The Source | Mar 2014 | Making It | 477

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issue477 MAR2014

events . entertainment . arts . culture

t i g n i k a m


in’ autumn’sEucstoam ce • Katharine review • Roots Fest p the • DIY tips from er st a m e yanke

•Truth about


t Nautical


Friday 21st March

featuring DJ Just Cause from 10pm Pirate themed Rum Cocktail Specials Prizes for the best dressed sailors and pirates!

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a little too used to the All Blacks kicking arse and we forget that we are a little island at the bottom of the world, and when our athletes and artists more than hold their own with the big guns on the international stage it’s time to pause for a moment and tip our hats to them. So to everyone who’s ‘Making It’ - we salute you, this issue is for you. Source Out.

Making It… It might be your band about to take the big step into the spotlight, it might be tuRning old pallets into something beautiful. Maybe it’s making babies and making motherhood work, or maybe it’s finding your way in the dark corners of creative creation. Maybe it’s making it as the little gay in the big city - it’s all about making it. It might be making it all the way to The Olympics. We chat to Wanaka’s Katharine Eustace who did just that. Katharine raced the Skeleton to a very respectable 11th. Why is 11th respectable? Well for a start there isn’t even a Skeleton track in NZ Eustace has to travel to the Northern Hemisphere just to play her sport. In the off-season she practices her push starts in an underground parking garage in Wanaka. If that isn’t the definition of ‘Making It’ we don’t know what is. NZ is a nation of underdogs and overachievers. Sometimes we get

EDITOR: Scott Kennedy: 021 681 959 MARKETING: Sophie Kennedy: 021 339 173 Construction: 027 239 0342 021 341 249 SNail us: PO Box 689, Queenstown, NZ






G’day bitches! Apologies for not checking in with all you fabulous Queens(towners)... over the past few months but I’ve been busy trying to make it as a little gay in a big city across the ditch in Australia: New Zealand’s louder, obnoxious big sister with an accent that makes me want to die. What can I say? I’m doing it for the money and I ain’t no stranger to that. Like many ex-Queenstowners’ natural progression around the South Pacific, I headed for the graffitied streets of Melbourne which, according to research conducted by The Australia Institute, is thankfully the most gay-friendly city in this traditionally conservative country. Although I’m not quite sure why, as the changeable weather does make it rather difficult to plan fabulous outfits and ruins perfectly coiffed hair. Sigh. Whilst Australia and New Zealand may share many trans-Tasman reciprocal agreements, one thing that isn’t reciprocated by Australia is New Zealand’s love for the gays.

New Zealand’s much publicised legalisation of same-sex marriage last year was fought and won with strong support from political leaders across the major political parties. There were even famously “gay rainbows” above electorates and traditional Maori love songs sung in the House of Representatives on the day the Bill was passed. In contrast, Australia’s electorate is largely supportive of reform (especially in the cities) but lacks the favourable political leadership from the major parties needed to spearhead laws that offer the same protection and benefits to the significant Australian LGBT contingent as their Kiwi counterparts. The gay population of Australia is huge and Sydney’s infamous annual Mardi Gras is one of the world’s largest, loudest and proudest LGBT festivals, flaunting all things queer in the face of significant opposition whilst generating an annual income of approximately AU$30 million for New South Wales. Opposition is still strong and widely publicised, especially by religious organisations throughout the traditionally Catholic country,


-cised including Fred Nile (a former minister and member of the NSW Legislative Council) famously praying for it to rain on the parade each year. I’ll bet Barbara Streisand would have a thing or two to say about that. However, as one of the last major Western economies to introduce same-sex marriage laws, one can’t help but wonder how long it will be before Australia begins to feel left out of the ball game and joins the likes of its progressive little sister, New Zealand; together

with Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the UK, Uruguay and nine US states. But even in Melbourne, where residents are generally liberal in their views towards sexuality, homophobia is still encountered. Last week, a crack addict with a mullet yelled “Faggot!” at me. ‘A faggot with a job’, I thought, as I did a Beyonce hair flick and strutted on by. Nobody’s gonna rain on MY parade.



Down at the Waterfront,

14 Rees Street, Queenstown . 03 442 5382

did you know? • The more intelligent you are, the more zinc and copper you have in your hair. • The United States has never lost a war in which mules were used. • The “sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick” is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. • Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. • In ancient Egypt, priests plucked every hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes. • The world’s youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910. 7

c live musiight n y ever ood great f ry legendait y l hospita

come and say hi: pogmahonesirishpub

do or diy


Surviving the Dark Night of the Soul hard to get over spending $100 worth of time and supplies on a failed 500ml batch of home brew. At very least, I think having the realisation of what I’m in for helps me prepare for when things simply suck. Anything worth doing will eventually suck. I wish I could say there was a remedy, some high tech way to avoid a full on project breakdown, but there isn’t. However, there are ways to lessen the blow. Perhaps the best and scariest way is to share what you made. It doesn’t have to be in an art gallery. It can be as simple as getting it up online. Sharing is recovery, because what you made is definitely not as bad as it feels. The important thing is that you made… something. After all: modern art = I could do that + yeah but you didn’t. Austin Kleon does a better job exploring all these ideas in his book. A film called ‘The Gap’ by Ira Glass on Vimeo is also worth checking out. You can keep track of Chris and his exploits at:

