Therapeutic Thymes Winter 2021

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with Grace



WINTER 2021 | 1

EDITOR | PUBLISHER Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Barb Dagen | Moon Eir | Sophia Harmes | Dana Jefferson, C.Ht., Ph.D., CAHA Mary Mannix | Marina Ormes | Gita Rash | Rev. Debbie Zambito ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Mary Soanes IT & LOGISTICS Glenn Eckman COVER DESIGN | EDITORIAL DESIGN | PHOTO SELECTION Alex Lucas of Oh The Raven Studio | EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Article guidelines are available on our website CALENDER SUBMISSIONS Submit your event via email to ADVERTISING INFORMATION To request a media kit, please email or call 717-419-8796. Deadline for our Spring Issue (due out in March) is 1 January.

Remember the last time your family visited the forest? It’s a place of wonder and imagination for the whole family—where stories come to life. And it’s closer than you think. Sounds like it’s time to plan your next visit. Make the forest part of your story today at a local park near you or find one at

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OFFICE Therapeutic Thymes, LLC PO Box 4731 | Lancaster, PA 17604 Phone: 717-947-4974 or 717-419-8796 | © 2021 by Therapeutic Thymes, LLC. | All rights reserved. | ISSN 2474-8315



Our mission is to raise the vibration of human consciousness by bringing together light-filled, love-centered experts in the natural and spiritual worlds to offer help and support for all walks of life wherever they are on their life’s journey. SUBSCRIPTIONS

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Therapeutic Thymes, LLC does not necessarily endorse the opinions and statements expressed in the articles and advertisements. We are also not responsible for any products or services advertised. If you have a condition requiring medical attention, you should see your primary physician.

winter CONTENTS 2021

© 2021, Therapeutic Thymes, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

10 Water, Water, Everywherere

45 Materia Medica: Ivy

19 Manifesting Moon Cycles

47 Queen of Pentacles

By Dana Jefferson, C.Ht., Ph.D., CAHA

By Marina Ormes 25 Cleansing Crystal Rituals

By Dr. Moon Eir, CCH. “The Divine Medium”

By Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman By Mary Mannix

55 13 Journal Prompts to Help with Cleansing:

By Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman

34 Color Therapy

58 Living and Dying with Grace

41 How to Make a Wreath

63 Celebrating Self

By Rev. Debbie Zambito

By Gita Rash

By Barb Dagen

By Sophia Harmes


readers resources





Editor’s Note




News & Tidbits


Advertiser Index


Book Thyme


Recipe Index


By Annie Spratt via Unsplash


Welcome to our Winter 2021 Issue. The theme throughout this issue is Cleansing. Cleansing is an important part of our daily rituals. It is often taken for granted. It is a time to recognize the good and release what no longer serves us. Winter is a time turning inward, hibernating with ourselves, so that in the Spring we emerge beautiful and clean and ready to tackle life with a rejuvenated spirit. As always, whether you are new to the natural, holistic, and self-sustaining lifestyle, or an expert in a related field, I am so glad you joined us on this exciting journey. Grab a cup of your favorite tea and join us a spell.


~ Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman Editor / Publisher

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COLD WINTER PREDICTED Have your blankets ready as forecasters are predicting a cold winter season with higher precipitation. The Old Farmer’s Almanac is warning of “bone-chilling, below average temperatures” throughout most of the continental United States. ❁



TAKOMA PARK, MD – Pathways has announced their Spring Natural Living Expo. It will be 3 April 2022 at the College Park Marriott, in College Park, MD. The expo runs 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pathways Magazine services the Greater DC Metro area. For more information on Pathways or the Natural Living Expos, visit:❁

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Finally remember to mist your greens. Plain water will do fine. A mister at your local dollar store will work without a lot of expense. ❁

PA HERB & GARDEN FESTIVAL RETURNS TO YORK YORK, PA – The Pennsylvania Herb & Garden Festival returns to York in April. The two-day festival features nationally recognized speakers, workshops, and a wide variety of vendors. The scheduled feature speaker for 2022 is Denise Schreiber. Schreiber authored “Eat Your Roses, Pansies, Lavender, and 49 Other Delicious Edible Flowers.” The Festival is slated for Friday, 8 April from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 9 April from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the York Expo Center Memorial Hall East in York, PA. For more information, visit: ❁

FOREST BATHING IMPROVES MOOD AND HEALTH The oxygen in a forest and the plants’ natural chemicals are known to improve our moods and our physical well-being. Since we cannot all bathe in a forest, try pine incense or essential oils. Diffuse six drops of an essential oil to turn any room in your house into your personal forest-like retreat. In addition to pine, you could try eucalyptus or cedar. ❁

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SMUDGE TO CLEANSE Sage is great for clearing negative energy. Keeping with our theme of Cleansing this issue, we would like to offer a few other suggestions as well. Cedar leaf, pine needles, juniper, and balsam fir are all good for cleansing and purification. In addition to cleansing, mullein is great for respiratory healing. Lemon balm calms and is good for a spiritual cleansing. ❁

RECIPE FOR WINTER’S CHAPPED LIPS RELIEF Chapped lips in winter can be simply painful. Turn to juniper berries and aloe to soothe that pain and heal your damaged skin. Juniper berries have anti-inflammatory properties. Mix them with aloe vera, which is known for its moisturizing properties. If you do not have juniper berries handy, use juniper berry essential oil. Mix two or three drops with one tablespoon of aloe vera gel. Simply run it on your lips, like you would Chapstick®. Dab off any excess. ❁

WINTER LAWN CARE TIPS SIMPLE TIPS TO KEEP HOLIDAY GREENERY FRESH Greenery – be it wreaths or garland – add a wonderful aroma throughout your home. It is heartbreaking though to watch those beautiful green needles turn brown and drop. To retain their freshness, keep your wreaths and garland away from heat sources like the fireplace or the radiators. They prefer to be kept cool. Hanging a wreath between the house door and the screen door may look pretty but the heat buildup between the two will quickly kill the wreath, especially if the door gets much sunlight.

The days may be short, but your lawn still wants your attention. Preventative care during the winter season will make next spring and summer more manageable. Now is the time to aerate your soil and fertilize. Try to avoid salt damage in your yard. Maintain your equipment. Your mower needs attention, just like your car. Repair or replace any needed parts. Sharpen your mower blades. Continue to rake and remove debris from your yard. Do you have bare spots that you just never had time to tend to this past summer? You can still seed and sod your lawn. Be sure to do so on a day when it the ground is above freezing. ❁

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Water,Water, Everywhere: Whale and Dolphin Energy Light Medicine By Dana Jefferson, C.Ht., Ph.D., CAHA

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I’LL START WITH A CONFESSION. I LOVE WATER. I LOVE WATCHING THE OCEAN, LAKES, CREEKS, BABBLING BROOKS AND STREAMS, RIVERS, ETC. These water features either calm or invigorate me depending on my mood and the current attitude of the particular body of water. The confession is that I don’t like actually being in the water. This includes the ocean, pool, shower, or bath (unless a really upscale bath at a fancy hotel). I’m not sure if this aversion to being in water derives from my neighbor

almost drowning me accidentally as a child or a past life memory of Atlantis or Lemuria sinking into the ocean. Given that the large percentage of my body (at least sixty percent) is water, getting in the water should be no big deal. The theme of this issue is cleansing. Physically, cleansing without getting in the water is challenging. You are pretty much limited to the bird or sponge bath. I do brave the shower on a frequent enough basis to make life sweeter for those around me. Physical cleansing is important but so is spiritual cleansing or clearing.

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As someone who conducts multiple ceremonies or rituals each month, I utilize a variety of spiritual cleansing techniques. If the timing is right, I will take a shower, but I have numerous back-up methods as follows: 3 Smudging with various materials such as sage 3 Playing a music instrument such as tingshas, Tibetan or crystal bowls, or frame drum 3 Washing just my hands in holy water 3 Brushing myself with my amliso (Nepalese ritual broom) or with my hands, Reiki style The exact technique is not as important as making sure one is cleansed, cleared, or purified before conducting any ritual or ceremony. Moving beyond rituals and ceremonies into healing work takes cleansing, clearing and purification to an entire new level. One technique that definitely fits the bill is Whale and Dolphin Energy Light Medicine (and as you can see from the photo, I have been in love with dolphins for many decades). This technique may be new to many readers so I will focus on this powerful new technology. The specific process being described was taught to me by Laurie Reyon ( This process 12 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

was channeled directly from the whales and Laurie’s incredibly special cat, Master Puddah (one in a line of cats always born on March 3rd). Kryon determined that Master Puddah is one of the twelve aspects of Seth. The first Puddah assisted Laurie with her initial communication with the dolphins after Laurie had a near death experience and sought isolation on the Mexican coast. During this time, shamans gifted Laurie with the name, “Standing Whale Mother” prior to her having any inkling that she’d be working with whales. The shamans were correct and a world of communication with the whales opened up for Laurie.

of mind, body, and/or spirit dependent on the individual intention of the client and based on which specific session is being offered. Ultimately, each session assists the client in preparing for ascension (shifting into a higher state of consciousness) through vibrational upgrades. This type of medicine currently consists of three main components:

The “Whale and Dolphin Energy Light Medicine” can best be described by the following quote channeled from the Mother White Whale, Watakiti.

