Source 501 FRESH

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issue 501 / Mar 16

this month: Sophie Melville artist/designer Angels of Death Metal come to NZ Canyoning behind the scenes

The word is:



INTRO:FRESH Welcome to Queenstown’s longest-serving underground monthly. Music, arts, humans doing interesting stuff just for the sake of it... adventure, this issue keeps up the theme and takes a typically ‘Sourcey’ view on our world through the Queenstown lens. Plenty to look at. Lots to do. No time to waste. If you’re feeling bored you need your head examined. This really is the best little town on the best island of the best country in the best hemisphere on this messed up tiny planet. Get out there and make the most of it folks. Source Out.

Here you go people. Yet another incarnation of your favourite monthly handbook for life. Your regular ‘how-to-be-a-betterperson-manual’. A Going Out Guide for the Willingly Bewildered. It’s The Source. We’ve run a paintbrush over the old girl, patched up a few dents and we’re proud to hand you a bigger, brighter, more potent mix of goodies for the eyeballs. March brings us the word ‘Fresh’. From food to music, art to

DESIGN/PRODUCTION: Tim Buckley: 027 239 0342 PRODUCTION/ACCOUNTS: Kirsten Young: 021 341 249

ADVERTISING: Dan Green: 021 609 132 DISTRIBUTION: Alice Conway: 021 115 2508 3

FACEBOOK.COM/SourceNZ SNAIL: PO Box 689, Queenstown

hot stuff


With a budget of more than 8 million Chinese Yuan ($1.25 million US), a timeframe of two years and an existing building of 20,440 square meters (220,014.000 sq ft), the project was a daunting one. Italian born and educated architect Alberto Puchetti received this assignment for his Hong Kong based design firm Arboit Limited from Guangzhou-based Cloud DCS (Data Centers Service) in late 2013.

TAKE A LOOK AT THESE HALFDIPPED NIKE AIR MAGS. HANDDRAWN WITH A SHARPIE BY ARTIST CJ HENDRY. She’s bought a pair of Nike AirMags for $9,000, dipped them in black paint, photographed them and then hand-drawn a massive nine-foot black-and white piece of it. She’ll auction it off in Miami at Scope Art Fair and with 100% of the profits she and The Cool Hunter are purchasing shoes for children in New York.

German high-end luggage firm Rimowa has developed an electronic luggage tag which displays baggage info in the same format, size and appearance of typical paper labels but on a digital screen built into the unit and located near the handle. Of course if your batteries run out your luggage will still end up in Timbuktu...


TATTOO OF THE MONTH get to our Facebook page and get posting for what you think is the

Tattoo Of The Month!

45 Camp St QT - 155 K Rd AKL - 3/62 Ricc Rd - CHCH


the stillness within Long time Wanaka local and ex-Queenstown designer, Sophie Melville talks to The Source about her new works and upcoming show at the Front Room Gallery. Focusing on finding that quiet place inside myself while continuing to navigate through the busyness of life has inspired new works for my first solo show.

works overseas or long hours while in New Zealand but I relate differently to my life now that I regularly meditate and this in turn centres and steers me back to what is most important to me – living in the moment and appreciating each

My journey through my return to art has found me enveloped in a sense of contentment and peace that I have only ever caught small glimpses of before. It has been through discovering and practising meditation that I’ve learnt to find the stillness within and it has empowered me to grow into the artist that I am today. My life is still busy, I’m still a mum of 2 young children with a husband that often

“My work is about interpreting and then capturing a moment of familiarity...” day for what it offers. Life flows with fulfillment and appreciation now and I hope that this is reflected in my art as I seek to create a visual language of calmness and content. I’ve found it difficult to articulate to my friends and family how meditation is such an incredible tool that you can easily implement into your life with powerful health, wellness and relationship benefits so I hope that my art in The Stillness Within becomes a visual language to convey this. My work is about interpreting and then capturing a moment of familiarity through it’s mountains, lakes, beaches and clouds that

Sophie Melville’s show starts at the Front Room Gallery on March 4th and runs for the whole month. 6


notice the beauty in everyday life, sometimes even the ordinary.

evoke a sense of inner calm. I have a loose abstract style and choose to paint in black and white with hints of indigo as a reminder of the defining moments of clarity gained from the powerful effects of meditation. The strong contrasted areas of black and white and their varying textures relate to being focused on the present moment and therefore being able to

I hope that my art gives people a sense of clarity that allows them to still their mind and connect with and explore the watery shapes and coarse textures. Creating art is an extension of my meditation practice, often I leave my studio after creating feeling incredibly uplifted but also radiating inner stillness.

The Stillness Within. Watercolour on paper 7

Splore ‘16


We gave away some Splore tickets and sent some of the crew up to see what all the fuss is about... Here it is.