Necessity never made a good bargain. Benjamin Franklin

Like most things good, especially ideas, the following is stolen. The inspiration was Austin Kleon’s book ‘How to Steal Like an Artist’. It doesn’t really matter if it’s finger painting, art with a capital ‘A’ or making booze; it seems everything I’ve ever made follows the timeline of this graph. Even if I don’t manage to hit ‘Dark Night of the Soul’,

projects usually bottom out at ‘This Sucks & It’s Boring’ - if I’m lucky. Is that depressing? Not a chance. Knowing what I’m in for lets me throw my hands up at 2am, when the HTML for moving that little .jpeg just isn’t working out, and realise I’ve just hit the bottom, which is my one and only chance to get it over with. Usually, grabbing another beer helps soften this realisation, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s pretty 8



Queenstown Bike Festival Preview The Queenstown Bike Festival is back this month – bigger and better than ever. I will certainly be making it to a few of the events. I don’t have the energy or time to do them all, but I’ll give a few of them a go. I mean ‘how can you not get involved?’

up for all of the road trips and bike weekends I didn’t do this summer. It’s so easy to get ‘stuck’ in Queenstown. The riding here is so good and the weather has actually been pretty reasonable. A little rain to keep the dust down, a few cloudy days to give the nice even light in the trees, plenty of those ‘ideal operating temperature’ days of 20-24 degrees mixed with patches of proper 26+ degree days is hardly worth whinging about. So another summer sneaks on through with minimal rides anywhere other than our beautiful basin for me – and I’m okay with that. The Queenstown Bike Fest from the 12-20th of April is a great chance to share our playground with visitors and show it off. Not in an arrogant way, but more like this: ‘Welcome, enjoy and respect it, we’ve been fizzing on it all summer, please enjoy it with us and go home inspired, tired and with stories of friendly locals, tons of bike options and the overall sense of what a varied and bike friendly region the Wakatipu is.’ Thanks. If you’d like to join, the Bike Club would love to hear from you:

If you have any interest in mountain bikes, then they will have something for you; whether you’re a super keen rider who will be in the Dirtmasters, Slope Style, Heli Bike or whether you want to glide round the basin with the Tour de Wakatipu, or maybe the 6 hour event that has the civilised approach of using the Gondola. There really is something for anyone - there’s film festival evenings, coffee rides, night rides and more, check the programme online for more details. If last year is anything to go by, I will be surrounded by bike friends, most on holiday and wanting to play day and night while I fall for the common locals’ trap of juggling my normal weekly life because I’m not on holiday! This year I will take more time out to absorb more of that infectious bike festival bike party atmosphere. One good dose to make 10



$559 $279



Second half season runs Jan 9 - May 4 (closed Apr 18 - 21)

Trails for all abilities For all the latest updates



They say marriages are made in Heaven. But so is thunder and lightning. Clint Eastwood

Peeling back the layers of Club 88

Say the name ‘Strip Club’ and an image pops into your head. Maybe it’s an image of someone who takes care of their body, showing off what they’ve got. Maybe it’s an image of something on the wrong side of the tracks, something that you wouldn’t want your better half, your mum or your boss to spy you from across the room in. People like private bits. That’s why we like to gossip, keep secrets and like see the bits of people that are usually covered up. That’s why we tease what we’ve got hidden under our jumpers with low-cut tops, painted on singlets and shortshorts. If people wore hats 24/7 pornography would be people not wearing hats… and showing a bit of cleavage. Club 88 is all about giving us what we want but doing it in a way that won’t offend your mum - much. Let’s be honest, a strip club done wrong is a sad, sad place. Ladies paraded like cattle and the special of the day is misogyny with a side of narcissistic apathy. Fun times.

Not here though - these guys are working bloody hard to add some class to their perfectly formed ass. Most people who haven’t been into Club 88 have an idea of what it will be like. Forget the prejudice, the notion that it’s damaged goods parading for the sad. This is something different - aesthetic entrepreneurs putting their bodies on the line in an environment that’s safe, female-friendly and a cut above. This is a well appointed cocktail bar where the idiots don’t even get past the door. If you’re cool and you keep it classy this very grown-up playground is all sorts of fun. Plus there are boobs. Give it a look in - if it’s not your thing keep walking - but you might be surprised. 12

New Share Plate Menu-All $6 feed the people

#properburgers #Feedthepeople


spiny orbweaver spider Known by some as the crab spider, this creature can be found in various places across the globe but is known particularly for appearing in the humid gardens of Florida. It has a distinctive, colourful shell with spines running down it to ward off predators. Growing between 10-13mm in size, their bite can be harmful to humans. 13

