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“One . . . enjoyable . . . reading . . . experience!” - Miss Scarlet (after doing it in the conservatory with the lead pipe)

Blood Brothers: Singing, dancing and havin’ a grand old time. pg. 4 Time with the homeless: Christina Field and her sister downtown Ann Arbor. pg. 8 March 24, 2005 Volume XVI, Issue 7

Dexter High School 2200 N. Parker Road Dexter, MI 48130

Stolen iPods: Watch out. The iPod theft will get you. pg. 3

Teachers support recycling efforts

New music, new events, new drinks ■ Foggy Bottom’s food and entertainment draw in customers.

Sarah Craft editor in chief

When Dexter’s newest coffee house opened at the end of August, no one could have known of the activities they would bring to the community. With an event almost every night of the week, Foggy Bottom has kept people coming in on a daily basis. “We just started an open mic night for the first Wednesday of every month,” daughter of the owner junior Candice Marrin said. “There

We’re trying to get some smoothies ready for the summer.

-Candice Marrin, junior

were mostly music acts, and there was one comedy act. The place was packed though.” Marrin said almost every night at 7 on weekdays and twice on weekends, at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., there are live music performances on the coffee house’s small stage. But performances aren’t the only way to get people to come in to the coffee house, they’re using food too. “We’re trying to get some smoothies ready for the summer,” Marrin said. “We wanted to get some new stuff ready for the warmer season.”

Teri Chiado staff writer

Photo by Sarah Craft

Coffee guru: Foggy bottom owner Doug Marrin whips up a hot chocolate. Foggy bottom opens at 6 a.m.

Helping Special Olympics NHS students clean and re-create old awards

N HS Helps

When she sees someone throwing away paper or pop bottles, librarian Jeanine Fletcher gets upset. “I am a very strong believer in recycling and I recycle all the time,” she said. “I am an environmentalist, and I am very concerned about the environment.” Fletcher said she is constantly pointing out waste to students or other staff members. In order for the school to participate in recycling, recycling teams come around twice a month and empty the recycling bins in every classroom. “We probably started in the late 80s,” science teacher Cheryl Wells said. “It was first when water bottles became popular, so we recycled and returnables for money. We used the money for service projects like the Special Olympics.” With all of the recycling encouragement, and the successful programs established in the high school, Fletcher said the school has done all they can for student’s individual recycling habits. She said it is not the school, but American society, that is in need of some assistance. “Dexter is no more wasteful than modern American society,” she said. “We could all do better in America with recycling. The Boy Scouts have a motto that says, ‘Leave no trace.’ I don’t think Americans as a culture do that.” Wells agrees. “I think we all need to figure out how to use paper better,” she said. “Every year, we need to educate them of our program and what we do with recycling.”

Photo by Teri Chiado

Saving the world: Librarian Jeanine Fletcher says she does her best to encourage kids to recycle. Whether she’s in the library or at home, Fletcher said she always recycles.

Photo by Mike Vickers

Refurbished: Senior John Dobrei holds a trophy NHS will refurbish for Special Olympics. Dobrei said NHS needs 900 trophies for the event. Tom Leonard opinions editor

Last year’s Special Olympics Fun Run ended not with the Washtenaw Intermediate School District participants shouting in jubilation but with claps of thunder. “I was running in with water and wind everywhere,” NHS vice-president senior Ryan Bruder said. “I got knocked over.” Bruder reached the high school that day long after a tornado alarm was issued and students had huddled along corridors. At a recent meeting, while discussing the upcoming Fun Run and the trophy drive for participants, NHS adviser Cheryl Wells said, “We had about 15 students for around 950 runners on the track. We were running all over the place trying to keep up.” “And then the cart we were using broke down,” Bruder said, one of the few juniors to help that day. “Oh yeah, there was the tornado, too.” Though last year’s NHS helpers were nearly blown over by wind, this year’s NHS hopes to be blown over by support from the community in the trophy drive as a way to encourage the mentally impaired participants. The participants compete with Special Olympics, an international organization encompassing 150 countries dedicated to promoting physical fitness for intellectually disabled individuals. Everything is ready for the games except for the one thing. “We need trophies,” committee chair John Dobrei said. “We have a couple

No mid-winter break Unlike other schools in the area, Dexter does not have a mind-winter work. According to assistant principal Andrea Glynn the reason that Dexter doesn’t have that week off after President’s Day is so that the district can get out of school earlier. “We are trying to get the kids out of school as early as possible, and if we had that week off we would have to adjust our schedule to either reduce other breaks or start school sooner.”

hundred but we need 900.” The trophies will be awarded to participants in the Friday, April 22 Special Olympics bowling event at Bel-Mark Lanes and the Friday, May 20 Special Olympics Fun Run at Hudson Mills Metro park. NHS members will assist participants in both events. Held in cooperation with the Chelsea Kiwanis, Dexter NHS and Boysville of Clinton, the Fun Run will include a three, five and eight mile run/walk around the paved path circling Hudson Mills. “We will be having 200 athletes from around Washtenaw County,” Washtenaw area director for Special Olympics Sue Thompson said. “Athletes practice all year for this event within their school districts.” NHS expects increased attendance at the bowling tournament and the Fun Run. Wells estimated 1,000 runners will race in the 15th running of the May Fun Run. Last year, Dexter NHS members put in 15 to 20 hours of work to prepare 600 trophies in an effort headed by current West Point cadet Phil Steenstra. This year the triumvirate of seniors Andrew Morse, John Dobrei and Alex Gardener shared the heavier load of 900 trophies. “We’re taking out the tags and the headpieces and refurbishing them,” Dobrei said. “Then we replace the tags and put people running and bowling on the tops.” The job is tedious, but he knows the work will pay iff in the end. “To see someone excited to get someone else’s old treasure,” he said. “To give them a chance to win.”

Refurbishing steps NHS members take the following steps to prepare trophies for the Special Olympics.

Remove old headpieces

Washing the plastic

New victorious person

Replace headpieces

Remove and replace tags Information from NHS

■200 athletes from around Washtenaw County will participate in the Special Olympics sponsored bowling tournament April 22. -The athletes range from eight years old to age 42. -Athletes practice all year for this event within their school districts. ■Special Olympics is open for any person who has a mental disability (cognitive delay) older than eight years old. ■Special Olympic sports: athletics (track), basketball, bowling, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, Alpine skiing, volleyball, aquatics, poly hockey, speed skating, snowshoeing and figure skating. ■Special Olympics has 621 registered athletes in Washtenaw county, but only 321 active members.

Photo by Teri Chiado

Williams places third at Nationals Sarah Craft editor in chief

Senior Lex Williams traveled to Maryland to compete in the Nike Indoor National Track competition Mar. 13. Williams ran a mile four minutes and 13.8 seconds and won third place in the nation. According to Williams, the first place runner’s time was four minutes and 12.6 seconds and second place had a time of four minutes and 13.71 seconds. “It was a really close race,” he said. “It was tough, but it was still really fun.” After training all winter, Williams said he knew he was prepared to run his best at the competition. “I wanted to be in a position where I could do a good job and finish high,” he said. “But I didn’t really know what to expect going into the race.” Coming out of the race, Williams said he was proud of final position. “It feels good,” he said. “I guess all of my work has played off.”

See Lex run: After competing in the Nike Indoor National track competition, senior Lex Williams said he is happy with his performance. Williams said he plans to attend the University of Michigan next year.

District capacity reports differ in need for new buildings Jennifer Allen staff writer

In 2004 the Dexter school board hired the architect company Kingscott to conduct a report on the building capacity of Dexter Community Schools. On Feb. 9, the report was presented to the board and said that the community may need to consider adding additions or even another building to its current schools. “We want to make sure that we provide a quality learning environment for the students,” Superintendent Evelyn Shirk said. “While we don’t think we will be building anytime soon, we might need to consider it in the near future.”

The Kingscott report details the growth in Dexter and the projected growth in the next few years. This fall, district officials projected that 150 new students would come to the school system. But according to Shirk, there were only eight new students. Because of the constant fluctuations in the community’s growth, researchers find it difficult to give a specific number of students who will potentially enroll. On the same day Kingscott presented their report, community member Alison Paine released her own study of the Dexter schools building capacities. While both Kingscott and Paine

both said they have the best interest of the students in mind, they each had a different idea of what was needed. Using standards she said are from the State of Michigan, Paine counted the number of students in each classroom and determined the capacities for the buildings herself. She counted every available room, including the recreational rooms, such as the art room and the gym. “We have gorgeous schools and wonderful teachers,” Paine said. “And we still have plenty of room to grow.”Paine, who has a son in fourth grade and a daughter in eighth, said that she wanted to make sure the information was correct and unbiased.

“I’m just a tax payer who doesn’t want to be mislead by incorrect or biased reports,” she said. Paine’s main complaint is that the Kingscott report doesn’t include many of the rooms that, in her opinion, can be used as classrooms. Spaces such as the art room, some of the science rooms and also the portables that the community already has she said could be used as classrooms. But officials from the district say they are more focused on students. “Our focus in thinking about building capacity is on creating a high quality learning environment,” high school interim-principal Patrick Little said.

Paine however said that the Kingscott report might be biased. She said the report was done in hopes of building onto the school. This, she said, would benefit the building company. But she thinks it would cost more than necessary. “We would be paying for the electricity and the added cost of maintenance,” she said. “We don’t even have money now for new teachers. Let’s take care of what we have before we start anything else.” Little, though, said the report has been altered based on feedback from Paine. “It has changed a bit since she made that report,” Little said. “We are using nearly every classroom now.”


the Squall


Thursday, March 24, 2005

School store has merchandise, lacks student participation Photo by Sarah Craft

Eatin’ Good: Junior Steve Hinson and sophomore Tom Larosa dig into the complimentary bagels and juice buffet provided for the MEAP test takers.

MEAP community service under discussion Eric Wilkinson ad manager

As a direct result of a new Michigan law, many juniors are upset that they must complete the same amount of community service as the freshman, when the freshman have a significantly extended period of time to do it. “The community service shouldn’t be such a big deal,” said junior Robyn Shepard. “The fact that everyone has to do the same amount of service, even the juniors, who have significantly less time to fulfill the required hours.” The law, which is under clarification and possibly alteration, currently states that each student, beginning with the class of 2006 must perform 40 hours of community service in order to earn the money they were originally promised just for satisfactory scores on the MEAP tests. Although some juniors believe the community service requirement is a lot to complete in just one year, others think nothing of it. “Well, I don’t think that community service is that big of a deal,” junior Heidi Clements said. “If students really want the money they should be willing to work for it.” And Clements doesn’t share her classmate’s frustration with the possible requirements. “I know a lot of people are really upset,” she said. “Honestly, it doesn’t really bother me.” Many students are getting their community service done as soon as possible, because of the fear of losing that money. “I’m thinking about trying to find a soup kitchen,” junior Josh Vontom said. “Or finding a park to clean up. “All I know is that I don’t have much time, and I want that money.” Because state legislators are more aware of the problem, they have decited to re-thinkthe criteria for juniors. But so far nothing has yet been decided. “It is possible that juniors will not have to do so much community service,” district MEAP coordinator Sara Dansky said. “Though we won’t know for sure for at least another month or so.” Being the last class that didn’t have to perform community service for MEAP money, some seniors are really enjoying their good fortune. Senior Steve Cavanaugh said, “It’s so cool knowing that we didn’t have to do things that younger kids have to do. “Because you always know you can rub it in their face.”