Thumbs Up

Thumbs Down • Slating tourists for bad driving and then not even indicating on roundabouts. We know who you are... • Traffic cones. Come on fellas, a joke’s a joke. • Out of date eggs.

• Splore - you guys rock. • Having a picnic on Queenstown Bay with a couple of mates and a glass of beer. Life really doesn’t get much better than this. • Riding bikes. Oh yes. 8

Well Burger Me! (these guys have the balance, not too much and just enough for that fresh lettucey crunch) and fluffy white burger buns. We’re not sure if the Devil really is Moroccan but we know this burger’s a good ‘un. Recommended side: Magic Mushrooms – mushrooms crumbed, flash fried and dished up with aioli (note – mushrooms not made with actual magic, Harry Potter’s too busy. Grown with love instead).

THE SOURCE CHECKS OUT THE FLIPPING GOOD BURGERS AT DEVIL BURGER, IN CHURCH LANE. LOCATED ON CHURCH STREET, THERE’S CHUPS AND ONION RINGS, CURRY SAUCE AND LASHINGS OF AIOLI. BUT, AS THE ANCIENT ADAGE GOES, THE PROOF OF THE BURGER BAR IS IN THE BURGERS. THIS MARCH, WE’RE MUNCHING ON THE DEVIL’S MOROCCAN. A fluffy white lamb’s been led to the slaughter, chopped and minced and transformed into a succulent patty. Hot and earthy Moroccan spices are blended to add an exotic edge to your standard Kiwi paddock inhabitant. The minted apricot and tomato relish is sweet to taste, contrasting the bitter red onions. Creamy and sour feta is the logical and very tasty cheese addition to this burger. Top it all off with fancy, frilly green lettuce

10am - late church street, queenstown 03 442 4 666 9


cut the positivity

So 2016 we’re already in you. We’re over all the talk about what we will be doing this year, what resolutions we’ve already forgotten about, how much booze we shouldn’t drink (but did). feel those normal feelings. If we hear ‘negativity’ we block it out. We avoid how that makes us feel because we don’t want to feel those bad feelings. Ultimately avoiding ever feeling low, sad or mad. It’s really good for us to have those bad feelings so we can look at why we feel like this and what we want to do about it. Ultimately processing them to learn more about ourselves and the way we respond to certain situations. I’m no psychologist but I want to feel crap sometimes, I want to get mad and feel angry. I want to shout my head off on a rooftop with joy and laughter and happiness. I want to feel ALL those feelings and let my friends and family feel them too because that’s what our bodies were designed for. To feel sad and angry, to feel joy and fulfillment to keep us alive and make fires for the next day. Don’t shut off those feelings. Let them in and throw out your positive and negative ideas for 2016 and just be.

I for one am over all the positive talk. Why? Because I’m cynical? Because I’m negative? No, because I’m over avoidance. Positivity messages are everywhere and they irk me. We can’t get through a day without seeing a ‘think positive’ slogan or ‘keep negative people out of your life’ line. I understand the need for culling certain people every now and again. Those who just drag you down, don’t stop moaning or never seem to sort out that problem in their lives. But positivity and its borders are just plain dangerous. Teaching ourselves (and more importantly our children) that negativity is ‘bad’ and positivity ‘good’ completely misses the point. It silences those ‘bad’ feelings and ultimately avoids them. Pushing ourselves to think, act, feel ‘positive’ and have ‘good’ feelings avoids those other feelings and creates a world where feeling angry or crap is wrong and should be avoided. It shames those who 10

Quinoa - keen-whaaat? PRONOUNCED KEEN-WAH, NOT KWIN-OH-AH, QUINOA WAS A FAVOURITE FOOD OF THE INCAS A FEW THOUSAND YEARS BEFORE IT BECAME NUTRITIONAL DARLING DU JOUR. THEY CALLED IT CHISAYA MAMA, ‘THE MOTHER OF ALL GRAINS’, THE EMPEROR WOULD PLANT THE FIRST SEEDS OF THE SEASON WITH A PIMPED UP GOLDEN TROWEL. The athletic Incas knew their stuff. Quinoa has all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein it’s essentially the steak of the plant world and a damned good food for building muscle and bone strength.

