The Source May 16

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Issue 503 / May 16

this month: New Zealand Music Month Peggy Oki Interview Win some Converse Dave Dobbyn rocks into town LUMA countdown

The word is:



INTRO:freeze Let the chill begin. May is the month when traditionally Queenstown grinds to a halt and we all get a chance to breath and take stock before the season starts in earnest. John Key at the wheel laughing like a madman, stuffing foreign currency in his ‘glove box’ and running over small children waving Union Jacks. The stampede is coming folks and even Uncle John admits the infrastructure can’t handle it. So why are we still pushing the buttons? Who knows. It’s like a huge social experiment - a game of chicken where the first one to blink gets their tail lights kicked in. Good luck everyone.

Well good luck with that. We haven’t had a genuine shoulder season for many moons now and that’s not about to change. If you think you’re time poor and you’re waiting for things to calm down a bit so you can get that art project nailed or carve off a bit of ‘me time’, you’re dreaming. Queenstown is on a trajectory where today’s busy will be tomorrow’s normal. Are we ready or are we caught in the headlights of an oncoming Chinese juggernaught with

Source Out.

Free Call 0800 GO GREEN (0800 46 47336) DESIGN/PRODUCTION: Tim Buckley: 027 239 0342 PRODUCTION/ACCOUNTS: Kirsten Young: 021 341 249

ADVERTISING: Dan Green: 021 609 132 EDITORIAL: Bethany Rogers: 027 882 5318



the tech just gets better and it’s scary

FECEBOOK GOES 3D Facebook has made it clear that it sees the future in Virtual Reality through its multi-billion dollar purchase of Oculus. However, now that the Rift is finally shipping and millions are at least experimenting with inexpensive alternatives like Google Cardboard, the company has turned its attention to creating more content for those devices. At its annual developer conference, F8, it took a big step in this direction by announcing it has not only designed what it considers the best 360-degree camera rig, but that it will open source the hardware and software. All you’ll need is $30,000 worth of components and a couple of engineers to assemble one of your own. C’mon Sourcers, we can make this happen...

hot stuff

ACCELLERATED PARTICLES OFFER MORE MYSTERIES Apparently over the last few months the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland has discovered some anomolies in the results from it’s high speed crash test experiments. It seems we’re on the brink of a new era of scientific discovery. Mmm, so this is what it feels like to live in a universe that’s about to be sucked into an orifice the size of it’s earhole... What’s that wooshing sound?

Speaking of which, check out these awesome bike helmets. Crackin’


TATTOO OF THE MONTH get to our Facebook page and get posting for what you think is the

45 Camp St QT - 155 K Rd AKL - 3/62 Ricc Rd - CHCH


I have lived in a flurry of images, but I will go out in a freeze frame. Anthony Quinn

Tattoo Of The Month!


A yarn with Peggy Oki


After her inspiring talk at TEDx Queenstown 2016, The Source had a quick yarn with environmental artist and educator Peggy Oki. It goes without saying that Peggy is an outdoorsy and active type. She’s well known for being the only female member of the legendary 70s competitive skateboarding team, The Zephyr Boys. A talented surfer and climber, we caught up with Peggy while she was bouldering in Jardine’s Park and learnt a thing or two about climbing and the environment… What’s the biggest issue facing whales and dolphins right now? Whaling is still happening. Though there has never been a single

Photo: Jeff Donovan



ooh, pork chop! But there’s really great alternatives now that are good tasting, healthier substitutes for meat. For anyone concerned about the environment, climate change, massive rainforest and habitat loss, extinction of species, pollution of air and water and more, I highly recommend watching the documentary film Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret; it will blow your mind! Tell us about Lolita and the #16425DaysASlave project. Have you ever seen the documentary Blackfish? There’s reference to the tragic round up when she was taken. Her family were rounded up and these people attempted to capture the calves. Calves, mothers and fathers were there – they stuck together to try and save the calves but a mother orca and four of the calves drowned in the nets. The captors were ordered to slit their stomachs and filled them with stones to try and sink the bodies, but it didn’t work. Lolita witnessed all of this and was brought to the Miami Seaquarium. She was put in a tank with her young male cousin Hugo for a little while but he committed suicide by head-butting the side of the tank and Lolita’s been alone ever since – for more than 45 years. Her Mother is still alive, she’s 86 and activists have a retirement plan for Lolita – we just need to convince owners of the Seaquarium to release her from slavery. Find out how you can help on my website – www.

instance of a whale attacking a human, around the world, more than 40,000 whales have been killed since the 1986 International Whaling Commission moratorium on commercial whaling. Since 2004, the Origami Whale Project has tried to raise of awareness of this by creating an exhibit of origami whales for each real whale killed. Thousands of concerned adults and children have helped to fold the origami whales, which are then stitched together to create a curtain. These curtains have been exhibited all over the world. If there’s one little thing we could all do to help, what would it be? Stop eating seafood. Globally, 308,000 cetaceans (dolphins and whales) drown every year because they get caught in nets used by the fishing industry. Even legendary female oceanographer marine biologist Dr Sylvia Earle now refuses to eat seafood for additional reasons. Over 90% of the cause of deaths of New Zealand’s Maui’s dolphin is drowning in gill nets used in fishing. What advice would you give a meateater thinking about becoming vegetarian or vegan? It’s not so hard these days! There’s loads of starter kits on the internet that will help you. If you do your reading – it’s actually a myth that we need that much protein. For an evening meal, two cups of broccoli would give you the protein you need. There are so many plant-based sources of protein, that once you look into it, you’d be pleasantly surprised. I used to be a big omnivore, all the worst ones too – sausages, bacon, 7

grey matter splatter ?

