Vol.1, No.2

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An EUS Publication


EUS News How to Twitter Smartphone Wars Supernova Part I Food

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October 16th, 2012


The Plumber’s Ledger October 16th, 2012

Contributors Editor:



Frédérick Chagnon Marc Chelala Drea Gideon Erika Timoshenko

Brigid Cami Brigid Cami Kelvin Kung Erika Timoshenko

Photography: Anna Katycheva Erika Timoshenko

Artwork: Anna Katycheva Justin Turcotte

Advising: David Bailey

Information The Plumber’s Ledger is a Publication of the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University. The views expressed are solely the opinions of the authors and do not necessarilly represent the position of the EUS. For questions, comments, and complaints, as well as more information on the policies of the Plumber’s Ledger, please use the contact information below. Use this contact information also if you have an interest in contributing content to the Plumber’s Ledger on a one-time or regular basis.

From the Editor:

>> HELLO WORLD Welcome to the second issue of The Plumber’s Ledger! As in the previous one, we lay before you a colorful melange of engineering creativity. Perhaps it was the cover that urged you to pick up this publication. Photography on display in a Trottier newsstand? Blasphemous! Oh, yes. This publication is the place for engineering art to thrive and fllourish. As you flip through the pages this will become clear to you. And yet it is hardly restricted to art. In this issue we have the first installment of a short story. We have a recipe to fit the season. Ever wonder why Twitter exists? Page 6! Ever been lusting for coffee in the middle of nowhere (i.e. campus) with no idea where to turn? Page 9! Android or iPhone? 10! For those of you looking to get involved, our EUS News feature keeps you updated on clubs seeking members, up-coming events, and more of the like. Finally, The Plumber’s Ledger is on the hunt for new members! If there’s any sort of content you’d like to show the world (i.e. McGill) don’t hesitate to send it in to ledger@mcgilleus.ca. Without further adieu, we present to you the second issue. Brigid Cami, Editor

The Plumber’s Ledger publications.director@mcgilleus.ca Vol. 1, No. 2 October 16th, 2012

Published by the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University

The Plumber’s Ledger October 16th, 2012

How to Get Involved in or to Submit Content to The Plumber’s Ledger

In This Issue: “I don’t know what’s on the other side” by Anna Katycheva 1 Message from the Editor


How to Contribute to the Ledger


EUS Updates


Album Review: 5 Lupe Fiasco, Food & Liquor II: The Great American Rap Album Pt. 1 TL;DR 6 A Medley of Autumn Flavours


The Coffee Tree Get Ready for the Next Generation of Smartphone Wars

9 10

Supernova Part I: Lift-Off


EUS Sports is Back!


“Coca Campbell’s” by Justin Turcotte 16


The Ledger still needs lots of people to help produce amazing content that will interest your fellow students. We will accept anything which can be put on paper and which your peers will enjoy. We also need people who can help do layout and graphic design. If you would like to help on a regular basis, send an email to ledger@mcgilleus.ca, and we will tell you when the next meeting is. If you would like to submit individual content, you can email it to the same address. This is an excellent opportunity for EUS clubs and committees, for event organizers, and for anyone who doesn’t normally write or draw but who occasionally gets a great idea.

Some Guidelines: -Keep content concise. There is no strict limit, but 500-800 words is a good goal for large articles. Short content is welcomed too. -If available, send relevant pictures with written content. -For art, the file sent should have a high resolution. It may be in colour or black and white. -Edit content thoroughly before submission. -Try to send more humourous pieces to the Plumber’s Faucet (not that we’re overly serious here), and technology pieces to Technophilic. -Nothing libelous, hateful, or violating copyright law. You already knew that though.

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The Plumber’s Ledger October 16th, 2012

Updates from Your The McGill Chapter of the North American Institute for Trenchless Technology is looking for members! With only three members at the moment, fancy position names to brighten up your resume are practically being handed out. We meet once or twice a month, and it’s a great opportunity to be educated about this revolutionary technology. Email carrie.mouck@mail.mcgill. ca for more information.


Next EUS Council Meeting As an engineering undergraduate student at McGill, you have a right to attend meetings of the EUS Council and to speak for or against any motion, though only your elected councilors may vote. The next regular meeting of the EUS Council will be Wednesday, October 17th, at 6:00 p.m. in the EUS Common Room. Meetings are held every second week after this.