MEAPIN’ FACTS There are other factors besides a students school that affect MEAP scores, such as: • Percent of single parents in the community • Percent of households without a high school graduate • Percent of people who speak English as a second language Information from www.meap.org

Organizers disappointed in turn out Sarah Craft editor in Chief

Filtering through a pile of last year’s yearbook photos that were scattered in a yellow crate, seniors Kayla Wing and Melissa Ebright laughed as they sat on duty in the school store during A lunch. “I like how he is trying to look hot in that picture, but it’s not working,” Wing said looking at one of the photographs. Ebright grabbed the picture and laughed as she imitated the boy’s facial expression. They threw the photo back into the crate and Wing took another bite of the school’s sweet and sour chicken.“Wow, this stuff is actually pretty good,” she said. “It looks really gross, though,” Ebright said. “You’re eating chicken with a spoon too.” They laughed and looked around in the empty room. They had been sitting in the school store and the only person who even entered the room so far was junior Cara McLogan who came in to get the class T-shirt she ordered for $12 at the beginning of the year and never received. “Yeah, sorry about that,” Wing said to her customer. “When (former student council advisor Sandy) Klein left all of that stuff got lost.” But Wing took McLogan’s word and gave her the mint green T-shirt. Although the school store has been open since Wing and Ebright were sophomores, they said they have never made much money from anything. “Everything we have in here is nice,” Wing said. “It’s just really expensive. We have to work on getting the prices down because no one wants to buy a Dexter sweatshirt for $25 in the middle of the school day.” Expensive clothing is only part of the problem. Wing said they are having trouble figuring out what kids will buy. “Once we finally get some ideas about what to put in the store, we have to get money to order the stuff so we can sell it,” she said. Wing explained that her sophomore year, she and senior Eva Neil noticed that every other school in the area had successful school stores and wondered why Dexter never had one. The two discovered there was a spare room in the commons that could turn into a school store, but the

School Spirit: Seniors Melissa Ebright and Kayla Wing sell Nick Wiesley a Dreadnaught sweatshirt.

What’s inside? ■ Hooded sweatshirts, $25 ■ Regular sweatshirt, $15 ■ T-shirts, $5 - $12 ■ Bumper stickers, $3 ■ Blankets, $10 ■ Candy, 50 cents ■ Exercise pants, $15

Photos by Sarah Craft

I love candy: Sophomore Caitlyn Davis and senior Matt Glahn browse the school store. Although neither of them bought anything, Wing said she was happy to have people in the store problem was that they needed a lot more than a room to make the entire store. According to Klein, there was money leftover after the school was built that she got permission to use to purchase counter top, clothing racks and display cases for the school store. To fill the store with products, Klein said they used money student council has raised. “We had some extra money in the student council account so we decided to purchase clothing and other stuff we could fill the school store with,” she said. After they bought clothing and the room was filled with as much decoration they could find, Wing and Neil opened the store for the first time. But there were more problems. “Me and Eva worked our potoskis off to get this thing running,” Wing

said. “But once we did, no one really bought anything so we weren’t making any of the money we spent back.” To attempt to get students inside, Wing said student council started selling tickets for dances, including prom and homecoming, inside the store. “Sometimes we play loud music and get our friends to come in here to talk to us so people come over to see what’s going on,” Wing said. “We just want people to come in here because once they come in they might see some cool stuff they want.” But people can’t come in if it’s never open. Wing said that their original plan was to have the store open three days a week, but then it went down to every other Friday, if that. “No one in student council ever wants to run the store during their lunch, so it’s always me and Melissa

during A lunch every once in a while,” she said. But it is expected to get better. Wing said the new student council adviser, science teacher Jessica Kreeger is a little more ‘gung-ho’ about it. At a recent student council meeting, Kreeger said she has received approval from the school to do anything student council wants with the school store and she hopes to some day have art students paint a mural on the walls to attract to the students. “There’s so much we could do to make the school store really successful,” she said. “I want the school store to be something, and the seniors want the school store to be something. But they’re leaving. We need the juniors, sophomores and freshmen to step up and do what they need to do to get the store running again.”

Risks possible with limousine driver’s license According to local limousine driver, some limousine companies lack proper licenses to transport passengers creating potentially dangerous situation for young riders Sarah Craft editor in Chief

On homecoming night of his sophomore year, junior Mike Cappo and his friends piled into a stretch Hummer that took them to dinner as well as the homecoming dance. Although a limo may be more common for a senior going to prom, Cappo said his dad offered, and he and his friends made the most of the opportunity. After his father made arrangements with All Star Limo Service

and paid the $1,200 fee, Cappo and his friends entered the limo without worrying about a thing. And even though Cappo said the evening went as planned, and the limousine driver was safe, no one who made the limo arrangements asked to see the driver’s license. “My brother had used the company before for homecoming and prom,” Cappo said. “It never even crossed my mind to ask them if they had the right licenses and stuff.” And according to Majestic Coach limousine driver Laura Girbach, that lack of checking is a problem.

According to Girbach, not only does a limo driver need a specific license to operate such a long vehicle, they also need a license permitting them to charge customers for their services. Why all the strict rules? For safety. “It’s very dangerous is if a limousine driver doesn’t have the proper license,” Girbach said. “That means they don’t have the proper insurances and if anything happens there could be huge liability problems and it puts the passengers in danger. “If there were ever some sort of accident, or if the driver were to get

pulled over for any reason, the company would have to pay huge fines.” Girbach said that although the insurance is expensive, the fines a company might have to pay would be much greater if there were some sort of problem. “It is expensive,” she said. “For my 18 passenger vehicle, I probably have at least $2 million worth of insurance. “That’s why companies have to charge $100 or $125 per hour, because the insurance rates are so high,” she said. “When a company is only charging $45 an hour, chances are pretty

high that they don’t have the legal insurance. Sometimes a deal isn’t really a deal.” Girbach said every time a limousine is on the road, the driver must legally have a copy of their driving record in addition to their driver’s license. And if any passengers ask to see any of the driver’s legal information, the driver must show the requested piece of information. “The drivers need to be safe,” Girbach said. They have the responsibility to have the correct licenses and pay for the correct insurances. “Students especially need to be

careful of scams like that,” she said. Kids really should ask to see the limousine driver’s license to make sure they’re safe. “There’s no harm in asking, it may actually help you a lot in the end. You can’t be shy, just do it. ” When Cappo realized the situation, he asked his father if anyone from the family ever asked to see the driver’s licence, or even the insurance with the car. Since he hadn’t, Cappo said he’ll be sure to ask the next time they use the service. “I’m pretty sure it is,” he said. “But there’s no harm in checking.”

Thursday, March 24, 2005

the Squall



Senior involved in major car accident Karie Kujala recovering after serious crash

Music in hand: More and more students are bringing their iPods and other MP3 players to school because of the portability of the devices. According to Principal Pat Little, these music players are prohibited during school hours.

Stolen iPods irk students, staff Administrators believe iPods are becoming an iProblem in school Sarah Craft editor-in-chief

More music products from Apple


• iPod Shuffle, $99 • iPod Mini, $199 • iPod, $299 • U2 Special Edition iPod, $349 • iPod Photo, $349

But they don’t stop there, there are also numerous attachments for the musical devices. • Dock connectors, $39$299 • iTrip, $34.95 • Cassette Adapter, $19.95 • Travel Kit, $69.95 • iPod Sock Cases, $ 29 information from Apple.com

eaching her arms in the air and reciting “to be” verbs in front of her class, Spanish teacher Melania Murphy stopped her singing and dancing when she saw one of her students listening to his iPod. “Sometimes I joke with the kids and threaten to send them to Peru,” Murphy said in a thick Peruvian accent. “I say it would make a nice gift for the poor people there.” Murphy, as well as other teachers, believe iPods and other electronic music devices have become a distraction for students. According to principal Patrick Little, iPods and other electronically devices are prohibited during school hours. And when they are brought to school, he said teachers have a right to take them away until the end of the school day. “They can be a distraction to kids when they’re supposed to be working,” Little said. “If they’re playing with their iPod or mp3, they’re not doing what they’re supposed to be doing.” However, he said students listening to music in class is not the biggest problem with iPods. Rather, Little said, many are being stolen. “They’re easy to steal and easy to conceal,” he said. “People leave them out in plain sight when they get up and go to another table or something. “When they get back, they’re gone. It’s not only that they’re hard to find because they are so small, but they all look alike so you can’t tell which one belongs to who.” Little said a student should tell an

administrator as soon as they realize their iPod is stolen so they can fill out an incident report as soon as possible and the school can start the investigation. “Sometimes students come to me and say they think someone might have stolen their iPod a few weeks If (students are) playago,” he said. “In a situation ing with their iPod or like that, it’s very mp3, they’re not doing unrealistic that the iPod will ever be what they’re supposed found. If students to be doing. come out right away and know when -Patrick Little, principal and where they lost it, it’s much easier to find.” Still, he said there are no guarantees. Junior Anders Fogleman said he lost his iPod a few months ago, and although he filled out an incident report immediately, his iPod was never found. “It was in my backpack, and when I went to get it after school, it was missing,” he said. “First I went to my teachers and asked them if they had seen it, and then I went to the principal. I filled out an incident report and everything, and I gave them some ideas of people who might have stolen it. They asked a couple kids if they knew anything, but then it died.” When he realized he wasn’t getting his iPod back, Fogleman said he finally bought a new one. But now, he’s a lot more careful with where he keeps it. “I keep it in my pocket at all times,” he said. “I’m not taking any more chances.”

hear some frightening news. “The first thing I heard was that Karie got into a car accident, but that it wasn’t bad,” senior Beth Drago said. “Later I found out that she might not make it, and I just felt really helpless.” Duve, who was expecting Karie’s arrival, at the hockey game, was shocked by the news. “When Steph and Cassie (Thompson) told Sara Newell me, I was completely stunned and couldn’t recirculation manager ally say anything,” she said. “But after it sunk in I just collapsed crying. I was so scared and When senior Karie Kujala woke Feb. 5, didn’t know what to do.” Womens swim and dive team coach Corey she had no idea that by the end of the day she wouldn’t remember what she had done earlier Bergen was stunned at the news of Karie’s accident. that day. “I wanted someone to tell me she was going “Karie and I talked on the phone earlier that day,” sophomore Tracy Duve said. “We had to be OK,” he said. “Like anyone you care about, plans to hang out at the hockey game that night. I feared the worst and hoped for the best.” Karie has since returned home and is trying She said she would be there by halftime, but the game was almost over, and she still wasn’t to live life as normally as possible. But dealing with her accident and the injuthere. ries from it will not be an easy task. “I tried calling but couldn’t get through. “After a month of therapy at St. Joe’s she Then (senior) Stephanie McCart told me about is pretty much independent,” Dan said. “Her the accident.” Karie was arriving at the Brighton Theater doctor said it could take as long as two years to with Dexter graduate Ben Reynolds when her recover from the brain injury. “The caregivers at St car was struck broadJoe’s and U of M stated side by another car. that the remarkable recovShe was air lifted ery she has made so far has immediately from the a lot to do with how good of scene to the U of M physical condition she was Hospital in critical in from her sports condicondition. tioning and diving. The accident left “She is a long way from Karie with swelling and the state qualifier she was bleeding in her brain, a in November, but we hopebroken collar bone, two ful she will get back to her broken ribs and bumps old self in no time.” and bruises covering Karie said she is working her body. -Karie Kujala, senior one day at a time to recover “The first few days as quickly as possible. at U of M were the “I won’t fully be recovscariest. “The doctors told us that the swelling on her ered for about a year,” Kujala said. “I got a rebrain would peak around 72 hours after the ac- ally bad head injury and that’s going to take a while to heal … and the left side of my body cident,” her father Dan Kujala said. “She was responding to some commands, feels like it’s always asleep.” Despite her injuries, Karie plans to return to but usually they had to press down on her broschool as soon as she can. ken collar bone or pinch her to induce pain to “Right now I am planning on coming back get her to respond.” “They took a number of CT scans during after spring break,” she said. “Probably not for the full day though bethis time to monitor the swelling in her brain,” cause my head injury is really bad, and I need Dan said. “There was talk of relieving the pressure more sleep than usual. I get tired out really (drilling a hole in her skull) if the swelling got fast.” Also Karie still has plans to graduate in June to be too much, but after the 72 hours, she with the rest of her senior class. started to respond better. “I was told (principal Pat) Little said that “She was on a ventilator and had tubes they were going to do everything in their power down her nose to feed her,” he said. “We had a lot of scary thoughts. Is she going to make a so that I could graduate on time.” Even though Karie has been through a lot full recovery, is she going to be a vegetable, will and continues to improve, she said that she she be an invalid?” Karie’s friends who found out before her wouldn’t have been able to do it without the parents spent much of that Saturday night try- support of her friends and family. “Just knowing that everyone cares has ing to contact them. “When I found out I flipped,” senior Kim helped a lot,” she said. “All the cards I have gotten make me feel a lot better. Also my parents Evanski said. “I was so worried about her and just started have been here (at the hospital) a lot, every calling anyone I could to try and find her par- day. And when I need them they will stay the night. That is awesome of them.” ents.” Because of the constant support and watchEvanski was one of the first to hear about ful eye of doctors and the people close to her, Kujala’s condition and stayed with her the Karie is improving and recovering. However, night of her accident. “I’ve known Karie since before pre-school, she said it will not be an easy road. She still needs the support of everyone and and the first thing I heard was that she might is happy for all that people have done. not make it,” Evanski said. She said, “I want to thank everyone for what Through Evanski’s frantic calls to friends, the people closest to Kujala were beginning to they have done. It all really helps.”