May ‘16 SODOKU (hard)

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C U E N A I T H T Create as many words of two letters or more using each letter only once and the centre letter in each word. Find the nine letter word. No proper nouns allowed. Meh=9 Now We’re Farming=12 You Freakin’ Rock=15

QUIZ 1. Which cocktail, named after a city, was invented by the Raffles Hotel barkeeper Ngiam Tong Boon in 1915? 2. According to legend, which man rode horses named Llamrei, Hengroen and Passelande? 3. What is the Greek word for fire? 4. What kind of orange is used to flavour Earl Grey tea? 5. The ghost town Pripyat is found in which country? 6. Which modern Hollywood actress shares her name with Shakespeare’s wife? 7. Cape Agulhas is the southern most point of which continent? 8. E = mc2. ‘c’ represents what? 9. What was the largest sea battle of World War I called? 10. What is the divine nickname for the elusive ‘Higgs boson particle’? 1: Singapore Sling 2: King Arthur 3: Pyro 4: Bergamot Orange 5: Ukraine (Pripyat was built to house the Chernobyl nuclear power plant workers) 6: Anne Hathaway 7: Africa 8: The speed of light 9: Battle of Jutland 10: The God particle

I don’t cause riots, but I do cause confusion. People freeze when they spot me. Tom Hanks

8 4 3 7 5 3





When basketball Hall of Fame alum Chuck Taylor lent his name and signature to the trainers in 1921 they became THE basketball shoe. Basketball’s inclusion in the 1936 Olympics only meant more publicity for the now-popular Converse All Stars, made all the more compelling by American’s win against Canada. Chucks made the leap from athletic wear to alt fashion in the 1950s, when the classic black and white version became part of the youth rocker uniform. Rebel without a cause James Dean cemented their iconoclastic status. The 70s and 80s offered a punk backdrop for these canvas creations and as the century drew to a close the grunge scene was claiming them as its own. As the 2000s roll on the Allstar stands firm as a testament to classic design and comfort. Dig out your favourites and wear them with pride. If you don’t own a pair you know what to do...

CHANCES ARE YOU’VE HAD AT LEAST ONE PAIR OF CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLORS IN YOUR LIFE. THESE SHOES ARE THE ARCHITYPAL ACCESSORY. THEY FIT EVERY OCCASION FROM WEDDINGS TO AWARDS CEREMONIES. BUT HOW DID THEY BECOME THE FASHION ICON THEY ARE TODAY? ALL STARS ARE ACTUALLY A CENTURY OLD AND HAVE AN EXTENSIVE HISTORY TO MATCH. The original Converse company was set up in Malden, Massachusetts in 1908 by Marquis Mills Converse, who called his new venture the Converse Rubber Shoe company. The company’s first several years were profitable enough to keep the brand running but it was the transition to producing basketball sneakers in 1917 that really shifted Converse from a simple rubber shoe to the cultural icon it is today. The kicks were given the name “Converse All Stars” as a nod to their athletic design.

Heaps of Converse in stock, come and choose your colour. Also check out the Rip’n’Dip on page 37 37 Shotover Street, Queenstown // 03 442 4884 // 9

Q mo


Caught in the freezer

The big freeze is on its way. Winter is rapidly creeping up on QT faster than a speedy skater on ice; that’s right, QT, it is indeed time to get off the piss and onto the piste. And yet here we are in our bathers, convincing ourselves that there are dregs of sunlight yet to squeeze from this beer-soaked beach (towel). Chilling, hoping, praying, freezing. A burger served on the 22nd hour by a store banging out tunes by the Beebs, (thank goodness this QT memory capsule won’t freeze sound too). And outside this almost-neverclosed burger store, frozen streets are scattered with ciggie butts and decorated with icicles, empty beer bottles. One balances atop the bin, mocking its neighbour: an abandoned attempt at health, halffinished quinoa salad, snowy with mayonnaise. Large pint glasses, small shot glasses, Brixton flat-caps and lived in cars. Drinks flyers and pizza boxes, lonesome jandals that flop their way solo around the streets, hunting haplessly for their partners. And suddenly you look like the clever one, that underwear around your ankles, hunched over with this Source in your hands. Well done, frozen one.

So yeah, cool. Bring on the tenuous link to frozen time, are you ready for this? Freezing weather, freezing time. I know, I’m almost as impressed as you. Frozen time, time capsule. How would QT would be remembered if time froze over right now, as you read this? Would you be caught sitting on the toilet in some hostel bar, undies around your ankles, wondering when you last heard Ice Ice Baby? Wondering who you judge more, the bar playing this frozen throwback, the underage tourists it’s teeming with, or yourself for being there? Or, more likely, are you caught out frozen, wondering why you’re still in a relentlessly unforgiving queue that only seems to be growing with backpacks, snippets of German words and the echo of repeated directions - “…at the bottom of Shotover Street, keep walking, yes, past grass, yes, straight off edge, right into lake, best photo-photo spot. Yes-yes, really, really.” Caught out, frozen in Queue-town. Frozen still. Frozen, still in that mile-long huddle of a queue for a burger that you don’t actually want but have been told will be amazing. 10