Globally, we modern folk didn’t quite catch on to the superfood until the 1970s. What you’re eating is not a grain but the tiny seeds from the quinoa flower head. It’s related (somehow) to spinach, beets and chard; even the leaves are edible, though the supermarkets don’t seem to stock them. The plants grow up to nine feet high and have funky coloured red, purple, yellow or green flower heads. If rice had a butt, quinoa could kick it – it has four times the amount of iron per serving, twice the fibre and takes half the time to cook it. Oh, and the coeliac folk out there will be pleased to know it’s gluten free. So, need your quinoa fix? Come chat to the team at Habebes.


humour on the walk and aimed toward the swinging doors of the saloon. “Hold on there, Mister,” said the sheriff. “Did I just see what I think I saw?” “Reckon you did, Sheriff. I got me some powerful chapped lips.” “And that cures them?” the Sheriff asked. “Nope, but it keeps me from lickin’ ‘em.” .......................................................... Bubba dies in a fire and his body is pretty badly burned. The morgue sends for his two best friends, Daryl and Gomer, to identify the body. Daryl arrives first and when the mortician pulls back the sheet Daryl says “Yup, his face is burnt up pretty bad. You better roll him over.” The mortician rolls him over and Daryl says “Nope, ain’t Bubba.” The mortician thinks this is strange. Then he brings Gomer in to identify the body. Gomer takes a look at the face and says “Yup, he’s pretty well burnt up. Roll him over.” The mortician rolls him over and Gomer says “No, it ain’t Bubba.” The mortician asks “How can you tell?” Gomer said “Well, Bubba had two assholes.”What? He had two assholes?!” exclaims the mortician.“Yup, every time we went to town, folks would say ‘Here comes Bubba with them two assholes.’”

A guy walks into a bar with his pet monkey. While he’s drinking the monkey jumps all over the place, eating everything behind the bar. Then it jumps on to the pool table and swallows the cue ball. The bartender screams “Your monkey just ate the cue ball off my pool table!” “Sorry” replied the guy. “He eats everything in sight I’ll pay for it all.” Two weeks later he’s in the bar with his monkey again. He orders a drink while the monkey starts running around and finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. He grabs it, sticks it up his butt, pulls it out and eats it. The bartender is disgusted. “Did you see what your monkey did now?” he asks. “Yeah” replies the guy. “He still eats everything in sight but ever since he swallowed that cue ball, he measures stuff first.” .......................................................... What do you get when you cross a rooster with a jar of peanut butter? A cock that sticks to the roof of your mouth. .......................................................... An old cowhand came riding into town on a hot, dry, dusty day. The local sheriff watched from his chair in front of the saloon as the cowboy wearily dismounted and tied his horse to the rail. The cowboy then moved slowly to the back of his horse, lifted its tail and placed a big kiss where the sun don’t shine. He dropped the horse’s tail, stepped up 12

March ‘16

grey matter splatter ?

SODOKU (hard)


9 3 7 6 2 8 2 9 1 6 4 2 3 5 6


8 1 6


7 1 2 3 8 5

E R N E T M R I M Create as many words of two letters or more using each letter only once and the centre letter in each word. Find the nine letter word. No proper nouns allowed. Meh=12 Now We’re Farming=16 You Freakin’ Rock=20

QUIZ 1. In which year did India join the United Nations? 2. Which country leads in the production of rubber? 3. What colour is Spock’s blood? 4. How many feet in a fathom? 5. If you had pogonophobia what would you be afraid of? 6. Which part of the human body contains the most gold? 7. Eric Arthur Blaire was the real name of which author? 8. Consumption was the former name of which disease? 9. What does a polyandric women have more than one of? 10. Which European country is divided into areas called Cantons? 1: 1955 2: Malaysia 3: Green 4: Six 5: Beards 6: Toenails 7: George Orwell 8: Tuberculosis 9: Husband 10: Switzerland 13

Clever people master life; the wise illuminate it and create fresh difficulties. Emil Nolde


short story



Two playing Kings surrounded by gargoyles, drink draught Staropramen in the Gothicquarter. Enter a shiny, black pair of CFMBs throwing off shafts of light like slow motion ninja stars slicing up the smoke-heavy room. Dressed up to the nines she snapped a few necks in passing and with mischief on her mind, walked straight up beside me. Cosmopolitan in hand she purposefully sat herself down. Her eyes were black as coal. Unblinking. In a silky southern drawl she said her name was JN42D. Named after her daddy’s favourite plane apparently. Then she casually added, but most people call me Jenny. What in the hell are you two doing playing cards in a bar in Prague, she wanted to know. That’s quite the strangest name I’ve ever heard, I said. However, readers, to 42D I testify happily. We’re getting drunk Four Two D. Dedicated to our mission all afternoon. Her tongue danced nonchalantly across her lips like a red hot lasso and I felt a cool patent leather foot stroke my calf as she said, well I hope you’re not

done yet Mister, it’s my birthday. She paused for effect before adding, when we’re finished here you’re coming with me. There was no denying she was direct. A Yankee in Prague studying English, which, whilst it made no sense, was to me of no consequence. If I remember correctly, she wrote short stories for a few extra pounds, for a few extra pence. Later, back at hers I enquired politely as to the nature of her pennings. She confessed in candid fashion that exotic, erotic fantasy was the source of her fascination. As she locked the door behind us and pushed me to the floor she said, sometimes I like a little inspiration. As the point of her heel stabbed my chest, she stood there happy as a cat. The door key dangling from a slender, red-tipped finger. She said, maybe one day in the future you’ll find out that you’re the star in a steamy, baroque kind of feature. About a girl named after a plane and the boy she lassoed, locked up and slowly drove insane. As those eyes of darkest black cast a shadow over my soul, she tossed the key out of the window. 14

If you’re looking to promote your business or want to get the word out about your upcoming events or gigs then call: 021 609 132 or drop us a line

Let’s have a chat over a coffee and come up with a plan. Our shout.