Just knowing everyone cares has helped a lot ... I want to thank everyone for what they have done. It all really helps.

FCCLA uses prom fashion show to raise money Jennifer Allen Circulation Manager

Five members of FCCLA gather awkwardly in front of the large mirror in Darlings Bridal, surveying themselves and laughing at the dresses they are wearing. Only three members were present, but 15 plan to model in a fashion show FCCLA is hosting on Saturday to raise money for the club. Junior Maggie McConnell tries on a tiara with her dress and laughs as Senior Alex Goss and sophomore Katie McGee looks at the jewelry selection. “Darlings Bridal is letting us wear these dresses for the show,” McConnell said. “That part is going to be

awesome.” Senior Melissa Ebright, who is not a member of FCCLA, said she looks forward to participating as a volunteer model in the event. “I think it’s going to be really fun,” Ebright said. “A lot of the girls are really excited to get dressed up and raise some money for the club.” Other than funding the club dues, the money raised will go towards the various activities FCCLA participates in. Such activities include reverse trick-or-treating with the senior citizens, the book drive, leadership confrences, and the flower sales. FCCLA president Brigitte Cripe is also looking forward to the fashion

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show. “I’m really excited,” Cripe said. “It took a lot of work to organize, but I think that it’s going to be really fun.” Besides modeling dresses from Darlings Bridal, there will also be door prizes. Some include free tux rentals, free prom up-do’s and dining certificates. Some of the donators include Darlings Bridal, Presidential Tuxedo, Lighthouse Cafe, Monica’s Salon, Nique-elle’s salon. Tickets will be sold in advance for $5, and the event starts at 3 P.M. at Mill Creek. “I think it’s going to be a wonderful event,” FCCLA advisor and English teacher Jo Muszkiewicz said. “I hope lots of people come.”

Playing dress up: Senior Alex Goss, junior Maggie McConnell, and sophomore Katie McGee try out their dresses at Darlings Bridal. “I’m really excited,” McGee said. “There are going to be a lot of cool prizes. Everyone should definitely come.”

Photo by Jennifer Allen


the Squall


Thursday, March 24, 2005

Music programs take trips across US Touring is the new musician craze

Photo by Michelle Svetkoff

A call to arms: Senior Thomas Leonard, freshman Will Grundler and sophomore Andrew Elwood dance during rehearsal of the play “Blood Brothers.” The dance explains the situation in Liverpool, England where workers are getting laid off due to harsh times.

‘Blood Brothers’ raises arms Drama club at work bringing to life its next musical for April 14-17 Michelle Svetkoff managing editor

Hands of the choir line wave up and out; hit-or-miss notes fill the air. A cluster of dancing feet clatters against the tile floor of the cafeteria. “And 1, 2, 3, 4,” says choreographer Suzanne Smith as she directs students through various dance scenes of the musical “Blood Brothers.” After a few mishaps, the group does another run-through. This time the previous chaos has diminished. Synchronized feet dance rhythmically to the mellow music. According to director Harry J. Wilcox the rehearsals are going great, and the only problem is not having a stage to work upon. “My problem is not being able to

be in the CPA because of other musical performances,” he said. “The dancing and timing is different when on stage.” Junior Sebastion Gerstner, who plays Eddie, said this musical is something special. “It’s a really different kind of musical,” he said. “(It’s) full of drama and most musicals are spunky, but this one’s not. It has humor, sadness and scary parts.” Wilcox said that the play is different and more serious, but not in a bad way. “It’s a serious musical,” he said. “But not to the point that it’s serious and not interesting.” Although the musical “Fiddler on the Roof” was Wilcox’s original choice for a play, it could not be performed due to royalty rights. This means that a professional acting group will perform “Fiddler on the Roof” somewhere in this area, so they did not want a high school performing the same musical. Wilcox decided to do the musical “Blood Brothers” not only because he really likes it but also because the number of parts is similar to that of “Fiddler on the Roof.” “(I) looked at the talent we had and it required three to four guys,” he said. “And this number is similar to Fiddler’s actors numbers.” According to Wilcox the musical rehearses Monday through Thurs-

“We’ve been extremely busy due to the festivals recently, but we’re planning to put in a lot of hard work ahead,” she said. “It really is amazing just how much effort the band puts in together. “I believe, as a whole, we all put our best work possible into our perSamantha Harris Although there will be formance. entertainment editor lots of hours of practice before the Thirty-five choir students re- trip begins. cently went on the trip to Nashville “We’ve really raised out personand Memphis. al standards and expectations. I’m “It was awesome,” choir teacher excited to see how the trip goes. I Beth Patterson said. “We had a re- personally believe that we’re all goally great time. The trip lasted from ing to have a really awesome and Feb. 2-6. We stayed at the Heart fun time.” Break Hotel, which was really cool, I The band students will march think. It was really fun going some- through Disney World precisely in where new with the kids. Traveling form, playing songs from this years is so exciting when you’ve never marching season. visited the place before. Overall, it Also they will learn the basic was a very sucropes on recessful trip in cording music my opinion.” in a studio. As for upWe’ve really raised I’m“I goingthink coming trips, to “(The stuout personal standards pass out in my uniform, dents) really and expectations. I’m band want to go to especially if Hawaii, but excited to see how the we’re marching we’ll see how outside trip goes. I personally in 90 degree that goes. I just want to believe that we’re all go- plus temperago somewhere tures,” Dodge ing to have a really awe- said. really warm, “I will have hopefully some and fun time. somewhere much more tropical,” Patcompassion terson said. for the adults On March who work at -Holly Dodge, junior 30, the marchDisney World ing band will in those charcostravel to Floracter Deida for five tumes. days. spite that, its Three large really exciting charter buses are driving the band to perform for people and their students to and from Orlando. children.” “The only thing I’m not looking “We get to visit and work in a reforward to is having to get up really cording studio. Supposedly, there early to get on the bus,” junior Hol- are big screens that display the ly Dodge said. “Six in the morning video portion that we’ll doubt our is way too early for me.” recorded music to. I think it’s great Many students are making the that we get to work and record in optional choice to stay in Florida a studio. Not many bands get to for Spring Break. take that opportunity and I’m very “It’s great that I’m attending an grateful that we’re able to. extra curricular school event while “If everything goes well, I’m sure in Florida, but I also get to stay for we can pull together another fun a week more than the band,” she school trip.” She said, “I think it’d be a good said. “I’ve planned out that week to be my relax time on the beach en- idea to start fund raisers for a trip to Europe. There is so much histojoying the male scenery. “I’m really looking forward to ry to the music in Europe. It could Florida, except we’re taking a bus actually be a fun field trip.” for the round trip.

Photo by Michelle Svetkoff

Just like 42nd: Senior Sabrina Gamig and senior Julia Tuckey dance to the song “Bright New Day.” The are dancing because Mrs. Johnston (played by senior Sarah Craft) is leaving town.

day for about three hours. But this doesn’t include all of the time outside of rehearsals required to learn speaking lines and singing lines. Wilcox said the major roles have to learn hundreds of lines both spoken and singing. “We spend,” he said, “a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of time.” Wilcox said that the acting is one aspect which makes the play very interesting. “(There is) lots of fantastic acting,” he said. “If people come they’re going to be really entertained.” The musical takes place in Liverpool, England where a poor woman,

played by senior Sarah Craft, has twins, played by senior Mike Vickers and Gerstner and must give one up one because she can not support both of them. The play goes through the two boys’ lives from the ages 7 -25 and how they interact with each other and the world around them. But this musical ending isn’t the typical boy meet girl, boy loses girl, boy ends up with girl. This musical has a twist at the end. “It’s a surprise ending,” Wilcox said. “That I don’t think you would expect in normal musical. It’s not typical.”

Student plows his way through high school Senior Kenny Knight’s job far from normal Jenny Heldt features editor

The snow blows furiously outside as senior Kenny Knight goes to bed early. He knows that he is going to receive a call in just a few hours to plow some snow. “I usually get a call between midnight and 3 a.m.,” Knight said. “Then I go to the shop, jump in my truck and plow the roads, sidewalks and parking lots.” Not many high school students plow roads for a job, and according to Knight, the hours are rough, but the pay is good because it is such a seasonal job. “Once I had to plow for 28 hours straight,” he

said. “It’s hard, but I get paid $15 an hour so it’s worth it.” Knight not only enjoys the pay, but he enjoys the plowing too. “Sometimes I drive as fast as I can (while plowing parking lots),” he said, “because I like to see how far I can push the snow.” However, sometimes Knight has trouble finding ways to entertain himself. “This one night I was plowing at K-Mart, and I was in one of the back parking lots,” he said. “When we get towards the doors of a building we are supposed to shoot the snow in the opposite direction. But this time I didn’t. “As I was driving past the door an old lady opened it up. I ended up covering her in snow, and I shot snow half way down the hallway through the door.” According to Knight, this rare form of entertainment, as well as the money, make the job worth it. But as a high school student Knight has no plans for all the money he makes. “Well, I need to buy gas, but also ... Carolyn (his girlfriend) is an expensive girl,” he said with a huge grin. “So I have to buy a lot of things for

her.” According to senior Carolyn Feldkamp, all the sweet things Knight does for her makes up for all the hours they have to be apart. “This one day Kenny had to plow from 3 a.m. to 3 p.m.,” Feldkamp said. “We watched a movie when he got home, but he ended up falling asleep because he was so tired. Then he got called again at midnight and had to go plow again.” The demanding hours Knight has to meet with all the plowing through the winter season leaves little to no time for anything else. According to Knight, this leaves homework very low on his list of priorities. “I am good at math,” he said. “So I don’t have to study, and I still do well.” As for college, Knight hasn’t ever really had to think about it. “My family is making me go to college, but my dad said he would pay for it if I go,” he said. “I want to be an operating engineer for the union.” Knight finds that math comes very easily to him so anything with math seems to be a good option. “Plus, I like using big machines and driving big vehicles,” he said. “That’s probably why I like plowing so much.”

Come to the last Battle of the Bands on May 12

Illustration by Kendall Goode

Thursday, March 24, 2005

the Squall



QSA vs. Mastodon; one is a 10 out of 10 Queens of the Stone Age in a head to head review with Mastodon Matt Gauntlet Staff writer

Queens of the Stone Age – Lullabies To Paralyze

Photo by Sarah Craft

Walkin’’ around: Instead of spending time sitting at home playing video games, senior David Ager suggests taking a stroll downtown. “Ann Arbor is usually overlooked as a form of entertainment by the average Dexter teenager,” he said.

Ann Arbor a great place to hang out David Ager Staff Writer

■Dave Ager credits Ann Arbor for being an entertaining city for anyone. From science museums to Digital Ops, U of M’s vast campus provides many options for people who want to spend their time in a fun and creative way.