Made with vegetarians in mind, the main ingredient here is grilled Portobello mushrooms. These mushies boast a deliciously robust and juicy flavour. The only thing that could possibly give your taste buds an extra kick-in-the-pants is blue cheese and this burger has lashings of it. The saucy inclusions in this fungy kai are the Kiwi favourite aoli and a decent dollop of relish, which adds a little bit of zing. Keeping the Portobello mushrooms company is a frill of fancy lettuce, the classic red onions and a slice or three of fresh tomatoes. Yep, that’s how you do a good vege burger. Recommended addition: Add a fried egg ($1) for a bumper breakfast dish that’s reminiscent of rustic breakfasts on the farm.

THE SOURCE CHECKS OUT THE FLIPPING GOOD BURGERS AT DEVIL BURGER ON CHURCH LANE. IT’S THE BEST JOINT IN TOWN THAT SERVES UP BURGERS WITHOUT A SIDE OF TOURISTS TAKING SELFIES WITH A BAG OF CHIPS. May is a darn fine season for mushroom picking (no, not that kind of mushroom), so running along that theme we decided to try out The Funguy.

10am - late church street, queenstown 03 442 4 666 11

A man should live with his superiors as he does with his fire: not too near, lest he burn; nor too far off, lest he freeze. Albert Pike



Freddy Fabris

Photographer Freddy Fabris has paid homage to the great Renaissance master painters using his camera instead of a brush. This unique tribute, aptly called The Renaissance Series has been recently trending on FB, have a search and you’ll find the full set: Freddy Fabris, Photography.


KATHERINE DEY ART Katherine Dey’s job in A&E has been the inspiration for some truly gory works of art, as she blends medical emergencies with cream icing. She uses what she sees every day in the hospital where she works in Rochester, New York, to influence her craft. The mum of two graduated with a bachelor of fine arts in illustration and she says that it’s the darker side of baking that interests her. When it comes to what people think of her creations, she says the reaction is usually a strong one ranging from excitement to disgust. 12

of antioxidants is a hangover cure. If your whisky-gin-and-pinot nights are a regular undertaking, you’ll be pleased to know that beta cyanin, beetroot’s antioxidant, also speeds up detoxification of the liver. Back in the day, the dirty Romans were using beetroot for another reason entirely. Beetroot contains high amounts of boron, which is directly related to the production of human sex hormones. Pictures of this aphrodisiac red veggie adorn the wall of The Lunanare, which was the official brothel of Pompeii. If that doesn’t cheer you up, the tryptophan in beetroot will. It’s the same stuff that’s found in chocolate and contributes to a sense of well-being. Finally, once your hangover is over, you can create wine out of beetroot which purportedly tastes a bit like port. Alternatively, pop along to Habebes for a seriously scrumptious beetroot salad that’ll fix your hangover and your love life.

SO YOU HAD A FEW WHISKYS LAST NIGHT, THEN A FEW GINS, BEFORE ROUNDING THE NIGHT OFF WITH A SOPHISTICATED BOTTLE OF PINOT NOIR. NO MATTER HOW MUCH THOSE BLURRY SELFIES INDICATE YOU HAD A GREAT NIGHT, ODDS ARE, YOU’RE NOT FEELING TOO CLEVER THIS MORNING. THE SOLUTION? THE HUMBLE BEETROOT. This purple-red root is chocka with antioxidants. Antioxidants inhibit the oxidation of other molecules, therefore limiting the production of free radicals, who drive around in bad-arse cars punching other cells in the face. In short, anything with a ton


Today’s action hero, his skills are through technology. He can fly, he can throw a bolt of lightning, he can freeze people. Sylvester Stallone

Beetroot and brothels

the word


Freeze off because you’re young and fit and healthy. Because you demonstrate physical coordination whilst I can barely stand upright without screwing it up. Because you swan about on ski fields with the grace of ballerinas, you smugly capable bastards. I hate you for your youth. I hate you for your attractiveness. I hate you for who you are and I hate myself for wanting to be more like you. The only thing we have in common is a willingness to throw ourselves down a mountain although, for some inexplicable reason, you wish to survive the experience. I hope the warm breath of El Nino turns your every snowflake to bitter steam long before it reaches the ground so that you, like me, can know a winter of boredom, frustration, darkness and disappointment. And if your plague of snowfall should blanket the mountains like a funeral shroud, I shall attempt to emulate a recently viral video and introduce bears onto the mountains. I hope you break your wrists. Having said that, I would also like to welcome you to Queenstown. Please enjoy your stay.