3. Dolphin DNA Recalibrations (consisting of 12 layers: The Biological Layer; Your Life Lessons;

1. Whale Healing and Clearing 2. Whale Light Body Activations (LBA) (consisting of 12 templates: Physical Body and Operating Systems; Your Wisdom; Protection, Scanning Systems, Upgrades and Downloads; Communication; Divine Life Blueprint or Original Soul Contracts; Creativity or Passion of Your Soul; Star Lineage or Origin of Your Soul; Manifestation; Personal Database; Alchemy and Time Travel; Dreams and Dream Recall; and Akashic Records)

Ascension and Activation Energy; Your Angelic Name-two layers; Your Higher Self, Lemurian Layer; Master Akashic Record; Healing Layer; Divine Belief; Divine Feminine; and Almighty God) Whale and Dolphin Energy Light Medicine always starts with an individual receiving a Whale Healing and Clearing session. For some individuals, this one session suffices for manifestation of their intention, and they do not move on to the other components. Some individuals decide to immediately move on to the other components and are energetically ready to do so while other individuals require receiving a Whale Healing and Clearing session numerous times before they are ready to move on to the other components. The next component given after a Whale Healing and Clearing session is the Whale Light Body Activation, Physical Body Template. After the physical body template, muscle testing or practitioner intuition is utilized to determine

The Dolphin and Whale Energy Medicine creates a Crystalline Matrix in the human form, activating dormant DNA and allowing the human to carry more Light, preparing them for Ascension. One unique thing about this technology is that the practitioner, except for being the conduit of the channeled message, is just the facilitator. It is the whales and dolphins that do the healing. This methodology provides for healing WINTER 2021 | 13

which of the next LBA templates are given as they can be given in any order. Once an individual has received the Whale Healing and Clearing and the Whale LBA Physical Body template, they are eligible to receive Dolphin DNA Recalibration Layer 1 for the biological body. Like the LBAs, after Dolphin Layer 1 has been completed, the other Dolphin DNA layers are presented according to muscle testing or practitioner intuition. Some individuals receive all twenty-five available sessions while others receive only the first Whale Healing and Clearing session depending on intention, level of readiness, and number of or difficulty of challenges or issues requiring healing. Within this three-component structure, each session includes: - Dolphin and/or whale sounds - Opening and closing of sacred space -A water blessing -An intention of the client (this is not limited in any way) -A PowerPoint presentation to acclimate the participant to the whales and dolphins along with affirmations and permissions that are given to the cetaceans. For individuals who have experienced all four available PowerPoint presentations, the affirmations and

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permissions may be accomplished verbally. -A channeled message from a whale or dolphin -A relaxing healing meditation (laying down with a blind fold) Part of how the healing works remains a mystery as all good energetic healings must, but the exact mechanism is a combination of sound, light, and quantum mechanics. Some of the foundational principles are as follows: -The whales are ancient and super sentient. They are considered the stewards of this planet’s Akashic Records (everyone’s soul journey over every incarnation). These records may be accessed during the healings. -Beings of Light work with the Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) accessing your divine life blueprint and your Akashic Records (these exist in the water of the Earth’s Oceans). As someone trained in past life regression, the emphasis in that form of hypnosis is usually on past or current traumas and how they can be healed. In this work, the focus is on self-mastery: what you may have already learned in other incarnations that you forgot when coming into this life. It empowers you to get in touch with that which you have already mastered. This

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-Some of you may have developed your own Merkaba or activated light body, but it is not necessary for this work as the Merkaba of the Cetacean is utilized. All merkabas, including that of the whale involved in this healing work, is composed of three parts. As the healing meditation is played, one-part of the whale’s merkaba spins clockwise, one-part spins counterclockwise, and the remaining part remains neutral or stationery. In the initial whale healing and clearing session, the counterclockwise spinning releases anything that no longer serves or is unwanted. Simultaneously, the clockwise spinning fills up the space that has been cleared with divine light as it brings back our former self-mastery. self-mastery may help with the current session’s intention and/or may prepare the client for the required vibrational level of ascension.

Also, NASA has recorded the sound of humpback whales’ songs in space. I listen daily to humpback whales’ songs to clear the water in my body.

-Sound vibrations and frequencies have been known to be healing since ancient times. Cetacean sounds are unique, and the sounds of the humpback whales are especially powerful. Many are familiar with the work of Dr. Emoto in which various words or music impacted the structure of water molecules with beautiful words and sounds creating exquisite geometric forms while hateful words and music created distorted forms. Before his death, Dr. Emoto conducted an experiment with Dr. Todd Ovokaitys trying to clear the dirty tap water in Tokyo. Per this study, the only thing that could clear this polluted water was the sound of humpback whale songs.

-Like hypnotherapy, shamanic, and other healing modalities, alpha and theta waves are utilized in this work to provide healing energies.

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-Triangulation (finding a third unknown point via two known points) is important not only in working with your pineal gland or Third Eye, but in this work. The triangulation utilized is that of your own heart/soul with that of the Divine Mother (Mother Earth, Gaia, Pachamama) and the Divine Father (Sun, Cosmos, Sky). Triangulation helps us to step out of duality into oneness allowing for manifestation and sustainable change.

The complexity of the merkaba, triangulation, alpha and theta waves, sound frequencies, etc., is why the assistance of the Cetaceans and the Angelic Light Beings is necessary. I’m not certain exactly how the computer I’m writing this on works either, I just know that it does. The whales and dolphins are only able to provide healing commensurate with the level of

openness that one brings to the session. Sometimes the channeled message is just what is needed. For some, physical healings and deep emotional healings have occurred. So much is available when releasing and clearing of one’s cells takes place. Consider how good you feel when your home has a complete spring cleaning. Consider how good it would feel when your mind, body, and spirit has been cleansed. Despite my dislike of being in water, I would make an exception to be able to swim freely and safely with whales or dolphins in their natural habitat. Testimonies abound to the changes available when swimming with our Cetacean friends. They can work in person or etherically like any longdistance healing modality. Imagine being supported by the enormity of a humpback whale or experiencing the sheer joy of being with a dolphin. Yes, maybe it’s time to turn into a Mermaid and plunge into the cleansing waters of Gaia. ❁

-The involved energies work on our DNA. WINTER 2021 | 17

Manifesting with Moon Cycles By Marina Ormes

WHETHER YOU ARE DEALING WITH A CHRONIC HEALTH ISSUE, FIND YOURSELF REPEATING EMOTIONAL PATTERNS LIKE SELF-SABOTAGE OR FEELINGS OF UNWORTHINESS, OR TRYING TO HEAL TRAUMAS FROM THE PAST, IT CAN BE CHALLENGING TO KNOW IF YOU ARE ON TRACK OR WHAT YOU SHOULD TRUST. I find that working with Moon cycles is a wonderful way to stay on track and work with natural cycles that support mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional growth and healing. The Moon’s cycles represent ongoing, ever-present energies of change that support us in our unfolding process of manifestation and healing. You can work with this supportive cycle over time to manifest positive change and tangible results. 18 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

I. Set Intentions at the New Moon (approximately two days before and two days after the New Moon) The New Moon is the beginning of each Moon cycle. It is a seed-planting time, so whatever you focus on around the New Moon is what you are, either consciously or unconsciously, asking to manifest. In other words, if you choose and set intentions consciously, you will manifest these intentions—or at least learn more about who you need WINTER 2021 | 19

to become to manifest the things you desire. But on the other hand, if you are not choosing and setting intentions consciously, you might be manifesting more of what you are unconsciously choosing. So, if you have negative thoughts, you might be unintentionally manifesting more of what is causing your fear, worry, or stress. I recommend that you create an alignment statement or a statement of intention around the New Moon. The alignment statement is simply a statement of what you want. It is good to include the results or outcomes that you want to experience, and the positive feelings this result will bring you. It’s important to make the alignment statement in the present tense as if it has already happened, even if you have never had this experience before. See the following alignment statements examples for inspiration: 1. I have no pain in my body. I feel strong, light, and free. 2. I no longer feel worried about the future. I know my needs will be taken care of, which gives me the freedom to do my creative work. 3. My issue with [XYZ person]

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is resolved. I feel relaxed in my relationship with this person, and I feel safe speaking my mind. II. Take Action at the Waxing Moon (the two-week period when the Moon is getting bigger each day) While the Moon is waxing, keep your alignment statement in mind as you move forward and take risks. Take action, try new things, experiment, and explore. Try not to judge yourself, or at least notice the judgments you do have. (Noticing judgments and self-criticism is the first step to taking away the power they have over you.) III. Find Meaning at the Full Moon (approximately two days before and after the Full Moon) The Full Moon is the midpoint and culmination of the cycle when something is revealed to you. The Moon's light is reflected light and symbolizes that something is being reflected back to you with information 22 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

about aligning with your highest potential. Around the Full Moon, pay attention and notice what transpires externally (in the events and circumstances of your life) and internally (in your thoughts and feelings). During the Full Moon, review your intentions or the alignment statement you chose at the New Moon. Ask yourself, “What is unfolding that has meaning for me?” See these examples of how meaning might show up: 1. A good conversation creates a breakthrough that helps you move forward on your journey to your intentions. 2. A book, article, or movie you watch helps you see something you could not see before. 3. Emotions come up, and feeling them helps cleanse and clear away some old stories or patterns that no longer serve you.

