The Purisimian Newsletter 2010-2011

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News 1 - 5


Opinion 6 - 9


editorial 6





Official Student Publication of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion - Roxas City, Capiz Vol LXII / No. 2

Member, College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP)

September-November 2010 Issue

Six Purisimians pass CPA Board Exam Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion produced six passers last October 2010 in the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Licensure Examination.







CLA in spot light

The Mass Com Society of the College of Liberal Arts conducted a twoday musical stage play ‘Lipad ng Pangarap’ on October 11-12, 2010 at the AVR of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion Boulevard Campus. The play was about Carmona (played by Sarah Amago) who dreams of stardom and fame in singing but finds it difficult to climb the pedestal because of her looks. Her family, instead of supporting her, also discouraged her ambition and advised her to be contented with her simple life. Her problems became more complicated when she met her long lost father, Jose Carmelo (Joemil Lava) and his wife Divina (Grace Pavilonia). See CLA / page 10

The following Purisimians were able to make it: Jenifer Alor, Alfred Badana, Shiela Mae Catalan, John Boy Dellota, Shalyn See, and Leah Florentino. CPC has been consistent in producing certified public accountants through the years. The examination was given by the Board of Accountancy (BOA) in the cities of Manila,

Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, and Legazpi where 3,973 out of 8,216 takers passed - a total of 48% passing rate as disclosed by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). The oathtaking ceremony will be on November 26 at the Plenary Hall of the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC). *Maxwel John B. Berdugo

Admin holds conference with CHED Director Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion’s faculty and staff welcomed the CHED director at the AVR, Arnaldo Blvd. Campus, during the Conference on Policies, Standards, Guidelines and CHED Updates last September 2, 2010. The program started with a doxology, the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and CPC Hymn by the CPC Saints Chorale followed by the welcome remarks by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Vicente F. Hilata. Dr. Virginia Resurreccion, CHED Regional Director and resource speaker for the said conference, talked about the brief history of CHED. She also introduced the new CHED

chairperson, Dr. Patricia B. Licuanan, together with the Board of Adviser and other members of the organization. She then discussed the CHED Vision and their expectations from the different schools they are monitoring. An open forum was then held and questions were answered by Dr. Resurreccion and Dr. Jean Chan, who accompanied the former. Rev. Fr. Reynaldo Villanoy, Vice Rector, then gave the closing remarks and acknowledged the team of Dr. Susana Fantilanan for initiating and facilitating the conference. The event was ended by a closing prayer led by Rev. Fr. Jay J. Bonete. *Lorevie Joy A. dela Torre

(Left to right) Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hilata, Dr. Resurrecion, Dr. Chan and Very Rev. Msgr. Luza answering questions during the open forum

The Purisimian


September - November 2010

CLA conducts Strategic Planning Workshop

To strengthen and improve its organization, the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) organized the Workshop on Enhancing the Capacity of the CPC CLA Student Pastoral Council in Project Planning, Management and Evaluation last September 16 at the Capiz Archdiocesan Catechetical Institute, Baybay, Roxas City. The said activity was made possible through the efforts of CLA adviser Mr. Rey Cordenillo and the CLA-SPC officers. After the opening program, CLA-SPC President Melva Amosig delivered her welcome remarks followed by the speech of CPC Student Activities Coordinator Mr. Paulino Fegarido. During her speech, Dean Judith Dela Cruz expressed her appreciation of the activity. Mr. Cordenillo facilitated the overview of the workshop with the help of Mr. Allan Cullo, Municipal

Clockwise from top left: 4th year CLA students, Mr. Cullo, Mr. Cordenillo, Mr. Fegarido, Dean Dela Cruz; 1st year and mixed 2nd year and 3rd year CLA students.

Planning and Development Coordinator of Panay. The activity was divided into five sessions focusing on the following areas: Force Field Analysis, Practical

Visioning, Strategic Direction Setting, Three Year Planning Template, and Structured Learning Experience. The first session answered

Soc Sci Dept holds symposium on CARP updates The Social Science Department headed by Ms. Vivian Clores conducted a symposium regarding the updates of Agrarian Reform Program at the AVR, CPC Arnaldo Boulevard Campus last September 8. More than 200 students coming from different departments and who are currently taking-up the Soc. Sci.101 subject participated in the said symposium. The first part of the activity was a brief discussion Clockwise (from top left): Ms. Pretta, Ms. Francisco and some IT students about the history of Agrarian Reform, CARP Pretta from the Dept. of Agrarian the same agency followed by an open forum, where the speakers (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform. A discussion on different answered the students’ questions Reform Program) and CARPER (Comprehensive Agrarian republic acts concerning the regarding their concerns on the Reform Program Extension agrarian reform was also headed agrarian reform.*Joan Marie Reform) given by Ms. Carlette C. by Ms. Veronica C. Francisco from Macellones

the question “Where are we now?” Here, the students, divided into eight groups, were able to determine both the contributing and hindering forces to the success of the organization. The second session focused on the mission-vision of the organization. The groups were able to respond to the question, “What do you want CPC- CLA SPC to be five years from now?” Session three made the groups share ideas on the question, “What concrete, practical and doable measures can we do together to achieve our mission for CLASPC?” The fourth session made the groups agree on identifying projects and activities for the next three years. Afterwards, representatives from each group presented their output. During the last session, Mr. Cordenillo shared insights on team building. The students were able to know the ideal formula to the success of the organization. “This activity is a clear manifestation of the desire to transform the CLA-SPC into a working, functional, dynamic and effective organization that will not only accomplish its task but achieve them with flying colors,” Dean Dela Cruz said. *Rizzi Angelica V. Maribao