Winter is coming. And so are you. And I hate you. I hate you because you’re smug and entitled. I hate you because you can afford to be here. I hate you because your childhood featured skiing holidays and my childhood featured Balclutha. I hate that you wear your goggles when you’re nowhere near the goddamn mountain. I hate your garish clothing. You make me want to vomit blood and bile and that’s exactly what your jacket looks like, like every person you’ve ever encountered has vomited bile on you. And not just regular bile either. That luminous green bile you only throw up when you’ve been smoking opium (I’m guessing there are three people reading this who know exactly what I’m talking about...). I hate your big dumb beanies and I hate the ear-grating ‘shhhp, shhhp, shhhp’ that your pants make as you waddle along the street, still wearing those stupid clacking boots. I hate you for the way you squabble amongst yourselves about whether skiing or snowboarding is better when you both, in fact, suck. I hate you for ‘steezy’ and I hate you for ‘pow’. But mostly I hate you 14

Down at the Waterfront,

14 Rees Street, Queenstown . 03 442 5382


come and say hi: pogmahonesirishpub

ONE TO WATCH Smilla’s Sense of Snow (1997) Smilla Jaspersen is a Greenlander, living Copenhagen. A young boy falls to his death from the roof of her apartment building; his death is ruled an accident, yet Smilla, an expert on ice and snow, can tell from his footprints that he was running from someone. She begins her own investigation and uncovers a trail of clues, leading her towards a secretive corporation that has made several mysterious expeditions to Greenland. What are they looking for? Were they somehow responsible for the boy’s death? The answer lies on Gela Alta, an island off Greenland’s western coast. 15

humour two guys look at him and ask, “What are you complaining about?” The third man explains “I don’t wake up till 8:30am.” .............................................................. Two blondes walk beside each other down the street. One of them sees a broken piece of mirror on the ground, grabs it, looks at it and says “This girl looks so familiar but I can’t remember where I know her from.” The other girl grabs it from her hand, takes a look at it, and says “It’s me you idiot!” .......................................................... On a windy day an old lady is standing on a street corner holding on to her hat with both hands, even though her dress is flying up over her face. An old man across the street sees her and runs over. As he approaches her, he says “Sister, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, standing over here in all this wind with your dress flying over your head, exposing your paraphernalia and you’re holding that damn hat with both hands. You ought to be ashamed.” She looked at him and said, “Look here, fool, everything down there is 80 years old but this hat is brand new.”

A man walks out on his front porch one day and sees a gorilla in the tree on his front lawn. He calls animal control and about an hour later a man shows up with a ladder, a pit bull and a shotgun. The animal control employee tells the man “I’m here to get the gorilla out of your tree. I’m going to use this ladder to climb up the tree and shake the branch the gorilla is on to knock him to the ground. The pit bull is trained to go after anything that falls from the tree and bites their balls which calms the animal down so I can put him in the truck.” The man says “Okay, I see what the ladder and the pit bull are for but what is the shotgun for?” The animal control employee says “Oh, that’s for you. In case I fall out of the tree instead of the gorilla, shoot the dog.” ........................................................ Bob goes to see his friend Pete. He finds Pete in his barn dancing naked around his John Deere. “What are you doing!” asks Bob. Pete stops dancing and says “My wife has been ignoring me lately so I talked to my psychiatrist and he said I needed to do some thing sexy to a tractor.” ........................................................ Three old timers at the retirement home were complaining about growing old. The first one says “I wake up at 7am and try for a half hour to take a poop. ”The second one says “Oh yeah? I spend an hour trying to pee.” The third one says “I take a nice poop at 7am and about 7:30am take a nice pee.” The other 16

3-5 JUNE 2016 QUEENSTOWN GARDENS / FB: LUMAqueenstown Family-friendly, free event. 5.30-10pm every evening


poet’s corner


The Cat

She was nine when she first met death As it took from her lap, a precious cat Spine stretched, like frayed rope At the hands of an unknown killer. He was buried in the back garden Becoming soil for depressed flowers Heads drooped in mourning For what lay between their roots. After a little funeral, the questions came Scattered like marbles in a young mind Perplexed by new thoughts, awoken By grief and childhood curiosity. As autumn reared its head, nine years Old pondered the passage of time Causing bones to crumble in the ground Like old leaves, crushed by walking feet. These little, tenderfoot bereavements Lay down the tiny, creeping steps Towards a strong heart fully-fledged Mature for greater, destined breaks.

Thumbs Up • Night lights and knee pads - it’s much better after dark • LUMA • Roast dinners. It’s the time of year to perfect your stuffing recipe...

Thumbs Down • The affordable housing crisis - no more lip service please, let’s get on with it... • People driving on their own in cars then moaning about the traffic... 18

If you’re looking to promote your business or want to get the word out about your upcoming events or gigs then call: 021 609 132 or drop us a line:

Let’s have a chat over a coffee and come up with a plan. Our shout.

BAN THE BAGS. It’s that simple.


I had a patient once who dreamed she kept her husband in the deep freeze except for mating. Lots of men feel that way. Robert Johnson



Thai Shrimp Soup Serves 6

500g shrimps 2 tbsp fresh coriander leaves 2 cloves garlic 1 tbsp ginger Juice of 1 lime 1 onion 1 red pepper 700ml coconut milk, unsweetened 2 tbsp red curry paste 4 cups vegetable stock 1 cup Basmati rice Salt and freshly ground black pepper 2 tbsp unsalted butter Cook rice according to package instructions; set aside. Melt butter in a large pot over medium high heat. Add shrimp, salt and pepper, to taste. Cook, stirring occasionally, until pink then set aside. Add garlic, onion and bell pepper to the pot. Cook stirring occasionally until tender then stir in ginger until fragrant. Whisk in curry paste until well combined, gradually whisk in coconut milk and vegetable stock and cook, whisking constantly, until blended. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until slightly thickened, about 8-10 minutes. Stir in rice, shrimp, lime juice and coriander. Serve immediately. 20

