The Pitch Pipe October 2021

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The | October 2021 | Volume 75 — No.2

Pitch Pipe THE




a n o Life . . s i e t o N High Friendship. Education. Leadership.Confidence. The shared love of music. Your donation to Support Life on a High Note makes possible our mission of Elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and a cappella music.

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Pitch Pipe October 2021 • Volume 75 — No.2

In Every Issue

3 5 24 44

From Our President From Our CEO Accolades/In Memory

SA Member Code of Conduct

Travel in Tune In the Studio with Kim Vaughn



Empowerment Through Giving: A Talk With SA Donor Cathy Frey


Rewards And Benefits: A Talk With SA Donor Karen Ridout

2022-2025 IBOD Nominees


2021-2022 Regional Management Team


10 23 31

11 16

Harmony Roundup

International Updates

4 6 40


Singing Without Boundaries A New Member Program For A Virtual World Song of Welcome – Blue Sky Harmony

26 28

32 36

The Evolution of Entertainment Packages Desert Sounds A Cappella+ Chorus – An Open Division Success Story We’re Back! Rebuilding Membership The Road To Royalty – A History of the Novice Quartet Award

October 2021 |



Welcome to a new way to read The Pitch Pipe Magazine. We’re now on ISSUU!

Pitch Pipe

October 2021 | Volume 75 — No.2 |

Sweet Adelines International Elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and a cappella music.

_____________________________________ INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Tammy Talbot Chief Executive Officer Kim Berrey Editor-in-Chief Stacy Pratt Contributing Writer Ben Larscheid Graphic Designer Joey Bertsch Staff Photographer

INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS May 1, 2021 – April 30, 2022 Joan Boutilier, International President Patty Cobb Baker, Immediate Past President Thérèse Antonini, President-elect Mary Rhea, Secretary JD Crowe, Treasurer Sharon Cartwright Jenny Harris Paula Davis Vickie Maybury Julie Starr Janice McKenna Elaine Hamilton EDUCATION DIRECTION COMMITTEE Marcia Pinvidic, Chair Sandy Marron Corinna Garriock Karen Breidert Mary Rhea EDITORIAL REVIEW BOARD Thérèse Antonini Nicky Shipp Jenny Harris Mary Rhea Michelle Neller ______________________________________ Sweet Adelines International members receive The Pitch Pipe as a benefit of their membership. The Pitch Pipe 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, OK 74137 U.S.A. Telephone 1.918.622.1444 • Toll-free 1.800.992.7464 Fax 1.918.665.0894 • Office hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CT) ______________________________________ Advertising 1.918.622.1444 • Direct all correspondence, editorial copy and photographs to Deadlines are 60 days prior to publication. Not all submissions will be published. ______________________________________

You can still access each issue on the Sweet Adelines website or at but now with an enhanced reading experience! • Interactive flip pages • Active URLs • Embedded videos within content • Article Story Highlights

Find us at


| October 2021

THE PITCH PIPE (ISSN 0882-214X) (USPS 603-060) is published quarterly: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 by Sweet Adelines International Periodicals paid at Tulsa, OK U.S.A. and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE PITCH PIPE 9110 S. Toledo Ave., Tulsa, OK 74137 U.S.A. Canadian Post Agreement Number: 1453408 Send Canadian change of address information and blocks of undeliverable copies to: P.O. Box 1051, Fort Erie, ON L2A 6C7 Canada Copyright 2021 by Sweet Adelines International. All rights reserved.






Remember to use #SweetAdelines and #LifeOnAHighNote on social media. Headquarters uses the # to find your posts, photos and tweets to share across Sweet Adelines social media channels.

From Our President



was gathering thoughts about what to write for my October article for The Pitch Pipe when a calendar reminder came from our headquarters staff gently reminding me about writing my “letter” for The Pitch Pipe. I’d never thought of it that way, a “letter” instead of an “article” which carries a daunting expectation for an amateur writer! The idea of writing a “letter” was friendlier sounding, so I decided to write a “friendly letter.” I recall Sharon Babb, Sound and Music Categories Specialist, advising me (and probably lots of others) to write scoresheets not to “impress” rather, to “express”. With that ever-green advice in my mind and at my fingertips, here’s my October letter. Cheers!

Dear Singers of Sweet Adelines International, How are you doing? I don’t get to see you in person these days, but I think about you all the time. I picture the faces of chorus members, quartets, directors and leaders I’ve gotten to know through singing, directing, coaching, teaching, and judging. In my mind, I need to see faces and smiles when I’m guiding discussions or facilitating decision-making with the Board of Directors. You are at the heart of all decisions. I really miss you and I fervently hope you are doing o.k. There are a lot of you whom I’ve never met, but I get to hear from some of you when you write to Sweet Adelines. Many messages and letters come with timely questions. Some of you share concerns, disappointment or suggestions. Among these messages are also your words of encouragement, gratitude or offers of help. Each of the messages is equally important to me — and to the Board of Directors — and are answered as honestly, accurately, and thoughtfully as possible. Part of my leadership philosophy is that people want to be heard and understood, so I make an effort to relate to and understand what you are feeling and thinking when I respond.

about where we’re headed, something changes. To say it’s been a roller coaster year is an understatement. Even with uncertainties in our world remaining, I focus optimistically on attending events, performing for one another and more freely rehearsing together in the not-sodistant future. At a meeting this past August, an attendee said two sentences which really stuck with me. Paraphrasing, “We are swimming in uncharted waters. Let’s be careful not to pull each other under.” Not too long ago, upon making a difficult decision, a friend reminded me that many people are there to “Root for each other’s rise,” my own included. Both of these share a similar sentiment that we should take care to lift each other up, not pull each other down. I am rooting for us, an organization of singers who fundamentally have more in common with each other than not. Yours truly,

These days more than ever, just when I think my own feelings are unique to me, I find out that I’m not alone. If I’m feeling hopeful, I discover others are also feeling hopeful, or vice versa. Just when we think we know a bit

October 2021 |


Over the years, we have watched Sweet Adelines reach out to their communities and beyond to share the joy of barbershop and the power of friendship. To help define the expectations of members as a fit for their groups’ own specific cultures and nurture these friendships, the International Board of Directors has created a Member Code of Conduct to help provide a basis for conversation when issues arise among group members. The document is being provided at the request of members and is based on the Sweet Adelines Guiding Principle of Creating a Culture of Belonging.

SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL MEMBER CODE OF CONDUCT The Sweet Adelines International Code of Conduct is intended to promote a positive, uplifting culture within our regions, choruses or quartets, and throughout the Organization. As representatives of Sweet Adelines International, members should exemplify conduct which accords respect and dignity to fellow members and everyone with whom they come into contact.

Members of Sweet Adelines International commit to: 1. Uphold and live by the Sweet Adelines Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Guiding Principles. 2. Act with integrity and conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing their region, chorus, quartet, and/or Sweet Adelines International. 3. Communicate in a manner that reflects the respect and harmony promoted in the Organization’s Guiding Principles. 4. Treat fellow singers, guests, and those in the community with care, dignity, and respect. 5. Be courteous and considerate of the opinions of other members, representatives, and staff. 6. Resolve issues with fairness through listening and healthy communication in an atmosphere of respect, positivity, and possibility. 7. Adhere to the rules and guidelines of Sweet Adelines International, including those defined in the Organization’s Policies, Bylaws, Handbooks, Regional Handbooks, and Chapter Guide. You may also download and print the Member Code of Conduct.


| October 2021



ow many times and ways can we say that being a singing organization during a global pandemic has been a challenge? Just as we began to think we might see light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, a viral variant arrived, causing us to reconsider new ways to keep our singers and audiences as safe and healthy as possible. Even during the most challenging days, the IBOD, committees, task forces, and staff carry out the business of Sweet Adelines International with the health and happiness of our members at the forefront of our minds. As we monitor the COVID-19 data to determine if in-person events will be advisable in 2022, we continue to move forward and find things to look forward to. The fortitude and musical commitment of Sweet Adelines during this time has been remarkable. I have received several emails the past month regarding membership. Below are a few membership options which may answer questions you have about being a Sweet Adeline:

• We have a Patron Membership for your family and friends to support Sweet Adelines International. For $50/year, your family and friends would receive benefits detailed on the Sweet Adelines website. • We have several membership types, including our new Director Affiliate membership. • You can save on your membership by purchasing multi-year memberships. We have 3-year, 5-year and 10-year memberships available! • If you need to step back from commitments but want to remain a Sweet Adeline, there are two at-large options available that will allow you to keep your membership. • If you do need to take a break from membership, remember that Sweet Adelines recognizes all active years of membership. If you took a break from the international organization and want to get the pin that shows how many total combined years you have been active, reach out to the Membership Department. They will be happy to help. • You also have the option of buying back missing years to close any gaps in your membership longevity.

In these last months of 2021, stay active with these exciting upcoming events: • Check out the latest offerings in Travel In Tune online! We have had an awesome time traveling to our amazing regions, getting our virtual passport stamps, and enjoying a plethora of educational opportunities. • Participate in World Singing Day on October 16 to represent Sweet Adelines International. • On October 17, enjoy the Coronet Club’s virtual show!

As I close, I want to share that we were excited to welcome the Rönninge Show Chorus doll to International Headquarters this August. The doll’s arrival brought a bit of normality and comfort to our Sweet Adelines headquarters world. Welcome Rönninge Champion doll to the Hughes Gehrke Champion Showcase! Stay Sweet Adelines Strong,

Tammy Talbot, CEO

If you have questions regarding any of the membership options and services listed above, please contact our wonderful membership department at

October 2021 |


NOMINEES FOR THE 2022-2025 SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS This election will fill three expiring board terms, beginning May 1, 2022, and ending April 30, 2025. Ballots are due at international headquarters by 3 p.m. Central Time (9 p.m. UTC), Wednesday, December 1, 2021.

WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Our focus needs to be on membership growth and retention. We need to continue exploring avenues that make us appealing, affordable and attractive to more people. Declining membership translates into a loss of revenue so re-inventing ourselves and finding other sources of income becomes another priority area.

EDUCATION: High School, College Business Administration Degree SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Customer Service, Human Resources, Coaching & Mentoring, Facilitation & Mediation, Leading Highly Effective Teams, Change Management

DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: This organization will be thriving and have spread to parts of the world yet unchartered! Flex membership models designed around work/ life balance will make us accessible. We will have multiple revenue sources that will make it affordable to deliver education all over the world. We will be the best of the best!

CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Currently retired. Previously HR, Payroll Operations Manager for NAV CANADA (Air Navigation Service Provider), Executive Office Manager for Privy Council of Canada - Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, Executive Office Manager for Privy Council of Canada - Canadian Panel on Violence Against Women and Children. LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: International Board of Directors serving as Treasurer, Executive Committee, Finance Committee Chair, Task Force Specialist; RMT Member including Team Coordinator; Chair Regional Convention; Chapter Team Coordinator (1998–2003 and incoming 2021–2023). HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? I am a strong, inclusive and compassionate leader who believes in empowering people by equipping them with training and tools that will give wings to their full potential! My strong professional background, people skills, managerial skills and experience in human resources makes me a strong contributor and suitable candidate for the Board. WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I am dedicated, innovative and organized with great facilitation skills. I am approachable, a good listener and a motivator. I have led large teams that have developed and rolled out strong employee relations programs in the areas of equity, diversity and peer support. All this experience I will continue to bring to the IBOD table. WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? An organization that provides opportunities for musical and personal growth and where everyone can achieve their greatest potential in a diverse and inclusive environment.


| October 2021

EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Public Administration, specialized in Human Resources, 1980–1983 SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Facilitation program to facilitate meetings and workshops at Move Management - workshop & follow up meetings. Swedish Academy of Board Directors certifying course for future board members. Labour Law - advanced. Business Economy at Uppsala University. Developing Leaders Program organized by AstraZeneca focusing on three different leadership roles. Leading the organization, leading myself and leading the team. CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: HR Management Consultant/Owner Dellås People Management Inc. since January 2015, HR Director/Employee Relations Manager at AstraZeneca, British/Swedish pharmaceutical company 2004–2014 in Croatia & Sweden, Business Unit Manager for HRM at Thomson Fakta AB 2000–2002, HR Director at Volvo Aero Engine Services Inc. 1996–2000. LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: Team Coordinator for the Regional Management Team (2017- ongoing), Member of the SA Editorial Review Board 2020–2021, Leadership for Section Leaders workshop (2000), Regent in the regional board 1995–1997, President Gothia Show Chorus, 1987–1989.

HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? I will contribute with my experience and result in leading change, my ability in strategic thinking and by adding an international perspective to our work. I will also contribute by challenging the present, by seeing the overall picture and building a sustainable vision for the organization.

HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? Most of my 27+ years as a Sweet Adeline has been in leadership roles. My background includes a strong combination of administrative, performance, and non-profit organizational skills. I work well as a team and believe that good leadership starts with open communication, hard work, adaptability, dedication, and empathy.

WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I will bring leadership and facilitation skills to the table, including how to build good teams, engage and hold people accountable. I will also contribute to problem solving. I will bring board of directors, employee relations, and governance skills that will add valuable knowledge and insights to the board.

WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? My opportunities with Sweet Adelines on the chorus, regional, and international level have refined my skills in effective communication (verbal, written and virtual), leadership through compassion, committee management, strategic planning, decision-making, time management, and general organization/ administration. Membership growth and retention, fundraising, and sharing our organization are my biggest passions.

WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? My vision is for us to set a direction for the future and be a leading force to develop the art form of barbershop without jeopardizing the quality or the foundation of Sweet Adelines International. WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Membership retention to attract new generations of singers. Challenge our thinking to simplify administration and cost models. Develop the barbershop a cappella style to stay relevant and set the scene for the future. In a changing environment, build diversity and success with other organizations without losing ourselves and our uniqueness. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: Sweet Adelines International will be the natural choice for women singing a cappella music and will have a natural position in the worldwide network of barbershop singing. Sweet Adelines International will promote diversity and work with music development for all singers worldwide. Sweet Adelines International will develop women’s skills, self-management, and confidence.

WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? I envision Sweet Adelines as the most internationally recognized singing organization across the globe, with stable corporate funding/sponsorships, and the first choice for a diverse array of talented singers worldwide who seek to continuously grow through education, feel connected by a shared love of music, and empowered among other members. WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Focus should be given to (1) increasing membership by incorporating the interests and needs of the next generation to the core Sweet Adelines values, (2) developing young new leaders for a successful tomorrow, and (3) striving to unify, empower, embrace, and motivate our members both current and new. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: Together with the experience of our seasoned members and the ingenuity of tomorrow’s singers, we will build on the foundation of Sweet Adelines to expand barbershop-style singing, promote music education, foster strong leadership and confidence, empower each other, embrace diversity, and unite our voices across the world!

EDUCATION: High School, Some College, Voice, Music School Settlement, Case Western Reserve. SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Ken Blanchard Management Training, Zig Ziglar Motivational Training, Conflict Management, Time Management Training, Licensed Cosmetologist. CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Currently Vice President and co-owner of Flashpoint Communications, Retired Executive Director - Breast Cancer Fund of Ohio, Director of Membership - NARI (National Association Remodeling Industry), Manager of Illusion Unlimited Salons, Motivational Leader & Trainer Weight Watchers. LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: International Membership Committee, International Chorus Growth & Membership Incentive Task Force, International Philanthropy Committee, International Chorus Tool Kit Subcommittee, Regional Management Team.

EDUCATION: High School SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Training/Coaching, HR, Recruitment, Leadership, Facilitation, Customer Service, Leading Teams and Presentation Skills, DCP Certified Director and Regional Faculty trained. CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Currently self-employed vocal/quartet/ chorus coach. Previously Musical Director of the Edinburgh Police Choir and Assistant Director with a men’s barbershop chorus. Previous employment was with a worldwide bank, where I was employed in the HR, Recruitment and Training departments.

cont. on next page October 2021 |


LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: Member of the International Board of Directors from 2020 to 2022, member of the Regional Leadership Committee from 2020 to 2022, member of the Small to Mid-size Value Proposition Task Force from 2020 to 2022, Co-Chair of IES 2019, and member of the Region #31 Education Steering Group. HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? I listen to members’ issues, whilst being conscious of the needs of the organisation, asking challenging questions where necessary, striving to find the balance that works for all. As an IBOD member, recent unique challenges have given me the opportunity to contribute on another level, only deepening my passion for Sweet Adelines.

LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: Member of the International Board of Directors from 2019-2021, Task Force Co-Chair - Small and Mid-size Chorus Value Proposition Task Force from 2020-present, Task Force Chair - 75th Anniversary History Display Task Force from 2019-2021, Arundelair Chorus Director - January 2018-present, Region #19 Faculty from 2013-present. HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? I’m eager to continue bringing fresh perspectives and ideas to the table related to social and cultural change and growth for the organization. I hope to continue bringing my skills to bear on our organization’s challenges, especially those unique to small chapters around the world.

WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I am fair, honest, articulate and dedicated towards meeting the needs of members, balanced with the organisation’s Vision, Guiding Principles and Strategic Plan. I can provide input from an International perspective where there may be cultural differences and consider all aspects of a debate with care and attention.

WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I’m a people-focused, service-minded leader who establishes a vision, creates a positive can-do environment, and leads others in action to achieve goals. I’m an organized, energetic, and efficient critical thinker, and a compassionate and collaborative teammate. I love tapping into the passion and creativity of others to help them succeed.

WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? With barbershop at our core, we will be leaders in a cappella singing worldwide, with a growing membership. Exceptional education will continue to be a priority to help members be the best they can be. Lessons learned from the Zoom era will continue, e.g. improving communication, and effective use of technology.

WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? Ideally, we’ll expand membership in two dimensions: wider geographical reach, and richly diverse and inclusive connections within our existing communities. We’ll give more educational opportunities to more women in ways that meet their lifestyle needs. We’ll continue to raise the bar on musical entertainment.

WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Capitalising on using technology to inspire, educate, and most importantly, connect. Continuing to build greater two-way communication between members, RMTs and the IBOD so we better understand the needs of everyone. Membership retention and recruitment is a key focus as we rebuild after the pandemic.

WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Continuing our work in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion sphere, developing modernized membership options, continually evolving marketing efforts, reaching members where they are with programs that meet their needs, education programs that can be accessed online.

DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: The premier provider of education for a cappella singers, whilst maintaining our barbershop heritage. Members will feel valued, attrition will be at an all-time low, with a diverse pool of new members wanting to join us through new, innovative promotion of our unique product.

EDUCATION: BS in Mathematics, Univ. of Oklahoma 1989, Nathan Hale High School, Tulsa OK, 1986 SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Front-line, mid-level and executive management, communication, presentation skills, business writing, change management, situational leadership, conflict management, emotional intelligence, mentoring, teaming. CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Retired June 2013, National Security Agency 1989-2013, GS-15 Upper Level Manager, organizational Chief of Staff, Budget Officer, Mathematician.


| October 2021

DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: We’ll be thriving and growing, with a diverse membership who feel empowered to explore themselves artistically. We’ll have maintained excellence in the barbershop style while celebrating success in other a cappella genres. We’ll have successfully adapted to the changing needs of our members (membership options, technology usage, funding models, etc.).

EDUCATION: University of Oklahoma – Sports Management CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Director of Operations for a Financial Planning Firm, Patient Access Manager for freestanding emergency room. LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: Regional Leadership Committee Member, Panel Secretary, Region #25 Finance Coordinator, Rich-Tone Chorus Team Leader, Rich-Tone Chorus Finance Coordinator.

HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? My financial background and long-range planning skills will allow me to be beneficial to the organization as we work together to maintain a strong fiscal organization. I’m not afraid to ask anyone to do anything for our incredible organization, as I believe that everyone wants to be involved in some way.

HOW DO YOU FEEL YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL AS A MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS? As a lawyer and a charity Trustee, I have gained a unique insight into different styles of governance and strategy, which I can share with the Board. My roles as a judge, chorus director and educator enable me to reflect the needs of the organization and our members in decision-making.

WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? My involvement at the chapter/regional level allow me the insight into what our members are facing. I’m a creative problem-solver and anticipate needs of the organization. As a member of the RLC, chapter/regional leader, and in my career, I have visioning/strategic planning experience. I look forward to bringing that strength to the IBOD.

WHAT SPECIFIC SKILLS, IDEAS, TALENTS, ETC., WOULD YOU BRING TO THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD? I am both a “big picture” and a detail person. I know how important good communication is, and I can put complex ideas across clearly. I love to build collaboration between different groups, finding opportunities to align objectives and achieve things together. And I am passionate about Sweet Adelines!

WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? To joyfully harmonize the world means the world needs to know about us! I would love for SA to make a difference in the world. We need be a force in the musical world — one that people look to as an example of an inclusive group that embraces music, education, and strong leadership. WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? Maintain a strong fiscal organization that can be enjoyed for years to come. The development of creative solutions for how to safely get back together in-person as well more education through technology. Maintain the connectivity that we’ve established through technology at all levels. Offer creative membership options to increase involvement and success. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: I think Sweet Adelines will be a leader in the world in harmony and leadership development. We will continue to be #SweetAdelinesStrong and expand our relationships with others in the music world. We will be a diverse, equitable, and sought-after group that provides a safe place to create harmony and build one another up.

WHAT IS YOUR VISION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION? Sweet Adelines will set the global standard for women’s a cappella singing. We will touch women’s lives in a way that enriches them personally and musically. Membership will increase in countries where SA is already active, and we will seek opportunities in other countries which have a rich musical heritage. WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRIORITIES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OVER THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS? The immediate priority is to get back to singing safely and rebuild confidence! I would like to develop the connection between the international organization and our members even further, and continue to explore the use of technology to help us communicate, educate and inspire. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU THINK SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL WILL BE LIKE 25 YEARS FROM NOW: The organization will offer musical, educational and leadership opportunities for women of all backgrounds on a global basis. We will continue our commercial growth, allowing for an increased investment in the organization at all levels, including alternative membership options to engage with the widest possible audience.

Watch This Short Message from Patty Cobb Baker, Chair, IBOD Nominating Subcommitte.

EDUCATION: Law degree from King’s College London, postgraduate legal practice qualification, postgraduate diploma in intellectual property, postgraduate qualifications in privacy and freedom of information law. SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Charity Trustee Training (National Council for Voluntary Organizations), The Role of a Non-Executive Director (Whitehall & Industry Group). CURRENT AND PAST OCCUPATIONS: Privacy lawyer in private practice and industry, independent privacy law consultant (2002 to date). Board member of Making Music, a UK charity supporting amateur music groups (2015 to date). LIST FIVE SIGNIFICANT LEADERSHIP ROLES YOU HAVE HELD IN SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL: Certified Sound Judge, DCP Review Committee Member, Worldwide Coordinator & Mentor (Europe), Region #31 RMT (Education Coordinator & Communication Coordinator), Master Director of Vocal Dimension Chorus.