With the technological advances in our society, one could assume that a plethora of entertainment options can fill our minds and provide us with a thing to do. Though society is built on television and political powers, entertainment value has increasingly gone down. With television being so bland and tasteless and movies being less than satisfying, I find that a trip into Ann Arbor is a superb way to spend the day. Ann Arbor is usually overlooked as a form of entertainment by the average Dexter teenager. It is seen as a nearby city that just exists. Kids these days just can’t appreci-

ate what is given to them. full day of a wide variety of computer Ann Arbor is filled with fun things games. Some of the more popular games to do, and this is why it rocks. are Counter The best thing to Strike and do is go to Unreal Tourmuseums, nament. Kids these days just can’t the best Venturing appreciate what is given to to this spot being the Museum with a gang them. of Natural of friends and Science. shooting each This museum is filled with dino- other in a game of Counter Strike is a saurs and cavemen, with lots of in- delectable experience. formation about our history. Going to the State Theater or the Roaming the halls of this museum Michigan Theater can also be a rewill provide a day of learning as well warding experience. as fun. These theaters usually play movDigital Ops is a place where any- ies not seen on the Quality 16 venue. one who likes computers can be enUsually the movies are good, a tertained for hours. little different than what you would This place is an underground get at a typical modern day movie computer warehouse that for a sim- theater. ple $10 on a weekday, you can play a A few movies that they have

played in the past have been THX 1138 and Hotel Rwanda which were both excellent movies. Another glorious thing to do is buying DVD’s at one of the many stores in Ann Arbor, my favorite being the Borders located on State Street. Hanging out in the Borders can be a intellectual experience if willing to soak in the atmosphere of the place. The many books are filled with thoughts and stories of many people all over the world. Ann Arbor can be pure entertainment by just walking down the streets and talking to random people, messing around with friends and enjoying the vast campus. The University of Michigan campus is a wonderful place to just relax and enjoy life. Ann Arbor is a true gem to our small town of Dexter.

Students work to create first DHS literary magazine in decade Hillary McCowen Staff Writer

who couldn’t before,” Christian said. Besides editing for content and typos, the works submitted are enLaughing and sitting in a circle, tirely original, with no additions or seven DHS students gathered to- changes made by anyone but the cregether to discuss the school’s new ator. Literary magazine, Jargon. The editing is the staff’s favorite The magazine, which was set to part of the process, giving them a come out twice this year, once at the chance to enjoy all of the student’s end of first semester and again at the works. end of second, is finally on it’s way to “The best part about Jargon,” completion. Larson said, “Is Compiling reading all of the works from all It’s a really good pieces that are genres, juniors opportunity for people submitted.” Kayla Larson, The staff, Christina Feild to get their work which is comand Jacob Yearprised of only published who gain, sophoseven students mores Jules couldn’t before. and is advised Cooch and Sarah by English -junior Sarah Christian Christian, freshteacher Deb man Ali ThomMarsh, meets sen, and senior every WednesAndy Harris day morning at work hard to put 7:00 am. together the school’s first Literary The group is working hard to Magazine in over a decade open to meet their first deadline, but due to the entire school. the fact that they have only recently From poetry to photography and received enough entries to make an art to short stories, DHS students entire magazine, they had a very late submit their own, personal contribu- start. tions to the Jargon staff. “Right now we’re just starting to “It’s a really good opportunity for put it together,” Larson said. “But people to get their work published hopefully (it will be out) soon.”



While the staff knows hard work is necessary, they know that having a good time is important too. “We’re really laid back. We just like to have fun,” Larson said. “It’s a lot of fun coming up with the set up for the magazine. I think the time when we all had the most fun was when we were trying to come up with a name.” In the end, it was Cooch that found the perfect title. Jargon: n- The special vocabulary of a particular group or activity. Though only one issue of Jargon will be coming out this year, Marsh’s plan for next year is to have both a winter and spring version. “I’m looking forward to the Literary Magazine coming out,” junior Maggie Craft said. “I’m interested to see what kind of talent we have in our school artistically.” The staff is excited about it as well and encourages everyone to buy a copy once it comes out. “We’re really looking forward to it,” Larson said. “It’s gonna be killer.”

THE JARGON IS COMING!: It’s coming out some time this Spring. Don’t forget to grab your copy. Questions? Contact teacher Deb Marsh

Photo by Hillary McCowen

Working attentively: Kayla Larson sitting next to underclassmen while working on typing her pieces she writes for Jargon.

A lot of pressure has been placed upon Queens of the Stone Age. Once co-founder/bassist Nick Oliveri left the band in 2003, many questioned if the band could achieve the same sonic glory that was their 2002 breakthrough “Songs for the Deaf”. Fortunately, vocalist/guitarist Josh Homme has once again surfaced with “Lullabies to Paralyze,” which proves that he is and always has been the anchor of the band and the true talent behind the thunder. Kicking off with the mournful “Lullaby”, sung by ex-Screaming Trees vocalist Mark Lanegan, the album veers off into numerous musical directions, some of which have never been created before. “Little Sister” is an obvious toe-tapping single, propelled by Joey Castillo’s cowbell and an undeniable chorus. However the most compelling of the tracks comes in the form of the less radio-friendly songs, namely that of “Someone’s In the Wolf,” which is a seven minute quasi-metal journey into Homme’s strange musical psyche. It is so strange, to avoid listening to it is impossible. So how does it hold up along side Queens’ previous triumphs? Astonishingly well, actually. It has just about every genre of music covered in the span of the 15 tracks, from sleazy rock (“Skin On Skin”), to blistering punk (“Everybody Knows that You’re Insane”), to psychedelic blues (“Burn the Witch”). In taking another slight turn away from the heavier side of stoner rock found on their self-titled debut, Queens of the Stone Age have forged yet another completely original and deliciously bizarre masterpiece. Rating: 9/10 Key Tracks: “Tangled up in Plaid,” “Everybody Knows That you’re Insane,” “Someone’s In the Wolf”

Mastodon – Leviathan After releasing the critically acclaimed “Remission” in 2002, Mastodon have returned with an album that sums up 30 years of rock and roll and that easily puts to shame most efforts released by modern metal bands. Amidst the sea of howled vocals and pummeling drum fills courtesy of Brann Dailor, each song is accented with nuances of melody and the truly epic riffs of guitarists Brent Hinds and Bill Kehlier. The album opens with the single “Blood and Thunder,” which sets the theme of “Moby Dick” that runs rampant through the lyrics (“split your lungs with blood and thunder/when you see the white whale”). The album continues to explore mythic beasts in the songs “Iron Tusk” and “Megalodon,” which feature mammoth-like soundscapes to compliment each tortured yell of vocalist Troy Sanders. But the most epic and profound piece comes in the form of “Hearts Alive.” The 14 minute opus begins with sounds of waves crashing and fades into quite possibly the greatest piece of progressive metal ever written. With each twist and turn of the song, the carefully constructed riffs continue to become more and more emotional until they emulate that of the human voice. Of course, there are no words that can do this album justice. To call it “metal” would be narrow minded, and to call it simply “rock” would be far too vague. To capture their sound, you’d have to imagine Metallica, Thin Lizzy, Rush and Neurosis are in a huge battle at sea. In short, this is the best album released in the past five years. Rating: 10/10 Key Tracks: “Hearts Alive,” “Seabeast,” “I Am Ahab”


the Squall


Thursday, March 24, 2005

Students tell all with their embarrassing stories Molly Brewster & Raleigh Holmes morale managers

Sophomore loses respect

Already nervous to play Pioneer High School, sophomore Rosie Lee stepped on the tennis court, racket in hand. Although never in the lead, Lee said she was happy with her play, and she felt she was giving Pioneer a challenge. “I served a couple of aces, and we had some pretty long rallies,” Lee said. “I didn’t think I was going to win, but I didn’t want the other girls to think I was horrible.” With her match almost over Lee said she wanted to give it her all. “I knew I would be happy if I tried my hardest so I really went hard after every ball,” she said. It was during one of these points that Lee experienced one of the most embarrassing moments of her life. “I was sprinting forward to get a really short, low ball,” she said.

“Somehow I tripped over my feet and racket and with all my momentum, landed flat on my face. I didn’t even touch the ball.” To add to the situation Lee was one of the last matches out on the courts, and her fall was witnessed by not only her teammates but most of the Pioneer team and both teams’ fans. “I lost the point,” Lee said. “And I think Pioneer lost their respect for me, too.

Accidental skinny-dipping

It was the middle of summer and junior Julia Keinath looked forward to a relaxing day at the pool with her cousins. “I always go to the pool with my cousins during the summer,” Keinath said. “I have met a lot of their friends at the swim club.” Everything was going as normal until Keinath took off her shorts. “When I took off my shorts, my cousin gave me a weird look,” she

said. “But I didn’t think anything of it because we joke with each other a lot.” Keinath didn’t waste any time before jumping in the pool. When she surfaced from the water, she realized her cousin was staring at her. “I asked him why he was just looking at me, and he started laughing,” she said. “It turns out I had never changed out of my underwear into my swimsuit bottoms, but I got into the pool too quickly for my cousin to tell me.” As soon as Keinath realized what she had done, she tried to come up with a plan to get out of the pool. “I had my cousin bring a towel to the edge of the pool,” she said. “But then I realized the situation couldn’t get any more embarrassing, so I just jumped out and wrapped up. It was a long time before I went back to the pool with them.”

Golf not a safe sport

Rain poured down but freshman

Hunter Lyons refused to choke under pressure. He was playing one of the final holes in a Power built golf tournament and needed to do well if he wanted to place in the top five golfers. “I had kind of had a rough day already,” he said. “I was having a hard time concentrating with the weather.” Lyons teed up ready to hit a long drive. “I knew my head wasn’t really in the game,” he said. “I wanted to do well, but I also just wanted to get the day over with.” His shot didn’t go as expected. “After I hit the ball, the golf club slipped out of my hands,” Lyons said. “I lost grip on it and it flew and hit one of the onlookers.” Although the onlooker was not seriously hurt, Lyons said he was still embarrassed. “If I was already having a hard time golfing, that made it even worse,” he said. “I felt really bad. I ended up shooting an 11 on that hole.”

Full moon on Tiger Stadium

As senior Dave Birmingham walked into Tiger Stadium he was exhausted from partying the night before but excited to watch the game. Birmingham attended the game with his brothers and soon to be brother-in-law to celebrate his sister’s engagement. He and his brothers had it arranged for the groom to be put on the big screen and have the stadium congratulate him. They waited impatiently until the game was almost over and finally they were all on the big screen. “When I saw that we were finally up on the screen, I just started going wild,” he said. “I was jumping around and yelling. Then my brother pantsed me in front of thousands of people.” Birmingham now laughs about the events that happened at the baseball game. “I was really embarrassed at the time,” he said. “But now I realize it was pretty funny.”

photo by Molly Brewster

Oh my God: Freshman Hunter Lyons was thoroughly embarrassed when his golf club flew out of his hand one rainy day and ended up hitting an onlooker.