There was a time when people said, ‘Jim, if you keep on making faces, your face will freeze like that.’ Now they just say, ‘Pay him!’ Jim Carrey

Get the bestn deals in tow queenstown

book online at




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4 Gondola


s Rd

Gorge Rd

1. The World Bar 2. Otautahi Tattoo 3. Pog Mahones 4. Skyline 5. Sherwood 6. Habebes 7. Canyoning Queenstown 8. Devil Burger 9. Front Room Gallery 10. Green Cabs 11. Bathhouse 12. Toro 13. Bound 14. No.5 15. Quest


Queenstown Gardens

Lake Wakatipu



THE BATH HOUSE ABOUT: The Bath House sits elegantly in the afternoon sun right on the shores of Lake Wakatipu. This beachside restaurant and bar has been a Queenstown landmark since it was built to commemorate the coronation of King George V in 1911. It was originally constructed with changing rooms for the modest swimmers of the day but has become a local favourite for tapas, freshly-cooked food and of course a great selection of wines. The service is outstanding and the location is probably the best there is in or out of town. SPECIALTIES: Breakfast, lunch and really great scones. SOURCE SAYS: If you want to step away from the hubbub of downtown it’s a two minute stroll along the Parade to this cosy, warm, lakeside hideaway.

Opening Times: 9am - late Food: Full menu lunch and dinner Bookings: Possible Music: Background Outdoor area: Absolute beach front

Address: Marine Parade, Queenstown, NZ Phone: 03 442 5625 Email: Website:



No5 CHURCH LANE ABOUT: No5 Church Lane is renowned for its world-class cocktail list, unsurpassable service and outstanding locally-sourced Mediterranean style cuisine. No5 also has an excellent selection of vegetarian meals available. For discerning drinkers in Queenstown No5 is a bar with a difference. Whether a local or just here for a quick visit, the team at No5 is ready to satisfy the taste buds with delicious cocktails, fine champagnes, carefully selected local and international wines and some of the tastiest dishes in Queenstown. SPECIALTIES: Try the versatile mezze-style dishes, perfectly portioned for sharing. SOURCE SAYS: Intimate and welcoming, No5 is a stand-out destination for an evening of cocktails or an amazing meal. Opening Times: 7:30am till late. Daily Happy Hour between 5-7pm. Food: Breakfast, lunch and dinner al-a-carte. Music: Background. Outdoor area: Yes, with heat lamps and awnings.


Address: 5 Church Lane, Queenstown, NZ Phone: +64 (0) 3 450 2166 Email: Website:

THE WORLD BAR ABOUT: The World Bar has a long and solid reputation in Queenstown. Since moving to their new premises in 2015, The World has undergone a transformation and set a new standard for both all day food and late night entertainment. The menu is broad and full of some classics. There’s heaps of seating both indoors and out. If you’re looking for a quiet hidey-hole, head for the ‘shed’ out the back. The main room is lively and the front deck is one of Queenstown’s favourite sun-traps. SPECIALTIES: Burgers, Fish Tacos, Mac ‘n’ Cheese Balls, + great service. SOURCE SAYS: These guys have been doing this stuff for a while now and they know how to look after you. Great food, great people and if you’re after a burger, this is the only end of town - no need to queue, just sit down and relax... Opening Times: Noon - late Food: Full menu lunch and dinner Bookings: Possible Music: Background music early. Live music + DJs later Outdoor area: Suntrap

Address: Church Lane, Queenstown, NZ Phone: 03 450 0008 Email: Website:



TORO KITCHEN AND BAR ABOUT: Toro Kitchen and Bar brings you a diverse mix of Mediterranean inspired dishes in the heart of Queenstown. Centred around tasty, fresh and seasonal produce, Toro’s menu is based on what’s fresh and available locally. It features tapas, big plates, sides and the chef’s ‘Taste of Toro’ homemade 5 courses. Great food and great restaurants are about family, friends and the memories that are made when we all come together and sit down for a meal. Toro Kitchen and Bar, it’s how we eat. ABOUT: Seasonal menu using local produce. SOURCE SAYS: It’s where we go for lunch.

Opening Times: 9am till Late Food: The chef’s ‘Taste of Toro’ homemade 5


Music: Backround in the main restaurant Outdoor area: Yes + rooftop bar coming soon


Address: 20 The Mall, Queenstown, NZ Phone: +64 (0) 3 442 8503 Email: Website:



Here is a calendar of events currently scheduled for the next few months. If you would like to be involved please get in touch.

MAY EMMA BUTLER ILLUSTRATIONS JUNE INDY ARTIST JULY KAPA PRESENTS EMA FROST SEPTEMBER NZIPP 2016 PRINT AWARDS ON DISPLAY WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL EMERGING ARTISTS’ WORK ON DISPLAY OCTOBER TRACEY TAWHIAO + JULIE PENGULLY PRESENTED BY TOI O TAHUNA DECEMBER AARON KEREOPA PRESENTED BY TOI O TAHUNA AUG, NOV: CURRENTLY AVAILABLE UP FRONT PRESENTERS: We are always keen to hear your stories. If you have something you’d like to share, please let us know and we’ll introduce you to a welcoming audience. YOUR SHOW If you are an artist, photographer, sculptor or artisan and you’d like to show your work at the Front Room, please get in touch with:

Front Room Gallery 10 Memorial Street, Queenstown. Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 27