September - November 2010

The Purisimian

CPCJPIAns attend reg’l confab

45 CPC-JPIAns attended the 2010 WVFJPIA Midyear Convention held at the Sampaguita Gardens, New Washington, Aklan last October 19-21 with the theme, “Accounting and Beyond: Achieving Excellence and Social Relevance in the Face of Change.” The Western Visayas Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants convention is held annually to acquaint and promote camaraderie among the members of JPIA. This year’s convention was joined by West Visayan schools offering BS in Accountancy program. The convention held the following events: 2nd Manabat

San Agustin and Co. Cup, 2nd Punongbayan and Araullo Cup, Business Case, 3rd Manabat Delgado Amper and Co. Cup, 2nd Genmatling, Feeling Sikat, Madame Gaga, WVFJPIA’s Best Dance Crew, Short Film Making, and the Search for Mr. and Ms. Ambassadors of Goodwill. The last part of the program was the awarding ceremony. Mario Gomez and Arian Mariz Javellana both got the Best in Vintage Attire Award, Shiela Mae Simon won 2nd place in Feeling Sikat, and Jayson Mendoza, Dave Michael Abellavito, and Richard John Agrida won 2nd place in Genmatling. *Arian Mariz Javellana

GSC organizes Anti-Drug and Criminality Symposium

(left to right): PO3 Donna Asmod and CME students

“Let us not be aware only of ourselves but also of the people around us,” Mr. Paulino Fegarido quoted when he delivered his welcome remarks during the Anti-Drug and Criminality Symposium last August 12-13 and September 22, at the AVR, CPC Arnaldo Blvd Campus, Arnaldo Blvd. Roxas City. The said symposium was given to all freshmen tertiary students across all departments as well as to high school students in line with the implementation of RA 9165-Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. The symposium was aimed at informing and helping students take part in the fight against drug abuse and criminality. A different schedule was

given to students from different departments. Maritime Education students were given the said symposium during the first day of their Maritime Week. The program started with a short reflection and opening program which was then followed by the introduction of resource speakers -- PSupt. Mario M. Millaro, together with his staff, PO3 Donna Asmod, PO3 Rowena Cantomayor and NUP Manuela Balderama and others who gave their respective lectures. According to Christopher De la Cruz, a first year student of Marine Engineering, the symposium is a big help for them to be aware of what will happen if they use drugs in a wrong way. *Lorevie Joy A. de la Torre

Third year accountancy students during the WVFJPIA Search for Best Dance Crew

JPIA holds TreePlanting Activity THE JUNIOR Philippine for the activity. They were Institute of Accountants facilitated and were given (JPIA) of Colegio de la short lectures by Ms. Forester Purisima Concepcion, Teresa B. Senigno, DENRheaded by its adviser, Prof. PENRO-Capiz Operation Lilibeth Olarte, conducted Officer, Luther de Asis, Utility a tree-planting activity last Worker of DENR, and Brgy. August 28 in Brgy. Lanot, Captain Arcenio Barnes. They Roxas City. then went to the tree-planting This activity aims to site and proceeded to work. promote global awareness as *Arian Mariz Javellana well as support for the local government in its pursuit for a greener, h e a l t h i e r environment. The BSA students and their adviser left the school at 8:00 a.m. for Brgy. Lanot. Before going to the site, they first went to the Office of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to get 3rd year BSA students on their tree planting the seedlings

The Purisimian


September - November 2010

CBMA goes to Cebu, Bohol Sixty-five students from the College of Business Management and Accountancy under the supervision of Prof. Ramil B. Atando, Prof. Josephine O. Morines, and Prof. BJ Marie Cuñada and organized by the Lagaw Pinoy Agency went on a Cebu-Bohol Educational tour for five days and four nights last October 19-23, 2010. This trip aimed to expose the students to the actual operation of various businesses and give them real insights and basic knowledge about work environments through a series of company and site visits. The students, together with their professors and tour guides, departed at 11 in the morning going to Cabatuan Airport, Iloilo for a visit after which, they headed to the Iloilo Port for the departure

to Cebu City, the Queen City of the South, via Trans Asia at 6pm. At 9am the following day, they arrived at Cebu City and visited the following companies: Alegre Guitars, Magic Melt Foods, Inc., Western Wats Call Center, Plantation Bay. The students also got the chance to visit the LapuLapu Shrine. Afterwards, they checked in at Cebu Grand Hotel where they spent the whole night for rest. The next day, they rode on a ship going to their next destinations in Tubigon, Bohol. Loaded in a bus and a van, they immediately went to the Chocolate Hills, Boholano’s Man-Made Forest, Tarsiers’ Sanctuary, Baclayon Church, Blood Compact Shrine, and then had a buffet lunch at the Luboc River’s Floating Restaurant. They spent the night at the Monina

IT and Techno students attend 11th Regional IT Congresst

(clockwise from top left) 3rd year Com. Sci., 2nd year and 3rd year IT and Engineering students

Information Technology, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering students attended the 11th IT Congress held at the Bacolod Business Inn, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental last August 13. The event was participated by a total of 127 students and five faculty members from CPC. The congress was opened by Mr. Joel de Castro, PSITSWV President. The first lecture was about digital painting wherein tips

and tricks were given by Mr. Nico Encarnacion, faculty of WVSU-IICT, followed by the second lecture about ICT Research given by Mr. Bobby Gerardo, Director of WVSU-IICT. Atty. Joselle Batapa–Sique, Chairman of ICT Council Bacolod, then discussed about “IT Trends vs. Career”. The program was concluded with an Inter-School Quiz Bowl competition and a Search for Mr. & Ms. PSITS-WV 2010. *Joan Marie Macellones


