The Setonian - Volume 93, Issue 18 - 02/16/2017

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In Sports, Page 14 Volume 93, Issue 18

Seton Hall triplets divided, will graduate in three different commencement ceremonies

Feb. 16, 2017

SHU under investigation for handling of sexual violence complaints

Bertoldi family to attend 8:30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. graduations

Gregory Medina/Asst. Photography Editor Being on the list does not necessarily mean that SHU violated any federal laws.

Brianna Bernath Asst. News Editor

Photo via Facebook/Adrianna Bertoldi Leo (left), Adrianna (center) and Anthony (right) will walk in three separate ceremonies.

Samantha Todd News Copy Editor While separate graduation ceremonies this year pose a difficulty or annoyance to some seniors, graduation will pose a unique hardship for one set of triplets who will be graduating in three different ceremonies. With the University’s plans to hold commencement on campus, dividing graduates into three different groups that will receive their diplomas at three different times, Adrianna, Anthony and Leo Bertoldi will be walking in three different graduation ceremonies. Adrianna, a nursing major, will graduate with the College of Nursing at 8:30 a.m. on May 15.

Anthony, a sports management and marketing major, will graduate with the Stillman School of Business at 1 p.m. Leo, a history major with a political science minor, will be the last of the siblings to graduate, marching at 6 p.m. with the College of Arts and Sciences. Adrianna said the family is not sure how to tackle graduation now that she and her siblings will have to be at Seton Hall all day. She pointed out that her has a 95-year-old grandmother cannot attend now because she cannot sit there so long. The siblings also have other grandparents coming from out of state so “between that and travel time it’s gonna be taxing on them, so it’s putting a whole hardship on the family,”

she said. “It’s just like so disrespectful to the senior class that we can’t even have a proper send-off after everything, after all we’ve worked for,” Adrianna said. “Honestly, high school graduations have more options, or other high schools have been at the Prudential Center or somewhere like that and we can’t even get that on top of a commencement speaker.” Adrianna recently took to Twitter to express her frustration, saying, “When my brothers & I are split up into all 3 time slots for whole family has to sit all day until 7pm?! Come on, @SetonHall.”

See Bertoldi triplets, Page 2

Seton Hall University is one of 227 colleges and universities currently under investigation by the federal government for their handling of sexual violence complaints as of Feb. 8, 2017. According to the list released by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the U.S. Department of Education, there are currently 310 investigations going on at 227 postsecondary institutions. This figure has nearly quadrupled from the 55 schools on the list when it was first released in 2014. The list has grown by two more schools since The Washington Post reported on it on Jan. 26. Jim Bradshaw, U.S. Department of Education press officer, provided the most recent list and indicated that the newest additions to the list are Marshall University in West Virginia and Methodist College in North Carolina. While some schools have multiple investigations going on at the same time, Seton Hall is being investigated for one incident reported to the OCR on July 22, 2015. Being on the list does not necessarily mean that the schools violated

any federal laws. According to the OCR’s website, anyone is entitled to file a complaint if they feel that they have received any sort of discrimination. A complainant can also file a complaint on behalf of someone else. University spokesperson Laurie Pine said in an email statement that the complaint was filed in 2015 after the complainant “was not satisfied with [the University’s] finding” after a review of the allegations. She said that Seton Hall is now working with the OCR to review its policies and procedures. “Seton Hall University is committed to protecting the rights, dignity and privacy of all members of its community and takes any allegations of sexual harassment and/ or sexual assault very seriously,” Pine said. “The University responds to such allegations in compliance with the law.” Bradshaw said that the OCR does not discuss the details of each individual investigation as per its policy. However, the Office’s website said that during investigations, “OCR’s role is to be a neutral fact-finder and to promptly resolve complaints.” Brianna Bernath can be reached at

Students worry for disabled relatives at graduation

DSC working on groundbreaking innovation

Gonzalez on Mexican National Team

In News, Page 4

In Campus Life, Page 8

In Sports, Page 15

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Bertoldi triplets: Continued from Page 1

Seton Hall’s Twitter page responded to her, writing, “Adrianna, we hear you. It’ll be a long day but we’ll work to make it a good experience for you and your family.” To this, Adrianna said she is unsure how SHU can do that and make the day enjoyable for her family, considering that they will have to be on campus for around 12 hours. When asked if she was excited for graduation, Adrianna said she was more disappointed than excited. “We’re the first in our family to graduate college ever so it was a big deal for everyone and now we’re all gonna be split up.” She said that while others will be celebrating with their friends and family, the triplets will not be able to. Adrianna explained that she and her siblings thought SHU was the best option for what they all wanted to study, and when they visited before enrolling, SHU felt like home. “Coming to senior year it’s totally different, it feels like they don’t even care about the student body,” Adrianna said. Her brother Anthony said that the family will have to live with the school’s decision, but the fact that there has been so much controversy from others about graduation, especially from students, says something. “We all figured we’d graduate together, we all graduated high school together and it’s funny because we graduated in birth order,” Anthony added. “We know we wouldn’t be on stage

at the same time, but it’s something we’d all like to participate in at the same time and listen to the same speakers.” Anthony said he feels that SHU has not taken into account every option and “it’s not acceptable when there’s so many options around the area.” He added that he is not as excited for graduation anymore as it will be a hardship on his family and an inconvenience for all involved. Bernadette McVey, director of Academic Events, Initiatives and Planning, previously told The Setonain that SHU representatives and Student Government Association (SGA) President Teagan Sebba did look into MetLife Stadium and Red Bull Arena. While Red Bull Arena was considered as an alternative, McVey said there were issues with the venue. One issue was that graduates would have to sit in bleachers instead of on the field, which was a hazard, especially to women choosing to wear heels to graduation, McVey said. The Office of the Provost said this problem could be resolved by notifying graduates to wear flats. However, Red Bull Arena ended up being booked for a soccer game the previous night, McVey said. This would make it impossible to set up the commencement ceremony in time. Anthony said that he and his siblings went to the open houses and orientation where they were told by President Dr. A. Gabriel Esteban to look at the people around the room. This would be

The Bertoldi triplets and their younger sister, Marissa (middle).

the first and last time the whole class would be together until graduation. Leo echoed this sentiment as well, also discussing what they were told. “It never came to my mind we wouldn’t all be together,” Leo said. “It really doesn’t seem like the school did all they could to hold a proper graduation.” Leo also said that Sebba, the Student Government Association (SGA) President, brought the senior class’ concerns to the University’s attention as well. The triplets’ mother, Nancy Bertoldi, is disappointed in the way the University has handled graduation. She said, “Something that should be celebrated is going to end up being very stressful for my family.” Mrs. Bertoldi explained that it is a difficulty for the triplets’ grandparents to attend all three graduations. She said she will have to juggle her family members around and they will have to pick and choose whose ceremony to go to. The triplets have another sister, Marissa, who would like to see her siblings graduate, Mrs. Bertoldi said. She added that the number of tickets given for each ceremony poses a problem as well. “We never in a million years anticipated this.” Mrs. Bertoldi said. “My kids were actually afraid to tell me because they knew that I was gonna freak out.” In addition, she wanted to know why Seton Hall couldn’t have chosen another day for graduation when they first announced in the beginning that all of this was happening. “It just seems like they could n’t care less about our situation,” Mrs. Bertoldi said, “and yes it’s a unique situation, but with the price tag on that school it’s sad

Photo courtesy of Adrianna Bertoldi

Feb. 16, 2017

Photo courtesy of Anthony Bertoldi Anthony (center), photographed with Adrianna and Leo in 2001, said that he is not as excited for graduation anymore. they can’t accommodate us.” Mrs. Bertoldi said she had been hoping that at least two of them would be in a ceremony together. “I don’t want it to sound like I’m not happy, I’m so excited for my children that they’re graduating,” she said. “They are the first generation to go to college and complete college and graduate so we’re all excited for them, but this is kind of putting like a passing shadow over it because of how it’s being handled and what we have to do.” Both Mrs. Bertoldi and her husband, Dominic, contacted the University, but she said they were not given answers as to why the ceremony could not be held on another day. She would like to know why the graduation date was not locked in at the Prudential Center if SHU has been graduating there in the past. They do not remember who they spoke to as they did not write down any names, but they called President Esteban’s office. The University sent out the email about graduation being held on campus on Nov. 18 and Mrs. Bertoldi called the University on Nov. 21. She said it took a few days for the University to return her call. Mr. Bertoldi sent an email to Esteban on Feb. 10, but he said he has not yet received a response. Mrs. Bertoldi said the family has attempted to contact Esteban several times since November.

