The SA issue 24

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Issue number 024 December 2011/January 2012

South African



Victory at the 2011 Rugby World Cup goes to New Zealand

Go, the All Blacks! The SA issue24.indd 1

24/11/11 1:44 PM


South African

From the editor The world is in turmoil, the Euro zone is in panic and the USA is trying to hold its own in their financial meltdown and locally in New Zealand we have a “storm in a teacup.” Quite strange isn’t it. Politics always becomes messy during Election Season with all parties slinging mud at each other. Sometimes I think that normal ladies and gentlemen stoop to the lowest common denominator with their slagging & accusations, often taking things out of context. Even the press do not clearly explain to the public what the ramifications of the various policies will cost or what the knock on effect will create. Like our famous Helen Clark special -” no interest on student loans” debacle. Which politician in their right mind would try to reverse that and have every student up in arms with the current government? But practically, the student loans sit at approx $12billion, yes $12billion. So even if we had a small 5% interest payable on outstanding loans this would work out to $600million per annum. No one mentioned this very hot potato prior to the election. Thank goodness it’s all over now bar the shouting. Please have a look on page 5 for a new viral business opportunity called “Social Outbreak” which uses face book as a platform to showcase your business all over the world. There are also some passive income streams that could be earned. If you would like to know more, please contact me. I was in Sydney over the weekend at a training seminar and one of the trainers was saying that over the next 5 years 50% of all trade will be over the internet rising to 80% over the next 10 years. This is amazing. So catch the internet wave now while it is still building. This is our final magazine for the year, so enjoy your read, have a great Christmas and have a great holiday. See you next year. Regards

Peter Woodberg



Peter Woodberg e-mail :; mob: 0274 520 794 CO-EDITOR & ADVERTISING

Ted Woodberg e-mail:; mob: 021 027 030 11 ADDRESS

The South African, P.O.Box 300 155, Albany, AUCKLAND 0752 17 Corinthian Drive, Albany, AUCKLAND, 0630 JOIN US ON FACEBOOK!

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The SANZ Charitable Trust – George Deeb Tel: 09-486 1415 e-mail: The SANZ Social Club – Natalie Sparg Mob: 021 659069 e-mail: The SANZ Biznet Group – Richard Pearce Mob: 0275 357535 e-mail: Die Afrikaanse Klub – Thys Oosthuizen e-mail: THE SOUTH AFRICAN HIGH COMMISSION, WELLINGTON

Tel: 04 815 8484 Level 7, State Insurance Tower, 1 Willis Street, Wellington. e-mail: MISSION STATEMENT

“The South African Magazine shall provide current, high quality, relevant editorial on subjects relating to the links between South Africa and New Zealand. It shall be the vehicle for SA immigrants living in NZ to integrate socially with their own community and to advertise their products and services.” All rights reserved “The South African” is subject to copyright in its entirety. The contents may not be reproduced in any form, either in whole or in part without the consent of the Editor. Opinions expressed in the magazine are those of its contributors and not necessarily those of the Editor. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, the Editor assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences of reliance on this publication.

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25/11/11 11:18 AM



When the party’s over… Once again, our in-house employment law specialist Eska Hartdegen imparts some words of wisdom over the events that often take place at the inevitable year-end office get together.


hristmas is now less than a month away, and December is the time of Christmas staff parties and functions. These are celebrations where staff and managers mingle and are allowed to have a good time as a reward for the hard work done during the year.

It is always a fun event, but those attending need to keep their wits about them while indulging in the good fare and the free-flowing wine and alcohol that often seems to signal to those present that there could be other more exciting adventures in the offing. The Christmas function sometimes becomes the subject of a complaint, as happened in the case discussed below, which ended up costing a small employer $20,000 in compensation and lost wages. Section 108 of the Employment Relations Act 2000, provides in broad terms that an employee is sexually harassed if a request is made for any type of physical contact that contains an implied or overt promise of preferential treatment; an implied or overt threat of detrimental treatment; an implied or overt threat about the employees’ present or future employment status and which subjects the employee to behaviour that is unwelcome or offensive to that employee. The behaviour complained of must also either by its nature or through repetition, have a detrimental effect on that employee’s employment, job performance or job satisfaction. The perpetrator can be the employer, a staff member, a customer or a client of the business. The case of A v B was decided in July 2008 in the Employment Relations Authority (ERA). Ms A was an 18-year old female apprentice who made a sexual harassment complaint after a Christmas function in 2006. She alleged that a co-employee had approached her at work and had made an improper advance that was followed up by a further sexually explicit proposal at the Christmas function. The co-employee denied the allegations when they were put to him but said that the complainant had behaved in a provocative manner at work. To resolve the complaint, the employers suggested that both parties should attend a mediation session. Instead the young female complainant took time off work due to stress, and she was declared unfit to work for a month by her doctor. She was then issued a final warning by the employers titled “Final Warning (Unauthorised Leave, Stress, False Accusations, etc)”, and the employers told Ms A’s mother that they “had received an opinion from her doctor that Ms A suffered from Borderline Personality Disorder1” after which a heated discussion followed. Ms A did not go back to work and she filed a claim in the ERA against the employers. The Authority Member held in her decision that she was “satisfied after hearing from Ms A that she was subjected to some behaviour of a provocative nature during the evening of the Christmas function, and that this behaviour was unwelcome and offensive to her. She also held that: • T he employers did not fairly investigate her complaint; • The employers did not have a duty to believe her complaint. However,

The SA issue24.indd 3

Eska Hartdegen

they did have a duty to inquire into the facts of her complaint fairly and reasonably; • T he obligation to inquire into the facts and report back on that inquiry was not obviated because the employers had formed the view that the complainant had conducted herself in a provocative way; • The employers had a duty to deal with Ms A in good faith. The claim that Mrs C’s doctor had formed an opinion that Ms A had a Borderline Personality Disorder was misleading. A medical opinion requires familiarity with the symptoms of a patient and a formal diagnosis. This did not occur; • T he employment ending was reasonably foreseeable; • T hat the actions were not those of a fair and reasonable employer. Ms A was unjustifiably constructively dismissed. Ms A’s mother gave evidence that she had seen an enormous change in her daughter since the events in question. Ms A’s confidence had plummeted and her self-confidence had taken an enormous knock. Also her demeanour and her posture had changed and she “appeared physically distressed and suffered skin problems to an extent she had not seen before”. She had also “gained weight and was not the same physically healthy and happy person”. The Authority awarded Ms A compensation of $15,000, plus lost wages of around $5,000. A good reason for both employees and employers to seek advice in such a situation.


