March 2014 Scituation

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Volume 2013-2014 Issue III $1.00

the Scituation

A glance at Scituate’s attitude towards DRUGS

Scituate High School 606 Chief Justice Cushing Highway Scituate, MA 02066

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Volume 2013-2014 Issue III

NEWS Editor in Chief

What’s Inside

Kim Whitney

Managing Editor Alyssa Pasini Production Manager Meredith Sullivan Director of Multi-Media Packaging & Production Gina Brazao Multi-Media Editor Katie Albanese News Editor Isabel Martin Features Editors Caroline Giovannucci Arts & Entertainment Editor Gabe Goodman Opinion & Editorials Editor Miranda Lan Sports & Wellness Editor Amanda Mendes Photo Editors Katie Whelan Kyle Rodrigues Public Relations Manager Casey McCormack Directors of Advertising Rachel Antos & Liz Harriman Webmasters Jenna Baker & Robert Connelly Business Manager Julie O’Keefe Archivist Lindsay Curran Social Communities Managers Hannah Nelson & Cara McConaughey Staff Writers Max DiRado, Leah Doherty, Chloe Ewanouski, Maddie Gillespie, Nikki Margeson, Kate McCormack, Gillian O’Malley


Learn more about a student you might know who’s going to diversify our school in whole new ways


Compare what juniors and seniors are experiencing this month via our photo spread

15 Find out what options you have in joining the cause to cure Scituate’s opiate addiction


Should the administration seek alternatives to homeroom?

25 Did you a freshman among you sang the National Anthem at a Celtics’ game?


Scituate’s got a new record-holder and two hockey players nominated for Athlete of the Month Continue to check out our website at, our Facebook page, and Twitter feed @theScituation. Kim Whitney, Editor-in-Chief

The Scituation

Mission Statement and Policy Guidlines The Scituation newspaper is a student forum produced by the Honors Journalistic Writing class for the Scituate High School community. The purpose for this newspaper is to guide, inform and entertain SHS students. The staff of the Scituation will ethically and objectively cover important events and issues. Any reader who wishes to express his or her concern is encouraged to write a letter to the editor. The Scituation staff reserves the right to edit for length and libelous content. Please contact us at

2 do not represent the administration or faculty at The Scituation is a student production. Any opinions expressed by Scituation writers Scituate High School or the Scituate Public School district. The opinions are those of the signed author(s). Volume 2013-2014 Issue II


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III



Traffic Issues at SHS Rachel Antos Co-Director of Advertising

Every day, right as the clock hits 1:51, the parking lot at Scituate High School floods with students who are eager to get home. The commotion of everyone leaving at once creates a line of cars starting in the parking lot, which continues out all the way to the main roads. Just driving this short distance takes at least 10 minutes. Most junior and senior drivers are very familiar with the afternoon car line by now; this after school traffic is a daily occurrence. While students of SHS have accepted the afternoon traffic, it has recently become an issue in the morning as well. Without a doubt the traffic after school is a pain, but getting home a few minutes later in the afternoon does not seem to aggravate students very much. The traffic issues in the morning, however, have irritated the students of SHS because they are now arriving to school late and are getting marked tardy in the morning. Junior and licensed driver Gabi Marhoffer agreed that the traffic in the morning is becoming a problem for her. “I get to school at a reason-

able time, but I don’t have time to park because of all the cars, so I’m always tardy,” said Marhoffer. “People get dropped off at the auditorium, and all those cars create a lot of traffic.” These traffic issues never seemed to be a problem until very recently. For most students at SHS, tardiness occurs on a regular basis, and unfortunately, they feel that these tardies are mostly out of their control. Many students are complaining because they get to school in time for homeroom, but the long line of cars prevents them from getting into school on time. The issue recently attracted much buzz when many students received office detentions for their excessive amount of tardies. For the time being, it seems as though there is not much to do about the traffic issues. Because so many upperclassmen drive to school and arrive at the same time, combined with the amount of parents dropping off their students, the line of cars gets longer and longer as the year goes on. The reality of it is, no matter how aggravating it may be, students will have to accept the traffic at school, and plan accordingly. Hopefully, waking up a few minutes earlier can save you from a tardy or an office detention.

Safety Comes Before Politeness Leah Doherty Staff Writer

Walking down the hall, you may see someone standing outside the school, mouthing the words, “Let me in!” While it may seem harmless to let that person in, school rules prohibit students from opening the doors to anyone, even people they might know. If you happen to be the one standing outside the school, you must enter through the main office using a new buzzer system. Why all the locked doors? The main goal of SHS is to promote the safety of all its members. If that means locking the doors so that strangers cannot get in, then that’s what the school will do (and has already done). Superintendent John McCarthy has been working with administrators across the district to strengthen security measures at their schools. Building off of the plans of previous Superintendent Sue Martin, McCarthy issued the installation of video cameras and door locking systems in various schools, including SHS. Yet he made sure to clarify that “schools were never intended to be fortresses,” as stated in a recent article by Ruth Thompson, a reporter for the Scituate Mariner. Similarly, Principal Wargo believes that the high school should be a place where people feel safe and comfortable. “I hope it’s not intrusive... I want people to go to school

every day without feeling like a big brother is watching them,” said Mr. Wargo, using the phrase “big brother” to describe the school’s dome-shaped cameras. According to the principal, security cameras at SHS are only used “after the fact.” If an incident occurs and the school needs to know what happened, such as who pulled the fire alarm, these security cameras can help identify the suspect. Although the school hopes to ensure a level of safety within the building without making people feel uncomfortable, some students can’t help but feel a little anxious at the sight of these cameras. “It’s probably because I know that the school and police department can see what I’m doing,” said sophomore Maeve Dunn in regards to the security cameras. Yet, some students are comforted by this technology, knowing that the school can keep an eye on who enters the building. “I feel pretty safe... but in the back of my mind there’s always the fear of a school shooting,” said senior Noma Okundaye, expressing a relatively common view. Ever since the Sandy Hook shooting, people have grown increasingly wary of their safety at school. To ease people’s fears, SHS has accelerated its efforts to strengthen security by bringing in newer technology and outside funds. There has always been a constant debate between personal liberty and security in schools. But when it comes to the students and teachers at SHS, safety takes precedence.


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


NHS faculty council ‘rewrites’ the trends of plagiarism at SHS Meredith Sullivan Production Manager

Senior Remy Lovell poses with a placard announcing his crime. photo by Isabel Martin

“SHS encourages students to work together...but can working with peers on a homework assignment cause you to be put on a plagiarism trial?”

As the final home stretch of the school year approaches, it's not unusual to feel an overbearing sense of pressure from the grueling amount of work thrust upon you. But as this stress-induced time creeps up on SHS students, it's important we uphold our integrity as we grind out our endless assignments. SHS encourages students to work together in order to excel, but can working with your peers on a homework assignment cause you to be put on an SHS plagiarism trial? If you are an active member of the SHS community, as many students are, getting caught plagiarizing can have a detrimental effect on your involvement in clubs and sports, as well as with honors or scholarship opportunities. This is especially true for students who are a part of the National Honor Society. If you are member of NHS and find yourself in the middle of a plagiarism problem, you may be subject to meet with the SHS faculty council. So what is the SHS faculty council? It is a group of five faculty members who ultimately determine the severity of the plagiarism issue at hand and the proper way to move forward from it. The final decisions “range from doing nothing to removing the student from NHS or the student could be put on probation,” said NHS advisor Mr. Lynch. Most SHS students know the widely accepted definition of plagiarism, but the fine lines often tend to get blurry. Senior Larissa Andrade said, “Plagiarism is copying someone’s work word for word. When you do work together, everyone puts their own opinion in and you’re sharing thoughts and ideas.” That being said, the implications of each plagiarism incident vary greatly and there is no one way to go about resolving it. The faculty council recognizes that some situations may be more severe than others. “Unfortunately there are no black and white rules about it. Every situation is different,” said Lynch. Although a meeting with faculty may seem intimidating, it can be extremely beneficial to the NHS member who simply made a mistake. “It works in the favor of the kids because it provides a venue to discuss what they’ve learned,” said Lynch. The SHS community does not take plagiarism lightly but students now have the ability to revisit the mistake and learn from it instead of simply receiving a specific punishment. Speaking on behalf of the faculty council, Lynch said, “We take it very seriously, but we acknowledge that students deserve to be heard and that kids can grow from these experiences,” said Lynch. The SHS faculty council is there to help any prospective or current members of the National Honor Society community. They want to see the students of SHS succeed and they work to hear out all sides of the issue in order to find the best possible solution to plagiarism here at SHS.


