SeedLinks - August 2012

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August | 2012

God’s Word For Every Language —In This Generation!

Making a VAST Difference

Little Languages with Big Needs Vision 2025 at Work!

the the




least forgotten the

“The LORD did not set his heart on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations! Rather, it was simply that the LORD loves you ….” —Deuteronomy 7:7-8

W o r d s

f r o m

R o y

“You’re too little. That’s too expensive. You’ll have to wait ….” Children often hear that they aren’t “big enough” to take part in what the older kids do. Sometimes these words are interpreted to mean, “You’re not as important,” or “You’re not worth it.” Many smaller people groups that still need Scripture in their language for the very first time often feel they are not “big enough” to have value. Isolated from society culturally, linguistically and geographically — in mountains, rainforests, deserts, and remote islands — it can seem as if they’ve been passed over.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me!” — Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

So, what about Bible translation for the “little” guys — the people groups with fewer than 10,000 speakers? In this issue of SeedLinks, you’ll read about some of these tiny people groups, like the 7,000 Duga people of the Kulau Cluster in India, or even smaller, the 600 Hixkaryana and the 300 Asn speakers in the Ruth Cluster group in Brazil. Until recently small groups like these have had to wait. Now, we have a tremendous opportunity to help national translators bring God’s Word to their people — the very last people groups on Earth. All church-related contributions for the Least of These are matched dollar-fordollar, doubling the impact! Just imagine the joy of helping these people discover the depths of God’s love and how He longs for a relationship with them. For some, God’s “Love Letter” will be the first written material they will have in their heart language. You and I are part of giving that gift to them. Thank you for your partnership in delivering God’s Word to the Least of These language groups for the very first time. They’re important. They’re worth it. Their wait is over.

Cover: Many people groups with few speakers like the Kapin and Yamap of the Huon Gulf Cluster live in remote places without God’s Word in their language. All Scripture quoted is from the New Living Translation unless otherwise noted.

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Until He comes,

Roy L. Peterson | Follow Roy on






H O M E Small Groups with Big Needs


umid salt air swirled around young Bernardino as he looked out at the churning South Atlantic from a rocky inlet on Annobón, the tiny volcanic island off the coast of Equatorial Guinea. When his father took him deep-sea fishing, Bernardino Tomé Catalán decided very early on he had no desire to fish for a living.

“On this trip, I felt a tremendous burden for Annobón because of the spiritual bondage that oppressed my countrymen: the occult, witchcraft, drunkenness .... My wife and I dreamed that one day, we would be preaching in the streets of this island.”

He certainly never dreamed that one day he would be working for the Fisher of Men, translating God’s Word for his small people group. He didn’t even want to follow the religious practices that had framed his youth. Without Scripture in his language, the Christianity he knew was empty and ritualistic. “I tried to satisfy my restlessness and find religious answers,” he said.

Bernardino became passionate to bring God’s Word to the 9,500 people of Annobón Island. He received his masters’ degree in Spain and completed a nine-month translation course to make Scripture available in Fa d’Ambu (faw-DAWM-bu), his mother tongue. “Together with my wife we began translating the Gospel of Luke,” Bernardino said. After Luke was completed, the “JESUS” film was produced.

Then, at a point when economic stress tore at Bernardino’s own family, God broke through with a gift from a Christian friend to meet an immediate need. Bernardino fell to his knees, praying and weeping aloud. When he stood up, he told his wife, “You have in front of you a new husband.”

The “JESUS” Film Makes Their Dream Come True

“With that film showing, we were reaching many more people with much more than we had imagined!” Bernardino said. “The Holy Spirit reminded me of those dreams of preaching on the island.” God is moving among the Fa d’Ambu. x

...................... Below: Rising 1,961 feet above the South Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Equatorial Guinea, an extinct volcano named Annobón is home to farmers, fishermen and commercial loggers.

Rats! Rats! Rats!

Bernardino’s faith grew. Over time he became a pastor on the mainland of Equatorial Guinea. When a drought hit Annobón Island and a plague of rats destroyed what was left of the crops, Bernardino’s congregation gathered supplies and sent him back home on a mercy mission.

