Source December WRAP

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Issue 510 / Dec 16

this month: • DJ Hype rolls into town • Share your problems with Uncle Randy • 2016 wrap up • Final prep for the Oily Rag • Music Making a Difference

The word is:



INTRO:wrap Another year draws to a close.The last of twelve momentous months which will surely go down in history as one of the meanest, toughest, most heartbreakingly rubbish years in this very young century. our screen-induced comas and start demanding for some real solutions instead of a choice of clicks. Maybe the coming 12 months will see the birth of some new ideas, some giant leaps of faith and maybe even some new musical legends to replace the ones we lost.

The world lost some legends and we gained some half-wits. The world got hotter and the rhetoric got colder. Globally our leaders seem to become more xenophobic and yet the need for social thinking and a collaborative outlook couldn’t be greater. As the politics goes right, everything goes wrong. Or maybe we’ve hit the low point. Maybe 2017 is the year we all wake up from

Maybe the future’s wrapped up in tinsel and it’s under your tree. Source Out.

Free Phone 0800 GO GREEN (0800 46 47336) DESIGN/PRODUCTION: Tim Buckley: 027 239 0342 PRODUCTION/ACCOUNTS: Kirsten Young: 021 341 249

ADVERTISING: Dan Move: 021 609 132 EDITORIAL: Bethany Rogers: 027 882 5318



hot stuff


The motorcycle as jewellery sparkly stuff to make your life complete. The Limited-edition Eden motorcycle is all you ever wanted in adornment and power.. Only nine units are produced by Ho-Chi-Minh, Vietnam based Bandit Nine (Bandit9). Available in champagne gold or chrome plating over steel unibody, the Eden comes with such incredible details as Titan headlights with gold trim, black marble gas cap, cognac-colour leather seat and sculptured exhaust silencing a Honda Supersport 125cc engine. In fact it’s so sexy it’s probably best just mounted on the wall and the $11,000 price tag means you probably wouldn’t run it into Skippers.

TECH IN THE BAG Counterfeits are rampant in the world of luxury handbags, but Maria&Donato is taking steps to ensure peace of mind to customers. The brand has plans to implement NFC SpeedTap tags from Thinfilm, which are flexible labels that can be integrated into a product’s packaging or label. To access what’s on the tags they can be simply tapped with an NFC-enabled smartphone. On its product Thinfilm boasts that “Each tag is uniquely identifiable and is virtually impossible to clone. Once tapped, the tag wirelessly communicates with the cloud, instantly delivering authentication messaging, serial numbers and other relevant content from the brand or manufacturer.” 4

get to our Facebook page and get posting for what you think is the

Tattoo Of The Month!

45 Camp St QT - 155 K Rd AKL - 3/62 Ricc Rd - CHCH


Take, if you must, this little bag of dreams, Unloose the cord, and they will wrap you round. WB Yeats



Christo & Jeanne Claude

Christo Vladimirov Javacheff and Jeanne-Claude were a married couple who created environmental works of art. Christo and Jeanne-Claude were born on the same day, June 13, 1935; Christo in Gabrovo, Bulgaria and Jeanne-Claude in Morocco. They first met in Paris in October 1958. They then fell in love through creating art work together. Their works include the wrapping of the Reichstag in Berlin and the Pont-Neuf bridge in Paris, the 24-mile (39 km) long artwork called Running Fence in Sonoma and Marin counties in California and The Gates in New York City’s Central Park.

They flew in separate planes: in case one crashed, the other could continue their work. Awesome. 6

NOW IN THE GALLERY Tony O’Keefe’s tactile sculptures are created using old steel, found relics and welding deposits.

Address: 134 Park Street, QT +64 27 305 5826 7

Our new regular agony column - if you’ve got something on your mind let us know and we’ll get Randy on the case... By UNCLE RANDY

Dear Uncle Randy

Dear Uncle Randy My father sends me really crap gifts every Christmas from out of tune music boxes to weird, odd-fitting clothes. This year, I want to get ahead of the game and send him something truly terrible in return. Is this a good idea? What do you suggest? Kind regards, Eve

generation gap - an unbridgeable gulf between the young and the old, a constant lack of samepage understanding. Take the phenomenon of bad dad dancing as an analogy. Long ago, sometime after the war but before broadband, Dad’s dancing was not the shameful flailing of limbs that it is today. On the contrary, it was the grooviest jam the discotech boogiefloors had ever seen! Dad was cutting rugs on the regular, throwing hip, new shapes night after night. But gradually Dad stopped being young and at the forefront of self-expression and he became old and dated and weird. No longer may his honest expressions of cultural value roam unchecked and unchallenged on the nightclub dancefloors or in the presents under the tree. Any attempt by you to out-weird your father will be totally lost to the sincerity of his ignorance. Don’t contribute to the trash heap of disposable commodities. Dig deep and give a gift which you genuinely feel deserves to be given, earnest and true. Pour your heart and soul into the most meaningful present you can muster - thoughtful and creative make it a little piece of you. Chances are it will be received with equal bewilderment and disappointment. Merry Christmas.