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


What’s your bottom dollar? High hopes for minimum Wage

Isabel Martin News Editor

Every Thursday, seniors Emily Cuneo and Caroline Kiddie anxiously await their weekly check from the Village Market. After working long hours all week, they are astounded by the low number on the paper. “It’s usually a lot lower than I think I deserve!” Cuneo said. “We do a lot for the money we get, and this is what I’m getting for it. Even though we’re only working for minimum wage, we have a lot more responsibility than people think. It’s ridiculous.” Although the minimum wage in Massachusetts, $8.00, is far higher than the federal minimum wage, $7.25, the low pay is still disappointing, and could be devastating for Scituate’s working class. “For teenagers for your very first job minimum wage is acceptable, but for adults trying to support a family it’s not,” senior Lauren Williams, employee of the Barker Tavern, said. The estimated living wage in Scituate, meaning the wage at which people are able to support themselves and maintain a normal standard of living, is $12.62 for 1 adult living alone. As the number of family members in the house-

For many SHS students, raising the minimum wage just makes “cents”. photo courtesy of MCT Campus News Service

hold increases, so does the living wage. If a person in Massachusetts in a single income home is attempting to support themselves, they will face difficulties in maintaining a normal standard of living, especially if they have other dependents in the household. Kiddie agrees. “I work with adults at the Village Market and they obviously struggle, even though they work really hard. At minimum wage, they have to get multiple jobs and it’s difficult to get by. As a teenager, I make the same as a 40 year old with 3 kids. It doesn’t make sense.” Because of the significant discrepancy between the minimum wage in Massachusetts and the living wage, Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick has proposed a plan to increase minimum wage to $9 an hour this July, $10 an hour in 2015, and $11 an hour in 2016. In 2016, the minimum wage will automatically be indexed to inflation rates, so it will rise incrementally each year. The bill also provides for tipped employees to be paid half the minimum wage. While this still fails to meet the estimated living wage in Scituate, this plan

will bring minimum wage closer to the living wage in Massachusetts. The last time minimum wage increased in Massachusetts was 2008, at which point the Commonwealth adjusted minimum wage for inflation and increased living expenses. In his last term in office, Patrick has vowed to raise minimum wage to reflect the needs of Massachusetts residents. In November, the proposed plan passed overwhelmingly in the State Senate. Now, the bill goes to the House. They will probably vote on the plan later this year, and with an overwhelmingly Democratic Congress, the bill is likely to pass. What does this mean for the working teens of Scituate? If the bill passes in the Senate, Cuneo’s and Kiddie’s weekly wage will increase. “We’re getting older too, and we’re growing up with minimum wage,” Kiddie said. “I’m planning on keeping my job at Village Market during college, so that’ll definitely help a lot. A higher minimum wage will allow us to be independent from our parents at a younger age and be able to provide for ourselves, and that’s just a really good feeling.”


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


Diffusing SHS with Diversity

Photos by Jenna Brooks from her travels

Jenna Baker Webmaster It’s no secret that small towns have an issue with diversity. Because of its small population, Scituate, Ma. lacks the diversity that bigger cities are proud of. But how can a small beach town like Scituate, the most Irish town in America, expand its cultural horizons and welcome people with varying backgrounds? Junior Jenna Brooks has a solution. Currently studying abroad in Germany for an entire school year, Brooks is completely immersed in the German way of life. While her friends in Scituate are stressing over prom and AP Exams, Brooks is more concerned with navigating the halls of her new school and making friends with students native to a country she is just getting used to. Junior Jillian Palubicki, a friend of Jenna’s, wasn’t surprised when Brooks told her the big news. She said, “I knew it had been a dream of hers.” Next year, Brooks plans on bringing an intercultural club as well as an exchange student to SHS. She hopes to use the knowledge she has gained through her year abroad to “encourage intercultural learning and experience,” she said. So far this year, Brooks has experienced a lot of the ups and downs of exchange life. She said, “I miss my family a lot, miss being able to do everything without help.” Yet, she enjoys how much she has grown and matured as a person and as a student. She said she is proud of “being able to say ‘I’m an exchange student.’” Because of her year in Germany,

Brooks said, “I now know how to treat other people without judging them.” She wishes to spread her accepting nature and plans to host an exchange student of her own. She is hopeful that she can take what she has learned this year and help her exchange student in their adjustment to living in Scituate. She understands how difficult exchange life can be and thinks that she’ll be able to make her student feel at home in this foreign country. Brooks is also hoping that other SHS students will be willing to host students as well. She said that if SHS had more exchange students, the community could become “worldly, knowledgeable and less ignorant of other cultures.” If any students are interested in this, she encourages them to become involved in the program that she is a part of called American Field Service (AFS), whose goal is to increase tolerance between cultures through exchange trips. Brooks said that if someone wants to host an exchange student, “all you need is a bed for the student, to pay for the food, and be willing to love this student like a child/sibling.” Host families don’t need to be fluent in any foreign languages because the students are here to learn English. Not only is Brooks hosting an exchange student, she is creating an AFS club as well. Through this club, Brooks aims to encourage students to become involved with AFS and welcome any incoming exchange students. Her club will work towards making the SHS community more tolerant of other cultures.


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


What’s the Buzz about Buzzfeed? The Scituation

Casey McCormack PR Manager Photo courtesy of Kyle Rodrigues

You know those articles constantly being shared via Facebook? Those little blips on your timeline, shared by someone you are only friends with because you wanted to creep on their photos, with titles like “13 Cats That Are Really Excited to See You” or “35 of Queen B’s Most Fabulous Dance Moves”? You may scroll past, thinking they are nothing but spam on an ever extending newsfeed, but wait. Scroll back up. Click on it. Welcome to Procrastination Heaven, A.K.A Buzzfeed. Buzzfeed, started by MIT grad Jonah Peretti in 2006, has reworked the way Americans digest information. GIF’s (little clips of film) and quick informational blurbs using humor have taken the place of full length articles. List-like pieces are the norm, describing everything from the 15 best sandwiches to make when you’re sad to why Disney’s Frozen is the best movie ever. This new haven of social media also utilizes the format of a full length article, but usually reserves that for more serious news

topics. In the last few months, the writers at Buzzfeed have written in depth reports on topics such as Sexual Assault, Same Sex Marriage, and the Olympics. The news source’s brilliance comes from the way it can so easily entertain. SHS students are finding themselves spending hours trolling Buzzfeed’s constantly updating main page. As the infection of senioritis falls upon the class of 2014, a site like Buzzfeed is extremely dangerous. Hours can go by like minutes, as students continuously scroll through Buzzfeed’s array of quizzes, GIF’s, and articles. Senior Amy McQuaid said that “I go on it when I’m bored, when I want something to do.” Many professionals in the media field have begun to consider Buzzfeed’s short and sweet style the future of Journalism. Others call it a sham, saying that its material is taken from other publications and simply changed in format. Buzzfeed’s use of “advertorials” is also often criticized.

An advertorial is defined as “a newspaper or magazine advertisement giving information about a product in the style of an editorial or objective journalistic article.” You may not even know that the article that you are reading is in advertorial. The adorable GIF’s of puppies could be the exact same as another article, but this one just happens to be payed for by and supporting a new brand of soup. As the school year winds down, high school students stereotypically lose the drive they had at the beginning of the year, when binders were perfectly intact and leaving your bed in the morning did not feel like the apocalypse. Buzzfeed is there to fill up those hour long procrastination sessions! Why do your English project when you can look at pictures of cats that look like Kanye West? In the long run, it would probably be better to finish that poster, but hey, those cats are an amazing source of temporary joy.

The Scituation




Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


Gina Brazao Director of Multi-Media Packaging and Production

Got Milk?

It’s 1 a.m. and to be honest you’re really hungry, so naturally you hear the fridge beckoning you from across the kitchen. Your first thought, wow would I really like a big glass of milk right now. But there’s one problem; do you even Got Milk? These days Scituate seems to be running low on this calcium enriched drink. This seaside town is missing one thing; and that is a milkman. The infamous glass bottles seem to be few and far between these days, but is it like this for a reason? Milk deliveries gained popularity in the 1950s starting in Europe with horse drawn carriages according to Wikipedia. The process that occurs is actually quite simple. A milkman takes all of the milk from the farm and transports it to the corresponding households. Some families have milk boxes, where the milk is delivered and kept under lock and key to keep cold while the families are at work. The milkman identity and popularity grew increasingly larger with the

The milk man, ensuring that the residents get the proper amound of calcium. Photo courtesy of MCT Campus News Service.

creation of the “Morning Deliveries” by Stephen King. These stories chronicle a milkman who murders people by leaving toxic things in their milk cartons. So it seems that the milkman is much more than a job, but more like an identity. As far as Scituate is concerned, a milkman may be more popular than you thought. Many of Scituate residents get their milk delivered from Hornstra Farms. They do home

deliveries to nearly fourteen neighboring towns. Hornstra Farms does a process pasteurization, which means that they use heat to kill the bacteria. They even go as far as to use glass bottles, to ensure customer satisfaction. But, contrary to popular belief some people aren’t the biggest fans of milk deliveries. Junior Juliet O’malley said “I think that it’s kind of old fashioned to get your milk delivered, I feel like most people can go to the store and get their milk. I think if they did come back with it I think a lot of people wouldn’t do it because it’s very dated.” Similarly Brianna DeBarros said “I used to have a milkman when I was younger and it was from Hornstra Farms. It lasted six months. It was good milk, but I can easily go to the store and get milk myself so it wasn’t necessary.” It looks like Scituate is not a fan of the milkman, but could it still make a new debut?If you had your choice would you pick the milkman?

781-383-3004 135 King Street Cohasset, MA 02025

*Must present ID. Under 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian on first vist in order to tan.


