June 504 issuu

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Issue 504 / Jun 16

this month:

• LUMA programme • tiny living • snowboarding tips • win more converse


The word is:

Switch sourcemag.nz


INTRO:switch The lights are on, is anyone home? Yep, flick the switch, power this puppy up; get the heater cranking, the snowguns blazing and the hot tub ready - we’re all set for a winter to remember... This month’s all about making the transition. Moving from one season to the next, changing lifestyles, switching on, switching off and choosing a stance. June is the month when tensions run high, the collective angst of a snow-hungry community boils over and we show our true colours. The town will soon be creaking again under the combined weight of night flights, unemployed snow addicts and confused holidaymakers looking for the train station.

Housing will become even less affordable, glass will be piling up in our landfill and the traffic will finally grind to a halt. And then the mountain will open... Trumpets will sound, angels will sing, the winter machine will whir into life and the guys and girls at the physios will be pulling double shifts ‘til October. Throw the switch Queenstown, once it’s on, there’s no turning it off. Source Out.

Free Call 0800 GO GREEN (0800 46 47336) DESIGN/PRODUCTION: Tim Buckley: 027 239 0342 tim@thesourceonline.com PRODUCTION/ACCOUNTS: Kirsten Young: 021 341 249 kirsten@thesourceonline.com

ADVERTISING: Dan Move: 021 609 132 dan@queenstown.com EDITORIAL: Bethany Rogers: 027 882 5318 bethany@queenstown.com


DISTRIBUTION: info@thesourceonline.com FACEBOOK.COM/SourceNZ SNAIL: PO Box 689, Queenstown

hot stuff

great tech:

all you need for winter THE HUMBLE BROLLY WILL NEVER BE THE SAME... The guys from Blunt™ dropped off one of their bombproof umbrellas last week for us to try out. The timing couldn’t have been better - it’s been hammering down here for weeks. These brollies are next level - made for real weather and built to last, the aerodynamic design and high production values of this piece of kit mean you should never have to buy another umbrella again. Find a local stockist and check them out. They’re reassuringly expensive and well worth the investment we reckon...

HOT BOTTLES Personal water-carrier-tech marches onwards with no sign of slowing anytime soon... These new slimline water bottles are popping up everywhere and we think they’re a great way to get around the recycling blues. Buy a bottle on the internet. Fill it with water at the tap and never (NEVER) buy a bottle of water ever again. A large part of your rates (and rent) gets spent on making sure our tap water is some of the best anywhere. Don’t waste your money on water. Waste it on a really cool accessory for your handbag...

Go to BluntUmbrellas.com to see what we’re on about. These things are awesome... 4

TATTOO OF THE MONTH get to our Facebook page and get posting for what you think is the

45 Camp St QT - 155 K Rd AKL - 3/62 Ricc Rd - CHCH


When did the future switch from being a promise to a threat? Chuck Palahniuk

Tattoo Of The Month!

queenstown rocks


Ginger Power

You’d be hard pressed to think of a flick that’s created more buzz this year than Deadpool. And you’d be pressed to think of a celeb who has embraced their fame with more swagger than Ryan Reynolds. Combine those two together and you’ve got cinematic, err, Kryptonite. But wait, there’s more. So popular the track that the record big-wigs in Hollywood got the duo to re-record the song and add it to the Deadpool Reloaded soundtrack - basically a second soundtrack to earn a bit more ca$h. So what’s next? There’s an online petition for the Brentwoods to record the theme for the inevitable Deadpool sequel - but our redheaded representatives are keeping it real; busking, gigging and rocking out cool covers. As Finley puts it, “It’s been surreal but so exciting. It’s a huge opportunity and we’re hoping that we can keep the momentum going. We still don’t quite believe it and we’re so grateful for all the support from back home.” Stalk them on Facebook and stay tuned, the next chapter could be huge… https://www.facebook.com/ brentwoodduo

Enter Queenstown born and bred, cute and red, sibling power-folkpair Brentwood Duo Finley and Isla. Now residing in Melbourne, the acoustically driven twosome have been building their following and sharpening their chops by gigging around the city and also posting a song a week on their Facebook page. Covering unlikely and very non acoustic happy-pop tracks, the Brentwoods decided to double down on Deadpool and shit got very real. Transforming The Deadpool Rap from a NSFW throwdown into a NSFW hoedown, they uploaded the vid and got on with being ginger. Fast-forward to the next day and Ryan Reynolds had reposted the vid and the views shot up to 340,000 and counting. Wow. Holy shit wow. These guys haven’t had this much hype since Finley pretended to be Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar last year here on stage and when the pair costarred in the first Killer Seas video.