Dear Eve, Alas, you are not alone. The night before every Christmas, Santa crams his dashing sleigh with a monstrous pile of rubbish, invades the homes of millions and drops a great steaming dump into your stocking. Partly this is due to the commercially administered need to bolster the economy each year and clutter each other’s lives with superfluous toss. All too often does the art of gift giving degenerate into a frenetic search through aisles and web pages for something, dear god anything, to wrap hastily and present to someone you don’t even like because work is doing Secret Santa again. Such surplus spending results in inane, bizarre gifts being forced upon the unsuspecting many. However, for you the conduit between giver and receiver is further perplexed by the naivety of the 8



interview 5 minutes with By KELLI MUTCHLER

Christian Robinson

2016 Cherry Stone Spitting Champion

Hailed for his 10-metre projectile at the Cromwell Cherry Festival, the Dunedin medical grad talks choking hazards and Olympic dreams. spit-off competition in the hall of the [hospital] wards. The patients came out as spectators, however we were soon shut down after I beat the head of Health and Safety.

Do you actually like cherries? No, I’m allergic. I get my wife to eat the fruit off and give me the stone. You had previous experience spitting over your in-laws’ fence in Cromwell; is there a back story? We used to have a nosy neighbour that stuck his head up above the fence. So we started firing the cherries over blindly in case he was there.

Any advice for ambitious spitters who don’t have a Cromwell yard to practice in? Using an open window and spitting into the unknown outside - it can be hilarious but also improves accuracy. Once you have technique and accuracy then you can start working on distance, endurance and fitness training.

What’s your personal record? Have you beaten 10 metres? That wasn’t my greatest day, there was a slight head wind, low atmospheric pressures and cold conditions. All are a spitter’s nightmare. At home my goal is 12m.

Do you have any cherry-spitting goals? In other words, what’s next? What I would like to see is passing the torch onto the next generation of spitters, knocking the old generation off their pedestals. I would love to be a committee member on WFSSF (World Fruit Stone Spitting Federation) and be a worldwide ambassador for the sport.

Have you tried other fruit seed spitting? What’s the hardest/ easiest seed to spit? The hardest by far is strawberry seeds. The size makes the technique key but very difficult and the competitions require high zoom and speed to track the flight. It can get intense. Do friends and family ask you to show off your skills in random places? All the time. I got challenged at work by a colleague and patient not long after the competition. We had a 10


THERE’S A WHOLE LOAD OF FOOD YOUR PARENTS TOLD YOU NOT TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST. GATEAUX, LEFTOVER CURRIES AND COLD PIZZA WAS ALWAYS OFF THE MENU IN FAVOUR OF CARDBOARD-LIKE WEET-BIX, TOAST WITH THE BURNT BITS SCRAPED OFF AND MUESLI THAT GETS STUCK IN THE TEETH. If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, surely in these times of political unrest, terrorism and traffic lights, we should all start our mornings with a smile on our dial. With something to satisfy our bellies so we can tackle the great issues of our time. We don’t have time for healthy smoothies made with impossible-to-clean blenders. We all know those ‘on-the-go’ breakfast bars would hardly satisfy a chipmunk. All we want is a hearty, happy breakfast that’ll keep us going until lunchtime. Enter The Rising Sun, Devil Burger’s breakfast burger. Stuffed with New Zealand streaky bacon, an egg, a whopping hash brown and grilled Portobello mushrooms, this is the breakfast of champions. Forget about Trump, Brexit and North Korea’s nuclear programme and enjoy a heart-warming breakfast your parents would disapprove of.

10am - late church street, queenstown 03 442 4 666 11

Well, it’s the last step of the civil rights movement: You know, wrap your hands around some money, right? Russell Simmons

The Devil’s breakfast


From Music. With Love.

“Please, eat more.” These were the words from our host Dakpa. We had been invited to his single room house to share dinner with him and his family. The only problem was, we were the only ones eating. His son Dorje sat on the bed opposite half looking at us. His wife stayed in the kitchen busying herself while Dakpa checked we were enjoying our plates of delicious chicken curry. This scene went against all of our British morals. This was the first meat we had eaten in over two months. Not through forced vegetarianism but simply due to scarcity and cost of meat high up in the Himalayas. We were in the Annarpurna region of Nepal, helping to teach at a Tibetan Refugee camp school. Dakpa is the headmaster. We found out later that Dakpa and his family could only afford enough chicken to feed us. They would eat the leftovers, if there was any, only after we had eaten a second helping. Coming from our fairly self-focused society, this was a sobering meal to swallow. This simple act of humble generosity rocked me. I promised myself I would do something to thank them. And so ‘From Music. With Love.’ was born. We aim to fund community led projects in places like Chairok (the camp we were in), to enable communities to grow and support themselves.

When we asked the school what was most important, they answered with equipment to build a library and music room. “One book lasts many children.” To honour the humble spirit of people like Dakpa we want to avoid the traditional bucket jangling nature of fundraising, instead putting together nights of amazing original music for one community, while helping another. We generate money through donations as ticket entry and through revenue from drink sales. So when you wake up hungover after one of our nights, know that your headache helped to buy library books - or a guitar. Our first night is on the 9th December at Brecon Street Merchant, with Peti Sueli, Holly Hoogvliet, Shawn Barron, Choice and Paul Shipman Band all performing. This is our gift. From Music. With Love.


plant, Minthe released sweet smells whenever she was trodden on and curated a load of useful properties. Minthe still hangs around, flaunting herself in mojitos, salads and fragrant teas under her modern name Mint. Mint’s ability to stimulate digestive enzymes aides weight loss, she’s also a natural stimulant, making you as perky as the nymph herself. She’s well known for being a great breath freshener but doesn’t get enough credit for inhibiting the release of histamines and relieving hayfever symptoms. And of course, because looking great was an important attribute for pre-plant Mint, she holds antibacterial properties which help eliminate your pimples. Find her in tasty salads and smoothies at Habebes.