McGill Engineering Competition – On November 24th one of McGill’s biggest annual engineering events is back! Grab your toolbox and compete against some of the most fabulous people in your faculty! For those of you unfamiliar with MEC, it is a full day competition open to all students in the faculty of engineering and it requires no previous experience or preparation (sadly with a couple of exceptions). It is one of the best opportunities to apply your engineering knowledge and growing technical skills in a practical aspect. There are 7 different competition categories, from Junior Design to Re-Engineering. Each one involves a different type of awesome problem-solving technique and they are all completed in groups of maximum 2 or 4 people. This year we are bringing in judges from some of the most sought-after engineering companies. Yes, that means there’s NETWORKING opportunities too!! After all that hard work, you will get rewarded with a delicious Wine and Cheese soiree. As a bonus, the winners will represent McGill at the Quebec Engineering Competition! Need more information? Visit www.mcgillengineeringcompetition.ca or email mengc@gmail.com Interested in helping organize MEC? We are looking for energetic people to help us run a smooth event on the day! Contact mengc@gmail. com to be part of our amazing team!

Published by the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University

The Plumber’s Ledger

Album Review: Lupe Fiasco, Food & Liquor II: The Great American Rap Album Pt. 1 Frédérick Chagnon If you are expecting an album about drinking, sex, drugs, and partying, filled with club bangers and beats to do some bootyshaking… please flip the page and proceed to the next article. For those of you who elected to stay, welcome to the wonderful world of Lupe Fiasco, one of hip-hop’s premier lyricist and arguably music’s as well. He is known for his socially conscientious subject matter and intricate rhyming. He is no stranger to political controversy (calling Obama a terrorist in an interview with Bill O’Reilly – a must watch by the way), or controversy in general (he publicly said he hated his previous album prior to its release, because of the commercial pressure that his label had put on him, the limited creative freedom that he’d been given, and the many delays that the album experienced). After a couple of early singles and free of labelimposed creative restrictions, the expectations were soaring for his latest offering. And he didn’t disappoint. He is as sharp as ever with his writing. The topics range from the fall of the so-called American Empire (“Around My Way (Freedom Ain’t Free)”), to the Native American genocide and how future anthropologists might

October 16th, 2012 see our society (“Unforgivable Youth”), the Church’s pedophilia and the treatment of mental illness (“Lamborghini Angels”), the use of the word “bitch” by artists and its effect on the kids (“Bitch Bad”), and more. There are always the completely insane and intricate metaphors, and alliteration-filled tracks (“Put Em Up” and “Form Follows Function”), as well as the customary labelimposed

love song. This is not a feel-good album. Part of it might make you feel uncomfortable. He claims that although you might not want to hear everything that he has to say, you need to. It is an album that makes you think, that makes you question the current state of society, and that makes you wonder about what you can do to change it. It will Printed by Copi-EUS


take more than a single listen to understand most of what Lupe is saying. Google and Wikipedia might come in handy for to research certain issues. You will have debates about what certain metaphors mean. It is going to make you think, a feat not every album can accomplish, and you will emerge as a better person. This is not hipster music, this is real life music. From a genre that stemmed from poetry and the struggles of the black communities against the established order, Food & Liquor II is everything a hip-hop album should be. It is a must-buy – yes buy – for anyone tired of the meaningdeprived state of today’s music industry.


The Plumber’s Ledger October 16th, 2012

TL;DR Twitter is a real-time social network that allows you to create your own feed of short bursts of information (called “tweets”). You can follow a variety of accounts that you find interesting, and in turn people can follow you if you have unique tweets to share. Both of these aspects are key to enjoying your twitter experience, since most people give up on finding interesting accounts to follow, or they have trouble tweeting something their followers enjoy reading. Trending topics are marked by #hashtags, and other @accounts can be mentioned to link to other tweeters. You can also attach links, videos and photos to express yourself in a creative way. The essence of Twitter is to share and absorb the information you want, while keeping it as concise as possible and demonstrate your personality.

The 140 characters that compose one tweet is exactly what forces information to be clear, compact and thematic.


Accounts worth merit: McGill Community Here are some accounts that illustrate what the “status culture” can be about. You can enjoy a variety of feeds, whether they are politically focused, humorous, satirical or just your friends’ updates.