What will it take before we respect the planet? 15

I love the feeling of the fresh air on my face and the wind blowing through my hair. Evel Knievel



Kahlua Pecan Brown Sugar Baked Brie Serves 6-8

500g round of Brie 1 cup Kahlua 1 cup packed light brown sugar 1 cup roughly chopped pecans

until it’s a syrupy consistency. Throw the pecans in for 2 minutes at the end to warm them through and completely cover with the sauce. Remove the Brie from the oven (removing top rind) and pour Kahlua sauce over the top. Serve warm with crackers.

Preheat oven to 175 degrees. Carefully slice the rind off the top of the Brie but do not remove completely. Bake for 15 minutes. While the Brie is baking, in a medium pan bring Kahlua and brown sugar to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes,


Tongue splitting Tongue bifurcation, splitting or forking, is a type of body modification in which the tongue is cut centrally from its tip to as far back as the underside base, forking the end like a snake. It is a common body alteration for body modification enthusiasts. The tongue generally heals in 1–2 weeks, during which time the person may have difficulty with speech or their normal dietary habits. After the tongue is split and the sides healed, control over the individual sides can be gained with practice Splitting is reversible but the reversal is even more painful than the tongue splitting procedure. All righty then. 16


When you start using senses you’ve neglected, your reward is to see the world with completely fresh eyes. Barbara Sher


food for thought shellfish and chicken. Vegetables stay edible for absolutely ages and if it really does look that manky, blend it up and make a soup out of it. Left overs? Well, sure, the official advice is three days refrigerated but who hasn’t seen a spagbol in a Thompson Street fridge that looked old enough to be molested by a priest? This is why we invented microwaves - to take food to nuclear temperatures not possible in an oven! The bottom line is this: if we want to preserve the planet, we need to think about what we’re buying and how we preserve it. If it’s old, nuke the hell out of it. If that works, great. If not, what’s the worst that could happen? That food poisoning could be the kick-start you need to lose those few kilos. Nothing wrong with “opening the sluices at both ends” eh? *Whilst the author of this piece has worked professionally in kitchens, it was in the capacity of either making chips or using a dishwasher. If you take this all as sound advice, you deserve that dildo in the face.

IF YOU’VE BEEN ANYWHERE NEAR A FACEBOOK NEWS FEED IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS YOU WON’T HAVE BEEN ABLE TO HELP BUT SEE WAVE AFTER WAVE OF POSTS FROM SLACKTIVIST FRIENDS LAUDING THE LANDMARK DECISION OF THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT TO FORCE GROCERS TO GIVE AWAY FOOD THAT IS CLOSE TO ITS EXPIRY. IT’S A FANTASTIC IDEA AND A NOBLE ONE. There was also recently the decision by Asda, a UK supermarket chain owned by Walmart, to start selling boxes of misshapen vegetables for $7 a throw. I’m still at a loss as to how a veg can be misshapen but anyhow, Facebook went cockahoop for it, which is rather ironic given the types who share these articles are the same who throw out two-day old bread and wouldn’t know what to do with a crusty carrot if it slapped them in the face, dildo style. Whilst food safety should naturally be paramount in the kitchen, it’s usually the preparation of food rather than the food itself which poses the threat. Most food we eat nowadays is just fine, save for the very delicate things like 18

Down at the Waterfront,

14 Rees Street, Queenstown . 03 442 5382


come and say hi: pogmahonesirishpub


Silver Linings Playbook Pat Solatano (Bradley Cooper) has lost his house, his job, his wife and finds himself living back with his mother (Jacki Weaver) and father (Robert DeNiro) after spending eight months is a state institution on a plea bargain. He is determined to rebuild his life, remain positive and reunite with his wife, despite the challenging circumstances of their separation. All Pat’s parents want is for him to get back on his feet and to share the family’s obsession with the Philadelphia Eagles football team. When Pat meets Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence), a mysterious girl with problems of her own, things get complicated. Tiffany offers to help him reconnect with his wife but only if he’ll do something very important for her in return. As their deal plays out, an unexpected bond begins to form between them and silver linings appear in both of their lives. 19