HAIDES WAS A BIT OF A DICK. HE FORCED THE GODDESS PERSEPHONE TO MARRY HIM AND LIVE IN THE MURKY UNDERWORLD, THEN FLIRTED WITH OTHER WOMEN. He took a fancy to the river nymph Minthe, who was quite flattered by the attention and pranced about telling everyone she was more attractive than Persephone and Haides was more in love with her. The gossip-mongering didn’t go down well with Persephone, who kicked and stamped on Minthe until she turned into a herb. In an effort to be an attractive and memorable


Ends and purposes, whether they exist as conscious or subconscious tendencies, form the wrap and woof of our conscious experience. Muhammad Iqbal

Fresh and frisky


the word By THE WRAPPER

Look Busy

Perhaps you’re lucky enough to find yourself in a job you truly enjoy, a job which affords you self-exploration, self-expression and total personal fulfilment. Conversely, perhaps work is quite simply a chore; an alienated performance; a mere means to satisfy an economic necessity imposed upon you by a vast and complex system of power and social control. In these all too common cases, it’s important to remain ever belligerent, to adhere to covert mutiny in the workplace, maintaining the mantra that minimum wage pays for minimum effort. To walk quickly is to look busy. A convincing gait in the workplace will ensure that no attempt shall be made to deter you from your ostensible path of utmost importance. Head up, back straight, eyes searing dead ahead, moving mountains with big important strides. Be sure to carry something too; filing papers, a lemon, a piece of string. This arbitrary object of import shall silently speak volumes of just how diligent you really seem to be. Okay, enough weighty walking, time to take a well-earned break. And maybe one more after that. Then a toilet

break (top tip: save your bodily functions for the work place and get paid to poop). Soon however, you are inevitably to be confronted with some inflated authority. “Blahblablablubablubwob-blakabloo.” Smile. Say yes. Say yes, sir! No, sir! Three bags full, Mein Fürher! Then, when backs are turned, flip them the bird and resume your usual behaviour. Or simply play dumb; lower those expectations to such a degree that nothing is asked for but the bare minimum of your productive powers. Conserve productive energy for pleasures and passions; don’t sell it cheap for the benefit of a callous system of exploitation. Others profit from your grinding labour, pilfering value at every moment, hoarding masses of material wealth and power. Perhaps one day true change will come; an individual’s material and psychological existence may no longer lie in the hands of a wealthy few, the needs of society will be human needs rather than the valorisation of capital wealth and work shall be an ever rewarding pursuit of personal discovery. Until then, look busy, blend in and resist. 14


The Mummy’s Shroud (1967)

In 1920 an archaeological expedition discovers the tomb of an ancient Egyptian child prince. Returning home with their discovery, the expedition members soon find themselves being killed off by a mummy, which can be revived by reading the words off the prince’s burial shroud. The Mummy in this film was played by Eddie Powell who was Christopher Lee’s regular stunt double, so The Mummy’s Shroud gets points for being the only Mummy movie that ALMOST stars Christopher Lee. Classic mummy shenanigans - they don’t write ‘em like this any more. True story apparently.


poet’s corner



I lie within this house Attracting dew, like its cold walls Dampening my mind, bringing rot to Pleasant memories once taken for granted. Here, I run parallel to the world Which moves quickly past outside Taking old friends, the old habits Of casual meetings and weekend escapades Things I have almost forgotten. I now fill this empty house With a new kind of interaction Holding hands with my pen Keeping company with verb To strive for something meaningful Born from solitude But every now and then, the window beckons I look out at my own kind Enjoying their freedom Saving loneliness for their older selves Speaking a language that I never learned to master.



book review

Craig Oliver

As David Cameron’s Director of Politics and Communications, Craig Oliver was in the room at every key moment during the EU referendum - the biggest political event in the UK since World War II. He worked with all the players, including David Cameron, George Osbourne, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Jeremy Corbyn, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Theresa May. Unleashing Demons is based on his extensive notes, detailing everything from the decision to call a referendum, to the subsequent civil war in the Conservative Party and the aftermath of the shocking result. This is raw history at its very best, packed with enthralling detail and colourful (and bitchy) anecdotes from behind the closed doors of the campaign that changed British history and left David Cameron with a very different legacy than the one he was hoping for.



Salmon wrapped in prosciutto with pesto and roast pumpkin Ingredients 1kg butternut pumpkin, chopped 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, plus extra to brush 2 chopped garlic cloves 1 tbsp chopped rosemary 4 x 180g skinless salmon fillets, 4 slices prosciutto Parsley pesto 1 bunch flat-leaf parsley 25g lightly toasted almonds 1 chopped garlic clove 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil smooth then season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Set aside. Preheat a grill to medium. Season salmon lightly with sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Wrap each salmon fillet with a slice of prosciutto. Brush lightly with oil and grill for 3-4 minutes each side until cooked on the outside but still a little pink in the centre. Rest, loosely covered with foil, for 2 minutes. Divide the salmon and pumpkin among 4 serving plates and top with the parsley pesto.

Preheat the oven to 200°C and line a roasting pan with baking paper. Mix the pumpkin, oil, garlic and rosemary together and season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Place in the roasting pan and roast for 35-40 minutes until golden and tender. Meanwhile, for the pesto, place the parsley, almonds and garlic in a food processor and blend until well combined. With the motor running, gradually add the oil in a slow, steady stream until 18



Hype The Drum’n’Bass scene has delivered many legendary names in it’s long history but few can compare to the breadth of achievement reached by DJ Hype. He’s been producing, playing, influencing and representing the genre since it began and his reggae and hip-hop roots add a layer of credibility many other performers lack. He’s a battle DJ with some serious pedigree - representing England in the 1989 DMCs. He’s also been part of the pirate radio

scene, played to sell out crowds on the international DJ circuit and picked up a host of awards along the way. It’s fair to say this man is a legend. He’s also playing at The World Bar on December 9th. If there are any tickets left as you read this, stop what you’re doing and get one.