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


How well do you really know your teacher? Max Dirado Staff Writer

It’s two o’clock, the doors to Scituate High School are closed. Most of the students have gone home, which means it’s again time for the teachers to go into their hibernation for the rest of the day. “What do teachers do after school? They all come together to schedule all their exams and projects on the same day” Students tend to be oblivious to the thought that teachers actually have lives outside the hour-long period they spend with them. While most of a teacher’s life is spent tending to the academic needs of our sassy prepubescent ideas, teachers are a lot more than just educators, whether we as students would care to believe it or not. Most of the sports teams at SHS are coached by Scituate’s teachers. And there must be something in the water that makes the math wings water fountain so good, because most of the math teachers are also sport savants as well. Mrs. McGlynn has in the past few years expressed her love for hockey by coaching Scituate’s own girl’s hockey team. Mr. Forde previously took command of SHS’s soccer team and Miss Oldenburg coaches varsity lacrosse and soccer. But what most people don’t realize is that department head Dr. Ekstrom has even coached many basketball teams throughout his teaching career. He has even coached NBA stars such as Dana Barros, Bobby Carrington, and James Bailey. Barros even be-

came an NBA All-Star. Ekstrom also confirmed that he coached Principal Wargo a while back. Mr. McLaughlin is known by his students as Bruce Springsteen’s biggest fan, and if the students are lucky, he may even treat them by performing to a song or two during class time. Even before becoming a teacher McLaughlin spent his free time playing guitar at pubs including Scituate’s own TK O’Malley’s. He is now on for playing shows, performing Irish and modern hits on St. Patricks Day, Scituate’s equivalent to Christmas. McLaughlin isn’t the only one to spend his time around the pubs. History teacher Mr. Roberts spends the summer away from school bartending and serving tourists and locals alike down the Cape.

With a smile on his face, Mr. Maguire shows off a friend of his. Like Maguire, teachers at SHS spend their hours outside of the school day taking part in hobbies and earning extra money. Photo by Katie Whelan.

Science teacher Mr. Maguire spends his time outside the school birding (as you might have assumed from his daily bird challenges during lunch). Maguire has a public twitter page “@ maguirescience” where he constantly updates his students and any other weather enthusiasts about the forecast. Mr. Maguire also is on the national speaking circuit and presents to schools and camps throughout the nation. As students we tend to ignore our teachers’ personal lives and imagine them as more lifeless statues than actual interesting people. Learning about your teacher can make your class more colloquial than just boring information that goes in one ear and out the rest.

South Shore Auto Parts 54 New Driftway, Scituate, MA 781.545.2220



Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


Caroline Giovannucci Features Editor

After finding the perfect date to prom, it’s time to find the perfect dress to dance the night away in. “What color is your dress?” will be the only question you hear coming out of junior girls’ mouths this month.

Between history and English this year, the number of books you’ll be reading might be a new record for you. March is the month to test how many books you can juggle at once. Good luck!

Photos by Caroline Giovannucci Models: Maggie Seitter Katie Albanese Jillian Palubicki Caroline Giovannucci Melissa Gentile

Why go out for breakfast when you could take the SATs? Juniors will definitely be sacrificing many hours to the tests and the preparation classes for them as well.

Ready for some late nights? Time for all the papers, novels, and studying to reach an all time high. If you go to bed before midnight this month, you’re probably doing something wrong.

Volume 2013-2014 Issue III




With the warm weather arriving, it might be time to hit the beach for a little bit. The taste of salt air, the feel of walking down the sand, and hey, if the sun’s too bright, I’m sure you have an old book from Ms. Kalla’s class you can use to block the sun from your eyes.

As soon as the decision is made on your college, it’s time to go out and buy collegiate sweatshirts, pajama pants, and anything other college apparel.

With applications all sent in, seniors will spend this month sleeping in on SAT-Saturday morning. Feel free to give your junior friends the gift that keeps on giving- an SAT prep book.

Ready for some late nights? With the college process mostly behind you, it’s time to kick the weekends, and possibly weeknights, up a notch! And don’t forget the most important Friday night of all this month- the Senior Dinner Dance! (Photo from Scituation archives)


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III



FRESHMAN Katie Whelan Photo Editor


Brianna Larnard

Freshman Brianna Larnard is a very busy and very talented person with big goals. Although her first Varsity basketball season here at SHS just wrapped up, swimming is Larnard’s first prior- Larnard swims her heart out during one of her meets. Photo courtesy of Brianna Larnard. ity. She started swimming competitively at age eight at the YMCA and by age twelve, she was eighth in the state for her age group. Now swimming for the Weymouth Waves, a local competitive swim team, Larnard has accomplished even more, including making sectionals in New York this past November, with dreams of later making junior and national cuts. But that isn’t all. “I want to make it to the 2016 Olympics” said Larnard smiling ear to ear. Having such a large goal, with a relatively small time frame, would be nerve-racking to many, but she has persevered, and is now so close to reaching this goal. Senior Kelsey Power is proud of her Varsity basketball teammate. “I think it is so impressive how she is able to balance swimming and basketball, and still be great at practices and games,” said Power. Every Tuesday and Thursday before school, you can find Larnard in the pool swimming her heart out. Despite the fact that basketball season was in session for the past several months, Larnard has never given up on these dreams, often going to swim after school with her competition team. “I need a busy schedule. I always need something to do,” said Larnard. With the recent end of the 2014 winter Olympics, all of the focus is now on the Rio de Janeiro games starting two years from this August. “I believe that I am mentally ready for the Olympics, I just need to perfect some of my techniques,” said Larnard. This is the true story of how hard work and dedication pays off. In summer of 2016 when you are flipping through the channels, stop and watch the Olympics because you might just see Larnard’s face and name on the screen.


Chloe Ewanouski Staff Writer

Kate Conley

Junior, Kate Conley is commonly known as an art student and member of the girls hockey team, however very few of the student body witnesses the flour covered countertops, and buttery aroma bursting from her kitchen. Her routes all began while she was in Cushing Elementary School. She would bake when she got bored and made cakes for all her friends’ birthdays. Freshman year, word got out through friends and family and her once pastime became a business. Junior Molly Palmer first tried Conley’s cupcakes at a team dinner. “Everyone was so surprised when she said she made them, and then she told me it was her business, and I thought it was a great idea” said Palmer. Conley has sold her creations for events spanning from birthdays, to baby showers, wedding showers, holidays, and anniversaries. Although her main focus consists of cupcakes in vanilla, chocolate, and red velvet, she does not limit herself nor her customers to the brief menu. Her favorite part of baking is the creative side of it. “It’s fun to make to make designs with fondant because it’s basically edible clay, so I can make whatever I want with it and people can eat it too,” said Conley. The majority of her sales have come from her sister’s friends, her mother’s coworkers, family friends, and even for the graduation party of former SHS student, Tess Walters. Shortly she will be expanding her talents beyond the walls of her own kitchen, and will work at Sweet Life Bakery in Dorchester. The Shaws’ Bakery does not compare to our friend and classmate, Kate Conley. Her business may be young and under the radar now, but once you buy your first of Conley’s cupcakes, it will not be the last. You can reach Kate Conley at kjconley63@ for more information and interest.

This is one of Conley’s many delicious creations, a Winnie the Pooh inspired cake. Photo by Kate Conley


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


Casey McCormack Public Relations Manager

Allie Benkart

Allie Benkart is a new kind of twirl girl. What’s a twirl girl you may ask? If you were a hardcore Disney fan as a child, like Benkart, you may remember a reference in the movie “Go Figure” to this term. In the movie, members of a girl’s hockey team bully another player for being a figure skater, a.k.a. “twirl girl” for being too Senior Allie Benkart gracefully glides across girly. Benkart, the ice. Photo courtesy of Allie Benkart. easily identified by a shock of red hair and fantastic sense of style, is a new kind of twirl girl. Benkart recently finished her final of four seasons on SHS’s girls hockey team this winter, but her figure skating career lasts all year round. After watching the Olympics, you may think that figure skating is simply gracefulness and finesse, a beautiful skirted costume dancing on a sheet of ice. Benkart likes to do things a bit differently. She said that some of her favorite roles to play in her ice theatre program (musicals lip synched to while figure skating) are men. Benkart’s enormous, outgoing personality shines on ice, as she plays characters such as The Emcee from “Cabaret” and Harold Zidler from “Moulin Rouge”. Benkart’s origins on ice do not stem from an Olympic dream at a young age, or a magical feeling that filled her up when she first set her eyes on a pair of skates as a toddler. “My feet were crooked when I was little. My doctor said that ice skating would help them get back to normal,” said Benkart. Benkart stayed on the ice long after her feet had straightened, and continues to skate almost every day of the week. She also teaches learn-to-skate classes. Benkart dreams of one day working for Disney on Ice, playing her absolute favorite princess, Ariel. She plans on continuing to skate throughout college, and looks forward to the next four years as an opportunity to meet new people, try new things, and have a good time.


Jenna Baker Webmaster


Brittany Grimes

For many students at SHS, the 50 hours of community service requirement is completed mostly in order to attend prom and to graduate. But some students decide to go above and beyond and really give back Senior Brittany Grimes is the youngest certified to the commu- Special Olympics coach in Massachusetts. Photo courtesy of Brittany Grimes nity in a more lasting and beneficial way. In the summer going into freshman year, senior Brittany Grimes decided to start her community service early in her high school career. She began to volunteer with the Special Olympics sector in Scituate and now has over 100 hours of community service completed. Grimes has volunteered for the Special Olympics for nearly four years. She coaches people with special needs ages 6 to 74 in track and field events. Grimes said her experiences in this activity are “very rewarding.” Working two practices a week in the spring and summer, and various other practices throughout the year, Grimes is “so dedicated” said senior Kelly Donovan. Senior Jack Theodore said “she lives for it...they all love her.” Not only has Grimes learned a lot about working with others and about how to communicate with those that think differently from her, she has made many friends in the process. She describes the Special Olympics training, which takes place at the SHS turf, as very positive and uplifting. It is “more of a fun thing” she said. Grimes and her fellow volunteers encourage anybody that wants to participate in the program to contact them because they are always welcoming more volunteers. Grimes works closely with Betsy Callanan, who took her to the Special Olympics State Office in May of 2013 after seeing Grimes’ passion for the program. Callanan said, “Brittany is a key to our success.” Because of Grimes’ steady commitment and work with the Special Olympics, she is now the youngest certified coach in the state of Massachusetts. Graduating this spring, Grimes hopes to pursue a career in special education. Her work with the Special Olympics in Scituate has reinsured her how much she values working with those that have special needs. Senior Katie Neil said “she just has the patience to do anything for anybody.”


