September Sprout 507

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Issue 507 / Sep 16

this month:

• Nathan Haines Interview • Clap Clap Riot head to The Sherwoood • The History of Carrots • Steady State? What? • Behind the Glitter Interview with Kola Gin, Drag Queen • More Cardrona passes and Quest Converse to give away

The word is:


INTRO:sprout Here we are almost two thirds of the way through 2016 and the world seems to become less of a democratic place every day. Unless you live in good old NZ of course, ‘cos guess what? It’s election time. interview with each of the local election candidates. It even covers Invercargill too so you’ll be able to have a moment with Tim Shadbolt in your living room. Imagine.

Yep, you should now have your paperwork in the mail and be eagerly discussing who you’d like to back to run your town. The problem is of course that despite the sudden sprouting of large placards telling us to vote for a head and shoulders in a suit (or a posh frock), we don’t know who these people are or what they stand for. Well folks, that’s about to change.

That’s the politics covered. This month at The Source we’ve got goodies sprouting out from all angles. Nathan Haines drops in for a chat, we’ve got the inside track on the world of drag and there’s even time for more free stuff for you to win. Get In. Source Out.

From 8th September a new local online channel TAPtv is firing up and it’s starting by offering us an

Free Phone 0800 GO GREEN (0800 46 47336) DESIGN/PRODUCTION: Tim Buckley: 027 239 0342 PRODUCTION/ACCOUNTS: Kirsten Young: 021 341 249

ADVERTISING: Dan Move: 021 609 132 EDITORIAL: Bethany Rogers: 027 882 5318



Big is beautiful Dynamic Derigible

hot stuff

quiet aircraft that also don’t pollute. Like a blimp, the Airlander lacks internal structure but keeps its shape with a helium-filled hull made out of Vectran, a tough fiber spun from liquid crystal polymer that resists cuts and moisture. It can take off and land anywhere like a helicopter - no ground crew or additional infrastructure is needed.

It’s called the Airlander 10: over 300 feet long, it’s a floating airship that’s 25 percent bigger than a Boeing 747. It’s 1,340,000 square feet in volume and can soar up to 20,000 feet at 90 miles an hour cruising speeds. It’s made by Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV), a British company that wants to make

THE B.BIKE The B.Bike aims to give tots a head start when learning to ride a real bicycle by providing a fun and super-safe way of scooting around. The design’s soft curves and playful style give it an inviting aesthetic that won’t intimidate. Its round form and carefully crafted shape also make it harder for kids to hurt themselves while playing. With a parent’s help or solo, little ones can strengthen their legs, practice balance and prepare for the next step in riding!



Always seek out the seed of triumph in every adversity. Og Mandino


Mick Hucknall My part in his downfall

When it comes to musical legacy, the UK has plenty to be proud of; we gave the world so much: melodic pop, amplified guitars and the most hallowed music venue the world has even seen, Wembley Stadium. The fact that it was so good didn’t stop some arsehole deciding it needed to be bulldozed and rebuilt. Oh well, bygones. album. I specifically bought you a Skrillex CD to enhance your musical knowledge. Mother, step away from James Blunt, we don’t care if he says you’re beautiful. He used to be in the Army, he probably has herpes.” There could be parallels between growing out of cool music and gaining middle-aged spread: we become lazy in the gym and lazy on our ears. One moment we’re bopping to the Ramones in a beat-up Mazda, the next we’ve got finance on a BMW station wagon and we’re desperately looking for that Robson and Jerome album. I despair. *This was meant to be an article about how awful the music of Simply Red was but a) that would be a short article and b) every time I looked at a picture of Mick Hucknall’s pock marked face I thought to myself “Hmmm, really must grit the driveway”.

Unfortunately, for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. For all the superbity in the UK’s musical canon, there’s wanton acts of cruelty imparted by record executives, dishing out pop so bland if it were a piece of clothing it would make a Richie Benaud off-white suit look like a Vivienne Westwood creation. You can forgive the likes of Pete Waterman foisting Kylie and Jason on us; those tunes had fantastic melodies and a hook so good you could land a yellow fin tuna with ‘em. But then you have types like Messrs Cowell and Fuller: no one gives a shit what the music sounds like but if it sells a million copies, it’ll do for them. I think in many ways the younger generation has to take responsibility. As the arbiters of what is cool, what is on point, they have a duty to educate their parents. “No Dad, you will *not* listen to this Lighthouse Family 6




Five Minutes with:

Clap Clap Riot’s Dave Rowlands

Kiwi four-piece alternative rock band Clap Clap Riot have been gigging around the country for more than ten years. Their debut album Counting Spins was named ‘Best NZ Rock Album of 2012’ by iTunes. Tell us a bit about your creation process. The process changes a lot, I think we’ve got to keep it fresh, though there’s always similar threads. We’ll get the beginning of a song mumbled through, focus on the melody, then the lyrics and build it up from there. Though it really varies, there’s no hard and fast rule for creating music! What influences you? Books, films and TV series are a big influence for me. I’m right into Lost in Translation, I love how the visual elements and the sound track work really well together. Stranger Things is shot really well too. What’s the strangest thing to happen to you at a gig? I was walking backwards while playing guitar on stage. I walked right into the drum kit, knocked it over and ripped by pants on the drum riser. I kept playing but my pants would not stay up for the rest of the show. Check out Clap Clap Riot at Sherwood on Thursday 15th Sep.