Shalimar a fine place to eat Christina Field photography manager

The smell of curry, the warm lighting, the Indian tapestries, the Hindu paintings, the comfortable booths lining the walls and the kitchen to the left with their wellknown Tandoor oven all help establish the atmosphere of Shalimar, an Indian restaurant on Washington Street in Ann Arbor. Shalimar’s quiet booths or tables align in the center of the restaurant. Their menu has a range of items from salads and soups to lamb, seafood, chicken and beef dishes as well as Indian ice creams and vegetarian meals. Most of the dishes tend to be spicy due to the curry. Someone who is not a fan of the hot stuff, could eat a salad, which has a dressing that is cool, smooth and has very well balanced spices. Raita, a creamy sauce with cucumbers and carrots, can be eaten with rice. The bread at Shalimar is absolutely delicious. Naan is thick and a little more buttery (priced at $1.35 a basket) and pantha is whole wheat bread that’s layered and flaky ($2 a basket). A couple popular dishes are the Chicken Masalas – either the Murgh Tikka Masala ($12.95) served with onions, tomatoes, herb and a delicious sauce, or the Balti Murgh Masala ($13.95) with a special Balti Pot sauce. Other tasty chicken dishes are the Murgh Makhni and Murgh Hyderabad, which is a boneless chicken tikka with a creamy white sauce of poppy seed and cashew nuts. An adventurous person could try the super hot chickpea dish. The Mughlai Murg Biryani takes a nip at the tongue as well. For people not so used to hot food, these plates can be a tearjerker. Basmati rice can be eaten universally with everything. Try it with any of the Biryanis : vegetable, chicken, shrimp or lamb. However, watch out for the bones in the lamb. Drinks include pop, wine, Indian beer or anything from the small bar or a must-have lassi. Coming in flavors of mango and strawberry, lassis are a thicker drink made with yogurt and milk and resemble a smoothie. They are perfect with Indian food, for they are very refreshing and cool the mouth well after eating spicy food. Shalimar has many Indian customers but also attracts a wide range of people. The busiest time of day is dinner time. So diners are advised to make reservations especially for a Friday or Saturday night. For a quieter, cheaper option, a lunch buffet is offered every day ending at 3 p.m. It costs $8.95 person. Also, carry out is available at (734) 663-1500. To end the meal on a perfect note, invest in a dessert, especially the ice creams. The Gajjar Halwa for $3.95 is a dessert made with carrot, milk pudding and nuts. The specialty is Kulfi Falooda, an Indian ice cream with pistachios, nuts and sweet noodles. This one is guaranteed satisfaction. With a great atmosphere, kind staff, and impeccable food, it is hard to pass up Shalimar.

THE SENIOR DVD “A once in a lifetime experience captured on a format that will last forever.” Includes:

- Graduation Ceremony (Three angles) - Alphabetical name selection (ex. A-C, D-F, etc.) - Approx. 20-30 minutes of student/ teacher interviews - Squall PDF’s on DVD-ROM - Approx. price: $36.00 - Contact Cory Woolf to pre-order your copy today - If you would like to be a featured student/ teacher contact: Via email: corywoolf@gmail.com Via Cell Phone: 734-709-4848

Reduce your fat intake: Next time you want to go for a burger, consider Indian food instead. Your body will be happier.

THE MARS VOLTA May 15, 2005 At the State Theater in Detroit All seats $25 Tickets available at www.ticketmaster.com

Down the street: Instead of walking by Indian restaurant Shalimar, give it a try. It is located on Washington St.. In Ann Arbor.

█Shalimar’s quiet booths and absolutely delicious food make it a fine place to eat.

Yummy: This is one of Shalimar’s best dishes. It consists of Naan, Rita, and Lamb Curry.

Random vandalism strikes against students Crime spree has hurt many students including juniors John Smart, Josh Anderson Kyle Muse news editor

It was close to five in the morning. In the silence of the night, came the sound of busting glass that no one would hear. It wouldn’t be until the next morning that junior John Smart and Josh Anderson leave their friend’s house in Loch Alpine to see the final result of the criminal’s artwork. As Anderson left his friend’s house to leave for work, he noticed

something completely different about his car. “All the windows were bashed in and had holes in it, like someone had taken a hammer to it,” he said. “I ran inside and told Johnny, but he didn’t believe me. He thought I was kidding.” Smart never expected something like this to happen. “I was completely taken back, I didn’t understand why someone would do this,” Smart said. Both Smart and Anderson had liability insurance, which only covers the people riding in the car with insurance money. So the money to fix the cars had to come out of their own pockets. “Mine was estimated at $1400, but I ended up getting a new truck instead,” Smart said. Anderson wasn’t as lucky as Smart.

Photo by Christina Field

“Unlike Johnny, I got mine fixed. It was around $1300 for new windows and to fix everything else that went wrong.” “I find it kind of weird that they bashed in my windows and wrecked my car but didn’t take anything from inside. Everything was how it was before.” Anderson and Smart weren’t the only victims of vandalism that night though. “There were around five cars that got the windows knocked out,” Sgt. Brian Filipiak from the Dexter Station said. “There was also a car stolen that was used to damage mailboxes.” He said the car that was stolen was a 1993 Mitsubishi S.U.V. and was flipped into a ditch after the escapade. The car itself was discovered before it was even reported by the owners.

“The car was stolen from Barton Hills and knocked the mailboxes down on Joy Road and eventually ran into a cement fence and flipping it into the ditch,” Filipiak said. “We are not completely sure, but we think that these might all be connected to the same suspect. It was at least two people, I would say young adults.” Filipiak is unsure as of right now if drugs and alcohol played a part in the crime spree, but he said it is possible. Although Filipiak could not release names. He did, however, say that they have suspects that they will be investigating. For Anderson, the incident is anything but over. “There is a $500 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of whoever did it,” Anderson said.

Photo by Kyle Muse

Not your average windshield: Junior Johnny Smart’s windshield suffered many cracks from a recent spate of vandalism. The rest of the windows in his car were all completely smashed in and there was glass covering the inside of his car.

Q: What has your favorite vacation been so far? A: Going to the Hamptons and seeing all of the celebrities.

a little more SQUALL

Jessica Ceccolini, sophomore

March 24, 2005



A spring break adventure to remember for a lifetime

Beginning artists get their shot at the real thing

To grant grandma’s wish, Ceccolini family takes to the sea Hilary McCown & Jennifer Allen

copy editor and circulation manager

Image from http://www.amazon.com

Samantha Harris entertainment editor

When sophomore Jessica Ceccolini’s grandmother was diagnosed with cancer in 1990, she was given only one month to live. With so little time left, her grandmother made a wish list. On this list were several things such as seeing her grandchildren graduate and get married and attend the Mothers Day Brunch at the Barton Hills Country Club. And while Ceccolini’s family can’t control how quickly the kids grow up, they can control other things on their grandmother’s wish list, like going to the Exuma Islands. Now in her grandmother’s last days, her family has been working hard to make her last few wishes come true. Ceccolini visits her grandmother every two or three weeks in her home in Florida. And while many students are either planning the usual trip down to Florida or a relaxing week on the couch, Ceccolini’s family has bigger plans. Ceccolini, along with her parents, two brothers, grandparents, grandmother’s caretaker, aunt, uncle and cousins, plans to start her Spring Break trip with an overnight stay at her grandmother’s house in Florida. Then they, along with the captain of her grandfather’s 80 foot boat, plan to island hop in the Exuma Islands which are composed of 365 islands and cays (small islands), stretching over 120 miles. The captain was in charge of planning the actual course of the journey based on activities the Ceccolini family wanted to do, like snorkeling. “I’m pretty psyched,” Ceccolini said. “I love dolphins, and I’ll get to swim with them while I’m there.” Towards the end of the trip, Ceccolini’s family plans to spend a few days at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. The Ceccolini family has gone on other exciting trips over the years too. “Last summer we went to the Hamptons for two weeks and New York,” Ceccolini said. “We got to see the stock exchange. I met Paris Hilton, her dad, Sarah Jessica Parker and Jerry Seinfield. That was pretty cool.” While the family has had plenty of interesting vacations, Ceccolini is particularly excited about this one. “Usually we go to Florida and travel around the Keys,” she said. “We’ve gone to Aspen and the Olympics, Alaska and Beverly Hills, but this one’s the big one. I’m pretty excited.”

Hoppin’: Sophomore Jessica Ceccolini relaxes in the sun with her mother and grandmother on her grandfather’s boat in Florida over President’s Day weekend. This year, the Ceccolini family plans to take the same boat island hopping though the Exuma Islands in the Bahamas during spring break. photo courtesy of Jessica Ceccolini

Photo illustration by Mike Vickers

Basketball themes increase school spirit Molly Brewster morale manager

Dressed in spandex, leg warmers and her hair in a side pony tail, sophomore Kerry Brower entered the gymnasium for the Dexter vs. Adrian men’s basketball game. Many students were dressed in 80’s style clothing based on the theme of the basketball game. “Dressing up for basketball games makes going more fun,” Brower said. “I like to show off my outfits and see what other people are wearing.” Brower is one of the many students who have attended basketball games, as well as participate in the many themes of the game: Beach Night, Cabela’s night, Halloween night, a black out and a white out. Student council president and senior Ryan Bruder was the man behind the idea. “At first there weren’t that many

kids doing it,” he said about students dressing up for basketball games. “But once people saw others were doing it, they got into it and realized it was fun. “It gives people a chance to be creative with outfits and has led to a big increase in school spirit.” Being on a sports team, Bruder said he knows how good it is to have fans come to the home games, so he did his best to encourage others to show pride for the teams. “I started with suggesting a white out because that is something easy to participate in,” he said. “From then on I got ideas from the basketball team and fellow students.” With new ideas coming up by the minute, Bruder posted signs around school before the basketball game against rival Chelsea. “I knew that if we had a good, loud student section it would help our guys play,” he said. “After the game (basketball coach

Randy Swoverland) told me that he liked the crowd, and we should continue it.” Bruder said he thinks this year’s school spirit has been at an all time high. “People seem to be getting more into school related activities,” he said. “The Coming Home pep assembly was the most I’ve seen the crowd get into any pep assembly in a long time. It was pretty cool.” Bruder said activities like the pep assembly get the entire school involved, and when activities like that go well it gets more of the school excited about being a student and a part of the school. “School spirit isn’t just about sports,” he said. “It’s important because people need to take pride in our school. “We have great opportunities here, and a great school and staff that I think a lot of people take for granted.”

Ever since eighth grade I’ve been curious about a specific Rock School that has helped many talented musicians get on their feet and into the music industry. It seems almost impossible to enter the realm of the music industry these days, considering all the big business that controls how “talent” is viewed by society. I ended up storing away a brochure I had printed off the Internet three years ago, realizing that I probably wouldn’t stick with playing the guitar. Recently I stumbled across the information as I was cleaning out my room and decided that I needed to pursue this career after sticking with this hobby for all of these years. My mother had been pestering me with what my plans and intentions were for this summer. She didn’t want me wasting my summer hanging out with my friends from Dexter. I made somewhat of a compromise. I’d spend over a week in Chicago practicing and recording the music that I’ve written over the years. It is something I’m really excited for and at the same time it satisfies my mother. Located only in Los Angeles and Chicago, The Power Chord Academy has been stepping amateur musicians up to the plate with well over a 100 years of combined experience. Many teenagers from 12-18 years old will attend the sessions this summer and will stay in nearby dorm rooms. Recording their own CD’s, making music videos and possibly getting their own record deals are just some of the highlights that the students get to experience at the camp. After playing the guitar since seventh grade, I decided I would make something out of all those guitar lessons and equipment I spent money on. Ever since I was little, I’ve been taking music lessons, whether it was guitar, piano (which lasted five years or so) or alto sax. Music is my life, and it is how I express myself when words cannot. Music is something that the entire world can relate to, and I find that so beautiful. Such a simple thing that connects us all together. At Power Chord Academy students experience an intense week of music composition training, stage presence, improving song writing skills and jamming with a mystery guest. Every week at Power Chord Academy there is a famous band that visits the students and jams out a concert for the entire camp. Students get down time with the band, ask questions and hang out. The “Mystery Guest” varies from famous bands that have been on MTV to more remote bands. The Power Chord Academy experience is an amazing chance for amateur musicians to be discovered. Out of the six billion humans who roam this earth, there has to be more talented people than Britany Spears and N*sync. Power Chord Academy goes through the weeding out process and offers record deals with Virgin and Sony Records, if the musicians meet the expectations. Although the price may seem outrageous for many, around $1,500 and up, “the experience is well worth it,” according to the many students who have written testimonials about their time at Power Chord Academy. I can’t wait. Pumpin’ it up: Student Council President Ryan Bruder gets students’ school spirit going at the Dexter vs. Chelsea basketball game on February 25. Seniors Kara Hubbard and Beth Drago, along with sophomores Sean King, Andrew Martain and Kriss Petrovskis all dressed in white for the theme “White Out” to support the Dreads.



the Squall

Friday, March 24, 2005

Signs of corruption seen in administration? Kendall Goode photo manager

Standing in the dark parking structure alone on that cold evening, I waited for what I hoped would be a decent source. Earlier in the day I received a phone call telling me to meet him or her, I couldn’t tell which, at this spot at midnight. It was now five after, and I’d been standing there for an hour. Finally I heard footsteps and the dark figure approached with a package in hand. Speaking softly and quickly, he told me that we were being watched. Our meeting was cut short when

Thoughts of an emo kid a car drove toward us. Before he ran off into the shadows, I heard him say that the administration’s corruption went much deeper than I ever would know. My suspicions were correct. We had been seeing the signs since the beginning of the year. The constant changes in the principals, assistant principals and even higher up seem to come without warning: the problems with our budget and the sudden discovery of a million dollars. The withholding of information. And we weren’t the only ones who saw what was going on. On Feb. 7 Noreen Wolcott, a parent, addressed the Board of Edu-

cation. Wolcott made many points during the meeting concerning the side stepping of issues and questions made by community members. “What are you so afraid to share with us and why?” she said. Many students and parents share the curiosity of what this administration is keeping from us. While trying to dig up information on potential shady actions, I came to many bumps in the road, metaphorically speaking. Some stories include misplaced or lost e-mails and difficulties retrieving information for other stories in The Squall. It is unknown how many of these stories are true, but it’s obvious that something is going on within the system.

