Pegasus Magazine - Winter 2014

Page 20

Country School in New York City which — rolling greens and

the Traits for Success had been too heavily weighted toward

Greek portico aside — sounds a little like Pegasus.

performance. Sure, our kids might become very successful with

those skills. But will they be good people?”

There is no shortage of printed opinion on how we raise and

educate well-off children, and a sizable group of psychologists

and educators argue that the system now in place — a practice

success traits had been an effort to indicate academic-rigor

that has given birth to AP overload, GPA inflation and Olympic-

while eschewing the gifted label, Green shrugged. “Academics—

level extracurricular commitments — are, in fact, hurting them.

we simply have it here, and at a high level. What teachers felt we

Add to that a growing number of parents who, while pushing

needed to restore was that safe place: safe to be smart, safe to try,

their kids to excel, inadvertently shield them from exactly the

safe to fail.” That’s about re-building community, re-connecting

kind of experience that can lead to character growth (like: child

divisions, and re-visiting the values represented by the Be Kind

writes a “C” essay; Dad fights for an “A-”).

Committee, she explained.

“Grit still matters,” said Green. “But only in conjunction

“Although they would almost certainly not express it

When asked whether the predominance of performance-

this way,” says Tough, “wealthy parents choose a school

with ethical grounding can it help a child negotiate her way to a

like Riverdale for their children, at least in part, as a risk-

thriving and autonomous adulthood, within society.”

management strategy. What it offers parents is a high

probability of non-failure.”

Success were amended to reflect more accurately the core

values of the greater Pegasus community. These newly named

And yet, according to Tough, and Riverdale Head of School

By the end of the summer, The Pegasus School Traits for

Dominic Randolph, and parents everywhere (on some level, at

Community Values may appear on placards, from time to time. But,

least), the best way for a person to build character is for him

more importantly, they will be on display in every teachable

or her to attempt something where there is a real and serious

moment, in sensitive decisions such as class placement, and in

possibility of failure.

the long-established and new Pegasus programs designed to


challenge kids to fail – as they have been for 30-plus years.

So, studies verify a connection between character-building


failures and disappointments and success in school and life,

There is no doubt that my daughters will leave Pegasus

and character-education programs pop-up everywhere. Banners

academically qualified for high school. Though I can’t predict

extolling virtues like persistence and integrity flutter in school

future GPAs, college acceptance rates, or professional salaries,

hallways to the point of ubiquity (and, if eighth-grade eyes

I am certain that each will be successful in aspects that we

glazing over is any indication, futility). In recent years, educators

value: responsible, honest, dogged, and kind, to name a few. We

everywhere have been guilty of character-ed slogan overload.

picked Pegasus to do more than simply help accompany the girls

If the genuine act of trial and failure and trial-again builds

where they were going already. We picked the school because it

the grit and self-confidence that begets success, isn’t the mere

reflected our values and our inexact ideas on parenting which,

articulation of these values another shortcut?

frankly, has been a hit-or-miss mix of lecturing, modeling, and


Character is one of those words that muddy many

conversations because it means different things to different

people. In 2008, an organization called the Character Education

said, translates to teaching. “We can’t protect a student from

Partnership published a paper that divided character instruction

every problem — nor would we want to. But we can shape

into two categories. One was based on “moral” character and

thinking so that students (and parents) understand failures or

stressed ethical values like fairness and integrity. The other

setbacks to be teachable moments, as opposed to the worst thing

emphasized “performance” and pointed to qualities like zest and

that has ever happened.”


community has been reflecting on its identity so dynamically in

According to Green, the selection of Paul Tough’s bestseller

Green chuckled, clearly relating to my technique that, she

The modeling-part starts with all of us, said Green. “Our

invited teachers to reflect on who-we-are and what-we-value as

response to setbacks. We will be stronger because of it.”

a school. For seasoned second-grade teacher, Sharon Goldhamer,

the dialogue was cathartic. “I wasn’t alone in thinking that


Some people call that grit.

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