By Rosa Meekums

the truth about babies

Being a mother in Queenstown is an institution in itself. Yummy mummies parade in their Icebreaker gear, practising yoga daily, wearing their serene baby like a wellbehaved accessory. meeting other mums for flat whites and organic salads. I, on the other hand, somehow resemble a dishevelled bag lady and I’m lucky if I can manage a two minute shower. In fact, this whole piece has been typed one-handed while breastfeeding and subduing my ever so wriggly baby. It is some small feat that I have completed this article at all. My successes are now measured in small triumphs. I washed my hair today! I managed to Skype my mum! I cut my toenails! In my pregnancy days of wistful fantasies and engorged Hobbit feet, I envisaged I would be part of the Queenstown Yummy Mummy institution. However, it came as a surprise to me that I couldn’t fit my baby into my world. The adjustments I’ve had to make came as a rude shock. My partner has to sleep in a separate bed, ousted by our son who will not sleep separately; I can’t meet friends for coffee whenever I feel like it – everything has to be timed to precision around naps and feeds. Instead, it seems I am fitting into my baby’s world

of instinct, broken sleep, erratic feeding patterns and lots and lots of cuddles and reassurance. My baby needs to know that I belong to him before he lets me out into the big wide world. Lesson no.1 in The Truth About Babies: They don’t live by textbooks, or adults’ expectations and rarely do they do what we parents would like them to. My baby didn’t get born the way I wanted him to and neither since has he napped when I want him to, slept in his own bed like I’d like him to, or even fed the way I would prefer. The point that I became a mother is the point I realised I have to relinquish control of my life for now. Lesson no.2 in The Truth About Babies: My baby is in charge, not me. 14


The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made. Groucho Marx

HUMOUR type keeps them staunch and upright and the Baptist type makes mountains out of molehills.’ .................................................... My wife started taking flying lessons about the time of our divorce and she got her licence shortly before our divorce was final. Yesterday afternoon she narrowly escaped injury in the aircraft she was piloting when she was forced to make an emergency landing somewhere near Durban because of bad weather. The Civil Aviation Authority issued a preliminary report, citing pilot error: She was flying a single engine aircraft in IFR (instrument flight rating) conditions while only having obtained a VFR (visual flight rating) rating. The absence of a post-crash fire was likely due to insufficient fuel on board. No one on the ground was injured. The photograph below was taken at the scene and shows the extent of damage to her aircraft. She was very lucky...

A man walked into the ladies’ department, shyly walked up to the woman behind the counter and said ‘I’d like to buy a bra for my wife.’ ‘What type of bra?’ asked the clerk. ‘There’s more than one type?’ he asks. Look around,’ said the sales lady as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, colour and material imaginable. ‘Actually, even with all of this variety, there are really only four types of bras to choose from.’ Relieved, the man asked about the types. The sales lady replied: ‘There are the Catholic, Salvation Army, Presbyterian and the Baptist types. Which one would you prefer?’ Now totally befuddled, the man asked about the differences between them. ‘It is all really quite simple. The Catholic type supports the masses; The Salvation Army type lifts the fallen; The Presbyterian


The Ultimate Downhill Rental Bikes

• Hardtail bike hire from $35 • Full suspension hire from $55 • Downhill bike hire from $79 • 10% discount on bike hire with a copy of the Source OUTSIDE SPORTS . SHOTOVER STREET . QUEENSTOWN . 03 441 0074 . OUTSIDESPORTS.CO.NZ

Can’t believe you haven’t SEEN.. The Field (1990) Bull McCabe’s family has farmed a field for generations, sacrificing endlessly for the sake of the land. When the widow who owns the field decides to sell the field in a public auction, McCabe knows that he must own it. But while no one in the village would dare bid against him, an American with deep pockets decides that he needs the field to build a highway. The Bull and his son decide to convince the American to give up bidding on the field, but things go horribly wrong. 17


Getting Wood

Never Felt So Good

Shipping pallets have a hard life. They start out in the short bus pile at the mill – all the knotty, warped offcuts that wouldn’t stand a chance in Placemakers. Then they’re tacked together with a dozen other misfits. Lastly, they’re loaded up with 300 kilos of nappies from South China and sent off to sea, only to be stabbed with a forklift at the warehouse by a big hairy bloke named Keith. Every forklift driver’s name is Keith. It feels great to rehabilitate a neglected pallet because it will thank you by accenting your home – with a neat ottoman perhaps. Making stuff from pallets is rewarding for many reasons – cheap materials, shabby chic appearance and usually half the construction is already done for you. Plus your house isn’t filled with Blerkins and Dumfarts from Ikea, which makes you less of an asshole. So here’s how you go about doing it: Getting Your Wood It’s free and plentiful. Check behind stores and warehouses in industrial areas. Look for pallets made from milled lumber and not plywood but

take what you can get. An old fence will work too. Try loitering at the Queenstown Transfer Station for a couple hours and let the wood come to you. Tools You’ll Need You’ll need a hammer and pliers to completely de-nail any wood that you’re running a saw through. Basic projects require a circular saw and a screw gun. More advanced work requires a table saw, clamps and several Speights stubbies. Look for square-tipped finish screws – they sink below the surface of the wood and keep things looking clean. Picking Your Project Think of what you need and then search Pinterest and Instructables for basic ideas. Start simple, adding your own pizazz as the urge strikes. If you mess up, figure out a way to incorporate your mistake without starting over. Making It Look Good When you’re all done, sand it down - first with 80 grit and then 220 to make it smoother than a baby’s arse. If the bare wood is too light, stain it darker. Then seal with a light coat of satin polyurethane. For the final touch you can wax it, like a grown up’s arse. 18



odelle morshuis Last month The Front Room Gallery hosted an opening night for Odelle Morshuis’ show ‘Absence | Presence’. The show is a one-off collection of Odelle’s latest pieces which combine oil paint, acrylic, glass, engraving and board to create a stunning body of work - Odelle’s first solo show in over a year. Odelle’s work looks at how we see, the act of looking and the changing nature of our perception. The show runs until Friday 7th March The gallery is open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