Fresh off the boat

Last night was rough for you. I know repetitive motion is effective when putting a baby to sleep but it’s unproductive when your bunk mate is making the girl he pulled in the bar moan loudly while they rock the bed from above. trees and lake all work together to form nature’s best “earth porn”. You just need to make sure you look up. Spending half your grocery money on Jager Bombs the night before won’t seem as bad if, while you’re walking to Fresh Choice, you watch the paragliders cut the air. Where else will you find such an eclectic group of people? In the afternoon you can hitch a ride home with a local retired farmer who unknowingly insults you as he reminisces about the “good old days” before Queenstown was overrun with backpackers. For dinner you can share in a home cooked meal with your housemates from France, Argentina, Germany and South Korea, none of whom speak English well but you all think you understand each other. At night you drink with native English speakers from all over the world. Life in Queenstown may be crazy and cramped but there’s no other experience like it. So suck it up and invest in some earplugs.

This is when you’ll ask yourself “why the hell did I move to Queenstown?” All you heard in Australia was how great this place is. A 24/7 party. Your visa there was up so you figured why not? It’s better than going home. No one told you about paying $150 a week to share a room with two other people in a house inhabited by fifteen. How can dishes even stack that high? Doesn’t anyone sleep? You sure as hell didn’t last night. Now you’re waiting to use one of the two bathrooms before dragging yourself to work for a wage $5 less than anywhere you would’ve worked in Australia. GrabASeat shows affordable flights to Auckland, Wellington and even Mount Maunganui. Maybe it’s time go? But before you make a click you’ll regret you should answer an additional question or two. Where else can you find a view like that? Admit it. Your eyes have never been so aroused. The mountains, 20


Here is a calendar of events currently scheduled for the next few months. If you would like to be involved please get in touch.

MAR 4 - MAR 30 SOPHIE MELVILLE PAINTER ‘THE STILLNESS WITHIN’ APR 1 - APRIL 27 DREW HILL PRESENTED BY TOI O TAHUNA MAY EMMA BUTLER ILLUSTRATIONS JUNE INDY ARTIST JULY KAPA PRESENTS EMA FROST AUGUST AARON KEREOPA PRESENTED BY TOI O TAHUNA SEPTEMBER NZIPP 2016 PRINT AWARDS ON DISPLAY WAKATIPU HIGH SCHOOL EMERGING ARTISTS WORK ON DISPLAY OCT, NOV, DEC: CURRENTLY AVAILABLE UP FRONT PRESENTERS: We are always keen to hear your stories. If you have something you’d like to share, please let us know and we’ll introduce you to a welcoming audience. Slides, music, video, sculpture - we’re keen to hear from you. YOUR SHOW If you are an artist, photographer, sculptor or artisan and you’d like to show your work at the Front Room, please get in touch with: 21


The Eagles Have Landed


Except for a few hipsters and music nerds nobody really knew who The Eagles of Death Metal were until November 13th last year. That night in Paris the face of live music, terrorism and rock and roll changed forever. Gunmen entered Le Bataclan venue where the band was playing and opened fire - killing 89 people.

All of a sudden a fringe band that was nothing more than a side project for Queens of the Stoneage frontman Josh Homme and his longtime buddy Jesse ‘Boots Electric’ Hughes were thrust into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. It’s a shithouse way to find the limelight, because as a rock band, they’re great. Their cockrock anthems are more about hooking up and having a party than politicised pulpit preaching. Hip swinging rockabilly meets fuzzed out singalongs that make you say ‘ooooh’ as you nestle into your neighbour. True to their word EODM are back, they played Paris in an emotionally triumphant return last month and this month they are headed to New Zealand. March 22 they bring the rock to The Powerstation in Auckland. It’s one of those shows that will imprint in your brain, not because of what the band has

become, but what they are - the best party in town. As Boots Electric said it himself, “I’m going to stop at the door any bummer, any bad feelings and we are just going to stay horny in that theatre and we’re never going to stop.” The Eagles of Death Metal play The Powerstation in Auckland on March 22. Tickets on sale from Ticktetmaster now.


The Great Outdoors


@worldbarqtn INSTA @worldbarqtn FB

A 12

Church Street Queenstown 9300, NZ


Mind Controlled Tails

Japanese company Neurowear has created an artificial tail that wags according to the emotional state of the user. According to Neurowear, your mood is read by an app, which also tags your location and can be shared via Facebook or Twitter. This enables you and your friends to search for places fellow wearers have found relaxing. The tail wearers must also use a brain wave reader, along with a heart rate monitor that can be clipped to the ear lobe. The tail will wag based on your brainwaves and is also able to geotag places according to the “happiness level� of the user. Where do we sign? 23

queenstown rocks


Hometown Girl

Queenstown’s Holly Arrowsmith is one of those artists that we all want to succeed. Embarrassingly talented, relentlessly humble and altogether far too nice to be in the music business, she has once again risen to new heights.

