Fall Reveille - November 2014

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Schreiner University’s Student Newspaper

November Issue



Features 2-3 Campus Life 4 Entertainment 5

Sports 6 Opinion 7 Monty’s Montage 8

Weird Mold in Weir Story by: The Reveille Editors

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Mountaineers rally at the San Antonio Rampage Schreiner Night

This past Friday, the Reveille editors got the opportunity to ask your pointed questions about the mold situation in Weir in a lengthy phone interview with Bill Muse, Schreiner’s vice president for administration and finances. “We all want to try to be objective and careful,” Muse said, “we want to take appropriate action with fact and not with rumor.” When approached with the concern that Weir was home to harmful mold, the administration quickly responded with a campuswide email on November 5 detailing the measures already taken to test the rumors. For a week, Schreiner hired members from the Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Safety team in San Antonio to take samples in five classrooms on the middle floor of Weir.

Only two rooms had what was deemed a “higher than desirable level” of mold spores. Additionally, the mold was “ubiquitous,” or airborne material from the outside environment. No evidence of black mold or toxic mold was found in any of the tested rooms. That said, some with weakened immune systems or special allergies could be more affected than other by the

these classrooms to be unavailable, it may take several days to conduct this work and sample these rooms to establish that air mold counts are acceptable." Classes in rooms W101 and W109 have been relocated until at least November 7. The bigger problem in the Weir building is the antique air-conditioning system. “When we ran the tests for mold, we also recorded temperature changes in the allergens present in the rooms. rooms,” Muse explained. “Per the recommendation In some of the rooms, of the Clean Environment the humidity was over group, we proceeded to 60 percent—certainly a combat what spores were hinderance to comfort in there with an antibacterial the study environment. ‘wet cleaning’ and over 48 The administration hours (double the suggested recognizes that the airtime) of air scrubbing in the conditioning units in Weir infected rooms,” Muse said. are not up to date (they In his campus-wide email, are still coil-run on the Dr. Charlie McCormick middle floor). Muse assures noted that, "While it that facilities is currently will be inconvenient for Continued on page 3



The Reveille - November 2014

Schreiner Meal Plans Add Some Spice Story by: Marty Garcia


The changes address a need out," says Becky Tolle, the As for special dietary should consider several tudents have for more variety, pricing director of dinning services. needs, both the diner factors including academic many options to concerns, and special diet The Lion's Den menus also and the Lion's Den have credit hours, eating habits, accommodate the alloptions. feature a variety of options. many options for those class schedules, and important three meals a day Together, Schreiner Specials add to the daily who need certain foods or extracurricular activities. into their busy schedules: University and Chartwells entrees, and new options are must abstain from others. By balancing these aspects bringing a lunch, eating in dreamed up often. Tolle encourages those of college life, Chartwells town, or going to one of two have taken the initiative to attend to concerns and The diner's pricing with dietary restrictions can help students pick a dining areas on campus. Of poll the university's dining varies with the meal plan and concerns to visit the plan that best suits their the three, the latter is doing community. that students select at the Chartwells office for further individual needs. all they can to keep you Currently, the diner has beginning of every year. assistance. Students can also give eating here for less. a scheduled menu designed "The Lion’s Den has a Choosing a meal plan feedback by participating in Recently, Chartwells to rotate every three weeks. competitive market pricing that has enough visits to the the Foodservice Committee, Dining, the department "We review selections midanalysis done every year," diner or Monty Bucks can "where all things dining in charge of providing semester and change them says Tolle. be difficult, and students are discussed," Tolle says. students with a variety of nutritious meals, has stirred "Chartwells up traditional welcomes any meal plans to suggestions SGA Bill Updates accommodate on menu the new choices and 1. Desktop Background Contest - Entries will be judged by a panel early in the Spring offerings in the will do our semester and chosen by the SGA Senate. The winner will receive (prize pending) at $200 Lion's Den on best to make Amazon gift card. the first floor it happen!” of the CCAC. 2. "Lights Off, Power Down" Policy Bill to be brought before the campus infrastructure


committee. The goal of this is to reduce the university's wasteful energy consumption. 3. Bill passed to adjust sprinklers. If any students notice a sprinkler head that is spraying a sidewalk, they should contact SGA personnel.