The Source wasn’t around when we lost this legend but if we had been this is the pic we’d have chosen to celebrate a life - and check out the buns! 8


Exhibiting the photographic journeys of Vaughan Brookfield, Tim Pierce and Johnny McCormack Frontroom Gallery 10 Memorial Street, Queenstown

11th June 7pm – Late

Presented by:



Small Living

the word

It’s time for a change.Throw out the old and bring in the new. Or in this world, no more new. No more anything. At least for a while. Confused? Read on… Many of us who’ve been here over the years have moved out of the inner suburbs of Queenstown to the outskirts. Millionaires’ playgrounds surround us with houses at the $3 million mark. We’ve come to realise what is important; being outside, living within our means, rather than a slave to the bank. Some of us will have the unique opportunity to move into smaller houses (around 50 square metres) on other people’s land. To have a tiny slice of something small, unique, simple. And so begins our journey into small. Throwing things out. Owning less. Queenstown might emit this ‘want more’ image but in the background there’s a small contingent saying no, that’s enough. Living with what actually makes us happy. Small is mighty. Small is beautiful.

Housing and accommodation is ripe news at the minute. Who’s buying where? Who can get their hands on some tasty housing development where they can make a million renting out to hungry new prospectors to this town? Some of us don’t have this problem as; A) we have about $30 in savings and B) we’ve come to the realisation that jumping on the ‘buying big’ bandwagon won’t make us any happier or more set up for the future, it will only make us feel worse. The Sherwood recently put on an excellent workshop “Living Big in a Tiny House” with Bryce Langston. Bryce took the group through the history of permaculture, tiny house movement and what we need vs. what we think we want. “I think that we are taught to like stuff. It’s a result of intentional planning using PR and advertising to keep us wanting to buy more so that we can grow the economy” Bryce said. Twenty minutes into the workshop a few us turned to each other and said “the spiel we’ve been lead to believe is not true. The stuff. The huge house. The million dollar spend. The massive garage. We don’t want any of it!” 10

How to Eat a Burger the scientific method

a dentist. The team spent four months doing extensive research on the subject. They produced a 3D scan of a burger and analysed it on a particle level. They deduced that holding a burger with your thumbs at the bottom of the burger and all your other fingers on the top displaces the contents and causes spillage. The ideal technique to eat a large burger is as follows: 1) Warm up your mouth muscles by opening and closing it a few times 2) Pick up the burger with your thumbs and pinkies at the bottom 3) Spread your middle fingers evenly across the top of the bun 4) Do not squeeze too hard 5) Enjoy your Devil Burger without spillage

BURGERS CAN BE MESSY THINGS TO EAT. ALL THAT TASTY SAUCE AND CHEESE, RED ONIONS, TOMATOES AND A JUICY MEAT PATTY. IT’S DANGEROUS TERRITORY, PARTICULARLY IF YOU’RE ON A DATE. Luckily, Japanese TV Show Honma Dekka took the issue seriously and called in an expert in fluid mechanics, an engineer and

10am - late church street, queenstown 03 442 4 666 11

Religious fanatics want people to switch off their own minds, ignore the evidence and blindly follow a holy book based upon private ‘revelation’.



WTF? Packaging gone mad Each one of these come in their own biodegradable, as-natureintended protective coverings. It’s well past the time to switch on to a plastic-free future - we can start by saying no to this madness and shopping smarter New Zealand.



no longer certify pumpkins as road worthy, the fruit is pretty useful for other stuff. It’s a great source of vitamin A, which helps you see in low light and keeps your hair, teeth and nails healthy – this is a must-eat for any self-respecting werewolf (full moon is on the 20th FYI). After a rough night howling at the moon, the amino acid tryptophan, present in pumpkin seeds, helps the body to relax and unwind. It’ll promote a healthy sleep and helps the body produce feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin. Pumpkin seeds also contain betacarotene and other antioxidants which prevent cancers. A study involving male rats showed that pumpkin seed oil reduced unhealthy prostrate growth. The seeds also contain zinc, which boost testosterone levels. So if you value your nuts, grab a pumpkin salad from Habebes.



Altruism is innate but it’s not instinctual. Everybody’s wired for it but a switch has to be flipped. David Rakoff

Pumpkin, Werewolves and Testosterone

the word


Not All It Seems make a decision: if this new radar system is telling the truth (despite teething problems), then we have a situation. But why only five missiles? Surely the US would be throwing hellfire and brimstone behind an attack? Knowing reporting the “missiles” would pretty much start World War 3 and the end of the world as we know it - and going against orders to boot, good old Stan dismissed everything as a false alarm, even when shortly after another four warnings came up. He kept a cool head, even when seemingly all his superiors wanted to lose theirs. The false alarms were due to sunlight bouncing off high altitude clouds. That’s right, sunshine almost caused a nuclear winter. Nature it seems, is not without its sense of irony. There’s definitely a lesson here. The gut reaction; a wonderful and underrated tool in our arsenal that is to be nurtured, trained and trusted. It could be a job interview, it could be chance meeting with a stranger. Knowing when to stay, knowing when to walk away. Learn to trust it.