REMEMBER: Ballots are due at international headquarters by

3 p.m. Central Time (9 p.m. UTC), Wednesday, December 1, 2021.

QUESTIONS? Call headquarters at 1.800.992.7464 or 1.918.622.1444 or email

October 2021 |





weet Adelines showed their resiliency and spirit with virtual rehearsals during 2020 and 2021. With a whole new world opening up, many Sweet Adelines found themselves satisfying their need for barbershop harmony with choruses around the world by attending virtual chorus rehearsals both near and far. Amy Fagans (Member-at-Large) took advantage of Cincinnati Sound Chorus’s (Region #4) virtual rehearsals, learning their new music and even becoming an honorary member of the chorus! Having sung barbershop for more than twenty years, Amy is part of the Prospective Sassy Southern Sound Chorus. During the pandemic, she was looking for more ways to get her barbershop fix, and finding out that different choruses were having guest nights on Zoom, began looking for a chorus to join virtually. The first group she came across was Canadian Showtime Chorus (CSC) in Region #16. CSC was creating a virtual holiday card by welcoming singers to join them in singing We Wish You A Merry Christmas, arranged by David Harrington. Amy was thrilled! She says, “This was a great challenge for me. The harmonies and rhythms were very different, and I had to work really hard to get everything right! I loved every minute of it.” She especially enjoyed learning about the different traditions Canadians practice for the holidays. With this experience, she caught the virtual bug. Unfortunately, the CSC virtual holiday card project ended and she needed to find another chorus to keep her virtual singing experience going. Through Facebook, Amy learned that Cincinnati Sound Chorus was holding a virtual guest night. At her first rehearsal, she was provided access to the written music as well as the learning tracks. Amy notes, “These are the most helpful parts of a Zoom rehearsal since this is the only way to learn the music.” She again felt challenged and appreciated the opportunity to learn so that she could bring more knowledge back to her prospective chorus. Even better, she felt part of a community. Before rehearsals began, members chatted. Director Jack Johnson began each rehearsal with “What’s the Good News?” where he would ask a few members to share a good thing that happened to them that week, and Amy


| October 2021

participated. She says, “This started everyone out on a positive note and we got to know each other on a personal level.” Cincinnati Sound also had a program called “Riser Buddy,” where one member would present a five minute talk about themselves, both personally and musically. Amy participated, and got to know her virtual singing friends even better. She says, “Even though I was in North Carolina, it was as if I was right there in Cincinnati with them!” Amy was surprised with her membership into Cincinnati Sound. Jack asked everyone to submit a recording of them singing One Song At A Time. She says, “I would do it, too, so everyone didn’t think I was just an observer.” After that, she received an email from Karen Ebel of the membership committee, informing her that what they heard on the recording was good enough to count as an audition – and that she was now a member! One day, she received a small box in the mail. Inside was a Cincinnati Sound pin that said, “Amy Fagans – Virtual Chorus Member.” It was official! “I was a part of something that I never dreamed I would be part of. Here I was in North Carolina, part of a chorus in Ohio! It was a wonderful feeling to be accepted into this wonderful group full of friendly, positive people.” Even as Cincinnati Sound resumes in-person rehearsals, Amy is still a part of the chorus. She has continued to go to the Facebook rehearsals each week, and loves hearing the chorus sing together instead of individually on Zoom. Cincinnati Sound is not the only chorus Amy participates in vocally – she is also an associate member of Greater Harrisburg Chorus, Region #19, joining them via Facebook when they’re practicing in person. “What inspired me to join the virtual rehearsals across the eastern part of the United States was all that I could learn from everyone. I feel that I know so much more now than I would have.” Amy is certainly #SweetAdelinesStrong! Amy Fagans is a Member-at-Large and is part of the prospective Sassy Southern Sound Chorus.


onth? m gain? a t s k a c l a s p u o one sent pposed t t i u r s a I B m r a u • What hecklist o c e h t e v o long!! ll ha o i o t o s s I s i o e D • urity lin c e s t r o p r OKED • The ai stume? o c THINGS LROENALINE, ! t T U h O g i K r WOR T E AD ck the EEMS TOR. WE MISSED THS WE LOVE ABOUUS S S Y A W L • Did I pa G A EA O









October 2021 |



Winners will be randomly selected and announced in the January 2022 issue of The Pitch Pipe. See directions located at the top of the digital submission form.


1 2 3 4



6 7





Now that you’ve solved the crossword puzzle... submit the answers via the "submit to win" button for chance to win merchandise from Sweet Adelines International Sales!



5. Travel up and down the scale of adventure with this Sweet Adeline during vocal and physical warmups.

2. The revised Showmanship category.

4. Create a great performance package using this method.

7. “Would you be a ____ ____ blower for the chorus?” 10. This special chord puts emotional tension in our music and creates forward motion.

1. Positive statements, affirmations that are true. 3. Forced and Acoustic are two kinds.

6. Number of Sweet Adelines double treble clefs hidden on previous page.

8. Singing in tune and maintaining the integrity of this is of the utmost importance in our art form. 9. Go _______ over the 11 chords of barbershop with instruction from Diane Porsch and Jean Flinn.


| October 2021

"Love traveling from my comfy chair!"

TRAVEL WITH FRIENDS… by posting comments in the “Travel with Friends” section on the app or by leaving comments on Sweet Adelines social media channels.

Susan Casey, Region #2

Border Lakes

''Yay, Lucille! Looking forward to this week with Region 17!''

''Woot! Go region We can’t wait to see the8!! vid

-Abby Strielkauskas, Regi


-Deb Ferenc, Region #17 Great Lakes Harmony

on #8 Rocky Mountain

"I’ve enjoyed each destin ation so far and now looking forward to the next one. It’s fab ulo being able to “travel” an us d learn from such diverse leader s and educators. :)"

g from utstandin o ly e t lu "Abso 3" Grateful< ! ! h is in f start to , uffman land MollyaHrmony Heart H 4 # n egio


- Sarah Netherton, Region #31 Qua rtet of Nation






FORGET YOUR TICKETS, PASSPORTS, BOARDING PASSES, AND MEMBER LOGIN CREDENTIALS. Member login is no longer required! Access Travel in Tune via the Sweet Adelines website: And via the “Yapp” app: 1. On your smartphone, visit www./ or use the QR code below. 2. Follow the instructions on screen (it's a quick, two step process.)

As we continue traveling from region to region around the globe, we must express our gratitude and appreciation to the brilliant minds that make Travel in Tune possible. The education and overall experience of this virtual adventure has been outstanding. Thank you for taking the time to plan, create and produce a product that we can each experience safely from the screen — wherever we are! Where on the map will we journey to next? What will we learn and who will we see? As long as we’re together, we are ready for the ride! See you soon on...Travel in Tune. October 2021 |


Let’s Unite…Virtually… for World Singing Day 2021! World Singing Day is October 16, 2021 and Sweet

Adelines are encouraged to participate either virtually

or in-person based on comfort and safety levels within your chorus and community. Get together to sing

the WSD Song of the Year, Here Comes The Sun and

share on social media or the WSD theme song Till The

Whole World Sings and submit your video via the WSD website. To find out more about how your chorus or

quartet can get involved in this global singing event,

visit Don’t forget to include 14

| October 2021

#WorldSingingDay and #SweetAdelines in all your submissions.



Need a Little Help Getting Your Voice in Tiptop Shape? Try the Vocal Coach CD Series!

Created by Chris and Carole Beatty, the Vocal Coach series is built on their passion for training singers of today and tomorrow through their time-tested products created to help you be the best singer you can be.

Complete Expand Your Range

Learn how to smooth out those breaks and rough spots and how to discover and maximize your full vocal range from top to bottom.

Complete Tone

Experience the physical feeling of a free, relaxed tone without tension in the throat. Learn how to feel the sound of your voice, become a consistent, clear communicator and discover all that your voice has to offer.

Complete Performance

Overcome common performance anxieties and insecurities by discovering the keys to clear, consistent, predictable performances as well as microphone techniques, song selection, gestures, expression and more!

Shop online, anytime at Contact International Sales at or call 1.918.622.1444 ext. 112 or toll free 1.877.545.5441 • Monday–Friday 8 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. CDT (2–10:30 p.m. GMT) October 2021 |


In the studio with Kim Vaughn Vocal Exercise Video Series with Master Faculty Kim Vaughn


ou’re invited to join three-time International Quartet Champion and Master Faculty Kim Vaughn in her studio for a series of vocal exercises to help take your singing to the next level. These short videos are perfect to practice before or even during rehearsal.

Ready to harmonize the cyber world? Click the individual “PLAY” buttons to begin watching the video exercise. Part 1: The Importance of the Palate Strengthen and prolong your palate lift by using a “snuff breath” technique.

Part 2: Range Extensions with Italian Vowels Expand your vocalizing range without harming your voice.

Part 3: The Messa di voce (placing of voice) Technique Sustain a single pitch while gradually making the voice louder (crescendo) and then softer (diminuendo).

Part 4: Range Extensions with Italian Vowels

Learn two range extension exercises to add higher notes.

Advice from Kim 16

| October 2021

Part 5: Building the Lower Range

What do singers want to do before sliding the note down? How does this technique translate to vocal tone? Find out and practice your vocal skills, with the help of Marina from San Diego Chorus.

Part 6: Strengthening the Mixed Voice

Singers know that a little bit of breath and support go a long way…especially when you find the break-and-shift point in your voice. During this vocal exercise, Kim guides Leah from San Diego Chorus through vocal exercises to strengthen the voice as it moves through the passagio or “break” in the voice.

Part 7: Vowel Sound Resonance

The basic work unit of all a cappella music is always the _____? (Correct answer: the vowel!) During this vocal exercise, Kim guides Sharee from San Diego Chorus to identify strengths, weaknesses, and what to look for in a five-note scale.

I think it’s important for the singer to let the exercise do the work rather than trying to make more out of it. These exercises were specifically created to build a specific set of muscle memories, so we don’t want to modify them or try to make them more difficult.

Special shout-outs… To the members of San Diego Chorus featured throughout the series!

Marina Hayden

Leah Rippetoe

Sharee Markiewicz Currently a member of Harbor City Music Company Chorus

One-on-One with Kim Vaughn

TPP: Where did you learn these vocal exercises? KV: I collect exercises from everywhere I go and from all over the world. It’s one of the things I love to do. These specific exercises could have come from my own voice teacher, Larra Browning Henderson or from any of the amazing directors and coaches I have known. TPP: What do you enjoy most about teaching in your voice studio? KV: I love it when students experience improvement — when they can hear or feel themselves get better. TPP: What’s the motivation behind your passion for teaching music? KV: I’ve been so lucky in my life to have been taught by excellent music teachers, coached by amazing coaches, and to have sung in great quartets. Sharing what I’ve learned brings me joy.

Three things you don’t know about Kim Vaughn:

I’m pretty much an open book so there are darn few things people probably don’t know. However… 1. I have an extra set of ribs. My Mother told me that it made me special. I believed her. 2. I have two brothers, one a year older and one 20 years younger. Sweet Adelines was my first experience with sisters. 3. I won an essay contest on the subject of patriotism at age 12. Winning that made me brave enough to compete in a singing contest at 14. I was so nervous I thought my leg would never stop shaking, but I won in spite of it.

Find Education Anytime on the Sweet Adelines Website • For public education, simply visit the Sweet Adelines “Education” web page via to find videos, handouts, and more. • To access the members-only content, you must be logged in as a member. Read step-by-step login instructions published at the top of the “Education” web page.

Share your progress

How did you do? Share your feedback with us via the video “comments” on our YouTube Channel: @SweetAdelineIntl

October 2021 |


SHOP BARBERSHOP! Voice Part Mug This is me!