Having hit a wall, the next logical step is not to bang our heads against it. Stephen Harper


For more info go to 21



humour Three men die on Christmas Eve and go to heaven, where they’re met by Saint Peter. “In order to get in” he tells them “you must each produce something representative of the holidays.” The first man digs into his pockets and pulls out a match and lights it. “This represents a candle of hope.” Impressed, Peter lets him in. The second man pulls out a tangle of keys and shakes them. “These are bells.” He’s allowed in too. “So,” Peter says to the third man “what do you have?” The third man proudly shows him a pair of red panties. “What do these have to do with Christmas?” asks Peter. “They’re Carol’s.” ...............................................................

Donald Trump is visiting a primary school class. They are in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asks the President if he would like to lead the discussion of the word “tragedy”. So the illustrious leader asks the class for an example of a tragedy. One little boy stands up and offers: “If my best friend who lives on a farm is playing in the field and a runaway tractor comes along and knocks him dead, that would be a tragedy.” “No,” says President Trump “that would be an accident.” A little girl raises her hand: “If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy.” “I’m afraid not” explains the exalted leader. “That’s what we would call a great loss.” The class goes silent. No other children volunteer. President Trump searches the room. “Isn’t there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?” Finally at the back of the room, little Johnny raises his hand. “If Air Force One carrying you was struck by a missile and blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy.” “Fantastic!” exclaims President Trump. “That’s right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?” “Well,” says the boy, “because it sure as hell wouldn’t be a great loss and it probably wouldn’t be an accident either.” 22

Thumbs Up • Electric bikes. Bring it. • 2017. Let’s not mess this up folks, we’ll get one chance. • Medical marijuana for people who really need it.

Thumbs Down • 2016. It was rubbish, can we have a new one please? • Climate Change Deniers. Permission to wedgie anyone who wheels out this apologist nonsense.

Saran Wrap wig by Kate Cusack

WTF? HYRAX The Hyrax may look like a guinea pig but its nearest living relatives are the elephant and the sea cow. There are four species and they all live in Africa and the Middle East in areas with plenty of rocky crevices in which they can take cover. They are social animals who live in groups and like the meerkat, they warn each other of approaching danger by standing on their hind legs and giving out an alarm call. The Hydrax makes its first entry in to fossil records 37 million years ago. Some were tiny, mouse sized creatures, others grew to be the size of a small horse. These giant hyracoids evolved in a number of different ways. It is thought that some species took to the water and that this gave rise to both the elephant and the sirenian species, such as the manatee and the dugong. They share a number of traits with elephants still, having toenails and thin-skinned pads on their feet as well as excellent hearing and a good memory. 23

THEMAP 1. The World Bar 2. Otautahi Tattoo 3. Surreal 4. Skyline 5. Sherwood 6. Habebes 7. Canyoning Queenstown

8. Devil Burger 9. Front Room Gallery 10. Green Cabs 11. Bath House 12. Toro 13. Bound 14. No5 No.5

15. The Quest Grille 16. Bella Bela Cucina Cucina 17. Public 18. FINZ 19. Coalfire 20. Loco Cantina 21. The Ivy London Box

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Queenstown Gardens

Lake Wakatipu



THE BATH HOUSE ABOUT: Dine on the beachfront in this original Victorian bathhouse. Now an elegant restaurant, The Bath House offers enviable views across Lake Wakatipu, looking out towards snow-capped mountains. Inside, there’s a cosy fire and just eight tables, guaranteeing an intimate dining experience. The Bath House offers hearty food with a twist including a succulent New Zealand lamb dish, all produced from the finest and freshest locally sourced ingredients. Take a seat right here to enjoy a glass of fine Central Otago wine over great food and a beautiful sunset.​ SPECIALTIES: Breakfast, lunch and really great scones. SOURCE SAYS: If you want to step away from the hubbub of downtown it’s a two minute stroll along the Parade to this cosy, warm, lakeside hideaway. Opening Times: 9am - late Food: Full menu lunch and dinner Bookings: Possible Music: Background Outdoor area: Absolute beach front

Address: Marine Parade, Queenstown, NZ Phone: 03 442 5625 Email: Website:



COALFIRE BARBEQUE BAR Inspired by pit masters and kitchens from around the world, Coalfire Barbecue Bar offers food that’s ‘flavoured by fire’. Housed in a beautifully restored 150 year old building in the Queenstown Mall, Coalfire has a relaxed and warm atmosphere. With distinctive smoky flavours from the handbuilt Spanish smoker and delicious meats cooked low and slow, Coalfire offers up tasty meat, fish and vegetarian dishes to be enjoyed with local wine, beer and cocktails served up by friendly and professional staff. SPECIALTIES: Barbecued and smoked foods with a distinctive flavour, open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. SOURCE SAYS: We can’t get enough of Coalfire’s snack menu, try the jalapeno poppers or fried halloumi. Address: The Mall, Queenstown New Zealand Phone: 64 (0) 3 442 8439 Email: Website:

Opening Times: 7 days from 8am until late Food: Smoky bbq meat, fish and vegetarian Music: Background Outdoor area: Yes


