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Chantel Sawyer (Atkins) (CEO/Owner) I started The Rhythmic Lounge in December 2010. At its start, it was a fairly simple website with the purpose of giving people a place to promote their talents and network. I had no idea that less than two years later it would transform into something much bigger. The website then underwent a complete revamp in July 2011, with a brand new look and the addition of many new features, including the creation of The Rhythmic Lounge Radio. Following suit, the radio started out as merely a 24/7 stream of hand-picked music submitted by talented musicians from the website but is now an integral part of the company. Listeners from all over the world tune in regularly to hear the wide variety of music, as well as the educational, musical and talk-radio shows that we now host. The radio’s success has only made me realize The Rhythmic Lounge could take me in new directions everyday rather than the other way around, which is why a digital magazine seemed like the next step. I’m incredibly proud to present to you hardworking artists and entertainers in this magazine and on the site, so enjoy! Be sure to go to www.therhythm to see the profiles for the great talent displayed in this issue and take a look at our new magazine site at http://w w w .trlm Thanks for the support, and happy reading!

Contributors Special thanks to the individuals who have contributed to this issue of The Rhythmic Lounge Magazine! dB Hear d w ww .n o ton lystre


n oto nlystr eet ar@ g m m Am anda Craig, W riter http://w w w .snappycopyw http://w w w .m

Ross Guity, W riter Aaron W ilson, W riter !!!!!!

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W illiam Kryjak, W riter, Reviewer

Patrick Ross, W riter! /m cbigrub m

Essince, Interviewer http://w w w http://w w w !


Jan. 2017 magazine cover photo taken by Ester Martin Photography Jan. 2017 magazine cover Graphic Designer: Everett Z. Sanders II

The Rhythmic Lounge company is always looking to promote new talent, so don’t forget to join at and take a look at our magazine site at

If you would like to be in the magazine, contact the email below.

The Rhythmic Lounge Magazine


Norah Wilson


H.I.M Ministryz


Luca Brassy


Othello Gooden Jr.


Comedian Miz T


Ric Zweig




King David tha Vessel

Norah Wilson The woman sings with a soft musical voice that accelerates with oomph of lasting effect upon the hearts of “THE PEOPLE”. Norah Wilson sang her first vocal tune when she was born in the small countryside neighborhood in Bridgeport Indiana. Norah graduated from Ben Davis High School. She continued and mastered the oldest duty of all; today she proudly states being a “P.H.D.E.” Norah Wilson is the wife of Chaplain (Col.) Michael D. Wilson Ret. (39 years of service) Mother of 9 grown children, step-mother of 2 grown-children, Grandmother to 18 children and a great-grandmother to 2 precious little girls! Novah Wilson is her 4 pounds of a Pomeranian pet! Who said life is but a song? Who do you know that really sing in the rain? Do you believe in singing even when your heart is breaking? Life is not what you make it: you can’t make a day appear, or skip a day in exchange for another that you rather not live through! Norah has sung in marriage; sing while grieving when it ended! Sang during her many births, yet sang during a time to say goodbye to her first born son. Norah has learned to smile through her tears and sing cry while singing. “PROFESSIONAL HOME DELIMA EXPERT’ as she calls herself with a glint in her eyes! Singing has been her “out let”, her source of comfort through “taking life” as it comes to her. Sometimes she’s sway fully bold, other times weeping can be heard in her words as she sings to your heart. In life, we all shed tears, we all laugh till we cry, we cry till we laugh… grief….in closing… all the places in between. Norah Wilson sings because God made her a soul that has His Spirit! Norah Wilson is on top of the mountain singing with a gift only God gave: wisdom in song, we all can hear what’s in a secret place of God…the Soul! Many shall hear Norah Wilson and be blessed by this Angel called by God! Noteticuliously Norah Wilson Sings!

http;// Wilson @ cd noteticuliously norah wilson youtube video


The Rhythmic Lounge: Please introduce yourself and give the readers a brief background for those who aren't familiar with you! Norah Wilson: Godlight to you! Iam Norah Wilson, AKA Noteticuliously Norah Wilson: to be precise in my own style is what I say is me being “NOTETICULIOUSLY NORAH WILSON” Iam married to Chaplain-Colonel Michael Wilson Ret. Iam the mother of 9 children: I love being a “domestic Engineer” being the highest calling from God to a woman!