Named after the applause machine designed for 80s music show Top of the Pops, they’ve been eliciting applause at festivals like Splore, Big Day Out and Rhythm and Vines for years. Currently on tour with rock and roll crew Racing, the two bands will descend upon The Sherwood on 15th September. The Source had a quick catch up with Clap Clap Riot’s guitarist and songwriter Dave Rowlands. What can we expect from you guys at The Sherwood? Fuzz Pop. Short, sharp tunes with an underlying edge of energy, guitar, a bit of a 60s influence and a lot of Kiwi influence. We focus on being a LIVE band, no laptops or any of that stuff, just us, instruments and the freedom to play live music! What’s on the radar for CCR? We’ve just released a single, Help Me. It’s our first in two years and a small taster of our forthcoming album (due for release early 2017). We’ll be playing some of the new material at the gig. 8




Sprout a Native

When it comes to gardening, it’s hip to go native.With Kiwi species sprouting up all over, picking the right seeds is easy. Go buy a pot and decide which long-term relationship you’re looking for: Tall, Dark & Dangerous: Sure, their big, strong branches provide tempting shade on a hot summer day. But who knows what lurks beneath the bowers. . . Willows – Obsessed with water, they’ll suck up whatever liquid their creeping roots can locate. And when that fails to catch your attention, they’ll throw off a limb or two – breaking anything underneath. Lemonwood – Tame - as in appearance, the tree’s speedy growth demands frequent pruning. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself in one delicious-smelling leafy trap. Just Dangerous: There’s nothing dreamy-James-Deany about these bad boys. An innocent flirtation with easy gardening can turn into an infestation of thorns, brambles and heartbreak. Speargrass – Nicknamed “Bastard Grass” by Queenstowners who’ve tangled with its sharp leaves. Requires no extra watering but lots of aloe and bandages. Matagouri – Another hands-off addition to the garden. Its thorns are so sharp the Maori originally used them for tattooing.

Sweet & Independent: Goodbye tedious clipping, watering and shaping: these wild native seeds want to spend time in your mouth, not under your green thumb. Raspberries – Their tasty fruit ripens during the summer season. Come autumn, pull off the dead bits and look forward to another nine months of store-bought apples. Thyme – Give it a little sunlight, water whenever you remember and crumble the results of your labour over homemade pasta. Handsome, Yet Headstrong: Think you can handle a more attractive species? Overlook their inner blemishes and these local beauties are sure to woo. Kowhai – Named with the Maori word for “yellow”, this tree’s blossoms are as iconic as the Tui birds they feed. But beware: standout fame may lure entire busloads of camera-toting Korean tourists. Rowan – Like a sensitive lover, its colours change to suit the mood. Stunning autumn leaves lead to bright winter berries. But beware: the white blossoms that follow smell overwhelmingly of cat piss. 10


Midnight Wrap followed by a Walk of Shame Devil relish is certainly a belly full. However, in case you do find yourself strutting the stroll of success, here’s a few tips to avoid shame: 1/ Shower – If you were friendly enough to ride, you’re friendly enough to share water closet facilities. Wash away the smells and the joker-esque make-up job asap. 2/ Steal clothes – that sequinned body-con skirt/Ted Baker chequered shirt is obvious party wear. Search the room, grab the biggest hoodie/ jeans/jogging pants you can find. Run for it. 3/ Time it right – After the bin men have been, before the school run. 4/ Attitude – it’s not the walk of shame if you’re glowing with success… The seed of revolution is repression. Woodrow Wilson

SOUNDS LIKE A CLASSIC NIGHT OUT FOR BRITISH AND AUSSIE TOURISTS IN QUEENSTOWN, BUT THEY ARE ACTUALLY TWO OF THE TASTIEST LUNCHES IN TOWN. ONE HECK OF A LOT CHEAPER THAN A DIRTY NIGHT OUT FOLLOWED BY AN AWKWARD MORNING AWAKENING, THE WRAPS AT DEVIL BURGER ARE LESS THAN $15 EACH. The Midnight Wrap is grilled chicken tenderloins with creamy feta cheese and a sundried tomato/olive chutney all lovingly enclosed in a white flour wrap. The Walk of Shame will require some walking off; NZ streaky bacon, egg, hash brown and grilled Portobello mushrooms with



Check out the bizarre work of American artist Christian Rex van Minnen


1940s - Dr Carrot, alongside his crony Potato Pete are the poster boys for Britain’s ‘Dig for Victory’ campaign. Despite Dr Carrot’s goofy glasses, the government create the myth that the Royal Air Force can see in the dark because they eat lots of carrots. They’re actually using radar. Carrots are used as an alternative sweetener in recipes and unsuspecting children are proffered carrots on sticks masquerading as lollies. 2016 – There’s some bloody tasty salads and lunches at Habebes with carrots in them – high in vitamin A, beta-carotene, fibre, vitamin K, potassium and antioxidants, they’re low in calories and pretty damn good for you. It’ll improve your eyesight if you spend too much time in front of the TV but radar is still better for seeing in the dark.

4,000 – 5,000 years ago – Wild carrots are white or purple in colour. Seeds and carrot tops are used for medicinal purposes but nobody thinks to dig one up and take a bite. 10th Century – Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq domesticate carrots and figure out the root part is pretty tasty. 15th Century – Word of a fat, orange mutant gets around, it’s called Donald… no, no, wait, it’s the modern carrot. 16th Century – Herbalists hail carrots as effective against the bites of venomous beasts.


Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. Vladimir Lenin

A brief history of carrots


the word

Seven Surprising Facts About By SARA LITCHFIELD


Of all the vegetables in the garden, one is by far the sorriest specimen. Like the annoying relation you can’t stand to sit next to at the Christmas family gathering but who still has to get an invite, the poor Brussels sprout, despite being a staple at the festive feast, can’t turn up to the table without someone pulling a face. That person’s never me though, I sit at the Christmas table smug in the knowledge that I’ll get more than my fair share. Boiled within an inch of their underrated lives, for me, they’re the perfect, pale green, slightly soggy centerpiece that the turkey and all those other trimmings accompany. I’m not going to try and change your mind about the muchmaligned mini-cabbage. But I am going to share some surprising facts you may not have been aware of, so you at least have to concede that they’re more interesting than your average carrot. 1. While there are two main types of Brussels Sprout – the dwarf and the taller – there are actually 110 varieties. Some of them are purple. One of them is called Red Bull. 2. Sprouts are cruciferous, which sounds like a curse out of Harry Potter but actually comes from the Latin for ‘cross-bearing’ and 14

is the moniker of the family of vegetables whose flowers have four petals that resemble a cross. 3. There are (allegedly) 9,000 ways to cook Brussels Sprouts. This was genuinely reported in a British newspaper. No source was named and they only listed five of them. 4. The current world record for the highest number of sprouts eaten in one minute is 31. 5. Sprouts are really high in vitamin C and vitamin A and have anti-cancer properties. They basically save lives, like little soggy superheroes. 6. The heaviest-recorded sprout weighed over 8kg. Which is ridiculous. 7. The slyest thing you can do with sprouts is use them to replace that box of Ferrero Rocher you ate that was meant to be for the guests. Tuck them in the original, crinklyfoil wrappers, put the lid back on the box and deny all knowledge.

ONE TO WATCH The Ruins (2008)

Two young couples are on a lazy Mexican vacation - sun drenched days, drunken nights, making friends with fellow tourists. When the brother of one of those friends disappears, they decide to venture into the jungle to look for him. What started out as a fun day-trip slowly spirals into a nightmare when they find an ancient ruins site and stumble upon a creeping horror unlike anything they could ever imagine. 15

poet’s corner


The Provokial

Your dark silhouette stands Hunched, curled, Like an extravagant walking stick Used just for decoration Your skin is leathery A wrinkled hide, So thick it’s your Impenetrable battle armour. Your colour is dark aubergine, Your face a mouldy claret And your hands and feet A dirty foxglove. You stand just feet away Staring at me with those saucer-wide eyes, The shiny button pupil swirling like a black hole, Ready to engulf me in less than a second. My throbbing heart beats loudly A constant reminder of my existence, Each beat pounding harder the longer you stare at me. Just as my nape begins to prickle Your shrunken mouth opens to speak, A slow but terrifying gesture. You hold out a bony hand Blink once, Then twice, and say, “Let’s hold hands... yes?”


book review

WHO RULES THE WORLD by Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky is the world’s foremost intellectual activist. Over the last half century, no one has done more to question the great global powers who govern our lives, forensically scrutinising policies and actions, calling our politicians, institutions and media to account. The culmination of years’ of work, Who Rules the World? is Chomsky’s definitive intellectual investigation into the major issues of our times. From the dark history of the US and Cuba to China’s global rise, from torture memos to sanctions on Iran, Chomsky explores how America’s talk of freedom and human rights is often at odds with its actions. Delving deep into the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Israel/ Palestine, he provides nuanced, surprising insights into the workings of modern-day imperial power. The world’s political and financial elite have become ever more insulated from democratic constraints on their actions. Chomsky shines a powerful light on this inconvenient truth. With climate change and nuclear proliferation threatening the survival of our civilisation, the message has never been more pertinent or more urgent: the need for an engaged and active public to steer the world away from disaster grows ever greater. With the US election in it’s full dreadful, swing, this is a pertinent book. Like all of Chomsky’s work, recommended.


Creamy Italian Chicken Tomato Soup


Serves 4-6

3 large boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 small onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 400g can full fat coconut milk 1 cup chicken stock 400g diced tomatoes 225g can tomato sauce 2 tablespoons Italian seasoning 1 tbs dried basil Sea salt & fresh ground pepper

Mix the onions, garlic, coconut milk, chicken stock, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes and seasonings in your crock pot. Add chicken. Cover and cook on LOW for 7-9 hours or on HIGH for 4-6 hours or until chicken shreds easily. Shred chicken and return to crock pot. Keep warm until ready to serve.


What next?

Sprout-hairpins became a trend in Chengdu, China sometime last year. Men, women and children could all be seen with plastic plants growing out of their heads. The pins were selling for around $1. “People need something fresh to enrich their mundane lives” explained sociologist Gao Xuanyang to CNN. “Be it a hairclip, a purse or a T-shirt. The ones who followed the trend didn’t really want to know the meaning behind it. They only want to show off their hipness by wearing the sprout clips.” We at the Source actively encourage this trend. It’s awesome. 18


Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a man’s growth without destroying his roots. Frank A Clark

OUR SPROUTS HAVE CLOUT From small acorns, giant oaks grow… plant the seed and the shoot will sprout… and so it is with our children. We’re all attracted to fun, prosperity and glamour and green causes don’t always fit that bill. The green movement needs a rebrand, so how do we all help to make it cool? (Answers on a postcard please!) How about we start with our SPROUTS? As Whitney Housten sung: “I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way” (embrace the ear-worm of the day). They innately know right from wrong when informed about the world around them. Let’s guide them

to think critically about how corporates market and whether we need these products in our lives. If our poor sprouts knew that most domestic cleaners damaged our waterways and fish, they wouldn’t want us to use them. If they knew that in 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans, they would want us to eliminate plastics. If they knew the soap they use drives habitat destruction through deforestation, they would discern there’s nothing glamorous about using these products.


At School • Work with the school to share your ideas, or use a parent forum to discuss them and post them in the school newsletter. • Ask the school to have a policy to reduce plastic (it’s an increasing waste management issue for NZ schools, both in budgeting costs and littering). • Ask about Enviroschools ( Our lives are the result of our choices. Every choice can be simplified and when viewed collectively they make you green and green is the new cool. Words by Esther Whitehead (APP Co-Founder).

