The Study and the care and attention that goes into each and every girl to get the most out of their time at school.

The 8th March was a glorious day for The Study as the girls were allowed to return to school, and it also marked the opening of our new Wilberforce building. The new building is a tremendous asset for the School and the result of seven years of hard work and planning by predecessor, Mrs Susan Pepper, the Governors and the Senior Leadership Team. There was no question that this achievement for the School had to be the theme of our 2021 Gazette.

It’s a joy to see the new building in action and in true Study style the staff took no time at all to adorn the rooms with the displays and colour of our creative curriculum. The building not only looks impressive with a design that is sympathetic to its unique position on the edge of the Common, but it also provides our girls with wonderful modern, light and bright learning spaces. Girls at Spencer House will also enjoy the facilities, especially the impressive Performing Arts space where their music and drama performances will be brought to life.

We were exceptionally proud to have been nominated for Prep School of the Year at the TES Independent School Awards 2021: a fitting recognition of our commitment to preparing the next generation for senior school and fostering their love of learning.

In spite of a disrupted 11+ process, Year 6 once again made us proud with their tremendous results. The girls received offers from 43 leading senior schools and were awarded 55 scholarships. We are confident that they will have settled into their new schools with curiosity, enthusiasm, a love of learning and happy memories from their time at The Study.

School life is so much more than just academic learning and extra-curricular activities, the values learned and discovered by girls are just as important. I look forward to working with the whole school community to build on the rich heritage and founding values of The Study and take them forward into a new era, as we head into a new year with hope and optimism for the future.

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Wilberforce House

Our fantastic new building is officially open!

Whilst teachers and girls were busy with lockdown learning at the start of the year, we took the opportunity to complete the finishing touches at our new Wilberforce House building. The girls celebrated a triumphant return to the new school building on 8th March 2021!

Old meets new with the original Octagon building sitting happily alongside the new school development.

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Our multi-purpose performing arts hall provides a stunning space for everything, from performances to ballet lessons and circus skills workshops!

The Jane Davis Library is a wonderful space to sit, read and nurture a love of books. The girls have loved reading in the nook overlooking Wimbledon Common.

Our six new classrooms are bright and airy, providing the girls and teachers with a warm and friendly learning environment.

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Lockdown Learning

Virtual Learning Fun

In a year like no other, the girls took creativity to a whole new level during their Spring Term of home learning. The girls dissected flowers in science, turned their rooms into makeshift gyms for sport and there was plenty of baking and creating!

Hot Chocolate at Home

Miss Gay, Erin and Evie (two of our key worker children) headed out to the postbox to deliver a hot chocolate treat to keep up the spirits of all our home learners.

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Annabel in Year 5 happy at her home desk Eva in Year 6 scales a mug in maths Celine in Year 2 makes 3D sushi Amelie in Reception becomes an ice explorer Alice in Year 1 show her strength! Sophia in Year 3 creates a Lego masterpiece

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day from home in true Study style! Girls showcased their favourite books through some incredible outfits.

Even the teachers got in on the action!

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Lola Dutch (Amber) Cat in the Hat (Isabel) Miss Trunchball (Beatrice) Sherlock Holmes (Sophia) Moonface (Talia) Mrs de Villiers Ms Owen Ms Hall Mrs Hollands


Welcome to The Study!

Reception settled in well to life at The Study, getting to know each other and themselves over the course of their first year. They loved projects like painting self and family portraits and creating their own personalised treasure boxes filled with things important to them.

Self Portraits

Family Portraits

Personal Treasure Boxes

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Lila Maya Amalia’s family Annabelle’s family Lilia’s family Amelie Sofia Yasmin

Forest School Fun

The girls had a great time at their forest school in the local woods. They hunted for bugs, made mud cakes and built bug hotels.

Outdoor learning

Learning outdoors is an important part of each and every day in Reception and the girls made the most of all of our outdoor resources.

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Visiting the British Wildlife Centre

When lockdown restrictions were lifted the girls enjoyed a trip to the British Wildlife Centre, where they learnt all about the animals that make their homes in Britain. They met some lovely new friends including deer, mice, rats, foxes and owls.

A Drafty Stable!

At Christmas time, the children performed the nativity, in an extremely drafty stable, as they brought the festive story outside.

Stepping into the shoes of a Postie

The children learnt all about the postal service and took a trip around the local area to deliver some important post to our neighbours here in Wimbledon.