» Fa d’Ambu fisherman repairs nets.

God is raising up translators to bring His Word to their people. Help those still waiting for God’s Word. Find out how at seed links

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ucked away in rainforests, living on mountaintops, isolated on remote islands, and spread beyond the farthest reach of desert lands — that’s where the “smallest” people groups on Earth live. Some of these small groups number from just a few hundred speakers to a few thousand. Of approximately 2,000 remaining people groups still without even one verse of Scripture in their language, more than 1,500 fall into the Least of These category — meaning they have fewer than 10,000 speakers; 600 languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers. In the past, they have been unlikely candidates for Bible translation given the cost and manpower required. But that’s changing. The “cluster” concept plays a strategic role in making Bible translation possible for the smallest people groups. Cluster projects combine the resources and skills of many to translate Scripture into several unique, yet related languages, so every person on Earth can hear God’s Word in the language they understand best.

The Little Guys Join In Take the 13-language TIB Ruth Cluster translation project in Brazil, for instance. Seven of these languages have only a few hundred speakers; the Aikana, Trawler and Asn being the smallest at 300 each! Five others have 1,350 to 12,000 speakers. All 12 4 |

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LEAST O of these languages have joined hands with the Chibi, a “big sister” people group of more than 800,000 — making Bible translation possible for the “little guys.” While some of these small groups have Scripture portions, many have waited and prayed for years for God’s Word in their heart language.

The “Hix” Make a Strong Comeback The Hixkaryána speakers who live in the Amazon Basin understand firsthand how God’s Word has transformed their people group. When Christian workers came to the area in 1959, they found 100 discouraged villagers struggling to survive. Decimated by a measles epidemic, the “Hix” had lost hope. Few children lived past infancy. They were near extinction — their culture, their

language, their lives — almost lost forever. Christian workers brought medical care. At the villagers’ request, these workers developed resources that helped translate the New Testament; it was published in 1976. Today, the still-tiny Hixkaryána people group boasts a whopping 600 speakers! God’s Word came to the Hix village, and the Hix came back strong! Now they have literacy programs, schools, health care, a growing church — and a bright future. Bible translation enhances every aspect of life. God’s Word promotes self-esteem and helps preserve culture and language. The Hixkaryána are excited about being part of this cluster project and look forward to eventually having the entire Bible in their language.

Bible translation enhances every aspect of life. God’s Word promotes self-esteem and helps preserve culture and language.





Approximately 2,000 people groups are still without even one verse of Scripture in their language. More than 1,500 of these people groups have fewer than 10,000 speakers; 600 of these have fewer than 1,000 speakers. Why the Book of Ruth? During the course of the Ruth Cluster project, done in partnership with Tradutores Indigenas da Biblica Brazil (Indigenous Bible Translators of Brazil), not only will Ruth be translated, but also more than 25 nationals will be working as translators-in-training. The Book of Ruth is a great starting place:

It is easy to translate; it identifies with indigenous customs; it is an important illustration of godly family relationships. The goal is to translate Ruth for the 13-language cluster in one year. For the Chibi group, this translation will be the first thing ever written in their mother tongue!

This project will potentially impact 832,000 people! It also opens the door wide for complete Bible translation to take place.

“Big” Enough The cultures and languages of these often forgotten or little-known people groups face extinction by globalization. Already, many have been swallowed up or lost in the shadow of more dominant groups. Each people group’s language is unique to their culture. The Hixkaryána, for example, has been well-documented as the only known language that puts the object of a sentence first. God has not forgotten the Least of These. His watchful eye is ever upon them. As the Least of These join together in clusters, they become “big enough.” And equipping national translation teams to bring God’s Word to their people — makes it available for all! x



Find out more about a people group you can help support at seed links

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VDifference A inS T



lue tarps covered three walls of the small pole house under a corrugated metal roof. Inside sat Rahul, a gray-haired man with knowing eyes that lit up as he talked about his journey with Jesus. “Many years ago I was sitting in prison,” Rahul said. “One night Jesus appeared to me in a dream and I put my faith in Him. Now, I am translating God’s Word into our Kaylar language.”* “It has made such a difference in his life,” Vidia said, as she brewed tea on a butane camp stove. Vidia is very proud of her husband’s work on the translation team. This sounds like a story of redemption — and it is. But this story is more than the account of one man. Many Kaylar believers have similar stories, including three of the six Kaylar

“criminal tribe” by the government. They were already in the lower caste.