Just because other parents may not be talking about it, doesn’t mean you can’t. You’ll be surprised how many others want something better. Your suggestions to APP have highlighted these action points: At Home • Use less plastic in school lunches and generally. • State you don’t want a straw when ordering drinks. • Ask kids to come up with ideas and talk with their friends/ teachers. • Show children images of the amount of plastic in our oceans and how it affects bird life/ marine life.


humour like a machine!” “What kind of pills were they?” asked the friend. “I don’t know but they’ve got a peppermint taste.” .............................................................. An elderly man visits the doctor for a checkup. “Mr Smith, you’re in great shape” says the doctor. “How do you do it?” “Well” says Mr Smith “I don’t drink, I don’t smoke and the good Lord looks out for me. For weeks now, every time I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he turns the light on for me.” Concerned, the doctor finds Mrs Smith in the waiting room and tells her what her husband said. “I don’t think that’s anything to worry about” she says. “And on the bright side, it does explain who’s been peeing in the fridge.”

A zookeeper is ordering new animals. As he fills out the forms he types “two mongeese”. That doesn’t look right, so he tries “two mongoose” then “two mongooses”. Giving up, he types “One mongoose and while you’re at it, send another one”.

There was a young maid from Madras Who had a magnificent ass Not rounded and pink As you probably think It was grey, had long ears and ate grass .............................................................. A week after John bought a bull, he complained to his friend “All that bull does is eat grass. Won’t even look at a cow.” “Take him to the vet” his friend suggested. The next week John is much happier. “The vet gave him some pills and the bull serviced all of my cows!” he told his pal. “Then he broke through the fence and bred with all my neighbour’s cows. He’s 22

Thumbs Up • We live in a democracy and you get the right to excercise your vote and have a say in how your local district is governed.

Thumbs Down • We live in a democracy but our right to vote becomes meaningless if all that’s on offer are different shades of the same blandness. Show us some colour people, you know you want to...

WTF? Thorrablot (Þorrablót) In January many Icelanders celebrate the “feast of Thorri” and eat the world’s most disgusting food consisting of sour ram testicles, boiled sheep heads, blood pudding, liver sausage and fermented shark. In manuscripts from the middle ages the Thorri is depicted as a personification of winter. It is unclear how the feasts were celebrated back then but it seems that people had a huge party with much food and drink. Today, people in Iceland uphold the same customs by eating “traditional” food. In former times Icelanders used to salt, smoke, bury and or ferment their food for storage and it has become a delicacy to eat it today. To be able to eat Thorri food is also a sign of strength in modern Icelandic culture. 23

THEMAP 1. The World Bar 2. Otautahi Tattoo 3. Surreal 4. Skyline 5. Sherwood 6. Habebes 7. Canyoning Queenstown

8. Devil Burger 9. Front Room Gallery 10. Green Cabs 11. Bath House 12. Toro 13. Bound 14. No.5

15. Quest 16. Bela Cucina 17. Public 18. FINZ 19. Coalfire 20. Loco Cantina 21. The London


9 2 15


21 6

16 20


12 19

3 17




8 1





THE BATH HOUSE ABOUT: Dine on the beachfront in this original Victorian bathhouse. Now an elegant restaurant, The Bath House offers enviable views across Lake Wakatipu, looking out towards snow-capped mountains. Inside, there’s a cosy fire and just eight tables, guaranteeing an intimate dining experience. The Bath House offers hearty food with a twist including a succulent New Zealand lamb dish, all produced from the finest and freshest locally sourced ingredients. Take a seat right here to enjoy a glass of fine Central Otago wine over great food and a beautiful sunset.​ SPECIALTIES: Breakfast, lunch and really great scones. SOURCE SAYS: If you want to step away from the hubbub of downtown it’s a two minute stroll along the Parade to this cosy, warm, lakeside hideaway. Opening Times: 9am - late Food: Full menu lunch and dinner Bookings: Possible Music: Background Outdoor area: Absolute beach front

Address: Marine Parade, Queenstown, NZ Phone: 03 442 5625 Email: Website:



No5 CHURCH LANE ABOUT: No5 Church Lane is renowned for its world-class cocktail list, unsurpassable service and outstanding locally-sourced Mediterranean style cuisine. No5 also has an excellent selection of vegetarian meals available. For discerning drinkers in Queenstown No5 is a bar with a difference. Whether a local or just here for a quick visit, the team at No5 is ready to satisfy the taste buds with delicious cocktails, fine champagnes, carefully selected local and international wines and some of the tastiest dishes in Queenstown. SPECIALTIES: Try the versatile mezze-style dishes, perfectly portioned for sharing. SOURCE SAYS: Intimate and welcoming, No5 is a stand-out destination for an evening of cocktails or an amazing meal. Opening Times: 7:30am till late. Daily Happy Hour between 5-7pm. Food: Breakfast, lunch and dinner al-a-carte. Music: Background. Outdoor area: Yes, with heat lamps and awnings.


Address: 5 Church Lane, Queenstown, NZ Phone: +64 (0) 3 450 2166 Email: Website:

THE WORLD BAR ABOUT: The World Bar has a long and solid reputation in Queenstown. Since moving to their new premises in 2015, The World has undergone a transformation and set a new standard for both all day food and late night entertainment. The menu is broad and full of some classics. There’s heaps of seating both indoors and out. If you’re looking for a quiet hidey-hole, head for the ‘shed’ out the back. The main room is lively and the front deck is one of Queenstown’s favourite sun-traps. SPECIALTIES: Burgers, Fish Tacos, Mac ‘n’ Cheese Balls, + great service. SOURCE SAYS: These guys have been doing this stuff for a while now and they know how to look after you. Great food, great people and if you’re after a burger, this is the only end of town - no need to queue, just sit down and relax... Opening Times: Noon - late Food: Full menu lunch and dinner Bookings: Possible Music: Background music early. Live music + DJs later Outdoor area: Suntrap

Address: Church Lane, Queenstown, NZ Phone: 03 450 0008 Email: Website:



TORO KITCHEN AND BAR ABOUT: Toro Kitchen and Bar brings you a diverse mix of Mediterranean inspired dishes in the heart of Queenstown. Centred around tasty, fresh and seasonal produce, Toro’s menu is based on what’s fresh and available locally. It features tapas, big plates, sides and the chef’s ‘Taste of Toro’ homemade 5 courses. Great food and great restaurants are about family, friends and the memories that are made when we all come together and sit down for a meal. Toro Kitchen and Bar, it’s how we eat. ABOUT: Seasonal menu using local produce. SOURCE SAYS: It’s where we go for lunch.