She said her husband called President Esteban’s office and had to leave a message. She said her husband said, “that when they did call him back you could tell that they had gotten a lot of phone calls, they weren’t really too nice,” she said. “They were not very receptive and it was almost like `Oh well, this is how it is’.” When Mrs. Bertoldi spoke to someone at the University she explained that her situation is unique, but it’s her situation and she wanted to know what she was going to do with her kids graduating at different times that day. “I was told point blank. `Oh you’ll have to choose whose graduation you go to.’ And I said ‘That’s a joke, right?’” McVey did not respond to a request for comment. Dr. Joan Guetti, senior associate provost, also declined to comment. Mrs. Bertoldi added, “I’m very disappointed in the University and how they’re handling this and how they’re handling parents that call.” She said, “You can tell that they’re mad, they’re mad that we’re all complaining about it (graduation).” “This is a passing shadow on the graduation for all of these kids, not only my own, but for all these kids and all these families,” Mrs. Bertoldi said. “It should be a happy time, it should be a stress free day and by doing this it has made a lot of people very unhappy.” Samantha Todd can be reached at

Feb. 16, 2017


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Professors warn there are negatives and positives to ACA repeal Megan O’Malley Staff Writer On March 23, 2010, former President Barack Obama signed into law the Affordable Care Act (ACA), now commonly referred to as Obamacare. According to, the ACA was passed with the goal of lowering costs and increasing the productivity of the healthcare system to yield a healthier nation as a whole. The Affordable Care Act was hailed as a victory by Democrats, but it was met with extreme opposition from Republicans. Republican lawmakers felt that the Act was a huge overstep by the federal government into the personal lives of Americans. Hence, in the election this past November, now-President Donald J. Trump made it clear that he would repeal Obamacare once he got into office. With a majority Republican House and Senate, there is a chance that the Affordable Care Act might be entirely done away with, according to CNN . On his first day in office, Trump signed an executive order that did not necessarily repeal the ACA, CNN said. Instead, the order “stressed that agencies can ‘waive, defer, grant exemptions from or delay implementation of any provision or requirement’ of Obamacare that imposes a burden ‘to the maximum extent permitted by law.’”

Greg Medina/Asst. Photography Editor President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order to ‘waive, defer, grant exemptions from or delay implementation’ of ACA. This poses the question, would a repeal of the Affordable Care Act dismantle any stability in the American healthcare system? Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said on Meet the Press, “If you’re going to repair the American health care system and fix its problems, you have to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better: patient-centered health care.” Dr. Stephen Wagner, a faculty member in Seton Hall’s Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) Program in the School of Health and Medical Sciences, doesn’t think the whole act

should be trashed. Instead, he believes the ACA needs to be repaired. “The Affordable Care Act does some good things,” Wagner said. “But it can definitely be improved. I’m not in favor of just throwing it all away.” Wagner said the implementation of Obamacare was similar to when Medicare was passed in 1965. “It’s hard to imagine a system without Medicare in the United States, but it’s not the same as how it was when it first came into being. Medicare has been improved upon when it has been seen fit to fix it.”

Wagner also pointed out the good aspects of the ACA, including the fact that young people can stay on their parents’ plan until the age of 26. In addition, the ACA allows those under it to receive preventative exams annually. Also, an individual can receive coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions. So, even if you have a costly disease, like cancer, you can still receive coverage under the ACA. However, Wagner also pointed out the flaws of the Affordable Care Act. He wishes that the Act allowed the individual to be more involved in their own care.

“Who is the best person to take care of your health? You need to eat right, exercise, and cut unhealthy habits like smoking and drinking,” Wagner said. “You need to earn your subsidy.” He added, “If the government just trashes the current system, about 9.2 million people who just signed up under the ACA will lose their coverage.” Dr. Kurt Rotthoff, associate professor of economics and finance in the Stillman School of Business, said that repealing the act could cause some negative economic outcomes. “There are both positives and negatives, and on the net the negatives could outweigh the positives, but the one clear positive is that it disentangles employment and health care coverage,” Rotthoff said in an email interview. “Traditionally health care has been linked to employment; you had to be employed to find affordable healthcare coverage, which doesn’t make much sense—can you imagine if the right to buy groceries was linked to your employment status?” When asked if he believes the current government could effectively repair the ACA, Wagner remained unsure. “We’ve been trying to reform healthcare since Teddy Roosevelt was in office,” Wagner said. “It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few years.” Megan O’Malley can be reached at

Freshman retention rate up to 85 percent, yet 33 percent don’t graduate Isabel Soisson Asst. Digital Editor Seton Hall’s freshman retention rate has been steadily increasing from 2010 to 2015, with 85 percent of freshmen retained in 2015, according to College Factual’s website. But after starting strong, Seton Hall students seem to run into obstacles that keep them from finishing. According to College Factual, 66.4 percent of students graduate and 56 percent of students graduate on time, the website, said. With graduation quickly approaching, the retention and graduation rates have been on the minds of some administrators. Dr. Tracy Gottlieb, vice president of Student Services, commented on why she feels 33

percent of SHU students don’t graduate. “Sometimes life happens, and the unanticipated happens,” Gottlieb said. “The biggest stumbling block is finances. Seton Hall is expensive, and college is expensive.” Gottlieb also said that the other main reason students do not graduate is poor academic performance. “But we have been doing better with academic performance,” Gottlieb said. “We have so many tools to help the students be successful.” One of these tools is supplemental instruction. Student Services identifies difficult courses and seeks out a student that has gotten an A in those classes and puts them in the class again. This student then reiterates the main points of the lecture to the stu-

dents in the class, Gottlieb said. Gottlieb also noted that the Academic Resource Center (ARC) is always available for tutoring. Gottlieb added that retention is about graduating “one student at a time.” She said, “I don’t get bogged down in the numbers; I get bogged down in the students.” Dr. Alyssa McCloud, vice president of Enrollment Management, commented on her initiative, “15 to Finish.” “I feel it is very important that students understand that in order to graduate on time, they should take at least 15 credits a semester to stay on track,” McCloud said in an email interview. “It is also essential that they meet regularly with their advisors and review their degree audit.” Taking 15 credits per semester may not be possible for some

students, however, like disabled students. This is because it may be harder for disabled students to get around and maneuver to five classes. Angela Millman, director of Disability Support Services (DSS), said in an email interview that DSS does not track the retention or graduation of disabled students. Marcus Ingram, a freshman sports management major, said he is choosing not to return to Seton Hall in the fall. “I feel like a lot of the things that Seton Hall promised me about campus life never came true,” Ingram said. “There are not many campus events that hold my interest, plus, South Orange is a bad college town.” Ingram went on to describe his frustration with the lack of things

to do around campus. “If you aren’t into underage consumption of alcohol, there is nothing to do at Seton Hall,” he said. Patrick Condon, also a freshman sports management major, sees things differently and plans to return to Seton Hall for his sophomore year. “Personally, Seton Hall is the perfect kind of school for me,” Condon said. “It’s small, I like the sense of community, and I’ve applied to several jobs on campus, so that’s another reason to stay.” Condon went on to describe the community that he feels exists on campus. “You can’t really go anywhere without seeing someone you know,” Condon said. “That’s a really great thing.” Isabel Soisson can be reached at

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Crime Log Feb. 11 Incident: The South Orange Fire Department (SOPD) responded to an activated fire alarm in Aquinas Hall. They determined that an off-campus fire set off the alarm. Feb. 12 Incident/Theft: Several students removed the fire exit signs from Aquinas Hall. Feb. 14 Theft A student stole a large heartshaped box of candy from the cafeteria.

Upcoming Events What: Effect of Cold Plasma Processing on Sweet Basil and the Chemistry of Its Essential Oils When: Tuesday, Feb. 21, 5:45 p.m. Where: Helen Lerner Amphitheatre, Science and Technology Center The Details: The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Rose Mercadente Seminar Series will present the seminarby Fr. Gerald Buonopane, Dr. Cosimo Antonacci, and Dr. Jose Lopez. Cost: Free For more information, contact Maureen Grutt at (973) 761-9414. What: Get Hired Boot Camp When: Saturday, Feb. 25, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Where: Jubilee Hall, Room 111 The Details: Bob Franco will teach the workshop, focusing on two topics: “Interviewing to Get Offers - Presenting a Professional Value-adding Image” and “The Role of Social Media and Networking in a Job Search.” Cost: $99 For more information, see What: Sin in the Sixties: Catholics and Confession 1955-1975 When: Tuesday, Feb. 28, 3 p.m. Where: Faculty Lounge, University Center The Details: The Catholic Studies program will present the book talk by Dr. Maria Morrow. Cost: Free For more information, contact Gloria Aroneo at or (973) 2752808. What: Irish Heritage Week Celebration When: Friday, Mar. 17, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Where: Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, the University Center and New York City The Details: Seton Hall Alumni Relations and the Seton Hall Pirates of Irish Persuasion & Extraction (PIPE) Alumni Club invite Seton Hall alumni, students, employees, family and friends to attend the kick-off to SHU’s first annual Irish Heritage Week. Cost: Free For more information, contact Brian O’Malley at