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Discovering Japan

Reception enjoyed their Japanese topic immensely, creating art inspired by blossom trees, dressing up in traditional Kimono clothes, learning about Japanese architecture and making some truly delicious looking playdough sushi!

Wild Child

The girls were inspired by the story Wild Child by Jeanne Willis and Lorna Freytag and enjoyed learning how to be a wild child just like the character in the book. They built dens, grew their own food, learnt about woodland animals and even designed their own woodland costume to wear at a Wild Child party. They were very excited when the Wild Child arrived at their party and presented them with a certificate celebrating their success in acquiring the skills to be a wild child too!

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Yasmin Vivienne Freya How different is Tokyo from Wimbledon Village ? Liberty’s playdough sushi Carmen’s mini ceramic pots

Year 1

Exploring the Planets!

Year 1 showed us that even from home they could travel all around the galaxy! Studying the solar system, they made models of the planets and artworks inspired by the topic.

To Catch a Star

Flora’s star facts

There are billions of stars

Supergiants are the biggest

Medinah’s star facts

The sun is the biggest star

The blue stars are the hottest

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The girls show how they would catch a star, just like the boy in the Oliver Jeffers book. Penelope Alice Sophia

Out of Africa

Year 1’s Out of Africa topic began with a monkey arriving in a suitcase. How did it get all the way to Wilberforce House by mistake? It was a real mystery to Year 1 that the monkey had got so lost… but it kick-started some exciting learning!

Year 1 fly to Kenya for the day!

The girls flew to Kenya and experienced a magical day filled with crafts, animals and cupcakes as they rounded off their Africa theme! They created their very own airport and flight experience as they journeyed to Kenya. It was complete with a waiting lounge, passports, boarding cards and a professional cabin crew who delivered a diligent safety briefing and in-flight food.

I Wanna Be Like You

We love this monkey artwork that the Year 1 girls createdit’s bright, colourful and leafy, just like the depths of the rainforest would be!

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Year 1

Animal encounters

The lunch hall turned into African habitats and the girls met real life animals, including a meercat family, a snake, a giant tortoise and an owl! They were able to touch the animals and learnt lots of fun facts about

Mud Kitchen Fun

Year 1 enjoyed using their revamped mud kitchen in the outside area! Invisible cupcakes are just as delicious, aren’t they?

Congratulations Flora

Every year, the Elisabeth Cup is awarded to a girl in Year 1 who is kind, considerate and upholds all of the amazing values within the school. This year it went to Flora Holmes and we think that’s worth celebrating. Congratulations, Flora!

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Releasing Butterflies

There’s nothing more exciting than learning about how a caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly… except watching the process in action!

Inspired by Japan

From painting Japanese lanterns and fans to learning songs in the language, Year 1 was inspired by the Olympic host country and loved learning about its rich culture!

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Ms Hogwood’s writing and origami workshop Japanese dress Kimono art Making origami after the workshop Painted flag t-shirts for a celebratory assembly Painting Japanese Lanterns and Fans

Year 2

London Calling

Year 2 would usually travel into the city to see some of its famous landmarks, from the London Eye to the Shard and the Gherkin. This year however, London came to them in the shape of a virtual photoshoot!

The Great Fire of London

The girls learnt all about the history of London and specifically the Great Fire of London. They dressed up as if they’d stepped straight out of 1666 and even wrote diary entries about the iconic day in London’s history.

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Isabella’s diary

Hide the marmalade!

The girls were lucky enough to meet the famous Paddington bear on Zoom and sketched some lovely drawings of

Bookfest Commendation

Amelie’s story on the theme “My name is…” received a Key Stage 1 Commendation in the Wimbledon Bookfest Young Writers’ Competition. Amelie’s eventful story was about Booming Blossom and her adventures in the forest with her friends.

Inspired by Banksy

Inspired by the iconic artist Banksy, Year 2 created their very own versions of his unique art style.

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Leela Celine Georgina

Year 2

Save the Bees!

Year 2 learnt all about bees and their important role in our ecosystem. These papier mâché bees and abstract watercolours took pride of place in the classroom!

We love this buzzy, fuzzy poem from Libby!

Fuzzy Buzzy Bees

Fuzzy buzzy bees

Buzzing in the air

Making lots of Honey

For all of us to share

Doing their day job

With no time to spare

Fuzzy buzzy bees

Buzzing in the air

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Emma Isabella The girls discovered bees and their habitat and learnt about the flora and fauna of Cannizaro Park on a nature walk.