After their 4 am wake-up call, they travelled back to Cebu City. There, they were able to continue their site 4th year BSA students on the view of Chocolate Hills visits to the PEPSI Cola Bottling Company, Management and Accountancy’s Magellan’s Cross, Sto. Niño mission of molding good quality Church and the Taoist Temple. graduates anchored with strong This activity is in line Christian values.*Maxwel John B. with the College of Business Berdugo

ROTC Holds POS In honor of the College Rector, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Vicente F. Hilata, P.A., V.G., the Colegio de la Purisima Conception ROTC Unit conducted its Annual Presentation of Sponsors and March-in–Review for the A.Y. 2010- 2011 last October 12, 2010, 1:00 in the afternoon at the CPC Main Building quadrangle. Rev. Fr. Reynaldo A. Villanoy Jr., Ph.D., College Vice-Rector and Director for Administrative Affairs represented in behalf of the Rector during the presentation. Very Rev. Msgr. Policarpio John A. Luza, P.C., Director for Academic Affairs gave the Invocation. The guests included Col Nazario L Lira CE (GSC) PA, Group Commander 6RCDG ARESCOM, Camp Hernandez, Dingle Iloilo and his wife Luth Diao Lira, and Col Leterio A DabanCE (RET) PA, former Executive Officer 6RCDG, now Commandant of Hercor College ROTC Unit and Battalion Commander 1st Capiz Ready reserve Battalion. The presentation was participated in by CPC ROTC Unit Officers and their Sponsors with Cdt Col Emelie S Favorito, a BS Criminology 111 student as the Corps Commander and Joey B Catalan, a BS Accountancy 1 student as the Corps Escort and a

total of 259 Cadets with 128 males and 131 females comprising the 15 tertiary courses in the college. The event was also attended by MAJ Maximo J Janita Jr (Res) PA, Acting Commandant CPC ROTC Unit and the present Battalion Commander of the 2nd Capiz Ready Reserve Battalion, Philippine Army, the teaching staff: 1LT Romeo J Dela Cruz (Res) PA, Asst. Commandant; Cpt Tony B Pilas (Inf) PA, TacOfficer Instructor; 2LT Elreih Eric C Aromin (Inf) PA. Operational Training Officer: Sgt Catherine E Ramirez (QMS) PA, Chief Clerk; Msg Victor L Bacuna (Res) PA, Tac-NCO/S3/ Instructor; SMS Felino S Gepanaga PA (Ret), CMA/ Instructor; Sgt Placido U Bereber Jr (Res) PA, TacNCO/S7/ Instructor Sgt Merlyn Moises (Res) PA, Tac_NCO/ S1/ Instructor; Sgt Carlito S Alsagon Jr (Res) PA, Tac-NCO/ S2/ Instrucotor; Sgt Aurelio S Sarandona (Res) PA, Tac- NCO/ S4/ Instructor; and Ms.. Lourdes Principe, Corps Sponsors and Corps Escort Adviser. A Sponsors Ball followed the night after the presentation at Espacio Verde, Dayao, Roxas City, with the special guest and speaker Engr. Nilo J. Diestro, President, Rotary Club of Metro See ROTC / page 10


September - November 2010

The Purisimian

Thirteen Crim students pass Criminology Licensure Exam













CPC celebrates Mama Mary’s birthday The Purisimian community gathered to celebrate the birth of the school’s patron, the Blessed Virgin Mary last September 8, 2010, 3:00 p.m at the CPC Main Building quadrangle. The celebration started with a parade from the CPC Arnaldo Boulevard Campus going to the CPC Main Building participated by all CPC Boulevard Campus students and staff. A living rosary at the CPC quadrangle then followed after the parade. Selected students

from the high school, and different departments formed a string of beads with lighted candles as the Holy Rosary was being prayed by the rest of the Purisimian community. A Eucharistic Celebration then followed, with Rt. Rev. Msgr. Vicente F. Hilata P.A.,V.G., the College Rector as the Main Celebrant and the CPC Priests as the Co-celebrants. The event ended at around 5 in the afternoon. *Roda V. Gangoso

A group of CME students carrying Mama Mary’s image


Thirteen students from the Department of Criminology passed the Criminology Licensure Examination last August 28 – 30, given by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), held at different places in Iloilo City. The said passers are the following: Barroa, Roden; Bautista, Federico Jr.; Cadiz, Eric Mark; Cañonero, Gerlen; Casipit, Johnry; Celiz, Jingkie; Demandaco, Rodel; Farenas, Aldrin; Mercurio, Harold Jefferson; Ordoño, Ruzzel; Sampiano, Antonio Jr.; Sarandona, Aurelio; and Soberano, Vincent. The oath taking of the thirteen passers was held on November 4 at the Iloilo Grand Hotel.*Jinky C. Frejoles

Com. Sci. and Eng’g students attend Y4IT seminar and fieldtrip

(From left to right) Prof. Mike Corcino, Computer Science Students, Prof. Monecita Villaruz

30 Computer Science graduating students, 27 Computer Engineering students and 4 faculty members attended the Philippine Youth For Information Technology seminar and fieldtrip in Metro Manila last September 13-19. The said event is an annual activity and a requirement for graduating students of the Information Technology and Engineering Departments. They started with a tour

at De La Salle University; and a visit at the office of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) where they were shown how MMDA operates computers to monitor the whole of Metro Manila. The next day they attended a seminar at Bayantel - Quezon City Branch where the background as well as the current status of the company was discussed to them. They then visited the Advance See Com Sci. / page 10