Feb. 16, 2017

Commencement sparks concern for handicapped relatives Ashley Turner News Editor Thomas Schwartz Staff Writer For some seniors, the announcement from the University that there would be three separate commencement ceremonies on May 15 in the Richard and Sheila Regan Fieldhouse and the Walsh Gymnasium sparked outrage. But the announcement has left others worrying about how their handicapped relatives will manage to get around. According to University officials, there will be handicap accessible parking and seating in both the fieldhouse and gymnasium. Although the University doesn’t know how many disabled attendees will need to be accommodated, plans have been made to provide access to those in need of assistance, according to Angela Millman, director of Disability Support Services (DSS). She added that usually there is a large number of grandparents and guests who may have difficulty with mobility. “Accessible seating will be available in the Field House and on

the floor of the Walsh Gymnasium. Accessible parking will also be available. Plans have not yet been finalized,” Millman said in an email interview. As of now, no one has contacted DSS with concerns, Millman said. Seton Hall commits itself to providing accessible commencement activities, according to Bernadette McVey, director of Academic Events, Initiatives and Planning. “Examples of accommodations Seton Hall has provided for commencement include sign language interpreters, ramps to and from the stage, and wheelchair accessible seating,” McVey said in an email interview. Along with providing accessible arrangements for handicapped attendees, there are a plethora of other factors that are included in commencement preparations, McVey said. “There are many factors, from planning the procession, academic attire, lining up the students, ticketing for family and friends, technology, music, the dais party, setting the program itself and the list goes on,” McVey said. Tarriya Carter, a senior English

major, said that she is concerned about her 69-year-old grandmother who will be attending the ceremony. She said that when she discovered graduation would be held on campus, she immediately thought of her grandmother and the problem she may have with parking near the gym. The parking garage across the street will be open, but the walk to the elevators can be difficult for those with handicaps. “My grandma had polio when she was a kid so she can’t stand for long periods of time or walk for too long,” Carter said. “I’m nervous about her finding a parking space so she doesn’t have to walk too far.” Carter also said that she is worried about how long her grandmother might have to wait in line to submit her ticket and finally find her seat. “The gym isn’t really big so I’m sure the line just to get into the gym will be crazy,” Carter said. Lauren Shea, a senior social and behavioral sciences major, said that she doesn’t have to worry about a handicapped relative, but she is concerned about the distance her 62-year-old father will have to walk once they park their

car. Shea said that her family is planning to park at her off-campus house on Irvington Ave., about half a mile away from the Ward Gate, because she fears there will be limited parking on campus and “because parking is always a problem here.” “My dad’s on the older-side and if parking is an issue, how far will my family have to park in order to see me graduate?” she asked. Shea said that she feels the “University cannot just assume everyone is capable of parking and walking far” and that the amount of handicap spots on campus will not be enough for all of the relatives that are coming. Carter said that the University should reserve the first floor of the parking deck for handicapped people on the day of the ceremonies. She also said the University should create an alternate line for handicapped relatives who are entering the fieldhouse to get them seated faster. Editor’s Note: Samantha Todd contributed to this article. Ashley Turner can be reached at Thomas Schwartz can be reached at

SGA Updates Brianna Bernath Asst. News Editor Student Government Association (SGA) Parliamentarian Zachariah Boyer presented the idea of having a “State of the School” event during which SGA, student organizations and administrators could speak about campus issues. President Teagan Sebba said that there has been a lot of discussion over the resolution approved at the previous meeting to oppose the executive order to ban refugees. Sebba said that the criticisms over the abstentions will “blow over soon.” The Finance committee’s spring budget is at $7,687. The operational budget is at $3,888, the GDS Philanthropy budget is at $6,945, and the co-sponsorship budget is at $8,190. During the Treasurer’s Report, Senator Michael Roma reported that the Finance Committee funds are lower than last year at this point in the year and that the group must be more “fiscally conservative” from this point on. During the Finance Committee’s report, Senator Thomas Kraft told the group not to worry about the amount left in the Finance Committee budget. Brianna Bernath can be reached at brianna.bernath@ instagram: @thesetonian twitter: @setonian

*Items Include: Burgers, Veggie Burgers, Chicken Sandwiches, Hot Dogs, and Grilled Cheese, OR Free Regular Fries!

Feb. 16, 2017


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Students rush to find housing for the fall semester Brynne Connolly Staff Writer

Emails for housing deposits were sent out last week, signaling that the mad rush for housing both on and off campus has begun. Over the last few years more and more students are choosing to come to Seton Hall. In 2015, SHU saw an incoming enrollment of 1,408 students, which caused a strain on housing and forced students to seek temporary accommodations on the Rutgers University - Newark campus. This year, 34 percent of the slightly smaller freshman class of 1,246 students is from out of state, according to Alyssa McCloud, vice president of Enrollment Management. As housing is not guaranteed past freshman year, a significant number of older students seek off-campus housing. Alec Meehan, a junior social and behavioral sciences major who lives in Xavier Hall, said, “One reason as to why I decided to move off campus next year was because I didn’t feel like there was a community feeling. I felt as though it was every man for themselves.”

Tristan Miller/Staff Photographer Grove Terrace is one of many off-campus apartment options for students to live in. Another reason students decide to move off campus is to save money. Kelsey Buonaiuto, a senior psychology major, said, “I saved a lot of money living off campus. It went from $8,000 a year to almost nothing.” The average student pays $12,254 a year for on-campus room and board at SHU, according to, an education site that provides data on college costs.

While South Orange can be an expensive place to live, there are affordable housing options. According to Ivy Hill Park Apartments’ website, it has a wide array of apartment styles ranging from a $700 studio apartment to a $950 two-bedroom. Living off campus can save students at minimum almost a thousand dollars. Karissa Agosto, a senior nursing major, said that she and her friends each pay closer to $500 per month for their apartment

Trustees vote to make S.O. sanctuary city

Photo via Facebook/Sheena Collum The South Orange Village Board of Trustees voted on Monday, Feb. 15, to name South Orange a “sanctuary city,” designated as such to protect immigrants in South Orange from being targeted by law enforcement, according to The Village Green.

just blocks from the front gate. While Agosto agreed that finances are a big reason to move off campus, she values the independence it has offered her. “Campus living is completely catered to the students’ ease, that I do miss, but having the freedom to have people stay with me or cook my own food has made it worth it,” Agosto said. For the coming year, Cheryl McCloskey, assistant director of Housing Operations and Market-

ing, said the University will only accept the first 1,200 deposits for returning students and 1,250 deposits for incoming freshmen. That is the exact number of beds available at Seton Hall. This is why it is crucial for students to get their affairs in order before the Feb. 28 deadline. “Approximately 70 percent of our freshmen class live on campus. The percentage declines as the class years increase as students elect to live closer to internships, clinicals, and student teaching opportunities,” McCloskey said in an email interview. “Altogether, over 50 percent of our undergraduate, full-time students elect to live on campus.” While figuring out whether or not to move off campus can be a stressful undertaking for students, many agree that it is a positive change. Toni Gardner, a senior social work major, said living on her own is worth it. “I love the freedom of living away from my parents. I also love the fact that I can wake up 20 minutes before class and still make it to campus on time,” Gardner said. Brynne Connolly can be reached at

Construction closes pedestrian path

Photo via Seton Hall University Office of Facilities Engineering The pedestrian path between the University Center and the Galleon Lawn closed on Tuesday, Feb. 14 due to construction and renovation on the University Center. The path will remain closed until October 2017. To get around the University Center, for now students can use the sidewalks on the Duffy side of the building. The construction will not affect students’ access to the Pirate Dining Room entrance/exit, the lower level entrance/exit by the ATM or any doorways on the main level of the building.

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David Bohan steps down as VP for University Advancement

Feb. 16, 2017

Throwback Thursday

What was The Setonian reporting years ago?

“Security guard shoves student at Rec Center accident scene”

Author: Matt Dowling Date: Feb. 16, 1995 The story: What began as a verbal argument between a student and several Seton Hall security guards at the scene of a car accident by the Rec Center turned into a shoving match between the student and one of the security guards. The argument between the two got heated when the student, Anthony Garofalo, stopped his car at the scene of the accident to check on his friends and refused to leave when asked.

“Cairo study abroad student returns to U.S.”

Photo via David Bohan, Vice President for University Advancement, will be leaving Seton Hall on February 28, according to an email statement from President A. Gabriel Esteban sent to the Seton Hall community on Wednesday, Feb. 15. Bohan will be stepping down from his position at SHU to become the Vice President and Chief Development Officer for the Valley Health Foundation in Ridgewood, N.J. Bohan spent over 30 years in the higher education field and has been SHU’s Vice President for University Advancement since 2012. There will be a reception for him and his family on Feb. 23 at 4 p.m. in the Rotunda to wish him and his family well.

Author: Alyana Alfaro Date: Feb. 17, 2011 The story: A student who had been studying in Cairo, Egypt during anti-governmental protests has returned to the U.S. and is enrolled in classes at SHU once again. The student, Ousman Laast-Maiga, was interrogated twice by the Egyptian police while he was abroad.

Yale University:

Colo. Mountain Coll.:

Iowa State University:

Creighton University:

Cleveland State U.:

Arizona State U.:

Marquette University:

Northwestern U.:

Where: New Haven, Conn. Date: Feb. 11 The update: The president of the University has announced that the school will be dropping 19th-century white supremacist John Calhoun’s name from its residential college building. The change comes in response to protests. The college will be renamed for computer scientist, Navy rear admiral and Yale alumna, Grace Murray Hopper. From: Where: Cleveland, Ohio Date: Feb. 13 The update: In a span of 12 days, four people were robbed on campus. The University believes that all of the robberies have been unrelated, but only one arrest has been made in relation to the most recent robbery. University President Ronald Berkman said that the school will be increasing its police presence. From:

Where: Leadville, Colo. Date: Feb. 13 The update: A suspect has been taken into custody in relation to the bomb threat the school received on the morning of Monday, Feb. 13. Police believe that the suspect in custody is the only one involved in the threat. The College was partially evacuated and then placed on lockdown, but classes were set to begin again the next day. From: Where: Phoenix, Ariz. Date: Feb. 13 The update: The University is accusing a church founded in Tuscon of hazing and stalking students on campus. The University is investigating seven disciplinary charges against the Hope Christian Church and five clubs related to the church. The 120-page complaint calls the church a “bona fide cult.” From:

Where: Ames, Iowa Date: Feb. 13 The update: The University lost an appeal in a federal free speech lawsuit. The court indicated that the school was violating the First Amendment rights of two students, top officers of the National Organization for Reform of Marijuana, by prohibiting them from printing t-shirts depicting the school mascot and a marijuana leaf. From: Where: Milwaukee, Wis. Date: Feb. 13 The update: Law school graduate Rachel Lindsay, who is currently a contestant on this season of The Bachelor, has been named the show’s next “Bachelorette.” She will make both “Bachelorette” and television history as the show’s first black lead. Lindsay is a lawyer in Texas. From:

Where: Omaha, Neb. Date: Feb. 13 The update: Pi Kappa Psi Fraternity’s Beta chapter at the University has been suspended after an assault took place over the weekend. University officials learned of one fraternity member’s involvement in the assault and banned him from the University. The student, Christopher Wheeler, was accused of assaulting two students on campus. From: Where: Evanston, Ill. Date: Feb. 10 The update: University students told of their experiences with sexual assault during a survivors rally. The survivor speeches were a part of a march for the removal of the school’s chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity after an announcement that the fraternity was accused of drugging and sexual assault. From:

Campus Life Jan. 19, 2017

February 16,LIFE 2017 CAMPUS

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Signing off in style: get crafty with grad caps

Photo courtesy of Marianna Eboli and Joey Khan/Digital and Photography Editor Marianna Eboli was inspired after designing her boyfriend’s cap and is working on a variety of designs for other students. Julie Trien Campus Life Editor With graduation still months away, senior diplomacy major Marianna Eboli has already begun reaching out to students, offering to design their caps for graduation. In fact, on Feb. 13, within the first day of posting the offer on social media, three students had commissioned caps from Eboli. She explained that her first experience designing caps came last year after she decided to design a cap as a present for her boyfriend, Mitch Torrence, a Seton Hall graduate. He requested

an image of Kanye West’s “Graduation” album cover for his cap. Eboli went on to say that, because of the many layers and colors that went into the design, the hand-painted recreation of the album art took her four days to craft. Considering the time it took for Eboli to test the material of the cap with different colors and patterns, Torrence said the final product reflected the amount of work that went into it. “When I saw the cap for the first time, I was just in awe,” Torrence said. “I felt so proud to be wearing it.” Eboli said, depending on the

complexity and materials in the design, a project can take one to four days to complete. For example, Eboli said that she may be able to do a rhinestone cap in a day, while it can take three days to complete a hand-painted image. Because of this, she often works on a few caps at once while she waits for layers and materials to dry. However, she does not appear to mind the workload. “We’re all very conflicted about politics or life, so I think it’s a good way to help people express themselves,” Eboli said. Eboli has a wealth of experience expressing herself through

art as she often paints wood letters and posts her work to Instagram. Students seem to be considering many ways to express themselves in their graduation fashion. Senior public relations major Gabriel Fiore explained that, if he decides to decorate his cap, he will likely include Pokémon-related themes or artwork, as he has always been a fan of the franchise. He added that he may consider asking Eboli to make his cap. Eboli also explained that, with all of the controversy surrounding graduation this year, even if

she does not make them herself, many students are likely to express their discontent with their caps. “I think that people will try to make a statement,” Eboli said. She added that, in addition to the current social climate being politically-charged, students tend to be more open with their opinions. According to Eboli, she still has eight spots open for students and her services cost anywhere from $20 to $35 depending on what materials are needed, such as paint, stones or stickers. Julie Trien can be reached at

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Feb. 16, 2017

Freelance writers enjoy creative freedom

Margarita Williamson Staff Writer

Working when you want, how you want and where you want are some of the advantages of a career in freelance writing. Nine to five at a desk is not the ideal working structure for many and Seton Hall University alum Ryan Astaphan can attest to that notion. In an email interview, Astaphan said that a backpacking trip through Asia helped him realize that he wanted to lead a life of freedom. Initially he was involved in making websites but it evolved into freelance writing at the request of clients. Astaphan currently lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand, with his girlfriend. “I wake up to stretch and meditate for an hour, I have breakfast, I schedule work to last for two or three hours,” Astaphan said. “Then the rest of the day consists of my girlfriend and I figuring out what to do for fun.” Working in an office comes with co-workers and built in relationships while freelancing is independent work. Astaphan said that one of the hardest parts of freelancing is being

Graphic by Clara Capone Freelance writers have the opportunity to set their own work hours. alone. To combat feeling alone, Astaphan suggested that people choosing a career in freelance writing build social activities into their life. Dr. Matthew Pressman, assistant professor of journalism, has worked on both sides of the freelance world. As an editor at Vanity Fair he received pitches from freelance writers. Now pursuing an academic career, he is on the writer’s side. Press-

man said that he occasionally pitches op-eds and other articles to different publications. Pressman has written freelance pieces for The Atlantic and Time magazine. Freelance writers have to go through a process when sharing story ideas. “You have to find the right publication where it’s going to fit, you need to find the right person to pitch to and you need to find the right selling point

for why this is something their readers are going to be interested in,” Pressman said. Freelance writing often serves to help students to build their resume. Ryanne Boyer, a senior journalism major, took up freelance writing for Black Girl Nerds, an online platform, after seeing an advertisement seeking writers. Boyer said all the work that she has done for them has been published on the website

and it has helped her to build her portfolio. Freelance writing gives writers the opportunity to go with their own flow rather than looking to a storyboard. “It was different because I actually got to write about things that I was interested in and I got to choose what I wrote about,” Boyer said. Margarita Williamson can be reached at

Whose favorite color is red, has four wheels, an affinity for raspberry pi, and is learning to drive? Her name is Joanna and she is an example of the Data Science Club’s effort toward innovation. The Data Science Club is three weeks old and has already laid out plans for two major coding projects, the first of which centers on a self-driving car named Joanna. The club’s vice president, Joshua Steier, a junior, built and programmed Joanna last November and after the formation of the club, suggested it as a group project. The miniature vehicle is programmed to move forward and stops only when her color sensor sees red. Receiving the com- Greg Medina/Asst. Photography Editor mands is a mini-computer in the The Data Science Club is working on a self-driving car named Joanna. form of a circuit board the size of a pop tart called a raspberry inspired by Stanford University, “This software was written in the ing toward two goals: a self-drivpi. Steier claims it can act as the which built an autonomous car programming language Python, ing car and a flying robot, built brain and the heart of the robot. nicknamed Stanley, club presiwhich is used for many applicafrom a 3-D printer. “It is the brain, and the elecdent Angela Zigarelli added. tions in the sciences, mathemat“We’re at the planning stage,” tronic wires are like the nerves of “The way it works is through ics, machine learning and artifiSteier said. “We’re trying to prothe robot,” the mathematics masoftware that interprets sensor cial intelligence.” gram the driverless car while jor said. “It’s also a heart because data (and) allows the car to exThe club meets in Space 154, teaching Python. We’re also it provides most of the power.” ecute navigation decisions,” the on the first floor of the library, evbuilding the car simultaneously.” The self-driving car project was marketing major said in an email. ery Monday from 8-9 p.m. workSuch processes take skills in

mathematics, engineering and programming. Since these programs take time to understand and apply the car’s estimated time of completion is fall 2017. The club filled its roster with more than 90 students, many of them freshmen. Zigarelli and Steier are focused on helping students achieve their goals, whatever those may be. Steier said they stress the importance of employability to students. One of their aims is to help all members, of any major, get jobs and make connections. Freshman Sean King is learning coding for the first time and has not missed a meeting. He uses the hour-long meetings every Monday to learn Python and works through practice problems on an online program throughout the week. “Google’s working on this,” King said. “It’s not an easy thing.” The club has provided a creative outlet for King, proposing a better fit in computer science than his current major of physics and engineering. “Coding is actually simple, it’s just not easy,” according to King. Evelyn Peregrin can be reached at evelyn.peregrin@student.shu.

Data Science Club working toward more efficient future

Evelyn Peregrin Asst. Campus Life Editor

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Feb. 16, 2017

‘Finsta’ trend keeps social life private Perle Desir Staff Writer

A fake Instagram account, or Finsta, is a new trend in social media that offers an alternative to expressing oneself through a single Instagram account. “A Finsta is just an Instagram where people are able to express a more in-depth persona,” said Kyle Izquierdo,a sophomore IT Management major. Originally created to escape parents’ and other professionals’ invasions of social media platforms like Facebook and subsequently Instagram, fake Instagram accounts have morphed into a place of relative freedom crawling with alter egos and ruled by anonymity. Usually a second Instagram account, Finstas are used for sharing chronicles of silly pictures, debauchery, rants and other information with a smaller group of followers. When asked about how popular Instagram accounts were on campus, Jamie Paddock, a sophomore social and behavioral Studies major with a Finsta account, said, “I think fake Instagram accounts are very popular, especially in my friend group. I know plenty of people on the Seton Hall campus with Finstas, as

Students are using Finsta to anonymously post images without professional repercussions. well as in my high school.” When asked his opinion of the Finstas he’s been allowed to follow, Izquierdo admitted, “Some of them are more creatively ambitious than their owner’s more professional accounts,” he said. Izquierdo added, “Finstas usually have a theme. They are often

more humorous too, since people feel comfortable sharing that side of themselves.” A safe zone where only a few friends or strangers have access to your account can be highly beneficial, both socially and on a professional level. According to Paddock, “Any-

thing connected to you can affect employability. That is what’s so appealing about Finstas, there is a certain level of anonymity attached to them that allows you to navigate the web without putting your work life in jeopardy.” When asked whether or not she would recommend Finstas

Graphic courtesy of Clara Capone to young professionals such as herself, Paddock’s response was a resounding yes, “You can grow out of your comfort zone and it’s a great way to validate yourself without society’s pressure of always appearing perfect.” Perle Desir can be reached at

Seton Strings offers new musical avenue Megan Beauchamp Staff Writer In addition to the five music ensembles here at Seton Hall, another group is now benefitting from the univesrsity’s pool of musical talent. The newly developed chamber orchestra, Seton Strings, initially started in early January by freshman Jordan Green and junior Julia Kauffman is a smaller ensemble in comparison to the University Orchestra, but it still gives a place for musicians to perform in an intimate setting. “When I got to Seton Hall there wasn’t really any smaller string ensemble,” Green said. “I thought string players would want other opportunities to play other than orchestra.” With the idea, he contacted Kauffman, someone who has leadership experience in an ensemble, being the concert master for University Orchestra and a background in organizing music groups. “I helped put together small worship bands at my church, where we set up performances and that was also run by students,” she said.