Advertise your vocal part while soothing your cords with a warm beverage. Available in tenor, lead, baritone, and bass…of course. $9.75

Eyeglasses Cleaning Cloth I can see clearly now…

Keep your glasses spotless with this handy cleaner! $3

Wine Opener Celebrate good times… come on!

Wine-not open a refreshing bottle with this handy tool? $7

Hot/Cold Pack You’re hot then you’re cold…

Keep your cool or stay warm with this hot/cold pack! $4.50

Notecards Write this down…take a little note

These 10 notecards are perfect for musical reminders or friendly encouragement! $12

Earbuds Listen to your heart…

Or whatever you want to hear with these discreet and comfortable earbuds! $5.25

Straw Forever blowing bubbles...

Perfect for SOVT exercises or sipping a drink! $5 All prices in USD.



To purchase, contact Sweet Adelines International Sales Department at, visit, or call 1.918.622.1444 ext. 112 or toll free 1.877.545.5441. Monday–Friday 8 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. CDT (2 –10:30 p.m. GMT) October 2021

Welcome to a new way to read The Pitch Pipe Magazine. We’re now on ISSUU! You can still access each issue on the Sweet Adelines website or at but now with an enhanced reading experience! • Interactive flip pages • Active URLs • Embedded videos within content • Article Story Highlights

Find us at

SA DIRECTOR SEARCH ADVERTISING PROGRAM Choruses looking for a new director now have some help from Sweet Adelines International (SA). The Director Search Advertising Program will help SA choruses who request assistance with advertising by offering the following:

• Free classified ad in one issue of The Pitch Pipe (max. 45 words) • Two free social media posts — same copy as the ad, will include chorus logo if provided to SA • Discount on a 1/4 page ad* in The Pitch Pipe for $200 USD (regular rate $375 USD) *dependent upon available space

To take advantage of this program, contact October 2021 |


IES 2022 S AV E THE D AT E Ju ly 20-24, 2022 Trinity University Sa n A n t o n i o, Te x a s ( U S A ) The Sweet Adelines International Education Symposium (IES) offers a full range of exciting

workshops for coaches, directors, arrangers, section leaders, quartets and all who love barbershop! If you want to learn from the best, IES is the place for you!

w w w . s w e e t a d e l i n es .c o m / I E S


| October 2021

Sweet Adelines Music Education Grant Cycle 1 Recipients Announced! Music education is a hallmark of the Sweet Adelines International mission, and the organization helps support its educational mission through grants and scholarships. Grants are awarded in two cycles. The following projects have been awarded monetary grants:

High Plains Harmony Festival for Young Women

The inaugural event hosted by Region #8’s Colorado Spirit Chorus, Greeley Harmonix Chorus, The Blend Chorus, and Windsong Chorus introduces young women to barbershop singing by “Blending Harmony, Spirit and Song.”

Heartsong Foundation Festival

This festival, hosted by Skyline Chorus, #8 encourages “confidence and belief in self, conveys high expectations for musical excellence, nurtures spirits, and boosts self-discovery in ways that help singers grow and accomplish at high levels.” The event gives young women an opportunity to experience music who may no longer have access to music curriculum in their public schools.

Young Women in Harmony Diva Day Festival

At its 16th Annual Diva Day Festival, Harborlites Chorus, #21 will host approximately 200 young women as they learn the skill, joy and rewards of performing and singing barbershop harmony while also providing resources and skills for choral directors.

Grants are available to individuals, groups or organizations sponsoring or hosting barbershop education and performance opportunities for young woman. Opportunities might include music festivals, education workshops or seminars, and other music education events. Grant applications are now being accepted for future projects until November 1, 2021. Sweet Adelines also provides scholarships to young women involved in the barbershop art form to help advance their music education. These include the Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarship and the Connie Noble Memorial Scholarship, both named for beloved and accomplished Sweet Adelines. Applications for scholarships will be accepted from November 15 through January 25.

Help Support Sweet Adelines Music Education Grants and Scholarships.

For more information, visit: or contact October 2021 |


Barbershop 'Til You Drop! Shop 24/7 at the Sweet Adelines International Online Store. Just follow these easy steps and you’ll be hitting all the right notes.

1. Visit the

2. Click the “Barbershop 'Til You Drop” banner and you’re on your way. 3. Login as a member.

4. Select the category you want to view:

Jewelry • Published Music • International Arranged Music Novelties • Manuals & Brochures Vocal Warmup CDs & Education • Performance CDs and DVDs Young Women in Harmony 5. Shopping for Published or International Arranged Music? Type the song title or arranger name into the search box. A list of options with that key word will be displayed. Add your selections to cart. All music is available for Instant Download upon purchase. Choose Electronic Delivery during checkout and a download link will be emailed to you in your order confirmation. If you’d like your music mailed, allow 7-10 business days for delivery. Shipping charges apply.

6. Continue Shopping or Checkout.

Need a little help navigating or have questions? Contact us at 1.877.545.5441 or at


International Sales is open Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. CST (2–10:30 p.m. GMT). | October 2021



n October 2020, Sweet Adelines International hosted a Virtual Global Open House initiative, encouraging choruses to host virtual open houses in the hopes of attracting new singers to join their choruses – virtually. As many choruses are starting to transition from virtual rehearsals to in-person, now is a great time to look at how your chorus can turn any guest – virtual or inperson – into a full-fledged member of Sweet Adelines. Canadian Showtime Chorus, Region #16 has created a complete new member program, transforming successes they’ve had at in-person member drives into a format that works for both virtual and inperson events. They note, “In essence, we followed our established process, but modified it to meet our virtual reality.” Below, we have summarized their successful virtual new member program so that your chorus can utilize their knowledge for your own new member drive. 1. Promote. Canadian Showtime Chorus made sure to get the news out about their program, using both social media and word of mouth. Using Meetup has been successful for them, and even now still provides a pipeline of interested potential singers. In their new member program booklet, they say, “It continues to pique interest and curious guests trickle in for visits on rehearsal nights. We expect that more members will find us this way once the pandemic restrictions are lifted.” They also created a Facebook event two months before the start of their drive. They posted the event on both Instagram and Twitter. Members were encouraged to like and share their posts and to invite friends to the Facebook event. One idea that helped was paying to boost the event on Facebook – helping them reach over 18,500 views in their area! 2. Track. It’s important to get guest information so that you can follow-up. Canadian Showtime Chorus used Google Docs to create forms and track pertinent information such as name, number, voice part, previous experience, attendance, etc. This helped them stay organized and able to follow up with members promptly throughout their guest experience – all the way through their auditions. 3. Assess. It’s important to help guests determine their voice part. While it’s easier to do in-person, it can be done virtually. Canadian Showtime Chorus set up personal voice placements for each individual before the start of the first rehearsal night,

















by playing learning tracks with the guest’s voice part missing and having the member sing along. This gave these prospective members more time to connect with members with the same voice part and more time to benefit from director education throughout the new member program process. 4. Rehearse. Canadian Showtime Chorus split their new member program into seven weeks, with each week focusing on something new. Week one was a “getting to know you” session, where the leadership team was introduced, videos of past competitions were shown, and the audition song was introduced. On week two, each prospective member was assigned a riser buddy (called a Chorus Connection), who sang the same part as the prospective member and became their contact person. On week three, guests were given a 12-step program for learning new music. Weeks four through six, guests joined breakout rooms specifically for their voice part. They were also provided visual instruction to help them learn the choreography for the audition song. 5. Audition. On the last week, the Performance Readiness Assessment was held. This can be done virtually, as described below, or in-person. Participants moved between a meeting breakout room, where the Chorus Program Coordinator would sort out any technical difficulties, then moving to a vocal Performance Readiness Assessment room with the director, where they would perform the audition song by singing along to learning tracks with their part removed. They were then moved to another room with the visual team, where they would perform choreography. All guests who passed were immediately introduced to the chorus as being approved for membership. 6. Join. All approved guests were given an application for membership into Canadian Showtime Chorus that included a link to the chapter standing rules. New members were required to pay chapter, regional, and international dues before being officially welcomed as Canadian Showtime members. Canadian Showtime has enjoyed success with their new member program, and so can you! They say, “It has inspired us to think outside the box when considering what our post-COVID reality will be.” We hope their process can help your chorus recruit members virtually as well as in-person.

October 2021 |


Harmony up Round

Harmony Roundup is a place to share your adventures and achievements! Let us know what your chorus or quartet has been doing in your community. Email your submissions and photos to

Where We Sang In June, A Cappella West (#34) sang the Australian national anthem at the start of a Perth Wildcats basketball game, and in July Acappella Omaha Chorus (#5) sang the U.S. national anthem at an Omaha Stormchasers baseball game. City Voices Chorus (#5) sang the national anthem at a St. Louis Cardinals game in July and performed at the Mosaic Fine Art Festival in St. Charles, Missouri (USA) in September. In August, Heart of Missouri Chorus (#5) performed at the Bicentennial Ice Cream Social for the Hannah Cole Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution on the historical grounds of the Roselyn Heights Mansion in Boonville, Missouri. Just Kidding Quartet (#6) performed at the Steele County Free Fair in Owatonna, Minnesota and at their local historical society. High Desert Harmony (#12) performed at the Sierra Arts Festival in Reno, Nevada (USA). How We Sang Mission Valley Chorus (#12) continued their Author’s Chat series with virtual visits from Nancy Menees Hardesty, author of The Bonnet Book, and author Anne Hillerman, who continued her father, Tony Hillerman’s popular detective series after his death. In June, Onkaparinga Harmony Chorus (#34) took home

second place at the Adelaide Eistedfodd! On July 5, Chesapeake Harmony Chorus (#?) won third place for Best Nonprofit Organization Float in the Greater Severna Park and Arnold Chamber of Commerce Independence Day Parade. Diane Berge of Minnesota Valley Chorus (#6) was interviewed for a Barcelona, Spain podcast, Acord de Veus (Voices in Harmony). Diane spoke in English, and her answers were translated into Catalan. Music from the Minnesota Valley Chorus 60th Anniversary CD was also played on the episode. Why We Sang The Heartland Singers (#16) worked with supporters to donate to the Wellness Cancer Centre in May. Spice Quartet (#6) performed at a private event for Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity as part of a program called “Barbershop: The Music, the History, the Stories.” Ocean Bay Chorus (#19) took part in the Salisbury (Maryland, USA) 3rd Friday event, which is held each month by hosting a booth full of information about their chorus. Valley Forge Chorus (#19) joined The Mainliners Chorus (BHS) for an audio performance of If There’s Anybody Here From Out of Town as part of a Memorial Day recognition of military service members.

On May 22, High Desert Harmony (#12) members, families and friends met at Mira Loma Park in Reno, Nevada (USA) to participate in a park clean-up with the organization Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful. In their regional newsletter, they wrote, “Believe it or not, it RAINED for the first time in months. The very welcome rain made it a bit cool and sloppy, but it also made for a colorful photo with everyone's bright raingear. At the end of our two hours of work, we sang several songs in the parking lot. It was so fun to sing together again!”


| October 2021

CODA Quartet (#25) sang the national anthem at the Tulsa Drillers baseball game on Friday, July 30, in Tulsa Oklahoma (USA). They wrote, “We formed our quartet in September of 2020, but because of COVID, we were unable to compete in regionals of 2021. This was our first official public performance, and we were very excited to be able to sing our national anthem. We look forward to future performances in order to share our love for barbershop a cappella singing.” The members of CODA Quartet are affiliated with Talk of Tulsa Show Chorus and Tulsa Metro Sound Chorus. The quartet is pictured with Hornsby, the mascot for the Tulsa Drillers.