The Purisimian










September - November 2010


Behind the Colored Walls Located at the heart of the city, a finely furnished edifice dominantly tinted by blue, a well-engineered façade with an innovative foyer, this is Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion at first glimpse. Being an institution for almost 63 years, our school has undoubtedly improved greatly, from a small “nipa hut” into two big campuses. However, it is a sad truth that our school may have just focused on the improvement of its exterior and may have forgotten about the most important—the improvement of its quality education. How can we understand thoroughly our lessons if we are distracted by the scourging heat because of poor ventilation in our class rooms? There may be electric fans but some are not functioning and we are also troubled that these damaged fans will eventually fall on our heads without us noticing it. Another, our attention is always diverted to the blare of passing vehicles because the school is in the middle of a very busy street and our focus is also disrupted by the sound system of the neighboring business establishment. We also can’t find ease every time we sit on a broken chair plus the fact that when we are going to write down notes, our armchairs are unusable. We also grieve at the fact that our school just receives and receives students, promising us of quality education at enrollment, only to make us sit in a very tiny and maze-like structure that our school proudly calls a “classroom”. As we visit the Arnaldo Blvd. Campus, we can see that an already-once-small-classroom was even divided in half by a thin sheet of plywood to serve as two classrooms. As a student, we cannot focus on our lessons because of the heat in every room, added by the boxlike space that we are in, and not even mentioning the noise at the other side of the plywood. Some of us even have to hold classes at the library, the stage and other places due to the lack of available rooms. “CPC has really improved, classrooms have increased in number, some classrooms were divided and eventually became two,” a B.S in Mar. E. student jests

pertaining to their classrooms at the Boulevard Campus. The classrooms were divided into two just to accommodate the number of students. The value of quality education does not depend on the beauty of the physical structure of a school. The purpose of the facilities is for utility to maximize the learning condition of students. It should start within the four pillars of our classrooms. It should start from within. Our point is clear and simple: if our school wants to accept many students, then it is also the duty of the school to ensure adequate and complete facilities to accommodate all of us first. If this institution could not however provide this, then it must put a limit on the number of students that it accepts during enrollment. Our school must remember that we are all investing our hard-earned money and our whole future into this institution. It is now time for our school to do the half of the bargain.

By Arian Mariz V. Javellana Editor-in-Chief Rizzi Angelica Maribao Associate Editor Maxwel John Berdugo Managing Editor Arian Mariz Javellana News Editor Jayson Mendoza Feature Editor Roda Gangoso Literary Editor Christine Arguelles Column Editor Jose Arsenio Quinzon Layout Editor/Cartoonist Joemil Lava Staff Writers Lorevie Joy Dela Torre Joan Marie Macellones Jinky Frejoles Adviser Dean, Student Affairs

Ms. Caressa Lynn A. Siglos Rev. Fr. Jay J. Bonete

Rev. Fr. Reynaldo A. Villanoy, Jr., STL-Ph.D. Consultant / Vice Rector Rt. Rev. Msgr. Vicente F. Hilata, P.A., V.G. Rector


he Purisimian is the official student publication of Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion, published thrice per semester. No part of this newsletter may be used or reproduced in any form without written consent from the author and the Editorial Board. Suggestions, comments and contributions with name, course and year, and signature are welcomed. Send them to the office of The Purisimian, 3rd floor of CPC Main Building, Arzobispo St., Roxas City, Capiz or email us at thepurisimian1950@ or All manuscripts submitted are subject to editing and become property of The Purisimian. The column published herein except for the editorial are the personal stands of the author and do not reflect the stand of the publication as a whole.

The Man in the Mirror ”I’m talking to the man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways. No message can be clearer. If you wanna make the world a better place, better look at yourself and make that change!” Alright, don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t born in the 80’s (though I look like one) nor have I just woken up from a 20-year coma and didn’t know that Michael’s long been dead. It’s just that this song just fired up a cannon called “reality” right into my face. I’ve got one confession to make: I complain a lot. So much in fact that if there’s a

psycho disorder that can be called “complainiac”, then I might have been its worst victim. I complain almost about anything that is out of order, and part of it is about our school. Who would not notice our stinky CR that drives even the flies out? How about our armchairs filled with filthy words on top, and freshlystuck bubblegum at the bottom? Then maybe, you have already seen how we freely talk in dialect in our corridors though a huge sign shouts “ENGLISH SPEAKING ZONE”? Now, who could not even

complain about that? Well, based on my ability to predict what you are thinking right now, I am guessing that you are already picking up your megaphone and planning to blame it all on our administration, our classmates, our government, our culture, and all the people we can think of who are involved in everything we encounter everyday! Drop it, pal. It’s not the way I see it, or at least, how Michael sees it. As to his song, if we really want change, then we should be involved in making it happen. Each of us has his concerns but with those concerns also goes the responsibility to do what we are capable of and start the change within ourselves in order to See Panorama / page 10