TRL: When and how did you first get involved with the church? NW: My whole family went to church as well as held services in our homes. I have very fond tender memories of my Grandparents , parents, brothers and sisters with neighbors and friends holding hands together. It wasn’t long before my private studies presented me with titles of “bible Scholar” and “Sister Spirit” as well as singer. It’s been my excitement along with singing in choirs all my life.

TRL: You call yourself the "Professional Home Dilemma Expert." What does that mean exactly? NW: I believe all I really needed to know in life would come from God and being married with lots of Blessings (children) God gives me wisdom to see the truth and the right in life; marriage gives me the opportunity to share, and children opens the door to my womb to give life more meaning like never before …as a blessing from God! I became more than a woman that had a simple “job,” I didn’t have to be retired in old age; being a wife and mother is “forever” Iam far from being “domestic”….Iam priceless! I became a “pro at being a home maker” A consoler in grief through despair . A teacher of kindness, a giver of love, a peacemaker in dilemmas. Knowing God is never wrong or failing. I became a “P.H.D.E.” What exactly is that? I am a “PROFESSIONAL HOME DILEMMA -SOLVING EXPERT!

TRL: It seems as though "song" has gotten you through so many tough times in your life, and even helped you to celebrate the happy times. Is there 1 particular time that really stands out to you? NW: I can always think of a song to match my mood or situation; one of the most pain filled times of my life was in grief. This is a very personal memory that I will share with you; I’ve lost my mother, my father and my 23 year old son! I’ve been widowed twice. In each time of grief, there was a song that God allowed me to have in my heart to get me through this sad time! “Were not the only people in the world that goes through ups and down”

TRL: What do we have to look forward to from you in the near future? NW: I am very happy and excited about my plans to release my 5th. Album; "HEAVEN & MOONDUST" in December, another soul comforting experience!