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


College Scams:

Liz Harriman

Keeping Your Identity To Yourself nancial aid is FAFSA or otherwise known as the Free Application for Financial Aid. For FAFSA, you have to fill out information about yourself and your guardians’ assets, taxes and income in order to properly assess your ability to pay for college. Once you do this, each school will send back a summary of how much they will be Scituation staffer Miranda Lan checks out one of many able to help you out with FASFA scam websites one can find online. Photo by Katie need based payments for Whelan school. With the college commitment At the end of January, I was modeadline coming May 1st, most tivated to start my FAFSA before seniors turned in their financial the deadline. I hopped on Google aid applications to see where they and typed in FAFSA and clicked on might find the most money from the first link that came up which their colleges. This is a big decid- happened to have .org URL, so I asing factor for most students who sumed it was legitimate. don’t have $200,000 laying around After filling out all my personal inin their rooms for an education. formation, social security number, The leading corporation for fi- home address, telephone number,

Co- Director of Advertising

etc., another Scituation staffer entered the room and noted that I was in fact filling out a college financial aid scam. I logged out and I haven’t touched it since. I’m still hoping no one’s going to steal my identity. Upon investigation, the real FAFSA website actually has tips on how to identify and avoid financial aid scams. To start, you should never have to pay to submit your financial aid application. It doesn’t make logical sense for you to pay to find out how much money you’re going to pay to go to college. A lot of other scams happen when scholarship applications come around. “You should definitely never have to put in your credit card information for scholarships and financial aid” said Ms. Rundle as she directed me to the board in guidance with ways to avoid scholarship scams. Another problem with a company might be an application or a promise that fifty percent of applicants

will win money. Finally, a red flag would be no proof of previous scholarship winners. So, when it comes to scholarships and financial aid, you must be very cautious when filing and entering your personal information. The consequences could be identity theft and wasting your money on a scam.

Volume 2013-2014 Issue III



the [DRUG] Situation

Alyssa Pasini, Managing Editor Miranda Lan, Op-Ed Editor Kim Whitney, Editor in Chief

Photo courtesy of MCT Campus News Service

Look to your left; now to your right. Observe the classmates you have sat next to since kindergarten and whom you will sit next to at graduation. With the trends in recreational and abusive drug use that have developed over the past decade in our town, someone around you could be gone in the next 10 years. We are not alone in this issue, but with its consequences becoming more and more apparent, we have a responsibility to be a part of its solution. The fruits of Scituate’s own efforts are increasingly apparent in the popularity of discussions about drug use and the changing attitudes towards them.


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


Drug Glossary Drug

How it

Acute Effects

Health Risks


smoked, swallowed

Euphoria; slowed reaction time; impaired balance and coordination; increased heart rate and appetite; anxiety; panic attacks; psychosis

Possible mental health decline; addiction


injected, smoked, snorted

Euphoria; drowsiness; impaired coordination; dizziness; confusion; nausea; sedation; slowed or arrested breathing

Addiction; endocarditis; hepatitis; HIV; fatal overdose


Snorted, smoked, injected

Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, metabolism; increased energy, tremors; irritability; anxiety; panic; paranoia; violent behavior; psychosis

Addiction, Weight loss, insomnia; cardiac or cardiovascular complications; stroke; seizures; nasal damage from snorting

Oxycodone: includes Percocet, Oxycontin, Vicodin

chewed, swallowed, snorted, injected

Pain relief, euphoria, drowsiness, sedation, weakness, dizziness, nausea, impaired coordination, confusion, dry mouth, itching, sweating, clammy skin,

addiction, coma, death; risk of death increased when combined with alcohol or other CNS depressants slowed or arrested breathing, lowered pulse and blood pressure, unconsciousness,

Naloxone (Narcan)

nasal spray

It is an opiate antagonist so it temporarily reverses effects of overdose

Cannot damage at all- only reverses overdose effects

Evolution of Drug Laws in 02066 “Over the years law enforcement in Scituate has had an absolute zero tolerance for drugs, but recently there has been a change of heart with the Good Samaritan Act.” - SHS Police Chief Michael Stewart

Good Samaritan Act According to Drug, this act exempts drug overdose witnesses from arrest and prosecution for minor drug and alcohol law violations in the event that drugs are present at the scene. Witnesses to heart attacks rarely think twice about calling 911, but witnesses to an overdose often hesitate to call for help or simply don’t make the call for fear of getting caught. In fact, research confirms the most common reason people cite for not calling 911 is fear of police involvement. 14 US States and the District of Columbia have passed the Good Samaritan Act, including Massachusetts.

Needles and Syringes “Unscripted needles used to be illegal, but now since 2006 in Massachusetts any person over the age of 18 can go to CVS and come out with 100 needles. When we would find people in possession of needles we would send them off to the lab to get tested and then we would come back and charge with person with using whatever drug we found in the syringe. So instead of wanting to get caught with needles, people started throwing them out the window, leaving them at the beach, dumping them at playgrounds, we were finding them everywhere. We encourage people to drop off needles at the drop off station at the Fire Station, no questions will be asked and that way we can avoid finding them at public places.” -Chief Stewart

Volume 2013-2014 Issue III




What’s The Deal With Molly ? Just as Trinidad James’ lyric, “Popped a molly, I’m sweatin’” suggests, the drug known as Molly has traditionally been associated with MDMA, or ecstasy, a drug that tends to induce a sense of euphoria, increase heart rate and breathing, and thus, cause sweating. Generally in powder or capsule form, Molly has recently become more than just a street term; its a household name known for killing even first time users. News of young college students’ strange reactions and even death due to the drug have baffled police departments and toxicology labs from Boston to L.A. According to a report from Chief Stewart, the Scituate Police Department has recently purchased what dealers and users term “Molly” in Scituate and in other South Shore towns. Lab reports have shown that its chemical compounds actually test as forms of synthetic cathinones, or bath salts. In attempt to combat the increasingly dangerous synthetic compounds made in labs,“Congress passed the Synthetic Drug Abuse Prevention Act in July 2012, which controlled 26 compounds by name. But there are hundreds of compounds, and every time the government makes one illegal, chemists alter the formula slightly to make it a substance that is no longer controlled,” according to one CNN report. Chief Stewart confirms this claim in his report, noting that dealers term these Bath Salt compounds as Molly to make sales, while the makers of the drug find loopholes in the legal system by slightly altering its composition. “By changing one molecule, they can avoid detection as a controlled substance. Hence the name “Molly” [for] molecule,” said Chief Stewart. What’s scary about Molly is that its dealers target high school and college-aged party, concert, and club goers. With the ever changing compounds in basement labs, no users truly know what they are “popping.”

Pictured here are some of the elements collected from Police Chief Stewart’s drug bust, where officers found pawned jewelry, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and drugs such as heroin encompassed in plastic baggies. Photo courtesy of Scituate Police Department

Perscription drugs that may seem harmless at first can lead to a dark downward spiral resulting in addiction. Photo by Kimberly Whitney

Another photo from a drug bust by Police Chief Stewart reveals 980 lbs of marijuana that was caught being transported across the country. Photo courtesy of Scituate Police Department



Volume 2013-2014 Issue III

Scituate fights Back “A fishing town with a drinking problem” is a nickname that the Scituate community is trying to fix. “I’m all about educating people and that’s what FACTS does,” said Annmarie Galvin, the co-president of the local FACTS coalition that educates people about drugs and alcohol and also helps assist students to find rehabilitation centers or alternative high schools. FACTS (Families, Adolescents, and Communities Together against Substances) is behind efforts like Fifth Quarter, a party after sports games on Friday nights, as well as things like Chris Herren’s visits to the high school. The local chapter in Scituate targets students, and the families of students, to make better choices when regarding drugs and alcohol. They have replaced DARE because the community now sees that scare tactics don’t necessarily work on high school and middle school students whose brains aren’t fully developed. A major goal of FACTs is to replace drinking with other activities such as the Fifth Quarter is what coalition is trying to do. “That’s unacceptable that people don’t know where to go, so we’ve made it our goal that people know where to go,” said Galvin, who strives to give students something to do at night in Scituate. The largest drug problem in Scituate is most commonly marijuana and alcohol. Although those two are the most popular, prescription pills are a rising concern. The ease of getting them factors into

it, considering most prescription pills can easily be found in medicine cabinets at home. Approximately 66% of prescription pills come from the home according to the information gathered by the FACTs coalition To get rid of unwanted prescription pills, there is a green drop off box next to the police station where you can drop them off, no questions by the police. Getting more people involved, both adults and teens, is another main goals of the FACTS coalition. A Youth Leadership Board where students from the high school can make suggestions regarding drugs and alcohol is in the works for upcoming years. Student Assistance Programs are coming to life also, where a few teachers are trained to know the signs of a student having a hard time and using tools of their own to help them, speaking with them confidentially. Similar to the Student Assistance Program is Kids of Promise, which involves an open circle with students who deal with addiction at home, giving them a chance to discuss it. All of these programs were started by the FACTS coalition with the hope of bettering and educating the community of Scituate as a whole. With new programs in the works and drug and alcohol use going down, FACTS has a bright future in bettering Scituate and ridding the town of underage drinking and drug use.