In June, River Lights Chorus (#12) sang the U.S. national anthem for Military Appreciation Night at the Modesto Nuts baseball game. They wrote on their Facebook page, "We had a great time, and cannot wait to get back on the field later this summer! GOOOOOO NUTS!!!!!"

A Cappella West (#34) sings the Australian national anthem at the start of a Perth Wildcats home game in June. The Perth Wildcats are a professional basketball team.

October 2021 |





hat is your favorite entertainment package (Open Division or International Finals package) that you’ve seen at a Sweet Adelines competition? You can probably name several! Our audiences have laughed, cried, cheered, and jumped to their feet in delight throughout the years we have had these performances as part of our contests. Beginning in the late 1980s, we watched our International Finals packages with great anticipation. In 2014, we introduced the Open Division at the regional level to offer an option for groups who wish to focus more on entertainment and community performance. Entertainment abounds in Sweet Adelines competitions! Over the last 18 months, the International Judge Specialists’ Committee has been reviewing our contests, judging commentary and results, as well as the judging elements we use for evaluation of these entertaining performances. Because we have seen such incredible growth in delivering strong, compelling entertainment through these packages, it was clear that judges needed more ways to describe, adjudicate, and acknowledge the advancing skill level of our competitors while also providing excellent education to continue their growth in entertainment. As a result, these entertainment/performance package categories have been revised and updated with some exciting new elements to consider.

Entertainment Package Descriptors

While these may not look very different, you will find that they are! Not only have the descriptors been expanded and noted on the new scoresheets, but elements have been added under each section for contestants to use in preparation and judges to consider in adjudication. A more detailed explanation of these elements can be found in the updated Judging Category Description Book (JCDB) available for viewing on the SA International website here.


| October 2021


New descriptors present on the new scoresheets are: l Musicality

– l Vocal Skills/Accuracy l Artistry l Evokes Emotion/Story

l Unity

– Vocal and Visual

l Planning

– (new!) l Theme/Setting/Concept l Story Arc l Script/Organization/Pacing l Stagecraft

l Creativity

l Scripting/Concept l Imagination/Innovative Staging l Stagecraft l Use of Music to Enhance Theme l Audience

Connection l Mood/Emotion/Message l Well-rehearsed/Confident l Movement/Stagecraft l Character/Emcee/Soloist/Specialty l Mic Technique l Audience Response

You’ll notice a few elements you may not have seen or considered before! Terms like story arc, stagecraft, and pacing are professional terms used in the theater world that provide us with ways to enhance our overall entertainment value. Exploring and using these elements effectively will be important to truly connect with our audiences. Let’s look at a few of these briefly: Story Arc: This is a literary term for the path a story follows, clearly revealing a beginning, middle and end. If plotted on paper, the story forms the shape of an arc, hill or pyramid. It provides a satisfying rise, climax, and resolution to the theme or story. This approach works in themed packages (i.e. a composer or musical group, single-subject exploration like love or travel, etc.) as well as packages with a story that develops on stage. It provides a pathway of sequence, flow and progression that keeps the audience engaged. Stagecraft: Very simply, stagecraft is the effective management of theatrical devices or techniques. It includes the set/scenery, colors, props, lighting, costumes, makeup, staging, etc. – all the elements that work together to establish the time, place, message, and mood for the audience visually. Pacing: This is the tempo of the entire performance, the speed (or pace) at which the story moves most effectively. It is moving a story or theme forward in a planned way to best communicate the message to the audience. It’s exciting to consider the upcoming performances that we will see using these elements to enhance their entertainment for their audiences! Have fun exploring these elements and discover how to thrill your audiences even more! Paula Davis is a 37-year member of SA, current member of the IBOD, serves as Moderator for the International Judge Specialist Committee, is a Certified Expression Judge and serves on the Int’l Leadership Development Task Force. She is director of Song of Seattle Chorus and sings bass in Touchstone Quartet.

October 2021 |






ith the universal hope of returning to in-person regional conventions in the near future, and the evolution of the Open Division descriptors, it seems timely to reflect on the benefits of participating in the Open Division format as we all ease back into a more familiar version of chorus life. Desert Sounds A Cappella+ Chorus, located in Kamloops, British Columbia in Region #26, were early adopters of the Open Division format. They have always been an important part of the Region #26 scene, but speaking as a member of that region, I don’t know that we truly knew the depth of personality lurking in this chorus until Open Division became an option. Open Division was a revelation! Now we know them in Region #26 for their creative and often hilarious stage performances, and their willingness to do whatever it takes to entertain an audience while keeping the musical product in the forefront. You’ll see in their own words below that staging an Open Division package is not for the faint of heart. It places demands on every aspect of your performance skill set. I can’t help but think, as we dust off our musical, visual, vocal, and stagecraft skill sets after a couple of years of rehearsing virtually, that Open Division might be the perfect launching pad for revisiting and revamping a wider variety of repertoire and performance skills. Whatever we all decide to do, I know I am looking forward to the day we can safely perform for each other in person. When we were first informed about the new Open Division option for regional convention performances, most of the chorus was very excited. As a very small chorus in Region #26, we knew


| October 2021

there was little chance of winning a regional medal, but we knew we had the right stuff to create an entertaining and quality package that the region and judges would enjoy. At the time, we were performing several pieces from the musical Paint Your Wagon, and as we live in an area with a rich history of the Barkerville Gold Rush Fever, choosing the theme of our very first Open Division package was easy. We would be miners — male miners, to be specific. Now, some of our members were reluctant to dress like men and took a bit of convincing and ‘trust us, it’ll be great’ pep talks. Well, it was great. Winning the 2014 Audience Choice Award was, for me personally, one of the two highlights of my 32 years with Sweet Adelines, the other being winning Best Small Chorus and Most Improved Chorus in 1983 at my very first competition. The whole chorus was ecstatic and even the ‘I don’t want to dress like a man’ members were convinced. The following year, we decided to do a pirate package. And since we now had our feet wet (no pun intended), we launched into making this package even better than our first. We hired coaches and brainstormed everything from song choices to costuming and characterization of each member. These choices brought out the personal creativity and spark of all our members. Everyone really bought into the whole package. We are fortunate to have great script writers on the team. We knew that the package needed a story arc with a setup and introduction, a ‘crisis’ point and, of course, a happy ending. Dialogue is best kept to a minimum, so we learned to tell the

story visually and within the music choices and other performance elements. There were fifteen rewrites for the pirate package! We learned to be flexible and to stay focused on entertainment value. We kept props to a minimum, as the more complexity we added, the more chance we had of making mistakes or introducing distraction from the musical product. We all agreed that the highlight of the pirate package was watching judge Dale Syverson in hysterics, wiping tears from her eyes, and nudging the judge to her right. In our next package, we launched into an outer space package (again, no pun intended) with a special arrangement by our region’s very own Joey Minshall - a mash-up of parodies of Christmas songs. Our good old standby At Last served as our competition song. Tweaking the lyrics of that song made it integral to all three of our Open Division packages. Benefits and Challenges of Open Division Participation One of the most positive aspects of participating in the Open Division is a greater understanding of the benefit of strong characterization. Telling a story made it easier to coax the singers out of their comfort zones. It brought out creative talents that had previously been undiscovered: acting, performing, stage movement, as well as set and prop creation. All of our singers experienced lots of personal growth. When designing an Open Division package, a huge challenge is

staying within the ten minute time limit. That often means making a painful decision such as shortening songs and cutting out some of our best material! You learn to be very frugal with time leaving no white spaces or wasted time on stage. We strongly believe that Sweet Adelines International and the regions should promote Open Division loudly and proudly. Preparing and making your package the best it can be for Open Division is as much, or more work than the standard two-song competition package, but if you want to have a more creative, fulfilling, and fun time, we think that all choruses should give it a try at least once. As a result of our Open Division performances, we have lots of ‘street cred’ within the region, and now we are Desert Sounds… THAT chorus, said with love and respect.

Tracey Pointer sings bass with Desert Sounds A Cappella+ Chorus, Region #26 in Kamloops, BC, Canada. She has served on their board in various positions as well as being chief script/package writer (with a little help from her friends). She also sang bass with After 8 Quartet for ten years. She has been a member of Sweet Adelines since 1982.

Corinna Garriock (Intro) has been a member of SA since 1988. She is a Region #26 Chapter at Large member, Certified Music Judge, Master Director and tenor of the 2012 Int’l Champion Quartet, Martini. She also serves on the Education Direction Committee, The Pitch Pipe Editorial Review Board and chaired the Arranger Certification Program Task Force.

October 2021 |


Philanthropy EMPOWERMENT THROUGH GIVING A talk with SA donor Cathy Frey


athy Frey says she never thought of herself as a musician, but today she realizes that’s what she is. The experienced choir singer joined Toast of Tampa Show Chorus around twenty years ago, after being bowled over by hearing Platinum Quartet sing at a Toast of Tampa performance. At various times, she has been a dual member with Spirit of the Gulf Chorus and Goldcoast Chorus. After several years away from quartetting, she recently became part of her current quartet, D lirious. As happens for so many barbershopppers, Cathy says of singing, “It’s become my life.” In gratitude, Cathy has established a generous recurring gift to Sweet Adelines International that will help keep chords ringing and create more opportunities for learning and friendship. Though not a barbershopper himself, Cathy’s late husband, Carl, was incredibly supportive. He encouraged her singing and was a true partner in managing the household so she could pursue her passion. After he passed away, she realized that her finances would allow her to give regularly to causes she supports, including Sweet Adelines International. She contacted SA Director of Philanthropy Susan Smith, and her recurring gift was the first to use SA’s new automatic draft system. “It was very, very simple,” says Cathy. “I’m not wealthy, but I had some money I could give. I set up an amount that wouldn’t hurt my budget, and it comes out of my account automatically. I don’t have to think about it, and that makes it easy.” Cathy values the musical experience of being a Sweet Adeline as well as the professional skills she has learned while serving in administrative roles for her chorus and region. She especially values how Sweet Adelines International brings together singers from all different ages and backgrounds. She illustrates with a story about Toast of Tampa’s performance at the 2013 International Competition in Hawaii: “We had several young singers in the chorus then,” she recalls. “At first, some of us were against it because we thought it would feel like we were babysitting.”


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The young singers surprised everyone. “At competition, people would see them and think, ‘Oh, these little girls are dressed in Toast of Tampa costumes to support their moms,’” says Cathy. “No. They were bona fide. They learned their music. They learned their choreo. We had riser boxes for them, and it was all good. They brought such a breath of fresh air into the chorus, and some are still singing barbershop even now.” One of the young singers was Madison Rodgers, whose father sang with The Heralds. Madison was seven years old when she came to sing with Toast of Tampa. “She stood near me on the risers, and we became buddies,” says Cathy. Toast of Tampa’s goal at the Hawaii competition was to make it into the top three. “When they called fourth place and our name wasn’t called, we erupted because we knew we were in the top three,” Cathy says. “I glanced back when I was getting ready to exit my row, and I saw Maddie about 15 rows back with her parents. I called out to her and waved, and she came running toward me. We met in the main aisle, and she leapt into my arms. Her father got a picture of it, and I cherish that picture. I framed it for her for Christmas that year, and I still have my copy too. Mine is in a frame that says, ‘Friends.’ That’s what we were.” It is that kind of transcendent musical bonding experience that Cathy wants her recurring gift to provide for singers of all ages. “I want to give back in my own small way, and I hope more Sweet Adelines, even those just starting their careers, can find a way to give back within their budget,” she says. “We need to take charge for ourselves. It’s empowering.”