where creativity lives


Luca Brassy New York For the past 13 years, Luca Brassy, born and raised in Upstate NY, has been building a reputation in the Tri-State area as one of the hottest emcees in the region. His journey really started in entertainment through professional wrestling at age 13. By the time he turned 16, Luca was running his own professional wrestling training center (24/7 Wrestling Productions LLC) in Upstate NY. Due to things out of his own control, 24/7 closed its doors in the summer of 2003. From there, Brassy had a hard time finding himself again until he discovered his love for writing and music in 2004. In October 2004, he met Jgreen Moneytalkz who has been producing his music ever since. Luca Brassy has performed at numerous cities and states including Schenectady, Albany, Glens Falls, Syracuse, Amsterdam, Rochester, Pittsfield, Pittsburgh, Massachusetts, Buffalo, Newport Rhode Island, Brooklyn, Bronx NY, Manhattan, Staten Island, Ardmore PA, Uniontown Alabama, Birmingham, Atlanta GA, Marshall NC, and Memphis TN among others and has been building a name for himself based on his politically and socially oriented music. Among other great accolades, he has opened for several well-known emcees such as Rakim and Lil Kim. Brassy is now moving in a new direction with his music and putting his old school lyrical mentality to use with his club vibe which has brought him a whole new fan base as well as a different kind of recognition. Brassy’s first mixtape was released in 2006 titled “The Project: Stereotyped”, and his first full-length album “The Narration: The Heart of a Champion” in 2010. A remake of that album was released Through Tate Music Group in 2014 titled simply “The Heart of a Champion.” Luca was recently signed to Sony RED where he released 2 singles “Like That” and “3000” (produced by Younglord). With this, he continues to be active around his own community as well as others. He continues to grind and make new contacts in radio, magazine, film, blogs, etc. He most recently was signed to CNY Mode modeling agency based in Syracuse NY! In music, his newest single “Lose Your Mind” was recorded in Los Angeles with the music video being shot in ATL. Brassy stays on the grind and is always active in his music and all business endeavors. Stay tuned for the latest on Luca Brassy! POW!!! The Rhythmic Lounge: Please introduce yourself and give the readers a brief background for those who aren’t familiar with you! Luca Brassy: Luca Brassy is the name and I love the music and entertainment industry. I started in music with producer J Green in upstate NY in 2004 and have been working with him ever since. As a performer, I've been all over the country from Alabama to California to New York to Texas, plus more and have performed at some of the largest music events in the country. I'm also a model signed with CNY Mode in Syracuse NY and love to be active in all forms of entertainment! TRL: You became an entrepreneur at a very young age, and although not directly related, how did the creation of your professional wrestling training center prepare you for your career in music and entertainment? I started in professional wrestling at age 13 and left the business complete at age 19. There were many reasons as to why I was forced to walk away, but that's a whole other story. What wrestling did for me as a performer through, was get me in front of cameras and people at a very young age, which I see now as practice time I had put in. It also taught me the value of money, the expectation of mutual respect, and that some people will do whatever they can to try to make sure you won't succeed. You need to keep moving no matter what and ignore the naysayers. TRL: What has been your biggest career achievement thus far? My biggest achievements in professional wrestling were having the privilege to wrestle names such as Doink the Clown, Tony Atlas, and Tony Mamaluke among others. In music I was able to open for Rakim and Lil Kim as well as go on two tours! I was also signed to Sony RED and released two singles "3000" and "Like That", available on iTunes ;). TRL: What caused you to make a musical change to more of a “club” sound? How do you feel that decision has played out so far? I decided to get into the club/EDM genre for several reasons. First and foremost, I love it. Second, I was making a completely different kind of music for a long time. I realized after a performance in upstate NY that I wasn't much different from any of the other artists on the show that night. It's a hard reality when you realize there's nothing special about what you're doing. The things that most Indy hip-hop artists do are all part of a dying breed and music is moving in a new direction. The sound I developed for myself is unique and unique is always good. I've gotten a lot farther doing what i do now as opposed to what I was doing before. And it's a lot more fun! No one wants to be depressed so I try to make music anyone can listen to and appreciate. TRL: What do we have to look forward to from you in the near future? I have a lot of new things coming soon. I am negotiating a couple new deals for modeling a few new clothing lines as well as working out a deal to push my music out even further than what we are currently doing! And it's all as an Indy artist who just grinds. Expect a huge splash from Luca Brassy in the near future and I just want to say to all of you...always believe. POW Luca Brassy (Luke Olensky) 518-810-2207



Eye’z Once upon a time a baby girl was born. No one loved her nor even bothered to hug her. they never checked on her to see what she was doing or who she was with everyday and every night she cried & cried & cried. No one listened heard or opened the door & when she grew just a little bit older, they beat her to the floor. Everyday and every night she cried & cried & cried but had they listened they would have known that all those years, the sobbing was music and she cried diamond tears... Eye'z began singing and performing at the age of 4 and studied music and piano passionately at fine art schools across the bay area including acting. Some theatrical work & movies include Day of absence Carmen Jones c above c above high c and of course everyone's favorite the Barbary coast revue.

The Rhythmic Lounge: Please introduce yourself and give the readers a brief background for those who aren’t familiar with you! Eye’z: My name is Eye'z I'm a singer pianist from the San Francisco bay area. I've been performing since i was little. I write my own music and I’ve also been in musicals. Last year i was in the musical the Barbary Cost Revue. That was awesome I got to wear cool costumes and dress up like historical figures all while singing and dancing you can't beat that!