Story by: Alayna Stanley


ulse racing. Stomach churning. Breath shortening. Hands shaking. Sweating intensely. Dizziness. These are some of the signs of having an anxiety attack, and it’s a scary situation to be in. Anxiety can happen constantly, rarely, or even just once in a lifetime. If it is dealt with on a daily basis, there are many different methods to control it and prevent it from happening. For certain people, anxiety is serious mental illness and a disorder that is overwhelming and possibly detrimental. On the bright

side, this is a very common disorder that has affected countless people, men and women alike. But if there is a time that anxiety cannot be prevented, there are some helpful tips to deal with it. Kelli Krueger, a University of Texas at San Antonio grad student in counseling and an intern at Schreiner University, says, “Common triggers [for anxiety] could be pressure to get good grades, lifestyle changes, and relational problems.” For many individuals, the common factors include death of a loved one, starting out at a new school

or job, or even having a baby. According to WebMD. com, sources of anxiety can also be mental or hereditary. For triggering certain mental disorders, a traumatic event can make anxiety prevalent in someone’s life. When anxiousness and depression happen on a daily basis, they can lead to problems like obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Krueger gives her expertise on anxiety signs to look out for: “Signs of an anxiety attack include

feeling disconnected from your surroundings, feeling as though you are losing control, racing thoughts, cold sweats, an overwhelming sense of fear, and tightening of the chest.” Even though some people might have the same symptoms of anxiety, keep in mind that these might be signs for another type of medical or psychological disorder. It is extremely important to have your doctor administer a full examination to determine if your symptoms are stressrelated or if they indicate a different type of disorder.

Seeking help from a doctor, counselor, and loved ones gives the body and mind feelings of support, which reduces their stress level. Krueger suggestes that “keeping track of when you tend to get stressed or anxious throughout the week can help by creating awareness of what things trigger your stress/anxiety, and then you can focus on coping with those triggers.” In the end, the key to keeping anxiety under control is to have a positive attitude. Try to stay relaxed, and breathe during any type of stressful situation.


The Reveille - November 2014

Pet Peeves Story by: Julianne Saletta Photo by: Carleigh Hammond


hould Schreiner University reconsider its current pet policy? In early September, several students shared their thoughts regarding the school’s restrictive pet policy, which prevents them from having any animals besides a single fish in a tank. Many students have expressed their frustration that they cannot have pets while living on campus, especially because the school forces students to live in the dormitories unless they are married, have children, have over 90 credit hours, are at least 23 years of age, or live with their parents. However, there are also students who support Schreiner’s current policy due to concerns about property damage, noise issues, or

Shopper Savvy Story by: Sarah Morales

lack Friday has become B a cultural postThanksgiving tradition that

doesn’t just segue into the holiday season; it shoves us in headfirst. Everyone’s experience is different, however, ranging from horror stories to no stories at all. Working retail can be particularly stressful, as employees can attest and relate to crazy customer stories. According to them, consumers at Christmas sales are no exception. “I remember when I

lack of care for the animals. Nate Aubin, a sophomore at Schreiner, thinks that the school’s policy is appropriate in some respects, but that adjustments could be made. “As long as the pets are small. I don’t think there would be a problem with having hamsters or turtles… You don’t want something that’s going to tear up the furniture, make a big mess, or take up a whole lot of space, because space is kind of a premium here,” said Aubin. Continued on page 7

Carleigh Hammond's service dog in training, Ellie, must be well-behaved and well-groomed.

worked at PacSun we had a big sale on shoes,” freshman Gabriella Rodriguez said. “No one was watching the shoes, so this guy took off his shoes, put them in the box the new shoes were in, and wore the new shoes out of the store. I’ve never felt more heartbroken.” While some people work in retail, others have never even been to a Black Friday sale because of the fearsome reputation they carry.