To find out more about donating to Sweet Adelines International, contact Chief Philanthropy and Administrative Officer Susan Smith at or visit


Blue Sky Harmony was announced as the winner of the inaugural Lindsey Dyer Achievement Award at Region 34’s annual general meeting on May 30, 2021. The chorus is pictured with the perpetual trophy for this award.

BLUE SKY HARMONY Region #34 – Nundah, Queensland, Australia

Charter Date: May 24, 2021 • Director: Julie Edwards • Team Coordinator: Natalie Grimbas For much of the year, Brisbane, Australia is blessed with an expansive blue sky. For a bunch of experienced barbershoppers, this sky evoked a sense of joy and represented boundless opportunities and limitless thinking. A quest for these ideals and a desire for harmony, both in music and in relationships, is what inspired Region #34’s newest Sweet Adelines chorus, Blue Sky Harmony.


e, the founding members of Blue Sky Harmony, were each seeking a new challenge. In June 2019, we met and soon realised we shared a vision for a forward-thinking chorus, focused on excellence in both performance and management. As committed Sweet Adelines singers, we were intent on creating a positive and supportive culture to ensure members’ contributions were valued, their talents nurtured, their ambitions recognised and their potentials realised. We made it a priority to develop a vision statement and guiding principles from the outset. We found that these provided a clear framework for our decision-making and unified the chorus in our approach. We also recognised the importance of meeting regularly as a chorus to revisit these principles and to set specific short- and long-term goals. We have since done this on an annual basis and have also developed a code of conduct and membership expectations to foster our culture. Our repertoire and performance choices are also driven by our vision and culture. We have a strong barbershop focus, but also enjoy exploring other musical styles and have revelled in the challenge of incorporating percussion (including body percussion) into a number of pieces. We seek out contemporary barbershop arrangements with empowering and uplifting messages, modifying lyrics to make them gender non-specific. We don’t wear “costumes”, but instead perform in clothing of our own choice based on an agreed colour palette. As a result, we believe we sing better, as we feel more comfortable and confident. This respects the diversity of our chorus members while still showing the connection between us. Our culture also influences our rehearsals. Everyone is encouraged to contribute as we recognise and value each individual’s expertise, and place importance on providing

opportunities to build skills. A member’s special interest in somatic therapy has seen us add new layers to our performance skills and strategies to better manage our nerves. We have found Sweet Adelines members to be extremely generous with their time and expertise and our chorus has benefited greatly from the advice and education we have received. In our early days, we reached out to people who had started choruses, both in Australia and overseas. We peppered them with questions and appreciated their candid responses. We were overwhelmed by the support we received from Region #34 as the RMT, other Musical Directors and general members cheered us on our journey to chartering. Starting a chorus requires time and energy, a good dose of perseverance, a pot of patience, and a big dollop of courage. Sweet Adelines International HQ provided a wealth of support materials and regularly reached out to us to check on our progress and offer assistance. It has been very special to create a chorus from scratch. Despite COVID doubling our initial timeline, by our second birthday we achieved our milestone and chartered as a Sweet Adelines chorus. This success has reaffirmed our decision to (paraphrasing the lyrics of Donya Metzger) journey outside our comfort zones, make a choice and leap. By far our greatest reward has been to watch the brainstorming and the dreaming crystallise into a chorus of friends, old and new, who are invested in Blue Sky Harmony’s vision: To be a premier performance ensemble, committed to musical excellence, educating singers and entertaining audiences. Interested in starting a chorus with Sweet Adelines International? Email for more information.

October 2021 |





| October 2021



s some choruses are starting to explore getting back into the world of being face-to-face and in person, (based on local mandates and the current state of the pandemic in certain areas), our hearts are filled with the beautiful music and friendships that we missed so much. The main thing on many chapters’ minds is MEMBERSHIP. How do we get members back? How do we build our chorus back to the size it was before the start of the pandemic? And, how do we promote continued growth of our chorus? Gone are the days when newspaper advertising or a flyer in a coffee shop would catch the eye of a potential new member. These forms of communication are no longer as common in our world of social media and technology. How do we reach potential members? How do we invite them to experience this world of harmony that we love so much? As you consider your membership retention and growth strategy, here are three things that I encourage you and your chapters to grab hold of and make your own.

such as Meetup, or online classifieds such as Canada's Kijiji to let your community know about your chorus. If you want to engage younger members, then get in the habit of using Instagram as well as using a texting app such as WhatsApp instead of email. Trends show that 98% of people read and respond to texting, but only 20% respond to email. There are many ways to stay on top of the trends. Search Google or YouTube or listen to a podcast or two.

3. Storytelling You and your chapter need to get great at storytelling. People tend to listen to their favorite radio station, WIIFM “What’s In It For Me.” Through storytelling, you can reach potential members and fill this need. Gather your member stories, videotape them and post them on social media, YouTube, or anywhere you can share a video. Talk about the key points of the story. When people connect, they join! Use your “Why I Sing” story. The more diverse, the better! Emulate other chapters' stories to help you build! Storytelling is the most important thing! Share your stories every time you meet: open houses, rehearsals, performances…everywhere! Your story — or someone else's — might just be the one someone needed to hear.

1. Collaboration You have many different talents in your chapter. Find each person’s talent and have them do those special things that they do best. This is a team effort. Everybody needs to be on board and everybody needs to chip in. “Teamwork makes the dream work.” And let's face it, we joined SA for the music and performing, but we stay for the friendships. So, make it your mission to grow, put on your team colors, and get your game face on. Doing things together is way more fun than doing it alone!

2. Follow the trends Things that were media trendy 20 years ago are no longer useful. In this world of social media and technology, things change often. Actually, social media is very different than it was even a year and a half ago. The use of video content across the board is key. That will change someday, too. Think about how the way we listen to music has evolved — vinyls to eight tracks, eight tracks to cassettes, Jen Zucker sings bass with Lady Luck Showtime cassettes to CDs, and CDs to computer files. We now Chorus where she serves as marketing coordinator. no longer purchase music digitally. We stream it from She is also marketing coordinator for Sequoia Pacifica the invisible cloud. Just like how we acquire music, our Region #11 and serves as the Chair of the Chorus media technology changes. Take a look on YouTube Growth Incentive Program Task Force. to see how other choruses are promoting themselves. Consider using the digital versions of coffeehouse flyers,

Something else that I highly encourage all chapters to do is dive deep into building and working with quartets. The more quartets in a chorus, the healthier it will be. It’s easy to be in groups of four right now. Encourage them. The more quartets you have, the bigger and stronger your chorus will be. Encourage a cappella — all genres. These things bring people happiness! Remember to create joyful noise. Harmonies lift spirits. Those bonds and friendships we create are what keep us coming back and facilitate new memberships.

October 2021 |


The Sweet Adelines Collection from Rustic Cuff Combine styles and create your very own Sweet Adelines stack of cuffs!

Visit to see the full collection

Jersey Sound Chorus Director Search A B O UT U S : A wa rd - w in n in g w o m e n's b ar b e rs h op c h or u s co mmit t e d t o mu si c a l l e ar n in g an d g ro w th , gi v in g t o ou r c om mu n i ty , an d h av in g f u n ! A B O U T Y O U : P as s ion a te a n d d yn a m i c m u si ca l d ir e ct or , i n no v at i v e l e a d er w it h a d r iv e fo r su c ce s s, s tr on g in te r pe r s o na l a nd co mmu n i ca ti on s ki ll s, co mmi tt e d to m u si ca l e x c e ll e n ce , a nd h a v i ng fu n !

The award-winning Merrimack Valley A Cappella Chorus, in Andover MA, is seeking a dynamic director to lead a vibrant, fun-loving community of women in their musical and artistic growth. If you are interested, please submit a resume to


| October 2021

We are located in South Jersey with closest proximity to Philadelphia and commuting distance to New York City and Washington DC. To apply, please visit or contact

Check us out! Facebook/Instagram/YouTube @JerseySoundChorus


REWARDS AND BENEFITS: A Talk with SA Donor Karen Ridout


hen asked about her decision to make a donation to Sweet Adelines International, Karen Ridout says, “I got the rewards, but other people coming after me will get the benefits.” And what rewards she has received in her 51-year career as a Sweet Adeline! From quartet adventures to international chorus gold medals, leadership positions to lifelong friendships, Karen has experienced so much of what Sweet Adelines International has to offer. Karen’s first solo singing performance happened at the age of three, when she sang for her mother’s aid society, and she has been singing onstage ever since. She attended a small high school (her graduating class had eight students), and she sang with every group available. In college at Iowa State University, she sang with the prestigious Iowa State Singers – and met her future husband, who is also a barbershopper. They moved to California where her neighbor, a Sweet Adeline, invited her to a contest that led to her joining Flower Valley Chorus of Lompoc. When her husband was transferred to Huntington Beach, she joined Garden Grove Chorus which later became Cities of Harmony. The director of that chorus became the lead in Karen’s quartet, The Matchmakers, who won the Region #21 quartet contest in 1977. A fan financed the production of The Matchmakers’ album, and the proceeds helped pay for their trip to the international competition at the famous Royal Albert Hall in London, where they came in 10th place. Karen counts that performance, as well as being part of The Matchmakers, as one of her most meaningful experiences, for both the music and the friendship. “The Matchmakers were a special quartet,” she said. “We were like family. That’s one of the biggest things for me in Sweet Adelines — the close friendships I’ve made over the years, from all over the world.” Eventually, Karen landed with Harborlites Chorus. She was with them when they won their first international championship in Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) in 2005…and their second in Calgary, Alberta (CAN) in 2008. She said competing with a chorus at that level, as well as serving in regional positions, has brought many opportunities. “I appreciate that Sweet Adelines gives you all kinds of opportunities to grow, to participate, to contribute,” she said. “There are so many opportunities for personal growth and for growing as a singer and a leader.”

For example, Karen was part of the brainstorming session that resulted in the popular Harborlites Chorus-sponsored Diva Day program for Young Women in Harmony (YWIH), and she chaired the Diva Day committee for 12 years. “That’s really where my heart is…being able to offer opportunities for young people to experience barbershop,” she said. “If you can plant a seed today, maybe when they get out of college and are looking for a place to sing, they will remember that Sweet Adelines is here for them.” Karen’s gift to Sweet Adelines International is designated for the greatest need. She made the gift from her Individual Retirement Account (IRA) with the help of SA Chief Philanthropy and Administrative Officer Susan Smith. Karen said her initial attempt was a little rocky because her employer did not know how to handle this kind of donation, but once she asked Susan for assistance, it was easy. Based on her experience, Karen has advice for others considering a donation to SA. “Find someone who understands what you’re trying to do, and if you can’t, ask Susan,” she said. “There is an advantage of using your IRA income rather than cash to make a charitable gift. Your request needs to specify the donation be made using a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QDC). Payment must go directly to a 501c3 public charity, like Sweet Adelines International, in order to qualify for the tax benefit of not having to take the distribution from your IRA as ordinary income. Also, make sure to notify Sweet Adelines International that the donation is being made.” Karen is a member of the Overtone Society and is currently on the Grant and Scholarship Review subcommittee. She encourages Sweet Adelines to give back to the organization they love. “I hope singers after me will continue to grow and develop, then look for ways to contribute,” she said. “There are lots of opportunities to contribute even within your own chorus, and that rounds out your experience as a Sweet Adeline. It’s not only what you get, but what you can give.”