THE WORLD BAR ABOUT: The World Bar has a long and solid reputation in Queenstown. Since moving to their new premises in 2015, The World has undergone a transformation and set a new standard for both all day food and late night entertainment. The menu is broad and full of some classics. There’s heaps of seating both indoors and out. If you’re looking for a quiet hidey-hole, head for the ‘shed’ out the back. The main room is lively and the front deck is one of Queenstown’s favourite sun-traps. SPECIALTIES: Burgers, Fish Tacos, Mac ‘n’ Cheese Balls, + great service. SOURCE SAYS: These guys have been doing this stuff for a while now and they know how to look after you. Great food, great people and if you’re after a burger, this is the only end of town - no need to queue, just sit down and relax... Opening Times: Noon - late Food: Full menu lunch and dinner Bookings: Possible Music: Background music early. Live music + DJs later Outdoor area: Suntrap

Address: Church Lane, Queenstown, NZ Phone: 03 450 0008 Email: Website:



TORO KITCHEN AND BAR ABOUT: Toro Kitchen and Bar brings you a diverse mix of Mediterranean inspired dishes in the heart of Queenstown. Centred around tasty, fresh and seasonal produce, Toro’s menu is based on what’s fresh and available locally. It features tapas, big plates, sides and the chef’s ‘Taste of Toro’ homemade 5 courses. Great food and great restaurants are about family, friends and the memories that are made when we all come together and sit down for a meal. Toro Kitchen and Bar, it’s how we eat. ABOUT: Seasonal menu using local produce. SOURCE SAYS: It’s where we go for lunch.

Opening Times: 9am till Late Food: The chef’s ‘Taste of Toro’ homemade 5


Music: Backround in the main restaurant Outdoor area: Yes + rooftop bar coming soon


Address: 20 The Mall, Queenstown, NZ Phone: +64 (0) 3 442 8503 Email: Website:

BELLA CUCINA Bella Cucina was set up so we could share our love of Italy and our passion for good food and wine. Our philosophy at Bella is to provide fresh, flavoursome food with that something special, in a warm relaxed atmosphere. Much more than Pizza and Pasta, Bella Cucina is based on the Italian kitchen philosophy of a daily changing menu to incorporate the freshest produce. Everything is made from scratch with love, it’s fresh, delicious and affordable. Join us for a slice of ‘la bella vita’ today. You can also pick up a take away pizza every night between 5pm and 7pm. Eat Simple. Eat Well.

Address: 6 Brecon St, Queenstown, NZ Phone: 64 (0) 3 442 6762 Email: Website:

Opening Times: 7 days from 5pm until late Food: Italian and delicious Music: Background Outdoor area: Yes 29


FINZ SEAFOOD & GRILL Finz Seafood & Grill has been a popular choice with Queenstown diners in the know for the past 11 years and now, with extra heating for the indoor courtyard tables and extended lake front dining, Finz is set to become the restaurant of choice for casual dining in Queenstown this season. SPECIALTIES: Seafood. SOURCE SAYS: Finz is a busy bustling little seafood bistro with crisp white table cloths and wooden chairs. It is a place you can go with family or friends and enjoy great food and wine and not break the bank. The takeaway fish and chips are also a sure fire winner.

Address: Steamer Wharf, Queenstown New Zealand Phone: 64 (0) 3 442 7405 Email: Website:

Opening Times: 7 days from 5pm until late Food: New Zealand Seafood Music: Background Outdoor area: Yes


PUBLIC KITCHEN AND BAR ABOUT: Good honest Kiwi fare sourced locally and designed to bring people together is the key concept behind Public Kitchen & Bar. Offering exceptional local cuisine Public Kitchen is all about sharing dishes of local produce caught in the hills, farmed down the road or caught off the coast. SPECIALTIES: Sharing plates are a big part of the great atmosphere plus the trifle is becoming a bit of a local legend. SOURCE SAYS: Since Public opened back in 2013 it has quickly established itself as a Queenstown icon. The best view, some of the finest food and great company - the perfect spot for a burger or brunch.

Opening Times: 11am - 11pm Food: Sharing plates and kiwi classics Music: Live music 2-5pm Sundays Outdoor area: Yes

Address: Steamer Wharf, Queenstown New Zealand Phone: 64 (0) 3 442 5969 Email: Website:



No5 CHURCH LANE ABOUT: No5 Church Lane is renowned for its world-class cocktail list, unsurpassable service and outstanding locally-sourced Mediterranean style cuisine. No5 also has an excellent selection of vegetarian meals available. For discerning drinkers in Queenstown No5 is a bar with a difference. Whether a local or just here for a quick visit, the team at No5 is ready to satisfy the taste buds with delicious cocktails, fine champagnes, carefully selected local and international wines and some of the tastiest dishes in Queenstown. SPECIALTIES: Try the versatile mezze-style dishes, perfectly portioned for sharing. SOURCE SAYS: Intimate and welcoming, No5 is a stand-out destination for an evening of cocktails or an amazing meal. Opening Times: 7:30am till late. Daily Happy Hour between 5-7pm. Food: Breakfast, lunch and dinner al-a-carte. Music: Background. Outdoor area: Yes, with heat lamps and awnings.