We’ve all been there: a gut feeling telling you something isn’t right. An uneasy tension in the late night queue for the kebab and before you know it, doners are being lobbed at Keisha and quiche is being hurled at Donna. In the early 80s the Cold War stand-off between the USA and the Soviet Union resembled the late-night fisticuffs preamble in a typical British provincial town. Whilst no metaphorical fastfood had been thrown in anger, the shooting down of a Korean passenger jet by the Ruskies (killing many Americans) certainly didn’t help tensions - and the spectre of nuclear war loomed large. Enter stage left: Stanislav Petrov, duty officer at one of the USSR’s command centres, monitoring radars and satellites and warning Mother Russia of the undue onslaught of Uncle Sam. Out of nowhere, around midnight, he spots what looks to be five missiles heading his way. After checking the obvious things like discarded turnip on the monitor and switching something off then on again, he realises he has to 14

Down at the Waterfront,

14 Rees Street, Queenstown . 03 442 5382



come and say hi: pogmahonesirishpub

ONE TO WATCH THE CRYING GAME 1992 An unlikely friendship develops between Jody (Forest Whitaker), a kidnapped British soldier and his captor IRA volunteer Fergus (Stephen Rea). Jody makes Fergus promise he’ll visit his girlfriend Dil (Jaye Davidson) in London if things end up going horribly wrong. Hounded by his former IRA colleagues, Fergus flees to the city where he finds himself increasingly drawn to the enigmatic and surprising Dil, who knows nothing about Fergus’s IRA background. But there are some things about Dil that Fergus doesn’t know either. 15

humour Add a touch of magic to your cold by putting glitter in your mouth before you sneeze. .............................................................. The president of a large corporation called his vice-president Dave into his office and said “We’re making some cutbacks, so either Jack or Barbara will have to be laid off.” Dave says “Barbara is my best worker but Jack has a wife and three kids. I don’t know whom to fire.” The next morning Barbara was the first to come in so Dave said “Barbara, I’ve got a problem. You see, I’ve got to lay you or Jack off and I don’t know what to do?” Barbara replied “You’d better jack off. I’ve got a headache.” .............................................................. What do you get when you have 32 rednecks in the same room? A full set of teeth. .............................................................. Of all the people in the whole of the human race, God chose Adam for a chance at eternal life. His decision made, he shouted as loud as he could ‘Adam! Come forth and win eternal life without aging.’ Unfortunately Adam came fifth and won a toaster. .............................................................. Jack and Jill Went up the hill And planned to do some kissing Jack made a pass And grabbed her arse Now his front teeth are missing 16


www.LUMA.nz / FB: LUMAqueenstown

Thumbs Up • Snow to low levels • Sheepskin slippers • Blunt brolleys • Dry firewood • The trifle at Public

Thumbs Down • Gouging landlords • Fitting snowchains in your dressing gown • Windows 10 • Jobhunting in your onesie 17

poet’s corner


Life Sans Regret I’m a bird, bro Don’t cage me People to see Things to do Shit to learn Cliches a plenty But if you were gonna see The things that I’ll see And surf the snow Ride the water Hit the dirt You’d get it with me How it is just to be Be here Be now Be free And to all the broken hearts I’ll leave in my wake Don’t angst out too much I’m not a mistake Enjoy me right now And just don’t forget Wherever I’ve gone Whatever the scene I’ll live sans regret Life on the drop-off With GCs I’ve met No borders No boundaries No fun with a ban Snow’s sweet for a season Ride hard while you can



book review

Oliver Sacks

Oliver Sacks (1933 – 2015) was a British neurologist and author who believed that the brain was the ‘most incredible thing in the universe’. He took an unusual approach to writing about neurology, choosing a literary style that focused on the stories of his patients. Dubbed the ‘poet laureate of medicine’, Sacks produced a string of best-selling books including Awakenings and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. In A Leg to Stand On, Sacks focuses on his own neuroses. A champion weight-lifter, he was at a physical peak when mountaineering near Hardangerfjord, Norway, in 1974. Ignoring a ‘beware of the bull’ sign at the beginning of his trek, Sacks soon came into contact with the aforementioned bull and tumbled down the mountain as he was running away from the angry beast. Sacks suddenly found himself in a new position – that of a patient rather than a doctor. Unable to use his leg (or his own unbiased medical knowledge), Sacks discusses the mental challenges that patients face during the long road to recovery. A quirky sense of humour, deep intellect and the poetic style of A Leg to Stand On mark it out as one of his best and a great read – particularly for the impatient patients out there.


Perfect roast potatoes


Serves 4

1kg potatoes Cooking oil Salt Black pepper Peel the potatoes and cut them into chunks. Place in a large pot of water and boil until very soft. Drain the potatoes and return them to the pan. Holding the lid on tightly, shake the pan to fluff up the edges of the potatoes (if they are very soft then make sure you don’t shake too hard). Transfer to a baking tray and toss in a generous amount of oil. Spread them out into a single layer and season generously with salt and black pepper. Roast at 200°C for around 25 minutes then turn each potato over. Return to the oven for a further 20 minutes or until the potatoes are golden brown and crispy.