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Looking your best on the beach this summer


ummer is here and we have all looked forward to the warmer weather, but many of us dread the thought of donning cooler clothes that reveal our “not so” best bits!

Tristan de Chalain MSc MB ChB FCS(SA) FRCSC FRACS

Specialist Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon Now consulting in Auckland, Tauranga and Pukekohe

One of the most frequent patient presentations in my office is the lady who is unhappy with the shape of her upper arms. This source of embarrassment, typical of the 30 to 50 age group, usually relates to excess skin and/or fat along the underside of the upper arms which wobbles, as the old limerick has it “like a jelly on springs”. Well, despair no longer – there’s lots to be done about this area. In the most minor case, usually in younger patients with better skin tone and good elasticity, simple liposuction may be all you need. Older patients or those with stretched, thin skin should be careful here as liposuction alone will cause wrinkling of the skin, which, because it fails to “take up” and shrink after the liposuction, remains in evidence and redundant skin often looks worse than the original, plump arm roll. If this is your problem, then some sort of surgical excision of skin and fat may be needed. In the minor case, a short scar technique, placing an incision transversely, high up in the armpit may be all that is needed, but in the majority of cases, an incision will be required that runs down the inner aspect of the arm and into the armpit dome. Properly placed, this scar can be well hidden and will not extend beyond the elbow. Certainly, it is more aesthetic than the original “Nana roll.” In the extreme cases, usually after massive weight loss, the technique will address excess skin and fat in the arm, the armpit and even the side of the chest wall around the tail of the breast. Again, if flabby upper arms are your problem, we would be happy to give you some expert advice. If you mention this article we will give you a 20% discount off Tristan’s fee for any surgery between now and March 2012.

Immediate Past President New Zealand Foundation for Cosmetic Plastic Surgery NZACPS

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The SA issue24.indd 4

24/11/11 1:44 PM

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Then contact Peter Woodberg ph: 09-415 3392, mobile: 0274520794 and e-mail: 5

The SA issue24.indd 5

25/11/11 10:54 AM


South African VICTORY AT THE RUGBY WORLD CUP FINAL New Zealand 8 - France 7

Go, the All Blacks! by Ted Woodberg


ell, the RWC is now truly done and dusted and the All Blacks have come away with a well-celebrated yet rather marginal victory over arch rivals France who dominated the second half of the game and missed a two point safety gap from a long penalty kick that could have changed the whole direction of the competition.

It was a positive outcome for the host nation and it left all Kiwis in great spirits despite the 1 point margin. The parties continued for a whole week with victory parades celebrated country-wide and soon-to-be knighted captain Ritchie McCaw revered as a national hero. Take nothing away from Ritchie, he displayed tremendous courage in the light of recent practice injuries and he rallied his troops relentlessly during the match which had a magical affect on the team. Our sympathies go out to the French who have been qualifiers for the knock-out stage of every single tournament since the inception of the competition. In addition they have now reached the final three times; losing to Australia in 1999 and now twice to the All Blacks in 1987 and 2011. They hosted the World Cup in 2007 where they were, as in 2003, beaten in the semi-finals by England. It must have been a bitter disappointment for captain Thierry Dusautoir to have come so close to victory after his country’s courageous 24 year campaign and be beaten by a paltry single point! Little wonder that he was at a loss for words in the after-match interviews.

There are conspiracy theorists that question the dubious decisions taken by the Kiwi referee that officiated at the semi-final match played between South Africa and Australia that guaranteed a quick exit for South Africa. This meant that the AB’s would have the privilege of not having to face their other arch-rival, the Springboks, in a final that could have robbed the host team of their tournament victory. The majority of South Africans, both here, at home and abroad, were incensed by this loss that totally contradicted the statistics of the game which revealed a majority of possession and territorial advantage in favour of the ‘Bokke. In addition, the Springboks ran through two pretty regular tries that were disqualified by this referee because of “forward passes.” As the tournament becomes more competitive in the years to come the tendency to allow “soft victories” just to pander to the host nation will, hopefully, be put to the test. Modern technology on the rugby field, in the future, should allow a “third umpire” to officiate when the decisions taken by the referee and the linesmen could be in question. Currently there is an overhead camera that whizzes along on freeranging cables that can zero in on the exact location of the ball during the majority of the game. Could this equipment be put to good use in future RWC tournaments to help the referee towards true and fair decisions? The game of cricket has been elevated by the use of a “third umpire” that has often left the “leg before wicket” decision a matter of computer wizardry that traces the path of the ball through the batsman and onto the wickets. Let us hope that similar technology can be used to totally eliminate any possibility of manipulation of the final outcome of any match in future RWC tournaments. In the meantime, the All Blacks have the coveted RWC trophy safely under lock and key. They too, have fought a formidable battle at each tournament encounter, so they truly deserve to lay claim to its possession once again after 24 years. The victory has inspired all Kiwis who are, after all, living in a nation that is ruled by the love of rugby. Well done to Ritchie and his team. GO, THE ALL BLACKS!

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The SA issue24.indd 6

24/11/11 1:44 PM


South African RUGBY WORLD CUP 2011

The Rugby World Cup – was it all worth it?

by Ted Woodberg


n amazing calm has now settled over New Zealand following the gradual phasing down of the hype and excitement that ignited the nation during its eight week hosting of the third biggest event in the world, the prestigious Rugby World Cup. The big question that now hangs over the country in the aftermath of this event is important, because it was intended not only to highlight New Zealand as a good tourist and immigrant destination, but also to stimulate local demand and act as a springboard to launch the country into a prosperous post-depression era. So, was it all worth it? Ultimately, time will tell. Hopefully, our immigration statistics over the short term will reveal renewed interest in NZ as a safe and prosperous home for new emigrant arrivals from more varying parts of the world. We should always treat qualifying immigrants as a shot-in-the-arm for our GDP regardless of their ethnicity; which will require a lot more tolerance from all of us. Tourism statistics will also come to light slowly, but the general response from the 80,000 or so RWC tourists that visited our country was positive, despite the initial transport debacle that bedeviled the opening ceremony in Auckland. What about the local businesses in all of the major centres that had gone to great lengths to upgrade their facilities, staffing and stocks in anticipation of the great event?