contradictions in Drug Culture Seventeen magazine’s September 2013 issue advertises first, on page 100, MAC’s beauty product collection from Rihanna, the singer-songwriter who openly posts pictures of herself in clubs, celebrating her drunken megastar lifestyle while higher than Cloud Nine. Then, 60 pages later, a Seventeen reporter warns, even condemns, teen girls who let their friends pressure them to drink, in an article titled, “Under the BFF Influence,” calling them to “Tweet us! Pledge to party safe…” The drug culture that kids even younger than 17 come into contact with every day both glori-

fies recreational drug use and then condemns, ostracizes, even calls Americans to war against drug users. How can we let such contradictions persist in one culture? What we need is a balance to eliminate these extremes.importance of educating Scituate’s youth about the very real, but very avoidable, effects of drugs in our own town. It will take time. It will take the cooperation of all members of the community to see these changes through and be willing to adapt. Already we are seeing results.

Volume 2013-2014 Issue III



Stop Legal Harassment Miranda Lan / Opinions & Editorials Editor

zation, Hollaback! helps women stand up when they are cat called and truly “holla back” by posting their story online and documenting the incident, standing The majority of girls and women have experienced up to the harasser and taking away their power. it, and the majority of girls and women do not appreciHollaback! now inhabits 71 ate it: cities in the United States, and Cat Calling (verb): make an 24 countries across the globe, unwanted whistle, shout, or making a difference from comcomment of a sexual nature munity to community. to a person passing by. It is not only Hollaback! These are the kinds of that gets involved in this isthings that degrade, sexusue, many other organizations alize, and, unfortunately, dedicate time and money to objectify women. The obthe cause of ending cat calling jectification of women is an and street harassment. Women unfortunate part of America are also not the only victims of n society that people seem street harassment. Members to accept. of the LGBTQ community ofSenior Charlotte Carr ten receive unwanted and unagrees, “The problem with solicited street harassment. cat the underlying What these organizations mentality that a man has a want is for the streets of Amerright to sexualize and objecica (and eventually the world) tify women based on their to be safe for everyone, man, looks, and think it’s a compliwoman, and child collectively. ment. It’s offensive.” Senior Tori Litchfield models the self-consciousness young women feel “There’s a misconception that American society is not the because of cat calling. Photo by Miranda Lan it’s a compliment but it’s actuonly place where cat calling is ally terrifying for the woman involved,” added junior an epidemic. In many countries, cat calling is part of Kortni Song. the culture and occurs in everyday life without anyone Cat calling is a form of sexual harassment that needs blinking an eye. Why do women and girls accept beto be ended in order to stunt the objectification and ing called on by men while they are walking down the sexualistreet? zation of Dealing with cat wo m e n calls and trying to that the expel them from somedia has ciety is a hard subject. already Technically, cat calling paved a is illegal since it is a way for. form of sexual harassMaking ment, but it is hard to someone feel uncomfortable just because they were prosecute a passerby that most likely will never come walking down the street is a crime in itself. It is our job, into your life again. That is why as a community, men as society, to make everyone feel comfortable in their and women have to come together to fight cat calling society and to keep all the people in America equal, because of the objectification it brings with it. no person superior to another. Outstanding members of communities across America have been steps to try to end cat calling and the objectification it brings to society. A remarkable organi-

Cat Calling (verb): make an unwanted whistle, shout, or comment of a sexual nature to a person passing by.



Volume 2013-2014 Issue III

Homeroom should stay at SHS Liz Harriman

Co-Director of Advertising

It’s the routine every Scituate High schooler knows best: arrive to the building, go to your locker, visit friends, head to homeroom, and listen to the daily bell song as you sit in your homeroom seat. Then, the announcements begin, and you An alternative to homeroom every morning listen to daily updates about last night’s hockey would be just reporting to your first block class. game before heading to your first class. With this method SHS For some, homer“For some, homeroom is a time to sowould have students oom is a time to socialize, talk among cialize, talk among their peers about rushing directly from their peers about last night’s episode of American Hor- their cars, unprepared for class, and often last night’s episode ror Story, or let out frustrations late to first block due of American Horror Story, or let out frus- about how late you stayed up last to parking lot traffic trations about how night finishing your history essay on where cars get lined late you stayed up a topic you still don’t understand.” up almost to 3A waiting to arrive and drop last night finishing off kids at the school your history essay doors, or one of those bad mornings we all know on a topic you still don’t understand. so well. Others arrive to homeroom 15 minutes early, Homeroom is important to students and adults and whip out a binder and pen to finish the algein the building. “I use it as a time to organize bra homework they forgot they had to do, or, take myself and unwind from the stress of rushing to advantage of the extra few minutes of studying get ready every morning. It’s just a way to relax and burying their head in school work until the and make sure I have everything ready for all my bell to go to first block. classes,” said senior Leah Donnelly. “I also love In addition to these advantages, homeroom is Mr. Sylvester. He always tells us stories about his the time you have to get through the traffic in grandkids,” Donnelly said. The environment of the parking lot, find a parking spot somewhere homeroom allows us to connect with a teacher (hopefully close to the cafeteria door) and rush to you might not have otherwise encountered or homeroom so you aren’t marked tardy. Overall, bonded with over the course of four years. homeroom is a helpful buffer time in between the “Homeroom as a stand-alone idea would stand rush of the morning and the rush of starting your to provide a stable relationship with an adult daily academic schedule. maintained over time, whether or not they have interacted in academic life,” said assistant principal Mr. Duffey agreeing with Donnelly. Whether you use homeroom to socialize study, unwind, or rush into school, homeroom is a time that must be kept in our school day. Taking it away would be detrimental to class time and the day as a whole.


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III



No room for homeroom

Caroline Giovanucci

Features Editor

“Homerooms have faded from most high schools but are still popular in many junior high schools,” according to the United Federation of Teachers. Is that what Scituate High School resembles? A middle school like Gates Intermediate so many of us were so happy to finally escape? In an institution that prides itself on preparing its student body for the future, it seems to more closely represent a place that we called home in the past. The exact purpose of homeroom varies depending on whom you ask. Some say it gives students a time to file into school, others to give students a few minutes to finish up homework in the morning, and others say it exists to give a chance to make announcements for the day ahead. Sophomore Sara Moskowitz said, “get there at seven if you need to. I do nothing in homeroom, there’s no point to it.” The largest problem with homeroom is the tardiness and the resulting detentions that students face. When students are “late” for homeroom they are marked tardy to school, despite the fact that they are there in time for their first academic class. If tardy for homeroom five times a term, students receive detentions. These are punishments for students not missing their actual academic classes, but for missing a few minutes of a holding cell before true learning commences for the day. Teachers unintentionally help play into this idea of unjustified punishments. Because marking students present is up to the discretion of the teacher, the lack of uniform policy from homeroom to homeroom has upset many students. Different teachers mark students tardy for coming in at dif-

ferent times. Some students who come in the second after the 7:18 bell rings will be marked tardy, but not some other students who come in before homeroom ends all because of the teacher deciding when tardiness is determined. For students, its easier to justify receiving a detention for being late to their first class, but not so easy to justify receiving one for simply missing homeroom. It’s necessary to teach kids how to be on time, but that would more effectively be taught by eliminating homeroom and basing it off if they missed part of the necessary and academic day. Senior Melissa Gentile said, “I understand the idea of wanting to teach students how to be on time, but it should be used more as a grace period to gather yourself, not stress about getting to on time to just sit there for 20 minutes.” One important example to consider is that, during midterms, we have no homeroom. We go straight to our first class and attendance is taken there, along with morning announcements.. It takes all of a few minutes and then the day continues on. With a system like that in place, everyone hears the announcements, there is no questioning if you are technically on time or not, and students can understand why it is important to get to school on time. If they are late, they miss actual academic learning. The concept of having a homeroom has been around for decades. It is a traditional idea that may have worked well in the past, but is no longer relevant and beneficial to the school day. In a school that is continually progressing in its organization, it’s time to make another change and abolish the homeroom system.

“Is that what Scituate High School resembles? A middle school like Gates Intermediate so many of us were so happy to finally escape?”