Keeping Pace

In Australia there is really only one musical endorsement that matters, especially since Molly hung up his hat. Triple J. If JJJ thinks you’re a bit of alright, then all of a sudden the musical doors open wide enough for a glimpse of the buffet table and the mini-bar. Paces AKA: Mikey Perry has done just that. Courting establishment kudos from the kingmakers all while grinding out a following and building a fanbase over the past few years. Touting the emerging genre of ‘Future Beat’, which is best pigeonholed as experimental hip-hop beats sans MC, or inventive beat driven dancy-dance. Whatever, it’s all music, we all have the internet, listen to it and decide for yourself. After slots at Splendour in the

Grass, collaborating with Tkay Maidza on a track that cracked the Triple J Hottest 100, it’s fair to say that he’s, ahem, setting the Pace. Get your ear goggles on and deep dive into what Paces has on offer, there will be a quiz. Once again The World Bar has upped the ante and are bringing in more top shelf shows for us this winter - and that all kicks into the next gear on June 24th when Paces rips the roof off. Get in early - this will be a big one.



queenstown rocks



Essential Listening

Dave Dobbyn is sewn into the fabric of New Zealand.When they tried to hoist a new flag last month, they should have put Dave’s face on it, they might have had better luck. Especially blonde afro 80’s Dave, that shit is off the hook. short notice, no hype, no bullshit evening of great music. On this tour Dave is only playing small centres, AKA: no Auckland - all of us in the sticks get what we are usually missing. It doesn’t really matter if you have Dave’s albums, dial him up on Spotify or hum along when he comes on the radio at the supermarket. Seeing the man in the flesh playing the songs that we all know is an opportunity not to miss. Dave Dobbyn Live at The Sherwood - May 4th - tickets on sale now.

It’s hard to image a musical landscape in Aotearoa that doesn’t include his music. Like the Finn mob, his tunes pull at the strings of our Kiwi hearts. In fact they pull so hard, that sometimes hearing Slice of Heaven gives me chest pain. Or maybe that’s because he’s always the hold music at the IRD. Yes, some of his stuff has been loved to death, over-worn like your favourite jeans to the point that your girlfriend looks at you and says ‘you’re wearing ‘that’ to dinner?´ But beneath the veneer of the familiar is a songwriter and a performer who sits comfortably at the head of the table. He could be ready to hold court, bellow BS or generally twat on about the good old days. Truth is, he wouldn’t do that - he’s just too damn nice. In the same breath that Don McGlashan brought to The Sherwood a few months back, Dave Dobbyn is coming. Blowing in like a storm off the lake, this gig is a 30


31days Alexandra and Bannockburn Hall in Cromwell if you fancy an exotic weekend away, or get down to local favourites The Sherwood and The World Bar to catch some live Kiwi action. Updates, news and listings are available at

NEW ZEALAND MUSIC MONTH ALL STARTED OUT AS A FEW LOCAL RADIOS PLAYING A FEW EXTRA TUNES FROM OUR CULTURAL LANDSCAPE. BACK IN 2000, IT SEEMED THAT NOBODY WAS CHAMPIONING MUSIC FROM NEW ZEALAND. NOW, EVERY MAY IS A 31-DAY CELEBRATION OF HOME GROWN TALENT FROM EVERY CITY, TOWN AND PADDOCK ACROSS THE LAND. It’s run by the music-loving folk at the NZ Music Commission in association with the likes of NZ On Air, Recorded Music NZ, APRA, The Music Managers Forum and the Radio Broadcasters Association. Basically, if it’s Kiwi and it’s musical, it’s involved with NZ Music Month. Every day this month venues, radio stations and websites will be pumping out NZ distilled tunes. Golden oldies through to the very latest will all be delivered to your ear whiskers, you’ve just got to get out there, Google it, download it or buy a ticket to watch it. There’s heaps of venues involved from the UK, to South Africa and even Bluff. Try The Cellar Door 31



Five minutes with

Pistol Knights’ Dave Arnold

Rock cover band The Pistol Knights has been helping the good people of Queenstown party for more than five years. Sam, Matt and Dave met playing in various bands, duos and at jam nights across Queenstown. We have a chinwag with Pistol Knights frontman, Dave Arnold. What’s it like being a musician in Queenstown?

with an MC called James Clark. We played Eminem, Snoop Dog and Dr Dre. The crowd was great, they really got into it. I’m told the floor moved by a couple of millimetres.

I love it! This is my dream job and there’s not many other places in the world you could do this. The fact Queenstown’s a four season resort enables that, there’s always an audience and always something going on.

We also headlined in Wanaka for NYE 2014-2015, there were over 5,000 people there, including my whole family. What’s your secret to a good gig?

Every venue is different and most people we work with love their job too – so I’d say it’s 90% fun and 10% turns into work.

It’s all about playing by ear and looking at how people react to you. We’ve learnt literally thousands of songs and we’ll decide what to play depending on who’s in front of us and how they react.

What kind of music do you play? Heavier rock, stoner rock… though it really depends on the venue and the crowd. We’ll play everything from Country music to Metallica, Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters. But sometimes, if it’s what the crowd wants, we’ll play Wagon Wheel or Sweet Home Alabama. There’s a few songs everyone has to play, though I try to not play Wonderwall.