Continued on page 5


Ask Me Anything Story by: Nate Aubin

Have you ever wondered what it's like to practice a different religion? To walk a mile in a Buddhist's shoes or be Pagan for a day? Now, Schreiner University students can learn about other faiths firsthand. On October 15, Campus Ministry started a new program called “Ask Me Anything.” In each weekly session, a practitioner of a particular religion takes the floor and explains the rituals, traditions, and beliefs of his or her faith. Questions are encouraged from the audience. After the speaker finishes, there's time for meaningful conversation for everyone in attendance. Gini Norris-Lane, Schreiner University's campus minister, seeks to foster a positive, open environment for people to share their stories. “We often hear about things,” she said. “But we don't often have the opportunity to be curious and ask questions.” The Rev. Norris-Lane's overall hope for the Ask Me Anything program is that it creates a safe forum for people to discuss their beliefs. “I do think it's new and different,” she said. “In our

culture, we very rarely sit down with people who are different than us.” According to the Rev. Norris-Lane, the program is off to a good start. A small, but consistent, group of students has attended the first two meetings, and the sessions have been well received so far. “The conversations have been really thoughtful,” she said “and there's been a great exchange from the people who've come.” Arwen Moczygemba, a member of the interfaith community, also approves of the new program and recognizes that while the university is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, Schreiner is an ideal environment to facilitate religious discussion. “It's pretty diverse and open-minded,” she said. “I think the ‘Ask Me Anything’ is a good idea.” While Moczygemba recognizes the potential for conflict, she believes that the best way to benefit the interfaith community is to openly converse about varying beliefs. “How are people going to learn if we don't discuss?” she said. Evan Klaff, one of

Schreiner University's Jewish Students, recently spoke at the program. “I think it went really well,” he said. “Another student and I simply just explained our backstory and our form of Judaism.” Klaff noted that while the school is predominantly Christian, he feels that Schreiner is welcoming to minority religions. He believes that these sessions will strengthen the interfaith community by demystifying less-dominant faith groups’ beliefs. “Anything that's not a form of Christianity is very much a minority at Schreiner,” he said, “but for the most part, this school has been very accepting, just unknowledgeable...which is why this whole thing exists.” So far, the program has discussed Buddhism and Judaism, and future talks will feature Paganism, Christianity, Atheism, and Islam. Sessions are held every Wednesday at the campus ministry house at noon and typically last 45 minutes. Drinks and desserts are provided. Any interested in learning about other faiths are encouraged to attend with questions.

Mold Murmurs continued from page 1

working with outside firms to replace the system throughout the building. The plan is to change the coil system to one that recycles outside and inside air, cooling and warming the building as needed and moving the air to expel gathering pollen and allergens in the building. Until then, Muse suggests that students and faculty report any issues to maintenance and contact facility services at 830-792-7234 or email director Dale Myers at DTMyers@schreiner.edu.



New App on the Block

Story by: McKenna Blackstone Photos courtesy of the "Changing Global Society at Schreiner" Facebook page

This October, Schreiner held its first Diwali celebration. Diwali is known as the festival of a thousand lights in India and deserves such a name as worldwide thousands of tea lights are lit and typically arranged in a pattern or an image. Along with lights, Schreiner students celebrated with Rangoli, henna, dancing, and authentic Indian sweets. Mrs. Seabrook Jones taught Schreiner students traditional dances step by step as everyone got into the music. Many participated in spreading the

The Reveille - November 2014

Story by: Garrett Myers Photo by: Katie Bishop

colorful Rangoli sand art patterns around the Commons. Jessalie and Jiahna Ornelas decorated attendees with creative and spectacular henna designs, which drew more and more people in. Exotic sweets covered the tables, and students were able to try things like Kaju Sophomore Julianne Saletta poses Katli, otherwise known with fresh henna paint. as a cashew confection. Changing Global Society helped put on the event Eat What You Take; and plans for many like it Don't Let it Waste in the future. Story by: Garrett Myers