THE MUST HAVE metal detecting sandals

Surely these would make finding all that gold still left in them thar hills a breeze - well maybe the stuff on dry land, not sure how waterproof that battery pack is! They have a built in metal detector and can find buried treasure up to two feet below the surface, as soon as something is discovered a light will come on and the detecting unit will buzz and vibrate. The Metal Detecting Sandals are powered by a single 9V battery which will last for up to 6 hours. 20

People look up to me as somebody who is able to switch the image of our country from negative to positive. Novak Djokovic

Get the bestn deals in tow

skyline.co.nz/ queenstown

book online at




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4 Gondola


s Rd

Gorge Rd

1. The World Bar 2. Otautahi Tattoo 3. Pog Mahones 4. Skyline 5. Sherwood 6. Habebes 7. Canyoning Queenstown 8. Devil Burger 9. Front Room Gallery 10. Green Cabs 11. Bathhouse 12. Toro 13. Bound 14. No.5 15. Quest 16. Bela Cuchina 17. Public 18. FINZ


Queenstown Gardens

Lake Wakatipu



THE BATH HOUSE ABOUT: The Bath House sits elegantly in the afternoon sun right on the shores of Lake Wakatipu. This beachside restaurant and bar has been a Queenstown landmark since it was built to commemorate the coronation of King George V in 1911. It was originally constructed with changing rooms for the modest swimmers of the day but has become a local favourite for tapas, freshly-cooked food and of course a great selection of wines. The service is outstanding and the location is probably the best there is in or out of town. SPECIALTIES: Breakfast, lunch and really great scones. SOURCE SAYS: If you want to step away from the hubbub of downtown it’s a two minute stroll along the Parade to this cosy, warm, lakeside hideaway.

Opening Times: 9am - late Food: Full menu lunch and dinner Bookings: Possible Music: Background Outdoor area: Absolute beach front

Address: Marine Parade, Queenstown, NZ Phone: 03 442 5625 Email: unwind@bathhouse.co.nz Website: bathhouse.co.nz



No5 CHURCH LANE ABOUT: No5 Church Lane is renowned for its world-class cocktail list, unsurpassable service and outstanding locally-sourced Mediterranean style cuisine. No5 also has an excellent selection of vegetarian meals available. For discerning drinkers in Queenstown No5 is a bar with a difference. Whether a local or just here for a quick visit, the team at No5 is ready to satisfy the taste buds with delicious cocktails, fine champagnes, carefully selected local and international wines and some of the tastiest dishes in Queenstown. SPECIALTIES: Try the versatile mezze-style dishes, perfectly portioned for sharing. SOURCE SAYS: Intimate and welcoming, No5 is a stand-out destination for an evening of cocktails or an amazing meal. Opening Times: 7:30am till late. Daily Happy Hour between 5-7pm. Food: Breakfast, lunch and dinner al-a-carte. Music: Background. Outdoor area: Yes, with heat lamps and awnings.


Address: 5 Church Lane, Queenstown, NZ Phone: +64 (0) 3 450 2166 Email: info@no5churchlane.co.nz Website: no5churchlane.com

THE WORLD BAR ABOUT: The World Bar has a long and solid reputation in Queenstown. Since moving to their new premises in 2015, The World has undergone a transformation and set a new standard for both all day food and late night entertainment. The menu is broad and full of some classics. There’s heaps of seating both indoors and out. If you’re looking for a quiet hidey-hole, head for the ‘shed’ out the back. The main room is lively and the front deck is one of Queenstown’s favourite sun-traps. SPECIALTIES: Burgers, Fish Tacos, Mac ‘n’ Cheese Balls, + great service. SOURCE SAYS: These guys have been doing this stuff for a while now and they know how to look after you. Great food, great people and if you’re after a burger, this is the only end of town - no need to queue, just sit down and relax... Opening Times: Noon - late Food: Full menu lunch and dinner Bookings: Possible Music: Background music early. Live music + DJs later Outdoor area: Suntrap

Address: Church Lane, Queenstown, NZ Phone: 03 450 0008 Email: Info@TheWorldBar.com Website: TheWorldBar.com



TORO KITCHEN AND BAR ABOUT: Toro Kitchen and Bar brings you a diverse mix of Mediterranean inspired dishes in the heart of Queenstown. Centred around tasty, fresh and seasonal produce, Toro’s menu is based on what’s fresh and available locally. It features tapas, big plates, sides and the chef’s ‘Taste of Toro’ homemade 5 courses. Great food and great restaurants are about family, friends and the memories that are made when we all come together and sit down for a meal. Toro Kitchen and Bar, it’s how we eat. ABOUT: Seasonal menu using local produce. SOURCE SAYS: It’s where we go for lunch.