Photo via Facebook/ MidAtlantic Opera Company Jason Tramm pushes student musicians to reach their full potential. A chamber orchestra can usually sit up to 50 musicians and although this chamber group won’t acquire that number of students,

it is something that will be open for anyone who shows interest in playing, regardless of declaring a music major or minor.

Though the ensemble is open to all who are interested in joiningl, it will feature advanced music, challenging the musicians be-

yond simple pieces. “That’s kind of the point of the group,” said Green referring to the difficult music. “The music is hard, so you have to be good,” she said. Dr. Jason Tramm is the supervisor of the ensemble, but the students run everything from rehearsals to performances. Tramm who is the Assistant Professor and director of choral activities, has noted that in a group you have to “engage the performers to perform to the best of their abilities,” something Seton Strings encourages in the ensemble. Ultimately when they are out of the initial developmental stages, Kauffman and Green talked about performing at places like the Pirate’s Cove, as well as events on campus and in the South Orange area in the future. “Maybe what we could eventually do is do workshops in local schools with the students,” Green said. Weeks after its beginning, the club has begun to take shape and work toward its goals. Megan Beauchamp can be reached at

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Feb. 16, 2017

Burger joint offers SHU discount Claudia Emanuele Staff Writer

Burgers Grilled Right, a new restaurant in South Orange, is owned by Paul Sannitti, a Seton Hall University alumnus from the class of 2013. Sannitti said that while he was still attending Seton Hall he had the idea to open a restaurant for the students and the South Orange community that “embraced the SHU community.” Sannitti has paid homage to some of the great Seton Hall athletes that later led professional careers in the “Pirates Corner.” This part of the restaurant hoasts memorabilia from Seton Hall greats. In addition to the Pirate atmosphere, the menu consists of traditional American cuisine which includes burgers, fries, milkshakes, and some added favorites such as ahi steaks, turkey and veggie burgers, mac and cheese and salads. Kate Snyder, a freshman social work major, recently dined at Burgers Grilled Right and commented on how the “staff was friendly.” In addition to the enjoyable atmosphere, she remarked on the great quality of the food, specifically her burger and her friend’s Oreo milkshake. Snyder, as well as other students have remarked that they

Joey Khan/Photography Editor SHU alumnus, Paul Sannitti, gives students, faculty, and and alumni discounts at his South Orange restaurant, Burgers Grilled Right. would definitely venture out to the restaurant again, and for good reason, too. Burgers Grilled Right offers a 10 percent discount every day to students, faculty and alumni. In addition, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights from 10 p.m. to


Setonian Soundbites Interested in entertainment, news, or sports reporting?

midnight Seton Hall students are offered discounts of 20 percent at the restaurant. Sannitti remarked that he wanted to create a “late night place for students to hang out,” and he is doing just that. Alisha Nada, a freshman bi-

ology major, noted that Burgers Grilled Right was “pretty busy” when she was there with her friends. Nada also stated that “everyone [in the restaurant] was laughing and having a good time,” and that “[the restaurant] is a great place to

go eat and hang out.” Much like Snyder, Nada remarked that she would probably end up back in the establishment again. Claudia Emanuele can be reached at

Letter to the Editor

Boycotting Black History Month To the Editor, I cannot in good conscience, nor will I, celebrate Black History Month. I am saddened by the fact that the recognition of the contributions of African-Americans (and multiple other ethnic groups) are reduced to a single month. The implicit statement that is made by such an assignment is that the rest of the year is reserved for the celebration of some other demographic, which has presumably added more to the American society and culture. Indeed, it is not difficult to deduce what group is so elevated; all one must do is identify the one group which is not relegated to a single month: White Americans. While this is certainly insulting to all minority groups who find their contributions so reduced, it is especially egregious for African-Americans. People

of color are further notified of the inferior status with which society regards them by the fact that theirs is the shortest month. With twelve months from which to choose, one would think that the group which gave us peanut butter, Jazz, civil rights, and our first black president would at least be given a month with 30 days. Evidently, Black history must be a shallow topic, as it may be fully celebrated in 28 days, or, on a leap year, 29. That such an obvious expression of racism is still so prominently extant in our country is clear evidence that there is so much more to be done to obtain equality for all. Accordingly, I call upon all those committed to social justice to boycott Black History Month, and any other month so designated to patronize other minority groups. Until white Americans submit themselves to the same reduction which they

have imposed on “other” Americans, we will never have a truly equal society. Establishing a “White History Month” would indeed be an important and symbolic gesture of solidarity with America’s minority population. However, given the temporal disparity in the months, this is an imperfect solution, and Black History would continue to occupy the least of the months. Rather, we should fight to liberate ourselves from such artificial restrictions, and attempt to remain mindful about the contributions and histories of all Americans during all months of the year. Rather than a Black History Month, or Hispanic Heritage Month, or Indian Month, or Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, let us celebrate an American year, and so deliver another blow to the ugly reality of white privilege and dominance in our society. Very Respectfully, Seth Essendrop Seton Hall Law, Class of 2002


February 16, 2017

The Voice

the stress that comes with ending college, starting a career and entering the “real world.” And oh, yea – that commencement ceremony has been a topic of contention among will-be graduates as well. Knowing that this can be a busy and even frustrating time for students in every class, we just want to remind everyone to take the time to relax and enjoy themselves when they have the opportunity

to. That does not mean slack off or get lazy, but rather realize that it is necessary to find a balance with everything else you have going on in your life. Balance is good for you and that applies to everyone. Whether you’re a senior taking in your final months or a freshman with three years to go, remember that time flies. No matter how much college you have left, it will

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Take time to relax in the middle of the semester


t’s the middle of February, the middle of the semester, which means tensions are running high for some. At this point in the school year we all have more than a few things to worry about. There’s grades, jobs and internships to focus on, which may push our social and personal lives to the back burner. Midterms are coming, so study up. If you have a job or internship now, that’s quite the commitment

on top of being a student. If you don’t, now is the time to start filling out applications for the summer. If you’re a senior, you have to worry about graduation – not the ceremony itself – but rather the process of achieving your degree. At this point, you hopefully have all your credits in order. Soon enough, research papers and finals are going to try and consume your remaining college days. So may

pass you by in a flash. Soon, your time at Seton Hall will be over. Remember, these are supposed to be the best years of your life. So stay focused in school, stay driven at work and stay active in all that you do, but enjoy yourself too. That part is just as important. The Voice is intended to best represent the collective opinion of The Setonian’s Editorial Board. It is written by The Setonian’s Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor.

Students must fight fake news with knowledge Elizabeth Swinton Sports Editor On Sept. 30, a 23-year-old graduate of Davidson College named Cameron Harris published a story online about an electrical worker who found boxes of ballots premarked for Hillary Clinton. The story was false. Harris fed into readers’ beliefs that the election was going to be rigged. By deliberately trying to mislead, his article holds to be one of many that constitute fake news, a trend that has increased as of late. President Donald J. Trump believes that fake news can come from outlets as large as CNN, while others hold fake news to be the false articles and posts that spread so easily on social media. Fake news is a problem that has come about with recent technological advances. In the past, people went to newspapers and network television for all their news, trusting that those pro-

fessional journalists would report with honesty. For the most part, they did. Now, with the ability to instantly post online, people try to stir controversy. In some cases, fake news producers like Harris are trying to make money by coming up with stories that invite the most clicks. The more an article is shared, the more advertising revenue it generates. All that sharing makes it appear more credible, at least to some people. At the same time, the new White House has taken to applying the term fake news to any critical reporting, even when the reporting is demonstrably accurate. As college students, we have to be actively aware that fake news exists alongside attacks on legitimate news. We have to know that not everything posted on Facebook is truthful, but now we also have to know which news sources to trust and rely on. President Trump apparently doesn’t want us to trust any news

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outlet. He’d rather disseminate information himself on Twitter and through his staff. That’s concerning given the rate at which he distorts the truth. A study by PolitiFact concluded that 69.9 percent of Trump’s statements were some degree of false. By comparison, former President Barack Obama was at 25.2 percent. Fake news is when false “facts” are reported, spread and taken as truth. One example is Trump’s unsubstantiated claims that millions of illegal ballots were cast in the election. In other times, such methods were known as propaganda. Luckily, Facebook is working with The Associated Press, along with other outlets, to curb the sharing of fake news, such as the “Pope endorses Trump” headlines that made the rounds during the campaign but were unfounded. Apple chairman Tim Cook has also called on the social media and technology industries to work together to fight fake news. As students, at a time when people

Clara Capone/Graphics Editor in the highest office try to discredit the news media, we must rely on our education and judgment. Click on the articles, but know the facts. Is it being reported anywhere else? Is it a reputable source? Know which outlets care about truth and which care about controversy. As Bill Maher said on Feb. 10 on Real Time with Bill Maher, “We don’t seem to want smart people in our lives anymore.” As college students currently in a

The Setonian

Letters Policy

The Setonian welcomes letters to the editor. All submissions must include the author’s first and last name and a phone number where the author can be reached. Submissions should be no more than 375 words. The Setonian reserves the right to edit submissions for style and space. Deadline for submission is noon on the Tuesday preceding publication. Letters can be e-mailed to Gary Phillips, Editor-in-Chief, at


The Setonian willingly corrects errors in fact. For corrections, please contact Gary Phillips, Editor-in-Chief, at thesetonian2016@

learning environment, we must keep a love for knowledge alive and spread what is truthful and call out what is not. We have the power to kick fake news to the side and bring knowledge to the forefront again. We just have to utilize it. Elizabeth Swinton is a broadcasting and visual media major from Linden, N.J. She can be reached at or on Twitter @eswint22.