Yik Yak is the new hotshot on the college social media scene. Much like Facebook, which was established back in 2004 by Mark Zuckerburg then a Harvard student, Yik Yak has taken countless of campuses by storm. Our own Schreiner University is no exception. So what exactly is the app, how does it work, and why is it so popular?

feature is allowing people to create anonymous posts, known as “yaks.” These posts are then upvoted or downvoted (similar to Reddit), and can receive comments. Users earn reputation points, known as “yakarma,” the more upvotes they receive. What is it similar to?

The element of anonymity makes Yik Yak comparable Where did it come from? to Secret or Whisper, two apps that also allow users to post anonymously. Yik Yak was launched in However, where both November 2013 by two Whisper and Secret are 23-year-old graduates: geared towards users Tyler Droll and Brooks posting confessions or Buffington. In April, the app raised $1.5 million in confidential information, investment, and in June, a posts on Yik Yak tend to be more humorous and With heaps of wasted food further $10 million.

piling up left and right, it looks like SU might have a real-life case of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs on their hands. In an effort to counter this, the Schreiner Diner is undergoing Project Clean Plate, a program that focuses on portion control and reducing waste. The diner has set a benchmark

How does it work? With its clean, simple user interface, Yik Yak’s main of food a week. The hope is that, along with every student’s effort, they can significantly reduce the amount of waste by the end of the school year.

light hearted in nature. Common topics include pop culture updates and one-liner jokes. Continued on page 5

closer to raising the summit of their very own Mt. Entre Everest than trying Dr. Sonja to reduce the amount of Lind and students learn waste. The diner has been traditional dances as tracking how much food to only discard 200 pounds the sun sets on the Commons. Chartwells plans to donate an is squandered every week, equivalent and Schreiner is far from its of the goal. The fact is, students Upcoming Campus Events amount of and faculty are wasting close reduced to over 500 pounds of food November 13: SAB Casino Night 8:00 - 11:00 P.M. in the *CCAC Ballrooms waste at the a week. November 14: Archery Club accepting new members. Email ATRobinson@schreiner.edu for more Schreiner “The waste count keeps information. diner to our going up instead of down,” local Kerr November 19: Stress-free Grafitti 8:00 - 10:00 P.M. at Flato Hall one exasperated diner staff County November 21: Game Night at the Library 6 P.M. - 2 A.M. member commented. The Food Bank. Schreiner Diner is one of November 23: Schreiner's Co-ed Ultimate Frisbee Faction (SCUFF) scrimmage with Southwestern However, the most important aspects University. Talk to Drew Dobbins for more information and how to participate! the patrons of campus life, where December 1 - 3: Chi Phi Bake Sale 11:00A.M. - 2:00P.M. outside the *CCAC of the students and faculty alike Schreiner January 24, 2015: Shooting Team 2nd Annual Schreiner Shootout. Email SNHodges@schreiner.edu can come together to enjoy Diner are for more information. *CCAC Stands for: Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center Continued on page 7


The Reveille - November 2014

Black Friday Tips continued from page 3

“My parents hate crowds, so I’ve never been,” Tori Flores, another freshman, said. “I’ve always wanted to go, but my mom thinks it’s inconvenient.” Schreiner Black Friday participants share their own horrific memories of the event. “Last Black Friday, my friend Kayla was going to get Tupperware and this large lady knocked her cart over, smacked the Tupperware out of our hands, and ran off,” freshman Ciara Little said. “We didn’t know whether to chase her down or not!” Whether you’re working Black Friday sales, debating if you should avoid them, or trying to stay safe as a consumer, below are some

Fine Arts Programs

tips to make the most out of your experience.

to do with the store’s sales. They’re probably stressed already, so try not to Go in a group yell, scold, argue, or fight Not only will you have more them. This seems like a fun, but it’ll be easier to ridiculous notion, but you’d handle crowds and messy be surprised how often it stores with someone holding happens. you accountable.