Opening Times: 9am till Late Food: The chef’s ‘Taste of Toro’ homemade 5


Music: Backround in the main restaurant Outdoor area: Yes + rooftop bar coming soon


Address: 20 The Mall, Queenstown, NZ Phone: +64 (0) 3 442 8503 Email: hello@toroqueenstown.co.nz Website: www.toroqueenstown.co.nz

BELLA CUCINA Bella Cucina was set up so we could share our love of Italy and our passion for good food and wine. Our philosophy at Bella is to provide fresh, flavoursome food with that something special, in a warm relaxed atmosphere. Much more than Pizza and Pasta, Bella Cucina is based on the Italian kitchen philosophy of a daily changing menu to incorporate the freshest produce. Everything is made from scratch with love, it’s fresh, delicious and affordable. Join us for a slice of ‘la bella vita’ today. You can also pick up a take away pizza every night between 5pm and 7pm. Eat Simple. Eat Well.

Address: 6 Brecon St, Queenstown, NZ Phone: 64 (0) 3 442 6762 Email: eat@bellacucina.co.nz Website: bellacucina.co.nz

Opening Times: 7 days from 5pm until late Food: Italian and delicious Music: Background Outdoor area: Yes 27


FINZ SEAFOOD & GRILL Finz Seafood & Grill has been a popular choice with Queenstown diners in the know for the past 11 years and now, with extra heating for the indoor courtyard tables and extended lake front dining, Finz is set to become the restaurant of choice for casual dining in Queenstown this season. SPECIALTIES: Seafood. SOURCE SAYS: Finz is a busy bustling little seafood bistro with crisp white table cloths and wooden chairs. It is a place you can go with family or friends and enjoy great food and wine and not break the bank. The takeaway fish and chips are also a sure fire winner.

Address: Steamer Wharf, Queenstown New Zealand Phone: 64 (0) 3 442 7405 Email: eat@finzdownunder.co.nz Website: finzdownunder.co.nz

Opening Times: 7 days from 5pm until late Food: New Zealand Seafood Music: Background Outdoor area: Yes


PUBLIC KITCHEN AND BAR ABOUT: Good honest Kiwi fare sourced locally and designed to bring people together is the key concept behind Public Kitchen & Bar. Offering exceptional local cuisine Public Kitchen is all about sharing dishes of local produce caught in the hills, farmed down the road or caught off the coast. SPECIALTIES: Sharing plates are a big part of the great atmosphere plus the trifle is becoming a bit of a local legend. SOURCE SAYS: Since Public opened back in 2013 it has quickly established itself as a Queenstown icon. The best view, some of the finest food and great company - the perfect spot for a burger or brunch.

Opening Times: 11am - 11pm Food: Sharing plates and kiwi classics Music: Live music 2-5pm Sundays Outdoor area: Yes

Address: Steamer Wharf, Queenstown New Zealand Phone: 64 (0) 3 442 5969 Email: eat@publickitchen.co.nz Website: publickitchen.co.nz





Does the band of the 90s and the 2000s still matter?

Creep is 20 years old, The Bends and OK Computer rocked our socks off shortly afterwards - but what does that matter in 2016? The middle of May saw the release of the band’s latest album “A Moon Shaped Pool” - who is this record actually for? Should I care, should you? band so comfortable in their otherworldly art that every breath, every note, sounds like it was meant to live there and only there. While many of the songs have origins that go back a decade, this doesn’t play like a collection of B-sIdes, this feels like a sonic novel that took a generation to complete. No, there aren’t anthemic dance floor fillers, this is Sunday morning music. The music to make up to, to break up to, to lose yourself to, to find yourself to. Introspective churning, whiling, a fog like presence of music that seeps into your pores - you don’t want to hum it, you want to wear it. Some albums are good, some are bad, some are important and some mark a moment in time. This album, perhaps more than any album released this year, will stand the harsh test of time and in a 30-second-attention-span world, that’s important.

Yes. And here’s why. For the last two decades this Oxford band of nerdy misfits haven’t even come close to following the trend; the flavour of the month or doing what anyone, their fans included, think they should do. Their second album, The Bends, cast a long shadow of influence, spurring the likes of Coldplay on to a career trying to hit the heights Radiohead did. What followed was an eclectic run of albums that played against type, rode the tide against the wind and time and time again confounded, confused and eventually inspired. Albums that sounded like freeform experimentation, only reigned in by the guillotine of deadline. What’s different and ultimately groundbreaking with “A Moon Shaped Pool”, is that it sounds like their most ambitious album to date and at the same time, their most restrained. This album is the sound of a 30




back to front

The snowy season is upon us and we’re hoping for more white powder on the hills than Scarface’s coffee table. tricks right up to a 720. There are enough jumps and rail tricks to keep intermediate and advanced boarders busy until Springtime.