Address: 5 Church Lane, Queenstown, NZ Phone: +64 (0) 3 450 2166 Email: Website:

THE GRILLE ABOUT: The Grille by Eichardt’s is Queenstown’s premier dining destination right on the shores of Lake Wakatipu. With a vibrant and stylish setting, it offers an outstanding menu that showcases the unique tastes of the region where the bounty of Central Otago and Southland awaits. Savour each hand-crafted dish where homegrown, free-range and locally sourced produce is at the forefront of an authentic dining experience. A state of the art kitchen fully equipped for curing, smoking and grilling dishes to perfection makes each course unrivalled in its flare and flavour. Your new favourite local dining experience awaits. SPECIALITIES: Try the Tomahawk steak with a few friends, it’s up to 1500g of meaty perfection. SOURCE SAYS: From the team who brought us the delicious tapas at Eichardt’s Bar comes Queenstown’s next big thing. Address: Marine Parade, Opening Times: 7.30am until late Queenstown, NZ Food: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, steak, salads, sandwiches Phone: 64 (0) 3 441 0444 Music: Background Email: Outdoor area: Panoramic lake views Website: 33


If you’re looking to promote your business or want to get the word out about your upcoming events or gigs then call Dan 021 609 132 or drop him a line:

Let’s have a chat over a coffee and come up with a plan. Our shout.

THE MUST HAVE The Brandimage ‘360’ A wee while back a group of designers created the 360 Paper Water Bottle which would support sustainability and at the same time have an interesting design, be convenient to use, whilst supporting on-thego consumption and thus be attractive to both manufacturers and consumers. According to the creators, every day in the US 60 million plastic bottles are thrown away and of these, 86% end up in the landfill. The 360 Paper Water Bottle is made from 100% renewable food-safe resources and is fully recyclable. Brandimage also reported that it will stand up to all types of liquid, so its use is not just limited to water. We think it’s time the big packaging companies got behind this. 34


grey matter splatter ?

November ‘16


4 9

2 1 8 5

5 2

6 7 3

7 4 3 1 9

7 1


4 9 3 1 2 8 2 6

A I I D T N O T R Create as many words of four letters or more using each letter only once and the centre letter in each word. Find the nine letter word. No proper nouns allowed. Meh=20 Now We’re Farming=26 You Freakin’ Rock=31

QUIZ 1. How many arms/tentacles/limbs does a squid have? 2. If cats are feline, what are sheep? 3. In which city was Martin Luther King assassinated in 1968? 4. What does a numismatist study or collect? 5. Which guitarist is known as Slowhand? 6. How many gallons of beer are in a firkin? 7. Which mountain overlooks Rio De Janeiro and its harbour? 8. What is the other name for Wildebeest? 9. What is the colour of the bull of an archery target? 10. Mace is one of the spices obtained from the tree Myristica Fragrams - what is the other?

1: 10 2: Ovine 3: Memphis, Tennessee 4: Coins 5: Eric Clapton 6: 9 7: Sugar Loaf 8: Gnu 9: Gold 10: Nutmeg

It’s absolutely stupid that we live without an ozone layer. We have men, we’ve got rockets, we’ve got saran wrap - fix it! Lewis Black

SODOKU (hard)




DECEMBER: AARON KEREOPA PRESENTED BY TOI O TAHUNA. Aaron returns to Queenstown for a unique solo show of his hand-carved surfboards and sculptural works.

2017: Keep up to date on Facebook with our plans for next year. We’ve got some ideas we’re working on. The Front Room wall space is booked up for the next couple of months but we are available for events, workshops and social gatherings. If you need a space for your event, give us a call.

Front Room Gallery 10 Memorial Street, Queenstown. Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 37


Planning Schmanning

AS MANY READERS WILL KNOW, IN 2014 SOURCE WRITER MATT BOOTH MADE THE DECISION TO RIDE A MOTORBIKE FROM NEW ZEALAND TO THE UK. NEARLY THREE YEARS LATER, THE START DATE IS FAST APPROACHING. IT’S TIME FOR THAT PART OF A TRIP THAT SOME LOVE, SOME LOATHE. PLANNING. There’s a saying in the various military establishments around the world. “Proper preparation and planning prevents (piss) poor performance.” Others such as “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail” and “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today” are pearls of wisdom handed down over the generations and in many cases, have spurred people on to great things. It should be easy. We live in the information age. There’s no limit to our knowledge; everything we need to know is out there. Unfortunately, it’s all one hulking mess. Whether it be the price of a ferry between Indonesian islands or the risk of suicide bombing in Pakistan (far too

cliché apparently; kidnapping is really *in* at the moment), there are so many different experiences from people currently on the road it makes firm planning a real nightmare. Plans, back up plans, contingency plans. I suppose it is a symptom of travelling to countries which don’t run to the clock in the same way that western cultures do. And by sticking to such rigorous scheduling you run the risk of missing one of the joys of truly independent travel: throwing caution to the wind and see where said wind takes you. Whilst parents love the idea of their youngest offspring travelling in a relatively ad-hoc way about as much as they’d love babysitting a bull elephant with chronic diarrhoea, it’s a reality I’m facing - and with certain aplomb. I’ll have my bike, my gear, my wits and money. All those things will help me get out of trouble should I become unstuck and in the absence of firm plans the real task is to arm myself with knowledge of the noncontradictory variety. 38

Precisely when does it begin to pee it down in India? Why do you add a zero to the price of everything in Iran? If you catch the ball in a ping pong show do you win a prize? Oh no, it’s not all work, work, work...