Gary Phillips


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Volume 93 Issue 18

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Feb. 16, 2017

THROUGH OUR EYES Phil Jackson, please resign Keith Egan Staff Writer The New York Knicks have been the laughing stock of the National Basketball Association for years now. The last respectable season was the 2012-13 campaign when the team lost in six games to the Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Conference Semifinals. Although not a magical ending, Knick fans would love to go back to that season where they went 26 games over .500 and grabbed the third seed in the East. Since then, they have a 108-192 record and have not reached the playoffs. On March 18, 2014, the Knicks signed Phil Jackson, 11-time champion head coach of some of the best teams in NBA history, to a five-year $60 million contract to be president of basketball operations. The hope was that the alltime great would be able to turn around the franchise and recruit stars to play alongside Carmelo Anthony, as well as compete for a championship. Instead, Jackson has embarrassed the Knicks organization and himself, as well as made headlines that only further damaged the franchise as a whole. Jackson’s first big move as president was to fire head coach Mike Woodson, replacing him with Derek Fisher, a former player of his. Fisher then led the Knicks to the worst record in the history of the organization, finishing 17-65 in 2014-15, and was fired the next year. Since then, nothing has been extraordinarily better. In fact, the difficulties of this 2017 season have arguably been the worst and most embarrassing for the franchise. In the offseason, it seemed Jackson was finally taking his job seriously. After refusing to stray away from his obsession of the triangle offense that has not had success in a new-era NBA, and insisting that one does not need an elite pointguard to win, even though the league is now point guard driven, he abandoned both of these strategies. Jackson brought in former MVP Derrick Rose, former defensive player of the year Joakim Noah, Courtney Lee and Brandon Jennings. He also brought in Jeff Hornacek as head coach, who is not a triangle offense strategist. Fans were finally excited to see a Knicks team compete for a high playoff position with the likes of the best teams in the NBA. Instead, Jackson has spread ru-

Sports Quote of the Week “We had underclassmen step up in big spots ...that’s something I see our team doing this year.” Shane McCarthy ahead of the baseball team’s season opener Friday, Feb. 17.

New NBA jersey patches are a bad move Elizabeth Swinton Sports Editor

Photo via Phil Jackson has not experienced much success with the Knicks. mors and acted more like a child than the president of a professional basketball team. Over the course of the past month or so, Jackson has been rumored to be shopping for possible trades of the face of the franchise, Anthony. Meanwhile, Anthony has a no-trade clause in his contract, therefore has control over the situation. The two have had their feuds, but those have now gone too far. Anthony has been ridiculed from his own team’s front office publicly, bringing negative attention to the team and Anthony himself. Jackson has even commented on an article that states Anthony is “addicted to his individual success no matter the experience or insight put around him to teach him something more.” Jackson seemed to agree however, by tweeting that the article, “almost rings the bell.” Jackson does not realize that New York fans do not care about his coaching success; no matter what he has done with his Hall of Fame career, his legacy will be the lazy, gossiping executive to Knick fans. Supporters hoped Jackson would change the culture to one of a championship team. However, himself and team owner James Dolan have created a culture that is embarrassing. No one is even

on the same page as Jackson. Both Anthony and Dolan have responded with “ask Phil” when questioned about the decisions by the president of the team. There seems to be no organization, professionalism or even interest in improving the franchise. In no way have the Knicks played up to their full potential. One can speculate that they do not give full effort every night. However, asking a team to rally around a front office that has shown no faith in them is next to impossible. Negativity has been a poison in the Knicks organization and it has spread like wildfire through Jackson and Dolan’s actions. It seems the Jackson era could still be around for some time. Dolan said on The Michael Kay Show Friday, Feb. 10 that he will honor their agreement “all the way to the end,” which is a scary thought for Knick fans who don’t need to see another two years of foolishness. Therefore, it is in the best interest of Jackson, the New York Knicks organization and everyone involved or rooting for it, that Jackson resign as soon as possible. Keith Egan is a visual and sound media and journalism major from Tinton Falls, N.J. He can be reached at keith.egan@student.shu. edu or on Twitter @Keith_egan10.

It’s always about the money, but the NBA’s latest move has gone too far. On April 15, 2016, the NBA Board of Governors approved jersey sponsorships, in which a 2.5 inch by 2.5 inch sponsorship patch will appear on the front left of game jerseys. This is going to take effect in the 2017-18 season, when Nike takes over for Adidas as the league’s uniform and apparel provider. It’s not a great look. While the patch is designed to be small and discreet, this is a big jump for the NBA. It is the first of the four major U.S. sporting leagues (NBA, NFL, NHL, MLB) to allow sponsorships on team jerseys. Other leagues such as the WNBA and MLS have utilized sponsorships on jerseys for years, predominantly showing company names larger than the name of the team itself. This isn’t the way for the NBA. Fans, I don’t want to see advertisements during every second of a game. Save the ads for commercials; people just want to watch basketball. As of Feb. 15, six teams in the NBA have sponsorship deals for jersey patches next season: the Boston Celtics, Sacramento Kings, Philadelphia 76ers, Brooklyn Nets, Cleveland Cavaliers and Utah Jazz. Some look better than others. For example, General Electric’s patch on Boston’s jerseys works almost seamlessly since the logo matches the color of the jerseys. Utah’s also goes with the team’s color scheme, and even the Blue Diamond logo on Sacramento’s jerseys matches the team colors.

The logos that look the worst on the jerseys belong to Brooklyn and Philadelphia. Advice to team’s in the future: don’t put a boxy logo on your jerseys. Philadelphia’s sponsor is StubHub, and at least the colors in the logo match the team, even if it is an awkward box on a jersey. For Brooklyn, however, the bright red box that is Infor’s logo stands out like a sore thumb. Red is not part of the team’s color scheme, and Infor probably didn’t want to sacrifice its logo just to match Brooklyn’s black and white jerseys. The result is an eyesore that fans will have to look at for at least 82 games next season. The good side of the sponsorship deal is that it does not affect sold merchandise, so fans don’t have to buy a jersey with a sponsorship patch on it. Still, these patches put a dent in the experience of an NBA fan. The sponsorships will bring teams a large amount of revenue, but at the cost of marketing their teams to an unappealing point. I’m sure fans will get used to them at some point as sponsorship patches become the new normal. If this test run is successful, it is always a possibility that the NBA will expand the amount of sponsorships allowed on jerseys as well. It just takes one push over the hill, and it’s going to gain momentum as seasons go by. But we’ll be able to remember when jerseys weren’t canvases for advertisements, and were just about playing the game. Elizabeth Swinton is a broadcasting and visual media major from Linden, N.J. She can be reached at or on Twitter @eswint22.

Photo via The 76ers were the first team to announce a sponsorship.

Feb. 16, 2017


Page 13

Pirates on the bubble with NCAA Tourney in sight Tyler Calvaruso Staff Writer After a weekend loss to St. John’s, the Seton Hall men’s basketball team finds itself in a precarious position. As the team approached one of its most important stretches of the season, including the contest against Creighton, the Hall will have key opportunities to secure big wins against Villanova and Xavier,. The Pirates entered this week knowing they will need need to deal with these games to help their fading chances of making the NCAA Tournament, but there is hope. According to ESPN bracketologist Joe Lunardi, the Pirates are the last team in on his last four teams in list, a list that features Mar-

quette, Arkansas and Clemson. Teams like Indiana and Tennessee find themselves on Lunardi’s last four out, but both have compelling cases to jump Seton Hall for an atlarge bid. How do the Pirates stack up to the rest of the teams on the bubble? According to CBS Sports, entering Wednesday night Seton Hall owned an RPI ranked 49th in the country and a strength of schedule rating ranked 48th in the country. The Pirates have a dismal 1-5 record against Top 25 teams, with the lone win coming against a South Carolina team playing without their best player in Sindarius Thornwell. At this point, the team’s best win came at the Pearl Harbor Classic against California, who seems to be safely in the tournament. In comparison, Marquette has

an RPI of 84, a strength of schedule of 63 and a 2-4 record against Top 25 teams, its signature win coming against Villanova, who was ranked No. 1 in the country at the time.