The potential of VAST to quickly deliver Scripture to people who have none is incredible. translators who lived outside the law earlier in their lives. Crime is part of Kaylar history. Colonial Government Labels Kaylar ‘Criminal’

After losing their land once and their livelihood twice during colonial rule in 19th century South Asia, the Kaylar people embraced a new line of work: crime. They specialized in theft. By 1911, they were declared a

In 1913, the colonial government confined thousands of Kaylar in a camp environment and asked a Christian organization to come teach “morality.” Though the camp plan failed, some seeds of faith were planted in this largely oral culture. Churches Adopt Mother Tongue Scripture

Today, The Seed Company and its partners on the project, which include SIL International, Wycliffe India, Pioneer Bible Translators, The JESUS Film Project and Rhema for the Nations, are focusing on introducing the 549,000 Kaylar people to Christ in their own language through the Video/Audio Strategies for Translation (VAST) pilot project. VAST accelerates translation dramatically. By using the “JESUS” film in the regional language as the source text, a team translates the film orally into their mother tongue. The translation in the pilot went so smoothly that enthusiastic Kaylar translators raced past their deadlines at each phase. Using the VAST method, translators divided into three groups with two or

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Above: Translation teams participating in the VAST project are dedicated to bringing God’s Word to their people quickly. Left: South Asia is the home of many of the small people groups in the world.

three translators per team. Each team watched the “JESUS” film one scene at a time, discussed it at length, and then recorded the script. The teams then critiqued each other’s work before recording an oral rough draft in Kaylar. The recording went through the same steps as a written translation.** In less than six weeks, the team submitted an oral script to The JESUS Film Project staff. Production of the Kaylar film was completed in only four months! Two weeks later at the December 2011 dedication ceremony, 500 Kaylar families received a copy of the film in their mother tongue. Each family committed to show the film to at least 10 others. The impact has been exponential. “Most people never expected to see a movie in Kaylar,” said Simpson Rebbavarapu, director of Rhema for the Nations. “Now, on their own initiative, churches in the region have started conducting services in Kaylar [rather than the regional language].”

VAST Potential

VAST can work equally well for small people groups such as those included in the Least of These initiative. More VAST projects are in the works and interest is running high because of the accelerated pace of translation, distribution and life transformation. “It’s an exceptional project that promises new efficiencies,” said Larry Jones, senior vice president of Bible translation at The Seed Company. “The Kaylar pilot suggests we can double the speed of the translation and scripting for the ‘JESUS’ film.” “The potential of VAST to quickly deliver Scripture to people who have none is incredible,” added the Seed Company area director. “We will see many more VAST projects.” x


* Because of the sensitivity of the area, all names used are pseudonyms. **As with other pilot projects, such as CrowdSeed TM (see SeedLinks, February 2012), the finished translation is analyzed according to conventional methods and standards by a team of translation consultants. See “6 Steps of Bible Translation” at right.




Translators analyze what a passage says and produce a first draft.

2 . T E A M C H EC K

Translators check each verse for accuracy and clarity.


Translators share drafted Scripture with community members to test how well it communicates.


Translators translate the draft “back” into a major language for a non-native consultant.


A consultant checks the translation with the team to make sure expected standards are met.


Translators rigorously proofread the final draft for errors before publication .