We’ll be keeping you up to date with Matts antics but you can also follow Matt’s progress: insta: oilyragadventures twitter:oilyragadv FB:oilyragadventures 39


2016 it’s a wrap

David Bowie, Glenn Frey, Alan Rickman, Otis Clay Aleppo, Johan Cruyff, Muhammad Ali Gene Wilder, Telsa X, R2-D2, Netflix North Korea, Kaikoura, Michael Cimino Dallas sniper, Zika virus, Leonard Cohen, Brexit voters Chris Amon, Game of Thrones, iPhone’s cordless headphones Arnold Palmer, trans teens, England’s got the same queen Nancy Reagan, Purple Rain, Chicago’s got a winning team We didn’t start the fire It was always burning since the world’s been turning We didn’t start the fire We didn’t light it, but we tried to fight it Ed Sheran, Taylor Swift, toilet tryst for Aaron Smith Usain Bolt, Jim Boult, pointless flag vote Ronnie Corbet, Wally Argus, Frank Kelly, Helen Kelly Pokemon Go, Ronaldo, Oscar for DiCaprio Black Lives Matter, ISIS threat, Donald Trump is president Orlando, Nice attack, Brussels bombs, hijack Dylan with Nobel award, All Black’s winning game record Harambe blown away, what else do I have to say? We didn’t start the fire It was always burning since the world’s been turning We didn’t start the fire We didn’t light it, but we tried to fight it


Our ‘How To’ guide to some old favourites and a few new ones...


The Way to Calvados Brought to you by the team at No5

INGREDIENTS 45ml Breuil Calvados 15ml Pierre Ferrand triple sec 30ml lemon juice 15ml sugar syrup 3 dashes orange bitters Pelorus sparkling wine

METHOD: Combine all ingredients

except sparkling wine in a cocktail shaker and shake. Double strain into coupe glass, top with Pelorus and garnish with an orange twist.

What came first by Kyle Bean 41


Did You Know? • Dogs are able to see their own farts.

ARIES - Stay in bed, it’s too peopley out there. TAURUS - We all bring something different to the table. You have most of your teeth. GEMINI - So we’re on for next Friday? Perfect. I’ll call you on Thursday to reschedule.

My happiest moment is the day they call wrap and I’m free. I’m not looking back. Brad Pitt

CANCER - Do you think clouds look down on us and think ‘that one’s shaped like an idiot’?

• In the Amazon, butterflies will drink the tears of turtles to gain essential sodium in their diet. • The ancient Greeks believed that red heads would turn into vampires when they died. • Fridays increase the happiness all around the world by 11%. • The stereotypical heart shape was meant to be two hearts fused together. • Germans have a word, ‘backpfeifengesicht’ for a face that badly needs a punch. • Atelophobia is the fear of not being good enough or having imperfections. • Sarcastic people tend to be more creative.

LEO - Perfect first date conversation starter: ‘I learned to crochet in prison’. VIRGO - You are intelligent but not makes good life choices intelligent. LIBRA - You must decide what is the smallest amount of money you would reach into a toilet to get. SCORPIO - If you want to sleep your way to the top you can’t do it with actual sleep. SAGITTARIUS - Before calling me ask yourself - is this textable? CAPRICORN - Drink your alcohol responsibly - spilling is not an option. AQUARIUS - Make every light switch a dimmer switch. It’s good advice. PISCES - You seem like a lot of fun, we should keep in touch. 42

People Doing It



QUEENSTOWN ARTS CENTRE As well as the renowned Cloakroom Gallery, QAC also houses a unique group of local artists in its studio spaces, offers classes and even has a fully equipped ceramics studio and kiln. The Arts Centre is on the corner of Stanley and Ballarat Streets and is open every day. FB: Queenstown Arts Centre GUERILLA DRIVE IN A new location every time, matched up with an old movie and some popcorn equals a fantastic way to spend a night out. Facebook is the best way to stay in the loop: FB: Queenstown Guerilla Drive-In HAPPINESS HOUSE Drop in to their awesome Op Shop open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Donations always welcome and if you need a helping hand, just let them know. Help out: FB: Happiness House Queenstown QUEENSTOWN LIFE Wakatipu blog by Queenstowner Jane

Guy. Queenstown Life is like a handbook for living in the Wakatipu. Join in the discussion at FB: Queenstown Life

QUEENSTOWN TRADING If you’re looking to buy, trade or

sell something in the Wakatipu, this is the Facebook page for you. Crackin’ deals: FB: Queenstown Trading

QUEENSTOWN.COM has grown up and is now the definitive resource for getting under the skin of this enigmatic wee town. ROUTEBURN DART WILDLIFE TRUST Bring back the

birdsong to the Routeburn and Dart Valleys. Controlling predators is the name of the game and it costs a lot of dosh. Donate at: 43




WORLD BAR :: Live DJs from 9pm DOLMEN ENSEMBLE - Royal Overseas League, Memorial Centre, 7-9pm, $30, eventfinda ARROWTOWN LONG LUNCH, Buckingham St, 12-4pm,

SHERWOOD :: WORKSHOP SERIES: The Ring Maker by Jessica Winchcombe, $135. Pre-registration essential, WORLD BAR :: WorldStock 2016 - Doors from 11am. No costume, no entry WAKATIPU PLUNKET GARDEN TOUR, Mitre 10 Mega, 9am-4pm, $35, SHOTOVER JET CHRISTMAS CRACKER, Events Centre, 1-6.30pm


SURREAL :: DJ Pops WORLD BAR :: Calico Live from 9pm // DJ T-Roots from 11.30pm


I could never rap, personally. I can’t even wrap presents. Chris Colfer


LOCO CANTINA :: Mad Mexican Mondays, Cartel Wars WORLD BAR :: DJ Stubacca Live from 10pm

SHERWOOD :: WORKSHOP SERIES: The Ring Maker by Jessica Winchcombe, $135. Pre-registration essential, SHERWOOD :: TV Disko (Wellington), free entry SURREAL :: DJ Cuz WORLD BAR :: WorldStock 2016 - Doors from 3pm. No costume, no entry CREATIVE QUEENSTOWN ARTS & CRAFTS MARKET, Earnslaw Park, 9.30am-3.30pm REMARKABLES MARKET, 9am, Red Barn, Remarkables Park

LOCO CANTINA :: Mad Mexican Mondays - Cartel Wars $100 up for grabs

LOCO CANTINA :: LOCO: Saturdays - Drink and food specials, a little more than LOCO!