With our budget problems, why must we have two assistant principals? I understand one assistant, but two? We complain about budget problems but keep them both on staff. This isn’t to say that I dislike these administrators as people, but I would like to know what use we have of them. Principal Pat Little said, “There are over 1000 students, and we need the administrators for management, event supervision, curricular happenings, and cooperation with teachers.” I was informed that we have only two and one third principals. That leaves our school with one principal to every 450 students. After learning that information I understood the need much better.

Little didn’t have any specific response to the questions about Mrs. Wolcott and problems with the board, but he said that The Community Observer would be covering it. Along with the use of the many interesting positions we have available, why has the district been so hard-pressed at keeping a person in one position? We’ve gone through a plethora of principals, vice principals and superintendents in the past three years. “Every district has periods of instability and stability. The average superintendent has the job for three and a half years,” Little said. Are these changes the normal thing that goes on in every school, or is there something else going

on? Over the years, we have seen many great ruling systems fall into darkness. Nixon Administration The showed how corrupt our leaders can be and the lengths someone will go to achieve power. The Republic became the Evil Empire when Chancellor Palpatine turned to the dark side and called forth to create a Galactic Empire. No matter how long ago or in what galaxy far, far away that occurred, we must address the concept of learning from our mistakes. Mistakes have been made, and we must learn from them before they consume us, our ideas and what little hope we may have left in a decent school system.

Service at Jackson Road Long John Silvers/KFC disappoints this diner T. J. Larosa staff writer

Photo by Christina Field

No where to go: A homeless man sits in Nichol’s Arcade in downtown Ann Arbor. Christina Field and her sister befriended some homeless with money and conversation on a recent afternoon. Field believes everyone can give a little more and receive love in return.

Homeless benefit from giving spirit Christina Field photo manager

Walking down State Street in Ann Arbor, my sister and I rushed down the street holding ourselves to keep warm in the 20-degree weather. At our brisk pace, we passed a homeless man across from Starbucks in a nook between buildings. My sister stopped abruptly and took a step back, recognizing the man. “Hey Danny,” my sister said. “How ya doin’?” The 38-year-old black man sat cross-legged, wearing old tennis shoes, black pants, a leather jacket and a hat that covered his hands. “Things are OK,” Danny said. “Just trying to get some money so me and John can get a hotel tonight.” “Is John around anywhere?” my sister asked. “Yeah, he’s sittin’ over there in Starbucks,” Danny said. “He’s not doing so good. He got pneumonia out here. He got to the hospital OK, but they just let him stay the night, then kicked him right outta there the next morning.” He shrugged with a concerned face, rubbing his hands together in an effort to keep them warm. “Damn, is he OK?” my sister asked. “I … I dunno,” Danny said. “It’s just been so cold. That’s why I

Oreos rock my socks want to get us a hotel.” “How much do you have so far?” Danny pulled out some dollar bills from his pocket and a few coins and counted them. “About … 15.” “How much do you need?” “55.” “Well, here, I have a bit,” my sister said taking out a $10 bill from her purse. And I dug my hand into mine as well and gave him $10. Danny’s face lit up as he took the money. He smiled the most genuine smile I’ve ever seen. “Bless you,” Danny said, with a smile still across his face. “Ya know, I’ve been sitting here for awhile just praying, asking God to help me out today to get me and my brother to the hotel … and here you guys come.” Danny then said sometimes when he sits out to collect money, people will throw things at him or yell at him, saying that he’s just some crazy drug addict. He then told how police officers sometimes badger him and John. “They’ll yell at us and everything and I’ll be like, ‘Why are you after us? I mean, there’s people around here doing crack cocaine…’ Why don’t they go after them? ” I couldn’t imagine being outside all day. I’d begun to shiver in only 20 minutes. My sister excused us and said that we were going to check on John. While we searched for him, I asked my sister how Danny became homeless. She told me that Danny

grew up in a poor family. The family’s house burned down and then a couple years later Danny’s mother died. His older sister moved into low-income housing in Jackson. And she is only given enough living space for herself and is not allowed to have another live with her. This left Danny in a tough situation and he became homeless. We found John in the stairwell of Starbucks smoking a cigarette. He stood, at the age of 42, wearing blue snow pants and a thick long sleeved shirt. There was stubble on his face, and he didn’t look healthy. He shook as he lifted the cup of tea to his mouth and the occasional puff of smoke. He greeted us with a raspy hello. My sister introduced me, and he shook my hand and nodded with a weak smile. He asked what we were up to. “We’ve been running some errands, and we ran into Danny over there and thought we’d say hi. Danny said you went to the hospital?” “Yep,” John said slowly and took a sip of tea with a trembling hand. “They didn’t let me stay long. In fact, they sent me out, but I vomited as soon as I took a step back outside, and they then took me in. Made me leave the day though and gave me three pills.” He ran a hand through his silver hair and was quiet for awhile. We talked for a bit more and as we left my sister told John she would not see him for awhile since she would be studying abroad in Argentina. She wished him the best. His face

brightened, and he expressed how excited he was for her and told her to take care. We walked outside, and I asked my sister how much money she had left. She found five dollars, and I took out my money. We had enough. We walked back to Danny. “Hey there again!” he said happily. We tell him about our visit with John and how he didn’t look so good, and Danny agreed. My sister and I looked at each other and I burrowed my hand into my pocket told and took out the money, giving him his $55. Danny’s jaw dropped and he exclaimed, “What!?” He looked at us in disbelief. “What are you doin’ man? That’s a lot of money you’ve given me today. Are you sure about this?” We reassured him and he said “Well, hell!! I’m outta here! I’m all done with this. I’ll go grab John. God bless you guys, God bless!” At that moment, a car drove by carrying four teenage boys. “Don’t give him any money!” they shouted. They honked the horn and laughed as the car squealed as they took the corner faster than necessary. Danny looked a bit frustrated but stayed silent, shaking his head a little. My sister and I didn’t care. We knew the money would really help them. “Really, thank you so much guy. This will really help my brother out,” Danny said, all lit up. With a friendly wave, he jogged across the street to get John.

As soon as I got out of car, I could smell the aroma of deep fried goods from the parking lot. This wasn’t a normal fast food smell though. This Long John Silvers/ KFC restaurant had a distinct scent, separating it from stores like McDonald’s, Burger King and Wendy’s. Entry to this freshly constructed building seemed unconventional and inconvenient. There was a sidewalk that paralleled a brick wall, about four feet wide. The door was placed at the end of the walk, and I saw a few problems with this. For one, at full potential, the door blocks the entire sidewalk. Also, if there were people trying to enter and exit at the same time, confrontations could arise. Once I got inside, I felt a warm breeze on my face. Whether it was steam from the fryers or warm air from the heater, I do not know. But it felt nice. I like dat. Before I got in a line of about six people, I studied the menu, pen in my hand, food on my mind. Combo meals from KFC ranged from $3.44 to $5.49, while Long John Silver’s meals ranged from $2.44 to $5.44. What I found ironic is that Long John Silver’s had a chicken section. Once I was ready to order, I stepped up to a confused looking, middleaged man named Joshua. He took my order of a Popcorn Chicken meal ($5.50), and a “Treasure Chest” kids meal from Long John Silver’s ($4.15). I immediately noticed a mistake on my order when I only received one cup. Seeing how I was by myself, I didn’t mind this. Without commenting to Joshua about my lack of cuppage, I headed over the drink station. As soon as I set my cup down of the stainless steel surface, I was disappointed once again. As I went to lift up my cup, it refused to go. I realized that the problem was that there was an excessive amount of solidified corn syrup that was holding on to the cup. Someone obviously hadn’t cleaned this is in a while. It was pretty nasty. After waiting eight minutes to get my food, I went to go find a place to sit down and eat. One side of the dining area had a KFC theme, with red patent leather seats and KFC banners and advertisements. Much to my surprise, the opposing side had a blue Long John Silver’s theme with matching seats and

1337 5AUC3 banners and advertisements. After going zero for five on finding a somewhat clean table, I called it quits and retired at a chair in the back of the Long John Silver’s area. I had to return all the way back to the front counter to collect the food items that Joshua and his co-workers had forgotten to give me in a haze of consumer complaints. At the time I went to go notify them of the mistake, several other people had the same issues. One of the workers blamed it on the computers, but I agreed with another customer when he asked the young employee, “Well, how many people do you have working back there?” There were four people working on the completely visible food line. The lack of on-duty employees could possibly a root cause of the problems they were having at 5 p.m. Saturday. I finally sat down to eat my food, and overall, it did not disappoint me. I opened the popcorn chicken, which was filled to the top, hot and juicy. I knew they would be able to at least get the KFC part right, because many of the employees are former KFC Jackson Road employees. Instead of the normal KFC potato wedges, I received Long John fries. The fries tasted like fish. This is bad, straight up. I later found out that the same deep fryers were used for chicken and fish. Nasty. As I finished my popcorn chicken meal, satisfied, I proceeded on to my Treasure Chest, still with a little bit of room left of my gargantuan stomach capacity. My appetite began to die upon opening of the chest. I first started on the hush puppies appetizer, which to my amazement, was also deep fried. I swear these people are just trying to skyrocket my cholesterol level. Anyway the hush puppies were all right. How good can anyone make fried bread taste? I then moved on to the fish fries. Now for the daring part. I began to eat the fast seafood. And it was great. I was pretty disappointed with most of the other parts of my experience, but this fish made up for it. This is strange because I really don’t like fish at all. So next time you’re in the mood for fish, this is where you need to make a stop. All in all, the restaurant seems as though it is set up to be a nicer, more comfortable environment for fast food. The employees just don’t appreciate this idea.