10 Memorial Street, Queenstown. 03 442 6739

This page is brought to you by the good people at Fluid. Brand . Web . Strategy . Design . Marketing 21


ABOUT: Eichardt’s Bar is a Queenstown icon and locals’ favourite since 1867. It has a genuine atmosphere, history and ambience unlike anywhere else in the world. Recently listed as one of the top ten bars in the world with a view – drop by for tapas, wine or a cocktail and find out why. SPECIALTIES: Award winning wine list, superb tapas menu, fantastic service and a funky relaxed vibe. SOURCE SAYS: This is the place to be for early evening drinks – enjoy some tapas dishes with a local boutique wine from their award winning cellar list. Opening Times: 7.30am - late Food: Breakfast, lunch and tapas Music: Quiet and intimate Outdoor area: Yes

EICHARDT’S BAR Marine Parade, Queenstown, New Zealand P: 64 (0) 3 441 0450 22

The Bunker

ABOUT: One of Queenstown’s hard to find little gems, The Bunker is an intimate, rustic, fine dining and late night cocktail bar with a lounge-style outdoor deck. The focus is on great service in a unique rooftop location. An old locals’ favourite. SPECIALTIES: Cocktails, fine dining, DJs. SOURCE SAYS: This is the bar with the best two barstools in town. Get in early and stake your claim.

Opening Times: 5pm - 4am Food: Some of Queenstown’s finest Bookings: Recommended Music: DJs after dinner Outdoor area: Yes, with open fire

The Bunker Cow Lane, Queenstown New Zealand P: 64 (0) 3 441 8030 23


Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising. Mark Twain


make it real

Making beer is still one of those activities any of us can do. Whilst multi-national brewing conglomerates continue to dominate this market, you can actually remove them from your personal equation and do it yourself. From the most basic of kits available in most good supermarkets through to custom made mini breweries, any old chap or chappette (remembering that some of history’s original brewers were chappettes) can set about making their own beer. If you have a spare 7 to 8 grand you could purchase a WilliamsWarn Personal Brewery that will manufacture beer for you in a mere seven days… and for all the cynics out there regarding the production quality, well a beer from this kit won an award at an international brewing comp about eighteen months back. But you don’t have to flash that much cash to have good beer. Practice is the key to making it in the home brew department. First thing to do is find the location of your local homebrew store, head on in and suck them dry…

of information and equipment relevant to your capabilities. Check out There are also some superb resources available. On You Tube check out an Aussie TV series call “The Beer Frontier”. This not only has a great home brew feature but a cooking with beer segment as well. is another good stop on the brewing route. From newbies to award winning commercial brewers, you will find them frequenting this ‘everything beer’ website. Any local brewers are generally very forthcoming with hints and tips to help you out and the best thing you can do is ask questions to make better beer… your mates will love you long time. Remember humankind have been doing it since 2BC so join the fun. Me…. I’m off to the pub to watch them making it. Ian Marriot is our Beer Editor and one of our original Source writers. He now runs a wicked little craft beer bar in Warkworth called Tahi. If you’re up north, call in and say hi. 24

TWELVE RANDOM CHARACTERS WHICH COULD MAKE A HUGE IMPACT ON LIFE IN THE WAKATIPU. Imagine if Queenstown had one of the fastest internet connections in the world. Imagine if we were suddenly given $200,000 to spend on innovation. Imagine subsidised inernet for all for three years... If like many of us in QTN you’re already dreaming up wacky things you’d do with that kind of speed, then you need to get on the gigatown bandwagon... The Gigatown competition is being run by Chorus and the first stage ends in September when the scores are re-set. We need to be in the top five in order to compete in the final phase... no pressure then. For more info and to find out how you can help Queenstown win the prize, go to gigatownQueenstown or at least go to and ote for Queenstown...

Steamer Wharf Queenstown ph 03-442 5969 25


I’m Here For You When you’re feeling tired and lonely When this world is not your friend When your mobile doesn’t ring for days When you just wish life would end. I’m here for you I’m here for you when the sun shines bright I’m here for you on the coldest night I’m here for the spider that gives you a fright I’m here to set your dark place alight And when you just need a shoulder I’ve got two I’m here for you. I’m here for you When next door keeps you up all night When your options all seem bad When you stick your toe through sheer black tights When the TV drives you mad. I’m here for you I’m here for you when the sun shines bright I’m here to fan the flames on a cold dark night I’m here to hold your hand when you don’t feel right I’m here to make everything alright And if you just want a kiss I’ll give you two I’m here for you. I’m here for you So next time a rainbow’s just different shades of grey When a smile might crack your face When you just feel the fever on a warm Summer’s day When nothing’s going your way Just look for me and I’ll be there for you I’m here for you. I’m here for you

Keep up with Alpharocket: 26


If you’re looking to promote your business or want to get the word out about your upcoming events or gigs then give Scott a call on 021 681 959 or email

Let’s have a chat over a coffee and nut out a plan. Our shout. 27


Here’s our take on your month ahead. If you’re looking for spiritual guidance this is not the place...

Aries – You look so young for your age. It must be the pimples.

Libra – It must be hard lugging around that enormous brain.

Taurus – Take a deep breath and hold it for twenty minutes.

Scorpio – You remind me of someone I don’t want to know.