IV. Process Information at the Waning Moon (the two-week period when the Moon is getting smaller each day) While the Moon is waning, you are processing, digesting, and integrating what transpired around the Full Moon. Give yourself the support and time you need to adjust and adapt to new awareness and open to seeing new possibilities on the horizon.

new things about what you are capable of, and open to the ways the universe supports you in living your highest potential for joy, freedom, abundance, healing, and love. *Astrological information should not be a replacement for help from a licensed healthcare provider or other professional. Always seek assistance from appropriate professionals when needed. ❁

V. Review and Align with the Next New Moon On the next New Moon, review your alignment statement and notice what has evolved in the past month. What have you learned? Consider making changes to your alignment statement if things have changed for you, then re-state your next alignment statement with a nice deep breath. By following the Moon’s cycles with your intention and willingness to learn and grow, you will discover

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WINTER 2021 | 23

Crystal Cleansing Rituals:

A Spa Day for Your Crystal Buddies By Dr. Moon Eir, CCH. “The Divine Medium”

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CRYSTALS HAVE BEEN USED FOR CENTURIES, IN HOMES AND WORN AS JEWELRY, TO WARD OFF NEGATIVITY, ENCOURAGE ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY, AND EVEN TO IMPROVE SLEEP PATTERNS. THESE HARMONIZING GEMS CAN BE A MAGICAL ADDITION TO ANY HOME TO HELP YOU UNWIND, CONNECT TO YOUR LOVED ONES, AND ENSURE YOUR SACRED SPACE REMAINS BOTH COZY AND SAFE WHILE DWELLING WITHIN IT. Each stone you bring into your home holds a unique vibration. A sort of ‘crystal DNA signature’ specific to that crystal. By creating a crystal environment, you are allowing yourself to be invited to the most enchanting experience you’ll ever enjoy. These gifts from the earth come in many beautiful varieties and can be used in many creative ways to harmonize the energy in and around your sacred space. However, what most may not know about crystals, is how they actually perform in this kind of networking system of energy. Their role on this earth is to receive, store, and even transmit energy from here to there. They tend to pick up negative vibrations from feelings and thoughts of the people they are around and the places they go. So, it’s extremely important to cleanse your crystal(s) routinely so that negative energy they absorbed can be released and not trapped within. When a crystal becomes overloaded with negative energy, it can weaken the crystal’s vibrational oscillatory rate or cause it to

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perform at a sluggish pace If the energy is out of alignment with the crystal’s higher purpose. But before we dive deep into the different methods of cleansing your crystal, we must first understand a little science behind the crystal’s vibration. As you know, all matter vibrates at different frequencies. Everything has an average resonant frequency or oscillatory rate. Remember that up and down wave you learned about in school? Well, that’s what the resonant frequency is, folks! As you sit on your cozy couch, while reading this article under your luminous lamps, all these objects around you hold an average frequency they resonate at. Imagine your body as a symphony orchestra of collected instruments all playing music at their own beat. Let’s go on a grand adventure to discover what that would be like. As we move through your blood stream, we can hear an alluring array of musical tones. Your liver is charmingly playing the sounds of a Cello, while your heart is stringing the soothing sounds of

"’s extremely important to cleanse your crystal(s) routinely so that negative energy they absorbed can be released and not trapped within."

a Violin. Traveling up towards your brain we can hear the faint sounds of a Saxophone mixed in with a savory, sweet melody of a fluctuating flute coming from the direction of your eyes. Passing us quickly by, are your cells in rapid motion, playing lighthearted, pulsing sounds of a trumpet. The sounds are beautiful on their own, but none are following one musical composition. See, our bodies hold an assortment of different frequencies from our heart to our brain, to our cells. Your kidneys hold a whole different frequency than your big, beautiful eyes, but all these frequencies make up a collection of who you are on an average frequency level. A jumbled music mess, but it’s your mess, right! Just a simple emotion or thought can simply change the tide to your vibration and suddenly things become choppy and unstable in frequency. Many things in your life can influence those frequencies to make you feel out of whack and change your frequency tones to something else. However, stable crystals in our vast crystal collections, show us a different rhythm of music. Your favorite crystals only have one vibratory rate and not these collective frequencies we have going on. It plays one musical instrument quite beautifully. This makes the crystal in your home geometrically perfect, whereas we are not. We don’t hold a fixed, repeating, geometric pattern that keeps us stable, strong, and precise. It has one musical

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composition it follows in perfect pitched harmony. Doesn’t that just make you so jealous to be so perfect and always in balanced harmony? This attuned stability gives your crystal the cutting edge, in heightened amplitude energy, which makes them more powerful and ready to get you where you need to be in life. Now, what if I told you that some crystals, like Black Tourmaline, Quartz, or even Obsidian can absorb negative, unwanted energies from your home which can sometimes create a downside for these warrior soldier stones. The dark energy fighters of the crystal world can sometimes become overloaded with low frequency energies and will need a self-care purging from time to time. This doesn’t mean they are suddenly unstable but rather dulled at doing their job at the best pace possible. With the concept of cleansing, we must first go on a journey of learning about energy. We tend to categorize energy as positive or negative based on our own personal experience with it, but energy is just that… energy! There is energy that serves our highest good or energy that doesn’t. When experiencing energy, we are always dependent on our own interpretation of it. Just because an energy isn’t for our highest good, doesn’t

always make it a bad energy, in general. If we don’t learn from the bad, how can we truly enjoy the benefits of something good? Because crystals have this amazing ability to receive, store, and transmit energy, it can come in contact with so many energies before making its way to you and most of the time, it’s not always good. All those people and places it experienced along the way have influenced its energy and when these energies aren’t in harmony with your own highest good interpretation, you are left feeling depleted and unstable. The concept with cleansing energy is to constantly remove the vibrations that are out of alignment with your own. By removing this unwanted energy, we improve the vibration of that crystal and bring it back into energy alignment. This interaction between you and your crystal is more about harmonizing with your highest intention and soul purpose. Think of how you feel after you’ve stepped into a warm shower and bathed in your favorite soaps and shampoos. I’m sure you feel refreshed and renewed and ready to take on the day. Your crystal buddies are a lot like you. They need that special love and care by taking a regular trip to the spa of healing waters

"...If we don’t learn from the bad, how can we truly enjoy the benefits of something good?" 28 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

that make them feel invigorated, just like you. This cleansing type ritual can be a special bond and experience for you to enjoy with your crystal, as well. It sets a unique intention that attracts soothing and healing energies around you and your crystal, while stating that your gem be cleansed of all unwanted absorption, that it has picked up during its time with you. After the experience is complete, always remember to bless the bond you’ve created with your crystal in gratitude and love.

people. The smells from the herbs are delightful and the ritual of fire sets a strong, sacred tone to your practice. This is a more powerful punch to low frequency to remove itself from your crystal, whereas water is gentler in its removing gesture. it’s as simple as placing the smudging stick under the crystal to allow the smoke to engulf the stone in it’s healing vapors. Envision the negativity evaporating from the crystal with the smoke as it rises up and disappears into the air, forever.

While water can be a healing cleanser, it is wise to be cautious using water with certain stones. Some can be delicate to what water can do to it and you may find that it harms them more than helps them. Water only works best with tumbled, polished gems, never rough or naturally created geodes. Even though I have run light water streams over my own Black Tourmaline specimens and no damage has taken place, I recommend doing this at your own discretion.

My favorite way to make my crystal companions feel better is by playing high pitched singing bowl music and burning Palo Santo sage for them. In my metaphysical shop, I grab my big, comfy meditation pillow, sit it in the middle of the rooms, and begin playing my crystal singing bowls for all the crystals and stones in the shop. You can feel the tranquility in the air, as it flutters from room to room, crystal to crystal. An elevation takes place, where you sense a floating intensity grab you, about an inch off the ground. The shop’s environment creates a crisp, clean aura of energy that invites all who come in to feel its immense power. Many comment that they don’t want to leave. That the shop has this amazing peaceful feeling. And of course, once a month we take every single crystal and place it in stream of healing water to remove any absorption it may gather from the many people who come and go from the shop.