TRL: How has growing up in the San Francisco Bay area influenced the path your chose with your career and music? Eye’z: I think its influenced me a lot everyone out here is in the creative arts in some way, My mom majored in music, she is a teacher and a music teacher she was always giving piano lessons on the weekends. there were always painters, singers, musicians, rappers everywhere just walking down the street growing up. I was always taking art classes music classes and everything, once I met Shock G just going to the movies and that was so cool!

TRL: Every artist seems to have his or her own songwriting “style” and “process!” What is yours? Eye’z: My process is, I just let it flow out. When you compose your own music on the piano you can let it flow out and you feel this strong connection that's unexplained. You let the music write it self, the music is already written it just comes through us sometimes all you are is a messenger and it is your job to sing the song. Some songs were not meant for me to sing as well. I was once asked to compose an R&B song for another singer here in the bay area and I started it and it sounded really good but i knew my purpose was not to write R&B at this moment my purpose is to create pop music. the song was very R&B by the way not just a taste or inspired by. So I also have to stick to my beliefs as well when creating my own music I have to feel it is ok to create. And... I'm not gonna lie I get a little sloppy when writing too, i jot things down so fast sometimes I cant re read it and i just have to remember what i wrote.

TRL: What do we have to look forward to from you in the near future? Eye’z: I currently have a single out called "Dedicated.." it is being re-released on Bongoboy records compilation volume XI. I'm going to be performing at Talent Unlimited in San Francisco its going to be Awesome I did the last few shows and they were great so I'm looking forward to it! "A Diamond In The Rough, A Diamond In The Eye, It’s The Crazy One And I'm Not Left Eye"!

where creativity lives

JANUARY / / 13

H.I.M MINISTRYZ POETZ was born Peter E. Gortarez on August 14,1979 in Sun Valley, Ca. Raised in Tacoma and Panorama City in the San Fernando Valley where gangs and violence played a large role in his early life, He was also raised in a music loving family where he was influenced to perform at an early age. In 1994 at age 14 He moved to Victorville, CA with his grandmother where he met and was neighbor to Eugene Overton aka "C.H.A.L.D". Together they formed the group ETERNAL SOULZ were they wrote/recorded songs and performing them traveling from California to Texas. In 2006 POETZ was introduced to the other have of his destined group "C.R.E.S.BOYZ" ( RIVAL &JOE PHILLY) of CALI ROUTES, a group them and C.H.A.L.D in El Paso, TX in 2005. The two groups combined and formed C.R.E.S.BOYZ. releasing their first album "THA DEMONSTRATION". Although POETZ is one of the four fathers of group "C.R.E.S.BOYZ" CALI ROUTES/ETERNAL SOULZ, he is also a powerful solo artist poetic word play and strong stage presence. Releasing his first solo album in "POETRY, PLEASURE&PAIN" Poetz has no intentions of slowing down! Although all his previous work was "secular" POETZ has since then received CHRIST as his personal LORD and SAVIOR. In 2014 He was introduced to TIMOTHY GABRIEL, another gospel artist who was like-minded in the spreading of the gospel. Together with a few other fellow brothers and sisters in CHRIST assembled "H.I.M MINISTRYZ". A music ministry set out to spread the gospel to the lost and broken, reaching people with real down to earth music that people can relate with. Since then POETZ has released two Gospel albums "HEAVEN AWAITS" and "REMADE" (available on and also releasing music videos and numerous features on other gospel artists albums. Working on his new album POETZ is sure to inspire and encourage all who listen to the message that OUR FATHER has sent him out to deliver the message of salvation thru our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!!