Gemini – Your secrets are safe with me, I wasn’t even listening to you.

Sagittarius - The leading cause of muffin tops is, in fact, muffins.

Cancer – A large income is the best recipe for happiness.

Capricorn – Let’s get married and blame all our problems on each other.

Leo – For a second there I thought you were one of them weirdos.

Aquarius – You have a nice personality but not for a human.

Virgo – Not all Virgos are annoying some are dead.

Pisces – The fast fish, not the big fish, eat the small fish..

WIN booty THIS MONTH YOU CAN WIN: One pizza every week from farelli’s tratoria

4 x $50 Lone star vouchers

Last month we had FIVE lucky winners. IF YOU’D LIKE some booty for you and your crew like us on facebook for a chance to win: we have weekly comps for our followers. EASY PEASY. THIS MONTH IT COULD BE YOU, SO GET IN THERE.

JOIN IN ON FB for more chances to win: 28


This month: Sourcing the goodies online


PAPER JEWELS Searching online for cool stuff can be a bit of a chore so we’ve done the hard work for you. Our new Source column is all about finding cool stuff online that you can get your hands on... Ever thought you could make jewellery out of paper? Jeremy May has and he did - they’re called “Literary Jewels”. He produces rings, bracelets, necklaces / pendants and Earrings. Pages are taken from books, music scores colour paper... May does not reveal his process, except for saying that it is some kind of lamination. Because the paper he uses is always different, his creations are guaranteed to be a one-off and virtually impossible to reproduce. You can purchase these masterpieces at: LITTLEFLY.CO.UK

NEXTMONTH: As you’ve probably gathered, The Source runs with a theme each month. Why? Just because we can. We’d also like you to know what’s coming up next month so you can join in and have your say. We’re keen to hear from artists, writers, photographers, DJs and opinionated freaks - especially if you’ve got something you want us to publish or you’ve got something you need to get off your chest... Next month’s issue flies under the banner of:

“fAKING IT” If you’d like to contribute email us: 30

26 Camp St, Queenstown, New Zealand



Fill Me In... Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler. Albert Einstein

The humblest of foodstuffs, found in many a lunchbox around the world, the sandwich is a bit of a contradiction. waterproof coating - no one wants to see you try and deal with ‘Piccalilli Finger’, especially Denise from Accounts. Next, the filling. Fill it but don’t stuff it - it’s meant to be feeding you, not the ground around you! Salad? If you must but remember, this is meant to be a budget proposition - tomatoes are more expensive than the meat you’re putting in the damn thing! For those unfamiliar with British sandwich practices, you might want to spice things up with a bit of Branston Pickle or Salad Cream and salt and pepper have plenty to give for that final touch - no point going cheap if you can’t taste anything! Put all together, consume and bask in the glory of saving two grand a year!

According to high society folklore it was invented by His Toffness the Earl of Sandwich as a way of being able to sustain his game of Slave Trade Top Trumps without having to leave the table. Ironically it is now seen as a rather down at heel type of sustenance, which is even more ironic given how much a loaf of bread costs in this town. Though it could be worse. You could be trying to buy reasonably priced raw fish, rice and seaweed, but we digress... Of course there’s the dilemma of whether to buy in town or make your own. I’ll just get this out of the way: I know some of you just don’t have the drive/botheredness to create your own dejeuner pièce de résistance, so let me give you a hot tip: the bakery sell yesterday’s perfectly lovely sarnies for 2 bucks a pop. It has to be said though, if you make it at home you have all the options to jazz it up and there’s no risk of getting suckered into the extras that can drain your pocket of another five dollars. So, where to begin? The bread. You want it thick and fresh but not too thick that you can’t get your mouth round it. That’s what she said. Next, you want butter to give it a good 32


Balsamic Green Bean Salad 500g Green Beans 5-6 Red Peppers Âź cup Balsamic Vinegar 9-10 Black Olives 3-4 tablespoons Oil chopped Onion pinch of Salt Ground Black Pepper

Wash beans, trim the ends and get rid of strings. Chop red peppers finely into long slices. Chop olives and cut them into slices. Put balsamic vinegar in a bowl and soak the onion. Put oil in a pan, add the beans and fry until they turn a little pale. Once cool heat oil in the pan and add

the soaked onions, pepper, black olives and beans and stir fry for 1-2 minutes. Finally season with salt and black pepper.



Making it all the way

As The Source is going to print, we are deep into the final stages of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Queenstown and Wanaka especially have been disproportionally representing NZ with more than half of the team calling Source territory home - nice. We caught up with Wanaka’s Katharine Eustace, just hours after her awesome 11th place finish in the Ladies’ Skeleton race. Source: You finished 11th in the Skeleton, we think that’s pretty awesome - there isn’t even a Skeleton track in New Zealand! Are you happy with your results? Katharine: I’m glad that you think it’s pretty awesome. I was aiming for top 6 and above if absolutely everything went my way but in this sport I could well have been 6th or 16th. Instead I was 11th in the whole wide world. So pleased that I was at the Olympics and never stopped believing I could be better. I’ll take 11th. S: Why Skeleton and not Luge or Figure Skating? K: Well, Luge is particularly dangerous. Figure Skating is for girls that own dresses and Skeleton is cool as. Plus, I used to be a sprinter and you have to push off hard at the start and someone said I should have a go so that’s what I did and loved it.