Volume 2013-2014 Issue III

What does it mean to be the most Irish town in America? Maddie Gillepsie I Staff Writer

But what does it mean to be raised Irish? It means the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, a day in Scituate that all celWe have all heard this statistic float proudly around the ebrate and enjoy. A day where the Irish gloat and the nonIrish Rivera since the professional census in 2010, “Scituate is Irish adopt the culture. The aroma of corn beef and cabbage the most Irish town in America.” Aside from the stereotypifills every kitchen and scaly caps rest on every head. Front cal freckle-faced, red headed and ever present negative stereStreet is buzzing and live music flows out every crevice at otypes town that we are known for, what T.K. O’Malley’s. Senior Carly Martin said, “I does it really mean to be “the most Irish like living in a place where everyone mostly town in America”? has the same culture because we are all “It means we have no racial awareness,” unified under something and we all come said senior Remy Lovell. together to celebrate Irish holidays like St. With a 95.4% white population, accordPatrick’s Day.” ing to the City Data census, Lovell has a Whether you are Irish or not, if you live in valid point. Scituate may not be very culScituate you have been a part of and have turally rounded. Spanish teacher Señora felt the communal pride that unifies our litLima said, “It’s hard to teach Spanish in an tle town. Scituate embraces the title “Most all Irish town because students don’t get to Irish Town in America,” and with that title practice with natives. It’s hard for them to comes the acceptance of the Irish culture imagine that this country has such a huge A Shamrock shaped hot air balloon flies high, Hispanic population since there are few showing off a strong sense of Irish pride to the and traditions by not only Irish descendHispanics in Scituate.” people below. Photo courtesy of MCT Campus ants, but all of Scituate’s residents. Being the “Most Irish Town in America” is Although being more than 90% of one News Service more than just the exterior looks and stererace poses some obstacles for our quaint otypical pastimes. Scituate is a place we all call home. It is a seaside town, we have overall, been able to embrace our anplace that has defined and shaped who we are today. And it cestry and positively spread the culture that we are so proud is a place where we are raised to respect our heritage, Irish of. Junior Sarah Hollstein, who is Italian, German, and Swedor not. ish, said, “I’m not Irish, but I feel like I was raised Irish.”

Is Irish pride really something to be celebrated? Hannah Nelson I Social Communities Manager

Although the thick Irish heritage is an important part of Scituate’s identity and history, its lack of diversity creates more problems. Often known as “the most Irish town in America” or the “Irish Rivera” by some of the older “townies,” almost half of Scituate’s population is composed of people of Irish descent. St. Patrick’s Day is a day of exceptional pride for people in Scituate, but on any other day of the year, an excessive lack of diversity can be problematic. Growing up in a town that lacks the diversity of different ethnicities and cultures ultimately leads to ignorance. People have misconstrued perceptions of what life is like in cities because living in a secluded suburban town is all they’ve ever known. This makes it difficult for students to work with different groups of people later on in their life. Diversity is something that students will encounter throughout their careers and life; however, students from Scituate won’t be as prepared and able to cooperate easily with people who think in different ways due to their various experiences. Diversity enables students to become more open and accepting of other cultures by making them more aware of the world. Almost everyone wants to travel the world at some point in their life, but this dream could be hindered by a lack of acceptance towards other cultures. Lacking diversity is

preventing people from experiencing all that the world has to offer. It leaves us in our safety zone, never enabling us to leave what we know and experience new adventures and meet incredible people. Freshman and a part of the non-Irish minority of Scituate, Zoe Brodsky, agreed and said “diversity teaches you to understand and accept other people.” The purpose of education is to prepare students to be knowledgeable and open-minded citizens on a local, national and global scale. Without diversity, Scituate High School is lacking the essential learning experiences and cooperation that come with interacting with people from different backgrounds. Diversity enables students to access the opportunities needed for a better future and allows society to progress into future. There are many ways for SHS students to broaden their horizons and become culturally educated. Many colleges offer study abroad programs and the opportunity to go to school in another country is extremely rewarding. Be sure to utilize the great opportunities SHS offers with the French and Spanish exchanges, and the Guatemala service trip. If you’re interested more so in different areas of the United States, going on the Appalachia Service Project trip could also be an eye-opening experience. Traveling is an important of understanding the world and the various cultures within it.

Volume 2013-2014 Issue III Kyle Rodrigues



Photo Editor

Finding college friends has never been so uncomfortable Logging onto Facebook and getting excited about a couple notifications is something of the past. But with colleges and universities reaching out to their accepted students on this social media site, Facebook accounts have experienced a small revival for teens and have gained more popularity. According to the Huffington Post, Facebook’s net income dropped to $205 million for the quarter, down from $233 last year. Universities have joined the trend of creating Facebook groups solely for admitted students. This seems to be the only thing keeping adolescents from completely disconnecting themselves from the site. Prospective college students can share information about themselves with others in a specific university groups and jump the gun on attempting to make friends. Senior Lauren Kelly, who isn’t part of a college group on Facebook, said, “You can check out what’s going on and see if there are hot guys going to your school.” First impressions mean a lot when it comes to college life, so naturally one weird comment can ruin the way people perceive you. Finding a roommate is another stressful situation that Facebook college groups can put to rest. But is finding someone on the internet to room with just as risky as online dating? Can you really be sure that you’re choosing the right roommate beforehand? Most groups emphasize utilizing the a website that surveys students to match them with the most compatible roommate. Students are either serious and post a list of things that they like or do in their free time, in-

cluding watching Netflix or playing sports. On the opposite side of the spectrum, people post absurd comments and sarcastic descriptions of what they’re looking for in a roommate. The Twitter page @AcceptedPosts tweets the odd and obscure posts found within different college Facebook pages. In the Curry College Class of 2018 group, a potential student said, “Waddup homeys. 50-50 chance I might go here. I live in the town next to Curry, so if I go there I will be able to keep visiting my pet chicken Carey. My dream is to be a rapper or male model.” Alongside this post, the student also posted a picture of himself holding his pet chicken’s leash. Another student, part of the Marquette University Facebook group, said, “Officially on the Marquette for a roommate… Get it?” Humor is a way to grab attention in a college group, but monitoring what you say is a good way to avoid any negative attention. Senior Leah Donnelly said, “I’m in the UVM Facebook group and I haven’t joined the UMass one yet. I think the groups can be helpful for possible roommates and friends, but I haven’t used it very much.” Many people ignore these groups altogether, but should check them out to either find friends, learn about the school they were accepted to, or purely for their own entertainment. Now that the year is coming to an end, seniors are becoming more and more anxious about the college experience, and admitted student Facebook groups can help you make a final decision, and prove or disprove your expectations.


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


A new lens for learning

not until this year the opportunity to offer the course emerged, as Ms. Barr took on the challenge to establish a new popular elective for the high school. HavBusiness Manager ing a background in English literature as well as communications, Ms. Barr was excited to utilize both skills, helping students to identify crucial details of a story, both in books and films. “It’s a very hands-on course,” Ms. Barr explained. “We do very little lecturing, there is no test taking, just a few quizzes. It’s all really interactive.” Nevertheless it is not only a lack of tests that makes the class so worthwhile for seniors. Describing the freedom for students to engage in developing the t Scituate High School, the English Depart- curriculum, Ms. Barr explained how students were inment has tapped into the secrets of the teen- vited to choose the books focused on in the class and age mind, learning how to engage students help lead class discussions. in the literature curriculum. At the start of Upon completing the final project for the course, the 2013 school year, the Literature To Films students demonstrate not only the skills they have course was offered for the first time as an English elec- learned throughout the semester, but their hidden tive open to seniors. Taught by Ms. Marisa Barr, stu- acting talents. Students must work in groups to credents have found the course to be a beneficial way to ate a screenplay, directing and filming a production of meld history’s most profound literary works with to- an original fifteen to twenty minute short story based day’s most popular form of storytelling; film. off a work studied throughout the course. Senior The course requires students to look at popular Anna Nielsen described the biggest challenge of the novels and works of literature in a final project as being “time management”, as hours of new light. While reading to analyze work on screenplay translates into only minutes important literary elements, a task of film. The class involved the Scituate High congruent to all English courses, School community, as family and friends were students must examine how effecinvited to an event to view the final products. tively these elements translate into Ms. Barr commented on the success of the the media. In the fall semester, the event noting, “[the production] is a lot of work class primarily focused on Shawbut just seeing the finished product and to shank Redemption, The Secret Life have the principal or someone shake your of Bees, and Fight Club, reading hand and feel really accomplished I think is the literary work before watching important.” the film rendition. Senior Lauren As a senior in high school, students have Svensen enjoyed the course readbeen strengthening the ability to instincing selection saying, “The books tively note details of symbols, themes, we read weren’t your typical Engmetaphors and almost any other literary lish class readings. My favorite was Watching film adaptations of literary element for the past three years. The LitThe Secret Life of Bees.” Following works (especially plays) can provide previ- erature To Films course allows students to ously hidden insight to the author’s messtories from novels to movies, the sage. Image courtesy of MCT Campus News Service put down the sticky notes and pick up the class learns effective details to incamera. For juniors sitting down to select corporate into award-winning screenplays. courses for their final year at Scituate High, look to the The idea for the course has been a dream of the Literature To Films course for an engaging option to English Department for a few years. However it was reach English requirements.