@FakeMcGillDaily (Parody) This parody of The McGill Daily newspaper always has something entertaining to say about current issues on the minds of McGillians. @Samosatopia (for Foodies)

@McGillBitchin (Humour)

Ever had a real craving for samosas, but didn’t know where to find a sale on campus? This undercover McGillian persona has you covered.

This twitter persona is a girl from West Coast Canada in U3 Arts, who voices her opinion about everything annoying about stereotypical McGill. Her account is “private” so she needs to accept before you can follow her. @McGillLib (Informative) Yes, the McGill Libraries update a twitter account with seminars and relevant information about the various libraries on campus. Noteworthy.

Published by the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University

The Plumber’s Ledger

October 16th, 2012

A Twitter How-To If you’d like to gain more followers and have people “favorite” and “retweet” you more often, here are a few tips on what differentiate a good tweet from a bad one.

Twitter Tip #1: Lengthy thoughts Don’t follow people who continue tweeting the same thought in 2 tweets or more. This totally defeats the purpose of paying tribute to those “tl;dr”-ers. It makes people want to un-follow you for cluttering their feed. Twitter is not a blog!

Bad @kanyewest This is only a clip of his entire rant. At least he admits to “thinking out loud with us today”. Good @kanyewest Very clever, Kanye. I can now consider following you again.

Twitter Tip #2: How to win free stuff

Follow a “search” for keywords like ‘contest’ , ‘hockey tickets’ or ‘win tickets’. You can also follow promotional websites like @NIGHTLIFEmag to keep an eye out for interesting events in Montreal, and sometimes they have give-aways exclusively on Twitter. And it was front row seat tickets at the Bell Centre with Arcade Fire as the opening band.

Stay tuned next issue for more interesting accounts to follow and continue to learn how to use Twitter to your advantage! -@dreaea

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The Plumber’s Ledger October 16th, 2012

A Medley of Autumn Flavours

Erika Timoshenko What better way to enjoy this fall weather than to cook with some fresh, seasonal ingredients! Ingredients - 2-3 sweet potatoes - a block of firm tofu, plain, cut into cubes - 1 medium-sized onion, finely chopped - 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped - any or all of the following spices: turmeric, cayenne, salt, pepper, ginger (powder), sage, oregano, thyme, cumin, celery seeds - vegetable or nut oil - sour cream

For that extra spark add a generous spoonful of sour cream on the side for dipping the sweet potatoes. Also try using hazelnut oil instead of vegetable oil.

Preparation 1. Preheat the oven to 3500F. 2. Peel the sweet potatoes and cut lengthwise into thin slivers, about ½ cm thick. 3. Lay the slivers into an oven-safe pan or tray. Try to overlap the slices as little as possible for even cooking. 4. Sprinkle with a bit of oil, just enough to lightly coat each slice. Ensure that there is oil on the entire surface of each sliver, otherwise it will burn rather than cook. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. 5. Put the potatoes into the oven. Remove when the slices begin to get slightly soft, or leave them in the oven a bit longer for crispy chips. 6. Meanwhile, pour some oil into a pan, add spices, onions, and garlic, and set the heat to medium-high. Stir until the onions have become slightly transparent. 7. Toss in the tofu blocks and continue stirring until the sides of the tofu turn a light brown. Remove from heat. 8. Place slivers of potatoes, tofu, and sour cream onto a plate and enjoy! Published by the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University

The Plumber’s Ledger

October 16th, 2012 Drea Gideon`s

The Coffee Tree

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The Plumber’s Ledger October 16th, 2012

Get Ready For The Next Generation Smartphone Wars Marc Chelala October 2012 is a major turning point for the smartphone industry. With sales for smartphones still on the rise, competitors are fighting for a bigger part of the market share. As the Android ecosystem continues to show its dominance in the mobile operating systems world with 1.3 million device activations a day according to Google chairman Eric Schmidt, Apple is retaliating with the launch of its long-awaited iPhone 5, along with the newest version of their operating system, iOS 6. Meanwhile, struggling RIM is trying to get back in the market with their upcoming BlackBerry OS 10, and Nokia is betting hard on its new devices running Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8. The most important event of the past few months is undoubtedly the launching of Apple’s iPhone 5. The latest phone from Apple is now taller than its predecessors with a 4” screen, in an effort to catch up with the growing screens trend from Android manufacturers. This is also Apple’s first 4G phone, after having rejected such technology in last year’s iPhone 4S. But most important is the exclusion of Google Maps in the newest iOS 6, replaced by Apple’s own mapping services, with turn-by-turn navigation. Such a move is clearly an effort to reduce