When running water over your crystal friend, you may notice a sticky substance energetically forming on your hands. This simply means that the crystal is releasing and purging the low energy it absorbed from your environment. You will know when your crystal is finally rejuvenated when the ‘sticky’ substance energetically disappears, and your hands no longer feel like you stuck them in maple syrup. Another useful routine is smudging smoke. This is a favorite amongst most

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You can create this same ambiance in your own home. If you do not own any singing bowls, no worries. You can go on the internet and place YouTube. com in your search bar. Once you are on the YouTube site, you simply type what you're looking for in their search bar and click the Search button. Results will appear in a list below, just like a Google search. So, in this instance, we would type, singing bowl meditations, in their search engine. The list of singing bowl meditations can go on and on. You will find that you have enough to choose from and more. Any high pitch sounding vibrations will do. You are merely keeping the crystal’s resonate oscillatory rate in tune and removing any unwanted energy it absorbed over time. I like to think of this practice as if the crystal had a really uncomfortable sun burn. As the elegant music flows through the air, the low energy just casually flakes off around the crystal. Ever so charmingly, plucking away at the dark coating of unwanted energy. Renewing your crystal’s luster and vibration, once again. If you’re unsure how often you should cleanse your crystals, its best to release stored energy anytime your stones are exposed to heavily charged areas of emotion and chaotic spaces. If you’re unsure how to pick up on the energetic signals from your crystals in order to cleanse them, try these methods every two weeks. If you have your crystals in 32 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

"...its best to release stored energy anytime your stones are exposed to heavily charged areas of emotion and chaotic spaces." heavily trafficked area with lots of people and things going on, cleansing daily is wise. With practice, you’ll become more intuitively in tune on knowing exactly when your crystals need cleansed because you’ll just ‘feel’ it. But, if you enjoy the practice, there’s nothing wrong with doing it as part of your daily routine. In the world of mysticism, healers around the world have always practiced crystal cleansing to ensure their divination tools are working at top condition. This can become a tedious task when doing this chore several times a day. Which is why many practitioners, like myself, work with self-cleansing crystals that do not require a usual healing bath or energetic release. When crystals are in use during energy work, they actively absorb toxic matter. To improve their state, you can fast track this process with these self-cleansing stones. Some crystals oppose negative energy. Self-cleaning crystals do not permit the absorption of negative energy. On the contrary, they rebuke this kind of sluggish debris.

ritual with this divine light of heavenly power, which by the way is polarized. It vibrates in a particular pattern which keeps it in a constant state of balance and renewal keeping it from ever collecting undesirable junk energy. Its energy is permanently working. Cleansing your other crystals with it couldn’t be easier. Grab yourself a a designer bowl of your choice, place your crystals gently inside, and keep a Selenite chunk right by the bowl. Like an overnight sleeping party, you’ll wake up too happy, fun, energetic crystals, once more. While you were heavily sleeping comfortably in your bed, your crystals were having a jamming good time hanging out with the Crystal Queen of Divine Light. She showered

them in white healing power. All their cares and worries, of dark blankets of debris, went away. So, there you have it. There’s no special trick to performing these methods, especially when you have Selenite in your arsenal. Cleansing crystals is just another simple way to keeping your sacred space healthy and revitalized. Place your crystals near entries where they can enjoy your energy and you with theirs. Especially, your favorite stones. Form a deeper connection to your gems within your home and enjoy the powerhouse healing they provide you on a daily basis. Don’t overthink it. Just enjoy it! ❁

Anita’s Crystals and Gifts Specializing in crystals, tumbled stones, crystal grids, sage, and so much more!


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The Queen of crystal chargers is that of Selenite. Magnify your cleansing WINTER 2021 | 33


THERAPY By Gita Rash

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN COMPELLINGLY DRAWN TO A PARTICULAR COLOR REPEATEDLY ANYTIME? Have you wondered why the same color or the same shade of one color catches your eye wherever you go? Do you have a lucky color you rely on for special events? Color influences us far more than we realize, it is everywhere in the world around us; in the blue sky above, the brown earth below, the green trees, the multi-colored flowers, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, our interior décor at home 34 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

and in the office. We are surrounded by color which influences our moods, emotions, our psychology, endocrine system, even our health and well-being. The human body is itself composed of colors. We often describe our moods in terms of color. The color of our aura is defined by how healthy we are feeling both physically and emotionally. Colors reside in us as an integral part of our body. Traffic lights have indoctrinated us with a certain conditioning. Why is it that hospitals include more of green in their decor and restaurants more orange/

red. Green is a soothing, healing, and calming color while red is vibrant and is known to increase appetite. Color plays such a significant part in our psychology and health that it has recently become an accepted therapy to treat physical ailments and mental disorders. Known as Chromotherapy, Color Therapy is gaining popularity as an alternative healing practice. This centuries old concept is not a recent discovery, and has been practiced in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, China and other older cultures, Thoth in Egyptian culture was

credited with the use of color as was Charaka in India, who was a practitioner of Ayurveda. The ancient science of Ayurveda included color therapy. Surya Nivarna describes how the sun ‘s rays are dispersed to different materials like plants, fruits, and other vegetation. This dispersion of color causes a spectrum or rainbow effect which we commonly refer to as VIBGYOR, Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, yellow, orange and red. These seven colors are in turn associated with the seven main chakras in the human body, each with its own healing effect. Red WINTER 2021 | 35

represents the root chakra, yellow the sacral chakra, orange the solar plexus chakra green the heart chakra, blue the throat chakra, indigo the third eye chakra, violet the crown chakra.


Red at the root or base and is associated with the nervous system


Orange at the sacral, splenic center associated with the skin, kidneys.


Yellow at the solar plexus associated with the gall bladder, pancreas


Green or pink at the heart center, associated with the heart and lungs.


Blue at the throat center associated with the throat, nerves.


Indigo in the third eye center associated with consciousness


Violet at the crown center associated with wisdom, enlightenment, astral travel and intuition.

Color therapy uses the power of colors to heal physiological and psychological imbalances in the human body through various methods such as color breathing, meditation, even drinking solarized water which is known as hydrochromotherapy and is reputed to rid the human body of toxins. Color breathing raises body vibrations which can be very helpful in spiritual practices. Since each color vibrates at a different frequency, color must be carefully selected for appropriate treatments. Every part of the human body radiates a special level of energy, which can be reviewed externally in the aura. A well-balanced energy level in the body reflects a balanced aura. A blockage of energy causes disharmony and leads to disease. This multicolored aura extends to about three feet around the entire body like an electromagnetic field. It is said that some psychic healers have the ability to see this aura and diagnose diseases based on the intensity and distance of these colors. Viewing color through your own two eyes is the simplest form of inducing color therapy to enhance your mood, elevate your sense of joy and happiness,

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relieve stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of well-being. A walk in the park or in nature can attract more of the green color to your body creating peace and harmony. By gazing at the color for a few moments, you can receive therapeutic treatment through your eyes. The use of paint in the walls of your home is another way to use color therapy. Color Therapists have professional equipment in their offices to assist patients with optimized color preferences based on the individualized treatment. The Thermolume is a special device to treat the body with bursts of light and frequencies. Some of these colors are directly applied to the body. Chromotherapy as a preventive treatment has been explored and discussed widely. The practice of blue light therapy has been proven to be successful in the treatment of conditions like neo-natal jaundice and rheumatoid arthritis. A recent study has found that stroke survivors improved their memory and ability to communicate with the use of color therapy. Colorpuncture developed by Peter Mandel is a tool where light frequencies are applied to “acu-points” on the skin which has proven to be a valuable method to psychotherapists for treating stress and trauma. LED light therapy along with infrared technology is being widely used to regulate the Circadian rhythms, for

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pain management, for burns, scars, and other wounds to heal the body. For cosmetic purposes and ant-aging, color therapy has become a trusted method that has shown positive results in improving the quality of the skin, reducing the signs of aging, and restoring a youthful look. Color therapy intermingled with art therapy is increasingly being used in children as well as adults. Who doesn’t love splashing colors and getting soaked in paint? The joy and excitement of using color in art playfully can result in important diagnoses and effective treatments. Victims of violence and abuse release their pent-up emotions, unleash their creativity through the play of color and heal themselves. Medical facilities are incorporating color in their environment and décor to enhance feelings of relaxation, tranquility, reduce anxiety and promote well-being. Pediatric waiting rooms are being specially designed with appropriate themes and bursts of color like blues and greens to calm patients and ease anxiety. Color therapy has proved beneficial to children with learning disabilities, autism, etc. In addition, games like paintball inculcate sociability, and encourage teamwork 38 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

apart from being a huge source of fun and entertainment. Psychics and mediums have an affinity for all shades of violet and lavender to help stimulate intuitive powers. The décor at Holistic fairs is generally dominated by purple-colored tablecloths, altar cloths and other furnishings. Crystals are also used in color therapy as a way of enhancing powerful vibrations of certain colors. Spas and salons have embraced this non-invasive holistic method of healing, combining it with aromatherapy and colorful fabrics to create a mood enhancing experience.