LEAVING THE PIZZA-WEDGE SKIERS BEHIND IS FORMER PRO SNOWBOARDER AND FREESTYLE TRAINING EXPERT KARL DUNHAM. HE’S A SNOWBOARDING INSTRUCTION NZ EXAMINER AND HE USED TO TRAIN THE INSTRUCTORS UP AT CORONET PEAK. IN THE USA’S ASPEN RESORT, KARL WAS THE LEAD FREESTYLE TRAINER AND TWICE WON TRAINER OF THE YEAR. IN SHORT, THIS GUY KNOWS HOW TO PULL A FEW TRICKS ON THE SNOW. After thousands of hours teaching snowboarding tricks, Karl realised that an hour spent refining the basics wasn’t the best way to spend his client’s bucks. He wanted to find a way to help his clients perfect their core skills during their own practise time, so that he could help them put that altogether into a mean trick during lesson time. The answer? An app called ‘Snowboard Trick to Learn’. Filmed with the help of Queenstown producer Ben Ryan on the slopes of The Remarkables and Coronet Peak, the app covers all the basic stepping stones you’ll need to put together a great trick or two, from basic rail

HOW TO RIDE SWITCH – TIPS FROM KARL DUNHAM 1) First you need to learn to turn toe and heel side riding switch, find somewhere not too steep and where you feel safe to try it 2) Remember to keep your weight on your new front foot and twist the board with your feet to start the turn 3) Get some mileage. Gradually increase your distance riding switch, working towards a whole run - top to bottom switch 4) When you feel ready, try hitting the easiest jumps or boxes switch just like you did when riding forward. Or use the app to teach you the steps and see a demo Top tip: Remember to make sure your body is aligned with the board, as riders sometimes stand in a funky position when they’re switch. 32

If you need to brush up your skills this winter, grab a copy from the App Store.


grey matter splatter ?

June ‘16 6



8 3 4 7 5 8 1 6 4 9 1 7 3 6 5 6 8 7 4 1 3 2 5 6 4

E R N E T M R I M Create as many words of two letters or more using each letter only once and the centre letter in each word. Find the nine letter word. No proper nouns allowed. Meh=12 Now We’re Farming=16 You Freakin’ Rock=20

QUIZ 1. Carl and the Passions changed their band name to what? 2. King Zog ruled which country? 3. In golf what name is given to the No. 3 wood? 4. If you had pogonophobia what would you be afraid of? 5. Who are Syd Barett, Roger Waters, Richard Wright and Nick Mason? 6. Where did the mutineers of the Bounty settle? 7. Which European country is divided into areas called Cantons? 8. Hippophagic society members support what? 9. What was the Troggs’ most famous hit? 10. What item was originally called a Hanway?

1: Beach Boys 2: Albania 3: Spoon 4: Beards 5: Pink Floyd 6: Pitcairn Islands 7: Switzerland 8: Eating horse meat 9: Wild Thing 10: Umbrella

I’m so fast that last night I turned off the light switch in my hotel room and was in bed before the room was dark. Muhammad Ali

SODOKU (hard)




The Front Room wall space is now fully booked for the rest of 2016 but we are available for events, workshops and social gatherings. If you need a space for your event, give us a call.

JUNE 2nd-30th :: Toi O Tahuna Group Show JUNE 11th :: Manual Magazine and Corona Extra Present: ORIGINS. Featuring the photographic journeys of Vaughan Brookfield, Johnny McCormack & Tim Pierce JULY :: 1st-29th Kapa presents Ema Frost Fri 1 July 6-8pm :: Ema Frost opening; all welcome Tuesday 12 July, 5.30-7pm :: Catalyst talk by Dugald McTavish tentatively titled “The Confessions of An Activist”. AUGUST 5th-31st :: Wakatipu Arts ‘N’ Kulture (WAnK) collective group exhibition SEPTEMBER 2nd-16th :: NZIPP 2016 Print awards. Award-winning photography on display 20th Sep-5th Oct :: Wakatipu High School Emerging Artists design work on display OCTOBER 7th-31st Tracey Tawhiao & Julie Pengully presented by Toi O Tahuna. Friday 7 October 6-8pm Tracey Tawhiao & Julie Pengully opening; all welcome 7th-14th October Live Ta Moko art by Julie Pengully NOVEMBER 4th-30th Amy Wybrow (Botanical photographic show) DECEMBER Aaron Kereopa presented by Toi O Tahuna YOUR SHOW: If you are an artist, photographer, sculptor or artisan and you’d like to show your work at the Front Room, please get in touch with: leigh@fluid.co.nz

Front Room Gallery 10 Memorial Street, Queenstown. Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 35


Did You Know? • Movie theatre popcorn costs more per ounce that filet mignon. • Humans can hear the difference between hot and cold water being poured. • The Sword-billed Hummingbird is the only bird with a bill longer than its body. •You turn 10 million minutes old when you have lived for 19 years and 4 days. • When a cat passed away in Ancient Egypt every member of its household would shave off their eyebrows in mourning.

ARIES - I’m sure whatever you want to say can wait until you’re smarter. TAURUS - Your friends secretly agree your head is the wrong size for your body. GEMINI - Don’t worry, I’m sure there are plenty of lovers out there just waiting to be partially pleased. CANCER - Your clothes won’t get too tight if you don’t wear any.