New Zealand hotels right across the country displayed incredible goodwill and they saw visitors from countries that don’t normally come here. Business was however not exceptional, because the visitors replaced the normal corporate and leisure travel that keeps the hotels running. Some restaurants enjoyed a rip-roaring trade according to a survey carried out by the Restaurant Association, but 58% of the country’s restaurants fared worse than usual and 11% reported no change. The nation saw resurgence in consumer spending during the RWC and subsequently on the heels of the All Black victory, so the retail sector has benefited hugely from the event, says John Alberton, CEO of the Retailers Association. Normal long-haul transport services did not see any dramatic improvement in results because RWC traffic replaced normal non-rugby trips. The most positive outcome was that Kiwis got to sit next to French, Irish, English and Welsh fans, so team rivalry could have posed a problem, but this was certainly not the case. The atmosphere on the buses and trains was buoyant and exuberant to say the least. Overall, the city fathers and tourism oriented businesses across New Zealand are convinced that our visitors went away with smiles on their faces. International Rugby Board CEO Mike Miller says that the event that was hosted this year by New Zealand was probably the best ever. The circumstances relating to this event were totally different to the first RWC that was held in 1987, because the first competition was held in New Zealand AND Australia. This time NZ did it all by itself. And what a show it was! New Zealand, you are back on the world map.

Let the experts take you on Safari. Making tracks to Africa? South African Airways offers direct non-stop flights out of Sydney and Perth to Johannesburg, with convenient code-share connections from New Zealand. We can get you to South Africa faster. Once you’re there we offer more African flight connections than any other airline so you can easily get to where you need to go. So visit or your local travel agent or call us on 09 977 2237 to get started on your adventure today.

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The SA issue24.indd 7

25/05/11 12:49 PM

24/11/11 1:44 PM


South African

Letters to the Editor

We love to hear from you! Please tell us what you like or don’t like or if you have anything special that you want us to publish. Here is a letter from a very happy advertiser:-

Dear Peter and Ted, Thank you so much for the opportunity to advertise with the South African. It was very successful for me and I am almost sold out of my South African dresses! I will hopefully get some more dresses in 2012 in time for the Tri-Nations (or indeed 4-Nations). I was feeling for you guys on Sunday (after losing to Australia in the RWC) and my fiancé (who is South African) was pretty gutted after the game. You guys definitely didn’t deserve to lose. It’s a shame because an All Black v South Africa semi final would have been great! Oh well, the world cup always seems to bring surprises with it! I wish you all the best and I will be in touch next year.

Best Regards, Phillipa Martin Ty-Rok NZ The All Girl Supporters Club Thanks, Phillipa. We believe that you are off to get married soon. Congrats and have a fabulous honeymoon.

Snippets Julius Malema suspended The South African ANC Youth League leader, who was recently suspended from the party for five years following a disciplinary hearing, has been depicted as everything from a bull in a china shop to a belligerent baby in nappies, yet he has a following and, reportedly, a fat bank account. With a resounding “guilty” verdict and his suspension from the party he repeatedly brought into disrepute, will he, like mavericks before him, fade into obscurity, or will Julius remain true to the ANC? Over the years, ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema has become the face of controversial public utterances, prompting political observers to ponder his popularity. His recent antics include an open call for the resignation of current SA Prime Minister Jacob Zuma. He continues to plead his innocence, saying that his suspension was simply a tactic by the ANC to remove him temporarily from the political arena because he was becoming too popular. How popular he really is amongst the emerging black South African youth (who represent the future of South Africa) remains to be seen. Source: Facebook


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Credit warning for South Africa


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International rating agency Moody’s has changed its credit rating outlook from stable to negative for South Africa recently, expressing concerns that politicians overseeing the continent’s largest economy won’t be able to stick to strict fiscal policies. Moody’s has said it fears commitment to low budget deficits could be undermined by pressure from factions of the governing ANC party, its labour movement supporters and a population facing high rates of poverty and unemployment. Moody’s believes that the political leadership’s unwillingness to definitely reject demands from certain segments of the political spectrum for more activist policy interventions is harmful to South Africa’s prospects, in particular private investment. Source: Business Herald

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The SA issue24.indd 8

24/11/11 1:44 PM


South African

Go, the All Blacks! The recent sponsors of our RWC competition, Top Gear are proud to announce the release of their 2011 Christmas Special catalogue.


wner of the outlet in Rosedale Road, Guy Becker, says:-

“Many of our regular customers are from South Africa and it’s often noted that we stock a wide range of familiar and renowned brands that are available back home. To find it all right here on your doorstep has been a great surprise to many! We offer New Zealand’s largest range of top-quality knives, multitools, machetes, axes and sharpening systems, as well as everything the outdoorsman could need – including game calls, scopes and optics, topquality Swiss timepieces, tactical and survival equipment of all descriptions. We’ve got more than 1000 models in stock and are continually expanding our range, which now includes premier-quality kitchen knives from the world’s finest artisan cutlers. We specialise in world-renowned brands such as Buck, Gerber, SOG, Cold Steel, Leatherman, CRKT, Puma, Victorinox, Lansky, Ontario, ESE, Silver Stag, Knives of Alaska, Wenger and many more. Complementing this, we offer: • A complete range of outdoor gear from field-tested, global brands such as Maglite, Pelican, Princeton Tec, Jetfoil, Ultimate Survival, Perforce, Stripe, Brunson, Portlier, Petal, Valued, Snug pack and many more. • A wide range of US-made duck, goose and deer calls made by Cut Down Game Calls • A selection of instruments and optics by Brunson, Leopold, Lacrosse, Kestrel and Pentax

•A n array of windproof lighters and pouches from Zippo and Brunton • A large collection of Swiss-made timepieces and sports watches by premier brands such as Suunto and Wenger All our products have full manufacturer warranties and are also backed by our 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. If we don’t currently stock the product you’re after, we offer a Special Order service to meet your needs. First and foremost, we aim to provide exceptional service which exceeds our customers’ expectations.” See our regular advertisement below..