Waterfall Poetry

The Rushing Waterfall

Flowing and glowing, Bashing and crashing, Plunging and swirling, Echoing and roaring, Twirling and spraying.

Mist floats in the air Into a foggy pool of water

Swirling and dancing.

The Thundering Waterfall

Dragging and dropping, Falling and foaming, Splashing and stretching, Pulling and plunging, Flying and flowing, Bubbling and tumbling.

Spreading into the river

Over jumbled rocks

Merging into the middle.

Discovering Japan

Creativity has been key to Year 2’s studies about Japan.

The girls recreated Hokusai’s iconic Great Wave of Kanagawa entirely out of textiles.

They painted some impressive Koi Carp and made origami pandas.

Beatrice drew this wonderful comic strip inspired by Hachiko the loyal dog at Shibuya station.

Sophie drew the loyal dog framed in some cherry blossom.

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Year 3

Deep Down Under

Inspired by the cover of Jennifer Berne’s book ‘Manfish’ and the life of Jacques Cousteau, Year 3 created these wonderful diver illustrations.

Chalk seascapes drawn by our talented Year 3 artists

“Wednesday: I saw something gleaming. It was a treasure box. With great effort I opened it. Inside there were rubies and diamonds. It was like a dream.”

An extract from Claudia’s Deep Sea Diary

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Turning Trash to Treasure

Year 3 learnt all about the importance of recycling and taking care of the world’s oceans. They made pledges to protect the earth and eye-catching signs to encourage others to recycle. They even created a beautiful artwork by turning recycled bottle tops into an idyllic looking natural

Bottletop Art of Cannizaro Park

Bookfest News
Zuki, Heather and Lara’s entries into the Wimbledon Bookfest Young Writers’ Competition 2021 were all commended or highly commended.

Year 3

Year 3 Enjoy Egypt Day

Year 3 enjoyed learning all about Egypt! They explored everything from Egyptian houses to clothing and architecture. Their learning culminated in a fun Egypt Day, where girls and teachers came to school in fantastic Egyptian clothing with lots of activities including a grand

The girls constructed their own model Egyptian house, from a simple village dwelling to an expansive villa. It gave them the opportunity to develop their design skills and get really creative: the results were very impressive.

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The Wonders of Wimbledon

Over the course of the pandemic, we have all become well acquainted with our local parks and gained a new appreciation for our local area. Year 3 explored everything Wimbledon has to offer, taking walks and meeting the rangers in lovely Cannizaro Park and creating pieces of work to explain what makes it such a brilliant place to visit!

Discovering Japan

During the whole school focus on Japan, Year 3 crafted and decorated these stunning kites which they flew on the Wilberforce House Balcony and designed their own kimonos.

Common’s Rangers

They created these beautiful cherry tree interpretations of

vibrant map of the Common

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Georgina’s Liliane’s windmill sketch Abi’s village clocktower sketch Arabella Alexa

Year 4

Learning about Nature with Creativity

Year 4’s home learning during lockdown was full of inventive and fun learning challenges, including dissecting daffodils!

The girls also drew these intricate insect studies.

Magical Christmas Moments

Spencer House had a festival Christmas lunch and thanks to The Study Association the girls got to decorate Christmas jumpers with their own flair and festive cheer. Year 4 relished their first Christmas at Spencer!

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Chloe Iris Thank you to The Study Association for making Chrismtas extra special.

Fascinating Rainforest

Year 4 loved exploring and learning about rainforests, their role in our ecosystem and how they sustain themselves.

The girls built these fantastic shoebox rainforests made from recycled shoe boxes!

Bea and Amy drew these beautiful rainforest posters

Amazon Facts

The Amazon is over 5.5 million square kilometres. There are 400 - 500 tribes in the Amazon.

Deadly creatures live in the Amazon like flesh eating piranhas and jaguars.

Sofia’s fun facts

There are 10 million animal species in the Amazon. There are 396 billion individual trees.

The Amazon river is 6,400km long.

Georgie’s fun facts

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Year 4

In art the girls created these roarsome tigers hiding in green leaf foliage, their own take on Henri Rousseau’s famous Tiger in a Tropical Storm.

A Visit to Kew Gardens

Year 4 visited Kew Gardens as part of their study of different habitats and how plants adapt to their environment. The Kew staff were most impressed by the girls’ scientific knowledge, questioning and thinking.