Who inspires you? My Mum is a very smart lady. She’s done loads in her lifetime and is always studying – she’s learning Spanish at the moment and is finishing a PhD or something in Music. I love my Mum. Don’t put that in the interview though, okay? Check out /PistolKnights and /Dave-Arnold-Music on Facebook for upcoming gigs.

Best gig? Our first night in the old World Bar 32

Photo: Johnny James

The Pistol Knights on tour

THE MUST HAVE Vibram FiveFingers Cervinia

For those of you who love those funny toe shoes so much you would wear them in the snow, we present the Vibram FiveFingers Cervinia. Reaching up to your calf, this model appears to be made out of a wooly material kind of like those jersey Ugg boots. Already we can picture all those Ozzie snowboarder-dudes sporting them around town this winter. Sure to be a hit with the ladies too. 33



A Guide to the US Elections

In a typical United States presidential election year, related news and information isn’t covered much until close to the election’s actual date in November. This complicated process only happens every four years. Most Americans don’t even understand it. Really, just ask one. Nevertheless, this year is different. Largely because of the narcissistic circus surrounding Donald Trump, this year’s election became an international headline way too early. delegates”, where they grant certain people they have deemed important their own delegate to award. This essentially can give one person the same power as 10,000 votes in a primary. If you’re thinking “that sounds like the antithesis of democracy”, well, that’s because it mostly is. The elections are held sporadically from February through early June. This gives each candidate a chance to visit each state - and to kiss some ass. It’s a tedious, 16 hour-aday process that involves going to a lot of nursing homes. Each party declares a winner once a candidate has achieved the number of delegates that party has deemed a “majority”. Once these nominations are decided there will be a much clearer picture of who might be the next president of the United States. That may not be until the end of July, so wait for that to happen before you weigh in on who America’s president will be.

At this time the two main political parties, the Republican party and Democratic party, have yet to decide on who to nominate and contrary to popular belief, there is still a good deal of uncertainty on who will be nominated. Both parties decide this by holding primary elections, which are state by state elections where eligible residents can vote for a candidate in only one of the two parties. This process is inherently more complicated than the actual presidential election. In primary elections each state is given a certain number of “delegates” to award. This is based on the size of each state’s population. The larger the population, the more delegates a state has. This process may seem straight forward, but it’s not. Over the years both parties have added wrinkles that make it convoluted and often rigged. For instance, the Democratic party has something called “super 35


Did You Know? • The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in jelly. • The average woman will spend one whole year of her life trying to decide what to wear. • Armadillos can inflate their stomachs and intestines in order to float across water.

ARIES - I’m sorry I didn’t answer my phone when you rang - I don’t use it for that. TAURUS - You’re almost tall enough to be taken seriously. GEMINI - Some people really suck. Avoid them. CANCER - I have one nerve left and you’re dry humping it. LEO - You must carry 3 lima beans and a ferret at all times for good luck.

I tried Botox once. Never again. It made my forehead freeze. Donny Osmond

VIRGO - It’s hard to get the big picture when you have such a small screen. LIBRA - Improve your chance of a love life by changing your bed sheets.

• “Percussive Maintenance” is the technical term for hitting something until it works. • 51% of people think stormy weather affects cloud computing. • Farts have been clocked at a speed of 10 feet per second. • Shakira was rejected from her school choir because the teacher thought she sounded like a goat. • Reincarnation is forbidden in China without government permission. • Viruses can get viruses.

SCORPIO - Time to take up crocheting, long winter nights ahead. SAGITTARIUS - I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you. CAPRICORN - You’re cute, can I keep you? AQUARIUS - Do you know what would look good on you? Gourds. PISCES - Romance is in the air this month, just over the north of France. 36

Our ‘How To’ guide to some old favourites and a few new ones...


URBANE BROUGHT TO YOU BY No5 INGREDIENTS 45 ml “the reid” Single Malt Vodka 20 ml “Rose Rabbit” Orange Liqueur 30 ml fresh lime juice 1 bar-spoon cranberry sauce (we use homemade but store-bought is fine) 15 ml vanilla syrup (sugar syrup infused with a couple vanilla pods) 3 whole cloves

METHOD: Combine all ingredients, shake and strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice. Garnish with an orange peel.


a free pairth every mon

Quest and The Source have teamed up to give away a pair of Converse every month. All you need to do is fill in your name and number and drop this entry form into Quest on Shotover Street. Simple.


People Doing It



QUEENSTOWN ARTS CENTRE As well as the renowned Cloakroom Gallery, QAC also houses a unique group of local artists in its studio spaces, offers classes and even has a fully equipped ceramics studio and kiln. The Arts Centre is on the corner of Stanley and Ballarat Streets and is open every day. FB: Queenstown Arts Centre GUERILLA DRIVE IN A new location every time, matched up with an old movie and some popcorn equals a fantastic way to spend a night out. Facebook is the best way to stay in the loop: FB: Queenstown Guerilla Drive-In HAPPINESS HOUSE Drop in to their awesome Op Shop open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Donations always welcome and if you need a helping hand, just let them know. Help out: FB: Happiness House Queenstown QUEENSTOWN LIFE Wakatipu blog by Queenstowner Jane

Guy. Queenstown Life is like a handbook for living in the Wakatipu. Join in the discussion at FB: Queenstown Life