Timothy Gabriel Hoody, The middle child in a family of 9 siblings! Raised by a God loving and faithful single parent who instilled faith in God into all of her children. Early in Timothy's childhood, he took a very deep interest in music, only to find out later that his ability to create songs were actually a gift from God the Father of Jesus Christ! Though Timothy was raised up by a faithful woman of God, Timothy chose to walk in the path of the Gang life. This life led to prison terms, parole, hardships and turmoil. During times he served in prison, Timothy often sang from his jail cell among some of California's hardest criminals on the same cellblock as he was on. Though surrounded by hardened criminals, when Timothy sang from his cell, the atmosphere of what seemed to be one step away from hell turned more like a taste of freedom from the worries and stress of prison life, proving that music is truly a gift from God. During his rebellious life timothy attempted to use his gift in music as an instrument to fit his walk as a gang banger in the world of hardcore Hip Hop music. Forming several groups, though he had a gift for music, nothing ever came to focus because Timothy paid more attention to the life that he was living as a gangster, rather than a rap artist. But a few years ago something extraordinary began to take place! Timothy found himself facing a life sentence for a crime he had not participated in. Through prayer, faith in the LORD, and supplication, God showed mercy to Timothy and he beat the charges! After being freed Timothy slid back into the gang and drug related lifestyle. Forgetting that God had spared his life from spending the rest of it behind bars, Tim went on with his plans to live out the rest of his life as the gangster he had always known. "But God had other plans for Tim's life!" Two years after being delivered from a life sentence, Tim found himself facing "another" life sentence! This time Timothy took this trial as a definite warning and chastisement from God. Honoring the call to repentance, Tim found himself given over to the LORD! By the grace of God, once again Tim became a free man. "Glory be to God!" Upon becoming free, once again, The Spirit of God led Tim to become a devoted believer and follower of Jesus Christ. After some time as a child of God, Timothy hooked up with other Christian artists to do a song called "Wide Road." And along with Peter "Poetz" Gortarez, H.I.M. Ministryz was created. And the Ride to bring to the world a new wave of Ministry through music was born! May the LORD bless and keep us on the path to righteousness and may God use our music to strengthen, edify, save and bring the light of God to a stumbling world! Most of all, May our music glorify God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!!! "COMING SOON!" Thru tha Valley of tha Shadow!

The Rhythmic Lounge: Please introduce yourselves and give the readers a brief background for those who aren’t familiar with you! H.I.M Ministryz: We are Timothy Gabriel and POETZ of H.I.M MINISTRYZ born again Christians, followers of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We are a music ministry bringing testimony of the Kingdom of God thru realistic lyrics, dope beats and versatility in styles and delivery.

TRL: The two of you put HIM MINISTRYZ together. Can you tell us what that process was like and what individual strengths do you both bring to the company? HM: In the beginning we planed only to collaborate on a song or two. The chemistry sparked the creation of our ministry. We found ourselves building a Label in service to spreading the word of God thru Music and Video production.

TRL: What has been your greatest career accomplishment thus far? HM: Traveling to do Gods work. Finding ourselves being used at the right time, at the right place, Glorifying God and bringing broken people to realization of Gods love for them.

TRL: What would you say is 1 major thing that sets HIM MINISTRYZ apart from other similar companies? HM: While most of the world, including other Gospel labels, seem to have the ambition of making money and gaining fame for themselves, we here at HIM MINISTRYZ are set on spreading Gods Word and leading others to Christ. Although money is necessary to fund events and for travel expenses, it is not our first priority‌spreading the Gospel is & making sound music and providing positive influence to a hurting world.

TRL: What do we have to look forward to from HIM MINISTRYZ in the near future? HM: Look forward to New albums such as Timothy Gabriel's "THRU THA VALLEY OF THA SHADOW"Album set to drop early next year 2017, New Videos, New Artists signing to the Label like "Blessed Rico" an upcoming solo artist currently in the studio recording his first Debut album. R&B Gospel Artist as well as a possible Country Gospel Artist (Yet to be named). Also New merchandise and accessories Available on the website HIM Ministryz Muzik