Google’s footprint in the mobile world. However, this new mapping application has received mixed reviews, with several reports of inaccuracies and bugs. On the other side, the iPhone 5 has sold over 5 million units on launch weekend. In the Android camp, a move has yet to be made. As Google’s flagship Galaxy Nexus is nearing one year of age, everyone is waiting for the next Nexus devices. Everything is still rumor at this point, but we are probably looking at an unveiling by the end of the month. Sources from Android and Me claim that it will happen during AllThingsD, taking place from October 29th to 30th. The next device (or devices according to some rumors) will be sporting an updated version of Android’s latest Jelly Bean OS that was launched with the Nexus 7 tablet last June. In Android 4.1, Google is pushing for a deeper integration of its multimedia services (grouped under Google Play which recently hit 25 billion app downloads), in an effort to rival with the iTunes Store. Android 4.1 also includes Google’s newest search system, Google Now, an “intelligent personal assistant”. But Android is starting to feel more pressure as its biggest manufacturer Samsung has recently lost an injunction against Apple in the US and is now facing a

partial import ban as well as $1.049 billion in damages to pay to Apple. With a market share currently around 5%, Microsoft is now close behind RIM in the race for the third place in the mobile OS rankings. Showing a 32% increase in Europe compared to last year, Microsoft’s Windows Phone seems to be increasing in popularity. For the next step, Microsoft is relying heavily on its next generation Windows Phone 8, slated for a late October launch, and on its partnership with Nokia. The latter has already announced its upcoming set of devices, the Nokia Lumia 820 and the higherend Lumia 920. With these devices, Nokia is setting itself apart from the rest of the industry, with an iconic colorful design and a unique set of features. The Lumia 920 is the first smartphone to feature Optical Image Stabilization, as well as a new IPS screen technology dubbed “PureMotion HD+”, promising fewer transition times, a brighter and more colorful display, and a higher pixel density than Apple’s Retina Display at 332ppi. With a new operating system and solid hardware specifications, Nokia is hoping for its new devices to compete with the other giants on the market. Things are however not looking good for Canadian Research in Motion, which saw its market share drop to its lowest point at only 6%. RIM is hoping to make a comeback with its redesigned BlackBerry OS 10, relying on the QNX architecture found in the PlayBook. RIM has recently revealed more details of its new operating system at its BlackBerry Jam conference and has confirmed that carrier testing will begin in October. The next OS from BlackBerry is a departure from the old user interface and is now much more touch-centric. Devices running

Published by the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University

The Plumber’s Ledger BB 10 should be expected by the end of this year. With new operating systems and devices gradually being released by the four big players in

October 16th, 2012 the mobile industry, we can expect the smartphone wars to be taken to a whole new level, effectively reshaping the market. Will we move away from the current bipolar


model (Android/iOS) with the return of Windows Phone? Probably not yet, but we are certainly laying the foundations for that to happen in the not-so-far future.

Annex: A comparison chart between the 3 major smartphones: the Apple iPhone 5, the Samsung Galaxy SIII and the Nokia Lumia 920. (Courtesy of CNET.com): (http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-19512_7-57510802-233/iphone-5-vs-galaxy-s3-vs-lumia-920-by-the-numbers/)

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The Plumber’s Ledger October 16th, 2012