from here to there... we’ve got the gear

...and many more top brands

The market leader in specialist knives and cutting tools Rosedale Plaza, Unit 5, 215 Rosedale Road, Albany Phone: 09 415 8145 9

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The man in the red Mustang In our June/July issue this year we featured Johan Botha, service manager at Albany Toyota, Browns Bay branch. He has now taken the bold step of opening up his own automotive workshop Toyotouch, in Mairangi Bay.

working with Toyotas. Besides handling Toyotas, Toyotouch will service all makes of vehicles, so don’t hesitate to give Johan a call no matter what you drive. Contact Johan Botha on 09 479 3973 or Workshop: 20D Parkway Drive, Mairangi Bay, North Shore, Auckland


ohan has spent the best part of his life taking good care of Toyotas in all shapes, sizes and models. He had his own business back in the old country for 14 years in Krugersdorp, becoming the first technician for Lexus in Africa when it started its distributorship there recently. Johan Renier Botha immigrated to New Zealand in February 2010 as the well known Historic Racing Champion of South Africa. His love for cars started as drag racer when he was 18 years of age and after that he moved on to official circuit racing. His greatest achievement has been the complete design and assembly of a totally new Capri Perana, while he was in SA. Shortly after his arrival here, he went out and bought his new baby, a bright red Ford Mustang. He chose the colour red, because he believed it suited his adventurous and capricious nature. Johan took little over a year to settle in New Zealand and start afresh on his mission to be recognised amongst his own community as a highly competent and dedicated technician with more than 20 years of experience


Top five best world beauties ever! At the 60th Miss Universe competition, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on the 12th September this year, SA Beauty Queen Margaret Gardiner was judged one of the top five most beautiful women in the world.

The rest of the “top five” are:• Oxana Federova from Russia (2002) • Jennifer Hawkins from Australia (2004) • Dayana Mendoza from Venezuela (2008) • Angela Visser from Holland (1989) Well, done, Margaret. You were the oldest girl there! Thanks for keeping the South African flag waving proud and true! Source: Facebook

SA Beauty Queen Margaret Gardiner


t the tender age of 18 she first walked off with the Miss Universe crown in Acapulco, Mexico, in 1978. In a highly regarded international search launched by world beauty organization Global Beauties, the management team decided that, after 60 years, they needed to find the top five most impressive Miss Universe winners out of a total of 59. The ladies had to endure a rigorous process of elimination at the hands of 15 international, highly respected judges including Donald Trump, organizer of the Miss Universe event. Margaret, now 51 years old and practicing as a TV journalist in Los Angeles, is still as beautiful as the day she first took to the stage in 1978. She was nearly barred from entering the competition by the then Mexican government because of South Africa’s apartheid policies.

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The SA issue24.indd 10

25/11/11 10:57 AM


South African

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The SA issue24.indd 11

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Tax implications for sa policy receipts M

any South Africans will have arrived in New Zealand with existing South African pension, endowment, life insurance and/or retirement annuity policies that are either ‘paid up’ or where premium contributions continue to be made. From our experience there is very little knowledge of the potential New Zealand tax implications relating to such receipts. In addition there seems to be little thought given to whether there is any tax cost from holding these foreign policies whether or not they have matured or are cashed in.

In New Zealand foreign pensions and annuities are potentially classified as foreign investment funds (FIFs) and owners of these policies may have a New Zealand tax cost on these interests even though no cash has been physically received. We find that most new residents are ignorant of their potential tax obligations until Inland Revenue start asking questions. We note however that if you are a first time New Zealand resident after 1 April 2006, then you should be exempt from tax on such interests for a period of 48 months from the date of first becoming resident. (This exemption may not apply in certain circumstances such as where, for example, you may have claimed family assistance in NZ).

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Unlike traditional forms of income such as a salary or a dividend, FIFs can be taxed according to an annual formula which can include unrealised gains or even unearned income from the FIF. Accordingly it is possible that a taxpayer holding such a foreign policy could become liable for tax without having yet received anything from the policy. The issue has been brought to the IRD’s attention by recent amendments to the South African domestic pension and retirement annuity laws. For South Africans, these amendments mean that it is now possible to ‘cash in’ retirement annuities. The timing of such cashing in can be critical, and in some cases can mean the difference between paying no tax on such proceeds and paying tax at 33% on encashment. New Zealand has a self assessment system regarding taxation, and taxpayers are expected to acquaint themselves with the applicable tax laws, and ensure that their returns are correct. Ignorance of the tax laws is no excuse, and taxpayers can no longer rely on Inland Revenue to provide advice or guidance. Getting it wrong can be expensive, as Inland Revenue has the ability to assess late payment interest and shortfall penalties in addition to any tax shortfall. South Africans arriving in New Zealand should take tax advice, as one cannot assume that the tax laws here are necessarily identical to those in South Africa. New residents should consult a tax advisor or an accountant that has experience with such foreign investments as soon as possible after arrival. If a taxpayer has got the tax treatment wrong he/she is sitting on a time bomb because should the IRD reassess an incorrect income tax return, they can backdate any interest they charge on a tax shortfall, back to the original income year that the tax should have been paid. The good news is however that the IRD are reviewing the tax treatment of foreign pensions. You need to speak to your accountant or tax advisor to see if you will be advantaged by any new IRD proposals. Certainly you need to do this before you consider cashing in any such foreign pension or annuity, The authority on anyway. selling businesses

 

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The SA issue24.indd 12

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South African

Running a home business in New Zealand DESIGNER Glydiard


PROOFED 10/12/2011 8:07:18 AM


AD ID 4108252AC


PLEASE APPROVE THIS AD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. NOTE THAT ANY AL Business expert and freelance consultant, Heather Douglas, has some interesting insightsBE on how automatingBY OUR MATERIAL DEADLINE. MUST FINALISED Heather Douglas your home business can save you valuable time and money. We present part one of a two part series:-


he phone is ringing; a client wants an urgent quote; you’ve got invoices to send out; you really should follow up on product information you sent out last week and you just can’t seem to cope with another task. “Time to employ staff?” you ask yourself, feeling in your gut that you really are not ready to have someone else on board. Especially since you work from home and don’t want to have to share your space! “Work smarter, not harder”, you hear the time management experts chorus. But how? For the home business person working generally alone in a residential area, it’s not so easy to delegate or even outsource work. One thing you can do however, is learn to use automation to save you time and trouble. Technology can be your greatest ally and it’s worth spending some time making friends with the various high-tech resources at your fingertips. Just about every task you do more than once can be automated, though it’s not always worth the time and effort. Start by identifying those tasks which are particularly frequent, time-consuming, and repetitive. Standard letters are a great example.