where creativity lives

JANUARY / / 15

Othello Gooden Jr. was born on January 13, 1985 in Cincinnati, Ohio. At an early age he learned the basics of reading, speaking, and writing while attending ministry school. Throughout his school years till now, he expressed those abilities in multiple online communities. Upon graduating from the School for Creative and Performing Arts, majoring in instrumental music, Othello enrolled in University of Cincinnati Raymond Walters College's Computer Support Technology program. While there, he learned the basics of MS Office, Object Programming, and the fundamentals of animation. Yet his passion for writing continued as Othello entertained his peers and teachers with his stories. After graduating from RWC, Othello desired to make videos and share his productions with the world. Therefore in April 2009, he created his first YouTube account under the channel name, "2kReturner", specializing in video game music videos, game plays and commentaries. Yet this wasn't enough. Othello felt that he was limited on what he wanted to do and uploading it all on his 2kReturner channel would make things too cluttered. Therefore, in January of 2010 Othello created a new channel, "JGTraveler", for his nonvideo game related works. Othello is most famous for his one of a kind Sci-Fi Vlog Series "Memoire de Rayloria", where he talks about the elements within the MDR Universe. It is based on his novel series entitled, 'Rayloria's Memory" (Publisher Pending). Then there is the Stop Motion/Animation Comedy, "the Super Mecha Madness Show" (or simply, "Super Mecha Madness�). The Super Mecha Madness Show is a story within the MDR Universe about the world of Cyberspace. The main protagonists are known as the "Super Mecha Team" who fight against an evil robot known as Spike Cole, and his army of mechas that try taking over the net. Each episode experiments with different scenarios, mainly a parody/spoof of something in pop and/or Internet culture. Currently, SMM and MDR combined have reached over 100,000 people. His notable non-MDR works include the Cellar Stop Motion "Car Show", where an animation of model car collections tell a story. Each "type" of car in a group as a different story to tell. (I.E: A set of race cars would race each other only to be chased by a group of law enforcement vehicles.) In January of 2015, Othello migrated all his videos about his Anime Series to "TemporalFlux", a channel dedicated to the TF multiverse, and his non-fictional multiverse videos to "Quantafilmationz". On the Temporal Flux channel he plans to release short films and features, not just videos. This will include storybased music albums (Like Daft Punk's Discovery Album) and expanding on the Super Mecha Madness Show in 2D animated format. Today, Othello continues to write stories (Music, Film, & New Media being an extension of that). As the artist known as JGTraveler, he's featured on several mixtapes, and has songs in major motion pictures & TV shows worldwide.


The Rhythmic Lounge: Please introduce yourself and give the readers a brief background for those who aren’t familiar with you! Othello Gooden Jr.: My name is Othello Gooden Jr. I'm the creator of the Temporal Flux Series and the producer/musician known as JGTraveler.

TRL: Growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio would you say that the overall culture supported and nurtured your creativity or was it a challenging place to carryout what you were trying to accomplish? OGJ: It was a challenge especially in an environment that didn't view Entrepreneurship as a viable option. Yet I believe that those who've never had that "drive" will never understand. Those who have just a "spurt" won't either because it's situational and not fully thought out for long term investments. The negative culture that surrounded me became the positive motive for me to continue. The idea of quitting did cross my mind many times but doing so would "thicken" that negative atmosphere to unbreathable levels.

TRL: What was your first creative project and how did it come about? OGJ: On YouTube November 2009 with the Memoire de Rayloria Vlog Series (Rayloria's Memory Vlogs). I did vlogs based on my upcoming novel (at the time), Raylorian Dawn. The Vlog series covered the Rayloria's Memory universe and alternate timelines. The problem was that I got off on a tangent and created holes in the plot unknowingly so I rescanned it and rebooted it early 2016 here: The difference is that this series covers the whole Temporal Flux Multiverse (Hence Temporal Flux Vlogs), beginning with the background story of my novel tetrology.

