The Physician - BAPIO Medical Journal 2014

Page 32


• Education of standards via induction, supervision and emails. • Providing checklists of the standards to staff and patients to record. The patients can keep diaries and gain control over their healthcare.

An evaluation of waiting times after the introduction of electronic requests in East London Forensic Services Abstract:



1. Induction educational package on filling out SOAD requests started and reviewed by the audit and innovation committees, including representatives of each member of an MDT and service users.

This Quality Improvement Project evaluates whether SOAD request time-keeping standards are being maintained since the electronic request system was introduced. It will highlight any area of potential improvement, suggest an informed standard and is the first of its kind following the new e-system.


2. The Mental Health Act Office team should closely record the data. 3. Follow-up missing data or delays with the CQC.

We retrospectively sampled all 34 patients for whom a SOAD had been requested within the Medium Secure Unit of the forensic directorate since October 2012, when the electronic request system was initiated, until July 2013. Data were collected through the clinical notes, and electronic notes.


4. Consider asking the SOAD to electronically fill in a T3 form and forward this to the Mental Health Act Office.

References: Care Quality Commission

Missing data accounted for 15% of the cases. 9% of these were cases where it was known that a SOAD request had been made from discussions and/or other documentation, but there was no available record of the exact dates of request and visit. For the completed data, the mean number of days from SOAD request to visit was 25.1.

Discussion This is almost twice that of our team’s targeted 14 day standard. There are 2 major causative issues: 1. the recording of the data, 2. the actual time taken for the SOAD to arrive.


The Physician • Vol 3 Issue 1 • November 2014

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