Templates and form letters Create standard templates (layout, business details) and form letters (content, with placeholders for customised information) for all regular documents from price lists to thank you letters. It’s probably worth creating a folder for master copies of those documents you use regularly (put a link to it from the computer’s status bar so you don’t even have to drill down into the depths of your PC’s memory to find them). You can even base all your templates on a master version for even greater efficiency and better brand consistency.

Mail merge By mail merging your database or spreadsheet with a document, you can quickly create customised information. Most home business owners are familiar with mail merging a letter to customers, including personalised details such as name, address, and perhaps naming the most recent purchase or the client’s spouse. But you can also mail merge a pricing spreadsheet into a publisher file to update a DLE brochure or create a catalogue or pricelist, and you can mail merge to e-mail to create personalised, customised e-mails for quick and easy bulk emailing.

Boilerplate and macros Some technology-savvy users have been using these little efficiency boosters for ages, but it’s surprising how few home business operators make the most of them. Boilerplate (auto-text) is simply any piece of text which is repeated exactly the same way, in a variety of documents. A sign-off line in a letter is one example, a blurb about your company or a legal disclaimer are others. You can set auto-text up so that a change made to the original autotext takes effect wherever the auto-text appears, or you can lock it to prevent changes. A macro is similar, but cannot be auto-updated in the same way. This little function allows you to record any number of keystrokes, including formatting and other functions, and save and replay them on demand. An example may be inserting a specific-sized, formatted table, or a standardised,

formatted version of your company name.

Forms Enable your customers to help themselves as much as possible. For instance, if you spend a lot to time jotting down phone orders can you save time by supplying your customer an order form? If you are consulting, can you hand out a booklet with a diagnostic questionnaire for your client to fill in before your first meeting? If you are charging your time or adding value to your order, you might prefer to fill the form in yourself but it can still provide structure to your interaction and increase efficiency.

Don’t miss the second part of this series in our next issue. Heather Douglas is a co-founder of Home Business New Zealand, which provides free information, resources, support and networking opportunities to home businesses nation-wide. For more articles, visit

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The SA issue24.indd 13

25/11/11 11:19 AM


South African


Going m.A.D. on the North Shore N orthern Dance Academy, who recently completed three very successful shows at the Turner Centre in Kerikeri is bringing their live performance, M.A.D. (Music, Art and Dance) to Auckland.

Based in Kerikeri, the Academy is hoping to raise sufficient funds to

m 021 659 069 62D Porana Road


The SA issue24.indd 14

enable their talent to participate at the Royal Academy of Dance International Summer School in Wellington in January 2012. This dance opportunity occurs only once every four years. Each child has to raise two thousand dollars to attend. M.A.D, choreographed by Liz Russell, was commended for her brilliant work with the Northern Dance Society and the Kerikeri community. Two full house successful performances inspired the academy to perform in Auckland. The items that will be performed have been developed over the past two years for the dancers of the Northern Dance Academy and the music was already chosen for inspiration. The art was then chosen to suit the pieces and musicians were found to play as many pieces as possible. M.A.D has several South African born musicians and dancers in the show. The evening’s entertainment consists of a mixture of recorded and live music, art displays and dance. It will take place at the Jonmer Theatre, Corelli School of Dance, 50 Anzac Street, Browns Bay at 7pm on Friday 2nd of December. Tickets are $25.00 for adults and $10 for children under 14 and are available from The SA Shop - Kaffee, 74 Clyde Road, Browns Bay, and Fred’s Fine Foods, Seville Shops, 52 Oteha Valley Road or email

24/11/11 1:45 PM


South African BOOK REPORT

Finally Addressing the Leadership Crisis:

“LEADERS and MISLEADERS” by Andre Van Heerden


t last someone has produced a book that addresses the problem rather than the symptoms of the leadership crisis in business, politics, and the professions. Andre van Heerden’s Leaders and Misleaders – the art of leading like you mean it, dismantles the misguided belief that we can produce leaders through skills-training and quick-fix solutions, and insists that the key is character-development and the fomenting of wisdom through on-going education. Giving skills to people of negative character will see those skills misused, and this is why our society tends to produce misleaders rather than leaders. Leaders and Misleaders is a guide for leaders who are serious about helping people build a better future. It is rich in historical anecdotes, philosophical insights, and eye-opening personal experiences from corporate life, and includes an illuminating bibliography that will encourage readers to take their own education further. After ten years running a highly successful corporate leadership program, and a working life that included teaching history, fighting in the Rhodesian War, and working as a Creative Director on an assortment of international blue-chip brands, Andre has a perspective built on solid empirical grounds. Apart from scores of workshops and conferences, he has over the past ten years guided almost 500 corporate leaders through the six month “Power of Integrity” program; personally conducting more than 3000 one-on-one sessions and analyzing nearly 8000 360-degree leadership assessments. The book has earned high praise. Internationally famous author and social critic, Theodore Dalrymple, says: “This is the only book on management that someone who is not himself a manager could bear to read, because it is literate, philosophically-informed and truthful.” Greg Fleming, CEO of the Maxim Institute, is equally emphatic: “This is a very important book. It speaks directly to the leadership crisis and prescribes the perfect antidote – rediscover the character and vision that shaped those on whose shoulders we stand – those giants who lived for causes greater than themselves. To a generation of leaders standing on the quicksand of individualism and relativism this book offers purpose and confidence. Read it!” Professor Joe Wallis of the School of Business at the American University of Sharjah is no less enthusiastic: “Simply outstanding – I will have no hesitation in using it in any future course I may teach on leadership and ethics. There are many books that make a contribution to our understanding of this complex topic but I cannot think of any with the potentially lifechanging impact of Andre’s call to lead as though we really mean it.” Reg Birchfield in Management Magazine said: “Deeply reflective and meticulously researched… It is 225 pages of tightly argued propositions and intriguingly quotable quotes. The world’s book shelves may be staggering

under the weight of books of this genre, but this one is interestingly different.” Carolyn Moynihan, Deputy Editor at wrote: “It is a book for industry leaders, to be sure, but also for educators, politicians, parents, and indeed, for any individual who wants to think more deeply about their work and their life and what issues we should be addressing as a society. It is a life coach and a leadership programme between two covers.” Bill Keane, General Manager of AA Battery Service says: “This book has motivated me to expand my thinking from the short term goals of Sales and EBIT to those of my team to drive the success for the business. I would strongly recommend this book to any person in any kind of leadership role and have supplied copies to those in my team and those I report to.” Leaders and Misleaders may be ordered from any bookshop and is also available for purchase on-line at Andre van Heerden may be contacted through that web-site or alternatively at www. .