Recipe to add color to your food. VIBGYOR SALAD Ingredients

Slice the cherry tomatoes,

• 4 Cherry Tomatoes

eggplant, and carrots. Cut zucchini

• 1 to 2 Carrots depending on size

and yellow squash into cubes.

• 1 Yellow Squash

Chop red onions in long slices.

• ½ a cup Red Onion

Lightly broil or roast the squash,

• ½ a cup Eggplant

zucchini, and eggplant. Toss all the

• 1 Zucchini

vegetables together and sprinkle

• ¼ cup Grated Mozzarella cheese

the mozzarella cheese. Squeeze a

• 1 Lemon

little fresh lemon juice and drizzle

• 1 tbsp Olive Oil

with olive oil. Enjoy!

Color therapy has now broadened its wings to include fashion and accessories. Not just chic clothing but color themed glasses such as blue light blocking glasses have become trendy lately. They can greatly reduce the stress on eyes caused by glaring at computer screens or other digital devices. Light therapy is being popularized in other aesthetic ways to reduce insomnia, improve sleep, and increase inspiration and productivity. The marvelous use of colors can have a profound influence on our physical and mental well-being. Why not indulge in this colorful, creative modality and add some panache to your life. ❁

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Wreath with Everlastings (Naturals) By Barb Dagen

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MOST OF MY WREATH BASES ARE STRAW. I SOMETIMES WORK WITH FRESHLY CUT ARTEMISIA AS IT’S EASIEST TO WORK WITH FRESH MATERIAL THEN WHEN DRIED. One of the reasons Artemisia works so well is it dries nicely and will not drop any leaf material if bumped and it stays nice for so long. In the instance of making a hydrangea wreath I put that together when blooms are fresh and pliable. Many times, I will make the wreath base first using fresh material and then add dried blooms and flowers to fill in spaces and to add color. I attach other flowers with either floral pins or hot glue. First thing I do is take a long length of wire, fold it in half and wrap around the wreath to create a hanger for it. Using some tweezers or pliers, I twist the wire around a loop and push ends down in the wreath. Now you are ready to attach your base material. A good base can be made with Artemisia, Sweet Annie, or Hydrangea. I start by cutting a small bouquet in my hand, then take floral pins to attach to the outer edge of the wreath. I work my way around the wreath laying the next bundle on top of the first bundle, so I cover up the floral pin. Just keep going around the perimeter of the wreath. Next, I usually take smaller and shorter bouquets of material and line the inside of the wreath. Lastly,

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I fill in the area in between those two rows overlapping as before to fill it in completely. Some flowers that dry nice and keep their color are Hydrangea (wait until early September to cut them so they hold their shape), Coxcomb, Lavender, Peonies, Roses, Black Eyed Susan, Catnip, Straw flowers, Bunny tails, Poppy heads, Feverfew, Nigella (love in a mist), Mountain Mint, Blackberry Lily, Honesty (money plant), Sage, Thyme, Kent Beauty Oregano, Rosemary, Tansy, Yarrow, Chinese Lanterns and Gomphrena. I have access to most of these in my flower and herb beds.

If I am working with a grapevine wreath and I am making an herb kitchen wreath using, Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Oregano, and Lavender I will bunch some together and wire it to the wreath, going in a circular pattern like I do for a straw wreath. These are some of the basics, but really, the sky is the limit! Use your imagination, look at some wreaths on Pinterest for ideas, and then go and have fun creating a beautiful wreath! ❁

Editor’s Note:

Barb is on Pinterest @bndgen.

Judy Kay, Psychic Medium God Given Gift From Birth Known for her amazing accuracy and caring nature

Available for Private & Group Sessions via Phone, Skype, Judy’s Office or Your Location

856-725-3588 WINTER 2021 | 43


Common ivy, English ivy, or European Ivy.


By Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman

ELEMENT: WATER DESCRIPTION & CULTIVATION: Evergreen climbing plant. Loves to spread out as a groundcover if there is nothing to climb. Prefers shady areas. Avoid direct sunlight. Ivy is mostly an ornamental plant, providing a good food source for bees and other insects in late autumn. PARTS USED: Leaves CULINARY USES: none. MEDICINAL USES: none.

MAGIKAL USES: Ivy is known for her protection and healing abilities. Brides carry her for good luck. Where ivy grows, she guards and protects against negativity and disaster. Magically, she is paired to the masculine holly (Ilex aquilfolium) and used for fidelity and love. Together, ivy and holly bring good luck and are commonly used together for decorations this time of year. A word of caution: As a fast-growing spreading plant, ivy is considered to be an invasive plant. ❁

Sources: Cunningham, Scott. Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2014. Pages 146-147.

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QUEEN OF PENTACLES: KEEPING OUR LIVES, OUR SOULS, & OUR HOUSES TIDY By Mary Mannix WHILE SOME TAROT CARDS APPEAR AS MALE AND FEMALE IN PARTICULAR DECKS, THE CARDS DON’T EVER HAVE TO BE, AND NEVER SHOULD BE, LIMITED TO A PARTICULAR GENDER. Some cards, however, do have certain qualities that are generally seen as masculine or feminine. Two of the most obvious of such cards are the Empress and Emperor, the mother and father of the major arcana, followed by the Queens and Kings of the minor arcana’s court. I think of the Kings as being components of the Emperor, the Queens as subsets of the Empress. The Queens are as nurturing as the Empress, the card most associated with growth and abundance, but they command progress in the element of their suit whether it be air for swords, fire for wands, water

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for cups, or earth for pentacles. The Empress rules over all the world, over all the elements. The Queen of Pentacles is, therefore, the card that is nurturing in the “real” world, the world of our day to day lives, the world that we can touch, the world of the earth. The Queen of Cups may take care of our emotional needs, but it is the Queen of Pentacles that makes sure we have enough to eat and sleep on clean sheets in a comfy bed. The Queen of Pentacle is the most connected to nature, again she is of the earth. She rules over health, the world’s health, and our own health. Her magic happens in the day to day. It is the Queen of Pentacles who reminds us to read the signs of nature, along with the man-made world, and pay attention to the synchronicities of day-to-day life, what dream hierophant Robert Moss calls “Sidewalk Oracles”. This is where this Queen’s magic lies. She is not a pie in the sky kind of gal, as the Queen of Swords can be, although she makes a mean pie and knows which star is which. The Queen of Pentacles in the iconic RiderWaite-Smith deck it sitting on a beautifully carved wooden throne. It is heavy and solid. It is a product of the earth grounded to the earth. The decorations include pears and leaves. She is framed by branches and vines studded by fruit. Behind her the world shows colorful growth, along with the natural abundance of a flowing river and snow toped mountains. Even the dirt in front of her is studded with clumps of grass. A lone rabbit entered the scene in the front corner. Rabbits

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generally represent abundance, fertility, and sexuality. Not to get gruesome but rabbits also can serve as a source of sustenance and their fur a source of warmth. Their need to pay close attention to their environment. Rabbits must be vigilant to protect themselves from predators. Their ability to quickly disappear into the earth, reinforces the Queen’s connection to the land and to practical magic. The Queen of Pentacles, from the Ellis Tarot, looks at us squarely in the eye and holds

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And we should not forget that pentacles can also mean pentacles, cold hard cash. While the Queen of Pentacles would never advise overspending, she would be understanding if you needed to throw money, pentacles, at a problem. This is especially true if you have it budgeted. Sometimes a good pedicure, a car detailing, a cleansing meal, or any other service that helps you cleanse your world is warranted. “As above, so below”, all is connected. The Queen of Pentacles reminds us of the importance in taking care of ourselves and the earth on which we live in order to advance in all other areas. ❁ a very large pentacle, signifying the importance of paying attention to the physical world. If the time has come to cleanse certain portions of your life, whether it is a physical cleansing or the deep cleaning of your carpet, the Queen of Pentacles reminds us that the world in which we live is important. Spirituality is all well and good, but we must care for ourselves, our bodies, and our spaces. If our physical world is a mess, if we pollute our bodies, growth in all the other areas of our life is hindered. The large old growth trees behind her illustrate the abundance that occurs when we give the physical world its due.

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Journal Prompts for Self-Cleansing By Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman SELF-CLEANSING IS SIMPLY DEFINED AS THE ACT OF CLEANSING ONESELF. HOWEVER, NOTICE I SAID CLEANSING, NOT CLEANING. Yes, it could mean taking a shower or a bath. It could also mean getting your chakras balanced or having a reiki session. We cleanse ourselves before, during, and at the end of various rituals. You may burn incense or sage. You may use crystals or chants. Words are power. That is one reason chants work so well. They are also like a mantra, or mini meditation. Enhance those meditations by journaling. Simply release your thoughts to the paper. Do not edit. Do not spell check. Do not worry about grammar. Simply write. We call that “stream of consciousness” writing.