Seton Hall owned an RPI ranked 49th in the country and a strength of schedule rating ranked 48th in the country. Arkansas has an RPI of 44 and a strength of schedule that ranks 66th, but is 0-3 against Top 25 teams and suffered a bad loss to arguably one of the worst Power Five teams in the country in Missouri. Clemson has an RPI of only 56 and has struggled to a 1-6 record against Top 25 teams, but have

the 18th strongest schedule in the country working in its favor of making the tournament. On the outside looking in are Indiana and Tennessee, which each have signature wins that are equal to, if not better than, most of the other teams on the bubble. Indiana has an RPI of 93 and a strength of schedule of 43, but the Hoosiers have knocked off powerhouses such as Kansas and North Carolina. Tennessee on the other hand, has an RPI of 47 and the fifth strongest schedule in the country. Its signature win came almost a month ago against Kentucky. To be frank, the bubble is extremely weak this year, as is evident with some of the teams that currently find themselves on it. In a normal year, a team like Arkansas would have been written off a long

Setonian Stats Bubble teams of NCAA Tournament sTRENGTH OF



49 84 44 56

48 63 66 18 *as of Feb. 14

time ago due to its average RPI and strength of schedule combined with an awful loss to Missouri and no wins against the Top 25. Seton Hall still has a chance to pick up some signature wins and burst the bubble. The team must avoid bad losses down the stretch to the likes of DePaul on the road and Georgetown at home and take care of business against some talented teams if they want to avoid ending up in the NIT. Tyler Calvaruso can be reached at or on Twitter @tyler_calvaruso.



Monday, Feb. 13

Friday, Feb. 10

Georgetown Seton Hall


Seton Hall Toledo

77 60

Sunday, Feb. 12

Villanova Seton Hall

Monday, Feb. 13

87 52

Seton Hall (Tie-breaker) Miami University (OH)

3 3

Tuesday, Feb. 14

MEN’S BASKETBALL Saturday, Feb. 11

Seton Hall St. John’s

5 1

70 78

Seton Hall Notre Dame

2 3

WOMEN’S TENNIS Saturday, Feb. 11

Seton Hall Quinnipiac

5 2

For complete coverage of all Seton Hall Athletics, visit or follow us on Twitter @SetonianSports.

What’s 2/16 ON DECK Thursday Home


2/17 Friday


Women’s Creighton 8 p.m.


Michigan 2 p.m.


2/18 Saturday


2/20 Monday

2/21 Tuesday



Men’s Women’s Villanova Providence 12:30 p.m. 1 p.m. Michigan 11 a.m. & Michigan 11 a.m. 2 p.m. Hampton & Holy Cross Bucknell 10 a.m. 4 & 6 p.m.

TWEET OF THE WEEK BE Championships Day 1

Swim & Dive Women’s Tennis


NJIT 6 p.m.

Rutgers 6 p.m.

Photo via SHU Athletics The Seton Hall men’s golf team placed second in the Earl Yestingsmeier Match Play event. Lloyd Jefferson Go led the Pirates with three consecutive wins before falling to Notre Dame in the championship round on Tuesday, Feb. 14.


Page 14

Feb. 16, 2017

Swimmers head to Big East Championship Matt Lapolla Staff Writer

The 2017 Big East Swimming and Diving Championship begins on Wednesday, Feb. 22, and the Seton Hall Pirates are looking to make their presence known. Last season, the men’s team finished in third behind the Georgetown Hoyas and the champion Xavier Musketeers. This season, the Hall has a chance to win it all. “We’re all very excited,” said junior Cody Wimmer. “This is one of the first times that we’ve actually had the chance to come in and potentially be champions of the Big East.” “I think there is a nervous excitement,” coach Ron Farina said. “Some of them are a little sore or a little tired, but that excitement level is beginning to build and beginning to rise.” In order to place ahead of the Xavier Musketeers, who have won the Big East Championship in each of the last three seasons, Wimmer said that the team needs to focus on the smaller picture. “If we focus on the individual races, that is how we’re going to knock them off,” Wimmer said. “That’s how they come in. They approach it as ‘I will do whatever

Photo via SHU Pirates Sara Ouellette is approaching a school record-breaking times in the 200 backstroke,. I can to get my hand on the wall before you do.’ That’s how they are so successful – they don’t look at the big picture, they look at the individual acts that make the big picture.” Farina said that this squad has a chance at the Championship because of their depth. “We have a lot of opportunities and a lot of guys who can win races,” Farina said. “There’s not much of a difference between our No. 1 guy and our No. 17 guy.”

The women’s squad is also looking to place in the top three at the Big East Championship. Expectations are a bit more tempered for the women’s side, as Farina stated that he thinks they are a year or two away from being able to compete with the reigning champion Villanova Wildcats. “The girls have a chance to move up from fourth, which they’ve been in every year since I’ve been here,” said junior Sydney Simpson. “It would be awesome,

and such a big accomplishment for us.” Simpson, who won the 100m breaststroke at last year’s Big East Championship, said that in order for the team to take that extra step into the top three, they need more people to place in the finals. “We’ve had a lot of good places,” Simpson said. “We just need to make sure that [the swimmers] don’t end up 17th instead of 16th so they get the chance for the second swim to move up and get

those extra points.” “As long as the women stay focused and swim like they’re capable of, they’ll have some great swims,” Farina said. The Pirates had nearly a month off in preparation for the tournament; the last meet was the Bucknell Invitational on Jan. 28. Despite the long time off, the Pirates still feel ready to compete. “I think it’s a good thing that we have this time off because it’s getting us mentally prepared,” Wimmer said. “We’re antsy, we’re ready to get up and race again.” Simpson echoed this sentiment, and said “We’ve been pushing ourselves a lot more than we can when we have meets every week. Now that we are starting to rest, we’ll be able to have more energy when it comes to the actual meet.” The Big East Championship will run from Wednesday, Feb. 22 to Saturday, Feb. 25 at the Nassau County Aquatic Center in East Meadow, NY. “We’ve raced against every one of those teams, so there’s no surprises,” Farina said. “We just need to do what we’ve been doing all year.” Matt Lapolla can be reached at or @MatthewLapolla.

Bozzella reflects on seniors, future of WBB Andrew Lombardo Staff Writer No matter what level of competition, athletes have a relationship with their home floor. For every women’s basketball player at Seton Hall, that relationship is with the historic Walsh Gym. Last Sunday was the Pirates’ Senior Day, as they played their last home game of the season in a loss against Villanova. Before the game, Seton Hall honored its graduating seniors with a ceremony. Those honored included Tara Inman, Kat Egan and Lubirdia Gordon. Despite the loss, coach Tony Bozzella was happy to see his seniors honored before their last game. “It was really nice, but it was a little bittersweet,” Bozzella said. “Obviously, everyone was sad Kat and Tara couldn’t play because they were two really important people to our program. You could not look at them statistically because their impact went a lot farther than that.” Both Inman and Egan sat out this season after suffering rough injuries during the early stages of last year’s campaign. Egan tore her ACL prior to the 2015-16 season, effectively ending her Pirate career. Inman also suffered

a season-ending injury just two games into the same season. Despite their injuries, Bozzella utilized both as mentors to his young squad, knowing the two would want to stay involved in the program. The only senior to play was Lubirdia Gordon. She was a bright spot for the Pirates, establishing her veteran presence inside the paint. She led the Pirates in points on Senior Day, finishing with 18 after shooting 7-8 from the field. Bozzella could not be any happier for Gordon after her final home game. “Lubirdia has meant a lot to us on and off the court,” Bozzella said. “She has been a great player, but she has always been such a good presence in the locker room. She’s just a really good kid that always has a smile on her face.” When asked about Gordon’s future as a professional basketball player, Bozzellasaid he had not yet discussed it with Gordon and her mother. However, he is confident that she could make it. “If she wanted to go pro, being a center, she would have a great opportunity,” Bozzella said. In what was an inconsistent season for a young Pirates squad, but the three seniors provided an element of consistent veteran leader-

ship. While he is sad to see them go, Bozzella knows his seniors left a positive mark on the program. “We were more inconsistent than we thought we would be, but the girls learned a ton this season and the future looks bright,” he said. That future is largely embedded in the depth of the freshman class that showed flashes of talent throughout the season. Of the six freshmen, five started three or more games, and five of the six joined the starting lineup for at least one contest. “I thought Deja Winters played consistently the best,” Bozzella said of the freshman wing who av-

eraged 5.9 points and 2.7 boards. Only one freshman solidified her starting spot, and her future with the program could be bright should she find consistency. “I thought KK showed great flashes where she has the opportunity to be a high level player, but her consistency is a big issue,” Bozzella said. With the Pirates approaching another offseason to grow and flourish, one of the Hall’s main themes will be establishing consistency in their play. Andrew Lombardo can be reached at or on Twitter @anlombardo8.

Photos: Top via SHU Athletics, bottom by Joey Khan/ Photography & Digital Editor The women’s basketball team may be graduating three seniors, but is retaining four starters.