September - November 2010

By Rizzi Angelica V. Maribao

Bitterness For A Rotten System We can never deny that public service will always remain the socalled reason why people engage in politics, but as I observed the real scenario, is it really “serbisyo publiko” or “serbisyo pulitiko”? Now, I have a few points to leave as my mind starts to digest the undeniable fact that we want the best but we always end up choosing the worst. One by one let’s make this straight to the point. Employment is just one of the major problems nowadays. Finishing your college degree, of course, doesn’t mean stability until you are hired. Unfortunately, even if you are already hired, especially in public offices, that still wouldn’t mean stability until you become a permanent employee. And to become a permanent employee, well, all you have to do is be allies with the winning party during the elections (casual ka lang kontra partido ka pa, sigurado lay off ka gid dayon eh.)… What is missing? Simply, public service. Obviously, casual employees are still members of the public. Whether or not they voted for the person who won, still they always deserve fair treatment and the same rights and opportunities enjoyed by others. We don’t

need leaders who would help just a few people during their tenure— especially leaders who only choose the people they want to help. We need leaders who help everybody whether rich or poor, young or old, allies or non-allies and even friends or enemies. Nothing more, nothing less. Furthermore, “public office is a public trust”. Public offices are obviously for everybody that’s why it is named “public”. But is it right that every time a person who is identified as “kontra partido” enters a public establishment, he will be scrutinized by the security guard? It’s not right of course. Sadly, this is only too evident in our transactions in public offices. To make it clear, the city hall and capitol, although headed by the executive officials—the mayor and the governor respectively, are owned by neither of them but by the public. There’s no reason for anybody to discourage through harassment anyone who plans to enter any of these halls. Only when a person presents a grave and immediate threat should he be scrutinized, for the purpose of maintaining safety. Meanwhile, people trust the confidentiality of the votes casted upon their ballots during See Angel Ink / page 9

The Purisimian

By Maxwel John B. Berdugo

When Pushing the Start Button Becomes Hard It has always been a mystery to me why it is hard for most of us to start the ball rolling. From starting a conversation with a new girl in class, waking up early in the morning for a first hour class, commencing a “whatsoever” program in a not-so-far-away-land or even thinking of a good start for this column… Hmm…I don’t even know if I could call this a “good” start…But well, whatever. I will not talk about tardiness or stuff like that-although my “starting” sentence sounds like it but that’s not really the bottom line. Let me redirect you to something more personal and somewhat, well, meaningful. One thing’s for sure however: it has something to do with the word “start”. Let’s say you bumped into this pretty girl in

the neighborhood and then suddenly, you found yourself so hooked up with her and the next thing you knew she has this school’s MVP named Chad waiting for her outside her house with his car. And poof! You’re damn broken and can’t find the strength to “start” all over again. Another one is when one day you poured so much time and energy in reviewing your notes and even burned your eyebrows the whole weeknight just to encapsulate all the things that you needed to study, but you just ended up failing to be in the list of Cum Laudes in your school and then again, you find it hard to “start” over again. Well, we all have our own share of ‘findingit-hard-to-start-again” stories. But whatever may be the kind of story


By Jayson Mendoza

A Debasing Option Maybe you’ll agree with me if I say that today “nothing in this world is for free” (Maybe except dreaming) Am I right? As a student, we burn our eyebrows to get a diploma, a prestigious piece of paper that will eventually open our opportunities for us to get a job. By working we can then earn our own salaries which we will use to buy our own needs and fulfill our interests.

Lucky for those who are employed, they surely can. But how about those who belong to the poorest sector of society? Those who are lucky enough if they could eat at least once a day? Poverty is a sad reality. A person can either die of hunger or survive by making a desperate move. Some are forced by the circumstances to become robbers, kidnappers or

you have, my friend, just always remember that the real battle of life isn’t actually about winning all the time. More often than not, we can find the best stories from defeated people who have learned to start over again and eventually, won the fight. For good reasons, we all want something for ourselves. We pray for it so hard but then sometimes an answer comes that is…er…not what we’ve asked for in the first place. But I guess in times like this when we feel like we’re a big sore LOSER, we need to resist the urge to give up and instead learn to have faith--simple as that. Everything in life depends on how we look at it. When the going gets tough, we are given a choice to see it either as a rocky road that will lead us to our doom or a wonderful path that will take us to a land of new beginnings. Sounds so long, long time ago, right? But hey, don’t miss the point. ‘Coz if you do, it would be better if you “start” reading it…again. PEACE. =b

even gamblers. Their intention may be good but their ways will ALWAYS be immoral in the eyes of society. They may be haunted by their conscience but they will always ask this question: “Do we have a choice?” Here in the Philippines as well as in other countries, one dominant mode of survival of the destitute is by providing sexual services to another person in return for payment, more popularly known as prostitution. Let us now go to the main dish. It would not be a See Unplugged / page 9

The Purisimian


September - November 2010

“Hi! It’s your phone speaking. You have a new message.” This used to be my message alert tone, now my Mama uses this one. There’s actually nothing unusual about this alert, only that it reminds me so much of those people who are fond of having textmates. I have no plans of making my article long, so I’ll get to this straight. I was never a fan of having textmates. Getting to know a stranger through text isn’t really my nature. I would prefer knowing someone personally and I prefer to text only my friends already listed on my phonebook. They’re

the only ones I consider textmates. Actually, it’s fine to have one, two, three, or even hundreds of them as long as you always bear in mind your limitations. What I’m trying to say is that in dealing with others we do not know, we have to be aware that people create a different image when using gadgets than when they communicate in person. It’s difficult to observe how true a person’s intentions and behaviors are through text. You can’t put all your trust on textmates because one minute they’re your friends,

the next they court you and start saying “I Love You!” but through it all you can ever tell whether these people are real or not, good or bad. (This one goes for girls.) No matter how fun and exciting getting to know a stranger is, with just a text away there’s always a possibility that they could lure you, saying this and that, asking you to meet them somewhere, telling you to bring something, etc. In the end, I guess you are not blind to stories

of horror— unsuspecting girls ending up getting raped, others getting mugged and

hope you know what I mean here. You just have to acknowledge and be aware that whatever situation we are in, there are always limitations. Those should keep us alert on what’s going to happen next, either good or bad, so we can protect ourselves and our loved ones. I don’t have the right to control you through this article, but I definitely have the right to voice out some advice here not just for my fellow girls out there but also for everyone who encounters various strangers in life. Know them first. Post Script, Send to Many. :p