To find out more about donating to Sweet Adelines International, contact Chief Philanthropy and Administrative Officer Susan Smith at or visit

October 2021 |


The Road To Royalty A history of the Novice Quartet Award


ovice – “a person new to or inexperienced in a field or situation.” Such was the case when fourteen “novice” quartets competed at the first national convention in October, 1947. Novice quartets received no special recognition until 1959, when the Hatch Graham Novice Award was provided by the Santa Monica, Calif.(USA) chapter in memory of their director, Hatch Graham. While his name may not be familiar, his influence is part of the rich history of the organization. Before Sweet Adelines had a judging program, competitions were judged by counterparts from The Society for The Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America (SPEBSQSA), now known as Barbershop Harmony Society. Hatch Graham judged six national and international quartet competitions between 1951 and 1957. Since the origination of the novice award, six recipients rose to the title of International Champion Quartet. Together for less than a year, the Lyrics entered the 1960 international competition in Detroit, Mich. (USA). Two sisters, lead Lorene Oberbillg and baritone Diane Pauley, along with tenor Liz Speer and bass Sue McCoy, created what was described as an “organ-like” sound, earning the novice award and 4th place medals. In 1961, they achieved the title of International Champion Quartet. The ASCAP Award can also be attributed to the Lyrics. After hearing their impressive performance on a program for the Canadian Broadcasting Company in 1962, American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) representatives requested permission to present international champion quartets with the ASCAP Award for outstanding contributions to music, and has


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done so since. The Rarities’ rise to prominence was meteoric. Another sister duo — lead Connie Garcia, and baritone Chris Martinez — joined ranks with tenor Treva Radke, and bass Carol Schoening in 1968 in Oklahoma City, Okla. (USA), they took home the novice award and 2nd place medals. In 1969, coach Jarmela Speta stepped in as tenor, and after another 2nd place finish, the Rarities’ technical excellence and artistry helped them capture gold in 1970. In 1971, Jarmela, the first two-time champion, appeared on the television show To Tell the Truth. The Rarities closed the episode, sharing Sweet Adelines with viewers across the country. Tetrachords made their first international appearance in 1974 as what they considered “an average chapter quartet.” Far from the case, they became novice award winners and 6th place finalists. Lead Patti Frei’s bright and distinctive voice combined with the vocal excellence of tenor Terry (Mohn) Studebaker, baritone Sandy (Spilker) Wright, and bass Nancee Reinhold, to create a ringing, classic barbershop sound. Placing 3rd in 1975 and 4th in 1977, Tetrachords won their crowns in 1978. Shortly thereafter, they joined Bob Hope on a United Service Organization (USO) tour of the United States. Tetrachords devotedly served the organization until their retirement in 1984. High Society earned the “last” Hatch Graham Novice Award along with 4th place medals in 1975. Bette (Robert) Gordon’s lyrical tenor, Kim (Bone) Vaughn’s powerful lead, Pat (Morse) Vozza’s full bass, and baritone Sandy Shelver’s expertise brought a “new sound” to the forefront, and they were crowned 1976 International Champion Quartet. Jazzy and colorful, rich and robust, tender, and poignant — High Society made performing look easy. Connie Noble became their tenor in 1976, creating a foursome who entertained until retiring in 1983. High Society also completed a seven-week USO tour through Germany and Portugal

in 1981. The individual quartet members continued to make their musical mark, amassing twelve gold medals between them from 1976 to 2002. The current novice award, sponsored by 1967 International Champion Quartet, Hurricane Honeys, was first awarded in 2010. It recognizes the highest scoring international semifinalist quartet (minimum 960 points) in which two or more members have never before competed in the international competition, and no member of the quartet is in the Coronet Club. An impressive 2010 performance by tenor Dayve GabbardFarnham, lead Angie Love-Callahan, baritone Deanna (Dee Dee) Kastler, and bass Kim Elger-Griffin won Bling! the honor of International Novice Quartet Award. Placing second in 2013 and 2014, Bling! won their crowns in 2015. In 2018, Bling! completed a Rhine River cruise, performing on the ship, in magnificent cathedrals, and at ports along the way, and in Amsterdam with No Borders Show Chorus (Region #31). They continue to actively serve Region #9, directing, teaching, and mentoring other Sweet Adelines. Frenzy became novice award winners and 8th place finalists in 2011. Over the next four years, the quartet experienced several personnel changes and placed 4th, 7th ,5th and 2nd respectively.

The current combination of tenor Melissa Pope, lead Nikki Blackmer, baritone Anne Downton, and bass Judy Pozsgay were crowned 2017 International Champion Quartet. Winning the Most Entertaining Quartet Award in three of their six international appearances, Frenzy’s beautiful voices and wildly creative performances continue to wow their audiences. While only six novice quartets in the history of the organization have achieved an international championship, many individual novices contributed to the organization’s growth and development as arrangers, composers, educators, directors, international faculty, judges, coaches, international board members, Coronet Club presidents, and President’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipients. Never underestimate a novice!

Shelly Sweet Rubenic is a Region #3 Chapter-At-Large member. She has been a Sweet Adeline for forty-five years, in both Regions #3 and #5. During her membership, she has been chorus director, coach, music school faculty, and has served in various regional leadership roles. An eight-time international quartet medalist/finalist, Shelly is the tenor of the 1986 International Champion Quartet, Ambiance.


1964 • CHI LARKS

1960 • LYRICS








Novice Award and 3rd Place Medalist Calif., Region #11 Ruby Rhea (t), Dottie Connor (l), Ann Shanks (bt), Jennette Nell (bs) Novice Award and 4nd Place Medalist Ill., Region #3 Liz Speer (t), Lorene Oberbillg (l), Diane Pauley (bt), Sue McCoy (bs) Novice Award and 4th Place Medalist Calif., Region #11 Judy Randall (t), Ethel Murphy (l), Karen Kay Murphy (bt), Irma-Jean Mendoza (bs) Novice Award and 3rd Place Medalist Ohio, Region #21 Lee Balaguer (t), Jackie Dickerson (l), Jackie Brown (bt), Sally Otis (bs)

Novice Award and 4th Place Medalist Calif., Region #11 Connie Haring (t), Helen Sitton (l), Petie Marshall (bt), Irmojean Mendoza (bs)

Novice Award and 6th Place Medalist Ill., Region #3 Nancy Haynes (t), Jarmela Speta (l), Jennifer Karbusicky (bt), Joan Hecht (bs) Novice Award and 4th Place Medalist Ill., Region #3 Nancy Johnson (t), Bette Hennessy (l), Arlene Kline (bt), Lori Tomkins (bs) Novice Award and 5th Place Medalist Pa., Region #14 Mary Ann Wydra (t), Carol Puskar (l), Joan Quatchak (bt), Claire Hamley (bs) Novice Award and Semi-Finalist N.J., Region #15 Joan Corona (t), Marilyn Conlan (l), Millie Delude (bt), Terry Sommers (bs)

Novice Award and 2nd Place Medalist Ill., Region #3 Treva Radke (t), Connie Garcia (l), Chris Martinez (bt), Carol Schoening (bs)

cont. on next page October 2021 |



2012 • DOLCE




2014 • DOMINO


2015 • WINDSOR







2010 • BLING


2011 • FRENZY

*High Society earned the “last” Hatch Graham

Novice Award and Semi-Finalist Calif., Region #11 Joyce Strawbridge (t), Shirley Holland (l), Elaine Bodell (bt), Dot Brown (bs) Novice Award and 10th Place Finalist N.J., Region #15 Carolyn Sexton (t), Marge Orr (l), Millie Delude (bt), Edie Murphy(bs) Novice Award and Semi-Finalist Ont., Canada - Region #16 Marilyn Weekes (t), June Dale (l), Becky Daniels (bt), Jean Woods (bs)

Novice Award and 9th Place Finalist Colo., Region #8 Sharon Henley (t), Sylvia Alsbury (l), Cecile Walker (bt), Bette Rooney (bs)

Novice Award and 4th Place Finalist Calif., Region #11 Jan Gianera (t), Gerry (Hiott) Papageorge (l), Joni Bescos (bt) Gladys Ripple (bs) Novice Award and 6th Place Finalist Mo., Region #3 Terry (Mohn) Studebaker (t), Patti Frei (l), Sandy (Spilker) Wright (bt), Nancee Reinhold (bs) Novice Award and 4th Place Medalist Calif., Region #11 and Region #21 Bette (Roberts) Gorton (t), Kim (Bone) Vaughn (l), Sandy Shelver (bt), Pat (Morse) Vozza (bs) Novice Award and 8th Place Finalist Fla., Region #9 Dayve Gabbard-Farnham (t), Angie Love-Callahan (l), Deanna (Dee Dee) Kastler (bt), Kim Elger-Griffin (bs) Novice Award and 8th Place Finalist Wash., B.C. Region #13 & #26 Kay Macrosson (t), Nikki Balckmer (l), Anne Marteniuk (bt), Lisa Hood (bs)


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Novice and 10th Place Finalist Calif., Ore., Regions #11 & #21 Megan Lyne (t), Ruthie Tabone (l), Erin E. Sears (bt), Mina Harkey (bs) Novice Award and 13th Place Semifinalists Cornwall, UK, Region #31 Veryan Zimber (t), Gemma Lianne Netherton-Hind (l), Sarah Netherton (bt), Eleanor Blackeby (bs) Novice Award and 25th Place Semifinalists Greater Manchester/Surrey, UK, Region #31 Emma A. Duguid (t), Suzanne Mansfield (l), Valerie Taylor (bt), Sarah Cole (bs) Novice Award and 4th Place Finalist Ill., Fla., Texas, Region #5, #9, #25 Kimberly Newcomb (t), Ashley Espinoza (l), Lexi Moroni (bt), Jenny Allen (bs) Novice Award and 16th Place Semifinalists Md., Region #19 Elaine Davy (t), Amanda Miller (l), Marianna Gellert (bt), Ashely Conway (bs) Novice Award and 6th Place Finalist Texas, Region #25 Lynn Downs (t), Melody White (l), Holly Fisher (bt), Lindsay Chartier-Holdeman (bs) Novice Award and 9th Place Medalist Texas, Region #10 Quincie Smith Snook (t), Caroline Hunt Beal (l), Kimberly Newcombe (bt), Ashley Brockman Rohovit (bs) Novice Award and 22nd Place Semifinalists Fla., Region #9 Raegan Stauffer (t), Madison Slamka (l), KaleyAnna Raabe (bt), Emily Hitt (bs) Novice Award in 1975. The current novice award, sponsored by 1967 International Champion Quartet, Hurricane Honeys, was first awarded in 2010.

Sweet Adelines 75th Anniversary Commemorative Album

Watch for Details Coming Soon on How You Can Access Your Free Digital Book! Inside, find… • • • • • •

Archival photographs and documents spanning 75 years A timeline of key events in Sweet Adelines history Insight and inspiration from current members who took the “Why I Sing” survey Profiles of key figures and events A look into day-to-day Sweet Adelines life through the decades Memories, reminiscences, and more!