Julie O’Keefe



Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby, a film adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s iconic novel, spent vast amounts of money to digitally recreate New York City in Australia in order to evade taxes! Los Angeles Times

Images Courtesy of MCT Campus News Service


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


Nikki Margeson Staff Writer

Artist of the month:

Lauren Flynn


ure voices are hard to come by these days, especially from people with a humble heart. A new addition to Scituate High School this year, freshman Lauren Flynn, seems to carry all the characteristics of a successful vocal musician. At age four, Flynn was belting out her favorite Disney princess songs, but her voice has drastically developed since then. Flynn now takes voice lessons every Thursday and has performance opportunities lining up. She recently had the opportunity to hear the sound of enthusiastic applause when she confidently performed the National Anthem at a Celtic’s game. “I was really nervous until I got up there,” Flynn said, “it was awesome.” Although the anthem wasn’t featured on television, you can catch her frequently singing at SHS sporting events. These experiences wouldn’t be available without the encouragement of her family. “My uncle’s a musician,” Flynn said and “my dad sang around the house.” With generations of performers in her ancestry, Flynn had lots of influential people pushing her into music. For Christmas, her aunt provided her with a gift of a lifetime, a chance to record a song in a professional recording studio. You can see the video of her singing one of her favorite songs, One and Only by Adele, in this recording studio on her YouTube channel, lauren82298. Adele’s heartfelt song is a favorite of Flynn’s to perform

Photo by Ron Bosse

and the video currently holds a little over a thousand views. She also took home first prize when she sang the piece for the annual Scituate Idol. It doesn’t matter what song she sings, though; her voice seems to be flawless in any song, as shown in her many musical covers. Mr. Richter had a lot of praise for Flynn, as well. “Lauren has a remarkable talent,” he said. “She can be shy, but it doesn’t come across in her singing.” Mr. Richter noticed Flynn’s exceptional skill as well as her work ethic early on. Friend of Flynn’s, freshman, Natalie Meyerson complimented her voice’s wide range. She went on to explain how Flynn’s voice is very developed. They both aspire to see her go far in her musical career. Hoping to begin her profession and share her talent, Flynn is considering trying out for The Voice singing competition this Summer. “If I don’t make it or get far, I want to study music,” Flynn said. Without a doubt there is beautiful talent within this young girl. She knows her dream and has set a course to achieving it. If you haven’t heard Flynn sing yet, make it a goal to attend a school event where she is performing or listen to one of her many covers on YouTube. Who knows, you could be walking the halls with the next superstar of our generation. Images Courtesy of MCT Campus News Service


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


Binging your way to the finale We’ve all had those days where we refuse to leave the couch, spending hours watching a television series with empty soda cans and popcorn scattered across the blankets. With Netflix’s recent spike in popularity, the number of days spent binging on a TV show has dramatically increased. With what seems like an endless variety of shows, it’s practically impossible to decide which series are worthy of your time. Netflix has hundreds of options, making popular binge-worthy series easy to find. Shows such as Friday Night Lights, One Tree Hill, and Freaks and Geeks are commonly viewed by Netflix customers. Junior, Lily Lynch, a frequent viewer of Netflix recommended the classics; Grey’s Anatomy and Gossip Girl. Lately, the majority of conversations between high school students involve com-

petitions over the number of episodes they watched before going to school. “You have all the seasons and every episode,” Lynch said. But with episode after episode adding up, it can be difficult to make time to binge. “Before I study, I relax and watch Netflix,” said Lynch in reply to the common dilemma. Why are these shows so addicting? Freshman Sabine Adorney said, “I hear kids talking about them and then I want to catch up.” Popular shows appear on the home screen of Netflix and after watching one episode, it gives you a countdown until the next episode begins and you’re forced into watching another installment of the series. From there, the addiction only gets worse. “Netflix kind of forces you to watch,” Adorney said. “It’s probably more interesting than the home-


Robert Connelly


Excessive fanbases for pop culture artists are no strange sight in the modern music world, but at times these groups can become so overbearing in their worship that it leaks into everyday, “normal-people” society. These fans become a burden on those around them, perpetually frustrating everyone they come into contact with, even ruining the reputation of the star they adore. What is it that makes these pop fanatics tick? What drives the average Belieber/ Swifty/Directioner to go on with their life? The only way to analyze these behaviors is to look directly at what inspires their attachment to the icon, and talk directly with some of the fans that help make up these cult followings. Justin Bieber was just a lowly Canadian street performer before becoming one of the biggest pop music artists of the 21st


Nikki Margerson Staff Writer

work that I should be doing.” By providing viewers with whole seasons of classic TV shows, Netflix has gradually begun to replace live television, but some people prefer traditional TV. Unlike her friends, math teacher Mrs. McGlynn doesn’t have a Netflix. “My DVR is filled with enough shows on regular TV,” she said. She thought about getting one, but she’s seen the craze over it. Sometimes, however, the long hours are worth it for the amazing shows Netflix provided for such a small cost. For only eight dollars a month, you could have endless entertainment at your fingertips, so take advantage of the hundreds of shows and start binging.

Images courtesy of


Crazed fans lose themselves in the music of their latest celebrity obsession. Image courtesy of MCT Campus News Service

century. What was it that brought this desperate young musician to the top of the charts (and all but the psych ward) from his perch on Sorry Street? The answer is simple: fans. Bieber’s music, along with the sob story of his troubled life, brought him mass attention and lifted his career. The basis of this was, for the lack of a better term, an insane fanbase. Girls from around the

world practically worship Bieber, so much so that they fight online to defend his honor, even after he spit on fans and drove his Lamborghini under the influence. In a different manner, Taylor Swift attacked the sappy teenage angst market with a focus on drama. Junior Steven Collins says “Taylor’s music is real and deals with subjects that are prevalent in every teenager’s life. I relate to Taylor Swift in ways I could never explain.” It’s an age-old problem; kids rally behind a celebrity (or group) and eventually it becomes a rabid fanbase. The trend will most likely never end. as long as there is a pop culture icon on the rise, fandoms will remain alive and thrive. Unfortunately, the impeachment of popular celebrities is not yet allowed, so in the meantime, enjoy the sweet sounds of those girls screaming in that car next to you when “that Britney song is on.”

Volume 2013-2014 Issue III

Kate McCormack Staff Writer



The Chipotle Craze Sweeps through the South Shore

As the 1:51 bell rings and SHS students pour out of the build- because they really move you right along down the line. ” ing, a growing need builds inside of them. It builds as they Being able to see the freshness of the ingredients and how hop onto buses, turn keys in ignitions, and jump into passen- your food is being prepared makes people happy and feel ger seats of waiting minivans. A grumble, deep inside of them safe about what they are eating. However the amount of fat builds into a monstrous roar. Their stomach is crying out for a and sodium that is in what appears to be a harmless burrito of tantalizing combination of rice, beans, meat, tortilla, and guac happiness is actually shocking. In the average burrito there is (if you don’t mind paying extra). Chipotle fever has taken over. anywhere from 40-60 grams of fat which is, for most people, Some students think relatively close to the fat intake they it’s a lot of hype and are supposed to get for one day. the food at Chipotle Also most of the meals one will get is not actually as deat Chipotle are loaded with sodium. licious as everyone It’s easy to figure out just how good, says it is. However for or bad, your Chipotle fix is for you on high school students the restaurant’s website where you in Scituate Chipotle can easily calculate the nutritional inhas become an obformation for your own specific meal. ject of obsession for Nevertheless Chipotle is the permany. SHS junior fect spot to get a good meal quickJack Sullivan said, “It’s ly. As long as you’re not eating it cheap, good Mexican for every meal, digging into that food,” which really is delicious Mexican treat will make everything most stuthe line that was out the door and dents are looking for, around the corner well worth it. something inexpen- Lettuce, guac and rice find a home in this original Burrito Bowl. sive but extraordinary. Photo courtesy of MCT Campus News Service Chipotle, for those of you who haven’t encountered the magical place, is a great place to get your quick fix for Mexican food. It is part of one of the fastest growing types of restaurants known as fast casual. People in America want their food and they want it now, but in recent years, not just any food will do. Obesity has increasingly been a problem across the US and people want quality ingredients and healthy options when they go out to get a quick bite to eat. Places like Chipotle seem to be exactly what they are looking for. The establishment prides itself on using fresh, local ingredients, crops that aren’t from factory farms, and meat from animals raised in a natural and humane way. Chipotle is not only trying to provide the best food to its customers but they also are trying to send a message to people about the negative practices of major commercial and factory farms. In this way, Chipotle is making everything simpler again and creating a connection between the people growing the food and the people eating it. Chipotle provides a lot of comfort for its customers because your meal is made right in front of your eyes by an assembly line of workers eager to know how you want to create your burrito or whatever else it is you choose to get. The menu keeps it simple offering burritos, tacos, burrito bowls, salads and quesadillas, but the possibilities of what goes inside your casing of choice is almost endless. Teddy Bridgeman, The Good Sport, Inc. | a senior at SHS said, “There are so many options it’s almost 166 Chief Justice Cushing Highway Cohasset MA 02025 overwhelming and you have to know exactly what you want


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


What’s in the water at SHS? Amanda Mendes Sports and Wellness Editor

One of the great things about Scituate High School is our sports programs. One of the teams that seems to have unfortunately swum by unnoticed is the SHS Swim Team. Practicing at the Racquet Club in Cohas-

Freshmen Will Montgomery is poised to dive in Photo courtesy of Susan Duff

set, this squad includes forty swimmers, thirty-two females and eight boys. This past season, they have really established themselves, and some of the swimmers have made impressive personal achievements. With four girls going to sec-

Junior Elianna Buckley comes up for air during a race Photo courtesy of Susan Duff

tionals, juniors Kaitlyn Capprini, Kendra Miller, Leah Block, and sophomore Maddie Ryan and the only boy, junior Dean Walter who is attending to sectionals and states, the team this year is doing exceptionally well. Sharing the captain title alongside fellow seniors, Jack Duff, Ben Pretzer and Brittany Doherty, Senior Emily Podurgiel who has been swimming since 4th grade said, “I’m captain of the dive team and it’s always been a blast. It’s so sad to see it come to an end.” Coach Lauren Mcgonagle experienced her first swim season with the Scituate this year. She has been coaching swimming for 15 years, and replaced her sister who was the former swim coach for SHS. The sisters coach own their own age-group swim team called MASK. Mcgonagle was proud of her swimmers this past season and is hopeful for the next year. “It’s a great high school team and we’re always happy to have more join next year and we are in need of divers! Any gymnasts out there would be great!” said Mcgonagle. The only swimmer and diver on the team of forty is junior Mairead Treanor. Treanor has been swimming since the age of 2 and has been diving since the young age of 9. Treanor has been on about three or four teams since her freshmen year when she was on the SHS swim team, which she returned to this year for a great season. “I love being on this team because it’s

like no other team. We’re all connected even though we take the sport at different levels. It’s an awesome group of people who really make the season enjoyable”, said Treanor. One of Treanor’s teammates, Dean Walter, also had an impressive season this year. He started swimming only in fifth grade, and has been an active member on Scituate Swim Team for his entire high school career. Making States and going to sectionals, Walter not only enjoys swimming, but is good at it too. When describing what it is like to be part of the swim team, Walter said, “It’s the best exercise for you because it works all the muscles in your body, and it’s different because you don’t have the whole team riding on your back”. The swim team at SHS is a large part of our community and with the success of all the swimmers this season, next year’s season looks promising. Make sure to keep an eye out for these talented swimmers next year, don’t be afraid to jump in the water yourself.