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But what to write about? Try these 13 prompts to get you started: 1. I am grateful for … 2. What three things do you love most about yourself? 3. I need to forgive (name) for … 4. Name 13 things that bring your joy and happiness. 5. Name three ways to nourish yourself today. 6. Name three things to let go of, to release. 7. Imagine you are on a walk through the woods. Describe it. What do you hear? See? Smell? Can you feel the trees swaying? 8. Choose one emotion that would describe how you feel most of the time. 9. What is your go-to crystal? Now describe it. What color is it? Shape? Texture? What do you feel when you hold it? 10. Write 7 positive affirmations. Focus on one each day this week. 11. What brings you a sense of peace when you smell it? Taste it? Touch it? See it? Hear it? 12. Imagine you are on a beach. It could be a deserted island or a tourist beach. Describe it. What do you hear? See? Smell? 13. Finally, what would you like to change within yourself.

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Remember your journal is your safe place. Release your worries and cares. Self-cleansing requires you in part to let it go. Release that which no longer serves you. Release that which is harmful to you. Release that which drags you down. Release and let it go. ❁ WINTER 2021 | 57

Living & Dying with Grace The Role of an End-of-Life Doula By Rev. Debbie Zambito, End-of-Life Doula/Advocate


However, maneuvering through these things at the end of life, can be increasingly difficult. Getting news that you or a loved one has limited time on this earth can evoke feelings of fear, and uneasiness. The reason being is that most of us were not taught how to deal with

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death. Our experiences with death were full of anxiety, and despair. We were taught how to live, and how to attain things, but have very little knowledge or understanding about dying. Just as being born, death and dying is a part of the Souls journey. When

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we are born into the physically world, we celebrate the Souls arrival. When our physical body dies, we transition back into Spirit. We mourn the loss of our loved one not being here with us physically, but their Spirit lives on. Why do we not celebrate, and honor this transition? Why do we not see the beauty in this passage? Realizing one’s mortality can bring out some of the most miraculously tender moments. We begin to realize that there can be grace in this moment as well. Ever since my grandmother’s passing in 2006, it has been a passion of mine to assist people in the dying process. My grandmother died in the comfort of her own home, surrounded by her loving family. She died with dignity and grace, something I believe everyone should have the opportunity to do. After working in the medical field for over 30 years, I realized that my grandmother’s situation was not the norm. I was astounded to find out that the majority of people either die alone, or without their wishes being met. That led me to become an End-of-Life Doula. It is my mission to help educate, and advocate for the importance of end-of-life care.

that consciousness continues after physical death. Some of the many services that may be offered by an EOL doula are: end of life planning (Advanced directives, Power of Attorney forms), emotional and spiritual support, relaxation through guided meditations and reiki, celebration of life ceremony planning, legacy projects, bedside vigil, and grief counseling, just to name a few. I believe this is an essential service that can help provide loving support and care, not only to those in the dying process, but to their families as well. ❁

An EOL Doula provides non-medical, non-judgmental support and guidance to individuals and families as they navigate through the dying process. They work alongside or in addition to the hospice team. EOL Doulas honor physical death as the end of life on earth, and embrace

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Celebrating Self During the Holiday Season By Sophia Harmes, PhD

THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS UPON US! THIS IS THE TIME OF YEAR WHERE WE GET CAUGHT UP IN THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE OF THE SEASON FOLLOWED BY THE QUIETNESS OF LONG WINTER MONTHS. Preparing for the holiday season involves a busy schedule with many things to do and many events to attend. We are busy seeing to all the preparations and activities required of us by this season. Whether you observe Christmas or Yule, their various activities have the same physical and emotional effects on our health and wellbeing. Therefore, in celebrating the holiday season remember to celebrate SELF!

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SEASONAL ACTIVITIES The season brings activities such as hanging holiday decorations to adorn the house and the yard. Decorating the holiday tree, whether fresh or artificial, for Christmas or Yule, is significant to the season’s celebrations. Many of us devote time to writing Christmas/Yule cards or that once a year letter that we send to friends and relatives. We may attend holiday plays and concerts. School functions are popular during this season of the year. They usually require baking desserts and cookies to eat and share at school holiday parties. There may be invitations to attend holiday parties, or you may be involved in hosting them. It may be a tradition in your household to drive around to look at Christmas tree lights or going to a tree lighting ceremony. You may choose to attend Christmas or Yule services. We all attend family gatherings, and of course if you are hosting there is the shopping and cooking in preparing for Christmas Eve and/or Christmas day. All of these activities can consume a lot of our time. THEN THERE IS THE SHOPPING We get caught up in shopping for holiday gifts and food for holiday parties, dinners, and get togethers. And do not forget to purchase hostess gifts for any gatherings you attend. Shopping for presents that will eventually need wrapping takes a significant amount of our time. Then there is the holiday 64 | Therapeutic Thymes Magazine

clothing. The outfits and the ugly holiday sweaters worn to attend office parties, services, etc.

TAKING CARE OF YOU Usually, all of these activities are in addition to our regular schedules and obligations. Getting caught up in the excitement and hustle and bustle we tend to neglect ourselves. Many of us do not understand that in order to take care of others we must first, take care of ourselves. We may get anxiety attacks, feel overwhelmed, depression may set in, etc. All of which impact our physical health that we may get sick quicker or worse, suffer from something serious such as a heart attack. We don’t realize that it’s very important for us to take care of ourselves in order to complete all the things that we need to accomplish

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during this season of celebration. Take time at the end of the day during this holiday season to reflect on what you have achieved throughout the day. Then celebrate all those achievements even if you did not accomplish everything you intended to do that day. Make the commitment to celebrate who you are. CELEBRATING SELF When we celebrate Self, we honor who we are at the moment, that is, the hostess, the designated gift shopper, the decorator, etc. Whatever the activity is, embrace it. Enjoy what you are doing as much as possible. This is not the time to worry about who you may be in the future or who you may wish to be. When celebrating Self, you acknowledge and accept who you are and what you are doing in the moment. This is the ▸

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to savor and celebrate the activities that you engage in during this holiday season. Everything feels worthwhile when you take the time to enjoy the moment or activity. There will be plenty of time to continue focusing on Self during the winter months Be grateful for what you have accomplished even if it is not as much as you intended to accomplish that day. When you are grateful for what you have accomplished you genuinely feel good about yourself and your life. Pay attention to the small things that make you happy as you prepare for the season. Appreciate what makes you happy as you provide happiness for others and ensure time to add a little extra love to every part of who you are. Take time to devote to you. Schedule a 20-minute break in the day to do nothing or something that you enjoy and that relaxes you. Treat yourself to a nice lunch or dinner after hours of shopping. Work time for yourself into your agenda. You can build in a rest period or time to read a book or a long hot bath, something that helps you to relax and reconnects you with balance. Treat yourself to a day at the spa or get that massage or chakra balancing that you have been putting off. Reward yourself for all the hard work you have accomplished in preparing for the season. Relax and take a break from all the hustle and bustle. This will help to reduce the

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family and friends enjoy the holiday season as well. CONCLUSION Pay attention and appreciate the smallest of actions you take to achieve your daily goals to prepare for the season. In doing so you reduce stress levels and increase your confidence. Build time for Self in you plans and do not forget to reward yourself for all that you have accomplished that day. And STICK TO IT!

Most of all — have a fun, relaxing and Blessed holiday season! ❁

stress of all the activities and engagements you are involved with. Celebrating Self helps you to like yourself. Celebrating Self does not include seeking attention or trying to pretend that you’re better than anyone else, or bragging or being arrogant or narcissistic. Be grateful for who you are! Celebrate you, your story, and acknowledge what you have accomplished and how far you have come. BE PRESENT AND GRATEFUL When you are engaged in always doing things and not being in the moment you miss out on the beauty of the journey of preparing for the season. Take the time

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Dr. Calvert shows readers how to engage with nature to calm and relax the nervous system using the five senses; tune in to the somatic wisdom of the body to face lingering trauma and rewire it; and work with painful experiences to transform them and ultimately grow from them in ways that heal not just the individual but the wider world. Proving that it is not merely time that heals but what one does during that time, Healing with Nature pioneers a path not just to recovery but lifelong resilience. Dr. Calvert is certified in a variety of


mindfulness, meditation, and trauma healing practices and is the founder and clinical director of New Mindful Life. She lives in San Diego, California. More information at ❁

Healing with Nature: Mindfulness and Somatic Practices to Heal from Trauma By Rochelle Calvert, PhD ISBN: 1608687368 Publisher: New World Library Publication Date: 8 June 2021 Language: English

New Book Shares a Unique and Effective Approach to Healing Trauma Using Nature and Mindfulness to Promote Peace and Wholeness Many who suffer with anxiety, depression, and their resulting relationship, financial, and health issues don’t attribute these symptoms to past traumatic experiences, assuming that trauma stems only from catastrophic events such as war, rape, and natural disaster.

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But trauma can also arise from much more common events, such as illness, loss of a loved one, racism, and the bad news of the day. As Rochelle Calvert shows in Healing with Nature: Mindfulness and Somatic Practices to Heal from Trauma, the greatest source of healing is all around us: nature, which inherently restores itself in the face of calamity.