Opening Times: 9am till Late Food: The chef’s ‘Taste of Toro’ homemade 5


Music: Backround in the main restaurant Outdoor area: Yes + rooftop bar coming soon


Address: 20 The Mall, Queenstown, NZ Phone: +64 (0) 3 442 8503 Email: Website:

BELLA CUCINA Bella Cucina was set up so we could share our love of Italy and our passion for good food and wine. Our philosophy at Bella is to provide fresh, flavoursome food with that something special, in a warm relaxed atmosphere. Much more than Pizza and Pasta, Bella Cucina is based on the Italian kitchen philosophy of a daily changing menu to incorporate the freshest produce. Everything is made from scratch with love, it’s fresh, delicious and affordable. Join us for a slice of ‘la bella vita’ today. You can also pick up a take away pizza every night between 5pm and 7pm. Eat Simple. Eat Well.

Address: 6 Brecon St, Queenstown, NZ Phone: 64 (0) 3 442 6762 Email: Website:

Opening Times: 7 days from 5pm until late Food: Italian and delicious Music: Background Outdoor area: Yes 29


FINZ SEAFOOD & GRILL Finz Seafood & Grill has been a popular choice with Queenstown diners in the know for the past 11 years and now, with extra heating for the indoor courtyard tables and extended lake front dining, Finz is set to become the restaurant of choice for casual dining in Queenstown this season. SPECIALTIES: Seafood. SOURCE SAYS: Finz is a busy bustling little seafood bistro with crisp white table cloths and wooden chairs. It is a place you can go with family or friends and enjoy great food and wine and not break the bank. The takeaway fish and chips are also a sure fire winner.

Address: Steamer Wharf, Queenstown New Zealand Phone: 64 (0) 3 442 7405 Email: Website:

Opening Times: 7 days from 5pm until late Food: New Zealand Seafood Music: Background Outdoor area: Yes


PUBLIC KITCHEN AND BAR ABOUT: Good honest Kiwi fare sourced locally and designed to bring people together is the key concept behind Public Kitchen & Bar. Offering exceptional local cuisine Public Kitchen is all about sharing dishes of local produce caught in the hills, farmed down the road or caught off the coast. SPECIALTIES: Sharing plates are a big part of the great atmosphere plus the trifle is becoming a bit of a local legend. SOURCE SAYS: Since Public opened back in 2013 it has quickly established itself as a Queenstown icon. The best view, some of the finest food and great company - the perfect spot for a burger or brunch.

Opening Times: 11am - 11pm Food: Sharing plates and kiwi classics Music: Live music 2-5pm Sundays Outdoor area: Yes

Address: Steamer Wharf, Queenstown New Zealand Phone: 64 (0) 3 442 5969 Email: Website:



COALFIRE BARBECUE BAR Inspired by pit masters and kitchens from around the world, Coalfire Barbecue Bar offers food that’s ‘flavoured by fire’. Housed in a beautifully restored 150 year old building in the Queenstown Mall, Coalfire has a relaxed and warm atmosphere. With distinctive smoky flavours from the handbuilt Spanish smoker and delicious meats cooked low and slow, Coalfire offers up tasty meat, fish and vegetarian dishes to be enjoyed with local wine, beer and cocktails served up by friendly and professional staff. SPECIALTIES: Barbecued and smoked foods with a distinctive flavour, open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. SOURCE SAYS: We can’t get enough of Coalfire’s snack menu, try the jalapeno poppers or fried halloumi. Opening Times: 7 days from 8am until late Food: Smoky bbq meat, fish and vegetarian Music: Background Outdoor area: Yes


Address: The Mall, Queenstown New Zealand Phone: 64 (0) 3 442 8439 Email: Website:



The Front Room wall space is now fully booked for the rest of 2016 but we are available for events, workshops and social gatherings. If you need a space for your event, give us a call.

SEPTEMBER 2nd-16th :: NZIPP 2016 Print awards. Award-winning photography on display 20th Sep-5th October :: Wakatipu High School Emerging Artists design work on display OCTOBER 7th-31st Tracey Tawhiao & Julie Pengully presented by Toi O Tahuna. Friday 7 October 6-8pm Tracey Tawhiao & Julie Pengully opening; all welcome 7th-14th October Live Ta Moko art by Julie Pengully NOVEMBER 4th-30th Amy Wybrow (Botanical photographic show) NOVEMBER 17th UPfront Session #12 We’re always looking out for speakers to share their stories so if you know someone with a yarn worth hearing, get in touch. DECEMBER Aaron Kereopa presented by Toi O Tahuna YOUR SHOW: If you are an artist, photographer, sculptor or artisan and you’d like to show your work at the Front Room, please get in touch with:

Front Room Gallery 10 Memorial Street, Queenstown. Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 33



time for some steady-state thinking?

Queenstown’s experiencing a period of growth not seen since the last gold rush back in the 19th century. It’s little wonder our leaders are struggling to find solutions to housing, transport, wages or economic diversity - this is new territory for all of us... car stopped at the lights taking photos on his iPad). Instead of accelerating into the traffic, perhaps it’s time to pull over and take stock. Have a think about the journey and maybe even ask for directions. Kiwis are supposed to be good at coming up with new ideas or thinking outside the box, so here’s the challenge: How do we build a long-term, sustainable economy in the Southern Lakes where all the stakeholders get a fair go and the legacy is something to be proud of? The answer won’t be simple. It won’t suit everyone and it won’t happen overnight but unless we start asking the question and having a meaningful discussion nothing will change except the length of the queues and the price of the Kiwi dream. Like all gold rushes, this one can’t carry on forever. The goose is slowly being cooked and those golden eggs are in danger of being scrambled.

