The Slideshow magazine - Issue #36 - W i n t e r 2016

Page 11

On the Road Again { France adventuring }

around our table at night to play many furious games of Uno (the game of the trip). We set up our double beds each night, hung the boards out of the way, then packed them all away each morning. Everywhere we went, the French seemed to give our vans the warmest of welcomes as we drove by in our little convoy, or pulled up in a carpark somewhere. Our Walkie-Talkie system was the BEST navigational and communication apparatus - radioing between VW’s when a next turning was coming up, alerting the need to stop for fuel / toilet / Patisserie, general ridiculous road chat, and practising of French phrases to keep long stretches of driving interesting. The hard work, time and money involved in the continuous cycle of maintaining and repairing a classic VW is neverending. But to be able to enjoy trips like this which we’ll never forget, makes it worthwhile and satisfying and of course frothing to do more!

Photos: Gemma Stokes / Kit Stokes.

Words: Gemma Stokes, Editor. Cornwall, UK.

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