S: What does it take to make it to the Olympics? K: To make the Olympics takes a) the dream b) the hard work c) the determination and d) a bit of talent. That’s the recipe. S: What’s the best part about being at the Olympics? K: Just knowing that you worked so hard to get here and the reward of participation and being part of the NZ team. Wearing the silver fern. Oh and free food!! S: How does it feel to represent NZ? K: It’s pretty special to represent New Zealand. I’m totally just a normal person - but to be able to represent NZ and have people wish you well from all around NZ and other countries is amazing. I just hope it inspires others to go after their dreams. S: Was your heart beating faster at the top of your final Skeleton run or when you walked into the opening ceremony wearing the silver fern? K: I think at the opening ceremony. Mostly because I worked very hard to make sure that I was not too over aroused (psychology and sport talk) for the race, as it doesn’t make me slide well. At the opening ceremony I could feel whatever emotion I liked. S: Which country (team) throws the best parties? K: Austria seems to have a pretty good


S: Okay - time for the quick fire round: S: Hockey or curling? K: Hockey S: Borsht or Big Macs? K: Don’t know what borscht is but would take a gamble on it over Big Mac any day. S: Too warm or thank god it’s not -40? K: Love the weather S: Putin shirt on or Putin shirt off? K: Putin shirt on every time From the whole crew at The Source a big congratulations to Katharine and the whole NZ team who did us all proud in Sochi!

bar. The Russians know how to party. Perhaps I’ll let you know for sure after the Closing Ceremony. S: How long will the ‘I was in the Olympics!’ buzz last for? K: I hope the buzz lasts for a while, even if it’s just a quick reminder that gives me strength to take risks and do something I might not otherwise have the courage to do. S: What’s next for you? K: Next for me just a 200km multisport race, which I agreed to do maybe in a state of delirium. Although I haven’t run over 30 metres for a while so will see how it goes. Don’t get me wrong I’m going to love every minute of it afterwards. And of course back to work as a Physio. Would love to carry on Skeleton as I’m just getting better. Quite the commitment though so we’ll see. S: Any shout-outs? K: Thanks to NZ for all the support, to all those that helped me raise money, encouraged me, believed in me and helped me stand up at the start line believing anything was possible. You guys rock! 35

Body Art by Chooo-san

If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of. Bruce Lee

These body modifications are the painted works of 19 year old Japanese artist Chooo-san equipped only with acrylic paints and raw talent.




thumbs UP

10: TOP Inventions

TEDx - another huge helping of inspiration Queenstown’s Live Sound Vortex Motion Cinema

10. The Wheel: 3500 BC 9. The Nail: 2000 BC 8. The Compass: 9th Century 7. Printing Press: Circa 1440 6. Internal Combustion Engine: Late 19th Century 5. Telephone: 1876 4. Lightbulb: 1879 3. Penicillin: 1927 2. Internet: Mid 1960’s 1. Onesies: 21st Century

thumbs DOWN n Working for da ma on Summer 2014 - c’m rt it out... mama nature, so ian Bare chested Russ homophobes that even Bernie Eccles (is ) ir? ha n ow your

favourite Irish ditties before you head back out. Paddy’s at Pog’s never fails to deliver...


Once made equal to man, woman becomes his superior. Socrates

Fifteen years after their first Paddy’s Day, Pog Mahone’s remains THE place to be on March 17th. It’s almost a Queenstown right of passage to have a few glasses of the black stuff, enjoy the craic and get amongst the live music line up at Pog’s! Our pick is to pop in early in the day and grab a wicked brekky from the Pog Mahone’s kitchen. Then nip home, feed the cat, tell mum you might be late home and practice singing a few of your

? who, what, where F




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4 20 D 5 7 11



A 16


1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 21


Lone Star PO Café Bella Cucina Pog Mahones Finz Public The Find The Bunker Atlas Skyline Loco Queenstown Resort College Eichardt’s Outside Sports Sky Bar Pub on Wharf Powder Room

22 A B C D E F G H i

The Front Room Police Post Office QT Medical Centre Bus Stop QT Gardens Memorial Centre Library Village Green Information

event Blues and Roots Festival Preview

By Bethany G. Rogers

that means, it translates as muscial excellence from home soil. Wellington-based collaborative Fly My Pretties will also be gracing the main stage, weaving in visual backdrops to distract you from the damn fine vistas. Then there’s The Johnnys, an all-girl band taking Johnny Cash up an octave and a notch in their tributes. Plus, they have epic hair and brilliant bluesy guitars that you really need to see. Finally, the festival will be showcasing a wildcard. Applications are now open for the festival’s busking competition, held over Easter Weekend (18th20th April) which will see the winner basking in the glory of the main stage. Of course, local nosh and booze will be on offer. Scheduled to kick-off at 11am, with the first mellow tones venturing out at 12 noon, the day will be a non-stop party for the ear drums until 10.30pm. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a festival not to be missed, an off-beat up-beat making some noise in the middle of the quiet season.

