John Sear - August 2020

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LOSE THE LOCKDOWN WEIGHT Let’s face it, over the lockdown period we have all gotten a little less fit, and maybe a little rounder around the sides…


espite the best efforts of Joe Wicks, as lockdown went on, people’s motivation started to drain, and without gyms and swimming pools open, and JustEat and FoodHub offering no-contact delivery direct to your door, a lot of people are now finding themselves in worse shape than three months ago. However, now some gyms are open again with outdoor space, we thought we’d take a look at some workouts and exercises to get your heart pumping and to get fit ready for the summer…


Jogging and cycling have been great for people to build their cardio over the past few months. To get the most from a cardio session, there are a few things you can do… HIIT – HIIT means High-Intensity Interval Training. Which in simple terms means switching between high-intensity work and lowintensity work, for example… 1-minute sprint – 2-minute jog – 1-minute sprint – 2-minute jog – 1-minute sprint, for a total of twenty minutes. Steady State – Steady State cardio is the best form if you have a high percentage of body fat to lose. The aim is to get your heart rate up enough and to get sweating and to stay there for 30-45 minutes.



10-minute warm-up on a rower, a stationary bike or a jogging machine, followed by 30-minutes at a steady pace that keeps your heartbeat up. Interval Training – Interval Training is the bridge between HIIT and Steady State. Mixing high-intensity bursts with longer steadier states of training, for example… 5-minute warm-up – 2-minute sprint – 5-minute steady pace – 2-minute sprint and so on…


If you think resistance training is all about lifting heavy weights while grunting like a meathead, then think again. Resistance training combined with cardio is the best way to lose weight and tone up at the same time.

A lot of people are now finding themselves in worse shape than three months ago

Compound Movements – Compound exercises, otherwise known as full-body exercises, are the fastest way to burn fat and get toned. Squats – Squats are one of the best exercises for weight-loss. Start with a heavy weight on a barbell balanced on your shoulders. Bend your knees, while keeping your back straight, go as low as you can, and then push up. Deadlifts – Start with a barbell on the floor and your legs at shoulderwidth. With your knees slightly bent, and your back straight, grip the bar an equal distance apart and raise to standing position keeping your core tight. Incline Bench Press – With a weight bench set at an incline of 45 degrees, using a pair of dumbells

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