Lockdown Art

Scarlett’s rainbow handprint was selected to be part of an exhibition at the V&A Museum of Childhood! The aim of the exhibition was to show children’s creativity in the midst of the lockdown and we were thrilled to hear her artwork had been chosen!

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Eloise Imogen

How Many Ways Can You Plant a Broad Bean?

Our budding scientists in Year 4 learnt about the lifecycle of a plant and were encouraged to come up with their very own experiments using two sets of broad beans. They had to be inventive and lean into their curiosity. What would happen if the plants were in cotton wool or blue dye? Year 4 found out!

Picnic in Cannizaro

Is there anything better than a picnic and games afternoon with your school friends? Year 4 spent a fun filled summer afternoon in the gorgeous Cannizaro Park.

A Frog on a Lilypad

“In the silvery night of a full moon, stars glittered like diamonds in the sky. All was eerily quiet, except for the occasional croaking chorus of frogs. Several large frogs sat perched on giant slimy lily pads, that floated randomly, covering the surface of the lake.”

A creative writing snippet from Alice in 4M.

Alisa and Isobel’s entries into the Wimbledon Bookfest Young Writers’ Competition 2021 were both Commended. Their ‘My Name is…’ entries will be published in the 2021 anthology.

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Bookfest News

Year 5


Eid Al-Fitr

Year 5 celebrated the Islam Festival of Eid and took part in a number of activities organised by Miss Ellis. The girls enjoyed baking traditional Eid cookies, creating mehndi hand art, designing prayer mats and practised Arabic calligraphy.

Hampton Court & Henry VIII

Year 5 loved learning about Henry and his wives and taking a trip to his royal home at Hampton Court Palace.

Women in History

In Humanities, the girls have studied the Suffragettes and the Tudors. Studying the Suffragettes at an all girls school led to some detailed, well-researched pieces of work and the girls’ enthusiasm for celebrating women in history sparked an International Women’s Day display.

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Virtual exploration!

Year 5 have undertaken a variety of fascinating workshops from institutions such as the British Museum and the Greenwich Museum. They’ve even had the chance to become Digital Polar Explorers and write poems about icy Antarctica.

Trapped in ice

The mighty sea was adjacent to the Endurance. The bitter wind whacked our faces. Our harsh surroundings held our ship tight. This was the most amazing phenomenon I had ever laid my emerald eyes on.

I frightened off the caution of death while thinking of sinking into the sapphire sea.

The rough oak of her body at my feet was creaking as she laid in pack ice.

The ivory and honey dew snow covered in thick layers. The pearly white ice was covered in blankets of frost and snow.

The peaks of mount Erebus were within sight of my eyes. My old lace sheets awaited me but I dared not to retrieve them. As I stood on my ship and watched over the frosty ice, my fear of the sheets cracking grew stronger. In the midst of the night I awoke petrified.

The Antarctic

A frozen carpet of ice lay out before us, The chilly wind blew and whipped against our frozen faces, The fragile ground began to crack under the weight of our heavy ship And the ship sunk into the bitter floor. The crystal water weaved between the Arctic ice like a giant jigsaw.

The vibrant, bright, white snow covered the ice like a thick blanket. Heavy snowflakes fell onto my cold head.

The overlapping icebergs towered over us like monsters. I stared out into the blizzard in front of me, trying to catch my breath.

I felt terrified and exhausted from the long journey. And every bone in my body cried out for rest.

I tugged on my coat and swiped the shards or icicles off my shoulders.

No-one had ever stepped on the frozen ground except me.

Antarctic poem

White. White everywhere

Not anything for miles

Empty here, empty there

Only the thick piles

Towers and towers

Of the white wool

Showing its immense powers

Like an angry bull

Eyes are watering

Fingers are tickling

The wind is slaughtering

Snow constantly thickening

All I could see was the thick snowy floor I longed for a warm fire

I had never felt this way before Home, was my one desire

Still we carried on

Expecting the worst

Trudging, trudging along It felt like I was cursed

Husky dogs panting

Hungry and tired

In the snow they are standing

Deeply admired

Antarctica Antarctica the ice is cluttering

The troubled crew is muttering

We have to escape from the terrifying ship

The shining ice strong and thick

Towers and Towers

Of white wool

Showing its immense powers

Like an angry bull

Eyes are watering

Fingers are tingling

The wind is slaughtering

Snow constantly falling

The ship is broken

Hope is lost

The doors of the Endurance are completely locked

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Year 5

Bookfest success and thanking the NHS!