QUEENSTOWN TRADING If you’re looking to buy, trade or

sell something in the Wakatipu, this is the Facebook page for you. Crackin’ deals: FB: Queenstown Trading

QUEENSTOWN.COM has grown up and is now the definitive resource for getting under the skin of this enigmatic wee town. ROUTEBURN DART WILDLIFE TRUST Bring back the

birdsong to the Routeburn and Dart Valleys. Controlling predators is the name of the game and it costs a lot of dosh. Donate at: 38



book review

Francis Begbie, Irvine Welsh’s ultraviolent (but also quite funny) psychopath is back. Both in Danny Boyle’s sequel to Trainspotting (filming this month), in which the original Trainspotting cast reunite - and in Welsh’s latest novel, The Blade Artist. When we catch up with Franco in the new novel, he’s living as a reformed ex-con in California. A successful sculptor of brutalised celebrity busts, working under the close pseudonym Jim Francis. But Francis has a very dark past, with another identity and a very different set of values. When he crosses the Atlantic to his native Scotland for the funeral of a murdered son he barely knew, his old Edinburgh community expects him to take bloody revenge. But as he confronts his previous life, all those friends and enemies – and, most alarmingly, his former self – Francis seems to have other ideas. The Blade Artist is an elegant, electrifying novel – violent but curiously redemptive – and it marks the return of one of modern fiction’s most infamous, terrifying characters.




SHERWOOD :: Coco Davis + Storehouse, $10 door sales WORLD BAR :: Stubacca 9pm MICHELLE A’COURT - Stuff I Forgot To Tell My Daughter, Comedy, Vinyl Underground, 7.30pm, $24

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Ribera 5-9pm // Calico 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Jenny Mitchell (Country). Tickets from WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm

When you get to be 23, 24 or 25, you start to freeze up and become an adult. Gus Van Sant


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Graeme James Live 9pm CARING FOR QUEENSTOWN, 10am beach clean up, Memorial Gate followed by live local music, great food and info about making Queenstown plastic free, Village Green, 11am to 3pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Living Big in a Tiny House by Bryce Langston, $80. Bookings essential: WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes live from 4-7pm, Alias 9pm JENNIAN HOMES MOTHER’S DAY FUN RUN/Walk, Jack’s Point, 10am


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Live and Acoustic from 9pm



POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: DJ Sam Rivers Live 9pm THE MISSING ‘F’ WORD: Fauna, Flora and - Fungi. Front Room Gallery, FLUID. $5 door sales. Please bring a chair. Info at

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Live and Acoustic from 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: DJ Sam Rivers Live 9pm



SHERWOOD :: Dave Dobbyn + Band with Jesse Sheehan. Tickets from POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live from 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm



POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm ANNIE, Queenstown Memorial Centre, May 12-21, tickets at, info at

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm





POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Ribera live from 5-9pm, Calico Live from 9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live from 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm



POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Albi (AKL) + Kyle Taylor (AUS) w/ Tessa Lyes. $10 door sales WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm YAMI SOUNZ SUMMIT, Lake Wanaka Centre, 9am-10:30pm, tickets at, info at LADI6 + guests, Lake Wanaka Centre, 7:30-11:30pm, tickets at

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Ribera from 5pm // Calico Live from 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Choice (QTN) + Paul Shipman. Folk and experimental. $10 door sales WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm FRONTRUNNER SERIES, Jack’s Point, 10am, info at activeqt event/ frontrunner-series-queenstown/ BLACK TIE CHARITY DINNER/Auction/ Dance supporting Queenstown Lakes Family Centre, Stoneridge Estate, 6pmmidnight. To book ph. 0274-947-489


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes Live from 4pm // Bitchin Bingo from 7.30pm // Alias from 9pm YAMI SOUNZ SUMMIT, Lake Wanaka Centre, 9am-10:30pm, tickets at, info at ST JOSEPH’S BOOK FAIR, St Joseph’s School, 10am-2pm YAMI SHOWCASE FT JON TOOGOOD + guests, Lake Wanaka Centre, 7-10.30pm



POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Culture of Milk by Nicholas Ulfik, $60. Bookings essential: WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes Live from 4pm // Alias from 9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Live and Acoustic from 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: DJ Sam Rivers Live from 9pm PAINT ‘N’ SIP STUDIO - Open Night & Launch Party, 10 Athol Street, 6-8pm, info at www. paintnsip


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Live and Acoustic from 9pm




POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: DJ Sam Rivers Live 9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm NIU SILA, Luggate Hall, Wanaka, 7:30pm, Tickets $45 from Wanaka i-SITE and


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live from 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes Live from 4pm // Alias from 9pm NIU SILA, Luggate Hall, Wanaka, 4pm, Tickets $45 from Wanaka i-SITE and


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Sherwood Songwriter Society 8pm, free entry WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm



POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Live and Acoustic from 9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Ribera from 5pm // Calico Live from 9pm ANNUAL CURE KIDS QUIZ NIGHT, Queentown Memorial Centre, 6.3011pm, $35 per person (tables of 8), info at


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: DJ Sam Rivers Live 9pm

Tell us the score WE CAN ONLY SHARE THE LOVE IF YOU SHARE IT FIRST. Let us know what’s on and we’ll aim to get it into our What’s On Guide. No promises but if it sounds like a good gig we’ll probably slide it on in there. We’re only as good as your word folks so let us have it...


samuel salcedo





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