To read more about about VAST, visit

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| Kulau Cluster — 7,000 Duga speakers

The Heart of the Matter D

uring the consultation on the book of Acts, translator Mini led a devotional for the team. She started her presentation in the regional language, but struggled to convey her thoughts. Finally, she shifted into her heart language — Duga — speaking fluently. The Scripture she shared encouraged the entire group. “I was able to see how much she’s grown in the Lord,” wrote the project coordinator. “I praise God that the Scripture started ministering to our own people first. THE AMERICAS — MEXICO

She and others like her are able to understand well, and are getting rooted in the Word of God through the portions written in their heart language.” Duga speakers now find comfort through God’s Word in their own language. The regional language works fine for the marketplace, but it takes heart language Scripture … to reach the heart. x ......................

» Learn more about small language projects around the world at

disciples of all the

| Southern Mexico NT Cluster — 5,100 San Vicente speakers

A ‘Two-Bull’ Celebration in San Vicente Family and friends came from

near and far to attend the celebration in San Vicente Lachixio — some from the USA, some from great distances away in Mexico, and more than 100 local people from nearby areas. The town band led the joyful procession to the central plaza. Men carried boxes of San Vicente New Testaments on their shoulders, and eight excited teenage girls shared Scripture passages, stories and songs they had diligently practiced for this very special event. After the ceremony, hundreds gathered to share dinner. In preparation of the event, beef from two bulls was slow-cooked in a pit. Soup, vegetables, rice, beans, guacamole and handmade tortillas were carefully prepared for the occasion. 8 |

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“Go and make nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.” — Matthew 28:19-20

“The regional language works fine for the marketplace, People shared Scripture at the San Vicente celebration.

It was such bounty! Attendees received the meal with thanksgiving for the precious gift of God’s Word in the language they understand best. There you and your families will feast in the presence of the LORD your God,

but it takes heart language Scripture … to reach the heart.“

and you will rejoice in all you have accomplished because the LORD your God has blessed you. — Deuteronomy 12:7 x


» See pictures from the San Vicente dedication at


| North Malaita NT Cluster — 6,700 Fataleka speakers

They Didn’t Want To Give Them Back! As the Fataleka translator

handed out translated portions of Luke’s Gospel to the villagers for community testing, he asked them to make notes and return the copies to the translation team. This step in the translation process helps the team make sure all words are clear and passages understandable. When the team asked to collect the Scripture review sheets … the people didn’t want to give them back!

The people are so hungry for God’s Word in their language, that one reviewer arranged a time every evening for people to come to his home to hear Luke on an MP3 player. People also listen to the translation regularly at the 60-member village church. “Now the meaning of God’s Word is so clear and plain to us,” one said. God is moving in great ways and touching hearts of many in this region still heavily influenced by an animistic worldview. The desire for God’s Word in their

mother tongue is growing to the point that it has become a concern: Will there be enough trial editions of God’s Word for the growing number of people who want a copy? When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight …. — Jeremiah 15:16 x ......................

G O D’ S W O R D C H A N G I N G L I V E S —

AROUND OUR WORLD PACIFIC — PAPUA NEW GUINEA | East Papua Storytelling Cluster — 2,450 Are speakers

Storytelling — A Gentle Breeze D

uring Bible storying workshops in several Are villages, translator Betty shared how God touched the lives of community members. “The storytelling message came like a gentle breeze to my ears,” one woman said. “Hearing a Bible story is not like listening to pastors preach with harsh words. As I sat listening … I felt drawn into the story.” Many other villagers expressed their heartfelt testimonies, too. Young people shared their desire to join the storytelling team. Others heard the Bible story and confessed their unrighteousness. One village woman said, “The message was very clear and it exposed my life and I will not hide from it.”

“Hearing a Bible story is not like listening to pastors preach with harsh words. As I sat listening … I felt drawn into the story.”

Even George, the village chief, heard the Lord speak to him. He stopped everything he was doing and followed the team. What a blessing to see stories from God’s Word touching Are lives of all ages! He sends his word … he stirs up his breezes, and the waters flow. He has revealed his word to [His people] …. — Psalm 147:18-19 x ......................

Translator Cassius shares God’s Word with Ubir speakers in Alotau, Papua New Guinea is filled with more stories about the ways God is changing lives here and abroad. Add your experiences and your ideas now … and share it with others!