Budding writers from Year 5 did excellently in the Wimbledon Bookfest competition with some commended and highly commended submissions. Michaela and Ciara were the winner and runner up and were awarded their certificates at The Sunset Festival on Wimbledon Common.

My name is Africa...

My name is Africa. My rivers run with the tears and sweat of the people. My mountains are alive, vivid peacock green; a delicate white veil of clouds thoroughly covering my mountains. You shall find my heart in the centre of the rainforest. Thick, humid, jade. Fronds, leaves, little streams of water. Rocks, boulders, soil, and sand.

My name is Africa. My deserts are boiling, hot, sandy dunes. Endless dust. Continuous sand. Everlasting sea of gold. The horizon line you might see, yes, - though it is far until the next oasis. Angry rays of sunlight scorch you. Although you are sticky and tired, you must go on.

My name is Africa. I am bustling with creatures big and small, and filled with cities and towns. Huge, bright, tall. Swamping the city, people cram into buses; cars flash their lights at one another; vans and trucks glare their horns to the other vehicles.

My name is Africa. My oceans are vast atmospheres. Wild sapphire, ivy green, forget-me-not blue. Bubbly white horses run up to the shore, then shrink away, into the shadows. My savannahs have tall grasses, and creatures roam free, everything wild.

My name is Africa. I am bursting with life, and full to the brim with unique cultures, and beautiful animals. My name is Africa.

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Alongside entering writing competitions, the girls sent thank you letters to the brave staff at St George’s hospital in the midst of the pandemic.

Inspired by David Hockney

In Art, the girls created bright and colourful artwork inspired by David Hockney in painted and digital forms.

Watercolour animals

Year 5 enjoyed learning about negative space, using it to create these stunning watercolour pictures of a variety of wild animals.

The Olympic debate

Should the Olympics go ahead with everything that’s going on in the world? That’s the question the girls were asked to discuss before they presented their arguments in a compelling

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Ayla Leila Darcey Hockey Digital iPad Paintings Stella

Year 6

Virtual Enrichment Workshops

Once Year 6 had completed all of their hard work preparing for, and sitting exams for senior school, they were able to enjoy a number of virtual workshops.

They recreated a trial of a Victorian child with The National Justice Museum

A workshop with Lord Hunt MP inspired the girls’ campaigning voices

Alyssa & Iona read to care home residents

During lockdown Iona and Alyssa took part in a Zoom session to read to elderly residents of Queen’s Court Care Home in Wimbledon, who were feeling the impact of isolation. They chose an extract from Roald Dahl’s The Twits, their favourite book!

Poems Inspired by Spring

Year 6 were inspired by the coming of Spring, just as school came out of lockdown. A special moment for all of us to appreciate new beginnings.

Hello Spring by Sofia

Buds are blooming, the wind is whistling, Happy spring birds chirp their cheerful songs. Shoots are soaring and trees stand tall, Spring waves goodbye to Winter.

Daffodils dance and buttercups bow, To the glorious sun, crowds of petals unfold. Tulips thrive, pansies bloom with pride, And from their slumber the roses rise.

Spring Poem by Inez

Now that winter’s gone

The earth has lost its cloak of snow and bitter frost

Frost doesn’t litter the grass or cast an icy dream

Doesn’t make a river into a crystal stream

The warm sun thawed the icy earth

Now Spring has sprung.

The flowers awaken and the sun thaws the trees

Brings back the squirrels and the bumblebees

Now a choir of birds has started to sing

This is what spring has to bring

The trees sprout leaves now it’s May

In a beautiful green array

Now spring has sprung.

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Treetop adventures

Year 6 visited Wild Wood in Surrey for an exciting day of treetop adventure and team building challenges. The girls were encouraged to stretch their problem-solving and communication skills, take risks and work together as a team.

Making a splash!

A sunny day was spent taking part in Aqua Sports. Year 6 worked as a team to build rafts and tried a range of activities on the water; including sailing, kayaking and paddle boarding!

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Year 6

Aeronautic Engineers of the Future

Inspired by the Perseverance Moon landing, Year 6 were challenged to make their own cardboard NASA rovers. The results were impressive!

Planetary Bookfest Success

Maya’s entry to Wimbledon Bookfest’s Young Writers’ Competition was inspired by the planet Mars. It was awarded a Commendation.