The hard facts reveal a desperate shortage of leadership at all levels in society. The seemingly intractable socio-political, economic, and environ-mental problems of our world cry out for leadership.

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The SA issue24.indd 15

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What about my child’s education? W

e continue with this interesting series compiled by North Shore Immigration Services that provides vital information for new settlers on the education system in New Zealand

Choosing a school Most New Zealand students attend state-funded schools. Every student has the right to enrol at the state school nearest to their home. If the school is at risk of overcrowding, it can set a ‘home zone’ that is geographically defined. Students living in this zone have the right to go to that school. Those living outside the zone can be enrolled only under special circumstances. These include situations where students have brothers or sisters attending the school or require access to special programmes such as special education or Maori language. If the school is still at risk of overcrowding, selection is made through a supervised ballot. Education Review Office (ERO) reports are available at no charge from schools and ERO offices. Families also have the right to visit schools and meet with the principal and staff before deciding to enrol their children as students

E A i

W p i a

State schools State schools are fully funded by the Government. At primary and intermediate level they are co-educational with classes that include both boys and girls. Both co-educational and single-sex schooling is available at secondary level. State schools do not charge fees. However, parents are expected to make donations towards the support of special programmes or services. There are also charges for stationery and uniforms. Meals are not provided. Snacks can generally be purchased from the school Tuck Shop, but many parents prefer to provide a packed lunch.

Integrated schools The term ‘integrated schools’ generally refers to schools with a religious focus – usually Roman Catholic in denomination – that used to operate as private institutions. In recent years, these schools have been integrated into the state system – hence the name ‘integrated schools’ – and receive government funding. Although they follow the state curriculum requirements, all have retained their special religious or philosophical character. A small number of institutions, such as Montessori or Rudolf Steiner schools, are secular in character.

Private/independent schools Private or independent schools receive only limited government funding and are almost entirely dependent on income derived from student fees. There

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S a A t are no standard fees as each school determines its own fee scale. Fees also vary according to levels, with fees in Years 12 and 13 usually significantly higher than those charged in Years 9 and 10. Fees at primary school also vary according to level, although these are generally much lower than secondary school fees. Private schools are governed by their own independent boards but must meet government standards in order to be registered. They are also subject to the same ERO audits as state schools.

Boarding schools Boarding schools exist mainly at secondary school level. There are currently a total of 96 boarding schools operating in the state, integrated and private sectors.

School curriculum and subjects


l l l

l l

The New Zealand curriculum The New Zealand Curriculum is built around the acquisition of essential academic and practical skills. It identifies seven academic or ‘essential learning’ areas:Language, mathematics, science, technology, social sciences, the arts, health and physical well-being. These are balanced by eight practical or ‘essential skills’: communication skills, numeric skills, information skills, problem-solving skills, self-management and competitive skills, social and co-operative skills, physical skills, work and study skills. Each term, most schools prepare student Progress Reports and hold parent-teacher evenings.

Subjects taught at New Zealand schools The following is a general list of subjects taught in New Zealand schools. Not all schools offer all the subjects listed and others may offer additional disciplines. Some subjects are compulsory. Primary School subjects:- Mathematics, art, health, English language, physical education, technology. Secondary School subjects:- Accounting, agriculture and horticulture, art, biology, business studies, chemistry and classical studies.


The SA issue24.indd 16


25/11/11 11:01 AM



l l l l l l

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Our mission and values: l To provide an accurate assessment of our clients’

chances of being granted the right to temporarily work and/or study in New Zealand, as well as the right to live permanently, by obtaining Residency status. We only accept clients whose applications we believe would be successful l Full commitment to prospective migrants l Honesty, reliability, security l Abide by the Code of Conduct of the Immigration Advisers’ Authority (IAA) and the Code of Ethics of the NZ Association for Migration & Investment (NZAMI) (copies available on request) l To be your Immigration consultancy of choice

We provide specialist immigration solutions for: Residence (Skilled Migrants, Business, Family) Business Visa (Entrepreneur and/or Investor Categories) Work Visa (for those who have a job offer, based on their skills & experience) l Work/Student visas for their immediate family members l Student Visas for those who wish to study in New Zealand, and l Job Search Visas for students who have completed their NZ studies. l l l

We also offer help and assistance with: l unabridged birth certificates l police clearance certificates l passport renewals l translations l assessment of overseas qualifications l obtaining NZ registration for occupations where this is

Immigration service you can trust We specialise in all forms of Immigration policies from Student Visas , Long term Business Visas, Family Work Visas, Investor Category, Permanent Residence. Work Visas, Family Category, Student Visas

Call now on 09 415 3392 North Shore Immigration Services Email: Address: 17 Corinthian Drive Albany North Shore

required 17

The SA issue24.indd 17

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South African

SA social

On Friday 7th October the local SA Community were given a real treat at the Browns Bay Bowling Club, North Shore when they were entertained by The Auckland City Dukes. Everyone from Cape Town and the local Coloured community were reminded of their roots and the annual Coon Carnival that became a festival celebrating the freedom that these people enjoy today in a liberated South Africa.


The SA issue24.indd 18

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South African

PROPERTY CORNER We continue with this regular feature written by Richard Pearce of Barfoot and Thompson Residential. In this issue we discuss:-

Methods of Sale Anybody wanting to buy or sell a property in New Zealand will know that there are various methods of sale that are used. This article reviews these methods and points out the advantages and disadvantages associated with each for buyers and sellers.