October 2021 |




REGION #1 Beth Paul, Communications Coordinator Gail Jencik, Directors Coordinator Karen Sweeters, Education Coordinator Christine Bulgini, Events Coordinator Lauren O'Sullivan, Finance Coordinator Laura Carey, Marketing Coordinator Sally Jeffery, Membership Coordinator Rebecca King, Team Coordinator

REGION #5 Mary Kammeyer, Communications Coordinator Bev Hamilton, Directors Coordinator Twilla Duvall, Education Coordinator Kim Webster, Events Coordinator Elizabeth Hager, Finance Coordinator Michelle Franzen, Marketing Coordinator Karen Matthews, Membership Coordinator Mary Kullman, Team Coordinator

REGION #10 Euna Poole, Communications Coordinator Holly Ritter, Directors Coordinator Kerri Mauney, Education Coordinator Kellie Welsh, Events Coordinator Janet Burnett, Finance Coordinator Laura DeGraw, Marketing Coordinator Sue Englebert, Membership Coordinator Carol Mouché, Team Coordinator

REGION #2 Leslie Lennon, Communications Coordinator Jill Watson, Directors Coordinator Brook Tucker, Education Coordinator Nanette Peters, Events Coordinator Nancy Swift, Finance Coordinator Cathy Maxwell, Marketing Coordinator Melissa Wright, Membership Coordinator Lois Kelly, Team Coordinator

REGION #6 Lori Scott, Communications Coordinator Megan Argall, Directors Coordinator Terri Calvert, Education Coordinator Lyla Larson, Events Coordinator Audra Freeman, Finance Coordinator Molly Robertson, Marketing Coordinator Linda Rubis, Membership Coordinator Susan Krisnik, Team Coordinator

REGION #11 Jolene Liang, Communications Coordinator Bobbette Gantz, Directors Coordinator Tammy Ragsdale, Education Coordinator Colleen McCormick, Events Coordinator Laura La Borde, Finance Coordinator Jennifer Zucker, Marketing Coordinator Bridget Barrett, Membership Coordinator Marcia Bosma, Team Coordinator

REGION #3 Linda Gross, Communications Coordinator Lora Wright, Directors Coordinator Carol Thompson, Education Coordinator Cindy Slowik, Events Coordinator Shelly Hughes, Finance Coordinator Antonija Mitt, Marketing Coordinator Debi Batchelor, Membership Coordinator Becky McDuffee, Team Coordinator

REGION #8 Heather Reimnitz, Communications Coordinator Julie Palagi, Directors Coordinator Susan Johnsen, Education Coordinator Mary Kriener, Events Coordinator Ruth Widerski, Finance Coordinator Malinee Ganahl, Marketing Coordinator Jeanne Simpson, Membership Coordinator Joan Clare Ford, Team Coordinator

REGION #12 Petra Van Klaveren-Chini, Communications Coordinator Kathy Scheel, Directors Coordinator Alison Miller, Education Coordinator Mary Mamer, Events Coordinator Geri Miller-Riedel, Finance Coordinator Kevran Day, Marketing Coordinator Lynda Casillas, Membership Coordinator Birgit Andersen, Team Coordinator

REGION #4 Liz Sabo Johnson, Communications Coordinator Debra Bringman, Directors Coordinator Kim Wonders, Education Coordinator Natalie Allen, Events Coordinator Beverly Miller, Finance Coordinator Kristie Clark, Marketing Coordinator Marsha Leistner, Membership Coordinator Sue Pelley, Team Coordinator

REGION #9 Elizabeth Green, Communications Coordinator Faye McLanahan, Directors Coordinator Gayle Burton, Education Coordinator Barbara Lewis, Events Coordinator Amy Donnelly, Finance Coordinator Catherine Tomlinson, Marketing Coordinator Melody Templeton, Membership Coordinator Francine Russ, Team Coordinator

REGION #13 Sandra Smith, Communications Coordinator Patty Martin, Directors Coordinator Shelly Pardis, Education Coordinator Jody Allen, Events Coordinator Rhonda Gould, Finance Coordinator Cherie Letts, Marketing Coordinator Sharon Stockstad, Membership Coordinator Sally Ryerson, Team Coordinator


| October 2021

REGION #14 Susan Inge, Communications Coordinator Claire Gardiner, Directors Coordinator Sarah Clay Lindvall, Education Coordinator Mary-Margaret Prange, Events Coordinator Martha Gilliam, Finance Coordinator Lauren Dalrymple, Marketing Coordinator Jennifer Cooke, Membership Coordinator Missy Wurthmann, Team Coordinator

REGION #19 Nicole Burkhardt, Communications Coordinator Sherry Stanton, Directors Coordinator Lori Jo Whitehaus, Education Coordinator Sally Kelly, Events Coordinator Cathy Schuman, Finance Coordinator Donna Vincent Roa, Marketing Coordinator Patricia Weeks, Membership Coordinator Irene Hershey, Team Coordinator

REGION #31 Margaret Vonk, Communications Coordinator Nancy Kelsall, Directors Coordinator Alyson Chaney, Education Coordinator Kirstie Spencer, Events Coordinator Mairi Redhead, Finance Coordinator Sara Tripconey, Marketing Coordinator Nicky Salt, Membership Coordinator Emma Riley, Team Coordinator

REGION #15 Victoria Tisch, Communications Coordinator Jeanne Elmuccio, Directors Coordinator Jean Schoenlank, Education Coordinator Kay Weiss, Events Coordinator Phyllis Capolongo, Finance Coordinator Kiara Contreras, Marketing Coordinator Melissa Prew, Membership Coordinator Lori Britt-Horvath, Team Coordinator

REGION #21 Tammy Meyers, Communications Coordinator Andrea Rostel, Directors Coordinator Leah Rippetoe, Education Coordinator Victoria Kemsley, Events Coordinator Robin Haddock, Finance Coordinator Claudia Cannon, Marketing Coordinator Beverly Berardinelli, Membership Coordinator Darren Hurst, Team Coordinator

REGION #32 Annika Christensen, Communications Coordinator Marie Erenstedt, Directors Coordinator Anna Rosenberg, Education Coordinator Lisa Rolf, Events Coordinator Catharina Persson, Finance Coordinator Rosmarie Karlsson, Marketing Coordinator Kerstin Brindbergs, Membership Coordinator Annika Dellås, Team Coordinator

REGION #16 Jacqui Barron, Communications Coordinator Joan Borden, Directors Coordinator Susann McKinley, Education Coordinator Cathy Stovold, Events Coordinator Colleen O 'Dwyer, Finance Coordinator Vanessa Echlin, Marketing Coordinator Christine Yorke, Membership Coordinator Sue Melvin, Team Coordinator

REGION #25 Audra Haney, Communications Coordinator Connie Light, Directors Coordinator Melynnie Williams, Education Coordinator Jennifer Foster, Events Coordinator Kelli Hinton, Finance Coordinator Lindsay Chartier-Holdeman, Membership Coordinator Karen Phillips, Team Coordinator

REGION #34 Sue Gilkes, Communications Coordinator Jenni Pyefinch, Directors Coordinator Lea Baker, Education Coordinator Linda Vinall, Events Coordinator Anne Freeman, Finance Coordinator Karen Phillips, Marketing Coordinator Tracey Ezzy, Membership Coordinator Michelle Neller, Team Coordinator

REGION #17 Sherry Berkley, Communications Coordinator Diane Porsch, Directors Coordinator JoAnn Wilson, Education Coordinator Vicki Van Gorder, Events Coordinator Marilyn VanFossan, Finance Coordinator Stephanie Doerner, Marketing Coordinator Ruth Bates, Membership Coordinator Deborah Ferenc, Team Coordinator

REGION #26 Joanne Johnson, Communications Coordinator Sandy Marron, Directors Coordinator Mary Teed, Education Coordinator Frances Thorson, Events Coordinator Susan Dumas, Finance Coordinator Stacey Rose, Marketing Coordinator Brenda Wells, Membership Coordinator Leslie Mackay, Team Coordinator

REGION #35 Jenny Edwards, Communications Coordinator Carolyn Currington, Directors Coordinator Kerry Stewart, Education Coordinator Ann-Marie Francis, Events Coordinator Julie Mansell, Finance Coordinator Jo Maxwell, Marketing Coordinator Miriam Spragg, Membership Coordinator Leigh Whitelaw, Team Coordinator

October 2021 |


Sing A New Song! Revive your repertoire with these song titles recently added to the Sweet Adelines International online store.

Newly published by Sweet Adelines: One Day I’ll Fly Away, Lyndal Thorburn, MS10055

Newly arranged or re-licensed and added to the store: How Many Hearts Have You Broken, Jim Arns, 103152 Peanut Butter and Jelly, Kathy Barnett, I04963 Something To Talk About, Anna-Maria Lyström, Licensed in US, Canada, UK, European Union, Switzerland, China and additional countries, I04964 If I Ruled the World, Renee Craig, Licensed in North America and Australia, I04965 Scarborough Fair Canticle, Diane Butler, I04966 Here I Am, Lord, Kay Bromert, Licensed in US, and approved to purchase internationally, I04967 My Church, Kim Andrews, I04968

To order, contact Sweet Adelines International Sales Department at, visit, or call 1.918.622.1444 ext. 112 or toll free at 1.877.545.5441. Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. CDT (2–10:30 p.m. UTC)


| October 2021

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your tenor. your rhythm. your listening ear. your biggest fan.

your harmony Life on a Hig h Not e.

Share Life on a High Note! Log in to the Sweet Adelines International website to access new marketing materials including… Social media cover images and ads Poster and postcard templates Press release and brochure templates Print and digital display ads Ready-to-use and customizable materials Promotional videos

Questions? Email

October 2021 |




Accolades as of July, 1 2021

DIRECTOR CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Advanced to Certified Director Nancy Schwartz, Golden Sands, #11 Karen Gonsalves, Perth Harmony, #34 Krista Chmiel, Vermillion Valley Show, #3 Kim Hughes, Vermillion Valley Show, #3 Christine Pirot, Diamond Jubilee, #4 Kathryn Dane, A Cappella Unlimited, #10 Tara Smith, Pensacola Sound, #9


Dynamic Director Wanted Acappella Sounds Chorus of the Greater Montreal region in Quebec, Canada, is looking for a new Director. Our diverse, multicultural and fun-loving group is looking for a dynamic director to help us further our musical development, and lead us in our performances. For more information contact:

Kay Anderson, Kansas City, #5 Dorothy Wakin, Sounds of Pittsburgh, #17 Teresa Krzysztof, Berkshire Hills, #1 Nancy Tarek, Circle of Harmony, #16 Karen Reimer, Southern Accord, #26 Karen Biggs, Melbourne, #34 Sandra Collins, Chapter-at-Large, #15 Mary Jo Pardee, Harmony Celebration, #15 Judith Perkins, Metro Mix, #5 Amy Hernandez, Member-at-Large Cheryl Pence Lindeman, Motor City Blend, #2 Beverly Thomas, Southern Company, #9 Julie Berryman, San Diego, #21 Pamela Collet, Coastline Show, #1 Marianna Keithley, Diamond Jubilee, #4 Linda Marotta, Song of Atlanta, #14 Marjorie Edwards, Magic of Harmony Show, #14 Joan Gmiter, Chisholm Trail, #10 Sara Davis, Houston Horizon, #10 Joanne Landis, Vocal Harmonix, #19 Arlene Armata, Velvet Hills, #8 Lois Dye, Chapter-at-Large, #13

The Olympia Chorus is Seeking Front Line Director The dedicated members of the Olympia Chorus welcome applications CLASSIFIEDS from skilled musical directors who are available for weekly rehearsals and community performances. Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to:

Seeking Dynamic Director Nelson Bays Harmony Chorus, New Zealand, are seeking a dynamic, dependable director whose strong interpersonal and musical skills will help us learn, grow and achieve our goals. We are a team of 50 skilled singers who love to perform, compete and have fun!


| October 2021

Connie Montover, Heart of Iowa, #5 Mary Avery, #1 Joan Humphrey, Geelong Harmony, #34

Save the Date

International Convention & Competition 2022

Phoenix 2022

September 12-17, 2022 76th Annual International Convention and Competition Phoenix, Arizona, USA 46

| October 2021

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