My Name Is Mars

The peach sphere. The fiery red ball. My name is Mars but you might also know me as the Red planet. I used to have some of the biggest volcanoes in the solar system but these have been inactive for millions of years. Now I have a rocky surface and am covered in craters and dust. Although this might sound like an ordinary planet, I’m not.

On my surface, there are crater-like parts which used to contain water (unlike other planets you might know). When some successful missions from Earth discovered this, an answer was sought: Was there ever life on Mars? Rovers named Sojourner, Opportunity, Spirit, Curiosity and, most recently, Perseverance were sent on discovery missions to me. Some of the jobs of these rovers are to see what living conditions on me are similar to Earth, to see what I’m made up of and, even more amazingly, if there is any microbial life! People are longing for life and I’m here to help, but can people survive on Mars? It’s an enigma, a question scientists want to solve.

Are you still wondering whether there is life on Mars? Well, I’ll let you into a secret... There used to be life living on me. Little aliens, as you might call them, used to live in my deep, carved out craters. Every week, they used to collect water from the lake as they could store it in their bodies in a special way. Although these creatures may sound very different to humans, there are some things that Earth and Mars have in common such as being terrestrial planets.

I think I’m a magical, special planet with my red dust that swirls around, my tumbling dust storms and my craters: some vast and some insignificant. My name is Mars, but you might also know me as the red planet, and there did used to be life on me!

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Malham Tarn Residential

To round off their final Summer Term, Year 6 travelled up north to Malham Town for their residential. It was a wonderful experience for them to spend time together hiking and exploring the idyllic North Yorkshire scenery before they moved on to new pastures.

Taskmaster Challenge!

Mr Baalham became ‘Taskmaster’ at Spencer House, setting challenges for Year 6 in an event inspired by the well-loved TV game show. The girls had their wit and wisdom challenged as teams were set unique and ridiculous tasks to complete.

Anderson Shelter Architecture

As part of their history topic about World War Two, the girls created their very own Anderson Shelters out of card, materials and even pine cones. They loved learning about how the air raid shelters were built and the lifesaving role they played for Londoners in the 1940’s.


Pushing a melon up a slide using only breadsticks

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the table without stepping over the line
group dance to a ringtone
Choreographing a

Art Highlights

Young Artists at Spencer House

Taking inspiration from the annual Summer Exhibition, the Young Artists’ Summer Show is an opportunity for young artists to exhibit their work online and on-site at the Royal Academy. Our budding artists at Spencer House submitted some stunning work for the exhibition. Here are some lovely examples!

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Louisa, Year 4 Lily Jo, Year 5 Zoya, Year 6 Grace, Year 4 Ella, Year 6 Inez, Year 6 Hannah, Year 4 Grace, Year 5 Amy, Year 4 Anqi, Year 6 Dilara, Year 4 Emma,Year4 Poppy, Year 4

Arts Award Success

Congratulations to our Year 6 girls who were awarded the Bronze Art Award in the Summer Term. Sofia, Tara, Seren, Iona, Anqi, Scarlett and Miranda were presented the award in June, recognising the development in their artistic skills from their individual portfolios.

Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

During the Spring Term, Year 2 girls created pictures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy, who makes art out of natural resources. They utilized all sorts of materials including twigs, leaves and pine cones to brilliant effect.

Year5 Year5 Reception

Reception & Year 5 Celebrate Citrus Fruit!

Year 5 used bright colours and textures to make their citrus fruit pictures pop! We think they look both eye-catching and delicious.

Reception looked carefully at the inside and outside of their fruit. They noticed shapes, colours and patterns to make their observational drawings.


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Music & Performing

Musical Talents!

In spite of the challenging year, our talented, musical students managed to achieve so much! Lots of our girls showed their skills in their music and drama examinations and their hard work resulted in some incredible marks. They also thrived when they came together to sing and play in a variety of school groups.

Spencer House explore the fable Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes

To celebrate the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games, Spencer House took part in a day of interactive drama workshops exploring the Japanese fable Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. The girls enjoyed listening to the true story that touches upon hope, courage and resilience and then focused on using parts of the story within a range of fun and thought provoking drama activities. It was a lovely introduction to the focus on Japan over the Summer term and the girls had a wonderful time.

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Snaps for Year 6 in Legally Blonde!

Year 6 shone in their high energy production of Legally Blonde, which was professionally filmed in the brand new Performing Arts space at Wilberforce House. Just like Elle, Year 6 showed us that being true to yourself never goes out of style.