But maybe we’re asking the wrong questions. Maybe instead of asking how we manage this unprecedented growth, we should ask whether the growth is appropriate or even necessary. Is Queenstown full? Have we reached a point where the quality of the offering is being degraded - not just for the visitor but for the people who call this tiny alpine town home? What’s the long term outlook for everyone if we carry on expanding with no real plan? Is it fair that members of our community, our friends and loved-ones are forced to leave because rent is too high and wages are too low? Affordable housing is a discussion worth having but so is the one about a living wage. Coming up with a transport plan is also a good idea but not until you’ve decided where you want to go. Right now we’re at a crossroads (or more like a very complicated intersection with traffic lights, a roundabout, a zebra crossing and a holidaymaker in a hired 34


Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing. William Butler Yeats

People Doing It



QUEENSTOWN ARTS CENTRE As well as the renowned Cloakroom Gallery, QAC also houses a unique group of local artists in its studio spaces, offers classes and even has a fully equipped ceramics studio and kiln. The Arts Centre is on the corner of Stanley and Ballarat Streets and is open every day. FB: Queenstown Arts Centre GUERILLA DRIVE IN A new location every time, matched up with an old movie and some popcorn equals a fantastic way to spend a night out. Facebook is the best way to stay in the loop: FB: Queenstown Guerilla Drive-In HAPPINESS HOUSE Drop in to their awesome Op Shop open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Donations always welcome and if you need a helping hand, just let them know. Help out: FB: Happiness House Queenstown QUEENSTOWN LIFE Wakatipu blog by Queenstowner Jane

Guy. Queenstown Life is like a handbook for living in the Wakatipu. Join in the discussion at FB: Queenstown Life

QUEENSTOWN TRADING If you’re looking to buy, trade or

sell something in the Wakatipu, this is the Facebook page for you. Crackin’ deals: FB: Queenstown Trading

QUEENSTOWN.COM has grown up and is now the definitive resource for getting under the skin of this enigmatic wee town. ROUTEBURN DART WILDLIFE TRUST Bring back the

birdsong to the Routeburn and Dart Valleys. Controlling predators is the name of the game and it costs a lot of dosh. Donate at: 36


grey matter splatter ?

September ‘16 SODOKU (hard)


5 9 2 4 3 1 7 6 8 9 5 3 6 7 7 2 1

3 9 1 6 7 9 3 6 5 7

S C A S M O R L O Create as many words of two letters or more using each letter only once and the centre letter in each word. Find the nine letter word. No proper nouns allowed. Meh=10 Now We’re Farming=14 You Freakin’ Rock=18

QUIZ 1. What is the colour of mourning in Turkey? 2. Which game is played on an oval with 18 players per team? 3. What is the white trail behind a jet plane made from? 4. What did table tennis balls used to be made from? 5. Which Mediterranean country’s orchestra is bigger than its army? 6. What was the name of William Tell’s son (the apple head boy)? 7. Of what are Karakul, Texel and Romney Marsh types? 8. An unkindness is a group of what birds? 9. The Pogues took their name from Pogue Mahone - which means? 10. What is the oldest known infectious disease?

1: Violet 2: Ozzie rules football 3: Ice crystals 4: Cork 5: Monaco 6: Walter 7: Sheep 8: Ravens 9: Kiss my arse 10: Leprosy 37


Behind the glitter

Miss Kola Gin owned the Cabaret at Gay Ski Week this year – The Source Sat down with her and got the skinny on going drag. What was it like the first time you dressed in drag? Dressing in drag the first time was interesting, well, if you call wrapping a sheet around you held together with pins interesting. Back when I started, drag wasn’t all that main stream like it is today so a lot of the look depended on what you could get your hands on. What was it like the first time you performed in drag? I’ve always been a performer in musicals - so this was a walk in the park. What I found hard was the fact

that I believe the performance starts once the hair and eye lashes are slapped on. It’s like an immediate change. The walk turns into a mince and the voice changes into more feminine slurs. Drag performance starts from the get go and I think sometimes I enjoy the off stage banter better than the actual show on stage. How did you choose your stage name? Well, first of all I didn’t choose it. I got called it and then I was stuck with it. There were three of us who used to



What are some of the misconceptions that people might have about drag queens or about drag shows? 1. That we are transvestite or a cross dresser – those labels are for straight men, not drag queens or show girls. 2. We do have normal day jobs 3. Some think we are straight and do this for a job. DUH! 4. Most straight guys think we are after them! Really???????? What role does sexuality play in drag culture? Sexual puns are at the forefront of drag humour, so a lot. Everything we do is suggestive. A drag queen can change a normal conversation into an adult conversation instantly - it’s like it’s expected of us.

hang out, Fanta, Ribena and myself. I got lumped with it so added the GIN to make it more draggy. Any big tips for guys wanting to dress in drag for the first time? Get yourself a drag mother. Someone who has been doing it for more than three months who can show you the ropes. Don’t let normal girls do your makeup. Drag makeup is different than girl makeup. Shave… EVERYTHING!!! Is it better to ’tuck it in, or let it all hang out’? Depends on what you’re wearing really. If you are going to wear something tight then FFS tuck it in. Nothing worse than a 6’4” woman with a swollen labia walking around the streets.



Did You Know? • The owner of the field where Teletubbies was filmed tore down the hill and turned it into a pond to stop tourists tresspassing.

ARIES - Time will tell but you won’t like what it has to say. TAURUS - Relationships are easier if one of you is a cake.

