The Standard Newspaper May 1st, 2014

Page 8

8 • Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Standard

EDITORIAL Kudos to Council Councillors of both Scugog and Uxbridge Township are often harshly berated for nearly any decision they make - residents seem to want better roads and faster improvements, while screaming for taxes to go down across the board. While a newspaper’s role is ultimately to act as political watchdog and whistleblower - it’s also vital to report on the positive news and triumphs as well. Occasionally, we get to report on ties - nice jerseys guys. This week, The Standard would like to extend kudos to both of our Townships, their Councillors, and their staff. At Monday’s meeting of Scugog Council, the issues on the board were properly discussed and thought out in a, get this, timely fashion. All too often we (as a community) harp about political process taking too long, and moving at the speed of bureaucracy. While this may be the case with a lot of topics on Council’s agenda - we need to remember that due diligence exists for a reason. It may not be pretty or convenient, but it’s what the smaller municipalities are stuck with. Not to say we can’t afford to pick up the pace a little, especially with the end of municipal term right around the corner. Scugog Township saw the pollution of the Nonquon River and the lack of sewage capacity as a limitation for the community for a long time, but were proud to announce that site plans have been approved. While construction will take close to two years, the project has been kicked off, and proudly contains the necessary room for expansion in the future - steeling Scugog against a repeat of the issue which has held factories and businesses away since 1999. Likewise, Uxbridge’s council has taken great care in crafting a new fire arms by-law. While some residents may be dismayed that the process as dragged on for close to a year, councillors should be commended for their commitment to get it right the first time.

YOUR OPINION MATTERS Send us an e-mail to or a letter to: The Standard, 94A Water St., Port Perry ON L9L 1J2

First-time parents find comfort and confidence in Port Perry Hospital To the Editor, First of all we would like to send our condolences to the Pallotta family. The loss of life to any family is devastating, and an enormous ripple effect can be felt by parents, family and community members alike. Our hearts go out to them, and hope that solace will be found in each other, and within their respective families. The purpose of this letter is to draw attention to our experience, and tell our story. A story that involves

the birth of our first born child, Lochlain Elizabeth Houthuys; arrived via emergency c-section at our community hospital – Lakeridge Health Port Perry at 4:30 p.m., on Saturday, April 12. A healthy baby delivered by my wife’s general practitioner – Dr. Mike Gilmour & surgeon –Dr. Trevor Stryde with the aid of operating room nurses – Patty McLean, Sharon Wilson and New Life Centre Nurse Jan Jankowski. Our heartfelt thanks to each one of you. Due to the nature of the

procedure, my wife was required to stay a duration of three nights for observation and subsequent care. Over those three nights, my wife, newborn daughter, and myself, were given the utmost in sincere care and respect. The New Life Centre at Lakeridge Health Port Perry boasts large, quiet private rooms, with a nursing station a few footsteps away. The nurses Jan Jankowski, Gerrie Heard, Becky Howard, Sandra Carrier, Stephanie, and Sabrina Svendsen, treated us like royalty, answering questions

at our beckoning, and spent countless hours collectively teaching the techniques of breastfeeding, bathing, and general how to’s to first time parents. After engaging in conversations with friends and colleagues that have recently had their first children at other hospitals, it is hard for a new parent to comprehend a less substantial level of care in a New Life Centre. Scugog Township and surrounding community has something very special at Lakeridge Health Port Perry, something that is on

decline as government cutbacks and downsizing has become commonplace in all aspects of healthcare in Ontario. At the New Life Centre - Lakeridge Health Port Perry, the level of care is the ultimate from genuine caring, professional and exceptional staff who have only the best of interest at heart. I would like to take a moment to not only thank the New Life Centre, but also congratulate the community and staff alike that makes this Obstetrical Department possible. The walls of

Lakeridge Health Port Perry were the first that embraced her father at birth, 31 years ago, and the first to embrace approximately 300 newborn babies each year since. Congratulations on the upcoming 20th anniversary of the ‘New Wing’ of the New Life Centre this year. We look forward as a couple, a family, and as a community to future birth experiences at Lakeridge Health, Port Perry New Life Centre. Tyler & Vanessa Houthuys Bridgenorth by way of Port Perry

94A Water Street, Port Perry, ON L9L 1J2 | Phone: 905-985-6985 | E-mail: 2012 CCNA


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