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Speak Out for the Least of These. Do you remember the first time you heard about the need for Bible translation? You were astounded, right? When leaders grasp that there are still more than 2,000 languages and 350 million people without one verse of Scripture in their language … they speak out! We have a huge task and an urgent goal to reach every people group on Earth

“If 2,000 churches

with God’s Word — in this generation. More than 60 percent of Bibleless languages have fewer than 10,000 speakers. These people live in some of the most isolated

each adopt one people group, we could

and dangerous regions of the Earth. They are the Least of These.

have God’s Word

Let’s be the ones to bring God’s Word to these people for the very first time!

in every language in our lifetime!”

Get involved today!

Visit or call 866-663-8377.

— Francis Chan

Your church can DOUBLE its impact! (Every gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar!)

Through the Least of These initiative, every dollar contributed to Bible translation by a church or church group for these marginalized people will be matched, DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR! Will your church group join hands with other congregations that are passionate to fulfill the Great Commission? 10 |

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Help bring God’s Word to them for the first time!

Lee Strobel

Francis Chan

Randy Alcorn

Alistair Begg




“What is more important than getting the Word of God in the hands of people around the planet? As an evangelist this fires me up. I’m excited … supportive and enthusiastic about the mission of The Seed Company and its desire to communicate the message of Truth to people groups all over the world.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Formerly an award-winning journalist and legal editor at the Chicago Tribune, Lee Strobel was once an atheist. He researched God in an effort to disprove His existence, but found Jesus instead. Author of the bestsellers, The Case for the Real Jesus, The Case for the Creator and others.

“I’m not sure if there’s anything more important that I could do than teach someone how to study the Word of God for themselves … to get alone with the Scriptures, just God, His Holy Spirit, and His Book. So when you think about people around the world who don’t have the Scriptures as that source to go to and find out if what they’re hearing is true … Man! What a precarious place to be, completely reliant on people!” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best-selling author Francis Chan (Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell), is founding pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California, and founder of Eternity Bible College. He serves on the boards of Children’s Hunger Fund and World Impact and works in church planting in San Francisco.

Rick Warren — Over 2,000 languages (almost 1/3rd of all spoken today) still dont have a Bible in their language! — Twitter@RickWarren

“From the very beginning of my spiritual life, the Word of God has been paramount. God’s Word brings conviction of sin, reveals Truth and the realities of the Gospel of grace in Christ. Without the Word, we’re not empowered. Scripture is central to our walk with God. If we need God’s Word every day … so do people all over the world. Getting the eternal Word of God into the lives of eternal people is about as strategic as it gets. What could be better than that?” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Director of Eternal Perspective Ministries, which he founded in 1990, Randy Alcorn served as a pastor for 14 years before that. He is also a best-selling author of 40 books, published in 30 languages. Some of these include Heaven, The Treasure Principle and the Gold Medallion winner Safely Home.

“The Bible is a living Book. When people begin to read the Bible … they start to realize that this Book understands them … that this Book describes them … that this Book unfolds and that the entrance of God’s Word brings light.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Educated at the London School of Theology and ordained in Edinburgh, Scotland, Alistair Begg has served for the past 29 years as the senior pastor of Parkside Church near Cleveland, Ohio. He is the author of numerous books and is heard daily on the radio program, Truth for Life.


See video interviews with Francis Chan, Alistair Begg and musician Phil Keaggy at

Join these leaders in helping bring God’s Word to the Least of These. Visit or call 866-663-8377 today.

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Vision 2025 at Work God’s Word Transforming Lives In Every Language — In This Generation!