Let’s learn from the district and make money with a parking fee Seth Porinsky staff writer

A night on the town

As I strolled home from church last Sunday morning, my father’s sermon still fresh on my mind, I began to debate our church’s poor financial status. With the economic situation of the synod diminishing and our upcoming building project, it would be useful to earn an extra buck for the church. Schemes played through my head, all to my dismay. Eventually some-

one turned on the light bulb. Yes, that was it. What if we charged our members a small fee to park in the lot? After all, it’s not as if they can park anywhere else, and who can’t afford a small annual fee somewhere in the realm of $50? While weighing the pros and pros of my master plan, it dawned on me that I wouldn’t even have to pay because the parking lot was my driveway. A second thought raced through my head: maybe we would have to pay extra because we technically had four cars in the lot. The solution: Administrators won’t have to pay. Anyone who holds a position in the congregation higher

than a member would be given a sep- my church’s firm belief in evangelizarate lot where they might park. ing. I decided that visitors shouldn’t The main focus of concern was be required to pay the parking fee how church members would take and would be granted spots in the front of the lowly this proposal. members’ lot. Personally, I They would thought it was To put a roadblock in the way be designated a small price to of their learning would seem pay in exchange “visitor,” and any for the plowing church memas bone headed as requiring and shoveling ber who failed every new member to receive to yield their that takes place a swift kick to the pants. after a heavy spot for a visitor snow. I can rewould be immecall more than diately towed. one occasion In any case, we where the labor of the snow shovel- didn’t want to scare the newcomers ing was placed on my family’s shoul- off. ders, so I saw no need that we should How would this new system be have to pay. enforced? This was a tough quesThen I thought about visitors and tion for me to tackle. However, after consulting my father on the matter,

we hastily decided we would need a police officer on stand-by. Perhaps one could be spared from Dexter’s immense force for just Sunday mornings as the peasants rolled into the lot one by one. If one member was found without a giant tag, he would be removed from the premises. As for the passes, they would have to be somewhat perceptible and obvious so that even the poorest of eyesight could detect a fraud. We didn’t want members pirating their own passes and passing them off as real ones. The passes could hang from the rearview mirror and be really ridiculously large so as to impair the vision of the driver. Wait, back up the train. I just thought of a flaw in this plan: mem-

bers pay our bills don’t they? Their earnings go into the offering plate every Sunday already, do they not? Indirectly, their tax dollars help to fund the work we do. So can we really charge them extra? Another blemish in the plan emerged: didn’t we want to spread the word of God? Was it not our Godgiven task to educate the public? To put a roadblock in the way of their learning would seem as bone headed as requiring every new member to receive a swift kick to the pants. Although faults began to puncture the surface of my cunning get-rich-ina-jiffy plot, I still have it in the back of my mind. I guess we’ll have to develop a new plan for resurrecting our church’s poor economic state. What about a car wash?

Thursday, March 24, 2005


the Squall





More recycling options needed

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Sarah Craft MANAGING EDITOR: Michelle Svetkoff

Walking through the lunch room between 11 and 12:30 on weekdays, we find students eating lunch bought at the school on styrofoam lunch trays and drinking from styrofoam cups. We find salads individually packaged in heavy plastic containers and plastic pop bottles that will more likely be thrown in the trash after use. Strolling through classrooms, we notice the absence of recycling bins for plastic containers such as pop bottles. In short, Dexter High School does not have enough outlets for recycling materials. It is not that the school is held responsible for not recycling or being environmentally safe, but with the number of people using disposable products, we think they should be. The school could make exorbitant profits just from the bottle returns on pop bottles. But this is not just about profit. It is about the needless waste of recyclable materials on a grander scale. Each day over 1000 people eat lunch in the cafeteria. Think how much waste that produces. Think about the styrofoam trays and cups that will sit in a landfill for the next 100 years. That cannot be the most environmentally safe method of serving to the masses. However, the school does pride itself in recycling paper once a week, as National Honor Society students go from class to class collecting the gigantic amount of paper that is used each day. This is a good step, but we can do more. By setting up plastic recycling containers in classrooms and in the lunchroom, the school is not only helping the environment, but also cashing in on the return of pop bottles, something that is used to a large degree every day. The re-introduction of paper cups instead of the non-biodigradable styrofoam currently used would be a large measure in making the school more cognizant of the environmental world outside the district. It wouldn’t be a laborious task to set up more recycling bins, and we are sure that it would be for the benefit of both the environment and the school.

EDITORS FEATURES: Jenny Heldt ENTERTAINMENT: Samantha Harris NEWS: Kyle Muse OPINIONS: Thomas Leonard PHOTO: Brandon Mayotte and Teri Chiado SPORTS: Lee Hoggard DESIGN: Mike Vickers COPY: Hilary McCown

MANAGERS BUSINESS: Stephanie Rushlow MORALE: Raleigh Holmes and Molly Brewster PHOTO: Christina Field and Kendall Goode CIRCULATION: Jennifer Allen and Sara Newell

STAFF WRITERS David Ager TJ LaRosa Daniel Monson Seth Porinsky Jonathan Williamson Robert Kuzon Matt Gauntlett illustration by Jared Myers

AD DESIGNER: Eric Wilkinson CARTOONIST: Jared Myers ADVISER: Rod Satterthwaite


The Squall is distributed monthly to 1,083 students and reaches an estimated 4,332 people with each issue. The Squall is printed by The Owosso Argus in Owosso, MI and is produced by the third hour newspaper class.


The Squall is an open forum for student expression. It accepts letters to the editor from any and all concerned parties. The Squall reserves the right to screen and/or edit any and all letters for inappropriate content and length. All letters must be signed. Requests to remain anonymous will be considered by the editorial board.


Requests for advertisements can be called into the Business Manager at 424-4240 x7407. Ads must be called in at least two weeks prior to the issue’s publication, which is at the end of each month.

E-MAIL letters@thesquall.com WEB SITE www.thesquall.com

Dreads in the hall Do you think the district could improve its recycling habits and be more environmentally friendly?

Jonathan Jenkins, freshman “Yes, because I know a lot of kids that just throw away things like magazines because they donʼt know if it can be recycled or not and teachers donʼt enforce (recycling) a lot.”

Jessie Vickers, sophomore “I think they do a pretty good job because there are a lot of buckets in the classrooms and signs on the buckets telling kids to recycle.”

Marshall Simons, junior

Casey Flowers, senior

Matt Martello, teacher

“Yes, because thereʼs no need to fill up landfills with Styrofoam.”

“Yes, because the district is wasteful in a lot of ways such as the amount of paper used and pop bottles not being recycled at lunch.

“Yes, I think one way the district could become more environmentally friendly is to not use such a large quantity of paper for conferences.”


the Squall


Thursday, March 24, 2005

Girls soccer revs up for season Lady Dreads hope to regain their SEC and district title through the help of upcoming underclassmen Lee Hoggard staff writer

Photo by Jon Williamson

Scrummin’ it up:Juniors Eric Boren, Marshal Simons and freshman Mike Swager, members of the Dexter Rugby Club The Dexter Devils, engage in a scrum during practice. The team, which is new this year, hopes to have a successful first season, “I hope the season turns out well,” Simons said.

Rugby arises in rural areas The notoriously rough game of rugby comes to Dexter with the help of junior Marshal Simons Jonathan Williamson staff writer Rugby has been described as the bone crushing hits of football, and the fanes and momentum of soccer. Originating in England, this game has now made its way across the Atlantic to Dexter. Captain and founder of the Dexter rugby team Marshal Simons said he is very excited about the team. “I’m really pleased with the turn out it seems like it’s going to be a really good first season,” he said. Simons isn’t the only one who is exited about the future of ruby in Dexter. According to Simons, the team has experienced turnouts of 30-40 people. “Rugby is the ultimate mans sport,” junior Ben Stark said. The team will be facing of against other schools like Brighton, who

in 2002 won the title of state rugby Junior Paul Javavick said, “Somechampions. times the game can look like a free Simons said they will be playing for all, but when you start to learn it three or four regular season games you realize its really complex.” and at least one tournament called Because rugby is not yet a school the Michigan Cup. sport, the team is dealing with the Simons said he is looking forward fund raising on their own. to playing in the cup. T h e y “It’s really will be sellthe best rugby ing T-shirts tournament in with their the mid west,” bold slogan he said. “We are We are really com“S upport really exited to your local ing together and the get to play in it.” hooker” on Simons said kids are picking up the back. the Michigan Simons the game quickly ... Cup will be said they will starting the also be havI hope the season weekend after ing a bake turns out real well. spring break, sale which and the team inwill take -Marshall Simons, vites all of Dexplace during junior ter’s students to lunch and come support feature tons the team. of delectable More pressitems. ing for the team Rugby is their first game which will take may be a rough sport but undauntplace Mar.ch 24 against Washtenaw. ed by the potential physical danger Simons has high hopes for the the team is still optimistic about the team. coming season and the future of rug“We are really coming together by here at all. and kids are picking the game up Simons said, “I hope the season quickly,” he said. turns out real well.”

How to score Try: Similar to a touchdown, except the ball carrier must get the ball into the opponent’s end zone and touch the ground. Conversion: After a try, the scoring team can get two additional points by kicking the ball through the opponet’s uprights and above the crossbar. Drop Goal: At almost any time during the game, any player can attempt to kick the ball through the opponent’s uprights. Penalty Kick: After a penalty, a player attempts to kick the ball through the opponent’s uprights

information from www.princetonacrugby.com

Michigan womens soccer team for six years from 1996-2001. He also was head coach of KalAs junior Kelly Hughes runs down amazoo College, where his women’s the basketball court at a preseason team made two NCAA appearances workout for the women’s soccer in his tenure there from 1990-1995. team, she knows there is much work Forrester also started coaching the to be done so that they can be ready mens soccer team this year. for the upcoming season. “The main difference between “I know it’s going to take a lot of Coach Forrester and our previous work, but I coaches has to think if we can be discipline,” work hard and senior Matt get in shape,” Glahn said. she said. Glahn said The challenge that “We will be that Forrester the girls have that in great shape came in this to make a run year and got is unique to their for the SEC the team much season is that there and district more discichampionship plined, which are a lot of games this year.” made a big difin a short period ference. Like in all “The swear of time with their sports after rule is a pera team wins fect example,” season starting the a championhe said. “If you ship, there is swore at pracan added prestice, you had to -Coach Scott sure next year run.” Forrester to repeat. But ForrestSenior Lauer’s discipline ren Parin said paid off when with the loss of he lead the explosive scormens team to er Lindsey Davis, who graduated last an SEC and a district championship year, the team will need some help in this fall. the forward spots this season. Forrester acknowledged that the “We have a lot of underclassmen women’s team is pretty young this coming out this year,” Parin said. “I year. However he also knows that think they will give us some much this year’s group is a very talented needed help at the forward spots.” bunch of girls. Since many of last year’s defense “The challenge that the girls have players are still on the varsity team, that is unique to their season is that senior Kim Evanski said she thinks there are a lot of games in a short pethe team’s defense will be especially riod of time with their season starting strong this year. the first day they return from Spring “What few seniors we have are for Break,” he said. the most part defensive players, so With an established veteran dewe will be pretty strong in that area,” fense and a young group of hungry Evanski said. forwards, Forrester said this year’s But the powerful defense won’t be women’s team will look to win the all the team has to look forward to. SEC and get back to the district finals With the incoming players and even once again. a new head coach, Scott Forrester, And the lady Dreadnaughts are up Evanski thinks the varsity team will to the challenge of defending their be successful. title. He said, “I feel we can defend Forrester has an extensive back- both the SEC and district championground in soccer. He was the as- ships of last year and carry on into sistant coach for The University of regionals.”