Men want a woman whom they can turn on and off like a light switch. Ian Fleming

LEO - Never let an angry sister comb your hair. VIRGO - If you don’t have anything nice to say, say it sarcastically. LIBRA - Sometimes you just need to walk your potato. SCORPIO - I have two words for you - wash cloth. SAGITTARIUS - Everything is free if you can run fast enough. CAPRICORN - This month the chocolate chips in your cookies may all be raisins. AQUARIUS - Unless you are a pregnancy test, take your negativity elsewhere.

• The platypus has no nipples. Milk simply oozes from it’s skin.

PISCES - If anyone knows a really good fish pun, let minnow. 36

Our ‘How To’ guide to some old favourites and a few new ones...


GINGER REMEDY BROUGHT TO YOU BY EICHARDT’S INGREDIENTS 15ml Ginger liqueur 10ml St Remy brandy 10ml Crème de Cacao Drop of Angostura bitters Slice of ginger

METHOD: Shake ingredients and strain into a Champagne flute and top up with Gibbston Valley sparkling wine. Drop a piece of caramelised ginger into the bottom of the glass and garnish with lemon twist.


a free pairth every mon

Quest and The Source have teamed up to give away a pair of Converse every month. All you need to do is fill in your name and number and drop this entry form into Quest on Shotover Street. Simple.


People Doing It



QUEENSTOWN ARTS CENTRE As well as the renowned Cloakroom Gallery, QAC also houses a unique group of local artists in its studio spaces, offers classes and even has a fully equipped ceramics studio and kiln. The Arts Centre is on the corner of Stanley and Ballarat Streets and is open every day. FB: Queenstown Arts Centre GUERILLA DRIVE IN A new location every time, matched up with an old movie and some popcorn equals a fantastic way to spend a night out. Facebook is the best way to stay in the loop: FB: Queenstown Guerilla Drive-In HAPPINESS HOUSE Drop in to their awesome Op Shop open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Donations always welcome and if you need a helping hand, just let them know. Help out: FB: Happiness House Queenstown QUEENSTOWN LIFE Wakatipu blog by Queenstowner Jane

Guy. Queenstown Life is like a handbook for living in the Wakatipu. Join in the discussion at www.QueenstownLife.com FB: Queenstown Life

QUEENSTOWN TRADING If you’re looking to buy, trade or

sell something in the Wakatipu, this is the Facebook page for you. Crackin’ deals: www.QueenstownTrading.co.nz FB: Queenstown Trading

QUEENSTOWN.COM Queenstown.com has grown up and is now the definitive resource for getting under the skin of this enigmatic wee town. www.Queenstown.com ROUTEBURN DART WILDLIFE TRUST Bring back the

birdsong to the Routeburn and Dart Valleys. Controlling predators is the name of the game and it costs a lot of dosh. Donate at: www.rdwt.org 38



If you’re looking to promote your business or want to get the word out about your upcoming events or gigs then call Dan 021 609 132 or drop him a line: dan@queenstown.com

Tee Shirts only $35

All sizes, boys and girls. To order your unique Queenstown fashion statement email tees@thesourceonline.com stating size and your preferred design (Spraycan/Tommy/Home) and we’ll organise everything from there... 39

There is no off position on the genius switch. David Letterman

Let’s have a chat over a coffee and come up with a plan. Our shout.



POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Winter Yoga Retreat by Nikki Ralston. Info & registration essential at: experiences@ sherwoodqueenstown.nz WORLD BAR :: Mr Feet // Alias AV set // Times x Two DJs SOUTHERN STAMPEDE vs Dunedin Thunder, Queenstown Ice Arena


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm

I switch off lights like a maniac. I drive at reasonable speeds so that I don’t waste petrol. Joanna Lumley


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Ribera 5pm // The Flavour 9pm // Sam Rivers 12am LUMA SOUTHERN LIGHT PROJECT, Queenstown Gardens and around town, 5.30-10pm, Free. www.LUMA.nz


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Winter Yoga Retreat by Nikki Ralston. Info & registration essential at: experiences@ sherwoodqueenstown.nz SHERWOOD :: Nadia Reid European homecoming set WORLD BAR :: World Bar 20th Birthday // Back to the 90s // Stubacca vs Salmon FRONT ROOM GALLERY : Manual Magazine and Corona Extra Present: ORIGINS. Featuring the photographic journeys of Vaughan Brookfield, Johnny McCormack & Tim Pierce


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm LUMA SOUTHERN LIGHT PROJECT, Queenstown Gardens and around town, 5.30-10pm, Free. www.LUMA.nz


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes live from 4pm, Alias 9pm LUMA SOUTHERN LIGHT PROJECT, Queenstown Gardens and around town, 5.30-10pm, Free. www.LUMA.nz


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Live and Loud 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: DJ Sam Rivers Live 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Ben Janzs Live EP Launch 7pm // Mr Salmon live 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm 40




POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Winter Yoga Retreat by Nikki Ralston. Info & registration essential at: experiences@ sherwoodqueenstown.nz WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes 4pm // Alias 9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Diaries Down Under // Welcome to Winter // Stubacca Live 9pm MATARIKI FESTIVAL, Dinosaur Park (Roys Bay Recreational Reserve), 10am – 8pm. Free. GHETTOBLASTER, Gin & Raspberries, Wanaka, 9pm FRONTRUNNER SERIES, Jacks Point, 10am, info at activeqt.co.nz/event/ frontrunner-series-queenstown/


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Winter Yoga Retreat by Nikki Ralston. Info & registration essential at: experiences@ sherwoodqueenstown.nz WORLD BAR :: Mojo Live and Loud 9pm PETI CRIME, Pub on Wharf, 8.30pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Raw Encounter by Ainsley Thompson, Venture into a world of uncooked & unprocessed foods, 3-6pm, $60 pp. www.sherwoodqueenstown.nz WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes 4pm // Bitchin Bingo 7pm // Alias 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: DJ Sam Rivers Live from 9pm GHETTOBLASTER, Zephyr, 11pm



POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Live and Loud 9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live from 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm GHETTOBLASTER, 1876, 9.30pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: DJ Sam Rivers Live 9pm



POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Inquest // Mr Feet vs Stubacca vs Mr Salmon // Tickets available from Quest PETI CRIME, Blue Kanu, 7.30pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live from 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm GHETTOBLASTER, 1876, 9.30pm



POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Ribera 5pm // The Flavour 9pm // Sam Rivers 12am BOBBY & THE COCONUT, Pub on Wharf, 9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm PETI CRIME, Blue Kanu, 7.30pm




POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Paces (AUS) // 10pm // Free Entry AMERICAN EXPRESS QUEENSTOWN WINTER FESTIVAL, June 24-July 3 www. winterfestival .co.nz/

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Live and Loud 9pm PETI CRIME, Pub on Wharf, 8.30pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Atomic Coffee Latte Art Throw Down // Sam Rivers 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: DJs Flat White + Long Black, Free entry WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm SOUTHERN STAMPEDE vs West Auckland Admirals, Queenstown Ice Arena


POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live from 9pm WAKATIPU YOUTH - Reverb Sound Kitchen, 6-9pm GHETTOBLASTER, 1876, 9.30pm



POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes Live from 4pm // Alias from 9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Live music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Sherwood Songwriter Society 8pm, free entry WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm

Tell us the score WE CAN ONLY SHARE THE LOVE IF YOU SHARE IT FIRST. Let us know what’s on and we’ll aim to get it into our What’s On Guide. No promises but if it sounds like a good gig we’ll probably slide it on in there. We’re only as good as your word folks so let us have it...




FRIDAY 3RD JUNE 10am - 4pm Village Green > Lab in a Box 4pm - 8pm Earnslaw Park > Creative QT Night Market 5.30pm Queenstown Gardens > LUMA Lights on 5.30pm - 10pm LUMA Lounge > DJ + VJ set 5.30pm - 7:30pm GDI > Graphic showcase 7:30pm - 9:30pm GDI > Dear Dear live music and video show 9:30pm - 10pm GDI > Graphic showcase

THURSDAY 9TH JUNE 8pm Outdoor Locations, Downtown > LUMA Projecta: Urban Canvas Photo + Art Show 10pm Barmuda > Electric Rush and LUMA presents Weiss

SATURDAY 4TH JUNE 10am - 4pm Village Green > Lab in a Box 5.30pm Queenstown Gardens > LUMA Lights on 5.30pm - 10pm LUMA Lounge > DJ + VJ set 5.30pm - 7pm GDI > Projecta Urban Canvas Preview 7pm - 9pm GDI > The Incredibly Short Film Festival 9pm - 10pm GDI > Short Film Collection

SATURDAY 11TH JUNE 8pm Outdoor Locations, Downtown > LUMA Projecta: Urban Canvas Photo + Art Show Front Room Gallery >Manual Magazine and Corona Extra Present: Origins. Featuring the photography of Vaughan Brookfield, Johnny McCormack & Tim Pierce (Opening time TBC) Auction on night with proceeds going to Sustainable Coastlines

FRIDAY 10TH JUNE 8pm Outdoor Locations, Downtown > LUMA Projecta: Incredibly Short Film Festival Front Room Gallery > Manual Magazine Photography Show

SUNDAY 5TH JUNE 10am - 4pm Village Green > Lab in a Box 5.30pm Queenstown Gardens > LUMA Lights on 5.30pm - 10pm LUMA Lounge - DJ + VJ set 5.45pm - 7pm GDI > Feature: Baraka 7.45pm - 10.45pm GDI > Feature: Pan’s Labrynth

LUMA is a home grown, free community event organised by volunteers with help from some amazing supporters. LUMA is set to become an annual feature on the Queenstown calendar. If you would like to collaborate with LUMA please get in touch: connect@LUMA.nz


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