Writing this particular column was quite difficult because it involves everyone including our costudents and beloved teachers. I know a lot of people will be able to relate to this matter. As students, there are instances when we get compared to someone like, for example, our seniors or sometimes even those who are younger than us. In our classes, most of the time we are compared to others who are perceived to be better than us. What hurts more is when the comparison is made at a general level. “Sus, layo-layo gid kamo sa iban, ngaman hindi kamo maging pareho nila?” When we hear this statement

we would usually say, “Ma’am/Sir, every person is different”. Of course, we students have to understand that our teachers want us to strive hard in our studies. We are the ones, after all, who will benefit from our education. Our teachers don’t want us to waste time and money not learning what we’re supposed to. However, although sometimes we deserve those words, harsh comparison can also be insulting and hurtful. Every person is unique, including his strengths and weaknesses, so why compare? Using comparison to encourage better behavior may not be very effective. It affects

d i ng ly. They are here to By Joan Marie F. Macellones teach us how to battle life’s challenges students in different and keep a positive ways. Of course, there mindset. are some who will be encouraged to strive THE REAL DEAL harder and compete To our teachers, but sad to say, there we understand your will also be others who concerns and we will be discouraged acknowledge that at and will eventually feel some point, yes, we inferior and therefore, do have mistakes. But act inferior. not everyone thinks Our teachers are the way other students considered our second do. We do not have parents. They are the same level and kind not here just to teach of abilities as well. We and equip us with might misinterpret knowledge for our the way we are guided future professions. As and eventually react second parents, they are negatively to the also here to help us learn situation. If you want how it is to become us to improve in class, better people and, if please do not humiliate possible, live accor- and compare us. Tell

us specifically what it is that we need to improve and if possible, do it in a nice way. To my fellow Purisimians, we are college students and we are expected to be more mature and capable of doing things for ourselves. If our teachers see that we are eager to learn despite hardships, it will be easier for them to help us improve. They will not have to use insults and comparisons to remind us of the value of education. Let’s face the fact that since we want independence in the future, we have to be able to show that we are ready for it by being responsible students. Let’s not wait for those insulting words to make us realize that what we are doing is wrong.

Blue Pen

By Jinky C. Frejoles

Just a Text Away

killed. I’m not trying to ban you people (most especially girls out there) from texting or having textmates. I know it’s personal. Please do take this as an advice, though. It wouldn’t hurt anyway. We can escape boredom through many ways or by just receiving a text message saying “Hi! Can you be my textmate?” and just a text away there goes a happy ending or a gruesome situation. I don’t want to conclude anything. I

Pseudo Code

“Compare and Contrast”

September - November 2010

The Sangguinarian By Christine D. Arguelles

Ruining one’s self I was sitting at the bench near the chapel when some of my friends approached me. They were talking about the amounts left for their tuition fees. Suddenly, one of them opened a topic about their nightout at a certain place. Nowadays, we can observe that many teens are all over the city especially students coming from certain colleges. Some go out to certain places for their night-outs having the idea of fun, fun and fun. (Dear students, is it right to drink liquor while wearing your uniforms? Oh, what a shame!) What I’m trying to point out is, isn’t it absurd that you’re parading your insensitivity? Some students are prone to many vices like smoking during their free time, playing computer games from dawn ‘til dusk (as if they were zombies), drinking alcoholic beverages (to the max) even during or after their classes and worse is engaging in premarital sex. Don’t they know that engaging in these activities may result to horrible consequences? Don’t they understand that they’re just compromising their education and health? Who wants to be burdened by problems? None, of course. Most teens think

that these activities will give them an ‘astig image kuno’ Duh? Being “astig” is being WHO YOU ARE and being the BEST THAT YOU CAN BE. (Batu-bato sa langit, ang maigu, secret lang para di mahalata.) What could be the effects? Some of these teens become “tambays”, while some go through rough situations like having illnesses such as lung cancer and tuberculosis from smoking, and liver cancer from too much drinking. Some young girls are forced to give up schooling and young lads have to give up certain privileges with the sudden obligation of having to raise a family. All in all, teens may encounter consequences they are not prepared to face simply because of an overdose of fun! I’m not saying that I’m a pro when it comes to influencing you, my dear readers. I just want all of you to be safe and ready to face our future as concerned citizens of this institution and of the nation. I cannot bear to see students who are living in limbo when there’s so much more we could do to make our time worthwhile. You may say I should just mind my own ‘beeswax’, but my dears, I won’t waste time writing nonsense,


The Purisimian

that’s why I’m showing you what I think is right. My fellow students, bear in mind that we belong in a Godinspired institution.