Scope out online sales

Pull out cash so you don’t go over your budget

Cyber Monday has all the As college students don’t Black Friday sales with more typically have tons of cash convenience and none of the anyway, to avoid overdraw rush. Be sure to check it out fees and the general broken to save the most time and feeling that come with a low money. bank account balance, pull out the exact amount you’re Remember that allowing yourself to spend employees are only this Black Friday. That way, human you know when you’ve Working retail is terrible reached your limit. enough as it is, and your cashier really has nothing

Is YikYak the new Schreiner Confessions? continued from page 4

Is anything wrong with it? The problem with any app or social media service which lets users and commenters post anonymously is the potential for cyberbullying.

Junior Soledad Diaz shows Senior Jasiel Hernandez the YikYak app.


Free unless otherwise noted November 11 - 21 - "Drop Dead Gorgeous" - Communications Design Senior Show (2nd floor *CCAC) 14 - 15 @ 7:30 & 16 @ 2:00 - The Flag is Up Productions: The Bacchae (Hanzen Building) 17 @ 7:00 - Monday Night Fiction (Scarle-Phillips Room) 18 @ 7:30 - Chamber Ensemble (*CCAC Ballrooms) 23 @ 6:00 - Concert Band (First Presbyterian Church) December 1 @ 7:00 - Holiday Choir (First Presbyterian Church) 4 @ 7:30 - Symphony of the Hills (Kathleen C. Cailloux Theater) *discounted student tickets* 5 @ 7:00 - Advanced Music Recital (Dietert Auditorium) *CCAC Stands for: Floyd & Kathleen Cailloux Campus Activity Center

What is Yik Yak doing about this?

Yik Yak seems to have recognised its problems, and now has more safety measures in place than any other services. For example, in an attempt to combat high-school Yik Yak has come taunts, Yik Yak has under fire as a potential geofenced all high schools breeding ground for in the US, making the distasteful rumours and app unusable on their bullying as well as more campuses. The company serious content. Threats teamed up with data of violence, sex crimes, provider Maponics to and hate crimes have been identify all schools, reported, including a mass and has made the app shooting threat and the inaccessible in those circulation of a sex tape. It locations. Also, many wouldn’t be unfair to say users have reported that it has gained a negative once a post receives five reputation among parents. downvotes, it is instantly

How does Yik Yak affect SU? deleted from the site. This isn’t quite true, but negatively rated posts are removed. There is also an option to flag or report a post. These reported posts are almost immediately removed by Yik Yak to combat any racist, homophobic or generally abusive content. Additionally, the app monitors conversations and posts, and any negative or harmful behaviour will result in the offending user being blocked or altogether banned from the site.

All in all, Yik Yak has been

an enjoyable pastime for students to get a good laugh by reading funny posts and comments. Yik Yak has also taken

on the role as the “new” Schreiner Confessions page

for students to air their confessions and unabashed opinions anonymously. However, students should be careful not to abuse the services of Yik Yak. Misuse could lead to needless discrimination or bullying if a comment or post is taken too far. Yik Yak is an interesting social site that, if used properly, can be fun for every Mountaineer.



The Reveille - November 2014

The Game is Afoot Story and Photo by: Chase Smith

From November 1 to January 18, Schreiner students will be among the hundreds of residents pursuing whitetail deer this hunting season. Many Schreiner students enjoy hunting, and a walk around campus will reveal a large number of them sporting camouflage and various articles of hunting clothing. Hunting is a controversial sport, and many are strongly against it. However, it has a noble side that is not often portrayed in the media. Schreiner students have a wide variety of reasons for hunting. For Schreiner transfer student Caleb Schmerbeck, hunting provides more than just an adrenaline rush. “Hunting gives me good times with friends and family and just brings people together,” said Schmerbeck. For Schreiner sophomore Wendy Andersen, hunting provides an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. “When I'm hunting I can clear my head and it seems like all my stress just kind of disappears,” said Andersen. Hunting also creates memories that will last a lifetime. Andersen fondly recalls her first successful hunt. She was nervous at first, but after she took the shot (an impressive one at 350 yards) she knew that it had been well-placed. “I was so happy that I was going to provide some good