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Brave Healer Productions Releases Second Volume of “The Ancestors Within.” By Amy Gillespie Dougherty

This new book series helps readers to recognize and discover gifts, repeat patterns, and traumas they carry from their ancestral lines. The world of understanding ancestral patterns, opens up possibilities for mind, body, soul, and spirit wellness you’ve never imagined. The Ancestors Within offers a collection of life-changing experts’ stories and practical tools in the field of recognizing and clearing ancestral patterns so you can understand what’s possible and experience improved livelihood, wealth, and happiness. Feeling stuck in negative, repetitive physical, mental, or emotional patterns? What if your ancestors held the keys to relief? This book not only shows you the path, but it will also open your eyes to how to access the knowledge, wisdom,

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and ancient medicine waiting for you. The tools here go beyond DNA analysis. Get ready to take a journey and discover the answers to the questions you’ve been asking for a lifetime. The first volume released in May of 2021 focused on revealing and healing the ancient memories of the ancestors. Twenty-five authorexperts came together with poignant stories and tools to recognize ancestral patterns that could be showing up in your life, wreaking a bit of havoc along the way. “If it’s bizarre, weird, repetitive, or happened up to age 8-10, it’s definitely ancestral,” says Dougherty. She states this book is “for those who have poured over records, maps, newspapers, and microfiche, traveled the world, tested their DNA, watched documentaries, read

books and stared into the mirror in search of themselves. … you [will] discover your ancestors are alive within you: their memories, unresolved traumas, outcries, interests, skills, and abilities." While many will speak to aspects of past lives and karma, Dougherty speaks to the aspect of a repeat pattern or trigger being an amazing evolutionary tool that is designed to help us recognize when we are about to be in harm’s way (according to our ancestors recorded emotional responses). An example of a repeat ancestral pattern:

some will blame others for not putting a sign up (or for even designing a door that locks you out). Others will start banging and screaming, “Hey! Let me out! Can anybody hear me?!” and still others, will fret and worry, with an internal berating, Oh no! Why did I do that?! I’m so stupid! I should have known better! No matter the response, this is an ancestral pattern. One that mimics a situation of our ancestors where they heard a “click” that was the defining moment of a bad situation of being locked in.

You’re attending your best friend’s wedding at the Hilton on the 23rd floor and you have to give a speech for the bride. You don’t want to look stupid practicing out loud, and you do want to hear how it sounds so you duck into the stairwell to give it a trial run.

Add “smoke” to our little story – and you’ve changed the dynamics completely. In the world of healing ancestral patterns, the real question is, “how did you get into the situation to start with?”

As the door closes behind you, you hear it go “click,” your carefree moment of I’ll just step out to practice for a minute now turns into a moment of sheer panic that you’ve locked yourself out.

Was the sign in braille and you couldn’t read it?

Did you feel it? If you did, it’s likely you have ancestors who’ve locked themselves out in a way that resulted in a big trauma. The click was the trigger. This is how evolution works – the same situation could happen to five different people and five people will have a different response to the sound. Some will blame themselves for not testing the door,

Did you ignore that there was a sign on the door?

Did you notice something felt off about the door handle and ignored it? They dynamics of what happened to you, will match the dynamics of how your ancestor found themselves in a similar situation (only during a different decade, location, and people). The dynamics of the story will match. It’s like a great evolutionary test to see if hearing the click of a door? Or getting locked in somewhere is still a threat to us… meaning a situation that still causes

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us drama and trauma. However, in this example, evolution and the times of the 21st century, and technology are on our side. We have a cell phone, and we can call the front desk, or someone inside the wedding reception to free us from our demise so that we can deliver our speech on time, and with an extra humorous tale to tell of how we almost got locked in. The twenty-five 25 essays in the first volume were written by authors, healers, genealogists, and teachers, regarding ancestral patterns, especially relevant to youth, at-risk teens, foster children, adoptees, and those who feel unloved, misunderstood, unwanted, labeled or "weird." Volume two circles back to capture those readers who couldn’t recognize ancestral patterns because they were adopted, or had an ancestral line that was cut off, due to an ancestor being unknown, re-homed, or adopted. In The Ancestors Within (Volume 2) Discover & Connect with Your Ancient Origins, twenty-five author-experts come together to give us new and alternative ways to connect with our ancestral lineage and history. Truth be known, in just seven generations, we each have 254 ancestors. It’s doubtful that most of us can recognize who and where those ancestral thread goes. Imagine, every one of us had ancestors on this planet with the

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pyramids were built. We just don’t know exactly who we are related to and where we come from, even with the evergrowing data bases of DNA testing. What if there were a new way to get to know your ancestors to ask them about these patterns and history and to clear and cleanse these patterns for a new future. Volume Two addresses just that, bringing in author-experts in ancestral clearing and discovery. From genealogy to ancestral eye reading, to recognizing patterns of original sin, The Ancestors Within takes you through a smorgasbord of exercises to meet and great your ancestors in a whole new way. Volume Two is published by Brave Healer Productions and available on Amazon. Just behind it will be the first “The Ancestors Within Journal”, in which you can practice the exercises from the first two books to discover, connect, reveal, and work with ancient memories and repeat patterns. All will be available in time for the winter solstice and taking some deep winter meditation time with your ancestors to get to know them, and to know how their ancestral patterns are impacting you in your world.❁


Awaken the Kundalini Energy Within You ST. PAUL, MINN — Kundalini yoga is an accessible practice for sharpening the focus of your mind, finding balance in your daily life, and increasing your body’s strength. Filled with one-, three-, and eleven-minute exercises, Erin Elizabeth Downing helps you begin or embolden your own personal Kundalini practice.

Explore simple breathing techniques to bring the hemispheres of the brain into equilibrium. Work through gentle postures (asanas) that move your body into proper alignment. Discover mantras for amplifying your intentions and activating your chakras as well as mudras to direct the intention of your practice and create lasting change. With more than sixty hands-on practices, this book helps everyone—no matter what your specific physical or spiritual needs—achieve greater life-force energy

and connection with the divine. Downing recovered from debilitating illness and food allergies with the help of Eastern healing modalities. Today she is a certified Kundalini yoga and Pilates instructor, holding certificates in wellness coaching and plant-based nutrition. She is a sought-after coach and speaker, bringing her philosophy of paying yourself first—mind, body, and spirit—to her clients and events. Visit her at ❁

ISBN: 978-0-7387-6747-5 Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. Publication Date: October 2021 Language: English Pages: 288

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Our Moment of Choice

Meditations for Psychic Development

Reviewed by Sara Kathleen Healy

Reviewed by Jeanne Ruczhak-Eckman

Our Moment of Choice should be required reading as we emerge from the ashes of COVID and trudge into the uncertainty of our global future. Offering a multidisciplinary assessment of humankind throughout history, Our Moment of Choice explores diverse perspectives on some of the most complex issues we face. Social, scientific, and spiritual thought leaders weigh in on how to build connection and peace in an otherwise desensitized, overstimulated world. I admit that I started the book with a skeptic’s groan, afraid of discovering a ‘kumbaya’ message full of fluff and pipe dreams. What I found was an incredibly compelling argument for the possibility of true world peace.


The Call to Action at the end of each chapter is a reminder that peace is not a passive thing, that it requires one’s willingness to get their hands dirty and face some difficult truths. We must actively participate in peace every day and do so with fierce intention. So, indeed, this moment in history and every moment forward is what will define us collectively; may we choose wisely. ❁

ASIN: B084G9FPRZ ISBN -10: 1582707626 Publisher: Beyond Words Publication Date: 1 September 2020 Language: English Print Length: 355 pages

I was in a creative funk when I started reading Chanda Parkinson’s book Meditations for Psychic Development. What a Blessing this book has been. Her combination of meditations and journal prompts helped me open up. I have a hard time quieting my mind. There is just so much going on in my life and in my head. The journal aspect of the exercises therefore really hit home with me. Each chapter begins with an article if you will. It is followed by Tools, then the Meditation, and finally the Journal prompts. Great book for those just starting to seriously meditate. Meditation quiets the mind and allows you to grasp that which is not normally within our reach during the business of the day.

Parkinson is a psychic intuitive. She begins with some fundamental basics and gently provides her readers with a foundation in which we can get in touch with our own psychic abilities. Through her guides, meditations, and journal prompts, she teaches us to recognize that which is already there – waiting. A definite “must read” if you are trying to get more in tune with yourself. ❁

ASIN: B08JJ74172 ISBN -10: 0738764337 Publisher: Llewellyn Publications Publication Date: 8 August 2021 Language: English Print Length: 208 pages

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inner feeling and thoughts for wellness seem impossibly easy. The goal is to teach how to heal without use of modern western medicine. Taking a holistic approach, she dives into an entrancing view of mindfulness and acceptance. Her execution of laying it all out is quite impelling, and shows her strength.