SURREAL :: Open mic night with Charlie Gibson, 10pm WORLD BAR :: Playaz 20th Anniversary Tour DJ Hype // Annix // MC Daddy Earl Tix from A TASTE OF SUMMER, The Garnet Room, $76.50,


SHERWOOD :: Sherwood Night Market, 4-7pm, free WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon from 10pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm 44




WORLD BAR :: Live DJs from 9pm

SURREAL :: DJ Hulio WORLD BAR :: Calico Live from 9pm // DJ T-Roots from 11.30pm


SURREAL :: DJ Hulio WORLD BAR :: Calico Live from 9pm // DJ T-Roots from 11.30pm


SHERWOOD :: Bryony Matthews, tickets from SURREAL :: DJ Sykes WORLD BAR :: Selfish Lover and Sénor Cowboy Cubes (AKL) from 10pm CREATIVE QUEENSTOWN ARTS & CRAFTS MARKET, Earnslaw Park, 9.30am-3.30pm REMARKABLES MARKET, 9am, Red Barn, Remarkables Park


SURREAL :: DJ JC-BassE WORLD BAR :: Live DJs from 10pm CREATIVE QUEENSTOWN ARTS & CRAFTS MARKET, Earnslaw Park, 9.30am-3.30pm REMARKABLES MARKET, 9am, Red Barn, Remarkables Park DANCEWORKS END OF YEAR SHOW, Memorial Centre, 12.30-7.30pm


WORLD BAR :: Midnight Express Live from 4pm // Bitchin Bingo Xmas Special from 7pm // DJ Mad 10pm MOREFM KIDS DUATHLON, Lake Hayes Showgrounds, 9am-1pm, Bill Godsall Ph. 021 442 626,


SHERWOOD :: WORKSHOP SERIES: Kids’ Recycled Craft Workshop by Vicki Robinson, $15 pp. Preregistration essential, experiences@ WORLD BAR :: Midnight Express Live from 4pm // DJ Mad from 10pm


LOCO CANTINA :: Mad Mexican Mondays, Cartel Wars WORLD BAR :: DJ Doolittle from 10pm


LOCO CANTINA :: Mad Mexican Mondays, Cartel Wars


WORLD BAR :: DJ Doolittle from 10pm

SURREAL :: Open mic night with Charlie Gibson, 10pm WORLD BAR :: DJ Mitchy P from 10pm


SURREAL :: Open mic night with Charlie Gibson, 10pm WORLD BAR :: DJ Mitchy P from 10pm


SHERWOOD :: Sherwood Night Market, 4-7pm, free WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon from 10pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm


SHERWOOD :: Sherwood Night Market, 4-7pm, free WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon from 10pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm


WORLD BAR :: Live DJs from 9pm


WORLD BAR :: Live DJs from 9pm 45



SURREAL :: DJ Ribera WORLD BAR :: Calico Live from 9pm // DJ T-Roots from 11.30pm

SHERWOOD :: Sherwood NYE Retreat SURREAL :: New Year’s Eve Party with DJ Cuz, $10 entry WORLD BAR :: New Year’s Eve Celebrations! Live music, DJs and outdoor beer garden


WORLD BAR :: Christmas Eve Special with Mr Salmon from 8pm CREATIVE QUEENSTOWN ARTS & CRAFTS MARKET, Earnslaw Park, 9.30am-3.30pm REMARKABLES MARKET, 9am, Red Barn, Remarkables Park

SURREAL:: Queenstown’s biggest NYE party with DJ Cuz, $10 on the door


SHERWOOD :: A Christmas Lunch at Sherwood, bookings recommended WORLD BAR :: CLOSED FOR XMAS DAY


LOCO CANTINA :: Mad Mexican Mondays, Cartel Wars WORLD BAR :: Live DJs from 10pm

CREATIVE QUEENSTOWN ARTS & CRAFTS MARKET, Earnslaw Park, 9.30am-3.30pm REMARKABLES MARKET, 9am, Red Barn, Remarkables Park QUEENSTOWN NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATIONS, Earnslaw Park, 7.30pm-1am, free TOP PADDOCK MUSIC FESTIVAL, Lake Hawea Hotel, 3pm-12am, info@


SURREAL :: Open mic night with Charlie Gibson, 10pm WORLD BAR :: DJ Mitchy P from 10pm NEW WORLD LAKE HAYES TRIATHLON, 8am-12pm,


SHERWOOD :: Sherwood Night Market, 4-7pm, free WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live 10pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm

Tell us the score



SHERWOOD :: Sherwood Songwriter Society, an open mic for original songwriters and poets, free entry WORLD BAR :: Live DJs from 9pm


SURREAL :: DJ Pops WORLD BAR :: Tim Lambourne (AKL) Live from 10pm 46

I can wrap my legs around my neck. Janice Dickinson

Wishing our Source whanau a very happy festive season x




FB @worldbarqtn INSTA @worldbarqtn

A 12 Church Street Queenstown 9300, NZ.

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