Spencer House Cinema

Year 5 watched the film of Year 6’s production with popcorn, sweets and comfy bedding. As you can see, they made school feel like home!

All the World’s a Stage

Year 4 and 5 both got innovative within the restrictions and performed with their peers in professionally filmed scenes. Using the Common and local venues as their stage, Year 4 went back in time for Kitty Whittington. Year 5 used their comedy bones in a series of brilliant sketches, which even incorporated their classmates who were abroad through the magic of Zoom.

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STEAM Update

Making Maths Fun

The girls at Wilberforce House discovered the fun side of Maths this year, with Bubbly Maths workshops answering big mathematical questions like: “How many Reception children can fit in a balloon cube?”.

Girls get to work on new iPads


Year 5 STEAM Club use technology to steer their own Mars Rovers, replicating the technology used on the Perseverance Rover that landed on Mars!

Over at Spencer Year 6 got in on the action by playing the NRICH Transformation Game and exploring the subject from a different angle!

If there’s one thing the last year has taught us, it’s that learning how to use technology and develop computing is paramount for our girls’ futures. Take a look at some of their fantastic digital creations!

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A Culture of Wellbeing

Mental Health and wellbeing, of both students, staff and parents, has never been more important than during the pandemic.

Jules Oakshett, our Mental Health and Wellbeing consultant, delivered an extensive programme of talks and workshops about many aspects of wellbeing, helping to ensure that our multi-layered approach to pastoral care thrived across the school. Girls enjoyed getting involved in our creative mental health curriculum.

Connect with Nature!

Mental Health Awareness Week in 2021 promoted the benefits of connecting with nature on our wellbeing. We saw our girls connect with nature in all sorts of ways, from riding their bikes on Wimbledon Common to gardening and painting bluebells. Year 5 enjoyed mindful sketching activities in the Spencer House playground.

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Sports Day Specials

Sports Day is always a day of fun and laughter, as well as a day for showcasing lots of friendly competition and sporting talent. This year we ran a series of Sports Day Specials in Year Group bubbles and games were inspired by the Tokyo Olympics. Lots of fun was had by all.

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Athletics at Wimbledon Park

Years 3 to 6 improved their athletics skills during fun games afternoon’s at the Wimbledon Park Athletics Track.

Plenty of Sports Fun

Girls from across the school tried their hand at a variety of different sports.

Girls stretched their gymnastics skills into all sorts of shapes!

Lockdown saw some innovative PE lessons!

They Smashed It!

Congratulations to Study girls Immy, Izzy, Jessie and Eva who were in the Wimbledon U11 team that won the Surrey Foundation’s Smash It cricket festival.

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Year 3 practiced their golf swing Year 6 enjoyed cricket

Supporting Charities

Summer Term Charity Fundraising

Spencer House voted for our Summer Term charity and the two charities with the most votes were: SPEAR – a local charity helping the homeless and Choose Love UK, a charity helping refugees around the world. These two charities were clearly the favourites of Years 4, 5 and 6 as there was just a couple of votes between them.

The Princess Trust

In the Spring Term the whole school community came together to raise money for The Princess Trust and remember Jane Davis, our late Admissions Secretary, on the anniversary of her death. Jane worked at The Study for 27 years and was much loved by parents, pupils and staff. The Princess Trust was a charity close to Jane’s heart and raising funds for this cause was a fitting way for the school to pay tribute to her memory. Some girls took their support of the charity one step further by cutting their hair and donating it to make wigs for children with cancer.

Lockdown Reading Challenge!

At the start of lockdown last year Annabel in Year 5 decided to put her time at home to good use. She set herself the challenge of reading 100 books in a year to raise money for the NHS and front-line workers at Kingston Hospital. In March 2021 she smashed her fundraising target and finished 100 books! Annabel should be incredibly proud of her achievement.

Thanks to the NHS

During the Spring Term the spotlight was on the NHS and the struggles that front line workers faced during Covid. Our girls wrote some poignant letters to the staff at St George’s Hospital to say thank you and show them some support.

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Anoushka was inspired when she heard how many children had cancer and lost their hair
Katrina was inspired by her friend Allegra who had already cut her hair for the charity

We raised an incredible £9,350.82!

Red Nose Day

Always a highlight of the year! The girls had a brilliant time on Red Nose Day whilst supporting charities close to home. Some of the girls even managed to find some rare Golden Noses!