Beyond Medicine Reviewed by Theresa Walkling

Would you believe healing can be done from the inside out? That it’s all a state of mind? Patricia A Muehsam MD, shows how to attain inner peace in her book Beyond Medicine. After many years of studies, and personal cosmic experiences, the author found simple ways of dealing with unwellness as a whole. Fear, pain, depression, overwhelming feelings, anxiety, and happiness are some of the mental states that she shows you can utilize to find happiness and mental and physical well-being. In her book she speaks of finding her path in school and everyday life. She hits on a traumatic past, and with help, learns that using

what she physically already has, as a part of her own being, she could become healthy. We are lucky enough to have her share it with us. This book has many moving parts, none that are hard to follow. The desire to keep reading and experience the enlightenment that she has reached is a force that is hard to battle. The author touches on deep subjects, some that may be sad, and others that help lift one’s spirits. Most of her techniques begin with finding a quiet place and using deep belly breathing to clear your mind. Her brilliant step by step processes makes meditation and finding a way to utilize

As I read along, I would pause and follow her steps to living with happiness and acceptance. I myself am a sufferer of an autoimmune disease and live life with many stresses. Stress is a known trigger for my disease and something I found hard to maintain/ rid myself of. Following her well laid out process, I found myself relaxing and simply letting go of the nonsense in my life. She allowed me to find the important things and utilize my emotions to achieve what I had been procrastinating on.

In her book she states, “In order to make things happen, you always need to shift the thoughts and feelings that may be keeping you from making things happen. As always you do that by simply being present with those thoughts and feelings.” If you have any feelings of unwellness, I highly recommend you read Beyond Medicine. Read the technique and practice what she teaches, if you truly want it, she can help you reach a state of bliss. ❁

ASIN: B09HVCFP6D ISBN -10: 160868699X Publisher: New World Library Publication Date: 16 November 2021 Language: English Print Length: 304 pages

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CONTRIBUTORS SOPHIA HARMES, PH.D. Sophia Harmes is the owner and operator of Terram Olei, LLC and terramoleiwellness. com. Her business provides information, guidance, and holistic health services such as Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Energy Healing and Access Conscious Bars. She earned her PhD. in Energy and Environmental Policy from the University of Delaware. Her academic focus included human and physical geography, economics, and sustainable development in developing countries. Sophia has been in business since 2014 selling alternative health and wellness products and services. ❁ DANA JEFFERSON, C.HT., PH.D., SPHR Dana Jefferson has a private practice at the Natural Connection Wellness Center in Huntingdon, PA where she is President of the Huntingdon Health and Wellness Association. She is a certified hypnotherapist and honors graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. Dana is a member of the American Hypnosis Association and Hypnotherapy Union Local 472. Dana is retired from her work at the University of Massachusetts Boston and as the Director of Human Resource (HR) Management for the state of Delaware. She has a Ph.D. in Psychology, is certified in conflict resolution, and is a Covey Principle-

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Centered Leadership Facilitator. Dana has taught psychology and HR management at the University of Delaware. Dana has had the opportunity to train with many gifted spiritual leaders including: Michael Harner, Ph.D., Sandra Harner, Ph.D., Larry Peters, Ph.D., Tom Cowan, Serge King, Ed “Two Moons” Rothwell, Jane Ely, Kay Cordell Whitaker, John Perkins, Sandra Ingerman, Geo Cameron, Doña Bernadette Vigil, Nicki Scully, and Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq. Dana is an ordained interfaith minister. Dana is a Reiki Master in two traditions and graduate level Feng Shui practitioner. She is a graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies Three-Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism and Shamanic Healing and a three-year apprenticeship with the Buffalo Trace Society (including a vision quest). She has completed coursework in Harner Method Shamanic Counseling and advanced studies in Celtic, Toltec, and Tibetan Shamanism including studies in foreign countries. Dana worked with women’s groups for over 20 years including conducting weekend retreats and Croning ceremonies. She is a member of Red Tents in Every Neighborhood Global Network and has trained in Purple Tents. Additional advanced hypnotherapy certifications incudling Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Pain Management, and Past Live Regression provide a comprehensive toolkit of services to Dana’s clients. ❁


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Mary K. Mannix, of Tarot Is More Than Cards, has been a professional tarot card reader and educator since 2013. A librarian and historian in her other life, Mary strives to not only interpret the cards during a reading, but to also help folks understand the history and symbolism of the cards they are dealt. Mary loves the cards and wants other people to experience that love, too. She can be found via her website at and heard at ❁

Jeanne is the heart, soul, and Publishing Editor of Therapeutic Thymes Magazine, bringing together people and resources in a therapeutic and natural manner. As publisher, she leads the editorial direction and manages the business operations. She has her degree in Mass Communication / Journalism from Lock Haven University as well as a Print Certificate in the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design’s Digital Design program.

MARINA ORMES Marina Ormes is a retired holistic nurse. She is an evolutionary astrologer, author, and holistic healer of over 25 years. Visit her website at astrologyheals. com to create your own soul-based action plan using the cycles of the Moon. ❁ GITA RASH Gita Rash is a certified fitness instructor, artist, actor, author and psychic medium. For more than 15 years she has been teaching and training as a life coach in several modalities. Her publications include “The low-fat Indian cookbook” and the recently released “The Mahabharata Oracle”. Her mission in life is to educate, assist, and guide people on their journey. Connect with her at or Her YouTube channel is at: gitarash_yt She is gitarash on Instagram. ❁

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Jeanne shares her love of plants while working part time at a local nursery. She is a member of the Conestoga Herb Guild locally. Through Therapeutic Thymes, she has joined and supports the Herb Society of America (HAS), the Holistic Chamber of Commerce (HCC), and United Plant Savers (UpS). In her downtime, she is a genealogist, seeking Ancestors, hers, and yours. She has authored various articles pertaining to genealogy. ❁ REV. DEBBIE ZAMBITO Reverend Debbie Zambito is an Ordained Minister, End of Life Doula/ Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach, Grief Recovery Specialist, and Author of “REFOCUS YOUR REFLECTION”. Debbie is also a Reiki and Energy Healing Practitioner who incorporates these practices into her End of Life care. She is passionate about helping to educate and advocate for End of Life care planning. Debbie believes everyone should have the opportunity to live and die with grace and dignity. It is her goal to bring as much contemplation and thoughtfulness to the end of life, as we do to

the celebration of when we are born into this world. ❁ BARB DAGEN Barb Dagen is a member of the Conestoga Herb Guild. She is known for her natural and herbal wreaths. She is on Pinterest at bndagen. DR. CHRISTINA WATTS, CHH Christina is known to thousands as the spiritual galactic walk in communicator who arrived from Heaven in a car accident with messages for humanity. She is also known as a “world renowned” modern day Prophet, Shaman, and Healer who uses a specific sensitive, healing approach to delivering these messages from the other side. In the years she's been doing this work/mission, she finds that many who are of 'walk in' energy have been brought to her for help in understanding what has happened to them and why. She feels blessed to be able to help these lightworkers and galactic workers get back on course! Christina has just recently acquired many credentials that which deem her as a Crystal and Sound Therapist. This path has led her to opening the first Metaphysical Spa in Johnstown, PA. Not to mention her Crystal Shop is also the very first shop this town has experienced. Her shops are teaching facilities and by going LIVE on Facebook with her readings (with permission from the client of course) and teaching LIVE on Facebook, she allows thousands to witness how spirit connects and how to properly see what you are meant to learn from this world. Her clients are family to her and if you ask

any one of them, which she encourages you to, they will admit to this method. Christina recently became an Executive Producer for Creative Laughter Productions and not only has her own TV Show in the works, but this path had allowed her to broaden her search in helping children who need mentoring with their gift(s). Over six years ago, she created the "Mystic Healer School" which is a global training academy that mentors and teaches gifted kids to take hold of their missions by exploring their gifts fully. She is deemed by thousands as a modern-day prophet who is committed to aiding humanity to do better and adjust their paths to the greater good of man. This mission is fueled by love, grace, and a desire to make sure that the messages she returned to Earth with in 2009 are heard by thousands. Many seek her assistance, especially law enforcement, with homicide cases, cold cases, missing person cases, lost/stolen animal cases where she consults with law enforcement and families in the search for answers. She is what the spirit world calls a "tracker." This simply means she is able to track the last steps a soul took before going missing. She is the ONLY Spirit Communicator in the world known to communicate with ICU coma patients, since her gift consists of communicating with the living and the dead. She prides herself on integrity, honor, truth, and love which shine through when she connects to a Soul’s Spirit. As the receiver of the messages given, she is able to authentically bring you into conversation with your loved one once, again and also be able to describe what they are doing now on their soul journey since their passing since she was able to retain all the images and experiences upon her arrival back from crossing over from our true home to this world we are now learning from. ❁

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The Mahabharata Oracle


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Exhibitors Saturday, 9 July 2022 10-6 Workshops 10 July 2022 11-5 FreeSunday, Parking

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Keynote Speaker Lancaster Farm & Home Center Eagle Skyfire 1383 Arcadia Rd., Landcaster, PA 17601

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