venison for my family,” said Andersen. Good times abound in the woods, and sophomore TJ McGill is no stranger to enjoying a hunt with his father. “A successful hunt feels like an accomplishment,” said McGill. McGill recounted the humorous story of a squirrel hunt in East Texas with his father and sister years ago. “We weren’t old enough to hold the gun yet, so my father held it,” said McGill. Nevertheless, he and his sister ventured into the woods and treed a squirrel. His father made a clean shot and dispatched their quarry. “The squirrel fell out of the tree and straight onto my sister’s head,” said McGill. “She ran all the way back to the house.” Hunters are the largest contributors to the environment in Texas. Most of the fees from licenses and tags go towards maintaining native parks wildlife. According to the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, hunting has a huge positive impact on both the economy and the environment—with an effect in the millions of dollars. There are several programs that hunters can use to make sure that the meat that they harvest goes

to good use. One of the most prominent of these is “Hunters for the Hungry,” a Texas program which has donated over 10 million servings to the hungry in Texas. When properly done, hunting is a thrilling and rewarding sport. For Schreiner students, it is an opportunity to make memories and to enjoy the company of friends and family—not to mention enjoying the tasty venison acquired in the process.

Article Photos courtesy of @SU_Admissions Twitter page

Friday's Mountaineer Rampage Story by: Anne-Marie Bullock Front Page Photo by: Sarah Morales

Schreiner University hosted a Teacher Appreciation Night at Friday’s Rampage hockey game. In all, 200 Schreiner faculty and students rallied together with true Mountaineer spirit in the San Antonio AT&T Center. “The energy of the fans was so fun,” Victoria Flores said. “It made a great game more exciting to watch!” For many students, the event was their first time at a hockey game and said it turned out to Sophomore Wendy Andersen be a pleasantly surprising proudly sports her Schreiner experience. camouflage “My favorite part is when the players would slam Schreiner Tweets each other into the wall,” student Jacob The Reveille @ SUReveille1923 Johnston said. Though few Student Activity Board students knew @schreiner_sab what to Schreiner Athletics @sSUMountaineers

expect, the game turned out to be a night to remember. The men’s golf team was recognized for their national championship and the cheer team proudly represented the university. Twitter feeds exploded with #schreinernight and #GoNeers, both from current students and faculty and prospective future students. All in all, students and faculty agree, the night was full of fun and school spirit. “It was a fantastic experience,” student Josh Rodriguez said. “We got to watch some good hockey, and represent Schreiner in the process. I hope the Rampage will have more Schreiner nights like last night.”

Schreiner University @SchreinerU Student Goverment @WTFSchreiner (What To Fix) The Green Society @SUGreenSociety

The Men's Golf team is featured on the AT&T Center jumbotron at Schreiner Night!


The Reveille - November 2014

#SchreinerSays "Dr. Summerlin watched me hit the bricks in the Commons the other day. They're dangerous, not properly set in place, and pose a hazard to pedestrians and long-boarders." "This year, everything is so organized. Everything is going missing...it needs to go back to how it was." "So...there are bees swarming in the Quad... Are we going to do anything about that?" "People should pick up after themselves more often in the Den." "Get all the pool stuff back from Delaney!!!!" "Weir is not a safe working or learning enviroment. My doctor advised me that if it was him, he would not let me step back into the building."