TRL: You have done everything from writing stories, to creating anime and being involved in music. Why is it soo important for you to be involved in multiply areas of arts/entertainment? OGJ: Well, writing music and producing shows are just an extension of my story telling. Historically, in ancient days, the only "Big screen" entertainment was stage plays (albiet monologues, one act or multi act plays). 20th century was Hollywood; 21st century is new media (YouTube, Dailymotion, personal sites etc...). I favor the independent media but my involvement of that field is just something I enjoy doing. The importance of it isn't always what the people want. If you have a story you want to tell, get a camera and some video editing software and start creating! The crowd will follow because every story has its admirers.

TRL: What do we have to look forward to from you in the near future? OGJ: I'm currently working on the first video game in the Temporal Flux Series with a company known as Digams Corp. entitled, "PowerLand". This game is a 4-part saga that will be released on PC and consoles later on this year. Preceding the game's release will be the start of the PL vlog series (TFS Vlogs Season 2). The game itself will be released saga by saga every few to several months. !

After a lengthy career as a Prosecutor, Criminal Defense Attorney, and Circuit Court Judge in Miami, Florida, now retired Ric Zweig has resumed a musical career, once previously abandoned upon admission to law school. Now after 12 years and the recording of 5 albums of original music, Ric has emerged as one of the premier singer/songwriters in the South Florida area. Along with his band "FRESH AIR", which he fronts as lead singer, Ric plays originals, select covers and adaptations that truly reflect his deep musical roots. "FRESH AIR" is a regular participant on the local South Florida music festival scene. The band recently played multiple gigs in New Orleans and plans a return trip. Whether its hosting a regular weekly Jam show at a local club or his regular appearances on local radio, Ric brings an enthusiasm and a wealth of knowledge of the history of Rock 'n Roll dating back to its early days. Ric states: "I've been fortunate to live a most varied life, but nothing has been as rewarding and enjoyable as my years as a musician." The bands upcoming album "More Ric Zweig & Fresh Air" will be released sometime in January 2017

For Bio and more information visit:

TRL: Please introduce yourself and give the readers a brief background for those who aren’t familiar with you! Ric Zweig: In an earlier life that spanned 3 decades, I Ric Zweig, was a prosecutor, criminal defense attorney, and Circuit Court Judge in Miami, Florida. Twelve years ago, I re-invented myself and returned to a career as a singer, songwriter and guitarist, once abandoned upon acceptance into Law School. We have not looked back. TRL: You made the leap from a lengthy career in law to being the lead singer of the band "Fresh Air." How easy of a leap was that for you? RZ: Very difficult. The jump from law student to trial attorney was relatively easy because legal thinking for the most part is based on orderly logic. The jump from wanna-be to musician is not so dependent on logic, but based on a process that thrives on a creative unpredictability and spontaneity stirred by a knowledge of what has come before. Just developing the callouses necessary to play guitar was a physical barrier not encountered in the practice of law. TRL: How did the band come about and please introduce the members to our readers! RZ: "FRESH AIR" has been in existence for four years, with us always searching for the right combination of chops, maturity and appearance in our members. That happened 15 months ago when Alex Mallet, age 27, with a well-earned reputation as one of South Florida's finest guitarist players, Miguel Cruz, age 23, our drummer, with machine like discipline and a sense of time one rarely encounters, and Ricky Risquez, age 21, our touring bass player, whose ability to dance and be forever in the pocket gets everyone's attention, especially our female fans. Also Robert Sherber, an old man of 37, holds down the fort as our bassist for studio and local gigs, enjoying a reputation as the most wellrounded bass player in South Florida. I have the enviable task of lead singer, frontman and bringing doughnuts on road trips. TRL: What has been the bands most memorable career accomplishment thus far? RZ: Having our music played on more than fifty (50) radio outlets, FM, AM and world wide NET this year alone, to an enthusiastic response, represented a major jump from relative obscurity to doors being opened via Radio interviews and quality festival gigs around the country upcoming in 2017.