We carry the image of the Immaculate Concepcion. Thus, we SHOULD act properly and accordingly. We should learn to take control of our actions

for it reflects the image of the school and the type of people we are. That would be all. Thank you for sparing your time and letting my pen do the job.


exams. Some really don’t have money to pay on time and some do but have already spent it. Fear of not being able to take the exams and desperation sometimes lead students to engage in this shady ‘business transaction’. But now the question is: Does making money for schooling outweigh the sanctity of your body for you to surrender it so liberally? My fellow students, prostitution in exchange for tuition fee is NOT and will NEVER be an option. This will just destroy our dignity. Practicing this transaction just shows how ignorant we are of the purpose of education. We were sent to school to study and develop ourselves to become better individuals and citizens, not to degrade and taint our personality. Selling our body and dignity for tuition fee in no way gives us the education we deserve and the growth as a person that we need. We have the

ability to find remedies to our problems. In every decision we have to make, we have hundreds of better choices, but we are just blinded by our fear and desperation, leading us to consider the fastest and easiest means at times. Try to think about this. If you know that your family is financially unstable, why not try saving your daily allowance, do part-time work, apply for scholarships? The amount may be small but this could be a big help in times of crisis. On the other hand, if your parents already gave the money to you, pay your tuition right away! This will prevent you from using it for other unnecessary things. Discipline, control and respect yourself, my friend! And hey! Where is the “Maria Clara and Maginoo’s” tradition? If our ancestors COULD do it, WHY CAN’T WE?

support contending politicians, not their varied platforms, nor their principles. Instead of discussing with one another the best solutions to solve problems, they end up pulling each other down and seeking favor of those in power. Lastly, what does public service really mean? Is it all about making detailed presentation of the anomalies

and overspending of the previous administration? Is it all about eliminating all the things that serve as legacy of the prior leader? Public service, I believe, affirms the popular Latin maxim, “Salus populi suprema est lex”, translated as: the welfare of the people is the supreme law. Well, look around, observe, digest and take steps.

surprise seeing clubs and dens of prostitutes along the highway, but isn’t it too degrading to know that this immorality has already penetrated the child’s haven for learning and growth? Yes, it’s hard to accept reality, but it is real and it is happening. Prostitution inside schools exists. According to a friend, Mike (not his real name), during his high school days, he said that he was able to engage in this kind of “business transaction”. Known as a rich kid, he told me that someone offered him this deal for only two thousand pesos! He confessed that being a young ‘man’, he was not able to refuse the proposed transaction. When he asked the girl why she did that, she just answered, “Gipit lang”. How does this happen? Some coin it as “PROSTI-TUITION” because it happens mostly before or during the payment of fees for Angel’s ink...

the elections. If it is confidential, how come there are people who can identify the kapartido and kontrapartido? How come politicians know who voted for them per precinct, for instance? We, as one nation, are supposed to help one another fight the battle against the national crises that we currently suffer from. Sad to say, people are fighting because they















Over All Champion Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion (CPC) 88 Golds, 43 Silvers, 25 bronzes


CAPRISA Lit-Mus and Dancefest hails CPC as over-all champ

Five gold medals led CPC’s dominance over 2010 Caprisa’s Literary-Musical Tertiary Competition and Dance Festival held last October 4 -8. CPC garnered three gold medals in the CAPRISA’s Literary-Musical contest tertiary level held at the Roblee Hall last October 8. Felizardo Demayuga (CBMA) won first place in Oration (English), along with Jomarie Fetalino (CEd) in Binalaybay and Robert Colona and Hanna Joy Tambal (CEd) in Vocal Duet. Robert Colona (CEd) also bagged 2nd place in Vocal Solo (Classical) and Rhea Lyn Uadan (CBMA) won 3rd place in Vocal Solo (Pop). CPC also reaped two championship trophies in the CAPRISA’s Dancefest Competition held at the Capiz Gymnasium last October 6. CPC

has continued its 5-year reign as she again won gold in Philippine Folk Dance and Contemporary Dance Competitions, as represented by the selected members of the CPC Sarayawan Dance Troupe. Monette Bernas and Jemar Molina (Latin American) and Jade Christopher Foley and Jeaneth Domingo ( American Standard) both won 1st runners-up in Dance Sports Competition. Capiz Private Schools’ Association (CAPRISA) is an annual event held to promote camaraderie among private schools in Capiz. It has three levels of competition: the Primary level (Elementary), Secondary (High School) and Tertiary (College). This year’s CAPRISA (Tertiary Level) was participated by CSJR-Roxas, FCU, SACR, HC, and CPC. *Arian Mariz Javellana

ROTC... Roxas, Roxas City, Capiz. The CPC ROTC Unit is looking forward to the upcoming Regional Annual Administrative

Tactical Inspection (RAATI) and is hoping to have another successful performance like those of the previous years. *Roda V. Gangoso


September - November 2010

CPC debating team shines in CAPRISA

The school’s debating team brought pride and honor to the college after having been proclaimed champion in the CAPRISA Debate 2010 held at Filamer Christian University Roblee Hall last October 8. The debate team members, composed of five students from the College of Business, Management and Accountancy, are Ma. Victoria Bargas, Felizardo Demayuga, Arian Mariz Javellana, Febbie Baquilar and Maricar Villanueva. The competition was in the Oregon-Oxford format, single knock-out.

During the preliminary match, the team competed against College of St. John-Roxas De La Salle Supervised with the proposition: “Resolved that the enhanced K-12 program be implemented in the Philippines”, CPC defending the affirmative side. For the final match, the proposition “Resolved that sex education be included in the basic education curriculum” was debated on, with the CPC team defending the negative side and the Filamer Christian University team defending the affirmative. Bargas, Demayuga, and

Javellana gave speeches on the non-necessity, non-beneficiality and non-practicability of the affirmative’s proposal, at the same time preparing a strong counter-proposal. The CPC team was declared champion, with Bargas also bagging the Best Speaker Award. The members, under the tutelage of their coach and trainer Ms. Caressa Lynn Siglos, will represent the province in the upcoming West Visayas Regional Meet at Negros Occidental this December together with other champions from CPC.