Option A: Marketing with a price This method of sale is usually preferred by buyers, as it makes it easy to decide which properties to view, and also makes it easy to compare properties. One key problem for sellers is the difficulty of choosing the correct price for a property. Too high a price means the property will take a long time to sell, while too low a price will result in a quick sale, but the sale price may be less than they could have achieved. Another key downside for sellers is that an asking price sets a ceiling or ‘cap’ on the price. Buyers will invariably negotiate down on a price, not up.

Option B: Marketing without a price: Auctions, Tenders and “By Negotiation”

to determine the value of the property, and to submit an offer based on their valuation. Both Auctions and Tenders are sales with a deadline, usually 3 or 4 weeks for residential homes. This creates urgency and forces buyers to make a decision within the set period. If a sale is not achieved during this period, the marketing method is normally changed to a sale with an asking price or sale by negotiation.

What method of sale to choose. There is no simple answer to this, as all of the above have advantages and disadvantages to a seller. Details of the property, the location and market segment, the current market and the planned marketing program are all factors that should influence the decision. My advice for sellers is to discuss this choice in detail with their real estate agent and make a decision after weighing up their options.

The objective is that potential buyers will assess a property based on its merits and their knowledge of the market rather than being swayed by a list price. 1) Auction as a selling system has been around for hundreds of years, selling all sorts of things. The use of auctions to sell real estate was initially used for forced sales, but has been gaining momentum as the preferred way to sell. The key concept is that the bids at an auction are based on competition between buyers, and the property will be sold to the highest bidder once the bidding has reached the reserve price set by the seller before the auction. Bids at auction are unconditional bids, so buyers need to do their homework on a property and get finance approval before the auction begins. Auctions can be exciting, and I recommend that potential buyers and sellers attend a few property auctions as part of their education process. 2) Tenders are effectively selling with a fixed date for submission of offers. Tenders, i.e. written offers in sealed envelopes, must be deposited in a Tender Box before the deadline date. Tenders must be submitted on the prescribed tender documents, can include conditions, and should be accompanied by a deposit cheque. The first key difference from auctions is that tenders can have conditions attached. The second key difference is that tender dates are fixed, and once set, cannot be brought forward. Tender rules vary, but in most cases: a) The tender once submitted, is valid for a fixed period, normally a few days, and cannot be withdrawn during this period. b) The purchase price and conditions of tenders are not disclosed publicly or to any other tenderer. Offer details are confidential. c) T he vendor can negotiate with any tenderer. 3) By Negotiation. Selling by Negotiation puts the onus on the buyer


The SA issue24.indd 19

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South African

Cancer survivor support appeal E

lize Liebenberg, a recent immigrant to New Zealand, was diagnosed two months ago with a lung disease that was caused by previous treatment for lung cancer that was administered some twenty years ago.

Elizabeth Welgens from Pukekohe, Elize’s mom, says that they came out to New Zealand in 2005 with their young family to start a new life here and since then have made many overtures to get Elize to come out and settle here as well. Finally this happened in 2009 and Elize immediately set about applying for her permanent residence with the NZ immigration authorities. This process, which normally takes about eighteen months, was in full swing

when Elize began experiencing chest pains. A visit to Middlemore hospital revealed that the radium and cobalt treatment she had received for lung cancer more than twenty years ago had damaged her lungs. She has never been a smoker and has never worked near asbestos, so the cause of the original cancer is unknown. With her low lung capacity, Elize is now experiencing heart problems and requires surgery that will cost at least $100 000. Elize lost her husband many years ago and she brought up her daughter Elizabeth and the other siblings single-handed, having decided at that stage not to re-marry. When she was initially diagnosed with the lung cancer, she soldiered on through the treatments, went into full remission, and since 1989 has had no cancer symptoms. If you can possibly help, all contributions would be well received. Elizabeth Liebenberg Medical Trust Kiwi Bank Account No: 38 9012 0174340 00


The Bokke vs Samoa – compliments of Westpac!


he lucky North Shore South African community was given an unexpected treat by Westpac Bank, Albany Branch on

Friday 30th September just before the memorable RWC match between SA and Samoa, which was held at the nearby North Harbour Stadium.

Saffers from all over the ‘shore crowded into the Westpac banking hall all excited and match ready; sporting rugby jerseys, coloured scarves and bright rugby caps. The atmosphere was warm and jovial as Westpac staff brought in loads of boerewors from the car park area where a traditional SA braai was flaming away, attended by “referee” Eddie Biesenbach, one of the branch’s SA managers. The tables were groaning with buttered rolls, koeksusters, droe wors and buckets of biltong. All that was missing were a few cans of Castle and Amstel! Many of the SA attendees were fresh off the plane from arriving for the Rugby World Cup, as well as visitors from as far afield as Wellington who traveled up for the game. Westpac North Shore Area Manager Brian Henderson says the braai was a great opportunity to introduce a touch of South African hospitality to our staff and local customers. “Westpac supports the local expatriate South African community which has a strong foothold on Auckland’s North Shore and is a significant

contributor to the North Shore community and business.” Mr Henderson says Westpac is more than just a bank and prides itself on being community-focused, as well as helping its customers with all their banking needs. Thanks go to Riaan Wilson, North Shore Business Manager, for organizing the food and Eddie and Sandra Davis who ran the barbecue. From all of us Saffers who attended, Brian, we had a ball! Thank you for the party. Contact Riaan Wilson, Westpac Business Manager, North Shore on 09448 0926, mobile 027 498 0756 or Eddie Biesenbach at Birkenhead branch on 09 – 480 3325.

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Free Review of Your Insurance Products • • • • •

Life, Disability and Trauma. Commercial and Residential Mortgages. Fire and General. Free Wills. Assistance with SA Retirement Annuities and policies.