Feb. 16, 2017


Eva Gonzalez: American born, Mexican capped, Pirate true James Justice Staff Writer Midfielder Eva Gonzalez will be a player to watch next fall at Owen T. Carroll Field. What a fan won’t see from her play on the field alone is the adversity and continued sacrifice that Gonzalez endures to play the sport she loves, while still committing to her academics. Gonzalez is not just a student athlete, but it could be said a student athlete, plus one. She balances her schooling with her collegiate athletics, but is also committed to the Mexican national team, of which she has been a part of since she was about 15 years old. Growing up in Mesquite, Texas, she first envisioned herself playing for the U.S. The five-foot, two-inch Gonzalez was on track for that achievement, training with high level youth teams that put her in arm’s length of the United States national team. Although the cold reality hit her in a meeting one day that she did not fit the rudimentary vision that the U.S. Federation was looking for in its players. “I went in for a meeting with a few of them and they told me, ‘Eva we have nothing bad to say, but the people above me want girls with height and speed.’ You take one look at me and…that’s not me,” Gonzalez said. The rejection hit Gonzalez hard. She admitted that the harshness of the news made her seriously ponder her future playing the game she loves. “After that, if I’m being completely honest, I got to a point where I said, I don’t even want to play big anymore,” Gonzalez said. “I was always told, ‘Eva you’re too small, Eva you’re on the bubble because you’re so small.’ I got to the point where I said, I don’t even care anymore. It was not there in my mind anymore, and when I grew up it was always there, I always wanted to play.” But with one door closing, another opened in the form of the Mexican national team. Gonzalez was spotted by a scout in Texas and the program instantly welcomed her with open arms. She has been a part of the U-17, U-20 and senior side for Mexico, getting the chance to play in tournaments like the U-20 World Cup, and travel to such places as Papua New Guinea. “With the traveling, I love it,” Gonzalez said. “It does get like ‘ugh’ because there is so many. But I’m always going to a different place and I’m not paying for it, so, who can say that? It’s a blessing.” With that level of travel under

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Richardson: Continued from Page 16

“I followed Shakena since she was in high school and her leadership, her toughness, her brains put her far and ahead of anyone equal to her in ability,” Tony Bozzella said. “I was always very impressed with her mind.” Although her numbers and minutes were not what they were at the Hall, Richardson felt she was beginning to acclimate to the different style of play. “Once I got the hang of it, it was a little easier,” Richardson noted. “But then again, my injury set me back a little bit.” The impact of playing overseas was not limited to the on-court experiences, but also her growth and maturity handling new surroundings and culture. “I’m a grownup obviously, but it’s just another level of growing up. Your parents, your family, is nowhere close,” Richardson said. “You just have a different view of independence because you’re on your own. You don’t speak the language. It’s a very different degree you have to adjust. You have to be mentally tough while you’re there.” Richardson’s experiences overseas were challenging, but her time at Seton Hall benefited her greatly, which is why she feels that

some of the Hall’s brightest stars could make the leap to professional basketball. “It took me three colleges to get to my final destination. Everybody’s journey is different – just stay focused and stay on task, and everything will play itself out,” Richardson advised. “I think that all of those girls are in a good position because they got a great coaching staff – an honest coaching staff.” The next step for Richardson may still be in question, but she has big plans to make a statement with her return. “It could be anywhere from Australia to many different places and you know I’m just excited, but I’m just trying to focus on now and getting right. Once I get back I’m coming out like no other. I’m gonna come back so strong,” she said. Severe injury recovery is unfamiliar territory, but much like Richardson’s confidence in returning strong, Bozzella holds the same faith. “She’ll bounce back tremendously. She’s a tough kid – she’s smart. She’ll do fine.” Kyle Kasharian can be reached at or on Twitter @ItsKyleKash.

Women’s basketball participates in annual ‘Play4Kay’ game

Photos via SHU Athletics Eva Gonzalez has played on the national level since she was 15. her belt, there is no need to ask about whether Gonzalez could handle the transition from Texas to New Jersey. Women’s soccer head coach Rick Stainton described Gonzalez as “dynamic and personable,” among other things. The most difficult thing for Gonzalez has been balancing her commitment to both the Pirates and the national team. Gonzalez was a healthy redshirt last season, with her international schedule not offering enough availability to play a satisfactory amount with

the Pirates. The reality of having to redshirt was definitely something that upset her. “I got frustrated, I really did,” Gonzalez said. “Because I wanted to come in and I wanted to play and make a difference, because we are a growing program, and I wanted to be a part of the program growing. When I found out I was going to redshirt I said to myself, I want to play, I want to be there for the girls.” James Justice can be reached at or on Twitter @JamesJusticeIII.

Photo via SHU Athletics On Feb. 11, the Seton Hall women’s basketball game versus Georgetown served as the Hall’s Play4Kay contest for breast cancer awareness. The Pirates wore pink and white uniforms and collected donations for the Kay Yow Cancer Fund. The team has taken part in this tradition for the past several seasons.

Sports @SetonianSports

Swim & Dive prepped for postseason Page 15 February 16, 2017

Page 16

Shakena Richardson talks injuries, life after SHU Kyle Kasharian Asst. Sports Editor

Playing professional basketball overseas brought Shakena Richardson many new experiences, including the first major injury of her career. Richardson, a former Seton Hall player who started for the 2015-16 women’s squad, had barely played a handful of games with Hoptrans-Sirenos Kaunas, a team in Lithuania’s LMKL league, before aggravating the injury to the point of a torn ligament in the late fall of 2016. “It happened in the summer, but I was playing on it not realizing I was hurt,” Richardson said in a phone interview. “I didn’t get the official call that my ankle was ruptured until Nov. 15.” She returned home from Lithuania, underwent surgery on Nov. 30, and is currently nearing the end of her rehabilitation process. Despite being limited to what she can do, Richardson’s attitude and support system have ensured that she remains upbeat and fo-

cused on getting back to form. “It’s a life lesson. I’ve had so many bumps along the way,” Richardson explained. “I have a great support system in my family: my mom, my dad – they’re with me every step of the way.” Even in the face of these circumstances, Richardson is able to reflect on her experiences with professional basketball and how her time in Lithuania challenged her on the court. “Overseas is a whole different ball game,” Richardson said. “The rules are different and it takes a lot to get adjusted to. I was thrown into it because I got signed pretty late in October. I just got thrown into games.” After the Dallas Wings, the WNBA team that drafted Richardson with the 30th pick in the third round, waived her on May 3, Richardson secured a contract with Hoptrans-Sirenos Kaunas a few months later just before the Lithuanian league began play. In just four regular season contests, Richardson averaged 4.3 points, 1.5 boards and one assist

Joey Khan/Photography and Digital Editor Shakena Richardson was drafted to the WNBA, then went on to play in Lithuania. per game. Her best performance came against Aistes-LSU on Oct. 15 when Richardson scored eight points, grabbed four rebounds

and stole the ball three times in just 13 minutes of action. Her former coach at Seton Hall spoke highly of her, citing her bas-

ketball intelligence as one of her strongest qualities.

See Richardson, Page 15

Baseball looking to continue momentum into new season Matt Lamb Staff Writer A new season begins Feb. 17 for Seton Hall baseball. The Pirates finished their 2016 campaign with a 38-20 record, going 23-6 at Owen T. Carroll Field and 10-8 in conference play, good enough to earn a spot in the Big East Tournament. The Pirates won seven of their last eight games before eventually losing out in the postseason, but the team is looking to maintain their solid standing after having several players break out and make an impact last year, and especially after losing key pieces such as Zach Weigel, Derek Jenkins and Chris Chiaradio. “We need to carry all of our momentum from the beginning and middle of the season through to the end so we don’t fade out,” senior infielder Mikael-Ali Mogues said. “We won when we needed to last year, but we were left [with] a sour taste in our mouths in the Big East tournament last year, so to understand that and not let it happen again is going to be a huge motivating factor for us.” Mogues was just one of the few

Photo via SHU Athletics Junior Shane McCarthy, who had a perfect game last season, is first in Seton Hall’s pitching rotation. Pirates to blossom last year, blasting a team-high four home runs and recording 22 RBI to go with 45 hits. The veteran will look to be a key contributor to the lineup this season, and use what he learned from those who had graduated last year. “The guys who left had left us confident knowing that we were going to be able to hold our own,”

he said. “They were able to use what they had learned and to take their four years of experience and pass that down onto us.” On the mound, the emergence of a strong pitching rotation helped fuel the Pirates in several games, including ones where offense came at a premium. Shane McCarthy, in addition to throwing a perfect game last year, be-

came one of the Hall’s go-to aces, and looks to continue to build off a strong 2016 showing. “What we need to translate was how our team got stronger over the course of the season and that is something we need to emphasize this season,” McCarthy said. “We had underclassmen step up in big spots and the leaders establish their role and really run with

it and that’s something I see our team doing this year; the leaders bringing up the underclassmen and impact guys.” McCarthy was one of the bigger performers on last year’s staff, recording six wins to go with a 2.38 ERA and a team-high 84 strikeouts. Arms such as Zach Prendergast, Zach Schellinger and Cullen Dana also made large contributions. “We’re always going to be in close ballgames, so as a pitching staff we need to be tough mentally and always prepared for whatever is ahead,” he said. “As a unit, we want to give our team the best chance to win every day.” Excitement is in the air for Seton Hall, and the team is ready to take on the challenges that come with the new season. The Pirates will get their first test of the season in their opener this weekend against Michigan in a four-game set. The first game will be on Feb. 17 at 2 p.m. at Tradition Field in Port St. Lucie, Fla., the spring training home for the New York Mets. Matt Lamb can be reached at or on Twitter @MattS_Lamb.

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