Last year she opened for ‘The Sugar Man’ Rodriguez, guested with Fly My Pretties and released her debut album ‘For The Weary Traveller’. The Queenstown raised artist has started 2016 with a bang, a gong in fact. Arrowsmith just collected the New Zealand Music Award for Best Folk Album. Heady stuff, especially considering this was her first album. The album was recorded here in Queenstown, where it was engineered and produced by Steve Roberts. Telling too, all the nominees for Best Folk Album were from female artists - the wahene folk scene is happening and we are all to benefit from it. As Holly puts it, “Months of work went into this album, not only of my time but many other people’s too. As an independent artist with little to market my work other than my own efforts, social media and a small (but awesome) fanbase, I had feared that the

album might quickly fade into the abyss. For it to be recognised and celebrated is really encouraging. I think this award will help keep the momentum going and hopefully open up a few more doors here and abroad.” If you haven’t checked out ‘For The Weary Traveller’, do. It’s a haunting and introspective journey through the world with this young songstress. Mature beyond her years, the songs are the first chapter in what promises to be a soulful journey. Join the ride, you won’t be disappointed.



spoken word

Word up Pulling inspiration from his Black and Iranian heritage, childhood memories, his worldview, love and existence, Anis takes seemingly commonplace subject matter and sculpts it into inspiration. Both innocent and heartbreaking, introspective and curious, the humanity his work carries causes listeners to remember and experience a childhood that is not their own but feels like it was. Come and check out Anis Mojgani at Sherwood on Wednesday 16th March. Tickets are $10.

ANIS MOJGANI IS A SPOKEN WORD POET, VISUAL ARTIST, TWO TIME NATIONAL POETRY SLAM CHAMPION, WINNER OF THE INTERNATIONAL WORLD CUP POETRY SLAM, MULTIPLE-TIME TEDX SPEAKER AND MUSICIAN BASED IN AUSTIN, TEXAS. MOJGANI HAS ALSO BEEN DESCRIBED AS A “GEEK GENIUS” WITH “FIERCELY HOPEFUL WORD ARIAS”. He has performed at numerous universities, festivals and venues around the globe and has performed for audiences as varied as the House of Blues and the United Nations. His work has appeared on HBO, NPR and in the pages of such journals as Rattle, Forklift Ohio, Paper Darts and Thrush.


A quick dip... playground for the next three hours. I accidentally volunteered myself for the first abseil of the day… I was peering over the edge while the rest of the group quietly backed away. One awkward and funny descent later, I was splashing around in the base of a breathtaking canyon. Operating since 1998, the guides had the knack of keeping us safe while dishing out enough terror for that compulsory Queenstown-brand adrenaline rush. From four meter plunges into icy water to sliding along a waterfall on my arse; it really was worth pulling a sick day.

SOURCETTE BETHANY IS FROM THE CHILLIER PARTS OF THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE. STRUGGLING WITH THE SUMMER HEAT, CANYONING QUEENSTOWN KINDLY OFFERED TO COOL HER DOWN A BIT. This is the sport of travelling in canyons using a crazy combination of ziplining, abseiling, sliding, jumping and climbing. One blazing hot morning, I told the boss I had gallstone issues and I joined the Canyoning Queenstown crew on a trip to Bob’s Cove. There was a brief interlude of squishing ourselves into wetsuits and floatation aids, while the guides warned everyone against peeing in their suits. Surrounded by native flora, we took a short hike to a cliff where we ziplined over the edge to scope out our



Did You Know?

ARIES - I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain things to you.

• Ostriches are often not taken seriously. They can run faster than horses and the males can roar like lions.

TAURUS - This month you will be as useful as a knitted condom. GEMINI - You fear success but really have nothing to worry about. CANCER - Like a flat tyre, that’s how you’re rolling. LEO - I love what you’ve done with your hair. How do you get it to come out of the nostrils like that?

• Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. • On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily. • Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Public Libraries. • The average lead pencil will draw a line 35 miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words. • If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.

I only go out to get me a fresh appetite for being alone. Lord Byron

VIRGO - You better hope you marry rich. LIBRA - Don’t regret doing things, regret getting caught! SCORPIO - You must conserve toilet paper by using both sides. SAGITTARIUS - Your ambition outweighs your relevant skills. CAPRICORN - You are known at the gym as the “before picture”. AQUARIUS - If your brain exploded, it wouldn’t even mess up your hair. PISCES - If you were a triangle you’d be acute one. 28

Our ‘How To’ guide to some old favourites and a few new ones...