Scannell looks to improve his physique Stephanie Rushlow staff writer The 80 pound dumbbells clanked as they hit the ground at Outback gym. Senior Richie Scannell wiped the sweat from his hands and began another set of curls. As a beginner to weight lifting, Scannell said he’s impressed with his gains already. “My dad used to lift weights every day,” Scannell said. “He would get up at five in the morning and go to the gym in Detroit and then go to work.” “I remember he would always ask if I wanted to lift with him when I was younger, but I never really got into it. I didn’t know much about lifting.” However, Scannell discovered what his father liked about lifting weights when he bought a pass to the

Outback gym in Dexter. “I bought a pass in June, but I really wasn’t serious about going until October,” he said. “And I chose to go to the Outback because of its location. It’s close to my house and because there really isn’t anyone ever there, I can get in and use a machine right away.” Now that Scannell has started to work out on a daily basis he said he has noticed a difference in his health and the way he feels about himself. “Well, when you first start lifting you see results right away, but after sometime it starts to level out,” he said. “Lifting has made me more healthy, and I like having more muscle.” According to head football coach Tom Barbieri, lifting weights is healthy for everybody. “Lifting weights is healthy if you do it right,” Barberi said. “But it is

important to remember to rest the muscles you do lift for 48 hours before you lift them again.” Since Scannell has been lifting for awhile, it is becoming harder for him to achieve the look that he wants. According to most weight lifters, in the first three months you will see the best results and shortly after it will becomes hard to gain muscle. But because Scannnell has reached a plateau, he recently started taking vitamins and proteins to help his muscles develop. “Right now I’m taking Nitrix because it opens up the muscles so more blood can flow through,” he said. “And because more blood is flowing through, there are more vitamins and minerals which help feed the muscle and make it bigger faster.” Although many teens take protein for the same reason as Scannell, Bar-

bieri doesn’t think taking pills is the answer. “A lot of times you can get the extra proteins from what you eat,” he said. “But by taking those types of vitamins and proteins there is a chance that something in it is harmful. It just been proven safer to do things more naturally.” These warnings don’t seem to bother Scannell, though. In addition to the bulk vitamins, he said he also enjoys the taste of a chocolate protein shake for energy. “I get the shake mix from GNC in town, where I get the Nitrix too, and I really like the chocolate flavor, he said. “Right now I take three pills three times a day, and I have one shake twice a day.”

Photo by Stephanie Rushlow

Pumpin’ iron: Senior Richie Scanell lifts weights at the Outback gym in Dexter. “Lifting has made me more healthy,” he said.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Season Review Basketball

All photos by Sarah Craft

Overall record 12-10 SEC Second place Districts First place Regionals Lost to Detroit Renaissance “The highlight of this season was almost beating Detroit Renaissance.” -Joe Cenci, senior


the Squall


Athletes will switch seasons this fall Outdoor sports will soon be played in fall in order to accommodate Michigan’s four seasons Robert Kuzon staff writer

Six years ago Communities for Equity, a group of volleyball parents who thought that their children were not getting the same opportunity to be recruited for college athletics, filed a suit against the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) in order to move high school sports seasons around. Communities for Equity says that if the high school seasons match college seasons, high school athletes will have more opportunity because colleges recruit more heavily during their seasons. According to the MHSAA the problem is that in Michigan, unlike other states, high school volleyball is played in the winter and women’s basketball is in the fall. In December 2001, a Kalamazoo District court ordered the MHSAA to submit a plan that would realign the 2003-2004 sports seasons. The MHSAA appealed the ruling

in July of 2004 and is still waiting for the case to come up in the Michigan Supreme Court which can either choose to review the case, meaning the MHSAA will not have to change the season immediately, or the court can choose to throw out the case the MHSAA will be forced to change seasons for the 2005-2006 year. If the court does indeed choose to throw the case out, then volleyball will moved to the fall, women basketball will be moved to the winter and the men’s and women’s golf and tennis seasons will flip flop. According to Athletic Director John Robinson the reason for changing the seasons for outdoor sports is that the fall has better weather for the sports. Right now men’s golf, football, water polo, soccer and cross country are all fall sports. The current plan is to move the golf and tennis seasons in order to make the outdoor sports more equally spread out. In preparation for the change,

Robinson says that he has two schedules for each sport. “I have a schedule for normal winter volleyball, but we all had to make a secondary fall schedule just in case,” he said. The possible season change is putting a lot of stress on athletic directors because if the court does not look at the case until July, and they choose to throw it out, there will be very chaotic fall trying to get everything organized in such a short amount of time. Another issue will be gym time. With men’s and women’s basketball in the same season it will be hard for both to find time to practice and even play games. “What will happen is that we will have two games of one of the teams, men’s for example, and then one game of women’s,” Robinson said. “Men’s will play on Tuesday and Thursday, while women play on Wednesday and the next week they will switch. It’s the best way we can think of.”

Sophomore Katelin Davis participated in varsity tennis, golf and soccer last year and with the new schedule two of her sports will be changed, but she is OK with that. “I think that it is a positive because I can play soccer and golf in different seasons,” she said. “ It will give me a lot more time to practice and prepare for golf in the summer, instead of picking up my clubs for the first time all winter when we can’t practice.” If the change happens, Davis said that she would not continue playing tennis because, it will conflict with soccer, where as before she could fit soccer and golf into the same season by practicing golf more independently. Last year the golf team won the state championship, and with the new schedule Davis thinks that they could do it again. “We will all definitely be a lot sharper coming into the season.” she said. “It won’t take as long to get going.”

Sports flip flop Changing seasons include women’s and men’s tennis, women’s and men’s golf, women’s volleyball, and women’s basketball. The Communities for Equity was started by a group of volleyball parents who thought that their kids were not getting equal opportunity to be recruited by colleges. The MHSAA was ordered to change the seasons in December 2001, but they appealed the decision and are awaiting review by the Michigan Supreme Court.

All rise: As people at any sporting event would know, standing for the Nation Anthem is a way to respect the country. Silence and peacefulness come along with the sound of the anthem.

Swimming & Diving

Overall record 7-3 SEC First place “The best part of this season was getting a trophy at states, We worked really hard to get it.” -Matt Brown, senior


photo by Michelle Svetkoff

National anthem brings fans together Overall record 38-9 SEC Second place

Through the yelling and cheering, fans and players find the anthem as a common ground for any sports team event

Districts First place

It’s sleepy time.

Regionals Third place

As the referee and linesman entered the ice rink, booing drowned out the sound of the Michigan Pep Band. MSU entered the ice. The sounds of cheering and booing mixed into one big blurb of noise. After the crowd settled down, the fight song began to blare as U of M entered the ice. Plenty of booing was also mixed in with their entrance. This scenario is very typical when it comes to big rivalries. However, this is where my experience took a huge U-turn. The announcer came over the loud speaker and said something we hear every time we attend a sporting event: “Ladies and gentleman, please rise and sing in honor of our National Anthem.” The cheering ceased, and the only noise was the rumbling of fans rising to their feet. Silence. The clear, crisp sound of U of M’s finest musicians playing the Star Spangled Banner. Then, green and white or maize and blue, everyone joined in. The sweet sound of one united people, sharing the pride for the one thing they all have in common. The whole crowd sang softly. Some even just under their breath, the words to our National Anthem. The sight and sound of this whole stadium agreeing on one common el-

“The highlight of this season was that all the seniors on the team qualified for regionals individually.” -Ricky Howell, senior


Overall record 1-9 SEC Fourth place Districts Tied for Third place “The best part of this season was when we won the Holly Invitational. We came together as a team to be able to win it.” -Holly woods, junior

Jenny Heldt features editor

My boyfriend is a hard-core University of Michigan fan and has had season tickets to hockey games for years. However, next year I will play hockey for Michigan State University’s women’s hockey team, which recently has made me a big MSU fan. We both love hockey, so our typical date is a Michigan hockey game on a Friday night. Just a few weeks ago he asked me if I wanted to go to the Michigan-Michigan State game. I thought it was a bad idea since we are both pretty strong headed. I figured it might not end the way most people dream about their dates ending. However, I didn’t want to reject the idea, because I only knew too well the ways in which he would harass me for being chicken. For some reason he thought Michigan was going to win. We went, and I was forced to wear U of M apparel. My boyfriend threatened to leave me to freeze in the cold if I didn’t wear a U of M T-shirt. At the game the crowd was dominated by U of M fans because the game was played on Michigan’s home ice. But the fan turnout for MSU was also quite impressive.

ement of pride gave me the chills. And almost brought tears to my eyes. I was completely moved to see that for most Americans there is a feeling of pride that is so much deeper than just their favorite team. What was even more impressive was that feeling of pride was for our country. Daniel Webster once said, “Let our object be our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country. And, by the blessing of God, may that country itself become a vast and splendid monument, not of oppression and terror. But of wisdom, of peace, and of liberty, upon which the world may gaze with admiration forever.” To my relief, Michigan State tied the game with a mere 5.3 seconds left. I was able to escape harassment for at least one night. However, 20 years from now, I probably won’t remember the score of the game. Or how many seconds were left in the game when my boyfriend tried to shove me down the stairs. What I will remember is how the sight of this whole arena uniting as one made me feel. Filled with people from both sides of one of the fiercest rivalries college sports has ever seen. Everyone in the arena joined in on one common song and shared one feeling. It was the feeling of pride for our nation and for the wisdom, peace and admiration that we represent.

National anthem Tidbits Country with the longest National Anthem Greece: The lyrics have 158 verses

Country with the shortest National Anthem Qatar: The song lasts 32 seconds The only nation without a National Anthem Cyprus : They use the National Anthem of Greece National Anthem Mix up: The music blared at a soccer match in Athens between a Chinese and a Greek side, and the crowd rose and stood in respectful silence. They assumed it was the Chinese National Anthem. The Chinese players also stood to attention, thinking it was the Greek National Anthem. Then a voice sang out: “It was a toothpaste commercial!” Facts from http://www.national-anthems.org/facts.htm



the Squall

Thursday, March 24 , 2005

Senior loves New York trip Brandon Mayotte photo editor

Standing in the freezing cold with snow and wind blowing against her face, Elise Seide, downtown New York, tried to hail a cab. After repeated times of people stealing the cab before she could get in, she started to get upset. Finally after 40 minutes, the group got into the warmth of a cab to head to the Empire State Building only to find out it was too snowy to get in. Seide, along with 18 other seniors and two chaperones, Rod Satterthwaite and Cheryl Wells, travelled to New York in February. Seide said she went on the trip because her favorite show is “Sex and the City” and really wanted to see New York, plus, she said, there is so much excitement. “Oh my God,” she said. “That city is huge. I just wanted to go shopping, and I was pumped up on coffee” Before going, Seide said she didn’t know many of the students attending the trip with her, but once they got there, she said she immediatley became friends with everyone. “I made friends really fast because I was like, ‘Ooh, shopping buddies,’” she said.

Seide and her shopping buddies had almost four hours every day to go shopping, and Seide said she had the chance to stop by Christian Dior to look at dresses. But shopping was not all that she enjoyed on her trip. “I really liked riding the subway with friends and going out on our own and trying to act like were not tourists,” she said “It was super sweet.” The students had one group dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. But for Whitney Holmes’ birthday, the group went to Matt’s Grill. “You could look out at the entire city and watch people walk by,” Seide said. “The food was really good and cheap.” At night they went to Broadway shows. They saw both “The Producers” and “Hairspray.” “I liked going out to Broadway shows, Ground Zero, and out to dinner with friends” she said. “I really liked going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the United Nations building and Ellis Island”. Seide said everyone should go on the senior trip because it was super fun. She said, “You learn a lot and bond with people you usually don’t get to bond with, and you get to go out and see the real world outside of Dexter.”

all photos by Tate Stark

He got soul: The Naked Cowboy stops singing for a pose with Leah Sullivan in Times Square. The Naked Cowboy has aired on MTV’s Total Request Live on several occasions. “(The Naked Cowboy’s) entertaining, and a good way (for him) to make money,” Sullivan said.

CAPTION: This is a caption for a picture that we donʼt know of yet, why because I just began this page, you see, there is not much I have started on yet but I promise you it will get done very soon. very soon indeed, I can say it.

Rockin’ the boat: Eilis Seide rides the charter boat to Liberty Island to visit the Statue of Liberty. “I had a super fun time with the 18 people I went with,” she said. “New York is like the best city.”

Through the Gates they travel: Zach Morhouse, Kristin Burrows, Mark Messmore and Joanna Nuber walk through The Gates at Central. Three days after the group left, The Gates came down.

“What was your favorite part about the trip?”

Getting tired: David Ager, Whitney Holmes and Clint Houck sit in the airport for their flight home. Ager wasn’t pleased about the two hour delay on the way home. “I really don’t like airports,” he said.

Eva Neil

Clint Houck

Alissa Hagen

“My favorite part was spending time with really interesting people and visiting places we usually don’t get to visit.”

“My favorite part was probably walking around the city with everybody during our free time.”

“Just like shopping and hanging out with friends.”

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