TRL: Are there any upcoming events or projects for Fresh Air that you’d like to mention? RZ: Our new album, the 6th for yours truly Ric Zweig, and the first for RZ and "FRESH AIR" will be dropped in early 2017. The band will start a tour this November, 2016 with stops in Northern Florida, culminating with an appearance at the GATOR BASH in Larose, Louisiana, just outside of New Orleans. "FRESH AIR" will be re-locating from our present home of Hollywood, Fl to our new home of New Orleans, LA in January of 2017 to seek fame and fortune or in the alternative, just a whole lot of fun. Not content to just be a studio band, "FRESH AIR" thrives on playing LIVE shows and meeting our burgeoning number of new fans. Our website, with almost a quarter of million visitors, the majority of them this year, is!

King David tha Vessel

A native Chicagoan, King David tha Vessel, or KD, has been a staple in the Gospel music scene for the last 10 years. Well noted and respected amongst his peers, KD has not sought after recognition, but is not foreign to it, being nominated for a 2009 Rhythm of Gospel award in the category of Holy Hip-Hop, but also 2014’s Rap Ministry Awards as an award recipient. The music GOD has blessed KD with goes straight for the soul of man and is presented in a unique way that is timeless and authentic. KD has shared stages with the likes of Mary Mary, Thi’sl, Da T.R.U.T.H., and others, along with appearing on songs with the likes of Brother 3, Nikeya Yound, Shannae Lennore, and Tony WHOA!, even securing a spot on 2013s Holy Hip-Hop Vol.17 compilations album which was nationally released. A published author, KD has a huge heart for the strengthening and reestablishing of The Church and GOD’s intended standard. Working tirelessly to be a staple in his home ministry and community, KD works tirelessly to make the voice of GOD heard in creative ways to a distracted generation with short attention spans. He understands that the moments are precious, and opportunities to present CHRIST in a way that can/will change the listener are now more important than they’ve ever been. KD recently released the critically acclaimed studio album, A Hero 4 The Hurting. Visit for more info.


The Rhythmic Lounge: Please introduce yourself and give the readers a brief background for those who aren’t familiar with you! KD: Hey, guys! My name is King David tha Vessel, or KD, and I'm a CHRISTian songwriter, rapper, singer‌amongst other things. I've been involved in music and the creative arts practically all my life, and I've been a recording artist of over 25 years, with the last 12 in the Gospel genre. I'm big on serving my church, my family, and my community and what GOD has blessed me to create, musically, reflects those priorities. > > > > TRL: How has growing up in Chicago helped to shape your musical and spiritual path? KD: I love Chicago. I don't care what people see or hear in the news, I love my city. That being said, I love GOD more, and that heart has enabled me to glean and appreciate the diversity of my city, as well as helped me to intercede for the place I call home. Growing up here has taught me to be sensitive to the needs of others, but to also be bold and consistent in how we go about addressing those needs. Been other places, cities, and seen different things, but nothing compares to home; it's like how I feel about JESUS: been with and around a lot of other people, but nobody measures up to HIM. Corny? Maybe. But I absolutely mean it. TRL: Who were your musical/spiritual influences growing up? KD: Growing up, I was exposed to a variety of sights and sounds musically. Walter Hawkins was a big influence, but so, also was Sandi Patti and Larnell Harris, Doug Odom, Bill and Gloria Gaither, Andrae Crouch. There was a secular mix of music going on at home that I gleaned from, as well; the vocals, the feel, the arrangements, etc. I guess, from a spiritual standpoint, the people I looked up to must growing up were my parents, working together in ministry. There was a lot I didn't know or understand, then, bit they worked hard for the LORD to the best of their ability at that time. TRL: Do you have any upcoming projects or events that you would like people to know about? Always got a few things cooking! Be on the lookout for new music coming SOON, along with a book on prayer I'm looking to release before the end of the year. They'll be a few other things that will drop before 2016 concludes, and 2017 will be an exciting time, so I just encourage everyone to connect with me on my website and corresponding social media to keep pace! I LOVE connecting and building relationships with people! Twitter: @Yieldedman FB: yieldedmusic

where creativity lives

JANUARY / / 21

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