We shouldn’t just sit here and whine when things don’t go the way we want them to. We have to move a step further and help create a solution. We are the blood of this institution, and we should make appropriate actions in keeping with our desire to make our situation better. WE ARE ALL TO BE BLAMED! But just as

well, WE CAN ALL BE EMPOWERED! I guess, even in his peace, Michael still gave us something for us to ponder upon. So if you’re thinking of complaining again without even involving yourself in the change that you want to see, then remember to always talk to the man in the mirror!

CLA... Soon, twists in the story occur, changing the course of Carmona’s life and of those around her. The play was starred by the students of both Mass Communication and Political Science Departments—Ms. Amago, Mr. Lava, Ms. Pavilonia, with supporting roles

by Raymart Unating as Gabriel; Mary Ann Balbino as Mona; Grace Pavilonia as Divina; and Ruby Ann Algora as Sophia. The play was directed by Mr. Gary Tabañera, a fourth year Mass Com student and was made successful with the help of Prof. Zoe Contreras.*Jose Arsenio A. Quinzon

concerning Information Technology (IT) industry were discussed like Emphatic Computing in the Philippines, Software as a Service-Application in the Cloud, and Curves and Cryptography: New Connections in

the Mathematics of Information Security, among others. Their last stop was at Baguio City where they toured around “People’s Support,” a call center company. *Joan Marie F. Macellones

make things better for all. For a long time, we’ve been complaining about this and that without even stopping to ask ourselves: “What can I also do to help?” We want clean comfort rooms, but we don’t even bother to flush the toilet bowls after we use it. We want clean, usable chairs but we use them like an extension of our notebooks and bubblegum-catcher all in one. We complain about a lot of things when we cannot even simply follow the ‘English Speaking Policy’. As they say, reality might hurt but I guess, it’s time for us to realize it. Com sci... Science and Technology Institute (ASTI) where they learned about Filipino Operating System. They also attended a seminar at the UP Theatre where different topics


September - November 2010

The Purisimian 11

With everything you hear about fraternities today, would you want to join? No, being a student who aims to have a better future, I have to abide by the rules and regulations regarding good manners and right behaviors and joining such fraternities are just a waste of time and may give me a bad reputation. SaFrat ‘10 Yes, because I want to develop my leadership skills, promote friendship and give my service to others. Esteban Angel Dalisay SRB I choose to decline in joining fraternities or any organization that has not been recognized and authorized by the school and society because as a student, I do believe that joining a fraternity is an immoral act because of its hazardous effect to oneself and to the society. If the fraternity has a

good purpose, I guess there are so many alternative means to meet their goal.=) Dr. M@g!c No, as a student even sometimes there are good effects we can get from it, joining a fraternity is an obstacle for my personal goals. Mr. _____________ I think there’s nothing wrong in joining a fraternity. Besides, not all fraternities are “hazing-to-point-ofdeath”. There are some fraternities that help their brothers by giving them scholarship grants from big universities. >>>starzkolab<<< >=peace-> There are still some fraternities/sororities which are formed also for the purpose of helping one another and not having what

you called “brutal initiation” and engaging in “frat wars”. So by this reason I would like to say “Yes”, kung may ara di gani fraternity, “GAME” sali ako but of course it should be authorized by the school and I know that by joining this group I could improve my intrapersonal and interpersonal well being and lastly to practice “BROTHERHOOD” Santino^_^ I will not be willing to join such group like fraternities it’s because it may trigger my physical health. We all know how painful a person may experience during initiation. Despite of its effects of “protection”, I wouldn’t be willing because how could I enjoy such benefit if I’m already inside the coffin after initiation? _belieber_

Yes, because I want many friends and I’m willing to take the risk. Spinxy No, because I don’t

Your publication is now on Facebook! Be heard by posting your comments, suggestions, and events in your departments that you want us to cover. Also join us in the issues and discussions tackled on our wall every week! Simply visit or add us through our fan page “The Purisimian Publication.” Be involved, be a true Purisimian!

know shall be well discussed. Classrooms should be suitable for learning,(ventilation). -anonymous

Tani kung may event.. Tani “on time” man magstart..permi lang dbi late. Filipino time gid ya. -unNameD Bigyan kmi ng aircon sa aming headquarters sa ROTC army at tv at refrigerator and full support ROTC at bigyan kami ng kristalized na room at generator. -theKnights The orientation for fresh college students should be conducted well with attention takes process. It shouldn’t be boring & most of all things & subject matters that a new student should

need it. I am contented with what I have. I have my family, friends, schoolmates and classmates. Definitely, I don’t need a fraternity! miKloy+>

I suggest that the school must have the facilities to prioritize the students, most important is in the room and all areas in the school, and the ROTC army must also be prioritized by the school. -secret identity Lack of foods in the canteen. (halos junkfoods nalang ang baligya sa Canteen. Permi lang muna adlaw2 ang baligya. Please Repair the chairs. Wasak na dabi yah, damu pa lansang, gasangit pa ang palda namun. Tani airconditioned naman aton library. Useless ang pagbutang electric fan sa guwa sang bursar. Wala man lang ginapaandar, kainit! Esp. magkuha permit, gagutukay pa kainit dayun tani paandarun man. -ANONYMOUS

I suggest that all the room must have an aircon. I also suggest that all chairs must be replaced because there are many damaged chairs, and all drawing table in the engineering department must be replaced with a new one. Bigyan ng pansin ang ROTC army. -secret I hope nga ang mga high school mag sulod sa canteen, behave and observe proper cleanliness. -Unknown Congrats gali sa mga winners esp. ang volleyball girls kag ang basketball. Astig gid kamu. Go CPC! Nami gid ang team spirit.:) -masadya

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