Queenstown has been tapping its toes to a string of tunetastic festivals lately. If you missed out on Rippon, Gibbston, Summerlands and the others, you’re useless. But never fear. Keep calm, get out your credit card and go to Ticketek. The QT Events CentRE will play host to the very first Blues and Roots festival on 26th April. A one-day outdoor gig featuring a quirky musical soup of the funky, the famous and the downright different. Be bowled over by veteran musicians The Doobie Brothers, fresh from their new album release ‘World Gone Crazy’. Bask in the musical glory of Elvis Costello, with his career spanning nearly four decades and playing with his band The Imposters for the first time in the South Island. Prizes for guessing what hat/jacket/sunnies combination he’ll be sporting on the day. Then check out the smooth King Leo, sporting a beard that King Lear would have traded a kingdom for and had him dancing all the while. And yet, don’t be perturbed by the blues genre label. Or musical genres at all. Because mixing it up a tad are The Black Seeds, descibed as afrobeat-dub-funk-soul. Whatever

RE Events Cent Queenstown 50 $2 : VIP Tickets 19 Early Bird: $1 m l 11am-10.30p Sat 26th Apri



thu 6 MAR

LONE STAR :: DJ Just Cause from 10pm. THE FIND :: DJ Stubacca party jams. POG MAHONE’S :: Pistol Knights live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Cuz. LOCO CANTINA :: GRAND MASTER FLASH! Tickets from Base Reception.

LONE STAR :: Ladies’ Bike Night from 8pm. THE FIND :: Graeme James. Pub on wharf :: Phil & Tilley live 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Pol & Dom live 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Ribera. POWDER ROOM :: Break the Bank with A Kid Called Kayne. bunker :: Throwback Thursday.

sat 1 MAR

LONE STAR :: DJ Julio upstairs at 10pm. THE FIND :: DJ Stubacca party jams. Pub on wharf :: The Mutz Nutz live 9.30pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Live Like Lions at 9pm. SKYBAR :: Last night of King of Swing! POWDER ROOM :: DJ A Kid Called Kayne, hip hop & ghetto funk/glitch & bass.

fri 7 MAR

LONE STAR :: DJ Just Cause from 10pm. Live Super Rugby. THE FIND :: DJ Stubacca Party Jams. POG MAHONE’S :: Traditional band, Hair of the Dog, 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Cuz. POWDER ROOM :: Four:Twenty. bunker :: Funky house/retro fusion.

sun 2 MAR

sat 8 MAR

THE FIND :: DJ Doolittle. Pub on wharf :: Needy Pin live 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Phil & Tilley live 9pm. POWDER ROOM :: Safari Sunday! With 40 animal onsies to party in.

LONE STAR :: DJ Julio from 10pm. Live Super Rugby. THE FIND :: K+Lab. Pub on wharf :: Pistol Knights live at 9.30pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Dan Browne live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: Live music & DJs all night. POWDER ROOM :: DJ A Kid Called Kayne, hip hop & ghetto funk/glitch & bass. bunker :: Deep sexy house funk.

mon 3 MAR

THE FIND :: Mojo, live rock covers, 9pm. Pub on wharf :: Ham Solo live 9pm.

tue 4 MAR

LONE STAR :: Free poker with Cardsharks, register at 9pm. Cash game. THE FIND :: DJ Ribera, funky house & hip-hop. Pub on wharf :: Calico live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Dan Browne live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: Request Line.

sun 9 MAR

THE FIND :: Calico live. Pub on wharf :: Calico 3pm, Those Guys live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Dave live at 9pm. POWDER ROOM :: Safari Sunday! With 40 animal onsies to party in.

Wed 5 MAR

mon 10 MAR

THE FIND :: DJ Scottish. Pub on wharf :: Jo Bridden at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Calico live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Four:Twenty, old school hip hop, ghetto funk, glitch hop & DnB. POWDER ROOM :: Fiesta Noche Latina.

THE FIND :: Mojo, live rock covers, 9pm. Pub on wharf :: Tai live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Pistol Knights 9pm.


tue 11 MAR

POG MAHONE’S :: Pistol Knights live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: Live music & DJs all night. POWDER ROOM :: DJ A Kid Called Kayne, hip hop & ghetto funk/glitch &

LONE STAR :: Free poker with Cardsharks, register at 9pm. Cash game. THE FIND :: DJ Ribera, funky house & hip hop. Pub on wharf :: Uncle K live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Dan Browne live 9pm. SKYBAR :: Request Line.

bass. bunker :: Funky soulful house.

sun 16 MAR

THE FIND :: DJ Doolittle at 9pm. Pub on wharf :: Those Guys live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Charlie & Dave live at 9pm. POWDER ROOM :: Safari Sunday! With 40 animal onsies to party in.

Wed 12 MAR

THE FIND :: DJ Scottish. Pub on wharf :: Kayne live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Calico live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Four:Twenty, old school hip hop, ghetto funk, glitch hop & DnB. POWDER ROOM :: We love old school hip hop.

mon 17 MAR

thu 13 MAR

LONE STAR :: Happy St Patrick’s Day - wear green to be in to win when you dine. THE FIND :: Mojo, live rock covers, 9pm. Pub on wharf :: Ham Solo live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: St Patrick’s Day! Charlie Gibson at noon, traditional band at 3pm, Calico at 8.30pm.