TART LEMONS AND FRESH MINT ARE MUDDLED WITH SUGAR TO FORM THE BASE OF THIS CLASSIC WHISKEY SMASH. IF YOU THINK YOU DON’T LIKE WHISKY, TRY THIS. INGREDIENTS 3 tablespoons mint leaves (about 7 or 8 leaves) Half a lemon, cut into 4 pieces 1 tablespoon white sugar 60ml whiskey 1 cup crushed ice METHOD: Place the mint, lemon and sugar in a cocktail shaker. Muddle together until the sugar has dissolved and the lemon has expressed its juices. Add the whisky, cover and shake for 30 seconds. Transfer mixture to an Old Fashioned glass. Top with crushed ice and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Palmartistry perfected Spanish artist David Catá uses his body as a canvas for writing an autobiographical diary. The performance cum-sculpturally-self-inflicted pieces which make up the series ‘a flor de piel’ are portraits of the faces of people who have left their mark on the artist’s life; family, friends, partners and teachers. Sewn into the palm of his hand, ‘their lives have been interwoven with mine to build my history’ Catá says, ‘every moment lived stays in the memory to finally be forgotten. somehow, this fact is painful, since there are only material things and traces that people leave behind.’ Strange works these and rather tricky to display in any gallery.

Far Left: ‘My Cousin Viky’ Left: ‘My Brother Javier’ 29

People Doing It



QUEENSTOWN ARTS CENTRE As well as the renowned Cloakroom Gallery, QAC also houses a unique group of local artists in it’s studio spaces, offers classes and even has a fully equipped ceramics studio and kiln. The Arts Centre is on the corner of Stanley and Ballarat Streets and is open every day. FB: Queenstown Arts Centre GUERILLA DRIVE IN A new location every time, matched up with an old movie and some popcorn equals a fantastic way to spend a night out. Facebook is the best way to stay in the loop: FB: Queenstown Guerilla Drive-In HAPPINESS HOUSE Drop in to their awesome Op Shop open Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Donations always welcome and if you need a helping hand, just let them know. Help out: FB: Happiness House Queenstown QUEENSTOWN LIFE Wakatipu blog by Queenstowner Jane

Guy. Queenstown Life is like a handbook for living in the Wakatipu. Join in the discussion at FB: Queenstown Life

QUEENSTOWN TRADING If you’re looking to buy, trade or

sell something in the Wakatipu, this is the Facebook page for you. Crackin’ deals: FB: Queenstown Trading

QUEENSTOWN.COM has grown up and is now the definitive resource for getting under the skin of this enigmatic wee town ROUTEBURN DART WILDLIFE TRUST Bring back the

birdsong to the Routeburn and Dart Valleys. Controlling predators is the name of the game and it costs a lot of dosh. Donate at: 30


the map 1. The World Bar 2. Otautahi Tattoo 3. Pog Mahones 4. Skyline 5. Sherwood 6. Habebes 7. Canyoning Queenstown 8. Devil Burger 9. Front Room Gallery




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Lake Wakatipu






POG MAHONE’S :: Live Music 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Acoustic Live from 10pm

WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes Live from 4pm // Alias Live from 10pm POL + FI @ Fork & Tap, Arrowtown 4-7pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Dan & Jamie 9pm WORLD BAR :: Knuckles Live from 9pm VERTIGO BIKES SUMMER SERIES 5, Lone Star 7pm SILKWORM @ Zephyr 11pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Dave Arnold 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Acoustic Live from 10pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Dan & Jamie 9pm WORLD BAR :: Knuckles Live from 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Calico 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live from 9pm FREEFALL DUO @ Ballarat 9:30pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Calico 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live from 9pm POL + FI @ Ballarat Trading 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Pol & Dom 9pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm FREEFALL DUO @ Pogs 9pm ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES FAIR 3-7 March, Athenaeum Hall, Arrowtown, 10am-3pm, Gold Coin donation


POG MAHONE’S :: Dan Browne 9pm SHERWOOD :: Jackie Bristow (NZ/ USA), Shot of Gold Tour, 8pm, tickets from WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm BMW NZ OPEN 10-13 March, Arrowtown Welcome Party 5.30-9pm, FREE

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Mark Twain


POG MAHONE’S :: Hair of the Dog 9pm SHERWOOD :: Bonaparte (Berlin) Swiss Electronic Rock / Outer Space Trash Circus, $10 WORLD BAR :: Ribera live from 5-9pm, Calico live from 10pm THE RETURN OF SIMPLY RED: Big Love Tour Queenstown Events Centre, 7.30pm-midnight, ticket info at livenation FREEFALL @ Pig & Whistle 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Comedy Night WORLD BAR :: Ribera live from 5-9pm, Calico live from 10pm WANAKA A&P Show, 9am, Adult $15, Child $5