Population Impacted


350 MILLION one verse of Scripture in

9 in 10 languages to the whole Bible!


with the Bible

800: 15 languages

> >

800 700

7000 6500


with the Bible

400 300

4500 4000


500 0

The Seed Company founded by Wycliffe USA


3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000

Luke Partnership initiated with the “JESUS” film




don’t have access

400 AD: 11 languages


6000 5500 5000

are still waiting for their heart language.


begins translation of

95 96 97 98 99 00



1380: John Wycliffe

93 94

200 300



1801: William Carey

completes Bengali NT,

> > first whole English Bible > > initiation of modern

missions movement 12 |

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> >



Global total of all languages














A Bible translation


program in progress in every language



CrowdSeed pilot project began

still needing one by the year 2025

V ISION 2025

First BGAN satellite Internet connection for remote projects

First oral storytelling project

The Least of These


Languages with 10,000 or fewer speakers:

First translation consultant internship/Roy Peterson becomes CEO

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 2011 2012


Africa, Asia, Pacific: Americas:


* All Least of These numbers are approximations based on 2011 SIL International data. Approximately 322 languages still need study to quantify needs.

700 800

900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2012

1804: First Bible Society

> >

founded in England

1942: Wycliffe Bible

Translators founded by

> > Cameron Townsend

1993: The Seed > >

Company founded by Wycliffe leadership


2025: Translation

started in every language

> > that needs the Scriptures! Statistics — Wycliffe Global Alliance

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Get Engaged!


Do you have a passion for God’s Word? Are you looking for a way to get involved?

Creative Ways

to Engage Others

in Bible Translation

“I absolutely resonate with The Seed Company …. They’re equipping nationals to do the translation work. They’re supplying them with resources, training, quality controls and consulting — but it’s the nationals who do the translating.” — David Alexander, Fellowship Bible Church, Little Rock, Arkansas


‘Jesus Has Become a Dadiya Man!’ Violence erupted between opposing religious groups just as David Alexander and Fellowship Bible Church members stepped from the small commuter plane. The team had traveled from Little Rock, Arkansas to Nigeria to visit the Dadiya translation project their church is supporting. The Dadiya chief met the team, and his warm greeting quickly put their minds at ease about the nearby conflict. Although the chief adheres to another major religion, he sees Scripture translation as a vehicle to move his people toward literacy and improve their welfare. It’s doing so much more than that. As the Fellowship group and the Dadiya translation team met, they made an immediate heartfelt connection. Translators shared how God is using translation efforts to bring reconciliation and unity to area churches. With a committee of 12 pastors from diverse

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Dadiya translators display printed Scripture portions.

congregations, Dadiya churches are leading the way in translation of Old Testament and New Testament portions. “The unity brought to the Church community by the translation project was an incredible witness to me,” David said. When the Fellowship group watched the “JESUS” film with Dadiya speakers who were seeing it for the first time in their language, the group was in awe of the response. “It was just this shocked sense of ‘Jesus has become a Dadiya man!’” David said. “It really doesn’t get any better than that!”


» DOUBLE the impact of your church group. Find out more! Call 866-663-8377, or email us at or go to


16th Birthday Bash: $1,600 for Bible Translation All Gifts Were Doubled for a Least of These Project Grant Powell is not your typical teen. When his parents wanted to throw him a big bash for his 16th birthday, Grant resisted at first. “I’ve never liked having the focus on me,” Grant said. “But when my mom told me about The Seed Company, I thought everyone should have a Bible in their own language!” That’s when Grant decided to throw a birthday celebration like no other. He wanted friends and family to help fund Bible translation for the Sepik people in Papua New Guinea — a Least of These people group.



Become Part of Something BIG, One Verse at a Time!

Think about the value of one verse of Scripture. For example:

Grant Powell’s birthday bash turned into a time of worship led by The Justin Teseniar Band.

The Powells went all out for the backyard birthday/fundraiser bash on March 9. The more than 50 teens from Salem Baptist Youth Group in Apex, North Carolina who attended were all into the mission of Bible translation. They gave nearly $800 toward the Sepik Old Testament translation! The teens’ contributions to a Least of These project were matched dollar-for-dollar. So on Grant’s 16th birthday, nearly $1,600 was gifted for Bible translation in his honor. (Way to go, Grant!) The birthday bash turned into a time of worship led by the Justin Teseniar Band. In a YouTube video, Justin Teseniar said, “[It was] one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. … Grant is a kid wanting to live for Christ and for His Kingdom.” “We built a ‘kingdom’ in the backyard,” said John Powell, Grant’s dad, “and also spread the Gospel around the world.” Grant summed up his feeling about it all in just a few words: “Glory to God, not me!”