LONE STAR :: Ladies’ Bike Night from 8pm. THE FIND :: DJ Kato (Aus) DJ Mo’Funk (Aus). Pub on wharf :: Calico live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Dan Browne live 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Ribera. POWDER ROOM :: Break the Bank with A Kid Called Kayne. bunker :: Throwback Thursday with DJ Stevie G.

tue 18 MAR

LONE STAR :: Free poker with Cardsharks, register at 9pm. Cash game. THE FIND :: DJ Ribera, funky house & hip hop. Pub on wharf :: Calico live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Dan Browne live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: Request Line.

fri 14 MAR

LONE STAR :: DJ Just Cause from 10pm. THE FIND :: DJ Stubacca party jams. Pub on wharf :: Calico band 9.30pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Radio Freefall live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Cuz. POWDER ROOM :: Four:Twenty. bunker :: Funky uplifting house.

Wed 19 MAR

THE FIND :: DJ Scottish. Pub on wharf :: Kayne live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Calico live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Four:Twenty, old school hip hop, ghetto funk, glitch hop & DnB. POWDER ROOM :: We love old school hip hop.

sat 15 MAR

LONE STAR :: DJ Julio from 10pm. THE FIND :: DJ Stubacca Party Jams. Pub on wharf :: The Mutz Nutz live at 9.30pm. 41


tue 25 MAR

LONE STAR :: Free poker with Cardsharks, register at 9pm. Cash game. THE FIND :: DJ Ribera, funky house & hip hop. Pub on wharf :: Uncle K live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Dan Browne live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: Request Line.

LONE STAR :: Ladies’ Bike Night from 8pm. THE FIND :: DJ Alias, 9pm. Pub on wharf :: Brentwood live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Pol & Dom live 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Ribera. POWDER ROOM :: Break the Bank with A Kid Called Kayne. bunker :: Throwback Thursday with DJ Stevie G.

Wed 26 MAR

THE FIND :: DJ Scottish, 9pm. Pub on wharf :: Kayne live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Calico live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Four:Twenty, old school hip hop, ghetto funk, glitch hop & DnB. POWDER ROOM :: We love old school hip hop.

fri 21 MAR

LONE STAR :: Naughty-cal Party with DJ Just Cause from 10pm. Prizes for best dressed sailors and pirates. THE FIND :: DJ Stubacca party jams. SKYBAR :: DJ Cuz. POWDER ROOM :: Four:Twenty. bunker :: Funky house/retro fusion.

thu 27 MAR

LONE STAR :: Ladies’ Bike Night from 8pm. THE FIND :: DJ Alias, 9pm. Pub on wharf :: Calico live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Dan Browne live 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Ribera. POWDER ROOM :: Break the Bank with A Kid Called Kayne. bunker :: Throwback Thursday with DJ Stevie G.

sat 22 MAR

LONE STAR :: DJ Julio from 10pm. Super Rugby live all weekend. THE FIND :: DJ Stubacca Party Jams. Pub on wharf :: Pistol Knights live at 9.30pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Charlie Gibson live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: Live music & DJs all night. POWDER ROOM :: DJ A Kid Called Kayne, hip hop & ghetto funk/glitch & bass. bunker :: Deep sexy house funk.

fri 28 MAR

LONE STAR :: DJ Just Cause from 10pm. Live Super Rugby. THE FIND :: DJ Stubacca party jams.

sun 23 MAR

Pub on wharf :: Calico Band at 9.30pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Up and Coming live at 9pm. SKYBAR :: DJ Cuz. POWDER ROOM :: Four:Twenty. bunker :: Funky uplifting house.

mon 24 MAR

LONE STAR :: DJ Julio from 10pm. Live Super Rugby. THE FIND :: DJ Stubacca Party Jams. Pub on wharf :: The Mutz Nutz live at 9.30pm.

THE FIND :: Calico live. Pub on wharf :: Calico at 3pm & Those Guys live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Maximum Ropataz live at 9pm. POWDER ROOM :: Safari Sunday! With 40 animal onsies to party in.

sat 29 MAR

THE FIND :: Mojo, live rock covers, 9pm. Pub on wharf :: Tai live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Pistol Knights live 9pm. 42

SKYBAR :: Live music & DJs all night. POWDER ROOM :: DJ A Kid Called Kayne, hip hop & ghetto funk/glitch & bass. bunker :: Funky soulful house.


sun 30 MAR

THE FIND :: DJ Doolittle, 9pm. Pub on wharf :: Calico at 3pm & Those Guys live at 9pm. POG MAHONE’S :: Up and Coming live at 9pm. POWDER ROOM :: Safari Sunday! With 40 animal onsies to party in.

mon 31 MAR

THE FIND :: Mojo, live rock covers, 9pm. Pub on wharf :: Ham Solo live 9pm.


our free listing for artists of all persuaSions where we celebrate the player rather than the venue. send us your gigs people and we’ll publish them... MOJO: Monday 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st March at The Find from 10pm. SHAY + PEARLY: Every Wednesday at The Red Rock from 8.30pm. THE HAMILTONES: Ballarat Trading Co 6th and 22nd March. FREEFALL band: Monty’s 1st & 29th, March, 9pm. Zephyr 4th &10th March, 43

10pm. Pog Mahone’s 14th March, 9pm. Pub On Wharf 7th March, 9pm. Ballarat Trading Co 16th & 28th March, 9pm. Pig & Whistle 8th March, 9pm. freefall duo: Monty’s 2nd & 30th March, 8pm. Pog Mahone’s 6th and 20th March, 9pm. Ballarat Trading Co 27th March, 9pm.

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