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness. Lao Tzu

GEMINI - Are you overthinking what I’m overthinking? CANCER - Your mating call sounds a lot like begging. LEO - Maybe you don’t have swagger, maybe it’s an inner ear infection. VIRGO - Yes, leaving a 5 minute drunk voice mail at 3am really is romantic.

• Queen Elizabeth II is related to Vlad the Impaler making Prince Charles the ‘heir to Dracula’s bloodline’. • Dogs have a branch of nerves in their ears which extend to their internal organs and release endorphins when you rub them, sending relaxing impulses through their bodies and giving them a natural high. • Blood can be used as a substitute for eggs when baking. • We don’t believe that about the blood and the eggs.

LIBRA - You put the deter in determination. SCORPIO - Life is too short to let someone else decide how you waste it. SAGITTARIUS - You cannot join a gym “just to watch”. CAPRICORN - Any relationship can be long distance if you run away. AQUARIUS - When it comes to selfabsorption, you’re like a sponge. PISCES - You have my attention but it’s already planning its escape. 40

Congratulations to Monica who was the August winner of the Quest RipnDip. Don’t forget to put your entry in every month if you want to win a pair of Converse...


a free pairth every mon


Jazz rocks Having returned to NZ in 2015 after calling London home for over 20 years, what were some of the highlights and what do you miss most? Coming back to NZ is not a one-way ticket! I’ll be back there very soon. I miss my friends most of all and the museums and art galleries. I miss performing in amazing clubs like Ronnie Scott’s where people are quiet and appreciative and are knowledgeable about music. Though I am very blessed to play to great audiences in New Zealand. And for all those years in London, I dreamt of quiet, the beach and swimming in the sea - i.e. Auckland! What have you been working on musically since your return home? Where is your focus in terms of performing/writing/recording? I’m just keeping on keeping on and making records and music which means something to me and to the people I am collaborating with. That’s a very, very big question to answer and something very personal to me. I want to keep selling records and doing gigs too so that’s a kind of focus to get off my arse and get recording!! How evolved do you think local jazz is and is there still the same stigma about jazz? Music is music is music. You can’t magically make music to please the whole world. It has to mean something deep to the person who

NATHAN HAINES, ONE OF NEW ZEALAND’S LEADING JAZZ MUSICIANS , IS HEADING TO TOWN NEXT MONTH FOR THE 2016 QUEENSTOWN JAZZ FESTIVAL. THE SOURCE TRACKED HIM DOWN FOR A NATTER. Musically, how much more to you is there beyond jazz and what can the Queenstown audience expect from your performance in October? I’ve always loved music - music with soul, groove, feeling - black music - and jazz is just one representation of this (though a HUGE part of it). My thing for the last three decades has been combining my love of jazz harmony (or chord structures) with a solid beat. Not all the time but a lot of the stuff I made in the UK and the records which got me established internationally were made with this formula in mind. To answer the question of what can audiences expect, I always look forward to putting on a good show for the audience - we all love music and have been playing long enough to get around our instruments pretty well, so there will be no slouches in the technique department. But what REALLY matters most is the intent with which we play the music. We are all very blessed to have lives in music and I reflect on this everyday. Playing alongside my brother Joel is a great joy for me and as we both live busy lives we actually get to hang out and have fun! 42

“Music is music. You can’t magically make music to please the whole world”

makes it and if it’s made with the right attitude, perhaps you have the chance for the music to be heard by more than a few people. I have no problem with the word ‘jazz’ but music encompasses a million different art forms. To be defined or classified within a single genre is no good for anyone. If you want to talk genres I have made House/Drum and Bass/Hip-Hop/Jazz/Acid Jazz/NuJazz/No-Jazz. The jazz records I own and listen to a lot are true works of art. They elevate the spirit. For myself to be classified within the term ‘jazz’ - well I’m in bloody good company! I will spend the rest of my life endeavouring to make records that share the same spirit as my musical heroes. What are you listening to currently that’s inspiring you? The ocean. And any record that gets put on my 1968 Garrard 401 turntable. And that happens a lot as I have a lot of records and I buy a lot of records. I love vinyl. My last three albums have been released on vinyl as well. And last but supposedly not least, the mandatory Source question, what’s your favourite toast topping? It changes a lot but as I now have a 20 month old baby boy called Zoot who seems to like peanut butter on toast, I seem to be revisiting that old classic too. 43

Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth. George Washington


WHAT’SONSEPTEMBER Women are the engine driving the growth in California’s economy. Women make California’s economy unique. Arnold Schwarzenegger


LOCO CANTINA :: Sangria Sundays, every Sunday, WIN cash from 7:30pm

SURREAL :: DJ Cuz (funky house) WORLD BAR :: Stubacca from 9pm CATALYST PRESENTS INSIGHT: a quick peak into Future Queenstown, Memorial Centre, 5-6pm, Free.


SURREAL :: DJ Cuz (funky house) WORLD BAR :: The Flavour Live from 9pm CATALYST PRESENTS INSIGHT’S SCI SHORT FILMS, Memorial Centre, 6-6.45pm, Free. CATALYST PRESENTS ARE WE OBLIVIOUS TO THE DRINKING TO OBLIVION CULTURE?, Memorial Centre, 7-8pm, Free. THE HAMILTONES, Ballarat POL & DOM, Pig 9pm


AOTEAROA NATIONAL YOUTH BALLET, La Bayadere, Memorial Centre, 7-9.30pm, Adult $22.50, Child $14



WORLD BAR :: Sam Rivers from 9pm QUEENSTOWN FILM SOCIETY, Dorothy Brown’s, 8.30pm AOTEAROA NATIONAL YOUTH BALLET, La Bayadere, Memorial Centre, 7-9.30pm, Adult $22.50, Child $14 DOM & POL, Ballarat 9pm

SHERWOOD :: SATURDAY WORKSHOP SERIES: The Ring Maker by Jessica Winchcombe, 10am-3pm, $135. Registration essential, experiences@ SURREAL :: Goddess (DJs Jc-BassE & Michelle) THE LONDON :: Superheros & Villains WORLD BAR :: Stubacca from 9pm CREATIVE QUEENSTOWN ARTS & CRAFTS MARKET, Earnslaw Park, 9.30am-3.30pm THE MERINO MUSTER WORLDLOPPET RACE, Snow Farm, 8.30am-5pm, info at

SURREAL:: Best open mic night in town, hosted by Charlie Gibson. Come have a go... every Tuesday from 10pm, only at Surreal.