Is Schreiner K9-Primed? continued from page 3

However, some students like Kayla Lamartina, a freshman, believe that all pets should be permitted on campus because of the emotional support that they provide. “I feel like this is a really transitional phase of our lives and I think that pets, for a lot of people, offer comfort and that companionship that a lot of people lack at a new place,” said Lamartina. Other students, like Colter Dieringer, a sophomore, have concerns that caring for a pet may be too much responsibility for fulltime students.

“I’m kind of torn, because I think you should have pets to keep you company during the transition to adulthood, but at the same time, it’s kind of a pain because that’s a lot of extra responsibility, cost and time. If you get invited to go do something over a weekend, who’s going to watch your pets?” said Dieringer. Carleigh Hammond is among the few residents at Schreiner University who are permitted to have a pet. She is currently training her dog, Ellie, to be a therapy and service dog. “I definitely understand Schreiner’s


The Diner Dilemma continued from page 4

they can finish entirely and return for more if it is important that they are still hungry. Schreiner students and Likewise, because people staff understand that are more prone to pass having convenient access up something that does to food should be treated not taste appealing, as a privilege and not a the diner’s staff should right. strives to keep fresh food There are steps that available. everyone on campus Because there is can take to help SU so much waste, it take a turn in the right could be beneficial direction. Students and for SU if there was an faculty who eat at the investment towards diner can practice portion using our discarded control. The Schreiner food for composting. A Diner is set up as a great example is Ohio buffet-style eatery, which University, the college can lead to people piling with the largest in-vessel on as much food as they compost facility in the possibly can. However, United States. This because there is so much facility was expanded food available, customers in 2012, enabling it are encouraged to start to compost 100% off with a small portion of its pre- and postdelicious meals made by a dedicated staff. Therefore,

pet policy just because if we were allowed to have certain animals like cats and dogs, everyone would have a pet. It makes sense, especially when I think of all the cases of animal neglect, animal abuse, and animals dying. I understand the pet policy, but because my dog is a therapy animal, she has more regulations. She has to be well behaved, well groomed, she has to abide by certain policy, and I don’t think there’s a way to ensure that

everyone’s pets would abide by those,” said Hammond. The student body consists of people for, against, and not quite sure where they stand regarding Schreiner University’s pet policy. But until someone decides to change the system, it looks like most Schreiner students will continue to volunteer at the Kerrville Humane Society to interact with animals while living on campus.

consumer dining waste. If SU started up its own compost, it could lead to a number of interesting opportunities such as work study positions or volunteer services. This compost could be used to help cultivate an on-campus garden that would provide fresh vegetables and fruit. The food waste problem won’t be solved overnight. We need to realize the significance of eating half of what’s on our plate and throwing the rest in the trash. Once we have, steps can be taken by everyone to help reduce waste. All of these simple actions can go a long way towards Schreiner achieving its goals with Project Clean Plate.

What do you think? Stop by the anonymous drop-box in the CCAC or email the editors and your opinion could appear in the next publication!


The Reveille - November 2014

Chi Phi's Night of the Living Greek

Front Page: Juniors Evan Klaff and Krista Yarbrough pose as the Joker and Harley Quinn to "put a smile on their faces..."

Photos and Story by: Adele Robinson

Mary Kay -- Sophomore Jigsaw "I saw it on Pintrest and thought, 'Why not?'"

Evan Vera -- Sophomore Dionysus "I was cast as Dionysus for a play in theater."

Alex Wheeler -- Sophomore Butterfly "Because it's monarch season!"

Courtney VanNess -- Junior Rosie the Riveter "I had most of the stuff and just needed a bandana!" Cheyenne Walker -- Senior '60's Diner Girl "I really like the Era."

Rebecca Day -- Senior Link "Because I like Link!"

Thomas Handke -- Sophomore Party Horse in Society "It was easy..."

Jeffery Hensel -- Junior Corpse of King Louis XVI "Last Minute Creativity"

Questions or Comments About The REVEILLE? Editor-in-Chief • KATIE BISHOP      KLBishop@schreiner.edu Co-editor • NATE AUBIN NBAubin@schreiner.edu

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