Gift-a-Verse to honor someone you care about at

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” — John 3:16

TWKOP — The Worst Kind of Poverty “Can You Read This?” That question is emblazoned on a T-shirt, followed by a Bible verse in a Filipino language. “Neither Can They,” the shirt reads. And that’s exactly the point Heidi Schreiber, who co-designed the shirt, wants to make about the Ayta Abellen people of the Philippines.

Many of us can quickly recall the transforming power of just one verse of Scripture in our own lives. Now imagine life without that verse — without God’s Word at all. Where would you turn for wisdom, direction, comfort or assurance that you are on the right path? Millions of people speaking more than 2,000 languages don’t have to imagine. They don’t have His Word — not even one verse — in their heart language. Sometimes it only takes one verse to make a BIG difference in a life! An eternal difference. Why not join the growing list of friends who partner with The Seed Company as a OneVerse monthly sponsor — committed to placing Scripture into outstretched hands? Each month, just $26 will translate one verse of Scripture for a people group waiting for God’s Word. To get started, visit Then select a project you feel led to support and follow the prompts to sponsor a verse of Scripture. You become a vital part of the translation team, and will receive timely updates from national translators when you become a monthly partner.



Become a part of something BIG as a OneVerse monthly partner at

Heidi Sch­reiber gets church members engaged in eradicating The Worst Kind of Poverty for the Ayta Abellen people, above.

Like 350 million others, the Ayta Abellen are without the Bible in their language. “It’s TWKOP — The Worst Kind of Poverty,” according to Heidi. That’s the name of her campaign to raise awareness — and funds for Bible translation. When Heidi discovered the Ayta Abellen translation project is part of The Seed Company Least of These initiative, her motivation doubled, along with contributions. Heidi’s friends jumped onboard to plan a fundraiser June 2 at The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in Arlington Heights, Illinois. First they got the word out with creative invitations, a group giving page, a Facebook page and a Web page. Next, they crafted TWKOP bracelets and T-shirts to sell. After that they organized a photo display and information stations. Finally they flung open the meeting room doors … The results? A total of $966.72 in sales and contributions, which was matched for a grand total of $1,933.44. And 23 people signed up to pray for Ayta translators! “Know what? It was a lot of hard work — but it was fun too!” Heidi said.



Find out more about Least of These translation projects at

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30086 PERMIT# 1176

A Wycliffe Bible Translators affiliate

3030 Matlock Road, Suite 104 Arlington, Texas 76015-2934

What Do Yo u Expe ct? When God intends great mercy for His people, the first thing He does is to set them a-praying. — Matthew Henry

“GOD speaks Roviana”

When I see people united in persistent prayer, I expect great things … and with good reason. Beginning in Acts and continuing throughout Church history, we see this pattern: Movements of prayer lead to movements of awakening which lead to movements of mission. Historically, these movements have been somewhat limited to a particular geographic region. But now God is stirring a global prayer movement — a movement not limited by geography, culture or language. I recently returned from the World Prayer Assembly in Jakarta where 9,000 Christian leaders from more than 80 nations gathered to pray and seek the Lord … with expectancy. The event was epic! We learned about the many various expressions of prayer taking place all around the world. Right now, in multiple nations across Southeast Asia, Europe, mainland Asia, Africa, Australia, the Pacific and the Americas, unprecedented numbers of people are gathering to pray. Prayer rooms, houses of prayer, prayer mountains, prayer towers and 24/7 prayer initiatives are springing up, even in the most unlikely places. God has set His people a-praying. Are you expectant? Let us pray!

B i l l M c C o y | Director of Prayer


Speakers: 14,000 Project goal: Old Testament Project start: 2011 Est. completion: 2014 The Roviana people have been eagerly awaiting the full Bible in their language since the New Testament sold out several years ago. Prayer partners are needed to bring this translation to completion. Churches are eager to receive, use and distribute Scripture in their communities. This translation also will help nine related languages.

Call 866-663-8377, or visit to support this team in prayer.

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