Written by Frederick Chagnon Illustrations by Anna Katycheva “Is this your first time at Clarke Tower, Captain West?” The young woman resolved to stop looking at the night time view of India in order to answer her old and fragile interlocutor. “Ah yes, Professor. All of the previous ships on which I was assigned were stationed at the Rodenberry Tower, back in North America. It was quite a different view compared to the one here.” “It is quite a view, isn’t it? Even for someone who has lived up here for as long as I have, the view is still magnificent – enough to make us realize how small our world really is and all the possibilities that the future holds,” Professor Isaac said with a trailing voice. He indicated the sliding door to the captain. “Please be kind enough to follow me, Captain. We have a briefing with the President about your upcoming mission somewhere in the Ring.” With an exasperated look on her face, she replied, “Call me Jenn. I got my promotion recently, but I don’t need to be reminded of it every single day of my life!” With the tact of someone more accustomed to the company of matrices than human beings, he said, “As you wish Captain Jenn. I have rarely heard of someone receiving a captaincy so young. I am confident that you will do a

marvelous job on your mission. It is of the utmost importance.” Suddenly, the old professor had caught Jennifer’s attention. “Wait, what do you know about my mission? No one has told me anything about it yet!” “Wait my dear, you will have the answers in due time. At the moment, I can only say that we will spend a lot of time together in the coming months.” Oh great, she thought, four months stuck in a spaceship with an over-zealous old guy. . . . How lucky am I! By this time, they had reached the elevator – the train station was further ahead. Under the leadership of the Wells Space Company, all five of the great space elevators were constructed under a similar template and purpose. At the surface, they were similar to any 120-story building of the early 21st century, filled with malls, hotels, and office spaces. However, these constructions were hollow cylinders, with the inside containing the elevator itself. The basement was reserved for the operation of the elevator mechanism. From there all the way to the geosynchronous orbit were two filaments of ultraresistant material, the triumph of materials and nano-engineering. The bands circled each other like

a DNA molecule – this was for the comfort of the passengers, so they wouldn’t feel the considerable downwards acceleration as they sped towards the sky. Once they were in space, a whole city of more than three million souls waited for them. If the ascent was to continue, the spaceport would reach the location where all of Earth’s huge spaceships were stationed. “We have arrived at the station Captain Jenn. Please, this way.” “I told you to stop calling me that . . .” Before she could finish her sentence she saw the station and what lay ahead – the vacuum of space. Upon their construction, the five towers, all situated along the same circular path around the world, were linked by a magnetic train. “Quite a view, eh? Let’s hurry, our train leaves in two minutes. “ Once they were safely strapped to their seats, Professor Isaac initiated the conversation once again: “Have you ever been in the Ring, Capt–?” The exasperation was starting to be so obvious that even the Professor noticed it. “No, I never had much interest in farmlands. What should I expect?” She had added that last part out of respect, because she felt that the Professor wanted to answer. Respect your elders, as they say. “You must be ready. The sight

Published by the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University

The Plumber’s Ledger has rendered more than a few unprepared fellows insane.” Now he had sparked her interest – how can a farm make a man go insane? After all, the Professor wasn’t the kind of person to make a joke. “As you know, the construction of the Towers has opened up the possibilities for space travel much more than anything else before it. Once you leave the surface, you are basically halfway to anywhere in the Solar System. That is because there is no gravity to fight anymore, a topic that I am sure you have covered in your officer training. The ensuing boom in population, due in part to the riches being mined in the asteroids, required a lot more food than what could be produced at the time. The problem was reported to the Company, who hired a group of young engineers, myself included, a lifetime ago, to solve it. We came up with the idea of using the space in between the Towers: The Ring. What is completed so far is composed of massive cylinders revolving around the axis of the train. The rotation induced mimics the effect of gravity on the inner surface of the cylinder. Each segment is basically a closed system, so air and water are recycled to a maximum, and the farms, completely self-sufficient, are on the cylinder’s surface. Perhaps you are starting to see why people go insane?” Jenn was interested, but still failed to see the problem. “You see, there is no horizon, or

October 16th, 2012 if there is one, it is upside down and quite close. There is no sky and when you look up, you see the ground! It takes a while, but you get used to it. Anyways, the President has taken up residence there, so that is why we are going.” President Khoury had been nominated as the head of the Company while the first elevator was being constructed. Although the Company was technically private and not associated with politics, the reality was that it owned all five Towers and the Ring,

and so controlled the food supply of the majority of the population and everything that left and entered the planet. Thus, the Company was the closest thing to a World Government that there would ever be. Despite the incredible amount of power in their hands, however, they had managed to keep corruption to a minimum. Khoury was living in a small cottage out in the Ring. It was a simple house for someone with the destiny of Mankind in his hands. Once the Professor and Jennifer arrived, he Printed by Copi-EUS