Lunchtime Fundraisers

Year 5 and 6 created their own fundraisers to support our selected charities and they came up with a variety of imaginative ideas to raise money. The girls held raffles, sold bracelets and gorgeous resin hearts, two girls even created a quiz where classmates had to guess which teacher was in which baby photo! Very impressive work!

Christmas Charities

Each year group chose a charity to support in the lead up to Christmas and the charities chosen were all fantastic causes!

Reception: Wimbledon Guild’s Christmas Giving Campaign

Year 1: Shooting Star Children’s Hospice

Year 2: Numwa Primary School in Zimbabwe

Year 3: Children’s Society

Year 4: Wimbledon Dons Foodbank

Year 5: Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity

Year 6: World Land Trust

Numwa Primary School

Year 2 had a great time raising money for Numwa Primary School in Zimbabwe with a sponsored walk! The money raised was used to provide a nutritional lunch for the pupils each day at school. For many families who are struggling with poverty, unemployment and drought, this is the only meal the child may get each day. The girls enjoyed writing letters to the pupils, asking them questions and telling them about their lives in the UK! Year 2 families also made a kind donation of shoes for the school.

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Clubs in Action

We were delighted to resume our club provision in the Summer Term. The girls had a variety of clubs on offer to try their hand at. Some liked to make dishes and learn life skills in Cooking club, whilst others enjoyed taking a deep dive into the work of famous artists in Art Appreciation, or challenging their movement skills in Dance or Fencing. We are always proud to see our students grow and flourish – it all starts with taking a chance and learning something new. Sometimes it leads to students becoming champions.

Fencing Success

Satomi in Year 6 won the Girls’ Under 12 category at the Newham Swords Junior Foil Competition. She joined our Year 3 girls in Fencing Club to give a demonstration and show what hard work and determination can achieve!

Art Appreciation

Year 5 had 10 minutes to quickly sketch the famous Mona Lisa portrait by Da Vinci. We think they did a fabulous job.

Netball Club

Our netballers enjoyed playing together under magical skies.

Discovery and STEAM club!

Fusing Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics into project based discovery. The girls recreated the pollination process and built a remote controlled replica of the Mars Rover.


Year 6 Leavers’ Senior School Destinations 2021

Sophia Austin

Anoushka Babel

Tanvi Bamania

Lara Bartram

Wimbledon High

Wimbledon High

Wimbledon High

Sutton High

Satomi Brocklebank Epsom College

Tienne Campbell

Anoushka Chattopadhyay

Lauren Clarke

Godolphin and Latymer

Godolphin and Latymer

Wimbledon High

Eleonor De Giorgi Delgado Sutton High

Allegra Delli Rocioli St. Louis School, Milan

Alyssa Duffy

Emilia Evans

Ella Forrest

Aino Gledstone

Isabelle Haque

Jessica Harrison

Scarlett Hughes

Miranda Jagusch

Katrina Jarvis

Tara Joshi

Anqi Li

Wimbledon High

Wimbledon High

Sutton High

Epsom College

Surbiton High

Wimbledon High

St John’s School

Wimbledon High

Wallington High School for Girls

St Paul’s Girls’

Epsom College

Ines Lonardo Epsom College

Imogen Miller

Maya Papadakos

Anaya Patel

Sofia Pereira Xavier

Isabella Perrott

Gabriella Pinna

Iona Pite

Hannah Richards

Olivia Richards

Cecilia Russell

Surbiton High

Wimbledon High

Sutton High

Lady Eleanor Holles

Surbiton High

Notre Dame

Northwood Senior

Wimbledon High

Sutton High

Broomwood Hall

Eva Santinon St John’s School

Zoya Sarang

Inez Seaby

Seren Slinn

Aanya Srivastav

Ella Thomas

Constance Turner

Elodie Utting

Sofie Van de Geest

Jasmine Wager

Nina Zhao

Wimbledon High

Wimbledon High

International School of Zug and Luzern, Switzerland

Wimbledon High

Surbiton High

Wimbledon High

Wimbledon High

Latymer Upper

Wimbledon High

Godolphin and Latymer

The Study Gazette 47

Wilberforce House: Camp Road, Wimbledon Common, London SW19 4UN

Spencer House: 4 Peek Crescent, Wimbledon Village, London SW19 5ER

020 8947 6969

@thestudyprep @thestudyprepwimbledon
Front and back cover artwork, Sunset on the Common, produced by Dilara in Year 4
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