SHERWOOD :: SUNDAY WORKSHOP SERIES: The Art Of An Earring by Jessica Winchcombe, 1-5pm, $135. Registration essential, experiences@ WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes Live 4-7pm // DJ Alias from 9pm POL & FI, Pig 6pm 44



LOCO CANTINA :: State of Mind & Black Son Empire Sat 10th September

WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon from 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm POL & FI, Ballarat 9pm


WORLD BAR :: Stubacca from 9pm POL & FI, Coalfire 9pm THE LONDON :: Rhythm of the night, 90s house & dance music from 10pm, special guest Djs, every Thursday


SHERWOOD :: SUNDAY WORKSHOP SERIES: Day of Ideas: Transformation w/ Timothy Hill & Ross Harding (AUS), 10am-4pm. Registration essential, WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes Live 4-7pm // DJ Alias from 9pm


SURREAL :: Open mic night, 10pm WORLD BAR :: Sam Rivers from 9pm QUEENSTOWN FILM SOCIETY, Dorothy Brown’s, 8.30pm SILKWORM, Zephyr 11pm


SHERWOOD :: Street Chant (AKL) tickets from SURREAL :: DJ Pops (hip hop and ghetto) WORLD BAR :: The Flavour Live from 9pm FREEFALL, Pogs 9pm


WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon from 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm DOM & POL, Ballarat 9pm



SURREAL :: Selectors Leo & Jamille (Reggae, strictly vinyl) THE LONDON ::Return of Hip Hop WORLD BAR :: Stubacca from 9pm CREATIVE QUEENSTOWN ARTS & CRAFTS MARKET, Earnslaw Park, 9.30am-3.30pm JACK’S POINT TRAIL RUN, 10am-3pm, $35-$45,

SHERWOOD :: Clap Clap Riot (AKL) and Racing album release tour. Tkts: THE LONDON :: Rhythm of the Night, 90s house & dance, special guest DJs 10pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca from 9pm ARROWTOWN ARTS FESTIVAL, Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall, 15-18 Sept, info at POL & DOM, Pogs 9pm 45



SURREAL :: DJ Jc-BassE (Drum & Bass) WORLD BAR :: The Return of Calico Live from 9pm POL & FI, Habana 6pm FREEFALL, Ballarat 9pm

SURREAL :: DJ Hulio (party anthems) THE LONDON :: Back to the 90s WORLD BAR :: Graeme James Live from 9pm CREATIVE QUEENSTOWN ARTS & CRAFTS MARKET, Earnslaw Park, 9.30am-3.30pm


SURREAL :: DJ Cuz (funky house) THE LONDON :: Saints & Sinners WORLD BAR :: Stubacca from 9pm CREATIVE QUEENSTOWN ARTS & CRAFTS MARKET, Earnslaw Park, 9.30am-3.30pm


WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes Live 4-7pm // DJ Alias from 9pm ROXY RUNSUPYOGA Fitness Event, 10am-3pm, Moke Lake (SUP/RUN), Skyline Gondola (YOGA), www. POL & FI, Public 2-5pm POL & FI, Pig, 6-9pm


WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes Live 4-7pm // DJ Alias from 9pm



SURREAL :: Open mic night, 10pm WORLD BAR :: Sam Rivers from 9pm QUEENSTOWN FILM SOCIETY, Dorothy Brown’s, 8.30pm

SURREAL :: Open mic night, 10pm WORLD BAR :: Sam Rivers from 9pm QUEENSTOWN FILM SOCIETY, Dorothy Brown’s, 8.30pm SILKWORM, Zephyr 11pm


WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon from 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm POL & FI, Ballarat 9pm


WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon from 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm


THE LONDON :: Rhythm of the Night, 90s house & dance, special guest DJs 10pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca from 9pm UNDER THE SAME MOON, comedy, Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall, 7.30pm, Adults $24, Children $14


SHERWOOD :: Sherwood Songwriter Society, Free. Sign up from 8pm THE LONDON :: Rhythm of the Night, 90s house & dance, special guest DJs 10pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca from 9pm POL & FI, Pogs


SHERWOOD :: Wakatipu Youth Trust presents: The Battle of the Musos Final, $5 door sales SURREAL :: DJ Pops (hip hop and ghetto) WORLD BAR :: Calico Live from 9pm HAMMERS & HORSE HAIR, classical music, Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall, 7.30pm, Adults $25, Children $15


SURREAL :: DJ Hulio (party anthems) WORLD BAR :: Calico Live from 9pm POL & FI, Habana 8pm


Our ‘How To’ guide to some old favourites and a few new ones...



Brought to you by the team at No5

INGREDIENTS Half muddled red chilli 45ml Patron Café 15ml white Crème de Cacao 3-4 dashes Hellfire Bitters 45ml Harpoon cold brew coffee

METHOD: Combine all ingredients

into cocktail shaker with ice and shake hard. Double strain into an ice filled rocks glass. Garnish with the remaining red chilli.

Those awesome folks at Cardrona have given us a bunch of day passes to pass on to our readers. Last month Anouva Sinnet took off with the prize. All you have to do is join us on Facebook and answer this: Park, Pipe or Pub? Why? Drop us your answer and we’ll choose a winner.


a day paosnsth every m


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