POG MAHONE’S :: Dan & Jamie 9pm WORLD BAR :: Kosta Live from 9pm WANAKA A&P Show, 9am, Adult $15, Child $5 FREEFALL @ Pig & Whistle 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Charlie Gibson 9pm WORLD BAR :: Kosta Live from 9pm MOTATAPU, info at FREEFALL @ Ballarat 9pm




THE MULE, Moke Lake, 8am, more info: SKYCITY QUEENSTOWN GIBBSTON WINE & FOOD FESTIVAL, 10am-6pm, Queenstown Gardens GLITZ, GLAMOUR & GOLD, Queenstown Memorial Centre, 7.30pm, tickets $185 from

POG MAHONE’S :: Dave Arnold 9pm WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes live from 4-7pm, Alias 10pm POL + FI @ Public 2-5pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Peanut Butter Blues 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Acoustic Live from 10pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Dan Browne 9pm WORLD BAR :: Bitchin’ Bingo Launch 7pm, Pear of Pommes Live from 4-7pm, Alias Live from 10pm HOLISTIC SPIRITUAL FAIR, Athenaeum Hall, Arrowtown, 9.30am-4.30pm, Gold Coin Donation QUEENSTOWN PRIMARY SCHOOL FAIR, 10am-2pm, Robins Road


POG MAHONE’S :: Dan Browne 9pm WORLD BAR :: Knuckles Live from 9pm SILKWORM @ Zephyr 11pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Calico 9pm SHERWOOD :: Anis Mojgani (USA) International Poetry Slam Champion, $10 WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live from 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Dave Arnold 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mojo Acoustic Live from 10pm FREEFALL DUO @ Ballarat 9:30pm



POG MAHONE’S :: St Patrick’s Day, live music from midday WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm FREEFALL DUO @ Po Mahone’s 9pm ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL, 17-27 March 5-10.30pm, Dorothy Brown’s, Arrowtown

POG MAHONE’S :: Dan & Jamie 9pm WORLD BAR :: Knuckles Live from 9pm


POG MAHONE’S :: Calico 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live from 9pm POL + DOM DUO @ Ballarat Trading 9pm



POG MAHONE’S :: Robert Glen Band 9pm WORLD BAR :: Ribera live from 5-9pm, Calico Live from 10pm FREEFALL @ Ballarat 10pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Dan & Jamie 9pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm SOL3 MIO, Queenstown Events Centre, 8pm, tickets: $72.50 from Ticketmaster



POG MAHONE’S :: Live Music 9pm SHERWOOD :: Tessa Lyes with David Keenan, $10 WORLD BAR :: Kosta Live from 9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Radio Freefall 9pm WORLD BAR :: Ribera live from 5-9pm, Calico Live from 10pm



WARBIRDS OVER WANAKA, 25-28 March, 10am-4pm, Wanaka Airport NEW WORLD LAKE HAYES TRIATHALON, 10am, Lake Hayes Showgrounds FREEFALL DUO @ Pig 9pm

POG MAHONE’S :: Peanut Butter Blues 9pm WORLD BAR :: Jack Sh*t live from 6-10pm, Mojo Acoustic Live from 10pm URI CAINE, Queenstown Memorial Centre, 3-5pm, tickets $35 from www.


POG MAHONE’S :: Dan Browne 9pm SHERWOOD :: The Return of DJ Jack Shit (FBi Radio, Sydney) WORLD BAR :: Kosta Live from 9pm MERRELL TOUR DE WAKATIPU, $75 or $45 Junior


WORLD BAR :: Through The Lens 7pm, Knuckles live from 10pm SILKWORM @ Zephyr 11pm



POG MAHONE’S :: Calico 9pm WORLD BAR :: Mr Salmon Live from 9pm POL + FI @ Ballarat 9:30pm

SHERWOOD :: The Return of DJ Jack Shit (FBi Radio, Sydney) WORLD BAR :: Pear of Pommes Live from 4pm // Alias Live from 10pm QUEENSTOWN BIKE FESTIVAL, 27 March-3 April, info at www. POL + FI @ Public 2-5pm


SHERWOOD :: Sherwood Songwriter Society 8pm WORLD BAR :: Stubacca Live from 9pm FREEFALL DUO @ Pog Mahone’s 9pm

Tell us the score

WE CAN ONLY SHARE THE LOVE IF YOU SHARE IT FIRST. Let us know what’s on and we’ll aim to get it into our What’s On Guide. No promises but if it sounds like a good gig we’ll probably slide it on in there. We’re only as good as your word folks so let us have it...


Bugger. Spotted in Camp Street last month. This is the work of a truly evil thief. 35

Cast Iron Nach s & A Jug Of Long Road Ale $34


FB @worldbarqtn INSTA @worldbarqtn

A 12 Church Street Queenstown 9300, NZ.

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