Junior Dean Walter powers through the butterfly stroke Photo courtesy of Susan Duff


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


Garman smashes the school record

Cara McConaughey Social Media Coordinator

Qualified for five events at states, beat the school record for high jump, headed to nationals, and is one of the best athletes that Scituate High School has ever seen, Maria Garman has had an unstoppable three years. As an avid athlete since she was young, Garman has continued to play field hockey and lacrosse at the varsity level throughout high school. However, a simple choice to join the winter track team freshman year opened her eyes to a new hidden talent. Garman began winter track freshman year qualifying for states in each event she participated in and overexcelled in high jump, a sport she had never done before. Now a junior in high school, Garman works with high jump coach, Joseph Patrone who is helping her reach new heights. This year, Garman has jumped a personal best of 5’6 and has beat the school record. The previous record was set by

Jessica Souke in 1996, before Garman was even born. Winter track coach, Kathleen McCarthy says that, “Maria is a hard- working, dedicated athlete. This combination of work ethic and natural ability has brought her so much success. She always asks how she can improve in an event, really paying attention to the specific details of the event. These traits are what makes her so great to coach.” And beating the school record is not the only accomplishment of Garman. This past year she has had one of her most successful track seasons qualifying for five events at States in the 300, 55 hurdles, 600, long jump and high jump. She’s also tied for second in the state for high jump and 23rd for the 55 hurdles. At Nationals, Garman has qualified for the emerging G-HJ elites

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Garmen jumping over records in one of her meets. Photo courtesy of Brian Stewart

and is ranked 5th, tied with 17 other athletes. Garman has put her talent to work each season hoping to jump a little higher and run a little faster. She says that high jump “is the closest I’ve ever felt to flying, I love it.” Only a few weeks ago she was the top Mass finisher at the MSTCA multi state Pentathlon and finished second overall. Fellow track teammate, Julia Francese says that Garman is, “always the hardest working one at practice, and she always stays after to do more to improve her skill and she’s always so humble about her success. She’s a great leader to this track team in general. Garman aspires to continue sports throughout college, although still unsure where that may be. With a huge high school career already, be sure to lookout for Garman’s accomplishments in the future.

790 CJC Hwy (Rte. 3A) Cohasset, MA 02025


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


Athletes of Hannah Clougherty

Alyssa Pasini Managing Editor

Whether you spot her in the hockey net, working out at the gym, or running track, Hannah Clougherty (who “walks the Scituate walk and talks the SHS Scituate talk”, according to the yearbook) is more than just the athlete of the month, she is a leader. Aside from being on the competitive 4x100 track relay team the past three years and leading the field hockey team as captain, Hannah is carrying her leadership skills over to the winter season as captain of the Varsity girls’ ice hockey team and fiercely protecting the net as goalie. Clougherty started lacing up her skates about 12 years ago when her mom put her in a “Learn to Skate” program. “I stuck with hockey because there’s so much adrenaline. A lot of sports when you’re younger are slower and hockey is faster paced so it keeps me on my toes,” she said. It is a good thing Clougherty decided to stick with hockey because for the past four years she has been exceptionally defending the net. Her current coach, Bob Rosata said, “As a player, she is one of the best in our league and has been for four

great constructive criticism that helps guide the team.” Coach Rosata believes that Clougherty is an essential captain on the squad. “As a captain, Hannah has been great at taking the initiative- talking to the players, all the things you want a captain to do- she’s filled that role.” The Varsity girl’s hockey team has accomplished a lot this year, qualifying for tournament and winning many games. While Clougherty is focused in net anticipating the next shot. Photo winning is a big goal, it is not the only goal of this team. Havcourtesy of Sean Curran ing fun and enjoying their time together was a goal they can check off their list. Clougherty’s years. She is very calm in net and I love how she squares up to the puck. She favorite memory of SHS girls’ hockey has has had a great year, winning us some been the annual Martha’s Vineyard tournagames; making 48 saves one game, 38 ment where the team gets to play but also spend quality time together. Coach Rosata another game.” Not only is Clougherty an asset to the said, “The season has gone good, the girls team on the ice, but off the ice she leads care and there is always an effort. At the the team as a captain alongside seniors beginning of the season the goal was for Lindsay Curran and Chloe Ewanouski. everyone to bond together and enjoy each Clougherty often hosts breakfasts at other and have fun, and I think we’ve absoher house before big games where the lutely accomplished that.” whole team can bond and carb up. Sophomore Kori Garland said, “She has really good breakfasts! And gives really

Why we take Lindsay Curran Archivist

At SHS we are required to take four years of gym and health; the question for a lot a students’ is, why? There are plenty of after school sports and other options students can do to participate in to get those suggested 60 minutes of physical activity. According to Section V of the Scituate’s Wellness Policy, “All students in grades K-12, including students with disabilities, special health-care needs, and in alternative educational programs, will At SHS we are required to take four years of gym and health; the question for a lot a students’ is, why? There are plenty of after

school sports and other options students can do to participate in to get those suggested 60 minutes of physical activity. Mr. Ranieri, Dept. Chair for the SPS Health & Wellness Department, said “While I feel our physical education program is strong and committed to continuous improvement, Scituate students would undoubtedly benefit by increased physical education time on learning. But, the reality is school districts have many educational priorities to manage, limited financial resources to achieve goals, and the time constraints of the school day.” Instead of requiring students to take four years of gym, some schools, like Hingham High, allow interscholastic sports to represent the needed physical education credits. In Hingham, the


Volume 2013-2014 Issue III


the Month Josh Beck Katie Albanese Multi-Media Editor

Amongst the cheers of fans at the SHS boys’ hockey games, it’s almost guaranteed you will hear someone calling out for Scituate High School’s #18. Josh Beck has certainly made his name on the SHS boys’ hockey team. A senior captain and center for SHS hockey, Beck has been on varsity since the start of his freshman year, and has continued to rack up points. This season the SHS boys held a record of 9-9-2. Beck has an impressive 37 points. “He’s an awesome player and teammate” said fellow teammate Mike Glancy. On the ice and on the bench, you’ll see Beck converse with teammates and take a noticeable leadership role. “Playing together and just being around each other so much just brings us together and makes us such a tight knit family” says Beck. And the SHS hockey boys are certainly together a lot, putting in more than 20 hours a week for practice and games. In addition to

playing, Beck and other teammates say the bus rides to and from the rinks encase a lot of “good times”. However, SHS hockey isn’t Beck’s only hobby, though you make think it is based on how much he talks about the “road to the garden”. He also plays club hockey for the Bay State Breakers as well as the SHS baseball team. In his free time, Beck enjoys hanging out with friends and watching hockey highlights. Though he has many other interests, Beck says hockey is definitely his favorite activity to do. He hopes to play in college, and has been talking to coaches from schools such as Babson, Stonehill, Salve Regina, and Wentworth. An advocate of Scituate hockey, it’s no surprise that Beck plans to stay close to home for college. Beck says he his biggest focus during the hockey season is “doing anything to get Scituate hockey back to The Garden.” Though the boys’ season was but short in a 3-1 game against Canton, Beck certainly made his mark on SHS Hockey and hopes to take his love of hockey to college.

Beck effortlessly skates across the ice during one of his games Photo courtesy of Susan Murray

Physical Education health department only exempts juniors and seniors from gym if they participate in an interscholastic team for one season, an after school intramural weight training and conditioning program, or a fitness or exercise program at the school facility. Mrs. Mohr, a guidance counselor at SHS said, “I am torn. It’s healthy to have an outlet to exercise in the middle of the day. On the other side, there are students who take challenging courses like Honors Journalism, two foreign languages, or double up on science. [There] might be an option to have gym or health requirements for freshman and sophomore year, making junior and senior year more flexible.” Many argue P.E. is important in secondary education because

students need to understand how to take good care of their bodies in order to function positively. “Students that move more throughout the day and eat well perform better academically and are more focused,” said Mr. Ranieri. He also said, “A pillar of this mind-body connection in schools is a strong physical education program. Considering this, all Scituate Public Schools stakeholders work very hard to do what is in the best overall interest of Scituate students.”



Volume 2013-2014 Issue III

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