greeted them and offered them some tea. “Ah, Jennifer West! It is, um, quite an honour to finally meet you! Your test scores, and um, your previous superior officers have made the, um, decision relatively easy to pick you as the captain of the maiden voyage of the Hermes.” “The honour is all mine, Mr. President.” The professor, being completely out of his element, intervened before the salutations entered an infinite loop. “How about we get down to business? The Hermes is leaving soon and I’m sure Captain West would like to meet her crew.” “Um, yes, certainly. Your mission, if you choose to accept it,” started the President, unable to resist the temptation to use such a cliché, “is to investigate an unidentified object in the, um, cloud of objects near Earth. Our physicists have never observed an object with such a high density. Speculations range from a 99% platinum asteroid to the core of a dead star. Even the possibility, um, of an alien ship has been studied. Whatever it is, our instruments are going insane, and the Company needs to be the first one to reach it. We cannot afford to, um, lose the race to a burgeoning rival. Obviously, you can’t talk about it to anyone. The technical details are on board.” Before she could answer, the President left to tend to his roses. “I guess I have no choice but to agree, right Professor?” She was


The Plumber’s Ledger October 16th, 2012

shocked. It was incredible to think that no one had yet heard about it. It was a lot of responsibility for a first time captain. “Yes. It would be best for your family and friends if you were to accept.” “Wait, what? What will happen to them if I refuse?” The Professor took on a saddened look. “Those who oppose the Company have a tendency to – how to put it – disappear in questionable circumstances. Those are only rumours, but I advise you to not take the chance. The train is leaving soon, let’s hurry.” The trip back to the spaceport was uncomfortable to say the least. Jennifer was silently wondering what discovery could be so important as to threaten her family’s safety and launch an all-out race between Wells and its rivals. Before she could come up with a reasonable answer, they had reached the departure point. The loading was well under way. Most of the 242 crew members were already on board.The professor excused himself, saying he had work to do, before apologizing for not being able to make the trip. The loading deck was similar to that of any airport. There was the registration counter and a hallway to the inside of the ship, which was hidden from view. Jennifer went behind the counter to greet some of her shipmates before entering the ship herself. “Ah, John! I see you are wearing that stupid red shirt of yours!” “Damn right I am, Jenn! I promised my old man that I would

represent the family name no matter where life took me!” John Redmond had served with her on numerous previous missions. They had grown closer as the years went by. “Whatever you say, John. You know the drill – your room is on the lower deck, next to mine . . .” With a giant smile, he pushed his hair behind his ear and entered the ship, trying to show off his masculinity. She couldn’t stop herself from laughing at his macho demeanour. For a couple of passengers,

the equipment began to behave strangely, rebooting and lagging constantly. “Ledger, Jack. I’m the communication officer! I’m supposed to be on that list!” Seeing the agitation at the counter, Jennifer went to calm the situation. Mr. Ledger was a middle-aged man with a lot of nervous ticks. “Calm down, officer. We have been experiencing some technical

difficulties. Refresh the page, Tom.” The secretary did as her captain ordered, and Ledger’s name appeared. “There you go sir. You can come in now.” As he was leaving, she heard him mumbling about how this was no way to treat an experienced officer of his caliber and other such nonsense. A small, old, Asian lady followed, looking completely lost. “You must be Dr. Minh?” She came with high recommendations from various hospitals, but right now Jennifer had trouble seeing how she could be of any use on board, since she appeared utterly frightened. “Right this way Doctor.” “Evil. Great evil on ship. Demon messenger it is.” Then she went in the opposite direction. After Jennifer chased her down and pushed her in the correct direction, she thought of how long the trip could be if the medical officer didn’t understand English and kept rambling about the devil. The technical difficulties were soon resolved, and the doctor headed to her room while the final preparations were being carried out after this strange warning. Before heading to her quarters to finally get some rest, Jennifer turned on her intercome to give her last orders for the day. “Attention crew, this is your Captain speaking. Our mission is of the utmost importance for the Company and is classified. The mission will take us to the outer orbit of the Earth, to investigate an unidentified object. Everyone is on board, and the preparations are over. Stand-by for lift-off! West, Out.”

Published by the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University

The Plumber’s Ledger

October 16th, 2012

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“Coca Campbell’s” by Justin Turcotte

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