Contact Bernard or Michelle de Wet 09 9636291 or (FSP 14663)


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South African

UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS Come and be a part of the vibrant ex-pat SA community here in auckland. Join in the fun and help each other by networking effectively. SOCIAL EVENTS: NORTH SHORE - We have a monthly fun social get together at the Browns Bay Bowling Club, Bute Road, Browns Bay on the first Friday evening of each month starting at 6pm. Kids allowed. A cash bar is available and a light traditional meal will be on sale. Our next social will take place on Friday 2nd December and after that on Friday 6th January 2012. The December social will be a huge Christmas function for the whole family, so bring the kids along as well as gran and gramps! A special Jumping Castle will be included for the youngsters. Serengeti Restaurant will be catering with a full on meal that will be served to you at your table! Music will be provided by a live band and a surprise floor show will be part of the evening’s festivities. There will be a whole lot of surprises and prizes up for grabs so look out for your e-mail invite and bring your friends along for a real fun evening. AUCKLAND CENTRAL - We meet every two months on the last Friday of the month at the Remuera Bowling Club, Dromorne Road, Remuera. No kids allowed. A cash bar is available and a light traditional SA meal will be on sale. The next social will take place in October and will be announced via e-mail. This club includes East Auckland, so if you live in Howick, Pakuranga, Mt Wellington or Botany you are welcome!

We would like to start another chapter in West Auckland. If you know of suitable venues, please let us know. BUSINESS NETWORKING: As new immigrants you will be given a chance of introducing yourself to our regular attendees and we will ensure that you are entered on to the SA Biznet data base in order for all members to be able to access your details. Bring some of your business cards! NORTH SHORE - Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Browns Bay Bowling Club, Bute Road, Browns Bay commencing 6pm. Next meeting in December is on Wednesday 7th. There will be no meeting on the 21st December because it will be in the middle of the holidays. Likewise there will be no meeting on the 4th January, and the first meeting in the new year will be Wednesday 18th January 2012. If you would like to be on our North Shore business mailing list, please contact Richard Pearce on or on 0508 742 4273. He will make sure that you are informed of all business events. If you are aware of any other SA Clubs in the Auckland region, please contact the editors.

Whether you’re new to NZ or starting to sound like a Kiwi, let’s talk. You don’t have to be born a local to be treated like one. You can apply for a personal or business loan with the team at your local Westpac branch, so you can get a straight answer, straight away. Riaan Wilson Business Manager L3 Corinthian Towers 9-11 Corinthian Dr Albany Phone (09) 448 0926 Mobile 027 498 0756

Eddie Biesenbach Personal Manager Westpac Birkenhead 29 Birkenhead Ave North Shore Phone (09) 480 3325

Michelle Hutchens Personal Manager Westpac Albany 219 Don McKinnon Dr Albany Phone (09) 414 3928

Applications for finance are subject to Westpac’s applicable lending criteria. An establishment charge may apply. See for further details. Westpac New Zealand Limited


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Cape Malay Pickled Fish Yummy! The thought of crispy pickled fish draped over cool salads on a hot day makes my mouth water. We present another delicious recipe that was brought over to us by the slaves from Malaya during the 18th century and which became a traditional Easter meal in all Cape Dutch homes during those early years. Ingredients:• 120 ml vegetable oil for frying • 1 360 g cod fillets • s alt to taste • 2 large onions, peeled and sliced into rings • 2 cloves garlic, chopped • 8 whole black peppercorns • 4 whole allspice berries • 3 bay leaves • 1 red chili pepper, seeded and sliced lengthwise • 4 75 ml red wine vinegar • 1 20 ml water • 1 10 g packed brown sugar, or to taste • 1 5 g curry powder • 2 g ground turmeric • 4 g ground cumin • 4 g ground coriander

Method:Roughly chop the garlic. Peel and slice the onions into rings. Firm up the flesh of the fish, by sprinkling coarse salt on both sides of the fillet and letting it stand in a glass bowl for 20 to 25 minutes. Thoroughly rinse the fillet under running water. Pat it dry with a paper towel. Cut the fish into serving portions leaving the skin attached. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the fish until cooked through. NOTE:- Do not cover the fish with flour or batter as normal in frying fish Place the rest of the ingredients in a large pot, bring to the boil, stirring to ensure the sugar dissolves, and does not burn on the bottom of the pot. Then simmer for approximately 8 minutes until the onions are cooked but still crisp. Layer the pieces of fish and the sauce and onions alternately in a ceramic or glass serving-dish. Ensure that the last layer of fish is covered with sauce. Leave to cool and then refrigerate. The fish will keep for a week in the fridge. It is served best cold as a starter with chutney over a green or French salad, so wait for those hot summer days before you treat your family to this succulent dish.

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What is happening at

106 Remuera Road

Omnicare Women’s Health

Women’s Health

Our Gynaecologist provide specialist service in all aspects of women’s health: • Menstrual problems • Prolapse symptoms • Gynecological surgery • Endometriosis and pelvic pain • Assessment for abnormal smears • Incontinence problems • Menopausal symptoms • Pre-pregnancy counseling

Women’s Ultrasound

Women’s ultrasound

Our most recent addition to 106 Remuera Road is the women’s ultrasound service. Our experienced sonographer performs both pelvic, kidney and pregnancy scans. Our ultrasoudn specialists are also obstetricians and gynaecologist and will be glad to provide consultation after your ultrasound scan. We also do specialised examinations like checking whether tubes are open in fertility cases.

We also have a Dermatologist with a special interest in vulval problems, doing clinics at 106 Remuera road.

The team of obstetricians provide comprehensive obstetric care.

Do you need help with problems down below? Our two Sexualhealth Specialists see both men and women. Get expert help with:

We deliver at Auckland City hospital and provide you with one of our handpicked midwives during your labour.

• • • • • •

The six obstetricians provide antenatal care, perform caesarean sections and instrumental deliveries.

Infections Rashes, Lumps, Bumps and Itching Discharge problems Thrush and bacterial Vaginosis Vulval pain HPV and genital Herpes, even if you simply need to know more


Tel: 09523 5959 Fax: 09 523 5954 Email: The SA issue24.indd 23


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. . . . . . the taste of Africa Open for Dinner Tues - Sun from 6pm till late

Open for Lunch Sunday from 12 to 2.30pm


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Tuesday & Thursday

RIB COMBO Wednesday

For your Christmas Office Parties

Festive Season trading days’

24/12 open / 25/12 open lunch only (set menu) / 26/12 closed / 27/12 closed 28/12 open / 29/12 open / 30/12 open 31/12 open ( normal a la carte menu for pre new year parties as we will close before 12pm) 1/1 closed / 2/1 closed / 3/1 closed / 4/1 open and back to normal trading hours

The SA issue24.indd 24

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